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National Energy Water Treatment & Speciation (NEWTS) database logo
NETL’s National Energy Water Treatment & Speciation (NEWTS) database now contains geochemical, geospatial and other characteristics from more than 400,000 water sample records spanning 48 states, enhancing the ability of the open-source tool to determine the impact of energy production on water quality.
Notice of Intent Announcement
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management’s (FECM) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) recently announced its notice of intent (NOI) to release a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) that would contribute to the restoration of the United States as a world leader in the extraction, separation and refining of critical minerals and materials (CMM), which are needed to produce consumer goods such as smartphones and other electronics as well as components for defense systems, solar panels, wind turbines and other clean energy technologies.
Artistic interpretation of a hypothetical gas turbine rotating detonation engine.
NETL researchers investigated rotating detonation engine (RDE) waves and discovered that what had been previously understood to be unstable behavior is actually a repeatable and persistent mode of operation observed over longer timeframes. This new information could help design more reliable and efficient power generation systems in the future that will help reach the nation’s decarbonization goals.
Michelle Krynock
As an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Michelle Krynock learned how her work inside and outside the classroom could make a meaningful difference.
A screenshot of the Carbon Storage Inquiry Tool in use.
The Carbon Storage Planning Inquiry Tool, or PlanIT, is now available on NETL’s Energy Data eXchange®, providing easy access to explore, query and evaluate thousands of relevant data features and attributes from 14 authoritative sources in one place, to support and accelerate carbon storage feasibility assessments and planning efforts.
Animated depiction of advanced sensor technology
NETL Research Scientist Ruishu Wright is spreading the word about the Laboratory’s growing expertise in quantum sensing — an advanced sensor technology that improves the accuracy of collecting data to assess pipeline integrity and detect gas leakage by sensing changes in motion and electric and magnetic fields on the quantum level — to national audiences.
NETL Reaction Analysis & Chemical Transformation (ReACT) Facility in Morgantown, WV.
NETL and Newark, New Jersey-based Cecilia Energy combined their strengths in a novel Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) that aims to solve one of the world’s greatest environmental challenges while creating upcycled products in the process.
MapIt Mapping Inquiry Tool
NETL has introduced a free online tool to accelerate the discovery of publicly available data when developing permit applications for the sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, in the subsurface.
Denver, Colorado skyline
NETL Director Marianne Walck spoke at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting recently at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. She was invited to present as part of ACS’s Women in Energy Symposium and discussed NETL research on a variety of topics related to carbon management and sustainable resource development. Key NETL researchers also made presentations.
Funding Opportunity Announcement
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) today announced $8.8 million for 11 university-based research and development projects to improve the performance of hydrogen-fueled turbines. The selected projects will develop advanced materials and components that can better manage and withstand the extreme environment generated during hydrogen combustion to enable the use of up to 100% clean hydrogen in gas turbines for low-carbon power generation, helping to advance the Biden-Harris Administration goals of 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035 and net-zero emissions economy-wide by 2050. Further, accelerating the commercialization of advanced technologies developed through funded projects will support the growth of robust supply chains and good-paying jobs throughout the power and industrial sectors.