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Advanced R&D for Carbon Transport & Storage Project Portfolio

Secure storage includes geomechanical analyses to assure caprock integrity and monitoring in the deep subsurface (both above and below the storage reservoir), in the shallow subsurface, and at, and above, the ground surface to detect and quantify leakage, should it occur.

Secure Storage Project Landing Pages
Field Validation of MVA Technology for Offshore CCS: Novel Ultra-High-Resolution 3D Marine Seismic Technology (P-Cable) University of Texas at Austin
High-Resolution Reservoir Seal Integrity Monitoring using Optimized Borehole Sources and Distributed Acoustic Sensing Rice University
Acoustic Emissions Sensing for Tracing Carbon Dioxide Movement in Caprock of a Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage System (CCUS) Battelle Memorial Institute
Advancing Characterization of Faults through Deployment of Novel Geophysical, Geochemical and Geomechanical Technologies at the San Juan Basin CarbonSAFE Site New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT)
Core Carbon Storage Monitoring and Research Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Changes in Seal Integrity Induced by CO2 Injection and Leakage in a Hydromechanically Reactivated Fault Affecting a Caprock Analog: Combining Distributed Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors and Seismic Measurements in Boreholes Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
PERBAS: Rock Physics Characterization of Reactive CO2 Transport through Basaltic Rocks Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)


Subsurface Stress focuses on development of technologies to predict and assess geomechanical impacts of carbon dioxide (CO2) injection related to potential induced seismicity and to detect and analyze microseismic events should they occur.

Subsurface Stress Project Landing Pages
Identification of Faults Susceptible to Induced Seismicity University of Illinois
Refining Principal Stress Measurements in Reservoir Underburden in Regions of Induced Seismicity Through Seismological Tools, Laboratory Experiements and Theory Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Development of Thermal Breakout Technology for Determining In Situ Stress RESPEC Company, LLC
Casing Annulus Monitoring of CO2 Injection Using Wireless Autonomous Distributed Sensor Networks University of Texas at Austin
Seismic Elastic Double-Beam Characterization of Faults and Fractures for CO2 Storage Site Selection University of Houston
Managing a Gigatonne CCS Future: A Framework for Basin-scale Storage Optimization Based on Geomechanical Studies Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)


Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency focuses on technologies to monitor and predict reservoir pressure changes, plume location, size, and movement through the reservoir.

Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency Project Landing Pages
Integration of Seismic-Pressure-Petrophysics Inversion of Continuous Active-Seismic Monitoring Data for Monitoring and Quantifying CO2 Plume Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
Wireless Microsensors System for Monitoring Deep Subsurface Operations Battelle Memorial Institute
New Imaging and CO2 Storage Technologies for Unconventional Subsurface Reservoirs Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Sequestration in Basalt Formations Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Engineering Integrated Sensing, Power, Telemetry and Data Processing Systems for Complex Subsurface Environments Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
LLNL Carbon Storage Program Targeted Research Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
SPARSE: Sparse Passive-Active Reservoir monitoring using Seismic, Electromagnetics, Gravity, and Surface Deformation Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)


Carbon Mineralization focuses on analyzing feedstocks, potential sites, and proof-of-principle processes for carbon mineralization along with optimizing carbon mineralization in reservoirs.

Carbon Mineralization Project Landing Pages
Resource Assessment of Industrial Wastes for CO2 Mineralization University of North Dakota
Subsurface Carbon Mineralization Resources in Hawaiian Basalt University of Hawaii
Resource Assessment of Geological Formations and Mine Waste for Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the US Mid-Atlantic Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Subsurface Mafic and Ultramafic Rock Mapping and Analysis for Carbon Mineralization in the United States (Submap-CO2) University of Texas at Austin
Distributed Mafic Rock Resources for CO2 Mineralization in Arizona University of Arizona
Regional Resource Assessment for CO2 Storage in New Mexico and Surrounding Areas: Identification, Characterization, and Evaluation of In-Situ Mineralization Site/Complex New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT)
Resource Assessment for Carbon Dioxide Storage via Accelerated Carbonation Reaction with Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) University of Nebraska

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