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DOE Issues Notice of Intent To Fund Carbon Management Projects, Meet Climate Change Challenges
Notice of Intent Announcement

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) today announced its intent to issue funding in support of research and development projects done in cooperation with industry and academia to solve climate change challenges.

This notice is made in anticipation of a sixth funding round for Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) DE-FOA-0002614. The FOA will be both a multi-programmatic and multi-year FOA potentially soliciting work in any, or all, of the following topic areas: carbon conversion; carbon dioxide (CO2) removal; point source carbon capture; and carbon transport and storage.

These technologies must be developed and deployed in a just and equitable manner to help the nation achieve its climate goals and promote its overall energy, environmental and economic progress in several areas of (AOIs), which may include:

  • AOI-1F — Reactive Carbon Capture Approaches for Point Source Capture or Atmospheric Capture with Integrated Conversion to Useful Products.
  • AOI-3F — Engineering-Scale Testing of Transformational Carbon Capture Technologies for Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) Power Plants.
  • AOI-3G — Engineering-Scale Testing of Transformational Carbon Capture Technologies in Portable Systems at Industrial Plants.
  • AOI-3H-a — Preliminary Front-End Engineering Design Studies (Pre-FEED) for Carbon Capture Systems at Existing (Retrofit) Domestic NGCC Power Plants.
  • AOI-3H-b — Preliminary Front-End Engineering Design Studies (Pre-FEED) for Carbon Capture Systems at Hydrogen Production Facilities Using Coal, Mixed Coal/Biomass, or Natural Gas Feedstock.
  • AOI-4A — Enhancing CO2 Transport Infrastructure (ECO2Transport): Preliminary Front-End Engineering Design (Pre-FEED) Studies for Multimodal CO2 Transfer Facilities.

This notice of intent (NOI) is issued to give applicants ample time to prepare their proposals and form partnerships (if necessary) in anticipation of the upcoming issuance of the funding opportunity announcement. More information on this NOI can be found here

FECM minimizes environmental and climate impacts of fossil fuels and industrial processes while working to achieve net-zero emissions across the U.S economy. Priority areas of technology work include carbon capture, carbon conversion, carbon dioxide removal, carbon dioxide transport and storage, hydrogen production with carbon management, methane emissions reduction, and critical minerals production. To learn more, visit the FECM websitesign up for FECM news announcements, and visit the National Energy Technology Laboratory website.