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Status Technology Prime Performer Name Prime Performer State Award Number Project Title Start Date Completion Date Description
Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Southern Company Services, Inc. AL FE0022596 National Carbon Capture Center 06/06/2014 09/30/2025

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and Southern Company Services, Inc. will continue the operation and maintenance of existing test facilities at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) to provide a platform for the evaluation of third-party technologies to reduce the cost of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from coal- and natural gas-fired power plants and to advance CO2 utilization technologies and negative emissions technologies, such as direct air capture (DAC). The NCCC provides support in design, procurement, construction, installation, operation, data collection and analysis, and reporting in compliance with environmental and government regulations. The NCCC includes multiple, adaptable slipstream units that allow simultaneous testing of third-party laboratory-, bench-, and pilot-scale advanced CO2 capture technologies from diverse fuel sources at commercially relevant process conditions.

More than 110,000 hours of technology testing has been completed on more than 60 membrane, solvent, and sorbent technologies and their associated systems at the NCCC test site in Wilsonville, Alabama. The evaluation of advanced technologies, both domestic and international, helps to identify and resolve environmental, health and safety, operational, component, and system development issues, as well as to achieve scale-up and process enhancements in collaboration with the technology developers.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Gas Hydrates University of Texas at Austin TX FE0023919 Deepwater Methane Hydrate Characterization and Scientific Assessment 10/01/2014 09/30/2025

The primary project goal is to gain insight into the nature, formation, occurrence, and physical properties of methane hydrate-bearing sediments for methane hydrate resource appraisal through the planning and execution of drilling, coring, logging, testing, and analytical activities to assess the geologic occurrence, regional context, and characteristics of marine methane hydrate deposits in the Gulf of Mexico and/or other areas of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. Previous drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has verified the presence of methane hydrate filled sand reservoirs and have shown that such reservoirs can be identified by seismic analysis. However, conventional and pressurized cores of these reservoirs have not been collected, a number of critical in-situ measurements have not been recorded, and pressure perturbation experiments have not been performed. The project team will attempt to address these issues by planning and executing state-of-the-art deepwater methane hydrate drilling programs targeting methane hydrate reservoirs on the U.S. continental margin. For the research field programs (in Phase 2 and Phase 5), initial scientific analysis will begin onboard the drillship. Following the field programs, careful, detailed evaluation of collected core and data will be continued by research groups within the project team as well as through collaborating researchers across the world. A full detailed account of shipboard drilling and sampling activities, follow-on core / data analyses, and full scientific results will be developed and made publicly available.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND FE0024233 EERC - DOE Joint Program on Research and Development for Fossil Energy-Related Resources 06/01/2015 05/31/2025

The University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) will conduct complementary research and development (R&D) efforts under a Cooperative Agreement to advance and innovate science and energy technologies. Work will be performed in five topical areas of R&D: carbon storage; carbon capture; oil and gas; strategic studies; and support of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management’s (FECM) evolving mission. This program supports one of the three strategic goals to advance foundational science, innovate energy technologies, and inform data-driven policies that enhance U.S. economic growth and job creation, energy security, and environmental quality. The agreement builds on the proven approach and accomplishments of previous agreements between EERC and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) that have led to commercial demonstration and deployment of advanced technologies through jointly sponsored research on topics that would not be adequately addressed by the private sector alone.

Active Geothermal University of Utah UT EE0007080 Enhanced Geothermal System Concept Testing and Development at the Milford City, Utah Frontier Observatory For Research In Geothermal Energy (Forge) Site 07/27/2015 09/30/2028

This Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) project will establish a site to develop, test, and improve technologies and techniques for the creation of enhanced geothermal systems. In the first phase of the project, the University of Utah will develop a conceptual geologic model of the site and develop plans to carry out the full scope of the project. During the second phase of the project, permitting will be addressed and early field work will begin. The final phase of the project is dedicated to fully developing the field site, including the drilling and stimulation of multiple wells with the intent of creating a functioning geothermal system.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA FE0026140 Phase II Field Demonstration at Plant Smith Generating Station Assessment of Opportunities for Optimal Reservoir Pressure Control, Plume Management and Produced Water Strategies 09/01/2015 05/31/2025

Management of fluid pressures is expected to be a key issue in the implementation of full-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) storage operations. Injection of CO2 into the storage reservoir causes fluid pressures to rise in the reservoir, potentially resulting in high rock stresses that can cause reactivation of faults or fracturing of caprock, thus losing its ability to contain the CO2. At some sites, extraction of saline groundwater from the storage reservoir may be required to maintain safe working pressures when CO2 is injected into the subsurface and to enhance CO2 storage capacity and injectivity. The brine from the formation will likely be produced in significant quantities and contain high concentrations of total dissolved solids. With treatment, this water could be desalinated and put to beneficial use at a power station for cooling or for other uses, thus reducing the risk associated with brine re-injection/disposal. The overall objective of this Brine Extraction Storage Test (BEST) project is to help develop cost-effective pressure control, plume management and produced water strategies that can be used to improve reservoir storage efficiency and capacity, and demonstrate safe, reliable containment of CO2 in deep geologic formations with CO2 permanence of 99% or better. In addition, operational experience gained from implementing the field demonstration at a power plant site will provide realistic and practical learnings that can be incorporated into future updates of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) best practice manuals related to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). In Phase I, the Recipient identified a preferred field site location, conducted life-cycle analyses for produced water extraction, treatment, transportation and residual waste disposal. Monitoring and injection/production strategies were developed for measuring and controlling the subsurface reservoir pressure and injection plume, and a series of work plans for field demonstrations of pressure management and treatment of extracted brines were prepared.

Active Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology (sCO2) Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0028979 Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Pilot Plant Test Facility 10/01/2016 12/31/2026

The objectives of this project and for this facility are to demonstrate the operability of the supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycle, verify the performance of components (turbomachinery, recuperators, and compressors, etc.), show the potential for producing a lower cost of electricity in relevant applications, and demonstrate the potential and pathway for a thermodynamic cycle efficiency greater than 50 percent. Ultimately, this project will demonstrate at least a 700°C turbine inlet temperature or higher design point, and produce a recompression closed Brayton cycle (RCBC) configuration that can be used to demonstrate and evaluate system and component design and performance capabilities (including turbomachinery and recuperators in steady state, transient, load following, and limited endurance operation). The facility will also be capable of being reconfigured to accommodate potential future testing of system/cycle upgrades, new cycle configurations, and new or upgraded components in addition to next-generation turbomachinery and heat exchanger technology. The project team is led by Gas Technology Institute (GTI) with two prime subrecipients (Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and General Electric Global Research) plus the University of Wisconsin and Natural Resources Canada’s CanmetEnergy. They will design, construct, commission, and operate a 10-MWe sCO2 pilot plant test facility located at SwRI’s San Antonio, Texas campus.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA FE0031587 Large Pilot Testing of the MTR Membrane Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Process 04/01/2018 09/30/2026

The overall goal of this project is to advance a membrane-based, post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process to a large pilot stage. Membrane Technology and Research (MTR) will construct and operate a large pilot system of the MTR membrane post-combustion CO2 capture technology. MTR will build this system at the Wyoming Integrated Test Center (WITC) at Basin Electric’s 422-megawatt (MW) Dry Fork Station located in Gillette, Wyoming. This station processes sub-bituminous coal from the Western Fuels’ Dry Fork Mine. Successful operation of the MTR large pilot membrane system will result in capturing 70% of the CO2 from a 10-MWe equivalent slipstream, representing capture of approximately 150 metric tons of CO2 per day at the station.

MTR subcontractor Sargent & Lundy (S&L) will perform the detailed design; Trimeric Corporation (another MTR subcontractor) will perform detailed design of CO2 compression and purification, as well as conduct a techno-economic analysis; and Graycor (another MTR subcontractor) will provide construction services.

The overall project has five budget periods (BPs): Phase I/BP1—Feasibility (completed in 2019); Phase II/BP2—Front-End Engineering Design (FEED; completed in 2021); Phase III/BP3—Detailed Design and Construction (Initiated in 2021); Phase III/BP4—Operation; and Phase III/BP5—Decommissioning.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of Illinois IL FE0031581 Large Pilot Testing of Linde-BASF Advanced Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture Technology at a Coal-Fired Power Plant 04/04/2018 05/31/2026

Researchers at the University of Illinois, in partnership with the Linde Group, BASF Corporation, Affiliated Engineers, Inc., and Affiliated Construction Services, Inc., are designing an amine-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture pilot-scale (10 megawatt-electric [MWe]) system at an existing coal-fired power plant. The system is based on the Linde-BASF advanced CO2 capture process incorporating BASF’s novel solvent with an advanced stripper inter-stage heater design to optimize heat recovery. In a previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project, the Linde-BASF CO2 capture technology showed the potential to be cost-effective and energy-efficient using actual flue gas during pilot-scale (1.5 MWe) testing at the National Carbon Capture Center. The aqueous amine-based solvent was optimized to exhibit long-term stability and a 20 percent reduction in regeneration energy requirements when compared to commercially available solvents; additional improvements in process design further reduce the cost of CO2 capture.

Projects to design, construct, and operate large-scale pilots of transformational coal technologies are being conducted in three phases, with a down-select between phases. In Phase I of this project, the team completed preliminary design and engineering analyses for a 10 MWe capture facility installed at three potential host sites and selected the City, Water, Light and Power’s (CWLP) Dallman Power Plant as the host site based on the studies. The project team also completed an Environmental Information Volume (EIV) for the selected site, updated preliminary cost and schedule estimates, secured cost-share commitments for Phase II, and developed a plan for securing cost-share commitments for Phase III. The project was selected for Phase II (Design), in which the team will complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study, including a detailed cost and schedule estimate for Phase III for the installation of the 10 MWe pilot at CWLP, complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and any required permitting processes at CWLP, secure Phase III (construction/operation) cost share funding, and complete an updated techno-economic analysis of the technology based on the most recent system design and cost information.

The Phase III objectives are to complete detailed engineering, procurement of equipment and modules, and build and operate a 10 MWe large pilot of the Linde/BASF post-combustion carbon capture technology at the CWLP Dallman Power Plant in Springfield, Illinois. The Phase III scope of work includes: (1) obtaining construction and operating permits for all regulated activities occurring during Phase III; (2) finalizing functional specifications and completing detailed engineering; (3) procuring equipment and materials for inside and outside the boundary limits (ISBL and OSBL); (4) constructing and installing the large pilot; (5) commissioning of the large pilot plant followed by parametric and steady-state operating test campaigns; (6) analyzing test campaign results; and (7) updating the techno-economic analysis (TEA) based on the design and cost information developed during the Phase III test campaign.

The approach used for design, construction, and commissioning is an important feature of the technology and will help enable the commercialization process. The regional economic benefit and the ability to repurpose some existing workforce at CWLP will also demonstrate how carbon capture can aid regional economies when it is deployed. If the technology performs as planned, there is a desire to have the capture plant remain in place and be utilized for future testing of capture and utilization technologies.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Environmentally Prudent Stewardship (EPS) Austin Geotech Services, Inc. TX SC0018464 Permanent Magnet (PM) Induction Heater for Paraffin Abatement 04/09/2018 04/03/2025

This project will investigate the development and design that will generate heat at a localized spot in the production tubing string with no surface connections or independent electrical power supply. Heat is generated from the relative motion between a set of magnets and magnetically conductive surface. The relative motion produces eddy currents that heat the conductor, and the energy input to the unit is provided by the vertical travel of the sucker rod pump. One of the major operational costs associated with production of mature oil wells is the elimination of wax and paraffin buildup in the production tubing. The accumulation of paraffinic compounds in cold spots in the tubing creates high pressures and flow restrictions that, at the very least, contribute to accelerated pump wear, and at worst, constrict the flow altogether.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Texas at Austin TX FE0031558 Offshore Gulf of Mexico Partnership for Carbon Storage - Resources and Technology Development (GOMCarb) 04/01/2018 03/31/2026

This project will develop an industry/academic/governmental partnership that will assemble the knowledge base required to support use of the geologic environments beneath the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) for secure, long-term, large-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) storage and enhanced hydrocarbon recovery. The knowledge base created by the Offshore Carbon Storage Partnership will facilitate subsequent development of technology-focused permitting processes needed by industry and regulators. This project will provide an offshore CO2 resource characterization for the western portion of the GOM through the assessment and integration of geologic and engineering information. The partnership will focus on identifying and addressing knowledge gaps, regulatory issues, infrastructure requirements, and technical challenges associated with offshore CO2 storage. This project will work to improve the confidence in containment of CO2 in the subsea offshore environment in storage reservoirs over both short and long timeframes.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture SRI International CA FE0031588 Engineering-Scale Demonstration of the Mixed-Salt Process for CO2 Capture 07/01/2018 03/31/2026

SRI International, in partnership with OLI Systems, Inc., Trimeric Corporation, the National Carbon Capture Center, and Baker Hughes, will test their advanced mixed-salt post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption technology at engineering scale (0.5 MWe) to address concerns related to scale-up and integration of the technology in fossil fuel-based power plants. The process uses a non-degradable solvent that combines readily-available, inexpensive potassium and ammonium salt solutions, operates without solvent chilling, and employs a novel flow configuration that has been optimized to improve absorption kinetics, minimize ammonia emissions, and reduce water use compared to state-of-the-art ammonia-based and amine technologies. The objectives of the research project are to: 1) perform integrated mixed-salt process (MSP) testing at engineering scale for long-term periods under dynamic and continuous steady-state conditions with a real flue gas stream to address concerns relating to scale-up and integration of the technology to coal-based power plants; 2) operate the MSP with advanced heat integration to demonstrate advantages in process efficiencies; 3) study the solvent and water management strategies; and 4) collect critically important data for a detailed techno-economic analysis.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture TDA Research, Inc. CO SC0018682 A New Sorbent Process for Transformational Carbon Capture Process 07/02/2018 08/21/2025

In this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project, TDA Research, Inc. (TDA), in collaboration with Membrane Technology & Research, Inc., is developing a new class of sorbents to remove CO2 selectively and with high capacity from flue gases generated from pulverized-coal combustion power plants. In Phase I, TDA prepared various sorbent formulations and screened them to determine their capacity to adsorb CO2 under representative conditions. Based on the performance results, a preliminary design of the CO2 capture system was completed as well as cost and size estimates. The team also completed an engineering assessment to compare the system to alternative processes. In Phase II, TDA will continue to optimize the sorbent to enhance its CO2 capacity and further improve its resistance to flue gas impurities such as moisture, SOX and NOX. TDA will also scale-up the sorbent production and will work with MTR to prepare polymer films, which will be formed into spiral wound and planar modules. The team will assess the impact of critical process parameters at bench scale and carry out a minimum of 20,000 adsorption/desorption cycles. Finally, TDA will perform process simulation work and evaluate the techno-economic viability of the new CO2 capture technology as a retrofit option for existing pulverized coal power plants.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines General Electric (GE) Company NY FE0031617 Novel Modular Heat Engines with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Bottoming Cycle Utilizing Advanced Oil-Free Turbomachinery 07/09/2018 06/30/2025

General Electric will evaluate a highly efficient heat engine for natural gas pipeline compression. The project is centered on the conceptual design of a novel, hermetically sealed oil-free super-critical carbon dioxide (SCO2) bottoming cycle for a natural gas combustion turbine used for pipeline compression. The effort enables heat engine cycle efficiencies >50% by demonstrating the feasibility of a two-machine oil-free drivetrain consisting of a high-speed SCO2 turbo-compressor with a direct drive starter-generator aerodynamically coupled to a 60hz 10MW SCO2 turbo-generator. The primary deliverable of this project is the conceptual design of a 10MW SCO2 bottoming cycle and associated turbomachinery. The conceptual design includes an integrated approach between different disciplines such as thermodynamic cycles, aero design, rotor dynamics, bearing design, and electric machine sizing. One project outcome will be the definition of a suitable SCO2 bottoming cycle for highly-efficient heat engines that is deployable into remote locations with minimal to no operation oversight. Another outcome is the development of a process gas lubricated bearing system for MW-class turbomachinery for implementation in SCO2.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage RESPEC Company, LLC SD FE0031688 Development of Thermal Breakout Technology for Determining In Situ Stress 10/01/2018 09/30/2025

This project is using well-established existing technology to improve the standard methods of in-situ stress measurements by including thermally induced borehole breakout technology for measuring the most compressive principal in-situ stress. By running multiple heating tests in a borehole and correlating different applied temperatures (thermal stress) to breakout measurements, the understanding of local variability at the wellbore can be improved while reducing uncertainty.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND FE0031694 Williston Basin Associated CO2 Storage Field Laboratory 02/01/2019 09/30/2025

The goal of the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) project is to advance associated geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Williston Basin by establishing the Williston Basin Associated CO2 Storage Field Laboratory. This goal will be accomplished through efforts conducted in collaboration with the project partner and current host site operator, SOG Resources, in both field and traditional laboratory settings. The field-based portion of the project will take place in an oil field in the Williston Basin and will involve the injection of CO2 into a stacked storage complex that includes a residual oil zone (ROZ) and a conventional reservoir by the operator. Gas measurements and/or log/core acquisition will be done in the field by the operator, who will provide EERC with core and fluid samples (as well as data and site access) to conduct laboratory efforts at EERC. The project will: (1) generate field-based data on CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) associated storage in stacked reservoirs; (2) characterize ROZ for associated storage; and (3) evaluate a monitoring, verification, and accounting technique for its applicability to associated storage in stacked complexes.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture TDA Research, Inc. CO FE0031734 Transformational Sorbent System for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture 06/01/2019 05/31/2025

TDA Research is partnering with University of Alberta, University of California Irvine, and the Wyoming Integrated Test Center, to develop a transformational sorbent for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture capable of capturing more than 90% of the CO2 emissions from a coal-fired power plant and recovering CO2 at 95% purity with a cost of electricity 30% lower than an amine-based system. TDA's system uses a novel, stable, high-capacity CO2 sorbent in a vacuum/concentration swing adsorption (VCSA) process that uses a single-stage vacuum pump with low auxiliary load. The sorbent regeneration uses a combination of two steps: 1) vacuum to recover the CO2, and 2) purge using boiler air intake, subsequently feeding the CO2-laden air to the boiler.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Wyoming WY FE0031738 Developing CO2-EOR and Associated Storage within the Residual Oil Zone Fairways of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming 07/01/2019 12/31/2025

The primary purpose of this project is to establish a field laboratory to assess the technical and economic viability of enhanced oil recovery and associated carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in the greenfield (“fairway”) residual oil zones (ROZs) of the Powder River Basin. This is being accomplished through four objectives: 1) Characterizing the ROZ fairway resource adjacent to the Salt Creek Oil Field, Powder River Basin; 2) undertaking detailed review of mechanisms influencing the efficiency and permanence of ROZ-associated CO2 storage; 3) examining alternative CO2 injection and storage strategies for optimizing both oil recovery and CO2 storage 4) establishing the commercial viability of enhanced oil recovery and associated CO2 storage for the ROZ fairway at Salt Creek.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute NY FE0031730 Transformational Molecular Layer Deposition Tailor-Made Size-Sieving Sorbents for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture 10/01/2019 12/31/2025

The project will develop a transformational molecular layer deposition (MLD) tailor-made, size-sieving sorbent/pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process (MLD-T-S/PSA) that can be installed in new or retrofitted into pulverized coal (PC) power plants for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. The work will be performed by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, located in Troy, New York. The project technical activities include mathematical modeling, development of MLD tailor-made sorbents, MLD sorbent design, construction of an MLD-T-S/PSA system, and techno-economic analysis. The two sub-recipients in this project are University of South Carolina (USC) and Gas Technology Institute (GTI). USC will conduct sorbent performance testing, PSA process optimization, and system design and construction. GTI will evaluate the influence of impurities on sorbent performance and construct a testing skid at USC and transport it to the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) in Wilsonville, Alabama for field testing.

Active Carbon Conversion / Catalytic Pathway MAAT Energy Company MA SC0019791 Novel Plasma Catalysis Reformer of CO2 for Power to Jet Fuel and Energy Storage 07/01/2019 09/09/2026

MAAT energy has demonstrated a non-thermal atmospheric microwave plasma (AMP) reformer that efficiently reuses CO2 for the generation of low-carbon intensity jet fuel. While other modes of transportation may be electrified, aviation depends on safe, high energy density jet fuels. In Phase IIA, the main goals of the program were exceeded: greater than 90% methane conversion (achieved ~99%) and greater than 60% electrical efficient (achieved 60%) with systems that are commercial scale. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) was raised to 5 using a 100 kW system operating at 915 MHz. The experimental results have been used to benchmark the models. In Phase IIA, AMP technology redesigned and scaled up to 50 kW, and tested for short periods of time, limited by thermal management. A pilot-scale unit, operating at 40 kW, has been tested in the field at a site of our industrial collaborator. In Phase IIC, in collaboration with an industrial partner, MAAT Energy intend to upgrade the pilot-scale system with the goal of reaching TRL 6 by the end of the program with the improved reactor design. The system will operate at 100 kW and 915 MHz for long duration (weeks). This unit will be pre-commercial scale; increased productivity will be achieved through multiplexing 100 kW units. Limitations from Phase IIA will be addressed to further optimize the AMP operation, including improved thermal management for long duration and high-power (100 kW) testing by using means to drive nonthermal plasmas, such as seeding to control the plasma temperature, and by providing thermal integration to recuperate the heat from the hot CO-rich exhaust to increase electrical efficiency.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Environmentally Prudent Stewardship (EPS) University of Wyoming WY FE0031787 Field Pilot Test of Foam-Assisted Hydrocarbon Gas Injection in Bakken Formations 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

The overall objective of this project is to increase recovery and sustain production from existing Bakken wells by implementing a novel Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology that has the potential to resolve some of the pivotal issues associated with gas containment in the Bakken complex. More specifically, this project seeks to optimize the performance of foam-assisted hydrocarbon gas injection in Middle Bakken/Three Forks by improving the current scientific understanding of the fundamental mechanisms involved in this process and demonstrating its potential through a field pilot test.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Environmentally Prudent Stewardship (EPS) University of North Dakota ND FE0031790 Improving Enhanced Oil Recovery Performance Through Data Analytics and Next-Generation Controllable Completions 10/01/2019 09/30/2027

The overarching goals of the project are to 1) implement controllable completions through a rigorously monitored field test in a reservoir that has undergone primary and secondary recovery but has yet to pursue tertiary recovery, 2) apply advanced data analytics and machine learning to evaluate the test performance in tandem with a semiautonomous active control system, and 3) assess various business case scenarios to accelerate the development and application of this system for commercial enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

The project team will achieve these goals through the following project activities: 1) identify a CO2-EOR pilot test well pattern in the Cedar Hills South Field; 2) install a set of up to ten interval control valves (ICVs) into the CO2 injection well within the identified test pattern; 3) execute a tracer study using ICV interval-specific tracers to quantify connectivity within the reservoir and inform the subsequent operational designs; 4) operate the ICVs during the project period of performance and quantitatively show that the deployment of the ICVs can improve conformance, increase CO2 sweep efficiency, and improve incremental production; 5) collect downhole measurements which, when combined with analytical and numerical simulation models, can provide the empirical data necessary for developing a machine learning approach to a semiautonomous control system; 6) collect baseline and repeat three-dimensional (3D) seismic surveys of the test pattern to characterize the reservoir and track subsurface fluid migration in response to CO2 injection and ICV system operation; and 7) evaluate various business case scenarios using simulation models to quantify key EOR performance metrics and the effect of ICVs on these metrics.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Battelle Memorial Institute OH FE0031836 Regional Initiative to Accelerate CCUS Deployment in Midwestern and Northeastern USA 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

Battelle Memorial Institute combined two Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSPs)—the Midwest RCSP led by Battelle and the Midwest Geologic Sequestration Consortium led by the Illinois State Geological Survey— to form the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative (MRCI) comprising midwestern and northeastern states. The initiative is supporting key activities, including: (1) expanding regional stress/risk assessment to an additional level of detail in new areas; (2) expanding the acquisition of legacy seismic/well data from small oil/gas producers; (3) evaluating conceptual project definition for Atlantic offshore areas and east coast sources; (4) expanding industrial collaboration efforts to new sites/partners and collecting data from brine injection wells for use in storage assessment; (5) incorporating energy transition issues (e.g., hydrogen, direct air capture, bio-enhanced carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), cybersecurity, environmental justice, and job creation/workforce development) into infrastructure assessments; and (6) expanding outreach efforts to regional intergovernmental groups and Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Environmentally Prudent Stewardship (EPS) University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND FE0031789 Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery Improvement in Conventional Fields Using Rich Gas 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

Lab and field studies show that over time the injection of CO2 into an oil reservoir will selectively mobilize lower-molecular-weight hydrocarbons, leaving higher-molecular-weight (HMW) hydrocarbons behind. The goal of the project is to determine the effect of injecting blended CO2 and rich gas into an active CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) field to improve production performance.

This project aims to inject a blend of rich hydrocarbon gas and CO2 into an oil reservoir to reduce molecular weight selectivity, lower minimum miscibility pressure and the viscosity of the oil and improve gas solubility. This would result in an overall improvement in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) performance. The EOR performance will be tested by conducting a field validation test of blended CO2–rich gas injection and tracking changes to molecular weight selectivity and oil viscosity before, during, and after the test injection. The success criteria are a measured increase in High Molecular Weight (HMW) hydrocarbons produced from the reservoir and increased oil production during the field validation test period.

The location of the injection test will be in the Bell Creek oil field in Montana. Laboratory and simulation experiments, based on the composition of available rich gas supply, will be used to determine the quantity and blend(s) of rich gas components that will be used in the field validation test. An injection scheme will be designed incorporating preexisting wellbores installed in the field for the currently operated CO2 EOR flood. A field validation test will be conducted to inject blended CO2 and rich gas into a single injection well and produce oil from four nearby wells.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Transformative Power Generation (TPG) Applied Thermal Coatings, Inc. TN FE0031769 Elimination of Steam Side Scaling on Grade 91 Steel: Improving Efficiency, Reliability, & Flexibility of Existing Fossil Fired Power Plants 10/01/2019 06/30/2025

The overall objective of the project is to significantly improve the reliability and efficiency of existing coal-fired power plants under flexible operating conditions by deploying a technology to modify the surface chemistry of creep-strength-enhanced steel tubing to substantially improve its steam-side oxidation resistance at a cost and scale that enables its ready acceptance for use by the power generation industry. This will be pursued through efforts targeted at two supporting objectives: (1) demonstration of the use of an existing chromizing technology to process power-boiler-component lengths of appropriately sized creep-strength-enhanced Fe-9Cr-1Mo (Grade 91) steel tubing to assure improved steam-side scaling resistance and the retention of mechanical properties in manner that minimizes cost, and (2) insertion of test articles of the Cr-surface-enriched Grade 91 tubing into a component(s) of an operating coal-fired power plant and evaluation of their performance following a suitable period of elevated-temperature service.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Environmentally Prudent Stewardship (EPS) Battelle Memorial Institute OH FE0031792 Chemically Enabled Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery in Multi-Porosity, Hydrothermally Altered Carbonates in the Southern Michigan Basin 10/01/2019 03/31/2026

The research concept involves integration of multiple data types to evaluate fields in the study area that have the lowest technical and environmental risk and optimal setting for Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR). Laboratory experiments will be used to optimize a CO2 flood composition specific to Hydrothermally Altered Dolomite (HTD) rock properties, and subsequently design and simulate injection scenarios that offer wettability alteration, foaming, and reduced surface tension. This research is expected to improve oil recovery from matrix porosity and mitigate the impact of fracture zones. The optimized design will be implemented and tested in a Trenton/Black River field. The results will provide strategies to improve oil recovery in complex carbonate formations in the Michigan Basin as well as in other carbonate plays. The key risks include: data vintages; data availability; assessment of complex HTD systems, including thief zones and conformance issues; wellbore integrity of old wells; and cost and sourcing of CO2 for field tests. These risks will be mitigated through the developed methodologies based in laboratory experimentation, rock/fluid characterization, and machine learning tasks, and by field test planning.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND FE0031838 Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership Initiative to Accelerate Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Deployment 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

The Energy & Environmental Research Center at the University of North Dakota leads the PCOR Partnership Initiative, with support from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the University of Wyoming, and over 200 cumulative industrial, organizational, and governmental partners, in fostering the development of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in the northern Great Plains states, adjacent Canadian provinces, and Alaska. Areas included in this region are dominated by fossil energy production and coincide with abundant opportunities for geologic storage in sedimentary basins. The PCOR Partnership is catalyzing CCUS projects in its region by 1) strengthening the technical foundation for geologic CO2 storage and enhanced oil recovery; 2) advancing capture technology; 3) improving application of monitoring technologies to commercial CCUS projects in the region; 4) promoting integration between capture, transportation, use, and storage industries; 5) facilitating regulatory frameworks; and 6) providing scientific support to policy makers.

Active Crosscutting Research / Plant Optimization Technologies Clemson University SC FE0031826 Additive Manufacturing of Circumferentially Embedded Optical Sensor Modules for In Situ Monitoring of Coal-Fueled Steam Turbines 01/01/2020 12/31/2025

The main objective of this project is to design, develop, additively manufacture, test, and validate three types (temperature, pressure, and blade tip timing/clearance) of optical sensor modules for in situ monitoring of the critical operation parameters in coal-fueled steam turbines. These sensor modules will be embedded into the Smart Ring (recently invented and patented by GE) and installed circumferentially and flush into the inner wall of the turbine casing for condition-based monitoring, control and maintenance scheduling. The optical sensor modules will be optimally designed based on simulations, and additively manufactured using the novel Integrated Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing (IASM) method developed at Clemson University. The sensor-embedded Smart Ring will be tested and validated under laboratory-simulated conditions as well as demonstrated in industrial-scale turbine testing rigs at GE’s turbine testing facilities.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA FE0031830 Southeast Regional Carbon Utilization and Storage Partnership (SECARB-USA) 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

The SECARB-USA Initiative is identifying and addressing regional onshore storage and transport challenges facing commercial deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technologies. SECARB-USA encompasses Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and portions of Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia. The Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) is coordinating the capabilities of a diverse project team to accelerate CCUS deployment by achieving four primary research objectives: 1) addressing key technical challenges; 2) facilitating data collection, sharing and analysis; 3) assessing transportation and distribution infrastructure; and 4) promoting regional technology transfer and dissemination of knowledge.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Environmentally Prudent Stewardship (EPS) University of Utah UT FE0031775 Improving Production in the Emerging Paradox Oil Play 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

The primary objective of this project is to assess and evaluate optimum strategies to develop this structurally complex, but highly prospective, emerging unconventional Paradox oil play, in particular the Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation’s Cane Creek shale and adjacent clastic zones. A key component of this project is to fully characterize, quantify, and interpret the geological, structural, and geomechanical settings of the Paradox oil play to elucidate the relative factors that promote effective production. This strategy will include detailed facies analysis of core material, core-to-log petrophysical integration, advanced fracture analysis, innovative 3D seismic interpretation, and detailed basin modeling. The results of these analyses will inform a Development Strategy Plan that will include tailored drilling designs and/or stimulation strategies focused to maximize production from this play and other similar resources. In addition, the new strategic drilling and/or tactical stimulation approach(es) will be tested in at least one horizontal well in the Paradox Basin as part of this project.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Environmentally Prudent Stewardship (EPS) University of Wyoming WY FE0031779 Unlocking the Tight Oil Reservoirs of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

This field-based research project will establish a Field Laboratory in the Powder River Basin (PRB) focusing on well completions and fracture stimulations in several tight oil formations. The Field Laboratory will be used to characterize and overcome the technical challenges of developing the Mowry Shale and optimize field development of the Turner and Niobrara formations. To meet these objectives, The Project Team has partnered with Oxy, a leading operator in the PRB.

Active Crosscutting Research / Plant Optimization Technologies West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0031819 Additively Manufactured Graded Composite Transition Joints for Dissimilar Metal Weldments in Ultra-Supercritical Power Plant 10/01/2019 11/30/2025

The objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate at the lab-scale the additively manufactured graded composite transition joints (AM-GCTJ) for dissimilar metal weldments (DMW) in next generation advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) coal-fired power plants, that can significantly improve the microstructural stability, creep and thermal-mechanical fatigue resistance, as compared with their conventional counterparts.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA133 Low Cost High Performance Austenitic Stainless Steels for A-USC 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

The objective of this project is to evaluate the behavior of high-temperature materials to qualify lower-cost alloys for advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) power plants with steam conditions of 760 °C and 345 bar (1400 °F and 5000 psig), and ensure that any limitations of current materials are overcome. This project is particularly focused on the ASME code case qualification for the CF8C-Plus alloy.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA152 Evaluating Ni-Based Alloys for A-USC Component Manufacturing and Use 10/01/2019 09/30/2025

The objective of this project is to evaluate advanced nickel (Ni)-based alloys to support the manufacturing and use of components under advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) steam conditions, which range up to 760 °C (1400 °F) and 35 MPa (5000 psig). In particular, this project focuses on evaluating materials from near-to-full-scale components, such as Haynes 282 large rotor forging, half-valve body casting, and steam turbine nozzle carrier casting, to provide insights into potential manufacturability issues related to large-scale components made from Ni-based alloys and engineering data and support for actual A-USC plant design. In addition, this project contains substantial efforts in weld characterization and long-term creep testing of Ni-based alloy weldment, which should provide useful data for filler metal selection and future ASME code qualification efforts for cast Haynes 282 weldment.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of Texas at Austin TX FE0031861 Safeguarding Amines from Oxidation by Enabling Technologies 03/01/2020 02/28/2025

The University of Texas at Austin will develop technologies to safeguard amine-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture processes from solvent loss by oxidation. The project team will evaluate strategies to minimize amine oxidation in advanced 2nd- and 3rd-generation solvents caused by two of the most significant impurities: oxygen and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). These effective technologies will reduce the cost and environmental risk of solvent-based carbon capture systems by addressing the effects of flue gas impurities on solvent loss.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0031865 Methane Mitigator: Development of a Scalable Vent Mitigation Strategy to Simultaneously Reduce Methane Emissions and Fuel Consumption from the Compression Industry 03/20/2020 03/19/2025

The objective of this project is the development and demonstration of the Methane Mitigator (M2) system, which aims to economically reduce methane and other emissions across the natural gas supply chain while reducing fuel consumption. To achieve this goal, research will focus on four major objectives over three budget periods (BPs). These objectives include: 1.) complete a thorough review of recent studies and previous collaborations to identify where there are data gaps and subsequently collect additional methane measurements and activity data from in-use well sites to enable system design; 2.) develop and demonstrate within a certification-grade laboratory an optimized M2 system that is capable of consuming emissions from engine crankcase vents, reciprocating compressor seal vents, pneumatic controller vent manifolds, and tank battery vent manifolds to offset fuel consumption in excess of 50%; 3.) complete in-field demonstrations (active duty cycle >90%) with industry partners to highlight the benefits of the system while disseminating technical and economic data; and 4.) develop a full system model capable of addressing varying engine types and power ratings for use as a design tool for industry to enable widespread technology adoption.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0031875 Methane Mitigation Using Linear Motor Leak Recovery Compressor 04/01/2020 03/31/2025

The objectives of the project are to design, build, and test a high-pressure linear motor leak recovery compressor for cost effective recovery of methane leaks within the transmission, storage, gathering, and processing sectors of the natural gas value chain.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0031866 Microwave Catalysis for Process Intensified Modular Production of Carbon Nanomaterials from Natural Gas 03/20/2020 03/19/2025

The objective of this project is to develop a cost effective, process intensified modular technology for the conversion of flare gas (methane, ethane, and C3+ alkanes) to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon fibers (CNFs). This will be accomplished through the exploitation of microwave-specific effects on the catalytic pyrolysis of natural gas. The use of microwaves to drive this reaction has been clearly demonstrated to make the conversion of natural gas by this process both kinetically and energetically favorable at lower temperatures. The technology development is focused on single-step conversion of methane to crystalline CNTs and fibers to demonstrate great scalability of production and recovery of the valuable solid carbon. Specifically, this approach integrates microwave reaction chemistry into the modular reactor design with the goal of achieving energy and capital efficiency comparable to or better than large commercial unit operation. Major focus will be on the application of process intensification at modular component scales with the objective of deployment at flare gas locations, particularly, at a pilot demonstration unit. A modular component having a large turndown ratio which can operate under varying feed rate and composition will be demonstrated. It is anticipated that the technology readiness level (TRL) will be advanced from TRL 4 to 5.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage University of Texas at Austin TX FE0031856 Casing Annulus Monitoring of CO2 Injection Using Wireless Autonomous Distributed Sensor Networks 04/01/2020 03/31/2025

The main goal of the study is to design and test a monitoring system that will deploy sensors within the casing annulus without the need to perforate casing or run wires/cables in the annulus for sensor installation, power supply, or data transmission. This monitoring system will improve reservoir and above zone monitoring for the expected life of the wellbore. The project utilizes millimeter-scale sensors on a chip to enable transformational, autonomous, near-wellbore reservoir monitoring in the casing annular space. The recipient will optimize a wireless solid-state potentiometric sensor system for the purpose of continuously measuring carbon dioxide (CO2), pH, temperature, and methane (CH4) within the high pressure and temperature environments in the casing annulus. The sensors consist of autonomous microelectronic radio frequency tag circuits; with memory and antenna; micro-fabricated on 1mmx1mm sensor chips that can be wirelessly addressed and inductively powered wirelessly by a smart casing collar. Sensor chips will be designed and coated with specialized polymer coatings, enabling sensor survival in the sequestration environment along with preferentially self-locating at the reservoir cement interface or in the cement. Surface chemistries and surface textures will be specially designed to demonstrate self-location in the lab, simulating injecting sensors with drilling mud (circulated after drilling is complete), and the segregation of sensors at the formation surface. Part of the work will also focus on improving, integrating and testing smart casing collars acting as real-time communications routers to complete a real-time integrated intelligent monitoring system.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Natural Gas Conversion Clemson University SC FE0031871 Electrocatalytically Upgrading Methane to Benzene in a Highly Compacted Microchannel Protonic Ceramic Membrane Reactor 06/01/2020 05/31/2025

The overarching goal of this project is to develop a significantly process-intensified technology for methane dehydrogenation to aromatic (i.e., benzene) (MDA) in highly compacted microchannel protonic ceramic membrane reactors (HCM-PCMRs) by integrating multiple functions of single-atom catalysis, electrocatalysis, membrane catalysis, membrane separation, and advanced manufacturing.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Gas Hydrates Subsea Shuttle, LLC TX FE0031859 Enhancing Offshore Recovery by Enabling Longer, Safer, and Cheaper Subsea Well Tiebacks 04/01/2020 03/31/2025

The objective of this project is to engineer, build, permit and deploy a deepwater chemical container for storage of exploration and production liquids in the offshore environment. This shuttle is intended be a safe, effective, low-cost solution to assist with the monetization of economically stranded resources via subsea wells tied back to existing host facilities. Offshore, "enhanced" oil recovery can be the difference between economically drilling a subsea well and achieving primary and many times secondary (usually water injection) recoveries (50/60%) versus leaving the resources in the ground (0% recovery) due to the high cost of subsea tiebacks. This two-phase project will construct and qualify a full scale (200 BBL) prototype subsea chemical storage and injection system for production chemicals, enabling longer tie-backs and significantly lowering costs on shorter distances. Phase 1 will include detailed design; engineering; analysis, including FMECA, HAZOP and HAZID work; and fabrication and testing of major subassembly/components. Phase 2 will integrate these components into a complete prototype unit and conduct functional qualification tests (also known as a System Integration Test – SIT). Following the SIT, an offshore demonstration will be performed, thereby maturing the system from a current TRL 5 to a TRL 8 status. This project also includes marine operational analysis and an Operational Readiness Review prior to the offshore deployment.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation University of Colorado CO FE0031870 Modular Processing of Flare Gas for Carbon Nanoproducts 05/01/2020 03/31/2025

Domestically produced carbon nanoproducts from natural gas (NG) is an attractive solution to our nation’s economic, environmental, and energy concerns. This research project focuses on NG decarbonization for flare gas reduction through conversion to carbon nanoproducts. This work aims to investigate a one-step Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process to grow carbon nanoparticles and nanofibers (CNFs) during natural gas (NG) decarbonization. The synthesis and the impacts of these fibers on the durability of the concrete will be studied. The process is conceptualized to be modular/mobile with easy turndown for manufacture on a skid to be easily transported between gas wells as production rates change. The project will be accomplished in four phases.

In Phase 1, an existing Particle ALD fluidized bed reactor system will be modified for in-situ operation to produce catalysts with subsequent synthesis of carbon nanoparticles and nanofibers by CVD. Research will include adjusting operating temperature, catalyst metal, and CH4 gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) to measure reaction and CNF growth rate for different conditions. Work will then focus on the synthesis of carbon product using sacrificial catalyst to produce sufficient quantities of carbon particles and fibers for testing. To scale-up the process and to carry out the techno-economic analysis, there is a need to develop a fundamental understanding of the carbon product synthesis reaction and growth kinetics for CVD over M-adatom catalyst. In Phase 2, a skid mounted bench scale process will be designed and constructed at CU for carrying out CVD growth of CNFs. Carbon nanoproduct will be collected and agglomerated downstream in order to improve product handling. In Phase 3, cement mix design with the carbon product will be conducted. The impact of the carbon nanoproducts and any needed admixtures on the governing durability material design relationships must be established to optimize performance of the resulting mix. The objective of this task is to experimentally establish the cement design relationships to hydration, cracking, and ductility to meet ultra-high-performance concrete metrics. In Phase 4, the modular skid constructed in the shop at CU will be moved to the ALD NanoSolutions, Inc. industrial site and operated to produce larger quantities of carbon nanoproducts for cement mixing formulations. The process will be optimized to produce a product the provides for improved crack resistance in cement formulations. Work will also be carried out regarding technology to market with a focus on business strategies for a path forward.

For 2021: A laboratory CVD reactor will be constructed and started-up for the synthesis of carbon nano-products. The design will be completed for a skid pilot system and procurement of components and construction of the skid will be initiated.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Gas Hydrates U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) VA 89243320SFE000013 Natural Gas Hydrates in Permafrost and Marine Settings: Resources, Properties, and Environmental Issues 05/21/2020 05/20/2025

The USGS Interagency Agreement (IA) involves laboratory research and international field studies in which DOE/NETL has a significant interest. Geological and geophysical support for these efforts is critical to their success, and the USGS is uniquely qualified to provide this support. This IA is currently divided into six separate tasks. The primary objective of several tasks is to evaluate the production potential of the known gas hydrate accumulations on the North Slope of Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico. To serve energy resource goals of the Methane Hydrates R&D program on the U.S. Atlantic margin, the USGS will evaluate the need to conduct additional seismic evaluation of upper slope, gas hydrates in the northern Atlantic Margin and collaborate with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and other partners on determining potential sites for a future gas hydrates research drilling program. In order to develop a better understanding of gas hydrates, the USGS is conducting laboratory research to measure the properties of sediments containing synthetic hydrates using a range of experimental methods. The USGS also actively supports cooperative projects between the U.S. and international partners.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Susteon, Inc. NC SC0020795 Dual Function Materials for Direct Air Capture of CO2 06/29/2020 02/27/2025

In this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project, Susteon Inc. is teaming with Columbia University, Applied Catalysts, and Kiewit Engineering to advance the development of a “reactive” direct air capture (DAC) process that is capable of capturing and converting carbon dioxide (CO2) from air into valuable products. In Phase I, the project team optimized existing dual function materials (DFMs), originally developed for treating flue gas from large point sources, to DAC applications. The DFM porous solid material, consisting of a novel combination of an adsorbent and a catalyst, has shown high CO2 capacity under DAC conditions, and even greater capacity in the presence of atmospheric moisture, in laboratory experiments. The reactive DAC process involves selective chemisorption of CO2, followed by sorbent regeneration through reversible desorption or, optionally, catalytic conversion of adsorbed CO2 into methane (CH4; also referred to as renewable natural gas [RNG]), using waste or renewable hydrogen (H2). Both chemisorption and sorbent regeneration operate at the same temperature, eliminating the need for heating and cooling of the reactor beds, which are typically needed in most adsorption-based processes.

Phase II will focus on further development and bench-scale testing (1 kg/day) of DFMs for DAC at room temperature and subsequent catalytic conversion of adsorbed CO2 into CH4 using waste or renewable H2 at about 300°C. DFM optimization will focus on the formulation and dispersion of DFM on the commercially available structured supports to achieve maximum DFM stability, CO2 adsorption capacity, and rapid kinetics of CO2 adsorption and methanation reactions. Testing will aim to determine DFM process conditions that yield the fastest CO2 adsorption rate, highest CO2 capacity, maximum CH4 production, and lowest energy consumption for reactive DAC. The process model will be validated using lab- and bench-scale data and employed to develop a high-level process design for a 50-kg/day engineering-scale reactive DAC system, as well as techno-economic analysis and life cycle analysis studies on a commercial-scale system.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) DC FE0031893 Natural Gas Partnership 07/01/2020 06/30/2025

Through the DOE-NARUC Natural Gas Partnership, the following types of educational activities will take place:

  • Conducting Natural Gas Partnership dialogues at DOE or National Lab facilities, natural gas electric generation facilities, or advanced natural gas research or demonstration sites.
  • Creating educational programming and resources to effectively share relevant information with state-level utility regulators through webinars, peer sharing calls, briefing papers, and related materials as appropriate.
  • Supporting Commission participation in NARUC, DOE, national laboratory, or related natural gas forums, workshops, and research and development (R&D) collaboratives addressing key policy issues around natural gas use and advanced technologies, featuring researchers as participants where appropriate.
Active Advanced Energy Systems / Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN TCF-20-20119 Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 02/17/2022 02/16/2025

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is collaborating with industry partner Redox Power Systems (Redox) to integrate ORNL's expertise in materials processing and manufacturing science and Redox's expertise in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) manufacturing to commercialize the SOFC roll-to-roll manufacturing processes. Four approaches will be taken to meet the project objective: (1) optimize the lamination process and correlate the electrode electrolyte assembly (EEA) properties and performance with the lamination conditions, (2) scale up the lamination process and demonstrate >10 ft of EEA, (3) further increase the throughput of EEA via slot-die coating and demonstrate > 5 m/min in coating the thick anode support layer, and (4) minimize the anode support layer thickness to reduce material cost.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training Florida International University FL FE0031904 Development and Evaluation of a General Drag Model for Gas-Solid Flows Via Physics-Informed Deep Machine Learning 08/01/2020 05/31/2025

The objective of this project is to develop, test, and validate a general drag model for multiphase flows in assemblies of non-spherical particles by a physics-informed deep machine learning approach using an artificial neural network (ANN). Once implemented in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, the model aims to accurately predict a particle’s drag coefficient and flow fields in the simulation of gas-particle flows, with a wide range of parameters including Reynolds number, Stokes number, solid volume fractions, particle densities, particle orientations, and particle aspect ratios. The project will involve the following research and development activities: 1) data collection and generation of drag coefficients for non-spherical particles; 2) ANN-based drag model development through deep learning neural networks (DNN), algorithm identification and evaluation, and model tests using different data sets; 3) integration of the best DNN model into an open source CFD software, MFiX-DEM; and 4) validation of selected multiphase flows using the new drag model.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Helios-NRG, LLC NY SC0020730 CO2-Philic Block Copolymers with Intrinsic Microporosity (BCPIMs) for Post Combustion CO2 Capture 06/29/2020 08/27/2025

In this Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program, Helios-NRG and its partners, the University of Buffalo and TechOpp Consulting, will work to develop CO2-philic block copolymers with intrinsic microporosity (BCPIMs) for post-combustion CO2 capture. The BCPIMs consisting of rubbery polyethylene oxide (PEO) and polymerizable metal-organic frameworks (polyMOFs) will be designed, synthesized, and characterized for carbon capture and have superior CO2/N2 separation properties. In Phase I, the team’s preliminary results found that the optimized materials achieved CO2 permeability of at least 2,000 Barrer and CO2/N2 selectivity of at least 40 and also showed good stability in the presence of water vapor, SOx, and NOx. Initial techno-economic analysis (TEA) work confirmed the potential of the advanced membranes to achieve the project objective of $30/ton CO2 or lower. Phase II efforts will focus on optimizing and scaling up of the fabrication of thin-film composite (TFC) membranes for CO2/N2 separation. These membranes will be tested for long-term membrane resistance to contaminants while using real flue gas. This will be followed by bench-scale module fabrication and performance measurements over a range of operating conditions.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training Morgan State University MD FE0031906 Ceramic-Based Ultra-High Temperature Thermocouples in Harsh Environments 08/01/2020 07/31/2025

Researchers will develop novel, durable, low cost, ceramic-based super high-temperature thermocouples (up to 2000 °C) for use in high-temperature (750–1800 °C) and 1000 PSI and above coal-based energy systems under high corrosion and erosion conditions. The materials, Zirconium diboride (ZrB2) and samarium hexaboride (SmB6) thermoelectric refractory materials will be employed as n- and p-type thermocouple legs. The materials will be compacted into isotropic thermoelectric nanocomposites as thermocouple legs with excellent Seebeck coefficient. The legs will be fabricated into ceramic-based thermocouples with p-n junctions. The thermocouples will also have good oxidization and sulfidization resistance, no protective outer layer, and cost less than acoustic and optical devices. Thermocouple performance will be evaluated in oxygen, carbon oxide, and sulfide atmospheres at high pressure and temperature. In addition, the effects of heat flow, flow rate, and mass flux found in coal power generation on the performance of the thermocouples will be investigated. Physical behaviors and long-term stability will be evaluated.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Michigan State University MI FE0031899 High-Accuracy and High-Stability Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensors for Coal Fired Advanced Energy Systems 09/01/2020 08/31/2025

The objective of this project is to develop a revolutionary gas-based fiber-optic temperature sensor technology with the required accuracy and long-term stability for temperature control and condition monitoring of the next generation of coal-fired power systems.

The temperature sensor technology is based on a Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity filled with a gas (e.g., air) the pressure of which can be changed. An FP cavity is formed by a silica tube that is filled with air and sandwiched between a side-hole fiber and a capping fiber. The holey fiber has air channels in its cladding running along the length of the fiber through which the air pressure in the FP cavity can be tuned. The light coming from the holey fiber is partially reflected at the two fiber/tube interfaces and coupled back into the holey fiber. The system then measures the reflection spectrum which contains the interference fringes of the FP cavity by a white-light source, a fiber-optic coupler, and a spectrometer.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of California - Riverside CA FE0031896 Harnessing Quantum Information Science For Enhancing Sensors In Harsh Fossil Energy Environment 09/20/2020 03/19/2025

The project plans to utilize real-time quantum dynamics simulations and quantum optimal control algorithms to (1) harness near-surface nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers to detect chemical analytes in harsh fossil energy environments and (2) design optimally constructed electromagnetic fields for initializing these near-surface NV center spins for efficient sensor performance and detection. Together, these objectives will leverage quantum information science to enable new sensing modalities for the extremely sensitive monitoring (i.e., below classical measurement limits) of critical operating parameters of fossil energy infrastructures in harsh environments.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0031912 Passive Wireless Sensors for Realtime Temperature and Corrosion Monitoring of Coal Boiler Components Under Flexible Operation 08/17/2020 05/16/2025

This project will develop an inexpensive wireless, high-temperature sensor for real-time monitoring of the temperature and corrosion of metal components that are commonly used in coal-fired boilers. This work will focus on the fabrication and testing of harsh-environment, chipless radio-frequency identification (RFID) sensors that will function between 25 °C and 1300 °C in high steam and/or combustion gas environments. Sensor arrays will also be evaluated where each RFID sensor will be designed with a specified frequency band to spatially differentiate the testing site on the metal specimen. Specifically, this project will: (1) design passive wireless RFID patch and interrogator antennas for high-temperature sensing of temperature and corrosion/crack propagation at temperatures up to 1300 °C; (2) develop materials and methods to fabricate a microstrip patch antenna sensor composed of a robust conductive electroceramic pattern and interlayer ceramic coating, and then incorporate this sensor into “peel-and-stick” preforms that will efficiently transfer and bond to the metal specimens of interest; (3) investigate the wireless RFID sensor response in accelerated high-temperature and high steam environments, and correlate corrosion and cracking mechanisms (and kinetics) with the response of the sensors; (4) investigate the wireless signal acquisition and processing of data transferred in various configurations by multiple sensors within the same environment and through-wall transmission of the signal by a singular RFID sensor; and (5) investigate the passive wireless sensor system developed (and method of transferring the sensor system) for monitoring the temperature and health of metal components in service within a coal-fired power plant.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Texas at El Paso TX FE0031908 Ultra-Low Disorder Graphene Quantum Dot-Based Spin Qubits for Cyber Secure Fossil Energy Infrastructure 09/01/2020 02/28/2025

The specific research objectives of the project will be to: (i) define graphene quantum dots (GQDs) on graphene nanoribbon (GNR) with ultralow local defects and characterize the edge roughness and local disorder by diverse microscopic and spectroscopic techniques; (ii) conduct low-temperature characterization of quantum transport and spin relaxation times in GQDs to evaluate the effect of lower local disorder; and (iii) develop a multi-GQD-based qubit platform and analyze coupling effects and performance improvements achieved through the new synthetic protocols for quantum communication applications. To achieve the objectives, the team will first leverage the nanotomy technique to prepare GNRs of various widths and characterize its superiority by comparing their structural and disorder status with lithographically prepared GNRs (which will function as the baseline in the project). Subsequently, scanning probe microscopy-based oxidation lithography (SPM-OL) will be used to fabricate geometrically confined GQDs with tunnel barriers on the GNRs. Then the team will fabricate electrode patterns that connect the quantum dots to source and drain electrodes. An in-depth study will be conducted characterizing the local density of states and conductance of the GQDs with variable widths. Cumulatively, these studies will help developing an optimized GQD qubit system fabricated using nanotomy and SPM-OL. Quantum transport and spin relaxation measurements conducted at mK temperatures will reveal the superiority of the present GQDs with ultralow defects. Further, the optimized GQD fabrication process will be extended to develop an array of GQDs integrated with local gate electrodes and quantum point contact to study the inter-dot coupling effects in the GQD arrays.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Texas at San Antonio TX FE0031894 A General Drag Model for Assemblies of Non-Spherical Particles Created with Artificial Neural Networks 09/01/2020 08/31/2025

The project plans to develop a more accurate artificial neural network (ANN)-based method for modeling the momentum exchange in fluid-solid multiphase mixtures to significantly improve the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty of multiphase numerical codes and, in particular, of MFiX, by developing and providing a general and accurate method for determining the drag coefficients of assemblies of non-spherical particles for wide ranges of Reynolds numbers, Stokes numbers, and fluid-solid properties and characteristics. The research team will achieve this goal by conducting numerical computations with a validated in-house CFD code and using artificial intelligence methods to develop an ANN that will be implemented in TensorFlow and linked with the MFiX code.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0031890 San Juan Basin Carbonsafe Phase III: Ensuring Safe Subsurface Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Reservoirs 10/01/2020 03/31/2025

The overall objective of this project is to perform a comprehensive commercial-scale site characterization of a storage complex located in northwest New Mexico to accelerate the deployment of integrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. The data collected by the characterization and environmental analysis will be used to prepare, submit and attain an Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI permit (for construction) to inject and store at minimum 50 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) at the site. The project team will acquire new field data and integrate new and legacy information to develop comprehensive site-specific data sets that will be used as inputs for the preparation process of a UIC Class VI permit that will be submitted for approval. Data will be incorporated into simulation models to assess storage potential, CO2 behavior, seal integrity and risk of induced seismicity. An Environmental Information Volume (EIV) will be completed to assess any National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)-related issues for the chosen capture, transport and storage site. The project team will continue existing outreach programs to educate the public on the usefulness of the integrated CCS project within the region.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of Massachusetts MA FE0031895 Wireless High Temperature Sensor Network for Smart Boiler Systems 09/04/2020 09/03/2025

This project aims to develop a new wireless high-temperature sensor network for real-time continuous boiler condition monitoring in harsh environments. The wireless high-temperature sensor network consists of wireless radio frequency (RF) high-temperature sensors with integrated attached antennas for wireless internet-based continuous remote monitoring. Each of the new RF high-temperature sensors is based on a high quality factor RF filter fabricated on 4H silicon carbide semiconductor material capable of measuring high temperatures over 1,800 °C. The integrated antennas are broadband bow-tie RF antennas that can provide efficient signal transmission and reception. The wireless sensor network enables real-time and continuous monitoring of boiler conditions to achieve smart boiler system management.

Active Carbon Conversion / Catalytic Pathway Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0031909 Dehydration Membrane Reactor for Direct Production of Valuable Chemicals from Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Hydrogen (H2) 01/01/2021 03/30/2025

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) will partner with University at Buffalo (UB) and Missouri University of Science & Technology (MS&T) to develop a revolutionary process and unique catalytic membrane reactor for producing liquid petroleum gas (LPG) from carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen. Coated and uncoated catalysts will be prepared and systematically characterized by MS&T. UB will conduct sequential membrane reactor testing with the uncoated catalysts to provide critical baseline data, as well as bifunctional membrane reactor testing using the coated catalysts, from which the results will provide feedback for the optimization of the bifunctional catalyst and reactor conditions. GTI will perform parametric and deactivation tests using the optimized design and operation conditions, and will determine the effect of flue gas contaminants on the catalyst and membrane. The catalytic membrane reactor is designed to achieve greater than 50% CO2 conversion, greater than 60% DMC selectivity, and greater than 20% DMC yield, which could lead to a cost of $570/ton of DMC produced (~32% of the market price of DMC), if implemented at commercial scale.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA FE0031888 Establishing an Early CO2 Storage Complex in Kemper County, Mississippi: Project EC02S (Phase III) 09/01/2020 02/28/2025

The project team will characterize a commercial-scale regional geologic storage complex for carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from three Southern Company facilities; Plant Ratcliffe (the Kemper County Energy Facility), Plant Daniel, and Plant Miller. The project team will complete detailed characterization work essential for acquiring Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI Permit(s) to construct the wells at the Kemper Regional CO2 Storage Complex, including drilling three additional site characterization wells, conducting a substantial 3D seismic acquisition, and undertaking risk assessment, public outreach, and other tasks. In addition a CO2 capture assessment will be performed for Plant Ratcliffe and Plant Miller.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of Maryland MD FE0031902 Robust Heat-Flux Sensors for Coal-Fired Boiler Extreme Environments 01/01/2021 12/31/2025

Researchers will develop robust heat flux sensor elements, based on the wire-wound Schmidt Boelter gauge architecture and the transverse Seebeck effect, capable of operating in the challenging high-temperature, corrosive environments within the boilers of coal-fired power plants. The heat-flux sensors will utilize thermoelectric effects to directly transduce the heat-flux input to analog electrical voltage signals and will be constructed from dedicated materials that can withstand oxidative atmospheres at temperatures from 700 to 1200°C and maintain adequate performance under these conditions for prolonged periods. Rigorous testing and calibration protocols in furnaces and medium-scale fire research facilities will be employed to understand the significance and reliability of the output signal under a range of dynamic environmental conditions. These conditions will include a range of heat-flux values, temperatures, surface emissivity, cooling rates, flow rates, and concentrations of carbon particulates.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Upcycling Stanford University CA FE0031867 A Modular System for Direct Conversion of Methane into Methanol via Photocatalysis 10/01/2020 09/30/2025

This project aims to develop a liquid phase photocatalytic process for direct conversion of methane into methanol so, when applied to flared gas at a well site, the process can generate methanol using a direct photocatalytic route. The goal will be accomplished by completing several research objectives that include:

  1. Develop a bifunctional catalyst using a semiconductor photocatalyst architecture to facilitate methane activation to directly convert methane into methanol.
  2. Develop a scalable reactor design to maximize mass transfer and methanol selectivity using an optimized photocatalyst.
  3. Develop a conceptual process design for a modular system for flare gas utilization.
  4. Conduct comprehensive techno-economic and commercial market assessments to position the technology for commercialization.

Initially, the project intends to develop and optimize the semiconductor catalyst for the effective conversion of photons into hydroxyl (•OH) radicals which support methane activation and a co-catalyst that selectively and with high yield converts the methyl radicals generated from methane activation into methanol and integrate these into a single bifunctional catalyst. If that is successful, the project will shift to process development focusing on testing to identify optimal operating conditions, completing long-term testing at realistic commercial conditions, testing with simulated natural gas compositions and intermittent operation involving on/off and varying flow conditions.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake University of Kentucky KY FE0031921 NH4OH Looping with Membrane Absorber and Distributed Stripper for Enhanced Algae Growth 10/01/2020 03/31/2025

The University of Kentucky Research Foundation, in collaboration with Vanderbilt University and Colorado State University, will construct and test an integrated carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and utilization technology for algae production using an ammonia (NH3) solution with chemical additives as both a capture reagent and algae nutrient. The system includes a membrane absorber coupled with distributed, solar-energy powered strippers located near algae bioreactor modules for solvent regeneration and continuous delivery of CO2 and NH3 to algae for productivity enhancement. The process will involve minimal NH3 emissions in the treated flue gas. Project objectives include integrating a commercial membrane CO2 absorber into an existing 0.1-megawatt-thermal (MWth) CO2 capture process, developing advanced membrane materials to minimize NH3 slip, developing a solar-powered solvent regenerator and integrating with modular bioreactors for evaluation of algae production, conducting parametric and long-term testing campaigns on the integrated system, and performing techno-economic and life cycle analyses.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Wyoming WY FE0031891 Wyoming Carbonsafe: Accelerating CCUS Commercialization and Deployment at Dry Fork Power Station and the Wyoming Integrated Test Center 10/01/2020 09/30/2025

This CarbonSAFE Phase III effort aims to build upon the progress of previous phases and advance towards the full commercial deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin (PRB). Previous Wyoming CarbonSAFE project phases have demonstrated the feasibility of injecting commercial volumes of carbon dioxide (CO2) at the proposed storage complex on the property of Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s (BEPC) Dry Fork Station (DFS). DFS is coal-based electric generation power plant that has been proposed as the project’s CO2 source. Collocated at DFS is the Wyoming Integrated Test Center, a research facility dedicated to CCUS advancement.

The intent of this project phase is to finalize surface and subsurface site characterization and certify the safety and security of eventual commercial CCUS operations at DFS. Applications for underground injection control (UIC) Class VI permits to construct will be submitted and project personnel will work with regulatory authorities until the appropriate permitting is acquired. The team will prepare an Environmental Information Volume (EIV) to inform the project’s final National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) class of action; this will result in a final NEPA document containing either a Record of Decision or Finding of No Significant Impact. This project will incorporate Membrane Technology and Research’s (MTR) DFS CO2 front end engineering and design (FEED) and CO2 capture analysis into the project’s commercialization assessments. This analysis will detail the operational performance of a commercial-scale CO2 capture plant at DFS.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Transformative Power Generation (TPG) Washington University MO FE0031925 Development of Critical Components for the Modular Staged Pressurized Oxy-Combustion Power Plant 10/01/2020 09/30/2025

Washington University will advance the development of the two critical components of a modular Staged, Pressurized Oxy-Combustion (SPOC) power plant that are not commercially available: an integrated SPOC system and direct-contact cooler (DCC). WUSTL has designed and constructed a laboratory-scale prototype for each. These components have been developed with the support of multiple DOE projects and this project aims to further advance them to enable subsequent incorporation into a pilot plant. Objectives include integrating WUSTL’s existing 100 kWth single-stage, pressurized oxy-combustor with a convective heat transfer boiler test section and the existing DCC to evaluate the operation and performance of the integrated system; demonstrating the integrated SPOC with two-stage combustors created by updating the existing single-stage 100 kWth unit; computational fluid dynamics modeling and validation for the integrated pressurized combustor and boiler; and characterizing ash formation and deposition in the integrated SPOC system, and development and validation of ash behavior models for incorporating into the model of the pressurized combustor and boiler.

Active Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology (sCO2) Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX FE0031929 Development of Coal Syngas Oxy-Combustion Turbine for use in Advanced Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (Sco2) Power Cycles 10/01/2020 09/24/2025

Southwest Research Institute (San Antonio, TX) propose to develop a detailed design for a supercritical CO2 (sCO2), coal syngas, or natural gas-fired, oxy-fuel turbine in the 150-300 MWe size range capable of 1,150oC turbine inlet temperature at 300 bar and exhaust temperatures in the 725–775oC range for use in a Direct-fired sCO2 Power Plant System. This power plant will be capable of burning coal through gasification and cleanup of the synthesis gas (syngas). The turbine will require cooled turbine nozzles and blades as well as advanced thermal management systems to accommodate these high temperatures. The project team will execute test plans for the main components and test turbine blade materials in a high-temperature, high-pressure sCO2 environment, test thermal barrier coatings in the same sCO2 environment, validate heat transfer coefficients (HTC) high Reynold’s number cooling flow, and validate the cooled turbine blade thermal model based on the HTC studies and detailed design of the first stage turbine nozzle and blade. In addition, the team will complete a preliminary design of a combustor as it affects the overall design and layout of the turbine. This testing will advance the key risk components of the coal syngas combustion turbine from Technology Readiness Level 4 to 5.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells University of California - San Diego CA FE0031940 Efficient, Reliable, and Cost-Competitive Solid Oxide Cell Technology for Hydrogen and Electricity Production 09/27/2020 03/26/2025

University of California, San Diego (UCSD) (La Jolla, CA) will develop and demonstrate an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective reversible solid oxide cell (RSOC) technology for production of hydrogen from steam and electricity from natural gas. This novel RSOC technology is based on a compact, versatile, and low-cost stack architecture that incorporates high-performance and fuel-flexible reversible cells for efficient operation in both fuel cell (power generation) and electrolysis (hydrogen production) modes. The main objectives of the proposed project are (i) to validate the design, materials, and manufacturing processes of the proposed technology for both hydrogen and electricity production, (ii) to demonstrate operation of the technology at relevant conditions with improved performance, reliability, and endurance compared to the current state-of-the-art, and (iii) to confirm the cost effectiveness of the proposed technology via a comprehensive techno-economic analysis of a selected application. The project will culminate in the demonstration of an RSOC stack having the design features with required performance and reliability along with projected cost suitable for further development for commercialization.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT FE0031974 Performance Improvements for Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems 09/27/2020 09/26/2025

FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) (Danbury, CT) will advance high efficiency and low cost Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (RSOFC) system technology for hybrid operation of water electrolysis for hydrogen production as well as power generation using hydrogen. The technology improvements envisioned for the proposed project are focused in the areas of cell materials, stack design, power electronics, and process controls. Three areas of focus, to be pursued concurrently will be: improvements to the fundamental repeat unit materials in the RSOFC stack (cell, seal, interconnects, and coatings) to improve efficiency and reduce degradation; stack design improvements, particularly in the area of thermal management; and , development of power electronics controls strategies. The improvements will be demonstrated at the prototype system level, based on FCE’s Compact Solid Oxide Architecture (CSA) stack platform. The cell and stacks have demonstrated operation in both fuel cell and electrolysis modes, reversibly, and can operate on hydrocarbon fuels (e.g.: natural gas) or hydrogen with the same stack. FCE will work with Virginia Tech CPES to develop and deploy the advanced fuel cell power management technology to the demonstration system. Similar to the benefits offered by advanced battery management systems for multi-cell battery packs, the project is expected to achieve improved lifetime, improved operational flexibility, and improved economics to the overall system.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0031946 Engineering Scale Design and Testing of Transformational Membrane Technology for CO2 Capture 10/01/2020 07/31/2025

Gas Technology Institute will advance Ohio State University’s transformational membrane-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology through engineering-scale testing on actual coal-derived flue gas at the Wyoming Integrated Test Center (ITC). The amine-containing CO2-selective membranes developed under U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded projects (FE0031731; FE0007632) consist of a thin selective inorganic layer embedded in a polymer support and exhibit high CO2 permeance and very high selectivity of CO2 over nitrogen (N2). The superior performance is based on a facilitated transport mechanism, in which a reversible CO2 reaction with fixed and mobile amine carriers enhances the CO2/N2 separation. The objectives of this project are to fabricate commercial-size membrane modules; design and install a 1-megawatt-electric (MWe) CO2 capture system at ITC; conduct parametric testing with one- and two-stage membrane processes at varying CO2 capture rates (60 to 90%); perform continuous testing at steady-state operation for a minimum of two months; and gather the data necessary for further process scale-up.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture ION Clean Energy, Inc. CO FE0031950 Engineering-Scale Demonstration of Transformational Solvent on NGCC Flue Gas 10/01/2020 04/30/2025

ION Clean Energy, Inc. will partner with Koch Modular Process Systems, Sargent & Lundy, Calpine Corporation, and Hellman & Associates, to advance their transformational post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology through engineering-scale (1 megawatt-electric [MWe]) testing on a slipstream of flue gas from Calpine’s Los Medanos Energy Center (LMEC), a commercially dispatched natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant. The project team will design, construct, and operate a CO2 capture pilot system using ION’s water-lean, amine-based, third-generation ICE-31 solvent that will capture 10 tonnes of CO2 per day and yield a CO2 product flow with greater than 95% purity that is suitable for compression and dehydration into a CO2 pipeline. The project will leverage ION’s process expertise gained through testing their second-generation, state-of-the-art solvent, ICE-21, at bench- and pilot-scale with coal-fired flue gases. The CO2 capture process will be optimized to take full advantage of the benefits provided by ION’s ICE-31 solvent in combination with other process improvements, all of which are derived through a process-intensification design philosophy focused on NGCC flue gas. The benefits of this holistic approach include a smaller physical plant, reduced energy requirements, improved CO2 product quality, less solvent degradation, lower emissions, lower water usage, less maintenance, and lower capital costs.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Global Thermostat, LLC CO FE0031957 Demonstration of a Continuous-Motion Direct Air Capture (DAC) System 10/01/2020 01/31/2025

Global Thermostat Operations, LLC, in partnership with Zero Carbon Partners, VADA LLC, Georgia Tech, Jedson Engineering, and the National Renewable Energy Lab, will develop a continuous motion direct air capture (DAC) system that will capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air through an adsorption process and produce a greater than 95% purity CO2 product. The process employs honeycomb monolith contactors with a solid amine sorbent incorporated into the pores of the monolith, resulting in high CO2 adsorption capacities at very low CO2 partial pressures. The project team will design and validate the mechanical components of the system and complete detailed engineering and sizing of the process equipment. In parallel, a phenomenological flow model and a systems-level Aspen model will be developed to refine process step development, monolith lifetime, and key performance tradeoffs. Global Thermostat will leverage the phenomenological model to inform experimental work while assessing the impacts on sorbent lifetime. The process equipment will be fabricated, delivered, and integrated with the mechanical system to form an integrated DAC system. The prototype DAC unit will be commissioned and operated at the Global Thermostat Technology Center to collect on-stream data that will inform the techno-economic and life cycle analyses.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Ames National Laboratory IA FWP-AL-20-450-022 Turbines (Gas Turbine Thermal Performance Analysis Tools) 10/01/2020 09/30/2025

Ames National Laboratory's objective is to develop, evaluate, and improve physics-based analysis tools for gas turbine analysis. Two types of analysis tools are of interest: (1) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools and (2) system-level tools for preliminary and conceptual design. The CFD analysis tools of interest are those that can account for the steady and unsteady three-dimensional flow and heat transfer on the hot-gas side of the turbine with and without film cooling; the conduction heat transfer through the turbine material, the thermal and environmental-barrier-coatings (TBC and EBC), and the superalloy via conduction heat transfer; and the flow and heat transfer in the internal cooling passages as a function of design and operating parameters. The systems-level tools of interest are those that are highly efficient computationally and yet contain key physics that are derived from steady/unsteady multidimensional CFD studies. These models are intended to be used in design at the system level (e.g., the entire blade or the entire stator-rotor stage), where it is not feasible to perform detailed CFD analysis.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Pre-Combustion Capture TDA Research, Inc. CO FE0031926 A High Efficiency, Modular Pre-Combustion Capture System for 21st Century Power Plant Poly-Generation Process 10/01/2020 09/30/2025

TDA Research, Inc.—in partnership with Gas Technology Institute (GTI), Susteon, Clariant, and Dr. Ashok Rao —is developing a novel modular pre-combustion carbon capture technology platform that integrates a low-temperature water-gas-shift (WGS) reaction with a high-temperature physical adsorbent to eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from a coal or biomass-based poly-generation system (i.e., co-production of power and chemicals). The system will be optimized for use with a 21st Century Power Plant poly-generation system that produces power and ammonia and is capable of highly flexible operation that can seamlessly transfer between production and ammonia storage modes. The specific goal of this project is to evaluate the techno-economic viability of the process through: (1) large-scale slipstream testing using actual coal or biomass-derived syngas in a fully equipped prototype unit at GTI’s Flex Fuel Facility in Des Plaines, Illinois, and (2) a high-fidelity process design and engineering analysis. Dr. Rao will assist in the process design and cycle optimization, Clariant will work with Susteon to supply the desulfurization sorbent for the field tests, and TDA will lead the sorbent production, prototype design and fabrication, and overall testing efforts. The combination of the low-temperature WGS and CO2 removal processes improves overall efficiency by reducing the amount of water needed to shift the equilibrium-limited shift reaction. The system is also integrated with warm-gas desulfurization and trace contaminant removal technologies to protect catalysts used in chemical synthesis processes, while maintaining the water content of the gas to achieve high efficiency in the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) portion of the poly-generation process.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA FE0031945 Engineering-Scale Test of a Water-Lean Solvent for Post-Combustion Capture 10/01/2020 09/30/2025

Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. will team with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Research Triangle Institute, and Worley Group, Inc. to conduct engineering-scale testing of a water-lean solvent for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. Through a previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project (FWP-70924) under the Discovery of Carbon Capture Substance and Systems (DOCCSS) Initiative, a water-lean, single-amine solvent, N-(2-ethoxyethyl)-3-morpholinopropan-1-amine (EEMPA), was validated in laboratory-scale experiments and confirmed as a viable post-combustion capture solvent. This project will scale-up and test the performance of EEMPA for post-combustion capture of CO2 from coal- and natural gas-derived flue gas over three phases (budget periods). In the first phase, the project team will develop a cost-effective method for synthesizing sufficient quantities of solvent to perform a 0.5-megawatt-electric (MWe)-scale test at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) in Wilsonville, Alabama, while evaluating process modifications needed to optimally operate the solvent process. In the second phase, the solvent will be manufactured and equipment modifications will be implemented at NCCC. In the final phase, test campaigns with both coal and natural gas flue gas sources will be conducted and a techno-economic analysis and an environmental health and safety risk assessment will be performed assuming full-scale deployment of the solvent and process at a power plant.

Active Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology (sCO2) Parametric Solutions, Inc. FL FE0031922 Zero Emission Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Oxy-Combustor Development and Testing 10/01/2020 09/30/2025

Parametric Solutions, Inc. (Jupiter, FL) (PSI) will design, build, and test the world’s first syngas-fueled supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) combustor for the Allam-Fetvedt Cycle. This cycle has the potential to produce electricity at a lower cost than conventional fossil generation with high flexibility, inherent carbon capture, and near-zero air emissions and water use. PSI will build and operate two commercial-scale 50 MWth syngas combustors at up to 12-20 MWth load, moving the combustor up to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6. Testing will be completed at the existing 50 MWth NET Power facility, the world’s largest and only direct fired sCO2 power plant, to enable reuse of existing equipment, particularly the balance of plant, and easy utilization of the knowledge gained from NET Power’s successful natural gas sCO2 combustor test. The data generated during testing will be used to design, build, and test a production combustor that will demonstrate ignition, start-up, steady state performance, blow-out condition, and durability during testing at steady state conditions. This effort will provide the data needed to commercialize a 200-300 MWe Allam-Fetvedt coal plant, which would be built utilizing a radial array of ten to twelve 50 MWth syngas combustors or with one or two large silo-type combustors.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA384 Intensified, Flexible, and Modular Carbon Capture Demonstration with Additively Manufactured Multi-Functional Device 01/01/2021 06/30/2025

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will continue the development and validation of 3D-printed intensified devices (i.e., mass exchange packing with internal cooling channels) for application in absorption columns to enhance carbon dioxide (CO2) capture processes. In previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded projects, ORNL exhibited that the novel packing can effectively achieve mass exchange and heat exchange functionalities in a lab-scale column using an aqueous amine solvent (FWP-FEAA130) and using an advanced water-lean solvent (FWP-FEAA375). In this project, ORNL will: (1) design and construct a larger-scale column (“Column B”) than previously tested at ORNL to further validate enhanced CO2 capture with 3D-printed intensified devices for aqueous amine-based capture at more realistic operating conditions; (2) assess the modularity of “Column B” with the intensified devices by removing certain elements to allow for operation with advanced water-lean solvents; and (3) confirm that “Column B” can be easily configured to effectively capture CO2 from different inlet gas CO2 compositions and during process transients.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Transformative Power Generation (TPG) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA FE0031993 Gasification of Coal and Biomass: The Route to Net-Negative-Carbon Power and Hydrogen 01/01/2021 12/31/2025

Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA) will perform a Front-End Design and Engineering (FEED) study on an oxygen-blown gasification system coupled with water-gas shift, pre-combustion CO2 capture, and pressure-swing adsorption working off a coal/biomass mix to yield high-purity hydrogen and a fuel off-gas that can generate power. Several designs capable of producing 50 MW net from a flexible generator, over 8500 kg/hr. of hydrogen, and net-negative CO2 emissions at an efficiency of 50% net HHV are being considered. The plant will be hosted at one of two Nebraska Public Power District sites, where opportunities for enhanced oil recovery and sequestration have been investigated and the need for low-carbon power and hydrogen is imminent. The principal biomass to be used is corn stover—prevalent in Nebraska where the plant will be located—mixed with Powder River Basin coal, necessitating a gasifier that can use this feedstock and be flexible to allow other types. Other forms of biomass and waste plastics will also be reviewed for use. Two oxygen-blown gasifiers have been identified as candidates that have done testing with biomass, including corn stover: a Gas Technology Institute gasifier (a high-pressure, fluidized-bed type) and Hamilton Maurer International’s gasifier (a lower pressure moving-bed type). Both have relative advantages that will be investigated in the Phase I design study, with a resultant down-select of one system for which the FEED will be performed in Phase II.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Transformative Power Generation (TPG) CONSOL Energy, Inc. PA FE0031998 Design Development and System Integration Design Study for an Advanced Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion Power Plant with Carbon Capture 01/01/2021 03/31/2025

The overall objectives of this project are to advance the design of the advanced pressurized fluidized bed combustion (PFBC) power plant to a state of completion that satisfies the requirements of Phase 3 of the Front-End Planning Process defined by the Construction Industry Institute (CII), and to provide adequate information, including information on the plant design, host site, environmental considerations, CO2 disposition strategy, and pro-forma financials, for use by DOE, investors, and Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractors during potential negotiations for follow-on work needed to construct the prototype plant. Specific design objectives for this advanced PFBC power plant, which is envisioned to have a capacity of ~300 MWnet, include: (1) updating the existing P200 PFBC technology to incorporate a new gas turbomachine, hot gas filter, supercritical steam cycle, and digital control technology, so as to maximize modular construction capabilities and operational flexibility while maintaining high efficiency, (2) achieving near-zero levels of regulated emissions, (3) integrating carbon dioxide capture and storage, (4) utilizing fine, wet waste coal as the primary fuel to significantly improve dispatch economics through use of a low- or zero-cost fuel while simultaneously mitigating an environmental liability associated with the coal value chain (i.e., coal slurry impoundments), and (5) utilizing biomass co-firing to achieve net-neutral or negative CO2 emissions.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) State University of New York (SUNY) NY FE0031969 Direct Air Capture using Trapped Small Amines in Hierarchical Nanoporous Capsules on Porous Electrospun Fibers 02/01/2021 10/31/2025

The University at Buffalo (UB) is teaming up with Arizona State University (ASU) and Gas Technology Institute (GTI) to develop an innovative sorbent comprised of trapped small amines in hierarchical nanoporous capsules (HNCs) embedded in porous electrospun fibers (PEFs) for direct air capture (DAC). The effective encapsulation of amines in HNCs will enable high sorbent stability and the innovative PEF macroscopic scaffold will allow for fast exposure of sorbent material to air. Research efforts involve the tailoring of both sorbent and PEF materials to achieve a compact system for DAC with high capacities for carbon dioxide (CO2) at concentrations typically available in air and at near-ambient conditions. UB will prepare the HNCs with trapped small amines, which will be incorporated into PEFs by ASU. UB will then test the PEFs with the embedded sorbent material to collect data on CO2 working capacity and adsorption/desorption rates. GTI will use the data to perform a high-level process design and analysis for the application of the sorbent material for DAC.

Active Crosscutting Research / Plant Optimization Technologies University of Cincinnati OH FE0031979 Advanced Dry-Cooling with Integrated Enhanced Air-cooled Condenser and Daytime Load-Shifting Thermal Energy Storage for Improved Powerplant Efficiency 02/01/2021 01/31/2025

A novel and transformative dry-cooling system will be developed that integrates a daytime peak air-load shifting thermal energy storage (TES) system with an enhanced, highly compact, and optimized air-cooled condenser (ACC) to significantly increase power plant efficiency. The TES system, which is a phase-change-material (PCM) based heat exchanger, is integrated in the inlet air-stream of the ACC via an air pre-cooler (ACHX). This further cools the air during the peak daytime ambient temperature period so as to shift and store the requisite thermal load in the TES. In this proposed project, a pilot-scale prototype of the integrated ACC-ACHX-TES system will be designed, developed, and field tested in an environment equivalent to that of targeted power plants in order to establish the performance data as a pilot technology demonstration.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Recovery Processes Polykala Technologies, LLC TX SC0021544 Hydrogen Plasma Reduction of REOs/Salt for REMs Production 02/22/2021 04/02/2025

This project will develop a promising and environmentally friendly technology for recycling of strategic and value-added rare earth metals neodymium (Nd), europium (Eu), yttrium (Y), dysprosium (Dy), samarium (Sm), and cerium (Ce) from post-consumer electronics, electric motors, and waste materials. The process for direct recycling of rare earth magnets and high-purity rare earth metals production will be scaled up and will achieve 50 kg/day production scale by the end of the Phase 2. In addition to scaling up in Phase 2, the team will investigate more efficient reactions by compressing the ingredients to a more compact shape using available metal dies.

Active Crosscutting Research / Plant Optimization Technologies Strategic Power Systems, Inc. NC FE0032035 Continued Development - Real Time and Physics Based Data Analytics for Thermal Power Plants 06/11/2021 06/30/2025

The primary objective of this work is to extend the previous research results beyond the proof-of-concept phase. This will include verification and validation testing with direct support and collaboration from operating power plants with advanced power generation technologies and prime mover and downstream systems using the near-real-time data provided through the SPS Operational Reliability Analysis Program (ORAP®) and ORAP Asset Insight data system

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Recovery Processes GlycoSurf, LLC UT SC0021702 Development of Ligand-Associated Solid-Liquid Extraction Media System for Separation of High Purity Individual Rare Earth Elements from Coal-based Resources 06/28/2021 08/15/2025

Commercial sources of rare earth elements include bastnaesite (La, Ce)FCO3, monazite, (Ce, La, Th)PO4, and xenotime, YPO4. However, the processing of these materials to extract and recover rare earth elements is both challenging and process intensive. Interestingly, there are numerous unconventional domestic sources of rare earth elements, including coal fly ash, which can be extracted beneficially. Presently, there are several physical and chemical methods typically employed to separate the materials of interest from gangue material, which usually leads to the production of a mixed rare earth element concentrate. The mixed rare earth concentrate is then subjected to an entirely separate process to isolate the individual rare earth elements into high-purity materials for use in commercial applications.

GlycoSurf and its project partners Wayne State University and UCLA will build on the company's past successes for ligand-associated separation media to develop a new class of sorption media and a process to separate individual rare earth elements, resulting in individual high-purity rare earth oxide (REO) powders. This new class of sorption media will combine two classes of ligands: (1) glycolipids and (2) DTPA analogs, synthesized in-house for fundamental testing for the proposed novel process to concentrate REEs from coal leachates. The process will also allow for the separation of mixed light REEs from the heavy REEs, along with separation of these concentrates into individually separated REE materials. The team anticipates that Phase II will result in REO purity >90% with 10-15 processing steps, as opposed to hundreds to thousands of steps for current liquid-liquid separations.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies Infinite Cooling, Inc. MA FE0032057 Clean Water Production in Cooling Towers 07/02/2021 07/01/2025

The overall objective of the work is to build and test a full-scale prototype of a technology for clean water production from cooling tower water. The prototype will be installed on a large-scale natural gas power plant. The project will include the full engineering of the prototype, integration into a fossil plant, and testing to quantify water production rate and water quality. The durability of the equipment will be monitored as well for any potential component degradation.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Purdue University IN FE0032074 Investigation of Flame Structure for Hydrogen Gas Turbine Combustion 08/01/2021 07/31/2025

Purdue University will investigate flame structure and dynamics for gas turbine combustion with hydrogen and another hydrogen-based fuel—ammonia—and with mixtures of these fuels with natural gas. The researchers will explore processes such as flame stabilization, ignition, and flashback, and characterize combustion efficiency and pollutant emissions under combustion conditions characteristic of commercial aeroderivative and heavy-duty F- and H-class gas-turbine systems. The research will focus on additive manufacturing of a multi-stage, multi-tube micro-mixing (M3) injector with straight channels to carry the heated air and featuring staged transverse jet injection of fuels to vary the degree of premixing at the channel exit. The system will be configured so that any of the three fuels—hydrogen, ammonia or natural gas, or their blends—can be injected at multiple injection locations. The experiments will be performed in the Combustor Rig for Advanced Diagnostics (COMRAD) test rig developed in collaboration with General Electric. The study will be performed with the M3 injector in two test-article configurations, all anchored to the COMRAD test rig: one for steady state operation for flame structure and emissions characterization, and another for combustion dynamics characterization with well-defined acoustic boundaries. Flame structure and dynamics will be investigated using several laser diagnostics including dual-pump coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), ultrahigh-speed particle imaging velocimetry, and planar laser-induced fluorescence. The researchers will perform line CARS for temperature measurements and for concentration measurements of species such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. In addition, probe sampling of the flame gases will be performed to determine the combustion efficiency and measure pollutant emissions.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Purdue University IN FE0032075 Physics-Based Integration of H2-Air Rotating Detonation into Gas Turbine Power Plant (HydrogenGT) 08/01/2021 04/30/2025

Purdue University will develop a novel, compact combustor-diffuser-turbine strategy to transition high-speed, unsteady flow from rotating detonation combustors (RDCs) to industrial turbines. Physics-based-models will be developed to scale results to an F-class turbine, culminating in an experimental/numerical methodology to establish a successful architecture and the relevant nondimensional parameters for Powerplant operation at high thermodynamic cycle efficiency. The specific project objectives are to characterize the influence of various loss mechanisms on the performance metrics of RDC-turbine systems via integration of experimental and computational studies and develop the efficient transition of the high-Mach-number, unsteady RDC outlet into a turbine rotor for reliable work extraction. The research methodology involves three tasks: loss budgeting in a combustor with a downstream transition element and Nozzle Guide Vane (NGV); demonstrating the coupling of the RDC – flow transition and NGV turbine to produce work; and scaling experimental and computational studies to F-class and aero-derivative class rotating detonation engine (RDE) gas turbine integrated systems. The proposed approach will rely on a combined experimental and computational effort.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Ohio State University OH FE0032076 Hydrogen Fuel Effects On Stability And Operation Of Lean Premixed And Staged Gas Turbine Combustors 06/30/2021 06/29/2025

Ohio State University and the University of Michigan will develop a joint experimental-computational program to advance high-hydrogen content operation of gas turbines. The main objectives are to use advanced laser diagnostics to conduct simultaneous measurements of multiple flame related quantities to study flameholding, flashback, and axial fuel staging; develop a comprehensive suite of computational models to simulate unsteady and transient processes related to flame stabilization and flashback; and combine experiments and simulations to characterize operability and operational limits for a multi-tube primary burner with axial fuel staging design. The research team will use hydrogen/methane mixtures at engine-relevant conditions to study design issues critical to low-NOx multi-tube burner technology. Using canonical test configurations and multi-parameter time-resolved laser diagnostic measurements, flame processes in jets-in-crossflow configurations will be studied. In particular, the effects of flow properties (momentum, fuel composition, crossflow thermochemical composition) will be used to understand flame stabilization. Similarly, boundary layer flashback dynamics in narrow channels will be studied. Large eddy simulation-based modeling of gas turbines will be pursued, including development of flame-generated manifolds for combustion description, anisotropic near-wall models to describe flame propagation in boundary layers, and techniques for extracting models from high-fidelity direct numerical simulations. Validated models will be used to study the design space to understand operational limits for a model gas turbine with multi-tube burner and axial fuel staging.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines University of Alabama AL FE0032077 A Robust Methodology To Integrate Rotating Detonation Combustor With Gas Turbines To Maximize Pressure Gain 06/30/2021 06/29/2025

University of Alabama and Virginia Tech will develop a robust methodology to integrate a rotating detonation combustor (RDC) with a gas turbine, and to identify the impact of loss mechanisms on detonation performance in the RDC. Hydrogen and hydrogen-methane fuel mixtures at conditions relevant to F-class gas turbine engines will be used. The research team will minimize flow unsteadiness at the RDC exit and maximize pressure gain by applying computational and experimental techniques to optimize the flow path in an annular RDC channel by strategically constricting the flow area to improve the stability of detonation and to weaken the oblique shock wave(s) for higher performance. In addition, the team will apply computational and experimental techniques to optimize and integrate the RDC with a diffuser for F-class gas turbines. The methodology developed will be applicable to aeroderivative gas turbines. Lastly, computational and experimental techniques will be applied to an optimized RDC-diffuser design to quantify the impact of loss mechanisms in the combustion process associated with non-ideal mixing, mixed mode combustion (deflagration/detonation), and wave mode/numbers in the RDC. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations will be performed and validated against detailed experimental data sets. A Design of Experiments approach will be applied to optimize geometric parameters of the RDC annular flow path and the integrated RDC-diffuser design. In addition, CFD simulations on the fully integrated RDC-diffuser design will be performed at select operating conditions to quantify the impact of loss mechanisms in the combustion process. Experiments will be performed using RDC and integrated RDC-diffuser system. A plenum with a backpressure plate will be used to simulate the turbine flow path. Pressure probes, ion-probes, dynamic pressure probes, and advanced high-speed, diagnostic techniques including particle image velocimetry and rainbow schlieren deflectometry will be used to quantify the flow unsteadiness, pressure gain (loss), and to generate a robust validation data set.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0032064 Advancing Characterization of Faults through Deployment of Novel Geophysical, Geochemical and Geomechanical Technologies at the San Juan Basin CarbonSAFE Site 07/01/2021 03/31/2025

The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, along with partners at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Silixa LLC, and the University of Utah, will carry out field deployment of an integrated suite of cost-effective and novel geophysical, geochemical, and geomechanical technologies for detection and characterization of faults and fractures above and below a target carbon dioxide (CO2) injection zone. The project team's objectives are to: (1) deploy the latest field technologies, including an integrated behind casing fiber optic sensing system, at a characterization well drilled under the San Juan Basin (SJB) CarbonSAFE project; (2) utilize novel geochemical technology to analyze drill cuttings and core to locate faults (including aseismic faults) and estimate fault sizes and orientations; (3) detect faults in the subsurface environment near the well bore, including faults in the crystalline basement rock, using a novel multi-scale U-Net machine learning method to evaluate 3D surface seismic and 3D VSP images; (4) perform wellbore analysis to identify formation structures such as fractures and faults from wellbore data and characterize formation geomechanical behavior at different scales; and (5) integrate the technologies to develop advanced rock physics and coupled thermo-hydrodynamic-mechanical models in combination with the Monte Carlo method to determine the state of stress on each mapped fault as well as estimate long-term slip potential and/or maximum fault slip potential during large-scale CO2 injection. Field activities will be completed at the SJB CarbonSAFE site.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage University of Houston TX FE0032063 Seismic Elastic Double-Beam Characterization of Faults and Fractures for CO2 Storage Site Selection 07/01/2021 06/30/2025

This project is producing new cost-effective, and self-validating fault/fracture detection and characterization algorithms using surface seismic data. New methods are being developed to detect and directly image large-scale, previously unidentified crystalline basement faults and associated small-scale fractures. Direct imaging of faults and fractures represents a major advancement over conventional workflows in which faults and fractures are interpreted from seismic images. Indirectly juxtaposing the imaged faults and fractures in a 3D geological model will yield crucial interpretable information about the subsurface stress field and the maximum magnitude of a potentially induced earthquake in the basement. A synthetic dataset and a multicomponent 9C field seismic dataset acquired at Wolf Springs Field in central Montana will be used to validate these methods. The use of multicomponent seismic data can yield consistent imaging results. This work will provide new and crucial information during the site selection phase for geologic carbon storage and seismic hazard assessment.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines University of Central Florida FL FE0032072 Fundamental Experimental and Numerical Combustion Study of H2 Containing Fuels for Gas Turbines 08/01/2021 12/31/2025

University of Central Florida researchers will conduct fundamental experimental and numerical investigations that cover previously unexplored hydrogen containing fuel blends and conditions. The choice of mixtures, diluents, and conditions will support combustors being developed and targeted by various original equipment manufacturers. Expected results include autoignition characteristics, NO and CO time-histories, laminar and turbulent burning velocities, strain rates and their relationship to NOx, the impact of preferential diffusion on combustion characteristics, and an understanding of flashback in turbulent boundary layers through high-fidelity simulations. The shock tube technique will be used to collect autoignition times and species time-histories through laser absorption spectroscopy, a constant-volume chamber, and high-speed schlieren imagery to obtain laminar burning velocities. A counter-flow flame experiment will be conducted to understand the strain rate/NOx relationship. A detailed chemical kinetic mechanism will be updated to improve its prediction of fuel oxidation and NOx under conditions relevant to combustors. The rate constants of important reactions will be estimated using the quantum chemistry approach. Further, a novel approach that accounts for turbulence and chemistry interactions will be used to reduce the detailed chemical kinetic mechanism generated in this work. Direct numerical simulations will be performed to investigate the significance of preferential diffusion and the need to upgrade existing combustion models to improve their predictability. Large-Eddy Simulations will be performed to investigate the impact of mixture concentrations, flow, and boundary conditions on turbulent boundary layer flashback. Finally, a deep-learning Artificial Intelligence model will be pursued for rapid analysis of detailed fundamental combustion characteristics that support the design and troubleshooting process of H2-containing fuel combustor development. The experimental results will serve as validation targets for the computational portions of this application.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA FE0032070 Electric Field Assisted Thermo-Catalytic Decomposition: Comparisons with Reaxff Atomistic Simulations 08/01/2021 07/31/2026

Thermo-catalytic decomposition (TCD) is an alternative energy technology to produce (blue) hydrogen by decarbonizing fossil fuels, providing a bridge to the hydrogen economy. A limitation is the ongoing deactivation of the carbon catalyst as deposited carbon from the decomposition reaction reduces the number of catalyst active sites. Cyclic regeneration complements the TCD reaction by creating new active sites through partial oxidation by CO2, renewing carbon catalyst activity. Moreover, partial gasification of deposited carbon by H20 (generating H2, the desired end product) also regenerates the catalyst. This establishes applicability of electric (E-) field enhancement to a coal feed and serves as a baseline for gasification of coal. Neither TCD nor carbon oxidation has been tested under an E-field for change in activation energy or mechanism. For both reactions, an imposed electric field may maintain and potentially increase the reaction rate, either by an increase in active site number or a shift in component energy level and the associated activation energy for reactions.

It is hypothesized that an applied E-field changes the reaction mechanism. This project will test two field configurations, perpendicular imposing only voltage stress and parallel imposing current stress. Active site and kinetic dependence upon reactive gases and their concentrations will be mapped parametrically as a function of applied E-field strength, polarity, direction, and frequency. Changes in rates may be resolved by active site number or activation energy. ReaxFF (reaction force field)-based molecular dynamics simulations will be compared to experimental measurements of activation energy and kinetics of deposition to test the hypothesis that the E-field changes the reaction mechanism, manifested by activation energy and kinetics of deposition, for both TCD and regeneration reactions.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI SC0021946 Nanocomposite Advanced Surface Protection (HydroPel) for Safe and Efficient Hydrogen Transport in Existing Steel Pipelines 06/28/2021 02/21/2025

In this Phase II SBIR effort Oceanit continues to improve an approach of transforming existing natural gas pipeline for safe H2 blending and transportation. The effort continues the advancement of HydroPel technology through material refinement, long-term high-pressure testing, microscopic, hydrogen diffusion studies, flow loop testing under H2-NG blends, and field testing on a NG transmission pipeline in collaboration with natural gas providers such as Hawaii Gas, TC Energy, etc. Oceanit will continue coordinating with industry and application partners to refine in-situ and factory application processes on pipelines, quality control, and long-term performance monitoring. The Phase II effort is designed to validate HydroPel technology in industry-relevant test conditions to accelerate technology development and target deployment in a pipeline by end of Phase II.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Ohio University OH FE0032078 Enabling the Next Generation of Smart Sensors in Coal Fired Power Plants Using Cellular 5G Technology 08/16/2021 08/15/2025

This project will build upon existing experience with cellular based systems, power plant water quality sensing, and high-temperature sensors developed during past projects. The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of 5G cellular embedded, cloud, and edge computing-based sensors specific to coal-fired power plant needs where harsh, noisy RF conditions are encountered. Sensors that utilize 5G for data communications are the first logical step in revolutionizing wireless connectivity that will enable robust operations in coal-fired power plants. Working together, Ohio University and WVU will focus on a high-priority in-situ boiler temperature measurement system that relies on chipless RFID technology and much-needed temperature, pressure, environmental, and water quality industrial sensors.

The specific project objectives are (1) investigate specific needs of interfacing and data collection of identified sensing areas of significance within coal-fired power plants that would immediately benefit from 5G wireless data communications, (2) enable 5G data communication for ‘peel-and-stick’ chipless RFID-based boiler temperature and corrosion sensors, (3) demonstrate effectiveness and performance of 5G enabled Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors used in coal-fired power plants, (4) investigate sensor-driven deep learning/artificial intelligence using laboratory conditions that simulate power plants for system health monitoring, and (5) determine the limits of 5G systems in harsh environments–hot, humid, and cold.

Active Crosscutting Research / Advanced Energy Storage American Public Power Association (APPA) VA FE0032026 Energy Storage Accessibility for Public Power Utilities 09/01/2021 08/31/2026

The objective of this project is for American Public Power Association (APPA) to employ its unique capabilities and position as a convener of community-owned electric utilities (public power utilities) to evaluate opportunities to integrate energy storage technologies with fossil power plants. APPA will consult with partner utilities to identify their needs and motivations in relation to integrating energy storage with fossil power plants and use the findings to create a storage project maturity framework showing specific knowledge gaps by project stage. APPA will use this framework to create both educational resources and publications tailored to public power utilities and technical tools that build utilities’ capacity for situation-specific project analysis (such as where to place storage units). APPA will also plan and/or host educational events such as conference sessions, workshops, and webinars. These events will be designed to allow experts in the field to engage with associated members on topics relevant to various maturity stages over project period, advancing in maturity and complexity.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Gas Hydrates U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) VA 89243321SFE000024 Geologic and Geophysical Technical Support to the Alaska Gas Hydrate Production Field Experiment 09/01/2021 08/30/2026

The objective of this Department of Energy (DOE)-United States Geological Survey (USGS) Interagency Agreement is to provide geologic and geophysical technical support to the Alaska Gas Hydrate Production Field Experiment. The specific goal of this cooperative effort is to support the planning, operations, and analysis of the technical results of the Alaska North Slope Extended Gas Hydrate Production Test, as supported by the goals of the 2005 Energy Act for National Methane Hydrates R&D, the DOE-led US interagency roadmap for gas hydrates research, and elements of the USGS mission related to energy resources.

This agreement is intended to provide support to the DOE and its research partners in understanding, predicting, and testing the recoverability and production characteristics of onshore natural gas hydrate in the Greater Prudhoe Bay area on the Alaska North Slope through the planning, operation, and analysis of the technical results of the planned Alaska North Slope Extended Gas Hydrate Production Test. To do so, the work to be conducted under this agreement is designed to contribute to the field implementation plan in support of the project well drilling, completion, and testing program. This cooperative project will also provide direct technical support to the field drilling and associated geologic and production test data acquisition phases of the field test. Within this agreement, the USGS shall also play a key role in organizing and analyzing the geologic and production test data as it is collected during the planned Alaska North Slope Extended Gas Hydrate Production Test.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Global Algae Innovations, Inc. CA FE0032104 Carbon Capture and Utilization for Protein and Fatty Acids 09/01/2021 12/31/2025

This project is advancing an integrated open raceway algae cultivation and processing system to engineering-scale for carbon capture and utilization (CCU) from the flue gas of a naphtha-fired power plant. Global Algae Innovations has developed a technology suite for algae carbon capture, cultivation, and processing that includes improvements to each process step. This technology suite will be scaled up to an integrated engineering-scale system for algae CCU from the flue gas through final products. The systems will be used for parametric testing followed by a long-term testing over the course of a year to obtain design scaling parameters and to quantify the economic and life-cycle benefits of the technology.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake University of Illinois IL FE0032098 Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Algal CO2 Utilization by Synergistic Integration with Power Plant and Wastewater Treatment Operations 10/01/2021 03/31/2025

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is performing research to improve the cost-effectiveness of algal carbon dioxide (CO2) utilization by synergistic integration with power plant and wastewater treatment operations. The technical objectives are related to algae cultivation with post-flue-gas desulfurization (FGD), CO2 capture processes, algae dewatering/drying processes, algal biomass in animal feed applications, integration with power plant and wastewater treatment operations, and techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LCA).

Active Carbon Conversion / Catalytic Pathway Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA421-FY22 Porous Catalytic Polymers for Simultaneous CO2 Capture and Conversion to Value-added Chemicals 09/01/2021 09/30/2025

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) recently developed a dual functional porous catalytic polymer material that simultaneously captures and catalytically converts CO2 to a value-added, easily transportable liquid product, i.e. formic acid. The project will scale up the materials and design a scalable flow bed reactor system. Reactor modeling, including MFiX simulations in collaboration with NETL, will be employed to understand sorption, kinetics and thermodynamics throughout the process to enhance reactor design, while technoeconomic and life cycle analysis will guide and facilitate the evaluation of economic competitiveness of the alternative formic acid production pathway for commercial scale production. 

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage Battelle Memorial Institute OH FE0032062 Acoustic Emissions Sensing for Tracing Carbon Dioxide Movement in Caprock of a Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage System (CCUS) 09/01/2021 05/31/2025

This project is developing a technique capable of locating and predicting the movement of carbon dioxide (CO2) within a deep subsurface storage complex by detecting and analyzing acoustic emissions (AE) signals generated by the migration of CO2 from a storage reservoir into an overriding geologic confining unit. The technique includes a theoretical, physics-based model capable of predicting AE signals from CO2 flow in porous media, which will be validated with laboratory experiments and fluid flow simulations.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training Howard University DC FE0032092 Multiphysics and Multiscale Simulation Methods for Electromagnetic Energy Assisted Fossil Fuel to Hydrogen Conversion 09/01/2021 08/31/2025

This project will develop and apply multiphysics and multiscale simulation methods for efficient electromagnetic (EM) energy assisted conversion from fossil fuel to low-cost hydrogen. This will entail the development and investigation of computational methods in two major thrust areas:

  1. Modeling and simulation methods for coupled multiphysics phenomena involving EM, plasma physics, thermal and fluid dynamics, and quantum chemistry across multiple spatial scales from macro, meso, to microscopic scales and temporal scales from nanoseconds to minutes.
  2. Simulation-guided designs for EM energy assisted high-throughput, high-yield, and low-cost hydrogen generation from fossil fuels such as methane and methanol.

Together, these will be used to target four specific objectives: (1) understanding 3D structures of catalysts and their supports; (2) characterization of EM hotspots within heterogeneous catalysis; (3) multiphysics investigation of EM energy assisted catalytic active sites enhancement; and (4) system design and optimization for high-yield and low-cost hydrogen generation.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Enabling Technologies University of Texas at Austin TX FE0032053 Assessment of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals in Coal and Coal Ash in the U.S. Gulf Coast 09/15/2021 03/31/2025

The objectives of the study are to quantify rare earth elements (REE) and critical minerals (CM) resources in feedstocks within the U.S. Gulf Coast Basin including coal from mines, coal ash from power plants, and refuse. REE and CM will also be quantified in water co-produced with oil in reservoirs adjacent to coal resources. Additional objectives include linking these mineral resources to manufacturing of high-value products, including nonfuel carbon-based products (CBPs), planning the development of a Technology Innovation Center, and stakeholder outreach and education to achieve the overall goal of enhancing economic growth and job creation to support economic development in the Gulf Coast. The methods involve development of coal and ash resource assessments by leveraging previous coal assessments and using power plant ash data. The geological assessment involves mapping the resources, considering depositional environments and structural data, resulting in a detailed geomodel of the Gulf Coast coals. Analysis of REE and CM in ~200 samples of coal and ash are designed to substantially expand the existing database and deepen our understanding of the potential for these resources. The Gulf Coast Basin has many surface lignite mines that have been highly undersampled for REE and CM; however, potential REE and CM resources may be as high as shown in studies of North Dakota lignite. In addition, much of the coal combusted in power plants in the Gulf Coast over the past decade is sourced from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming ,which has been shown to be promising in terms of REE and CM recovery. The study will benefit from rapidly expanding REE and CM processing in the Gulf Coast providing feedback on quality needs and resource value. The intensive industrialization in the Gulf Coast region represents a large market for REE and CM products. The comprehensive assessment of REE and CM (as a part of the CORE-CM Initiative) is designed to evaluate the volumes of these feedstocks and link upstream and midstream supply chains with downstream processing and manufacturing to enhance U.S. national and economic security.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells University of California - San Diego CA FE0032107 Development of Novel 3D Cell Structure and Manufacturing Processes for Highly Efficient, Durable and Redox Resistant Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells 10/01/2021 06/30/2025

The Regents of the University of California, San Diego will evaluate and demonstrate a highly efficient, durable, and reduction-oxidation (redox) resistant solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) technology for hydrogen production. This project focuses on the development of a novel cell design and its corresponding manufacturing processes. The proposed SOEC technology consists of two elements: 1) a cell design with the hydrogen electrode composed of two layers – a 3D hydrogen electrode support layer (for improved cell redox resistance) and an exsolved perovskite hydrogen electrode active layer (for enhanced cell performance and increased durability) and 2) a manufacturing scheme incorporating advanced inkjet printing, an additive manufacturing process, and photonic sintering, a relatively new industrial firing method, for fabrication of the cell configuration. The proposed project will culminate in the demonstration of a scaled-up SOEC featuring a design with improved performance, enhanced redox resistance, and increased durability under conditions suitable for hydrogen production from steam. The results of the project could form the basis for further development to advance the technology for practical applications and commercialization.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Texas A&M Agrilife Research TX FE0032108 Continuous Algae-Based Carbon Capture and Utilization to Transform Economics and Environmental Impacts 10/01/2021 09/30/2025

The project addresses fundamental algae-based carbon capture and utilization (CCU) challenges via integrating a cutting-edge carbon dioxide (CO2) capture/controlled release sorbent with a breakthrough continuous cultivation system. The cultivation system features a frequent, low-cost harvest that maximizes light-driven carbon capture, utilization and valuable chemical and biomass production. The project is further enhanced by using hydrogel technology to reduce media cost, fertilize the algae with controlled carbon and nutrient delivery, and balance bicarbonate with CO2 to improve carbon uptake and conversion.

Active Carbon Conversion / Catalytic Pathway Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) CA FWP-FEW0277 Direct Air Reactive Capture and Conversion for Utility-Scale Energy Storage 08/01/2021 06/30/2025

The objective of this field work proposal is to develop a reactive capture and conversion (RCC) process based around a dual-functional material capable of producing renewable natural gas (RNG) from air. The project is developing a new class of hybrid organic-inorganic materials based on amines for direct air capture and atomically dispersed metal catalysts for methanation. These materials will be cycled between adsorption and conversion in a reactive-swing process that does not compromise either the amine or the metal catalyst. The composition of the material will optimized to match the rates and magnitudes of capture and conversion, with the goal of maximizing productivity while minimizing the cost and carbon intensity of the produced RNG. A successful project will develop a process for direct air reactive capture and conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into RNG using hybrid adsorbent-catalyst dual-functional materials that allows for a >15% relative improvement in the RNG minimum fuel selling price and carbon intensity compared to baseline scenarios.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells University of Louisiana at Lafayette LA FE0032110 Development of High-Performance Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (MS-SOECs) and Innovative Diagnostic Methodologies 09/10/2021 09/09/2025

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette will develop high-performance metal-supported solid oxide electrolysis cells and innovative diagnostic methodologies to achieve net-zero or negative emissions. The team plans to fabricate metal-supported solid oxide electrolysis cells (MS-SOECs) to improve the electrolysis performance while maintaining mechanical strength for the stack assembly and systematically investigate the role of cell parameters, including anode thickness, electronic conduction in the cathode interface, and cathode composition, on the electrochemical performance of button cells and single cells. Next, accelerated test protocols for SOECs will be developed. The team will then apply theoretical analysis to incorporate the electronic conduction at the interface between the oxygen electrode and electrolyte to improve its stability and suppress oxygen electrode degradation. Finally, machine learning will be used to study the dependence of electrochemical performance on microstructural details of an electrode, including tortuosity, pore connectivity, pore size and size distribution, and grain size and size distribution.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells University of South Carolina SC FE0032111 Developing Stable Critical Materials and Microstructure for High-Flux and Efficient Hydrogen Production through Reversible Solid Oxide Cells 09/10/2021 09/09/2025

The University of South Carolina (USC) will develop a simplified, low-cost, high-efficiency reversible solid oxide cell (RSOC) that produces standalone power, hydrogen, or hybrid power/hydrogen. The activities of the project include: (1) developing a stable barrier-layer-free oxygen electrode (OE), (2) developing the bilayer oxygen electrode through atomic layer deposition (ALD), (3) developing a graded porosity and open channel hydrogen electrode (HE) substrate embedded with active catalyst (4) partnering with PNNL to develop multi-level materials/microstructure cell validation (5) and developing Multiphysics models to understand the degradation mechanisms and failure modes of the oxygen electrode. By implementing these foundational materials and microstructure innovations into practical systems, the project could assist the commercialization course of RSOC technology and expand it to utility markets such as distributed standalone or hybrid power and hydrogen generation as a means of energy storage solution.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0032112 Designing Internal Surfaces of Porous Electrodes in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells for Highly Efficient and Durable Hydrogen Production 10/01/2021 03/31/2025

West Virginia University Research Corporation will improve the performance of the oxygen ion conducting Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOECs) for highly efficient and durable hydrogen production. Highly active and robust nano-scale coating layers will be developed using the additive manufacturing process of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and implanted to the internal surface of the porous electrode of as-fabricated commercial cells. The commercial cells adapted for this study consist of the Ni/yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) fuel electrode and LaxSr1-xMnyO3 (LSM)/YSZ and LaxSr1-xCoyFe1-yO3 (LSCF)/Sm2O3 doped CeO2 (SDC) oxygen electrodes that are being developed and matured worldwide during the past two decades. For both the fuel and oxygen electrodes, innovative conformal surface nanoionics consisting of nanocrystalline ionic conducting materials will be incorporated into the ALD coating layer to provide structure protection for increased durability towards both the intrinsic and extrinsic degradation.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Worcester Polytechnic Institute MA FE0032116 Heterostructured Chromium Resistant Oxygen Electrode for Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells 10/01/2021 03/31/2025

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) will design, test, and validate oxygen electrode materials for solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) that maintain high performance and low degradation rates under operation conditions with the presence of chromium (Cr) containing gas impurities using a combined Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and lab-scale testing approach. WPI believes that when fully optimized, this oxygen electrode material would have an intrinsic, long-term degradation rate of less than 0.3%/1000hrs at 700°C. By the end of the first year, it is expected to reach 0.8A/cm2 current density at 1.4V applied potential; by the end of the project, the researchers expect to reach 1A/cm2 current density. These experiments will address remaining technical challenges and questions pertaining to SOEC's oxygen electrode. Furthermore, this proposed novel ICME and lab-scale testing approach could potentially be applied to hydrogen electrode materials in the future.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines University of California - Irvine CA FE0032073 Development and Application of Multipoint Array Injection Concepts for Operation of Gas Turbines on Hydrogen Containing Fuels 09/10/2021 03/09/2025

University of California, Irvine will adapt advanced liquid fuel injectors, designed by Collins Aerospace for aero engines, to accommodate injection of hydrogen and hydrogen natural gas blends, demonstrate their operation using experiments from laboratory scale model combustor configurations at elevated pressures and temperatures, and develop a design for test hardware that can be demonstrated at engine conditions in a test rig demonstration. The development of the hydrogen injector/array concepts, in conjunction with simulations, will produce a set of test hardware that will be evaluated at both ambient and elevated pressure conditions. The hardware configurations will be screened for stability, flashback, and reaction structure. In addition, emissions performance will be documented. Data suitable for simulation validation will also be obtained. These results will guide the design of a test module that will be ready for testing under a subsequent project, and will set the foundation for further development of the technology for utilization of high hydrogen content fuels for power generating gas turbines.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Enabling Technologies University of Kansas Center for Research KS FE0032056 Critical Minerals in Coaly Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin 09/15/2021 09/14/2025

The overall objective is to integrate new and legacy critical mineral (CM) geochemical data with new basin-wide stratigraphic correlations of coal resources and genetically related strata within the greater Cherokee-Forest City Basin (CFCB) which encompasses parts of Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Osage Nation. Analyses will include new and/or existing drill cores located throughout the basin and assays from coal mine waste sites in historic mine districts to assess the rare earth elements (REE) and critical mineral potential within the region. The Recipient will also test a novel downhole elemental analysis tool at a number of new and/or existing well localities that are proximal and reliably correlated to drill cores. The Recipient will leverage previous and ongoing geologic assessments by United States Geological Survey-funded projects looking at REE and critical minerals within aluminum-rich underclays and phosphatic black shales of similar age. Current and ongoing bio-chemostratigraphic analyses and recalibration of stratigraphic correlations in the region by the Recipient—and accompanying new basin models constructed by the Recipient—will also be leveraged for interpretation of acquired data.

This study will encompass: (1) a basinal assessment of carbon ore, rare earth, and critical mineral (CORE-CM) resources, including aggregation of historical data, new depositional and structural modeling, and CORE-CM resource assessment; (2) development of a basinal strategy for reuse of waste streams and assist in the development of necessary infrastructure needed to mine and process both natural and waste REE/critical mineral materials; (3) development of a technology assessment and field-testing plan to identify technology gaps associated with the mining process and ways in which the mining technique may be improved; (4) planning for a technology innovation center that fosters public-private partnerships (providing a nucleus of expertise and facilities) that are focused on rapid commercialization of CORE-CM resources within the basin and identification of emerging technologies that can incorporate coal and coal by-products as a feedstock; and (5) development of a stakeholder outreach and education plan that will include educational forums, workshops, digital media, and publications.  

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Solar Turbines, Inc. CA FE0032106 Development of a Retrofittable Dry Low Emissions Industrial Gas Turbine Combustion System for 100% Hydrogen and Natural Gas Blends 10/01/2021 09/30/2025

Solar Turbines Inc. will develop a retrofittable dry low NOx emissions gas turbine combustion system based on micromixer and lean direct injection technologies for 100% hydrogen and hydrogen / natural gas blends. The project team will build and rig test a complete combustion system on 100% hydrogen and various natural gas blends to demonstrate prototype feasibility and combustion performance leveraging existing hydrogen combustion technology at the early development stage and advancing it into an engine-ready design. Additional objectives include the development of engine control algorithms and hydrogen flame detection methodologies, and the development of reduced kinetics mechanisms for use with CFD/LES analysis, that are validated by bench-scale and rig tests. If successful, the project will enable industrial gas turbines to provide carbon free, rapidly dispatchable power that is vital to grid stability.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0032068 Conformal Coatings on Additive Manufactured Robust Alloys for Significant Mitigation of Oxidation, Erosion, and Corrosion 09/15/2021 03/14/2026

The project aims to develop novel high-temperature alloys from Ni-based alloys that further integrate additive manufacturing (AM) fabrication, creating novel nanoscale oxide precipitation for strengthened mechanical integrity and enhanced oxidation resistance, and subsequent application of conformal protective coatings on the additive manufactured alloys. To increase the strength and oxidation resistance of nickel alloys, erbium and titanium oxide (Er2O3 and TiO) precipitants will be added to the AM powders for the Inconel 625 alloy and result in dense nano-oxide precipitation of Er2O3 and Er2Ti2O7, which will result in a solution-strengthened novel Ni-based alloy. Furthermore, a conformal protective oxide coating layer will be simultaneously applied on both the internal and external surface of the additive manufactured heat exchangers with complex geometry using atomic layer deposition (ALD). The ALD layer will be conformal, uniform, pin-hole free, dense, and ultra-thin with negligible weight gain to increase both the oxidation and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures.

The project is organized into 5 Tasks. Task 1 is project management. Task 2 is devoted to introducing the dense precipitates into the Ni-based alloys through AM. Task 3 is devoted to ALD coating of the newly additive manufactured 3D printed Ni-based alloys and ALD repairing and recoating the alloys after oxidation exposure. Task 4 is the oxidation resistance testing of the additive manufactured and ALD coated Ni-based alloys. Task 5 is the comprehensive physical properties testing, and nanostructure analysis of the additive manufactured alloys (including the ones with precipitates), ALD coated alloys, and the alloys after exposure to the oxidation and corrosion environments.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA FE0032079 Ignition, Turbulent Flame Speeds, and Emissions from High Hydrogen Blended Fuels 09/15/2021 09/30/2025

Georgia Tech Research Corporation seeks to develop a scientifically rigorous foundational understanding of key kinetic, flame propagation, and emissions characteristics of high hydrogen fuels at gas turbine relevant conditions. This research project involves comprehensive combustion experiments with closely coupled modeling work to understand ignition, combustion, and emissions behavior for high-hydrogen content fuels as compared to natural gas. This project has four key objectives: 1) Development of comprehensive database on autoignition delays for hydrogen containing fuels, including pure hydrogen and ammonia, hydrogen/natural gas blends, and ammonia/hydrogen blends at realistic gas turbine conditions; 2) Measurement of turbulent flame speeds and emissions of hydrogen containing fuels at different turbulence levels; 3) Measurement of laminar flame speeds of hydrogen containing fuels at high preheating conditions in shock tube; and 4) Validation and optimization of existing kinetic models using data obtained from experiments and development of reduced kinetic models specific for hydrogen containing fuels.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines San Diego State University CA FE0032080 Development of Design Practices for Additively Manufactured Micro-Mix Hydrogen Fueled Turbine Combustors with High-Fidelity Simulation Analysis, Reduced Modeling and Testing 09/15/2021 09/14/2025

San Diego State University (San Diego, CA) researchers, with partner Solar Turbines Inc., will execute a collaborative university/original equipment manufacturer (OEM) simulation and test program to advance the design of additively manufactured (AM) hydrogen micromix turbine combustors in industrial gas turbines. Because of the combined novelty of hydrogen fuels and AM, no good practice exists for OEM engineers to design robust AM hydrogen combustors. This project aims to develop a generalized modeling framework to predict the effect of geometric design and manufacturing anomalies of hydrogen fuel injectors on mixing, flow rates, pressure losses, heat transfer and flame stability. A chemically reacting flow computation of a single injector array injection into cross airflow above a smooth wall will set a baseline. The effect of several injector and combustor configurations of increasing complexity with multiple injector arrays and wall roughness will be systematically investigated. Design rules and reduced models will be formulated by combining high fidelity simulations of chemically reacting flow, stochastic modeling techniques, reduced modeling through machine learning and testing of injector configurations. These can be used in an industrial setting to predict the aerodynamic and combustion characteristics in hydrogen turbine combustors based upon which design decisions are made.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Helios-NRG, LLC NY FE0032103 Engineering-Scale Validation of Novel Algae Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture and Bioproducts 10/01/2021 10/31/2025

Helios-NRG is developing a novel algae technology to capture CO2 from fossil fueled power plants and use the algae for products that generate revenue. Project activities will be supported by Helios-NRG partners State University of New York at Buffalo, Bozeman Fish Technology Center, The Conservation Fund’s Freshwater Institute, Craft Nutrition Consulting, Tresca Design, and the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC). The Multi Stage Continuous (MSC) flow capture system will be improved to increase the algae productivity and reduce the culturing costs through a suite of technology advances. These include improvements to culture operation and health, control, and gas dissolution. The updated MSC technology will then be operated at NCCC using flue gas from the fossil fuel-fired plant to demonstrate high CO2 capture efficiency and productivity. The potential to generate revenue from algae will be advanced by developing value-added feed and nutraceutical products. Algae-blended feed will be validated in a field test using a large-scale aquaculture system. Nutraceuticals will be advanced to identify marketable products and commercial paths forward. Techno-economic and life cycle analyses will be performed on a modeled commercial system using data from the project to validate the potential to achieve the Department of Energy/Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management goals of a <$30/ton CO2 capture cost and a net reduction in CO2 emissions.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage Rice University TX FE0032058 High-Resolution Reservoir Seal Integrity Monitoring using Optimized Borehole Sources and Distributed Acoustic Sensing 07/01/2021 06/30/2025

This project is developing a new strategy for monitoring seal integrity combining borehole-based Continuous Active Source Seismic Monitoring (CASSM) with next-generation distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) acquisition to improve the resolution and economic viability of such approaches. Prior generations of borehole sources used for CASSM radiate in the kHz range while DAS tends to have problematic optical noise above 500 Hz; this mismatch will be remedied by (a) development of a new borehole source tuned to lower frequencies; and (b) employing a new DAS interrogator design with improved response in the kHz range. These advances in acquisition technology will be paired with research into relevant processing including novel time-lapse full waveform inversion (FWI) approaches and coda wave analysis techniques. This combined approach will be tested at two different field locations: (1) a shallow (100 m depth) borehole test site located on the Rice University campus in Houston, Texas (the Rice Subsurface Test Facility – RSTF); and (2) the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory in Switzerland, where an existing array of 23 boreholes equipped with behind-casing fiberoptics will be used to validate the technology during a sequence of controlled fault leakage experiments. These tests will probe the capacity of the CASSM/DAS approach to quantify low-rate leakage scenarios which would be missed by conventional monitoring approaches.

Active Crosscutting Research / Advanced Energy Storage National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) VA FE0032027 Outreach for Advanced Storage Integration and Support (OASIS) 10/01/2021 09/30/2026

The objective of the OASIS project is to assist in providing educational resources, outreach, training, workshops, and other means to electric cooperatives to empower them to integrate energy technologies with their generation systems. NRECA will also conduct coordination and outreach with its smaller electric generation utility members to facilitate awareness, transfer technology, and share best practices, lessons learned, and partnering on Fossil Energy projects. NRECA will enlist educational resources, available staff, case studies, guidelines, best practices, and training on common strategies for integrating energy technologies with fossil power plants and enhancing organizational capacities at utilities. NRECA will facilitate and convene meetings and events with cooperative utilities to define barriers to energy storage deployment and work with DOE and other stakeholders to overcome these barriers.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Texas at El Paso TX FE0032089 5G Integrated Edge Computing Platform for Efficient Component Monitoring in Coal-Fired Power Plants 08/23/2021 08/22/2025

The goal of this project is to develop a 5G integrated distributed edge computing framework that facilitates real-time monitoring of critical components in coal-fired power plants (CFPPs).

The objectives of the proposed effort are as follows:

(1) Distributed Edge Computing Service (DECS) Orchestration for CFPP Component Monitoring – Develop an on-demand distributed edge computing platform to gather, process, and efficiently analyze the component health data in the CFPPs. Given that edge computing servers are closer to the field devices in modernized power plants, the efficiency of edge computing service with respect to dynamic orchestration, resource data collection, and health information monitoring will be investigated for timely detection of remote faults and to perform diagnosis.

(2) Deploy and Integrate 5G networking to enable QoS (Quality of Service)-Aware Network Slicing – Leverage software-defined networking and network function virtualization mechanisms of 5G to instantiate a logically separated component monitoring network slice that will be integrated with DECS for time-sensitive and efficient transfer of CFPP component health data.

(3) Prototype Development and Empirical Evaluation – Develop a customizable 5G-capable distributed edge computing prototype with a separate network slice for efficient plant component monitoring. In addition, extensive performance evaluation of the developed platform will be conducted by measuring several critical metrics.

Since traditional component monitoring in CFPP is done manually using costly portable testing equipment, it is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive maintenance process. Thus, integration of 5G-enabled sensor communication with edge computing infrastructure will be able to monitor the health of components in a CFPP in real time and in an automated manner using machine learning capabilities. The proposed 5G integrated distributed edge computing framework will facilitate plant operators in conducting real-time monitoring of critical components in CFPPs. Furthermore, the 5G-based communication infrastructure will allow orchestration of on-demand network slices in order to dynamically meet the component monitoring data throughput and quality of service requirements. This R&D will produce a working prototype using 5G-compliant sensors, remote terminal units, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) servers.

Active Not Technology Related National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) DC FE0032095 DOE-NARUC Coal Modernization and Carbon Management Partnership 10/01/2021 09/30/2026

The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) is enhancing the United States Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management's ability to educate and inform state utility regulators on important issues surrounding the use of coal-fired power and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies. NARUC plans to research, analyze, and socialize among its membership regulatory strategies around modernizing coal infrastructure. NARUC is highlighting key federal and private sector investments in research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) of CCUS technologies; elevate opportunities for state utility regulators to help shape these investments and their deployment for greater impact; and translate complex, technical topics into language accessible to state utility regulators through the development of educational briefs and information sessions. NARUC supports states in developing strategies to leverage and enhance the attributes of the existing coal fleet. NARUC’s research, policy support, and convening activities focuses on areas that are of high importance to the State Public Utility Commissions to enhance coordination between state and federal government.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Texas at El Paso TX FE0032090 5G-Time Sensitive Networking Architecture Capable of Providing Real-Time Situational Awareness to Fossil-Energy (FE) Generation Systems 09/23/2021 03/31/2025

The overall goal of the proposed effort is the delivery of an integrated fifth-generation time-sensitive networking architecture (5G-TSN) capable of supporting coal-fired power generation systems’ operational data while providing the required deterministic quality of service. Requirements formulation and design will be based on a thorough network performance and emitted electromagnetic interference (EMI) characterization of the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Center for Space Exploration and Technology Research (cSETR) pressurized oxy-coal combustion system and the high-pressure oxy-natural-gas combustor. Recorded data and EMI profiles will then be played back into an end-to-end (E2E) simulation of the 5G-TSN network. The proposed research will demonstrate the ability to design a 5G-TSN network capable of providing the necessary quality of service and security for measurement and control of an oxy-coal and oxy-natural gas combustor systems. The UTEP team will advance this technology by simulating end to end, live combustor data through a 5G-TSN network. The goal will be fulfilled by the following specific objectives: (i) operational characterization of the pressurized oxy-coal combustion system, (ii) 5G-TSN integration Requirements and conceptual design, and (iii) E2E simulation of oxy-coal combustion SCADA onto 5G-TSN ontology.

Active Not Technology Related National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) VA FE0032088 State and Local Innovation and Analysis in Support of Long-Term Energy Planning and Policy 10/01/2021 09/30/2026

The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) is providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to State Energy Offices, as well as facilitating dialogue and peer learning among states, federal agencies, utility and other industries, and other pertinent stakeholders. This project is focused on a set of activities designed to support engagement of the states on Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) work pertaining to emerging carbon management technologies; issues related to short-term and long-term applications of fossil fuels, their byproducts, and fossil fuel industrial and workforce capabilities; and the latest pre-commercial and commercial capabilities of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) facilities and other technological advances impacting the fossil fuel sector (e.g., hydrogen). The project supports efforts to: 1) share information; 2) exchange ideas across states, regions, DOE, and industry; 3) conduct data and policy analyses; 4) provide technical assistance and 5) provide Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) with input from NASEO members. NASEO is providing outreach, education, and training to states via in-person and virtual workshops, meetings, conferences, and web-based media to share resources and directly engage State Energy Offices and their partners.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Enabling Technologies West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0032054 Mid-Appalachian Carbon Ore, Rare Earth and Critical Minerals Initiative 10/01/2021 02/28/2025

CORE-CM projects will develop and implement strategies that enable each specific U.S. basin to realize its full economic potential for producing rare earth elements (REE), critical minerals (CM), and high-value, nonfuel, carbon-based products from basin-contained resources. CORE-CM projects will focus on six objectives: (1) basinal assessment of CORE-CM resources, (2) basinal strategies for reuse of waste streams, (3) basinal strategies for infrastructure, industries, and businesses, (4) technology assessment, development, and field testing, (5) technology innovation centers, and (6) stakeholder outreach and education.

The overall objective of West Virginia University Research Corporation (Morgantown, West Virginia) will be to focus on the expansion and transformation of the use of coal and coal-based resources—including waste streams—to produce products of high value to the 21st Century energy and manufacturing ecosystem. The project will accomplish these goals via a basin assessment of Central Appalachian resources, including waste streams, that could be reused as feedstocks and raw materials in processes that produce carbon ore, rare earth and critical minerals (CORE-CM) products. The team will prepare R&D plans to fill information gaps in the assessments of CORE-CM resources and regional waste streams. A technology and economic gap assessment to address barriers and spur growth for the basin’s CORE-CM resources will be developed, including preparing initial research plans to fill those gaps. In addition, the team will prepare plans for stakeholder outreach and education needed to support these activities. This effort will culminate with the preparation of initial plans for a technology innovation center that will be developed and operated by a basin-specific public-private partnership, leveraging facilities and resources of the MAPP-CORE team.

This project will perform the initial strategy development and economic and technical gap assessment for the mid-Appalachian region, defined as the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The project team also includes resource assessments for southwestern Pennsylvania, recognizing the geologic and geographic connections between these regions.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) University of Cincinnati OH FE0032128 Energy-Efficient Direct Air Capture System for High Purity CO2 Separation 10/01/2021 09/30/2025

The University of Cincinnati, in collaboration with BASF, Daeyoung C&E Co., and Trimeric, will evaluate a direct air capture (DAC) technology that uses a robust, energy-efficient, and cost-effective sorbent technology for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from air. The sorbent selectively adsorbs CO2 from the atmosphere and releases high-purity CO2 gas during the regeneration stage that is suitable for various downstream CO2 utilization processes and/or carbon storage. The project team will design a novel air contactor system that passively collects air and introduces the air flow to the DAC system, through the sorbent-coated monolith structure, without any additional energy requirement. The DAC process has the potential to be readily scalable to process gigatonne-level CO2 separation from ambient air at a cost of less than $100/tonne CO2 removed. The scope of work for this project will consist of the determination of CO2 adsorption kinetics, process modeling, sorbent manufacturing, development of a sorbent-washcoated monolith structure, the design, fabrication, and operation of a passive air contactor, performance evaluations, and techno-economic and life cycle analyses.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Enhanced Mineralization Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) CA FWP-FEW0278 King City Asbestos Corporation (KCAC) Mine Carbon Mineralization Field Test 09/01/2021 02/28/2025

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), in conjunction with Natural Resources Agency of California, the Bureau of Land Management, and the University of British Columbia, will develop a test site at the former King City Asbestos Corporation (KCAC) asbestos mine in California to evaluate multiple approaches for onsite mineralization of carbon dioxide (CO2) using serpentinite rocks and asbestos mine tailings. LLNL will develop safety protocols to protect human health and safety and the environment, as well as monitoring protocols to reliably and cost-effectively measure CO2 uptake. The project team will characterize the baseline mineralogy and geochemistry of the site through mineralogic samples and will conduct baseline monitoring of CO2 fluxes at the KCAC test site. Based on these results, the team will design accelerated carbon mineralization experiments and perform one year of testing, followed by a phase for site restoration and publication of results. The overall objective of the project is to determine the most successful approaches to CO2 mineralization of asbestos-bearing serpentinite rocks/mine tailings to enable the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and project developers to make informed choices about this pathway of carbon removal.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Recovery Processes University of North Dakota ND FE0032121 Tunable Electrochemical Pathway for High-Purity Rare Earth Metals (REM) and Critical Minerals (CM) 11/30/2021 02/28/2025

The objective of this project is to develop a technical research plan for defining and assessing the techno-economic viability of a tunable electrochemical pathway (TEP) for producing individually separated high-purity rare earth metals and critical minerals (CM) as industrially relevant CM compounds from lignite coals and combustion by-products originating from the Williston Basin. This project focuses on technology development that advances rare earth separation into ISHP materials and reduction to metals. Advanced ISHP and reduction to metals processes have the potential for reduced capital costs and operating expenses compared to conventional separation and metal reduction technologies such as solvent extraction and metallothermic reduction processes.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Cormetech, Inc. NC FE0032138 Bench Scale Test of a Polyethyleneimine Monolith Carbon Capture Process for Natural Gas Combined Cycle Point Sources 02/01/2022 07/31/2025

CORMETECH Inc., in collaboration with Middle River Power, Southern Company Services Inc., and Nooter/Eriksen will further develop, optimize, and bench-scale test a novel, lower-cost integrated process technology for point source capture (PSC) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) flue gas. Similar to Global Thermostat’s leading process for direct air capture (DAC), this novel PSC process employs a monolithic amine contactor to capture the CO2, followed by steam-mediated thermal desorption and CO2 collection, in a multi-bed cyclic process unit. The process, however, does not include vacuum for desorption to enhance scalability to large NGCC plants. The process will incorporate an oxide monolith + amine-structured contactor based on the benchmark poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI) sorbent. Experimental measurements of material and process impacts on adsorption and oxidative stability under the relevant conditions will be coupled with various process and techno-economic models to inform the design and optimization. A bench-scale system will be operated continuously for at least one-month at the National Carbon Capture Center to validate that the PSC technology yields a minimum of 95% carbon capture efficiency with a 95% purity CO2 product stream.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Semplastics EHC, LLC FL FE0032145 Coal-Waste-Enhanced Filaments for Additive Manufacturing of High-Temperature Plastics and Ceramic Composites 02/01/2022 01/31/2025

For this work, Semplastics will apply its materials technology to develop and test filament material suitable for use in a commercially available 3D printer, using two different kinds of coal waste. Several demonstration objects will be produced using the best filament formulation. Commercialization and performance modeling will be performed for the technology as a precursor to establishing a market for resulting products.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products University of Delaware DE FE0032147 Lab-Scale Production of Particle Bonded Filaments with High-Loading Coal-Derived Carbon 02/01/2022 04/30/2025

The main objective is to develop a lab-scale manufacturing process to fabricate filaments with high carbon content for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printing use. Graphene particles derived from domestic U.S. coal wastes will be used as feedstock for filament development. The specific objectives are to (1) develop a coal-enhanced filament production technology to fabricate filament containing high loading of coal-derived graphene, (2) develop debinding and sintering post-processing to fabricate a fully carbon preform structure, (3) develop a composite material based on the fully carbon preform structure and explorationally evaluate composite properties as a potential alternative to carbon fiber composite, and (4) perform a full techno-economic analysis to assess the coal-enhanced filament potential for the fast-growing and high-value additive manufacturing and composite market.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Sustainable Energy Solutions, LLC UT FE0032148 Cryogenic Carbon Capture from Cement Production 02/01/2022 01/31/2026

Sustainable Energy Solutions LLC (SES) will partner with Chart Industries Inc., Eagle Materials Inc., and FLSmidth Inc. to advance the Cryogenic Carbon Capture™ (CCC) technology to engineering scale (30 tonnes of carbon dioxide [CO2] captured/day). The project objectives are to design, build, and operate an engineering-scale plant with industrial post-process flue gas at the Eagle Materials/Central Plains Cement Plant in Sugar Creek, Missouri. The project goal is to demonstrate that the system captures more than 95% of the CO2 from the flue gas slip stream and produces a CO2 stream that is more than 95% pure. SES has completed thousands of hours of testing with their skid-scale (1-tonne CO2/day) CCC system, achieving capture rates of 90–99.7% with high CO2 purity (99+%).

The project will be executed in three phases to (1) design and size the major equipment for the process and finalize host site agreements and any required environmental or operational permits; (2) procure all equipment and construct and commission the engineering-scale system; and (3) operate the engineering-scale plant for at least two continuous months within a six-month testing period, followed by decommissioning and restoration of the host site. The project will continually update techno-economic and environmental, safety, and health analyses in parallel with the experimental work.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture ION Clean Energy, Inc. CO FE0032149 Front-End Engineering Design for a CO2 Capture System at Calpine’s Delta Energy Center 02/01/2022 06/30/2025

ION Clean Energy Inc. (ION) and Calpine California CCUS Holdings LLC (Calpine) will perform a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for a solvent-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system to be retrofitted onto Calpine’s Delta Energy Center (DEC), an existing natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power station located in Pittsburg, California. The project team, consisting of ION, Calpine, Sargent & Lundy, Siemens, Jacobs, Toshiba, and Hamon-Daltek, will perform design, engineering, and analysis work to develop an AACE Class 3 Capital Cost Estimate (-20 to +30% accuracy); an overall cost of capture; and an analysis on environmental, economic, and social impacts to the Pittsburg-Antioch area. The team will endeavor to decarbonize DEC by capturing 95% of the CO2 emissions for geologic storage in the nearby Sacramento Basin. This CO2 capture plant design effort will utilize ION’s ICE-21 solvent and will be designed to take full advantage of the solvent benefits, which include a smaller physical plant, reduced energy requirements, less solvent degradation, lower emissions, and lower capital costs relative to systems built with commercial benchmark solvents. With the information developed through this project, combined with discussions with commercial partners, Calpine will be able to make an informed decision whether to proceed with deploying CO2 capture at DEC.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste Upgrading & Cleaning Ohio University OH FE0032144 Utilization of Carbon Supply Chain Wastes and Byproducts to Manufacture Graphite for Energy Storage Applications 02/15/2022 02/14/2025

The overall objective of this project is to develop graphite materials (greater than 51% coal derived) for transportation and grid-scale energy storage applications utilizing a continuous engineered foaming process. Specific project objectives include conducting bench scale coal foaming and graphitization trials, electrochemical performance testing of coal derived graphite materials in coin cells, and application of computational tools to demonstrate coal derived graphite can be successfully utilized in energy storage applications. The best performing parameters will be translated to a prototype extruder to demonstrate a commercially viable pathway for coal derived graphite production to produce sufficient material to construct single cell batteries to evaluate performance under energy storage conditions. Information from the prototype-scale trials will be used to conduct more thorough techno-economic analyses to estimate coal-derived graphite manufacturing costs and assess market potential.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032134 Dual-Loop Solution-Based Carbon Capture System for Net Negative Carbon Dioxide Emissions with Lower Costs 03/01/2022 11/30/2025

The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UK CAER) will design, retrofit, and test a dual solvent carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system on their existing 0.1-megawatt-thermal (MWth) bench-scale facility using natural gas-derived flue gas, augmented to match natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) CO2 and oxygen (O2) concentrations. The overall objective of the project is to develop a dual-loop CO2 capture process (i.e., two solvent absorption/regeneration loops) for NGCC flue gas with 99+% CO2 capture efficiency and a 50% reduction in capital cost (as compared to the National Energy Technology Laboratory [NETL] B31B case). The operating cost is offset with credits from negative CO2 emissions and hydrogen (H2) production. The project will involve system design and installation, parametric testing to determine optimal parameters to achieve high capture efficiency, and long-term evaluation and accelerated life cycle testing to determine component stability, system performance variation upon load changes, and energy consumption optimization.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies GlycoSurf, LLC UT SC0022403 Development of Novel Ligands Used in Ion Flotation for Produced Water Value Extraction 02/14/2022 04/02/2025

This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project will focus on the recovery of both uranium and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from Produced Waters (PWs) generated from fracking operations to extract value from PW. GlycoSurf has identified a class of glycolipid molecules, known as rhamnolipids, which exhibit high capture efficiency and selectivity for both uranium and REE, even in the presence of competing ions that are orders of magnitude more concentrated. In Phase I, GlycoSurf combined its proprietary process for the synthetic production of rhamnolipids with ion flotation methods. The project's Phase I results showed that recovery of both uranium and REEs is possible using the unique surfactants with ion flotation for the economic extraction of valuable minerals from PW wastes. However, it was also determined that the metals of interest were found in much higher concentrations in the PW sludge that is filtered from PW materials, and recovery of metals from the sludge was also possible using the glycolipid surfactants. This represented a new shift in the development of a low-cost, efficient extraction technology to recover metals from these non-traditional sources. The successful results from Phase I of the project resulted in award of Phase II for the project.

Phase II of the project will continue to implement continuous flow chemistry into the synthesis process to increase the production of the necessary glycolipids used in this project. The Phase II work will also transition multiple stages of the glycolipid synthesis procedure from batch processing to continuous processing, to reduce costs and increase production quantities required for future pilot and full scale REE extraction operations. Phase II will also include bench-scall laboratory testing of the fracking sludges for mixed rare earth oxides (MREO) extraction using glycolipid extractants, development of a scalable methodology for the metals recovery leaching process, development of a glycolipid recovery and recycling process, and performance of a techno-economic analysis (TEA) to evaluate costs.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products University of North Dakota ND FE0032139 Advanced Processing of Coal and Waste Coal to Produce Graphite for Fast-Charging Lithium Ion Battery Anode 04/07/2022 04/06/2025

The proposed project will validate an approach to make high-grade graphite from North Dakota lignite coal and lignite coal waste and to fabricate and test a fast-chargeable (FC) lithium-ion battery (LIB) anode prototype made from the produced graphite. Two pathways for coal-derived graphite will be pursued for comparative purposes: 1) lignite coal waste-to-graphite method and 2) lignite coal tar pitch-to-graphite method. The graphite made from each process will be further functionalized and utilized to fabricate and test a FC LIB anode prototype.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Ohio University OH FE0032143 Fused Deposition Modeling Additive Manufacturing of Carbonized Structures Via Waste-Enhanced Filaments 04/15/2022 04/14/2025

The objective of this project is to develop carbonizable, coal-enhanced filaments that can be used in commercial fused deposition modeling (FDM) printers to manufacture articles for construction, tooling, and metals-casting industries. Coal-enhanced filament formulation and filament 3D printing trials with commercial FDM printers will be conducted to quantify both filament and printed article properties. Thermal processing of printed materials will also be investigated to generate carbonized products for a host of commercial applications. Computational tools including molecular dynamic simulation and finite element analysis will be utilized to investigate coal-enhanced filament processing chemistry and predict bulk mechanical and thermal properties of printed materials to aid product design. Process simulations will be developed and validated using bench-scale information to support techno-economic and market analyses to identify required selling prices and resources necessary to scale and commercialize coal-enhanced filament materials.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032133 Application of Transformational University of Kentucky 3 Tonne Per Day Carbon Dioxide Capture System at a Steel Process Plant 04/25/2022 04/24/2027

The University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF) will team with Electric Power Research Institute, Emerson Cornerstone Controls, and Nucor Steel Gallatin to perform engineering-scale testing of an existing (3 tonne CO2/day for 1.5 vol% CO2 gas stream) pilot CO2 capture system (CCS) at the Nucor Steel Gallatin Plant, treating evolved gas from a steel galvanizing line. UKRF will employ two process-intensification techniques, previously proven at the bench scale, and a model-based, feed-forward process control strategy with in-line solvent performance characterization, to demonstrate 95% or greater carbon capture efficiency and 95% product CO2 purity under actual flue gas conditions. In a previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project, the capture technology was tested for more than 8,000 hours at a coal-fired generating power plant with flue gas containing greater than 10% by volume CO2 concentration. In this project, the existing capture system will be relocated from the E.W. Brown Generating Station to the Nucor Gallatin Steel Plant in Ghent, Kentucky, for field testing at an industrial facility.

In the first year of the project, the existing unit will be reconfigured and a detailed plan for relocation and retrofit will be prepared. A hazard and operability (HAZOP) evaluation will be performed and an initial Technology Maturation Plan (TMP) will be developed. In the second year, the system will be relocated, installed, and commissioned at the Nucor Gallatin host site and a test plan will be developed. In the third year, parametric and long-term test campaigns will be conducted. The performance data will be used to perform a techno-economic analysis (TEA) and an environmental health and safety (EH&S) risk assessment.

Active Crosscutting Research / Coal Utilization Science Carbon Solutions, LLC MN SC0022486 Negative CO2 Emission Transition Roadmap (NECTAR): A Rapid Decision Support Tool for Negative CO2 Emission Hybrid Energy System Development and Analysis 02/14/2022 04/02/2025

Negative CO2 Emission Transition Roadmap (NECTAR) will be a decision support tool for expansion planning for decarbonization. NETL’s Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES) will be used to quantitatively evaluate how direct air capture and carbon storage (DACCS) should be coupled with primary heat sources. Carbon Solutions LLC’s SIMCCSPRO™ software will be used to determine CO2 pipeline networks that optimally connect sources of CO2 to sequestration locations. The Electric Power Research Institute’s U.S. Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy (US-REGEN) Model, an economy-wide expansion planning model, will also be used in NECTAR. A data visualization interface will be developed to allow users to try out and optimize various process-, region-, and systems-level parameters. The target end users are utilities and regulators.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Touchstone Research Laboratory, Ltd. WV FE0032141 Molded Graphite Products Synthesized from Waste-Coal 06/01/2022 05/31/2025

The project team will implement the Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Separation (HHS) process that was developed at Virginia Tech for reducing mineral deposits in coal. The research and development will focus on cleaning low, medium, and high rank coals and resulting waste-coal streams generated when cleaning coals via froth flotation. The objective is to clean waste coal to sufficient levels, thereby making it suitable for feedstock in high-value synthetic graphite processes. Touchstone will determine coal candidates based upon degree of graphitization, high capacity for ash impurity reduction via HHS, and demonstration that the cleaned waste-coal feedstock can be successfully molded and graphitized to meet application requirements and specifications through test and validation. An objective is to transition the HHS coal-derived graphite technology processes from laboratory-scale proof of concept to pilot system validation in a relevant environment.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) TDA Research, Inc. CO SC0022687 A New Direct Air Capture System Operating on Low Grade Heat Generated from Geothermal Plants 06/27/2022 08/27/2025

TDA Research Inc. proposes to develop a new sorbent-based direct air capture (DAC) system utilizing the waste heat from geothermal power plants to drive the carbon capture process. A small temperature differential is needed to operate the temperature swing adsorption (TSA) cycle (approximately 50-60oC), which will remove carbon dioxide (CO2) at approximately 500 parts per million by volume (ppmv) and concentrate it to a high pressure, pure gas at 1 atm. In Phase I, TDA will optimize the operation of the new sorbent to best match the operation of the geothermal energy generation cycle. In bench-scale proof-of-concept tests, TDA will demonstrate the sorbent capabilities (i.e., CO2 uptake, energy requirement for the regeneration) and assess the sorbent life (both chemical and mechanical stability over many cycles). In a detailed process design and simulation, TDA will carry out the integration of the DAC process to the geothermal power plant. TDA will estimate the carbon capture cost following U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)/National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) process design and analysis guidelines.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Thermisoln, LLC KY SC0022734 Bench-scale Development of a Transformational Switchable-hydrophilicity Solvent-enabled Absorption Process for Energy-efficient CO2 Capture and Fixation 06/27/2022 08/27/2025

Thermisoln LLC, in partnership with the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville, is working to develop a switchable-hydrophilicity solvent (SHS)-based absorption process that can energy-efficiently capture and fixate carbon dioxide (CO2) from point sources of carbon emissions at the same time. The process enables the upcycling of gypsum wastes and could achieve at least 90% CO2 capture efficiency from flue gas without increasing the total cost of electricity by more than 35%. In Phase I, the team demonstrated the technical viability of the technology. Phase II will have the following five key components (with major emphasis on the last one): (1) further development and improvement of a gas-liquid impinging scrubber, (2) design of a powerful decanter for efficient separation of oil phase from related emulsions, (3) design of a CO2 desorber for rapid CO2 desorption at temperatures less than 65°C, (4) mitigation of solvent volatile loss, and (5) system integration and process intensification. An integrated prototype comprising all the key units will be built and tested in-house at bench scale to demonstrate the techno-economic advantages over other alternative carbon capture technologies.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. PA SC0022940 Direct Air Capture by Ion-Exchange Sorbent and Low-Grade Heat 06/27/2022 08/27/2025

Advanced Cooling Technologies Inc. (ACT) and Lehigh University (LU) are developing a novel acid/base ion-exchange direct air capture (DAC) process during this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. This system is unique because sorbent regeneration can be driven by either a low-grade heat source (industrial waste heat or geothermal) or an electrically derived weak base solution. During Phase I, the project team demonstrated carbon dioxide (CO2) capture rates of greater than 90%, with thermal regeneration of the sorbent occurring at temperatures as low as approximately 50°C. The DAC system uses widely available commercial adsorbent resins, which reduce cost and help alleviate supply constraints. The system design and layout allow it to scale easily and be implemented as a modular system, minimizing manufacturing and deployment costs.

During Phase II, ACT and LU will develop the individual system-level components required for scaling the technology. After demonstrating the operation of these components and sub-systems, an integrated sub-scale test bed will demonstrate system operation across dozens of capture and regeneration cycles. The project team will use the data from these test bed cycles to refine their full-scale system models.

Active Orphan Well Program / Undocumented Orphan Wells Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) NM FWP-AE-1230-1423 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Technical Work for Multi-Lab Effort on Undocumented, Orphaned Wells (UOW) 07/01/2022 07/31/2025

The BIL requests development of a program to help identify and characterize undocumented orphaned wells (UOWs), “conduct research and development activities in cooperation with the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) to assist the Federal land management agencies, States, and Indian Tribes in identifying and characterizing undocumented orphaned wells.” To begin developing this program, the DOE, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and IOGCC, is creating a research consortium that will consist of five national laboratories including Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The consortium will leverage institutional knowledge and existing processes, as well as fundamental and applied science expertise, to undertake the primary objectives as defined in the BIL, focusing specifically on undocumented orphaned oil and gas wells. Research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) for this program will be aimed at finding and characterizing UOWs and determining the physical locations, methane emissions, wellbore integrity, and other environmental impacts of those wells so they can be prioritized for plugging and abandoning activities by State and Federal agencies. This program will focus on UOWs in multiple basins and involves private, State, Tribal, and Federal lands. The proposed approach to this program includes (1) enabling collaboration with oil and gas producing states through IOGCC and the DOI Federal agencies to assess technology needs, (2) determining critical barriers and developing necessary technologies (which may vary by region), and (3) testing and demonstrating these new technology solutions in partnership with Federal agencies (e.g., BLM, U.S. Geological Survey [USGS], National Forest Service [NFS], and others) and the oil and gas producing states through the IOGCC and Tribal lands.

Active Orphan Well Program / Undocumented Orphan Wells Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) CA FWP-FP00015308 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Undocumented Orphaned Well R&D Program 07/28/2022 07/31/2025

The BIL requests development of a program to help identify and characterize undocumented orphaned wells (UOWs), “conduct research and development activities in cooperation with the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) to assist the Federal land management agencies, States, and Indian Tribes in identifying and characterizing undocumented orphaned wells.” To begin developing this program, the DOE, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and IOGCC, is creating a research consortium that will consist of five national laboratories including Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The consortium will leverage institutional knowledge and existing processes, as well as fundamental and applied science expertise, to undertake the primary objectives as defined in the BIL, focusing specifically on undocumented orphaned oil and gas wells. Research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) for this program will be aimed at finding and characterizing UOWs and determining the physical locations, methane emissions, wellbore integrity, and other environmental impacts of those wells so they can be prioritized for plugging and abandoning activities by State and Federal agencies. This program will focus on UOWs in multiple basins and involves private, State, Tribal, and Federal lands. The proposed approach to this program includes (1) enabling collaboration with oil and gas producing states through IOGCC and the DOI Federal agencies to assess technology needs, (2) determining critical barriers and developing necessary technologies (which may vary by region), and (3) testing and demonstrating these new technology solutions in partnership with Federal agencies (e.g., BLM, U.S. Geological Survey [USGS], National Forest Service [NFS], and others) and the oil and gas producing states through the IOGCC and Tribal lands.

Active Orphan Well Program / Undocumented Orphan Wells Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) CA FWP-FEW0285 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): LLNL Activities for Undocumented Orphaned Wells 07/29/2022 07/31/2025

The BIL requests development of a program to help identify and characterize undocumented orphaned wells (UOWs), “conduct research and development activities in cooperation with the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) to assist the Federal land management agencies, States, and Indian Tribes in identifying and characterizing undocumented orphaned wells.” To begin developing this program, the DOE, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and IOGCC, is creating a research consortium that will consist of five national laboratories including Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The consortium will leverage institutional knowledge and existing processes, as well as fundamental and applied science expertise, to undertake the primary objectives as defined in the BIL, focusing specifically on undocumented orphaned oil and gas wells. Research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) for this program will be aimed at finding and characterizing UOWs and determining the physical locations, methane emissions, wellbore integrity, and other environmental impacts of those wells so they can be prioritized for plugging and abandoning activities by State and Federal agencies. This program will focus on UOWs in multiple basins and involves private, State, Tribal, and Federal lands. The proposed approach to this program includes (1) enabling collaboration with oil and gas producing states through IOGCC and the DOI Federal agencies to assess technology needs, (2) determining critical barriers and developing necessary technologies (which may vary by region), and (3) testing and demonstrating these new technology solutions in partnership with Federal agencies (e.g., BLM, U.S. Geological Survey [USGS], National Forest Service [NFS], and others) and the oil and gas producing states through the IOGCC and Tribal lands.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of North Dakota ND FE0032194 Biogas Utilization in Refuse Power Plants (BURP2) 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

The University of North Dakota (UND) will use the first six months to assess the retrofit repowering options at three existing waste coal-fired plant locations in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The purpose of this initial investigation is to provide a quick-reference tool to size different units depending on the feedstock availability and composition. Subsequently, UND will complete two Techno-economic analysis (TEA)s, one for a retrofitted waste coal power plant facility and another for a greenfield waste coal facility. Each of these facilities will include a carbon capture system. A life cycle analysis (LCA) will be conducted jointly with the other tasks to help guide decision making regarding feedstock composition, plant logistics, and critical carbon-related cradle-to-grave considerations.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems University of Utah UT FE0032174 Process Intensification of Hydrogen Production through Sorption-Enhanced Gasification of Biomass 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

The University of Utah and Idaho National Laboratory researchers will demonstrate the feasibility of sorption-enhanced biomass gasification for production of hydrogen (H2)-rich syngas in a dual fluidized bed (DFB) reactor operating under industrially relevant conditions. In this project, waste biomass will be homogenized and prepared to ensure reliable feed to a DFB process development unit (PDU). The PDU will be operated as a conventional DFB gasifier with olivine bed material, then as sorption-enhanced gasification (SEG) by adding limestone to the bed material and, finally, as an oxy-SEG by fluidizing the combustor with an oxygen/carbon dioxide (CO2) mix. Complementary lab-scale studies will provide rate data that will feed into computational models of the gasifier and overall process. The SEG approach will simplify production of H2 from biomass and will advance clean hydrogen production technology toward the goal of achieving $1/kg H2. Specific research objectives include (1) demonstrating that waste biomass can be pre-processed with and without additives to affect SEG, (2) understanding and modeling fundamental processes and chemistry associated with SEG, (3) evaluating SEG performance and syngas quality in a small-scale gasifier over a range of industrially relevant conditions, and (4) demonstrating oxy-SEG to produce separate H2- and CO2-rich streams.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines General Electric (GE) Company NY FE0032170 Demonstration of a Gas Turbine-Scale Rotating Detonation Combustor Integrated with Compressor and Turbine Components at 7FA Cycle Conditions 10/01/2022 09/30/2026

GE Research, in collaboration with GE Aviation, University of Michigan, Georgia Institute of Technology, North Carolina State University, and University of Central Florida, will design, fabricate, and demonstrate operation of a rotating detonation combustor (RDC) at 7FA cycle conditions while integrated with upstream and downstream turbomachinery components. The project team will study the integrated system performance when operating over a range of natural gas and hydrogen fuel blends. RDC operation has been extensively studied at low-pressure operating conditions and without the presence of representative inlet and exit engine components. Therefore, the impact on performance and operability of the coupled components that represent the integrated gas turbine system is largely unknown. Furthermore, the performance impact of this coupled system at realistic gas turbine cycle conditions is also not well understood. This project will focus on studying the interactions between the RDC and the inlet air compressor/diffuser components and the interaction between the RDC and the downstream turbine inlet section.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems Clarkson University NY FE0032205 An Intensified Process to Transforming the Production of Carbon-Neutral Hydrogen 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

Clarkson University, in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Madison, will develop a potentially transformational approach to produce low-cost carbon-neutral hydrogen (H2) from biomass gasification by using H2-selective membrane-assisted water-gas shift reactors (MAWGS). In this approach, H2 is produced from the WGS reaction and simultaneously separated from the mixture gas without undergoing other treatments that remove pollutants and separate it. The key goal for the realization and development of this technology is the synthesis of a reliable H2-selective membrane material with long-term stability and high permeability and selectivity. For this purpose, ternary alloys of Pd-Ag-Au membranes will be considered due to the unique characteristics of the three metals. In particular, palladium (Pd) is completely selective toward H2; gold (Au) is resistant to the poisoning contaminants contained in the exhaust gas stream, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S); and silver (Ag) increases the permeability and decreases the membrane cost. In this project, several alloys of Pd-Au-Ag deposited on porous support will be synthesized. The alloyed membranes will then be characterized and their performance will be evaluated by carrying out permeation tests with single gases, binary mixtures, and multicomponent mixtures. The alloy(s) showing the highest selectivity and permeability and long-term stability will be scaled-up and tested by using a synthetic exhaust gas feed stream at temperatures and pressures relevant for the stream coming from the gasification plant. Several parameters will be optimized to obtain homogenous, thin, continuous, and stable alloy films on the support. The experimental results will be input into process models and used for the life cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis to determine the best option for the location of the MAWGS in the modular gasification process, to understand the environmental impact of the process, and to evaluate the ability of the MAWGS technology to provide a pathway to achieving the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) goal of $1 for 1 kg of produced H2.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Raytheon Technologies Corporation CT FE0032169 Low-NOx, Operable Ammonia Combustor Development for Zero-Carbon Power (Load-Z) 10/01/2022 09/30/2026

Raytheon Technologies Research Center (RTRC) and project partner University of Connecticut (UConn) will develop and demonstrate an ammonia combustor for power-generating turbines. The project team will generate fundamental and engineering data for ammonia combustion at gas turbine-relevant conditions and apply this learning to tailor existing rich-staged technology for the low-nitrogen oxide (NOX) combustion of ammonia. The project will culminate in high-pressure, full-temperature testing of a single-injector gas turbine burner using ammonia fuel at RTRC. Ammonia combustion data will be acquired at both RTRC and UConn using well-suited and existing high-pressure flame facilities. RTRC and UConn will also collaborate on developing chemical kinetic understanding from the data for the prediction of ammonia combustor performance and NOX emissions.

Active Crosscutting Research / Plant Optimization Technologies Lehigh University PA FE0032177 Integration of LIBs with Machine Learning for Real-Time Monitoring of Feedstock in H2 Gasification Applications 10/01/2022 03/31/2025

This project will focus on assembling a material inventory that includes mixed waste plastics, biomass, and legacy coal wastes, and develop a procedure for sample processing, analysis, chain of custody, and quality assurance. The Recipient will design and assemble a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system for detection and quantification of material samples under both static and dynamic conditions (e.g., material flow on a small-scale research conveyor belt) and optimize this measurement technique to develop an analytical database. Machine learning algorithms for LIBS data processing will be utilized to provide improvement in measurement accuracy of the proposed LIBS technique for parameters of interest and throughput corresponding to on-line measurements, reducing future feedstock sampling, and analysis requirements. A techno-economic analysis of the proposed technology will be performed to assess the benefit of incorporating the proposed system on upgraded operational protocols and control schemes of gasifiers for hydrogen production.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0032191 Producing Clean Hydrogen Using a Modular Two-Stage Intensified Membrane-Enhanced Catalytic Gasifier 10/01/2022 09/30/2026

West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVURC) will develop a process intensified two-stage bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) gasifier for hydrogen production from biomass. As shown in the accompanying figure, WVURC will design and build a BFB gasifier system integrated with a membrane separator and pre-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system with syngas recycle. Additionally, the team will: (1) develop and use a multifunctional catalyst to enhance the reaction rates of biomass reforming, tar cracking, and water gas shift functions, (2) develop the membrane based on carbon molecular sieves (CMS) for hydrogen separation, and (3) design rigorous unit level and plant level process models that will be used to both optimize the process and develop the techno-economic analysis (TEA). The overall goal of the project is to reduce the costs of hydrogen production by developing a modular and highly efficient and intensified gasification system with significantly less equipment items than traditional systems.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of Wyoming WY FE0032193 Systems Analysis for Advancing Coal/Waste Coal-Biomass Co-Firing Power Plants with Deep Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Toward Net-Zero Emissions 10/01/2022 12/31/2025

The major objectives of this project are to (1) estimate the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of pulverized coal/waste coal-biomass co-firing power plants with deep carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) using liquid solvents for 95−99% CO2 capture, including the quantification of variability and uncertainty; (2) determine the breakeven co-firing level of biomass required to achieve net-zero GHG emissions and its dependence on key factors on a life cycle basis; and (3) quantify bounding conditions for the techno-economic performance of net-zero power production in deterministic and probabilistic forms.

To achieve these objectives, this project proposes an integrated systems analysis framework that combines techno-economic analysis for CCUS-enabled power production with life cycle analysis and quantifies the variability and uncertainty of net-zero energy production at multiple levels. The proposed modeling framework will be incorporated into the Integrated Environmental Control Model, a power plant modeling tool developed by Carnegie Mellon University in previous research for NETL, as new modules or options.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture TDA Research, Inc. CO FE0032151 A New Thermal Swing Adsorption Process for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture from Natural Gas Plants 09/23/2022 03/31/2026

TDA Research is partnering with Membrane Technology and Research Inc. (MTR) and Schlumberger to develop a transformational polymer sorbent-based microwave assisted thermal swing adsorption (MTSA) process that captures more than 95% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant, recovering CO2 at 95%. TDA’s system uses a highly stable, high-capacity functionalized mixed matrix polymer (MMP) sorbent that will be manufactured into a structure with well-defined size flow channels to achieve a very low pressure drop through the sorbent bed. The regeneration of the sorbent is carried out using a thermal swing of only 30°C, which allows a short cycle duration and increases sorbent utilization (i.e., achieving a high CO2 capture per tonne of material per hour, reducing the equipment size and capital cost). The sorbent will be prepared in the form of sheets (laminates) instead of pellets, which also significantly reduces the mass and heat transfer distances, resulting in complete thermal cycling of the sorbent in less than 30 minutes (full-cycle time). The system will also use directed microwave energy to assist with the rapid heating of the bed, reducing the heat requirement. MTR will fabricate the sorbent sheets/laminates in 1-by-1-foot-size, which will then be integrated with a microwave heater. The resulting bench-scale sorbent reactor module will be evaluated at TDA using simulated NGCC flue gas. Schlumberger and GE Gas Power will assist with assessing the technical and commercial viability of the technology for capturing CO2 from NGCC flue gas.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Raytheon Technologies Corporation CT FE0032171 Development of Hydrogen Burner for FT4000 Aeroderivative Engine 10/01/2022 09/30/2026

Raytheon Technologies Research Center (RTRC) and Pratt & Whitney (P&W) will develop a retrofittable combustor module for the FT4000 aeroderivative power generation gas turbine engine to enable efficient operation using hydrogen as a carbon-free fuel source. The FT4000 combustor was developed by P&W, RTRC, and PW Power Systems (PWPS) with core technology from the proven P&W PW4000™ turbo-fan engine. The FT4000 provides efficient, reliable peaking and baseload power with a relatively compact footprint. The overall goal of the project is to develop and test the burner of the FT4000 for 100% hydrogen fuel operation. The project objectives are to:

  1. Determine the limits of hydrogen content in natural gas that can be safely fired in the current FT4000 fuel nozzle/burner and identify situations in which the operability and durability of the combustor and fuel nozzle are compromised by issues such as flameholding internal to the fuel nozzle.
  2. Conceptualize design elements that either help separate the flame from the burner surface or provide sufficient cooling for full life operation and test the design elements in high-temperature rigs to evaluate their effectiveness.
  3. Redesign the FT4000 fuel nozzle/burner for hydrogen fuel such that it fits in the current FT4000 envelope.
  4. Test the redesigned fuel nozzle at full engine temperatures and pressures to measure its performance on hydrogen with respect to operability, durability, and nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions.
Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research West Virginia University (WVU) WV FE0032206 An Autonomous Robotic Inspection System for Coal Ash and Tailings Storage Facilities 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

The goal of the project is to prevent negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts of coal waste (coal ash and tailings) by developing an aerial robot-enabled inspection and monitoring system of active and abandoned coal ash and tailings storage facilities. The first objective of this project is the development of a programmable drone, equipped with several complementary sensors, that will autonomously inspect several structures of a storage facility. The second objective of this project is to create artificial intelligence-based hazard detection algorithms that will use multispectral and georeferenced images (i.e., thermal and visual) and 3D Point Clouds data collected by an autonomous drone to detect hazards in the storage facility structure that would indicate uncontrolled leakage to the environment or lead to the potential failure of the structure.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0032172 Investigation of Ammonia for Combustion Turbines 09/01/2022 01/31/2026

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) and team members Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), University of Central Florida (UCF) and Combustion Research and Flow Technologies, Inc. (CRAFT Tech) will perform an in-depth evaluation of ammonia as a zero-carbon fuel for power generation. The project goal will be achieved through an iterative physics-, computational-, and experimental approach resulting in the design of two pilot combustors validated through testing conducted under gas turbine conditions. The project objectives are to: 1) Establish the foundational aspects of the physics of combustion of ammonia and ammonia-hydrogen mixtures through literature search, analyses, modeling and experiments under gas turbine operating conditions; 2) Use the resulting modeling reaction kinetics data to establish reduced reaction mechanisms, including nitrogen oxides (NOx) formation, and apply them to update a commercially available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code to support the design of one or more prototypic gas turbine combustors; and, 3) Use the anchored code and combustion knowledge to design a scaled up burner and a representative scaled test article system, fabricate and test the article to confirm combustion system performance and emissions, and validate model and emissions estimates.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems University of North Dakota ND FE0032182 Modular Biomass Gasification for Co-Production of Hydrogen and Power 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

The University of North Dakota and project partner Envergex LLC will develop a novel process-intensified and modular Combined Hydrogen, Heat, and Power (CH2P) production technology, targeting commercial scales of 5–10 megawatt-electric (MWe) equivalent. The process technology integrates a novel adaptation of the state-of-the-art steam-iron process to produce high-purity hydrogen (H2) and a compression-ready carbon dioxide (CO2) stream from the gasification of biomass and biomass blends, enabling significant progress toward achieving the target cost for clean H2 of $1/kg.

The process addresses the challenges to small-scale modular H2 production by:

  1. The use of a novel, iron-based material with multi-functionality (oxygen carrier material [OCM]) that combines syngas purification, H2 production, and CO2 separation (process intensification).
  2. Adopting a commercially available, low-cost, modular bed gasification system patented by Singularity Energy Technologies and known as the Sandwich™ Gasifier, specifically designed for variable quality feedstocks.
  3. Tightly integrating the gasification process and synthesis gas conversion process for a feed conversion rate of 25–50 tonnes/day.
Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems State University of New York (SUNY) NY FE0032209 Catalytic Membrane Reactors Based on Carbon Molecular Sieve Hollow Fiber Membranes for Sustainable And Modular Hydrogen Production 10/01/2022 06/30/2025

The Research Foundation for State University of New York (SUNY) on behalf of University at Buffalo will develop a process-intensified gasification system for economically viable, modular hydrogen (H2) production from waste biomass using catalytic membrane reactors (CMR) based on carbon molecular sieve (CMS) hollow fiber membranes (HFMs). Specifically, the CMR will be developed to selectively remove H2 during the high-temperature water-gas shift (WGS) reaction to circumvent thermodynamic limitations on the conversion of carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and H2. Technical objectives include: (1) developing high-performance CMRs based on thermally stable, processible polymer-derived CMS membranes, (2) designing and preparing new multicomponent CO2-tolerant nano-catalysts for WGS reaction using a unique flame-based aerosol process , (3) developing CMR and HFM models, and (4) producing a techno-economic analysis (TEA) of the biomass gasification process incorporating the membrane reactor technology. The endpoint of the program will be a 200-hour continuous test of the optimized CMRs for achieving high CO conversion at high temperatures and a roadmap for technology demonstration, deployment, and commercialization.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation National Grid USA Service Company, Inc. MA FE0032168 Future of Heating, Residential Gas Demand Response ("DR") Pilot in Single Family and Multifamily Use Cases 10/01/2022 03/31/2027

The project’s purpose is to determine how well the use of hybrid heating (gas and electric) technologies in multifamily and single-family households enables reduced gas system peak-hour and peak-day usage to alleviate gas system constraints. Using a hybrid heating approach, National Grid will seek to overcome customer comfort and safety barriers that normally occur when curtailing gas demand during extreme cold events. The proposed pilot expands upon the existing successful gas demand response programs (“DR” or “gas DR”) National Grid operates, using electric heating technology to expand the market potential of gas DR. The project will test two representative technologies — window units and radiator covers — and integrate them with advanced/smart control systems to validate the utility of gas DR programs.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems Washington University MO FE0032178 Intensification of Hydrogen Production Enabled by Electrochemical Pumping Module for Purification and Compression 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

Washington University in St. Louis, in collaboration with Skyre Inc., will develop and demonstrate an innovative electrochemical hydrogen pump (EHP) technology that will significantly reduce the costs of clean hydrogen production, specifically from small-scale (5–50 MW) biomass gasification units. This cost reduction will be achieved through substantial process intensification by combining two energy-intensive process steps, namely hydrogen purification and compression, into a single step, and by replacing inefficient and scale-driven purification and compression units with a single modular electrochemical purifier/pump. The EHP utilizes a very small amount of electricity, theoretically on the order of 1 kWh/kg hydrogen (H2), to simultaneously treat product gas from a standard water-gas shift reactor and selectively pump pure H2 through an electrochemical cell to achieve high-purity (99.99%) and high-pressure (800 bar) H2 for subsequent storage/utilization or pipeline injection. This results in substantial energy savings as compared to mechanical compression and traditional purification systems. The modular nature of these electrochemical cells enables utilization at similar efficiency at any gasification unit scale. The specific project objectives are to: (1) design, develop, and test critical custom EHP components for specific application to high-purity and high-pressure H2 synthesis from biomass gasifier product gas; (2) demonstrate the optimal operation of a laboratory-scale EHP unit with 82 cm2 cells and up to 10 cells in a stack to produce purified and compressed H2 from a synthetic gasifier product gas, thereby advancing the technology from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 to TRL 4; and (3) perform a techno-economic analysis (TEA) to quantify the potential cost savings associated with EHP implementation and make progress toward the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Hydrogen Energy Earthshot goal of $1/kg H2.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research West Virginia University (WVU) WV FE0032212 Integrated Life Cycle and Techno-Economic Assessments of Central Appalachian Legacy Mine Sites for Biomass Development and Waste Coal Utilization 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

This project will quantitatively assess legacy coal mine sites in West Virginia and Pennsylvania and develop reclamation strategies for waste coal and biomass development with best management practices to reduce GHG emissions and achieve a regional decarbonized economy. Methods will include geospatial data analytics, machine-learning (ML)-assisted coal refuse pile estimation, and integrated ML-based techno-economic assessment (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA). Outcomes include identification of the characteristics of legacy coal mine sites, strategies and best management practices of biomass development on legacy mined lands, a robust database and models of LCA for biomass development and the utilization of legacy mine waste materials, and integrated LCA and TEA data and impacts of the net-zero or net-negative pathways of biomass development and waste coal utilization.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA FE0032184 A Data-Driven Multiscale Phytotechnology Framework for Identification and Remediation of Leached-Metals-Contaminated Soil Near Coal Ash Impoundments 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

The project objectives are to integrate satellite remote sensing, machine learning and image processing, geological engineering models, and soil science and plant pathology to: 1) identify potential leaching of metals from coal ash impoundments (Phase I), and 2) propose locally adaptable phytoextraction approaches to remediate contaminated regions (Phase II). The analyses will consider potentially contaminated areas surrounding coal combustion product impoundments of southern West Virginia, south-west Virginia, eastern Kentucky, eastern Tennessee, and North Carolina. The project will develop a locally adapted phytoremediation design including a database of phytoremediation potential of different hyperaccumulating plants, an environmental justice screening to prioritize areas with high environmental justice impact, and a machine learning informed model that outputs a ranked list of suggested plant species for each candidate site.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Ohio State University OH FE0032204 Co-Firing Switchgrass and Waste Coal in a Power Plant: A Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Evaluation for the Ohio River Valley 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

The overall objective of this project is to develop a modeling framework and identify the scenarios with net-zero or net-negative greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and lower levelized cost of energy production (LCOE) for a waste coal and switchgrass co-fired power plant equipped with carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the Ohio River Valley.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of California - Riverside CA FE0032207 An Experimental and Computational Approach to Investigating CO2 Uptake of Cellulose-Producing Algae from Cellulosic Ethanol Product 10/01/2022 09/30/2025

The overall goal of this project is to combine experimental algal cultures with predictive quantum calculations to evaluate system-level Carbon Dioxide (CO2) uptake and conversion efficiency of cellulose-producing Nannochloropsis species (sp.) algae. UCR will optimize Nannochloropsis salina (N. salina) cultures on effluent gas produced directly from cellulosic ethanol fermentation, characterize the fermentation products, quantify cellulose production, and calculate CO2 uptake efficiency with predictive quantum calculations. UCR will conduct a life cycle and techno-economic analysis of the proposed integration informed by the results of testing.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA FE0032226 Enhancing Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Temperature Performance in High-Hydrogen Environments using Field Assisted Sintering Technology 01/01/2023 10/31/2025

The overall objective of this project is to significantly improve the temperature performance by at least 150° C of ceramic matrix composite (CMC) materials in high-hydrogen environments using field assisted sintering technology (FAST). FAST is a relatively new material synthesis technology that allows for novel materials to be processed at significantly shorter fabrication times by using high-density electrical currents to drive rapid, high-intensity heating.

The project objective will be achieved by the following methodology. FAST-derived CMCs in conjunction with advanced ceramic coatings will be developed to adapt to higher-temperature combustion with higher-humidity contents as a result of the high-hydrogen fuel. The fabricated samples will be tested at a range of combustor operating conditions with up to 100% hydrogen fuel to understand the impact of different CMC formulations and combustion gas environments on the material performance.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA FE0032223 CO2 Capture at Louisville Gas & Electric Cane Run Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant 12/22/2022 08/31/2025

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), in collaboration with the University of Kentucky (UKy), Bechtel, and Vogt Power, will conduct a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for UKy’s solvent-agnostic, low-cost carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process retrofitted to Louisville Gas & Electric Kentucky Utilities (LG&E-KU) Cane Run #7 (CR7), a commercially operating natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power generation unit. The process will capture approximately 1,700,000 tonnes of CO2 per year at a greater than 95% capture rate, suitable for permanent geologic CO2 storage along the Ohio River corridor. The CR7 unit is representative of power plants in the Midwest and Midsouth, where intermittent renewable power and geographical storage for CO2 is limited. Although UKy’s CO2 capture process is solvent-agnostic, an optimized aqueous amine solvent developed by UKy will be considered for this study.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training Prairie View A&M University TX FE0032203 Producing Algal Biomass from Wastewater as Cotton Plant Fertilizer to Reduce Carbon Footprint 01/01/2023 12/31/2025

This collaborative project aims to understand the utilization of algal biomass produced from a wastewater treatment facility as fertilizer for cotton plant growth by conducting experimental trials in a greenhouse environment and field trials in test plots. Algae growth conditions will be optimized using a bench top revolving algal biofilm (RAB) reactor system in the lab, and algal biomass pellets obtained from the RAB pilot plant will be used for cotton growth trials in the test plots for two consecutive years. The project objectives include: (1) optimizing the conditions to maximize the carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake by algae in wastewater when bubbling simulated flue gas using an RAB reactor system; (2) using different spectroscopy and advanced imaging techniques to measure the carbon uptake and composition of algal biomass; (3) evaluating the algal biomass as biofertilizer for cotton plant growth under normal conditions to reduce carbon footprint; (4) conducting cotton plant growth trials in test plots using varying amounts of algal biomass; and (5) evaluating the environmental and economic benefits of utilizing algal biomass as fertilizer by performing life cycle and techno-economic analyses.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training Florida A&M University FL FE0032198 Innovative Biomonitoring and Remediation of Heavy Metals Using Phytotechnologies at the Savannah River Site Coal Combustion Product Impoundment Sites 01/25/2023 01/24/2026

The objective of the work by Florida A&M University is to utilize algal- and cyanobacterial-based phycotechnologies to address pervasive heavy metal contamination from coal combustion product (CCP) impoundments at the Savannah River Site. Novel bioindicators will be developed to gauge the potential for phytoremediation to restore legacy impoundment sites. This will be achieved by conducting an environmental diagnostic assessment of ash pond sites, using metagenomics to identify taxonomic composition and gene functions of algal communities in sites with heavy metal contamination, developing an environmental health index of ash pond sites to predict the success of remediation strategies, isolating algal-cyanobacterial taxa and screening them against heavy metals to confirm heavy metal resistance and/or hyperaccumulation, and populating artificial intelligence models to develop an iterative remediation strategy.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Susteon, Inc. NC FE0032216 High Performance Solvent for Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) Flue Gas CO2 Capture 01/01/2023 01/31/2025

Susteon is developing a transformational solvent specifically designed for capturing greater than 97% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) from natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant flue gas. The design approach for the novel solvent is based on meeting the CO2 capture efficiency target by tailoring the physical and chemical properties while making significant progress toward 40% capture cost reduction, as compared with the current commercial Shell Cansolv solvent-based technology, when fully developed. If successful, this solvent will have reduced energy requirements for solvent regeneration; a high oxidative, thermal, and hydrothermal stability for reduced solvent loss and emissions; and high CO2 capture working capacity and fast kinetics, resulting in a reduced footprint and lower capital cost. The laboratory-scale testing program will consist of the following elements: synthesis, optimization, production, and characterization of solvents, and performance testing of the solvents with a simulated NGCC flue gas to advance the technology from current Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 2 to TRL 3.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science MD FE0032188 Photosynthesis-Driven Microalgal System to Mitigate Carbon Dioxide Emission from Power Plant Flue Gases 02/15/2023 02/14/2026

The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES), with partners HY-TEK Bio, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and Argonne National Lab (ANL) is engineering microalgal polycultures through a photosynthesis-driven process to capture and sequester Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from power plant flue gases in the form of algae biomass and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) precipitates. Work includes laboratory development of algal cultivation systems with injection of micro- or nano-bubbles to improve CO2 mass transfer and sequestration, optimization of algal culture microbiome and the biocementation process, pilot-scale testing of the algal carbon sequestration system at the partnering power plant and development of Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) models to evaluate and guide research and testing activities and explore the potential of algae CO2 capture and utilization systems.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / REE Detection Systems Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) NM FWP-LANL-AE-1263-1711 A Machine Learning Screening Tool for Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals at the Mine Scale 03/01/2023 06/30/2025

The objective is to develop a mine-scale tool that can be used to screen mines and other geologic deposits for potential viability as rare earth element (REE) and critical mineral (CM) mines. Machine learning techniques will be used in combination with existing and newly collected data from the Wyodak Mine to develop this screening tool. While developed with data from Wyodak, the tool will be site-agnostic and enable users to identify whether or not a mine has economic potential for mining REE/CM and to identify regions within the mine with a high probability of economic viability.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / REE Detection Systems Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) CA FWP-FP00016201 Machine Learning-aided Multi-physics Identification and Characterization of REE-CM Hot Zones in Mine Tailings for Economic Recovery 01/01/2023 03/31/2025

Characterization of rare earth elements and critical minerals (REE-CM) in unconventional and secondary sources is a complex task that needs to overcome the challenges of detecting low and variable concentrations and the uniqueness of every source material deposit in terms of composition, host material, and disposal environment. As in traditional mineral prospecting, delineation of REE-CM "hot zones" is critical for assessing the economic viability of these sources. Here, hot zone is defined as a spatially delineated volume of high REE-CM concentrations within the tailing deposits. The project will develop and field demonstrate a machine learning (ML)-aided multi-physics approach for rapid identification and characterization of REE-CM hot zones in mine tailings with a focus on coal and sulfide mine tailings or other processing or utilization byproducts, such as fly ash and refuse deposits.

Active Crosscutting Research / Plant Optimization Technologies Clemson University SC FE0032231 Accelerated Discovery of Protection System and Laser Processing of Protective Coatings on CMC for Hydrogen Turbines 02/03/2023 02/02/2025

The objectives of this project are to design, process, and validate a laser-manufactured, integrated, and graded bond coat-environmental barrier coat-thermal barrier coat (BC-EBC-TBC) system that can effectively protect and lead to the use of Silicon Carbide fiber/Silicon Carbide (SiCf/SiC) matrix CMCs in next-generation hydrogen-fueled turbines. This will be achieved through six objectives:

  1. Characterization of the thermal and mechanical properties of the candidate coating materials, including polymer-derived ceramics (PDC), yttrium silicates, and gadolinium zirconate, followed by developing theoretical design of the integrated and graded BC-EBC-TBC to maximize the thermal protection while minimizing the thermal stress.
  2. Optimization of the laser processing parameters for various compositions consisting of PDC, yttrium silicate, and/or gadolinium zirconate to achieve the targeted crystalline phase and microstructure, followed by fabrication of micro-sample arrays of the multilayer integrated BC-EBC-TBC on CMC substrates for high-throughput test and characterization.
  3. Simulation of the thermal (i.e., temperature characteristics) and chemical environment (i.e., gas species including steam, NOx, residual oxygen, and hydrogen, and their velocities) during the combustion of mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen with the hydrogen content from 25% to 100%. This will provide guidance for realistic test settings.
  4. Testing the coating sample array under the key testing parameters (e.g., high temperatures, high-velocity steam, and controlled chemical environment), and characterizing the microstructure change and possible defects such as cracks and de-bonding.
  5. Increase the TRL to 4 by the end of this project by establishing machine-learning (ML)-based in-process monitoring to evaluate the on-the-spot microstructure and defects (i.e., cracks and pores) to ensure the quality of the integrated BC-EBC-TBC and the manufacturing reliability and repeatability. The team will also establish manufacturing code standardization and carry out a manufacturing maturation process.
  6. Use of the air plasma ray (APS) method to fabricate graded coatings with similar layered compositions and test the samples in simulated hydrogen-fueled combustion environments for the purpose of benchmarking laser-fabricated integrated BC-EBC-TBC performance. Microstructure and defects of laser-fabricated coatings will be compared with APS-fabricated coatings.
Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake MicroBio Engineering CA FE0032189 Cultivation-Ready Improved Algae Strains (CRIAS) for Increased Carbon Utilization Efficiency 02/01/2023 07/31/2025

MicroBio Engineering Inc. has teamed up with New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, California Polytechnic State University, Heliae Development, LLC, and Los Alamos National Laboratory to develop and demonstrate innovative technologies for increasing the Carbon Utilization Efficiency (CUE) in microalgae cultivation, through innovative CO2 delivery and cultivation strategies. This will be coupled with the selection of high productivity microalgae strains for economic and sustainable production of crop biostimulants and other bioproducts for regenerative agriculture. The project objectives are to increase CUE to near 70% and to create novel non-GMO algal strains of the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus that achieve biomass productivity of 25 g ash-free-dry-weight (AFDW)/m2-day of biomass required for commercial viability. Techno-economic analyses and life cycle assessments (TEA/LCA) studies will model the process for algae biomass production, to provide a trajectory to meet the market requirements for production scale-up of biostimulants. This project will utilize CO2 from the flue gas produced at a wastewater treatment plant for power generation by combustion of biogas.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research The University of Alabama In Huntsville AL FE0032196 Towards AI-Enabled Autonomy of Robotic Inspection Platforms for Sustainability of Energy Infrastructure 02/01/2023 01/31/2025

The overall objective of the research is to develop an AI-driven integrated autonomous robotic visual inspection (RVI) platform that can perform real-time defect identification, dynamic path planning, and safe navigation in a closed-loop manner. The Recipient’s research activities have been divided into two phases: Phase I focuses on development of deep learning algorithms for image enhancement, meta-learning for defect identification, and reinforcement learning for dynamic path and motion planning for autonomous navigation. In Phase II the Recipient will focus on simulation and experimental validation of these algorithms.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of Illinois IL FE0032219 Engineering-Scale Testing of the Biphasic Solvent Based CO2 Absorption Capture Technology at a Covanta Waste-to-Energy Facility 02/01/2023 01/31/2027

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Prairie Research Institute and Covanta Corporation will design, build, and operate a pilot-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system at a Covanta waste-to-energy (WTE) facility that combusts municipal solid waste (MSW) to generate steam for the City of Indianapolis. The University of Illinois' transformational biphasic solvent-based CO2 absorption process (BiCAP) technology was previously tested at a 0.7 tonne CO2/day scale on coal-derived flue gas at the Abbott Power Plant located on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. In this project, the technology will be scaled up to capture 2.5 tonnes CO2/day from combustion flue gas at the WTE facility, and the pilot unit will be designed to maintain a capture efficiency of ≥ 95% and produce CO2 with ≥ 95% purity. The project will assess the economic and environmental performance of the technology and the potential net-negative CO2 emissions associated with energy production from burning MSW when carbon capture is incorporated. The impact of the project on environmental justice and the regional economy will be analyzed, and a workforce readiness plan will be developed.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Dioxide Materials, Inc. FL FE0032186 Improved Microalgal Carbon Utilization Efficiency via Integrated CO2 Electro-Conversion to Format and Microalgal Sequestration 02/01/2023 01/31/2026

This project will develop a cutting-edge CO2 electrolyzer technology to capture flue-gas from fossil fueled point source emitters, ultimately converting the CO2 into stable formic acid. This formic acid will then be delivered in a pH dependent manner into algal ponds as a carbon source for algal growth enabled by photosynthesis, notably increasing carbon utilization efficiency due to the high solubility and stable nature of formic acid and minimal potential for off-gassing. The biomass will subsequently be turned into novel high-value, high-volume products.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training Kentucky State University KY FE0032197 Mapping Soil Contamination from Coal Ash with Remote Sensing Analysis to Determine the Spatial Distribution and Impact on Soil Chemistry of Hyperaccumualtor Plant Species 02/01/2023 01/31/2027

Plant species thriving at Coal Combustion Products (CCP) impoundment sites are robust indicators of vegetation types that should be examined for large-scale site restoration and recovery management and have the potential to serve as indicators of the composition of contaminated soils and groundwater. In this work, plant species will be physically identified and mapped to determine the relationship of naturally occurring hyperaccumulator plant species to contaminants in soils which will help to develop a baseline that can be used for monitoring changes. Identifying which plant communities thrive while exhibiting selective uptake of heavy metals at field sites is the primary goal for developing a restoration methodology that includes monitoring with a combination of sampling and remote sensing. Kentucky State University aims to increase knowledge about the growth dynamics, suitability, restoration benefits, and appropriate monitoring metrics to assess the potential impacts of hyperaccumulators.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032217 Enhancement of Carbon Capture Reactor Performance 02/01/2023 02/28/2025

University of Kentucky (UKy) will develop high-efficiency absorber reactor components for natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) carbon dioxide (CO2) capture plants. Research, design, and assembly of materials with targeted functionality will be combined with advanced additive manufacturing techniques toward the development of enhanced CO2 capture reactors. The novel components will improve CO2 mass transfer for highly viscous solvents through increased turbulence on the gas-liquid interface and improved solvent wetting on the packing surface, while maximizing the volumetric productivity of the absorber column. By shortening the packing requirement through enhanced solvent wetting and CO2 mass transfer via the use of micro-structured packing, the capital cost will be reduced. In collaboration with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), a techno-economic analysis (TEA) will be completed to validate a decrease in capital costs and provide a cost estimate of the technology to achieve 97% carbon capture efficiency. In addition to the technologies making significant progress toward a reduction in the cost of CO2 capture for NGCC, they also can be broadly applied to most advanced non-aqueous and water-lean solvents. A technology maturation plan will also be developed to describe the current technology readiness level and examine the additional research and development needed to advance these components for NGCC CO2 capture plants.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Raytheon Technologies Corporation CT FE0032225 Advanced Energy Materials for Hydrogen Turbines for Stationary Power Generation 03/01/2023 11/30/2025

The overall objective of this project is to develop a silicon carbide (SiC) fiber/SiC ceramic matrix composite (CMC) with enhanced water resistance for future hydrogen turbine engine hot section applications at temperatures of 2700 deg F. The project will focus on a pair of materials innovations to raise the CMC temperature capability and mitigate the increased corrosion/oxidation effects of a high-water-vapor combustion environment. These innovations include introducing a new polycrystalline SiC fiber and a dual interface layer to mitigate the effects of H2O ingress through matrix cracks and the resulting corrosion at the fiber and interfacial region. Data will be obtained to identify the oxidation mechanisms and kinetics of the interface corrosion to expand current oxidation models and calibrate and validate oxidation-coupled damage mechanics models for hydrogen combustion.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems Auburn University AL FE0032214 Hydrogen Production from Modular CO2 Assisted Oxy-Blown Gasification of Waste Blends 03/01/2023 02/28/2025

Auburn University and partner RTI International propose a novel process to produce hydrogen (H2) from blended feedstock wastes via carbon dioxide (CO2)-assisted oxy-blown gasification. The proposed project will demonstrate the integration of CO2-assisted oxy-blown gasification with novel, modular technologies for syngas cleanup and conditioning, including RTI’s fixed-bed warm desulfurization process, trace contaminant removal process, and advanced fixed-bed water-gas shift (WGS). Specific objectives are to (1) understand the effect of feedstock blends on flow properties and energy requirements for pre-processing; (2) examine the effect of feedstock blends on syngas composition and contaminants; (3) evaluate WGS catalysts and sulfur and metals removal sorbents for producing high-purity H2; (4) demonstrate 100-hour operation of an integrated system for waste blend gasification and syngas cleanup and conditioning at 1 kilogram (kg)/hour scale H2; (5) perform techno-economic analysis for H2 production using waste materials; and (6) develop a technology maturation plan to advance the proposed technology beyond Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4. Successful completion will provide experimental and modeling data to support informed decisions on feedstock preparation to minimize contaminants of concern in syngas and advanced technologies needed for syngas conditioning and cleanup for producing high-purity (99.97%) H2 at a scale of 5–50 megawatt-equivalent (MWe).

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Enabling Technologies Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) NM FWP-23-025668 Resource Assessment of Unconventional Oil & Gas Shale for Critical Minerals Recovery 02/15/2023 02/14/2025

The goal of this project is to assess the extractability of rare earth elements (REE) and critical minerals (CM), from major oil and shale gas formations across the US. Specifically, this effort will assess the in-situ extractability of REE and CM using a newly developed combination of supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2), water, and chelators (e.g., citric acid). Moreover, this work will establish the technical basis and predictive capabilities to characterize and assess the mineralogy and quantity of REE and CM in shale formations more effectively and efficiently. The predictive model to be developed is anticipated to find use in forecasting of resource potential (i.e., resource to reserves). If successful, the in-situ leaching concept could be directly integrated into existing oil and gas production and field facilities to obtain REE and CM from shale.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Nevada System of Higher Education NV FE0032195 Sustainable and Cost-Effective Phytoremediation Technologies in the Management of Contaminated Soils Adjacent to Coal Combustion Product Impoundment 03/06/2023 03/05/2026

The overarching goal of the project is to mitigate the environmental burdens associated with coal combustion products (CCPs) ponds at the North Valmy power plant by finding native plants and establishing a vegetation cover to phytoextract the toxic heavy metals from ponds and phytostabilize the ultrafine particles of residues. Therefore, developing a sustainable technology to remediate such affected sites is the primary goal of this proposed study.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / REE Detection Systems Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) WA FWP-81034 Drone-Based Geophysical Surveying and Real-Time AI/ML Analysis for Sustainable Production of Critical Minerals 02/09/2023 02/28/2025

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) will develop and demonstrate drone-based geophysical and remote-sensing technologies to quantify critical minerals (CM) in coal, coal related, unconventional and secondary sources or energy related waste streams. Drone-based geophysical surveys and remote sensing combined with artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) analytics for real-time integration and analytics has potential to transform characterization and monitoring for CM from conventional and secondary resources. Sensor technologies, modeling, and data analysis capabilities developed would be agnostic with respect to drone platform and, in principle, could be deployed on ground-based robotic mining or excavation equipment as well.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Raytheon Technologies Corporation CT FE0032230 Additive Predictive Modeling Investigating Steam-Mediated Degradation of Environmental Barrier Coatings in Hydrogen-Fueled Turbines (Premise) 04/01/2023 03/31/2025

The Recipient proposes to develop, calibrate, and validate predictive models describing water-vapor mediated degradation of Pratt and Whitney’s SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composite (CMC) system that has been under development, to enable the design of future hydrogen (H2)-burning turbines. Thermo-chemical and kinetic analysis shall be used to assess the state of H2 and hydrogen-natural gas (H2-NG) combustion gases and the interaction between the combustion gas and environmental barrier coating (EBC) materials. This data shall be used to develop models describing the recession rate of EBC materials as a function of combustion gas composition, temperature, pressure, and velocity. The models shall be calibrated using high velocity steam-jet tests and burner rig exposures in NG and H2-NG mixtures and validated with H2 burner rig exposures. Additionally, the influence of steam concentration on EBC durability shall be assessed using thermo-mechanical models and cyclic burner rig tests in H2 and NG combustion gases.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0032215 Nano-Confined Ionic Liquid Membrane for Greater than or Equal to 97 Percent Carbon Dioxide Capture from Natural Gas Combined Cycle Flue Gas 03/01/2023 05/31/2025

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) and their sub-recipient University at Buffalo (UB) are developing a transformational membrane process for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants. The objectives of this project are to: (1) develop a transformational membrane technology capturing CO2 with 97% or greater efficiency from NGCC flue gas; and (2) demonstrate significant progress toward a 40% reduction in the cost of CO2 capture versus a reference NGCC power plant for the same carbon capture efficiency.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Tampa Electric Company FL FE0032224 Polk Power Station Natural Gas Combined Cycle Carbon Capture Front-End Engineering and Design Study 03/01/2023 03/31/2025

Tampa Electric Company (TEC) and their partners will perform a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for retrofitting ION Clean Energy Inc.'s post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology at Polk Power Station located in Mulberry, Florida. The Polk Power Station consists of two separate facilities, including a 1,190-megawatt (MW) natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant unit (PK2), which is the focus of the FEED study. The project will be capable of capturing a minimum of 95% of the CO2 emissions, equating to nearly 3.7 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

The objective of the project is to design a cost-effective system that maintains the necessary flexibility of a dispatch-based generating asset while maximizing energy efficiency and utilizing ION Clean Energy's transformational solvent (ICE-31). During the FEED study, the project team will design a CO2 capture facility that best fits the commercial needs of TEC. The team will prepare an AACE Class 3 estimate for the entire scope of the capture facility and balance of plant systems to generate a CO2 product with suitable characterization and pressure requirements for onsite storage. This information will be used to develop a successful business case analysis for implementation at PK2, as well as further expansion to other TEC NGCC generation assets in close proximity to PK2.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems University of North Dakota ND FE0032183 Hydrogen Production from High Volume Organic Construction and Demolition Wastes 03/01/2023 02/28/2025

The Energy and Environmental Research Center—University of North Dakota will test a series of innovations to gasify waste materials and store key contaminants to make clean 99% hydrogen. Industrial partner involvement will help to inform the research trials and techno-economic analysis (TEA). The project will demonstrate that construction and demolition (C&D) debris-containing treated lumber can be converted sufficiently and economically to store the arsenic and make a clean hydrogen stream. The project objectives are to test innovations in an integrated system design for contaminated feedstock, including gasifier structure and operating conditions, unit materials, tar cracking, and gas filtration. The project will perform the research in a closely integrated oxygen-blown fluid-bed gasification system. Predictive and economic modeling will occur at each test stage, and the project will be informed by industry partners.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies Ground Water Protection Council OK FE0032155 Risk-Based Data Management System (RBDMS) Fracfocus, States First and Produced Water Initiatives 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The primary objective of the project is to continue successful use and development of a Risk-Based Data Management System (RBDMS), which is a well-established system that is utilized by 30 state agencies to track oil and natural gas well histories, brine disposal, production, enhanced recovery, permitting/reporting, and other operations to facilitate the development of energy resources. This project will support the expansion of FracFocus and RBDMS for improved public access to oil and natural gas related regulatory data and optimally process electronic permits by state agencies.

The specific goals of the proposed activity are to:

  • Continue to evolve RBDMS to provide solutions that enable state regulatory programs to manage mission critical activities and responsibilities on matters such as permitting, drilling and completion, production, plugging and abandonment, orphan well identification, inspection and compliance, and environmental protection.
  • Improve public access to state oil and natural gas regulatory data.
  • Provide additional support to state regulatory agencies through the State Oil and Gas Regulatory Exchange (SOGRE) and States First initiatives.
  • Support electronic permitting and reporting for improved accuracy, efficiency and reduced processing time.
  • Provide training and support for state personnel and operators on new RBDMS modules and improved FracFocus 3.2 capabilities.
  • Provide additional reports on produced water and other state collaborative efforts.
  • Support states in development/planning for the RBDMS/web cloud including new or upgraded modules for natural gas storage and pipeline data management.
  • Support the expansion of a Regional Induced Seismicity Collaborative (RISC) to address the issue of induced seismicity (associated with produced water injection) in the southern midcontinent of the United States to integrate approaches, share research and data, and potentially cooperate on projects.
Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC FE0032218 Generation Non-Aqueous Solvents (GEN2NAS) for CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plants 04/01/2023 03/31/2025

The objective of the proposed project is to advance a novel second-generation non-Aqueous solvent (GEN2NAS) and process for higher efficiency (97%+) carbon dioxide (CO2) capture that will meet the goal of lowering the cost of CO2 capture at natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plants by 40% compared with the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) baseline Case B31B based on Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy’s Plants Volume 1: Bituminous Coal and Natural Gas to Electricity Revision 4 (Sep. 24th, 2019). The scope of work will show the efficacy of a novel NAS and process. The solvent will perform particularly well for NGCC plants using a CAPEX-lowering Rotatory Packed Bed (RPB) process and utilizing RTI’s GEN2NAS solvent. The equipment consists of an RPB absorber and a flash regenerator operating at higher pressure, which reduces the equipment footprint and CAPEX compared with a conventional packed column and stripper. This intensified equipment enables the novel NAS to use an amine structure with lower volatility and to use a higher amine concentration, which decreases the reboiler duty even further than has been observed recently with non-aqueous amines. The proposed technology will decrease both CAPEX and OPEX and will drive the cost of CO2 capture to approximately $50/ton CO2. Testing of the solvent at laboratory scale is proposed for this project using a lab-scale gas absorption system and batch-wise testing of the solvent in a small RPB absorber. The kinetics of CO2 absorption will be measured using a wetted-wall column, which has been used to show the fast kinetics of water-lean solvents such as EEMPA and RTI’s first generation solvent compared with others such as monoethanolamine. A technoeconomic analysis will be conducted as a final deliverable.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Dastur International, Inc. NJ FE0032192 Carbon Capture on Air Liquide United States Gulf Coast Steam Methane Reformer Using the Cryocap Flue Gases Process 04/01/2023 09/30/2025

Dastur International Inc., in collaboration with Air Liquide Large Industries US LP and Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions US Inc., will perform a front-end-engineering design (FEED) study for a commercial-scale carbon capture system (CCS) that separates 95% of the total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions with at least 95% purity from an existing steam methane reformer (SMR) facility in the U.S. Gulf Coast. The carbon capture system is Air Liquide’s proprietary CryocapTM Flue Gases (FG) process. The integration of the Cryocap FG technology to the existing SMR would enable CO2 capture of 900,000 metric tons per year, with a net carbon capture rate of greater than 95% and with minimum impact on the levelized cost of hydrogen produced at 99.97% purity. It is expected that the captured CO2 would be transported and stored in a nearby geologic formation, as the surrounding region is well known to be highly suitable for long-duration, high-security storage of CO2 in deep saline formations.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Michigan Technological University MI FE0032236 Aluminum Critical Mineral Production via Landfill Mining: Environmental, Community, and Technical Feasibility for Integrated Multi-Material Resource Recovery 04/01/2023 03/31/2026

The overall project objective is to develop a process to assess landfill contents and design a process to extract and separate aluminum. Social science analysis of the landfill history and surrounding community will be key to selecting a landfill pilot with a high probability of being viable economically, environmentally, and within the community. Environmental impacts will be identified and quantified for the prospective landfill sites. Separation techniques will be evaluated and a pilot-scale test apparatus for aluminum separation will be built. Finally, the details of aluminum recovery will be developed to optimize recovered aluminum quality by casting high quality ingots for characterization.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Colorado State University CO FE0032229 Algal Biorefinery Conversion of Utility CO2 to High-Value Products (ABC-UC) 05/01/2023 04/30/2026

In this project, Colorado State University (CSU), located in Fort Collins, CO, will demonstrate, characterize, and optimize a biorefinery process for converting a utility source of carbon dioxide (CO2) to high-value bioproducts (ink and carbon nanofiber supercapacitor electrodes) via algal cultivation. The project objectives include developing efficient CO2 transfer to algal cultivations, developing strains and operations for algal cultivation from flue gas, developing and optimizing algal biomass conversion to products, and conducting a techno-economic analysis (TEA) and a life cycle assessment (LCA). There are two budget periods (BPs) in this project. Living Ink Technologies, University of Wyoming, and Wyoming Integrated Test Center (WITC; Host Site) are the project partners. CSU, responsible for the overall project management, will conduct algal cultivations in the laboratories at CSU and WITC. Living Ink Technologies will refine methods for producing ink from the solid fraction of algal biomass pyrolysis and hydrothermal liquefaction and will characterize the produced inks. The University of Wyoming will conduct research on separation of water from the liquid product of algal biomass pyrolysis and hydrothermal liquefaction.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC FE0032220 Carbon Capture Plant Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) Study for Cement Manufacturing 04/14/2023 07/13/2025

RTI International, with CEMEX Inc., Schlumberger, and KBR Inc., will perform a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from the CEMEX Balcones Cement Plant flue gas in New Braunfels, TX. The project will utilize RTI’s non-aqueous solvent (NAS) capture technology. The specific goal of the project is to complete the FEED study of an integrated 1.6 million tonnes-CO2/yr capture system with 95% capture efficiency at CEMEX’s cement plant. The results of the FEED study will enable better understanding of the capital costs and cost of CO2 capture of the commercial-scale system from an Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) Class 3 estimate.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Electricore, Inc. CA FE0032181 Combined Carbon Capture Solution on Air Liquide South Texas Steam Methane Reformer (SMR) 04/01/2023 10/31/2025

Electricore and partner Air Liquide will complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for a commercial-scale advanced carbon capture system that would separate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from an existing steam methane reforming (SMR) facility in South Texas. The proposed carbon capture system is a combination of Air Liquide’s CryocapTM hydrogen (H2) technology and a solvent-based post-combustion technology system. The capture system will have a net-carbon capture efficiency of greater than 95% and a minimum impact on the levelized cost of H2 produced at a minimum of 99.97% purity. The FEED study will include the design and optimization of the proposed plant and several environmental, technical, and cost assessments.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of Utah UT FE0032235 Modular Reactor for Co-Generation of Liquid Chemicals and Electricity from Stranded Natural Gas 06/01/2023 12/31/2026

This project will work to design, demonstrate, and test a novel process-intensified modular system with techno-economic feasibility which integrates an electrocatalyst with electrochemical membrane reactors for natural gas (NG) upgrading to value-added liquid chemicals (aromatics) and power generation simultaneously. Different aspects of the design have already been tested and validated under various operating conditions. The NG conversion and aromatics yield can be significantly improved by the enhanced reaction kinetics by electrochemically utilizing the hydrogen product for electricity generation. The proposed modular system aims to achieve NG conversion of >30%, aromatics yield of >50% increase, and >90% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials University of Maryland MD FE0032227 Development of Hetero-Multilayered Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings for Hydrogen Turbines for Stationary Power Generation 05/01/2023 04/30/2025

The objective of this project is to develop an innovative thermal barrier coating consisting of hetero-multilayers of yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and alpha-phase alumina with the desired thermal, mechanical and ionic conduction properties to enable an additional 150oC - 200oC of temperature capability beyond the current ceramic matrix composites (CMC) technology. The proof of concept of the mulltilayered thermal barrier coating technologies will be demonstrated. Specifically, a co-design model for thermal, mechanical and ionic transport properties in the multilayered coating will be developed. The multilayered thermal barrier coating will be manufactured and its structure and properties will be characterized. In addition, the initial tech-to-market analysis will be performed.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of North Dakota ND FE0032234 Non-Catalytic Pyrolysis of Associated Gas to Zero-CO2 Hydrogen and High Value Carbon Black 05/01/2023 04/30/2025

This project will perform an engineering design and economic analysis study of the conversion of associated gas in the Bakken to high value carbon black and hydrogen, using the Microwave Plasma Pyrolysis (MPP) process developed by H Quest Vanguard, Inc (HQV). A multi-well pad producing oil and associated gas in the Bakken / Three Forks shale play will be selected as the basis of the design study.

The MPP process is a proprietary, novel, modular and energy efficient chemical conversion technology enabled by microwave plasma. The scalable microwave plasma reactor concept enables rapid, continuous, direct (single-step) conversion of methane and higher hydrocarbons to hydrogen and high-value carbons, with control over product selectivity, across a wide range of feed compositions and energy inputs.

The project will combine experimental testing, process modeling, economic and environmental analysis to significantly de-risk the economics of deploying the MPP process at well pads within the Bakken region by quantifying the financial and economic benefits of the process for a representative well site operator or owner.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA432 Forced Flow Thermal Gradient Chemical Vapor Infiltration (FCVI) of Complex-Shape 07/01/2023 12/31/2026

The proposed project aims to contribute to the scalability, yield, rate, and cost of manufacturing the newest class of structural materials for high-temperature applications. Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are in ever-increasing demand to elevate performance and efficiency, which will enable next-generation innovations for industrial gas turbines, heat exchangers, aero engines, space reentry vehicles, and nuclear fission and fusion reactors. Chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) deposits a highly stoichiometric silicon carbide (SiC) matrix material for structural CMCs that can operate at temperatures > 1450 °C. However, the current state-of-the-art isothermal/isobaric CVI (ICVI) process used for manufacturing CMC components today is expensive.

Previous work at ORNL resulted in the development of a process termed forced-flow, thermal-gradient CVI (FCVI), which demonstrated a reduction in processing time by an order of magnitude and a practical increase in CMC thickness. FCVI is being used to densify carbon/silicon carbide (C/SiC) aircraft brakes, but to date its use has been limited to simple flat puck and disk configurations using machined hot and cold graphite mandrels. This project will design and fabricate a new FCVI reactor and employ complex-shaped mandrels fabricated by additive manufacturing of carbon preforms with subsequent pyrolysis and graphitization. This project will demonstrate FCVI to deposit SiC on a curved component shape.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Louisiana Economic Development Department LA FE0032165 Project Diamond Vault Carbon Capture Front End Engineering Design Study 04/01/2023 02/28/2025

The objective of the project is to perform a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study for a carbon dioxide (CO2) capture retrofit at Cleco Power's Madison Unit 3 in Louisiana. The FEED study will be performed in three separate phases: (i) an initial feasibility phase that will be performed with two technology vendors; (ii) a pre-FEED phase with a single technology vendor selected based on the feasibility phase results to define the project and preliminary costs; and (iii) a final-FEED phase which will be a continuation of the pre-FEED phase with the selected technology vendor and a construction contractor to develop a final cost estimate for the project.

To achieve the proposed cost estimate levels of accuracy throughout the FEED study phases, the project team will develop corresponding project deliverables such as process flow diagrams, piping and instrument diagrams, heat and material balances, plot plans, arrangement drawings, equipment lists, and one-line diagrams. The balance of plant engineering design will include specifications for utilities such as compression, cooling water, waste treatment, and the sources of energy, electricity and/or steam, necessary to power the capture process. Civil and structural engineering tasks will also be incorporated throughout the design to support the estimates. The overall project capital cost estimate will be consistent with an AACE Class 2 cost estimate (approximate accuracy of -15% to +20%) based on the CO2 capture and balance of plant design packages, site-specific labor rates, project-specific considerations, and the selected contracting approach. The team will also complete analyses of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, business case, technology environmental health and safety risks, environmental justice, and economic revitalization and job creation outcomes of implementing the project.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of Illinois IL FE0032221 Industrial Carbon Capture from an Existing Hot Briquetted Iron Manufacturing Facility using the Cryocap FG Technology 04/01/2023 06/30/2025

The University of Illinois, in partnership with Air Liquide, Visage Energy Corporation, Hatch Associates Consultants Inc., Midrex Technologies Inc., ArcelorMittal, and voestalpine Texas LLC, will complete a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study for retrofitting an ironmaking plant with carbon capture technology. The design will employ Air Liquide’s pressure swing adsorption-assisted Cryocap™ technology to capture 95% of the total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions at the ArcelorMittal Texas Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) facility, which emits approximately 1 million tonnes of CO2 per year. In addition to developing a detailed engineering design package, the team will complete analyses of the capital and operating costs, business case, life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, environmental health and safety risks, environmental justice, and economic revitalization and job creation outcomes of implementing the project.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Global Algae Innovations, Inc. CA FE0032187 Spirulina Production on Flue Gas 07/01/2023 06/30/2026

This project will advance an integrated open raceway algae cultivation and processing system with carbon capture and utilization (CCU) from the flue gas of a naphtha-fired power plant for the production of spirulina as an aquaculture feed ingredient. The objectives are to (1) increase the annual spirulina productivity to at least 20 g/m2/day with a carbon utilization efficiency of 90% and carbon capture efficiency of 70% for a 30-day field trial; (2) validate the net decrease in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions; (3) optimize cultivation parameters to account for weather and growth dynamics; (4) produce spirulina powder using low-harvest energy processes; (5) validate the selling price of the spirulina product as a protein-rich aquaculture feed ingredient through testing with rainbow trout; and (6) utilize the data from cultivation and rainbow trout testing to accurately quantify the economic and environmental benefits of the target products through techno-economic analyses (TEAs) and life cycle analyses (LCAs).

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC FE0032241 An Integrated and Continuous Bench-Scale Passive Direct Air Capture Demonstration. 06/15/2023 06/14/2026

The Research Triangle Institute (RTI), in partnership with Creare and GE Research, will design, build, and test an integrated bench-scale contactor process for continuous direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2) under actual DAC conditions. This contactor is optimized for wind-driven operation and incorporates RTI’s high-performance, high-durability amine sorbents, as well as Creare’s hybrid additive manufacturing (H-AM) technology, to produce high-performance, compact heat and mass exchange structures at low cost using methods that are ideally suited for integration with sorbent materials.

In Budget Period 1 (BP1), the team will perform, in parallel, two major activities: (1) sorbent scale-up up to 10 kg and coating formulations optimization, and (2) wind-driven contactor performance modeling to aid in the design of key physical parameters of the contactor units, as well as operational parameters for the bench-scale system.

In BP2, the team will fabricate and commission a wind-driven bench-scale contactor system to extract CO2 from the atmosphere through absorption and desorption cycles.

In BP3, the team will conduct parametric and long-term testing to ensure controlled test conditions over a long period of time, as well as perform a detailed techno-economic analysis and life cycle analysis using all experimental data collected during the project.

In addition, the team will also conduct activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The team will foster objectives and actions for community benefit, such as an inclusive environment; supporting people from underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); advancing equity; and encouraging the inclusion of individuals from these groups in the project.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage University of North Dakota ND FE0032244 Resource Assessment of Industrial Wastes for CO2 Mineralization 07/01/2023 07/31/2025

The project is evaluating waste residues/waste by-products from various industries for applicability to creating value-added products through carbon dioxide (CO2) mineralization (CO2M). The project will apply the CO2M technology to several waste residues from local industry that broadly represent heavy industries that are widespread throughout the nation. The results of these laboratory experiments will be used to develop a database and toolset to aid in locating and evaluating potential industrial residues that can create value-added products using the CO2M technology.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032255 Negative-Emissions Enabled Direct Air Capture with Coupled Electro-Production of Hydrogen at a 5 kg/Hour Scale 08/01/2023 07/31/2026

The University of Kentucky Research Foundation, in partnership with EPRI, will develop a 5kg/hour carbon dioxide (CO2) direct air capture (DAC) process. Three objectives are targeted, including (1) the scale-up of an electrochemical reactor (ER) to simultaneously produce hydrogen (H2) and CO2 at a low electric potential of less than 3 volts with collaboration from a commercial water electrolyzer developer; (2) the design and construction of an open-tower absorber for low gas pressure drop, including a spray section with a multifunctional mist eliminator to provide reaction surface area for CO2 capture, while minimizing the liquid droplet loss; and (3) reducing the energy consumption for CO2 release by 50% by immobilizing a catalyst on the absorber demister to enhance bicarbonate formation and total CO2 loading in the solvent. In Budget Period 1 (BP1), the team will design and test the Hybrid Absorber (HA) and ER. In BP2, the team will focus on scale-up, modulation, startup, and commissioning. 5). In BP3, the team will focus on parametric and long-term testing with a focus on CO2 capture efficiency from greater than 1,000 CFM air, gaseous pressure drop, gas-liquid contact effectiveness, and energy requirement coupled with the performance of the ER targeting minimizing the power requirement, along with data collection to support techno-economic assessment (TEA), life cycle assessment (LCA), and environmental health and safety (EH&S) assessment.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage University of Nebraska NE FE0032259 Resource Assessment for Carbon Dioxide Storage via Accelerated Carbonation Reaction with Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) 07/01/2023 06/30/2025

The overall objectives of this project are to identify the optimum processes to maximize carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration, enhance the efficiency of carbon mineralization, improve the technology readiness of carbon mineralization, and build and advance the required industrial waste concrete base. This project is based on preliminary research done by the University of Nebraska- Lincoln that determined that the physical, mechanical, and durability properties of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) could be significantly improved after the carbonation reaction with CO2 in the project team's specially designed small- and large-scale reaction chambers.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage University of Hawaii HI FE0032245 Subsurface Carbon Mineralization Resources in Hawaiian Basalt 06/29/2023 06/28/2025

This project is determining whether the submerged flanks of extinct Hawaiian volcanoes can be used to effectively mineralize captured anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), thereby mitigating the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Although subsurface storage of supercritical CO2 has been extensively researched, sequestration in basalt has the advantage of converting CO2 to immobile carbonate minerals within decades to centuries. The ultimate outcome of this project will be a quantitative assessment of the value of subsurface basalts as a permanent sequestration option and a model that will allow for extrapolation of these results to other parts of Hawai’i and to many other basalt terranes.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage University of Texas at Austin TX FE0032249 Subsurface Mafic and Ultramafic Rock Mapping and Analysis for Carbon Mineralization in the United States (Submap-CO2) 06/01/2023 05/31/2025

The overall objective of this work is to characterize and document the volumetric extent, mineralogy, critical mineral content, petrophysical characteristics, and reaction rates of subsurface mafic and ultramafic rocks within the United States (U.S.), where large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) can be stored as carbonate minerals via carbonation reactions. Previous studies on magnesium-silicate bedrock have focused on surface mapping, where temperature and pressure conditions are suboptimal for sequestration of large volumes of CO2. Thus, this project focuses on subsurface mapping and characterization of different rock types where in-situ CO2 injection and sequestration can be conducted. To determine the sites with the highest potential for safe, permanent CO2 storage, this project is conducting a source-to-sink assessment.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage University of Arizona AZ FE0032252 Distributed Mafic Rock Resources for CO2 Mineralization in Arizona 06/28/2023 06/27/2025

The project objective is to create and disseminate a Mafic Materials Resource Inventory (MMRI) for Arizona and couple this inventory with a systems design analysis that will produce a Direct Air Capture (DAC) to CO2 Mineralization (DACM) model for industry use. The project team will combine existing physical, chemical, and hydrologic data for young, surficial scoria deposits with new geologic mapping, sample collection, physical and geochemical analyses, volumetric estimations, and mineral carbonation rates, to populate an ArcGIS geodatabase of mafic materials in four volcanic fields across geologically unique regions of Arizona. Specimens will be processed and reacted using a one-step aqueous mineralization approach with simulated saline water resources at variable water loads to benchmark against mafic silicate and alumina-silicate materials assessed elsewhere. The DACM model is a deliverable of the project and will include a technoeconomic analysis and life-cycle analysis of using DAC to mineralize CO2 in scoria ex-situ.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Susteon, Inc. NC FE0032254 Bench-Scale Development of Promoted High-Capacity Structured Sorbents 07/01/2023 06/30/2025

Susteon Inc. will conduct bench-scale research and development to advance a novel high-capacity structured sorbent comprising of a highly dispersed sorbent with a low-pressure drop substrate for direct air capture (DAC). The project team will test and select materials and form factors of the structured substrates to support the DAC sorbent. Structured substrate will be selected to provide a high surface area for loading sorbent while minimizing pressure drop, energy loss, and increased mass transfer rates. The team will perform sorbent optimization, preparation, testing and characterization to achieve a highly dispersed sorbent with maximum capacity, adsorption rate and adsorbent stability under process conditions that yield rapid carbon dioxide adsorption rate, high CO2 capacity, and low desorption energy. The team will design and fabricate a system for bench-scale testing that can operate full process cycles under various adsorption and desorption conditions. Process data will be used for constructing and validating a process model, which in turn will be used to develop process design, obtain process heat and material balances, determine optimal sizing of process equipment, perform techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LEA) and to estimate overall process efficiency.

Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization Washington University MO FE0032246 Converting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Alkaline Solid Wastes to Carbon-Negative Cement for Precast Concrete Units 07/01/2023 06/30/2025

The objective of the project is to develop a revolutionary process for producing a carbon-negative alternative cement from carbon dioxide (CO2) and solid waste for the production of precast concrete units. The project will (1) develop an innovative and economical process for mineralizing CO2 and (2) deliver a laboratory-scale, prototype system capable of converting 10 kg of CO2 per day for making precast concrete units. In this process, oxalic acid is synthesized using CO2 from point sources (e.g., fossil fuel-fired power plants, steel mills, and cement plants) via energy-efficient electroreduction. Oxalic acid is then co-milled with industrial solid wastes (e.g., steel slag) to produce the alternative cement, named oxalate cement (OxCem). OxCem can then be used in the same way as portland cement—the most common type of cement in the world—for making concrete.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Susteon, Inc. NC FE0032243 Integrated Bench-Scale Testing of a Structured Sorbent for Direct Air Capture 07/01/2023 09/30/2026

Susteon Inc will conduct integrated bench-scale testing on a novel structured sorbent system with integrated electrical heating for regeneration on a low-pressure drop substrate for direct air capture (DAC). Previous work (FE0032118) demonstrated that the sorbent technology exhibits rapid carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, high dynamic capacity under DAC conditions, excellent regenerability, and sustained multicycle performance with no degradation observed. The project team will conduct synthesis of structured sorbent, finalize the design and commission of the integrated bench-scale DAC prototype system, perform extended parametric operation using ambient air from the real, outdoor environment under multiple weather conditions, as well as transient operation of prototype system under startup, shutdown, and trip recovery conditions. The existing process model, techno-economic analysis (TEA), and life cycle analysis (LCA) will be updated based on the prototype operation. Sorbent synthesis will focus on scaling the current structured sorbent to produce the necessary amounts of structured material assemblies (SMAs) with target performance. The integrated bench-scale prototype design will focus on validating sustained CO2 productivity, CO2 purity, and energy required for regeneration.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Texas at El Paso TX FE0032237 Overcoming Technical and Community Barriers to Adopting Gasification Technologies 07/01/2023 06/30/2026

The proposed effort seeks to demonstrate a 300 kWth pilot-scale fluidized-bed co-gasifier for municipal solid waste (MSW) and biomass. The project will investigate the interrelation between gasifier operating conditions (pressure, temperature, gasifying agent, residence time) and feedstock parameters (feedstock constituents, blending ratio, moisture content, particle size) to improve hydrogen production, syngas quality, and efficiency. The research team will conduct a techno-economic analysis and a life-cycle analysis. Subsequent optimization will consider multiple parameters including feedstock variables and post-gasification processes including carbon capture and storage. Comparison with other gasification processes for MSW will determine the economic feasibility and the carbon footprint reduction capabilities of a commercial-scale project.

Adoption of new technologies intended to combat climate change requires persuasive messaging and a communications strategy intended to educate policy makers and community members about the benefits. Engineering students working on developing and testing these new gasification technologies will work with UTEP’s Sam Donaldson Center for Communications Studies on messaging centered around the advantages of adopting co-gasification technologies that recycle MSW and biomass for use in hydrogen production.

Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization University of Alabama AL FE0032263 Biomolecular Regulated Carbonation Pathway to Process Calcium-Rich Alkaline Industrial Wastes into Supplementary Cementitious Materials (Biocarb) 07/01/2023 12/31/2025

The University of Alabama (UA) and partners at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK), Sutterlin Technologies LLC, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will test a lab-scale bio-regulated carbon dioxide (CO2) mineralization system (BioCarb) that converts calcium-rich, alkaline industrial wastes into carbon-negative supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) and permanently stores CO2 in the produced SCMs. The project team will use biomolecule additives extracted from agricultural wastes to pretreat alkaline industrial wastes to improve CO2 conversion rates. The carbonation process will be carried out on the pretreated wastes to determine the optimal operation parameters. The project team will systematically characterize the produced carbonated wastes and evaluate the relationship between the mix design and the properties of the concrete made with the BioCarb-produced SCMs. A lab-scale reactor prototype will be designed, built, and tested at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC). Life cycle analysis (LCA) and techno-economic analysis (TEA) will be carried out to estimate the CO2 emissions and commercial potential of the produced SCMs.

Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization Ohio University OH FE0032258 Electrochemical-Enabled Carbon Dioxide Mineralization (E-CO2m) of Natural Brines and Wastes to Enable Carbon-Negative Value-Added Products 06/01/2023 05/31/2025

In this project, Ohio University and its partners will develop an electrochemistry-enabled carbon dioxide mineralization (e-CO2M) process to generate carbon-negative alkaline carbonate (AC) materials from natural brines for building, construction, and related applications. This project will analyze the application of chlor-alkali (CA) electrolyzer technology to optimize AC production rates, capacity, and efficiency from industrial and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) sources and natural brines. The project goals include (1) studying e-CO2M process phenomena kinetics and the effect of operating parameters on AC recovery, (2) characterizing commercially available and e-CO2M AC products, (3) evaluating corrosion of cathode materials, and (4) conducting initial techno-economic analyses (TEAs) and life cycle analyses (LCAs). At the end of the project, the e-CO2M process will be integrated into a continuously operating lab-scale system converting 0.5 kg/hr CO2 from simulated industrial point and atmospheric sources, generating AC materials with lower embodied carbon emissions and equivalent sales price to commercial AC materials.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Tennessee Technological University TN FE0032273 Spray Deposition of Coal-Derived Graphene-Copper Nanocomposites for Advanced Conductors 08/01/2023 07/31/2025

Tennessee Technological University (TTU), partnering with Tennessee State University (TSU), Copperweld Bimetallics LLC, and Eastern Plating LLC, will focus on the optimization of the spray deposition process for the synthesis of high-performance copper-matrix nanocomposites with uniformly distributed graphene particulates. To control the amount of graphene and achieve a uniform distribution of graphene in the nanocomposites, the team will systematically investigate several key atomizing parameters for a better understanding of their synergistic effects on the microstructural development in the processed nanocomposite. Additional strategies will be implemented to improve the interfacial bonding between copper and graphene and the alignment of graphene in the resultant material. The team will also conduct a techno-economic analysis to demonstrate the viability and cost-effectiveness of the proposed nanocomposite manufacturing process.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0032298 Detailed Measurement Informed Methane Emission Inventory of the Haynesville Shale Basin 07/01/2023 06/30/2026

The objectives of this project are to (1) implement and evaluate the Veritas protocols to create a measurement-based inventory at Chesapeake (CHK) facilities in the Haynesville through the reconciliation of bottom-up (calculated) estimates of methane emissions with top-down (measured) estimates from aerial surveys and continuous monitors (CMs); (2) extrapolate the reconciled measurement-informed total methane emissions estimate for the Chesapeake assets in the Haynesville developed in objective 1 across the Haynesville basin by performing broader basin aerial measurements; and (3) compare the developed measurement-informed Haynesville methane inventory estimate to estimates in other oil and gas producing basins.

The project team will implement the Veritas protocols and obtain methane emissions measurements across spatial and temporal scales to reconcile with bottom-up methane emissions estimates at Chesapeake natural gas production facilities in the Haynesville basin over the three-year project period. The Veritas protocols are a framework for developing a measurement-informed methane emissions inventory. The framework provides guidance for developing a measurement campaign (measurement protocols) and analyzing and reconciling the resulting data (reconciliation protocols) with existing inventories to estimate emissions. These protocols are publicly available.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0032287 Storage Tank Emissions Assessment and Quantification 07/24/2023 07/23/2026

The objective of this project is to contribute to the energy sector’s methane reduction efforts through the assessment and quantification of storage tank batteries. The proposed project has four objectives that will occur simultaneously over the period of performance. Those objectives are:

  • Develop a database on storage tank configurations and associated equipment through operator survey including tank type, function, age, gas throughput, etc.
  • Develop emission factors for tanks that are sensitive to differences between basins, production types, age of facilities, and other variables.
  • Understand the causes, frequencies, and rates of intermittent emitters, and represent those results in emission factors or emission estimation methods.
  • Develop guidance on the effectiveness of tank monitoring and control systems for detecting and mitigating emissions.

The project team will conduct an innovative approach to improve the emission factors from storage tanks and associated equipment using the latest technology to identify and quantify the emissions. The scope of work also contains a detailed measurement campaign strategy to enable efficient collection and analysis of data which will fill the gap between the current bottom-up inventories and top-down measurement-based emissions.

A traditional field campaign will be implemented to characterize tank emissions ‘as found’ on a representative cross-section of field operations and will include detailed measurements, including emission rates and gas compositions, and specific emission locations and causes for emitters.

When a leak is found, the first field team will quantify emissions on-site using upgraded, methane specific measurement instrumentation (e.g., the Sensor Inc Hi-Flow 2) assisted by optical gas imager (OGI) cameras (when available) to ensure the tank emissions have been completely captured and quantified. To overcome uncertainty related to large leaks, the project team will explore diverse options involving a separate method or via a second “on-call” team. This team will quality assure/quality control (QA/QC) the first team’s emissions data from large leaks using other methods (EPA OTM 33A, QOGI, drone-based quantification method such as SeekOps).

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) TDA Research, Inc. CO FE0032260 3D Printed Engineered Structures for High Performance Direct Air Capture System 07/24/2023 03/31/2027

TDA Research Inc., in collaboration with Schlumberger New Energy and the Missouri University of Science and Technology (MUST), proposes to develop novel 3D-printed sorbent structures that can capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from air via a rapid thermal swing adsorption (RTSA) process. The recipient proposes to integrate thermally conductive additives (e.g., metal nanoparticles, carbon fibers) in between the sorbent layers assembled in a layer-by-layer printing process to develop sorbent structures with a continuous network of heat-conducting layers. The enhanced thermal conductivity and heat transfer rate in the sorbent structure will allow rapid and uniform heating of the sorbent and will demonstrate significant progress toward meeting the $100/net tonne CO2 removed goal.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products University of Illinois IL FE0032283 Development of Coal-Based Supercapacitor Materials for Energy Storage 08/01/2023 07/31/2025

This project will develop high-value supercapacitor (SC) materials (i.e., carbon nanotubes (CNT) or carbon nanofibers (CNF) and functionalized porous carbon) from domestic coal in a cost-effective manner. This includes converting coal samples to high-performance SC materials at a laboratory scale, quantifying the performance of the developed materials in comparison with a baseline commercial material, and performing a technoeconomic analysis and technology gap assessment for the proposed technology. The developed materials will be extensively characterized, and the impact of the coal feedstock type and synthesis methods on the yield and quality of each product will be determined. The feasibility of producing coal-based SC materials with performance similar to commercial SC materials but at less than half the current cost of commercial materials will be evaluated.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation University of North Dakota ND FE0032290 Polar BearSM - Innovative Capture of Storage Tank Vapors 08/01/2023 07/31/2025

The project will develop a novel technological approach to reduce or eliminate methane emissions from storage tanks. The proposed is a patent-pending technology designed to reduce or eliminate tank venting and flaring from production facilities, including gas vapors from storage tanks. The proposed technology uniquely integrates novel capture and compression into a production facility to produce maximum value and significantly reduce capital and operation costs with respect to traditional vapor recovery. The project plans to address economic challenges by providing fit-for-purpose compression and eliminating costly oil changes. Also, the proposed technology can purify storage tank vapors that are unrecoverable because of contaminants by incorporating low-cost purification, enabling recovery of heavier hydrocarbons and utilization of the contaminated gas. The project will build and test an engineering prototype unit under dynamic conditions to validate process control, design parameters, and safe operations. The technology is specifically designed to overcome the economic and technical challenges of vapor recovery from many distributed sources across the country. The target objective is to eliminate methane emissions from flaring and venting/fugitive emissions associated with pressure control of the storage tank headspace.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Ohio University OH FE0032277 Ultra-Conductive Carbon Metal Composite Wire for Electric Motors 07/26/2023 07/25/2025

The objective of this project is to develop cost-effective carbon metal composites (CMCs) with enhanced bulk electrical properties for use in electric motors to increase American energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The CMC materials will be made using primary conductor materials (including copper and aluminum) and coal-derived graphitic carbons, such as nano-graphite and/or graphene. CMC wire formulations will be synthesized using unique solid and liquid phase methodologies and their performance will be assessed with respect to method and process parameters to establish material-process-structure-property relationships. In addition, standard wire drawing and annealing trials will be conducted using pilot-scale process equipment and wire performance will be quantified for electric motor applications. Computational tools including molecular dynamics (MD) simulations will be utilized to predict the properties of CMC materials and assess the interface between graphitic carbon and metal. Process simulations will be developed and validated using bench-scale information to support techno-economic and market analyses to identify required selling prices and resources necessary to further mature the CMC wire technology.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA FE0032247 Resource Assessment of Geological Formations and Mine Waste for Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the US Mid-Atlantic 09/01/2023 08/31/2025

This project will study the potential of natural materials and industrial mine wastes, within the United States (U.S.) Mid-Atlantic region, to store large amounts of CO2 via in-situ and ex-situ mineralization processes. More specifically, the project will assess the reactivity of mafic and ultramafic formations and crushed mine and industrial wastes with CO2, and their post-mineralization physical properties. The project will work in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Energy to accomplish the projects main objectives. The project will analyze the geologic data collected from the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region to determine the suitable rock types. Laboratory scale CO2 mineralization reaction tests of the suitable target formations and rock types will be done, as well as laboratory scale tests and simulations of the post-mineralization properties of the samples. The laboratory scale tests will be upscaled to field scale. The rock types will be ranked in terms of their suitability for carbon storage. Machine learning capabilities will also be used to determine reaction rates, rock properties, accessibility, associated costs, and to understand nearby regions by extrapolating out from the study area. The project will provide a database and map of the potential carbon storage resources.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS) Electricore, Inc. CA FE0032248 Net-Zero Lime Kiln and Carbon Removal Facility 07/27/2023 01/26/2025

The Carbon Capture Program is fostering the development of a diverse set of advanced carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies (e.g., direct air capture with durable storage, bomass carbon removal and storage [BiCRS], enhanced mineralization, ocean-based CDR, etc.) to support progress toward the U.S. Department of Energy's Carbon Negative Shot target of less than $100/net tonne CO2-equivalent removed (i.e., both capture and storage), with costs account for at least 100 years of durable secure geologic storage, including ongoing monitoring, reporting, and verification. The objective of this project is to perform the initial design and business case analysis of a commercial-scale, advanced carbon capture system that separates CO2 with at least 95% capture efficiency from process streams at the Carmeuse Kentucky (KY) lime plant. The plant will be retrofitted to utilize sustainably sourced biomass (SSB) alone or in combination with natural gas and/or coal.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Molecule Works, Inc. WA SC0023939 Dual Functional Reactor for Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide and Production of Oxygenated Hydrocarbons in One Pot 07/10/2023 09/09/2026

Molecule Works Inc.’s Phase I objective is to demonstrate functional feasibility of the adsorption-concentrated electrochemical reactor (ACER) as a new generation of reactor technology for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and conversion, and to produce performance data for scope process design and economics analysis of large, commercial-scale units. New bifunctional sorbent/catalyst materials will be prepared by utilizing the project team’s earlier inventions and new ideas. Single ACER cells will be built and tested to identify the optimum materials and design features. The promising cell will be tested on a flow testing stand by repeated capture and electrochemical (EC) regeneration/conversion cycles to demonstrate regeneration ability of the sorbent, catalytic stability, ethanol productivity and electrical efficiency.

In phase II, the EC cell designs will be further optimized to enhance the C2+ product selectivity and electrical efficiency. Longer-time stability of the EC cell operation will be demonstrated. The EC stack and system prototype, with about 1kg/day of product capacity, will be developed and demonstrated to show scale-up feasibility of the optimum catalyst and membrane electrode assembly (MEA) materials, as well as the fabrication of this new type of EC reactor. Process parametric tests will be conducted on the prototype unit to produce performance data for commercial-scale process designs and produce large amounts of products for accurate carbon atomic balance and for customer tests.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Southwest Technologies, LLC GA FE0032190 ALBUS: Algae-Based Bioproducts Utilizing Sorbent-Captured CO2 08/01/2023 07/31/2025

Southwest Technologies LLC, in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and the University of Arizona will use flue gas from a gas-fired power plant at Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) to cultivate microalgae in open ponds. The holistic approach includes a two-step process: carbon dioxide (CO2) capture on a silicone-carbonate composite sorbent (absorption sorbent column), followed by CO2 desorption into algal growth media pond (spool-automated sorbent delivery system). During Budget Period 1 (BP1), the team will determine growth and carbon utilization for two algal strains using two different CO2 delivery methods. During BP2, the team will integrate the two-step absorption/desorption system at TEP. The team will perform outdoor pilot-scale algal cultivation during 30-days of continuous testing using the composite sorbent loaded with flue gas; the results will be compared to the indoors experiments. Experimental results will inform the models for absorption and desorption, as well as inform the techno-economic assessment (TEA) and life-cycle assessment (LCA) models.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Assessment and Quantification Colorado State University CO FE0032288 SABER: Site-Air-Basin Emissions Reconciliation 08/01/2023 07/31/2026

The overall objective of this project is to demonstrate that (a) high frequency sampling can be used to create inventory emissions estimates that accurately represent emissions in a basin; and (b) the proposed method can be replicated in other basins. The project will perform method development and validation in the Denver-Julesburg Basin (DJ), in northeastern Colorado. Tasks will leverage prior work in the basin that provides an excellent starting point for Bottom-Up inventories and will engage operators in the basin to support emissions measurement and activity data collection. The project will also cooperate with Colorado’s air regulator (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)) to develop a tower monitoring network that can continue to operate after the project. The goal of the DJ basin work is to demonstrate that Top Down (TD)/Bottom Up (BU) estimates can be reconciled in an active production basin. To address the replicability of methods, the study includes a second basin – the Upper Green River (UGR) in western Wyoming – to demonstrate that the methods developed in the DJ can be applied in another basin. As in the DJ basin case, the study team will work with both operators and state government during the project, and, if possible, transfer the tower network to the State or to a citizen-industry collaborative for longer term operation. Work in the UGR will start after the DJ work to allow initial learnings from the DJ to be applied in the UGR. Specific objectives of the project include:

  1. Develop a dynamic BU inventory model in the Mechanistic Air Emissions Simulator (MAES) that captures both average emissions and emissions variability.
  2. Demonstrate methods to tune BU inventories using high-frequency TD sampling by a well-characterized sampling method.
  3. Compare results from the tuned BU model to all-in basin emissions estimates from a network of tower-based sensors to check BU model accuracy.
  4. Demonstrate that the method utilized in the DJ basin can be applied in another basin, potentially using a different top-down sampling method, to produce regionally specific emissions models.
  5. Capture the learnings and process from these objectives as a replicable method for any production basin.
Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation Kansas State University KS FE0032300 Highly Replicable and Integrated System for Mitigating Methane Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired Lean-Burn Engines (NG-FLBEs) 08/01/2023 07/31/2025

Kansas State University, University of Oklahoma, and Cooper Machinery Services have joined together to collaborate on the development and manufacture of a low-cost integrated system for eliminating methane emissions from natural gas (NG) engines. The proposed technology is designed to mitigate methane emissions from all industrial engines and reduce their operational costs and fuel consumption and enhance their stability and efficiency. The system can be incorporated in a timely manner with various new and old industrial engines without any specific limitations. It can eliminate the costs associated with onsite utilities (e.g., electricity, water) typically required in other technical approaches. The tubular structure of the membrane reactor enables a competitive manufacturing price and easy integration. Additionally, the membrane reactor in a novel tubular geometry is more robust in its ability to handle thermal, chemical, and mechanical stresses.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) CA FWP-LLNL-23-FEW0290 Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA) of High-Rate Post Combustion Carbon Capture Technology 08/01/2023 02/28/2025

This project will independently evaluate the technical and economic feasibility for high-rate post-combustion carbon capture technology. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) will partner with ION Clean Energy (ION) to conduct a comprehensive analysis for the ICE-31 solvent-based high-rate carbon capture technology developed by ION to achieve very high carbon dioxide (CO2) capture efficiency from fossil fuel combustion (i.e., up to 99% efficiency and a goal of reaching 99.5%), particularly for natural gas-derived flue gases. LLNL will evaluate the ICE-31 solvent-based post-combustion carbon capture technology from experimental, process modeling, and techno-economic assessment perspectives.

Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization University of Illinois IL FE0032256 Development of an Advanced Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Mineralization Technology for Coproduction of Value-Added Carbonate and Fertilizer Products 08/01/2023 11/30/2025

In this project, the University of Illinois will develop an advanced technology for the mineralization of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial emissions sources using dry and wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) byproducts for coproduction of value-added precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) and sulfate fertilizer products and validate its technical performance, economic competitiveness, and environmental sustainability.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Ohio University OH FE0032275 Electrochemical Coal to 2-Dimensional Materials (e-Coal2D) Process to Enable Renewable Energy Storage 08/01/2023 07/31/2025

The goal of this 24-month project is to develop electrochemical processes to convert coal and waste coal to two-dimensional nanoscale carbon material such as graphene and carbon quantum dots. These materials have unique electronic properties that make them of interest for use in energy storage devices including supercapacitors. Use of these materials in electrochemical energy storage devices could enhance device capacity and could help enable renewable energy by providing more efficient energy storage.

The team consists of Ohio University and industrial partners CFOAM and Capacitech Energy. Together, the partnering organizations will develop coal- and waste coal-derived materials that can be converted by electrochemical processes to the two-dimensional, nanoscale carbon materials. The outcome of this project is utilization of coal and waste coal in energy storage applications.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation Prabhu Energy Labs, LLC CA FE0032286 The Oxiperator for Methane Slip from Lean Burn Gas Engines 08/01/2023 01/31/2026

The “Oxiperator” is a patented, tested and proven, porous high-temperature heat exchanger that cost-effectively oxidizes methane, CO and VOCs, from point sources with concentrations of methane 0.3% and lower, and as high as 100% by volume in air. This project will demonstrate two pathways for the Oxiperator to oxidize methane in the combustion slip of gas engines used in upstream and midstream natural gas production: the Tail Oxiperator for rapid deployment, and the Tweener Oxiperator that not only oxidizes methane, but also improves engine performance and efficiency.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Production Facilities University of North Dakota ND FE0032295 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Recovery and Refining of Rare Earth Elements from Lignite Mine Wastes 08/01/2023 04/30/2025

The College of Engineering & Mines at the University of North Dakota, in collaboration with a comprehensive team of technical, business and host-site partners and with funding support from the North Dakota Industrial Commission, will build on prior technology development to complete a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study and business plan to recover and refine rare earth elements (REE) and critical minerals (CM) from North Dakota lignite mine wastes. The end-of-project goal is to have an investment-quality project and a committed team that is ready to execute the construction and operation of the REE Demonstration Facility in Phase II.

To achieve this goal, the objectives of the Phase I project are as follows: (1) quantify the proposed project’s job benefits and evaluate how to attract, train, and retain a qualified workforce; (2) identify specific diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility goals, targeted outcomes, and implementation strategies; (3) ensure that the project will provide meaningful benefits to disadvantaged communities and will not result in an increased burden to disadvantaged communities; (4) identify and implement methods for project stakeholder engagement; (5) develop all required permit applications and other regulatory approvals, including providing information for National Environmental Policy Act review, by the end of Phase I; (6) develop an AACE Class 3 FEED study for the REE Demonstration Facility and satellite sites to advance the project to investment quality; (7) perform limited research and development to de-risk certain technology subsystems and ensure the overall process functions smoothly in the integrated circuits; and (8) develop the Phase II business and financing plans to formalize the overall commercial structure and secure construction financing.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Production Facilities West Virginia University (WVU) WV FE0032296 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Acid Mine Drainage and Rare Earth Elements (AMDREE): Integrated Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage and Rare Earth Production 08/01/2023 04/30/2025

The objective of this project is to complete the front-end engineering design and pre-construction planning activities for a first-of-a-kind demonstration facility capable of producing rare earth elements (REE) and select critical minerals and materials (CMM) from domestic acid mine drainage and mineral tailings feedstocks. The facility will be designed to produce 1 to 3 metric tons per day of mixed rare earth oxides that will be separated into individual and binary REE and CMM components at a single site. The project team will develop a cost estimate according to Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering Class 3 guidelines. This project could incentivize the treatment of hundreds of legacy acid mine drainage discharges, allow streams to recover productivity, and produce a robust and steady supply of high value REE and CMM for domestic industries.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA443 Decarbonization Analysis of Mobile Sources 08/01/2023 06/30/2025

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) seeks to assess technologies for reducing the carbon intensity of current mobile sources, especially the hard-to-electrify marine, rail and heavy-duty trucking transportation sectors. More specifically, this effort seeks to determine the efficacy of onboard carbon capture and storage (CSS) technologies and compare these against other alternative mobile energy sources, including hybrid-electric, electric, biofuels and zero-carbon fuels (ammonia, hydrogen, methanol, etc.). Mobile sources pose unique technical challenges associated with packaging and energy requirements, onboard storage of captured carbon dioxide (CO2), and operational profiles. For instance, mobile sources often have highly variable exhaust flow rates, temperatures, pressures and exhaust gas chemistries. A research team comprised of vehicle/engine and carbon capture experts will assess the energy needs, operational boundaries, capture efficiencies and packaging limits of selected CCS technologies for use with mobile sources based on technical, economic and life cycle considerations. For each mobile source, each CCS method will be evaluated and ranked according to energy and space requirements, including opportunities to utilize waste heat, regenerative braking (for terrestrial applications), and ram air (for cooling). The effort will also evaluate the energy and infrastructure needs associated with direct air capture (DAC) for a level baseline cost comparison. The ORNL team will investigate the associated technical challenges and feasibility, while colleagues at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) will conduct parallel techno-economic and life-cycle assessments of the different technologies under consideration. At the end of the project, a report will be delivered describing the operational boundaries associated with the technologies evaluated, as well as identifying opportunities and pathways for feasible carbon capture system designs and implementations for mobile systems.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) IL FWP-39966.1 On-board Reformation Device for Methane Abatement from Gas Engines 07/25/2023 07/24/2025

The aim of this project is to design, develop and demonstrate an on-engine reformer that is compact, consumes very little energy, has a long operating life, is scalable and is affordable. This device will increase the hydrogen content in the fuel stream thereby enhancing oxidation of methane in the crevice volumes of the cylinder to result in significantly reduced methane emissions in the engine tail pipe. Additionally, the increased flame speed of the fuel-air mixture allows tuning of the engine to achieve improved thermal efficiency.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0032299 Storage Tank Emissions Assessments In The Marcellus (STEAM) To Acquire New Knowledge With Science (TANKS) 09/01/2023 02/28/2027

The overarching objective is to acquire new, science-based knowledge to improve the overall understanding of methane and other emissions from storage tanks at upstream and midstream oil and natural gas (ONG) sites. To achieve our overarching objective, we will focus on five key research activities over three phases that correlate to annual budget periods (BPs). The research focus areas that include:

1. Developing a basin wide inventory of ONG storage tanks, their throughput, and emissions

2. Completing extensive field measurement campaigns to obtain new accurate emissions data sets

3. Collecting extensive thermochemical measurements and activity of a subset of various storage tanks across the supply chain

4. Assessing AP-42 and current tank modeling software based on newly collected data to identify discrepancies and methods to address them

5. Utilizing advanced machine learning techniques (e.g., random forest and neural networks) to serve as new tools for emissions predictions

These objectives will be carried out through a scope of work that includes preparation for data collection (design and planning), significant in-field data collection, data analysis and reporting, laboratory analysis, emissions modeling and comparative analyses, and examination of advanced modeling. The project team will work with our research colleagues and industry collaborators to seek broader industry participation for short term emissions measurements and through long term project assistance via a Technical Advisory Panel (TAP). These assets will be used along with state and national information to form an original inventory. Emission factors (EFs) will be updated through an in-field measurement campaign focused on storage tanks using our highly accurate full flow sampler (FFS) and state-of-the-art tracer release equipment. In addition to short term measurements, the team will work with industry to develop remote, solar powered data acquisition systems to enable accurate monitoring of thermochemical properties of in-use storage tanks. Field samples will be collected and undergo laboratory analyses. Data will be used to evaluate AP-42 and software models through conventional comparative analyses and where applicable changes will be implemented to improve accuracy. This will also include principal component analyses (PCA) to assess low cost instrumentation options that could be deployed by industry. Finally, all of the science data will be used in conjunction with advanced machine learning techniques to further improve our ability to accurately estimate storage tank emissions. Beyond the conventional technical scope, we will also strive to create a diverse team of researchers, foster inclusive education and collaboration opportunities for underrepresented minorities, and disseminate findings to all communities equally across the Appalachian basin.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Heidelberg Materials US, Inc. TX FE0032222 Mitchell Cement Plant Carbon Capture Feed 08/18/2023 02/17/2025

The overall objective of the project is to complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study and cost estimate (AACE International Cost Estimate Classification System [AACE] Class 3: -20% to +30%) for a commercial-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) capture facility retrofitted onto the newly modernized Heidelberg Materials US Inc. cement plant in Mitchell, Indiana. The capture facility will be designed to use the Kansai Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide Recovery Process (KM CDR ProcessTM) and KS-21 amine solvent to capture approximately 2,000,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, or 95% of the CO2 emissions from the newly renovated cement plant.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA FE0032180 Performance Testing to Advance Modular, Moving-Bed Gasification for the Generation of Low-Cost, Clean Hydrogen from Biomass Mixed with Legacy Coal Waste, Waste Plastic, and/or Other Waste 09/01/2023 08/31/2025

Electric Power Research Institute Inc. (EPRI) will qualify blended feedstocks of biomass mixed with legacy coal wastes, plastic wastes, and refuse-derived fuel (RDF) as acceptable fuels based on performance testing in a laboratory-scale updraft moving-bed gasifier. The testing will provide relevant data to advance the modular design of the moving-bed gasification process and successfully use these feedstocks to produce a high hydrogen content raw syngas that can be shifted to produce clean hydrogen. In particular, the effects of the various fuels on feedstock development, the resulting products (i.e., syngas compositions, organic condensate production, and ash characteristics), and impacts on gasifier operations will be the focus of the project. A techno-economic study and a review of the market and industry interests in the moving-bed gasifier and its application for generating clean hydrogen from blended fuels will also be conducted.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies Quantitative BioSciences, Inc. CA SC0023760 A Real-Time Water Monitor for Contaminants in Produced Water 07/10/2023 09/09/2026

The goal of this project is to develop and demonstrate the technical feasibility of a sensor that can reliably provide real-time, continuous, quantitative measurements of contaminants relevant to the oil and gas industry. The Qube sensor can currently detect a suite of heavy metal and nutrient contaminants, but due to the use of microbes as sensor units and the team’s synthetic biology expertise, the platform can be expanded to detect a vast range of contaminants. A customized optics and image processing platform translates cellular responses to contaminants into quantitative information about the level of each target present. This Phase II project will develop new sensing capabilities for methanol, toluene, and benzene as well as expand the platform to detect specific microbial species that cause corrosion of oil and gas infrastructure. A highly trained, AI-based computational platform will also be developed to discern and discriminate between contaminants and quantify individual analytes in complex water backgrounds.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) CA FWP-LLNL-23-FEW0297 Scaled Validation of Advanced TPMS Structured Packing at the National Carbon Capture Center 08/01/2023 09/30/2025

This project will assess Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) advanced structured 3D-printed triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) packing technology for solvent-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC). LLNL will validate advanced packing performance in NCCC’s Slipstream Solvent Test Unit at a scale two orders of magnitude greater than prior work. LLNL will de-risk this technology by assessing hydrodynamic performance and validating mass transfer improvements achieved in lab-scale tests. A techno-economic assessment combined with technology transfer activities will establish viability of commercialization.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring Sonoma Technology, Inc. CA FE0032305 Comprehensive Top-Down and Bottom-Up Estimation of Annual Basin-Wide Methane Emissions from the San Joaquin Valley (California) and Denver (Colorado) Oil and Gas Basins Using a Multi-Tiered Measurement and Analysis Framework 09/01/2023 12/31/2026

This project will conduct a comprehensive bottom-up and top-down estimation of basin-wide methane emissions from two selected oil and gas basins across the United States (San Joaquin Valley Basin in California and Denver Basin in Colorado) using a multi-tiered measurement and analysis system, comprising of satellite data analysis, ground-based monitoring, ground-level mobile flux measurements using a mobile platform, and satellite methane super emitter surveys, as well as extensive inverse modeling and ground network data. In addition, the project will also develop robust bottom-up methane emissions estimates for the two oil and gas basins using a regional emissions inventory framework, which will also serve as a regional baseline and a-priori estimate for the inverse modeling exercise. This model will also be developed and refined through outreach surveys with oil and gas field operators in the two basins to capture the regional and operational nuances in the regions. Data from the satellite surveys will also provide an estimation of annual methane emission contributions from the super-emitter fraction in the two basins. It is planned that this overall assessment will provide guidance on deployment strategies for different measurement systems for a comprehensive assessment of regional methane emissions in other regions.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA431 High Temperature Hydrogen Attack in Alloys, and their Weldments, Used for Hydrogen Production and Utilization 07/01/2023 09/30/2026

This FWP is part of a joint R&D project with the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) to assess the propensity of structural steels, alloys, and their weldments, to undergo high-temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA) when used for high-temperature hydrogen production and utilization with hydrocarbon feedstocks. The proposed work at ORNL has been structured in two phases. During phase 1, the propensity of structural steels and alloys, provided by industry partners for use in hydrogen production and utilization, to undergo HTHA will be determined. If the mechanical properties of these materials and their weldments are degraded as a result of HTHA, then during phase 2, ORNL will focus on (1) developing a fundamental understanding of HTHA in these materials, (2) extending ORNL's integrated computational welding engineering (ICWE) modeling and testing framework for more reliable assessment of HTHA that is critically needed by the industry, and (3) supporting the development of next-generation HTHA-resistant alloys, led by NETL. All of these activities will be carried out in close collaboration with industrial stakeholders by (i) investigating relevant field serviced materials, (ii) corroborating laboratory-scale testing results in this work with industry’s component-level testing, and (iii) technology dissemination for regulatory body approval and industry acceptance of the developed HTHA evaluation methodology and of alloys with enhanced HTHA resistance. The ultimate goal of this joint NETL/ORNL project is to improve the structural integrity and efficiency of structural components for the hydrogen economy, including high-temperature hydrogen production and utilization.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA FE0032270 Louisiana Offshore Carbon Dioxide Hub Repurposing Infrastructure to Decrease Greenhouse Emissions (Project Lochridge) 09/01/2023 04/30/2026

Project Lochridge is supporting the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Phase II Program by assessing the feasibility of an offshore storage complex in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The project aims to achieve the five following objectives: 1) Demonstrate that the subsurface saline formations at the offshore storage complex can safely and permanently store at least 50 million metric tons (MMT) of captured carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 30-year period; 2) Conduct meaningful engagement and two-way communications with communities and stakeholders to inform project planning and design, address societal concerns and impacts, and seek opportunities for economic revitalization and job creation; 3) Identify commercial project risks and develop a comprehensive mitigation strategy; 4) Develop a technical and economic feasibility assessment; and 5) Develop a plan for subsequent detailed site characterization to support Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) permit readiness.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring University of Oklahoma OK FE0032285 Regional-Scale Showcase of an Integrated Methane Sensing Network in the Anadarko Basin 09/15/2023 03/14/2028

The project’s overall vision is to develop and demonstrate a new scalable sensor network that integrates multi-tier surface-based sensing technologies and inverse-modeling methods for monitoring CH4 concentrations and fluxes over a 100-mile² large oil and gas (O&G) producing testbed in Oklahoma’s Anadarko Basin. This “first-of-its-kind” scalable network will demonstrate a “turn-key” solution for continuous and automated monitoring of CH4 emissions in real-time to address leaks for O&G stakeholders. To accomplish this overarching goal, the Team proposes four interconnected objectives:

1. Create a pilot demonstration of a scalable distributed sensor network in the Anadarko basin.

2. Develop and demonstrate a mobile sensing platform with autonomous operation capability.

3. Quantify emission fluxes and identify source locations with advanced inverse modeling.

4. Establish a web-based data visualization dashboard with field verification capability.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) TDA Research, Inc. CO FE0032261 Advanced Engineered Structures for High Performance Direct Air Capture System 09/01/2023 08/31/2025

The overall objective of the work is to convert a commercially available tube-in-plate heat exchanger to be a contactor for direct air capture (DAC). In the project, the recipient will integrate a highly effective carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorbent with a binder phase to make composite coatings that can be applied to the surfaces of commercially available tube-in-plate heat exchangers. The proposed system will provide rapid thermal cycling of the sorbent, thereby increasing the CO2 productivity. The structured gas-solid contactor design will also reduce the pressure drop through the system and the associated parasitic energy loss for circulating large volumes of air to the system. While the adsorbent was developed in an earlier project and the proposed heat exchangers are commercially available, the use of sorbent-coated heat exchangers for CO2 removal in a thermal swing application has not been demonstrated. Key metrics include an improved volumetric CO2 productivity; a decreased pressure drop; reduced capacity fade; and a lower-cost, scalable fabrication process. The new DAC system will demonstrate significant progress toward meeting the goal of $100/net tonne CO2 removed. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the technology will be elevated from 3 to 4.

Active Carbon Storage / Advanced Storage New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0032257 Regional Resource Assessment for CO2 Storage in New Mexico and Surrounding Areas: Identification, Characterization, and Evaluation of In-Situ Mineralization Site/Complex 09/01/2023 08/31/2025

The overall objective of this project is to identify and assess the statewide resources for potential carbon dioxide (CO2) storage via mineralization process, including basalt formations and mining wastes (termed as resource rock), and characterize the targeted storage site/complex to provide insights on its storage capacity. (See Figure 1.) Project tasks include: (1) pre-screening the potential location in New Mexico and surrounding areas through processing existing data and selecting the optimum sites for further consideration; (2) conducting site characterization and mapping as well as collecting regional geology, hydrology, injection zone, and other relevant geologic information in the field of the identified storage location/complex; (3) collecting legacy resource rock samples for detailed petrographic, petrologic and geochemical characterization to diagnose reactive mineral content and potential environmental hazards, and investigate the geophysical and geomechanical properties of the targeted storage site/complex to advance the CO2 storage capacity estimation; (4) evaluating the reaction rate between CO2/fluid and minerals and the storage capacity of the site/complex in both ambient and field conditions to indicate the optimum scenario for CO2 storage via mineralization; and (5) performing a series of stakeholder related outreach and connection activities to identify the main challenges and concerns from the community.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Assessment and Quantification University of Texas at Austin TX FE0032291 Surface-Based Methane Monitoring and Measurement Network Pilot Demonstration: Project Astra Phase II 10/01/2023 09/30/2027

The project objectives are to expand, improve, and document an existing network (Project Astra) that is testing the capabilities of continuous monitoring of methane emissions from oil and gas production sites in the Permian Basin by: (1) continuously monitoring methane emissions sources, serving as a part of a “rapid-response” approach for identifying and measuring emission events; (2) demonstrating advanced data analytics which improve the accuracy and cost effectiveness of the network; and (3) validating the efficiency, operability, and cost effectiveness of advanced methane detection and monitoring technologies.

The network provides broad areal coverage of emissions and efficiently uses sensing technologies by integrating information from the entire network. This work will expand, improve, and document the Project Astra activities by meeting the following objectives:

  1. Refine project management systems and project documentation that enable the operation and replication of shared continuous monitoring for methane emissions.
  2. Extend the Project Astra network to a demonstration of a scalable “basin-wide” platform.
  3. Advance the detection and quantification capabilities of sensing technologies.
  4. Support emission inventory improvements.
  5. Demonstrate advanced data analytics and accelerate and automate responses to network emission detections.
  6. Inform the development of Integrated Methane Modeling Platform Designs.
Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA FE0032278 Amine-Infused Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)/Silica Laminate Structured Sorbents as an Advanced Direct Air Capture System 09/01/2023 08/31/2025

Georgia Tech Research Corporation will synthesize, characterize, and optimize expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)/silica laminate composite materials infused with polyethyleneimine capable of efficient heat and mass transfer with reduced pressure drop for use in direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2). A bench-scale contactor will be constructed to house laminates, assess material performance, and determine optimal conditions for ambient and sub-ambient DAC of CO2. Long-term degradation will be studied to determine operating conditions that minimize material instability. A techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LCA) will be conducted. The project team includes a prime recipient (Georgia Tech) and one sub-recipient (W. L. Gore and Associates). Georgia Tech will conduct the research program and W. L. Gore will provide materials and assist with deployment of contactor.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Iowa State University IA FE0032274 Coal-Derived Graphene Materials for Industrial Applications 09/01/2023 08/31/2025

The objective of this project is to further develop and demonstrate the feasibility of coal-derived graphite oxide (GO), reduced graphite oxide (rGO), and graphene nanosheets with application to battery anode materials and cement filler. This work is designed to demonstrate the production process from coal feedstock to end-use product and show effectiveness of the anode material and concrete applications. The three overall objectives of this project are to improve production of GO using Powder River Basin coal as feedstock, conduct continued testing and improvement of a hard carbon sodium-ion battery prototype and test device, and determine the properties and performance of concrete using GO and rGO as a concrete additive or cement replacement.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Natural Gas Conversion Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX FE0032301 Reducing Methane Emissions with an Engine Fuel Reformer 09/12/2023 08/31/2025

The overall objective of this project is to reduce methane emissions by 20-60% from large-bore natural gas (NG) engines. The emission reduction will be achieved by reforming an engine’s natural gas fuel feed into a hydrogen-containing fuel mixture that maximizes methane oxidation during combustion. More specifically, Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®) will develop a modular natural gas fuel reformer that will be installed on the feed fuel line on a 15” piston bore, 16” power stroke AJAX 2802 ULE engine that is owned and operated by Cooper Machinery Services. SwRI will leverage patented High Impulse Plasma Source (HiPIPS) technology for use in the fuel reformer that will convert a portion of the natural gas fuel into in-line combustion additives.

Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization Faraday Technology, Inc. OH SC0024073 Electrochemically Enabled Mineralization of Produced Water via Anthropogenic CO2 07/10/2023 09/09/2026

Faraday Technology seeks to develop an electrochemical/crystallization reactor for the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) which will produce value added products such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium hydroxide (Mg[OH]2). In the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project, the project team successfully developed an optimized, membrane-less electrolyzer/crystallizer technology and demonstrated the precipitation and recovery of CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2. In the SBIR Phase II project, Faraday will scale this system up to a commercially relevant size, address key technical challenges and knowledge gaps, and transition the technology to a commercial partner. Through the period of performance, the project team will design and build the electrolyzer system, including the cell design and operational parameters; optimize and validate the electrochemical mineralization process using produced water for maximum product yield; and develop a life cycle analysis (LCA) to be utilized in system design improvement and industrial scale transition.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Inc. CA FE0032350 Oxygen Integrated Unit for Modular Biomass Conversion to Hydrogen (OXYIUM) 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

Palo Alto Research Center Inc. (PARC), in collaboration with SIMACRO LLC, is developing a fast and high-capacity reversible oxygen (O2) sorbent that enables an Oxygen Integrated Unit for Modular Biomass Conversion to Hydrogen (OXYIUM). The sorbent is a durable porous polymer with chemically bonded coordinated Co2+ complexes that capture O2 reversibly by vacuum pressure swing adsorption. High specific surface area (greater than 300 m2/g) and pore tuning of mesopores 10 nanometers (nm) to 100s of nm in size will enable rapid rates of gas transport, bulk diffusion, and high O2 uptake. This project will address the development and demonstration of the O2 sorbent, the characterization of the key performance metrics, and the modeling of an air separation unit (ASU) with this sorbent. The project will provide the data necessary for a decision to build a pilot-scale ASU in a future phase. If successful, this project will demonstrate the potential for a small-scale, modular ASU to produce clean, carbon-free energy from local biomass, providing communities with an alternative to trucks or pipelines transferring hydrogen, providing a route to fuel diversification and energy resiliency, and bringing the clean energy economy and jobs to rural and historically disadvantaged communities.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products University of Delaware DE FE0032280 Lab-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Coal-Derived Carbon-Metal Composites for High-Performance Heat Sinks 09/01/2023 08/31/2025

The goal of this project is to develop a lab-scale additive manufacturing (AM) process to fabricate carbon-copper composites with a high heat dissipation rate and low thermal stress and demonstrate highly efficient and compact heat sinks for electrical applications. Graphene derived from domestic U.S. coal will be used as a carbon feedstock for the carbon-metal composite heat sink development. The specific project objectives are to (1) develop a new feedstock material system based on coal-derived graphene and high-carbon-yielding polymers to additively fabricate three-dimensional (3D) coal-derived graphene scaffolds, (2) develop a post-processing method to impregnate copper into graphene scaffolds, (3) develop coal-derived graphene-copper composites with high heat dissipation rate and low thermal stress, (4) design, develop, optimize, and demonstrate highly-efficient and compact graphene-copper heat sinks enabled by AM, (5) perform a full techno-economic analysis to inform technology development and assess the potential of coal-derived graphene for rapidly growing and high-value AM and carbon-metal composite markets.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems Susteon, Inc. NC FE0032335 High Purity Oxygen Generation through Modular Structured Rapid Pressure Swing Adsorption (RPSA) 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

Susteon Inc. will develop a novel single-stage dual-layer advanced air separation technology to produce high-purity oxygen that is needed for the efficient production of high-purity hydrogen. This work will utilize Susteon’s “OxygenPure” technology, developed in partnership with Georgia Institute of Technology, to design and construct an integrated prototype fiber modular rapid pressure swing adsorption (RPSA) system. The “OxygenPure” process utilizes a microporous nitrogen-selective lithium-exchanged X-type (LiX) zeolite-containing fiber adsorbent followed by an argon-selective carbon molecular sieve (CMS)-structured fiber adsorbent to separate nitrogen and argon from air via RPSA, producing oxygen. The project will optimize the advanced fiber adsorbents and demonstrate continuous oxygen production at a scale of 10 kilograms per day, with purity greater than 95%. Results will include a technology package that can be integrated with a biomass/waste gasifier system to produce high-purity hydrogen.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems TDA Research, Inc. CO FE0032328 Advanced Air Separation Unit (ASU) for Low-Cost H2 Production via Modular Gasification 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

TDA Research Inc. will develop a modular, novel, sorbent-based, advanced air separation unit (ASU) for oxygen production to support low-cost hydrogen production from the gasification of biomass and/or wastes. TDA's two-stage high-purity oxygen process will demonstrate high purity (greater than 98% by vol., preferably above 99.5% by vol.) oxygen generation from ambient air that is more affordable, more efficient, and has a smaller facility footprint than comparable cryogenic-based air separation systems. The key technology to achieve more affordable oxygen production lies in the novel sorbents that will be utilized in a two stage, modular, vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) and pressure swing adsorption (PSA) system. The modular oxygen production system is expected to be sized to support 5–50-megawatt (MW) gasification-based systems for net-zero carbon hydrogen production.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Battelle Memorial Institute OH FE0032312 Carbon Storage Complex Feasibility for Commercial Development In Southeastern Michigan 09/21/2023 09/20/2025

This project is determining the feasibility of an integrated carbon storage project in the Southeastern Michigan Basin. The project objective is to advance the commerciality of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the Southeastern Michigan Basin while supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); disadvantaged communities; and environmental justice communities. The project team plans to complete detailed site characterization, including drilling a stratigraphic test well and analyzing site geology. Additionally, the project will model the storage reservoir, perform a risk assessment, conduct public outreach and engagement, and develop the needed plans to draft an Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI permit.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Carbon Solutions, LLC MN FE0032347 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Wyoming Trails Carbon Hub (WyoTCH) 10/01/2023 03/31/2025

The Wyoming Trails Carbon Hub (Project WyoTCH) is working to develop a statewide carbon dioxide (CO2) transportation network capable of transporting 25 million tonnes of CO2 per year (25 Mt CO2/yr). The project aims to accelerate the development of a commercial-scale, open-access CO2 pipeline by leveraging and building on portions of the Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative (WPCI). The project is conducting a detailed front-end engineering design (FEED) study for a ~600-mile pipeline connecting 29 carbon capture sources to 7 geological storage sites. The FEED study includes an Engineering Design Package, Regulatory Plan, Community Benefits Plan, Business Case, and Environmental Safety and Health assessment conducted on an optimized pipeline route. In addition, the FEED study is evaluating the feasibility of expanding the pipeline network to collect, transport, and store as much as 45 MtCO2/yr.

Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization C-Crete Technologies, LLC CA FE0032396 Low-Cost, High Yield and Scalable Carbon Dioxide Mineralization to Invent Novel Carbon-Negative Concrete 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

C-Crete Technologies LLC has proposed to demonstrate the feasibility of converting more than 10 kg/day carbon dioxide (CO2) to a special formulation of high-performance concrete containing feedstocks and industrial byproducts that rivals/outperforms ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete in performance while mineralizing net CO2. The recipient will utilize advanced synthesis and green chemistry, followed by standard testing to demonstrate feasibility of mineralizing CO2 into a special formulation of concrete. At the completion of the project, the recipient will demonstrate the scale-up of the optimal synthesis protocols, perform small pilot testing, and conduct a techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LCA) toward commercial deployment.

Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization University of Missouri MO FE0032395 Converting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Alkaline Solid Wastes into Carbon-Negative Supplementary Cementitious Materials for Co-Decarbonization of Multiple Sectors 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

This project will utilize carbon dioxide (CO2) to process alkaline solid wastes, such as coal ash and steel slag, into carbon-negative supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). Preliminary investigations support SCMs replacing more than 50% of cement when making concrete/blended cement, which may result in up to 57% greener cementitious materials. A diverse range of alkaline solid wastes will be investigated to understand the influence of starting material on carbonation and resulting SCMs. Wet and dry carbonation methods will be developed and optimized to determine the most economically favorable synthesis. Multiple paths for carbonation will minimize the risk of low conversion efficiency. Cement materials blended from SCMs will be tested using industrial standards. The objectives are to understand the characteristics of solid waste feedstock, optimize the feedstocks into nano-micro-carbonates-aluminosilicate (nCAS), and upscale the production of nCAS and establish its performance credibility as an SCM for the deep decarbonization of concrete.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0032239 Sutter County CO2 Capture and Storage Project, Northern California 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The Sutter County Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture and Storage Project in the central Sacramento Basin of Northern California will support the Department of Energy's Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) program as a Phase II project, which will consist of an assessment of the feasibility for a storage complex within the region's Area of Interest (AOI). The storage complex will be evaluated via data collection from the drilling of a stratigraphic test well within the AOI, associated testing, geologic, reservoir and geomechanical modeling, risk assessment and mitigation/monitoring planning, CO2 source and transport planning, analysis of contractual and regulatory requirements, a technical and economic feasibility assessment, and a data verification for a future Phase III Underground Injection Control Class VI permit application. Additionally, the project team will further develop and implement community outreach activities addressing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility, the Justice40 Initiative, Community and Stakeholder Engagement, and Economic Revitalization and Job Creation.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County, Texas TX FE0032265 Coastal Bend Carbon Management Project: Carbonsafe Phase II 10/01/2023 12/31/2025

The Coastal Bend Carbon Management Project: CarbonSAFE Phase II is working to establish the feasibility and cost of commercial deployment of geological carbon-storage technologies in the Coastal Bend Region of the Texas Gulf Coast. The location of interest is a multi-source hub of onshore storage facilities proximal to the Port of Corpus Christi as the cornerstone of a centralized, multi-faced carbon management solution at the Port of Corpus Christi. Objectives include to: quantify subsurface storage resources; refine reservoir targets/priorities for permanent storage of commercial quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2); design surface facilities to ensure safety, identify risks, mitigants, costs, and legal and regulatory requirements as a key step in developing a mitigation and monitoring plan; conduct a full spectrum cost-benefit analysis that captures the environmental and socio-economic impacts; and develop two-way outreach and engagement program that promotes equitable, inclusive economic development and seeks to prioritize benefits to historically disadvantaged communities.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA FE0032267 Optimizing Alabama's CO2 Storage in Shelby County (OASIS) 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

This project is determining the feasibility of establishing a commercial-scale regional geologic storage complex for carbon dioxide (CO2) in Shelby County, Alabama. The project objective is to complete detailed characterization work, including drilling a stratigraphic test well, evaluating the petrophysical properties of targeted formations, and interpreting wellbore geology from lithologic logs. Additionally, the project team plans to perform a risk assessment, conduct public outreach and engagement, evaluate infrastructure for CO2 transport, and evaluate U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Class VI Underground Injection Control (UIC) needs for the region.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Assessment and Quantification ABB, Inc. CA FE0032302 Integrated System for Methane Emissions Monitoring, Mapping, and Quantification 10/01/2023 03/31/2025

The overall objective of this project is to create a comprehensive engineering, design, construction, deployment, and operating plan for an integrated system (“the system”) for continuous methane emissions monitoring, mapping, localization, and quantification across the entire natural gas supply chain and infrastructure. The plan will include all the critical elements (Data Sources, Data Aggregators, and a Centralized Cloud Information Center) for a system that is capable of rapid identification, localization, and characterization of super emitters (>10 kg/hour), intermittent sources, and chronic, smaller emission sources (below 10 g/hour).

The scope of the project includes determining the requirements of the integrated methane emissions monitoring system, as well as a review of the main technology components that are commercially available in the US for the integrated monitoring system. The project will also define the concept of operation and the architecture/design of the integrated methane emissions monitoring system as well as the underlying scientific principles that enable it. A plan will be prepared to describe how the system will be developed, deployed, and operated, as well as field tested and validated. Technical cost evaluations will be generated for the construction, deployment, and operation of the system.

This project will be performed within a single Budget Period. Project activities are divided into nine tasks: 1) Project Management and Planning, 2) Requirements Management, 3) Technology Assessment, 4) Concept of Operation, 5) Architecture and Science Definition, 6) Development Plan, 7) Field Testing & Validation Plan, 8) Cost Evaluation, and 9) Reporting.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Storage Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA FE0032327 Assessment of Subsurface Hydrogen Storage in Depleted Gas Fields of Appalachia 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The primary objective of the proposed work is to establish the potential for underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in the depleted gas fields of Appalachia, particularly: ‘Berea’ sandstone, ‘Big Lime’ limestone, and depleted ‘Marcellus’ shale.

To be accomplished by:

(a) identifying in-situ biochemical metabolic pathways that would potentially consume hydrogen, and developing strategies to inhibit hydrogen loss

(b) evaluating storage permanence by characterizing the effect of hydrogen on reservoir and caprock storage/trapping properties

(c) developing a coupled multi-phase model to evaluate storage performance from core-to-reservoir scale

(d) characterizing the effect of long duration hydrogen exposure on wellbore components

(e) analyzing infrastructural capacities to help support a regional hydrogen hub

(f) providing a preliminary techno-economic analysis of prospective storage facilities in proximity to large-scale end users

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Transportation Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX FE0032344 Full Scale Natural Gas Compressor Loop Testing with Blended Hydrogen 09/01/2023 02/28/2026

The purpose of the project is to conduct full scale natural gas compressor loop testing with hydrogen blending. To accomplish this, activities in the first phase will include a design review and modifications of the compressor loop for hydrogen blending, design and construction of a hydrogen/natural gas blending skid, equipment ordering and installation. The second phase of the project includes modeling predictions of equipment and loop performance and testing at various percentages of hydrogen up to 20% volumetric concentration to evaluate characteristics of the loop, including low leakage piping components and hydrogen separator testing. Test results will be compared to modeling predictions and the results and process will be documented in a best practices document written to an audience of operators when converting natural gas compressor stations to hydrogen blending.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Production University of California - Los Angeles CA FE0032354 Direct Solar Self-Catalyzing Pyrolysis of Natural Gas to Hydrogen and High-Quality Graphite 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The project objective is to research a solar-thermal pyrolysis technology that uses concentrated solar energy to convert methane into green hydrogen and a high-value form of solid carbon.

The project goals are to:

  1. Conduct a series of scale-up experiments to achieve high yields of hydrogen and graphitic carbon in a representative solar environment with 40-50 kW insolation to produce >5 kg H2 per day.
  2. Quantify the benefits and outcomes of these efforts through a combination of detailed instrumentation and internal as well as third-party verification.
  3. Conduct these experiments by establishing a field site and a dish concentrator for testing.
  4. Develop a custom receiver/reactor with in-line thermochemical gas-phase diagnostics and off-line graphitic carbon characterization with advanced measurement techniques (laser absorption spectroscopy, residual gas analysis, Raman spectroscopy, x-ray diffractometry) to collect data and determine hydrogen and carbon product yields, as well as process efficiency, and other key parameters.
  5. Use the data to develop a techno-economic analyses that will provide a basis for further research and development toward commercial scale-up activities.
Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization Cornell University NY FE0032398 Integrated and Sustainable Pathways for CO2 Capture and Mineralization with Recovery of High Value Metals 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) will advance a transformative technology for the co-recovery of calcium and magnesium carbonate and high value energy critical metals from alkaline industrial residues generated during secondary aluminum manufacturing and iron and steel making through integrated carbon capture and conversion. The team will harness distinct but highly complementary expertise to determine energetically and economically efficient pathways for scalable implementation of the technology. The project will advance distributed carbon capture and conversion for metal recovery, thus enabling a domestic decarbonized supply of energy critical metals, while producing calcium carbonate for use in the built environment.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Assessment and Quantification University of Texas at Austin TX FE0032311 The Marcellus Methane Monitoring (M3) Project: Multi-Scale Measurement and Reconciliation of Methane Emissions in the Marcellus Shale Basin 10/01/2023 09/30/2026

The primary objective of this effort is to develop a comprehensive, multi-scale, facility-level, methane emissions measurement and reconciliation protocol within the Marcellus shale basin. To achieve this overarching objective, the following sub-objectives will be undertaken:

  1. Develop a comprehensive project management and documentation protocol to integrate measurements, operator-data, and modeling to enable reconciliation of bottom-up inventory estimates and top-down atmospheric measurements.
  2. Identify representative facilities across the supply chain in the Marcellus shale basin and select suitable technologies that capture spatial and temporal variation in methane emissions.
  3. Integrate multi-scale measurements from privately generated data provided to the project of representative oil and gas facilities in the Marcellus basin.
  4. Develop tools to expand functionality and use for continuous emissions monitoring systems in detecting and mitigating methane emissions.
  5. Assemble activity data and develop mechanistic models of emissions to reconcile measurements with bottom-up inventory estimates.
  6. Develop measurement integration and emissions reconciliation tool.
  7. Develop facility and basin-specific emissions factors and distributions.
  8. Support development of integrated methane monitoring platform.
  9. Develop dissemination plans to communicate results and create education and training programs for workforce development.
Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Production Ohio State University OH FE0032333 Bench Scale Testing and Development of Fixed Bed Chemical Looping Reactor for Hydrogen Generation from Natural Gas with CO2 Capture 10/01/2023 06/30/2026

The overall goal is to validate and scale up the Mixed Metal Oxide Composite (MMOC)-based fixed bed technology for hydrogen (H2) production and analyze its techno-economic impact. The objectives of the project include: (1) Perform component testing to obtain key quantifiable performance targets for the fixed bed system on a bench scale module, such as the gas hourly space velocity of reactant gases in each of the reaction steps, the extent of MMOC conversion in each reaction step, and the effect of operating pressure. The bench module will be designed and fabricated for testing at a scale of production of 1 kg H2/day; (2) Develop a dynamic reactor model of the proposed system for designing a commercial scale fixed bed system; and (3) Perform a comprehensive techno-economic analysis (TEA) on the fixed bed system to assess the economic and market potential of the technology.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Production Susteon, Inc. NC FE0032359 Thermo-Catalytic Co-Production of Hydrogen and High-Value Carbon Products from Natural Gas Using Structured Materials 10/01/2023 03/31/2026

The project objectives are to advance a novel thermocatalytic methane pyrolysis process that uses a structured catalyst, verify its performance from bench-scale testing to support scaleup, and develop a high-fidelity process design package to attract future private investment in a demonstration plant. The project team will focus on laboratory efforts to design, build, test, and verify all components of the methane pyrolysis apparatus. The system is to be functional up to 750 degrees C and is to have H2 production capacity of 1 Kg/day or greater. In addition to hydrogen production optimization, project activities include analysis and evaluation of the solid carbon by-product and process modeling to inform techno-economic and life cycle analysis of the pyrolysis method.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Advanced Resources International, Inc. VA FE0032264 Tulare County Carbon Storage Project (TCCSP) 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The primary objective of the CarbonSAFE Phase II project, the Tulare County Carbon Storage Project (TCCSP), is to establish a commercial-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration hub capable of storing and injecting at least 50 million metric tons of CO2 over the course of 30 years in the California Central Valley. Current estimates suggest the project site can geologically store nearly 500 million metric tons of CO2; the TCCSP team will seek to verify the geologic suitability of such estimates through the drilling of a stratigraphic test well and analysis of pertinent recovered geologic data from the test well. The project team will develop a roadmap for required permitting and project development activities to determine the most feasible project deployment scenarios, including CO2 sourcing and routing options. Permitting activities will be tailored to Underground Injection Control Class VI injection well permit standards as well as California Air Resources Board (CARB) low carbon fuel standard certification specifications. In addition to its technical and commercial objectives, the project team will collaborate with local communities, stakeholders, United States Environmental Protection Agency (Region 9) and CARB to share project information and gather feedback to adapt TCCSP’s technical approach as well as a societal considerations and impacts (SCI) strategy. The SCI strategy will factor in environmental and energy justice, community outreach, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility aspects of the current and future phases of the project. As a key component of this strategy, the TCCSP team will conduct community engagement workshops to gather feedback and consequently implement an outreach-action-feedback approach to incorporate feedback into project plans.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of North Dakota ND FE0032282 Roughrider Carbon Storage Hub 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The objective of this project is to determine the feasibility of developing a commercial-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) geologic stacked storage complex able to safely, permanently, and economically store 50+ million metric tons (MMT) of CO2 in northwestern North Dakota. The storage complex is being evaluated for storing CO2 aggregated from multiple sources in a stacked storage configuration. CO2 will be captured from several gas-processing plants in the area owned and operated by the project partner and a planned gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant in the project area. This effort is bolstered by progressive North Dakota pore space ownership and long-term liability laws, North Dakota primacy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Class VI CO2 injection regulations, and commitment from local, regional, and state-level stakeholders. These elements, in combination with a motivated, experienced team, create an ideal synergistic scenario for ensuring success of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) project and promoting national energy security through carbon management.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Production University of Wyoming WY FE0032337 Integration of Produced Water Thermal Desalination and Steam Methane Reforming for Efficient Hydrogen Production 11/01/2023 10/31/2025

The objective of this project is to conduct a pilot scale field-demonstration of hydrogen production (capacity of 1 ton/day) using produced water (generated during oil and gas extraction) at a cost~15% below existing methods ($1.30 – $2.10/kg of H2) and showing potential to reach DOE’s goal of $1 per 1 kg by 2030. The produced water will be treated using supercritical water desalination and oxidation (SCWDO) followed by steam methane reforming process (SMR) for H2 production. The project will result in a containerized technology readiness level (TRL) 6 pilot-scale demonstrator, with the intent of encouraging industry to adopt the technology at even greater scale, allow further optimization testing, and engage stakeholders to win local community support for use of this technology in their towns/industries.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Storage Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0032351 Developing & Investigating Subsurface Storage Potential and Technical Challenges for Hydrogen Disspatch H2 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The primary objective of the project is to assess the storage complex feasibility for hydrogen. This will be accomplished via data collection (collection of the reservoir and seal rock core samples, reservoir fluid, and geologic and regional Hydrogen (H2) and Natural Gas market data, geologic, reservoir, and market (supply-demand) modeling, risk assessment, mitigation/monitoring planning, and field implementation planning (H2 source and transport planning, analysis of contractual and regulatory requirements, technical and economic feasibility assessment, and technical feasibility evaluation).

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems Osmoses, Inc. MA FE0032352 Optimization and Scale-Up of Molecular-Sieve Membranes with Record Air Separation Performance 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

Osmoses Inc., in partnership with GTI Energy, is developing a novel membrane system, using Osmoses’ proprietary polymer composition, that is capable of producing enriched oxygen from air for integration into modular gasification systems for low-cost hydrogen production. As the lead organization, Osmoses is developing the materials and performing all prototyping and evaluation. GTI Energy is designing the overall gasification process that will incorporate Osmoses’ technology for oxygen enrichment.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems North Carolina State University NC FE0032355 An Advanced Modular Redox Air Separation System for Cost-Effective, Net-Zero Hydrogen Production 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

North Carolina State University (NCSU) will develop a redox-based, radically engineered modular air separation unit (REM-ASU) that generates oxygen (O2) at reduced capital cost and energy consumption. Specifically, technical objectives include: (1) developing advanced steam-resistant O2 sorbents with greater than 2 wt% O2 capacity and high activity for efficient O2 generation without a vacuum desorption step; (2) demonstrating the REM-ASU system in a 20 kg/day test bed to validate the sorbent robustness and process performance; (3) designing the REM-ASU for integration with a 5–10 megawatt (MW) modular biomass gasifier with greater than 35% energy and cost reduction for greater than 98% O2 generation compared to conventional ASUs. A techno-economics report and detailed commercialization plan based on information obtained from the design and operation of the pilot unit, combined with process modeling and a techno-economic analysis, will be submitted at the end of the project.

Active Carbon Conversion / Mineralization Calcify, LLC CT FE0032399 Biomass Ash Valorization by CO2 Capture for Nano-Size Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Production and Use in Lower Carbon Footprint Cement 11/01/2023 10/31/2025

Calcify will develop a 20-kg/day prototype process utilizing biomass ash and desalination brines for the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) yielding stabilized, amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC). Calcify will demonstrate that stabilized ACC-containing cement has superior properties to ordinary portland cement. Calcify proposes to collocate this process with a biomass combustion power plant and near to a source of desalination brine. The biomass ash will be leached to recover its alkalinity, and the ash will then be used to capture CO2 from the flue gas for conversion to selective mineral carbonates. ACC is a preferred form of calcium carbonate because it is chemically reactive when added to concrete, thereby strengthening the concrete. In contrast, precipitated calcium carbonate, available commercially and commonly added to cement, is unreactive and acts only as a filler, thereby weakening the cement. Consequently, ACC-containing cement will be both superior in performance to cement currently on the market and have a lower carbon footprint.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Turbines Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA FE0032232 Advancing Turbine Technologies for Relevant Inlet Temperature Profiles in the Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) Lab 11/01/2023 04/30/2027

Pennsylvania State University (PSU) will investigate technology advances to increase simple and combined cycle gas turbine efficiency while expanding potential ranges of fuels and combustor designs. Specifically, this project will evaluate the use of ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) with the intention of reducing the need for turbine cooling air, which is a parasitic loss in terms of efficiency. This effort will evaluate how the surface topology of CMCs impact the vane boundary layers and associated aerodynamic penalties that lead to reduced turbine efficiencies. In addition, this project will evaluate a range of turbine inlet temperature profiles that simulate fuels such as hydrogen and hydrogen blends to determine impacts on turbine performance. Understanding the effects of temperature profiles resulting from different fuels on component life and efficiencies are important for advancing turbine designs to meet high efficiency goals while reducing the environmental impacts.

The objectives of the project will be achieved through the design, fabrication, and testing of CMC components in a unique, world-class test facility. The Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) facility is capable of long-duration testing of turbine hot gas path components in a rotating environment, simulating engine operating parameters at steady state. The proposed project will investigate the use of an uncooled CMC vane placed downstream of the existing single-stage turbine section resulting in a 1st vane-1st blade-2nd vane configuration (1.5 stage). To complete these proposed research goals, the START facility will be upgraded to account for the additional flows needed at high pressures given the addition of the CMC 2nd vane half stage. A common turbine geometry developed under the National Experimental Turbine (NExT) research program will be utilized to evaluate the impacts of turbine inlet temperature profiles on turbine durability and performance. These profiles will be inclusive of those in today’s operating combustors, as well as future designs using fuels such as hydrogen and hydrogen blends.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Inc. CA FE0032251 Spiral-Wound Aerogel Adsorbent Polymers for Direct Air CO2 Capture (SWAAP) 10/01/2023 09/30/2026

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) Inc. aims to design and develop a direct Air capture (DAC) system based on a novel structured sorbent material containing an amine polymer aerogel that has high carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption capacity. The amine polymer aerogel is fabricated into a structured adsorbent and then assembled into contactors with fixed-bed geometries. The properties of the structured sorbent (CO2 uptake, work capacity, adsorption rate, degradation, etc.), configurations of the contactor (shape, size, etc.), and operating parameters (flow rate, regeneration temperature, etc.) will be optimized to achieve high-volumetric productivity, low-pressure drop, and low-capacity fade per cycle toward the target general DAC cost of less than $100/net tonne CO2-equivalent removed. The DAC system will be finalized as a laboratory-scale system with a continuous production rate of greater than 1 kg CO2/day at a purity of greater than 90% CO2, demonstrating less than 0.005%/cycle capacity fade over 1,000 hours of operation. The project will also demonstrate that the structured adsorbent can be produced in a low-cost and scalable manufacturing process. Accomplishing these goals will represent significant progress in advancing the DAC technology from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 to TRL 4.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Illinois IL FE0032268 Mitchell Carbonsafe 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The Mitchell CarbonSAFE Phase II Project is a feasibility study with the goal of geologically characterizing potential geologic storage complexes within Cambro-Ordovician strata in Mitchell, Indiana. The study will determine the feasibility of the site for geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). The CO2 will be sourced from the Heidelberg Materials US, Inc Mitchell Cement Plant. Characterization efforts will consist of drilling a 7,000-foot-deep stratigraphic test well and performing a 50 linear mile two-dimensional seismic survey. Lithostratigraphic geologic data will be gathered from the stratigraphic test well and used to evaluate the storage resources using the Storage Resource Management Systems (SRMS) classification scheme. Structural interpretations of the site’s subsurface will be made from the seismic survey. All project objectives will be completed within 24-months in one budget period. The project consists of six tasks and has six subrecipients that will be contributing to the project tasks at varying levels of engagement.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Wyoming WY FE0032279 Hermiston Oregon Basalt Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

Hermiston Oregon Basalt Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (HERO) will conduct a feasibility assessment of the technical and non-technical aspects of an integrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) project south of Hermiston, Oregon. The project team will examine the potential of carbon dioxide (CO2) storage via mineralization trapping in basaltic rocks. Mineralization trapping in basaltic rocks is an attractive alternative option for emitters located far from high-capacity CO2 sedimentary basin storage resources. The potential for rapid mineralization of CO2 in basalts and the widespread geographic distribution of basaltic formations in the Pacific Northwest offers a potential unconventional, high-capacity CO2 storage opportunity. Research into mineralization trapping in basaltic rocks needs further investigation to determine the best practices for sustained CO2 injection at the commercial scale.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Assessment and Quantification University of Oklahoma OK FE0032294 Intelligent, Universal, Low-Cost Emissions Reduction Retrofit Kit for Industrial Engines 10/01/2023 12/31/2025

The objective of this project is the development and field deployment of an intelligent, universal, low-cost emissions reduction retrofit kit for industrial engines use in different sectors, especially in the oil and gas industry. The proposed technology includes real-time performance sensing technologies, advanced machine learning algorithms, and robust feedback control systems for engine performance improvement under different operating conditions. This smart retrofit kit can significantly reduce methane slip from different engine types, reduce their operational costs and fuel consumption, and enhance their stability and efficiency. The system can be incorporated in a timely manner with various new and old industrial engines without any specific limitations.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure BP Carbon Solutions, LLC TX FE0032332 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Lone Star Storage Hub Project 10/01/2023 04/30/2027

The goal of this CarbonSAFE Phase III project is to develop the Lone Star Storage Hub, a large-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration complex consisting of two storage facilities along the Texas Gulf Coast. Project tasks include filing for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Class VI “Authorization to Construct” permits at both locations, completing the characterization of the storage facilities, optimizing the storage field development plans to reduce risk, developing and deploying monitoring technologies needed to ensure the non-endangerment of underground sources of drinking water (USDW), completing the United States Department of Energy (DOE) National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) process and compiling and executing a Community Benefits Plan. Engineering studies are being performed for the associated CO2 sources and pipeline network.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA FE0032341 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Longleaf CCS Hub 10/01/2023 09/30/2026

The Longleaf CCS Hub project seeks to significantly reduce the carbon emissions of south Alabama through the development of a stacked storage hub in proximity to Bucks, Alabama. SSEB and partnering organizations will complete permitting, characterization, and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) efforts, characterize the deep subsurface through seismic methods and drilling a deep characterization well, and receive a Class VI underground injection control (UIC) permit to construct. Parallel efforts include the development of a pipeline FEED study and a CO2 source feasibility study and implementation of a robust community benefits plan (CBP).

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Storage University of Texas at Austin TX FE0032349 Hydrogen Storage in Salt Caverns in the Permian Basin: Seal Integrity Evaluation and Field Test 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The main objective of this project is to advance technology for exploring the feasibility of large-volume hydrogen storage caverns in Permian bedded salt.

To address this objective, the project will:

  1. Investigate coupled hydro-bio-chemo-mechanical processes that affect H2 flow through evaporite rocks, mudrocks, and interfaces with wellbore cement and casing,
  2. Determine the long-term efficiency, integrity, reliability, and safety of hydrogen storage caverns in heterogenous bedded salt in the Permian Basin.
  3. Identify mitigation solutions for potential hydrogen leaks and optimization of cavern target depth and wellbore isolation.
  4. Execute small-scale hydrogen storage tests in the Salado Formation in views of preparation for a full-scale pilot test.

These objectives would be achieved through a series of technical tasks including:

  1. Quantification of physical properties and potential alterations in Salado Formation rocks in the presence of hydrogen, including determination of vertical heterogeneity.
  2. Quantification of physical properties and potential alterations of wellbore isolating materials and interfaces in the presence of hydrogen, including effects of hydrogen long-term-exposure.
  3. Integration of measurements, development of constitutive models for bedded salt, digital analogs, and prediction of hydrogen storage effectiveness through numerical simulation.
  4. Execution of small-scale hydrogen storage tests and well-sealing performance in the WIPP (Waste Isolation Pilot Plan, New Mexico) facility.

Unlike extensive work done in domal salts, this project will target bedded salts and include the effects of vertical heterogeneity and interbedded siliciclastic red beds and anhydrite layers found in the Salado Formation. Furthermore, the research will extend current knowledge on hydrogen flow in the subsurface in the presence of coupled mechanical, geochemical, and biological processes for intact evaporite rocks, mudrocks, interfaces with casing, and wellbore cement in the presence of formation and mining fluids. The project will advance technology for quantifying the effectiveness of hydrogen storage in bedded salt and identify potential leak points and detrimental processes that could be addressed based on scientific principles.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Storage University of North Dakota ND FE0032358 Williston Basin Resource Study for Commercial-Scale Subsurface Hydrogen Storage 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The objective of the project is to support the future commercialization of H2 generation, storage, and use by evaluating the potential for high-volume, secure subsurface H2 storage with concomitant high recovery from geologic complexes of the North Dakota portion of the Williston Basin. The project team will accomplish this objective through 1) assessment of saline, depleted oil and gas, and salt formations for H2 storage suitability; 2) characterization and assessment of the effects of long-term H2 storage use and exposure on formation fluids, storage and confining unit rocks, and wellbore materials; and 3) a basinwide estimate of geologic H2 storage potential, including factors that will inform storage and recovery performance. Project tasks will include laboratory investigation of core specimens from the Williston Basin; modeling and simulation of H2 injection, storage, and production for different formations in the basin; and development of basin-scale storage volumetrics for H2 storage and recovery scenarios.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA302 Scale-up Production of Graphite, Carbon Fibers and other Products from Coal and Coal Refuse 08/01/2023 09/30/2026

The objectives of this field work proposal are to demonstrate the use of coal and coal refuse feedstocks to manufacture carbon and graphite fibers at semi-production scale at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Carbon Fiber Technology Facility and to manufacture graphite particles for lithium-ion battery anodes and other energy storage applications at multi-kilogram scale. This work builds on the activities and results associated with projects FWP-FEAA155 and FWP-FEAA157 that ORNL has led in collaboration with the University of Kentucky’s Center for Applied Energy Research, which identified multiple pathways to utilize coal and coal refuse as feedstocks to manufacture carbon fibers, graphite fibers, and graphite particles for energy storage devices. This project will also conduct market, technical, economic, and environmental analyses to assess the market viability of carbon fibers, graphite fibers, and anodes for lithium-ion batteries derived from coal and coal refuse.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Utah UT FE0032266 Uinta Basin Carbonsafe II: Storage Complex Feasibility 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

This CarbonSAFE Phase II project is collecting and analyzing new, state-of-the-art data to comprehensively characterize the storage complex in a manner that is consistent with the Environmental Protection Agency permitting standards. Major activities include drilling, coring, and logging a 12,000 feet deep stratigraphic test well, and extensive analogue and outcrop mapping and data sampling. These new datasets complement a pre-existing dataset that contains core and geologic data. The collected data will be analyzed using state-of-the-art carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies that have been derived from previous and ongoing CCUS demonstration projects and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) comprehensive Best Practice Manuals for CCUS (NETL, 2017). The analyzed data will be used for site characterization, modeling and simulations, risk assessments, site management and monitoring plans, potential underground injection control class VI well permits, and to determine technical/economic feasibility and societal considerations.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Holocene Climate Corporation TN FE0032269 Advancing a Low-Temperature, Low-Cost Direct Air Capture System Based on Organic Chemistry 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

Holocene Climate Corporation is partnering with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to conduct bench-scale testing of a new optimized direct air capture (DAC) system using amino acids and guanidine compounds, a chemical process invented at ORNL. Holocene aims to use ORNL’s chemistry to further develop and deploy the technology on a commercial scale. Holocene and ORNL have studied and validated the basic chemistry, and this undertaking will address challenges related to validating the DAC process’s basic-unit operations. ORNL team members’ expertise in basic science research will complement Holocene’s engineers, who can prototype quickly and purchase efficiently. The novel combined solvent-sorbent system benefits from the advantages of the two established DAC technological approaches and offers transformative cost reductions in DAC. The project will explore several variants of the DAC process designed to reduce technical risks and costs through bench-scale testing of new processes and components for the solvent-sorbent DAC technology. The project team will run experiments in parallel to rapidly develop and advance the DAC process. The project’s primary objective is to elevate the technology from a research state to an experimentally demonstrated proof-of-concept. The project team will focus on (1) developing advanced, novel desorption processes to reduce thermal energy requirements and lower desorption temperature, and (2) designing the air contactor to reduce pressure drop and optimize carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring Kairos Aerospace, Inc. CA FE0032310 Developing Methane Emissions Inventories by Fusing Airborne, Satellite, and Modeled Assessments: Comprehensive Surveys of the Anadarko and Haynesville Basins 10/01/2023 09/30/2026

The goal of this project is to create basin-specific methane emissions inventories of the Haynesville and Anadarko basins. This objective will be accomplished through quantification of basin-level methane emissions through a coordinated, concurrent campaign that combines cutting-edge, bottom-up (BU) modeling with top-down (TD) aerial and satellite surveys. Resulting BU and TD inventories will be reconciled and used to create basin-scale emission distributions that describe the size and frequency of methane emissions from the smallest to the largest sources. Additionally, in each basin, researchers will collect a three-year time series of methane emissions to characterize seasonal and annual trends. The resulting products and methodologies pioneered here will support the development of improved, basin-specific methane emissions quantification and mitigation strategies.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Production Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI FE0032329 HALO: Hydrogen-Recovery using an AI-Arc-Plasma Learning Operational System for Produced Water 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

The overall objective of the proposed effort is to demonstrate the viability, in an operational environment, of an arc-plasma reactor utility in creating hydrogen as a treatment and disposal method for toxic produced water. An AI system will be designed to regulate and optimize the reactor and subsequent systems to ensure efficient operation based on the most desired outputs. The gas product will be separated and processed to ensure a zero-emission product stream and create hydrogen, which has a high energy storage potential. Aspects of the treatment process, such as harvesting value-added products such as salts, minerals, or rare earth elements from the produced water stream, will also be the subject of investigation.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of North Dakota ND FE0032331 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Coal Creek Carbon Capture: Site Characterization and Permitting 10/01/2023 09/30/2027

The goal of this project is to advance development of a large-scale commercial geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage hub in central North Dakota to safely and permanently store up to 200 million metric tons of CO2. The proposed storage hub would store up to 8.9 million metric tons per year of CO2 captured from the Coal Creek Station power plant and up to 200,000 metric tons per year of CO2 captured from the Blue Flint Ethanol plant, which is colocated with Coal Creek Station. Project efforts being led by the University of North Dakota's Energy & Environmental Research Center, in partnership with Rainbow Energy Center and Neset Consulting Services, Inc., include site characterization and permitting. The main activities of this project are to acquire 3D seismic data, drill a geologic characterization (stratigraphic test) well, conduct a pipeline front-end engineering and design (FEED) study, prepare North Dakota underground injection control (UIC) Class VI permit applications, and generate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation such as an environmental information volume (EIV) and subsequent environmental assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In addition, the project team will identify societal considerations and impacts of the proposed research, including both positive and negative impacts on disadvantaged communities and subpopulations, and develop and implement region-specific plans to engage communities and stakeholders.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Gasification Systems Raytheon Technologies Corporation CT FE0032348 Electrochemically Mediated Air Separation Modules (EM-ASM) 10/01/2023 09/30/2025

Raytheon Technologies Research Center (RTRC) is partnering with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California Irvine, and the University of California Davis to research, develop, and demonstrate a cost-effective, energy-efficient, clean, and scalable process for separating oxygen from air. The project team will develop a novel sorbent/electrochemical looping technology that produces oxygen that is greater than 99% pure. The overall project objective is to demonstrate proof-of-concept at lab scale and use the results to project to the 5–50-megawatt-electric (MWe) range for hydrogen gasifiers. The system will be comprised of a stack of electrochemical flow cells fed tailored transition metal (TM) complexes. The project objectives include four major technical elements: (1) employ advanced computational methods to rapidly identify promising TM complexes that will capture oxygen when reduced and release oxygen when oxidized; (2) synthesize and rapidly screen promising TM complex sorbents identified by molecular modeling and expert chemical intuition; (3) design, build, and test small reactors that support rapid and efficient oxidation and reduction of TM complexes for oxygen capture and release; and (4) design large-scale reactors, study integration of the proposed air separation module into a hydrogen gasifier, and perform techno-economic analyses to quantify the potential of this technology.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) University of California - Los Angeles CA FE0032321 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Seachange: Carbon Sequestration Pilot 12/01/2023 05/30/2025

The world’s oceans contain 150 times more carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit volume than the atmosphere and are near infinite sources of alkaline cations (Ca: calcium, Mg: magnesium). The seawater electrolysis process can leverage the massive scale of the oceans and the power of electrochemistry to create a gigaton-scale CO2 removal solution. In this process, seawater is electrochemically stimulated to: (1) trap CO2 within mineral-carbonates, (2) produce alkaline mineral-hydroxides that ensure the absorption of additional CO2 from the atmosphere when dissolved in seawater, and (3) produce hydrogen gas, a clean fuel, as a co-product. The primary objective of this project is to design, engineer, and fabricate a first-of-a-kind 100-kW flow electrolyzer for simultaneous atmospheric CO2 removal and hydrogen co-production. Following fabrication, the electrolyzer will be installed at AltaSea, in the Port of Los Angeles using a realistic seawater supply. Once installed the electroyler will be tested for six-months to assess key aspects of process energy intensity, operability, and technoeconomics relevant to streamline and catalyze manufacturability, commercialization and decarbonization at scale. The project team will develop a U.S.-based manufacturing strategy for high-volume fabrication of electrolyzer modules and their integration into commercial-scale CO2 removal plants for large-scale, cost-effective carbon management.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Western Michigan University MI FE0032368 Advancing Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) in the Michigan Basin 01/01/2024 12/31/2025

Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan) is supporting the Regional Initiative to Accelerate Carbon Management Deployment to reduce the risks associated with commercial-scale geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2), advance the understanding of carbon management technology within communities, and ensure the long-term, safe, and equitable storage of CO2.

The project will focus on the Michigan Basin and consists of four main technical tasks, (1) development of a Societal Considerations and Impact (SCI) Plan, (2) mapping of the geographic areas of interest, (3) assessment of the confining units, and (4) development of a wellbore integrity assessment tool.

The SCI plan will consist of carrying out community and stakeholder engagement plans, evaluation of disadvantaged and environmental justice communities, and development of community benefit portfolio plans. Mapping of the geographic areas of interest will be done by compiling existing geographic data to develop a comprehensive database and detailed maps of the storage reservoirs and brine disposal reservoirs. Assessment of the confining units will be done by analyzing existing geologic data and gathering and producing new data that will be used to map and evaluate the confining systems immediately overlying the key reservoirs. The wellbore integrity assessment tool will be created to help identify wells with leakage risk. The tool will be developed by integrating wellbore data with the produced confining system and reservoir maps.

Anticipated outcomes of this project consist of a database of geomechanical and lithological data, a wellbore integrity assessment tool, and an integrated user-friendly tool for geologic and societal considerations assessments.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of North Dakota ND FE0032371 Prairie Horizon Carbon Management Hub 12/01/2023 11/30/2025

The Prairie Horizon Carbon Management Hub project team will provide technical assistance and facilitate public engagement in support of creation of a regional carbon management hub (HUB) in North Dakota. Technical assistance includes evaluation of geologic data collected within the project area to better understand reservoir characteristics and infrastructure needs associated with the development of the HUB. Public engagement efforts consist of collaborations with stakeholders, including those from nearby communities as well as the broader technical community.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA FE0032308 Methane Emissions Monitoring in the Delaware Portion of the Permian Basin of New Mexico and Texas 12/15/2023 12/14/2026

The overall objective of this research project is to maintain and continue to develop the ongoing monitoring of methane emissions from the Delaware portion of the Permian oil and gas production basin in order to estimate total basinal methane emissions on a monthly basis. This will be achieved through a network of five communications tower-based and mountain-top methane concentration measurements encircling the basin, currently in operation. These measurement towers have been in place since March 2020 and are located in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Hobbs, Notrees, and Fort Stockton.

These in-situ instruments continuously measure methane concentrations over the Delaware sub-basin. The project team will continue the operation of this methane concentration measurement network, observe trends in methane (CH4) emissions, and compare the results collected with more publicly accessible numerical modeling tools. The team will transition the monitoring system to High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)/Hysplit and begin reporting basin-wide methane emissions. The emissions will be estimated by combining the methane concentration measurements with a first prediction of emissions based on the locations and type of oil and gas extraction activity in the basin, an analysis of atmospheric transport based on a numerical weather prediction model that assimilates atmospheric observations, and a Bayesian matrix inversion.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Department of Natural Resources OH FE0032427 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Ohio 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Department of Natural Resources Illinois IL FE0032428 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Illinois 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells1 (MCWs) within the state of Illinois by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

Marginal Conventional Well – Idle or producing onshore vertical or slightly deviated oil or natural gas well (excludes highly deviated or horizontal wells) with a known owner / operator producing less than or equal to 15 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOED) and/or 90 thousand cubic feet (Mcf) gas per day (1 BOE = 6 Mcf) over the prior 12-month period.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Energy Minerals & Natural Resources Department NM FE0032430 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Mitigating Emissions from Marginal Conventional Wells - State of New Mexico 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations.

The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

Marginal Conventional Well – Idle or producing onshore vertical or slightly deviated oil or natural gas well (excludes highly deviated or horizontal wells) with a known owner / operator producing less than or equal to 15 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOED) and/or 90 thousand cubic feet (Mcf) gas per day (1 BOE = 6 Mcf) over the prior 12-month period.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Energy & Environment Cabinet KY FE0032431 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Kentucky 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project is expected to result in methane and other greenhouse gas emission reductions and provide environmental benefits through the restoration of MCW pads. These activities are expected to mitigate legacy air pollution from MCWs in low-income and disadvantaged communities and provide potential benefits to such communities, including improved ambient air quality, surface and groundwater quality, climate resilience, and human health as well as creation of high-quality jobs.

The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Department of Natural Resources Colorado CO FE0032432 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Colorado 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) MI FE0032434 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Michigan 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells1 (MCWs) within the state of Illinois by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

1 Marginal Conventional Well – Idle or producing onshore vertical or slightly deviated oil or natural gas well (excludes highly deviated or horizontal wells) with a known owner / operator producing less than or equal to 15 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOED) and/or 90 thousand cubic feet (Mcf) gas per day (1 BOE = 6 Mcf) over the prior 12-month period.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TX FE0032423 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Texas 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection PA FE0032424 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Pennsylvania 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize marginal conventional wells (MCWs) for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection WV FE0032425 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of West Virginia 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) State Lands Commission, California CA FE0032426 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Mitigating Emissions from Marginal Conventional Wells - State of California 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project is expected to result in methane and other greenhouse gas emission reductions and provide environmental benefits through the restoration of MCW pads. These activities are expected to mitigate legacy air pollution from MCWs in low-income and disadvantaged communities and provide potential benefits to such communities, including improved ambient air quality, surface and groundwater quality, climate resilience, and human health as well as creation of high-quality jobs.

The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Monitoring can include detection and measurement of methane emissions used to provide a preliminary screening of emissions from MCWs as a mechanism to inform plugging prioritization. Monitoring must include measurement of methane emissions (in accordance with the DOE methane measurement guidelines for MCWs) prior to and following the plugging and abandonment of any MCW, quantification of the methane emissions mitigated for plugged wells, and verification that plugged wells are no longer emitting methane emissions as required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. Stakeholder engagement and outreach are key to this project, and it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will result in substantial benefits with specific impact on disadvantaged communities.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) State of Louisiana Department of Natural Resources LA FE0032429 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Mitigating Emissions from Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Louisiana 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project is expected to result in methane and other greenhouse gas emission reductions and provide environmental benefits through the restoration of MCW pads. These activities are expected to mitigate legacy air pollution from MCWs in low-income and disadvantaged communities and provide potential benefits to such communities, including improved ambient air quality, surface and groundwater quality, climate resilience, and human health as well as creation of high-quality jobs.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NY FE0032433 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of New York 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non‐Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre‐ and post‐plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality UT FE0032435 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Utah 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The Utah Division of Air Quality will reduce methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) in Uintah County, UT and Duchesne County, UT, known as the “Uinta Basin.” The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from MCWs by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non-Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre- and post-plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations. The project will develop a process and methodology to identify and prioritize MCWs for permanent plugging and abandonment, monitor (via discrete measurements) methane emissions from MCWs, and support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) Virginia Department of Energy VA FE0032436 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Methane Emissions Reduction Program for Marginal Conventional Wells - State of Virginia 12/01/2023 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to mitigate methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) by assisting operators/well owners to voluntarily and permanently plug and abandon MCWs on non‐Federal lands and measure methane emissions from MCWs both pre‐ and post‐plugging operations. This project may also support elements of environmental restoration required for full compliance with applicable State or Federal well plugging and abandonment standards and regulations.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0032412 Modular Integrated System for Carbon-Neutral Methanol Synthesis Using Direct Air Capture and Carbon-Free Hydrogen Production 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

West Virginia University (WVU), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and their industrial partners OxEon Energy LLC and Tallgrass MLP Operations LLC will conduct a conceptual design and feasibility study of a proposed integrated process for producing green methanol (MeOH). The proposed process includes: (i) a novel building-based direct air capture (DAC) process; (ii) a functionalized sorbent offering high equilibrium loading capacity and very low pressure drop, thus enabling use of HVAC systems; (iii) solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) to produce carbon-free hydrogen; (iv) a novel catalyst enabling high heat transfer rates and high reaction rates, thus lowering the reaction temperature and increasing single pass conversion of the MeOH synthesis reaction by approximately 5% compared to traditional CuO-ZnO-Al2O3 catalysts; and (v) a highly integrated process that utilizes building hot air return and heat recovery from reactor effluent for regeneration heat for the DAC sorbent, utilizes steam generated in the reactor, and utilizes electrolyzer product streams for superheating of the steam generated in the reactor, thus generating the entire amount of superheated steam for P-SOEC. In addition to conceptual design and optimization of the proposed process, this project will also include development of a preliminary techno-economic analysis (TEA), life cycle analysis (LCA), Technology Maturation Plan (TMP), environmental health and safety (EH&S) analysis, technology gap analysis (TGA), and Community Benefits Plan (CBP) package. The key outcome will be a highly integrated and optimized process with state-of-the-art technologies for DAC, electrolysis, and MeOH synthesis, leading to cost-efficient production of greater than 99.7% pure green MeOH with maximum utilization of net carbon dioxide (CO2) and minimum environmental footprint.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) University of California - Davis CA FE0032417 TRACER: Electrochemical Removal of Carbon Dioxide from Oceanwater: Field Validation 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

This project seeks to develop a novel process called TRACER (Electrochemical Removal of Carbon Dioxide from Oceanwater) and perform a field validation of the TRACER technology to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from oceanwater through electrochemical reactions. The proposed technology is based on a benign and simple electrolytic process that features a large and durable carbon storage capacity that takes advantage of readily available ions/species (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+, dissolved and speciated CO2 reactants) that are already present in oceanwater. TRACER stores both dissolved CO2 (already in seawater) and atmospheric CO2 as solid carbonates and/or aqueous bicarbonates/carbonates via the in-situ electrolysis of water. The project objective is focused on thoroughly refining the conceptual design of the TRACER process before it could be considered for scale-up and field validation testing.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) University of Houston TX FE0032408 Development of Modular Electrochemical Tubes to Remove Dissolved Inorganic Carbon from Ocean 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

The University of Houston (UH), in partnership with the University of Michigan (UM), will develop scalable and cost-effective electrochemical tubes to efficiently remove dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from seawater. The proposed approach will utilize efficient, durable, cost-effective, and environmentally benign electrode materials to form a membrane-less system that is both modular and scalable. The modularity and scalability of this system will allow it to be easily deployed to existing on-shore (e.g., desalination plants) and off-shore (e.g., oil rigs) infrastructure. Successful development of the proposed system will yield continuous operation for 100 hours under synthetic and real seawater with a DIC removal efficiency of greater than 80%, facilitating cost-effective deployments of electrochemical technology for abiotic ocean-based capture.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0032369 Subsurface Seismic Structural Characterization of the Hogback Monocline and Thermal Characterization of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico 12/01/2023 11/30/2025

This project will fill subsurface knowledge gaps in the San Juan Basin and Four Corners region that are needed to enable the deployment of carbon management activities, including Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) for emission mitigation efforts within the industrial and power sectors. The knowledge gaps will be filled through six project objectives. The first objective is to collect, analyze, and disseminate data. The analyzed data will be used to ensure the safe capture, removal, efficient injection, storage, and monitoring of carbon dioxide in the San Juan Basin and Four Corners region. The second objective is to obtain, reprocess, interpret, and analyze existing seismic data to understand the structural history of the western margin of the San Juan Basin. Additionally, the seismic data will be used to implement seismic de-risking measures pertaining to CCUS activities. The third project objective is to improve the current geological model of the region by integrating newly interpreted seismic data with previously interpreted seismic and well log data. The improved geologic model will be used to identify fault locations and determine the three-dimensional characteristics of the Hogback monocline. The project's fourth objective is to characterize the present day heat flow and thermal regime of the San Juan Basin as well as its thermal tectonic history and temperature variations in relation to reservoir characteristics. The fifth objective is to perform the following: a probabilistic resource assessment of the San Juan Basin, a quantitative estimation of porosity and permeability, and an investigation into the storage of produced water as a means of pressure management. The sixth objective is to promote environmental justice and perform outreach activities and give an education to industry stakeholders, communities, and the public on CCUS.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Susteon, Inc. NC FE0032397 Green Methanol Production from Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

The objective of this project is to design an integrated bench-scale prototype to advance an integrated process design concept, comprising of an innovative Direct Air Capture (DAC) process integrated with carbon-free hydrogen production via H2O electrolysis and a robust CO2-based methanol synthesis catalyst to produce carbon-negative methanol. The tasks required to achieve this objective include the development of an integrated process design of at least 10 kg/day methanol production unit by sizing the DAC, water electrolysis, and methanol synthesis subsystems for potential detailed component design, construction, and operation; the development of a detailed process model will be developed by integrating an existing DAC process model with CO2 purification, water purification, water electrolyzer, and methanol synthesis process models to simulate the fully integrated process and determine the overall energy requirements; as well as performing a preliminary Technoeconomic Analysis (TEA) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and determining the feasibility of reaching a target methanol production cost of less than $800 per tonne based on a conceptual 4,000 tonne per year (TPY) methanol synthesis process model. Additionally, an R&D Community Benefits Plan (CBP) will be developed, which will take steps to achieve DOE goals of Community Engagement, Diversity Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA), Quality Jobs, and Justice40.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) TDA Research, Inc. CO FE0032400 Efficient Integrated Methanol Synthesis Using Carbon from Direct Air Capture 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

TDA Research, in collaboration with Verde Clean Fuels, SLB, and the University of Colorado Denver (UCD), proposes to complete a conceptual design study for an integrated direct air capture and carbon dioxide utilization system (DACUS) that captures and utilizes carbon dioxide (CO2) in an integrated methanol (MeOH) synthesis unit. The CO2 captured from air is reacted with renewable hydrogen (H2) to produce “green” MeOH with negative CO2 emissions. The energy needed for the direct air capture (DAC) of CO2 is provided by utilizing waste/low-grade heat from the MeOH synthesis process. The MeOH is produced using Verde Clean Fuel’s STG+® Process with very high per-pass completion (more than 99.5%), forming very low amounts of methane (CH4) byproduct. The elimination of the undesired side reactions and the high per-pass conversion achieved by the improved heat management in the MeOH synthesis reactor minimizes the amount of the gas recycle and the associated purging to control the concentration of inerts, which improves the process efficiency and reduces the cost of methanol.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) University of Delaware DE FE0032401 Integrated Carbon-Neutral Methanol Production from Direct Air Capture and Carbon-Free Hydrogen 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

The objective of this project is to design an integrated system that deploys a novel electrochemical direct air capture (DAC) process, low-cost water (H2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2) electrolysis to produce a stream of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), and CO2 that will be fed to a catalytic reactor to produce carbon-neutral methanol (MeOH). The project will target an MeOH production cost of $800/tonne based on 1,000 tonnes of annual MeOH production. Success will yield a comprehensive system design of an integrated process for cost-effective carbon-neutral MeOH synthesis from CO2 removed from air by DAC and carbon-free hydrogen.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032402 Depolarized Electrochemical Reactor for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement and Facile Recovery of High Purity Carbon 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

To address the challenge of achieving a durable and scalable carbon dioxide (CO2) removal process at less than $100/tonne, the recipient will develop a depolarized electrochemical reactor (DER) for influent ocean water acidification and carbon unloading leading to concentrated CO2 production and simultaneous ocean water basicity enhancement for abiotic ocean capture (AOC). The project will target three primary objectives to accomplish this goal. The first objective is to develop a feasibility and conceptual study that includes detailed guidelines for the following items: (1) site identification and selection, (2) major equipment specifications, (3) preliminary facility design and general arrangement, (4) cost estimates, and (5) pilot-project schedule. The second objective is to design and validate the performance of a process for producing a CO2 stream with greater than or equal to 95% purity at less than or equal to 1.8 volts in a DER featuring catalytic electrodes, ohmic loss suppression, and bipolar architecture. The final objective is to evaluate the technical, economic, environmental, and societal impacts of the proposed technology.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Washington State University WA FE0032403 Methanol from Integrated Direct Air Capture and Ceramic Electrolysis 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

The Methanol from Integrated Direct Air Capture and Ceramic Electrolysis (MIDACE) project will advance a novel system concept for combining crude carbon dioxide (CO2) cleanup, hydrogen production, and partial CO2 reduction steps within a carbon-tolerant, high-temperature electrolyzer to produce sub-$800/tonne methanol via containerized electrochemical and chemical systems in conjunction with passive direct-air carbon capture towers. The design lowers costs by simplifying the methanol recovery cycle, reducing carbon losses from venting, reducing sensitivity to catalyst selectivity, and potentially avoiding syngas compression. Passive capture using waste heat from the synthesis reactor and solid-oxide electrolysis could prove critical for transitioning the rapidly growing $25 billion industry to sustainable green methanol (MeOH) production. The Phase I, 12-month technical period of performance will assess the technical performance and community impact of MeOH production using proven techno-economic and life cycle assessment techniques.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Arizona State University AZ FE0032405 Mobile Air to Methanol (Air2Fuel) 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

The main objective of this project is to develop a conceptual design of 1) an Air2Fuel system that produces 1000 tonne methanol (MeOH) per year from DAC CO2 and carbon-free H2, and 2) a movable lab-scale Air2Fuel system. The work will include several intermediate technical objectives, i.e., optimizing heat recovery from green H2 production and MeOH synthesis to drive DAC sorbent regeneration, integrating novel process components and equipment to reduce power consumption, consolidating unit process operations (e.g., CO2/H2 compressors), and optimizing thermal integration and assessing renewable energy integration. TEA/LCA of the conceptual full-scale Air2Fuel system will evaluate a pathway to $800/tonne carbon-neutral MeOH.

The project hosts a community engagement workshop focusing on energy transition and alternative fuels that will inform potential commercial deployment sites for energy and environmental justice assessments. The team assesses workforce needs with key industry partners that will inform new workforce development curricula focusing on industry-led skills to enable high-quality career-building/sustaining jobs in those communities.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. PA FE0032406 Ocean-Based Carbon Capture, Storage, and Alkalinity Improvement by a Seawater-Regenerated Metal-Polymer Hybrid Sorbent 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

The project will model, design, and validate the processes and potential fabrication methods of an ocean-based abiotic carbon capture technology (“DeCarbonHIX”) that uses seawater to capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2) while reversing CO2-induced seawater acidification. Phase I project activities will serve to design and de-risk the pilot-scale DeCarbonHIX system for deployment in the follow-up Phase II program. Primary objectives include: (1) use system modeling to provide a basis for benchmarking the DeCarbonHIX system against other carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies, including state-of-the-art direct ocean CO2 capture; (2) fabricate and test a sub-scale sorbent capture bed and weak-acid generation system to demonstrate the CO2 capture abilities, efficiency, operation, and electrical consumption of the system; and (3) identify and gather a complete development and deployment team for the follow-up Phase II pilot-scale study.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) Ocean Energy USA, LLC CA FE0032409 Ocean Energy Carbon Removal 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

Ocean Energy will perform conceptual design studies to integrate the Naval Research Laboratory Electrolytic Cation Exchange Module (E-CEM) system within the Ocean Energy Buoy wave energy converter to develop a coherent field validation of the combined ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) system. The utilization of the wave-powered electricity directly reduces the external auxiliary power requirements for the CDR process. Ocean Energy will evaluate the costs for the system with a view to optimizing the system and developing to large commercial scale to make a significant contribution to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Carbon Negative Shot targets of less than $100/net tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) removed.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) Ebb Carbon, Inc. CA FE0032411 Optimizing the Integration of Aquaculture and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement for Low-Cost Carbon Removal and Maximum Ecosystem 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

Ebb Carbon will investigate how ocean alkalinity enhancement using electrochemically produced aqueous sodium hydroxide can be used to benefit ecosystems including commercial aquaculture harmed by ocean acidification. In Phase 1, Ebb Carbon will design an optimized system to electrochemically produce, pre-equilibrate, and deploy alkalinity in field studies. The project team will design experiments to evaluate effects of alkalinity enhancement on shellfish species and other species across multiple trophic levels.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) GE Vernova Operations, LLC NY FE0032413 Production of Low-Carbon Methanol Through the Use of Direct-Air Capture of CO2 and Solid-Oxide Co-Electrolysis of CO2 and H2O to Syn-Gas (Air2MeOH) 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

GE Vernova Advanced Research (GEVAR) will execute a conceptual design and feasibility study to integrate a direct air capture (DAC) system, which captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air, with a solid-oxide co-electrolysis system (SOCC), which combines the captured CO2 with air and water, in order to produce hydrogen (H2)/carbon monoxide (CO, syngas) that can then be converted into methanol (MeOH) using commercially available catalysts. The purity and H2:CO ratio of the system will be determined to match the requirements of the MeOH reactor. The recipient team will examine two different commercially available catalysts and determine which system will work best for the approximately 3 gal/day system. The recipient team will work together to design the most efficient reactor, using the selected catalyst system and process conditions.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) AirCapture, LLC CA FE0032414 Carbon Dioxide to Methanol with Solid Polymer Electrolytes and Composite Electrodes in Stackable Zero-Gap Electrochemical Cells (CO2eMeOH) 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

AirCapture LLC will design, construct, and operate a process for the production of carbon-neutral methanol (MeOH) from carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from air via an integrated system of direct air capture (DAC) and electrochemical MeOH production. This will be achieved through the following activities: (1) conduct a conceptual design and feasibility study with a technology gap analysis on the proposed direct air capture and carbon utilization (DACCU) integrated process to produce carbon-neutral MeOH from atmospheric CO2; (2) build and conduct integrated system lab-scale validation of the DACCU system; (3) perform a cradle-to-gate life cycle analysis (LCA) and techno-economic analysis (TEA) to determine the environmental sustainability and cost-effectiveness of the technology; (4) quantify how deployment of the proposed technology will promote and prepare a ready workforce for clean energy and manufacturing jobs and coordinate with community stakeholders to develop a Quality Jobs Plan, a Diversity Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Plan, a Justice40 Plan Development Proposal, and a Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan Development Proposal.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) University of Tennessee TN FE0032415 Green Methanol via an Integrated Direct Air Capture, CO2 Electrolyzer, and Hydrogenation Reactor 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

The University of Tennessee will develop a detailed systems modeling and design of an integrated direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2) system, an intermediate temperature CO2-to-carbon-monoxide (CO) electrolyzer, and a CO-to-methanol (MeOH) catalytic bed reactor. Phase I of this project will involve optimization of each of these components and will include systems engineering designs for a unified reactor with each component transitioning from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 to TRL 4. Ultimately, hydrogen will be produced onsite with a water electrolyzer, and all power and heating inputs will be derived from energy that is generated from renewable sources. The MeOH that is produced will derive from CO2 and will have an overall negative carbon footprint at a target price below $800/tonne at scale. The deployment of the proposed technology will promote and prepare a ready workforce for clean energy and manufacturing jobs and the project will develop a Quality Jobs Plan; a Diversity Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Plan; a Justice40 Plan Development Proposal; and a Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) Captura Corp. CA FE0032416 Conceptual Design of a Direct Ocean Capture System on an Offshore Platform 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

Captura Corporation will develop a conceptual design of an up to 1,000 ton-carbon dioxide (CO2)/year integrated abiotic direct ocean capture (DOC) system that includes water intake/outfall, pre-filtration systems, high-performance electrodialysis system, and gas-liquid contactor-based CO2 stripping system for a future deployment on an offshore gas/oil platform. Captura’s DOC technology involves a highly efficient electrochemical pH-swing-based system (EpHs) that extracts high-purity CO2 from the dissolved inorganic carbon in oceanwater and returns de-carbonized oceanwater back to the ocean with no byproducts.

The scope of work for the project will include a techno-economic analysis (TEA); a life cycle analysis (LCA); engineering assessment of the DOC technology’s synergy and coupling with a variety of offshore platforms and storage sites; optimization of the EpHs approach; assessment of the marine ecosystem impacts of the system’s decarbonized oceanwater; and monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of the CO2-drawdown at the air/oceanwater interface.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) University of North Dakota ND FE0032418 Hydrolytic Softening for Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

The University of North Dakota Environmental Research Center (UND EERC) will develop the conceptual design of a hydrolytic softening process for ocean carbon dioxide removal (CDR). The design will incorporate energy-saving hydrolytic lime regeneration integrated with an ocean precipitation reactor, which can be used as a near-term, scalable, and cost-effective method to draw down legacy carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that have been absorbed in the oceans. The conceptual design will be developed in preparation for a potential field validation of the system and data collected during the project will be used to substantiate cost projections, as well as to identify potential offshore benefits that may result in cost-saving and/or cost-sharing opportunities. In addition, a multidisciplinary team will be assembled and a regulatory and permitting analysis will be conducted, which may be necessary for the potential field validation. Further assessments will be performed, such as a preliminary techno-economic analysis, life cycle analysis, technology maturation plan, technology gap analysis, environmental health and safety analysis, and an evaluation of the societal considerations and impacts of the technology.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC FE0032419 An Integrated Technology Demonstration of Continuous Passive Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Green Methanol Production 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

Research Triangle Institute (RTI), in partnership with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Casale, and Creare, will develop a novel process consisting of three key innovations. The first is a passive Direct Air Capture (DAC) contactor optimized for low pressure drop, wind-driven operation. The second is a dynamic green methanol (MeOH) synthesis process, which has high conversion efficiencies and low production costs while minimizing on-site storage of H2. This process includes a novel catalyst for one-step conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to MeOH in a state-of-the-art plate-cooled isothermal reactor configuration that allows for load-following dynamic operation. The third innovation involves heat integration to provide synergistic regeneration energy for DAC.

Activities to successfully develop this process include: modeling and design of a DAC system that can capture at least 20 kg/day CO2; sizing and detailed mechanical design for the air contactor unit; detailed process simulations of carbon-neutral MeOH synthesis from H2 and CO2 captured from air; selection of optimized parameters for CO2, from DAC, and MeOH synthesis; completion of a process intensification, including heat integration, in Aspen Plus; and performing a Technoeconomic Analysis (TEA) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) based on all collected data during the period of performance. Additionally, an R&D Community Benefits Plan (CBP) will be developed, which will take steps to achieve DOE goals of Community Engagement, Diversity Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA), Quality Jobs, and Justice40.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) E2H2NANO, LLC NY FE0032404 Compact, Modular, and High-Yield Membrane Reactor for Carbon-Neutral Methanol Synthesis from Direct Air Capture and Carbon-Free Hydrogen Production 12/20/2023 09/19/2025

E2H2NANO LLC, in partnership with the University at Buffalo and Washington University in St. Louis, will (1) conceptually design a compact, modular, and high-yield membrane reactor process for carbon-neutral methanol synthesis using carbon dioxide (CO2) from direct air capture (DAC) and carbon-free hydrogen (H2); (2) demonstrate the feasibility of the integrated process by performing techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA); and (3) fabricate and operate the integrated lab-scale system (1 kg methanol/day) for more than two months in Phase 2. The proposed technology builds on three previously U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-supported technologies: DAC using trapped small amines in hierarchical nanoporous capsules (DE-FE0031969), carbon-free hydrogen (H2) production via proton exchange membrane water electrolysis (DE-SC0007574), and dehydration membrane reactor for methanol synthesis from CO2 and H2 (DE-AR0000806 and DE-FE0031909).

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Illinois IL FE0032366 A Play-Based Exploration of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Potential of the Illinois Basin 01/01/2024 12/31/2025

The objective of this project is to build a database using existing subsurface, surface, and societal data for entities screening areas of Illinois for commercial geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage. Sub-objectives are to; 1) test the database using play-based exploration and analyses methods to create composite maps that clearly delineate areas in the state with the lowest risk for storage site development, 2) share the database with the United States Department of Energy (DOE), the original Regional Initiative projects, and Recipients un DE-FOA-0002799, and 3) provide the public with access to the database and resulting composite maps, specifically those screening Illinois for commercial storage sites or those potentially impacted by the development of such sites.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Geological Survey of Alabama AL FE0032373 Alabama Carbon Storage: Data Sharing and Engagement 12/10/2023 12/09/2025

The Alabama Carbon Storage: Data Sharing and Engagement Project (Project) seeks to compile geologic, geophysical, infrastructure, and other relevant datasets for the Gulf Coastal Plain of Alabama through the development of a geologic model of the study area. The Geological Survey of Alabama and partnering organizations will develop an online platform to serve data to stakeholders, and to engage with the public, students, and industry to educate them about Carbon Capture and Storage. Additionally, the Project will integrate Environmental Justice considerations into all aspects of the project.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032313 C4Ward@Scale: Scaled-Up Coal Conversion for Carbon Fibers and Graphite 01/02/2024 01/01/2027

The purpose of this work is to develop the scientific understanding and processing technologies to enable safe, efficient conversion of domestic carbon ores and waste coals to high-value products including graphitic carbon fibers for composites, and anode-grade graphite powders for energy storage. Building on prior work in collaboration with ORNL, this project will scale up processing to the semi-production scale, which will allow for production of sufficient quantities of materials to investigate relevant industrial processing including multifilament melt spinning of fibers and anode powder classification for batteries.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources PA FE0032394 Regional Initiative to Accelerate Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Deployment: The Central Appalachian Partnership for Carbon Storage Deployment 01/15/2024 01/14/2026

The main objective of the Central Appalachian Partnership for Carbon Storage Deployment Project is to reduce barriers for entry to carbon storage project opportunities, particularly in the deepest parts of the Appalachian basin. Meeting this Project’s objective will help to accelerate the deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The Project will build upon CCUS characterization efforts for the Appalachian basin and combine the expertise of two state geological surveys, 1. The Pennsylvania Geological Survey, and 2. The West Virginial Geological and Economic Survey. The Project will engage regional stakeholders and technical assistance partners. Additionally, the Project will contribute to value-added technical and geologic information to the regional knowledge base. Project deliverables will become significant resources for CCUS deployment in the Appalachian Region.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Oklahoma OK FE0032374 Oklahoma Geological Survey Coordination of Mid-Continent Carbon Management Business 02/01/2024 01/31/2026

The objective of The Oklahoma Geological Survey Coordination of Mid-continent Carbon Management project (Project) is to provide an assessment of geological carbon storage opportunities in Oklahoma (OK) by integrating new and existing core and borehole data with subsurface imaging and coordinating all work with applicable Regional Initiatives. The Project will work to complete geologic assessments and monitoring trial deployments to improve a web-based geologic data repository for OK. Data acquisition will include gathering seismic data from an array of stationary seismometers and collecting pressure monitoring data from an array of downhole monitoring apparatuses. The project will assess deep saline aquifers in OK for carbon dioxide storage, with particular attention to Arbuckle and non-Arbuckle targets. Additionally, the Project will develop a local community engagement program around carbon management in OK and will encourage further carbon management and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) activities through developing and providing capacity building at the state-agency level.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Indiana University IN FE0032365 Characterization of Subsurface Opportunities to Accelerate Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) in Indiana 02/06/2024 01/31/2026

The Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS), housed within Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana), is supporting the Regional Initiative to Accelerate Carbon Management Deployment through this Project by helping to reduce the risks associated with commercial-scale geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2), advance the understanding of carbon management technologies within communities, and ensure the long-term, safe, and equitable storage of CO2. The project will identify and evaluate areas in Indiana with saline reservoirs that exhibit favorable geologic parameters for carbon sequestration. Focus Areas will be identified and evaluated via the compilation, digitization, and analysis of new and historic subsurface data; laboratory analysis of existing geologic samples; comprehensive geologic characterization; development of new maps and updates to existing maps essential for carbon storage decision-making; and evaluation of the legislative, societal, and infrastructural conditions that impact the Focus Areas. This collected data will be utilized to quantify the storage capacity of the system, characterize the shallow subsurface to understand risk from unintended migration, and develop a Community Benefits Plan for each area based on community engagement feedback. Data findings will be consolidated into a publicly available GIS database. The GIS database will provide crucial information needed for CO2 hub siting, as well as initial recommendations for areas in Indiana that may be best suited for geothermal production, hydrogen storage, and CO2 storage activities.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Alaska Department of Natural Resources AK FE0032370 State of Alaska Initiative to Create a Statewide Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Database 02/01/2024 01/31/2026

This project is establishing a foundation for carbon capture and storage (CCS) by addressing technical challenges, environmental factors, and stakeholder engagement to meet the need for development of an offshore hub in the Cook Inlet region of Alaska. The project is assisting industry and communities in evaluating the viability of storage scenarios and identifying environmentally and socially sensitive areas. To accomplish this, the project team is gathering, analyzing, and sharing data to inform development of large-scale storage facilities; engaging state and federal agency databases, researchers, and publications to assess regionally available data; and developing a data distribution plan and portal for the State of Alaska to share information, research, outreach materials, and regulations regarding carbon storage.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Utah Geological Survey UT FE0032367 Utah Statewide Carbon Storage Assessment: Geological Data Gathering, Analysis, Sharing, and Engagement 02/13/2024 02/12/2026

The Utah Statewide Carbon Storage Assessment: Geological Data Gathering, Analysis, Sharing, and Engagement Project (Project) will work to aggregate, analyze, and disseminate organized and accurate geological data for the carbon storage (CS) aspect of carbon management in the state of Utah. The Project covers the entire state of Utah with a focus on specific regions highlighted following initial characterization work. The overarching objective of the project is to develop publicly available comprehensive datasets to support the characterization and interpretation of CS resources at both regional and site-specific scales in the state of Utah. The developed datasets will also note societal and environmental impacts of CS for the state of Utah.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Howard Energy Partners TX FE0032345 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Gulf Coast Decarb System 03/01/2024 03/01/2026

This project will complete a Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) study of a carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline capable of transporting up to 250 Million Metric Tons (MMT) of CO2 annually to locations along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast. The FEED study will integrate multiple CO2 source hubs and emission clusters along the route, creating access to onshore and offshore geologic storage sites that would not otherwise exist. The project team will utilize industry standard practices to identify the optimal routing for the pipeline and engineering design of the transport network. Routing will consider existing rights-of-way, stakeholder needs and concerns, and potential CO2 sources and sinks.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Recovery Processes Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA FE0032320 Recovery of Carbonaceous Materials and Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Fine Coal Waste 02/15/2024 02/13/2025

The primary objective of this project is to complete the development and validation of novel processes for the recovery of carbonaceous materials and rare earth elements (REEs) from coal waste. The proposed work seeks to modify a previously developed hydrophobic-hydrophilic separation (HHS) process, which can selectively collect ultra-fine particles from an aqueous phase while producing dry products. In this project the HHS process will be modified by utilizing the Two-Liquid Flotation (TLF) concept. The resulting modifications will extend the upper size limit of particle sizes that can be upgraded using the HHS process, while also providing a smaller footprint, lower capital and operating costs, and higher throughput. The end goal of the 12-month effort is to successfully demonstrate the new concept in a continuous process development unit (PDU) at a TRL of 5.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Tulsa OK FE0032322 University of Tulsa CO2 Transportation and Storage 03/01/2024 02/28/2027

This project is studying the multiphase flow behavior related to the transportation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and impurities. The flow behavior of CO2 is being investigated for injection wells and through pipelines. To accomplish this, the project is investigating and evaluating flow models for well injection and pipeline transport; preparing a mesoscale test bed for CO2 flow experiments; and investigating multiphase of CO2 and impurities under various configurations, targeting problematic flow regimes.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Carbon Solutions, LLC MN FE0032360 Wyoming Trails Carbon Hub: Developing a Roadmap for a Sustainable Carbon Hub 03/01/2024 02/28/2026

The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a Carbon Hub Roadmap for Project WyoTCH. The Roadmap has two key aims. First, it will be used by the development team to develop a sustainable open-access carbon hub, and to help develop a feasible business case, design the carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure (where, when, and how to capture, transport, and store carbon dioxide [CO2], including uncertainty and sensitivity analysis), raise financing, and construct and operate the hub. Second, it will serve as a blueprint or set of lessons learned to support the development of other open-access carbon hubs across the nation, with emphasis on a template for proactive, authentic community stakeholder engagement. The Roadmap will be developed in collaboration with communities and stakeholder groups and disseminated through a variety of mediums, including U.S. Department of Energy workshops.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Wyoming WY FE0032372 Wyoming Class Six (VI) Site Characterization Database 03/01/2024 02/28/2026

The project is developing a geologic site characterization database, called the Wyoming Class VI Site Characterization Database, to expedite Underground Injection Control Class VI permitting for potential carbon storage hubs in southwest Wyoming’s Greater Green River Basin. Specifically, the project will build a database of information compiled and verified from established, public geologic databases/entities, and provide a record of key social considerations and community benefits which developers should address or consider when preparing Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI applications.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Advanced Technologies Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA FE0032334 Lower Cost, Carbon Dioxide Free, Hydrogen Production via Methane Pyrolysis in Molten Tin 02/01/2024 01/31/2026

The overall objective of this project is to develop a lower cost, CO2 free, H2 production via CH4 Pyrolysis in a liquid tin bubble column reactor. In order to achieve this, the primary goal of the proposed project is to successfully design, model and demonstrate a continuous reactor that operates with 100% methane, at 1400-1500°C to achieve full conversion of methane to hydrogen and solid carbon. A second goal of the project is to address an important issue associated with scalability. The first-generation reactor, based on this approach, that was previously developed by the project team used heating elements positioned outside the reactor walls, thereby providing the heat to the reactor directly. Although this works well in a small -scale reactor, it would be problematic at larger scales i.e., > 1 m diameter, because of the conductive resistance between the center of the reactor and the outside walls, where it would be heated. To attempt to overcome this limitation, researchers propose to employ a more scalable approach that uses the liquid metal to distribute the heat by mechanically pumping it. By pumping colder liquid metal out of the bottom of the reactor, and distributing hot metal more evenly at the top, the temperature profile can be more carefully managed. The third goal of the project is to demonstrate that the sensible heat in the H2 byproduct can be recuperated. To do this cost effectively and in a power dense way, a direct contact heat exchanger, termed a liquid droplet heat exchanger (LDHX), will be used. LDHXs have been designed and tested previously for space applications with great success but a terrestrial version that is gravity driven (for which a prototype will be developed under this effort) has not been demonstrated. This demonstration of a first of a kind prototype gravity driven LDHX between liquid metal and H2 is an important technical barrier to cross towards commercialization of the approach under this project.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Recovery Processes Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA FE0032319 Acidic Water Pollution Cleanup and Community Economic Development through Domestic Production of Critical Minerals for National Security 03/01/2024 02/28/2025

The objective of this effort is to design and install a modular, pilot-scale test unit to process 10,000 gallons per day (gal/day) or 7 gallons per minute (gpm) of raw Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) to recover rare earth elements (REE), iron (Fe), and critical minerals (CMs) such as aluminum (Al), cobalt (Co), and manganese (Mn). This test unit uses a three-stage process including (1) acid-less leaching for AMD instead of caustic chemicals, (2) selective recovery of REEs, CMs, and Fe from pregnant leaching solutions using environmentally friendly chemicals such as Na2CO3, and (3) chemical-free extraction of Co and Mn to obtain high-purity products which will render the discharge water harmless to meet the environmental regulations. Additional smaller modular units may be developed to process AMD sludge and to examine the technical feasibility of recovering lithium (Li) from clay. The test unit will help test various feedstocks and optimize operating conditions, generate mass and energy balances and chemical consumption, and characterize all streams necessary for the techno-economic analysis and scale-up. Furthermore, the operational data, development of required scale-up parameters, and experience from the proposed modular pilot-scale test unit will potentially reduce investment risk.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Quantification and Monitoring Colorado State University CO FE0032276 Capabilities Enhancement for Methane Emissions Technology Evaluation Center (METEC) to Decarbonize Natural Gas Resources 03/15/2024 03/14/2029

The Methane Emissions Technology Evaluation Center (METEC) is a unique and renowned test and research facility for emissions leak detection and quantification (LDAQ) technology development, field demonstration, hands-on LDAQ equipment training, and protocol and best practices development. The METEC facility is operated by Colorado State University (CSU) in Fort Collins, Colorado, on CSU’s Foothills Campus.

This five-year project extends the unique capability of METEC, a well-recognized DOE-funded asset, to facilitate the rapid development and deployment of “next generation” methane emissions detection and quantification technology solutions, helping to effectively drive industry efforts to mitigate natural gas and oil related methane emissions and improving operational pipeline integrity and resiliency. Expansion of METEC to include testing at more complex facilities, including large midstream compressor stations and offshore platforms, will provide important leak detection and quantification (LDAQ) solution performance assessment capabilities at a time when both regulatory and industry efforts to address emissions are rapidly growing. Through the project’s expansion of METEC capabilities to include hydrogen emissions LDAQ, DOE is providing an important tool for supporting a thoughtful and efficient transition to a future hydrogen economy. By initiating research and development on hydrogen LDAQ now, METEC, DOE, and other stakeholders are proactively addressing a potential future environmental and safety concern.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA436 Enabling Production of Hydrogen-Compatible Metal-Base Structural Material for High-Temperature Use through Wire-DED Additive Manufacturing 10/01/2023 09/30/2026

Long-term durability of metal-base structural components under high-temperature hydrogen-containing environments is one of the non-negligible subjects to establish the hydrogen-base society, especially for energy production sectors. The study will aggressively raise the bottom line of the materials performance required under hydrogen exposure, by considering survival of structural components in such harsh environments through newly proposed alloy design strategy. By combining additive manufacturing (AM) technology with wire-direct energy deposition (DED), a rapid deployment of structural components is highly expected.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA433 Demonstration of Regeneration Process and System Integration with a Greenhouse Enrichment for Direct Air Capture of CO2 with Building Air Handling Equipment 03/01/2024 02/27/2026

The project team will demonstrate an integrated framework for a direct air capture (DAC) system for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, regeneration processes, and utilization. The scope of the work involves the evaluation of different regeneration processes and integration strategies in the DAC platform to the building equipment and the identification of opportunities and challenges associated with the closed-loop DAC platform.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Battelle Memorial Institute OH FE0032407 Supporting Communities and Industry for Mid-Atlantic Offshore Carbon Storage Hub Development 04/01/2024 03/31/2026

This project is establishing a foundation for carbon capture and storage (CCS) by addressing technical challenges, analyzing environmental factors, and facilitating stakeholder engagement to meet the need for development of a mid-Atlantic offshore hub. The project is evaluating the viability of multiple design scenarios through developing and executing plans for community benefits activities, defining realistic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage resources, affirming injection scenarios, and building site characterization plans. Accomplishing these tasks requires collaborating with industry to build on prior data collection and analysis; evaluating CO2 transport scenarios; source-sink matching; analyzing environmental factors, offshore infrastructure scenarios, and policy/regulatory gaps; and conducting workshops and outreach to key policy and regulatory stakeholders. The project team includes Battelle, Aker Solutions, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Maryland Geological Survey, Rutgers, TRC Companies Inc., Holcim, and TGS.

Active Crosscutting Research / Advanced Energy Storage Resources For Future, Inc. DC FE0032346 Two Project Concepts on Skills Matching for an Equitable Energy Transition 04/03/2024 03/15/2025

Resources for the Future (RFF) will analyze job skill requirements and develop an interactive data tool that will help workforce development and educational organizations train new graduates and fossil fuel workers to build skills to work in clean energy and other emerging sectors. This analysis will use and advance a methodology previously developed which identifies the extent to which fossil fuel workers’ job skills are a good match for other employment opportunities nearby for each community across the United States. Building upon this, the analysis will be conducted through the completion of three objectives: (1) an assessment of which jobs offer the best skills match for fossil fuel workers in different parts of the United States; (2) an examination of the extent to which clean energy jobs offer a good match for existing fossil fuel workers’ skillsets; and (3) an assessment of whether the skills being developed by college and university students in different parts of the United States match clean energy job opportunities.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Northwestern University IL FE0032386 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Midwest Nuclear Direct Air Capture Hub (MiNDAC) 05/01/2024 04/30/2026

Northwestern University and project partners aim to explore the feasibility of a nuclear-powered direct air capture (DAC) hub (co-located with Constellation’s 1-GW Clinton nuclear power plant) in the Midwest. The feasibility of the ownership structure, business model, carbon dioxide (CO2) storage/utilization option(s), and technology partner(s) will be explored during Phase 0.

The feasibility study will evaluate and develop a model for how the main efforts can be integrated to establish the regional DAC hub. These efforts include:

  1. Selecting DAC technology from available candidates.
  2. Identifying and securing CO2 storage sites.
  3. Determining the integration of conversion technology.
  4. Partnering with infrastructure providers that provide power, heat and/or other utilities to run the DAC and conversion technologies.
  5. Selecting the DAC hub owner and team, site location, CO2 transport routes and CO2 storage sites for the pre-front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) study to be completed in Phase 0b.
  6. Performing a pre-FEED study (i.e., Class IV estimate with expected cost accuracy of +/- 30% and project definition maturity of at least 5%) for the initial DAC hub capacity (i.e., minimum 50,000 tonne/year [50 KTA] CO2).
  7. Performing DAC hub balance-of-plant (BOP) conceptual design, including utilities (e.g., sources for electricity, steam, water) and CO2 transport for the final DAC hub capacity (i.e., minimum 1,000,000 tonne/year [1 MTA] CO2).
  8. Engaging financing providers, including parties equipped to monetize carbon credits.
  9. Performing community; labor; and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) engagement.
  10. Performing life cycle analysis (LCA).
  11. Working with other key technical partners and consultants responsible for discrete aspects of DAC hub design, analysis, evaluation, construction, operation and analysis.
Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Aera Federal, LLC CA FE0032383 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Aera Direct Air Capture Hub - Kern 05/01/2024 04/30/2026

In this project, Aera Federal will develop and establish the technical and business feasibility of a Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub concept in California’s San Joaquin Valley. The project objectives include evaluating the technical and engineering integration required for the DAC Hub ecosystem, including carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, transport and permanent storage, as well as supporting infrastructure and resource requirements. The proposed DAC Hub will demonstrate the feasibility of the CarbonFrontier storage site for permanent storage of at least 1 million tonnes of CO2 per year (MTA) for at least 12 years. Tasks that will be performed for successful completion of the project include development of a Technology Maturation Plan (TMP), development of business and financial plans, selection of an anchor DAC technology, performing an integrated preliminary front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) study on the selected technology, performing a balance of plant (BOP) conceptual design for a 1-MTA hub, and performing a life cycle analysis (LCA). Additionally, a Community Benefits Plan (CBP) will be developed, which will consider U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) goals of community engagement; diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA); American workforce investment; and Justice40.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Hawaii HI FE0032472 Integrated Education and Research in Transition Energy for Communities 05/07/2024 05/06/2026

The objective of the work by the University of Hawaii is to assess the feasibility of transforming the recently retired Applied Energy Services (AES) coal plant in Oahu into a battery energy storage system or small nuclear power plant. The work will include an evaluation of existing infrastructure, a technical feasibility assessment, an economic and environmental impact assessment, student training, and the development of an interactive mapping tool. A comprehensive site evaluation will identify existing infrastructure that could be used for a new facility and estimate the footprint of both the existing plant and transition options. Key stakeholders, including nearby communities, government agencies, environmental groups, and industry experts, will be identified to facilitate engagement and communication. An in-depth analysis of the technical feasibility of the plant into a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) or Small Modular Reactor (SMR) will be performed. The evaluation will consider multiple factors to determine the most suitable and technically feasible option that enhances electric grid security, reliability, and sustainability. An evaluation of the economic impact resulting from the transformation of the AES coal plant to both a BESS and SMR facility will be conducted to quantify the potential shifts in economic activity within Hawaii. Detailed data about the AES coal plant's economic contributions in 2021 encompassing employment, output, and income generated will be gathered and compared with the projected contributions from the BESS and SMR options.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) WA FWP-80974 Design of an Integrated Methane Emissions Monitoring Platform 07/01/2024 06/30/2025

The objective of this project is to develop a detailed plan for an Integrated Methane Emissions Monitoring Platform (IMEMP). The plan will include hardware and software components and will address critical needs of an IMEMP to perform all basic functions required for emissions data collection, alerting, monitoring, transmission, processing, analysis, retention, access, and reporting. This objective will be achieved through a collaboration between Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and National Oilwell Varco (NOV), with advisory input from a Technical Stakeholder Group comprised of experts in technology development, industry applications, and regulatory conditions. The IMEMP plan will be developed using an iterative approach. The project team will develop an initial plan document that uses engineering and operating designs modeled on current best practices but enhanced to address ongoing technology gaps. At each development phase, the project team will deliver a plan draft with increasing levels of technical detail and content, starting with high-level architecture and functionality. Each plan draft will be shared with the Technical Stakeholder Group, and their feedback will be incorporated into subsequent drafts.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Fervo Energy Company CA FE0032384 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Red Rocks DAC Hub: A Geothermal Energy-Driven Direct Air Capture and Sequestration Hub in Southwest Utah 05/01/2024 04/30/2026

The Red Rocks Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub is a geothermal, energy-driven DAC and storage hub proposed in southwest Utah. Access to reliable, non-variable, carbon-free heat and power, and the presence of geologic conditions suitable for permanent carbon storage, are primary economic drivers for DAC facilities. The primary objective of this work is to identify sites where there is a strong overlap between geothermal resource potential and the geologic conditions that are suitable for large-scale solubility trapping or more conventional stratigraphic, structural and mineral trapping. The project will also explore the integration of DAC technology with geothermal facilities for the purpose of capital expenditure reduction and performance optimization, demonstrate a pathway to commercially feasible scaling, and evaluate the community and environmental impacts of a potential large-scale project. Additionally, a Community Benefits Plan (CBP) will be developed, which will consider U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) goals of community Engagement; diversity equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA); American workforce investment; and Justice40.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Duke University NC FE0032480 Characterization of Coal Mine Drainage Wastes to Inform the Extraction Potential of Critical Metals 05/01/2024 04/30/2027

This project will study the geochemical characteristics of Acid mine drainage (AMD) fluids and treatment solids that are potential feedstocks for critical metals such as rare earth elements (REE), cobalt (Co), and other metals. The objectives are to: 1) Delineate the chemical speciation and mineral phase associations of these critical metals in AMD wastes; and 2) Evaluate the implications of these associations for the efficiency of extraction processes. This overarching objective will be achieved by collecting AMD treatment solids and raw drainage fluids from abandoned or inactive coal mine sites across northern Appalachia. These sites will be selected to represent the range of key water chemistry variables (e.g., major cation concentrations and pH) for REE-enriched fluids and AMD treatment systems. The Recipient will quantify bulk chemical characteristics of the samples, including elemental contents, mineralogy, and speciation of selected critical metals. The research will utilize state-of-the-art geochemical and elemental analysis techniques to discern molecular coordination states of critical metals in AMD feedstocks and evaluate mineral phase associations. These methods include advanced spectroscopic techniques to understand the micro- and nanoscale occurrence of critical metals and their respective host minerals. Critical metals extraction potential of the AMD solids will be evaluated with multiple types of lixiviants while recovery of REE from leachates will be assessed by liquid membrane extraction methods.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032469 Advancing Rare Earth Element Recovery from Coal Refuse Streams 05/07/2024 05/06/2026

This project investigates a novel process that employs task-specific ionic liquids (ILs) in two stages to enhance the recovery of rare earth elements (REEs) from coal refuse streams. The goal is to allow for cost-effective REE recovery from coal-based sources while reducing environmental footprints and addressing the challenges associated with the mineralogical characteristics of REE-bearing phases in such sources. In the first stage, a mechanochemical activation process assisted with ILs is used to selectively induce disorders in minerals associated with REEs. This assistance not only reduces energy consumption but also eliminates costly processes and aids in the decarbonization of the overall process. In the second stage, novel functional ILs are introduced to improve the loading capacity, kinetics, and separation factor in the solvent extraction process, contributing to more efficient recovery and lower environmental impacts.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK FE0032471 Prospective Fossil Asset Transition for Alaska's Legacy Pipeline for Distribution of Liquid Hydrogen-Carriers 05/07/2024 05/06/2026

The primary objective of this project is to explore the feasibility of leveraging the underutilized Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) for the distribution of clean hydrogen energy. The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) will perform a comprehensive study of TAPS' construction history and visualization of TAPS fossil asset conversion scope incorporating geographic information system (GIS) mapping activities. This will provide a greater understanding of the community decision-making process. A policy brief will be drafted to outline the technical and regulatory aspects of TAPS fossil asset conversion. Lifecycle analysis will be performed to assess the role of liquid hydrogen carriers in Alaska's decarbonization roadmap and their potential for reducing fugitive methane emissions rapidly. A cost model will be developed to estimate the production and delivery costs of liquid hydrogen carriers in remote environments. Proposed development options will be ranked based on various metrics including capital requirements, delivered energy costs, emissions, land use, and safety considerations in the context of decarbonization and climate change. Publications and workshop materials will be created to effectively disseminate public information about the project, ensuring that the community is well-informed about project goals, progress, and impacts, and thereby facilitating informed decision making.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Stanford University CA FE0032479 Synergizing Minority-Serving Institution Partnerships for Carbon-Negative Geologic Hydrogen Production 05/07/2024 05/06/2027

The overall objective of this project is to cultivate the next generation of engineers and scientists, especially students from two Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs), to fill the critical gaps in developing early-stage carbon-negative hydrogen production from the Earth’s subsurface and promote the research capacity of the two HSIs (Texas Tech University and the University of Houston). Three visiting scholars from TTU and UH will conduct on-site research and write publications at Stanford for one month per year for three years. The team will work together to characterize the ultramafic rock properties, investigate the reactions during CO2 carbonation and H2 generation through pore- to core-scale experiments and modeling, optimize the reservoir-scale performance, and examine the economic and environmental impacts of the proposed technology. It is expected that this early-stage, carbon-negative hydrogen production technology will be significantly improved with the technology readiness level (TRL) promoted from 2-3 to 5 by the completion of this project.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Washington University MO FE0032481 Novel Supercritical Fluid Extraction/Enrichment of Rare Earth Elements Directly from Solid Coal-Based Resources 05/01/2024 04/30/2027

The project will examine the physiochemical properties and microstructures of coal-based materials (CBMs) and develop a novel technology that utilizes supercritical fluids to effectively extract, recover, and enrich rare earth elements (REEs) directly from solid phase CBMs in an environmentally benign manner. The project will also develop models for conceptual recovery pilot units and predict the performance of the recovery process while optimizing the process parameters.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University NC FE0032483 Plasma-Assisted Conversion of Carbon Dioxide-Containing Methane to Value Added Chemicals 05/07/2024 05/06/2026

The technical goal of this project is to develop a plasma-catalytic approach for converting sourced low-purity CO2-contaminated methane (CH4) into valuable commodity chemicals. It is envisioned that the proposed transformation can be accomplished by a combination of the dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma treatment with catalytic processing (Figure 1). On the social side, the project aims to develop maps of the technologically suitable land for the new technology siting in Eastern North Carolina, to estimate the potential impact of the technology on employment at alternative geographic scales, and to develop transferable, spatially explicit methodologies for evaluation of the socio-economic impact of conversion facilities sourcing methane from flooded lands.

Active Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies / Hydrogen Transportation Colorado School of Mines CO FE0032336 Assessment of Toughness in H-Containing Blended Gas Environments in High Strength Pipeline Steels 05/06/2024 05/05/2026

The overall objective of this project is to investigate the influence of microstructure on the performance of advanced high strength steel pipeline alloys in blended gas environments containing hydrogen. Correspondingly, the appropriate hydrogen blending levels as a function of alloy and microstructure design strategy will be identified. Because the welding process locally alters the thermal history and thus local microstructure, this work will be conducted on both base metal and simulated weld heat affected zone microstructures, the latter of which is influenced by the alloy design strategy and thermal history induced by the welding process.

The Recipient will integrate a life cycle assessment (LCA) into the evaluation of steel pipeline performance. The LCA will have the objective of evaluating the potential environmental impact of utilizing higher strength pipelines for hydrogen transportation, with a particular focus on environmental and emissions savings and the associated impact on environmental justice. The Recipient will also execute on public engagement and a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) plan that will increase diversity amongst the project team and contractors via recruitment, foster a welcoming and inclusive environment amongst our project team members, and improve and document benefits and impacts to underserved and disadvantaged communities (DACs) in alignment with the Justice40 Initiative.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA FE0032474 Testing and Developing Ionic Liquids for Integrated Leaching, Extraction, Separation and Refinement of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Fly Ash 05/07/2024 05/06/2026

The overall objective of this project is to develop a small set of robust, high-performing ionic liquids (ILs) that can be deployed in an integrated system capable of: (1) efficient leaching/extraction/separation of rare earth elements (REEs) from coal fly ashes (CFAs), generating REE-rich IL phases separated from most bulk and trace elements; (2) effective electrodeposition for REE mixture (to achieve pure individual REE products); and (3) use of recyclable ILs in the processes. The goal is to achieve an integrated, recyclable system that will deliver high process efficiency as well as favorable environmental sustainability compared to conventional techniques. This project will also train many students in knowledge and skills of critical minerals recovery and management to enhance the preparation of future engineers and scientists in this field.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of Wyoming WY FE0032475 The Role of CO2 Conversion in the Clean Energy Transition: Social, Economic, and Technological Opportunities and Challenges 07/01/2024 06/30/2026

The overall objectives of the proposed work are to: (1) examine people's attitudes and beliefs about climate change and energy justice issues that may influence their decisions to adopt or avoid new clean energy products and support or oppose new climate change policies, (2) combine engineering and economic data and models to estimate the potential long-run climate and economic impacts and the value of private and public investments in experimental CO2 conversion and other clean energy technologies, and (3) advance the development of experimental technologies for converting CO2 to formic acid for use as a hydrogen carrier. This will be accomplished through controlled laboratory experiments to evaluate the reaction kinetics of novel catalysts, computational modeling to combine engineering and economic assessments of experimental CO2 conversion technologies, and sociological and economics survey- and interview-based research on people's attitudes and preferences related to the efficiency and equity impacts of alternative clean energy technologies.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032387 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): The DAC Hub for Appalachian Prosperity 06/01/2024 05/31/2026

The University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKy) will determine the feasibility of a distributed direct air capture (DAC) hub with centralized injection/storage in Eastern Kentucky with the UKy decoupled capture-regeneration direct-air carbon dioxide (CO2) removal technology applied, powered by solar and biomass energy sources, stored in a depleted natural gas field.

Through this project, the team will start with Eastern Kentucky as the initial focus point to prove the feasibility of a DAC hub in the Appalachian states, establishing the template, procedure, methodology and recommendations for expansion to other Appalachian communities that traditionally rely on fossil fuel production. The centralized regeneration/storage, distributed capture and biomass electrical generation locations will be identified. The existing infrastructure, CO2 storage potential, and information on economically distressed communities impacted will be surveyed; National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and permitting activities for a secure CO2 storage site will be explored and identified. The preliminary life cycle analysis (LCA), safety, security and regulatory requirements will be evaluated and summarized. The integrated DAC system pre-front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) study will also be completed, including the finalized locations; technology selection; data tables; environmental, health and safety (E&HS); and security analysis and revised LCA using the renewable energy as power sources. The initial DAC hub pre-FEED capacity will be at least 50 KTA, with a target of 52.5 KTA (15 sets of DAC modules using UKy technology). The conceptual design for the final DAC hub will also be completed with a capacity of at least 1 MTA[J1] . Additionally, a Community Benefits Plan (CBP) will be developed, which will take steps to achieve U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) goals of community engagement; diversity equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA); American workforce investment; and Justice40.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training Howard University DC FE0032470 Application of Carboranyl Ionic Liquids for Rare Earth Element Recovery from Coal Ash 05/01/2024 04/30/2026

Society continues its transition towards energy efficiency using advanced technologies that rely on several rare earth elements (REEs) plus yttrium and scandium (REYs). Coal fly ash, a byproduct from combustion for generation of steam and electricity, presents an unconventional and widely available source of these elements. It is proposed that carboranyl ionic liquid solvents will address key issues facing current ionic liquids such as presenting a minimally water soluble extractant that is highly stable in acidic environments to improve recovery and reusability. The objective of this work is to utilize and improve known carboranyl ionic liquids (CILs) for the selective recovery of light, medium, or heavy REYs (specifically targeting critical REYs such as Nd, Dy, Eu, and Y). The scope of the project includes (1) feasibility and advancement of the technology for REYs recovery from coal ashes; and (2) leveraging mechanistic evaluations and machine learning to maximize CIL stability, minimize aqueous solubility, minimize viscosity, and improve REY selectivity. Functionalization of the CILs by halogenation (namely using F and Cl) or methylation at boron vertexes will afford means to reduce the aqueous solubility of the CIL while tuning its basicity, tentatively affording selectivity for light, medium, and heavy REYs.

A major goal of this project will be to establish a mechanism and extraction process of REY complexation by CILs and the ion pair formation energies between ionic liquids and REYs. Machine learning will be employed to aid REY recovery and selectivity efforts. Models will be developed to simulate ionic liquids using the DeepMD approach. Coupling mechanistic evaluations and machine learning will facilitate a rational design strategy for selecting and optimizing carboranyl ionic liquids. The results of these studies will culminate in life cycle analysis (LCA) and a techno-economic analysis (TEA) to determine the appropriateness of these developed technologies for further development and or implementation.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training Tennessee State University TN FE0032476 Development of Mining Engineering Education Curriculum at Tennessee State University to Prepare a Workforce for Critical Mineral Production 05/07/2024 05/06/2027

This project will develop a mining engineering education curriculum at Tennessee State University (TSU), a Historically Black College and University (HBCU), to address the pressing need for a skilled and diverse workforce capable of driving critical mineral production in the mining industry. Critical minerals are building blocks for U.S. economic and national security. Currently, most critical minerals used in the U.S. are imported from other nations. Advancing toward a clean energy and industrial future enhances the need for these valuable resources. The energy mining industry in the U.S. is dependent upon a qualified workforce trained at the university level in mining engineering programs. The mining and geoscience sectors have faced challenges related to workforce and talent shortages, which is a problem exacerbated by the rising demand for critical minerals. To address this issue, the project aims to develop specialized curricula at colleges and universities, with an initial focus on minority-serving institutions, where relatively few established programs currently exist. This initiative seeks to equip a diverse student body with the necessary skills and knowledge to fill the talent gap in these critical industries.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Ohio State University OH FE0032467 Engineering-Scale Testing of Transformational Membrane Technology for Carbon Dioxide Capture from Natural Gas Combined Cycle Flue Gas 08/01/2024 07/31/2027

The Ohio State University (OSU) is further progressing their Gen III membrane technology through engineering-scale testing with natural gas flue gas. The objectives of this project are to (1) repurpose and modify an existing engineering-scale skid for a 5-tonne-per-day engineering-scale carbon capture system using OSU’s transformational membrane in commercial-size, spiral-wound membrane modules; (2) conduct field-testing on natural gas combined-cycle (NGCC) flue gas and demonstrate a continuous, steady-state operation for a minimum of two months; and (3) gather necessary data for further process scale-up. The goal is to achieve the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) transformational carbon capture performance target of 95% carbon dioxide (CO2) capture with greater than or equal to 95% CO2 purity from NGCC power plant flue gas and demonstrate significant progress toward a 30% reduction in the cost of carbon capture versus the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) baseline approach.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) GE Packaged Power, LLC NY FE0032380 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Houston Area Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub 05/01/2024 04/30/2026

In this project, GE Vernova will develop a direct air capture (DAC) hub concept in the greater Houston, Texas, area. The proposed DAC hub will utilize nuclear energy as a power source and will be designed to capture and store 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year (MTPY). Tasks that will be performed for project completion include conducting a pre-feasibility study for a DAC hub in the Houston area; selection of anchor DAC and CO2 conversion technologies; performing a preliminary front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) study on the selected DAC technology; performing a balance of plant (BOP) conceptual design for a 1-MTPY hub; developing financial and business plans to determine conditions for a financially viable DAC Hub; and performing a life cycle analysis (LCA). Additionally, a Community Benefits Plan (CBP) will be developed, which will consider U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) goals of community engagement; diversity equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA); American workforce investment; and Justice40.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Ohio State University OH FE0032463 Engineering-Scale Design and Testing of Transformational Membrane Technology for CO2 Capture from Cement Gas 06/01/2024 05/31/2028

The Ohio State University (OSU) is further progressing their third-generation (Gen III) membrane technology through engineering-scale testing with cement flue gas. In previous testing with simulated cement kiln flue gas, OSU’s Gen III membrane exhibited high carbon dioxide (CO2) permeance and CO2/nitrogen (N2) selectivity. The superior performance is based on a facilitated transport mechanism, in which a reversible CO2 reaction with the fixed-site and mobile carriers in the membrane enhances the CO2/N2 separation. The objectives of this project are to (1) design and build a 3-tonne-per-day engineering-scale carbon capture system using OSU’s transformational membrane in commercial-size, spiral-wound membrane modules; (2) conduct field-testing on real cement flue gas at Holcim US’ Holly Hill plant and demonstrate a continuous, steady-state operation for a minimum of two months; and (3) gather necessary data for further process scale-up. The overall goal is to achieve the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) transformational carbon capture performance target of 95% CO2 capture with greater than or equal to 95% CO2 purity from industrial process streams and demonstrate the economic viability of the proposed technology.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Houston TX FE0032473 A Comprehensive Roadmap for ROICE (Repurposing Offshore Infrastructure for Clean Energy) Projects in The Gulf of Mexico 05/29/2024 05/29/2026

The project will examine ways in which the life of decommissioned offshore assets can be extended by repurposing them for clean energy projects, specifically, wind power and hydrogen generation. Other repurposing uses could include carbon capture and sequestration. The study will generate a comprehensive framework of technical, social, and regulatory aspects and available resources that will encourage and incentivize communities, investors, and the industry to move forward with the Repurposing of Offshore Infrastructure for Clean Energy (ROICE) projects.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Louisiana State University LA FE0032381 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Pelican - Gulf Coast Carbon Removal 06/01/2024 05/31/2026

The long-term objective of the Pelican Gulf Coast Carbon Removal Project (Pelican) is to successfully design, engineer, construct and safely operate the commercially viable Pelican Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub, including capture, treatment and compression of 1 million tonnes per annum (MTA) of carbon dioxide (CO2), which will be transported through pipelines to a permanent storage site and end users. A successful project outcome will lay the groundwork for improved air quality in the region; the creation of good, high-wage, family-sustaining jobs in this economically distressed region; and the maturation of a technology that can support continued decarbonization of manufactured end products, sustaining a critical part of the regional economy. For Phase 0a, Louisiana State University and project partners will develop and evaluate multiple DAC technologies to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, leveraging existing regional infrastructure in one of the highest-emitting areas in the U.S. Gulf Coast region. For Phase 0b, the project team will complete a pre-front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) study for the integrated DAC system, including DAC technology(ies), CO2 transport and balance of plant (BOP) for the initial DAC hub capacity of at least 50 kilotonnes per annum (KTA) of CO2, as well as complete a DAC hub BOP conceptual design for the final DAC hub capacity of at least 1 MTA of CO2. Phase 0b will also include completion of an Environmental Health and Safety Analysis (EH&S) risk analysis. Both phases will include engagement with local community leaders and organizations and advancement of the Community Benefits Plan (CBP), permitting activities and life cycle analysis (LCA) efforts.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of California - Riverside CA FE0032478 A Humanities-Driven STEM Approach for Student Training in Carbon Capture and Conversion 06/01/2024 05/31/2027

The overall objectives of the project are to utilize humanities and social science approaches to identify how societal considerations intersect with different phases in the life cycles of carbon capture and conversion technologies. The Humanities-Drive STEM (HDSTEM) approach encompasses a socio-economic analysis of carbon management technologies, computational decarbonization research performed by underrepresented minorities, new HDSTEM courses/outreach efforts, and education of students (in both humanities and engineering) on novel carbon management technologies.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research Texas Tech University System TX FE0032477 Incubating Next Generation Clean Energy Scientists and Engineers through Minority-Scholar Exchange and In-Situ Hydrogen Production Research 06/01/2024 05/31/2027

The overall objective of this project is to incubate next-generation scientists and engineers by training and promoting the research capacity of minority-serving institutions (MSIs) and advancing in-situ, carbon-zero hydrogen generation from shale gas reservoirs. The first specific objective is to equip students from MSIs with cutting-edge, highly translatable skillsets to fill the critical workforce gaps in the transition from fossil fuels to clean hydrogen energy. This will be achieved by six significantly involved, on-site visiting scholars from two Hispanic-serving institutions (Texas Tech University; Texas A&M University) and one historically Black university (Howard University), with the assistance of one majority-serving institution (University at Buffalo). The second specific objective is to promote the technology readiness level (TRL) of a carbon-zero technology (i.e., in-situ electromagnetic (EM)-assisted catalytic heating for hydrogen production directly from shale gas reservoirs) from a TRL of 3-4 to 5. This will be achieved by the strongly complementary expertise and skillsets of four PIs and Co-PIs on shale reservoirs, EM irradiation, reactions, and hydrogen membrane separations, as well as the deep involvement of the six visiting scholars for a total of 18 months over three years.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) ASRC Consulting & Environmental Services, LLC AK FE0032385 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): An Arctic Direct Air Capture Testing Ground 07/01/2024 06/30/2026

ASRC Consulting & Environmental Services LLC (ACES) aims to complete a feasibility study of existing direct air capture (DAC) technologies and their applicability in Alaska. Specifically, ACES will assess three regions in Alaska (North Slope, Interior and Cook Inlet) for DAC hub suitability, eventually selecting a specific region based on availability of power, land and water; storage opportunities; and potential beneficial (non-storage) use of carbon dioxide (CO2). ACES will also assess the existing DAC technologies (with a Technology Readiness Level [TRL] of 4 or greater), their ability to scale up to 50 kiloton annually, and any technical challenges in their applicability in Alaska, eventually selecting an anchoring technology for a DAC hub in the state. Additionally, a Community Benefits Plan (CBP) will be developed to ensure that U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) federal investments advance the goals of community engagement; diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA); American workforce investment; and the Justice40 initiative.

Active University Training and Research / University Carbon Research University of Utah UT FE0032468 Charting a Path Forward: Energy and Economic Transition Pathways for Utah's Coal Country 06/15/2024 06/14/2026

The State of Utah's Emery and Carbon counties, known as Utah’s Coal Country, represent a region whose economy has relied almost exclusively on coal mining and coal-fired power plants for decades. Two coal power plants in Emery County are currently planned to be retired in 2031 and 2032. Those plant closures threaten hundreds of direct power plant jobs, hundreds more coal mining jobs, and even more indirect jobs that are closely tied to the region’s coal industry. The overall objective of the proposed work is to explore technical and economic pathways for replacing coal power plants and coal mines in Utah’s Coal Country with new energy investments in Emery County. Two different pathways will be considered. Pathway #1 entails replacing the coal power plants with advanced nuclear plants and thermal energy storage technology and replacing the coal mines with critical minerals extraction. Pathway #2 would replace both the coal power plants and coal mines with two parallel investments: utility-scale solar installations and clean energy manufacturing. This project outlines multiple asset and workforce transition options for both the power plants and the mines. The study will include a technical analysis to evaluate the performance of these new assets as well as in-depth economic modeling to analyze the overall impact that these investments would have on the community.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) University of Illinois IL FE0032378 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Florida Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub 07/01/2024 06/30/2026

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign will execute and complete a feasibility study for a regional direct air capture (DAC) hub that encompasses the Bay County region in the state of Florida. The DAC technologies that will be investigated during this study are from Heirloom and GE Vernova. The storage of the carbon dioxide (CO2) for this hub will be based on the thick, permeable saline aquifers (Tuscaloosa Group [1,500–2,149 meters deep]) — a geological area where a significant numbers of geological storage studies have been conducted. The hub is designed to assure a capacity to capture, store and utilize at least 1,000,000 metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually, starting from an initial capacity of at least 50,000 metric tons of CO2 annually. A Community Benefits Plan will be developed for engaging communities and labor; investing in America’s workers through quality jobs; advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility through recruitment and training; and implementing Justice40, which directs 40% of the overall benefits to flow to disadvantaged communities.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) University of Illinois IL FE0032375 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Illinois Basin Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub 07/01/2024 06/30/2026

This project advances the nation’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 by evaluating the feasibility of a regional direct air capture (DAC) hub for storage in the Illinois Basin. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) will lead the effort to promote promising technologies that can capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store it in the Illinois Basin stretching under Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. Deep beneath huge portions of those states lies thick sandstone layers ideal for trapping greenhouse gases, such as CO2, for centuries.

The Illinois Basin Regional DAC Hub is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop cooperative relationships between DAC technology providers, green energy providers, CO2 transportation networks, and companies seeking to pump CO2 underground or use it in industrial processes. This phase of the project will determine the hub operations structure, as well as the feasibility of the cooperative hub economically removing at least 50,000 metric tons of CO2 per year. The field of DAC is in its infancy and will require massive commitment/attention to dispose of billions of tons of atmospheric carbon.

UIUC has been a major participant in DOE’s effort to advance technologies to reduce point-source carbon pollution, helping to enable a carbon-free power sector and industries. This DAC effort contributes to the larger net-zero goal by evaluating the opportunities and economies of carbon reduction directly from the air throughout its complete supply chain.

The hub’s location allows access to (1) several Class VI CO2 injection wells in development around the Illinois Basin, (2) a growing market for utilization of CO2 across several large urban centers, (3) connectivity through developing transport infrastructure, (4) abundant sources of clean energy, (5) supporting industries that can provide construction materials, and (6) a large pool of local workforces that can be developed to the skills needed for project implementation and future expansion.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) University of Illinois IL FE0032376 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Colorado (Pueblo) Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub 07/01/2024 06/30/2026

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) will complete a feasibility study for a regional direct air capture (DAC) hub that encompasses the Pueblo region in Colorado. The DAC hub is designed to assure a capacity to capture, store and utilize at least 1,000,000 metric tons (tonnes) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere annually, with an initial capacity of at least 50,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. Project partners for this Phase 0a/0b DAC hub effort include DAC technology providers Sustaera and GE Vernova; engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) support from Ecotek; Carbon America, who is involved with a Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) study for geologic storage within the planned hub location; renewable energy developer NextEra Energy; and Visage Energy, who is providing community benefits support. The project will be split into two phases: Phase 0a for pre-feasibility and Phase 0b for feasibility. As part of the final feasibility study, the project scope includes a Technology Maturation Plan (TMP); a description of the chosen DAC hub concept; the DAC technologies to be implemented; a business plan; a financial plan; a Community Benefits Plan (CBP); DAC hub data tables; a pre-front end engineering and design (pre-FEED) study of the integrated DAC system; a conceptual design of the balance of plant (BOP); a life cycle analysis (LCA); the status of the storage field development plan; an environmental health and safety (EH&S) risk analysis; safety, security and regulatory requirements; and an integrated project schedule (IPS).

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Oklahoma State University OK FE0032362 Anadarko Basin Carbon Management Hub 07/01/2024 06/30/2026

The objective of this project is to establish a carbon management (CM) hub focused on developing carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure at a geological storage complex in the north-central Anadarko Basin (Canadian Counties) by (1) identifying key technical knowledge gaps, (2) facilitating data acquisition, sharing, and analysis to close the gaps, (3) evaluating regional infrastructure, and promoting (4) technology transfer, and (5) public engagement and support. The project is built on intellectual and social products of the previously funded Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SECARB) and channels public engagement through ongoing educational efforts such as the Professional Master of Science Program at Oklahoma State University (OSU), which, in association with industry and professional society partners, aspires to create a “carbon-ready” workforce.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Production Facilities Winner Water Services, Inc. PA FE0032488 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Study of a Demonstration Scale Plant to Produce Rare Earth Oxides from Coal Ash 07/09/2024 10/08/2025

Winner Water Services, along with Hatch, Southern Company Services, Eco Material Technologies, and Physical Sciences, will perform a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study based on an Association for Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) Class 3 cost strategy of a 13 metric ton per day rare earth oxide (MREO) plant capable of extraction, separation, and refining of high purity or binary rare earth metals and critical minerals from coal ash. The study will establish and define technical requirements focused on project scope, schedule, and costs, to reduce the risk of construction and operation of the potential future facilities. The scope will focus on four major areas: (1) Project Management and Planning, (2) Site Selection, Feedstock Characterization, and De-risking, (3) Front End Engineering and Design Study, and (4) Community Benefits and Engagement.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Colorado School of Mines CO FE0032342 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): CarbonSAFE Eos: Developing Commercial Sequestration for Southern Colorado 07/19/2024 07/18/2027

CarbonSAFE Eos is devoted to carbon dioxide (CO2) removal and promoting clean energy deployment in Colorado. The objective of this project is to progress development of a large storage site capable of holding at least 50 million tonnes of CO2 over 30 years, and to incorporate principles of consent-based siting and two-way engagement for development planning. The project is acquiring 3D seismic data and drilling stratigraphic test wells in two locations to establish storage and prove up the sequestration fairway. These technical results will be overlain by insight from landowner and community engagement to allow for incorporation of landowner preferences to plan for operations most amenable to stakeholders. The project includes seismic data collection across both locations and the first test well at Chico Basin Ranch, as well as efforts to build strong developer-community relationships, increasing understanding of the social and economic development needs of the Pueblo region, and how carbon management can support further economic opportunities. The project's two test wells at Chico Basin Ranch and Brett Gray Ranch, and considerable work with specific impacted stakeholders will allow the project team to finalize the development plan, while establishing a robust framework for community benefits and engagement.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture University of Utah UT FE0032496 Chemical Looping Splitting of CO2 and H2O for Syngas Production and Oxidative Coupling of Methane for Producing Ethylene at Intermediate Temperatures 08/01/2024 03/31/2026

The University of Utah, in collaboration with the University of Oklahoma, will perform a conceptual design study and laboratory validation of an oxygen-based chemical looping approach to ethylene production. The project team plans to design, analyze and validate a novel bifunctional concept that utilizes the perovskite-based oxide (Na-doped LaMnO3-delta) as an oxygen carrier, which can be employed to produce chemicals and mitigate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in both the reduction and oxidation steps. The concept design and experimental validation work will advance the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) from three to four.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake University of Illinois IL FE0032512 AGILE: Algal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction by Increasing CO2 Utilization and Lowering Emissions of Methane 08/20/2024 08/19/2026

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), in partnership with Global Algae Innovations (GAI), will enhance the design of an existing approximately 180 m2 engineering-scale algae cultivation system — integrated with power plant and wastewater treatment operations at City Water Light and Power (CWLP) — to produce algae biomass that can reduce enteric methane emissions when used as a high-protein feed supplement for cattle. In budget period 1, the team will lower operation expenses of the cultivation system and select ideal algae strains for methane reduction based on nutritional/in vitro assessment of algae biomass. In budget period 2, the team will increase process productivity using cool season crop rotation and demonstrate the methane reduction potential of the algae biomass through in vivo digestion studies in cattle, resulting in a 25% reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions and a 20% reduction in the minimum required selling price of the feed product relative to current baseline alternatives. Techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LCA) modeling will confirm full-scale revenues can exceed production costs, and that the cattle feed market can support capture of an estimated 100 million tons of CO2 annually.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA FE0032447 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Atlantic Coast Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Storage Sink (ACCESS) 07/19/2024 07/18/2026

The Atlantic Coast CO2 Emissions Storage Sink: Project ACCESS CarbonSAFE Phase II Project seeks to build on regional data sets that demonstrate that the subsurface within Miami‐Dade County, FL has the potential to store commercial volumes of CO2 safely, permanently, and economically. The primary target reservoirs for the CO2 storage complex are the deep Cedar Keys/Lawson and Dollar Bay carbonates located within the South Florida Basin, central Miami‐Dade County. These deep saline reservoirs are beneath a confining system encompassing at least 1,500 ft of anhydrite and other low-permeability sediments. Project ACCESS will acquire and process approximately 12 line-miles of 2D seismic data to ensure geologic rigor, as well as a shallow resistivity survey (karst identification), and then drill a deep stratigraphic test well to confirm the geological properties of the confining system and saline reservoirs within the storage complex. The geological data will be incorporated into numerical models to establish the areal extent of the CO2 injection and help design the storage site and its monitoring system. The goal is to establish the foundation for a commercial scale geologic storage complex for CO2 captured from Titan’s Pennsuco Cement Plant and surrounding industrial sources of CO2 located in Miami‐Dade County, Florida.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Enabling Technologies Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) IL FWP-114-JRJ-1514-24 In-Field Characterization System for Near-Real-Time Detection and Classification of Critical Materials 07/01/2024 06/30/2025

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) is developing an innovative in-field characterization system for real-time detection of rare earth elements (REEs) and critical minerals (CMs) from domestic unconventional sources, such as acid mine drainage (AMD) and solid ash. This system will utilize an electrochemical sensor array with chemically functionalized interdigitated electrodes and deep ultraviolet (DUV) Raman spectroscopy to analyze the elemental composition and chemical binding states of REEs and CMs. Leveraging Argonne's advanced equipment and expertise in electrochemistry-based sensing and DUV Raman spectroscopy, the portable system will provide precise, near-real-time characterization. This will aid in assessing the value and potential recovery of these resources, thereby supporting sustainable resource exploration and utilization.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Texas at El Paso TX FE0032484 Digital Engineering Coalition for Energy Systems Innovation 07/23/2024 07/22/2027

The overarching goals of the proposed effort are to develop and demonstrate the digital twin system of a 300 kWth high-pressure municipal solid waste (MSW)-biomass fluidized bed co-gasifier and develop a talent pipeline for digital systems in energy engineering. The proposed effort will experimentally validate the fidelity of the gasifier digital twin system for optimum hydrogen yield and reduced emissions for various feedstocks and operating conditions. A major goal will be training the students of the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) and Angelo State University (ASU) on core digital skills such as model-based engineering, design and user experience, DevSecOps development framework, cloud-based (edge) development, heterogeneous computing, augmented reality, etc. with an overarching cybersecurity mindset.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0032485 Engineering Highly-Scalable and Efficient Sorption Materials for Direct Air Capture - A Visiting Scholars Program 07/24/2024 07/23/2027

This project aims to develop a visiting scholar program that includes two host institutions and four partner minority-serving institutions (MSIs). The program will educate and train 4 to 6 minority students annually with skills in advanced sorption materials for Direct Air Capture (DAC). Specifically, a novel enzyme-catalyzed hollow fiber sorbent (ECHFS) with fast CO2 adsorption kinetics will be developed by two steps: (I) fabrication of hydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) grafted L-lysine (PVDF-g-Lys) porous hollow fibers with rich amine functional groups; and (2) immobilization of a high-temperature resistant carbonate anhydrase (CA) mimic, Zinc (II)-Cyclen, to the PVDF-g-Lys hollow fiber through vacuum filtration. The integration of rich amine groups and immobilized CA mimic as a catalyst on the easy-to-scalable PVDF hollow fibers can synergistically promote the DAC performance in terms of high CO2 adsorption capacity, fast CO2 adsorption rate, and low heat of adsorption at dilute CO2 condition.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Production Facilities University of Illinois IL FE0032489 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Illinois Rare Earth Novel Extraction and Supply (IRENES) 08/01/2024 11/30/2025

This project focuses on completion of a front-end engineering design (FEED) study based on an Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) Class 3 cost estimate defining the equipment, cost, and parameters for a large-scale pilot facility for domestic production of rare earth elements (REE). The Illinois Rare Earth Novel Extract & Supply (IRENES) project seeks to perform the FEED study needed to establish a fully integrated, vertical supply chain for several critical minerals (CM), entirely located within Illinois. The objective is to bring Lithium, Scandium, Neodymium, and Praseodymium metals; as well as high-purity Dysprosium and other REE oxides and Nickel, Zinc, Cobalt, Manganese, and potentially HP Aluminum to market. The proposed engineering study envisions two facilities. 1) An extraction, concentration, and production facility to be located in Marissa, IL near the Prairie State Energy Campus, a combination coal mine and coal-fired power plant complex. 2) A purification and refining facility would be established in Urbana, IL to produce refined, individual REE oxides and metals from the mixed rare earth oxides (MREO). The project envisions up to 50 tons per year of MREO production, plus purified individual REE, scandium, and various CM. The completed FEED will include the design and cost estimates for facilities that demonstrate the concentration and extraction of MREO from coal mine refuse and effluents and subsequently separation and refinement into rare earth metals (REM). The outcome of the project will provide engineering plans for the facilities, which will include processes, design, performance, cost, gaps, life cycle analyses, and address environmental and social concerns.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0032486 Southwest Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Training and Research Partnership (CCUS-STRP) 07/24/2024 07/23/2027

The Southwest Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Training and Research Partnership (CCUS-STRP) aims to develop and sustain a university training and research consortium for carbon capture, utilization, and storage and pipeline technologies. The consortium will introduce underrepresented students from minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to the clean energy technology market. In particular, students will be trained to perform research related to underground geological storage of CO2. To this end the project team has several objectives:

  1. Build new partnerships between the DOE’s supported research facilities and MSIs in STEM disciplines; recruit, engage, and train students from underrepresented groups for careers in decarbonization and net-zero GHG emission technology.
  2. Determine scaling criteria for CO2 injection to mitigate seismicity by integrating cutting-edge visually monitored true-triaxial laboratory experiments, advanced poromechanical numerical modeling, and supporting geomechanical theory.
  3. Advance the understanding of CO2‐induced chemo‐mechanical alteration in reservoir rock by using a static batch reactor, flow-through experiments, and mechanical testing.
  4. Address the pressing gap in planning and designing long-term and safe CO2 storage operations, including CO2 trapping mechanisms, risk assessment, and CO2 transportation.
Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Helios-NRG, LLC NY FE0032516 Carbon Dioxide Conversion to Products Using Algae 09/01/2024 08/31/2026

Helios-NRG LLC has partnered with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and the Bozeman Fish Technology Center (BFTC) to develop an efficient process to transform anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from brewery off-gas into algae biomass and subsequently validate the biomass use in animal feeds. The process will be comprised of three key technologies: algae with high productivity and robust performance in the brewery off-gas environment, an energy-efficient algae dewatering system, and production of animal feed. The recipient will formulate and develop algae-blended fish and chicken feeds and qualify these feeds through field trials. The project aims to validate the practical use and benefits of the algae-based feed products. A preliminary assessment of the technical and economic viability of the algae-based carbon capture and conversion technology to produce value-added products will be conducted through techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LCA).

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Pre-Combustion Capture University of Alabama AL FE0032497 Gas Switching Reforming (GSR) for Clean Hydrogen Production with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture 08/01/2024 03/31/2026

The project aims to accelerate the development of gas switching technologies by developing a business case for further technology advancement. In Phase 1, University of Alabama will perform limited experimental work for kinetics measurement ahead of a large-scale industrial gas switching reformer (GSR) conceptual design in order to build a business case for GSR technologies for hydrogen production with integrated carbon dioxide (CO2) capture as an alternative to chemical looping applications. The business case will have the following components: preliminary techno-economic analysis (TEA), preliminary life cycle analysis (LCA), a technology maturation plan (TMP), environmental health and safety (EH&S) analysis, technology gap analysis, and research and development (R&D) Community Benefits Plan (CBP).

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Ohio State University OH FE0032500 Integrating Biomass Chemical Looping for Decarbonizing Iron and Steel Industry with Complete Carbon Dioxide Capture 08/01/2024 03/31/2026

Ohio State University, in partnership with Babcock and Wilcox and Cleveland Cliffs, aims to decarbonize iron production in a direct reduction of iron (DRI) plant by integrating the biomass chemical looping (BCL) technology for syngas generation from carbon-neutral biomass feedstocks with in situ carbon capture. The overall project objective of Phase 1 is to undertake detailed conceptual design studies involving comprehensive process simulations, a preliminary techno-economic analysis (TEA), and a preliminary life cycle analysis (LCA) of the integrated BCL-DRI process. Bench-scale experiments will be conducted to generate scale-up data for the BCL-DRI plant. A thorough comparison of iron production using the BCL-DRI technology will be made against the existing MIDREX® process to assess both the cost-benefit and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction potential offered by the process, thus allowing the stakeholders to make an informed decision regarding the carbon intensity of the product and market potential of the technology. The BCL-DRI process is currently a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3; Phase 1 studies will establish the feasibility of the technology for a subpilot demonstration during Phase 2, which is expected to increase the TRL to 4.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture North Carolina State University NC FE0032513 Sustainable Ethylene via Chemical Looping – Oxidative Dehydrogenation 08/01/2024 04/01/2026

The overall objective of this project is to validate the environmental and economic attractiveness of North Carolina State University’s chemical looping–oxidative dehydrogenation (CL-ODH) technology via detailed techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LCA). The CL-ODH process has the potential for significant reductions in energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the production of ethylene compared to the state-of-the-art ethane cracking process. The TEA and LCA work will primarily be built upon extensive experimental data obtained from a robust redox catalyst (1,400+ cycles in a fluidized bed) and a circulating fluidized bed design based on previous cold model studies. During Phase I, the project team will validate the performance of a new generation of redox catalyst, which will further improve the product selectivity and determine the catalyst’s impact on the process economics and emissions. The target is to achieve greater than 99.5% CO2 emissions reduction when compared to state-of-the-art thermal cracking technology while reducing the cost of ethylene by greater than 23%. During the Phase I work, the team will also develop a detailed plan for Phase II, which will involve long-term experimental validation of the CL-ODH technology to ready it for pilot-scale demonstration.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL FE0032466 Engineering-Scale Testing of Carbon Capture Technology in Industrial Iron and Steel Production 08/01/2024 10/31/2027

GTI Energy will partner with U.S. Steel Corporation to advance the ROTA-CAP™ carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system to pilot scale (3 tonnes of CO2 captured/day). The project objectives are to design, build and operate an engineering-scale plant at U.S. Steel’s Edgar Thomson industrial iron and steel production facility in Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The project will be supported by Holcim US Inc., Enbridge Gas Inc., and Low Emission Technology Australia (LETA), with a goal to demonstrate that the capture system captures 95% of the CO2 from the industrial gas slipstream and produces a 95% pure CO2 stream. GTI Energy has completed more than 1,600 hours of testing with their skid-scale (1-tonne CO2/day) ROTA-CAP system at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC), with feed gas varying from 4% to 22% CO2, exhibiting up to 95% capture efficiency.

The project will be executed in three phases: (1) design and size the major equipment for the process, as well as finalize host-site agreements and any required environmental or operational permits; (2) procure all equipment and construct and commission the engineering-scale system; and (3) operate the engineering-scale plant for at least two continuous months, followed by decommissioning and restoration of the host site. The project will continually update techno-economic and environmental, safety and health analyses in parallel with the work.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0032491 Scalable and Efficient Membrane Distillation and Adsorption Process for High-Purity Water and Lithium Recovery from Produced Water in New Mexico 08/16/2024 06/30/2028

This project aims to comprehensively characterize produced water from the Permian and San Juan Basins in New Mexico and develop a scalable and highly efficient membrane distillation-crystallization and adsorption (MDCrA) process for simultaneous water and critical elements recovery from produced water. The MDCrA process will be integrated based on a novel omniphobic polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane distillation and crystallization process. The critical minerals, especially lithium, will be enriched to at least 200 mg/L and recovered using an aluminum-based layered double hydroxide (LDH, e.g., Li/Al LDH) from the concentrated produced water by continuously extracting high-purity water (TDS<50 mg/L). The treated high-purity water with >90% water recovery yield can be used as a sustainable resource for beneficial reuse, such as green hydrogen production. Both bench and pilot scale MDCrA units (1,000 gallons per day) will be developed and validated for produced water treatment.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Electricore, Inc. CA FE0032504 Rotary Lime Kiln Oxy Fuel Retrofit 08/01/2024 04/01/2026

In Phase 1 of this project, Electricore Inc. will partner with Carmeuse Lime Inc. and FLSmidth Inc. to perform a conceptual design of an oxyfuel combustion system for the retrofitting of existing rotary lime kilns that will enhance energy efficiency and reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of lime production. This conceptual design and feasibility study involves evaluating the mathematical model of a rotary lime kiln with oxyfuel combustion, based on a 450-ton-per-day kiln design and associated operating conditions; performing simulations to evaluate the impact of oxyfuel combustion on the product quality, energy consumption, stack gas composition and CO2 emissions of the kiln; identifying the technical challenges and potential solutions for retrofitting oxyfuel combustion to the kiln, such as oxygen supply, fuel injection, flame stability, refractory materials, flue gas recirculation and process control; and estimating the economic feasibility and environmental benefits of implementing oxyfuel combustion to the kiln, considering the capital and operating costs, fuel savings and CO2 capture potential.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Catalytic and Redox Solutions, LLC NC FE0032507 Sustainable Aromatics Manufacturing from Methane via Oxidative Coupling and Aromatization 08/01/2024 03/31/2026

Catalytic and Redox Solutions, in partnership with North Carolina State University and West Virginia University, is targeting the decarbonization of the aromatic chemical production industry (e.g., benzene, toluene, xylene). The project team will continue developing the oxidative coupling-dehydroaromatization (OC-DHA) approach to convert methane into aromatics. The four main project objectives are to: (i) create refined process models of the system based upon preliminary data; (ii) develop a plant design with unit sizing to act as a basis for costing and techno-economic analysis (TEA) indicating a greater than or equal to 15% reduction in the cost of aromatics compared to a current state-of-the-art, retrofit, carbon capture approach; (iii) use mass and energy balances to develop a preliminary life cycle analysis (LCA) of the system, as well as a compelling baseline case to validate the potential for 95% reduction in net carbon emissions relative to an unmitigated industrial process that generates the same quantity of the product; and (iv) develop a technology gap analysis (TGA) and related Phase 2 scope of work to address these gaps.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Pre-Combustion Capture Washington University MO FE0032515 Decarbonization of the Recycled Paper Industry via Staged Pressurized Oxygen-Combustion 08/01/2024 04/01/2026

The staged, pressurized oxy-combustion (SPOC) technology, being developed at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL), is an ideal technology for decarbonizing steam processes in general, and the paper industry specifically. WUSTL, with partners NexantECA and Electric Power Research Institute, is advancing the SPOC technology for application to cogeneration (steam and power) with coal or biomass as fuels, with the goal of transforming the recycled paper industry from a highly carbon-intensive process to a carbon-neutral (coal-fired) or carbon-negative (biomass-fired) process, based on life cycle analysis (LCA). The process offers: (1) high-efficiency through staging and latent heat recovery; (2) near-zero emissions through 95% or higher carbon dioxide (CO2) capture efficiency; (3) ability to fire with biomass, as well as natural gas or coal; (4) small modular boilers and pollutant removal units that can be fabricated in shop and assembled on site, further reducing plant capital costs; and (5) integration with energy storage via liquid oxygen storage and use of curtailed electricity from wind and solar.

The ultimate outcome of this project will be an economically optimized conceptual design for a commercial-scale, pressurized oxy-combustion biomass-fired plant, with specific emphasis on the paper industry. The project team will perform a conceptual design of a recycled paper plant employing the SPOC technology and a preliminary techno-economic analysis and LCA. A test campaign will be executed to assess the performance and operational stability of the SPOC system with biomass feed while operating up to 100 kilowatt thermal (kWth).

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Regents of the University of California CA FE0032382 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Community Alliance for Direct Air Capture 08/01/2024 07/31/2026

This project will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the technical, social and governance feasibility of establishing a Community Alliance for Direct Air Capture (CALDAC) in California.

This innovative effort invites the local community to be the center of direct air capture (DAC) hub development. The recipient will work with community partners to conduct outreach, engagement and education on DAC and establish a compensated Community Oversight Council. The feasibility assessment will include two intersecting and interconnected elements:

  • Development of the DAC hub structure and assessment of the technical feasibility of the DAC hub, including technology partners, location, business model, and carbon dioxide (CO2) storage/utilization/conversion option(s).
  • Assessment of the social and governance feasibility of an innovative, community-led ownership model and community benefits plan (CBP) that engages local stakeholders as core partners.

Additionally, a CBP will be developed, which will task the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to ensure that federal investments advance the goals of community engagement; diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA); American workforce investment; and the Justice40 initiative.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Wyoming WY FE0032343 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Sweetwater Carbon Storage Hub 08/15/2024 08/14/2027

The Sweetwater Carbon Storage Hub project is meeting CarbonSAFE Phase III project objectives through the completion of detailed carbon dioxide (CO2) storage facility characterization and all necessary permitting for a commercial-scale, secure, geological CO2 storage complex in the Greater Green River Basin of southwestern Wyoming. The scope of work includes a CO2 Sources Feasibility Study; a Pipeline Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) study; a Storage Field Development Plan; and a risk assessment and mitigation plan, which will continue to be actively updated throughout the project life cycle. The project is investigating subsurface conditions and surface environment of the CO2 storage complex. The eventual integrated commercial-scale CO2 capture, transport, and storage hub will capture and store CO2 from the largest proposed direct air capture (DAC) facility in the Rocky Mountains and one of the nation’s largest trona (soda ash) mines. In the project’s ideal and fully realized state the hub facility will accept CO2 from more sources and expand the storage field to include more injection wells. This will yield economies of scale and reduce risk by following a proven hub model.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Chevron U.S.A., Inc. CA FE0032379 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Chevron Western Regional Direct Air Capture Hub 08/26/2024 08/25/2026

Chevron New Energies, a division of Chevron U.S.A. Inc. (CNE), is collaborating with 280 Earth; Avnos; Sustaera; Black & Veatch; University of California, Davis; California State University, Bakersfield; and Electricore to explore the feasibility of a potential direct air capture (DAC) hub initially focused on Kern County, California and nearby counties. The study will build upon CNE’s existing lower-carbon technology pilots and other potential new energies projects in California. The pre-feasibility work (phase 0a) will select anchoring DAC technology(ies); confirm the initial capacity of the hub (min. 50,000 tonnes annually [50 KTA] CO2); review trade-off considerations for siting, transport and energy; develop a conceptual design; and perform a preliminary life cycle analysis (LCA) for the initial hub capacity to be evaluated in the preliminary front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) study. Additionally, the team will provide an initial design for the DAC hub balance of plant (BOP) for the final hub capacity (min. 1 million ton annually [MTA] CO2) and develop the Community Benefits Plan Development Proposal (CBPDP). The feasibility work (phase 0b) will develop a pre-FEED study package for the initial DAC hub capacity (min. 50 KTA CO2) with an Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) Class 4 estimate and a DAC hub BOP conceptual design for the final hub capacity (min. 1 MTA CO2), along with the development of the associated integrated project schedules. In support of the commercial and technical evaluation of the hub, the team will develop a Business Plan; Technology Maturation Plan; Financial Plan; Community Benefits Plan; Environmental Health and Safety Risk Analysis; Safety, Security, and Regulatory Requirements review inclusive of a permitting workflow overview; and a preliminary LCA for the final hub capacity.

Active University Training and Research / HBCUs, Education and Training University of Houston TX FE0032482 Houston Hydrogen Transportation Pilot 08/15/2024 08/14/2026

The project's primary objective is to demonstrate the potential for repurposing existing infrastructure to provide profitable zero-emission transportation fueled by low-carbon intensity hydrogen (LCIH) with positive workforce development and community impacts in the Greater Houston Area (GHA). To this end, the project team will develop a geographic information system (GIS) to facilitate optimization of H2 fuel supply and demand options and apply it to data gathered for a GHA H2 transportation pilot demonstration. Additionally, the project team will establish a workforce training network offering skills that support LCIH fuel supply and use and develop stakeholder support for a demonstration in the GHA.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN FWP-FEAA454 SpaciMS Investigations of CO2 Capture Devices 09/01/2024 09/30/2026

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will perform temporally and spatially resolved measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations inside operating solid sorbent CO2 capture devices with spatially resolved capillary inlet mass spectrometry (SpaciMS) to elucidate sorption and desorption processes and generate datasets for model calibration and validation. Solid sorbent materials for both direct air capture (DAC) and point-source CO2 capture applications are currently being developed, evaluated, and scaled up for demonstration and deployment. In certain applications, solid CO2 sorbents are coated onto ceramic flow-through monoliths or in fiber beds. SpaciMS provides a powerful tool to measure CO2 concentration profiles inside such devices under actual operating conditions. These measurements will yield valuable insights into the CO2 capture and release processes as a function of operating conditions, such as temperature, pressure, flow rate and gas composition. Furthermore, they will provide critical datasets for use in calibration and validation of capture device models, which will be needed to design scaled-up systems. Finally, SpaciMS will reveal how common pollutants found in ambient air (for DAC) or flue gas (for point-source capture) might impact device performance as they block CO2 storage sites or key reaction pathways.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources Luna Innovations VA SC0025041 Modular Carbon Capture, Storage and Offtake in the Maritime Shipping Industry 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

In this Phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project, the FlueCO2 carbon capture and storage (CCS) process that is being developed by Luna Innovations for natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants will be modified to assess its technical viability and economic competitiveness in maritime applications. The project will focus on process development and post-combustion capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) in heavy fuel oil-powered container ships that use two-stroke reciprocating engines. A detailed process flow diagram will be developed and opportunities for integration into each vessels’ power generation process will be analyzed. The CO2 liquefaction, storage and offtake processes will be optimized. The final process model will serve as a basis for equipment sizing, heat and mass balances, and an energy performance analysis. These results will be used to produce techno-economic and life cycle analyses with a target of reducing the cost projections of maritime carbon capture to less than $75/tonne compared to $100/tonne with state-of-the-art solvent-based technologies.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Reaction Engineering International UT SC0025038 AI-Based Modeling Software for Amine and Degradation Product Emissions 07/22/2024 07/21/2025

Reaction Engineering International (REI) will deliver a novel, machine learning (ML)-based tool that can predict emissions for solvent-based carbon capture systems. The software will take advantage of significant investments by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in carbon dioxide (CO2) control system modeling and economic analysis, while allowing nonexpert users to evaluate various decarbonization scenarios. The proposed model framework will naturally integrate with ongoing development efforts for DOE’s Institute for Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES) software. The proposed effort will focus on the development and validation of an ML model for predicting emissions from plants with CO2 capture technology based on amine-based solvents. The specific technical objectives for the Phase I research and development include: (1) developing and validating an ML model for predicting emissions using historic test campaign data, including operating parameters; (2) demonstrating the ability of the ML model to operate in a real-time environment within a plant’s control system; (3) demonstrating the ML model as part of an advanced, hybrid power systems decision-making framework that REI is currently developing.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture VISIMO, LLC PA SC0025082 High Temporal Resolution Forecasting Framework Supporting Carbon Capture 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

In this Phase I Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) project, VISIMO, in partnership with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), is developing an advanced artificial intelligence-based forecasting tool, EmiFor, designed to accurately predict non-carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from carbon capture processes in real-time. EmiFor leverages machine learning (ML) techniques to analyze and forecast emissions under varying operating conditions, providing critical data for emissions management and mitigation. The Phase I project aims to develop and validate the tool's predictive capabilities and establish a foundation for further development and commercialization. The initial work involves developing EmiFor using test data from a CESAR1 solvent test campaign, training ML models to forecast emissions accurately, and incorporating mechanisms for causal impact analysis and counterfactual scenario evaluation.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources TDA Research, Inc. CO SC0025077 A New Carbon Capture System for Ships 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

TDA Research Inc. is developing a new carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and conversion technology that can effectively remove CO2 from the exhaust streams of mobile systems, specifically in the maritime shipping industry. The system will stabilize the CO2 into a solid form, which can be off-loaded at port and buried for complete storage.

In Phase I, TDA will focus on capturing the CO2 from the marine exhaust systems. TDA will carry out limited lab-scale experiments to evaluate the concept. TDA will then design a system that will include: (a) process flow diagrams and a description of the component technology, including operating conditions; (b) heat and mass balances of the process, including specifications of energy sources for CO2 regeneration and offtake; (c) proposed scheme for CO2 offtake from the mobile source, including CO2 purity and pressure requirements; (d) specifications of size and weight of the capture and onboard storage unit; and (e) evaluation of the CO2 capture rate and of the ability of the capture system to perform in transient operating conditions (i.e., acceleration and deceleration). Additionally, this effort will involve: (f) a technology gap analysis for identification of critical elements that need to be further developed and validated, (g) a detailed life cycle analysis (LCA), and (h) a techno-economic analysis (TEA). These analyses will compare the proposed approach with other decarbonization options (e.g., electrification [battery electric vehicles] and hydrogen fuel cells).

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Resource Characterization Starfire Industries, LLC IL SC0025072 Downhole Wireline PGNAA Elemental Analysis Probe Using nGen® 07/22/2024 07/21/2025

This Phase I SBIR project targets downhole elemental identification and characterization by developing a Deuterium-Deuterium (DD) neutron generator, wireline, prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) tool to reduce the cost and time associated with exploration activities through the reuse of existing wells or other boreholes. Starfire Industries, working with its partners Mount Sopris Instruments and Advanced Logic Technologies, will develop a PGNAA version suitable for critical minerals identification, mine reservoir characterization, and other applications. The commercial objective of this project is an instrument tool that can be used for real-time in-situ characterization and quantification of critical minerals and materials (CMM) at depth to readily quantify concentrations and/or mode of occurrence desired for down-hole settings (e.g. boreholes or existing wells) by performing full-spectra gamma-spectral measurement with DD.

Active Carbon Ore Processing / Coal and Coal-waste to Products Semplastics EHC, LLC FL SC0024985 Direct Use of Lignite in a Composite as a Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Active Material 07/22/2024 07/21/2025

The project aims to provide a composite anode active material that has a reversible specific capacity exceeding that of battery-grade natural graphite. The initial laboratory work that has been done with these materials will be expanded with the goal of demonstrating a composite anode active material that contains more than 50% lignite in an industrially relevant capacity and form factor. Various lignite coals or lignite coal wastes will be sourced and tested along with variations of the baseline process to arrive at the best-performing formulation. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique, half- and full-coin cells will be fabricated using composite anodes, and these will be subjected to in-house and independent testing. Larger-format cells with capacities above 250 mAh will then be produced for demonstration and testing.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources Physical Sciences, Inc. MA SC0025113 Carbon Capture and Conversion for Mobile Sources 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

Physical Sciences Inc. is developing a two-stage sorbent bed process for selective carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from mobile exhaust streams and subsequent transformation to platform chemicals or fuel. The overall goal of the Phase I program is to demonstrate the feasibility and economic viability of the approach for mobile carbon capture, storage and fuel production applications. During the Phase I effort, the project team will: (a) demonstrate synthesis of selected sorbents; (b) demonstrate selective CO2 capture from simulated exhaust streams; (c) demonstrate transformation of the captured CO2 to methanol; (d) design a subscale prototype of the Carbon Capture for Generation of Renewable Fuel (COUGAR) system; and (e) perform techno-economic and life cycle analyses to outline pathways for scale-up and further development and optimization in Phase II.

Active Carbon Conversion / Carbon Conversion - Other CYG Nittany, LLC CA FE0032253 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Demonstrating Profitable and Permanent CO2 Utilization from Hard to Abate Sectors at Commercial Scale 08/21/2024 02/20/2028

CYG Nittany LLC will demonstrate the commercial and carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation potential of a pilot-tested CO2 utilization technology developed over the past decade with significant support from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The CO2 emitted from an industrial lime production plant will be used as a feedstock to produce ultra-low-carbon, low-cost concrete products at commercial scale. The project is broken into three phases (three Budget Periods): (1) Design, (2) Construction and Commissioning, and (3) Operations. The project will target a reduction in raw materials embodied carbon by 60% (CO2 uptake greater than 1.75 mass percent of concrete utilized from the lime plant’s flue gas), and concrete production capacity of 200 tonnes per day to achieve target unit economics.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Global Algae Innovations, Inc. CA FE0032502 Algal Conversion of Flue Gas Carbon Dioxide to Polymer Feedstock 08/22/2024 08/21/2026

Global Algae Innovations Inc. will develop and demonstrate an algal conversion process that will transform carbon dioxide (CO2) from flue gas to a polymer feedstock. The project will develop, test, optimize and quantify process parameters for the integrated process to produce algal-based polyurethane consumer products. Global Algae will perform two 30-day outdoor growth campaigns of the integrated process and characterize the polyurethane product; quantify the performance, usability and benefits of the product; and evaluate co-products. The project will also quantify the economic, environmental and community benefits of the process for an algal-based polyurethane product through use of the field test results in a techno-economic analysis (TEA), life cycle analysis (LCA), and environmental justice questionnaire.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources Susteon, Inc. NC SC0025129 Intensified Process for CO2 Capture from Ship Engine Flue Gas 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

Susteon Inc. is developing an onboard carbon dioxide (CO2) capture (OCC) process using intensified rotating packed beds (RPB) along with a novel high-performance solvent, SUSTENOL™, specifically developed for flue gas CO2 capture with reduced space, weight, and energy for OCC applications. In Phase I, the project team will conceptualize the design and analyze the feasibility of the marine carbon capture process. Susteon will develop process flow diagrams and provide detailed descriptions of the technologies used in the complete process, from pretreatment of marine engine flue gas to CO2 offtake. The capture process model will be combined with the upstream and downstream traditional CO2 compression and liquefication processes to produce liquid CO2 for onboard storage. The total size and weight of the process equipment in all unit operations will be estimated and specified, including an onboard storage unit. Phase I will also include a detailed life cycle analysis (LCA), a techno-economic analysis (TEA) and a technology gap analysis to identify critical elements that need to be further developed and validated, as well as a comparison of the proposed approach with other potential decarbonization options, such as sustainable marine fuels or electrification of the ship’s powertrain.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Bluebonnet Sequestration Hub, Llc TX FE0032338 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Bluebonnet Sequestration Project 09/01/2024 08/31/2026

The objective of the Bluebonnet Sequestration Project is to advance the commerciality of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Texas while supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); disadvantaged communities; and environmental justice communities. The project plans to complete detailed site characterization, including a water analysis well and a 3D seismic survey. Additionally, the Bluebonnet Sequestration Project is conducting a pipeline front-end engineering design (FEED) study, performing risk assessment of the storage complex, preparing storage field development plans, and advancing community outreach and engagement.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies University of Illinois IL FE0032457 Advanced Characterization of Wastewaters with a Focus on the Environment and Economics 09/01/2024 08/31/2027

The goals of this project are to advance the characterization of coal combustion residual (CCR) effluents and to illustrate the use of such characterization to determine environmental impact and resource recovery. Characterization will be illustrated by modeling the environmental impact of characterized CCR effluents on ground and surface water and examining design options for effluent treatment and resource recovery. The goal of advancing the characterization of CCR effluents will be achieved in four ways:

  • The development of a technique for the analysis of the major cations, anions, trace metals, and rare earth elements (REEs) in a single assay (one-shot) to be utilized for the characterization of CCR effluents.
  • The development of a fluorimetry technique for REEs prospecting in CCR effluents.
  • The development of a fluorescence sensor array for detecting and discriminating toxic metals in CCR effluents.
  • The evaluation of total X-ray fluorescence for multi-element detection in CCR effluents.
Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake Arizona State University AZ FE0032503 Algae-to-Asphalt: Sequestration of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide in Roadway Constructions 08/26/2024 08/25/2026

Arizona State University is developing an algae-to-asphalt process that integrates two greenhouse gas (GHG)-reducing technologies. The first uses polyextremophilic algae to capture anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) while treating wastewater from anaerobic sludge digestion (centrate) to significantly lower net GHG emissions at municipal water treatment facilities. Scalable revolving algal biofilm (RAB) reactors will be used to minimize hydraulic residence times and harvesting costs. The algal biomass will be processed via hydrothermal liquefaction (350°C, 2,500 psi) to produce a bio-asphalt binder to supplement or replace petroleum-based asphalts. The produced materials will be tested to quantify reductions in net GHG emissions relative to traditional asphalt. The project thus combines biological uptake of CO2 with carbon storage in durable asphalt to lower GHG emissions.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Colorado School of Mines CO FE0032450 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): CTV III CO2 Storage Project 08/27/2024 08/26/2026

An Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI application for the commercial Carbon TerraVault III (CTV III) Storage Project is currently in process with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This CarbonSAFE project will support the commercial-scale CTV III Storage Project by performing a comprehensive geologic characterization, develop a community benefits approach that addresses community needs and ensures transparency, and perform risk assessments, feasibility studies and technoeconomic studies of the project’s technical and non-technical challenges. A stratigraphic well will be drilled, and a comprehensive well logging campaign will be conducted. Field and laboratory studies will include coring, hydrologic testing, pressure profiling, and a variety of analyses of the subsurface media. The acquired data will be used to generate and validate subsurface models, develop reliable injection simulations, generate preliminary risk assessments, risk mitigation strategies, and long-term monitoring plans, and satisfy pre-operational testing requirements for the UIC Class VI permit application. An injection scenario analyses will be conducted to validate the viability of safely storing a minimum of 71 million metric tons of carbon dioxide over a 30-year period and determine the footprint of the predicted pressure front.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Omnia Midstream Partners Llc OK FE0032452 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Permian Regional Carbon Sequestration Hub 08/27/2024 08/26/2026

The Permian Regional Carbon Sequestration Hub Project is a feasibility study for the development of a carbon dioxide (CO2) storage hub to serve the Southern Delaware Basin in Ward, Winkler, Reeves, and Loving Counties, Texas. The study is utilizing existing data to characterize targeted Ordovician-Devonian geologic formations for CO2 storage that have an estimated storage resource of 75,000,000 metric tons of CO2. The project is developing a detailed characterization of the targeted geologic storage complex, conducting a preliminary risk assessment including CO2 source assessment, preparing and inventorying the relevant data that will support the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI-Wells used for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide, Authorization to Construct Permit application (UIC Class VI Permit Application), developing an integrated assessment of project feasibility, and pursuing community outreach efforts.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Magnolia Sequestration Hub, Llc TX FE0032339 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Magnolia Sequestration Project 09/01/2024 07/31/2026

The objective of the Magnolia Sequestration project is to advance the commerciality of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Louisiana while supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); disadvantaged communities; and environmental justice communities. The project plans to complete detailed site characterization, including a water analysis well and performing a 3D seismic survey. Additionally, the Magnolia Sequestration project will conduct a pipeline front-end engineering design (FEED) study, perform risk assessment of the storage complex, prepare storage field development plans, and advance community outreach and engagement.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources OptimaBiome, LLC MD SC0025105 Composite Solid Sorbent Solvent Matrix for Capture of CO2 from Mobile Systems 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

Optimabiome LLC aims to demonstrate the feasibility of a novel mobile carbon capture system that integrates solvents and sorbents into a stable solid matrix that offers stable, cost-effective and sustainable capture, storage and transportation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from mobile heavy-duty trucking and long-range marine transportation systems. The process does not require regeneration of the sorbent-solvent matrix aboard the vehicle, significantly reducing space requirements and minimizing weight and incremental energy demand. In Phase 1, the feasibility of the process will be demonstrated by the following technical objectives: (1) determining suitable sorbents and solvents that can be utilized to make solid composite matrices that effectively capture CO2; (2) quantifying CO2 capture potential of the composite matrices; (3) determining optimal methods of CO2 recovery, as well as the recycling and reuse of spent composite matrix materials; (4) characterizing the effectiveness of a lab-scale prototype of the composite solid matrix using live internal combustion engine systems; and (5) developing a detailed techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) for the method.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Susteon, Inc. NC FE0032461 Engineering Scale Testing of a High-Performance Solvent for Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) Flue Gas Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture 09/03/2024 09/02/2027

Susteon Inc. is performing an engineering-scale test of SUSTENOL™, its carbon capture solvent, at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) under real natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) flue gas conditions using the 0.5-megawatt-electric (MWe) pilot-scale solvent test unit (PSTU). The aim is to confirm and validate its carbon dioxide (CO2) capture performance (greater than 95% CO2 capture), thermal and oxidative stability, and low-solvent emissions in preparation for commercial demonstration and deployment. A techno-economic analysis will be performed by Trimeric and an environmental health and safety assessment will be completed by EI Group Inc.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Trifecta Renewable Solutions, LLC TX FE0032446 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Red Hills CO2 Storage Hub (RHCSH) Feasibility Study 09/04/2024 09/03/2026

This project is determining the feasibility of an integrated carbon storage project in central Mississippi. The project objective is to advance the commerciality of carbon capture and storage (CCS) while supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); disadvantaged communities; and environmental justice communities. The project team plans to complete detailed site characterization, including drilling a stratigraphic test well and analyzing site geology. Additionally, the project will model the storage reservoir, perform a risk assessment, conduct public outreach and engagement, and develop the needed plans to draft an Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI permit.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Recovery Processes University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY FE0032505 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Development of a Strategic Materials Production System for Rare Earth Metals, Graphite, and Other Critical Materials 09/01/2024 08/31/2027

The primary objective of the project is to develop and test process technologies and circuits to produce rare earth metals, graphite, and other critical elements from a bituminous coal source that is known for its elevated concentrations of critical elements. Individual rare earth oxide (REO) products of dysprosium (Dy), neodymium (Nd), yttrium (Y), praseodymium (Pr), and samarium (Sm) at a minimum purity of 90% will be targeted along with the production of their corresponding metal products at a minimum purity of 99.5%. The project will evaluate and demonstrate the ability to produce salt products of critical minerals (CM) including cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), strontium (Sr), and lithium (Li) at a minimum purity of 90%. The carbon material in the feedstock will be upgraded by reducing the ash content to a maximum of 5% and subsequently processed to generate high purity (> 99.95 wt.%) graphite suitable for Li-ion battery anodes. New processes will be installed and tested in a pilot plant to reduce the cost of CM and mixed REO production by 20%.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Texas at Austin TX FE0032361 Texas Louisiana Carbon Management Community (Txlacmc) 09/01/2024 08/31/2026

The Texas Louisiana Carbon Management Community (TXLACMC) project is providing stakeholders in the fossil-fuel heavy, industrial corridor hub of Texas and Louisiana with crucial information about carbon capture and storage (CCS) to help bridge cost, environmental, and public education-awareness knowledge gaps. Leveraging the standing of universities as trusted local institutions with established relationships with their respective communities, the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Texas A&M Kingsville, University of Houston, Lamar University, and Louisiana State University are utilizing their collective programs to relay this crucial CCS information. By establishing and developing a stakeholder community, this project is accelerating the situationally appropriate deployment of CCS as an emissions mitigation option for dozens of large volume industrial and power sector carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions sources in the area. TXLACMC is uniting capture and storage projects in the Texas-Louisiana industrial corridor for cross-project information transfer on all key planning and development elements for successful regional CCS implementation.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation University of North Dakota ND FE0032543 Polar Bear ™- Effective Gas Capture to Eliminate Flaring 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

The objectives of this project are to demonstrate economic application, gas capture efficiency, operational control, and mechanical performance to accelerate commercial adoption of the Polar Bear™ technology. The project will demonstrate Polar Bear™ at wellsite(s) within the Williston Basin of North Dakota. The project will demonstrate gas recovery in two ways: 1) where only a portion of wellsite gas requires a boost in pressure and 2) where 100% of the gas must be compressed. Demonstrations will include capture of tank vapors, heater treater gas, production of liquids, on-lease gas use, and pressure management.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK FE0032453 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Alaska Railbelt Carbon Capture and Storage (ARCCS) Project 09/16/2024 09/15/2026

University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) is determining the feasibility of developing a commercial-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) geologic storage complex in the northern shore of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska. The safety and economic viability of the complex will be determined by: (1) conducting a 2D seismic survey and using modeling techniques to help characterize the storage site; (2) conducting risk assessments of technical and non-technical risks; (3) developing a plan for subsequent detailed site characterization and permitting documents necessary to construct and operate a commercial geologic storage facility; (4) conducting technical and economic analysis evaluation of the entire proposed CO2 storage scenario; (5) identifying community benefits and impacts of the proposed research; and (6) implementing regional-specific plans to engage communities and stakeholders. Potential CO2 sources include a proposed dual-fuel capable power generation plant located at the Flatlands Energy Corporation site and two existing natural gas fired power plants operated by the Chugach Electric Association.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Recovery Processes Microbeam Technologies, Inc. MN FE0032522 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Production of Germanium and Gallium Concentrates for Industrial Processes 09/01/2024 08/31/2027

The objective of this project is to demonstrate a bench-scale system that can extract and produce high-purity germanium (Ge) and gallium (Ga) products from a lignite-derived mixed rare earth element (MREE) concentrate produced by the University of North Dakota’s (UND) pilot-scale MREE production facility. The produced Ge and Ga materials will be compatible with downstream industrial processes to integrate into clean energy and national defense products. The specific objectives of the project will involve the following: 1) Design and construction of the bench-scale system, 2) performance of shakedown and parametric testing of the system using pilot-scale MREE concentrate, 3) production of high purity Ge and Ga metals from MREE concentrate from selected Ge and Ga-rich lignite coal for product testing, and 4) performance of a techno-economic analysis (TEA) to evaluate the commercialization potential of the process.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies Ohio University OH FE0032454 Treatment of Produced Water for Beneficial Use with Concurrent Resource Recovery Utilizing Coal- and Waste Coal-Derived Materials 09/01/2024 08/31/2027

This project aims to develop proven technologies for characterization and treatment of produced water (PW) with simultaneous rare earth element (REE), critical mineral (CM), and other elements of interest (EOI) recovery to improve treatment economics. Ohio University will develop a process to render treatment of oil and gas produced water for beneficial use outside of the oil and gas industries economically feasible. The objectives of the project include 1) characterizing produced water from characterizing PW supplied from specific sites, including sites in the Marcellus and Utica areas, 2) evaluating potential PW treatment processes that lead to treated water suitable for beneficial use in industries other than oil and gas production, 3) evaluation of batch electrochemical extraction processes to recover REEs, CMs, and EOI, and 4) demonstrating the recovery of REEs, CMs, and EOI that benefits the treatment process economically.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources Zenith Purification, LLC TX SC0025205 Membrane-Based Carbon Capture System for Long-Range Marine Transportation 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

Zenith Purification LLC aims to conduct a conceptual design and feasibility study of an onboard carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage system for the long-range marine transportation industry, which represents about 3% of global man-made CO2 emissions. The system will utilize a new generation of high-performance polymeric membranes to capture 95% of the CO2 emitted from ship engine exhaust, storing the captured CO2 onboard. Due to the high performance of the membranes, the system is compact and easy to integrate with existing ship engines that use conventional fuels, making it well-suited for both retrofit and new build ship applications. As a part of the evaluation process, the system design will be compared with four alternative approaches: (a) an onboard amine-scrubbing system with storage for captured CO2; (b) using methanol as fuel; (c) using ammonia as fuel; and (d) a new propulsion system using hydrogen fuel cells. Additionally, CO2 membrane testing will be conducted, as well as a technology gap analysis, a detailed life cycle analysis, and a techno-economic analysis of the process.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Enabling Technologies Maverick BioMetals, Inc. TX SC0025168 In-Situ Enzymatic Silicate Ore Degradation for Eco-Friendly Metal Recovery in Depleted Oil Fields 07/22/2024 06/21/2025

In this project, the project team will complete the following: (1) Genetically engineer enzymes aimed at depolymerizing the phyllosilicate minerals in shales by using both standard molecular biology wet lab methods and a machine learning program that has been internally developed to optimize activity, substrate specificity (phyllosilicate clays), thermostability, solubility, E. coli expression, and pH. (2) Develop by trial and error an optimal produced water composition to deliver the enzyme that retains its activity for in-situ application. (3) Identify and optimize operating conditions of the enzyme degradation reaction to maximize metal recovery from the leachate. (4) Develop a comprehensive process for effectively removing residual hydrocarbons and impurities from the leach solution, while concurrently determining the most suitable metal recovery method.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. PA SC0025189 Long-Range Marine Transport Carbon Capture with Seawater Sequestration 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

Advanced Cooling Technologies Inc. (ACT) and Jeevan Technology Inc. (Jeevan) are designing a novel carbon capture technology for long-range marine transportation based on a recently developed hybrid ion exchange sorbent that offers high carbon dioxide (CO2) capture capacity and is amenable to regeneration with seawater causing no adverse environmental impact. A key advantage of the proposed CO2 capture technology is its ability to store captured CO2 in seawater as chemically stable alkalinity or sodium bicarbonate (same as baking soda). The project team has demonstrated the CO2 capture and seawater storage potential of the DeCarbonHIX sorbent at the bench scale, showing that the sorbent adsorbs CO2 at a capacity several times that of existing sorbents and that the bicarbonate is stable in seawater. During Phase I, the team will further develop the technology by the following steps: (1) complete a conceptual design and feasibility study of a full-scale, ship-based CO2 capture system; (2) conduct lab-scale testing of the capture process using simulated flue gas and regeneration by seawater followed by sorbent reset using a weak base solution; (3) complete a physical design of a full-scale, long-range marine CO2 capture process with all major components defined and scaled;. and 4) demonstrate the economic competitiveness of the proposed capture process through preliminary life cycle and techno-economic analyses with comparisons against competing state-of-the-art technologies.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure River Parish Sequestration, LLC TX FE0032443 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): River Parish Sequestration - A Critical Carbon Storage Hub for the Louisiana Chemical Corridor 09/15/2024 12/31/2026

The River Parish Sequestration Project (RPS Project) is being developed to provide carbon dioxide (CO2) transportation and storage service to large industrial emitters seeking decarbonization solutions in the Louisiana Chemical Corridor. This Phase III CarbonSAFE project aims to complete site characterization and permitting for three injection wells and new CO2 pipelines from the sources to the injection sites. The project objectives are to perform detailed site characterization necessary to obtain a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Class VI Underground Injection Control authorization to construct, perform CO2 source(s) feasibility and pipeline FEED studies, develop storage field development and community benefits plans, and finalize business and financial plan arrangements.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. FL FE0032464 Tampa Regional Intermodal Carbon Hub T-Rich 09/16/2024 09/15/2025

The objective of this project is to determine the economic and technical feasibility of developing a comprehensive intermodal carbon dioxide (CO2) transportation hub on the west coast of Florida. The study is considering the design and development requirements for an intermediate CO2 liquefaction and storage hub on a 6.7-acre parcel adjacent to an existing deep-water berth at Port Tampa Bay including necessary improvements and equipment installations to receive and discharge captured CO2 from emitters throughout the region and the state via all transport modes including existing rail, truck, pipeline, and ship. Project goals are to determine the technical, physical, and regulatory requirements for the installation of CO2 storage tanks, gas conditioning, liquefaction and transfer equipment, and extensions of nearby existing roads and rail lines into the site; evaluate the siting, design, and technical requirements for a minimum storage capacity of 30,000 metric tons (mt) which would support processing up to 2,000,000 mt of CO2 captured in Florida annually for permanent sequestration; and determine the equipment requirements to receive captured CO2 from ships which have onboard carbon capture and storage systems to be the first dedicated discharge site for such onboard captured carbon in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea region. Options will be considered to expand the capacity of the T-RICH site as more CO2 is captured by emitters in the region and the state, in which case additional marine vessels would be built to transport the additional quantity of captured CO2.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Rocky Mountain Institute CO FE0032377 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Ankeron Carbon Management Hub 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

The Ankeron Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub project seeks to evaluate the feasibility of a regional DAC hub in the Pacific Northwest, advancing national goals of carbon removal and supporting the transition to net-zero emissions by 2050. Led by Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), the project will select and evaluate sites for large-scale DAC in a region with significant renewable energy production located on geologic storage resources in basalt formations. The hub is intended to support the communities and the net-zero emission goals of Oregon and Washington state by targeting the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) with a carbon dioxide (CO2) storage capacity of more than 10,000 gigatons.

RMI will partner with Carbfix — a carbon utilization and storage company — and Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL). DAC technology partners include Heirloom, Removr, and Sustaera. Carbon dioxide utilization partners include Twelve, LanzaTech, and Blue Planet. Other partners include Washington State University Tri-Cities and Washington Department of Natural Resources.

The hub will be designed to remove at least 50,000 tonnes of CO2 annually, with long-term capacity to expand to more than 1 million tonnes. The Ankeron Hub will integrate renewable energy sources to power DAC processes and develop infrastructure for CO2 transportation, storage and utilization. The Pacific Northwest’s natural assets, including its potential for CO2 mineralization and abundant renewable energy sources, position the region as an ideal candidate for this DAC hub.

The project will undergo prefeasibility (Phase 0a) and feasibility (Phase 0b) studies, which will include development of a Technology Maturation Plan (TMP), business plan, financial plan and Community Benefits Plan (CBP). The CBP will consider U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) goals of community engagement; diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA); American workforce investment; and Justice40. Additionally, a life cycle analysis (LCA), safety and regulatory reviews, and a preliminary front end engineering design (pre-FEED) study will be conducted to ensure a robust, scalable design.

Active Carbon Conversion / Biological Uptake MicroBio Engineering CA FE0032506 Production of Plant Fertilizers and Bioproducts with Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacteria 09/01/2024 08/31/2026

MicroBio Engineering Inc. will develop a novel agricultural technology based on cultivating nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria “blue-green” microalgae for use in commercial bioproducts ranging from organic fertilizer, crop and soil biostimulants, and higher-value pigments. Simulated lab-scale cultivation will select for ideal algal strains with high growth rates and productivities to be grown with simulated flue gas carbon dioxide (CO2) in indoor and outdoor raceway cultivation trials. MicroBio Engineering will harvest the biomass with simple screens and settling. Harvested biomass will then be dried or stabilized for processing to bioproducts and evaluation as biofertilizers and biostimulants. The results of the cultivation experiments will determine CO2 utilization efficiencies, as well as projections for scale-up costs, greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions, and environmental and social impacts.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources Molecule Works, Inc. WA SC0025152 Compact and High Throughput Modular Unit for Carbon Capture on Ships 07/22/2024 07/21/2025

Molecule Works Inc. (MWI) is developing a compact, high-throughput, modular carbon dioxide (CO2) capture unit proposed for onboard capture of ship exhaust in combination with CO2 conversion and onboard electricity generation. The novel capture unit is based on MWI’s recent innovation of adsorption and heat exchange (AHX) reactor technologies that have the potential to reduce both capital and operating costs for onboard CO2 capture application. The reactor performs similar to an efficient air-to-liquid heat exchanger, but also permits a high loading of active solid adsorbent powder into the engineered plates. The AHX unit can utilize low-grade heat in the form of 95°C hot water for regeneration. The Phase I objective is to develop a basic process design and conduct a feasibility study of the AHX capture unit for CO2 capture on ships at a flue gas exhaust rate of 700 kg/min. Two CO2 disposal methods will be considered for their integration with the AHX capture unit: (1) compression and liquification of CO2 that can then be discharged on the port (where the CO2 can be utilized), and (2) onboard electrochemical conversion of captured CO2 back to oxygenated fuels with onboard electricity.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Combustion Science & Engineering MD SC0025193 Machine Learning Models for Amine Degradation During CO2 Capture Process 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc. (CSE), in collaboration with West Virginia University (WVU), will develop a hybrid dynamic modeling tool utilizing a machine learning (ML) approach to predict emissions and degradation of amine solvents. The dynamic modeling of the carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process will be based on Support Vector Regression (SVR) in conjunction with a physics-based machine learning approach, namely Physics-Constrained Neural Network (PCNN). The proposed dynamic model for real-time predictions harnesses the power of SVR's ability to capture non-linear relationships to accurately forecast CO2 capture efficiency and trace emissions from solvent degradation in real-time, thus enabling proactive decision-making and process optimization. The modeling tool can be interfaced with the Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI2) Toolset and the Institute for Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES) frameworks developed by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) for process simulation and optimization, as well as other software platforms, including plant measurement and monitoring systems.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA FE0032392 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Southeast Direct Air Capture (SeDAC) Hub 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

Southern States Energy Board will establish the groundwork necessary to support broad direct air capture (DAC) technology deployment in Mobile County, Alabama. The project team will complete front-end engineering design (FEED) studies required to support the construction and operation of two DAC technologies (developed by 8 Rivers Capital, and Aircapture LLC.), with an initial capture capacity of 50,000 net tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually for each DAC technology, for a total of 100,000 net tonnes of CO2 annually in Phase 1. In addition, the project team will conduct a balance of plant (BOP) pre-FEED study for infrastructure that will be shared between the two DAC technologies, assess the low-carbon intensity energy sources, and evaluate the availability and suitability of existing infrastructure for reuse. The project team will also leverage existing relationships and ongoing carbon capture and storage (CCS) business activities and investments in the region and finalize requisite contractual agreements for construction and operation of the two DAC facilities, including the identification of a CO2 saline storage solution.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Polaron Technologies, Inc. OH SC0025013 Machine Learning Tool for Prediction Amine Emission from Carbon Capture Technology 07/22/2024 07/21/2025

Polaron Technologies Inc. will develop the “PREMAM” module, utilizing deep-learning techniques such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to forecast amine emissions from the host site and carbon capture processes in industrial and power generation plants. The project will involve constructing a robust forecasting model integrating time‐dependent process and emissions data, employing techniques such as Stacked long short-term memory networks (LSTM), Bi‐directional LSTM, and Convolutional LSTM. By prioritizing causal impact analysis, Polaron will assess emissions influences under different conditions and explore mitigation strategies using “what‐if” scenarios, leveraging data from the CESAR1 solvent testing campaign at Technology Center Mongstad (TCM) under different parametric tests. During Phase 1, Polaron aims to develop PREMAM, a data‐centric module, for forecasting amine emissions in carbon dioxide (CO2) capture plants utilizing solvent-based systems. The project will integrate historical and present operational data and employ deep-learning techniques to construct a robust forecasting model under various operational scenarios. Polaron also plans to integrate the developed module into their in‐house data analytics platform, MatVerse.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA FE0032389 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): California Direct Air Capture Hub Front-End Engineering Design and Planning 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (Palo Alto, California) and partners California Resources Corporation, Climeworks, Avnos, Kern Community College District, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Michigan, and California State University – Bakersfield will design and plan the initial deployment and future development of CalHub. Calhub is a regional direct air capture (DAC) hub which also includes a planned storage site and pipeline transport of CO2. Low-to-zero carbon- emitting sources of energy will be studied. These sources will provide electric power and heat to the systems, including solar photovoltaic systems with lithium battery storage, shallow geothermal heat, and fuel cells with CO2 capture, and expanding to include deep geothermal heat and power, natural gas combined cycle power plant with post-combustion CO2 capture, and other forms of energy storage. A front-end engineering design (FEED) study for the initial deployment of the Hub will be completed, capturing 100,000 metric tons of CO2 per year. Expansion of the Hub to at least 1,000,000 metric tons of CO2 removed per year will be studied, resulting in a pre-FEED study of the balance of plant systems required to reach this capacity. The project will include a Community Benefits Plan including a Social Characterization Assessment; engagement and two-way communication with local community and labor groups; development of workforce training programs; analysis of net job impacts; development of concrete a DEIA strategy; modeling of air quality and renewable energy deployment; and development of a system for identifying, tracking, and communicating Justice40 impacts.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies Lehigh University PA FE0032495 Characterization and Recovery of Rare Earth Elements/Elements of Interest in Coal Combustion Residual Wastewater and Solid Wastes Associated with Coal Power Generation 10/01/2024 09/30/2027

The primary objective of this project is to characterize the rare earth elements/elements of interest (REE/EOI) in coal combustion residual wastewater and solid wastes associated with coal power generation. The secondary objective is to demonstrate potential REE/EOI recovery. This project will work with participating utility companies and coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) to acquire unit information including plant feedstock type, combustion technology employed at the power generating units (PGUs), air pollution control devices (APCD) configurations, and coal combustion residue (CCR) storage type. Data and sample collection will be performed based on corresponding American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) methods. Further, coal, CCR liquid and solid samples analyses for rare earth elements (REEs) and lithium will be conducted based on corresponding analytical methods. Potential improvements to the standardized analytical methods will be identified and documented. This project will also demonstrate one laboratory-scale electrodialytic recovery system for REEs and lithium in a simulated environment and actual waste from participating CFPPs.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0032442 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Four Corners Carbon Storage Hub: CarbonSAFE Phase III Project 10/01/2024 09/30/2027

The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT) is performing a comprehensive commercial-scale site characterization study at three proposed storage sites within the San Juan Basin in northwest New Mexico to facilitate the development of the Four Corners Carbon Storage Hub. Characterization requires performing 2D and 3D seismic surveys, re-entering an existing acid gas injection well, and drilling two new stratigraphic test wells. Data obtained from the geologic characterization study and environmental analysis will be used to verify that each proposed site can securely store a minimum of 50 million metric tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide (CO2) in saline aquifers over a 30-year period. The project is preparing Environmental Protection Agency Underground Injection Control Class VI permit applications for submission and approval, for each storage location. The project is also submitting an Environmental Information Volume and working with the U.S. Department of Energy National Environmental Policy Act office to issue either an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Battelle Memorial Institute OH FE0032449 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Carbon Storage Complex Feasibility in Paradise, Kentucky - CarbonSAFE Phase II 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

The objective of the Paradise Kentucky CarbonSAFE II Project is to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility in Paradise, Kentucky, to store approximately 84 million tons (MT) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the Paradise Power Plant over a 30-year period. A primary project site has been identified at the Tennessee Valley Authority Paradise Power Plant facility, which is being evaluated for geologic suitability to store CO2 using existing data and newly acquired data from drilling a characterization well and 2D seismic surveys (Task 2). The project team is also evaluating site-specific technical and non-technical risks, risk mitigation, and monitoring (Task 3). Task 4 combines these analyses to develop a plan for subsequent characterization of the site through a CarbonSAFE Phase III (Site Characterization) Project and the submission of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Underground Injection Control Class VI Permit. Project tasks also include conducting an economic analysis that includes evaluating the potential for acquiring pore space and land access rights, and the potential methods for CO2 transport to facilitate the storage project (Task 5). A Community Benefits Plan (CBP) is being developed to ensure affected communities benefit from project deployment, and adverse impacts can be mitigated wherever possible (Task 6). Finally, the Project Team is developing plans and materials for public outreach and conducting public outreach events to ensure the necessary “early and often” communication strategies that make projects successful (Task 7).

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies Texas Tech University System TX FE0032494 Strategic Management and Resource Recovery Transformation (SMAR2T): Recovery of Water and Elements of Interest from Produced Water Using Intensified Membrane Distillation and Metal Extraction 10/01/2024 09/30/2027

The project objective is to develop a system engineering approach for produced water resource extraction and management in oil and gas operations. Overall goals include: (i) testing a cascade treatment approach involving vacuum membrane distillation integrated with vapor compression to extract water, (ii) selectively recovering elements (metals) of interest using staged precipitation, (iii) developing an optimization framework for managing produced water (PW) and identifying infrastructure needs using software (i.e., PARETO) and techno-economic approach, and (iv) engaging with stakeholders, members and students of under-represented groups, state agencies, and members of the oil and gas sector to promote workforce development and community involvement focused on tackling produced water challenges.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Environmentally Prudent Stewardship (EPS) University of North Dakota ND FE0032514 Bakken Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and Storage Field Laboratory 10/01/2024 09/30/2028

The objective of this project is to investigate the concept that carbon dioxide (CO2) injected into an unconventional oil reservoir in the Bakken Formation will result in incremental oil recovery while simultaneously storing CO2, resulting in lower-carbon-intensity oil production. This objective will be met by conducting laboratory studies and field-based activities including a pilot test in a field laboratory aimed at injecting CO2 for a minimum of 18 months into a Bakken reservoir for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and accounting for associated geologic storage of CO2.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Recovery Processes West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0032517 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Separation of Rare Earth Oxides and Reduction to Metal Products 10/01/2024 09/30/2027

This project will build upon the work carried out under DE-FOA-0002404, Advanced Processing of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals for Industrial and Manufacturing Applications, to improve the process economics of rare earth elements (REE) and critical minerals and materials (CMM) facilities that use conventional separations and recovery technologies and unconventional feedstock resources. The overall objective of the project is to design, develop, and deploy innovative process technologies to produce salable REE and critical minerals (CM) from acid mine drainage (AMD) feedstocks at a reduced cost to reduce our nation’s vulnerability to international competitors. In prior efforts, the project team has successfully developed and demonstrated technology to produce mixed rare earth oxides (MREOs) from raw AMD in an economic and environmentally benign matter. The current effort seeks to extend the process technology development further downstream to include novel technologies for (1) the separation of individual high-purity rare earth oxides, (2) the production of high-purity rare earth metals and alloys, and (3) the synergistic production of at least five target critical minerals. The process development activities of this project will focus on two state-of-the art technology platforms, namely task-specific ionic liquids for REE and CM separation and ionic liquid-based electrochemical reduction for the production of rare earth metals. Neither of these technologies is currently being used commercially, and both would represent a step-change with respect to technical performance, cost, and environmental impact relative to conventional approaches.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Timberlands Sequestration, LLC TX FE0032330 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): A Biomass Carbon Dioxide Capture and Removal Project at a Pulp Mill in Alabama 09/26/2024 02/25/2027

The Timberlands Sequestration CarbonSAFE Phase III project is designed to capture and transport two million metric tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year from a pulp and paper mill in Wilcox County, Alabama to a CO2 storage facility in Monroe County, Alabama. The project objectives are to demonstrate the technical and commercial feasibility of a carbon capture and storage project for the pulp and paper industry in Alabama that can be replicated and demonstrate initial storage site viability to position it as a large-scale storage hub for multiple emitters across Alabama. The project tasks include detailed site characterization, completion of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Class VI Underground Injection Control permit application, a pipeline FEED study, creation of development, business, and financial plans, and National Environmental Policy Act evaluation.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM FE0032363 CUSP: Four Corners Regional Initiative 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

New Mexico Tech has implemented this two-year Regional Initiative project to provide technical and engagement support for stakeholders within the Four Corners region, with primary focus on New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, to develop a framework to accelerate the establishment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in the form of a carbon management hub. The project team is utilizing and refining existing data to fill significant knowledge gaps and identify and collate data characterization efforts towards stack storage systems within targeted complexes. The team is also developing best practices for cost effective drilling within existing brownfields containing potential depleted oil and gas zones.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA FE0032441 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Tri-State Carbon Capture and Storage Hub 10/01/2024 09/30/2027

The Tri-State Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Hub Project is a feasibility study for the development of a carbon dioxide (CO2) storage hub in a three-county area of Ohio and West Virginia. the Project Team is characterizing four stacked geologic reservoir and caprock carbon storage (CS) systems to better understand their suitability for CO2 storage and caprock competence. The project plans to complete three characterization wells from which whole/sidewall core, geophysical well logs, and well tests will be collected and conducted. The Project Team is developing an Environmental Information Volume (EIV) and characterizing the target formations through geophysical (seismic survey) methods. Plans for Storage Site Operations, Financial Plans and Arrangements, and Commercialization are being completed. In addition to this, the Project Team is developing a broad engagement effort to promote collaboration among state agencies in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, with the goal of facilitating large-scale deployment of CCS technologies in the region.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure BKV dCarbon High West, LLC CO FE0032499 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Barge Transportation Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) Study for Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama 10/01/2024 11/30/2025

BKV dCarbon High West is assessing the technical, economic, environmental, and community-level feasibility of utilizing barges to transport carbon dioxide (CO2) to the High West carbon sequestration site in southeastern Louisiana. The project plans to complete a Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) study that looks at various possible emission sources of CO2 within 100 miles of the sequestration site and identifies optimal locations for loading, unloading, and storage infrastructure including the existing pipeline transportation network. The study is looking to aggregate at least one million tons of CO2 per year for transport and storage from the Baton Rouge area and one million tons of CO2 per year for transport and storage from the combined Pascagoula and Mobile areas.

Active Advanced Energy Systems / Advanced Energy Materials Reliacoat Technologies, LLC NY SC0025637 Multifunctional Thermal-Environmental Barrier Coatings for High Temperature Composites 07/22/2024 04/21/2025

This project targets the need for advanced multifunctional thermal and environmental barrier coatings (T/EBC) on ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) in an advanced hydrogen gas turbine environment (Figure 1) where challenges include material degradation from the corrosive environment and blade creep from high temperatures. The objectives of the project include (1) replacement of the bond coat, (2) production of specialized silicate oxides, (3) development of functional grading, layering, and optimal microstructures as appropriate to address any thermal stress issues as well as surface protection needs, (4) simulations of high-temperature hydrogen atmospheres in furnace cycle tests, and (5) performance testing using a novel hydrogen-oxygen high-heat-flux burner rig capability.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Battelle Memorial Institute OH FE0032487 Central Appalachian Basin CO2 National Network for Enhancing Carbon Transport Infrastructure Onshore/Offshore (CO2NNECTION) Intermodal Transport Hubs 10/01/2024 09/30/2025

The Central Appalachian Basin CO2 National Network for Enhancing Carbon Transport Infrastructure Onshore/Offshore (CO2NNECTION) Intermodal Transport Hubs project is developing a pre-Front End Engineering Design (pre-FEED) study of an intermodal transport hub. The project objectives are to design, engineer, and develop a multimodal network to transport carbon dioxide (CO2) from sources to CO2 sinks in the tristate region of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. This effort is considering using existing regional infrastructure such as roads, rail, and river transportation methods as well as construction of new infrastructure.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Mobile Sources Carbon Ridge, Inc. TX SC0025285 Carbon Capture and Storage for Maritime Vessels 07/22/2024 03/21/2025

Carbon Ridge Inc. (CR) is developing a new carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and conversion technology that can effectively remove CO2 from the exhaust streams of mobile systems.

In Phase I, CR will focus on capturing CO2 from marine systems with the main objectives being to (a) prepare a process design package for a commercial unit capable of capturing 50 tons per day (TPD) CO2 at an 85% removal rate from a marine diesel oil-fired engine, (b) analyze opportunities and design a preliminary CO2 offtake and transport plan targeting utilization and/or storage of CO2, and (c) develop a techno-economic analysis of CR’s solution for onboard carbon capture and storage (OCCS). The analysis will include an optimization of CR’s process.

Active Carbon Dioxide Removal / Direct Air Capture (DAC) Arizona State University AZ FE0032391 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Southwest Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

Arizona State University (ASU) will complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for a regional direct air capture (DAC) hub in the Southwest United States, with an initial capacity of at least 50,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year for each anchoring technology that is scalable to a total capacity of at least 1,000,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Anchoring DAC technology developers for this Phase 1 DAC hub effort include Carbon Collect and Carbon Capture. The engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) support will be provided by Black & Veatch. The initial hub concept encompasses three planned sites, each supported by specific project partners. Proton Green will support the planned St. Johns Dome site in Arizona, New Mexico Tech and Tallgrass will support the San Juan Basin site in New Mexico, and the University of Utah will support the Paradox Basin site in Utah. Additional project partners include Carbon Solutions, which will provide modeling for determination of optimal hub design; the University of Arizona, which will assist with Tribal relations; and Side Porch, which will lead the financial ecosystem development. The team will prepare a FEED study for the integrated DAC system, as well as a balance of plant (BOP) pre-FEED study. Additional project scope includes a business plan, a financial plan, DAC hub data tables, a Technology Maturation Plan (TMP), a definition of initial DAC hub capacity, a Community Benefits Plan (CBP), a life cycle analysis (LCA), a storage development plan, an environmental health and safety (EH&S) risk analysis, an environmental information volume (EIV), updates on the Underground Injection Control Class VI permit to construct applications, optimal DAC hub modeling, and an integrated project schedule (IPS) for subsequent phases of DAC hub development.

Active Advanced Remediation Technology / Water Management Technologies Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA FE0032492 Valuable Mineral Recovery and Alternative Utilization of Produced Water through a Novel Process 10/01/2024 09/30/2027

The project is a bench-scale laboratory effort to develop an integrative process for achieving three beneficial uses for produced water—valuable mineral recovery, carbon fixation, and irrigation water generation. Produced water samples from the Marcellus Shale will be characterized; treated to remove solids, oil, and dissolved organics; and subjected to staged precipitation, re-dissolution, solvent extraction, and high purity metal compound production tests to recover critical minerals (CMs) and rare earth elements (REEs). Battery grade lithium carbonate will be precipitated; the remaining solution will be treated in phyto-microbial modules to desalinate and remove trace metals; and this treated produced water will be tested for suitability as irrigation water. A pre-pilot water characterization and processing circuit will be constructed and tested, and techno-economic analyses will be applied to the processing circuit and its individual components.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Zuco2 Transport, LLC CA FE0032509 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): West Coast Barge CO2 Transport Project 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

ZuCO2 Transport (ZuCO2) is assessing feasibility of kick-starting an affordable maritime carbon dioxide (CO2) transportation hub that links California’s geologic storage resources in the Central Valley to captured CO2 sources in California, Oregon, and Washington via tugboats and barges capable of navigating near-coastal and inland waters. The project plans to complete a Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) study and other technical and non-technical activities to examine the engineering, business, regulatory, workforce details and community impacts of starting and implementing the barge CO2 transport system. Initial estimates indicate four barges could accommodate transport of one million metric tons/year of CO2 based on an average estimated transit distance.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Advanced Resources International, Inc. VA FE0032438 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Geodura Carbon Storage Hub Project 10/01/2024 03/31/2027

Advanced Resources International is determining the feasibility of developing a commercial-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) geologic storage hub near Monkey Island, Louisiana. The storage portion of the project will be the first developed on offshore Louisiana state lands. The safety and economic viability of the hub are determined by: (1) acquiring existing commercial seismic data covering areas of the prospective CO2 storage; (2) drilling an onshore stratigraphic test well to obtain log and core data required to inform geologic and reservoir models; (3) conducting risk assessments of technical and non-technical risks; and (4) ensuring continuous community engagement and partnership. By its conclusion, the project plans to submit NEPA Documentation, and prepare a Geologic Catalog of Materials, a Storage Field Development Plan, and a CO2 Pipeline FEED Study.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure University of Wyoming WY FE0032448 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): The Williams Echo Springs Carbonsafe Storage Complex Feasibility Study 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

The Williams Echo Springs CarbonSAFE Storage Complex Feasibility Study is assessing the technical and non-technical aspects of an integrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) project at a site adjacent to the Echo Springs Gas Plant in Carbon County, Wyoming. Planned characterization includes permitting and drilling a deep, approximately 12,000 feet below ground surface, stratigraphic test well and interpret the resulting data, which will provide the foundational information needed to determine the site’s suitability for future CarbonSAFE phases and commercial operations at the proposed carbon dioxide (CO2) storage complex.

Active Carbon Storage / Storage Infrastructure Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA FE0032451 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): California-Nevada CO2 Storage Project (CaNStore) 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

This project is evaluating the feasibility of a potential carbon dioxide (CO2) storage complex in northeastern California through a comprehensive geologic characterization effort. Characterization work includes drilling a stratigraphic well, a well logging campaign, hydrologic testing, and a high-density gravity survey. To assess the viability of safely storing 50 million metric tons (MMT) of CO2 over a 30-year period, the project team is conducting injection scenario analyses and estimating the footprint of the predicted pressure plume. The goal of this project is to demonstrate subsurface commercial-scale CO2 storage in basaltic reservoirs, demonstrate safe and cost-effective CO2 transport, and provide information to stakeholders and benefits to the community.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Calpine California CCUS Holdings, LLC TX FE0032465 Pastoria Energy Facility NGCC Carbon Capture System Front-End Engineering Design Study 10/01/2024 03/31/2026

Calpine California CCUS Holdings LLC (Calpine) will conduct a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for a post-combustion carbon capture system at the Pastoria Energy Facility (PEF) in Bakersfield, California. The PEF complex includes two separate natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) facilities, or power blocks. The carbon capture system will be sized to process all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power block 1 (PB1) — approximately 1.84 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) net CO2 — using Honeywell UOP’s (UOP) Generation Two amine solvent-based technology, Advanced Solvent Carbon Capture (ASCC). The project team will conduct a FEED study, including developing the project scope and design, project design basis, engineering design package, and project cost estimate, and will perform a hazard operability review and engineering optimization studies aimed at optimizing the capital and operating costs for the facility.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Production Facilities Tetra Tech, Inc. PA FE0032490 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Demonstration Scale Modular Rare Earth Metals, Alumina, and Lithium Carbonate Production Plant from Bituminous Coal Underclay 10/01/2024 12/31/2025

Tetra Tech, Inc. will complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for a demonstration-scale rare earth metal (REM) and critical material production plant from coal-based resources. The study will address BIL priorities by completing the following objectives: (1) confirm quality and quantity of five years of feedstock reserves; (2) complete preliminary engineering design of the facility for the selected site; (3) identify and engage key project stakeholders; (4) update the project business plan; (5) understand environmental impact of the project and develop any required mitigations; and (6) implement a community benefits plan. The project is based on a modular REM, alumina, and lithium-carbonate production plant that will process claystone that has been exposed during surface mining of metallurgical coal for steel production. The expected outcome is to produce an investment package allowing for potential ownership or lending parties to make a financial investment decision to develop the facility.

Active Critical Minerals and Materials / Enabling Technologies University of California - Riverside CA FE0032353 Critical Mineral Analytical Training Center 10/01/2024 09/30/2026

The University of California Riverside's aim in this project is to create a critical minerals analytical facility to meet the needs of the emerging lithium industry in the Salton Sea region of the Imperial Valley, including training of a workforce.

The lithium industry will require a lab in the region for method development and optimization, operations, and battery research and manufacturing. The industry will require a highly skilled staff to meet evolving challenges and opportunities. There is currently nothing similar in place or planned in the region. The three tiers of instrumentation to be added to two newly renovated labs will provide a training environment. This training, through development of a multi-course curriculum, will include instruction in the classroom and hands-on in the lab. The requested equipment combination will enable scientists and instructors to cover topics spanning from research questions to routine and frequent analyses of samples from the energy industry.

Active Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT) / Emissions Mitigation Pioneer Energy, Inc. CO FE0032541 Innovative Technologies to Eliminate Flaring from Oil and Natural Gas Production 11/30/2024 11/29/2027

The objective of this project is to continue development of the Emission Control Treater (ECT) from a 500 barrel per day (BPD) subscale ECT pilot system (see photo insert) deployed during a field trial to a 2,500 BPD oil capacity for commercial scale. The ECT is a new well pad processing technology that uses a fundamentally different process to achieve better separation, replacing existing equipment while eliminating nearly all emission sources on the pad. The technology replaces fired heater treaters through electrification or consolidation to a single fired heater with emission controls, eliminates tank vapors through better crude stabilization, removes or reduces the need for internal combustion engine driven compression, and is a simpler skid-based prefabricated process which eliminates most fugitive emissions. The modular nature of the ECT enables improved capital utilization through redeployment as production changes. The system is automated, with remote operations and continuous emissions monitoring and reporting, further reducing emissions by minimizing time to repair and reducing trips to the site.

This project involves engineering and construction of a commercial scale ECT system (2 units at 2,500 BPD oil capacity for commercial scale), followed by 6 months of field testing on a Bayswater pad in parallel with existing infrastructure. Colorado School of Mines will provide independent third-party measurement and validation of the resulting emissions and flaring reduction, comparing it to current technology. If successful, these activities would retire scaling risk, validate system operation, quantify emissions and flaring reduction benefits, and bridge the capital gap for commercialization, enabling advancement to a TRL 7-8.

Active Point-Source Carbon Capture / Post-Combustion Capture Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA FE0032462 Membrane Hybrid Process for Deep Decarbonization of Industry 12/01/2024 11/30/2028

Membrane Technology and Research Inc. and project partners will design, build and operate a transformational engineering-scale hybrid membrane-sorbent carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system at the St. Marys Cement plant located in Charlevoix, Michigan. The system contains two stages of membranes: the primary capture first-stage and the CO2-enrichment second stage. A second-step sorbent provides polishing to remove additional CO2 for deep decarbonization. The system will capture 3 tonnes per day (TPD) of CO2 over a six-month test campaign. The project will show that greater than 95% CO2 capture can be accomplished affordably while providing environmental and health benefits to society.

Active Crosscutting Research / Plant Optimization Technologies Baker Hughes Energy Transition, LLC PA FE0032529 Demonstration of an Integrated, Grid-Flexible, Hydrogen Blended Turbine System with Innovative Point Source Carbon Capture 01/01/2025 12/31/2026

Baker Hughes will develop a framework and methodology to quantify and qualify the various attributes of a digital twin H2-blended natural gas turbine system combined with point source carbon capture technology. Baker Hughes will demonstrate the robustness of various subsystems within the digital twin through simulating variable renewable energy load scenarios and qualify the twin architecture in simulation based on performance attributes defined at the start of the project. The digital twin will be updated with a validated point-source carbon capture systems model based on data generated from materials testing of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in fluidized-bed reactors, and the twin will be demonstrated at lab scale. The objectives are to: (1) validate digital twin architecture for blue hydrogen with carbon capture from natural gas turbines, with variable renewable energy loads as input and (2) perform a lab-scale demonstration of the proposed digital twin while achieving the DOE target of a 95% CO2 capture rate.

Active Crosscutting Research / Plant Optimization Technologies West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV FE0032519 Remote-Sensing Tools for Optimizing Cooperative Climate Change Abatement Research and Legacy Energy Landscape Transformation 01/01/2025 12/31/2025

West Virginia University will assess current and future remote sensing needs to support multidisciplinary applied research opportunities in distributed and sustainable energy development, carbon sequestration capacity, and ecosystem restoration on lands across West Virginia. Based on this needs assessment, WVU will research and acquire the most appropriate uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) or drone-based remote sensing technologies. These systems will likely include light detecting and ranging (LiDAR) and sound detecting and ranging (SoDAR) as well as multispectral and hyperspectral sensing technologies. WVU will then conduct demonstrations of these technologies.