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Carbon Capture Simulation for Industry Impact (CCSI2)

CCSI2 is led by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), partnering with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, West Virginia University, and University of Texas at Austin. CCSI2 develops, validates, and applies advanced computational techniques for technology simulation, optimization, uncertainty quantification (UQ), and process control. Computational products are consolidated in the CCSI Toolset software for developing rigorous understanding of CO2 capture technologies that enable efficient Research and Development (R&D). CCSI2 develops a detailed multi-scale understanding of the most effective pathways to minimize the cost to capture CO2. In FY17, CCSI2 directly supported seven projects in the Capture Program Portfolio while also providing industry-wide benefit by developing a general Design of Experiments (DoE) framework that optimizes large- and small-scale test programs as well as highly accurate benchmark CO2 solvent system modeling tools.

R-D211.pdf (1.1 MB)