Grid Resilience State And Tribal Formula Grant

New Notice of Intent (December 17, 2024): DE-FOA-003486 was issued. The link to the NOI can be viewed here. The Department of Energy expects to open the FY25 Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants application and allocation request period in February 2025. The application period will open with the issuance of an amended Administrative Legal Requirements Document providing instructions for FY25 grant allocation requests. The FY25 grant allocations for each state, Indian tribe, and territory can be viewed here. Neither applications nor allocation requests are being accepted at this time.

Managed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office, the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants provide non-competitive funding to states (including U.S. Territories) and Indian tribes to improve the resilience of their electric grids. Administered by the National Energy Technology Laboratory and falling under IIJA provision 40101(d), the program is designed to strengthen and modernize America’s power grid against wildfires, extreme weather, and other natural disasters.

The program will distribute funding to states, territories, and federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Alaska Native Village Corporations, over five years based on a formula that includes factors such as population size, land area, probability and severity of disruptive events, and a locality’s historical expenditures on mitigation efforts. The states, territories, and Indian tribes will then award these funds to a diverse set of projects, with priority given to efforts that generate the greatest community benefit providing clean, affordable, and reliable energy.

The Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) and associated resources below provide eligible applicants with program details and requirements.

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ButtonNameFunding Allocations for FY25 (Updated December 2024) Please address questions regarding allocations to your assigned Federal Project Officer. If you have not been assigned a Federal Project Officer, please address your inquiry to

ButtonNameData Sources for FY 25 Allocations

ButtonNameApplication Forms Use these forms to build your application

ButtonNameApplication Assistance Videos Watch these videos for detailed application instructions and tips

ButtonNameFrequently Asked Questions (Updated September 17, 2024) Not sure about something? Check out our frequently asked questions

ButtonNameApplication Submission Page on FedConnect Use this link to view the Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) and submit your application materials*

ButtonNamePost Award Resources Refer to this page to register for a kick-off meeting, and for all project, reporting, and award management documents

ButtonNameList of Current Awards Refer to this page for a list of all awards made under this program and key award details

ButtonNameTechnical and Other Assistance Requests

Need help with technical analysis, stakeholder engagement, or building needed expertise? Something else? Complete this short form to tell us what additional assistance you may require. Both grant recipients and eligible entities and other relevant organizations may request assistance.

ButtonNameState and Tribal Grid Resilience and Transmission Planning Resource Hub | Department of Energy

Grid Deployment Office’s resources to assist communities with grid resilience and transmission planning.

ButtonNameGrid Resilience Resource Library

Need inspiration? This page includes links to research on grid resilience topics including: integrated grid resilience planning, community resilience planning, energy storage, and microgrids

*Indian tribes and other Tribal applicants needing assistance or additional information may contact the DOE Grid Deployment Office at

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