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Award Number Performer Name Performer State Project Title Completion Date Most Recent Technology Description OSTI URL
FE0001882 FutureGen Industrial Alliance DC Recovery Act: FutureGen 2.0: Pipeline and Regional CO2 Storage Reservoir Project 03/31/2016 Carbon Capture and Storage (FutureGen 2.0) The FutureGen Industrial Alliance, Inc. (Alliance) will perform this component of FutureGen 2.0, involving pipeline transportation of CO2 from Ameren's Meredosia plant to a geologic storage reservoir. The project will require selection by the Alliance of a reservoir site through a competitive process. It will also require, in part, evaluation and selection of pipeline routes and supplemental compression (if necessary); development of visitor and education facilities; and pipeline and storage construction and operations.
FE0000663 Hydrogen Energy California, LLC CA Recovery Act: Hydrogen Energy California Project: Commercial Demonstration of Advanced IGCC with Full Carbon Capture 12/31/2017 Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) HECA will design, build and operate a greenfield, commercial scale, advanced Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plant and fertilizer production facility with CO2 capture in Kern County, California. The HECA Project is designed to achieve at least 90% CO2 capture efficiency while storing approximately 2.6 million tons per year in an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) application. The captured CO2 will be transported via pipeline to the Elk Hills oil field approximately 4 miles from the power plant. The project will employ IGCC technology to nominally generate 400 megawatts electrical (MWe) (gross) and up to 300 MWe (net) of electricity and produce approximately 1 million tons per year of fertilizer using a 75% coal/25% petroleum coke fuel blend. The fertilizer could be a combination of urea ammonium nitrate, urea, or other fertilizer equivalent, with the proportion dependent on market and commercial conditions.
NT0000749 Southern Company Services, Inc. AL National Carbon Research Center at the Power Systems Development Facility 12/30/2014 Novel Concepts The objective of this Project is to develop technologies under realistic conditions that will reduce the cost of advanced coal-fueled power plants with CO2 capture. This technology development will include the design, procurement, construction, installation, and operation of a flexible facility for the testing of processes for pre-combustion CO2 capture, post-combustion CO2 capture and oxy-combustion. Components and systems that are appropriate for inclusion in the detailed test plan will be identified in collaboration with NETL. In addition to evaluating DOE sponsored projects, projects from industry, universities, and EPRI will be evaluated to assist in accomplishing the Project objectives.
FE0001323 New Jersey Institute of Technology NJ Pressure Swing Absorption Device and Process for Separating CO2 from Shifted Syngas and its Capture for Subsequent Storage 03/31/2013 Pre-Combustion Capture The project is to develop via laboratory-based experiments an advanced pressure swing absorption-based device. This accomplishes a cyclic process that will produce purified hydrogen at a high pressure for IGCC-CCS plant's combustion turbine from low temperature post-shift reactor synthesis gas. Simultaneously, this separation process obtains a highly purified CO2 stream containing at least 90% of the CO2 in the post-shift reactor gas stream which is suitable for subsequent sequestration steps. This cyclic or batch process is achieved without a membrane or extensive plumbing required for continuous flow. An objective of this project is to provide data and analysis so that scale-up is facilitated during subsequent design and scale-up.
NT0001473 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University NC Fabrication of pd/pd Alloy Films by Surfactant- Induced Electroless Plating 07/31/2012 University Training and Research The goal of this project is to investigate and explore the applicability of Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) technique as an activation step followed by surfactant induced electroless deposition as novel route to fabricate hydrogen-selective Pd/Pd-alloy composite membrane on microporous substrate for use in production and separation of hydrogen at elevated temperature and pressure.
NT0003894 UTC Power Corporation CT Coal-Based IGFC Project Phase I 04/04/2013 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The overall goal of this project is the development of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cell and stack technology suitable for use in highly-efficient economically-competitive central generation power plant facilities fueled by coal synthesis gas (syngas).
NT0004104 Trustees of Boston University MA SECA Award - Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes: Unraveling the Relationship Between Structure, Surface Chemistry and Oxygen Reduction 03/31/2013 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The overall objective of this project is to understand the role of cathode surface properties on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) performance. SOFC cathodes are responsible for the particularly difficult reaction whereby oxygen from the air in a fuel cell is converted into an ion which then migrates across a solid membrane to then react with fuel to form water or CO2. In this project, the surface properties of some catalytic cathode materials will be characterized with a variety of advanced analytical techniques and the results will be compared with the known reactivity of these materials to understand how and why some materials work better than others as SOFC cathodes. It is expected that this understanding will guide future cathode development such that SOFC-based power generation systems become more efficient and cost-effective.
NT0004105 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) PA Investigation of Cathode Electrocatalytic Activity using Surfaced Engineered Thin Film Samples and High Temperature Property Measure 03/29/2013 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The overall objective of this project is to understand the role of cathode surface properties on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) performance. SOFC cathodes are responsible for the particularly difficult reaction whereby oxygen from the air in a fuel cell is converted into an ion which then migrates across a solid membrane to then react with fuel to form water or CO2. In this project, the surface properties of some catalytic cathode materials will be characterized by CMU with a variety of advanced analytical techniques and the results will be compared with the known reactivity of these materials to understand how and why some materials work better than others as SOFC cathodes.
NT0004109 General Electric (GE) Company NY Performance Degradation of LSCF Cathodes 09/30/2013 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells This 5-year Innovative Concepts project will focus on the investigation of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) degradation mechanisms and the development and implementation of effective mitigation strategies. It builds upon the work performed at the end of a prior GE cooperative agreement DE-FC26-05NT42614, originally a SECA Industry Team project. In January 2007 the GE Industry Team project was substantially de-scoped at GE's request. GE closed its Hybrid Power Generation Systems facility located in Torrance CA and reduced the scope of the effort to focus on fundamental cell research and development issues - primarily power density enhancement and materials stability (degradation). In September 2009 the cooperative agreement was slightly refocused to emphasize alternative cell manufacturing techniques and de-emphasize chromium barrier coating development.
NT0004111 CellTech Power, LLC MA Novel Fuel Cells for Coal Based Systems 12/31/2011 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The goal of this project is to acquire experimental data required to assess the feasibility of a Direct Coal power plant based upon a Liquid Tin Anode Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (LTA-SOFC).
NT0004115 Montana State University MT Synchrotron Investigations of LSCF Cathode Degradation 09/30/2013 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Research will investigate and characterize nano-scale variations and modifications of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathode/electrolyte interface region. These modifications will be correlated to the effects of current, gaseous environment, and possible synergistic effects between them. Correlations will be established between the operating conditions, the degradation, and the observed chemical or structural modifications that are fundamentally responsible for the degradation. Once identified, methods to mitigate or prevent degradation can be proposed and investigated.
NT0004117 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Chemistry of SOFC Cathode Surfaces: Fundamental Investigation and Tailoring of Electronic Behavior 08/31/2013 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The overall objective of this project with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is to understand the role of cathode surface properties in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) performance. In this project, the surface properties of some catalytic cathode materials will be characterized with a variety of advanced analytical techniques and the results will be compared with the known reactivity of these materials to understand how and why some materials work better than others as SOFC cathodes and to inspire the generation of new materials with even better performance.
NT0004396 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Operating on Alternative and Renewable Fuels 09/30/2014 AEC Development The objectives of this Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) and Delphi project are to develop new fuel processing approaches for using select alternative and renewable fuels - commercial diesel fuel and anaerobic digester gas (ADG) - in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) power generation systems, and to conduct integrated fuel processor-SOFC system tests to evaluate the performance of the fuel processors and overall systems.
NT0004397 New Mexico State University NM Arrowhead Center to Promote Prosperity and Public Welfare in New Mexico 12/31/2012 Gasification Systems

The Arrowhead Center to Promote Prosperity and Public Welfare (PROSPER) of the New Mexico State University (NMSU) is conducting research analyzing the relationships between the fossil fuel energy sector and economic development issues in New Mexico. The project is a policy research and economic modeling initiative to enhance fossil fuel energy production and use in New Mexico in an environmentally progressive manner that contributes to the economic development of the state and creates a strong, vibrant economy that better serves the citizens of New Mexico. The project is engaging stakeholders in the research process and assessing (1) the impact of the fossil fuel industry on water resources in New Mexico, and (2) how the increasing worldwide demand for fossil fuels impacts energy production in New Mexico.
NT0005015 University of Utah UT Clean and Secure Energy from Coal 08/31/2014 Innovative Technologies Phase 1 - The University of Utah (the Recipient), via their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy, shall pursue interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. Emphasis will be on minimizing the environmental impacts associated with the development of these resources, including reducing the carbon footprint through the use of CO2 capture for subsequent storage (sequestration). Phases 2 and 3 - The Recipient, via their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE), shall pursue research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification through tightly coupled simulation and experimental designs and through the integration of legal, environment, economics and policy issues. The results of the research will be embodied in the computer simulation tools which predict performance with quantified uncertainty; thus transferring the results of the research to practitioners to predict the effect of energy alternatives using these technologies for their specific future application. Overarching project objectives are focused in three research areas and include clean coal utilization for power generation retrofit; secure fuel production by in-situ substitute natural gas (SNG) production from deep coal seams; and environmental, legal, and policy issues.
NT0005054 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Combustion Dynamics in Multi-Nozzle Combustors Operating on High-Hydrogen Fuels 09/30/2013 Hydrogen Turbines The main research objective is to develop accurate and robust flame response models that can be incorporated into design tools for predicting longitudinal and transverse instabilities in lean premixed multi-nozzle combustors operating on high-hydrogen content (HHC) fuels. This will be accomplished through the coordinated application of state-of-the-art experimental techniques and reduced order modeling, and will be based on a strong collaborative effort involving research teams at both Georgia Tech and Penn State.
NT0005055 Ohio State University OH Designing Turbine End Walls for Deposition Resistance with 1400OC Combustor Exit Temperatures and Syngas Water Vapor Levels 03/31/2012 Hydrogen Turbines The objective of this work is to explore modifications to turbine endwall geometries that will both increase aerodynamic performance and reduce the potential for degradation due to deposition. The effort will include both experimental and computational components. Testing will include 1 to 2 laboratory tests per month for about 4 hours per test.
NT0005177 Alfred University NY Viscous Glass/Composite SOFC Sealants 09/30/2012 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The objective of this project is to identify, develop, and characterize a viscous glass amenable to forming composite "self-healing" seals for SOFCs. If successful, Alfred researchers will collaborate with SECA Core Technology Program participants to develop and evaluate proof-of-concept engineered seals.
NT0005262 Foster Wheeler NJ Oxy-Combustion Boiler Material Development 01/31/2012 Advanced Combustion Systems In this project, Foster Wheeler North America Corp. will conduct an in-depth materials test program to determine how, and to what extent, oxycombustion will affect the life of electric utility boiler tube materials. The program will determine what fireside corrosion mechanisms occur during oxycombustion and how much metal wastage they will cause. The program will involve computational fluid dynamics modeling to predict the gas compositions that will exist throughout and along the walls of oxycombustion boilers operating with high-, medium-, and low-sulfur coals. Laboratory testing will be conducted to determine the effects of these oxycombustion conditions on conventional boiler tube materials, conventional protective tube coverings, and alternative higher alloy tube materials and coverings.
NT0005286 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Alstom's Chemical Looping Combustion Prototype for CO2 Capture from Existing Pulverized Coal Fired Power Plants 09/30/2012 Chemical Looping Based on successful development and testing of a 65 kWthermal pilot-scale system under a previous DOE Cooperative Agreement, Alstom Power will engineer, procure, install, operate and test a 3 MWthermal chemical looping combustion prototype. The participant plans to install this prototype at their existing Power Plant Laboratory in Windsor, CT. The prototype will include a reducing reactor, an oxidation reactor, and process loops to transfer solids and oxygen between the two reactors. Alstom will use limestone as the oxygen carrier. Calcination of hot solids produced in the oxidation reactor will produce a concentrated stream of CO2 in lieu of the dilute CO2 stream typically found in flue gas from coal-fired power plants. This will enhance the ability to capture CO2 at coal-fired power plants. The information Alstom obtains from operation and testing will be used to develop a technical plan and cost estimate for a subsequent commercial demonstration project at a U.S. power plant.
NT0005288 Reaction Engineering International UT Characterization of Oxy-Combustion Impacts in Existing Coal-Fired Boilers 09/30/2013 Advanced Combustion Systems In this project, Reaction Engineering International (REI) will manage a team of experts to perform multi-scale experiments, coupled with mechanism development and computational fluid dynamics modeling, for both applied and fundamental investigations in order to elucidate the impacts of retrofitting existing pulverized coal-fired utility boilers for oxycombustion. The primary objective of this program is to develop tools to characterize and predict impacts of CO2 flue gas recycle and burner feed design on flame characteristics (burnout, NOx, SOx and fine particle emissions, heat transfer), fouling, slagging and corrosion, inherent in the retrofit of existing coal-fired boilers for oxycoal combustion. Multi-scale test data will be obtained from oxycombustion experiments at 0.1 kWth bench-scale at Sandia National Laboratory (Albuquerque, N.M.), 100 kWth laboratory combustor-scale and 1.2 MWth semi-industrial scale combustors both at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah).
NT0005289 Ohio State University Research Foundation OH Coal Direct Chemical Looping Retrofit to Pulverized Coal Power Plants for In-situ CO2 Capture 09/30/2013 Advanced Combustion Systems This project will investigate a Coal Direct Chemical Looping (CDCL) system to effectively capture CO2 from existing PC power plants by further advancing the novel CDCL technology to sub-pilot scale (25 kWt). Coal direct chemical looping is a technology designed to combust coal in a nitrogen free environment without using cryogenic air separation for oxygen production. The oxygen for combustion is provided by oxygen carrier particles that are oxidized in one reactor by air and then used to combust coal in another reactor. The movement of the particles from one reactor to the other gives the technology the name "chemical looping".
NT0005290 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Recovery Act: Oxy-Combustion Technology Development for Industrial-Scale Boiler Applications 04/30/2014 Oxy-Combustion

Alstom will develop an oxy-fuel firing system design specifically for retrofit to tangential-fired (T-fired) boilers and provide information to address the technical gaps for commercial boiler design. Several oxy-fuel system design concepts, such as internal flue gas recirculation and various oxygen injection schemes, will be evaluated for cost-effectiveness in satisfying furnace design conditions in a T-fired boiler. The evaluation will use an array of tools, including Alstom's proprietary models and design codes, along with 3-D computational fluid dynamics modeling. A techno-economic analysis will also be performed to assess the overall viability of concepts. Performance testing will be conducted in pilot-scale tests at Alstom's 15-megawatt (MW) T-Fired Boiler Simulation Facility and 15-MW Industrial Scale Burner Facility.
NT0005308 Drexel University PA Application of Spark Pulses for Scale Prevention and Continuous Filtration Methods 06/30/2012 Water-Emissions Management and Controls The overall objective of this project is to reduce the amount of fresh water needed to achieve power plant cooling by preventing the buildup of mineral scale on condenser tubes, thereby increasing the Cycle of Concentration (COC) in the cooling water system from the present operational value of 3.5 to at least 8. This will be achieved by developing scale-prevention technology that uses electrical pulse spark discharges to precipitate dissolved mineral ions (such as calcium and magnesium) and remove them from the cooling water.
NT0005341 Praxair, Inc. NY Near Zero Emissions Oxy-Combustion Flue Gas Purification 06/30/2012 Oxy-Combustion The overall objective of the project is to reduce the cost of CO2 capture and achieve >95% CO2 recovery with oxy-combustion in existing PC (pulverized coal) power plants by integrating a unique combination of existing chemical processing technologies for contaminant removal (NOx, SOx, Hg) with Praxair's advanced CO2 compression and purification concept. Specific objectives are to carry out an experimental program to enable development and design of separate contaminant removal processes for plants burning high and low sulfur coals and high CO2 recovery process and to perform commercial viability assessment. Key benefits include high CO2 recovery even from plants with high air ingress and production of saleable sulfuric acid for plants burning high sulfur coal. The % increase in cost of electricity (COE) for retrofit plants is projected to be in 10 - 35% range when compared to a new coal fired power plant without CO2 capture.
NT0005343 Illinois State Geological Survey IL Reuse of Produced Water from CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery, Coal-Bed Methane, and Mine Pool Water by Coal-Based Power Plants 04/30/2012 Post-Combustion Capture The main objective of this project is to evaluate the potential feasibility of reusing three types of non-traditional water sources for cooling or process water for existing and planned (up to 2030) coal-based power plants in Illinois Basin. The sources are: (1) produced water from CO2-EOR operation; (2) coal-bed methane (CBM) recovery; and (3) active and abandoned underground coal mines.
NT0005350 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Transport Membrane Condenser for Water for Water and Energy Recovery from Power Plant Flue Gas 03/31/2012 Water-Emissions Management and Controls This project is to develop a membrane separation technology to recover water vapor from power plant flue gas based on GTI's patented Transport Membrane Condenser (TMC) technique.
NT0005395 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Process/Equipment Co-Simulation of Oxy-Combustion and Chemical Looping Combustion 12/31/2012 Coal Utilization Sciences This project promotes the ongoing development and demonstration of the NETL Advanced Process Engineering Co-Simulator (APECS) tool kit. The APECS tool kit consists principally of a steady-state simulator for advanced power plants, which allows the DOE and its contractors to systematically evaluate various power plant concepts. This project advances and develops the APECS tool kit for an advanced carbon capture technology applications and dense-phase, chemical looping (CL) applications. At the completion of this program, the APECS tool kit will be capable of providing dense-phase riser co-simulations using a surrogate pseudo 1-D/2-D riser model as a ROM within CL and oxy-fired CFB systems.
NT0005497 TDA Research, Inc. CO Low-Cost Sorbent for Capturing CO2 Emissions Generated by Existing Coal Fired Power Plants 08/31/2013 Post-Combustion Capture In this project TDA Research, Inc., will produce and evaluate their low-cost solid sorbent developed in prior laboratory testing. A bench-scale CO2 capture unit will be designed and constructed, utilizing the developed sorbent. This unit will be tested on a coal-derived flue gas at Western Research Institute's (Laramie, Wyo.) coal combustion test facility. Mass and energy balances for a commercial scale pulverized coal-fired power plant retrofit with the CO2 capture system will be performed by Louisiana State University (LSU) with engineering assistance from Babcock and Wilcox (Barberton, Ohio).
NT0005498 Illinois State Geological Survey IL Development and Evaluation of a Novel Integrated Vacuum Carbonate Absorption Process 04/30/2012 Solvents This project is focused on determining the proof-of-concept for the Integrated Vacuum Carbonate Absorption Process (IVCAP) applied to post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. The IVCAP uses potassium carbonate (K2CO3) as the solvent and carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzyme as a catalyst (promoter) to enhance the CO2 absorption rate into the solvent. The weak affinity of CO2 with K2CO3 allows CO2 to be stripped from the CO2-rich solution at a low temperature (104-158 oF) and pressure (2-9 psia) in the stripper. A unique feature of the process is in its ability to use either a waste steam or a low-quality steam from the power plant's steam cycle to provide the energy required for CO2 stripping. A preliminary process analysis shows that the electricity loss due to the steam extraction in the IVCAP is significantly lower (by up to 44%) compared to the monoethanolamine (MEA) process. The IVCAP can also remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the flue gas thus eliminating the need for a separate flue gas desulfurization unit required in the amine-based and amine-promoted absorption processes. In the IVCAP, the desulfurization product is potassium sulfate (K2SO4), which can be converted to potassium carbonate solution by reacting with hydrated lime.
NT0005578 SRI International CA Development of Novel Carbon Sorbents for CO2 Capture 11/30/2013 Sorbents In this project, SRI International, in collaboration with Advanced Technology Materials Inc. (Danbury, Conn.), will develop a novel, high CO2-capacity carbon sorbent with moderate thermal requirements for regeneration. The specific objectives are to validate the performance of the sorbent concept on a bench-scale system, perform parametric experiments to determine the optimum operating conditions, and evaluate the technical and economic viability of the technology. The information obtained from this project will be used to design a pilot unit that will treat a slipstream from an operating coal-fired power plant in a future phase.
NT0005591 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Multiplexed Optical Fiber Sensors for Coal Fired Advances Fossil Energy Systems 12/31/2011 Sensors and Controls The project will develop a distributed fiber optic sensors for the measurement of strain, temperature, and pressure. This will be accomplished for conditions expected in the next generation of high-efficiency Supercritical (SC) and Ultra Supercritical (USC) boiler systems. It will demonstrate sensor network performance and survivability when exposed to simulated conditions of an USC Boiler. The ability to distribute multiple sensors on a single fiber and to multiplex sets of sensors will be developed. The overarching goal is to move the multiplexed optical fiber sensor technology to a level where its large-scale application is made possible.
NT0005647 SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc. KS Improvement to Air2Air Technology to Reduce Freshwater Evaporative Cooling Loss at Coal-Based Thermoelectric Power Plants 12/31/2011 Plant Optimization Technologies This project is to improve the performance of the Air2Air system that recovers water from coal-fired power plant cooling towers. The Air2Air was previously tested at the San Juan Generating Station under another DOE contract and found to work. This project will redesign the tower to make it lighter and less expensive so that it will be commercially viable.
NT0005654 Tech4imaging, LLC OH Development and Implementation of 3-D, High Speed Capacitance Tomography for Imaging Large-Scale, Cold-Flow Circulating Fluidized Bed 09/30/2012 Sensors and Controls A three dimensional (3D) high-speed electrical capacitance volume tomography (ECVT) system will be developed and demonstrated in this 3-year effort. The ECVT is a highly developed imaging system that utilizes simple equipment and high-level computing to render 3D images of multiphase flow systems. Traditionally, Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) uses capacitance sensors for imaging multi-phase flow and requires that the sensors be large enough to pick up a signal. The traditional way of acquiring 3D images is to distribute the sensors in 3D, but since there is a limitation on sensor size, capacitance sensors can only be utilized for two dimensional (2D) imaging. In ECVT, 3D imaging was utilized by changing the sensor shape to provide 3D characteristics related to the shape of the sensors, not only their distribution. This way, 3D imaging can be obtained while satisfying the limitation on capacitance sensor size. Previous research did not follow this approach because it would lead to a highly non-linear image reconstruction problem that was difficult to solve. Tech4Imaging's image reconstruction technique (3D-NN-MOIRT) is capable of providing a solution to complexity problem, thus ECVT was realized for the first time. For Fossil Energy applications, a dedicated 3D ECVT is important for imaging fluidized-bed systems since multiphase flows are commonly encountered in industrial operations such as fluid-bed combustors, coal gasifiers, carbon capture processes, and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The inherently complex nature of multiphase flows requires a multi-dimensional measurement technique capable of providing real-time monitoring of the process dynamics and physical properties. The volume tomography acquires the 3D images directly from the measured capacitance data. This project will be completed through collaboration between Tech4Imaging and Ohio State University (OSU).
NT0005961 General Electric (GE) Company NY Technology to Facilitate the Use of Impaired Waters in Cooling Towers 04/30/2012 Water-Emissions Management and Controls The objective is to develop a new ligand-functionalized core material (LFCM) for the removal of silica from impaired water and couple this technology to electodialysis reversal (EDR) for the 50% reduction of fresh water withdrawal for coal-fired power plants at less than $3.90 kgal of water.
NT0005988 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Coal Fuels Alliance: Design and Construction of Early Lead Mini Fischer-Tropsch Refinery 06/30/2015 Coal-Biomass Feed and Gasification The objective of this project is to advance the design and construction of a mini Fischer-Tropsch refinery at the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER). The unit is intended for use as a low-cost test bed for new concepts. It will provide open-access facilities and information in the public domain to aid the wider scientific and industrial community, and provide a means to independently review vendor claims and validate fuel performance and quality.
NT0006289 TDA Research, Inc. CO Investigation of Effects of Coal and Biomass Contaminants on the Performance of Water-Gas-Shift and Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts 09/30/2012 Coal-Biomass to Liquids This project will investigate the effects of contaminants present in synthesis gas produced by gasification of coal and biomass mixtures on the performance (activity and selectivity) and life of certain water-gas-shift (WGS) and Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) catalysts. The impact of these potential contaminants on commercially available and generic (prepared based on scientific and patent literature) WGS and F-T catalysts will be investigated by conducting a thermodynamic analysis to identify these contaminants and determine their potential interactions with the catalysts and by conducting laboratory and bench-scale reaction tests to determine the rate of deactivation and its impact on projected replacement rates for the WGS and F-T catalysts. Catalyst samples will be sent to University of Kentucky's Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) to be characterized. A trade-off analysis will be conducted to determine whether additional synthesis gas cleaning or replacement of the catalyst is the more cost-effective option.
NT0006550 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) PA Use of Treated Municipal Wastewater as Power Plant Cooling System Makeup Water; Tertiary Treatment Versus Expanded Chemical Regiment for Circulating Water Quality Management 06/30/2012 Water-Emissions Management and Controls The overall objective is to evaluate, for treated municipal wastewater, the benefits and costs of implementing tertiary treatment of the wastewater prior to use in recirculating cooling systems versus an expanded chemical regimen for managing the chemistry of the cooling water with municipal wastewater as makeup.
NT0006552 Ohio State University Research Foundation OH Degradation of Thermal barrier Coatings from Deposits; and, its Mitigation 12/31/2011 Hydrogen Turbines This project will address potential gas-fired turbine damage due to coal contaminants in an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plant. The main research objectives are to understand the airfoil coating damage mechanisms due to coal contaminant deposits and to apply a previously-successful approach to mitigating any possible damage in the field. Ohio State University will employ a strategy very similar to a previously-successful one they developed to mitigate attack by dust and sand on aero engine coatings.
NT0006557 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Theory, Investigation and Stability of Cathode Electro-Catalytic Activity 09/30/2012 AEC Development The overall objective of this project with Georgia Institute of Technology is to understand the role of cathode surface properties on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) performance. SOFC cathodes are responsible for the particularly difficult reaction whereby oxygen from the air in a fuel cell is converted into an ion which then migrates across a solid membrane to then react with fuel to form water or CO2. In this project, cathode materials will be coated with catalysts and characterized with a variety of advanced analytical techniques. The samples will also be tested under SOFC conditions to determine their performance.
NT0006642 City Utilities of Springfield MO Shallow Carbon Sequestration Demonstration Project 09/30/2013 Geologic Storage Technologies and Simulation and Risk Assessment The Shallow Carbon Sequestration Pilot Demonstration Project is a cooperative effort involving City Utilities of Springfield (CU), Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Missouri State University (MSU), Missouri University of Science & Technology (MS&T), AmerenUE, Aquila, Inc., Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc., The Empire District Electric Company, and Kansas City Power & Light. The purpose of the project is to assess the feasibility of carbon sequestration at Missouri power plant sites. The six electric utilities involved in the project account for approximately 99% of the electric generating capacity in the state of Missouri. The pilot demonstration will evaluate the feasibility of utilizing the Lamotte Formation for carbon sequestration at individual power plant sites across the state. Given that the depth of the Lamotte is less than the general depth that carbon dioxide can be injected in supercritical phase, injection would have to occur in the gas phase. Much of the research planned in the pilot demonstration is focused on characterizing the interaction of gaseous carbon dioxide with the groundwater and the host rock and determining how, and to what degree, hydrodynamic, solubility, and mineral trapping will occur. The pilot demonstration can be divided into five separate phases: Phase I involved the initial analysis of Lamotte core at MS&T in 2006. Phase II will involve site exploration and site characterization activities (seismic survey, drilling, coring, pumping tests, groundwater monitoring) at the SWPS project site. Phase III will involve studies at MDNR, MSU, and MS&T, as well as preparation of the injection well permit application at City Utilities. Phase IV will involve construction of the Class V injection well, installation of temporary injection equipment (compressor and tankage), and performance of the injection test. Phase V will involve assimilation of all project data and findings into a comprehensive final report.
NT0006644 Applied Ecological Services, Inc. WI Wetland Water Cooling Partnership: The use of Restored Wetlands to Enhance Thermoelectric Power Plant Cooling and Mitigate the Demand of Surface Water Use 09/30/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies This is a phased approach to building wetlands as a cooling mechanism for power plant water. In Phase I, the participant will model wetland cooling predictions, prepare topical reports on the use of wetlands for powerplant cooling and design a pilot scale wetland. This phase is followed by a DOE decision point to continue the project. In Phase II, the participant will create a pilot-scale wetland (of 5 acres) at a host power plant, and conduct measurement and monitoring to verify the model accuracy.
NT0006833 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Condition Based Monitoring of Turbine Combustion Components 09/30/2012 Sensors and Controls The objective of the proposed work is to design, develop, and demonstrate a condition monitoring sensor network comprising a high temperature wear sensor and multi-functional magnetic sensor to monitor cracks in hot section combustion components in real time. The wear and crack monitoring sensors will be combined with the basic control system sensors to provide a modular sensor network for condition monitoring and assessment of combustion hardware. The condition monitoring system development will be a collaborative effort of Siemens Energy, K Sciences, and JENTEK Sensors that will be managed by Siemens Energy, Inc.
NT0007636 University of Texas at Dallas TX Novel Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework/Polymer Membranes for Hydrogen Separations in Coal Processing 01/31/2013 University Carbon Research The overall objectives of the proposed research are to prepare novel mixed-matrix membranes based on polymer composites with nanoparticles of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIF) and related hybrid frameworks. Membranes containing these new materials will be used to evaluate separations important to coal gasification (e.g. H2, CO, O2, CO2). The goal is to exploit the high surface areas, adsorption capacities, and selectivities of the nanoporous ZIF additives to achieve unprecedented transport of gases critical to coal processing. The performance of the membranes under operating conditions defined by 2015 DOE targets will be evaluated.
NT0007918 State University of New York (SUNY) - Albany NY Plasmonics Based Harsh Environment Compatible Chemical Sensors 01/15/2012 University Training and Research This application proposes to use a plasmonics based all-optical sensing technique which utilizes the optical properties of tailored nanomaterials as the sensing layer. This novel and alternative approach to gas sensing under harsh environmental conditions is a much simpler design as the sensing system does not require the development of harsh environment compatible ohmic contacts, nor does it require high temperature electronics, which typically suffer from reliability and stability problems. The objectives of this project will be to further optimize these characteristics while developing a detailed understanding of the sensing mechanism as a function of temperature and humidity.
NT0008062 University of Cincinnati OH Development of Novel Ceramic Nano-Film Integrated Optical Sensors for Rapid Detection of Coal derived Synthesis Gas 09/30/2012 University Carbon Research The project is to develop new types of high temperature (>500C) fiber optic chemical sensors for monitoring of coal-derived gases. This will be accomplished by physically and functionally integrating advanced nano ceramic materials with fiber optic devices. The first type is a Long Period Fiber Grating (LPFG)-coupled self-compensating interferometer sensor. The second type is an Evanescent Tunneling sensor. Both types of sensors are highly selective and targeted through application of nanocrystalline thin film coatings of doped-ceramics at specific gas molecules. This project focuses on sensors for Hydrogen (H2) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) detection at high temperatures (>500C) and elevated pressures up to 250 psi.
NT0008064 University of Texas at San Antonio TX Use of an Accurate DNS Particulate Flow Method to Supply and Validate Boundary Conditions for the MFIX Code 05/31/2012 University Training and Research The overall goal of this project is to improve the performance and accuracy of the MFIX code that is frequently used in multiphase flow simulations. The specific objectives of the project are to use first principles embedded in a validated Direct Numerical Simulation particulate flow program that uses the Immersed Boundary method (DNS-IB) in order to establish, modify and validate needed energy and momentum boundary conditions for the MFIX code.
NT0008066 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University NC Bimetallic Nanocatalysts in Mesoporous Silica for Hydrogen Production from Coal-Derived Fuels 02/15/2013 HBCUs, Education and Training The goal of this project is to investigate a novel approach for in situ synthesis of bimetallic nanostructured mesoporous silica materials and to study its applications for production of hydrogen. The objectives of this exploratory research are: 1. One-step synthesis of highly ordered functionalized mesoporous silica materials using amalgamation of noble and non-noble metal clusters. 2. Characterization of the mesoporous materials using SEM, AFM, TEM , FT-IR, Si-NMR, EDX, XRD and BET surface area measurements. 3. To utilize synthesized novel bimetallic nanoparticles in mesoporous silica for SRM to produce hydrogen. 4. To minimize deactivation of the catalyst due to CO formation by optimizing the catalyst loadings through fundamental studies.
NT0008089 University of Tennessee TN Computational and Experimental Design of FE-Based Superalloys for Elevated Temperature Applications 01/14/2012 University Training and Research The objective of this project is to use a science based systems engineering approach to design iron based superalloys capable of operating in the temperature range of 873 to 1033 deg Kelvin. The project will use computational tools supported by experiments to study phase stability, microstructure design and coarsening dynamics with a goal to designing superalloys to enhance power generation efficiencies.
FC26-98FT40343 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. PA Recovery Act: Development of Ion-Transport Membrane Oxygen Technology for Integration in IGCC and Other Advanced Power Generation Systems 03/31/2015 Feed Systems Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., (APCI) is currently developing ion-transport membrane (ITM) oxygen separation technology for large-scale oxygen production and for integration with advanced power production facilities, including gasification facilities. The ITM-based oxygen production process uses dense, mixed ion- and electron-conducting (MIEC) materials that can operate at temperatures as high as 900 degrees Celsius (°C). The driving forces for the membrane oxygen separation are determined by the oxygen partial-pressure gradient across the membrane. The energy of the hot, pressurized, non-permeate stream is typically recovered by a gas turbine power generation system. The development of the ITM process will support reduced capital cost and parasitic load of air separation systems compared to that of currently available cryogenic air separation technology. Because air separation is a critical component of the gasification process for power production, any reduction in the cost of this process component will in turn reduce the overall cost of gasification, thereby making the process more competitive. APCI has a co-current ITM project, FE0012065.
FC26-99FT40685 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Single-Crystal Sapphire Optical Fiber Sensor Instrumentation 12/31/2013 Sensors and Controls The Center for Photonics Technology at Virginia Tech has successfully developed a novel temperature sensor capable of operating at temperatures up to 1600 degrees Celsius (°C) and in harsh conditions. The sensor uses single-crystal sapphire to make an optically-based measurement and will fulfill the need for the real-time monitoring of high temperatures created in gasification processes. Based on a successful laboratory demonstration of a optical sapphire based sensor, Virginia Tech's CPT was awarded follow on development work to design construct and test a prototype sensor that could be installed in coal gasifiers. The improved version of the sensor is intended to be more robust, accurate and reliable for extended operation in a coal gasifier and will be evaluated at a full scale gasifier (e.g. Eastman Chemical).
FC26-01NT41148 CONSOL Energy, Inc. PA Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Production and Sequestration of CO2 in Unmineable Coal Seams 12/31/2015 Fit-for-Purpose

CONSOL Energy Inc. is demonstrating a novel drilling and production process that reduces potential methane emissions from coal mining, produces usable methane (natural gas), and creates a storage option for carbon dioxide (CO2) in unmineable coal seams. CONSOL's project employs horizontal drilling to drain coalbed methane (CBM) from a mineable coal seam and an underlying unmineable coal seam. Upon drainage of 50-60 percent of the coalbed methane, some of the wells will be used for CO2 injection to store the CO2 in the unmineable seam, while stimulating additional methane production. The technique starts with a vertical well drilled from the surface followed by a guided borehole that extends up to 3,000 feet horizontally in the coal seam, allowing for production over a large area from relatively few surface locations.

The project involves development of a 200 acre area involving two coal seams. The lower, unmineable seam is being degassed and injected with CO2. The upper, mineable seam is being degassed to produce coalbed methane, thus avoiding methane emissions when the seam is mined. The upper, mineable seam is being isolated from the lower, unmineable seam to prevent CO2 migration from the unmineable seam into the mineable seam.
FG26-01NT41175 Energy Industries of Ohio, Inc. OH Development of Advanced Materials for Ultrasupercritical Boiler Systems 09/30/2015 High Performance Materials Researchers will identify materials that limit operating temperatures and thermal efficiency of coal-fired plants; define and implement ways of producing improved alloys, fabrication processes and coating methods that allow boilers to operate at 1400 degrees Farenheit (?F); participate in the certification process of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and generate data to lay the groundwork for ASME code approved for alloys, where necessary; define issues affecting the design and operation of ultrasupercritical (USC) plants operating at 1600 ?F; develop cost targets; and promote the commercialization of alloys and processes expected to emerge from this effort, working with alloy makers, equipment vendors and utilities.
FC26-02NT41246 Delphi Automotive Systems, LLC MI Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance 12/31/2011 Fuel Cells The objectives of this project are: 1. Develop a SOFC power system for a range of fuels and applications 2. Develop and demonstrate technology transfer efforts on a 5kW stationary distributed power generation system that incorporates reforming of methane and natural gas. 3. Develop a 5kW auxiliary power unit for heavy duty trucks and military power applications. 4. Develop system modeling, stack design and cell evaluation for a high efficiency coal based SOFC gas turbine hybrid system
FC26-04NT41837 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT SECA Coal-Based Systems - FuelCell Energy 01/31/2014 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells This three-phase Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) Coal-Based Systems (Industry Team) project led by Fuel Cell Energy will develop low cost solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology for use in highly-efficient central generation power plants fueled by coal synthesis gas. Anode-supported planar SOFC technology is being developed by Versa Power Systems, Inc. WorleyParsons has provided direct support of Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell (IGFC) system analysis.
FC26-04NT42237 Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. CA Development of Technologies and Capabilities for Coal Energy Resources 09/30/2013 Gasification Systems The objectives of this project are to improve the availability and efficiency of gasification-based power plants, and to reduce plant capital and operations costs. The specific objectives of this project towards these over-arching objectives are to: 1. Demonstrate high pressure, solids feed system including long-life rapid-mix injectors, flow splitting, and operation of a prototype feed pump. 2. Test cooled refractory liner coupons. This cooled refractory is anticipated to result in an operational life exceeding three years. 3. Perform conceptual design and hardware definition of a novel 18 tons per day (tpd) highly efficient, long life entrained flow gasifier. Of these three specific objectives, the active work has focused only on the first item: development of the high-pressure, dry feed pump, including the detailed design, construction, and testing of a 600 ton per day (tpd) prototype. The project's primary tasks involve conceptual design, sub-scale testing, engineering design, construction, and operation of a prototype pump. This prototype pump design baseline configuration will be 400 tpd capacity and 1,200 psi outlet pressure. To achieve project objectives, the prototype pump is also designed to ramp up to 600 tpd operation and to provide data needed to predict commercial scale operation constraints. Testing is planned for performance tests on bituminous coal, PRB coal, high moisture lignite coal, and petcoke at up to 1,200 psi to demonstrate reliable pump operation across a high pressure gradient (applicable to 1,000 psi gasifier), to define the commercial target for pump size, to assess adequate safety factor for pump, to validate the pump models, and to provide data for a final benefits analysis.
FC26-06NT42385 Excelsior Energy Inc - MEP-I LLC MN Mesaba Energy IGCC Project 08/31/2012 Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is providing Financial Assistance under Round II of the Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) for a large utility, commercial-scale, coal-based Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) electric power generating facility to be located near Taconite, Itasca County, Minnesota. MEP-I, LLC, a project company of Excelsior Energy, Inc., will design, construct, and operate the Mesaba Generating Station in two 606 MWe (net) phases, of which the DOE-defined demonstration project is Phase I. Mesaba will demonstrate the ConocoPhillips E-Gas™ gasification technology in a first-of-a-kind, multiple-train configuration incorporating findings from more than a decade of optimization and experience based on the Wabash River Coal Gasification Repowering Project, including: (1) gasifier scale-up; (2) increased system pressure; (3) increased slurry percentage to the second-stage gasifier; and, (4) enhanced by-product and contaminant removal systems. Excelsior's original request was for $150 million in Federal cost-shared funding. The project was selected at a level of $36 million due to the availability of funds.
FC26-06NT42391 Southern Company Services, Inc. AL Demonstration of a Coal-Based Transport Gasifier 04/30/2020 Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) Southern Company Services, Inc., in a team effort with Mississippi Power Company and Kellogg Brown and Root, LLC (KBR), will design, construct, and operate a coal-based TRIG Combined Cycle power plant with 65% CO2 capture at a site in Kemper County, MS. The estimated nameplate capacity of the plant will be 830 megawatts electrical (MWe) with a peak net output capability of 582 MWe. TRIG is based on KBR's catalytic cracking technology, and is cost-effective when handling low rank coals and when using coals with high moisture or high ash content. These coals make up half the proven reserves in both the United States and the world. The estimated 3 million tonnes of CO2 per year captured from the power plant would be transported via pipeline for beneficial use in existing enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations in Mississippi.
FC26-05NT42457 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Continuation of Crosscutting Technology Development of CAST 03/31/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The U.S. is the largest producer of mining products in the world. The Center for Advanced Separation Technologies (CAST) was established to develop technologies that can be used by the U.S. mining industry to create new products, reduce production costs, and meet environmental regulations. CAST is a consortium of seven universities, with the purpose of conducting both fundamental and applied research that has crosscutting applications in the mining industry. The university members include Virginia Tech; West Virginia University; Montana Tech of University of Montana; New Mexico Institute of Technology; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Utah; and University of Kentucky.
FC26-05NT42587 Montana State University MT Big Sky Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership - Phase II and Phase III 12/31/2019 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships The Big Sky Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership is building on the work conducted in the Characterization Phase (2003-2005) with a focus on geologic and terrestrial field validation tests that assess the relative efficiency of alternative sequestration options, prove the environmental efficacy and sustainability of sequestration, verify regional carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration capacities and satisfy field test permitting and regulatory requirements. Data from validation tests will be integrated into a geographical information system (GIS) tool that will assist industry and regional planners to optimizing energy development strategies. The highlight of the Phase II effort is a pilot-scale test to inject approximately 1,000 tons of supercritical CO2 into a deep basalt formation (Grande Ronde Basalt) in western Walla Walla County, in eastern Washington State. The highlight of the Phase III effort involves the extraction of ~1 million tonnes of naturally-occurring CO2 from the top of Kevin Dome, a prominent geologic structural trap in northwest Montana, and re-injection of the CO2 into saline aquifers that occupy the stratigraphically-lower portions of the dome.
FC26-05NT42588 Illinois State Geological Survey IL An Assessment of Geological Carbon Sequestration Options in the Illinois Basin - Phase II and III 04/30/2021 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships The Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium (MGSC) is performing small scale CO2 injection tests in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky as part of their Phase II effort to test injection into coals and mature oil reservoirs. For Phase III MGSC will inject 1 million metric tons of CO2 from ADM's corn processing facility in Decatur, Illinois into the Mount Simon Sandstone. For the past 2 years MGSC has been characterizing the injection site in preparation for injection operations. The CO2 will be injected over 3 years starting in 2011, followed by fate monitoring for the next 3 An array of monitoring technologies will be used to baseline and monitor the CO2 in the reservoir and at the surface.
FC26-05NT42589 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership - Phase II and III 09/30/2020 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships The Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) has been established to assess the technical potential, economic viability, and public acceptability of carbon sequestration within a region consisting of nine contiguous states: Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New Jersey and New York. A group of leading universities, state geological surveys, non-governmental organizations and private companies, led by Battelle Memorial Institute, has been assembled to carry out this research. The MRCSP's Validation Phase II research program will center on taking the large theoretical sequestration potential identified in the MRCSP's Characterization Phase I (2003-2005) research program and, through a series of validation tests, show how the region's large, well-distributed sequestration potential can be used to simultaneously advance economic growth and environmental protection. In Phase III, the Development Phase, this partnership, led by the Battelle Columbus Laboratories, has proposed a primary and an optional large scale injection site. Evaluation of the primary site, Michigan Basin is expected to be initiated in late 2010 and ready for injection in 2012 (early FY 2013).
FC26-05NT42590 Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership - Phase II and Phase III 06/30/2021 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships SECARB investigates a stacked sequence of hydrocarbon and brine reservoir intervals in the Gulf Coast, where EOR with carbon dioxide (CO2) can serve as an economic driver in establishing the CO2 infrastructure. (2) A Coal Seam Project will be conducted for validation of sequestration opportunities in the Central Appalachian Basin and the Black Warrior Basin, where CO2 enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) recovery operations can add economic value, and where unmineable coals can provide sequestration opportunities. (3) A Saline Aquifer Test Center Project will be conducted that focuses on validating geologic storage in a saline aquifer in the Mississippi Salt Basin in close proximity to a Southern Company coal-fired power plant in The Electric Power Research Institute's Test Center program.
FC26-05NT42592 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership (PCORP) Phase II and Phase III 12/31/2019 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships PCOR Partnership is one of seven Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships competitively awarded as part of a national plan to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Phase II PCOR sites included: Terrestrial work in the Prairie Pothole Region; EOR work at Zama in Alberta, Canada; a huff 'n' puff test in North Dakota; and a lignite test in North Dakota. Phase III PCOR sites include: saline formation storage at Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada; and EOR at the Bell Creek site in Montana.
FC26-05NT42643 General Electric (GE) Company NY Recovery Act: Advanced Hydrogen Turbine Development 04/30/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded program, GE Power & Water, along with GE Global Research Center (GE) will develop advanced industrial-frame turbine technology for hydrogen fueled turbine machinery. These turbines can be utilized in conjunction with pre-combustion carbon capture systems to effectively reduce carbon emissions from a variety of industrial applications. This project includes the following work: 1. Advanced Hydrogen Combustion System: The combustion work in the project will develop a new combustion system that will enable industrial gas turbine applications with carbon capture and storage (CCS) to reach higher efficiencies through higher firing temperatures with low NOx. The developed combustion system will be validated in a gas turbine operating at full conditions. The validation step from testing a full-scale combustion can in the laboratory, to testing the multi-can configuration on the gas turbine, will enable accelerated transition of the technology to future gas turbine designs. 2. Materials: The materials work will develop alloys that are specifically tailored to withstand elevated temperatures in the hot gas path in the high-moisture, and potentially highly corrosive environments of hydrogen-fueled industrial applications with CCS. This will enable industrial gas turbine applications with CCS to achieve improved efficiency through higher firing temperature while preserving traditional hot gas path component durability. 3. Sensors: The sensors work will focus on utilizing and integrating a variety of advanced sensor technologies into gas turbine control and operation. This will enable the gas turbine to be operated with real-time knowledge of actual parameters that are affecting component conditions and operation. Therefore, industrial gas turbine applications with CCS will be able to achieve improved efficiency and operability, and reduced emissions. 4. Turbine Airfoil: The turbine airfoil work will develop technology that reduces required cooling flows to enable industrial gas turbine applications with CCS to achieve improved efficiency.
FC26-05NT42644 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Recovery Act: Advanced Hydrogen Turbine Development 06/30/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded program, Siemens Energy will focus on advancing state-of-the-art large natural gas fired turbine technology to produce turbines specifically designed for operation on hydrogen and syngas fuels derived from industrial processes that capture a large percentage of CO2. Advanced technologies and concepts will be evaluated, down selected, and validated. The advanced technologies, component designs, and manufacturing processes will be developed and verified in sub-scale and full-scale tests and process verifications to demonstrate that the program goals can be achieved. Some of the key enabling technologies needed are as follows: Fuel-flexible, ultra low NOx, long-life combustion system operating at the increased firing temperatures needed to achieve high efficiency. Siemens will work to develop a premixed combustion system capable of operating on hydrogen fuel at high temperatures with minimal dilution flow. As part of this development, modeling tools for thermal acoustics and computational fluid dynamics will be adapted for hydrogen fuels and validated with test data. The primary path for the hydrogen combustor is a modification of the current Siemens premixed natural gas burner to operate on hydrogen. In addition, as risk mitigation, several alternative combustion technologies will be evaluated to determine if they can provide an improvement for high-temperature hydrogen operation. Development and optimization of higher temperature material system (base alloy, bond coat, and thermal barrier coatings [TBCs]) capabilities that allow operation in challenging environments, thus ensuring that the turbine components achieve high reliability and long life. Advanced manufacturing processes and techniques essential to producing the novel turbine cooling schemes that are being pursued in this program. Siemens will be producing full-sized engine parts using advanced core making technology, performing investment casting trials, conducting destructive and non-destructive evaluations, machining prototype parts using a proposed production process and conducting full-scale engine testing on final products. New sensors and diagnostics to allow more efficient, fuel-flexible, and safe gas turbine operation. Customer interviews determined key sensing needs and sensor specifications for these needs. Based on these results, Siemens will work with sensor vendors to design, develop, and validate sensor designs for engine validation or use in on-line control.
FC26-05NT42645 Clean Energy Systems, Inc. CA Recovery Act: Oxy-Fuel Turbo Machinery Development for Energy Intensive Industrial Applications; Coal Program: Coal-Based Oxy-Fuel System Evaluation and Combustor Development 03/31/2013 Hydrogen Turbines Clean Energy Systems (CES) has developed an oxy-fuel power generation concept to enable near zero-emission power generation from natural gas and syngas. The core of the technology is a high-pressure oxy-combustor that produces a steam/carbon dioxide (CO2) working fluid for expansion in a turbine. This project is a partnership with Department of Energy (DOE) award DE-FC26-05NT42646 to Siemens Power Generation to develop high-temperature turbines that would be powered by working fluid from the oxy-combustor. The project has also received funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) for advancing the oxy-fueled turbine technology for commercial industrial oxy-fueled plants which utilize CO2 capture and storage technologies. This 36 month effort to be performed in parallel to the existing Phase II BP2 and is isolated from the rest of Phase II due to the application focus and unique set of tracking and reporting requirements associated with its ARRA funding source.
FC26-05NT42650 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Novel Concepts for the Compression of Large Volumes of Carbon Dioxide 06/30/2014 Sorbents Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), partnered with Dresser-Rand, is developing improved methods to compress carbon dioxide (CO2). The high pressure ratio compression of CO2 results in significant heat of compression. Because less energy is required to boost the pressure of a cool gas, both upstream and inter-stage cooling are standard industry practices when compressing gases for geologic injection. This project will evolve optimal compressor thermodynamic cycles and associated equipment to boost the pressure of CO2 to wellhead pressures, approximately 2,200 pounds-per-square-inch-gauge (psig). This project is divided into two phases, with plans to solicit applications for a full-scale compression demonstration at an existing or proposed integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant. Phase I (Scoping and Modeling, which has been completed) was focused on the CO2 compressor technology to determine performance characteristics. Phase II (Bench Scale Testing and Evaluation) focused on evaluation and testing of the CO2 compressor technology. Phase III will focus on the scale up and testing of the CO2 compressor with intercooled diaphragm in a loop with the liquid CO2 pumping system.
FC26-06NT42804 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Long-Term Environmental and Economic Impacts of Coal Liquefaction in China 12/31/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids

West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVURC) is investigating the long-term environmental and economic impacts of coal liquefaction in China.
FC26-06NT42811 Jupiter Oxygen Corporation IL Jupiter Oxycombustion and Integrated Pollutant Removal for the Existing Coal Fired Power Generation Fleet 09/30/2012 Oxy-Combustion This research and development project will construct and operate a 50 MMbtu (approximately 5 MW) test facility in Hammond, IN with Jupiter Oxygen oxy-fuel technology and Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory's [NETL] Integrated Pollution Removal [IPR] technology. Operation of the facility will provide developmental engineering and design data for the research retrofit of future coal-fired power plants , to advance the creation of a virtually zero emissions power plant for NOx, SOx, particulate and mercury, as well as one capture ready for CO2 sequestration.
FC26-07NT43057 Media and Process Technology, Inc. PA Carbon Molecular Sieve Membrane as a True One Box Unit for Large Scale Hydrogen Production 05/01/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids A one-box process for hydrogen production will be developed based upon the carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membrane. In this one-box process unit, syngas will be shifted to CO2 and hydrogen, and the hydrogen will be separated via the CMS membrane. A mathematical model will be developed by the University of Southern California to aid in the process development. The process will first be demonstrated in a bench-scale unit. Then it will be tested at pilot scale in the National Carbon Capture Center facilities in Wilsonville, AL.
FC26-07NT43058 Worcester Polytechnic Institute MA Composite PD and PD Alloy Porous Stainless Steel Membrane 11/06/2011 Hydrogen from Coal The objective of this project by WPI is to develop advanced process intensification technologies that reduce the number of unit operations required for hydrogen production from coal gases produced from coal gasification. Process intensification will reduce the production of pure hydrogen from synthesis gas to two unit operations consisting of an advanced synthesis gas clean-up system and a composite Pd-Pd/alloy membrane WGS shifter, which could be integrated downstream in the hydrogen producing coal gasification system. The high pressure CO2 from the membrane shifter would be appropriate for recycling, sequestration, and/or conversion to industrially useful products and the creation of a natural CO2 sink.
FG26-07NT43069 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Prediction of Combustion Stability and Flashback in High Hydrogen Fueled Turbines 03/31/2012 University Training and Research The objective of the proposed research is to develop a validated design tool that can predict flashback and combustion instability in lean premixed combustors operating on coal-derived, high-hydrogen fuels. Its focus upon high fidelity simulations, coupled with validating measurements, and development of reduced order models will significantly improve understanding of these phenomenon and capabilities for predicting their occurrence.
FG26-07NT43073 University of California - San Diego CA Solid State Joining of High-Temperature Alloy Tubes for USC and Heat Exchanger Systems 12/31/2011 Advanced Combustion Systems The objective of this project is to develop solid state based materials joining technologies for high temperature alloy tubes suitable for heat exchanger applications in Rankine, Brayton, HIPPS and IGCC power systems concepts. Two separate techniques a) Inertia Welding and b) Magnetic Pulse Welding are proposed for butt and lap joint configurations. The materials of interest are an ODS alloy (MA956) and Ni-base alloy (IN740) alloy tubes in similar and dissimilar metal/alloy joint configurations. The research program outlined here is iterative in nature and will systematically explore 1) respective joining techniques to develop 2) robust similar/dissimilar metal tube joints with 2) maximum creep strength performance at the intended service temperature range. This research program will leverage the expertise of industrial vendors Interface Welding, Carson (CA) and Magneform Corporation, San Diego (CA).
FC26-07NT43088 Praxair, Inc. NY Recovery Act: Oxy-combustion: Oxygen Transport Membrane Development 09/30/2015 Oxy-Combustion Praxair determined (under a prior agreement with DOE) that the cost of CO2?capture utilizing oxygen transport membrane (OTM) air separation integrated with oxy-combustion is competitive with other CO2capture processes when applied to large power plants. This work also demonstrated that durable OTMs for oxy-combustion can be fabricated to survive and operate reliably in a fuel environment. Praxair observed a zero percent failure rate for the OTM membranes during prior testing; however, the highly durable materials selected for the OTM reactors require substantial development in order to improve the oxygen flux through the system while maintaining durability and reducing manufacturing costs. In the first stage of this project, Praxair will further develop high-performance materials used for OTMs, optimize and test process configurations, validate manufacturing capabilities, and produce a preliminary engineering design for an OTM pilot plant system. With the addition of ARRA funding, the second stage of this project will focus on operating OTM modules in syngas and conducting oxy-combustion development- and pilot-scale tests incorporating critical system components required of commercial systems. Praxair will develop and operate a robust and reliable OTM module that will provide the foundation for commercial deployment of reactively driven ceramic membrane systems. Praxair will develop first-generation OTM modules and test them in a developmental-scale, fully integrated, multi-module syngas system producing 160,000 standard cubic feet per day (scfd) of syngas and incorporating components of a commercial system. Praxair will develop second-generation OTM modules incorporating improvements identified through module testing, and test them in a pilot-scale skidded, multi-module syngas system as well. All testing and modeling results will be evaluated to develop preliminary cost estimates for a demonstration-scale syngas system and a preliminary design for pilot-scale oxy-combustion system.
FC26-07NT43090 SRI International CA Fabrication and Scaleup of Polybenzimidazole (PBI) Membranes for Pre-Combustion-Based Capture of Carbon Dioxide 03/31/2012 Pre-Combustion Capture This project is designed to demonstrate the performance and fabrication of a technically and economically viable pre-combustion-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system based on polybenzimidazole (PBI) membranes. In addition, SRI International proposes to optimize the plan for integration of a PBI capture system into an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant. To that end, larger-scale/larger-throughput membrane-based separation modules will be designed, fabricated, and evaluated during the course of the project. SRI International will develop a commercialization plan that addresses technical issues (e.g., a roadmap for the scale-up of production of PBI membrane modules) and business issues (e.g., insurance considerations and potential joint venture opportunities) to outline a clear path for technology transfer of the PBI membrane technology.
FC26-07NT43091 University of Notre Dame IN Ionic Liquids: Breakthrough Absorption Technology for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture 09/30/2012 Solvents The University of Notre Dame and its partners are working to continue development of novel ionic liquid absorbents and an associated process for the removal of CO2 from coal-fired power plant flue gas. Ionic liquids are salts that are liquid in their pure state near ambient conditions. In a previous NETL-funded project, Notre Dame demonstrated that ionic liquids can be engineered to have very high physical solubilities and can also be made to form chemical complexes with CO2. Due to their chemical diversity, ample opportunities should exist to tailor and optimize the properties of ionic liquids for CO2 capture. Having shown their potential in the previous project, researchers will work in this project to take the next step in the development process.
FC26-07NT43095 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Development of Computational Approaches for Simulation and Advanced Controls for Hybrid Combustion-Gasification Chemical Looping 07/31/2012 Dynamic Systems Modeling Alstom Power Plant Laboratories will develop models of their Chemical Looping Process and devise a model based control technology for managing multiple and reacting multiphase flow loops. The development team will develop models, reduce the models for fast operation and create model based controllers for the loops. The algorithm development for these Model Predictive Controllers (MPC) will be tested using bench scale systems to determine the validity and improvement to system performance that MPC can make when operating complex processes.
FC26-07NT43097 Babcock & Wilcox Company OH Development of Computational Capabilities to Predict the Corrosion Wastage of Boiler Tubes in Advanced Combustion Systems 08/31/2014 High Performance Materials Staged combustion produces reducing/sulfidizing conditions that are particularly corrosive to the lower furnace walls. On the other hand, the conditions at superheaters/reheaters are typically oxidizing. However, due to relatively high metal temperatures, the superheater/reheater tubes tend to suffer from severe coal ash corrosion attack due to alkali metals contained in the ash. The problem will be further intensified when the steam outlet temperatures of advanced combustion systems are to increase significantly. To address these corrosion concerns, Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) intends to develop corrosion models in this program that are capable of predicting lower furnace and superheater/reheater corrosion wastage. Because corrosion attack is thermally activated, the effect of temperature will also be investigated. Ohio State University faculty will support B&W's efforts by contributing their technical expertise in the area of high temperature corrosion.
FC26-08NT43291 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND EERC-DOE Jointly Program on Research and Development for Fossil Energy-Related Resources 05/31/2018 Novel Concepts This project supports a Joint Program for Research and Development for Fossil Energy-Related Research at the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC), with a minimum yearly overall 20% non-federal cost-share, to conduct basic, fundamental, and applied research that will assist industry in deploying and commercializing efficient, nonpolluting energy technologies that can compete effectively in meeting requirements for clean fuels, chemical feedstocks, electricity, and water resources in the 21st century. This project supports DOE goals by advancing scientific knowledge and technical development and demonstrations of technologies that ensure sustainable supplies of affordable energy and clean water and preservation and restoration of the environment. The performance goals support the DOE goals of reducing dependency on foreign sources of energy, making fossil energy systems more efficient, and capturing and sequestering greenhouse gases.
FC26-08NT43293 Western Research Institute (WRI) WY DOE-WRI Cooperative Research and Development Program for Fossil Energy-Related Resources 12/31/2013 Innovative Technologies The overall objective of the WRI Cooperative R&D program is to conduct both fundamental and applied research that will assist industry in developing, deploying, and commercializing efficient, nonpolluting fossil energy technologies that can compete effectively in meeting requirements for clean fuels, chemical feedstocks, electricity, and water resources in the 21st century. The program supports and contributes to the energy science and technology mission of DOE/FE: 1.Increase the production of U.S. resources. 2.Enhance the competitiveness of U.S. technologies. 3.Reduce dependence on foreign energy supplies and strengthen National and regional economies. 4.Minimize environmental impacts of energy production and utilization processes.
FE0001163 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV In Situ MVA of CO2 Sequestration Using Smart Field Technology 09/30/2014 Intelligent Monitoring Through its core research and development program administered by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) emphasizes monitoring, verification, and accounting (MVA), as well as computer simulation and risk assessment, of possible carbon dioxide (CO2 ) leakage at CO2 geologic storage sites. MVA efforts focus on the development and deployment of technologies that can provide an accurate accounting of stored CO2 , with a high level of confidence that the CO2 will remain stored underground permanently. Effective application of these MVA technologies will ensure the safety of geologic storage projects with respect to both human health and the environment, and can provide the basis for establishing carbon credit trading markets for geologically storing CO2 . The new technology is based on the concept of “smart fields,” which is rapidly gaining support and popularity in the oil and gas industry. Smart fields integrate digital information technology with the latest monitoring techniques to provide continuous knowledge and control of reservoir operations and processes. Under this concept, hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested to successfully develop highly sensitive PDGs that are capable of operating in harsh environments for long periods. The PDGs collect and transmit high-frequency data streams in real time to remote control centers to be analyzed and used for reservoir management. The project team will use the pattern recognition power of state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AI&DM) technology to develop a methodology, residing in a computer program, to recognize patterns from simulated realistic pressure data acquired from PDGs located within the reservoir model (Figure 1). This software will be capable of, but not limited to, locating point sources within a reservoir from which CO2 is leaking based on changes in pressure data. The methodology will autonomously cleanse and summarize raw data collected from in-situ pressure gauges, to prepare the data for processing and analysis. Upon completion, the methodology will be validated by its ability to accurately identify the location of simulated leakage points in a model of an existing heterogeneous reservoir. Once the approximate location of potential CO2 leakage is identified, the information will be communicated via e-mails, text messages, or other means to those performing “at” or “near” surface monitoring locations for more precise detection and analysis. The main objective of this project is to develop the next generation of intelligent software that is able to take maximum advantage of the data collected by PDGs to continuously and autonomously monitor and verify CO2 storage in geologic formations as part of the effort to assure CO2 storage permanence in the subsurface. Further, the project team will investigate the feasibility of using this technology to monitor the growth and advancement of the CO2 plume during the injection process.
FE0000998 University of Nevada - Reno NV Amorphous Alloy Membranes Prepared by Melt-Spin Methods for Long-Term Use in Hydrogen Separation Applications 02/28/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The main objective is to produce amorphous ribbons from non-precious metal alloys. These amorphous membranes are expected to work towards meeting all 2015 separation targets, such as of flux (300 ft3/hr/ft2), temperature (200-500 ºC), sulfur tolerance (>100 ppmv), and cost (<$100/ft2). Moreover these membranes will not use Pd coatings. The project consist of developing multiple metal-alloy ribbon membranes for evaluation and down selection. The selected membranes will then be tested in sygas and provided to NETL for testing. and Fabrication of hydrogen permeation membranes will be performed through the collaboration of the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and CSIRO in Australia.
FE0001074 Reaction Design CA Package Equivalent Reactor Networks as Reduced Order Models for Use with CAPE OPEN-Compliant Simulations 03/31/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies Using high-fidelity fluid-dynamics models as input, Reaction Design will extend existing technology that is designed to automatically extract equivalent reactor networks (ERNs) from the CFD solution. The extraction is based on certain criteria for grouping regions of similar kinetic behavior. The ERNs are composed of idealized reactors (e.g., perfectly stirred and/or plug-flow reactors) that interact through mass-flow and heat-transfer connections to represent the complex flow. In contrast to the CFD simulations, however, the ERNs allow inclusion of detailed kinetics representation of the reacting-flow process, including particle-gas interactions, gas combustion and emissions production. While this technology has been established for gas-turbine combustors, one aim of this project will be to extend the methodology to gasifiers. A key component of this project is to encapsulate the CHEMKIN-based ERN models as CAPE-OPEN-compliant objects that can be used in general flow-sheet simulation software. By combining existing detailed-kinetics reactor-network capability from CHEMKIN-PRO with CAPE-OPEN interface standards, state-of-the-art kinetics modeling will be enabled within flow-sheet type simulations. This will be the basis for developing accurate reduced-order-models for gasification/combustor processes. Through the Cape-Open interface, the CHEMKIN reactor or reactor network will be considered as a Unit Operation. By adopting the Cape-Open architecture, such a representation of a combustor or gasifier can be combined with other unit operations to allow a plant or system simulation. In this way, more accurate chemistry will allow consideration of chemical details such as carbon conversion efficiency and syngas composition in the overall system design.
FE0000896 SRI International CA CO2 Capture from IGCC Gas Streams Using the AC-ABC Process 09/30/2016 Solvents The overall project objective is to develop an innovative, low-cost CO2-capture technology for integrated gasification combined cycle-based power plants that is based on absorption on a high-capacity and low-cost aqueous ammoniated solution. SRI, in collaboration with Bechtel Hydrocarbon Technology Solutions, Inc., is conducting a two-phase effort to develop and evaluate SRI Ammonium Carbonate-Ammonium Bicarbonate (AC-ABC) technology to capture CO2 and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from coal-based gasification processes and Bechtel Pressure Swing Claus Sulfur Recovery Unit (BPSC) which will convert H2S to elemental sulfur. The first phase tested the technology in a bench-scale batch reactor to validate the concept and determine the optimum operating conditions for a small pilot-scale reactor. The second phase will include the design and fabrication of a small pilot-scale test system and testing of the capture technology on a slipstream of real shifted syngas from the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) in Wilsonville, Alabama.
FE0001111 Fusion Petroleum Technologies TX Integrated Reflection Seismic Monitoring and Reservoir Modeling for Geologic CO2 Sequestration 12/31/2011 Monitoring, Verification, Accounting, and Assessment The study will develop an active source reflection seismic imaging strategy based on the deployment of spatially sparse surface seismic arrays, integrated with a dense baseline array. This will allow users to increase the temporal resolution of the CO2 monitoring. The system will include an accurate reservoir modeling package, which will account for geomechanical and geochemical processes.
FE0001580 University of Miami FL Combining Space Geodesy, Seismology, and Geochemistry for Monitoring, Verification and Accounting of CO2 in Sequestration Sites 09/30/2014 Near-Surface Monitoring This four-year project — performed by faculty and researchers from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and the University of South Florida, assisted by UNAVCO, Inc., a non-profit consortium funded by the National Science Foundation — aims to develop an integrated, low-cost methodology for assessing the fate of CO2 injected into various classes of geologic reservoirs. The project team will integrate data from space geodesy (which utilizes high precision Global Positioning System [GPS] and Interfero-metric Synthetic Aperture Radar [InSAR] technology to measure subtle surface displacements), seismology, and geochemistry in a straightforward series of procedures and algorithms, and assess the cost and efficacy of these procedures for long-term tracking of CO2. This new approach will be tested at a large-scale CO2 injection test site. Results are expected to confirm suitability of this methodology for most carbon storage sites.
FE0001322 University of Minnesota MN Hydrogen Selective Exfoliated Zeolite Membranes 09/30/2014 Membranes This project will further develop a novel silica molecular sieve membrane for the pre-combustion capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-based integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants. These membranes have the potential to contribute to carbon capture by high temperature separation of hydrogen (H2) from CO2 and other gases present in shifted synthesis gas (syngas). Extensive efforts over the last several decades have explored high temperature H2-selective membranes made of silicon dioxide (SiO2), other oxides, palladium (Pd), and other metals or alloys, polymers, and various zeolites and non-aluminosilicate molecular sieves. Although promising separation results have been reported for many of these technologies, they all suffer from high processing costs for membrane fabrication and/or long term stability limitations. This project will bring a new, simple concept for the fabrication of ultra-thin and stable H2-selective membranes closer to commercial reality.
FE0001181 Pall Corporation NY Designing and Validating Ternary Pd Alloys for Optimum Sulfur/Carbon Resistance 09/30/2014 Membranes The objective of the project is to develop an economically-viable H2/CO2 separation membrane system that would allow efficient capture of CO2 at high temperature and pressure from gasified coal in presence of typical contaminants. The key hurdle for commercialization of palladium-based hydrogen separation membranes has been the negative effects of H2S and carbon on hydrogen flux, i.e. membrane poisoning. To date, most membrane developers have used only a few binary alloy systems such as Pd-Cu and Pd-Ag with only recent attempts to employ ternary alloys. Although promising, none has been shown to be an effective deterrent to the membrane damage induced by coal gas contaminants. In addition, new membrane development has been slow with almost no testing being done in actual coal gas environments. Pall will utilize combinatorial material design for high-throughput, rapid screening of a large number of ternary Pd-alloys with the goal of developing an optimized palladium alloy that is tolerant to contaminants while retaining the necessary high hydrogen flux and selectivity characteristics.
FE0000982 NuVant Systems, Inc. IN Improved Flow Field Structures for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells 05/31/2013 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) anode flow-fields are evolved from hydrogen fuel cell flow-fields, and thus not optimized for liquid fuel delivery. NuVant System Inc's two-year Congressionally Directed Project will improve the performance of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs) by designing anode flow-fields specifically for the delivery of liquid methanol. A computer model will be developed that utilizes the relevant physical and chemical properties of methanol to model the flow of liquid fuel through the porous graphite plates that compose the anode flow-fields. The model will evaluate various flow-fields and predict their potential for improved performance. Prototypes based on the down-selected flow-fields will be validated in a small DMFC stack.
FE0001535 Columbia University NY Tagging Carbon Dioxide to Enable Quantitative Inventories of Geological Carbon Storage 06/30/2014 Near-Surface Monitoring This project developed two different injection systems for tagging CO2 with carbon 14 (14C) at atmospheric levels (1 part per trillion) and measuring the radioactivity in collected samples. Since 14C decays to the more common 12C isotope at a known rate, the level of radioactivity in the sample determines how much injected CO2 the sample contains. Such tagging of injected CO2 will lead to quantitative monitoring of injected CO2 and make it possible to accurately inventory geologically stored carbon. The systems were tested in the laboratory and at the CarbFix demonstration project in Iceland, where CO2 has been injected into a permeable basalt formation at 1,970 feet in depth. Once the technology is proven, adoption of this system will provide a quantitative methodology to verify the amount of CO2 stored, thereby increasing confidence in geologic storage.
FE0001132 University of Missouri MO Geomechanical Simulation of CO2 Leakage and Cap Rock Remediation 09/30/2012 Mitigation The project couples a reservoir model and geomechanical model to simulate potential cap rock leakage for the CO2 capture and storage demonstration site at City Utilities of Springfield, Mo. Materials and methods for stopping potential leakage through the cap rock will be examined. The approach is designed to be applicable to other CO2 injection sites.
FE0001161 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM Analytical-Numerical Sharp-Interface Model of CO2 Sequestration & Application to Illinois Basin 09/30/2012 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management The project objective is to develop and test a new quasi- three-dimensional, multi-scale hydrologic model that will allow the essential features of the CO2-brine-freshwater system to be included at the local (borehole), regional, and basin scales using sharp-interface theory. Environmental and seismic risks associated with large scale CO2 injection into the Mount Simon Formation will be quantified.
FE0001560 Advanced Resources International, Inc. VA Coal-Seq III Consortium: Advancing the Science of CO2 Sequestration in Coal Seam and Gas Shale Reservoirs 08/31/2014 Geochemical Impacts Coal-Seq III is a government-industry collaboration to study coal as a potential CO2 storage reservoir. Partners include Oklahoma State University, the Illinois Clean Coal Institute at Southern Illinois University and Higgs-Palmer Technologies. The project focused on the development and testing of three advanced geochemical and geomechanical simulation modules which increase the accuracy of simulating CO2 behavior in coals and shales. These modules address coal storage factors such as coal failure and permeability enhancement, matrix swelling and shrinking, and competition with water as an adsorbed phase on coals. These enhancements provide better means to predict geologic CO2 storage volumes.
FE0001159 Stanford University CA Advanced Technologies for Monitoring CO2 Saturation and Pore Pressure in Geologic Formations: Linking the Chemical and Physical Effects to Elastic and Transport Properties 03/31/2014 Subsurface Monitoring This four-year project—performed by Stanford University’s Stanford Rock Physics Laboratory in partnership with ExxonMobil and Ingrain, Inc.—is providing robust methodologies for using seismic data to quantitatively map the movement, presence, and permanence of CO2 relative to its intended storage location. Optimized rock-fluid models incorporate the seismic signatures of (1) saturation scales and free vs. dissolved gas in a CO2-water mixture, (2) pore pressure changes, and (3) CO2-induced chemical changes to the host rock (Figure 1). Work products from this project include an innovative dataset, methodologies, and algorithms for predicting the seismic response of multiphase and reactive fluids in CO2 storage programs. In spite of advanced techniques for geophysical imaging, current methods for interpreting CO2 saturation from seismic data can be fundamentally improved. Until now, Gassmann’s equations, which relate pore fluid compressibility and the rock frame to overall elastic properties, have been the primary tool for interpreting CO2 plumes from time-lapse seismic data. Gassmann’s model is purely mechanical, and is best suited for conditions of single-phase fluid saturation in relatively inert systems. Yet, CO2-rich fluid-rock systems can be chemically reactive, altering the rock frame via dissolution, precipitation, and mineral replacement. Furthermore, CO2 systems are multiphase, with uncertainties in scales of phase mixing in the pore space and solution of one phase in another. Errors from ignoring the physicochemical factors during CO2 injection can affect predicted seismic velocity changes, resulting in compromised estimates of saturation and pressure of CO2-rich fluids.
FE0001965 South Carolina Research Institute SC Recovery Act: Geological Characterization of the South Georgia Rift Basin for Source Proximal CO2 Storage 09/30/2014 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) The South Carolina Research Institute and its partners evaluated the feasibility of carbon storage in the Jurassic/Triassic saline formations of the buried Mesozoic South Georgia Rift (SGR) Basin that extends west-southwest from South Carolina into Georgia. The Jurassic and Triassic saline formations of the SGR have been identified as prospective CO2 storage areas; however, detailed characterization is needed to reduce uncertainties and validate storage potential. The project evaluated two different locations in the SGR Basin, one in South Carolina and one in Georgia. The project team reviewed existing geologic and geophysical data, reprocessed historical seismic data, collected additional seismic data to fill in historical data gaps, drilled and tested a characterization well, and conducted reservoir modeling, risk assessment, and mitigation studies. Seismic and geologic data were also used to evaluate faults, fractures, and confining zone integrity for potential release pathways. The characterization well was drilled to approximately 6,200 feet. The findings include a detailed description of the potential reservoirs and seals to determine thickness, lithology, mineralogy, and fracture orientation.
FE0001833 University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK Recovery Act: Geological and Geotechnical Site Investigations for the Design of a CO2 Rich Flue Gas Direct Injection and Storage Facility in an Underground Mine -Keweenaw Basalts of the Great Lakes Region 03/25/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) Application selected from ARRA 2009 DOE FOA Number DE-FOA-0000032, entitled "Recovery Act: Geologic Sequestration Training and Research". The primary objectives of this project are to develop a methodology for the geological and geotechnical site characterization in mafic rocks through both simulations and field work and completing an economic analysis of these opportunities. This project will support graduate and undergraduate students.
FE0001834 University of Cincinnati OH Recovery Act: Research and Education of CO2 Separation from Coal Combustion Flue Gases with Regenerable Magnesium Solutions 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) Application selected from ARRA 2009 DOE FOA Number DE-FOA-0000032, entitled "Recovery Act: Geologic Sequestration Training and Research". The objective of this project is to integrate ongoing research on CO2 separation from coal combustion flue gases using regenerable magnesium solutions with engineering education in CCS for chemical and environmental engineering students. This project will support graduate and undergraduate students.
FE0001922 Geomechanics Technologies, Inc. CA Recovery Act: Characterization of Pliocene and Miocene Formations in the Wilmington Graben, Offshore Los Angeles, for Large Scale Geologic Storage of CO2 12/08/2014 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) This project characterized the Pliocene and Miocene sediments in the Wilmington Graben, offshore of Los Angeles, CA, for CO2 storage. Characterization of these formations will help establish and broaden options for large-scale CO2 geologic storage throughout California. The project was performed in three phases, with the first phase devoted to completing a detailed review and interpretation of existing exploration well log data, 2-D and 3-D seismic data, acquiring and analyzing new seismic lines in current data gap areas, reviewing existing log data, and drilling a Pliocene well in northern Wilmington Graben area. In the second phase of the project, a second characterization well was drilled into the Miocene. Integrated 3-D geologic and geomechanical models for the Wilmington Graben were populated with grid data derived from lithologic properties to allow for additional quantification and analysis of storage targets and seals. A CO2 injection and migration model was also developed and calibrated against well injectivity data to simulate long-term injection, CO2 migration, and storage. In the third phase of the project, a detailed engineering review and documentation of the top 20 CO2 emission sources in the LA Basin was performed, and a feasibility analysis using existing and/or new pipelines in the LA Basin to transport CO2 from sources to storage sites was completed.
FE0001943 Duke University NC Recovery Act: “Carbonsheds” as a Framework for Optimizing US CCS Pipeline Transport on a Regional to National Scale 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) Application selected from ARRA 2009 DOE FOA Number DE-FOA-0000032, entitled "Recovery Act: Geologic Sequestration Training and Research". The objective of this project is to use "carbonsheds," a concept that was developed as a framework for optimizing transport of CO2 on an integrated technical, economic, societal and environmental basis. This project will support two graduate students.
FE0001953 Tuskegee University AL Recovery Act: Geological Sequestration Training and Research Program in Capture and Transport: Development of the Most Economical Separation Method for CO2 Capture 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) Application selected from ARRA 2009 DOE FOA Number DE-FOA-0000032, entitled "Recovery Act: Geologic Sequestration Training and Research". Project objectives include: 1) Develop a CCS short course introducing suite of technologies and deployment issues; 2) Establish a CO2 capture laboratory for data analysis and develop mathematical models; 3) Offer internships; and 4) Establish the Tuskegee CCS Network.
FE0001958 Environmental Outreach and Stewardship (EOS) Alliance WA Recovery Act: Carbon Capture and Storage Training (CCST) 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) NETL, in partnership with the Environmental Outreach and Stewardship (EOS) Alliance, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), has developed a regional carbon storage technology training center to deliver CCUS technology training and information to stakeholders in the Pacific Northwest. This training center provides a platform for geologic CO2 storage related technology information, establishing an advisory board, offering a suite of revenue-generating training classes, and implementing a marketing strategy for prospective students with the goal of the center to become self-sustaining within three years. EOS Alliance and partners have developed short courses on various aspects of CCUS technology. Instructors for these courses come from PNNL, academia, industry, and other national laboratories. The course offerings focus on technologies (Figure 1) and issues relating to the U.S. Pacific Northwest region, and include lectures on CCUS technologies, several multiple-day combined courses that integrate technical topics, and tours of facilities conducting cutting edge geologic CO2 storage research. EOS Alliance is working to register the CCUS courses for Professional Development Units (PDUs) and is evaluating the feasibility of establishing a certification program. EOS Alliance will take the lead in planning and managing this program. In partnership with PNNL and the EOS Alliance will coordinate and monitor the regional CCUS training project performance, maintain sufficient project management staff, support the Advisory Board, implement strategic planning, work with other regional carbon storage technology training recipients, create and provide all deliverables to DOE, and maintain appropriate fiscal and accounting systems. Additional information can be found at
FE0002068 Illinois State Geological Survey IL Recovery Act: An Evaluation of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of the Cambro-Ordovician Strata of the Illinois and Michigan Basins 09/30/2014 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) The Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) conducted an evaluation of the carbon storage potential of the Cambro-Ordovician Strata of the Illinois and Michigan Basins, which underlie much of the states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan. Whole core of the Knox and Maquoketa Shale were taken from several wells drilled for the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium field test and the Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage demonstration project in Decatur, Illinois. Additionally, 120 miles of 2-D seismic data were acquired in western Illinois to enhance the characterization of the Illinois Basin. A small-volume carbon dioxide (CO2) injection test was also conducted in Hancock County, Kentucky to evaluate the injectivity of the Knox. These data and other available data were used to estimate the regional injectivity and storage capacity of the Knox Super Group and the St. Peter Sandstone. Specific studies included modeling the dissolution of CO2 in brine and the interaction with carbonate reservoir rocks, geomechanical tests and petrophysical analyses, an evaluation of mineralization rates, and an analysis of seal faulting potential.
FE0001731 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM Recovery Act: Southwestern United States Carbon Sequestration Training Center 12/31/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR)

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, in partnership with Texas A&M University and the University of Utah, developed a regional carbon storage technology training center for the southwestern United States (CO2TC). The purpose of this training center was to increase the CCS workforce though the development and implementation of academic programs, specialized classes, continuing education, professional development, and public awareness.

The project built on current outreach and education programs to recruit and prepare students in the region for careers related to the geologic storage of CO2. Students were engaged at all educational levels, from K-12 to generate early interest, to secondary education students by providing their teachers with classroom tools and training, to college students from several disciplines that cover all aspects of the CCS industry (i.e., MBA programs, law, computer science, humanities, social & behavioral science, etc.). The training center also conducted outreach and continuous updated training courses for current professionals inclusive of industry, non-governmental organizations, the general public, and the media to provide greater awareness of the importance of geologic carbon storage.
FE0001930 Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA Recovery Act: The Southeast Regional CO2 Sequestration Technology Training Program 11/15/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) NETL partnered with the Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) and others from both industry and academia to develop the Southeast Regional CO2 Sequestration Training Program (SECARB-Ed) for the southern United States. These partners have established a CCS regional training program to facilitate national and global deployment of CCS technology. The project performed a series of tasks over a three-year period. Major project tasks included: Initiating and implementing a Sponsorship Development Program that allows SECARB-Ed to be self-sustaining after the initial three-year period by establishing an advisory board, developing a strategy for revenue generation, and marketing. Establishing a CCS technology curriculum by identifying topics for short courses, positioning SECARB-Ed to take advantage of opportunities to showcase its capabilities, and seeking technical societies’ approval of the training materials. Facilitating technology transfer through the utilization of electronic and printed media. Supporting research and outreach/education goals of the Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SECARB). Additional information on SECARB-Ed can be found at
FE0000730 Colorado School of Mines CO CO2 Saline Storage Demonstration in Colorado Sedimentary Basins: Applied Studies in Reservoir Assessment and Dynamic Processes Affecting Industrial Operations 09/30/2012 Geomechanical Impacts CO2 Saline Storage Demonstration in Colorado Sedimentary Basins addresses applications-oriented issues in reservoir assessment and dynamic processes affecting injection operations. The focus is on geomechanics, mineral dissolution, geomicrobiology, and pore space related to storage of large volumes of CO2 in saline brine aquifers. Project activities are directed toward studies that will guide future industrial CO2 saline storage operations in Colorado.
FE0001910 University of Alabama AL Recovery Act: Site Characterization for CO2 Storage from Coal-Fired Power Facilities in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama 08/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) The University of Alabama, Geological Survey of Alabama, and Rice University have assessed the CO2 storage potential in the Black Warrior Basin. Roughly 28 million metric tons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere annually by two pulverized coal power plants located in the basin, providing a need to determine the geological storage resources for potential CCS in the Black Warrior Basin. The project team has characterized a test site located near one of those power plants, the Alabama Power Company William C. Gorgas plant. The effort included designing and developing a geologic test wellbore, determining the suitability of the site for storage, and performing a computational simulation of the reservoir. As part of the characterization activities, the team is evaluating a formation stratigraphic, dissolution, and mineralization containment analysis that defines the ability of the formation to contain CO2. The project team also analyzed geophysical well logs, seismic surveys, and core data to define the CO2 acceptance and storage capability of the stacked saline reservoirs.
FE0002184 University of Miami FL Recovery Act: Space Geodesy and Geochemistry Applied to the Monitoring, Verification of Carbon Capture and Storage 11/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR)

NETL is partnering with the University of Miami to provide educational training by assisting in the development of an integrated, low cost methodology for assessing the fate of CO2 pumped into various classes of geologic reservoirs. Project participants will assist in integrating geodetic, seismological, and geochemical data by using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data to construct inter-ferograms (photographic records of optical interference phenomena) at several of the DOE’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (RCSP) Validation Pha+E472:E474se II “legacy” sites and RCSP Deployment Phase III sites. This technology will provide a gross characterization of upper crustal response for sequestration activities under a variety of conditions. Assessments of the geochemical environments in the sites, and the potential for more detailed geochemical modeling, will be completed and integrated with the geodetic studies.
FE0002190 Stanford University CA Recovery Act: Rock Physics of Geologic Carbon Sequestration/Storage 05/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project trains students on theoretical rock physics models that can predict the changes in the mineral framework of porous rock based on geological and geochemical conditions and the resulting changes in its porosity; elastic properties; absolute and relative permeability; and electrical formation factor. These results help in quantifying seismic and electrical data for monitoring geologic CO2 sequestration.
FE0001780 University of Akron OH Recovery Act: Sulfur Dioxide-Resistant Immobilized Amine Sorbents for Carbon Dioxide Capture 08/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The objective of this project is to develop an efficient and low-cost CO2 capture solid sorbent which is highly resistant to SO2 poisoning and thermal degradation. The proposed concept is built on integration of acid-base chemistry with a novel approach for manipulating basic site distributions. This project will support at least 2 graduate students during the research effort.
FE0001786 Utah State University UT Recovery Act: Analysis of Potential Leakage Pathways and Mineralization Within Caprocks for Geological Storage of CO2 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The project will support at least 2 graduate students while examining the nature and controls of caprock integrity on CO2 sequestration systems by studying exhumed analogs where modern and ancient CO2 flow has occurred. The team will evaluate the nature of fracture systems and faults and examine the nature of mineralization within some of these exposures.
FE0001790 Missouri State University MO Recovery Act: Monitoring and Numerical Modeling of Shallow CO2 Injection, Greene County, Missouri 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The project team will conduct research to assess the migration of CO2 in a geologic formation in Missouri, conduct reservoir modeling, and develop a GIS database of pore-fluid chemistry within and above potential CO2 injection zones in Missouri. This project will support at least two graduate students during the research effort.
FE0001808 Western Kentucky University KY Recovery Act: Novel Oxygen Carriers for Coal-Fueled Chemical Looping Combustion 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The project team will develop a series of advanced oxygen carriers for coal-fueled chemical looping combustion (CLC) to yield a high purity CO2. A CLC process model will be built to optimize the performance of the selected oxygen carriers. This project will support at least two graduate students during the research effort.
FE0001812 University of Utah UT Recovery Act: Characterization of Most Promising Sequestration Formations in the Rocky Mountain Range 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) The Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, Jurassic Entrada Sandstone, and the Pennsylvanian Weber Sandstone are very promising geologic storage formations in the Rocky Mountain Region. These formations are ubiquitous throughout the region and represent common geologic storage candidate sites for most point sources in the region. This project is focusing on collecting and analyzing rock core and geophysical data from these formations as well as conducting new data collection and model simulation analyses for a representative case-study area near the Craig Power Station in northwestern Colorado. This includes analysis of the storage potential of these deep-saline formations within a large, Laramide-age structure just south of the town of Craig, Colorado. A detailed structural analysis of this large forced fold was performed; in addition, the finer geologic structure and stratigraphy of the candidate saline aquifers and their overlying seals was characterized. Analyses of the broader region include the Navajo and other promising Jurassic-aged storage target formations. In addition, project researchers are characterizing the local and regional storage potential of these most promising formations using fundamental geological, geophysical, and existing rock core data from all areas of the region.
FE0001858 Montana State University MT Recovery Act: Development of a 1 x N Fiber Optic Sensor Array for Carbon Sequestration Site Monitoring 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The project objective is development of a 1 x 4 fiber optic sensor array for sub-surface carbon dioxide (CO2) detection. The proposed fiber sensor array is a low cost, reconfigurable sensor that has the potential for large area coverage based on the number of fiber probes that can be accessed using one laser and two photo-detectors in the call/receive geometry.
FE0001317 University of Texas at Austin TX Improving the Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting of CO2 Sequestered in Geologic Systems with Multicomponent Seismic Technology and Rock Physics Modeling 12/31/2012 Monitoring, Verification, Accounting, and Assessment The University of Texas at Austin's Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) is partnering with Battelle's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, AOA Geophysical, Global Geophysical, Geokinetics, Ascend Geo, Austin Powder, Seismic Source, and RARE Technology to combine multicomponent seismic technology and rock physics modeling that will lead to more accurate monitoring, verifying, and accounting (MVA) of stored CO2. The research will use conventional seismic sources and data-acquisition systems and also new seismic sources that emphasize shear waves and new seismic data-acquisition technology based on cableless data recording to acquire seismic research data across one or more brine-formation systems appropriate for CO2 storage. Research tasks will involve acquiring, processing, and interpreting both conventional seismic data and multicomponent seismic data. Scientists at PNNL and BEG will analyze well logs, cores, and reservoir test data to construct geological models of CO2 storage formations and seal units across each study site. By combining P-wave and S-wave seismic attributes with appropriate rock physics models, the research team will show how multicomponent seismic technology allows definition of formation storage compartments, detection of leaky seals, mapping of fluid-flow paths, segregation of high and low gas saturations, and quantification of intra-reservoir permeability barriers that cannot be achieved with conventional single-component seismic data.
FE0002020 University of Minnesota MN Recovery Act: Geomechanical Simulation of Fluid-Driven Fractures 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project provides a basis for providing graduate and undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in research related to the modeling of fluid-driven fractures. The research approach will include numerical analyses with the discrete element and boundary element methods, and physical experiments for material estimation and model testing.
FE0002028 RFCUNY - Brooklyn College NY Recovery Act: Carbon Dioxide Sealing Capacity: Textural or Compositional Controls? 11/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) NETL has partnered with Brooklyn College to determine the role of textural (e.g., the pore-throat size; distribution, geometry, and sorting; grain size; degree of bioturbation; specific surface area; preferred orientation of matrix clay minerals; and orientation and aspect ratio of organic particles) and compositional parameters (e.g., silt content; ductility; compaction; mineralogical content; proportion of soft, deformable mineral grains to rigid grains; cementation; organic matter content; carbonate content; and ash content) that control the CO2 sealing capacity of caprock formations. Caprocks are low-permeability rocks that comprise confining zones located above the CO2 injection zone and can act as a seal to prevent the upward migration of CO2 into other formations. The research is also serving as scientific training for at least one graduate student and one undergraduate student. The students are collecting samples, searching scientific literature, performing most lab measurements, writing scientific dissertations, and participating in disseminating project results through publications and by attending scientific meetings.
FE0002041 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Recovery Act: Modeling and Risk Assessment of CO2 Sequestration at the Geologic-Basin Scale 08/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) NETL has partnered with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to develop tools to better understand and model CO2 storage permanence in geologic formations at the geologic basin scale. This research contributes to deploying CCUS at a gigatonne per year injection scale over the course of several decades. Continuous CO2 injection of this magnitude must be understood at the geologic basin scale. The project is performing fundamental research on CO2 migration, fate, and displaced brine at the geologic basin scale. Additionally, MIT is developing analytical sharp-interface models of the evolution of CO2 plumes over the duration of injection (decades) and after injection (centuries). MIT has experience in investigating closed-form analytical solutions that account for plume shape during CO2 injection and for regional groundwater flow. From accomplishments obtained in this past research, MIT extended the modeling use in this project to include the essential physics governing plume migration: (1) induced pressure gradients, (2) capillary trapping, (3) buoyancy, (4) regional groundwater flow, (5) aquifer slope, (6) dissolution into the brine (due to both diffusion from residual CO2 and convective mixing from mobile CO2), and (7) loss through the confining unit (Figure 1). MIT applied the analytical solutions of CO2 plume migration and pressure evolution to specific geologic basins to estimate the maximum footprint of the plume, and the maximum injection rate that can be sustained during a given injection period without fracturing caprock. These results have led to more accurate resource estimates, based on fluid flow dynamics, rather than ad hoc assumptions of an overall “efficiency factor” typically used in storage capacity estimation calculations. In addition, MIT used risk assessment methodologies to evaluate the uncertainty in their predictions of storage capacity and leakage rates. The results of the research were incorporated into the short course titled “Carbon Capture and Storage: Science, Technology, and Policy” offered through the MIT Professional Institute to train the present and future CCS workforce.
FE0002186 University of Houston TX Recovery Act: Training Toward Advanced 3D Seismic Methods for CO2 Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting 05/31/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project focuses on the use of seismic data for assessing CO2 storage reservoirs. The project will train students on numerical simulation of advanced seismic data ideal for mapping of caprock integrity and potential leakage pathways. The project will use numerical simulation to test rapid methods of gathering multi-component, full azimuth data ideal for this purpose.
FE0000988 Colorado School of Mines CO Simulation of Coupled Processes of Flow, Transport and Storage of CO2 in Saline Aquifers 09/30/2014 Geochemical Impacts Researchers at the Colorado School of Mines have developed a comprehensive simulation tool for analyzing and modeling the coupled physical, chemical, thermal, and geomechanical processes involved in CO2 flow, storage, migration, and mineralization during long-term geologic carbon storage in saline aquifers. The simulator models the complex geology of these formations, including heterogeneity, anisotropy, fractures, and faults. The simulator also models geochemical and geomechanical processes that would occur during geologic storage of CO2. It uses parallel computation methods to allow rapid and efficient modeling assessment of CO2 injection strategies and long-term prediction of geologic storage system behavior and safety. Small-scale test experiments were used to identify the fundamental processes in homogeneous systems and test the ability of the macroscopic-scale models to capture the capillary and dissolution trapping processes in the presence of pore-scale heterogeneities. Overall, the model simulations support the evaluation of geologic storage mechanisms as a viable technique for reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions.
FE0001941 University of Texas at Austin TX Recovery Act: Gulf of Mexico Miocene CO2 Site Characterization Mega Transect 09/30/2014 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) The University of Texas at Austin and its partners at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Environmental Defense Fund, and Sandia Technologies, LLC have investigated Texas offshore subsurface storage resources in the Gulf of Mexico as candidate geologic storage formations. This project was designed to identify one or more CO2 injection site(s) within an area of Texas offshore state lands (extending approximately 10 miles from the shoreline) that are suitable for the safe and permanent storage of CO2 from future large-scale commercial CCS operations. The approach used in identifying these injection sites was to use both historic and new data to evaluate the candidate geologic formations, including an extensive Gulf Coast well database and seismic survey database. A major project effort was to characterize three selected offshore areas with high-resolution seismic surveys that were conducted by the project. In addition, reservoir simulations were performed and work was conducted to evaluate the effects of chemical reactions resulting from injection of CO2 into the identified formations. A risk analysis and mitigation plan has been generated in support of near-term commercial development efforts.
FE0002111 University of Texas of the Permian Basin TX Recovery Act: A Modular Curriculum for Training University Students in Industry Standard CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery Methodologies 05/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) Create modules for undergraduate and graduate students. Data & presentations from industry CO2 Flooding Schools & Conferences, Carbon Mgt Workshops & other venues will be tailored to provide introductory reservoir & aquifer training, state-of-the-art methodologies, field seminars, site visits, and case studies for students. This project will support Graduate students during the research effort.
FE0002225 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Recovery Act: Actualistic and Geomechanical Modeling of Reservoir Rock, CO2 and Formation Flue Interaction, Citronelle Field, Alabama 01/31/2014 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR)

NETL has partnered with the West Virginia University (WVU) to conduct a three-year study of the Citronelle field located in Mobile County, Alabama, to determine the diagenetic (physical, chemical, and biological) alteration of reservoir rock and formation fluid properties due to injection of supercritical CO2 into mature, conventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. The study is using comprehensive geochemical assessments of core and formation fluid from the Citronelle field to test a reactive transport model for prediction of supercritical CO2-fluid-rock interactions. This modeling can be used to predict dissolution and/or mineral trapping in the reservoir rock and guide engineering, assessment of storage capacity, development, and monitoring of CO2 storage sites.

The Citronelle oil field (Figure 1) is an ideal site for CO2 storage because of its geology and the pre-existing CO2 infrastructure in the region. The Citronelle field is currently the focus of an on-going CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project led by the University of Alabama and NETL. CO2-EOR has been viewed as the most promising near term approach for CO2 storage, due to the economic return from extracted oil. Thus, this study is highly relevant to emerging technologies. Also, a state-of-the-art geologic model of the Rodessa Formation reservoir, a major oil and gas reservoir in the eastern Mississippi Interior Salt Basin and promising EOR target, has been created as aresult of the on-going CO2-EOR DOE project.
FE0002254 University of Texas at Austin TX Recovery Act: Alliance for Sequestration Training, Outreach, Research and Education (STORE) 09/01/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR)

NETL, in partnership with the University of Texas at Austin, has developed the Alliance for Sequestration Training, Outreach, Research and Education (STORE), which is a regional carbon storage technology training center for the Gulf Coast states that facilitates national and global development and deployment of CCUS technology. The training center accomplishes this through technology transfer events; webinars; student, professional, and public training courses; seminars; and communication through newsletters, email tech alerts, and a website. This training makes a vital contribution to the scientific, technical, and institutional knowledge needed to develop commercial CCUS projects. By providing educational and training programs necessary to produce a skilled professional CCUS workforce, the University of Texas at Austin helps the nation meet the need to capture and store large amounts of CO2. In addition, the center promotes transfer of regional CCUS technology expertise, provide the public, CCUS industry and other interested parties with a variety of professional services, and works with all stakeholders to advance CCUS from demonstration stage to deployment.
FE0001112 Headwaters Clean Carbon Services, LLC UT Comprehensive, Quantitative Risk Assessment 09/30/2013 Geologic Storage Technologies and Simulation and Risk Assessment This project will develop a process based risk assessment model to determine quantitatively the potential risks and impacts of CO2 storage, as well as cost savings for risk mitigation. The model will be applied to the SACROC field site in Texas and two other known CO2 geologic storage sites.
FE0001164 GoldSim Technology Group WA Development of a Software Framework for System Level Carbon Sequestration Risk Assessment- FOA-00 02/28/2013 Geologic Storage Technologies and Simulation and Risk Assessment This project, in Seattle, shall develop an integrated system-level risk analysis approach for geologic CO2 storage by adapting and extending an existing highly regarded and widely used probabilistic simulation framework (GoldSim) that was originally developed for long-term safety analyses of nuclear waste disposal.
FE0002057 California Institute of Technology CA Recovery Act: Molecular Simulation of Dissolved Inorganic Carbons for Underground Brine CO2 Sequestrations 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) Application selected from ARRA 2009 DOE FOA Number DE-FOA-0000032, entitled "Recovery Act: Geologic Sequestration Training and Research". Project addresses the need to measure the Dissolved Inorganic Carbons in underground brine water at higher sensitivity, lower cost, in situ, at higher frequency and over long periods of time for CO2 sequestration MVA. This project will support at least 2 graduate students.
FE0002058 Colorado School of Mines CO Recovery Act: Training and Research on Probabilistic Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical (HTM) Modeling of CO2 Geological Sequestration (GS) in Fractured Porous Rocks 05/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The primary objective of the proposal is to provide training opportunities for graduate students in the development and validation of an advanced three-dimensional simulation and risk assessment model that can be used to predict the fate, movement and storage of CO2 in underground formations, and to evaluate the risk of their potential leakage to the atmosphere and underground aquifers.
FE0002059 Colorado School of Mines CO Recovery Act: Training Graduate & Undergraduate Students in Simulation and Risk Assessment for Carbon 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The primary objective is to train graduate and undergraduate students and advance the science in two critical areas of risk assessment (1) multi-process, multi-scale characterization and model simulation of the risks associated with leakage into overlying aquifers and (2) pore-scale geochemical processes in CO2 sequestration related to injectivity and storage including mineral reactivity and multiphase fluid reactions, needed to assess the likelihood of an successful sequestration effort.
FE0002197 Duke University NC Recovery Act: The Potential Risks of Freshwater Aquifer Contamination with Geosequestration 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project offers training opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students who are conducting research on the effects of CO2 leakage on multiple drinking water aquifers. Duke University is conducting long-term incubations and chemical simulations using aquifer sediments from many locations in order to present a risk assessment that is as accurate and as comprehensive as possible to prioritize areas with the greatest risks for geosequestration and to highlight areas where such risks are low.
FE0001034 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Simulation Framework for Regional Geologic CO2 Storage Infrastructure Along Arches Province 09/30/2012 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management Through its core research and development program administered by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) emphasizes monitoring, verification, and accounting (MVA), as well as computer simulation, of possible carbon dioxide (CO2) leakage at CO2 sequestration sites, along with risk assessment of those sites. MVA efforts focus on the development and deployment of technologies that can provide an accurate account of stored CO2, with a high level of confidence that the CO2 will remain permanently sequestered. Effective application of these MVA technologies will ensure the safety of sequestration projects with respect to both human health and the environment, and provide the basis for establishing carbon credit trading markets for sequestered CO2. Risk assessment research focuses on identifying and quantifying potential risks to humans and the environment associated with CO2 sequestration, and helping to ensure that these risks remain low.
FE0002056 University of Kansas Center for Research KS Recovery Act: Modeling CO2 Sequestration in the Ozark Plateau Aquifer System 09/30/2014 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) The University of Kansas (KU), BEREXO Inc., Bittersweet Energy Inc., Kansas Geological Survey, and the Kansas State University evaluated potential CO2 storage sites, including saline aquifers and depleted oil reservoirs, within the Ozark Plateau Aquifer System (OPAS) in south-central Kansas. The study focused on the Wellington Field, with an evaluation of the CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) potential of its Mississippian chert reservoir and the storage potential in the underlying Cambro-Ordovician Arbuckle Group saline reservoir. A larger study of the saline reservoir was undertaken over a 33 county area in south-central Kansas to evaluate regional CO2 storage potential. Additionally, the EOR potential of the Chester and Marrow Sandstone reservoirs is being evaluated. This study integrated well data, seismic, geologic, and engineering approaches to evaluate CO2 storage potential. The project estimated the CO2 storage potential of multiple formations by constructing integrated geological models followed by reservoir simulation studies. The effort collected available data, drilled and logged three new wells through the Arbuckle Group, cored a portion of the injection and confining zones, and performed chemical and physical analyses on the samples. Analysis of the geochemistry of formation fluids was conducted, and a simulation of fluid flow and geochemical interactions was performed.
FE0001040 Schlumberger Carbon Services OH Quantification of Wellbore Leakage Risk Using Non-Destructive Borehole Logging Techniques 05/31/2014 Subsurface Monitoring This project has identified leaky wellbores as an important risk to storage integrity that warrants further study to develop methods to quantify the risk of CO2 release through active and abandoned wellbores. It has developed a new method to relate the risk of release through existing wells at geologic carbon storage sites to data collected by non-destructive cement mapping tools. The data from wellbore logging tools were employed to develop models for leakage risk in wells. Methods to quantify the probability of leakage were developed for the casing, cement, cement-casing interface, cement-formation interface, and any existing defects. Models for risk of release through wells can then be developed that use collected data to establish the overall probability of leakage of a given well. Information obtained from well logging can be input into a model to evaluate the probability of leakage for specific zones in the well, e.g., the casing, cement, cement casing interface, cement-formation interface, and any existing defects.
FE0001836 University of Missouri MO Recovery Act: Numerical Modeling of Geomechanical Processes Related to CO2 Injection within Generic Reservoirs 05/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The main objective of this proposal is to properly train graduate students to develop multi-scale Finite Element (FE) models of different geological settings and compare the results concerning geomechanical processes, such as how fluid pressure induces rock deformation, how faults and fractures affect fluid migration, as well as critical wellbore placement and wellbore integrity to each other. This shall give a more thorough understanding of how reservoir geometry affects wellbore stability, formation and cap rock stability and thus shall facilitate future site selection.
FE0001852 Purdue University IN Recovery Act: Training Students to Analyze Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneities in Reservoir and Seal Petrology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry: Implications for CO2 sequestration Prediction, Simulation and Monitoring 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) NETL has partnered with Purdue University to conduct training and research to determine the depositional and diagenetic characteristics of CO2 storage and caprock formations; the low-permeability formations located above the CO2 injection zone(s) that prevent the upward migration of CO2. Depositional characteristics help to determine where sediment was deposited and lithified, such as a beach, lake, or dune. Diagenetic characteristics, such as compaction and cementation, illustrate the physical, chemical, and biological changes that take place in sediments as they become consolidated into rocks. This project also explored methods for predicting changes in the mineralogy (chemical composition) and texture that occur when rocks are exposed to CO2-saturated brines. During the project, graduate students conducted original scientific research into topics related to the lithological, textural, and compositional variability in formations that were analyzed as possible CO2 storage reservoirs and seals. The students focused primarily on analyzing core samples and geophysical well-logs of the Mount Simon Sandstone (Figure 1) and overlying E au Claire Formation seal.
FE0002060 Petroleum Technology Transfer Council (PTTC) TX Recovery Act: Carbon Capture and Storage in the Permian Basin, a Regional Technology Transfer and Training Program 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) NETL, in partnership with the Petroleum Technology Transfer Council (PTTC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and the Applied Petroleum Technology Academy has developed a regional sequestration technology training center to deliver CCUS technology training and information to stakeholders in the Permian Basin Region of western Texas and southeastern New Mexico through an established technology transfer network, online capabilities, and a communications program. The Permian Basin is an ideal target for this type of training since is it a major oil and gas producing region, contains oil fields that show promise for CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and carbon storage activities, and has an extensive CO2-EOR infrastructure already located throughout the region. To implement this project, PTTC has created courses and lecture materials for academia and industry related to CCUS and conduct annual training events geared toward universities and colleges. PTTC is utilizing multiple approaches to deliver its technology transfer and training programs, including regional workshops, presentations at technical meetings, a focused research-oriented workshop, an online certificate program, webinars/e-symposia, and communication through newsletters, email tech alerts, and a website located at
FE0002069 San Diego State University CA Recovery Act: Web-Based CO2 Subsurface Modeling 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The objective of this project is to create a web-based simulator with comprehensive chemical and physical processes relevant for modeling CO2 sequestration systems and then to use this simulator as part of a course on CO2 sequestration and modeling. The simulator is intended to evaluate the effect of injected CO2 on the target rocks and the resulting chemical changes and how this shall affect flow and heat transfer. This project shall also provide an opportunity at San Diego State University to further develop existing industry-supported multidisciplinary applied computational sciences programs and well trained personnel for the industry.
FE0002108 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Recovery Act: Double-Difference Tomography for Sequestration MVA 12/31/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project shall establish data collection and processing requirements so that double-difference seismic tomography can be used to quantitatively map the mass and propagation of sequestered CO2 as a function of time. Additionally, a dataset from field monitoring of microseismic activity shall be analyzed using double-difference tomography. Finally, a graduate course shall be developed to enable students to apply the best, most recent methods for using geophysical tools to image sequestration.
FE0002352 Sandia Technologies, LLC TX Recovery Act: Characterization of the Triassic Newark Basin of New York & New Jersey for Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide 09/30/2014 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) Sandia Technologies, LLC (Sandia), in partnership with Conrad Geoscience Corporation, Schlumberger Carbon Services, Columbia University, Rutgers University, the New York State Museum, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, examined the potential for large-scale, permanent storage of CO2 in deep strata of the Newark Rift Basin (NRB). The NRB underlies a heavily industrialized region comprising parts of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The primary focus of this project was to examine and prove the suitability of these Triassic to Cambrian formations for geologic storage of CO2. The project included the analysis of existing hydrologic, geologic, and oil and gas well data; development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) database; geologic and conceptual modeling; and drilling and completing a characterization well. Drilling a stratigraphic test well to near-geologic basement (approximately 8,000 feet total depth) provided Sandia with formation water samples, native formation pressures, and estimates of formation porosity, permeability, grain and bulk density, lithology, and mineralogy. A second characterization well was drilled in conjunction with Columbia University, and a 2-D seismic survey was completed to further characterize the basin.
FE0002386 Columbia University NY Recovery Act: Geo-Chemo-Mechanical Studies for Permanent CO2 Storage in Geologic Reservoirs 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The goal of this project is to experimentally quantify rapid CO2 capture and storage (CCS) rates via mineral carbonation in peridotitic and basaltic rocks, and to test the hypothesis that rapid carbonation of peridotite leads to a positive feedback via "reactive cracking", in which cracks caused by large volume changes enhance porosity, permeability and reactive surface area.
FE0002389 Columbia University NY Recovery Act: Microbial and Chemical Enhancement of In-Situ Carbon Mineralization in Geologic Formation 05/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The Recipient shall develop a microbial and chemical enhancement scheme for in-situ carbon mineralization in geologic formations. This system shall consist of thermodynamic and kinetic studies of CO2-mineral-brine systems and shall investigate the influence of organic acids produced by a microbial reactor on in-situ mineral carbonation.
FE0002407 University of Texas at El Paso TX Recovery Act: High Fidelity Computational Analysis of CO2 Sorption at Pore Scales in Coal Seams 07/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The Recipient shall develop a computational technique which relies upon variational statistics in pore size and pore throat size in order to determine the transport and free-phase storage of carbon dioxide in coal seams.
FE0000870 University of Connecticut (UConn) CT Multifunctional Nanowire/Film Composites Based Bi-Molecular Sensors for High-Temperature Gas Detection 06/01/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies The project objective is to develop a unique class of multifunctional metal oxide/perovskite based composite nanosensors for industrial and combustion gas detection at high temperature (700oC-1300oC). A miniaturized bi-module sensing platform will be designed and fabricated with a parallel, combinatory, and multiplex array of integrated electro-resistive and electrochemical nanosensors to meet the challenge of high temperature complex gaseous environment in various combustion conditions.
FE0002128 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Recovery Act: Analysis of Microbial Activity Under a Supercritical CO2 Atmosphere 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project will characterize the growth requirements of a biofilm-producing supercritical CO2 (scCO2)-tolerant microbial consortium; evaluate the ability of this consortium to reduce permeability in sandstone under simulated reservoir conditions; investigate the mechanisms of scCO2 tolerance in isolated strains; and analyze the microbial diversity for scCO2 tolerant microbes at CCS sites.
FE0002138 University of Pittsburgh PA Recovery Act: Passive Wireless Acoustic Wave Sensors for Monitoring CO2 Emissions from Geological Sequestration Sites 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project aims to develop CO2 sensor and instrument for measuring and monitoring CO2 emissions for geological sequestration sites in a continuous mode, while providing training opportunities to two graduate students in the areas of acoustic wave sensors, nanomaterials and geological sequestration of CO2.
FE0002142 University of Wyoming WY Recovery Act: Site Characterization of the Highest-Priority Geologic Formations for CO2 Storage in Wyoming 12/07/2013 Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization (GSSC) The University of Wyoming and the project partner organizations have characterized the Rock Springs Uplift (RSU) and Moxa Arch deep saline reservoirs in southwestern Wyoming to pave the way for commercial- scale CO2 storage projects within the region. These reservoirs have been characterized by drilling a test well in the RSU, performing extensive testing in and around the well, and processing data from a well in the Moxa Arch that had been installed previously by ExxonMobil. Analytical measurements taken within the wells and from tests performed on samples removed from the wells help to determine the suitability of the reservoirs to store CO2. An additional study has assessed potential release paths from the reservoirs. Specific tasks completed as part of the project included: (1) the installation of a characterization well at the RSU site for the purpose of gathering cores, fluid samples, and geophysical data; (2) 3-dimensional, 3-component seismic surveys and electromagnetic (EM) surveys of the area surrounding the RSU well; (3) development of well catalog and wellbore risk assessments for the RSU and Moxa Arch sites; (4) performance of structural and stratigraphic characterization of the RSU and Moxa Arch sites; (5) analysis of host rock mineralization and its effect on CO2 injectivity and storage and analysis of formation fluids; and (6) design of a commercial-scale sequestration project that includes options for the disposition of displaced waters and a complete performance risk assessment.
FE0002441 Ohio State University Research Foundation OH Recovery Act: Modeling and Evaluation of Geophysical Methods for Monitoring and Tracking CO2 Migration in the Subsurface 11/30/2012 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The Recipient shall provide a graphical user interface program through which previously developed numerical tests can be interfaced for the purpose of determining the optimum spatial distribution of boreholes for tracking a CO2 plume and displaying the data in a three dimensional format.
FE0002416 University of Missouri MO Recovery Act: Geoscience Perspectives in Carbon Sequestration 09/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) In this Recovery Act project Missouri University of Science and Technology (MST) will enhance its existing CCS training and research program by offering courses in CCS topics. Student will attend field trips with "hands-on" involvement and conduct research on potential sequestration targets in the Midwest.
FE0002421 University of Illinois IL Understanding the Impact of CO2 Injection on the Subsurface Microbial Community in an Illinois Basin CCS Reservoir: Integrated Student Training in Geoscience & Geomicrobiology 03/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) In this Recovery Act project the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), in collaboration with the UIUC Department of Geology, Institute of Genomic Biology and the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium, will provide training and research opportunities for students who will participate in a study to evaluate the subsurface microorganism response to injected CO2 at the ADM Sequestration Site in Decatur, Ill.
FE0002423 Southern Illinois University IL Recovery Act: Risk Assessment and Monitoring of Stored CO2 in Organic Rocks Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions 06/30/2014 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR)

NETL is partnering with Southern Illinois University (SIU) to undertake a comprehensive study to understand the potential interactions between organic rocks and CO2. Interactions between various ranked coals (lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite) or organic shale with CO2 are complex and not well understood.

The fact that potential risks associated with their storage are seldom evaluated under plausible but extreme transient conditions poses a concern. Most risk assessments are typically accomplished under equilibrium conditions. However, under extreme non-equilibrium conditions (whether natural, seismic, or manmade) there are potential situations that could lead to the re-emission of CO2 stored in organic rocks. The possible interactions have not yet been studied in detail. In addition, SIU is attempting to evaluate how potential pressure and temperature variations, typically encountered under natural seismic conditions, can control the emission, adsorption, and absorption behavior of stored CO2.
FE0002438 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Recovery Act: High-Performance Sorbents for Carbon Dioxide Capture from Air 03/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The Recipient shall perform a combined experimental and modeling study of air capture of CO2 using low-cost, high-capacity sorbents such as hyperbranched amino-polymers. In addition, the Recipient shall examine the adsorption/desorption cycles for approaches using only diurnal temperature variations as energy input, as well as approaches where additional energy input from solar thermal sources is considered.
FE0002462 University of Illinois IL Recovery Act: Development and Implementation of the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium Sequestration Technology Transfer Center 06/30/2015 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR)

NETL, in partnership with the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) and the Midwest Geologic Sequestration Consortium (MGSC), has developed the MGSC Sequestration Training and Education Program (STEP) to disseminate CCUS technology and provide education and training opportunities for engineers, geologists, service providers, regulators, executives, and other CCUS personnel working within the Illinois Basin region of the United States.
FE0000749 Princeton University NJ Basin-Scale Leakage Risks from Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Impact on CCS Energy Market Competiveness 03/31/2013 Geologic Storage Technologies and Simulation and Risk Assessment Princeton investigators will develop a framework for examining carbon capture and storage investment decisions in light of uncertainty in CO2 leakage risks, potential subsurface liability, and the associated losses in carbon credits. The project team seeks to develop a framework to quantify leakage risk in probalistic terms, and combine it with a basin-scale model of competing subsurface land uses.
FE0000528 University of Akron OH Techno-Economic Analysis of Scalable Coal-Based Fuel Cells 08/31/2014 AEC Development The University of Akron will demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of building a 250 kilowatt (kW) direct-coal fuel cell (DCFC) pilot plant. Researchers at the University of Akron (UA) have demonstrated the technical feasibility of a laboratory coal fuel cell that can economically convert high sulfur coal into electricity with near-zero negative environmental impact. Scaling up this coal fuel cell technology requires two key elements: developing the manufacturing technology for the components of the coal-based fuel cell; and long-term testing of a kW-scale fuel cell pilot plant. This novel coal fuel cell technology is expected to be a highly efficient, super clean, multi-use electric generation technology which promises to provide low cost electricity by expanding the utilization of U.S. coal supplies and relieving our dependence on foreign oil. A DCFC stack consists of multiple fuel cells which are interconnected electrically. The performance of the stack will be simulated on the basis of preliminary design and the single cell performance. The simulations and test data will be used to further refine the design.
FE0002381 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. PA Recovery Act: Demonstration of CO2 Capture and Sequestration for Steam Methane Reforming Process Gas Used for Large-Scale Hydrogen Production 09/30/2017 Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (ICCS) Air Products has designed, constructed and is operating a state-of-the-art system to capture the CO2 emitted from two large steam methane reformers. The reformers are located in Port Arthur, Texas and used by Air Products for large-scale hydrogen production. The CO2 removal units utilize Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA). Air Products is working with Denbury Resources, Inc. to transport the captured gas via pipeline to oil fields in eastern Texas where it is used for Enhanced Oil Recovery and thereby sequestered.
FE0001057 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Amorphous Alloy Membranes for High Temperature Hydrogen Separations 09/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The objective of the proposed project is to model, fabricate, and test thin film amorphous alloy membranes which separate hydrogen from a coal-based system with performance meeting the DOE 2015 targets of flux, selectivity, cost and chemical and mechanical robustness, without the use of PGMs (platinum group metals). This project will use a combination of theoretical modeling, advanced physical vapor deposition fabricating, and laboratory and gasifier testing to develop amorphous alloy membranes that have the potential to meet all DOE targets in testing strategies outlined in the NETL Membrane Test Protocol.
FE0000507 General Electric (GE) Company NY Demonstration of Pressurizing Coal/Biomass Mixtures Using Posimetric Solids Pump Technology 12/31/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids This project will demonstrate the capability of the GE Posimetric® pump for use in dry-feeding mixtures of coal and biomass into a pressurized entrained-flow gasifier. Various coal and biomass types will be mixed in a variety of ratios. Properties of the mixtures such as compressibility, friction factor, and gas permeability will be tested to obtain specifications for biomass pretreatment for gasification. Mixtures that meet specifications will be used to test the capability of the Posimetric pump on a demonstration scale and an economic analysis will be performed.
FE0001547 Archer Daniels Midland Corporation IL Recovery Act: CO2 Capture from Biofuels Production and Sequestration into the Mt. Simon Sandstone Reservoir 09/30/2022 Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (ICCS)

The objective of this project is to demonstrate an integrated system of industrial CO2 capture and geological storage in a deep sandstone formation. The project uses CO2 produced by ADM as a by-product of the production of fuel-grade ethanol. ADM has been capturing CO2 using dehydration and compression and sequestering it in the Mt. Simon Sandstone formation (saline reservoir). The ethanol plant and the sequestration site are both located in Decatur, Illinois. The project team members include ADM, Illinois State Geological Survey, Schlumberger Carbon Services, and Richland Community College.

This is the first geologic storage project to operate with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Class VI injection well permit. This project is demonstrating cutting-edge technologies for intelligent monitoring in the deep verification well (i.e., Schlumberger's IntelliZone compact modular multi-zonal management system-first installation in North America), a downhole seismic monitoring system (i.e., Sercel SlimWave acquisition unit with WAVELAB surface control) in the geophysical well, and Schlumberger's WellWatcher monitoring system that integrates advanced downhole measurement technology with surface acquisition and data communication systems.
FE0001248 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Yeager Airport Hydrogen Vehicle Test Project 09/30/2014 Advanced Fuels Synthesis The primary objective of this project is to further develop the research efforts previously initiated with the construction and operation of the Hydrogen Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) facility located at the Yeager Airport in Charleston, WV. The facility generates, stores, and dispenses hydrogen for use in vehicles and equipment that have been converted or designed to operate on hydrogen as their fuel source. Project objectives include the procurement of a various types of hydrogen-fueled vehicles, the development and execution of educational and outreach activities, testing and evaluation of the use of hydrogen vehicles, and the management of the data collected from vehicle testing.
FE0000699 University of Kentucky KY Continuation of Crosscutting Technology of CAST 09/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The Center for Advanced Separation Technologies at the University of Kentucky (CAST-KY) will develop advanced technologies that can be used to exploit domestic energy resources and help developing countries reduce their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In addition, new gas-gas separations technologies to be developed at the Center for Advanced Separations (CAST) will have crosscutting applications for a wide spectrum of the Fossil Energy R&D programs. The objective will be met by conducting both fundamental and applied research at CAST, which is a consortium of five universities. The university members include: University of Kentucky, Virginia Tech, West Virginia University, Montana Tech of University of Montana and University of Utah.
FE0001241 University of Central Florida FL Online, In-Situ Monitoring Combustion Turbines Using Wireless Passive Ceramic Sensors 06/30/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies Researchers at the University of Central Florida (UCF) will develop accurate and robust wireless passive high-temperature (>1300 degrees Celsius) microsensors for in situ measurement of temperature and pressure within combustion turbines. This research aims to establish a solid foundation for the development of commercially viable advanced sensor technologies for in-situ real-time monitoring of the operation of power generation systems, thus providing precise operational parameters in real-time for optimal system control for higher efficiency, increased reliability, and improved emissions.
FE0001009 Colorado School of Mines CO Nanoporous, Metal Carbide, Surface Diffusion Membranes for High Temperature Hydrogen Separations 09/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids This project will develop and optimize novel, nanoporous, metal carbide membranes using molybdenum (Mo) or tungsten (W) rather than platinum group metals. It will test the use of metal carbides and sulfides to separate hydrogen from high-temperature, high-pressure coal synthesis gas. These surface diffusion composite membranes will provide means to achieve DOE hydrogen separation performance goals. Achieving the goal of producing high purity hydrogen separation membrane systems will bring affordable, environmentally sound hydrogen supplies closer to a reality.
FE0001249 Prime Photonics, LC VA Ultra-High Temperature Distributed Wireless Sensors 03/31/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies PRLC (Prime Research LC) and the Virginia Tech Antenna Group (VTAG) propose to develop a revolutionary wireless sensor technology capable of operating at extreme temperatures and in highly corrosive environments. The technology will completely eliminate the need for cables connecting to the sensors. In many cases it will avoid having to machine feed-throughs to gain access into plant interiors. The technology is enabled by recent developments in radio frequency identification (RFID), high temperature materials, and frequency selective metamaterials.
FE0000234 Energy Industries of Ohio, Inc. OH Steam Turbine Materials for Advanced Ultra Supercritical (AUSC) Coal Power Plants 09/30/2015 High Performance Materials The objective of this project is to contribute to the development of materials technology for use in advanced ultra supercritical (AUSC) steam turbines. AUSC power plants will operate with steam temperatures up to 1,400°F and pressures of 5,000 psi resulting in a highly efficient power generation process. Estimated plant efficiency increases are as much as 30% compared to sub critical power plants. Research and development on advanced materials is needed to lead to full-scale demonstration and eventual commercialization for AUSC power plants. A three-year preliminary evaluation under Phase 1 identified a wide spectrum of potential alloys and coatings. Preliminary evaluations of a subset of these promising materials included research on mechanical properties, oxidation resistance, weldability, and suitability of alloys and coatings. This follow-on effort will support in-depth, longer term testing that provides material characterization data that is necessary for the design of a steam turbine that is operable in AUSC conditions.
FE0002314 Leucadia Energy, LLC NY Recovery Act: The Lake Charles CCS Project 06/30/2015 Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (ICCS) The Lake Charles CCS Project will accelerate commercialization of large-scale CO2 storage from industrial sources by leveraging synergy between a proposed petcoke to methanol plant (Lake Charles Chemical Project) and one of the largest integrated anthropogenic CO2 capture, transport, and monitored sequestration programs in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region. The Lake Charles CCS Project will promote the expansion of EOR in the Gulf region and supply greater energy security by expanding domestic energy supplies. The compression, pipeline, injection, and monitoring infrastructure will continue to sequester CO2 for many years after the completion of the term of the DOE agreement.
FE0001563 University of Texas at Austin TX Developing a Comprehensive Risk Assessment Framework for Geological Storage of CO2 08/31/2014 Risk Assessment This project developed a comprehensive analysis of programmatic and technical risks associated with CO2 storage in deep brine reservoirs. The study quantified the risks associated with CO2 storage projects by: (1) employing Bayesian inference to evaluate storage risks; (2) utilizing the safety record of the CO2 based enhanced oil recovery industry (CO2-EOR) and pilot storage projects to identify and evaluate potential risks; (3) developing and quantifying the nature of programmatic risks; (4) utilizing diverse, highly qualified expert panels drawn from industry and nongovernmental organizations (NGO) to evaluate changing perceptions of programmatic risks; and (5) assessing the possible consequences to water ecology and energy resources from potential leakage of CO2 from deep brine reservoirs.
FE0001116 Planetary Emissions Management, Inc. MA Near-Surface Leakage Monitoring for the Verification and Accounting of Geologic Carbon Sequestration using a Field Ready 14c Isotopic Analyzer 04/14/2014 Atmospheric Monitoring This four-year project—performed by Planetary Emissions Management, Inc. (PEM)—is developing a carbon-14 (14C) field-ready analyzer having a sensitivity of approximately 1 ppm of fossil fuel CO2 in ambient air. The primary focus of the application is within the near surface environment covering the project area, however, a gas stream from any component of a geologic carbon storage project or location may be analyzed. The analyzer is based on PEM’s already completed multi-isotopic Global Monitor Platform (GMP) and is being deployed for testing and validation at two reference sites: one where CO2 leaks from natural geologic reservoirs and the other a pilot CO2 injection site.
FE0002402 University of Texas at El Paso TX Recovery Act: Investigation on Flame Characteristics and Burner Operability Issues of Oxy-Fuel Combustion 05/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The objective of this project is to investigate oxy-fuel flame characteristics and assess their impact on the operability of oxy-fuel combustion systems. The individual objectives are to (i) measure fundamental flame characteristics of oxy-fuel combustion, (ii) investigate combustor operability issues of oxy-fuel combustion, and (iii) engage and train students in the multiple facets of the project.
FE0002146 Lehigh University PA Recovery Act: Thermal Integration of CO2 Compression Processes with Coal-Fired Power Plants Equipped with Carbon Capture 06/29/2012 Pre-Combustion Capture This project seeks to improve power plant efficiency and increase net power output by analyzing potential internal uses for heat produced during compression process of carbon capture. Among the thermal integration opportunities to be analyzed are to (1) regenerate post-combustion CO2 capture solvents, (2) preheat boiler feedwater and (3) predry high-moisture coals prior to pulverizing the coal.
FE0002054 North Dakota State University ND Recovery Act: Development of Protective Coatings for Co-Sequestration Processes and Pipelines 11/30/2011 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project will develop coating systems to protect the interior of pipelines and process equipment used in the transport post-combustion flue gases from corrosion and other potential stresses resulting from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with additional contaminants/constituents. The secondary objectives will be designing and preparing polymers resistant to Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with additional constinents which improve physical properties of such a coating film.
FE0002546 Touchstone Research Laboratory, Ltd. WV Recovery Act: Re-Utilization of Industrial CO2 for Algae Production Using a Phase Change Material 12/31/2013 ICCS (Research) This project will demonstrate an innovative process for capturing and utilizing carbon dioxide (CO2) from a coal-fired industrial source to grow algae in an open-pond configuration. A unique phase change material (PCM) will be used in the open-pond approach to tackle three significant challenges in algae biofuels technology. The PCM is an immiscible liquid that floats on and covers a significant portion of the open-pond surface, reducing water evaporation and providing a near-hermetic seal to prevent introduction of invasive species. The PCM also absorbs infrared solar radiation during the day and releases it at night when the temperature drops. Phase 1 of the project focuses on research and development, conceptual design, permitting, and project management activities to prepare for the second phase. Phase 2will provide construction and two-year operation of a pilot-scale outdoor system that will supply sufficient data to substantiate commercialization efforts. The Department of Energy (DOE) will determine if the Phase II effort will be initiated based on the merits of Phase I results.
FE0000493 Ramgen Power Systems, LLC WA Recovery Act: Ramgen Supersonic Shock Wave Compression and Engine Technology 03/31/2015 Novel Concepts

This four-year project—performed by Planetary Emissions Management, Inc. (PEM)—is developing a carbon-14 (14C) field-ready analyzer having a sensitivity of approximately 1 ppm of fossil fuel CO2 in ambient air. The primary focus of the application is within the near surface environment covering the project area, however, a gas stream from any component of a geologic carbon storage project or location may be analyzed. The analyzer is based on PEM’s already completed multi-isotopic Global Monitor Platform (GMP) and is being deployed for testing and validation at two reference sites: one where CO2 leaks from natural geologic reservoirs and the other a pilot CO2 injection site.
FE0002141 University of Wyoming WY Recovery Act: Wyoming CCS Technology Institute: Workforce Training, Technology Transfer, and Information Clearinghouse 06/30/2014 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) NETL, in partnership with the University of Wyoming and the Wyoming CCUS Technology Institute (WCTI), has developed a regional sequestration technology training center for Wyoming (Figure 1) and the greater Rocky Mountain region that will establish training programs to facilitate national and global development and deployment of CCUS technology. The WCTI will accomplish this by providing several types of CCUS educational programs, promoting transfer of regional CCUS technology expertise, providing the public, CCUS industry and other interested parties with a variety of professional services, and working with all stakeholders to advance CCUS from demonstration through commercial deployment. These programs will include professional workshops, short-courses focused on specific research and technical topics, online courses, webinars/e-symposia, and communication through newsletters, email tech alerts, and a comprehensive website.
FE0002112 University of Wyoming WY Recovery Act: Measurements of 222Rn, 220Rn, and CO2 Emissions in Natural CO2 Fields in Wyoming 09/30/2014 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) This project will determine whether quantitative measurement techniques for Rn activity and CO2 flux can be applied as a means of assessing caprock integrity, and provide training opportunities for two graduate students and one undergraduate student in geologic and geochemical skills required for implementing and deploying this technology for CO2 Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting (MVA).
FE0001826 Georgia Institute of Technology GA Recovery Act: CO2 Geological Storage: Coupled Hydro-Chemo-Thermo-Mechanical Phenomena - "From Pore-Scale Processes to Macroscale Implications" 05/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) NETL partnered with the Georgia Institute of Technology (GT) to explore the consequences of coupled hydro-chemo-thermo-mechanical (HCTM) processes related to the injection of CO2 into the subsurface. This work expanded the results from a previous study on the interactions of groundwater acidification and dissolution of minerals and precipitation on pore-scale processes. The scope of work included general analyses in the governing parameter domain, interfacial properties of water, mineral, CO2 and/or surfactant system, interaction between clay particles and CO2, reactive fluid flow as a result of CO2 dissolution, two-phase flow between immiscible CO2 and formation fluid, CO2 break through and sealing strategies, and CH4-CO2 hydrate replacement and hydro-mechanical implications. The project team explored coupled phenomena, identified different zones in the storage reservoir, and investigated their implications in CO2 geological storage. In particular, the research: (1) Explored spatial patterns in mineral dissolution and precipitation (comprehensive mass balance formulation); (2) experimentally determined the interfacial properties of water, mineral, and CO2 systems, including CO2-water-surfactant mixtures to reduce the CO2-water interfacial tension in view of enhanced sweep efficiency (Figure 1); (3) analyzed the interaction between clay particles and CO2, and the response of sediment layers to the presence of CO2 using specially designed experimental setups and complementary analyses; (4) coupled advective and diffusive mass transport of species, together with mineral dissolution to explore pore changes during advection of CO2-dissolved water along a rock fracture; (5) upscaled results to a porous medium using pore network simulations; (6) measured CO2 breakthrough in highly compacted fine-grained sediments, shale and cement specimens; (7) explored sealing strategies; and (8) experimentally measured CO2-CH4 replacement in hydrate-bearing sediments. Analytical, experimental and numerical results obtained in this study can be used to identify optimal CO2 injection and reservoir-healing strategies to maximize the efficiency of CO2 injection and to attain long-term storage.
FE0002224 University of Alabama AL Recovery Act: Geologic Sequestration Training and Research 06/30/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The project utilizes undergraduate honors students in independent research on the sealing capacity of geologic formations; development of an advanced undergraduate/graduate level course that includes climate change, and carbon sequestration; support of six graduate students who are developing protocols for assessment of seal layer integrity; and analysis of cap rock samples from geologic formations under consideration for sequestration of CO2.
FE0001830 Colorado State University CO Recovery Act: Multi-Objective Optimization Approaches for the Planning of Carbon Geological Sequestration Systems 05/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The objective of this project is to provide training opportunities for graduate students in order to improve the human capital and skills required for implementing and deploying CCS technologies. The graduate students shall develop an integrated simulation-optimization framework that may be used to assess the opportunity of implementing geologic sequestration at any given geological site. This project shall represent the first attempt to apply mathematical optimization to support the planning of geologic sequestration
FE0002415 Alcoa, Inc. PA Recovery Act: Innovative CO2 Sequestration from Flue Gas Using An In-Duct Scrubber Coupled with Alkaline Clay Mineralization 07/31/2012 ICCS (Research) This project will demonstrate and optimize a process to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial flue gas streams using in-duct scrubbers and sequester it through alkaline clay mineralization. The process uses the captured CO2 to convert an industrial waste, bauxite residue, into a beneficial soil amendment, carbonated alkaline clay. This process will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and will convert a high-volume, highly caustic waste product from aluminum production into a saleable soil-building product.
FE0002472 Calera Corporation CA Recovery Act: Carbon Capture and Sequestration from Industrial and Innovative Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use Award 09/30/2015 ICCS (Research) Calera Corporation will design, build, and operate a Building Materials Demonstration Plant to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plant flue gas into carbonate mineral building materials for use in the construction industry. This study will develop a plan to scale-up the full carbonate mineralization technology for commercial deployment. Using Carbon Mineralization by Aqueous Precipitation (CMAP) technology, anthropogenic CO2 can be used in an economical and environmentally sound process to create useful products. The demonstration plant will operate in conjunction with an existing power production facility in Moss Landing, CA. The beneficial use products derived from the mineralized CO2 will be tested and optimized to maximize their marketability and value. Producing marketable building materials from carbonate minerals with this technology may reduce the net operating costs of sequestering CO2. In addition, with the addition of an electrochemical portion of the project, the potential exists for the co-production of a range of potentially valuable chemical products.
FE0002474 Novomer, Inc. NY Recovery Act: Catalytic Transformation of Waste CO2 into Valuable Products 09/30/2013 ICCS (Research) Novomer, along with its subcontractor, proposes to develop polycarbonates from a petrochemical, carbon dioxide, and a proprietary catalyst system first discovered at Cornell University. The system activates inert Carbon Dioxide, enabling it to react with a commodity petrochemical that results in permanent storage of Carbon Dioxide in new chemical structures which are up to 50% by weight Carbon Dioxide. The Energy Department will provide $2.1 million of the proposed $2.63 million Phase I project cost.
FE0001888 Phycal, Inc. OH Recovery Act: Beneficial CO2 Capture in an Integrated Algal Biorefinery for Renewable Generation and Transportation Fuels 03/31/2014 ICCS (Research) This project integrates unique technologies for algal biomass production, lipid yield enhancement, and lipid extraction with mature technologies to produce beneficial energy products through algal capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial emissions. Phycal will create an integrated microalgal biorefinery (IBR) pilot project using algal feedstock to create energy products for conversion to fuel for transportation and power generation. Previous DOE programs have shown algal production offers a significant and sustainable domestic potential yield of biomass while sinking large amounts of CO2. Phycal's pilot-scale IBR could lead to commercial production of algal biofuels as early as 2016.
FE0002586 Skyonic Corporation TX Recovery Act: Skymine Beneficial CO2 Use Project 06/30/2015 ICCS (Research) This project will develop a plan for pilot scale evaluation of the SkyMine process to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from from a cement manufacturing facility flue gas stream and convert the absorbed CO2 through co-production of carbonate and bicarbonate materials. This pilot-scale project will conduct testing of the SkyMine carbon utilization process at a scale sufficiently large to evaluate the technical viability and the economics of process.
FE0001390 University of Cincinnati OH Innovative Self-Healing Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 06/30/2012 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The overall objective of this project is to develop viable solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) sealing concepts based upon self-healing glass-based seals. In this project composite seals combining suitable "self-healing" glasses with fillers and/or fibers shall be developed and evaluated. The ultimate goal is a reliable, stable, cost-effective sealing system for SOFCs.
FE0000303 LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc. OH SECA Coal-Based Systems - Rolls-Royce 01/31/2014 Pressurized Systems LG Fuel Cell Systems (LG), formerly Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems, will lead a team to develop low cost solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology for use in highly-efficient and technologically-integrated central generation power plant facilities fueled by coal synthesis gas. The project consists of three elements, cost reduction research and development (R&D), systems R&D, and a manufacturing element. The project will utilize LG proprietary segmented-in-series SOFCs at pressures up to seven atmospheres. These cells are created by screen-printing the active cell layers (anode, cathode, and electrolyte) onto ceramic flat substrates. Each ceramic flat substrate contains a large number of small planar cells connected in series (segmented-in-series design).
FE0000773 LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc. OH LG Fuel Cell Systems SOFC Model Development 03/31/2013 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The overall objective of this project is to develop a multi-physics solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) model(s) for performance calculations of the Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems (RRFCS) fuel cell in support of product development and design. The RRFCS fuel cell includes the integrated planar cell, cell assemblies that form bundles, bundle assemblies that form strips and multiple strips that define the fuel cell block. The fuel cell block is the fundamental repeat unit, and when replicated, defines a 1MW(e) fuel cell module.
FE0000753 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station TX Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Studies of Parameters Specific to the IGCC Requirements: High Mass Flow Endwall Contouring, Leading Edge Filleting and Blade Tip Ejection under Rotating Turbine Condition 09/30/2013 Hydrogen Turbines This project is designed capture and explore quantitative aerodynamic and film cooling effectiveness data essential to understanding the basic physics of complex secondary flows. This includes their influence on the efficiency and performance of gas turbines, and the impact that differing film cooling ejection arrangements have on suppressing the detrimental effect of these secondary flows.
FE0000752 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA An Experimental and Chemical Kinetics Study of the Combustion of Syngas and High Hydrogen Content Fuels 09/30/2013 Hydrogen Turbines This project emphasizes enhancing the scientific understanding the underlying factors affecting combustion for current IGCC syngas turbines and using that knowledge to developed detailed, validated combustion kinetics models that would be useful to support the design and future R&D needed to transition to nearly pure high hydrogen content (HHC) fuels derived from coal syngas. The research scope fundamentally seeks to shed light on (and resolve) previously reported literature discrepancies between published experimental data and modeling predictions of early ignition behavior of syngas and HHC fuels under controlled laboratory conditions (e.g., shock tubes, rapid compression machines, counterflow burners) by pursuing very comprehensive experimental studies and detailed reaction kinetics modeling.
FE0000765 University of Texas at El Paso TX Novel Hafnia-Based Nanostructured Thermal Barrier Coatings for Advanced Hydrogen Turbine Technology 01/31/2013 Hydrogen Turbines This project is focused on developing novel coatings for high-H2 fired gas turbine components such that high efficiencies and long lifetimes may be achieved in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) powerplants. Nanostructured Hafnia-based coatings will be developed for thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). A fundamental understanding of TBCs will be acquired and a knowledge database of next generation TBC materials with high-temperature tolerance, durability, and reliability will be generated.
FE0002196 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Recovery Act: Efficient Regeneration of Physical and Chemical Solvents for CO2 Capture 05/31/2013 Geologic Sequestration Training and Research (GSTR) The objective of this project is to evaluate the use of composite polymer membranes and porous membrane contactors for the recovery of CO2 from CO2-rich solvent streams from coal gasification syngas. This work will also be applicable to similar post-combustion carbon capture systems. This project will support at least 2 graduate students during the research effort.
FE0001156 Montana State University MT Development and Deployment of a Compact Eye-Safe Scanning Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Spatial Mapping of Carbon Dioxide for Monitoring/Verification/Accounting at Geologic Carbon Sequestration Sites 03/31/2014 Atmospheric Monitoring This project has developed, tested, and deployed a scanning eye-safe diode laser-based Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL; LIDAR = Laser Induced Differential Absorption Radar). This instrument was designed to perform near-surface mapping of CO2 number densities for MVA to determine possible CO2 leakage to the atmosphere at geologic carbon storage sites. Horizontal testing of the CO2 DIAL instrument was conducted to determine its performance at the Zero Emission Research Technology (ZERT) field site during a controlled release experiment, and at the Kevin Dome site in north-central Montana, where the Big Sky Carbon Sequestration Partnership will be conducting a larger-scale carbon storage demonstration project. At both sites, the DIAL instrument measured CO2 concentrations that compared favorably to those measured by commercial CO2 instrumentation.
FE0001160 University of Wyoming WY Feasibility of Geophysical Monitoring of Carbon-Sequestrated Deep Saline Aquifers 09/30/2013 Monitoring, Verification, Accounting, and Assessment Monitoring carbon-sequestrated deep saline aquifers using existing geophysical tools is a challenge. This three-year project , performed by the University of Wyoming (UW) with assistance from WesternGeco (Houston, Texas), combines reservoir flow simulation with 3-D, multicomponent seismic waveform modeling to investigate whether seismic waveform inversion can accurately predict and account for post-injection CO2 saturation within carbon-sequestrated deep saline aquifers. If successful, this research could establish the feasibility of a practical and cost-effective technique to monitor these aquifers, which are considered to be among the most promising geologic formations for high-capacity sequestration of CO2 captured from power plant emissions and other sources.
FE0000470 Arizona State University AZ Pre-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture by a New Dual-Phase Ceramic Carbonate Membrane Reactor 09/30/2014 Membranes This project will develop a high temperature, chemically stable, and carbon dioxide perm-selective dual phase membrane and conduct experimental studies on its use in a membrane reactor for water-gas-shift reaction to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide rich streams. The goal is to identify experimental conditions for water-gas-shift reaction in the dual-phase carbon dioxide selective membrane reactor that will produce the hydrogen and CO2 streams with 93 percent and 95 percent purity. The project includes modeling studies on the performance of the WGS reaction in the new dual-phase membrane reactors and process economic analysis.
FE0000646 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture by a Nanoporous, Superhydrophobic Membrane Contactor Process 03/31/2012 Membranes The overall objective of this program is to develop cost effective separation technology for CO2 capture from synthesis gas based on a hollow fiber membrane contactor that has the potential to provide a step change reduction in the cost of separating and capturing CO2. The objectives of Phase I work are the development of hollow fiber membranes suitable for the membrane contactor application with improved mass transfer, establishing feasibility of the proposed technology for CO2 separation from synthesis gas, and performing initial process design and economic analysis based on test data. The objectives of Phase II work will scale up the process from lab to a larger bench scale.
FE0000489 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Recovery Act: High Temperature Syngas Cleanup Technology Scale-Up and Demonstration Project 09/30/2015 Syngas Processing Research Triangle Institute (RTI) is designing, building, and testing the warm temperature desulfurization process (WDP) at pre-commercial scale (50 megawatt electric equivalent [MWe]) to remove more than 99.9 percent of the sulfur from coal-derived synthesis gas (syngas). RTI is integrating this WDP technology with an activated methyl diethanolamine (aMDEA) solvent technology to separate 90 percent of the carbon dioxide (CO2) from shifted syngas. The Polk Power Station, an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant, will supply approximately 20 percent of its coal-derived syngas as a slipstream to feed into the pre-commercial scale technologies being scaled-up. This project builds on the technical progress on the warm syngas cleaning technologies made during field testing with real syngas from Eastman Chemical Company's gasifier under DOE Contract DE-AC26-99FT40675. Successful warm gas cleanup, in combination with carbon capture and storage, will demonstrate high-purity syngas at significantly lower costs than current technologies.
NT0007428 Ohio State University Research Foundation OH Process/Equipment Co-Simulation on Syngas Chemical Looping Process 09/30/2012 University Carbon Research The proposed project, Process/Equipment Co-Simulation on Syngas Chemical Looping (SCL) Process, is to conduct comprehensive and consistent co-simulation that validates the technical and economical attractiveness of the chemical looping system using the combination of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software FLUENT® and process simulator Aspen Plus® on the platform of NETL's Advanced Process Engineering Co-Simulator (APECS). The proposed project will provide (1) detailed and reliable information for general thermodynamic analysis on SCL systems, (2) reaction mechanisms between porous oxygen carries and gas reactants, (3) distributed gas-solid contacting pattern involved in main reactors, and (4) overall material, heat and energy balance in different configurations of the whole SCL process.
FE0000465 URS Group, Inc. TX Evaluation of Dry Sorbent Technology for Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture 09/30/2013 Pre-Combustion Capture The project aims to develop high performance sorbents that are capable of achieving 90% CO2 removal, having high loading capacities, and operate at the high temperatures and pressures typically encountered upstream of a WGS reactor.
FE0001127 University of Missouri MO Micro-Structured Sapphire Fiber Sensors for Simultaneous Measurements of High Temperature and Dynamic Gas Pressure in Harsh Environments 09/30/2014 Sensors and Controls The project is to develop single-crystal sapphire fiber based sensors for in situ measurement of temperature (up to 1600°C) and dynamic gas pressure in harsh environments. It will also conduct fundamental and applied research that leads to successful single-crystal sapphire fiber hybrid extrinsic/intrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer (HEIFPI) sensors. A multidisciplinary research team from Missouri University of Science and Technology (MST) and University of Cincinnati (UC) will collaboratively focus on solving the fundamental and engineering challenges. MST and UC will model the HEIFPI sensor in response to temperature and pressure. A fully optimized measurement system integrated with high quality sapphire sensors is the objective.
FC26-05NT42439 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM Development of Nanocrystalline Doped Ceramic Enabled Fiber Sensors for High Temperature In-Situ Monitoring of Fossil Fuel Gases 12/31/2011 Sensors and Controls The objective of this project is to develop a new type of nanocrystalline doped-ceramic-coated optical fiber sensor suitable for in-situ and real time gas monitoring in fossil energy systems. One technical objective is to identify single-phase or heterophase doped-ceramic sensor materials with desirable chemical, structural, and optical properties for the detection of fossil fuel gases. Another goal is to synthesize nanocrystalline ceramic films and protective silicalite layers on structured optical fibers. Another objective is to design and fabricate structured fiber devices for enhanced sensor performance. A final objective is to test the developed sensors in simulated high temperature and pressure fossil fuel environments.
FE0000469 TDA Research, Inc. CO A Low Cost, High Capacity Regenerable Sorbent for Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture 09/30/2012 Sorbents The project objective is to develop a low cost, high capacity CO2 sorbent and demonstrate its technical and economic viability for pre-combustion CO2 capture. First year objectives include optimizing chemical and physical properties of the sorbent, scaling-up sorbent production, and beginning long-term sorbent testing in the presence of contaminants for approximately 10,000 cycles in a laboratory reactor. Second year objectives include designing and building a prototype test unit and testing the unit in the presence of actual syngas. Technology success will be based on the sorbents ability to remove CO2 at a lower cost than current technologies.
FE0000857 Oregon State University OR Distributed Sensor Coordination for Advanced Energy Systems 07/31/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies This work will focus on deriving, implementing and testing agent objective functions that promote coordinated behavior in large sensor networks. The long-term objective of the proposed work is to provide a comprehensive solution to the scalable and reliable sensor coordination problem to lead to safe and robust operation of advanced energy systems.
FE0001180 Stanford University CA Tunable Diode Laser Sensors to Monitor Temperature and Gas Composition in High Temperature Coal Gasifiers 09/30/2014 Sensors and Controls The objective of this project is to design, build, and test a tunable diode laser sensor capable of measuring gas concentrations and temperature in a gasification system. Two crucial sensors needs for the production and utilization of syngas have been identified: (1) to control the temperature of the gasifier by adjusting feed rates of fuel and oxygen to the gasifier and (2) to control the air dilution at the intake to the gas turbine. To address these needs, the laser-based sensor will be capable of measuring H2O, CO, CO2, and CH4; concentrations in the high-temperature, high-pressure gasifier environment. The CH4 concentration in the output syngas stream serves as a surrogate monitor of gasifier temperature. CO and CO2 concentrations have the potential to be used as a control variable for the gasifier and the subsequent utilization (e.g., gas turbine) of the syngas. Measuring water vapor absorption of laser light is used for real-time in situ temperature sensing.
FE0001045 Ceramatec, Inc. UT Novel, Ceramic Membrane System for Hydrogen Separation 12/31/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids This project will produce a prototype membrane that will separate hydrogen from coal-derived synthesis gas (syngas) at operating conditions found at a typical coal gas facility without the use of precious metals. The membrane will be a multi-stacked wafer of ceramic or ceramic-composite material which will meet the following standards of operation: (1) hydrogen flux of greater than 200 standard cubic feet per hour per square foot (scfh/ft2), (2) manufacturing cost of less than $100/ft2, and (3) efficient operation at relevant conditions. This research will enhance performance and efficiency as well as reduce the cost of hydrogen separation membrane technology. These advances are key to DOE's goal of achieving an affordable method of producing hydrogen from syngas in an environmentally clean manner.
FE0001321 University of Florida FL Novel Magnetically Fluidized-Bed Reactor Development for the Looping Process: Coal to Hydrogen Production R&D 09/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids This project will develop a magnetically fluidized bed reactor system that uses a chemical looping process with metal oxide sorbents to separate hydrogen from coal-derived synthesis gas (syngas). Chemical looping is a strategy for extracting high purity hydrogen and isolating sequestration-ready carbon dioxide from syngas near gasification operating conditions to obtain improved thermal efficiency over more traditional gas separations methods that operate at low temperatures and pressures. Metal oxide sorbents with magnetic properties will be studied for the potential to reduce pressure drop, provide more uniform solids distribution, and to aid in solids transport within the fluidized bed reactors. The project will experimentally explore, model, and evaluate the feasibility of this method as a pathway for meeting the DOE goal of reducing the cost of hydrogen from coal and for facilitating the production of affordable, environmentally clean energy from coal resources.
FE0000435 University of Southern California CA Methanol Economy 12/31/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The Methanol Economy project at USC is developing the fundamental science to convert CH4 and/or CO2 into methanol (or dimethyl ether, DME) as a fuel and feed-stock. Initially, direct electrophilic bromination of CH4 to methyl bromide followed by hydrolysis to methanol/DME will be probed. Subsequently, bireforming of CH4 and CO2 and steam to syngas for conversion to methanol and DME will be studied. Some aspects of chemical and electrochemical reduction of CO2 will also be investigated. The main goal is to develop renewable sources of energy carriers that can help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels, and recycle CO2 into new fuels and materials.
FE0001050 Worcester Polytechnic Institute MA Supported Molten-Metal Membrane (SMMM) for Hydrogen Separation 09/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids WPI proposes a novel dense membrane technology for the separation of H2 from syngas based on non-precious group metal (PGM) supported molten-metal membranes (SMMMs). These would comprise a thin film (3-25 mm) of a liquid metal or alloy, with a melting point in the range of 200-500C, and supported on a porous ceramic or porous metal support. The proposed membranes would be inexpensive, more robust to species such as CO, and substantially resistant to poisons such as sulfur. In addition, they would obviate issues related to solid dense membranes; sintering, H2 embrittlement, thermal mismatch between the membrane and the support, and formation of pin-holes.
FE0001293 University of Texas at Dallas TX Integrated Water Gas Shift Membrane Reactors Utilizing Novel, Non-Precious Metal Mixed Matrix Membranes 09/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The overall objectives of the proposed research by UTD are to prepare novel, non-precious metal mixed matrix membranes, in flat and hollow fiber geometries, based on polymer composites with nanoparticles of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs). Membrane performance to separate hydrogen from synthesis gas (e.g. H2, CO, CO2, H2O) generated during coal gasification will be evaluated in an integrated water gas shift membrane reactor using NETL test protocols (DOE/NETL-2008/1335). The goal is to exploit the high surface areas, adsorption capacities, and sieving capabilities of the nanoporous ZIF additives to achieve unprecedented, selective transport of hydrogen under operating conditions defined by 2015 DOE targets.
FC26-05NT42456 University of Kentucky KY Production and Storage of Hydrogen from Coal Using C1 Chemistry 12/31/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The Consortium for Fossil Fuel Science (CFFS) is a multi-university research consortium with participants from the Universities of Kentucky, West Virginia, Pittsburgh, Utah, and Auburn. The proposed three-year research program is focused on: (1) developing novel processes for the production of hydrogen using C1 chemistry; (2) developing novel hydrogen storage materials; and (3) synthesis and dehydrogenation of hydrogen-rich carrier liquids. The feedstocks include synthesis gas derived from coal, gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons produced from coal-derived syngas, coalbed methane, and natural gas.
FC26-05NT42441 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Novel Modified Optical Fibers for High Temperature In-Situ Miniaturized Gas Sensors in Advanced Fossil Energy Systems 06/30/2014 Sensors and Controls The objective is to develop novel modified fiber materials for high temperature gas sensors based on evanescent wave absorption in standing hole optical fibers. To overcome the response time limitation of currently available holey fibers (due to gas phase diffusion constraints), a novel process will be developed to produce holes perpendicular to the fiber axis. An investigation of the feasibility of upgrading the technology to single crystal sapphire by use of sol-gel processing and laser backside photochemical etching will be accomplished, thereby providing a quantum leap in temperature capability of the gas sensor.
FE0003311 Petra Nova Parish Holdings, LLC TX Recovery Act: W.A. Parish Post-Combustion CO2 Capture and Sequestration Project 12/31/2019 Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI)

Petra Nova Parish Holdings, a joint venture between NRG Energy and JX Nippon Oil and Gas Exploration, will retrofit a CO2 capture plant on an existing coal-fired power plant (W.A. Parish Generating Station) located in Thompsons, Texas, which is southwest of Houston. The project will demonstrate the ability of the CO2 capture technology supplied by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) to capture 90% of the CO2 emitted from a 240 megawatt electrical (MWe) flue gas stream. The MHI CO2 capture technology, called the KM CDR Process (Kansai Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide Recovery), was jointly developed by MHI and the Kansai Electric Power Company. This process uses the proprietary KS-1™ solvent that facilitates low energy requirements, solvent consumption, and waste products, when compared with a conventional solvent.

The project is designed to capture and store 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 per year. At 240 MWe, this will be the largest post-combustion CO2 capture project installed on an existing coal-fueled power plant. This project has the potential to enhance the long term viability and sustainability of coal-fueled power plants across the United States and worldwide. The University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology will design and manage the CO2 monitoring plans for this project.
FE0000660 University of Kentucky KY Coal - Derived Low Energy Materials for Sustainable Construction 06/30/2012 Plant Optimization Technologies The goal of this project is to create a center with a unique fully equipped laboratory capable of fabricating pilot quantities of new energy efficient construction materials from coal products and testing them. The center will be operated by a full time staff devoted to developing new products and industries that manufacture construction materials from coal combustion products or CCP's
FE0000458 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA CO2 Capture from Flue Gas Using Solid Molecular Basket Sorbents 08/31/2012 Post-Combustion Capture Under this project, Pennsylvania State University (PSU) will develop a new generation of solid polymer-based sorbents for more efficient capture and separation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from flue gas of coal-fired power plants. The project is based on the concept of a "molecular basket" sorbent (MBS) which was invented and developed at PSU. The idea of MBS development is to load CO2-philic polymers onto high surface area mesoporous materials. This process increases the number of approachable sites on/in the sorbent and enhances the sorption/desorption rate by increasing the gas-sorbent contacting interface and by improving the mass transfer in the sorption/desorption process. The expected result of this project will be a concentrated CO2 stream that can be directed to CO2 sequestration or CO2 utilization.
FE0003466 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND National Center for Hydrogen Technology (Year 6) 05/31/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The second Cooperative Agreement (DE-FE0003466) supporting the National Center for Hydrogen Technology (NCHT) Program will continue to build on the proven approach and accomplishments obtained during the first five years of the program. The Center will continue to focus on the research and development activities that are required to develop advanced hydrogen production and delivery technologies from fossil fuels. The result of these activities will improve current technology and make available new, innovative technology that can produce and deliver affordable hydrogen from coal, the most abundant fuel resource of the U.S., as well as from other fuels, with significantly reduced or near-zero emissions.
FE0003693 Southern University and A&M College System LA Computer Simulation and Experimental Validation on the Oxidation and Sulfate Corrosion Resistance of Novel Chromium Based High Temperature Alloys 02/28/2013 HBCUs, Education and Training The following investigations, to be carried out within a two-year period, are proposed: (1) the simulation method development: Develop reliable interatomic potentials from the highly accurate ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) calculation for Cr-Y and Cr-Ta systems. (2) The application of the simulation method for novel material design: Set up Cr-Y and Cr-Ta models and perform the HPC MD simulation on the Cr based alloy models to study the high temperature properties and the oxidation and sulfate corrosion resistance capabilities. (3) Method validation: Perform experiments on the oxidation and sulfate corrosion resistance of the most promising systems identified by the simulation. The isothermal oxidation and corrosiveness kinetics of Cr based alloy samples will be studied at high temperature in air and at sulfate corrosive environment by thermal-gravity analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), and in a high temperature rig. The primary theoretical method of investigation is the ab initio molecular dynamics method based on the density functional theory (DFT).
FE0003742 University of Texas at El Paso TX Investigation of Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Dynamics with Non-Spherical Particles 06/30/2013 HBCUs, Education and Training The overall project goal is to develop a high speed particle imaging method by which to obtain a full-field visualization of rotational motions of non-spherical particles in quasi-2-dimensional semi-dilute (volume fractions of 10 or 15%) flows and to take into account drag force interactions between bidisperse non-spherical grains and fluid flow.
FE0003801 University of California - Merced CA High-Fidelity Multi-Phase Radiation Module for Modern Coal Combustion Systems 11/15/2013 Simulation-Based Engineering The research carried out in this project encompassed three general areas: (i) assessment of relevant radiation properties of particle clouds encountered in fluidized bed and pulverized coal combustors, (ii) development of proper spectral models for gas–particulate mixtures for various types of two-phase combustion flows, and (iii) development of a radiative transfer equation (RTE) solution module for such applications. The resulting models were validated against artificial cases since open literature experimental data were not available. The final models are in modular form tailored toward maximum portability, and were incorporated into two research codes: (i) the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM, which had been extensively used in previous work, and (ii) the open-source multi-phase flow code MFIX, which is maintained by NETL.
FE0003798 Tennessee State University TN Computational Studies of Physical Properties of Nb-Si Alloy 12/30/2013 High Performance Materials The overall goal is to provide valuable insight in to the mechanisms and processes that could lead to next generation hot section material operating at temperature beyond 1350°C which could play an important role in current plight towards greener energy. The main objectives of the proposed projects are: (1) developing a supercell approach to evaluate physical properties of alloys which maintains various order and disorder bulk phases and interfaces; (2) applying the supercell approach to study the physical properties of Nb-Si alloy. The results will be used to guide the search for optimal Nb-Si alloy design with a balanced set of physical properties.
FE0003840 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) PA High Resolution Modeling of Materials for High Temperature Service 12/31/2013 High Performance Materials This project will develop high resolution methods for modeling the three dimensional mechanical response of metallic alloys when exposed to high temperatures. The methodology will include three (3) dimensional microstructure generation from microscopy data, and an image-based method for high resolution simulation of mechanical response. The technical focus will be on simulating plastic deformation and damage accumulation of polycrystalline materials at the grain scale.
FE0003872 West Virginia University (WVU) WV University Coal Research: AOI[3] High-Temperature Nano-Derived Micro-H2 and H2S Sensors 05/15/2014 Sensors and Controls Researchers at West Virginia University (WVU) will develop micro-scale, chemical sensors and sensor arrays composed of nano-derived, metal-oxide composite materials to detect H2 and H2S within high-temperature environments (500-1200ºC). Most micro-patterned semi-conductor based chemical sensors use thin film deposition and wet/dry etching processes. This work will demonstrate an innovative microcasting process for forming chemi-resistive sensors with 20-100 µm feature size of various geometries composed of nano-composite electrodes that display high-temperature microstructural and morphological stability. In order to achieve this goal, the work will concurrently address issues relating to electrode stability, selectivity, and sensor miniaturization.
FE0003892 Clemson University SC Multiscale Modeling of Grain Boundary Segregation and Embrittlement in Tungsten for Mechanistic Design of Alloys for Coal Fired Plants 06/30/2013 University Carbon Research Based on a recent discovery of premelting-like GB segregation in refractory metals occurring at high temperatures and/or high alloying levels, the proposed research will investigate GB segregation and embrittlement in tungsten (W) based alloys as model systems. The overall objective is to develop a theoretical framework in combination with a multiscale modeling strategy for predicting GB segregation and embrittlement. The project is divided into three tasks (seven subtasks) in two phases . The key objectives for a 2-year Phase I are developing (a) a quantitative model for predicting GB segregation in ternary W alloys, (b) a multiscale modeling strategy to predict GB embrittlement from GB segregation, and (c) the experimental validation and support. A 1-year Phase II will validate and refine models and conduct several exploratory studies.
FE0004007 University of Missouri MO Ab Initio Modeling of Thermomechanical Properties of Mo-Based Alloys for Fossil Energy Conversion 12/31/2013 High Performance Materials The main objective of this project is to carry out extensive computational modeling on Mo-based composite alloys that can be used in a high temperature high pressure environment for applications in fossil energy conversion technology. Specifically the objectives are: (1) To develop a new method for calculating thermomechanical properties at extreme conditions based on ab initio calculation of the phonon spectra; (2) to explore materials for fossil energy applications in the Mo-Si-B system using a supercell approach; (3) to understand the fundamental mechanism for the enhanced thermomechanical properties of the modeled structures in relation to their electronic structures; and (4) to establish effective collaborations with scientists at DOE laboratories and at other institutions to accelerate the materials development for fossil energy technology.
FE0004329 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Conversion of CO2 into Commercial Materials Using Carbon Feedstocks 05/31/2014 Chemicals This project aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of a CO2 utilization process for producing carbon monoxide and a variety of other useful products based on reduction of CO2 using abundant low-value carbon sources such as petcoke, sub-bituminous coal, lignite, and biomass. The chemical process is based on the reverse Boudouard reaction, in which carbon (C) reduces CO2 to produce carbon monoxide (CO). The reduced product (CO) can then be used to create other chemicals. A preliminary techno-economic analysis for the process showed that it had a promising rate of return on investment. The project also included an investigation of direct chemical production using CO2; specifically, the potential for producing ethylene and dry reforming of methane. Several catalysts developed and optimized in this project demonstrated production of ethylene at temperatures between 800°C and 900°C. For dry reforming, a catalyst formulation developed on this project demonstrated reactivity at temperatures between 500°C and 600°C. These results show that with suitable catalysts, CO2 utilization can be used to produce many of the large volume commodity chemicals currently manufactured.
FE0000397 Montana State University MT Zero Emissions Research and Technology (ZERT) II - Investigating Fundamental Scientific Issues Affecting the Long-Term Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide 09/30/2014 Geologic Storage Technologies and Simulation and Risk Assessment The Zero Emission Research and Technology Center (ZERT) is a research collaborative focused on understanding the basic science of underground (geologic) storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel use. The ZERT II project will develop a comprehensive approach to measurement, monitoring, mitigation, and risk assessment for geologic CO2 sequestration, including fundamental studies of geophysical and geochemical interactions of CO2 with formation waters and minerals, development of new monitoring methods or suites of methods, parameterization of potential leakage / seepage mechanisms and assessment of reservoirs relevant to these mechanisms.
FE0003997 Illinois Institute of Technology IL Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations of a Regenerative Process for Carbon Dioxide Capture in Advanced Gasification Based Power Systems 07/31/2014 Simulation-Based Engineering A CO2 sorbent regeneration process will be experimentally and computationally studied. The experimental effort will include obtaining the data necessary to determine the intrinsic reaction rates and diffusivity parameters for the CO2absorption/regeneration and the WGS reactions. A multi-phase Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is proposed which includes a population balance equation governing the particle porosity distribution (PPD) evolution. The CFD/Population Balance Equation (PBE) model will be numerically solved and simulations of the regenerative carbon dioxide removal process will be performed; the Finite size domain Complete set of trial functions Method Of Moments (FCMOM) numerical technique will be used and developed to solve the PBE. The simulation results will be used to determine the optimum reactor configuration/geometry and the operating conditions for the CO2 removal and hydrogen production.
FE0003780 University of Texas at San Antonio TX Development of High Temperature/High Sensitivity Novel Chemical Resistive Sensor 08/31/2013 HBCUs, Education and Training The project will conduct materials and device research and development. The initial phase of work will focus on the sensing mechanism of LaBaCo2O5 thin films. Work includes optimization of the fabrication conditions and determination of the general characteristics and sensing mechanism of the highly epitaxial LaBaCo2O5.5 thin-films including surface exchange, reactivity and stability. The second phase of work will fabricate and demonstrate a resistive chemical sensor system for high temperature applications.
FE0003859 University of Pittsburgh PA AOI[3]: Development of Metal Oxide Nanostructure-Based Optical Sensors for Fossil Fuel Derived Gases Measurement at High Temperature 08/31/2014 Sensors and Controls The scope of the work proposed is two-fold. Researchers will first use a laser nano-fabrication technique to produce 3D structurally functional metal-oxide nano-materials for high-temperature gas sensing. Then, functional metal oxides will be integrated on high-temperature optical sensor platforms. Researchers will fabricate three-dimensional photonic crystals using functional metal oxides, utilizing a robust and simple approach to construct multi-beam interference patterns using a single diffractive optical element. Additionally, femto-second laser processing techniques will be used to produce high-temperature stable fiber grating sensors and long-period grating based in-fiber interferometer. The final aspect of the research effort includes coating metal-oxide nano-films inside the hollow core optical fibers to enhance the Raman and the photo-luminescence signals for gas sensing. The large surface area of nano-composite metal-oxides will serve as effective gas absorbers to reduce the fiber length needed for high-sensitivity measurements. Using coated hollow-tube waveguides, a number of spectroscopy studies will be performed to assess the feasibility of fuel gas sensing at high temperature.
FE0004498 Brown University RI Chemical Fixation of CO2 to Acrylates Using Low-Valent Molybdenum Sources 09/30/2013 Carbon Use and Reuse Brown University researchers have demonstrated the viability of a bench scale reaction to utilize carbon dioxide and ethylene as reactants in the production of valuable acrylate compounds with low-valent molybdenum catalysts. Exploratory experiments have been conducted to identifying those factors which control the current catalyst limiting step in acrylic acid formation. The project consisted of three project phases. Phase I expanded the range of molybdenum complexes capable of coupling CO2 and ethylene by defining the available ligand architectures which facilitate acrylate formation. Phase II leveraged computational and experimental mechanistic investigations to determine the catalyst coordination environment and reaction conditions necessary to enhance the catalytic limiting step, reductive acrylate elimination. Phase III included the design and preparation of an optimized molybdenum catalyst(s) for a bench scale reaction to test the feasibility of molybdenum catalyzed acrylate formation from CO2.
FE0004727 University of California - Irvine CA Mechanisms Underpinning Degradation of Protective Oxides and Thermal Barrier Coating Systems in HHC-Fueled Turbines 08/31/2013 Hydrogen Turbines This program will provide an improved mechanistic understanding of the degradation of critical turbine system materials in HHC-fueled systems, and guide the development of more robust materials sets ultimately advancing the goals of the DOE Advanced Turbine Program. These developments will assist in developing coal-derived fuel based turbine systems, facilitating use of domestic energy resources.
FE0004510 Fusion Petroleum Technologies TX Experimental Design Applications for Modeling and Assessing Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Saline 08/31/2014 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management This project has developed and demonstrated a method to rapidly, cost effectively, and efficiently perform technical assessments of major engineering and scientific issues considered to be critical to the design, implementation, and operation of a saline aquifer CO2 storage sites and enhanced oil recovery operations. The research effort integrated well completion design, including effects of geomechanical stresses, into a static reservoir model coupled with reactive transport simulation. Model simulations enable CO2 storage sites assessment of geologic and fluid effects and factors on CO2 injection, capacity, and plume migration.
FE0004630 Colorado School of Mines CO Validation of Models Simulating Capillary and Dissolution Trapping 12/31/2014 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management The primary objective of this project was to improve the understanding of CO2 trapping mechanisms affected by formation heterogeneity. The basic processes of CO2 trapping are not easily understood through field testing, so a set of multi-scale laboratory tests were conducted to further analyze CO2 trapping mechanisms. The focus of the research was to analyze capillary and dissolution trapping mechanisms since they are considered to be the most relevant processes facilitating permanent CO2 storage in the absence of geologic structural traps. The ultimate goal was to contribute towards improving numerical modeling tools for designing stable CO2 storage operations with optimized storage efficiency and minimized leakage risks.
FE0004731 Stanford University CA Interdisciplinary Investigation of the CO2 Sequestration in Depleted Shale Gas Formations 09/30/2013 Geologic Storage Technologies and Simulation and Risk Assessment The over-arching objective of this project is to conduct a multiscale, multiphysics, interdisciplinary laboratory study that assesses the feasibility of depleted organic-rich gas shale reservoirs for large-scale CO2 sequestration. This project elucidates mechanisms of CO2 injectivity, the formation geomechanical response, CO2 transport through fractures and matrix, storage security through a trap and seal framework, and lays the foundation for accurate estimates of storage rates as well as capacity. Experiments provide data for verification and validation of models to estimate CO2 sequestration capacity and storage effectiveness of gas shales under realistic conditions. Four broad research task areas are examined: (1) physical and chemical aspects of CO2/shale interactions, (2) transport and mobility of critical state CO2 in hydrofracs, natural fractures and pores, (3) ground water/shale/stored CO2 interactions, and (4) trap and seal analysis of CO2 storage in gas shale reservoirs. The scope of activities represents more than 124 man months of effort.
FE0005795 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Recovery Act: Slipstream Testing of a Membrane CO2 Capture Process for Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants 09/30/2015 Membranes Membrane Technology and Research (MTR) and partners will validate at pilot scale a cost-effective membrane process to separate CO2 from coal-fired power plant flue gas. The MTR innovative membrane design utilizes two key innovations: high CO2 permeance membranes and a countercurrent sweep module design. This project will advance MTR's membrane technology to the 1 MWe level. MTR will continue to operate an existing 0.05 MWe slipstream field test system, located at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC), to optimize membrane materials and module designs. A 1 MWe membrane skid capable of 90% CO2 capture from a 20 ton CO2 per day slipstream of coal-fired flue gas will be designed, constructed, and installed at the NCCC for a six-month field test. MTR's air sweep process design will be evaluated in collaboration with Babcock & Wilcox to determine the performance impact of retrofitting existing boilers. The Electric Power Research Institute will evaluate the benefits of flue gas water recovery, measure the quality of the water produced, and define water management for the integrated CO2 capture process. Results from the 1 MWe skid test program will be used to update a comparative economic analysis of the MTR membrane process to clarify the potential of the MTR membrane process and identify key cost-reduction milestones and success criteria necessary to meet the Department of Energy program goals. Predecessor Project: DE-NT0005312 Successor Project: DE-FE0013118
FE0004343 ADA-ES, Inc. CO Recovery Act: Evaluation of Solid Sorbents as a Retrofit Technology for CO2 Capture 09/30/2015 Sorbents ADA Environmental Solutions (ADA-ES) will design, construct, and operate a 1 megawatt electric (MWe) pilot-scale test unit to evaluate the performance and cost of an advanced solid sorbent-based carbon dioxide (CO2) post-combustion capture technology for coal-fired power plants. ADA-ES evaluated over 100 potential CO2 sorbents to select sorbents for scale-up that are stable, have relatively high CO2 capacity, and have lower heats of reaction than carbonate-based solids. The project will utilize progress on sorbent technology validated at bench scale in a separate Department of Energy (DOE) project (DE-NT0005649) and will refine and optimize sorbent capture and regeneration processes through pilot testing and process modeling. Project results will be used to develop a preliminary full-scale commercial design in preparation for demonstration at the next scale. Predecessor Project: DE-NT0005649 Successor Project: DE-FE0012914
FE0002994 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV WVU Hydrogen Fuel Dispensing Station 10/31/2014 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has entered into a collaborative agreement with the West Virginia University's National Research Center for Coal and Energy (WVU-NRCCE) to further expand on the existing research efforts previously initiated with the construction of the Hydrogen Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) facility located at the Yeager Airport in Charleston, WV. This expansion will be focused on the development of a second hydrogen fuel production, storage and dispensing facility to be located in Morgantown, WV. When completed in the following year, this facility will be capable of generating, storing, and dispensing hydrogen as a fuel source for various types of hydrogen internal combustion engine (ICE) and fuel cell-powered vehicles and equipment. Hydrogen is considered a fuel of the future because it does not produce air pollutants when used - clean water is the only byproduct. The electricity for the electrolysis of water to produce pure hydrogen fuel at the Morgantown facility will come from coal-based power generation. The open system architecture design centers on two value propositions: (a) that two cents worth of water holds a kilogram of hydrogen and is an excellent feedstock for production by electrolysis using electric power, and (b) that off-peak grid electricity is undervalued and can be effectively used in hydrogen production. The purpose of this Hydrogen Fuel Dispensing Station project at West Virginia University shall begin with site development and installation of some of the key equipment needed for a Research Development Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) platform that will produce and dispense hydrogen fuel (H2). The WVU Hydrogen Fuel Dispensing Station will duplicate the design and performance of the Yeager Airport Hydrogen Fueling Station by using modular layout and an open architecture. This open architecture will support the evaluation of components, devices, subsystems and systems for hydrogen energy. As with the Yeager Airport H2 Station, a modular layout will allow for site flexibility and adaptability. The site development and installation of some major pieces of station equipment will move USDOE, West Virginia and West Virginia University closer to creating a hydrogen corridor by taking steps to establish a second, northern terminus along the I-79 corridor.
FE0004222 Solidia Technologies, Inc. NJ Utilization of CO2 in High Performance Building and Infrastructure Products 11/01/2015 CO2 Use Solidia Technologies, Inc. (Solidia) is working to create an energy-efficient, carbon dioxide (CO2)-consuming inorganic binder based on a patented synthetic Wollastonite material known as Solidia CementTM (SC) that will act as a suitable substitute for Portland Cement (PC). The process developed by Solidia utilizes a binding phase based on carbonation chemistry rather than conventional hydration chemistry (i.e., curing by adding water). During CO2-curing, SC was demonstrated to consume 250kg of CO2 per metric ton SC produced (30% by weight). The project initially started with an investigation of the effect of temperature, pressure, and particle size on the carbonation reaction rate and yield. Solidia further optimized the curing process at bench scale by analyzing the effect of water distribution and drying on the curing process. Solidia then successfully produced several full-scale product forms (railroad ties, concrete block, and hollow core slab) that exceeded performance standards. Solida is currently performing commercial trials at several precast concrete manufacturers to demonstrate feasibility of retrofitting to existing facilities at comparable production economics.
FE0004224 PhosphorTech Corporation GA Nano-Based Photocatalyst Structure for CO2 Reforming by Sunlight 09/30/2013 Carbon Use and Reuse Researchers at PhosphorTech Corporation have modified conventional photocatalyst materials to improve their ability to convert/reform CO2 into other useful chemicals in a cost-effective and energy efficient manner. A photocatalyst is a material that speeds up a chemical reaction when subjected to sufficient light energy (sunlight in this study). To date, even the most efficient conventional photocatalysts suffer from extremely low concentration yields (0.01-0.1 volume percent), making them impractical for commercial applications. Researchers are making efforts to improve performance in order to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of these technology types for reforming CO2.
FE0004271 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Integrated Electrochemical Processes for CO2 Capture and Conversion to Commodity Chemicals 09/30/2013 Carbon Use and Reuse Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Siemens investigated the feasibility of integrating CO2 from emission sources (power plants, manufacturing facilities, cement plants, or fertilizer facilities) into a chemical reaction process that creates organic carbonate commodity chemicals for later use. The researchers also designed electrochemical processes which allow for continuous capture of CO2 followed by cyclic organic carbonate synthesis using organocatalysts. They conducted multiple lifecycle analyses of the electrochemical process and commodity chemicals synthesized during chemical CO2 storage process. The basis of the capture technology is the chemical affinity of electrochemically active carriers for CO2 molecules. These carriers facilitate the effective capture of CO2 from a dilute gas stream (effluents from CO2 emitters) through the formation of chemically activated species. The organocatalytic CO2 conversion processes have been demonstrated to be a high-yielding continuous synthesis for the production of cyclic carbonates from CO2 and epoxide as well as an efficient cyclic carbonate synthesis from CO2 and olefins.
FE0004381 Indiana University IN Reducing Uncertainties in Model Predictions Via History Matching of CO2 Migration and Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Fate at the Sleipner Project, Norwegian North Sea 03/31/2015 Geochemical Impacts This project used four dimensional (4D) seismic data from the Sleipner project in the Norwegian North Sea to conduct multiphase flow and reactive mass transport modeling of CO2 migration in the reservoir. Researchers at Indiana University used the geologic model provided by StatOil to develop a reservoir scale multi-phase reactive flow model for CO2 plume migration and dynamic evolution of CO2 trapping mechanisms (hydrodynamic/structural, solubility, mineral, and residual/capillary) at Sleipner. The reactive flow model was calibrated through history matching with progressive CO2 plume migration delineated by 4D seismic data. The calibrated reservoir model was then extrapolated to a regional scale model of multi-phase reactive mass transport to predict the fate of CO2 10,000 years after injection. A rigorous geochemical reaction kinetics framework was implemented and a number of sensitivity analysis and bounding calculations were used to aid in the reduction of uncertainty in predictions of geochemical reactions.
FE0004542 Clemson University SC Proof of Feasibility of Using Well Bore Deformation as a Diagnostic Tool to Improve CO2 Sequestration 02/28/2015 Wellbore Clemson University has characterized wellbore deformation under conditions anticipated during geologic CO2 storage, identifying and evaluating techniques for interpreting the results of simultaneous measurements of displacement and pressures during well testing or operations, and evaluating capabilities and requirements for downhole geomechanical instrumentation. Wellbores can deform in response to the injection or recovery of fluid. In extreme cases, the deformation is catastrophic and the well can be compromised. Wellbores can potentially deform during carbon storage operations, and effective monitoring of this process can be used to detect early precursors to fracturing within the injection formation, induced faulting, and failure of wellbore seals so they can be addressed before becoming catastrophic.
FE0004555 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Turbulent Flame Propagation Characteristics of High Hydrogen Content Fuels 09/30/2014 Hydrogen Turbines This Georgia Tech project will improve the state-of-the-art understanding of turbulent flame propagation characteristics of high hydrogen content (HHC) fuels. The turbulent flame speed has a leading order influence on important combustor performance metrics such as flashback and blow-off propensities, emissions, life of hot section components, and combustion instabilities limits, including operating limits required to prevent harmful combustion dynamics. This research specifically addresses three of the combustion topic areas identified by Department of Energy (DOE) as of great importance for HHC systems: (1) turbulent burning velocities, (2) flash-back, and (3) exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) impacts. The results of this effort will also enable advances in several other combustion topic areas; e.g., predicting combustion dynamics (which requires flame shape predictions) and improving large eddy simulation capabilities by providing turbulent burning rate sub-models for HHC fuels. The project involves both experimental and modeling efforts. Prior work used optical flame emission in measurement of global turbulent consumption speeds of hydrogen (H2)/carbon monoxide (CO) fuels. For this project, researchers will extend these previous efforts to a broader reactant class, including mixtures diluted with CO2, water (H2O), and nitrogen (N2). Depending upon the degree of dilution, these mixtures will simulate both gasified fuel blends and systems with EGR. This data will be used to further the development of physics-based, mixture-dependent models of turbulent burning rates and to guide selection of conditions for determining more localized measurements of turbulence/chemistry interactions. Specifically, high-repetition-rate particle image velocimetry and hydroxyl radical planar laser induced fluorescence systems will be used to determine local flame speeds under realistic turbulent conditions. This is necessary for developing an improved understanding of strained flame statistics, and for testing and refining propagation models based on leading point concepts. The work plan will initially focus on uniform, premixed reactant mixtures, and then expand in focus by investigating turbulent burning rates in inhomogeneous premixed flows. An example would be obtaining measurements of turbulent propagation speeds in mixtures with stratified fuel/air profiles.
FE0004566 University of Kansas Center for Research KS Prototype and Testing a New Volumetric Curvature Tool for Modeling Reservoir Compartments and Leakage Pathways in the Arbuckle Saline Aquifer: Reducing Uncertainty in CO2 Storage and Permanence 12/28/2014 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management The project was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a new seismic tool, volumetric curvature (VC), to identify the presence, extent, and impact of paleokarst heterogeneity and faulting structures on geologic CO2 storage in the Arbuckle Group, a saline carbonate formation in southwestern Kansas. Existing seismic and well data were reprocessed and analyzed using VC analysis. An integrated geologic model was then developed to indirectly confirm the presence of VC identified compartments, as well as to estimate geologic storage capacity, optimum CO2 injection rate that could occur, potential CO2 plume migration, reservoir containment, and CO2 leakage risk. A horizontal well was installed to intersect the paleokarst features and confirm that the imaged seismic feature was present.
FE0004588 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Environmental Considerations and Cooling Strategies for Vane Leading Edges in a Syngas Environment 09/30/2014 Hydrogen Turbines This collaborative effort studying technologies important to the reliability of high hydrogen fueled gas turbines has been structured utilizing three phases. Phase I: Leading Edge Model Development and Experimental Validation The initial task for The Ohio State University's (OSU's) turbine reacting flow rig (TuRFR) facility will be to determine if the deposition mechanism for faired cylinders is similar to deposition for turbine vanes. If this approach is feasible, then the relative impact of leading edge diameter on deposition can be investigated using varying diameter cylinders instead of vanes. The deposition measurements will then be made and sent to the University of North Dakota (UND) for surface modeling. During Phase I, UND will study the response of turbulence approaching large cylindrical stagnation regions, the associated heat transfer augmentation, and boundary layer development on the cylinder's surface. Additionally, UND will begin the development of candidate internal cooling geometries for cooling a region of a turbine vane leading edge. Phase II: Experimental Deposition and Roughness Study: OSU will utilize the TuRFR facility, modified to generate higher levels of turbulence, to study the influence of turbulence on deposition rates in turbines. These results will be used to improve predictive modeling and made available to UND for heat transfer measurements. UND will use surfaces generated by OSU as part of their leading edge heat transfer and boundary layer studies. UND will also develop and test candidate internal cooling schemes for large regions on a turbine vane's leading edge. Phase III: Mitigation of Deposition Using Downstream Full Coverage Film Cooling OSU will use faired (rounded to reduce drag) cylinders to explore various film cooling designs to assess their effectiveness at reducing deposition. Actual turbine vane geometry will be used to explore the influence of select film cooling patterns on deposition. UND will investigate the combined influence of turbulence and realistic roughness on film cooling effectiveness and surface heat transfer. As a basis of comparison, they will initially look at the influence of turbulence on film cooling effective-ness and heat transfer for selected full coverage geometries.
FE0004633 Advanced Resources International, Inc. VA Assessment of Factors Influencing Effective CO2 Storage Capacity and Injectivity in Eastern Gas Shales 06/30/2013 Geologic Storage Technologies and Simulation and Risk Assessment The objective of this effort is to assess the factors influencing effective CO2 storage capacity and injectivity in the Marcellus shale, the Utica shale, including equivalent shales in Vermont; and the Devonian Ohio shale. The work addresses approaches and/or technologies to improve injectivity and utilization of pore space. Specifically, it provides a better understanding of CO2 trapping mechanisms leading to improved storage permanence and capacity estimates in gas shales, and the effects on storage and injectivity given variable gas shale reservoir types, rock properties, and stratigraphic and structural properties. This effort builds on previous efforts, primarily in New York and Kentucky, to assess the CO2 storage potential of gas shales. The primary focus is on establishing the reservoir engineering and operational requirements to overcome the constraints imposed by shale reservoirs to achieve cost-effective CO2 storage. In other words, the goal of effort is not just to answer how much CO2 can be stored in gas shales; but also to identify the critical factors that can influence optimum CO2 storage volumes and injection rates in gas shales.
FE0004734 Louisiana State University LA Computational Design and Experimental Validation of New Thermal Barrier Systems 03/31/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines New thermal barrier coating (TBC) materials can be tested for mechanical, physical, and chemical properties by altering the bond coat and top coat compositions. Current studies on TBCs are usually performed by trial-and-error approach. As the trial-and-error process is usually very expensive and time consuming, the Louisiana State University and Southern University team proposes to design a high performance TBC with enhanced top and bond coat through a reliable and efficient theoretical/computational approach. This can be used systematically to identify promising TBC bond coat and top coat compositions. Using high performance computing (HPC) simulations, an ab initio (i.e., from first principles) molecular dynamics (MD)-based design tool can screen and identify TBC systems with desired physical properties. Such computations work from basic or fundamental laws of nature to derive effects without intervening assumptions or special models, in principle producing well-founded results. The new TBC systems will be demonstrated experimentally under IGCC environments.
FE0004771 State University of New York (SUNY) - Stony Brook NY Advanced Thermal Barrier Coatings for Operation in High Hydrogen Content Fueled Gas Turbines 12/31/2014 Advanced Combustion Turbines Recent research data indicate that the current bill of coating materials is not directly compatible with the moisture-rich, ash-laden environment present with coal-derived high hydrogen content (HHC) fuels. Thus, Stony Brook University research focuses on a multi-layer, multifunctional strategy that includes discretely engineered coating layers to combat various technical issues through a concerted effort integrating material science, processing science, and performance studies, including recent developments in advanced, in situ thermal spray coating property measurement for full-field enhancement of coating and process reliability. This project will further the science-based understanding of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) and elevate the roles that processing and novel materials can play in extending bond coat and top coat lifetimes, and provide a new framework for examining the processing-performance relationship in multilayer thermal barriers as a pathway for reliable integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) coating development, and provide new insight for the thermal spray industry. In this project, TBCs will be developed through investigation into how processing affects the oxidation behavior of metallic bond coats in water vapor environments, and by developing ceramic top coat architectures using thermal spray processing of emerging zirconate materials that have shown promise as advanced thermal barriers. Novel, in situ particle and coating state sensors will be used to accelerate process development and understand processing-microstructure relationships and process reliability. A systematic evaluation of multilayer coatings on nickel superalloys will determine properties (including microstructure, compliance, residual stress, thermal conductivity, and sintering behavior) and degradation mechanisms due to high-temperature water vapor and ash exposure as well as erosion.
FE0004895 Worcester Polytechnic Institute MA Engineering Design of Advanced H2 CO2 PD and PD/Alloy Composite Membrane Separations and Process Intensification 03/31/2016 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification Worcester Polytechnic Institute will demonstrate hydrogen separation from coal-derived syngas using palladium (Pd) and Pd alloy membranes on porous metal supports. The goal of the project is to carry out a comprehensive engineering design for advanced hydrogen-carbon dioxide (H2-CO2) Pd and Pd-alloy composite membrane separations with process intensification technologies that reduce the number of unit operations required for H2 production from a coal (coal-biomass)-based syngas.
FE0005132 Technology Management, Inc. OH Small Scale SOFC Demonstration Using Bio-Based and Fossil Fuels 03/31/2012 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells This project aims to demonstrate small scale SOFC technology readiness for commercial scale-up. Technology Management, Inc. (TMI), the project performer, estimates that the system can reduce fuel consumption by approximately 50% compared to conventional reciprocating engine systems and proposes to validate these savings by empirical data. In addition, use of this technology operating on bio-based fuels can eliminate carbon emissions to the atmosphere associated with the power produced (equivalent to approximately 9.6 metric tons CO2/kW/year as compared to power produced from a conventional coal-fired power plant). This demonstration is noteworthy because today there are few practical alternatives for ordinary consumers to obtain their home electric energy from biofuel, a potentially attractive feature to some environmentally conscious consumers.
FE0005293 CoalTek, Inc. GA Development of Biomass-Infused Coal Briquettes for Co-Gasification 12/31/2013 Coal/Biomass Feed and Gasification This project will demonstrate an application of a CoalTek, Inc. (CoalTek) proprietary microwave process for treating energy feedstock materials. The process combines coal and biomass to produce an economically viable and suitable single-stream feedstock for co-gasification. Phase I of the project will focus on microwave processing, batch-scale production, and laboratory characterizations of briquettes with the objective to identify the combinations of biomass and coal types that provide the most suitable briquetted product for co-gasification. Phase II will use a larger scale, continuous mode process to (1) demonstrate the performance of the co-briquetted fuels during co-gasification in two different pilot-plant designs, i.e., fixed-bed and fluidized-bed gasifiers, and (2) enable realistic cost estimates for the construction and operation of a commercial-scale biomass-coal briquetting plant based on CoalTek's proprietary microwave process.
FE0005339 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Development of Kinetics and Mathematical Models for High Pressure Gasification of Lignite-Switchgrass Blends 09/30/2015 Coal-Biomass Feed and Gasification The objectives of this Georgia Tech study are to obtain experimental reactor data and develop kinetic rate expressions for pyrolysis and char gasification for the coal-biomass blends under conditions free from transport limitations, to develop a detailed understanding of the effect of pyrolysis conditions on the porous char structure, to build mathematical models that combine true kinetic rate expressions with transport models for predicting gasification behavior for a broad range of pressures and temperatures, and to investigate the physical and chemical parameters that might lead to synergistic effects in coal-biomass blends gasification.
FE0005349 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL R&D to Prepare and Characterize Robust Coal/Biomass Mixtures for Direct Co-Feeding into Gasification 12/31/2014 Coal-Biomass Feed and Gasification The GTI research team will subject lignocellulosic biomass (plant biomass that is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin), in the form of loblolly pine (a lignocellulosic, short rotation woody crop), to hydrothermal carbonization (HTC), creating a densified coal-like product by exposing biomass feedstocks to heat and pressure in the presence of water. The process will deconstruct the lignocellulosic feedstock to produce aqueous and solid streams. The first stage of this work will occur at a small bench-scale facility at the Desert Research Institute to determine optimal HTC processing parameters and develop accurate mass and energy balances. The second stage will utilize larger sample sizes at a larger, dedicated Process Development Unit (PDU). Initially, the HTC product will be mixed with ground coal, pelletized, and assessed for strength and grindability. The durability of lignin and similar binders in wood when subjected to HT will be assessed. In a later phase, loblolly pine samples will be processed using HTC and internally mixed with ground coal within the PDU so that it can be directly formed to a final densified product, which will also be assessed for strength and grindability. GTI will use Aspen software (Aspen Technology, Inc.) to carry out process simulations based on engineering results attained during the project. These simulations will provide the technical basis for developing a techno-economic analysis to evaluate the economic viability of HTC for producing a new coal/HTC biomass fuel.
FE0005373 Princeton University NJ Design Concepts for the Co-Production of Fuels and Chemicals with Electricity VIA Co-Gasification of Coal and Biomass 03/31/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The objective of this project is to develop preliminary conceptual design concepts and conduct a series of techno-economic systems analyses to provide an improved understanding of the energy, environmental, and economic performance of industrial facilities that produce electricity and a fuel or chemical co-product from a mixture of coal and biomass, with capture and underground storage (CCS) of by-product CO2.
FE0005376 University of California - Irvine CA Design Concepts for Co-Production of Power, Fuels, and Chemicals 09/30/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The overall goal of the project is to develop design concepts, incorporating advanced technologies in areas such as oxygen production, feed systems, gas cleanup, component separations and gas turbines, for integrated and economically viable coal and biomass fed gasification facilities equipped with carbon capture and storage for the following scenarios: (i) coproduction of power along with hydrogen, (ii) coproduction of power along with fuels, (iii) coproduction of power along with petrochemicals, and (iv) coproduction of power along with agricultural chemicals.
FE0005451 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Advanced Systems: Preprocessing and Characterizing Coal-Biomass Mixtures as Next-Generation Fuels and Feedstocks 06/30/2014 Coal/Biomass Feed and Gasification

The project team is developing engineered systems for manufacturing coal-biomass briquettes or pellets containing 10 to 30 percent biomass that are ideally suited for transportation, storage, and direct co-feeding into industrial gasifiers. An in-depth experimental study to determine the key reactive properties for coal-biomass mixed fuels is underway, testing sub-bituminous coal mixed with biomass feedstocks of hybrid poplar wood, switchgrass, or corn stover. Enabling technology for this project includes the application of novel binding additives and, when required, an advanced conditioning process for upstream sizing, upgrading, and drying. Upon completion, the project will provide information on the equipment, necessary conditions, and process requirements for the manufacture of optimal coal-biomass feedstock for co-gasification.
FE0005476 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Investigation of Coal-Biomass Catalytic Gasification Using Experiments, Reaction Kinetics and Computational Fluid Dynamics 09/30/2015 Coal-Biomass Feed and Gasification This Virginia Tech project is a collaborative effort involving experiments, kinetic modeling, and computational fluid dynamics that incorporates efficient methods for solving complex heterogeneous chemistry. The goal is to determine the key reactive properties for coal-biomass mixed fuels. To achieve this goal, sub-bituminous coal will be mixed with biomass feedstocks of hybrid poplar wood, switchgrass, or corn stover and catalysts added to lower the gasification temperatures, thereby improving the gasification process. The outcome of this research will be characterization of the chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms of the co-gasification fuels and development of a set of models that can be integrated into other modeling environments. Finally, the reaction kinetics modeling will be implemented into NETL multiphase flow code—Multiphase Flow with Interphase Exchange (MFIX)—to efficiently simulate the chemistry and recommendations will be made regarding fluidization characteristics.
FE0005622 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA FY 2010 Congressionally-Directed Project for the Center for Advanced Separation Technology (CAST) 09/30/2014 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids Develop advanced technologies that can be used to exploit domestic energy resources and help developing countries reduce their CO2 emissions. In addition, new gas-gas separations technologies to be developed at CAST will have crosscutting applications for a wide spectrum of the Fossil Energy R&D programs.
FE0005703 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor for On-line Monitoring of Coal Gasifier Refractory Health 10/31/2015 Sensors & Controls In this three year project, Virginia Tech Center for Photonics Technology will develop a first-of-a-kind, high-temperature distributed sensing platform capable of monitoring the space- and time-varying thermal properties of an entrained flow gasifier refractory wall. The sensor operates using optically-generated transient, traveling long-period gratings in a photonic crystal optical fiber to achieve fully-distributed measurement of temperatures above 1000°C with centimeter-level spatial resolution.
FE0005712 General Electric (GE) Company NY Model-Based Optimal Sensor Network Design for Condition Monitoring in an IGCC Plant 12/31/2012 Plant Optimization Technologies General Electric Global Research Center will develop model based techniques for (1) enhancing the availability of the gasifier and radiant syngas cooler (RSC) including refractory hot surface degradation and RSC fouling and their impact on sensors; (2) implementing a nonlinear, model-based estimation algorithm to monitor the refractory condition and RSC fouling; and (3) nonlinear optimizing for optimal sensor placement (OSP) to achieve condition monitoring requirements in the presence of practical constraints on sensor types and locations. The performance of the OSP algorithm and resulting condition monitoring solution will be demonstrated using representative test cases for gasifier refractory degradation and RSC fouling. The approach will be applicable to condition monitoring of other critical components in coal-fired power plants.
FE0005717 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Development of Self-Powered Wireless-Ready High Temperature Electrochemical Sensors of In-Situ Corrosion 06/30/2015 Sensors and Controls The primary objectives of this project are to develop in-situ corrosion monitoring sensors for ultrasupercritical (USC) boiler tubes, that is based on WVU's patent pending technology on high temperature electrochemical characterization devices and development of thermal-electric based energy harvesting and telecommunication devices for the self-powered wireless ready sensor system. Successful completion of this project will provide an in-situ corrosion monitoring system and life-prediction toolbox for USC boiler tubes that meets the requirements of next generation USC boiler systems.
FE0005749 Texas Tech University System TX Model-Based Sensor Placement for Component Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis in Fossil Energy 12/31/2015 Sensors & Controls The overall objective of this work is the development of model-based sensor placement algorithms for maximizing the robustness and effectiveness of the sensor network to monitor the plant health both at the unit level and at the systems level. This will be achieved by developing a two-tier sensor network algorithm capable of performing component condition monitoring and system-level fault diagnosis. The algorithms will be implemented on a coal-based plant-wide simulation of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) with a rigorous gasifier model. The work is also extendable to similar fossil energy plants.
FE0004285 McGill University - Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning (RIAL) Beneficial Use of Carbon Dioxide in Precast Concrete Production 03/31/2014 Mineralization/Cements Researchers at McGill University worked to develop a CO2 curing process for the precast concrete industry that can utilize CO2 in place of steam as a reactant to accelerate strength gain, reduce energy consumption, and improve the durability of precast concrete products. Carbon dioxide curing of concrete is considered a CO2 storage process. As gaseous CO2 is converted to thermodynamically stable calcium carbonate, the CO2 becomes embedded in calcium silicate hydrate. Concrete masonry blocks and fiber-cement panels are ideal candidate building products for carbon storage, as they are mass-produced and conventionally cured with steam. In order to make the process economically feasible, self-concentrating absorption technology was studied to produce low cost CO2 for concrete curing. The compact design of the CO2 chamber and low cost carbon capture technology should result in a net process cost of less than $10 per ton of CO2 stored. The proposed research examined the possibility of achieving a cost-effective, high-performance concrete manufacturing process through a prototype production using specially designed chambers, called CO2 claves, to replace steam kilns and implement forced-diffusion technology to maximize carbon uptake at minimal process costs.
FE0004679 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station TX Turbulent Flame Speeds and NOx Kinetics of High Hydrogen Content Fuels with Contaminants and High Dilution Levels 09/30/2013 Hydrogen Turbines This project will result in a detailed database of flame speed and kinetic information, and demonstrate the validity of a comprehensive kinetics model that can predict NOx formation, flame speed, and ignition behavior in the presence of high levels of dilution and minor levels of likely contaminants. These results will lead to deeper understanding of the turbulent flame speed behavior and NOx-formation kinetics of HHC fuels for IGCC applications.
FE0003595 Crow Tribe of Indians MT Montana ICTL Demonstration Program 09/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The main objectives for this project are: demonstrating Accelergy's integrated carbon to liquids technology (ICTL) utilizing Montana bituminous coal and indigenous biomass feeds; develop engineering and econometric models on conversion of coal and biomass/algae to liquids using a Montana planning basis; and implement a comprehensive education and training program to prepare the local community for future jobs in the ICTL arena.
FE0004375 Yale University CT Integrated Experimental and Modeling Studies of Mineral Carbonation as a Mechanism for Permanent CS in Mafic/Ultramafic Rocks 09/30/2014 Geochemical Impacts This project provided rigorous estimates of the carbon storage potential of mafic and ultramafic rocks through the process of in-situ mineral carbonation. Mafic and ultramafic rocks contain low levels of silica and high levels of calcium-rich minerals that react with CO2 to form solid carbonate minerals, thus permanently isolating it from the atmosphere. The project involved two related, interdisciplinary parts: (1) geochemical experiments and modeling on individual minerals and rock assemblages to determine kinetics and thermodynamics of the main mineral carbonation reactions, and (2) geomechanical experiments and modeling to elucidate processes accompanying the carbonation reactions, such as flow and deformation, which can significantly alter the effective reaction rates in actual rock formations.
FE0004478 Montana State University MT Advanced CO2 Leakage Mitigation Using Engineered Biomineralization Sealing Technologies 03/31/2015 Mitigation Montana State University developed a biomineralization-based technology for sealing preferential flow pathways in the vicinity of injection wells. The engineered biomineralization process produces biofilm and mineral deposits that reduce the permeability of geologic media while modifying the geochemistry of brines to enhance CO2 solubility and mineral precipitation. This process can be targeted to the geologic media surrounding carbon storage injection wells to provide long-term sealing of preferential CO2 leakage pathways. The project had three main objectives: (1) construct and test a mesoscale high pressure rock test system (HPRTS); (2) develop biomineralization seal experimental protocol; and (3) create biomineralization seals in different rock types to simulate different potential field conditions.
FE0004787 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Hybrid Membrane Absorption Process for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture 12/31/2013 Membranes Gas Technology Institute, partnering with PoroGen Corporation and Aker Process Systems, proposes to develop cost-effective separation technology for CO2 capture from flue gases based on a combination of absorption and hollow fiber membrane technologies. In a three-phase effort, they plan to develop a highly chemically inert and temperature stable PEEK hollow fiber membrane optimized for CO2 capture in a membrane contactor, an integrated membrane absorber and desorber, and an energy efficient process for CO2 recovery from the flue gas. The contactor can be utilized for removal of numerous other gas pollutants such as NOx and SOx, for separation of CO2 from hydrogen in refinery streams, and for separation of CO2 from natural gas (natural gas sweetening).
FE0004847 Columbia University NY Radiocarbon as a Reactive Tracer for Tracking Permanent CO2 Storage in Basaltic Rocks 09/30/2015 Geochemical Impacts Columbia University researchers are testing and evaluating carbon-14 (14C) as a reactive tracer to assess CO2 transport in a basaltic storage reservoir. Evaluation of mineral trapping through carbonation is also being completed. Studies are conducted at the CarbFix CO2 pilot injection site in Iceland. The study evaluated 14C in combination with trifluormethylsulphur pentafluoride (SF5CF3) as a conservative tracer to monitor the CO2 transport in a storage reservoir. In addition, the study is helping to verify in situ mineral carbonation by performing laboratory analyses on retrieved fluid and rock samples. Researchers obtained fluid and rock samples from the CarbFix CO2 pilot injection site in Iceland where the injected CO2 is labeled with 14C. Samples were analyzed to study the extent of mineral carbonation in a basaltic storage reservoir. Carbon-14 in combination with d13C, total dissolved carbonate and SF5CF3 analyses are being used to quantify carbonation and to estimate in situ reaction rates for the basalt reservoir. The 14C, d13C, and the total dissolved or precipitated carbon data from the fluid and rock samples were used to estimate a carbon mass balance for the CarbFix site. The study drilled a 600 meter borehole and retrieved core and samples to also verify the mineral carbonation.
FE0004967 United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) CT Advanced Palladium Membrane Scale-Up for Hydrogen Separation 10/31/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids Advancements in hydrogen (H2) membrane separation are critical to allow the development of a viable H2 economy based on coal/biomass processing with CO2 capture. To reach the technology targets set by the Department of Energy (DOE), United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), in collaboration with Power+Energy, Inc. (P+E) and the Energy and Environmental Research Center at the University of North Dakota (EERC), proposes to demonstrate the membrane-based separation of H2 from coal-derived syngas at the pre-engineering/pilot scale using an improved Palladium (Pd) based membrane technology.
FE0004992 Western Research Institute (WRI) WY Pilot Scale Water Gas Shift - Membrane Device for Hydrogen from Coal 06/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids Western Research Institute proposes to build and test several pilot scale hydrogen separation devices for use in a gasification product stream. The outcome of the project will be a demonstration of manufacturing practices in addition to the delivery of the engineering for a hydrogen production system ready for testing at large scale.
FE0005859 General Electric (GE) Company NY Modeling Creep-Fatigue-Environment Interactions in Stream Turbine Rotor Materials for Advanced Ultras 01/20/2014 High Performance Materials GE Global Research, GE Energy, and the University of Pennsylvania will model creep-fatigue-environment interactions in steam turbine rotor materials for advanced ultra supercritical coal power plants. The work will demonstrate computational algorithms for alloy property predictions and to determine and model key mechanisms contributing to the damages of creep-fatigue-environment interactions.
FE0005865 University of Missouri MO Large Scale Simulations of the Mechanical Properties of Layered Transition Metal Ternary Compounds 12/31/2014 High Performance Materials This project focuses on the computational development of a new class of materials called MAX phases, or Mn 1AXn (M = a transition metal, A = Al, X = C or N). The MAX phases are layered transition metal carbides or nitrides with the rare combination of metallic and ceramic properties. Due to their unique structural arrangements and directional bonding (both covalent and ionic) these thermodynamically stable alloys possess some of the most desirable properties such as damage-resistance, oxidation resistance, excellent thermal and electric conductivity, machinability, and fully reversible dislocation-based deformation. These properties can be explored in the search for new phases and composites that can meet performance goals set by DOE for applications in the next generation of fossil energy power systems.
FE0005867 CFD Research Corporation AL Computational Capabilities for Predictions of Interactions at the Grain Boundary of Refractory Alloy 09/30/2014 High Performance Materials The objectives of this project are to develop, demonstrate, and validate computational capabilities for predictive analysis of interactions at the grain boundary of refractory alloys. The simulation capabilities will include Quantum Mechanics (QM) based ReaxFF potentials integrated into an open-source Molecular Dynamic (MD) code including the Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS-MD) simulator developed by Sandia National Laboratories.
FE0005868 University of Tennessee TN Computational Design of Creep-Resistant Alloys and Experimental Validation in Ferritic Superalloys 12/31/2014 High Performance Materials The objectives of the proposed research are to: (1) develop and integrate modern computational tools and algorithms required to assist in the optimization of creep properties of high-temperature alloys for fossil-energy applications; and (2) achieve a fundamental understanding of the processing-microstructure-property-performance links underlying the creep behavior of novel ferritic superalloys strengthened by B2 and/or L21 intermetallics. In the first objective, researchers seek to integrate tools and methods associated with predictive first-principles calculations, computational thermodynamic and kinetic modeling, and meso-scale dislocation-dynamics simulations. In the second objective, some of the computational results we will be validated by measuring selected microstructural attributes in representative model ferritic superalloys with a hierarchical microstructure, where the Fe-based disordered matrix is strengthened by one or two ordered precipitate(s).
FE0004844 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM Nature and Dynamics of the Reservoir/Caprock Contact and Implications for Carbon Storage Performance 10/31/2014 Risk Assessment The principal objective of this project was to determine the influence of diagenetic and structural features at the reservoir/caprock interface on transmission of CO2 into and through the caprock. The study focused mainly on the influence of deformation structures and fractures on fluid flow. The project team investigated interfaces in three different reservoir/seal pairs. The first stage of the project involved a brief field campaign to perform basic descriptions of the interfaces and conduct detailed sampling. The second stage involved laboratory analysis of the samples to describe their petrographic, geochemical, mechanical, and petrophysical properties. Finally, the descriptive information acquired in the first two steps was used as input data for a detailed coupled thermal hydrologic mechanical chemical modeling investigation of the implication for transmission across the storage zone/caprock interface. Some of the findings of this study are that differences in permeability at the reservoir-caprock interface caused by deformation bands and fractures have a large impact on fluid flow and that seals have the capacity to store large quantities of CO2 if permeable fractures terminate below the top of the seal.
FE0005654 URS Group, Inc. TX Evaluation of Concentrated Piperazine for CO2 Capture from Coal-Fired Flue Gas 12/31/2018 Solvents URS Group, in collaboration with the University of Texas and Trimeric Corporation, will investigate the use of concentrated piperazine (PZ) as a solvent for absorbing CO2 from coal-fired power plant flue gas while employing a novel, high-temperature, two-stage flash regeneration design. The project objectives are to quantify and validate the robustness of concentrated PZ in an integrated absorption/stripping system with solvent regeneration at 150°C; optimize the equipment design and energy performance of the two-stage flash system; and identify and resolve other potential operational and design issues including process control, corrosion, foaming, and solids precipitation. The project results will be used to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of a full-scale implementation of this process. Previous evaluations of concentrated PZ have indicated greater than 90% capture with significant progress toward the Department of Energy (DOE) cost of electricity goal. This project continues the development of the PZ-based CO2 absorption process through field tests at the University of Texas' Separations Research Program plant and DOE's National Carbon Capture Center.
FE0004360 University of Illinois IL Bench-Scale Development of a Hot Carbonate Absorption Process with Crystallization-Enabled High Pressure 03/31/2014 Solvents Collaborators at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Energy Commercialization, LLC will investigate the use of a carbonate salt (potassium or sodium carbonate) as a solvent for absorption-based, post-combustion CO2 capture. A preliminary techno-economic evaluation shows that energy use with the Hot Carbonate Absorption Process (CAP) is about half that of its monoethanolamine (MEA) counterpart. The Hot-CAP process integrates a high temperature (70-80 degrees Celsius) CO2 absorption column, a slurry-based high pressure (up to 40 atm) CO2 stripping column, a crystallization unit to separate bicarbonate crystals and recover the carbonate solvent, and a recovery unit for the calcium sulfate byproduct of SO2 removal. The research team will perform a proof-of-concept study aimed at generating process engineering and scale-up data to help advance Hot-CAP technology to the pilot-scale demonstration level within three years.
FE0002829 University of Texas at Arlington TX Center for Renewable Energy Science and Technology 01/15/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The CREST research team will optimize catalysts used for the conversion of southwestern lignite into synthetic crude oil that can be shipped to nearby Texas refineries and power plants for development of transportation fuels and power generation. Research will also be undertaken to convert any potential by-products of this process such as CO2 to useful chemicals and gases which may be recycled and used as feedstock to the synthetic fuel process. The overall project is divided into three tasks including a management task outlined in the following document.
FE0004278 American Air Liquide, Inc. DE CO2 Capture by Sub-Ambient Membrane Operation 11/30/2012 Post-Combustion Capture The objective of this two-year bench-scale project is to develop a cost-effective hybrid system for CO2 capture based on the performance achieved by the sub-ambient temperature operation of the Air Liquide hollow fiber membrane. The membrane will be coupled with cryogenic processing technology in a closed-loop test system that will verify the effect of possible contaminants, such as SOx, NOx and water, on membrane performance at levels relevant to coal-fired power plants. Experimental results will be used to refine the integrated process simulation and to design a slipstream facility.
FE0004522 Paulsson, Inc. CA Development and Test of a 1,000 Level 3C Fiber Optic Borehole Seismic Receiver Array Applied to Carbon Sequestration 02/28/2015 Geochemical Impacts The objective of this study was to develop a reservoir-assessment tool based on novel and robust borehole seismic technology that can generate ultra-high resolution P and S wave images for detailed characterization and precise monitoring of CO2 storage sites. Paulsson investigators built and tested a prototype downhole seismic system capable of deploying a thousand 3C downhole receivers using fiber optic sensor technology deployed on drill pipe. The system was tested at a CO2 storage site. There are three primary components of a downhole seismic system: (1) the seismic sensor, (2) the deployment system, and (3) the surface electronics and recording system. The planned approach for the sensor involved designing a high-temperature fiber optic receiver. For a deployment system, a small diameter, high strength drill pipe using offshore drill pipe manufacturing technology was used. The drill pipe was used as the backbone for the high-temperature deployment system and power is supplied through the tubing to clamp the receiver pods to the borehole wall. The strain on the fiber was recorded, analyzed, and transformed into a seismic record using an interferometric technique with all electronics and instruments placed at the surface.
FE0004832 University of Wyoming WY Maximization of Permanent Trapping of CO2 and Co-Contaminants in the Highest-Porosity Formations of the Rock Springs Uplift 03/31/2014 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management The project made accurate predictions for the trapping of injected mixed supercritical (sc)CO2, in the deep saline aquifer of the Rock Springs Uplift (RSU) in Southwest Wyoming. Such predictions were based on new, state-of-the-art experimental measurements of relevant flow functions that were used in a recently developed, high-performance, high-resolution simulation tool. Results of state-of-the-art laboratory experiments using core samples from the RSU were used in a physically-based dynamic core-scale pore network model that led to improved understanding of mixed scCO2 trapping mechanisms, This, in turn, allowed the identification of pore-level flow conditions under which permanent capillary trapping can be maximized, which were subsequently communicated to a high performance simulation tool. This tool allowed for geomechanical deformation of the surrounding formations, equilibrium calculations for mixed scCO2, water, and salt, and was used for uncertainty quantification using geological models.
FE0004956 University of Texas at Austin TX Area 1: Influence of Local Capillary Trapping on Containment System Effectiveness 03/31/2014 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management The overall objective of this project is to obtain the first rigorous assessment of the amount and extent of local capillary trapping expected to occur in typical storage formations. The University of Texas Austin is gathering variogram models typical of CO2 storage formations and generating a large number of geostatistical realizations of permeability from these models. The realizations are being populated with key petrophysical properties using crossproperty correlations and the spatial properties of the resulting model formations are being analyzed to determine the potential for local capillary trapping. The emplacement and buoyancy-driven migration of CO2 and the onset of a leakage path in the overlying seal is being simulated and the simulation was analyzed to determine the extent of filling of the local capillary traps and the degree of immobilization within them. Final-scale CO2 saturation distributions were extracted from the simulations and bench-scale buoyant displacements in heterogeneous 2D sand packs were performed.
FE0004962 University of Texas at Austin TX Area 2: Inexpensive Monitoring and Uncertainty Assessment of CO2 Plume Migration 09/30/2014 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) developed a prototype modular computational approach for monitoring the location of the CO2 plume as it moves through the subsurface during the injection process—the period when the CO2 is pumped through an injection well into the targeted rock formation. The approach utilized project injection rate and pressure data as a basis for the modeling input. This enabled modeling and monitoring capabilities at negligible incremental cost because injection rate and pressure data is recorded for operational reasons in every carbon storage project. A goal of the modular computational approach is to take advantage of the inherent flexibility it provides, allowing for other types of data, such as surface deflection or seismic imaging, to be easily included with the rate/pressure data to reduce the uncertainty of the inferred plume location.
FE0005054 Ameren Energy Resources IL Recovery Act: FutureGen 2.0: Oxy-Combustion Large Scale Test 09/01/2015 Futuregen 2.0 On August 5, 2010, Secretary Chu announced DOE's intent to award $1 billion in Recovery Act funding to the Ameren Energy Resources, Babcock & Wilcox (B&W), and Air Liquide Process & Construction, Inc. (AL), and the FutureGen Industrial Alliance (FGA), to build FutureGen 2.0. FutureGen 2.0 will help ensure that the United States remains competitive in a carbon constrained economy, creating jobs while reducing greenhouse gas pollution. FutureGen 2.0 is expected to be the world's first, commercial-scale, oxy-combustion power plant, and will help to open up the over $300 billion market for coal unit repowering and position the nation's electric power sector to utilize technologies that could capture and sequester significant amounts of CO2. To ensure timely implementation, a two track approach was devised where Ameren, B&W and AL will repower the Ameren power unit with oxy-combustion technology and capture and compress the CO2 for transport while the FGA will manage the process of CO2 transportation, storage as well as development of visitor and educational facilities.
FE0005540 University of Texas at Austin TX Improving Durability of Turbine Components Through Trenched Film Cooling and Contoured Endwalls 09/30/2014 Hydrogen Turbines Wind tunnel facilities at The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) and University of Texas at Austin (UT) have been specifically designed to simulate film cooling of turbine vanes, blades, and endwalls. These facilities incorporate equipment that simulates the deposition of contaminants in the turbine by using molten wax particles to simulate the molten contaminant particles that occur at actual engine conditions. The wax particles used in the test facilities are sized appropriately to simulate the inertial behavior of particles that exist in engine conditions. The use of wax also allows for the simulation of the liquid-to-solid phase change that is essential to the primary deposition mechanism. UT will be focusing on the performance of shallow trench film cooling configurations for various positions on the suction and pressure sides of a simulated vane with active deposition. Meanwhile, Penn State will be investigating the effect of active deposition on various endwall cooling configurations. Preliminary results show that deposition could be simulated dynamically using wax and that the effects of deposition could be quantified using infrared thermography. New endwall and vane surface film cooling configurations will be developed to minimize deposition and maximize cooling performance under contaminated conditions.
FE0005799 ION Engineering, LLC CO Ion Novel Solvent System for CO2 Capture 09/30/2013 Post-Combustion Capture ION Engineering, LLC and its subcontractors will conduct bench-scale testing of an amine-based solvent that employs an ionic liquid instead of water as the physical solvent, greatly reducing the regeneration energy while lowering process water usage. In addition to a 60 percent reduction in regeneration energy requirement, an ionic liquid-amine solvent mixture offers higher CO2 working capacity, reduced corrosion, reduced solvent loss, and other benefits when compared to conventional aqueous amine solvents.
FE0004908 Praxair, Inc. NY Advanced Hydrogen Transport Membranes for Coal Gasification 09/30/2015 Syngas Processing Praxair is conducting research to develop hydrogen transport membrane (HTM) technology to separate carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2) in coal-derived syngas for IGCC applications. The project team has fabricated palladium based membranes and measured hydrogen fluxes as a function of pressure, temperature, and membrane preparation conditions. Membranes are a commercially-available technology in the chemical industry for CO2 removal and H2 purification. There is, however, no commercial application of membrane processes that aims at CO2 capture for IGCC syngas. Due to the modular nature of the membrane process, the design does not exhibit economy of scale—the cost of the system will increase linearly as the plant system scale increases making the use of commercially available membranes, for an IGCC power plant, cost prohibitive. For a membrane process to be a viable CO2 capture technology for IGCC applications, a better overall performance is required, including higher permeability, higher selectivity, and lower membrane cost.
FE0002697 Petroleum Technology Research Centre International Energy Agency (IEA) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project 09/30/2015 Fit-for-Purpose The project is an international collaboration which brings together Canada, the U.S., the European Community, and Japan, as well as numerous other industrial and government sponsors. The research program integrates studies with the $2 billion commercial EOR and storage operations of Cenovus Energy and Apache at the Weyburn and Midale oil fields in the Williston Basin, Saskatchewan. The project is being completed through several phases with an overall goal of enhancing the knowledge base and understanding of CO2 geologic storage conducted with Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) operations. CO2 EOR and storage operations are studied in the Weyburn and Midale oil fields to understand controlling conditions and processes such as site suitability, reservoir capacity, reactive transport, storage integrity, wellbore performance, risk assessment, and effective monitoring and validation techniques.
FE0004228 Akermin, Inc. MO Advanced Low Energy Enzyme Catalyzed Solvent for CO2 Capture 09/30/2013 Post-Combustion Capture Akermin proposes the development and demonstration of a bench scale level reactor with the ability to capture up to 90% of CO2 from a simulated flue gas using a solvent with significantly lower regeneration energy at rates comparable to the solvent monoethanolamine (MEA). Over the course of the project, Akermin will identify the most suitable strains of carbonic anhydrase for carbon capture under industrial conditions, optimize a micellar polymer structure for enzyme immobilization and interface with contactor systems, and demonstrate its efficacy in a bench scale unit capable of processing up to 500 standard liters of gas per minute.
FE0005508 Parker Hannifin Corporation OH High-Bandwidth Modulation of H2/Syngas Fuel to Control Combustion Dynamics in Micro-Mising Lean Premix 01/31/2012 Hydrogen Turbines Parker aims to advance its micro-mixing injector platform, which has already demonstrated low NOx emissions, to improve combustion operability, in particular by attenuating combustion dynamics. This will be accomplished by developing and implementing a high-bandwidth piezo valve with the capability to adaptively modulate fuel flow to the premixer.
FG02-06ER46299 West Virginia University (WVU) WV Direct Utilization of Coal Syngas in High Temperature Fuel Cells 12/31/2013 AEC Development

West Virginia University (WVU) will identify the fundamental mechanisms of carbon deposition and coal contaminant poisoning of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) and develop novel materials to minimize the impact of these contaminants on fuel cell performance. The effects of trace contaminants found in coal will be characterized, and remedies for any adverse effects proposed. The research will focus on the modeling, manufacture, and testing of SOFCs fueled by simulated coal gas.
FE0005372 Stanford University CA Gasification Characteristics of Coal/Biomass Mixed Fuels 09/30/2013 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The overall objective of the proposed 36-month effort is to develop the models needed to accurately predict conversion rates of coal/biomass mixtures to synthesis gas (syngas) under conditions relevant to a commercially-available coal gasification system configured to co-produce electric power and liquid fuels. The scope of work involves testing coal/biomass mixtures in our entrained flow reactors and pressurized thermogravimetric analyzer in order to obtain the data needed to develop a model that accurately predicts char mass loss rates in the types of environments established in commercial entrained flow gasifiers.
FG02-08ER46497 Auburn University AL Effect of SOFC Interconnect-Coating Interactions on Coating Properties and Performance 06/14/2012 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Auburn will attempt to provide a fundamental understanding of how solid oxide fuel cell interconnects are protected from oxidation and performance degradation by coatings. This project will help to explain why some coatings of particular compositions work particularly well while others do not. It is expected that the project will result in information which will guide further coating and interconnect steel development.
FE0006696 Florida Turbine Technologies, Inc. FL Demonstration of Enabling Spar-Shell Cooling Technology in Gas Turbines 09/30/2014 Hydrogen Turbines The scope of this Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program Phase III project includes the design, analysis, fabrication, assembly, installation, and testing of prototype spar-shell turbine airfoils and associated hardware, culminating in the validation of performance and functionality in a commercial gas turbine.
FC26-02NT41585 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Real Time Flame Monitoring of Gasifier Burner and Injectors 12/31/2011 Gasification Systems

Gas Technology Institute is developing a reliable, practical, and cost effective means to monitor coal gasifier flame characteristics using a modified version of an optical flame sensor already under development.

The effort to make ultra-clean gasification commercially competitive includes increasing the life of gasifier injectors (which feed fuel into the gasifier). As the injectors age and wear out, the flames they produce change. Monitoring these flames will allow plant operators to more accurately predict when they have to be changed, reducing gasifier maintenance costs.
FE0007377 University of Wisconsin WI Multi-Scale Computational Design and Synthesis of Protective Smart Coatings for Refractory Metal Alloys 08/31/2014 High Performance Materials The proposed effort will advance the performance of refractory metals by integration of high temperature coating processes uniquely by means of modeling and experimental verifications in a focused, staged development. The ultimate goal of the proposed study will be to deliver the key enabling coating technology for at least a 400 degrees Celsius (°C) increase of the metal operating temperature from 1200°C to 1600°C.
FE0007045 University of California - Irvine CA Development of Criteria for Flameholding Tendencies within Premixer Passages for High Hydrogen Content Fuels 03/31/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines This research will provide a systematic evaluation of flameholding tendencies in various combustor fuel/air premixer passage geometries. This evaluation will be completed for different fuel types (including high hydrogen content [HHC] fuels) at operating conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.) typical of those encountered in industrial-scale turbines. The observations made relative to flameholding tendencies will be analyzed and used to develop design guides that can be used to infer when flameholding will occur as a function of the parameters studied. The high pressures and temperatures required to simulate the environment of a premixing passage for a natural gas-fired gas turbine will be generated at the University of California, Irvine Combustion Lab high pressure facility. The facility is capable of generating a preheated airflow at temperatures up to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit, pressures exceeding ten atmospheres, and a maximum flow rate that exceeds three pounds per second. To provide the planned conditions, a modular test apparatus will be used.
FE0007220 Southern University and A&M College System LA An Integrated Study of a Novel Thermal Barrier Coating for Niobium Based High Temperature Alloy 01/31/2015 High Performance Materials This project will focus on development of advanced thermal based coatings (TBC) to improve the performance of coatings for Nb-based, high-temperature alloys. A computer model to predict the properties of novel thermal barrier coatings will be developed and validated. Concurrent laboratory testing will be used to validate predictions of the model.
FE0007156 Ohio State University OH Effects of Hot Streak and Phantom Cooling on Heat Transfer in a Cooled Turbine Stage Including Particulate Deposition 09/30/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines The particulate deposition model developed by The Ohio State University (OSU) in prior University Turbine Systems Research (UTSR) work will be modified to better account for the fundamental physics of particle impact and sticking, including particle and surface properties. Experimental data from OSU's Turbine Reacting Flow Facility (TuRFR) deposition cascade facility will be used to validate the revised model. The TuRFR facility will be modified to provide for the generation of inlet temperature profile non-uniformities (hot streaks), which will be tracked through the turbine nozzle passage using surface temperature infrared imagery and exit plane temperature measurements. Hot streak evolution and the effect of the hot streaks on deposition will be evaluated. Film cooling will then be added to both the experiments and the computation to evaluate its effect on hot streak migration and deposition. Finally, the model's ability to track hot streak migration will be exercised on a full turbine stage (vane and rotor) using data acquired in the OSU Gas Turbine Laboratory transient turbine test rig. The model will also be used to predict deposition in the rotating configuration, although there will be no experimental validation of deposition in the rotating frame.
FE0007332 Tennessee Technological University TN An Alternative Low-Cost Process for Deposition of McRally Bond Coats for Advanced Syngas/Hydrogen Turbine Applications 09/11/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines The proposed metal chromium-aluminum-yttrium (MCrAlY; where M = nickel [Ni], cobalt [Co] or a mixture of Ni and Co) bond coats will be synthesized via an electrolytic codeposition process, followed by a post-plating heat treatment. In contrast to traditional electro-codeposition processes where sulfate or sulfamate bath is used for Ni/Co deposition, a sulfur-free electrolyte will be employed to control the impurity levels in the MCrAlY coatings. The reduced sulfur (S) levels will be expected to improve oxide scale adhesion. The amounts of Cr, Al, and particularly the Y reservoir, in the MCrAlY bond coat will be optimized to extend the lifetime of the thermal barrier coating (TBC) system. Reactive elements such as Y hafnium (Hf) or Y zirconium (Zr) will be co-doped into the MCrAlY coatings by modifying the composition of the CrAlY alloy powder. The composition of the CrAlY alloy (where equals Hf or Zr, etc.) will be carefully designed, based on the literature data for model MCrAlY alloys and other types of MCrAlY coatings. Other parameters of the electrolytic codeposition process will be systematically studied using a design-of-experiment approach to provide a fundamental understanding of their synergistic effects and to optimize the coating composition and microstructure.
FE0007225 University of Texas at El Paso TX Gallium Oxide Nanostructures for High-Temperature Sensors 01/31/2015 Sensors and Controls This project is intended to investigate and deliver high-temperature oxygen sensors based on pure and doped gallium oxide (Ga2O3) nanostructures operating at 800 °C and above in a corrosive atmosphere. The impetus is designing the Ga2O3-based nanostructured materials for application as oxygen sensors operating at extremely high temperatures in fossil fuel energy systems with a demonstrated reliability, stability and without any interference from other pollutants/emissions.
FE0007099 Purdue University IN Structure and Dynamics of Fuel Jets Injected into a High-Temperature Subsonic Crossflow: High-Data-Rate Laser Diagnostic Investigation 09/30/2014 Hydrogen Turbines This Purdue University project is a detailed investigation of the structure and dynamics of fuel jets injected into a subsonic oxidizing crossflow in order to enhance the fundamental level of understanding of these important flows and to provide a validation database for comparison with detailed numerical models of the reacting jets in crossflow (RJIC). Advanced laser diagnostics, including high-speed particle imaging velocimetry (PIV), high-speed planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF), and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) will be used to probe the flow fields in a high-pressure gas turbine combustion facility. PIV and planar laser induced fluorescence of OH radicals (OH PLIF) will be used to visualize fuel/air mixing and combustion at data rates of 5-10 kilohertz (kHz). One kHz CARS will be employed for temperature measurements using femtosecond lasers. The combustion facility will utilize three different fuels: a natural gas (NG) baseline and two high-hydrogen-content (HHC) fuels. Accurate high-resolution spatial and temporal measurements of the resulting turbulent flame structures will provide improved understanding of the complex processes of fuel/air mixing and turbulence-chemistry interaction with attendant impact on operability when using HHC fuels. Additionally, the representative crossflow will be forced into stationary and oscillatory conditions to simulate an unstable condition. The enhanced mixing and combustion of the fuel jet will be measured to quantify the relationship between the unsteady combustion field and the forced oscillatory field. The benchmark quality data sets resulting from these experiments will include comprehensive measurements of mean and fluctuating components of velocity, temperature, and species at high pressure and with crossflow conditions representative of modern gas turbine engines with practical applications within the turbine industry.
FE0007107 University of Texas at Austin TX Large Eddy Simulation Modeling of Flashback and Flame Stabilization in Hydrogen-rich Gas Turbines using a Hierarchical Validation Approach 09/30/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines The proposed work at the University of Texas aims to develop large eddy simulation (LES) models for simulating high hydrogen content (HHC) gas turbine combustion, with specific focus on premixing and flashback dynamics. The project is divided into three components: (1) LES model development using direct numerical simulation (DNS) and canonical experimental data, (2) targeted experimental studies to produce high quality mixing and flashback dynamics under engine relevant conditions, and (3) validation of LES models using a validation pyramid approach and transfer of models to industry using an open source platform.
FE0007450 University of Colorado CO Quantifying the Uncertainty of Kinetic-theory Predictions of Clustering 09/20/2014 Simulation-Based Engineering The main goal of the project is to quantify the uncertainty associated with kinetic-theory predictions of the clustering instabilities present in high-velocity gas-solid flows. There are two major objectives. The first is to generate benchmark data with an eye toward determining the relative importance of the physical mechanisms that give rise to the instabilities. Although it has been established previously that inelastic collisions and gas-phase effects can independently lead to instabilities in granular and gas-solid flows, their relative importance has not been examined, nor has the expected important effect of friction. The second objective is to apply kinetic-theory (continuum) models, with no adjustable parameters, to the same flow geometries used for the benchmark data. Kinetic-theory models have been shown to predict such instabilities, though previous validation work, such as snapshots and/or movies of particle clusters, is largely qualitative in nature.
FE0006932 Princeton University NJ Implementation and Refinement of a Comprehensive Model for Dense Granular Flows 09/30/2015 Simulation-Based Engineering This project will implement and validate a new granular stress model in Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges (MFIX) while continuing to improve the model to capture more complex flow behavior. The proposed work consists of the following major goals. Goal 1: Implement in MFIX, the steady shear rheological model developed recently by the PI group; perform MFIX simulations of various test problems such as hopper, chute, and Couette flows using this rheological model and no-slip and partial slip boundary conditions already available in MFIX; and compare against experimental and discrete element method (DEM) simulation data. Goal 2: Develop improved wall boundary conditions for the particle phase that can be applied in all three regimes of flow and implement them in MFIX. Examine the effect of refined boundary conditions on flow characteristics in the test problems mentioned in Goal 1. Goal 3: Further develop the rheological model to allow for dynamic evolution of the stresses, make appropriate modifications to the MFIX implementation, and conduct appropriate validation tests.
FE0006947 University of Utah UT In-Situ Acoustic Measurements of Temperature Profile in Extreme Environments 03/31/2015 Sensors and Controls This project's objective is to develop novel sensors and refractory measurements and assessment methods that can provide real time measurement of refractory temperature, thickness, and change in material properties.
FE0007190 State University of New York (SUNY) - Albany NY Heat Activated Plasmonics Based Harsh Environment Chemical Sensors 09/30/2015 Sensors and Controls The goal of this project is to develop cost-effective sensing technologies able to function in harsh, high-temperature operating environments. SUNY investigators intend to develop a photo-detector and a chemical sensor tailored to emissions of interest that will sense a passive light source with sufficient energy in the selected wavelength.
FE0007272 University of Washington WA High Temperature Thermoelectric Oxides Engineered at Multiple Length Scales for Energy Harvesting 12/20/2014 High Performance Materials This project will identify the most promising compositions of ferroelectric materials that can be used to make highly efficient thermoelectric devices for waste heat recovery in coal fired power and industrial plants. Combinatorial methods will be used to rapidly screen a broad composition range with high Curie temperatures, followed by an investigation of the thermoelectric properties. Processing approaches to making the materials will be also developed.
FE0006946 Iowa State University IA Multiphase Flow Research-Uncertainty Quantification Tools for Multiphase Gas-Solid Flow Simulations using MFIX 09/30/2015 Simulation-Based Engineering The goal of this project is to develop and validate for multiphase gas-solids flow simulations, a non-intrusive uncertainty quantification (UQ) procedure based on polynomial chaos methodology together with a quadrature-based reconstruction of the multivariate probability density function required by the approach, and to implement the procedure as a new algorithm in the NETL Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges (MFIX) multi-phase flow simulation package. The new UQ procedure will first be tested and validated on gas-particle flow problems for which analytical or simple algebraic solutions exist. The procedure will then be installed in MFIX and tested on two (2) complex gas-solid flow scenarios that represent different gas-solids flow regimes.
FE0007520 Tuskegee University AL Study of Particle Rotation Effect in Gas-Solid Flows Using Direct Numerical Simulation with a Lattice Boltzmann Method 09/30/2014 Simulation-Based Engineering This project will develop a new fundamental drag model for solid-gas flows using the direct numerical simulation (DNS) method. The new model will consider the effects of particle rotation on the hydrodynamics of gas-solid flows.
FE0007004 University of Central Florida FL Wireless, Passive Ceramic Strain Sensors for Turbine Engine Applications 03/31/2015 Sensors and Controls The University of Central Florida will develop an accurate and robust wireless passive high-temperature sensor for in situ measurement of strains inside turbine engines in coal-based power generation systems.
FE0007271 University of Pittsburgh PA Degradation of TBC Systems in Environments Relevant to Advanced Gas Turbines for IGCC Systems 09/30/2014 Hydrogen Turbines This University of Pittsburgh project will determine the degradation mechanisms of current state-of-the-art thermal barrier coating (TBC) in environments comprised of particulate matter and gas mixtures which are representative of gas turbines using coal-derived synthesis gas (syngas). The observed degradation processes will be used to guide the development of improved coatings for hot section components in the potentially harsh gas turbine environments in which fuels derived from coal and even perhaps biomass are burned. The unresolved complexities associated with TBC durability include enhanced attack of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) top coating by chemical reaction, physical damage of the topcoat by molten deposit penetration, and accelerated bond coat corrosion. This work is investigating how the interaction between the ash and oxidants affect TBC degradation by using lab-scale testing. Important outcomes from this study will include understanding TBC degradation; modeling integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) environments to develop better coatings; and extending the service life of TBCs by mitigating degradation. This research is using the high-temperature corrosion testing facilities at the University of Pittsburgh. The deposits currently being used are based on fly ash, and accordingly, consist of calcium oxide (CaO), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and iron oxides (FeOx). Additions of potassium sulfate (K2SO4) and iron sulfide (FeS) are used to simulate other ash constituents. The tests are being conducted on two different TBC system types provided by Praxair Surface Technologies (PST) of Indianapolis, Indiana. PST will also conduct thermal gradient tests for assessing TBC durability with and without deposits. Both exposed and unexposed test samples are being extensively characterized using the suite of capabilities available at the University of Pittsburgh.
FE0007325 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Preparation and Testing of Corrosion- and Spatiation- Resistant Coatings 06/30/2016 Advanced Combustion Turbines This University of North Dakota project is designed to refine the evaporative metal bonding (EMB) method, then apply the refinements to bonding a layer of corrosion- and spallation-resistant alloy, advanced powder metallurgy technology (APMT) to turbine parts composed of two nickel superalloy compositions and test the parts to determine if lifetimes have been increased. The work involves measurement of the temperature-dependent diffusion rates of zinc, the bonding metal used in the EMB process. The component superalloys of interest are CM247LC®, and Rene 80. The corrosion and spallation resistant super alloy layer is APMT. This information will help the University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)-led project team better design the heat treatments needed to create the bonds between the super-alloys and the APMT plating and assure that the zinc completely diffuses out of the turbine components created. The team will also model force distributions in the clamped structures being plated with APMT to assure that the compressive force used to hold the APMT and superalloys together during bonding is adequately distributed over the surfaces being joined. This modeling capability will allow the team to better design the clamping fixtures and force distribution plates (buffers) that will be used to bond plates of the APMT to more complex superalloy turbine parts. To determine the appropriate conditions for corrosion testing of the bonded parts in simulated turbine conditions, the team will measure trace constituents in combusted syngas produced in the EERC entrained-flow gasifier. This will consist of combusting a slipstream of cleaned coal derived synthesis gas (syngas) produced from the gasifier, quenching the combusted gas with nitrogen, and collecting the submicron particulates on Nuclepore surface filters and gaseous constituents in activated carbon, zeolite traps, or gas impingers. After determining the best heat treatment and clamping methods, the team will bond plates of APMT to the surface of superalloy test samples (buttons) and turbine parts provided by Siemens. Siemens will also apply thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) to some of the bonded parts and evaluate them. The EERC will perform laboratory hot corrosion tests simulating post-combustor turbine gas compositions, including relevant trace species defined in pilot-scale testing used to bond plates of the APMT to more complex superalloy turbine parts.
FE0007382 University of Connecticut (UConn) CT Low Thermal Conductivity, High Durability Thermal Barrier Coatings for IGCC Environments 01/15/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines The University of Connecticut, in cooperation with Pratt & Whitney and Siemens Energy, will use a novel solution precursor plasma spray (SPPS) process to deposit low thermal conductivity, high durability yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) and to utilize surface protective layers (SPLs) to provide high temperature contaminant resistance and increased surface temperature capability, while minimizing the use of rare earth elements. The SPPS process provides a unique TBC microstructure that consists of through-thickness vertical cracks for strain tolerance, ultra-fine splats for spallation crack resistance, and the ability to produce very low thermal conductivities. The low thermal conductivities, or low-K (with K representing heat conductivity), will result from planar arrays of fine porosity called inter-pass boundaries (IPBs) and the ability to vary porosity content over wide ranges. The IPBs are generic conductivity lowering features that can be implemented for any TBC. Pratt & Whitney and Siemens Energy will contribute valuable specimens and will test the down-selected low-K TBCs. The low-K YSZ TBC structure will be created using the SPPS process. Taguchi methods for design of experiments will be used to systematically determine the deposition parameters to minimize the thermal conductivity. Cyclic durability tests of the low-K TBC will be conducted to verify that the excellent durability of the SPPS TBC is preserved. A protective surface layer of gadolinium-zirconium will be added to the low-K YSZ TBC to increase the maximum allowable surface temperature by at least 100 degrees Celsius (°C) and improve its calcium-magnesium-alumina-silicate (CMAS) resistance, while minimizing the heavy use of rare earth elements. This improved contaminant resistance will be verified by testing in CMAS and moisture. Contaminant resistance will be further enhanced by employing two novel approaches, one using aluminum-titanium additions to the YSZ, and the other by deliberately adding calcium sulfate, shown to block CMAS when deposited by natural processes in service engines. The spallation failure mechanisms of the low-K TBC will be defined to provide guidance for subsequent improvements and a sound basis for life prediction methodologies.
FE0007466 Battelle Memorial Institute WA CO2 Binding Organic Liquids Gas Capture with Polarity Swing Assisted Regeneration 05/31/2014 Solvents Battelle Pacific Northwest Division, Fluor Corporation, and Queen's University have teamed together to develop a new CO2-capture technology for treating post-combustion emissions. This new process couples the unique attributes of non-aqueous, switchable organic solvents (CO2 binding organic liquids - CO2BOLs) with the newly discovered polarity-swing-assisted regeneration (PSAR) process. This process requires significantly lower temperatures and energies for CO2 separation relative to conventional technology, making significant cost savings possible. Combining the polarity assist with CO2BOLs is estimated to provide more than 42% energy savings over aqueous alkanolamine systems. Further, the low regeneration temperatures of the proposed technology also allow a unique energy integration method that can reduce overall parasitic loads by more than 65% compared to commercial systems.
FE0007270 Case Western Reserve University OH An Information Theoretic Framework and Self-Organizing Agent-Based Sensor Network Architecture for Power Plant Condition Monitor 10/31/2016 Sensors & Controls The main objective of this project is to develop an information theoretic sensing and control framework that encompasses distributed software agents and companion computational algorithms that maximize the collection, transmission, aggregation, and conversion of data to actionable information for monitoring, diagnosis, prognosis and control of advanced power plants.
FE0007453 Linde, LLC NJ Slipstream Pilot-Scale Demonstration of a Novel Amine Based Post-Combustion Process Technology for CO2 Capture from Coal-Fired Power Plant Flue Gas 11/30/2016 Solvents Linde LLC (Linde), along with BASF and the Electric Power Research Institute, will design, build, and operate a 1 megawatt electrical (MWe) equivalent slipstream pilot plant at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) to further refine a post-combustion capture solvent technology developed by Linde and BASF. The technology incorporates BASF novel amine-based solvent, OASE® blue, along with Linde process and engineering innovations. The post-combustion capture technology offers significant benefits compared to other solvent-based processes with the capability to reduce regeneration energy requirements by using novel solvents that are stable under the coal-fired power plant feed gas conditions. The project objectives are to design and build the 1 MWe pilot plant; conduct parametric testing to confirm that the pilot plant meets the performance targets and to obtain appropriate design information; perform a detailed data analysis to assess and develop the design basis for scale-up; and operate the pilot plant continuously under stable conditions to confirm the solvent stability and key material compatibility. The long-term test results will be used to update a techno-economic analysis for a 550 MWe coal-fired power plant incorporating the novel amine-based post-combustion CO2 capture technology and confirm that it can meet the Department of Energy carbon capture performance goals.
FE0007531 Rice University TX Combined Pressure, Temperature Contrast and Surface-Enhanced Separation of Carbon Dioxide for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture 12/31/2015 Solvents

Rice University is investigating a novel solvent-based absorption process for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture that combines the absorber and desorber columns, separated by a microporous ceramic membrane, into a single integrated unit. This novel capture process uses ceramic foam contactors with complex, highly-interconnected structures for the absorption and desorption of CO2. The ceramic gas-liquid contactors have favorable characteristics for mass transfer with large geometric surface areas up to ten times that of conventional packing. Additionally, the process will include metal oxide catalysts that enhance CO2 desorption from amine-based solvents at lower temperatures, resulting in reduced energy consumption and less solvent degradation and evaporation. Commercially available solvents with well-documented performance will be examined. A bench-scale prototype will be developed to implement the complete CO2 separation process and tests will be conducted to study various aspects of fluid flow in the process. A model will be developed to simulate the two-dimensional fluid flow and optimize the CO2 capture process. Test results will be used to develop a final techno-economic analysis and identify the most appropriate absorbent as well as optimum operating conditions to minimize capital and operating costs. This analysis will indicate the feasibility of integrating the process into a 550 megawatt electric (MWe) coal-fired power plant.
FE0006823 Blackhorse Energy, LLC TX South Louisiana Enhanced Oil Recovery/Sequestration Demonstration Project 09/30/2014 Clastics and Carbonates

Blackhorse Energy, LLC is evaluating the early Eocene-aged Wilcox formation located in Livingston Parish, Louisiana. The Wilcox formation is a mature developed oil reservoir (named the Livingston Reservoir) approximately 10,000 feet below ground surface. The depositional environment for this formation is a beach/barrier nearshore marine bar (Figure 1). The reservoir has been undergoing traditional secondary EOR techniques (water flooding) to increase oil production since 1987. This project will utilize tertiary EOR techniques by injecting approximately 52,000 metric tons of supercritical CO2 and CO2 foam (a CO2 based substance that tends to reduce the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved) into the formation to advance the oil recovery process and examine and prove the suitability of South Louisiana geologic formations for large-scale geologic storage of CO2.

This small-scale injection project will use remote time-lapse monitoring to measure, track, and assess how effectively overlying zones contain the injected CO2, determine the physical and geochemical fate of CO2 in the reservoir, and refine the storage resource estimate. Other MVA tools that will be used to monitor the migration of injected CO2 include advanced logging tools and fiber optic technology. Innovative injection well design will test the ability of short-radius, horizontal well technology to increase geologic storage of CO2 in the reservoir by increasing the available injection length within the reservoir. The monitoring and existing field production wells will be leveraged for data gathering to further characterize and understand the Wilcox depositional environment in south
FE0006827 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Central Appalachian Basin Unconventional (Coal/Organic Shale) Reservoir Small Scale CO2 Injection Test 12/31/2017 Fit-for-Purpose Virginia Tech is evaluating the long-term storage potential of CO2 in coal seams and organic shales by injecting up to 20,000 metric tons of CO2 into these unconventional reservoirs in central Appalachia. This project is designing and implementing characterization, injection, and monitoring activities to test unconventional formations (coal and organic shales) ability to store CO2 economically and safely as well as track the migration of CO2 throughout the injection and post-injection phases. In addition, this research will test the injectivity of CO2 into unmineable coal seams and the potential for enhanced coalbed methane recovery (ECBM) by stressing the coal under continuous CO2 injection for a period of one year.
FE0007060 University of Michigan MI Development and Experimental Validation of Large-Eddy Simulation Techniques - Syngas Combustion 08/31/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines The scope of this University of Michigan computational effort addresses the development of a fully validated large-eddy simulation (LES)-modeling capability to predict unstable combustion of high hydrogen content (HHC) fuels. To incorporate effects of preferential diffusion, pressure variations, and variations in mixture composition, an unsteady flamelet-based LES combustion model will be extended. The integrated LES-validation effort includes (1) an a priori analysis of critical modeling assumptions using a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) database of jet-in-cross-flow configurations, and (2) a posteriori model validation in LES application of a swirl-stabilized gas turbine combustor. The LES-combustion model will be used to develop detailed simulations to characterize facility-induced nonidealities in flow-reactor experiments. Effects arising from high-Reynolds number turbulence transition, mixture stratification, and other mechanisms associated with turbulence/ chemistry interaction on the autoignition behavior will be quantified through parametric calculations. The information gained from these efforts will be used to develop a low-order model that can be utilized for chemical-kinetics investigations and for guiding and improving future flow reactor designs in order to reduce facility effects. The experimental effort includes high-pressure measurements of HHC fuel combustion in a dual-swirl gas turbine combustor, development of a comprehensive experimental database for LES model validation by considering stable and unstable gas turbine operating conditions, and obtaining improved understanding about fundamental combustion-physical mechanisms that control flame-holding, liftoff, and flashback for HHC fuels. A range of pressures, HHC fuel compositions, and equivalence ratios will be investigated experimentally.
FE0007741 Novozymes North America, Inc. NC Low-Energy Solvents for Carbon Dioxide Capture Enabled by a Combination of Enzymes and Ultrasonics 06/30/2015 Solvents Novozymes proposes to design, build, and test an integrated bench-scale system that combines the attributes of the bio-renewable enzyme catalyst carbonic anhydrase with low-enthalpy absorption liquids and novel ultrasonically enhanced regeneration for a CO2 capture process with improved efficiency, economics, and sustainability. The application of ultrasonic energy forces dissolved CO2 into gas bubbles, thereby increasing the overall driving force of the solvent regeneration reaction. The technologies are projected to reduce the net parasitic load to a coal-fired power plant by as much as 51% compared to conventional monoethnolamine (MEA) scrubbing technology.
FE0007260 Florida International University FL Development of a Two-Fluid Drag Law for Clustered Particles using Direct Numerical Simulation and Validation through Experiments 12/31/2014 Simulation-Based Engineering This project will develop and validate new drag force correlations for the case of particle clustering, based on direct numerical simulation of gas-solids flow structures in risers and vertical columns; and validation of the proposed drag law by using the Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges (MFIX) multiphase flow simulation code to compare the experimental data generated in this project with computational results generated by MFIX simulations.
FE0007603 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Capture from Existing Coal Fired Plants by Hybrid Sorption Using Solid Sorbents 12/31/2014 Sorbents The objective of this project is to scale up and demonstrate a hybrid solid sorbent technology for CO2 capture and separation from coal combustion-derived flue gas. The technology is a novel solid sorbent based on the following ideas: reduction of energy for sorbent regeneration, utilization of novel process chemistry, contactor conditions that minimize sorbent-CO2 heat of reaction and promote fast CO2 capture, and low-cost method of heat management. The project will develop key information for the CACHYSTM process sorbent performance, energy for sorbent regeneration, physical properties of the sorbent, the integration of process components, sizing of equipment, and overall capital and operational cost of the integrated CACHYSTM system.
FE0007580 TDA Research, Inc. CO Low Cost, High Capacity Regenerable Sorbent for Carbon Dioxide Capture from Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants 09/30/2015 Sorbents TDA Research, Inc. (TDA) will work with Babcock & Wilcox, MeadWestvaco Corporation, the University of California-Irvine, the Gas Technology Institute, and the Illinois Clean Coal Institute to develop a low-cost, high-capacity carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorbent and show its technical and economic ability to selectively remove CO2 from coal-fired power plant flue gas. TDA advanced physical adsorbent consists of mesoporous carbon with surface functional groups grafted onto a patented TDA mesoporous carbon support. The sorbent binds CO2 more strongly than common adsorbents, providing the chemical potential needed to remove the CO2, however, because CO2 does not form a true covalent bond with the surface sites, the regeneration can be carried out with a small energy input. The heat input to regenerate the sorbent is only 4.9 kilocalories per mole of CO2, which is much lower than that for chemical absorbents or amine-based solvents. The mesoporous carbon sorbent was previously developed and validated under a DOE-funded project (DE-FE0000469) for pre-combustion CO2 capture. TDA will advance the adsorbent technology by improving the material capabilities and process design, and by conducting an evaluation with a fully-equipped bench-scale prototype unit using coal-fired flue gas to validate the technical viability of the concept. A techno-economic analysis will be performed to estimate the impact of the CO2 capture system on the plant efficiency and cost of electricity.
FE0007405 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Embedded Active Fiber Optic Sensing Network for Structural Health Monitoring in Harsh Environments 09/30/2016 Sensors & Controls Virginia Tech will develop a first-of-a-kind technology for remote fiber optic generation and detection of acoustic waves for structural health monitoring. The technology requires no electric power supply at the monitoring site and the detected acoustic signature as well as the additional returned optical signal allow extraction of information about multiple material conditions including temperature, strain, corrosion, and cracking.
FE0007977 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Liquid CO2 Slurry (LCO2) for Feeding Low Rank Coal (LRC) Gasifiers 09/30/2013 Gasification Systems

This project will exploit the availability of CO2 in a gasification power island for the benefit of IGCC-CCS integrated plants. EPRI will leverage the findings of laboratory tests to support the development and evaluation of mechanical engineering designs of LRC/LCO2 slurry preparation systems, which in turn will be used to develop higher resolution IGCC plant performance and cost models. The project aims to validate that LCO2 can achieve higher solid loading than water slurry, study the design criteria for a LCO2-coal slurry preparation/mixing system that is superior to conventional feed systems, and demonstrate potential plant thermal efficiency improvement over a water-coal slurry-based feed system.
FE0007966 TDA Research, Inc. CO Advanced Carbon Dioxide Capture Technology for Low Rank Coal Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Systems 09/30/2013 Gasification Systems

TDA Research, Inc. (TDA) is demonstrating the technical and economic viability of a new Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plant designed to efficiently process low-rank coals. The plant uses an integrated carbon dioxide (CO2) scrubber/water gas shift (WGS) catalyst to capture more than 90 percent of the CO2 emissions, while increasing the cost of electricity by less than 10 percent compared to a plant with no carbon capture.

TDA is optimizing the sorbent/catalyst and process design, and assessing the efficacy of the integrated WGS catalyst/CO2 capture system, first in bench-scale experiments and then in a slipstream field demonstration using actual coal-derived synthesis gas. The results will feed into a techno-economic analysis to estimate the impact of the WGS catalyst/CO2 capture system on the thermal efficiency of the plant and the cost of electricity.
FE0007952 Reaction Engineering International UT Mitigation of Syngas Cooler Plugging and Fouling 06/30/2015 Gasifier Optimization and Plant Supporting Systems This Reaction Engineering International (REI) project will develop a better understanding of ash deposition onto refractory and metal surfaces associated with the syngas cooler used in integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants that incorporate a two-stage gasifier. Plugging and fouling of syngas coolers will be evaluated and specific mitigation methods validated. The successful completion of this project will result in improved availability and reliability of the syngas cooler and thereby improve the availability of the overall IGCC plant.
FE0006821 University of Kansas Center for Research KS Small Scale Field Test Demonstrating CO2 Sequestration in Arbuckle Saline Aquifer and by CO2-EOR at Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas 09/30/2017 Fit-for-Purpose This project is conducting a stacked reservoir injection pilot study to further evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of long-term CO2 storage in saline reservoirs and the use of CO2 in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations in the Mid-continent. The stacked pilot study will inject up to 70,000 metric tons of CO2, into multiple formations. This includes a maximum of 40,000 metric tons of CO2 into the Lower Arbuckle Group (an extensive saline aquifer) and a maximum of 30,000 metric tons into the overlying oil-bearing dolomite of the Wellington Oilfield. State-of-the art MVA (monitoring, verification, accounting, and assessment) tools and techniques to monitor and visualize the injected CO2 plume and establish best practice methodologies for MVA in shelf clastic and shelf carbonate formations are being conducted. This will help reduce storage risk by documenting the uncertainties related to these specific depositional environments and monitoring techniques. Additionally, simulation initiatives are being used to integrate multiple in situ and ex situ monitoring systems in tandem to track the location of injected CO2.
FE0007948 InnoSepra, LLC NJ Novel Sorption-Based CO2 Capture Process 03/31/2015 Sorbents The InnoSepra process utilizes sorbents with much lower CO2 capture energy requirements compared to competitive processes and has been successfully demonstrated at the lab scale to obtain greater than 99 percent CO2 purity, and more than 90 percent CO2 recovery. The ultimate goals of the project are to confirm the projected performance of the InnoSepra process at the bench scale; provide sufficient data for design of a commercial-scale plant; and provide a high degree of confidence in the applicability, cost effectiveness and practical feasibility of this process. Projections based on detailed engineering evaluations show that the technology can reduce the power consumption for CO2 capture by more than 40 percent, and the capital cost for the CO2 capture equipment by more than 60 percent at commercial scale, resulting in a more than 40 percent reduction in the CO2 capture cost compared to alternate technologies such as amines.
FE0007379 University of Maine System ME High-Temperature Wireless Sensor for Harsh Environment Condition Monitoring 12/31/2016 Sensors & Controls This project will develop and demonstrate the performance of wireless microwave acoustic sensors for temperature and pressure measurement in high temperature environments. Small battery free surface acoustic wave sensors with integrated antennas, comprised of novel materials that are stable in high temperature environments will be embedded or attached to components and/or structures for real time monitoring in conditions up to 1200ºC and 750 psi.
FE0007902 General Electric (GE) Company TX Scoping Studies to Evaluate the Benefits of an Advanced Dry Feed System on the Use of Low-Rank Coal in IGCC Technologies 03/30/2013 Gasification Systems

The U.S. has large reserves of low-cost, low-rank coal, but use in IGCC systems is, to a large extent, limited by the capabilities of available coal feed systems. Conventional dry feed systems feed coal through a system of lock hoppers. This approach has high capital, operating, and maintenance costs and poor reliability, issues that are exacerbated as operating pressure increases. Slurry feed systems suffer an efficiency penalty resulting from the need to evaporate and heat the water contained in the high inherent moisture low-rank coals and the additional water added to form a pumpable slurry, thereby reducing efficiency.

Project personnel are preparing comparative techno-economic studies of two IGCC power plant cases: one with and one without advanced dry feed technology. A common basis of design is being developed. For both cost and performance comparisons, the baseline case (without advanced dry feed technology) is being developed using operational data from the Eastman Chemical Company’s Kingsport gasification facility in combination with data from the DOE case study for IGCC using a low-rank coal with 90 percent carbon capture. Advanced dry feed technology, based upon the Posimetric pump currently under development by GE, will be developed to match the proposed plant conditions and configuration, and analyzed to provide comparative performance and cost information to the baseline plant case. The scope of this analysis covers the feed system from the raw coal silo through the gasifier injector.
FE0007395 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Application of a Heat Integrated Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture System with Hitachi Advanced Solvent into Existing Coal-Fired Power Plant 03/31/2020 Solvents

The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research, in partnership with the Electric Power Research Institute, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems America, and Smith Management Group, will develop a heat-integrated, pilot-scale, post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system for a coal-fired power plant using an advanced solvent. A two-stage stripping concept will be implemented to increase capture rate in the CO2 absorber. In addition, a heat-integrated cooling tower system will also be implemented that uses regenerated CO2 stream waste heat to dry a liquid desiccant for removing moisture from the cooling air. This method decreases the relative humidity of the air, lowering the cooling water temperature and thereby reducing the steam turbine back pressure for efficiency improvement. A 0.7 megawatt electrical (MWe) equivalent slipstream facility will be designed, constructed, and installed at the Kentucky Utilities E.W. Brown Generating Station, located near Harrodsburg, Kentucky for testing the process. Parametric studies and long-term test campaigns will be performed using a conventional MEA solvent and Hitachi’s H3-1 advanced solvent to validate that the use of an advanced solvent results in less energy consumption and corrosion. Through previous testing, the H3-1 solvent has shown several advantages over conventional amine solvents, including a lower heat of regeneration, higher capacity, and less solvent degradation. A technical and economic analysis of the process concept for a 550 MWe power plant will be completed to determine its potential to achieve the Department of Energy target of no more than a 35 percent increase in the cost of electricity while capturing at least 90 percent of the CO2 released during the combustion of fossil fuels in existing coal-fired power plants.
FE0007859 General Electric (GE) Company TX Feasibility Studies to Improve Plant Availability and Reduce Total Installed Cost in IGCC Plants 07/31/2015 Gasifier Optimization and Plant Supporting Systems General Electric (GE) sees opportunity in the global trend for cleaner power production using its IGCC technology. The company believes that power can be economically and cleanly produced from coal through the use of its technologies and desires to utilize its coal gasification and power generation technology expertise to meet this goal. The objective of this 3-year project is to evaluate potential improvement in total installed cost and availability through deployment of a multi-faceted approach encompassing technology evaluation, constructability assessment, and design methodology. Eastman Chemical Company is supporting the GE effort by providing consulting on the evaluation and technology transfer phases of the project. The end result is to reduce the time to technological maturity and enable plants to reach higher values of availability in a shorter period of time at a lower installed cost.
FE0007804 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Rapid-Temperature Swing Adsorption Using Polymeric/Supported Amine Hollow Fiber Materials (RTSA) 03/31/2015 Sorbents The primary objectives of this project are to develop, fabricate, and test a novel supported amine, polymeric hollow fibers loaded with silica-supported amine adsorbents, specifically adapted for the purpose of CO2 capture. Two key innovations are (1) the fiber is highly loaded with the solid adsorbent to facilitate large CO2 adsorption capacities with a low pressure drop and (2) the inclusion of an impermeable lumen layer in the interior of the fiber to allow cooling (during adsorption) and heating (during desorption) of the fiber from its bore, hence the name rapid Temperature Swing Adsorption (rTSA). The biggest risk is that the fiber will be poisoned too easily therefore requiring costly flue gas cleaning and replacement of the fibers.
FE0007465 University of Michigan MI Fundamental Studies to Enable Robust, Reliable, Low Emission Gas Turbine Combustion of High Hydrogen Content Fuels 09/30/2016 Advanced Combustion Turbines At the University of Michigan Rapid Compression Facility (RCF), experiments will be conducted to extend the high-quality, low-uncertainty experimental database of high hydrogen content (HHC) combustion kinetic benchmarks over a range of operating conditions, including pressures (10-25 atmospheres), temperatures (700-1700K), and the effects of dilution with exhaust gases (where uncertainties in third body coefficients become particularly important). Flammability limits and flame/auto-ignition inter-actions will be determined computationally and experimentally. The RCF data will provide rigorous targets for development of accurate, well validated, detailed, and reduced chemical kinetic reaction mechanisms for HHC combustion, including nitrogen oxide (NOx) chemistry.
FE0007759 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. PA Advanced Acid Gas Separation Technology for the Utilization of Low Rank Coals 12/31/2012 Gasification Systems Air Products and Chemicals will team with the Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D., to conduct extensive testing using a mobile, two-bed Sour PSA unit fed with North Dakota lignite coal-based syngas streams. Air Products and Chemicals has developed a proprietary alternative that consists of three process steps: Sour Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) that separates the desired products from CO2 and H2S, sulfur disposition that can be accomplished in several different modes, and a CO2 polishing and compression step that produces sequestration-ready CO2. In addition to pressure swing, the adsorbent system will be operated in thermal swing adsorption (TSA) mode to determine performance when exposed to syngas derived from lower-rank coal. The results of this testing will be used to generate a high-level pilot process design and to prepare a techno-economic assessment.
FE0007502 General Electric (GE) Company NY Bench-Scale Silicone Process for Low-Cost CO2 Capture 12/31/2013 Solvents The project will test, with a continuous bench-scale system, an aminosilicone CO2 capture solvent developed as part of a previous DOE-funded program. A manufacturing plan for the aminosilicone solvent and price model will be used for optimization, and combined with a rigorous process model and thorough manufacturability analysis for the solvent, will enable a practical technology path to later development at larger scales and commercialization.
FE0007514 General Electric (GE) Company NY High Performance Thin Film Composite Hollow Fiber Membranes for Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture 12/31/2014 Membranes GE Global Research, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech),and Western Research Institute (WRI) propose to develop high performance thin film polymer composite hollow fiber membranes and advanced processes for economical post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2)capture from pulverized coal flue gas at temperatures typical of existing flue gas cleanup processes. The project will optimize the novel membranes at the bench scale, including tuning the properties of a novel phosphazene polymer in a coating solution and fabricating highly engineered porous hollow fiber supports. The project will also define the processes for coating the fiber support to manufacture ultrathin, defect-free composite hollow fiber membranes. Physical, chemical, and mechanical stability of the materials (individual and composite) towards coal flue gas components will be evaluated using exposure and performance tests. Membrane fouling and cleanability studies will define long term performance module design, technical, and economic feasibility analyses will be conducted to evaluate the overall performance impact of the process on the cost of electricity (COE). Membranes based on coupling this novel selective material (phosphazene-based polymer) with an engineered hollow fiber support have the potential to capture greater than 90% of the CO2 in flue gas with less than 35% increase in COE, which would achieve the DOE performance criteria.
FE0007716 Babcock & Wilcox Company OH Optimized Solvent for Energy-Efficient, Environmentally-Friendly Capture of Carbon Dioxide at Coal-Fired Power Plants 04/30/2014 Solvents The project will identify piperazine (PZ) blends that will improve overall solvent and system performance. Recent testing at B&W indicates that blends of concentrated PZ with other organic compounds perform substantially better than PZ itself. Goals include improving system operability and reliability, minimizing environmental impacts, reducing corrosion potential in the system, and maximizing solvent durability. The solvent program will make use of B&W's existing laboratory, bench, and lab-pilot facilities, and a new bench-scale continuous solvent test apparatus will be constructed to characterize solvent degradation.
FE0007707 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Bench-Scale Development of an Advanced Solid Sorbent-Based Carbon Capture Process for Coal-Fired Power Plants 12/31/2015 Sorbents Research Triangle Institute (RTI), in collaboration with its partners, will develop and evaluate an advanced solid sorbent-based CO2 capture process with the potential to substantially reduce the parasitic energy requirement and costs associated with capturing CO2 from coal-fired flue gas compared to conventional aqueous amine CO2 scrubbing. A promising molecular basket sorbent (MBS) from Pennsylvania State University (PSU) will be combined with RTI circulating, fluidized, moving-bed reactor (FMBR) process design concept and evaluated at bench scale on simulated coal-fired flue gas to validate the feasibility of the process. The MBS comprises a CO2-philic polymer, polyethyleneimine (PEI), loaded onto high surface area nanoporous materials. The sorbent has shown high CO2 loading capacity and thermal properties that could greatly reduce parasitic power requirements for CO2 capture. The cost-effective circulating FMBR design offers superior gas-solid heat and mass transfer characteristics. Key objectives for this project are the optimization and production scale-up of advanced MBS materials in fluidizable form and the development of an associated fluidized-bed process technology. The data obtained during bench-scale testing of the MBS-based CO2 capture process will be used to prepare a design for a full-scale unit and to conduct technical, economic, and environmental analyses.
FE0007528 Neumann Systems Group, Inc. CO Carbon Absorber Retrofit Equipment (CARE) 12/31/2015 Solvents This project located at the Colorado Springs Drake #7 power plant will design, construct, and test a patented NeuStream absorber. The absorber will employ nozzle technology proven during a recently completed 20 MW NeuStream-S flue gas desulfurization pilot project, and an advanced solvent that efficiently captures CO2. This absorber technology is applicable to a variety of solvents and can be retrofitted to existing pulverized coal power plants with reduced cost and footprint. Because of the modularity of the NeuStream technology, it can be rapidly scaled to larger size systems and retrofitted into existing plants with little risk.
FE0007553 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Low-Pressure Membrane Contactors for Carbon Dioxide Capture 09/30/2014 Membranes The overall goal of this three-year project is to build and operate a 500 m2 prototype low-pressure counter-flow sweep membrane module. Development of this new type of very large area membrane contactor module will significantly increase the feasibility of using membrane technology to separate CO2 from coal-fired power plant fuel gas. Availability of this type of module also opens up the possibility of creating synergistic combinations of a membrane pre-concentration step and a second final concentration step such as absorption, adsorption and cryogenic separation. The feasibility of these combination processes will be evaluated during this project.
FE0007567 Carbon Capture Scientific, LLC PA Development of a Novel Gas Pressurized Stripping (GPS)-Based Technology for CO2 Capture from Post-Combustion Flue Gases 09/30/2015 Solvents Carbon Capture Scientific LLC, along with CONSOL Energy Inc., Western Kentucky University, and Nexant Inc., will perform bench-scale development and testing of a novel gas pressurized stripping (GPS) process-based technology for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from post-combustion flue gas. The GPS process removes CO2 through solvent-based absorption and stripping, applying two innovations to improve the thermal efficiency over conventional columns: the use of a high-pressure stripping gas in place of water vapor to increase operating pressure, and the addition of heat through multiple locations along the stripping column to eliminate temperature gradients. The project objectives are to conduct bench-scale testing of individual process units; optimize the GPS column with computer simulations for both new and retrofit applications; perform an experimental investigation of selected solvents; conduct bench-scale testing of a rotating packed bed at anticipated absorption conditions; and design, build, and operate a bench-scale GPS unit capable of achieving at least 90% CO2 capture from a nominal 500 standard liters per minute coal-derived flue gas slipstream at the National Carbon Capture Center. The project team will complete a techno-economic study and an environmental, health, and safety risk assessment for the GPS process.
FE0007632 Ohio State University OH Novel Inorganic/Polymer Composite Membranes for CO2 Capture 12/31/2015 Membranes The Ohio State University (OSU), along Gradient Technology, TriSep Corporation, and American Electric Power, will develop a cost-effective design and manufacturing process for novel membrane modules that efficiently capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plant flue gas. The innovative membrane design combines the selectivity and stability of inorganic microporous membranes and the cost and flexibility of polymer materials. The membranes consist of a thin selective inorganic layer embedded in a polymer structure that allows it to be manufactured in a continuous process. This design will result in hybrid membranes with exceptionally high CO2 permeance, high selectivity of CO2 over nitrogen, and the full operational stability needed for energy-efficient CO2 capture. The membranes will be incorporated in spiral-wound modules and implemented in a two-stage CO2 capture process with the potential to achieve greater than 90 percent CO2 capture of at least 95 percent pure CO2. Three prototype membrane modules will be fabricated and bench-scale testing will be conducted with simulated flue gas to validate the membrane performance. Technical and economic feasibility studies will be completed, as well as an environmental, health, and safety assessment.
FE0007634 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT Electrochemical Membrane for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Power Generation 05/31/2016 Membranes Fuel Cell Energy, Inc. (FCE), in collaboration with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, URS Corporation, and Western Research Institute, will further develop its patented Combined Electric Power and Carbon-Dioxide Separation (CEPACS) system for carbon dioxide (CO2) separation and compression from pulverized coal (PC) power plants. The CEPACS system is based on an electrochemical membrane (ECM) technology derived from FCE's internal reforming carbonate fuel cell product, Direct Fuel Cell®. The unique chemistry of carbonate fuel cells provides a method to remove CO2 from the flue gas of PC plants and simultaneously produce additional clean electric power at high efficiency using a supplementary fuel, such as coal-derived syngas, natural gas, or a renewable resource. Therefore, the CEPACS system increases the power generated by the existing fossil-fueled plant, unlike other CO2 capture technologies that reduce net electric power. The ECM module consists of ceramic-based layers filled with carbonate salts that separate CO2 from the flue gas with a selectivity of 100 percent over the nitrogen present. Operating at atmospheric pressure, the ECM module does not require flue gas compression, and because of fast electrode kinetics, does not require a high CO2 concentration, making it suitable for use at the concentrations normally found in PC plant flue gas. Additionally, the planar geometry of the membrane offers ease of scalability to large sizes suitable for deployment in PC plants. In this project, researchers will conduct small-scale component fabrication and testing, contaminant pretreatment evaluation, and bench-scale testing of an 11.7 square meter ECM separation unit with simulated flue gas. A techno-economic feasibility study and an environmental, health, and safety assessment will be completed at the 550 megawatt PC power plant level. Predecessor Project::DE-FC26-04NT42206 Successor Project::DE-FE0026580
FE0007525 Southern Company Services, Inc. AL Waste Heat Integration with Solvent Process for More Efficient CO2 Removal from Coal-Fired Flue Gas 03/31/2017 Solvents Southern Company Services, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America (MHIA), and URS Group have teamed to develop viable heat integration methods for the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced from pulverized coal combustion plants, improving upon the current state-of-the-art for solvent-based capture processes. An advanced level of heat integration between the power plant and the CO2 capture facility will be investigated by incorporating a waste heat recovery technology into an existing amine-based CO2 capture process. The project will incorporate MHIA High Efficiency System (HES) heat recovery and integration technology into an existing 25 megawatt electrical (MWe) pilot plant demonstration of the Kansai Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide Recovery (KM-CDR™) CO2 capture process at Southern Company Plant Barry. The HES heat integration technology will use waste heat streams to provide needed process stream heating, reducing the amount of low pressure (LP) steam extracted for the solvent regeneration system. The recovered heat will also be used to heat boiler feed water, further reducing the extraction steam demands on the LP turbine and increasing the LP steam available for power generation. The HES has been successfully demonstrated at several low-sulfur, coal-fired power plants outside of the United States, though not with CO2 capture. This project will examine the HES performance with high-sulfur flue gas, and as integrated with a CO2 recovery system. A preliminary techno-economic analysis has indicated that HES with advanced heat integration can reduce the total energy impact of a CO2 capture system by 26 percent, a significant step toward meeting the Department of Energy goal for the cost of electricity.
FE0008344 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV U.S. - China Carbon Capture and Storage Development Project at West Virginia University 12/31/2013 International New Award with West Virginia University Research Corporation for a project titled "U.S.-China Carbon Capture and Storage Development Project at West Virginia University". The objective of this project is to undertake resource evaluation and planning for the execution of two pilot demonstrations carbon capture and storage projects and to describe and quantify the geologic, environmental and economic challenges to large-scale carbon capture and storage in China.
SC0001208 NexTech Materials, Ltd. OH Manufacturing Analysis of SOFC Interconnect Coating Processes 08/14/2012 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells NexTech Materials is developing new manufacturing techniques for coating metals to lower the cost and improve the long-term durability of solid oxide fuel cells.
SC0001973 Exelus, Inc. NJ Jet Fuel from Bio-Diesel 08/14/2012 Coal and Coal/Biomass to Liquids The goal of Exelus is to create a complete, sustainable, and cost-effective technology that converts algal oil-derived biodiesel into jet fuel. The proposed technology steps far beyond traditional biodiesel synthesis to convert a ready source of fuel, algal oil, into aviation fuel that meets or exceeds all current performance specifications. This project applies completely new chemistry with environmentally benign engineered catalysts that allows conversion of both triglycerides and free fatty acids found in algae oil into long-chain branched paraffins that are ideal jet fuel components.
SC0004212 Wireless Sensor Technologies, LLC CA Self Powered Wireless Sensor System for Power Generation Applications 08/14/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies Wireless Sensor Technologies is developing and demonstrating a high reliability waste heat-enabled power supply and wireless sensor system for power generation applications. The system consists of networked sensor nodes containing pressure and temperature sensors that may be used in the hot sections of turbine engines and mounted on rotating components enabling condition-based maintenance for a power generation plant.
SC0006186 Barber Nichols, Inc. CO Turbine Component Rapid Manufacturing via Electron Beam Melting/Electrochemical Machining 03/16/2012 Hydrogen Turbines Barber-Nichols proposes development of combined novel rapid manufacturing process "Electron Beam Melting" EBM, with a rapid material removal process "Electro Chemical Machining" ECM, to provide a low-cost, high-quality alternative to the traditionally expensive and time consuming casting processes for industrial gas turbine engines. The combined process developed under this SBIR will enable significantly shorter engine development cycle times as well as provide a faster, lower cost approach for the manufacture of complex cast parts across multiple industries.
SC0006282 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT High Performance Catalytic Heat Exchanger for SOFC Systems 03/16/2012 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE), in partnership with Modine Manufacturing Company and BASF Catalysts, is proposing the development of a novel catalytic heat exchanger which combines the functionality of the separate catalytic combustor and cathode air preheater into a multi-functional single unit. Applying this innovative technology to SOFC power systems has the potential significantly reduce BOP costs while also meeting the severe technical design requirements. In addition to the high operating temperature and temperature differentials, the heat exchanger must also be designed to withstand a corrosive environment on the source-side (H2O, O2), thermal cycling, and impart very low pressure drop on both the source and sink sides. Low cost is also a key criterion for design of the cathode air preheater. The proposed research and testing program is anticipated to address critical design challenges through multidisciplinary design optimization and lab-scale component testing.
FG02-07ER84672 Los Gatos Research CA Novel Instrumentation for Combustion Monitoring and Control 02/14/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies This project will support the development and demonstration of a novel instrument with unprecedented sensitivity, accuracy and reliability for monitoring and control of combustion emissions and of power plants and industrial processes; for engine diagnostics and for automobile monitoring; and for measurements of atmospheric pollutants, trace gases and greenhouse gases.
FG02-07ER84682 Trimeric Corporation TX FGD Additives to Segregate and Sequester Mercury in Solid Byproducts 02/14/2012 Post-Combustion Capture This project will develop new technology for controlling mercury emissions and environmental releases associated with the operation of coal-fired electric power generation plants and the processing of byproducts. This control will be achieved through the use of chemical additives in the power plant's flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system. These additives will: (1) sequester mercury into the liquid phase; (2) prevent mercury re-emissions into the flue gas; (3) prevent precipitation and adsorption of mercury on primary FGD byproducts such as gypsum; and (4) precipitate mercury from the FGD blow down stream, as a stable solid byproduct that is segregated from other FGD solid byproducts.
FG02-08ER84958 Titanova, Inc. MO Novel Diode Laser Cladding of High Temperature Alloys Used in USC Coal-Fired Boilers 10/17/2011 Plant Optimization Technologies Develop direct diode laser systems and processes for improved cladding of high temperature materials for ultrasupercritical boilers
FG02-08ER85015 Precision Combustion, Inc. CT Development of Novel Oxy-Syngas Zero-Emission Reheat Combustor 08/13/2012 Hydrogen Turbines Specifically, this project seeks to develop and validate a single-can reheat combustor for 50 MWth firing rate at 600-650 psia to increase exhaust from 450-600C (840-1100F) to 1760C (3200F) with a particular focus towards possible future integration of the reheat combustor within the overall Siemens-CES Oxy-Combustion Cycle System, where reheating high-steam content gas from HP turbine represents a key technical challenge.
SC0004289 Aspen Aerogels, Inc. MA Superhydrophobic Aerogel as Sorbent Material for CO2 Capture 11/30/2013 Post-Combustion Capture Aspen Aerogels will develop a novel CO2 capture solid sorbent for coal fired power plants. The novel aerogel sorbent will 1) effectively remove the CO2 from post combustion flue gas, 2) will be regenerated at low temperature, and 3) will be suited for multiple-cycle use. The new developed technology will enable to retrofit the existing fleet of coal-fired power plants for carbon capture and minimize global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions.
FG02-08ER84944 Cybosoft General Cybernation Group, Inc. CA Intelligent Actuation Control Using Model Free Adaptive Control Technology 12/31/2013 Plant Optimization Technologies The overall objective of a multi-phase SBIR effort is to research, design, develop, test, evaluate, benchmark, and bring to production an intelligent valve positioning control solution that can provide much more robust and precise control for large-scale coal-fired power plants using CyboSoft's innovative yet industry proven Model-Free Adaptive control technology. Phase I work evaluated, simulated, and determined the feasibility of using Model-Free Adaptive control technology to develop an intelligent control solution for valve positioning control to meet stringent performance specifications and show that the solution can effectively deal with large variations in valve gain, time constant, delay time, and other bad valve behaviors. Phase II efforts will build upon these developments to experimentally show and optimize the software solution for valve control and lead to more precise control at the local/low level and improve performance of the system.
FG02-08ER85006 CellTech Power, LLC MA Liquid Tin Anode Direct Coal Fuel Cell 11/30/2011 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells The objective of Phase I of this program is to evaluate the technical merit and feasibility of a Direct Coal power plant incorporating a Liquid Tin Anode Fuel Cell.
FE0008400 University of Texas at El Paso TX A Computational Experimental Study of the Plasma Processing of Carbides at High Temperatures 06/30/2015 High Performance Materials This research consists of a computational-experimental effort and will dovetail the thermodynamic and kinetic concepts of high temperature reactions involving metals and ceramics with the computational fluid dynamics and computational modeling to develop the plasma processing of high temperature scales for metals and ceramics.
FE0008470 University of Texas at El Paso TX Mechanically Activated Combustion Synthesis of MOSi2-Based Composites 09/30/2015 High Performance Materials The goal of the project is to develop a novel and competitive processing route for manufacturing MoSi2-based composites. Specifically, the project will investigate use of mechanically activated self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (MASHS) followed by compaction. Conventional self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, also called combustion synthesis, promises great advantages such as low energy consumption and low cost, but in case of MoSi2-based materials the reaction rates are not sufficiently high and the products have high porosity and low density. The mechanical activation will improve the reaction kinetics in the subsequent SHS process, while the final compaction will decrease the product porosity. As a result, the problems of SHS will be overcome and its great advantages will be used effectively.
FE0008382 Southern University and A&M College System LA Novel Nano-Size Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels Development Through Computational and Experimental Study 02/28/2016 High Performance Materials The goal of this project is to identify through ab initio molecular dynamics atomic level modeling and computer simulation and then experimentally validate new oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel alloy compositions that have improved high temperature mechanical and corrosion resistance properties for advanced fossil energy applications. To accomplish this goal the project team will (1) Build interface models of ODS alloy compositions. (2) Perform interface energy and molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo high performance computing (HPC) simulations on the ODS models to identify promising compositions for high temperature and high pressure applications. (3). Perform experiments on the high temperature oxidation and high temperature/high pressure dislocation creep properties of the most promising ODS systems from the simulations.
FE0008548 University of Texas at El Paso TX Design Optimization of Liquid Fueled High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Thermal Spraying Technique for Durable Coatings for Fossil Power Systems 12/31/2015 High Performance Materials UTEP will study the particle dynamics of liquid-fueled high velocity oxy-fuel (LHVOF) process for a range of operating and process parameters and study the effects of these operating and process parameters on coating characteristics to determine the ability of the system to produce FeAl based coatings that meet the performance requirements of advanced fossil power generation systems.
SC0008203 NexTech Materials, Ltd. OH SOFC Protection Coatings Based on a Cost-Effective Aluminization Process 12/31/2017 Core Technology NexTech Materials will demonstrate the applicability of their aluminization process to solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) applications. Two commercially important systems will be investigated: (1) Compatibility of aluminide coating with SOFC stack components will be evaluated, including interactions with sealant materials and other cell components. A complete interconnect coating solution will be demonstrated by integrating the aluminide coating with the existing manganese cobalt oxide (MCO) active layer coating. The performance of these dual MCO/aluminide coated interconnects will be validated through three-cell stack tests. (2) The high-temperature corrosion protection and chromium volatilization mitigation of aluminide coated balance-of-plant (BOP) components will also be evaluated. The commercial potential of the aluminization process for providing protective aluminide coatings for both the non-active seal area of metallic interconnects and BOP components will be quantified based on an analysis of cost and performance. This work leverages NexTech’s process technology for applying conductive oxide protective coatings to ferritic steels and has already been translated from the laboratory to pilot-scale manufacturing.
SC0008264 Ground Metrics CA Permanent Electromagnetic Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration in Deep Reservoirs 03/27/2013 Monitoring, Verification, Accounting, and Assessment This project will develop and build a system for long term monitoring of CO2 reservoirs to confirm the integrity of the seal. The purpose of storing CO2 is to mitigate its effect on the atmosphere and climate.
SC0008243 TDA Research, Inc. CO Warm Gas Multi-Contaminant Removal System 07/31/2020 Negative Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gasification technologies convert coal and biomass into synthesis gas feed streams that can be used for power generation cycles or converted into value-added chemicals and transportation fuels. However, coal-derived synthesis gas contains many trace contaminants that should be removed prior to downstream processes. TDA Research, Inc. (TDA) is developing a low-cost, high capacity sorbent that can remove ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and trace metal contaminants (such as mercury, arsenic, and selenium) from coal- and coal/biomass-derived synthesis gas in a single process step. TDA will determine the effect of operating parameters, conduct multiple-cycle experiments, and test sorbent life. Unlike the commercially available gas clean-up technologies, the TDA multi-contaminant control system operates above the dew point of the synthesis gas (500 degrees Fahrenheit). With this technology, the synthesis gas would not have to be cooled in order to remove the contaminants, thus improving the thermal efficiency of the process. This technology has the potential to improve the energy efficiency and process economics for producing electric power from coal gasification.
FE0008719 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station TX Synergistic Computational & Microstructural Design of Next-Generation High-Temperature Austenitic St 07/31/2015 High Performance Materials With careful design of micro-alloying composition, heat treatments as well as microstructure, this project will develop the next generation of austenitic stainless steels that will be able to operate at high temperatures above 850 degrees Celsius for future power systems.
FE0008855 University of Tennessee TN Experimental and Computational Investigation of High Entropy Alloys for Elevated High Temperature Applications 07/30/2016 High Performance Materials High-entropy alloys (HEAs) have emerged as suitable materials for high-temperature applications in excess of 800 degrees Celsius (ºC). HEAs have revolutionized alloy design by using several principal elements as opposed to traditional alloys which consist of one or two principal elements with small additions of alloying elements to achieve desired properties. For this project, the University of Tennessee will perform fundamental studies on the aluminum-chromium-copper-iron-manganese-nickel HEA system for use in boilers and steam and gas turbines at temperatures above 760ºC and stress of 35 megapascals. They will also develop an integrated approach coupling thermodynamic calculations and focused experiments to identify HEAs that outperform conventional alloys.
FE0008868 Indiana University IN TAOIA Novel Functional-Gradient Thermal Barrier Coatings in Coal-Fired Power Plant Turbines 08/31/2016 High Performance Materials This project will fabricated novel double-layer functionally graded TBCs will be using High Velocity Oxy-Fuel thermal spray (HVOF) and/or Air Plasma Spraying technology. The TBC materials will be characterized, their corrosion resistances at elevated temperature and corrosive environments will be evaluated, and their performance under corrosive environments at high temperatures will be measured. Additionally, parameters that affect residual stresses in TBC laminates, such as composition and thickness of layers will be identified. Laminated materials with the desired bulk residual stresses will be designed and their failure mechanisms and mechanical performances will be studied. Finally, a computational model to predict residual stress in the TBCs will be developed.
FE0008933 Brown University RI Advanced Thermal Barrier Coatings for Next Generation Gas Turbine Engines Fueled by Coal-Derived Syngas 08/31/2015 High Performance Materials The overall objective of this proposed research is to elucidate the feasibility of two-layer air plasma-sprayed (APS) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) for next generation gas-turbine engines fueled by coal-derived syngas. First, optimized two-layer 48YSZ/7YSZ TBCs on bond-coated superalloy substrates will be fabricated and characterized. Then the mechanical and thermal properties of the new TBCs will be measured. After, the high-temperature interactions between lignite coal fly ash and the new TBCs at high temperatures (isothermal conditions) will be investigated. This will be followed by an investigation into the thermal cycling behavior of new TBCs under thermal gradient conditions with spray of lignite coal fly ash and water. The thermo-chemomechanical failure and durability of the new TBCs tested under those conditions will then be modeled. Finally, the technology pertaining to the new TBCs with optimized compositions and microstructures will be transferred to original equipment manufacturers for further development and possible utilization in next generation gas-turbine engines fueled by coal-derived syngas.
FE0008350 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Development of Prototype Commercial Gasifier Sensor 01/31/2015 Gasifier Optimization and Plant Supporting Systems This project further develops and demonstrates the sensor technology developed under a previous project, "Real Time Flame Monitoring of Gasifier Burner and Injectors" DE-FC26-02NT41585. GTI developed a reliable, practical, and cost-effective means of monitoring coal gasifier feed injector flame characteristics using a modified version of an optical flame sensor. The present work begins with modification of the sensor software to enable real-time temperature data acquisition, data processing, and provision of the collected gasifier temperature information to the gasifier operators. A new purging system will be developed to eliminate or significantly reduce the deposition of fine black powder on the optical probe window during sensor operation with the goal of increasing the period of continuous deposit-free operation to six months. The modified gasifier sensor will be installed at the Wabash River commercial gasifier in Vigo County Indiana and tested over a six-month period to evaluate the sensor’s accuracy and durability. The project team will prepare a commercialization plan describing the product, the market, and the business activities required to make this new technology available for industrial use.
FE0008864 Southern Illinois University IL TAOI [A] HVOF Thermal Spray TIC/TIB2 Coatings of Ausc Boiler/Turbine Components for Enhanced Corrosion Protection 08/31/2016 High Performance Materials This research project addresses some of the materials issues for the successful implementation of the supercritical and ultra supercritical Rankine cycles. The goal of the effort is to develop new coatings to improve corrosion resistance of boiler materials, fireside corrosion protection of tubes and turbine blade materials. The new coating will be prepared by High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Spraying (HVOF) spray coating of TiC and TiB2 nanoparticles synthesized by a patented process. The specific objectives of the proposed project are a) synthesis of nanoparticles of TiC by a patented process, b) extension of the process to synthesize nanosized TiB2 powder, c) optimization of ( HVOF spray coating of the TiC and TiB2 on select ferritic, austentic and nickel alloy samples generally used for waterwall tubing, high temperature boiler sections, turbine blades and ultra supercritical (USC) tubing applications, d) laboratory evaluation of the corrosion resistance of the coatings employing simulated flue gas and simulated ash, e) selection of optimum alloy protection system in different temperature/chemical regimes and f) field evaluation of fabricated probes of select coating in actual boiler/turbine environment.
FE0008648 University of North Texas TX Computational Microstructural Optimization Design Tool for High Temperature Structural Materials 02/28/2015 High Performance Materials The objectives of the proposed research are two-fold: (a) develop a methodology for microstructural optimization of alloys - genetic algorithm approach for alloy microstructural optimization using theoretical models based on fundamental micro-mechanisms, and (b) develop a new computationally designed Ni-Cr alloy for coal-fired power plant applications. The broader outcome of these objectives will be the creation of an integrated approach for 'materials by microstructural design.'
FE0008857 Trustees of Dartmouth College NH Laves Phase-Strengthened Austenitic Steels for Coal-Fired Power Systems 03/31/2016 High Performance Materials The project objective is to develop models of both the precipitation kinetics and deformation behavior of aluminum-alloyed, Laves phase-strengthened, austenitic steels. Specific objectives for the first year of the project include thermomechanical processing of fifteen specimens, microstructural analysis of the matrix and precipitates, and mechanical testing to determine room-temperature yield strengths and elongations in five specimens. Second-year objectives are thermo-mechanical processing of twenty specimens; microstructural analysis of particle size, spacing, precipitate chemistry, and tomography to select samples of interest in each state; mechanical testing to measure creep rates of microstructures, deformation analysis at various temperatures, and analysis of fracture behavior; and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to analyze dislocation/precipitate interactions. Year three objectives include completing TEM in-situ annealing experiments, developing quantitative models to describe precipitation processes, and determining the relationship of microstructures to mechanical properties under various conditions. Scientific insight into the effects of prior deformation on the precipitation processes and resultant mechanical properties of these advanced materials will provide a basis for the specification, design, fabrication, operation, and maintenance of advanced power generation plants.
FE0008774 University of Toledo OH Fabrication and Processing of Next Generation Oxygen Carrier Materials for Chemical Looping Combustion 09/03/2016 High Performance Materials The University of Toledo will devise material processing techniques for the development and evaluation of two new groups of oxygen carrier materials based on a crystal structure and will systematically investigate their carrier formulations. These new oxygen carriers would be used in chemical looping combustion systems, and would be more thermally and chemically stable than materials currently being considered for this application.
FE0009260 Stanford University CA An Advanced Joint Inversion System for Carbon Dioxide Storage Modeling with Large Date Sets for Characterization and Real-Time Monitoring-Enhancing Storage Performance and Reducing Failure Risks under Uncertainties 01/31/2016 GS: Fluid Flow, Pressure & Water Management The objective of this project is to develop, test, and apply an advanced joint data inversion tool to enhance the predictive capability of models regarding the fate of CO2 plumes, and to improve storage performance through better understanding storage systems. The joint inversion tool can be used for decision-making for optimal control of CO2 injection and storage by linking forward simulation, dynamic monitoring and inversion, uncertainty quantification, and risk assessment under a consistent framework.
FE0009084 University of Maryland MD Mechanistic Enhancement of SOFC Cathode Durability 08/31/2015 Anode-Electrolyte-Cathode Development The University of Maryland (UMD) project is a multi-faceted fundamental investigation of the effects of contaminants on cathode degradation mechanisms in order to establish cathode composition/structures and operational conditions to enhance cathode durability. The results will be used to develop hypotheses that explain the microstructural and compositional cathode performance degradation mechanisms and mitigation strategies. Phenomenological models will be developed concurrently to describe the role of architectural and operational variables on cathode performance and stability. These will result in the formation of design criteria that will be validated experimentally in terms of electrochemical performance stability in the targeted contaminant containing air in long-term tests.
FE0009675 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Understanding of Oxygen Reduction & Reaction Behavior & Developing High Performance and Stable Heterostructured Cathode with Heterostructured Surface 05/31/2016 Cell Technology This West Virginia University project will focus on advancing the fundamental understanding of how solid oxide fuel cell cathodes operate such that their performance can be improved. The project will center around the role of material interfaces in determining electrochemical performance. Advanced physical characterization tools will be employed in support of a coordinated approach consisting of reaction modeling and a focus on a novel cathode material combination of Lanthanum Nickelate + Lanthanum Strontium Iron Cobalt Oxide. The results will be interpreted to determine the operation mechanisms and identify new material architectures thereby enabling improved fuel cell performance.
FE0008960 Ohio State University OH Effective Exploration of New 760 Degrees Celsius-Capability Steels for Coal Energy 02/29/2016 High Performance Materials The study will research new steels capable of operating at 760 degrees Celsius in the aggressive environments of advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) boilers and steam turbines. New compositions and new strengthening mechanisms or microstructures will be identified, using high-throughput diffusion multiples—an assembly of different metals which are subjected to high temperature, creating intermetallic compounds—and computational thermodynamics. Steel compositions with high iron and chromium concentrations will be the focus of this exploration because high iron concentration—instead of expensive nickel-based super alloys—is important for cost reduction and high chromium concentration is essential for oxidation and hot-corrosion resistance.
SC0008266 Mikro Systems, Inc. VA Advanced Filtration to Improve Single Crystal Casting Yield 12/31/2015 Advanced Combustion Turbines Mikro Systems Inc (Mikro) intends to extend the use of their Tomo Lithographic Molding (TOMO) manufacturing platform within the investment casting process through the development of engineered ceramic filters for metal casting. Current state casting filters are not sophisticated from a design perspective and no specific filters have been engineered for single crystal (SX) casting. This project will focus on developing ceramic filters that will optimize filtration performance while enabling directional flow of molten alloy during the SX casting process. These performance advantages will be enabled through the geometric design of the filter. Another anticipated benefit is the ability to design part-specific filtration schemes for advanced airfoil castings.
FE0009620 Stanford University CA Surface-Modified Electrodes: Enhancing Performance Guided by In-Situ Spectroscopy and Microscopy 09/30/2016 Cell Technology Stanford University will identify correlations between performance and the microscopic surface properties of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) active sites in state-of-the-art solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes, quantified using novel in situ spectroscopy, scattering, and microscopy techniques, while the electrochemical reactions take place under SOFC operating conditions. In particular, the characteristics of active sites that display high electrochemical activity will be identified. This fundamental knowledge will be used to rationally engineer electrode surfaces in both idealized and, later, porous lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite (LSCF) and similar cathodes. Finally, the effort will optimize and validate the electrode modification strategies using button-cell SOFCs. This project relies on using three new approaches to measure cathode surface characteristics in situ: (1) X-ray spectroscopy, (2) X-ray diffraction, and (3) transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The team will utilize two U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facilities: the Advanced Light Source (ALS) facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light source (SSRL) facility (a directorate of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory operated by Stanford University) to carry out in situ X-ray experiments. A Sandia Laboratories field work proposal, FWP-12-015990; supports this work.
FE0009202 University of Wyoming WY Optimizing Accuracy of Determinations of Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity and Permanence, and Designing More Efficient Carbon Dioxide Storage 09/30/2015 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management This project is focused on studying performance of CO2 storage at a Rock Springs Uplift (RSU) potential storage site in southwestern Wyoming using a multidisciplinary approach that integrates observational, experimental, and theoretical data with numerical simulations and determinations of seismic attributes. The objectives include: (1) Reduce uncertainty in estimates of CO2 storage capacity at the RSU; (2) Evaluate and ensure CO2 storage permanence at the RSU site by focusing on the sealing characteristics and 3-D interval heterogeneity of the confining layers; (3) Improve the efficiency of potential storage operations by designing an optimal coupled CO2 injection/brine production strategy that ensures effective pressure management; and (4) Improve the efficiency of brine production in the RSU relative to mineral scaling.
FE0009435 University of Wisconsin WI Enhancement of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Cathode Electrochemical Performance Using Multi-Phase Interfaces 09/30/2015 Anode-Electrolyte-Cathode Development This University of Wisconsin project will focus on advancing the fundamental understanding of how solid oxide fuel cell cathodes operate such that their performance can be improved. This project will center around the role of material interfaces in determining electrochemical performance. Advanced physical characterization tools will be employed in support of a coordinated approach consisting of ab initio modeling and a unique electrochemical characterization technique called Non-Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. The results will be interpreted to determine the operation mechanisms and identify new material architectures thereby enabling improved fuel cell performance.
FE0009299 University of Texas at Austin TX Novel Materials for Robust Repair of Leaky Wellbores in CO2 Storage Formations 01/31/2016 GS: Mitigation The project objective is to develop a novel application of a pH-triggered polymer gelantto seal leakage pathways associated with existing wellbores which are difficult to treat with currently available technologies. The effort is testing gelant formulations under a variety of conditions relevant to field applications and determining which is optimal for stopping the flow of brine, brine containing dissolved CO2, or bulk phase CO2. The modeling objective is to develop simple models of the key processes involved in this application, including the transport and reaction of a low-pH fluid (the gelant) through fractures in strongly alkaline materials (cement and earth formations), the rheology of the gelant and gel, and the coupled flow/transport/reaction before, during and after gelant placement in the leaking formation/leakage pathway/recipient formation system. The researchers are validating the components of the models against the laboratory experiments, and apply the coupled model at the wellbore scale to analyze possible leakage remediation strategies and to design the placement of gelant to achieve those strategies.
FE0009682 University of Connecticut (UConn) CT Study of the Durability of Doped Lanthanum Manganite and Cobaltite Based Cathode Materials Under "Real World" Air Exposure Atmosphere 11/30/2014 Anode-Electrolyte-Cathode Development The University of Connecticut (UConn) team will perform an evaluation and analysis—using experimentation and computational simulation—of degradation phenomena in lanthanum manganite- and cobaltite-based cathode electrodes when exposed to air atmosphere conditions during solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) operation. The project will examine the role of dopants, electric polarization, gas phase contaminants, oxygen stoichiometry (proportions), and A:B ratio on the long-term bulk and interfacial stability of lanthanum manganite and cobaltite cathodes. Cathode materials will be characterized to develop both initiation and propagation processes responsible for chemical and morphological changes. The role of electrode poisoning in the presence of chromium vapor will be examined using existing test facilities capable of generating a wide range of vapor pressures in humidified air.
FE0009114 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Optimizing and Quantifying CO2 Storage Resource in Saline Formations and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs 06/30/2017 GS: Fluid Flow, Pressure & Water Management The project is seeking to optimize CO2 storage capacity and containment in critical geologic formations by establishing field methodologies focused on (1) the quantification and enhancement of CO2 storage capacity in saline formations and (2) the optimization and quantification of CO2 storage in hydrocarbon reservoirs in association with CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The goal of the saline formation activities is to refine, as necessary, the equations to develop CO2 storage capacity/resource estimates and the storage coefficients used to calculate those estimates based on regional-scale models.
FE0009563 Princeton University NJ Model Complexity and Choice of Model Approaches for Practical Simulations of CO2 Injection, Migration, Leakage, and Long-term Fate 09/30/2016 GS: Fluid Flow, Pressure & Water Management Princeton researchers are developing a suite of models of varying complexity, testing them against each other using actual CO2 injection cases, and showing how some can be used to help resolve important practical design issues associated with optimal placement of wells for CO2 injection, brine extraction, and system monitoring. This exercise is demonstrating the degree to which models of different complexity can be used to address design and optimization issues associated with placement and scheduling of injection, extraction, and observation wells. Ultimately, study findings will help determine when simplified models are appropriate for CO2 storage modeling.
FE0009656 Trustees of Boston University MA Unraveling the Role of Transport, Electrocatalysis, and Surface Science in the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode Oxygen Reduction Reaction 09/30/2015 Anode-Electrolyte-Cathode Development The overall goal of this Boston University project is to deepen the fundamental knowledge and understanding of solid oxide fuel cell interfaces and to employ such understanding to greatly improve electrochemical performance while meeting SECA cost, stability, and lifetime targets at the cell level. Boston University plans to employ newer cathode and electro catalyst materials and a variety of experimental and computational tools to achieve this goal. The specific objectives include: (i) Separating and identifying the influence of oxygen surface adsorption, transport pathways, electron transfer reaction, and incorporation into the electrolyte in the overall oxygen reduction reaction; (ii) Identifying the role and time evolution of the cathode surface and buried layer interface structure, surface electronic properties, surface composition, and the oxidation state of the transition metal ions during the oxygen reduction process; (iii) Using new materials combinations and architectures based on the knowledge gained from (i) and (ii), demonstrate a 50 percent improvement in performance in maximum power densities of cells compared to baseline cells employing state-of-the art materials and cell stability that shows 0.1 percent or less per 1000 hours degradation in cell performance.
FE0009612 Illinois State Geological Survey IL Assessing Reservoir Depositional Environments to Develop & Quantify Improvements in CO2 Storage Efficiency 09/30/2014 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management The goal of this research was to identify means of improving CO2 storage efficiency and plume distribution for varying degrees of heterogeneity in geologic reservoirs of different depositional environments identified by DOE as promising storage formations. The approach to achieving this goal included: 1) completing a preliminary screening of Illinois Basin (ILB) geologic formations that represent a broad and diverse portfolio of promising geologic depositional environments for CO2 storage; 2) developing geologic models of ILB geologic formations that are suitable to represent the desired depositional environments and formation classes; 3) using the models to determine baseline estimates of storage efficiency for each of the formation classes; and 4) determining the potential incremental improvements in storage efficiency that could be realized for each of the formation classes by applying various field methods or operational techniques.
FE0009051 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Simplified Predictive Models for CO2 Sequestration Performance Assessment 09/30/2015 Fluid Flow, Pressure, and Water Management The objective of this project is to develop and validate—based on simplified physics, statistical learning, and/or mathematical approximations—a portfolio of simplified modeling approaches for geologic CO2 storage in deep saline formations for predicting: (1) Injection well and formation pressure buildup; (2) Lateral and vertical CO2 plume migration; and (3) Brine displacement to overlying formations and to the edges of the plume pressure front within the storage formation. Such computationally-efficient alternatives to conventional numerical simulators can be valuable assets during preliminary CO2 injection project screening, serve as a key element of probabilistic system assessment modeling tools, and assist regulators in quickly evaluating geologic storage projects. Additionally, these approaches will improve existing simplified models in their applicability, performance and cost.
FE0009652 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Fundamental Investigators and Rational Design of Durable, High-Performance Cathode Materials 03/31/2016 Cell Technology The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) will use specially-designed electrodes and cells, such as electrodes of thin films and patterned electrodes, to study the electrochemical response of lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite (LSCF) cathodes under realistic operating conditions (ROC), to probe and map contaminants on the LSCF, and to characterize the correlation between electrochemical performance and microstructure/morphology of LSCF cathodes as well as their evolution over time. A range of characterization tools will be used to study the chemical and structural changes during fuel cell operation. Electrochemical techniques, such as impedance and DC polarization, will be intensively applied to characterize the cathode performance, which will be correlated with the structural and compositional evolution of the LSCF cathode under ROC. Proper characterization, modeling techniques, and prediction tools will be used to help in formulating an effective strategy to mitigate the stability issues and predict new catalyst materials that can enhance the stability of LSCF. Finally, the performance and stability of the modified LSCF cathode will be validated in commercially available cells under ROC.
FE0009238 University of Wyoming WY Optimal Model Complexity in Geological Carbon Sequestration: A Response Surface Uncertainty Analysis 09/30/2016 GS: Geochemical Impacts The project aims to investigate fundamental model complexity in representing coupled physical and chemical processes that accompany carbon storage operations in hierarchical subsurface geologic media. Specifically, the research is focused on developing a simulation and upscaling methodology that is generally applicable to sedimentary environments that are characterized with multiple scales of permeability, heterogeneity, and diverse mineralogies. This will include investigation of the effect of increasing reservoir permeability variance and depth on the uncertainty outcomes including optimal heterogeneity resolution(s) and investigation of the effect of mineral reactions occurring in the subsurface in geologic storage systems, including mineral volume fractions, reactive rate constants, reactive surface areas, and the impact of different geochemical databases.
FE0009367 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Systematic Assessment of Wellbore Integrity for Geologic Carbon Storage Projects Using Regulatory and Industry Information 10/31/2015 GS: Wellbore The objective of this project is to assess depositional, structural, and diagenetic characteristics of caprock/reservoir interfaces across the midwestern region, and how insight gained from observation linked to coupled modeling can contribute to best modeling practices. The project will complete a systematic assessment of wellbore integrity using regulatory and industry information. Specifically, this project is developing a short-list of oil/gas, gas storage, or injection wells in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins for a detailed assessment of well history and to collect sustained casing pressure and mechanical integrity test data. The project will determine the distribution of wellbores in a study area through collection and analysis of well records. Technical items such as cement degradation, cracks and microannulus, acid-gas zones, channeling, casing corrosion, wellhead leaks, and sustained annulus pressures are being evaluated with historical well records, field monitoring of selected gas storage wells, and review of regulatory information. The data review will be linked to analysis of well casing annulus pressure data as they relate to well condition. Project results will identify and develop methodologies that can indicate future wellbore integrity risks from available public domain data with high confidence.
FE0009997 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Feasibilities of a Coal-Biomass to Liquids Plant in Southern West Virginia 09/30/2016 Advanced Fuels Synthesis This project will determine the feasibility of a Coal-Biomass to Liquids (CBTL) facility in southern West Virginia. The study will include economic, technical, and financial feasibility along with a market analysis for CBTL fuel. For the analysis, three production scenarios will be used to determine the best technology, while multi-objective programming will be used to identify the best strategies for feedstock management, facility operations, and locating sites.
FE0009469 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Solid-Fueled Pressurized Chemical Looping with Flue-Gas Turbine Combined Cycle for Improved Plant Efficiency 12/31/2013 Advanced Combustion Systems The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) is developing a heat-integrated coal-based combined cycle for power generation using a pressurized chemical looping combustor (PCLC). The PCLC system may achieve an overall plant thermal efficiency of approximately 48 percent [lower heating value (LHV)] by passing the high-temperature flue gas through a gas turbine for electricity generation and a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) for supercritical steam production used to drive a conventional steam cycle. The PCLC system contains an oxidizing reactor, in which oxygen from air is selectively fixed into an oxygen-carrier structure, and a reducer reactor in which coal is burned by the oxygen carrier. The PCLC will generate two gas streams: (1) a high-temperature, high-pressure, alkali-free, clean gas stream from the oxidizer used to drive a gas turbine followed by a HRSG, and (2) a small-volume CO2-enriched stream from the reducer for sequestration. Advantages of the PCLC system include lower power requirements for compression of the enriched CO2 stream, reduced reactor size due to elevated operation pressure, and significant reduction to cost of electricity (COE) of a commercialized CLC power plant by using a relatively high-performance and cost-effective iron-based oxygen carrier. The PCLC system holds potential to meet DOE target of limiting the energy penalty with no more than a 35 percent increase in the COE, while capturing at least 90 percent of the CO2 released during the combustion of fossil fuels. A design basis and final design package will be developed in Phase I. The major equipment will be sized using data obtained from previous thermogravimetric analyses and bench- and pilot-scale apparatuses operated at CAER and Southeast University (SEU), respectively. The data will be used to determine suitable reaction kinetics, oxygen carrier make-up rate, carbon slip ratio between air and fuel reactor, as well as temperature and pressure profiles along the reactors. A rate-based Aspen Plus® process model will be built for the heat-integrated combined cycle to provide the necessary stream table for technical analysis. A detailed process design basis and engineering flow chart with appropriately sized equipment will be provided for an economic analysis of a commercial-scale PCLC system.
FE0009484 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Alstom's Chemical Looping Combustion Technology with CO2 Capture for New and Retrofit Coal-Fired Power 09/30/2017 Chemical Looping Combustion Alstom Power, through prior U.S. DOE funding, has been developing a limestone-based chemical looping combustion technology. The selected project will continue this work by enabling the full analysis of the process through an engineering system and economic study along with the development of a screening tool for process improvements. Additional analyses include an evaluation of pressurizing the limestone chemical looping combustion process.
FE0009686 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL High Efficiency Molten-Bed Oxy-Coal Combustion with Low Flue Gas Recirculation 09/30/2013 Advanced Combustion Systems

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) is developing a pressurized, oxy-coal combustor. CO2 capture is simplified when firing with oxygen instead of air. Traditional combustors cannot operate with the high oxy-coal adiabatic flame temperatures and are modified with high flue gas recirculation (FGR) or water injection that significantly reduces plant efficiency. The proposed molten bed oxy-coal combustor is a disruptive technology that offers higher efficiency than existing oxy-coal combustors by greatly reducing FGR and by operating at elevated pressure. The unique combustion and heat transfer design employs a smaller less expensive combustor and reduced gas phase heat exchanger surface area. Decreased FGR results in reduced capital and maintenance costs. Anticipated benefits include a calculated plant efficiency increase of 4%, large reduction in FGR duct and equipment sizes, lower exhaust gas volume and gas handling and cleaning equipment, reduction of boiler sizes by more than 50%, decreased convective path heat exchanger surface area and maintenance, near elimination of fine ash carryover into the exhaust gas, and recovery of ash/slag as aggregate instead of as micron sized particles.

GTI will be conducting engineering design and economic analysis based on the pressurized, oxy-coal molten bed combustor following the NETL protocol with comparisons to the specified baseline supercritical steam power plant burning Illinois #6 bituminous coal. Goals for this project include coal injector testing, engineering designs, mass and energy balance calculations around this advanced combustor, energy and exergy analysis, and corrosion assessment.
FE0009738 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Enhanced Simulation Tools to Improve Predictions and Performance of Geologic Storage Coupled Modeling of Fault Poromechanics and High-Resolution Simulation of CO2 Migration and Trapping 09/30/2016 GS: Geomechanical Impacts Researchers are developing a coupled flow and geomechanical model capable of simulating the poromechanics of faults to assess the potential for fault slip and fault activation upon CO2 injection. The specific objectives of this project are: (1) develop efficient mathematical and computational models of the coupling between CO2 injection and fault mechanical deformation; (2) develop high-resolution computational methods of CO2 migration during injection and post-injection for better predictions of capillary and solubility trapping; and (3) apply the models of fault poromechanics and CO2 migration and trapping to synthetic reservoirs.
FE0009843 University of Missouri MO Robust Ceramic Coaxial Cable Down-Hole Sensors for Long-Term In Situ Monitoring of Geologic CO2 Injection 06/30/2016 Sensors & Controls This project will develop coaxial cable based sensor devices in conjunction with subsurface modeling to detect temperature, pressure, and strain for subsurface installations. Developments will be a novel ceramic coaxial cable sensor technology and associated instrumentation for down-hole harsh environment sensing applications and also the demonstration of the sensors applicability towards long-term, reliable monitoring of carbon dioxide injection and storage in deep geologic formations.
FE0009878 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM Development of a CO2 Chemical Sensor for Downhole CO2 Monitoring in Carbon Sequestration 09/30/2016 Sensors & Controls The proposed work targets the development of a robust pH sensor for in situ monitoring of subsurface waters. The pH of the water will reflect dissolved CO2 and can thus infer CO2 plume migration. The downhole pH/CO2 sensor will be developed to resist high pressures, high temperatures, and high salinity. Materials development work includes the use of a metal-oxide pH electrode with good stability and the understanding of different factor's effects on the performance of the electrode, after which sensor performance under high pressures, temperatures, and salinity conditions will be evaluated. Additional performance evaluations of the sensor will be carried out using CO2/brine core flooding tests, and a data acquisition system will be developed to enable pH and CO2 presence to be determined in situ.
FE0010554 Advanced Resources International, Inc. VA Commercial Scale CO2 Injection and Optimization of Storage Capacity in the Southeastern United States 03/31/2017 GS: Fluid Flow, Pressure & Water Management The project objective is to explore the optimization of commercial CO2 injection and storage within the vertical geologic continuum from depth to surface by employing enhanced reservoir simulation methods to simulate plume(s) migration within the many possible storage layers comprising the massive clastic wedge that spans the Gulf Coast. Further, new storage efficiency factors are being generated that take into account regional injection and its impact on neighboring formations. The effort is creating new simplified screening models and developing a Best Practices Manual.
FE0009395 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Novel Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycle Utilizing Pressurized Oxy-Combustion in Conjunction with Cryogenic Compression 03/31/2014 Advanced Combustion Systems This project will evaluate a novel process for pressurized oxy-combustion in a fluidized bed reactor. The pressurized combustion in oxygen and the recycle of carbon dioxide gas eliminates the presence of nitrogen and other constituents of air, minimizing the generation of pollutants and enabling the economic capture of CO2 gas.
FE0009761 Babcock & Wilcox Company OH Commercialization of the Iron Base Coal Direct Chemical Looping Process for Power Production with in situ Carbon Dioxide Capture 09/30/2017 Chemical Looping Combustion The project goal is to develop a 550 MW commercial-scale economic case study of Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) and The Ohio State University coal direct chemical looping (CDCL) process for CO2 capture and separation that can be used for retrofit, repowering, and/or Greenfield installations. Project objectives are to validate the CDCL process application for power generation through engineering system and economic analysis and an experimental, bench scale system suitable for addressing the identified technology gaps.
FE0010482 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Small Scale Pilot Plant for the Gasification of Coal and Coal/Biomass Blends and Conversion of Derived Syngas to Liquid Fuels Via Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis 03/31/2018 Advanced Fuels Synthesis The overarching goal of this project is to advance the design, construction and operations of a coal/biomass-to-liquids (CBTL) facility at the University of Kentucky (UK) Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) at 1 barrel per day (bbl/day) liquid fuels capacity.
FE0010427 Altex Technologies Corporation CA Laboratory Scale Liquids Production and Assessment: Coal and Biomass to Drop-In Fuels 03/31/2016 Advanced Fuels Synthesis Altex Technologies Corporation is fabricating and testing a lab scale liquid fuel production system using coal containing different percentages of biomass such as corn stover and switchgrass at a rate of two liters per day.
FE0009168 Geomechanics Technologies, Inc. CA Development of Improved Caprock Integrity and Risk Assessment Techniques 09/30/2014 Risk Assessment Geomechanics Technologies developed and demonstrated improved caprock integrity geomechanical simulation and risk assessment techniques to enhance performance of geologic storage systems and to assess and control geomechanics-related system failures (induced fracturing, faulting, bedding plane slip, or permeation through natural fractures and faults) at geologic carbon storage sites. This work provided a more expansive and detailed review and analysis of historical caprock integrity problems and incidents encountered by the gas storage and oil & gas injection industries. Data generated from the study can be used by other researchers to inform, compare, and validate alternative techniques for caprock integrity analysis and simulation. Additionally, the project developed and described an improved combined transport modeling and geomechanical simulation approach to predict and assess caprock integrity, with documented application to a wide range of geologic settings and operating conditions, including actual case histories.
FE0009448 Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. CA Advanced Oxy-Combustion Technology Development and Scale Up for New and Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants 12/31/2018 Advanced Combustion This GTI (formerly Aerojet Rocketdyne) project will evaluate a novel process for pressurized oxy-combustion in a fluidized bed reactor. The pressurized combustion in oxygen and the recycle of carbon dioxide gas eliminates the presence of nitrogen and other constituents of air, minimizing the generation of pollutants and enabling the economic capture of CO2 gas.
FE0009478 Unity Power Alliance, LLC MA Optimization of Pressurized Oxy-Combustion with Flameless Reactor 06/30/2014 Oxy-Combustion

Unity Power Alliance, in collaboration with their partners, will examine a novel pressurized oxy-combustion technology with potential for increasing process efficiency and reducing emissions and costs associated with CO2 capture and compression. This project will advance the state of the art in oxy-combustion technology by laying the groundwork for development of a pilot-scale oxy-combustion facility operating at very high pressure (up to 70 bar) with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) inlet temperature of 700 °C (current technology is at 605 °C) using a flameless combustion reactor. The system is expected to achieve an approximately 10 percent efficiency improvement over oxy-combustion at atmospheric pressure, reduce costs associated with CO2 compression, and avoid the need for costly and energy-intensive flue gas treatment.

The use of high pressure is expected to reduce the cost of electricity (COE) by improving generation efficiency through higher heat transfer rates, recycling of high temperature condensate, and by reducing capital and operating expenses associated with pressurizing the emitted CO2. In addition to the efficiency benefits, the capture of CO2 at higher pressure would enable nearly 100 percent CO2 capture and would cause the power cycle to generate more water than it consumes (the system would be "net water positive"). Condensate could be recycled for use in preparation of the coal-slurry feedstock, significantly reducing the water demands of the system.

In contrast to a conventional coal combustion furnace, flameless combustion approximates the conditions of an isothermal chemical reactor in which temperatures remain uniform and constant throughout the reaction process. This highly-efficient, carefully controlled reaction promotes complete combustion of coal at high temperatures with negligible generation of airborne particulates or hazardous pollutants. The majority of the pollutants that are normally released in flue gas are instead permanently entrained in a vitrified or glass-like slag. As a result, the use of a flameless reactor mitigates the need for costly and energy intensive flue gas treatment.

In Phase I, the project will encompass two independent research efforts: (1) computer modeling and optimization of pressurized oxy-combustion with a flameless reactor, and (2) design, construction, and testing of a 100 kilowatt (kW) bench-scale flameless reactor.
FE0009562 University of New Mexico NM Wellbore Seal Repair Using Nanocomposite Materials 08/31/2016 GS: Mitigation Wells used to inject CO2 and monitor carbon storage sites are completed with cement and steel piping that is designed to seal the wellbore and eliminate pathways for the CO2 to migrate out of the storage formation. These seals can be compromised if voids are present or the steel or cement degrades and cracks, necessitating methods to repair leakage pathways that can potentially facilitate migration of CO2. Researchers at the University of New Mexico (UNM) are examining ways to repair leakage pathways by modifying polymer cements with various nanomaterials to produce polymer-cement nanocomposites that have superior repair characteristics compared to conventional materials. The first phase of this research effort involves modifying polymercement slurries with various nanomaterials to increase their longterm performance in preventing CO2 leakage through the wellbore. Bond strength and fracture toughness testing will be conducted on the repair material bonded to the steel and cement. The slurries will be evaluated at the macroscale to determine their rheological properties, bond strength, fracture toughness, permeability, and durability against CO2 and brine water containing CO2 (Figure 1). Microstructural investigations of these nanocomposites will be conducted using nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and nanoscratch tests. The second phase involves testing the ability of select nanocomposite materials developed in the first phase to repair simulated flawed seal systems (Figure 2). Seal systems, composed of a casing (well pipe) set into a sheath of conventional well cement, will be created and various flaws (voids and fractures) will be incorporated into the cement and the cement-casing interface (corroded casing and artificially de-bonded interfacial regions). The samples will be placed in a pressure cell that mimics the pressures and temperatures found at CO2 storage depths and repair effectiveness will be measured. Post-test samples also will be examined for repair effectiveness and bond testing. The outcome will be an evaluation of the ability of the nanocomposite materials to repair flaws within the wellbore. The ability of the repair material to withstand supercritical CO2 will also be tested using a specialized system capable of delivering mixtures of CO2 and water at high pressures and specified flow rates
FE0009599 Montana State University MT Field Test and Evaluation of Engineered Biomineralization Technology for Sealing Existing Wells 09/30/2015 Mitigation The goal of this project is to develop a biomineralization technology for sealing preferential flow pathways in the vicinity of injection wells. This was accomplished by characterizing an Alabama well test site, designing a protocol for and performing a field test, and evaluating the test results. The concept is based on the presence of the enzyme urease in some bacteria (i.e. Sporosarcina pasteurii) which hydrolyzes urea to form ammonium and increases pH. Urea is quite fluid and, when injected into a well, can penetrate deeply into small-aperture fractures in and around the wellbore. As a result of the bacterial activity, bicarbonate HCO (3-) is subsequently produced which in the presence of Ca( 2) precipitates calcium carbonate (Calcite), thereby sealing the fractures into which the urea has penetrated.
FE0009702 Washington University MO Advanced Oxy-Combustion Technology Develop and Scale-Up for New and Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants 09/30/2017 Oxy-Combustion This Washington University project will develop and test a staged, pressurized oxy-combustion process and evaluate the economics of the system. The process incorporates fuel-staged combustion mode for power plants designed for carbon management. The approach permits control of temperature and heat flux associated with oxy-combustion. The potential benefits of the process are higher efficiency and lower capital and operating costs. Reduced gas volumes, oxygen and auxiliary power demands, and increased CO2 purity in the flue gas are additional anticipated benefits.
FE0009773 University of Utah UT Reactive Transport Models with Geomechanics to Mitigate Risks of Carbon Dioxide Utilization and Storage 12/31/2015 GS: Geochemical Impacts The overall goal of the project is to develop a validated carbon dioxide (CO2) subsurface model that combines the CO2 reactive transport and reservoir mechanics (pore structure changes due to dissolution and precipitation, and fracturing) with the intention of performing more physics-based simulations and predictions of coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical-reaction (THMC) behaviors due to CO2 injection. Additionally, the project will help in determining the mineralogical and chemical changes in the fluid and rock, and how these interactions affect porosity and permeability in different rocks. The project will also assess the role of reservoir mineralogy and petrography in controlling geochemical processes during CO2 injection.
FE0010116 General Electric (GE) Company NY Multi-Point Pressure and Temperature Sensing Fiber Optic Cable for Monitoring CO2 Sequestration 12/31/2014 Sensors and Controls GE Global Research will develop and demonstrate the technology for implementing multiple sensors on a fiber optic cable for remote monitoring of pressure and temperature in the harsh environment of deep underground CO2 sequestration wells.
FE0010231 Southern Research Institute AL Small Scale Coal Biomass Liquids Production Using Highly Selective Fischer Tropsch Catalyst 04/26/2015 Advanced Fuels Synthesis Fischer-Tropsch (FT) process converts a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, called syngas, into liquid hydrocarbons. It is a leading technology for converting syngas derived from gasification of coal and coal-biomass mixtures to hydrocarbons in coal to liquids (CTL) and coal-biomass to liquids (CBTL) processes. However, conventional FTS catalysts produce undesirable waxes (C21+) that need to be upgraded to liquids (C5-C20) by hydrotreating. This adds significantly to the cost of FTS. The objectives of this Southern Research Institute project are (i) to demonstrate potential for CBTL cost reduction by maximizing the production of C5-C20 hydrocarbon liquids using a selective FTS catalyst and (ii) to evaluate the impacts of the addition of biomass to coal on product characteristics, carbon foot print, and economics. A novel bench-scale reactor system will be designed built and tested for economical and environmentally-sustainable conversion of coal-biomass feedstocks to gasoline- and diesel-range hydrocarbon liquids using the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) process chemistry. Selective FT conversion of coal- and coal-biomass derived syngas to C5-C20 hydrocarbon liquids will be carried out using a syngas slip-stream from the pilot-scale gasifier at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC). A novel FT catalyst being proposed removes the standard product upgrading and refining steps, allowing the CBTL process to become competitive with petroleum-based processes. Development and commercialization of a cost-effective gasification/FTS-based CBTL process to produce renewable gasoline is another step toward increasing the Nation's fuel supply diversity and energy security through the use of our abundant coal resources while at the same time protecting the environment.
FE0010318 Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. CA Intrinsic Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors for Subsurface Detection of Carbon Dioxide 10/31/2015 Sensors & Controls The overall objective of this project is to design, build and deploy in the field an intrinsic fiber optic sensor system for subsurface CO2 plume migration monitoring and above-zone leak detection. Intelligent Optical Systems will develop field-deployable intrinsic optic sensors with wireless communication capability, conduct sensor evaluation and demonstration in simulated subsurface conditions, and demonstrate subsurface sensor deployment and operation. Intelligent Optical Systems plans to deploy and demonstrate the sensor system in a 5,200 ft. deep well and demonstrate the feasibility of using the system to detect actual injection of CO2 at hydrostatic pressures up to 2,000 psi. It is anticipated that the system will be mature enough at the end of the project to be incorporated in monitoring wells in the injection projects planned for Phase III of the DOE Carbon Sequestration Program.
SC0008283 ION Engineering, LLC CO Carbon Capture Process Simplifications and Performance Improvements Using Polymer Membranes for Facilitated CO2 Transport 03/27/2013 Post-Combustion Capture This project will develop novel polymer membranes that utilize a mechanism known as facilitated transport, which can dramatically increase CO2 throughput and separation efficiency, providing cost and energy efficiencies needed to meet DOE goals. Novel polymer membranes that enable facilitated transport of CO2 will be taken from the laboratory bench-scale in preparation of testing on actual flue gas at a coal fired power plant
FE0009284 University of Louisiana at Lafayette LA Statistical Analysis of CO2 Exposed Wells to Predict Long Term Leakage Through the Development of an Integrated Neural-Genetic-Algorithm 03/31/2017 GS: Wellbore Researchers at University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL), and their partners from Missouri University of Science and Technology and Schlumberger Carbon Services, will use novel statistical-neural genetic algorithm methods to study the leakage risks for wells exposed to CO2. At a typical CO2 injection site, the CO2 plume could reach abandoned and active wells. There is an increased risk of CO2 leakage through these wells, particularly if the well construction quality is not well known. In many cases, construction information for older wells is limited or does not exist. The methodology and output of this study may be used to evaluate the leakage risks from existing wells at current and future CO2 storage sites, as well as older wells where all of the well construction data is not available by comparing similar well attributes and risks between similar types of wells. This study will first develop a comprehensive database of the wells in the Texas Gulf Coast area using electronic records that exist in the Railroad Commission of Texas, in addition to hard copy and microfilm data of older wells that exist in other government agency and private files. The database will be fed into a novel hybrid model of a neural-genetic algorithm, being developed as part of this project, to perform risk analysis across the database, and identify wells that should be subjected to remedial action. Statistical analyses will be performed by the model on general well attributes such as classification, well type, well construction details and materials, location, geology, geomechanical properties, wireline log data, mechanical integrity test data, plugging and abandonment reports, CO2 exposure duration, and reported well integrity problems of the wells. Multivariate statistical techniques, such as factor, regression and cluster, shall be used to analyze the database. In addition, the model output will be verified by a combination of wireline logs, core sampling, and testing that includes X-ray and scanning electron microscopy, cement logging, pH, and fluids testing.
FE0009301 University of Texas at Austin TX Enhanced Analytical Simulation Tool for CO2 Storage Capacity Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification 04/30/2018 GS: Fluid Flow, Pressure & Water Management This project has the primary objective of developing an Enhanced Analytical Simulation Tool (EASiTool) for the development of simplified reservoir models to predict pressure impact on CO2 injectivity and reservoir-storage capacity of geologic formations. The EASiTool will include three major features: (1) an advanced, closed-form, analytical solution for pressure-buildup calculations that is used to estimate both injectivity and reservoir-scale pressure elevation, in both closed- and open-boundary aquifers; (2) a simple geomechanical model coupled with a base model to evaluate and avoid the possibility of fracturing reservoir rocks during CO2 injection operations, which can account for rock deformation; and (3) a net-present-value based optimization algorithm to integrate the brine-management process so as to maximize stakeholders' profits, assuming carbon-storage credits.
SC0010151 ITN Energy Systems CO A Cost-Effective Oxygen Separation System Based on an Open Gradient Magnetic Field by Polymer Beads 07/27/2016 Air Separation ITN and Texas A&M University will study a lab-scale system for oxygen separation using magnetic fields gradients on polymer coated/encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles by pumping atmospheric air into a multicolumn chamber filled with magnetic nanoparticles coated in a proprietary polymer compound. The project will build and test a lab-scale oxygen separation system, perform computer simulation of magnetic force and magnetic field gradients, process optimization, economic analysis, and explore commercial opportunities.
SC0010264 Porifera, Inc. CA Forward Osmosis-based System for Treatment of Waste Water Generated during Energy Production using Waste CO2 and Waste Heat 10/31/2018 CO2 Use This proposal will enable the development of a system that will synergistically capture carbon and treat wastewater at power plants. The system will have higher water recovery and treat more problematic water using less energy compared to state of the art technologies.
SC0010264 Porifera, Inc. CA Forward Osmosis-based System for Treatment of Waste Water Generated during Energy Production using Waste CO2 and Waste Heat 10/31/2018 CO2 Use This proposal will enable the development of a system that will synergistically capture carbon and treat wastewater at power plants. The system will have higher water recovery and treat more problematic water using less energy compared to state of the art technologies.
FE0011550 Southern University and A&M College System LA An Integrated Study on a Novel High Temperature High Entropy Alloy 09/30/2016 High Performance Materials Southern University and A&M proposes a novel integrated method to improve and design high entropy alloys (HEAs) for high temperature and high pressure gas turbine application and followed by experimental validation. The project will address the high temperature and high pressure oxidation resistance and low temperature ductility problems in materials research for coal energy conversion. Researchers will: perform molecular dynamics (MD)/Monte Carlo (MC) and interface energy HPC simulation on the HEA models to screen out the potential high temperature and high pressure oxidation resistant and low temperature ductile ODS HEA candidates; perform experiments on the high temperature and high pressure property of the most promising ODS HEA systems from the simulation; train students and integrate the materials design and HPC simulation into course work. The primary theoretical method of investigation is the ab initio molecular dynamics method based on the density functional theory.
FE0011549 Tennessee State University TN Large Scale Screening of Low Cost Ferritic Steels Designs for Advanced Ultra Supercritical Boiler Using First Principles Methods 08/31/2016 High Performance Materials The goal of this project is to develop an approach to screen ferritic steels, particularly 9-12Cr ferritic steel, for application in advanced ultrasupercritical power plants, based on physical properties of matrix BCC solid solution phase. The result will be used to construct a properties database which can be used to identify composition of new ferritic steel that are likely to succeed in high temperature AUSC applications.
FE0011247 North Carolina State University NC Rational Design of Mixed-Metal Oxides for Chemical Looping Combustion of Coal via Computational Experimental Studies 05/15/2017 High Performance Materials This project will develop a systematic approach to quantify the relationships among the compositional, structural, and reactive properties of the mixed-metal oxide based Oxygen Carriers. This will lead to systematic and quantitative criteria for Oxygen Carrier development. Using these criteria, a combination of multi-scale modeling, metaheuristic optimization, and experiments will be used to design optimized Oxygen Carriers for coal Chemical Looping Combustion.
FE0011291 Purdue University IN Predicting Microstructure-Creep Resistance Correlation in High Temperature Alloys Over Multiple Time Scales 07/21/2016 High Performance Materials New developments in high-temperature, corrosion-resistant refractory alloys have shown promise of extended survival in environments that can exceed 1500ºC. The effect of grain boundaries (GBs), including quasi-liquid intergranular films (IGFs) formed at high temperatures, is an important limitation of an alloy applicability in such harsh environments. This project will focus on predicting the creep and associated microstructure evolution of W-based refractory alloys. The researchers will use a new concept, GB diagrams, to establish time-dependent creep resistance and associated microstructure evolution of GBs/IGFs controlled creep as a function of load, environment and temperature.
FE0011778 Texas A&M University TX High-Pressure Turbulent Flame Speeds and Chemical Kinetics of Syngas Blends with and without Impurities 10/31/2017 Advanced Combustion Turbines This Texas Engineering Experiment Station project aims to further the understanding of how turbulent flame speeds vary for syngas blends under realistic engine conditions and compile and demonstrate the validity of a comprehensive kinetics model that can predict laminar flame speed and ignition behavior of high-hydrogen content fuels in the presence of likely contaminants and diluents. The project will utilize both flame speed and shock tubes test facilities to obtain fundamental combustion data relevant for chemical kinetics modeling. Experiments include existing flame speed and shock-tube facilities as well as a new high-pressure turbulent flame speed with a capability up to 20 atmospheres with a controllable and repeatable level of turbulence.
FE0011948 University of California - Irvine CA Development of Criteria for Flashback Propensity in Jet Flames for High Hydrogen Content and Natural Gas Type Fuels 08/12/2016 Advanced Combustion Turbines The goal of this University of California, Irvine project is to develop design guides that can be used to predict jet flame flashback propensity as a function of pressure, temperature, fuel composition, free stream velocity, turbulence level, and fuel-air mixing profiles. This effort will lead to a better fundamental understanding of flashback tendencies and will also provide insight into strategies for preventing flashback.
FE0011762 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Evaluation of Flow and Heat Transfer Inside Lean Pre-Mixed Combustor Systems under Reacting Flow Conditions 02/28/2018 Advanced Combustion Turbines The goal of this Virginia Tech project is to provide a better understanding of the combustor swirling flow and its effect on liner surface heat transfer in order to improve prediction methods and design practices in combustor liner cooling for low emissions combustors. The project will focus on the interaction between the hot swirling gases and the liner wall within a gas turbine combustor. This will support the development of more effective cooling schemes to maintain and improve combustor durability.
FE0011722 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Microstructure Sensitive Crystal Viscoplasticity for Ni-Base Superalloys 12/31/2017 Advanced Combustion Turbines The aim of this Georgia Tech project is to develop a microstructure-sensitive crystal viscoplasticity (CVP) model for single-crystal Ni-base superalloys targeted for use in the hot gas path sections of industrial gas turbines (IGT). Microstructure degradation associated with aging critical to predicting long-term creep-fatigue interactions will be embedded into the CVP model through the precipitate morphology evolution by coupling the coarsening drivers and kinetics into the constitutive equations of the CVP model. This will be accomplished by systematically artificially aging the alloy under different stress conditions to determine the relationship between the size and morphology precipitates on the thermomechanical fatigue response. Long-term creep-fatigue interaction studies with specific emphasis on role of microstructure will be conducted on a single-crystal Ni-base superalloy with potential application to IGT.
FE0011929 University of California - Irvine CA Abradable Sealing Materials for Emerging IGCC-Based Turbine System 08/31/2017 Advanced Combustion Turbines

This University of California, Irvine project will provide researchers with an improved mechanistic understanding of factors governing the performance of high-temperature abradable seals and degradation mechanisms unique to coal-derived syngas and high-hydrogen content (HHC)-based combustion environments. The ultimate goal for the research effort is to develop a knowledge base to support the design of coatings that retain optimal sealing characteristics and are more resistant to wear/attack mechanisms.

The project objectives are to investigate the impact of coal-derived syngas combustion environments on the performance, durability, and degradation of existing abradable coatings used on turbine shroud structures, and assess the potential for alternative materials sets to improve the performance of hot-section abradable seals in integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC)-based gas turbine power plants. The proposed program will investigate several classes of abradable coatings (including metal and ceramic-based systems currently being utilized) under simulated exposures to syngas-based combustion environments to determine their relevant wear/abrasive recession behavior, hardness, stability under cyclic oxidation, and general thermo-mechanical behavior. The research is focused on correlating the measured thermo-mechanical behavior and controlled abrasive wear with the intrinsic properties of the multilayer coatings, process-controlled microstructural features, and service environment exposures.
FE0012005 University of South Carolina SC An Experimental and Modeling Study of NOX-CO Formation in High Hydrogen Content Fuels Combustion in Gas Turbine Applications 06/30/2017 Advanced Combustion Turbines This goal of this University of South Carolina project is to improve the turbine community's ability to predict the formation of nitrous oxides (NOx) in next generation high hydrogen turbines. The applicant will reach this goal by developing improved models that account for overlooked NOx formation pathways, which are currently unaccounted for because they are not well studied or understood.
FE0011796 Purdue University IN New Mechanistic Models of Creep-Fatigue Interactions for Gas Turbine Components 09/30/2018 Advanced Combustion Turbines The objective of this Purdue University project is to develop novel tools to predict creep-fatigue crack growth in nickel-based gas turbine alloys for stationary power applications by employing a framework of irreversible cohesive zone models (ICZM) together with a viscoplastic strain gradient (VPSG) continuum formulation. The present work investigates alloy IN 718. The ultimate goal is to create and validate a robust, multi-scale, mechanism-based model that quantitatively predicts creep-fatigue crack growth and failure in nickel-based gas turbine alloy IN 718. A successful model could be embedded into standard finite element software as an add-on analysis tool for gas turbine designers and thus greatly improve their capability to design safe gas turbines without excessive and costly over-design or unsafe under-design.
FE0011822 Purdue University IN Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on Turbulent Combustion and Emissions in Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors with High-Hydrogen-Content (HHC) Fuels 09/30/2017 Advanced Combustion Turbines The primary objectives of this Purdue University project are to develop experimental methods, kinetic models, and numerical tools to quantify and predict the impact of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on NOx and CO emissions, combustion kinetics, radiation heat transfer, turbulent combustion, and combustion instabilities for HHC fuels by using laminar and turbulent flow reactors and gas turbine combustors operating at high temperatures and pressures. This project will provide detailed data for improving chemical kinetic models of EGR effects, supply insight into the effects of EGR on flame speeds and turbulent flame structure, and assess the impact of EGR on emissions in a high-pressure combustion test rig.
FE0011875 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Thermally Effective and Efficient Cooling Technologies for Advanced Gas Turbines 09/30/2017 Advanced Combustion Turbines The objective of this University of North Dakota project is to research and develop three cooling methods for improved turbine airfoil cooling performance. The cooling technologies include incremental impingement for the leading edge, counter cooling for the pressure and suction surfaces, and sequential impingement for the pressure and suction surfaces of the vane. These methods are designed to improve the internal thermal effectiveness of the cooling air used before discharging the spent air onto the surface to form an optimal film cooling layer to thermally protect (i.e., reduce the heat load) the surface.
FE0012053 University of Texas at Austin TX Predictive Large Eddy Simulation Modeling and Validation of Turbulent Flames and Flashback in Hydrogen Enriched Gas Turbines 09/30/2018 Advanced Combustion Turbines The overall objective of this University of Texas project is to develop predictive computational models for large eddy simulations (LES) for capturing flame flashback and propagation in high-hydrogen content fuels in high-pressure gas turbines. The focus will be on two key topics: behavior of high-pressure turbulent flames with and without equivalence ratio variations, and flashback propagation through a turbulent boundary layer. The predictive accuracy of the models for gas turbine operating conditions will be demonstrated using a combination of targeted experiments, legacy data, and high-resolution direct numerical simulation (DNS) data.
FE0011403 Oregon State University OR Intelligent Coordination of Heterogeneous Sensors in Advanced Power Systems 03/12/2015 Sensors and Controls The proposed research will provide sensor deployment, coordination and networking algorithms for large numbers of sensors to ensure the safe, reliable, and robust operation of advanced energy systems. Specifically, the research will derive sensor performance metrics for heterogeneous sensor networks and will demonstrate effectiveness, scalability and reconfigurability of heterogeneous sensor networks in advanced power systems.
FE0012302 Oregon State University OR Evolving Robust and Reconfigurable Multi-Objective Controllers for Advanced Power Systems 09/30/2017 Sensors & Controls This work will focus on deriving, implementing, and testing bio-mimetic control and multi objective optimization algorithms that promote robust and reconfigurable performance in an advanced power system. The long-term objective of the proposed work is to provide a comprehensive solution to the scalable and robust multi-objective control of an advanced power system where no detailed system model is required for real-time control.
FE0011958 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Low Cost High-H2 Syngas Production for Power and Liquid Fuels 07/31/2015 Syngas Processing GTI will determine the technical feasibility of a novel hybrid metal/polymer membrane by depositing metal/alloy on the surface of a hydrogen-selective, temperature-resistant polybenzimidazole (PBI) polymer membrane substrate (provided by SRI International) to produce a hydrogen separation membrane with high hydrogen selectivity. Laboratory studies will establish the proof of concept of a novel metal-polymeric membrane. Additionally, GTI will obtain critical design data for an integrated multi-contaminant syngas removal process. A techno-economic analyses will integrate these technologies with an Aerojet Rocketdyne (PWR) gasifier using coal co-fed with natural gas to produce power, hydrogen, and liquid fuels. GTI will compare the integrated system with current hydrogen-from-coal production technologies.
FE0012054 Southern Research Institute AL High Hydrogen, Low Methane Syngas from Low Rank Coals for Coal-to-Liquids Production. 06/30/2015 Syngas Processing This Southern Research Institute project will design, build, and test a novel steam reforming catalyst for converting tars and methane under high temperature and sulfur environments to increase the H2:CO ratio of a surrogate low-rank coal syngas. This will be performed at a lab-scale. This work is intended to demonstrate the potential commercial viability of catalytic steam reforming under severe contaminant environments to produce a cost-effective high H2 syngas from low-rank coals.
FE0012122 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Hybrid Molten Bed Gasifier for High Hydrogen (H2) Syngas Production 03/31/2015 Gasifier Optimization and Plant Supporting Systems The GTI research team will evaluate and test a hybrid molten bed (HMB) gasification process for producing syngas from a coal/natural gas feed. The HMB gasification process potentially offers several benefits over conventional gasifiers including higher efficiency, higher yield of electricity or diesel, lower cost of electricity or diesel, lower costs for carbon capture, and lower capital costs due to simpler plant layout. The project team will conduct techno-economic analyses for plants based on conventional slagging gasification and HMB gasification producing both power and diesel and including carbon capture.
FE0012299 United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) CT Additive Topology Optimized Manufacturing with Embedded Sensing 03/30/2017 Sensors & Controls United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) will seamlessly embed a suite of sensors into the industrial gas turbine airfoil, thereby demonstrating additive manufacturing as a relevant process (when guided by physics-based models) for next generation gas turbines. The resulting smart part will: maintain its structural integrity, be remotely powered and sensed, and provide real-time diagnostics when coupled to a Health-Utilization-Monitoring System (HUMS).
FE0012383 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Smart Refractory Sensor Systems for Wireless Monitoring of Temperature, Health and Degradation of Slagging Gasifiers 03/31/2018 Sensors & Controls The goal of this project is to demonstrate a high-temperature sensor concept for the monitoring of reaction conditions and health within slagging coal gasifiers. The technology will include the development of a smart refractory brick, which will contain embedded temperature, strain/stress, and spallation sensors throughout the volume of the refractory brick. The project will also develop a method to interconnect the sensors to the reactor exterior, where the sensor signals will be processed by low-power electronics and transmitted wirelessly to a central processing hub. The data processing and wireless transmitter hardware will be specifically designed to be isolated (with low power consumption) and will be adaptable to future implementation of energy-harvesting strategies for extended life. The collected data will be used for model-based estimation of refractory degradation, which can help to monitor the health of the refractory in real time.
FE0012574 Exelis, Inc. VA Greenhouse Gas Laser Imaging Tomography Experiment ( Green Lite ) 03/31/2016 MVAA: Atmospheric Monitoring This project is developing a system that can make high quality atmospheric near-surface CO2 measurements over an open area by using two prototype scanning sensors and coupling them with a series of retro-reflecting mirrors in a grid network. The prototype system will be deployed to the Zero Emissions Research and Technology (ZERT) field site for simulated leak tests of realistic scenarios expected for carbon storage sites. The ZERT test will deliver an extended data set for quantified validation of the precision and accuracy of the 2D concentration and flux maps. The system will be further refined and subsequently deployed to the Illinois Basin Decatur Program site for remote, autonomous monitoring at an active CO2 storage site.
FE0013064 Media and Process Technology, Inc. PA Robust and Energy Efficient Dual-Stage Membrane-Based Process for Enhanced Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Recovery 09/30/2017 Membranes

Media and Process Technology Inc., in partnership with the University of Southern California and Technip Stone and Webster Process Technology Inc., will conduct testing of an innovative carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process for coal-based integrated gasification combined cycle plants. The dual-stage membrane-based process combines two membrane technologies to accomplish cost-effective pre-combustion CO2 capture. The process comprises a hydrogen (H2)-selective carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membrane in a water-gas shift (WGS) membrane reactor (MR) for primary hydrogen recovery in tandem with a novel palladium (Pd)-based membrane for residual H2 recovery. A high degree of H2 recovery and CO2 capture efficiency can be achieved with the two-step membrane process while avoiding the capital and compression costs associated with conventional two-stage operation. Laboratory-scale testing of the WGS/MR system will be performed using simulated synthesis gas (syngas) to establish a performance database that covers a range of operating conditions and to validate the existing mathematical model. A bench-scale (0.01 MWe) system capable of testing the CMS-WGS/MR and Pd-based membrane will be designed and fabricated, and field testing will be performed at the National Carbon Capture Center using real syngas. Data collected will be analyzed to evaluate gas separation efficiency and carbon monoxide conversion, as well as long-term material stability performance of the membranes. The field test results will form the input performance database for a rigorous engineering, economic, and environmental analysis for the process.
FE0013163 American Air Liquide, Inc. DE CO2 Capture by Cold Membrane Operation with Actual Power Plant Flue Gas 04/30/2017 Membranes The project objective is the development of a novel CO2 capture hybrid process with cold temperature membrane operation. The project will optimize the commercial Air Liquide (AL) hollow fiber membrane bundles for CO2 recovery and and demonstrate performance in simulated and actual flue gas with a 0.1 MWe CO2 membrane field test unit. The project overall technical objectives and cost goals is to meet the DOE performance and cost targets of 90% CO2 capture, 95% CO2 purity and a capture cost of $40/tonne CO2.
FE0012451 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Development of Integrated Biomimetic Framework with Intelligent Monitoring, Cognition and Decision Capabilities for Control of Advanced Energy Plants 01/14/2018 Sensors & Controls The objective of this proposed research is to develop algorithms and methodologies for designing biomimetic control systems that utilize distributed intelligence for optimal control of advanced energy plants. The algorithms will be developed so as to make them applicable to other process and power plants for which plant models are available.
FE0012231 University of Texas at Austin TX Pressure-Based Inversion and Data Assimilation System (PIDAS) for CO2 Leakage Detection 09/30/2018 MVAA: Subsurface Monitoring This project is developing a well testing technology for leakage detection in carbon storage reservoirs by developing the theoretical basis and numerical tools required for conducting harmonic pulse tests and results interpretation to assist in the validation of CO2 storage permanence. Laboratory experiments will be designed to validate the numerical tools and theory. This will be followed by further development of data assimilation and inversion algorithms for integrating the pulse test data to be demonstrated in the field.
FE0011769 Delphi Automotive Systems, LLC MI Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power System Development 03/31/2015 Atmospheric Systems The general focus of this Delphi project is the research and development of solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cell, stack, and system technology. Specifically, Delphi will improve the performance, robustness, and reliability of their technology and systems while testing and evaluating pre-commercial systems in an environment simulating their entry into service product.
FE0012066 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Benefits of Integrating Aerojet Rocketdyne and RTI Advanced Gasification Technologies for Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Production 09/30/2016 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification The objective of this Research Triangle Institute (RTI) project is to reduce the cost of coal gasification by reducing plant fuel, operating, and capital costs and increasing overall plant efficiency. The fundamental challenge to gasification for power generation and coal-to-liquids production is to achieve an overall syngas conversion process and production costs that are competitive with other conversion technologies and alternative feedstocks such as natural gas. Previous studies by the U.S, Department of Energy (DOE) and others have indicated that this challenge cannot be addressed by improving only one step in the overall gasification process. Researchers will assess the potential for substantially reducing the production cost of hydrogen (H2)-rich syngas via gasification with near-zero emissions due to the cumulative, synergistic improvements achieved when multiple advanced technologies are incorporated into the overall conversion process.
FE0012665 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Scalable Automated, Semipermanent Seismic Method for Detecting CO2 Plume Extent During Geological CO2 Injection 10/31/2017 MVAA: Subsurface Monitoring This project with the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) of the University of North Dakota has the primary objective of evaluating and demonstrating novel methods for scalable, semipermanent seismic deployments that can be automated to show where and when a pressure front or CO2 plume passes a particular subsurface location. This concept uses autonomous node-recording instruments with a remote-controlled downhole and repeatable seismic source, in which an introduction of a small percentage of gas to the reservoir may change the character of the reservoir seismic reflection in a detectable way. Clever placement of source and receiver may allow the use of the seismic method as a yes/no switch to determine when the CO2 plume or pressure front has moved past a monitored location. Work is performed in North Dakota at the EERC with field work being performed at the Bell Creek field in Montana.
FE0012077 LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc. OH SECA Coal-Based Systems 03/31/2016 Systems Development This LG Fuel Cell Systems project comprises laboratory development and testing of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cells and stacks to advance and validate the reliability, robustness, and endurance of LG Fuel Cell Systems' (LGFCS) SOFC technology. LGFCS utilizes its integrated planar segmented-in-series SOFCs at pressures of up to seven atmospheres to achieve higher volumetric power densities. LGFCS will focus on advancing cell and stack materials and designs to create more stable and less expensive SOFC stacks and then test them at various scales to establish a preferred set of materials, which will undergo a block-scale metric test. The block test is the representative fuel cell module that forms the building blocks of the LGFCS SOFC power system. The fuel cell stacks will be tested as part of an integrated stack block in which all components needed to produce the flow, temperature, and compositional boundary conditions for the fuel cell stack are used. Consequently, the cells and stacks are evaluated using full-scale balance-of-plant components (reformer, exchanger, off-gas burner, circulators, and ducting) thus validating the performance of a complete integrated block (i.e., stacks and balance-of-plant components).
FE0013687 General Electric (GE) Company NY Bench-Scale Process for Low-Cost Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture Using a Phase-Changing Absorbent 04/30/2017 Solvents

GE Global Research is advancing a novel carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process that utilizes a phase-changing aminosilicone solvent (GAP-0) for post-combustion capture of CO2 from coal-fired power plants. The solvent was initially evaluated in a previous Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy project (DE-AR0000084). The GAP-0 solvent rapidly absorbs CO2 in the 40 to 50oC temperature range. The carbamate readily decarboxylates at higher temperatures with no degradation of the solvent, which decreases operating cost. A continuous bench-scale unit will be designed, constructed, and tested to evaluate the feasibility and scalability of the process. In the first phase of the project, initial process and cost models will be developed and the individual unit operations will be designed and built. In the second phase, testing will be performed on the individual unit operations to evaluate their performance. The data will be used to update the process and cost models. In the third phase, the integrated system will be operated under steady-state conditions, and the results will be used to update the models. A techno-economic assessment will be completed and a scale-up strategy developed.
FE0013865 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Bench-Scale Development of a Non-Aqueous Solvent (NAS) CO2 Capture Process for Coal-Fired Power Plants 06/30/2016 Solvents The overall objective of this bench-scale project is to continue the advancement of the Recipient’s NAS CO2 Capture Process by addressing specific challenges facing the technical and economic potential of the process. This will be accomplished by demonstrating, at the bench-scale, the potential to reduce the thermal regeneration energy associated with the capture of CO2 from flue gas — a key criterion for achieving DOE’s Carbon Capture Program’s goal of >90 percent CO2 capture with a 95 percent CO2 product purity at a cost of <$40/tonne CO2 captured by 2025.
FE0011691 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT SOFC Systems with Improved Reliability and Endurance 12/31/2015 Systems Development The goal of this Fuel Cell Energy project is the development of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology suitable for ultra-efficient central power generation systems (coal and natural gas fuels) featuring greater than 90% carbon dioxide capture. The development of this technology will significantly advance the nation's energy security and independence interests while simultaneously addressing environmental concerns, including greenhouse gas emissions and water usage. The specific technical objective of this project is to demonstrate, via analyses and testing, progress towards adequate stack life (= 4 years) and performance stability (= 0.2% per 1000 hours degradation) in a low-cost SOFC stack design. The work will focus on cell and stack materials and designs, balance-of-plant improvements to extend stack life and limit degradation, and performance evaluation covering operating conditions and fuel compositions anticipated for commercially-deployed systems. In support of performance evaluation under commercial conditions, this work includes the design, fabrication, siting, commissioning, and operation of a = 50 kWe proof-of-concept (fuel cell) module (PCM) power plant, based upon SOFC cell and stack technology developed to date by Fuel Cell Energy, Inc. (FCE) within the Office of Fossil Energy's Solid Oxide Fuel Cells program. The PCM system will be operated for at least 1000 hours on natural gas fuel at FCE's facility. The cost of the SOFC stack will be at or below the DOE's high-volume production cost targets (2011 $).
FE0012370 University of Florida FL High-Temperature Sapphire Pressure Sensors for Harsh Environments 08/31/2018 Sensors & Controls This project will demonstrate advanced manufacturing technologies for sapphire-based, high-temperature pressure sensors. Picosecond laser micromachining and spark plasma sintering will be used to achieve this goal. Project objectives include identifying laser ablation process variables, the characterization (and mitigation) of thermo-mechanical damage via the manufacturing process, and the development of cost/energy efficient procedures for rapid joining of components. The final result will be a fully packaged sapphire optical sensor capable of deployment in gas turbine applications at temperatures in excess of 1000 degrees Celsius (°C) and pressures up to 1000 pounds per square inch (psi).
FE0012062 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Dry Solids Pump Coal Feed Technology Program 09/30/2018 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification The objective of this Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne project is to develop fuel feed technology for high-pressure gasifiers that will result in significantly lower-cost coal gasification plant construction and/or operation for power production with carbon capture. Aerojet Rocketdyne will conduct dry solids pump (DSP) feed system test operations at 400 tons per day (up to 600 tons per day [tpd]), collect and analyze the resultant data, and develop and update the models needed to prepare a conceptual design of a 1000 tpd DSP operation. This project will provide researchers with the test data, analytical models, and operational experience needed to confidently design a 1000 tpd high-pressure DSP system.
FE0012862 Akermin, Inc. MO Novel Flow Sheet for Low Energy CO2 Capture Enabled by Biocatalyst Delivery System 09/30/2016 Solvents This three-year, bench-scale project is focused on evaluating the improved performance of a next-generation Biocatalyst Delivery System (BDS) and non-volatile solvent blend (AKM24) by incorporating the process- and solvent-related advances into Akermin's existing 500 SLPM bench unit and conducting integrated bench-scale testing at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC), while demonstrating significant progress toward achievement of the DOE cost target of less than $40/ton of CO2 captured. Akermin shall optimize the performance of a commercial prototype BDS that enables on-stream replacement of the biocatalyst; complete detailed design, engineering, and costing of the bench unit modifications; modify the existing 500 SLPM bench unit to incorporate the next-generation BDS; operate the modified bench unit on actual coal-derived flue gas at the NCCC; and complete a techno-economic analysis of the next-generation Akermin process.
FE0012959 SRI International CA Development of Mixed-Salt Technology for Carbon Dioxide Capture from Coal Power Plants 02/28/2018 Solvents SRI International, in collaboration with OLI Systems, Inc., Aqueous Systems ApS, Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), and Stanford University, will advance the development of a novel ammonia-based mixed-salt solvent process for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from coal-fired power plants by designing and testing a bench-scale (approximately 100 kW) CO2 capture system. The mixed-salt technology combines ammonium and potassium carbonates for enhanced CO2 capture efficiency, high CO2 loading capacity, and reduced energy consumption. The high operating pressure of the solvent regenerator also has the potential to reduce the CO2 compression costs. The technology consists of a two-stage absorber system with a single stage regenerator. To improve process performance, the absorber conditions will be optimized using two individual absorbers before testing the single two-stage absorber. Individual absorber and regenerator tests will be performed in a semi-continuous mode to collect data on solvent concentration, CO2 capture efficiency, water usage, and ammonia loss. Bench-scale testing of the continuous, integrated two-stage absorber system will be performed using simulated flue gas. Data collected will be used to complete thermodynamic modeling and a techno-economic analysis for integration of the mixed-salt technology into a full-scale power plant.
FE0013062 Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Inc. CA Heat Sensor-Harsh Environment Adaptable Thermionic Sensor 05/31/2016 Sensors & Controls In this project, researchers will develop and demonstrate a thermionic element; develop a functional Generation 1 temperature and pressure sensor and validate its performance; develop and demonstrate the pathway to a Generation 2 multi-parameter wireless sensor; and support the commercialization of the harsh environment adaptable thermionic (HEAT) sensor technology. The Generation 1 HEAT sensor will integrate thermionic elements into a functional package that measures temperature and pressure over a range of environmental conditions and amplifies the resulting signals for data transmission over wire. The Generation 2 HEAT sensor will expand the capability to measure additional strain, flux, and flowrate process parameters, as well as incorporate a completely wireless configuration. The proposed HEAT sensor platform is a new technology useful for the extreme conditions at which advanced energy system processes will operate. This sensor platform will enable a new level of process monitoring and control, contributing significantly to the overall operational performance and reliability of advanced power generation plants.
FE0013105 TDA Research, Inc. CO Pilot Testing of a Highly Effective Pre-Combustion Sorbent-Based Carbon Capture System 09/30/2022 Sorbents

TDA Research, Inc. (TDA) has teamed with CDM Smith, Inc., Gas Technology Institute, the University of Alberta, the University of California Irvine, and Sinopec to advance their novel sorbent-based pre-combustion carbon capture technology through pilot-scale testing using a slipstream of synthesis gas (syngas) from an operating gasifier. TDA's high-temperature pressure swing adsorption (PSA)-based process uses an advanced physical adsorbent consisting of a mesoporous carbon grafted with surface functional groups that selectively removes carbon dioxide (CO2) from syngas via physical adsorption at temperatures above the dew point of the gas. This low-cost, high-capacity regenerable sorbent was evaluated previously by TDA through bench-scale and slipstream testing and achieved a high CO2 removal rate of greater than 95 percent for more than 10,000 adsorption/desorption cycles. In this project, research will include scaled-up production of the sorbent; improvement of the PSA cycle sequence using adsorption modeling and optimization of the sorbent reactor design through computational fluid dynamics analysis; long-term sorbent life evaluation in a bench-scale setup of up to 60,000 cycles; design and fabrication of a 0.1-MWe pilot-scale testing unit that contains eight sorbent reactors; design of a CO2 purification sub-system; and two separate field tests on the fabricated pilot-scale unit to measure the sorbent's performance and process efficiency. The first pilot test will be conducted at the Power Systems Demonstration Facility at the National Carbon Capture Center, and the second test will be conducted at Sinopec's integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant in China. These facilities use different types of gasifiers (air-blown transport gasifier vs. oxygen-blown gasifier) and feedstocks (low-rank coals vs. petcoke), which will allow researchers to assess process efficacy in very different gas streams. Based on the field test results and process model simulations, a techno-economic evaluation will be completed to calculate the impact of the CO2 capture system on plant efficiency and the cost of electricity (COE).
FE0013118 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Bench-Scale Development of a Hybrid Membrane-Absorption CO2 Capture Process 09/30/2018 Membranes

Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. (MTR) and The University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) will construct and evaluate a hybrid membrane-absorption process system for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-fired power plants. The system will combine PolarisTM membranes (high-permeance, low pressure-drop, plate-and-frame modules) developed by MTR, and an improved amine solvent-based capture system developed by UT-Austin that uses a piperazine solvent and advanced high-temperature and high-pressure regeneration (high thermal stability, rapid CO2 absorption rate, and low oxidative degradation). In this project, a process simulation model will be developed for the hybrid process and both series and parallel configurations of the hybrid process will be evaluated. Large-area, plate-and-frame membrane modules will be fabricated and tested to analyze pressure drop performance and permeance. Parametric tests will be performed separately on MTR's membrane test unit and on UT-Austin's absorption/stripper system under a full range of operating conditions for both series and parallel designs. These test results will be incorporated into the hybrid process model to determine the optimal mode of operation of an integrated membrane-absorption system. Integrated testing with MTR's membrane test skid will performed on the hybrid capture system at UT-Austin's Separations Research Program (SRP) 0.1 MWe pilot plant. Process models will be updated based on the pilot test results and a scaled-up model as well as a final techno-economic analysis for a full-size power plant will be developed.
FE0013303 ION Engineering, LLC CO ION Advanced Solvent CO2 Capture Pilot Project 12/31/2017 Solvents ION Engineering, LLC, along with their partners, aim to advance ION’s solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture process through pilot-scale testing with coal-fired flue gas. Testing of the second-generation solvent will first be conducted at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) at small pilot scale to capture CO2 from a flue gas stream equivalent to a scale of 0.6 MWe power plant. The solvent will subsequently be tested at the Technology Center Mongstad in a 12 MWe pilot test unit to capture CO2 from an industrial flue gas to simulate coal-fired power generation. ION will conduct parametric and continuous long-term testing of the advanced solvent and analyze solvent performance, degradation, and air emissions under various steady-state operational conditions. A detailed final techno-economic analysis and an environmental, health, and safety assessment will be completed. ION will evaluate the solvent’s ability to meet or exceed DOE’s Carbon Capture Program goal for second generation solvents of 90 percent CO2 capture with a 95 percent CO2 product purity at a cost of $40/tonne CO2 captured by 2025.
FE0013755 General Electric (GE) Company NY Pilot-Scale Silicone Process for Low-Cost Carbon Dioxide Capture 04/30/2017 Solvents The overall objective of this project is to design, construct, and operate a slipstream-scale process for a novel aminosilicone-based CO2-capture solvent. The project will establish scalability and techno-economic feasibility of using an aminosilicone-based CO2-capture solvent for post-combustion capture of CO2 from coal-fired power plants at less than $40/tonne of CO2 captured with 90 percent CO2 capture and 95 percent CO2 purity.
FE0012700 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Distributed Fiber Optic Arrays: Integrated Temperature and Seismic Sensing for Detection of CO2 Flow, Leakage, and Subsurface Distribution 09/30/2018 MVAA: Subsurface Monitoring This project will develop cost effective monitoring tools that can be used to demonstrate safe, permanent storage of CO2 in deep geologic formations. Under this project, EPRI will conduct field trials to extend the use of fiber optics to new and innovative in situ measurements and applications supporting CO2 storage and utilization (Enhanced Oil Recovery), including detection of CO2 flow, migration, and seismic monitoring. The project uses Distributed Acoustic Sensor (DAS) arrays to detect and image the CO2 plume using seismic methods. In addition, the sensors have heat-pulse monitoring capability using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) to detect vertical CO2 leakage along the wellbore and flow outside of the casing. EPRI will work on designing, fabricating, and acquiring monitoring data from fiber optic cable assemblies to be installed in wells at up to two field facilities.
FE0013122 Alliant Techsystems Operations, LLC NY Supersonic Post-Combustion Inertial CO2 Extraction System 03/31/2017 Novel Concepts

Orbital ATK, Inc., along with their partners, are continuing the development of a novel Inertial Carbon Dioxide Extraction System (ICES) for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from coal-fired power plants through lab- and bench-scale testing. The ICES converts vapor-phase CO2 contained in flue gas to a solid (dry ice) using supersonic expansion followed by inertial separation. This method utilizes a unique aero-thermodynamic inertial separation device, in which flue gas is directed to a converging-diverging nozzle and expanded to supersonic velocities, resulting in the desublimation and separation of CO2. Solid CO2 particle growth methods will be tested at lab scale to obtain a condensed CO2 particle size required to support efficient migration in the ICES turning duct. Computational fluid dynamics modeling for the capture duct and diffuser will be performed to evaluate configurations of the bench-scale unit, validate laboratory test results, and predict performance of the full-scale ICES unit. The capture duct will be tested at bench-scale while controlling CO2 particle size to measure the capture efficiency of migrated particles. The diffuser will be tested to evaluate diffusion of CO2-depleted flue gas to atmospheric pressure. A series of bench-scale tests will be conducted to validate the effectiveness of several particle growth strategies. An update to the techno-economic analysis will be completed.
FE0012048 TDA Research, Inc. CO Advanced Reactor Design for Integrated WGS/Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture 09/30/2016 Reactor Engineering Design This TDA project will demonstrate the technical and economic viability of an integrated water-gas-shift (WGS) catalyst/CO2 removal/thermal management system for an IGCC power plant and a coal to liquids (CTL) plant. It will explore the best reactor design option that allows for the integration of a proven high temperature CO2 adsorbent and a commercial WGS catalyst with improved thermal management. It will also use CFD modeling to assess the potential of using filter tubes for direct evaporative cooling while simultaneously supplying the process with the reactant steam. New reactors will be fabricated to evaluate the performance of the integrated system, first in the bench-scale tests and then in a field demonstration using actual coal-derived synthesis gas.
FE0012065 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. PA Development of Ion Transport Membrane Oxygen Technology for Low-Cost and Low-Emission Gasification and Other Industrial Applications 09/30/2015 Feed Systems This Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (APCI) project will advance ion transport membrane (ITM) technology further towards the ITM Oxygen Development Facility, a 2,000 TPD demonstration-scale test unit. In addition, technical risks will be reduced through economics studies to assess cost and environmental benefits of the ITM system, which is expected to cost 30% less than conventional cryogenic oxygen separation technology. APCI has a co-current ITM project FT40343.
FE0012136 Ohio State University OH Chemical Looping Gasification for Hydrogen Enhanced Syngas Production in the Reaction Mixture Carbon Dioxide Capture 12/31/2014 Gasifier Optimization and Plant Supporting Systems The objective of this Ohio State University project is to further demonstrate the technical and economic advantages of chemical looping gasification (CLG) for power generation and for synthesis of transportation fuels and other high value chemicals from coal. Specifically, the research team aims to (1) improve oxygen carrier performance, (2) demonstrate at bench-scale that the CLG process can achieve greater than 98 percent coal conversion, (3) demonstrate the effects and fates of contaminants, (4) develop a sub-pilot-scale cold-flow model, and (5) provide a comparative techno-economic analysis that establishes the feasibility and attractiveness of the CLG system.
FE0012173 Oklahoma State University OK Surface and Airborne Monitoring Technology for Detecting Geologic Leakage in a CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery Pilot, Anadarko Basin, Texas 03/31/2017 MVAA: Near Surface Monitoring Oklahoma State University (OSU) is conducting a three-year research and development project that will develop and demonstrate an integrated monitoring system that is capable of directly detecting and quantifying seepage of CO2 and CH4; into the soil and atmosphere. The approach employs in-ground and surface sensors and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to collect data. OSU proposes to develop the CO2 and CH4; sensors and the UAV platform at OSU facilities. The integrated system will then be installed, tested, and optimized at a field site, the Farnsworth Unit (FWU), site of the Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration (SWP) Phase III field site.
FE0012266 Multi Phase Technologies, LLC NV Deep Controlled Source Electro-Magnetic Sensing: A Cost Effective, Long-Term Tool for Sequestration Monitoring 12/31/2016 MVAA: Subsurface Monitoring The research is developing and testing a robust, cost-effective sensor array for long-term monitoring of CO2 inventories in deep geologic formations using controlled source electromagnetic methods (CSEM) to measure the electrical properties of CO2 reservoirs. The CSEM system will be field deployed to the Ketzin, Germany pilot injection site in a three phase testing program.
FE0012274 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Reduced Mode Sapphire Optical Fiber and Sensing System 12/31/2018 Sensors and Controls The real-time, accurate and reliable monitoring of temperatures at distributed locations can further revolutionize technologies such as the unique integrated gasification combined cycle configuration of turbines and the ultra-super critical steam cycle designs. The proposed sapphire fiber waveguide design will overcome the harsh environment challenges that severely limit the integration of mature optical fiber sensing technologies in new power plant control systems. A new modal reduction waveguide design will take advantage of the high temperature stability and corrosion resistance of sapphire and result in a paradigm shift in ultra-high temperature sensing. A novel and precise etching technique will significantly reduce ( >50%) the mode volume in a robust and truly unique sapphire fiber.
FE0012321 University of Texas at El Paso TX Investigation of "Smart Parts" with Embedded Sensors for Energy System Applications 09/30/2017 Sensors & Controls This research project aims to optimize advanced 3-D manufacturing processes for embedded sensors in energy system components, characterizing the performance and properties of these smart parts, and assessing the feasibility of applying these parts in harsh energy system environments. Specific project objectives are to (1) fabricate energy system related components with embedded sensors, (2) evaluate the mechanical properties and sensing functionalities of the smart parts with embedded piezoceramic sensors, and (3) assess in-situ sensing capability of energy system parts. This research effort will not only contribute to designing and fabricating parts, but also to determining the smart part's durability, repeatability, and stability by testing it in realistic energy environments.
FE0012706 Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. CA Real-Time In Situ Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Network for Sensitive Subsurface Areas in Carbon Capture and Storage 06/30/2019 MVAA: Near Surface Monitoring This project is developing a multi-parameter system for the highly sensitive and accurate detection of carbon dioxide in groundwater. The stand-alone system will include novel distributed fiber optic sensors for CO2, pH, and salinity, as well as a commercially available distributed sensor for temperature. The sensors will be fabricated by coating optical fibers with chemically-sensitive indicator-doped polymers, thus rendering the entire length of the optical fiber a sensor capable of covering large areas in distances of thousands of feet. The project involves developing two novel sensitive claddings for salinity and pH sensing. Once developed, optical cables sensitive to each parameter will be produced. Those cables will be combined with a CO2 sensitive cladded fiber as well as an off the shelf fiber optic temperature sensor to produce a real time monitoring network to be used for CO2 storage monitoring, verification, accounting (MVA), and assessment operations, which will be validated in the field.
FE0012829 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Pilot Test of a Nanoporous, Super-Hydrophobic Membrane Contactor Process for Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture 06/30/2022 Membranes

The Gas Technology Institute (GTI), along with Air Liquide Advanced Separations, will continue development of a novel nanoporous, super-hydrophobic contactor process for solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture from coal-fired power plants. The polyether ether ketone (PEEK) hollow fiber contactor (HFC) will be advanced from bench-scale to pilot-scale testing. The PEEK HFC process takes advantage of both the compact nature of an HFC process and the high selectivity of an absorption process. In the process, CO2-containing flue gas passes through one side of the PEEK HFC, while an advanced CO2-selective solvent flows on the other side. The CO2 permeates through the hollow fiber contactor pores and is chemically absorbed into the solvent. The CO2 rich solvent is regenerated in a second PEEK HFC module. Pilot-scale testing will be conducted with commercial size 8-inch diameter modules on 0.5 megawatt electrical (MWe) equivalent of coal-derived flue gas at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC). Continuous steady-state operation will be conducted for a minimum of two months to collect data necessary for further process scale-up. A techno-economic analysis and an environmental, health, and safety assessment will be completed to validate the potential of the PEEK HFC process to achieve DOE’s performance goals of a 90 percent CO2 capture rate with 95 percent CO2 purity at a cost of no more than $40 per tonne of CO2 captured by 2020.
FE0012914 ADA-ES, Inc. CO Optimizing the Costs of Solid Sorbent-Based CO2 Capture Process Through Heat Integration 12/31/2015 Sorbents The team, partnering with leading solids-to-solids heat exchanger company Solex Thermal, will advance carbon capture technologies with solid sorbents by reducing the energy penalty and overall cost for CO2 capture by recovering heat generated by the sorbent during the capture process.
FE0012926 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY An Advanced Catalytic Solvent for Lower Cost Post-Combustion CO2 Capture in a Coal-Fired Power Plant 04/30/2017 Solvents The project will demonstrate the ability of the CAER catalyzed, advanced amine solvent to reduce the energy of regeneration and show higher mass transfer (lower capital) for post-combustion CO2 capture. Using an integrated 0.1 MWth bench-scale testing unit with coal derived flue gas located at the CAER facility, optimized process energy and mass transfer rate will be determined using both the advanced amine solvent and the catalyzed advanced amine through parametric testing. A comparison will be made to the operation of MEA using the same apparatus to allow comparison to the NETL reference case. A long-term test campaign will be conducted to show the ability of the solvent and catalyst to tolerate the high temperature stripping conditions utilized by the CAER process and the contaminants present in flue gas. Heavy metal removal will be demonstrated. Finally, a membrane solvent dewatering process will be integrated into the bench-scale unit and shown to further reduce process energy by increasing solution CO2 partial pressure. The bench-scale testing along with fundamental data available from CAER research (during and prior to the project period) will be used to develop a detailed techno-economic process model including a rate-based Aspen Plus process simulation at the 550 MW scale and an EH&S assessment of the CAER solvent and process.
FE0012965 SRI International CA Development of a Precombustion Carbon Dioxide Capture Process using High Temperature Polybenzimidazole Hollow-Fiber Membrane 06/30/2018 Membranes

SRI International has teamed with Generon IGS, Enerfex, Inc., Electric Power Research Institute, and PBI Performance Products to further develop a high-temperature, membrane-based, pre-combustion carbon capture technology for integrated gasification combined cycle power plants. The separation process utilizes a high-temperature stable polybenzimidazole (PBI) polymer to separate coal-derived synthesis gas (syngas) at elevated temperatures (200 degrees C to 250 degrees C) into a hydrogen (H2)-rich permeate stream and a retentate stream that consists mainly of high-pressure carbon dioxide (CO2). The PBI polymer will be fabricated into hollow asymmetric fibers, assembled into membrane modules, and inserted into high-pressure vessels for inclusion in a 50-kilowatt thermal capacity bench-scale unit that will be tested at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC). Short-term and long-duration tests will be performed using a 50-lb/hr syngas stream from the gasifier at NCCC to evaluate membrane stability, H2/CO2 selectivity, and H2 permeance. Collected data will be used to complete design and engineering studies of a full-scale plant incorporating the PBI membrane-based process. A detailed techno-economic analysis will also be completed.
FE0013123 SRI International CA Pilot-Scale Evaluation of an Advanced Carbon Sorbent-Based Process for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture 06/30/2016 Sorbents The overall goal of the project is to demonstrate SRI International's post-combustion capture technology by incorporating the advanced carbon sorbent-based process in a 1 MWe slipstream pilot plant and achieving at least 90% carbon dioxide (CO2) removal from coal-derived flue gas while demonstrating significant progress toward achievement of the DOE cost target of less than $40/ton of CO2 captured. To accomplish this, the project team, which includes Linde LLC, ATMI, Inc., Linde Engineering North America (LENA), Linde Engineering Dresden (LEDD), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) will design, build, and operate the pilot plant at a coal-fired power plant host site providing the flue gas as a slipstream.
FE0013127 Aspen Aerogels, Inc. MA Bench Scale Development and Testing of Aerogel Sorbents for CO2 Capture 12/31/2016 Sorbents

Aspen Aerogels, Inc. has teamed with the University of Akron and others to develop and test aerogels, an innovative type of solid sorbent, for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from coal-fired power plants. The aerogels have high surface area and porosity and excellent hydrophobicity for resisting performance degradation from moisture and flue gas contaminants, resulting in reduced operating costs for CO2 capture. Aspen Aerogels aims to improve CO2 capture performance of the best-performing amine functionalized aerogel (AFA) formulations developed under previous research (Small Business Innovation Research [SBIR] grant DE-SC0004289) and to optimize the AFA production and pelletization processes. The project will focus on bench-scale testing to optimize the most promising aerogel formulations developed for maximized working capacity and robust cyclic stability in flue gas conditions. The University of Akron will develop binder formulations, pellet production methods, and post-treatment technology for increased resistance to flue gas contaminants. ADA will assess the performance of the sorbent in bead form and in pellet form by analyzing sorption isotherms, selectivity to flue gas contaminants, crush strength, attrition, fluidized bed properties, and heat transfer coefficients for the adsorption/desorption process. The hydrodynamic and heat transfer properties of the pelletized sorbent will be evaluated in a bench-scale fluidized bed reactor at ADA. Scale-up methods for the sorbent will be explored at the University of Akron. ADA will also perform a techno-economic assessment of the aerogel sorbent technology for CO2 capture from coal-fired power plants.
FE0013363 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. PA Advanced Acid Gas Separation Technology for Clean Power and Syngas Applications 06/30/2015 Syngas Processing In this project, Air Products and Chemicals Inc. (ACPI) will test a two-bed pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit on a slipstream of authentic, high-hydrogen syngas based on low-rank coal at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC); also a multi-bed process development unit (PDU) will be operated, refining the reliability of predictions of PSA performance at commercial scale. The information obtained from the two-bed PSA unit and the PDU will be combined to build a techno-economic assessment (TEA) of Sour PSA utilization for methanol production with 90% carbon capture, as well as to update techno-economic assessments of the technology for integrated gasification and combined cycle (IGCC). The TEA shall incorporate NETL's Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants and the guidelines delineated in the funding opportunity announcement. The overarching objectives of the FOA that this project was selected from are to reduce the cost of coal conversion via gasification through (1) reducing plant capital costs; (2) reducing fuel and operations costs; and (3) increasing overall plant efficiency.
SC0010199 NexTech Materials, Ltd. OH Diffusion Based Aluminide Coatings for High-Temperature Corrosion Protection of Stainless Steels 03/09/2014 Plant Optimization Technologies Develop a protective aluminide/alumina coating for steel alloys used in Advanced Ultra-Supercritical (A-USC) power-plants.
FE0012870 TDA Research, Inc. CO Sorbent Based Post-Combustion CO2 Slipstream Testing 07/31/2022 Sorbents

TDA Research, Inc. is advancing their sorbent-based post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process by designing and building a pilot-scale unit and testing it with a 0.5-MWe slipstream of flue gas at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC). TDA's process is based on an alkalized alumina adsorbent that uses low-pressure steam for desorption and operates at near atmospheric pressure, reducing the cost of CO2 capture compared to commercially available amine-based and other solid sorbent-based systems. Previous bench-scale testing of the process using real coal-derived flue gas showed that TDA's sorbent can achieve greater than 90 percent CO2 capture with stable CO2 loading. In this project, TDA's sorbent-based process will be tested at NCCC under realistic conditions for continuous long-term operation to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of the technology for further scale up. Parametric testing will be conducted for 1.5 months to determine the optimum operating conditions and steady-state testing will be performed for a minimum of 2 months. Scale-up production of the sorbent will also be performed. A detailed techno-economic analysis based on integration with a nominal 550-MWe power plant will be completed based on pilot-scale test results.
SC0011274 Sonata, LLC CT Cost-Effective Highly Robust SOFC Interconnect Coating Process 12/07/2018 Cell Technology YSZ has been identified as a potential barrier to prevent alkali earths in the seal glass from reacting with the interconnect. To be successful, YSZ with a high degree of structural perfection and uniformity must be formed in an extremely cost effective way over rough interconnect surfaces. Sonata's approach will leverage atomic layer deposition (ALD) to form such a YSZ barrier layer. The technical objective is to demonstrate high integrity YSZ thin film barriers with high density and conformality, using a simple tooling/masking technique to permit very large production lot sizes of 1000-2000 interconnects per run with the barrier limited to the perimeter area of the interconnect.
SC0011286 Innosense, LLC CA YSZ Coated Ferritic Stainless Steel 11/17/2014 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells A thin protective YSZ layer separating the ferritic steel interconnects from the compliant glass will be deposited using ISL's low cost SOFSeal deposition by CSD (sol-gel). Commercial organometallic/metallorganic raw materials can be easily blended in either aqueous or organic solvent based form. Layer thickness can be adjusted by dilution with the appropriate solvent and mask thickness. Methods for applying the film will be evaluated including doctor blading, silk screening, and spraying using a masking technique to deposit in selective areas.
FE0023031 University of Massachusetts - Lowell MA Distributed Fiber Sensing Systems for 3D Combustion Temperature Field Monitoring in Coal-Fired Boilers Using Optically Generated Acoustic Waves 12/31/2018 Sensors & Controls The overall objective of the project is to develop a novel distributed optical fiber sensing system for real-time monitoring and optimization of spatial and temporal distributions of high temperature profiles in fossil power plant boilers. Specific objectives are to: 1) Establish a boiler furnace temperature distribution model and guide the design of the sensing system; 2) Develop the sensors with one active sensing element on each fiber as well as a temperature distribution reconstruction algorithm for proof-of-concept; 3) Develop the distributed sensing system to integrate multiple active sensing elements on a single optical fiber. The entire sensing system, after being fully integrated and tested in the university labs, will be tested on Alstom combustion test facility.
SC0011885 TDA Research, Inc. CO Membrane-Integrated Sorbent Adsorption Process for Carbon Capture 07/30/2020 Sorbents TDA Research, Inc. (TDA), in collaboration with Membrane Technology Research Corporation and the University of California, Irvine proposes to develop a low cost, high capacity sorbent that will integrate into a membrane-sorbent hybrid post-combustion carbon capture system to remove CO2 from coal-fired power plant effluents.
FE0022993 University of Cincinnati OH Robust Metal-Ceramic Coaxial Cable Sensors for Distributed Temperature Monitoring in Harsh Environments of Fossil Energy Power Systems 06/30/2017 Sensors & Controls This program aims to develop a new type of low cost, robust metal-ceramic coaxial cable (MCCC) Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) sensor and demonstrate the capability of cascading a series of FPIs in a single MCCC for real-time distributed monitoring of temperature up to 1000 degrees Celsius. The sensor will be operated in various gas environments relevant to coal-based power production to examine its stability in practical applications.
FE0023040 Prairie View A&M University TX Post Combustion Carbon Capture Using Polyethylenimine (PEI) Functionalized Titanate Nanotubes 03/31/2019 High Performance Materials The project will develop a novel nanomaterial to efficiently capture CO2 from the flue gas of fossil energy power generation systems by: 1) Establishing a knowledge base on the synthesis of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes and adsorption characteristics of Polyethylenimine (PEI) and also the various protocols available for the impregnation of PEI, 2) Developing optimized protocols for synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes impregnated with PEI, 3) Characterizing the impregnated nanotubes and using them for refining synthesis parameters such as temperature, concentration, and time, 4) Developing computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations in order to optimize the reactor conditions for high carbon capture efficiency, 4) Demonstrating the carbon capture efficiency of impregnated TiO2 tubes under various environmental conditions such as temperature and concentration, and 5) Establishing a validated CFD model and a standard operating procedure for carbon capture using PEI impregnated TiO2 nanotubes.
FE0023061 University of Nebraska NE Vertically-Aligned Carbon-Nanotubes Embedded in Ceramic Matrices for Hot Electrode Applications 09/30/2019 High Performance Materials The objective of this project is to develop carbon nanotube (CNT)-ceramic (C) composite structures, in which vertically aligned (VA) carbon nanotubes are embedded in ceramic matrices for hot electrode applications such as magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) power systems. Four objectives will be accomplished as follows: (1) Super growth of vertically aligned (VA) CNT carpets, (2) Fabrication of CNT-boron nitride (BN) composite structures, (3) Stability and resistance studies of the CNT-BN composite structures, and (4) Thermionic emissions from the CNT-BN composite structures.
FE0023541 Delaware State University DE Novel Silica Nanostructured Platforms with Engineered Surface Functionality and Spherical Morphology for Low-Cost High-Efficiency Carbon Capture 09/30/2017 High Performance Materials Developments in nano-engineered materials have resulted in the discovery of a number of new materials which may have beneficial applications for CO2 capture. This project aims to develop and evaluate silica-based nanostructure platforms containing amine-based solid sorbents for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. The fabrication process will allow for significantly enhanced porosity and surface area, which will allow for increased CO2 adsorption capacity. In addition, the use of inexpensive raw materials and low-cost synthetic processes will position these platforms as a competitive solid sorbent for replacement of solution-based amine scrubbing technologies used in post-combustion CO2 capture.
FE0023114 Florida International University FL Development of Reduced Order Model for Reacting Gas-Solids Flow Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 08/31/2017 Simulation-Based Engineering This research effort will apply advanced computational techniques to develop reduced order models in the case of reacting multiphase flows, based on high fidelity numerical simulation of gas-solids flow structures in risers and vertical columns obtained by the Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchange (MFiX) software. The project will also generate numerical data necessary for validation of the models for multiple fluidization regimes; expose minority students to scientific research in the field of fluid dynamics of gas-solids flow systems; and maintain and upgrade the educational, training, and research capabilities of Florida International University.
FE0023118 University of Texas at Arlington TX Distributed Wireless Antenna Sensors for Boiler Condition Monitoring 12/31/2018 Sensors & Controls University of Texas Arlington will develop wireless antenna sensors to provide distributed sensing of temperature, strain, and soot accumulation inside a coal-fired boiler. The objectives include (1) a methodology to realize low-cost antenna sensor arrays that can withstand high-temperature and high-pressure environment, (2) a wireless interrogation technique that can remotely interrogate the sensors at long distance with high resolution, and (3) material and fabrication recipes for synthesizing flexible dielectric substrates with controlled dielectric properties.
FE0022952 Clark Atlanta University GA Engineering Accessible Adsorption Sites in Metal Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture 03/31/2019 High Performance Materials This project will synthesize and characterize ultra-high surface area metal organic framework (MOF) materials for CO2 adsorption. This 3-yr research effort will consist of synthesizing MOFs with organic linkers as well as nitrogen-containing pyrazine linkers and evaluate them based on CO2 adsorption properties, framework structure and composition (such as metal content and elemental analysis), surface area, pore size, and thermal stability. The evaluation methods will include X-ray crystallography, powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and other advanced techniques. The down selected CO2 adsorption material from this research will be used for CO2 capture and sequestration application.
FE0023314 University of Texas at Austin TX Development of Geomechanical Screening Tools to Identify Risk: An Experimental and Modeling Approach 08/31/2017 GS: Geochemical Impacts University of Texas at Austin is developing screening tools for improved understanding of reservoir geomechanical processes and conditions related to carbon dioxide (CO2) storage including faults, fractures, and caprock flaws. Geomechanical rock experiments and computational methods using modeling, simulations, history matching, and uncertainty quantification will be conducted and applied to two field demonstration sites to generate and validate the geomechanical screening tools.
FE0023337 LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc. OH Improved Reliability of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems 09/30/2018 Systems Development LG Fuel Cell Systems (LGFCS) will focus on the evolution of the LGFCS stack (integrated planar segmented-in-series solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) at pressures up to seven atmospheres) and block technology to include in-stack reforming. In addition, this project will address further design optimization of dense ceramic parts, ceramic/glasses and the porous substrates. All the stack design improvements are aimed at being better suited to a more automated manufacturing and assembly operation with improved yields. LGFCS will validate new strip designs that enable incorporation of maximum levels of in-stack reforming and redesigned ceramic components and substrates that can be produced in volume at lower cost and which further improve fuel flow distribution throughout the stack. Extensive multi-physics-based modeling will be performed and validated to probe the thermal stress state imposed on the ceramic strip components over the range of stack designs and operating parameters to insure that structural reliability of the ceramic structure is not compromised by the inclusion and extent of in-stack reforming selected for the product. In-stack reforming will be initially validated within the single-block pressurized test rigs that replicate the product cycle and conditions. A follow-on test in a triple-block rig will also be conducted. This project will also include full system testing for a planned 22 week test schedule of all the subsystems of the LGFCS megawatt-scale product. This project will use active layers developed in a previous LGFCS DOE contract, FE0012077, having lower ASR and improved durability to construct strip components for use in the triple-block test with in-stack reforming. Improved seals with adjusted thermal expansions will be utilized.
SC0011849 NexTech Materials, Ltd. OH Tailored Core-Shell Cathode Powders for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes 03/08/2015 Anode-Electrolyte-Cathode Development This SBIR project aims to establish cost effective and scalable processes for preparing advanced SOFC cathode materials having core-shell composite microstructures. The project leverages results of recent DOE sponsored research and will deliver high performance cathode materials, providing drop-in process capability to SOFC manufacturers.
SC0011960 Metna Company MI Tailoring Cementitious Materials Towards Value-Added Use of Large CO2 Volumes 08/31/2021 CO2 Use

Metna Co. is developing scalable, economical, and convenient methods of delivering carbon dioxide (CO2) to concrete, and is tailoring the chemistry of concrete to make beneficial use of large CO2 volumes toward achieving enhanced performance, economic sustainability, and energy-efficiency attributes. The main thrust of this project is to develop robust and commercially viable methods for chemical binding of large CO2 volumes in concrete while realizing balanced gains in material properties. Concrete materials incorporating two different inorganic binders based on calcium silicate hydrate (Portland cement) and alkali aluminosilicate hydrate (geopolymer cement) are being investigated. In Phase I, engineering tests performed on concrete materials confirmed that sorption of CO2 into reactive cementitious materials yields significant gains in the mechanical, barrier, and durability characteristics of concrete and can be accomplished by simple and low-cost modification of the existing milling step in the production of cementitious materials. Phase II work includes adapting the technology for use with broader selections of raw materials and additives; devising refined chemistries for selective sorption of CO2 from flue gas; scale-up of the process in an industrial manufacturing plant where cement and slag processing is accompanied with flue gas emission; and conducting life-cycle analyses to further verify and quantify the benefits of the technology in terms of CO2 storage and emission control, energy and cost savings, and enhancing the longevity, efficiency and life-cycle economy of the concrete-based infrastructure.
FE0023223 Colorado School of Mines CO A Coupled Geomechanical, Acoustic, Transport, and Sorption Study of Caprock Integrity in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sequestration 09/30/2018 GS: Geomechanical Impacts

This project worked to develop a further understanding of how shales respond to carbon dioxide (CO2)-induced deformation and reactions. Research was conducted to quantify CO2 transmissivity and the development of acoustic methods for detecting damage to CO2-saturated caprock through in-situ experimental studies of shale. This project provided tools to identify damaged shale caprock and a means of determining if CO2 has migrated through the caprock.
FE0023385 University of Connecticut (UConn) CT Materials and Approaches for the Mitigation of SOFC Cathode Degradation in SOFC Power Systems 09/30/2019 Cell Technology The University of Connecticut will develop and validate reliable, cost-effective approaches for minimizing/mitigating solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathode (lanthanum strontium manganite [LSM] and lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite [LSCF]) degradation through the incorporation of reliable materials and architectures to inhibit long-term detrimental solid-solid and solid-gas interactions. This work will develop and demonstrate the viability of the application of a cost-effective chromium getter to capture the chromium species originating from the metallic stack and balance-of-plant components. Cathode compositions will be modified to control and prevent oxide segregation and compound formation at the surface and interfaces during air exposure. Cathode contact layer modification will be developed to avoid chromium poisoning originating from metallic interconnects.
FE0023305 Colorado School of Mines CO Quantitative Characterization of Impacts of Coupled Geomechanics and Flow on Safe Permanent Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Fractured Reservoirs 09/30/2018 GS: Geomechanical Impacts Under this project the Colorado School of Mines is developing a quantitative approach for understanding and predicting geomechanical effects from large-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) injection, including rock deformation and fracturing. Through laboratory analysis and numerical modeling, the project is assessing and validating CO2 flow, storage potential, and the risk of leakage in porous and fractured reservoirs.
FE0023186 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT Reliable SOFC Systems 09/30/2017 Systems Development Fuel Cell Energy Inc. (FCE) and its subsidiary Versa Power Systems Inc. (VPS) will team to improve the reliability of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems by achieving an SOFC stack power degradation rate of less than 1.5 percent per 1000 hours in a 100 kilowatt (kW) (125 kW Peak) Modular Power Block (MPB) stand-alone power system under thermally self-sustained normal operating conditions. The potential for a high-volume SOFC stack production cost below the DOE target of $225 per kW will also be validated. The scope of work will focus on SOFC stack reliability and endurance, especially in actual system operation. The project team will use a multi-pronged approach including materials development, manufacturing process quality, robust and reliable stack design, novelty in-system design and incorporation of lessons learned from prior fuel cell systems operation. The project will address one of the key obstacles to commercialization of the SOFC, the high degradation of the fuel cell in presence of excessive moisture in air leading to production of chromium species in the cathode. Extensive research will be performed to discover mitigation technologies including chromium-tolerant cell materials and novel interconnect coatings. This work builds on previous DOE contract FE0011691.
FE0023407 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Scalable and Cost Effective Barrier Layer Coating to Improve Performance and Stability of SOFC Cathode 09/30/2018 Cell Technology West Virginia University (WVU) will team with Northwestern University and Fuel Cell Energy (FCE) to improve the stability and performance of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes through development of a scalable and cost-effective electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process. EPD will deposit dense barrier layers, with little or no porosity, between the electrolyte and cathode. Identification of optimal barrier layer composition and thickness will be researched including an investigation of the interaction between doped ceria barrier layers in SOFC cathodes and their effect on oxygen reduction reaction kinetics, electrochemical performance, and long-term stability. A preliminary techno-economic analysis of the EPD barrier layer compared to other coating methods will be performed.
FE0023325 Trustees of Boston University MA Mitigation of Chromium Impurity Effects and Degradation in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: The Roles of Reactive Transport and Thermodynamics 09/30/2018 Cell Technology Boston University will team with Fuel Cell Energy to understand the detailed mechanisms of chromium poisoning in the cathode of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and provide solutions that eliminate or mitigate chromium poisoning in cathodes, reducing or eliminating its effects on SOFC power systems. The project includes fabrication and testing of cells, modeling the thermodynamics and transport phenomena of chromium poisoning, and implementation of solutions to chromium poisoning at the single-cell level.
FE0024013 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Advancing Coal Catalytic Gasification to Promote Optimum Syngas Production 07/31/2017 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification A collaborative effort among Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Northeastern University, the University of Delaware, and Utah State University will provide research and development of catalysts to improve operation of coal gasifiers. The work involves experiments, kinetic modeling, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) that will address and make recommendations for advanced catalytic gasification of coal and coal-biomass mixtures. The novel approach of this project will be the use of red mud catalyst with sub-bituminous coal to effectively gasify coal and produce a cleaner syngas with elevated levels of hydrogen without the negative by-products of methane, sulfur compounds, and chlorine. The outcome of this work will be the characterization of the chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms and the development of a set of models that can be integrated into MFIX, OpenFOAM and other CFD modeling environments. Most importantly, this work will demonstrate advancements in catalytic gasification of low-rank coal that will promote optimum syngas composition for polygeneration of electricity and other fuels or chemicals.
FE0023323 Princeton University NJ Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Migration and Trapping in Fractured Reservoirs with Validation by Model Comparison and Real-Site Applications 09/30/2018 GS: Fluid Flow, Pressure & Water Management

Princeton University developed new modeling capabilities for simulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and brine migration in fractured reservoirs by developing more accurate descriptions of flow interactions between fractures and the rock matrix. The new model was incorporated into a reservoir-scale simulator and sensitivity analyses were performed on the trapping efficiency and storage capacity using the new model. Ultimately, the new model was applied to the In Salah CO2 storage site in Algeria to simulate CO2 injection and fracture matrix interaction using historical injection data.
FE0023334 Geostock Sandia, LLC TX Geomechanical Properties of Mesozoic Rift Basins: Applications for Geosequestration 04/30/2017 GS: Geomechanical Impacts This project is combining laboratory core testing with a novel wireline tool to perform evaluation of in-situ stress and mechanical formation properties at a candidate carbon dioxide (CO2)-storage site in the Newark Basin area. This area was chosen because the possible impacts of seismic hazards and CO2 leakage are particularly important due to a high population density. The approach is expected to be applicable for evaluating geomechanical properties for similar basins, both onshore and offshore.
FE0023551 Lummus Technology, Inc. NJ Feasibility Study for Conversion of Wabash River Unit 1 - Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle to a Coal to Liquid Plant 03/31/2016 Biomass Feed and Gasification The scope of the project is to develop a feasibility study to determine the optimal configuration for a coal liquids plant producing jet fuel in compliance with EISA 2007 ?526 GHG requirements. The study focuses on retrofitting the Wabash River Unit 1 - IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle). Retrofitting an existing gasification facility reduces technical risk and capital costs leading to a higher probability of implementation and more competitive liquid fuel prices. The study will evaluate options for syngas purification and conversion to jet fuel and options for low carbon power production. The study will also evaluate options for CO2 (carbon dioxide) sequestration either utilizing enhanced oil recovery or alternate methods of sequestration. The study will utilize United States coal as its feedstock and produce fuels that will reduce the United States' dependence on petroleum.
FE0024068 Montana State University MT Increasing the Rate and Extent of Microbial Coal to Methane Conversion through Optimization of Microbial Activity, Thermodynamics, and Reactive Transport 09/30/2017 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification Montana State University will develop engineering strategies for the enhanced production of coal-bed methane (CBM) by stimulating and sustaining the microbial community responsible for methane production in coal beds. The technology will be based on the development of a thorough understanding of the microbiological, physicochemical, and engineering processes involved and necessary to develop a more sustainable CBM) production scheme. To achieve the project goal, Montana State will first determine the chemical and biological parameters limiting methane production from coal. Next, researchers will develop strategies for the optimization of microbially-enhanced coal bed methane (MECBM) technology based on thermodynamic and reactive transport considerations. Finally, scale-up of laboratory microcosms to optimize microbial coal-to-methane production in column flow reactors will be accomplished.
FE0023313 Clemson University SC Characterizing and Interpreting the In Situ Strain Tensor During CO2 Injection 09/30/2018 GS: Geochemical Impacts

This project evaluated how subsurface strain measurements can be used to improve the assessment of geomechanical properties and advance an understanding of geomechanical processes that may present risks to subsurface carbon dioxide (CO2) storage systems. Clemson University designed and built instrumentation for measuring the in-situ strain and evaluating the performance characteristics relative to the existing state-of-the-art instrumentation. Data acquired was used to develop analyses for characterizing the strain field associated with injection near the well and in the vicinity of critical features such as contacts and faults.
FE0023330 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Geomechanical Framework for Secure Carbon Dioxide CO2 Storage in Fractured Reservoirs and Caprocks for Sedimentary Basins in the Midwest United States 09/30/2017 GS: Geomechanical Impacts The project is designed to leverage tools and technologies to improve methods for defining geomechanical risk factors (like geomechanical stress) at carbon dioxide (CO2) storage sites. Project research is utilizing regional geologic data collected from previous and ongoing projects. The methodologies developed under the project may have the potential to enable CO2 storage in many fractured reservoirs through risk reduction, therefore increasing overall CO2 storage capacity by enabling more storage options. In addition, the project has the potential to cut costs by reducing the need for additional expensive testing and logging. The research will benefit both enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CO2 storage applications.
FE0024056 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Computational Design and Discovery of Ni-Based Alloys and Coatings: Thermodynamic Approaches Validated by Experiments 10/31/2017 High Performance Materials The proposed work will consist of two parallel, interacting efforts. Pennsylvania State University (PSU) will develop a predictive computational tool by combining first-principles calculations based on density functional theory and computational thermodynamic modeling. Another objective is to improve and make thermodynamic modeling more efficient. The effort at the University of Pittsburgh includes experimental investigations of phase stabilities and oxidation behavior to validate and improve the computational tools. The integrated computational and experimental efforts aim to reduce the time and cost in developing new and tailoring existing materials.
FE0024075 Western Research Institute (WRI) WY Sorbent-Based Oxygen Production for Energy Systems 09/30/2016 Air Separation The University of Wyoming Research Corporation dba Western Research institute (WRI), along with LP Amina, Inc., Arizona State University, and New Mexico State University, will develop a high-temperature sorbent-based oxygen production technology. The objectives of the project are to develop and characterize an improved sorbent based on mixed conducting metal-oxide ceramic materials, design and build a bench-scale process to test the robustness of the materials, and evaluate sorbent performance as a function of operational parameters. Arizona State will optimize the properties of new perovskite ceramic sorbent materials; New Mexico State will support the optimization process with bench-scale testing. WRI will perform cyclic pressure swing adsorption experiments leading up to engineering development of the sorbent based oxygen production technology, and LP Amina is the commercial partner.
FE0023152 Montana State University MT Geomechanical Monitoring for CO2 HUB Storage: Production and Injection at Kevin Dome 09/30/2017 GS: Geomechanical Impacts This project is developing and validating an integrated framework for coupled monitoring and modeling data to analyze the geomechanical impacts caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) injection. The approach combines satellite-acquired surface deformation data, microseismic monitoring data, and numerical modeling; it also leverages monitoring data sets from a large-scale carbon storage project (Big Sky Carbon Sequestration Partnership). The framework is expected to provide a cost-effective approach for monitoring surface deformation coupled to injection and the associated microseismic activity, thus providing a mechanism for evaluating reservoir integrity.
FE0023476 Case Western Reserve University OH Long Term Degradation of LSM Based SOFC Cathodes Use of a Proven Accelerated Test Regiment 03/31/2019 Cell Technology Case Western Reserve University will team with LG Fuel Cell Systems to develop an understanding of the microstructural basis of long-term performance loss in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) lanthanum strontium manganite (LSM)-based cathodes and will form strategies for improving long-term performance and microstructural and chemical stability for commercial fuel cell systems. The team will carry out accelerated testing of SOFCs with LSM-based cathodes of selected compositions. After intervals of accelerated testing and control experiments using non-accelerated conditions, the cells will undergo extensive state-of-the-art microstructural and nanochemical characterization to determine the physical and chemical changes in the cells. This program of cell fabrication, accelerated testing, microstructural characterization, and comprehensive analysis will culminate in design rules for LSM-based cathodes, informed by mechanistic understanding of the relationships between microstructural changes during operation and the long-term durability of SOFCs.
FE0024054 University of Tennessee TN Computational Design and Performance Prediction of Creep-Resistant Ferritic Superalloys 09/30/2017 High Performance Materials The objectives of this research are to (1) develop and integrate modern computational tools and algorithms, i.e., predictive first-principles calculations, computational-thermodynamic modeling, and meso-scale dislocation-dynamics simulations, to design high-temperature alloys for applications in fossil energy power plants; and (2) understand the processing-microstructure-property-performance links underlying the creep behavior of novel ferritic alloys strengthened by hierarchical coherent B2/L21 precipitates.
FE0024080 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Production of High-Purity Oxygen Via Membrane Contactor with Oxygen Carrier Solutions 09/30/2017 Air Separation The Gas Technology Institute (GTI), with support from the University of South Carolina, will develop a proof of concept of an innovative oxygen production technology using a hollow fiber membrane contactor (HFMC) with an oxygen carrier solution as the solvent and air as feed to produce greater than 95 percent purity oxygen. This involves screening of suitable oxygen carriers that are stable and compatible with HFMC materials and possess high oxygen separation rates and capacities, and the identification of ideal HFMC configurations that offer high mass-transfer coefficients (related to oxygen production rate) and operational stability. A techno-economic analysis will be the final task. The Illinois Clean Coal Institute will be providing third-party cost share.
FE0023142 University of Washington WA Precursor-Derived Nanostructured Silicon Carbide Based Materials for Magnetohydrodynamic Electrode Applications 09/30/2018 Innovative Energy Concepts The University of Washington (UW) will develop a novel class of Silicon carbide (SiC)-based ceramic composite materials with tailored compositions for channel applications in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generators. The project will investigate the effect of precursor chemistry (specifically C/Si) and processing conditions (e.g. temperature) on the nanodomain structure, resultant stoichiometry, nature of the carbon phase (e.g. graphene sheets, carbon nanoparticles) and the resulting, thermo-mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. Combinatorial Materials Exploration protocol will be used to select the minor constituent X in Si-C-X, and investigate its effect on the electrical properties, including thermionic emissions and arching property for use in MHD generators. Important parameters to be investigated are the domain size, the type and distribution of carbon, the size and volume fraction of crystalline SiC and the constituent X. The interaction of these materials with plasma as a first step toward understanding the plasma induced degradation process will be investigated using a newly developed High Density Plasma-Materials Testing Facility that was previously designed and built on the UW campus.
FE0023315 Michigan State University MI Durable, Impermeable Brazes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 09/30/2018 Core Technology Michigan State University (MSU) will team with Delphi Automotive Systems (Delphi) to design and test new solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)-compatible, silver-free brazes to form durable, oxygen- and hydrogen-impermeable protective surface scales. The team will use a combined computational-experimental approach to develop new braze compositions. In addition to instituting a new paradigm for braze development and generating a wealth of important, fundamental material property data, this work will provide new brazes specifically designed to withstand the extremes in temperature, time, atmosphere, and thermal cycling encountered in SOFC operation.
FE0023354 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Geophysical and Mineralogical Controls on the Rheology of Fracture Slip and Seal Breaching 09/30/2018 GS: Geomechanical Impacts This project is studying the geophysical and mineralogical controls on fracture failure induced either seismically or a seismically, and how this relates to anticipated magnitudes of permeability change and the potential for seal/caprock breaching. The project work provides improved understanding of geomechanical processes and impacts critical to carbon dioxide (CO2) injection operations.
FE0024015 University of Illinois IL An Integrated Supercritical System for Efficient Produced Water Treatment and Power Generation 05/31/2018 Innovative Technologies The goal of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of an innovative, integrated, supercritical cogeneration system for cost-effective treatment of produced waters from carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration, oilfields, and coal-bed methane recovery. Methane or coal is used as energy source to drive the proposed system that generates both electricity and pure water. Project tasks include process simulation, thermodynamic analysis, and techno-economic evaluation of the integrated system; design and assembly of supercritical salt precipitation and membrane distillation systems; development and characterization of advanced carbon membranes for supercritical membrane distillation; and desalination and purification of different produced water samples with salt concentrations of 30,000 ppm (mg/L) to 200,000 ppm.
FE0024065 Oregon State University OR New Mechanistic Models of Long Term Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nickel Based Alloys 12/31/2017 High Performance Materials The goal of the project is to create and validate a robust, multiscale, mechanism-based model that quantitatively predicts long term evolution of microstructure for nickel-based alloys, and the effect on mechanical properties such as creep and rupture strength, including variable cyclic operating conditions. This is a fresh approach to simulating long term material response that embeds established mechanistic understanding within a discrete element method (DEM) model framework to create a predictive system with a sound mechanistic foundation.
FE0024088 University of Utah UT Ceramic Proppant Design for In-Situ Microbially Enhanced Methane Recovery 09/30/2017 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification The University of Utah will develop new technology to enhance the economic viability of in situ microbial coal-to-methane conversion within otherwise un-mineable fossil fuel resources. The primary objective is to demonstrate a new method for delivering microbes to the reservoir. A new ceramic proppant (used to prop open hydraulic fractures) will be designed specifically to have improved fluid transport properties while simultaneously delivering microbial consortia to coal seams. In tandem, viable nutrients and microbial consortia will be identified. Bench-scale measurements will verify heating value, cost, and production rates.
FE0024074 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Fouling-Resistant Membranes for Treating Concentrated Brines for Water Reuse in Advanced Energy Systems 09/30/2017 Innovative Technologies The project objective is to demonstrate the efficacy of membrane distillation (MD) as a cost-savings technology to treat concentrated brines (such as, but not limited to, produced waters generated from fossil fuel extraction) that have high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) for beneficial water reuse in power production and other industrial operations as well as agricultural and municipal water uses. In addition, a novel fouling-resistant nanocomposite membrane will be developed to reduce the need for chemicals to address membrane scaling due to the precipitation of divalent ions in high-TDS waters and improve overall MD performance via an electrically conductive membrane distillation process (ECMD). This anti-fouling membrane technology platform is based on incorporating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into the surface layer of existing, commercially available MD membranes. The CNTs confer electrical conductivity to the membrane surface so that an electrical potential can be applied to remove and prevent membrane scaling and fouling.
FE0023382 Washington University MO Impact of Microstructure on the Containment and Migration of CO2 in Fractured Basalts 03/31/2018 GS: Fluid Flow, Pressure & Water Management Under this project, Washington University will advance the understanding of microstructure and surface chemistry impacts on the flow and mineralization of carbon dioxide (CO2) injected into fractured basalt. The project will integrate geomechanical and geochemical characterization of rock cores to advance the understanding of in-situ characterization of the evolution of fracture structure and carbon trapping mechanisms in basalt.
FE0024000 University of Kentucky KY Application of Chemical Looping with Spouting Fluidized Bed for Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Production from Catalytic Coal Gasification 05/31/2019 Air Separation The University of Kentucky (UK) will develop a catalytic gasification process to drive down the capital costs of coal gasification. Two key innovations will be the focus of the project. The first is the synergistic utilization of chemical looping to provide oxygen to the gasification process, thereby foregoing the necessity of having an air separation unit (ASU). This approach is synergistic because the chemical looping particles will be based on a so-called red mud, comprised mainly of iron oxides that should catalyze the gasification process as well as enhance the water-gas shift (WGS) process required to achieve a high-hydrogen syngas—necessary for generating electric power while capturing carbon dioxide emissions. The second key innovation is a spouted bed reactor configuration. This configuration will be developed by UK to enhance the gasification reaction performance.
FE0024006 General Electric (GE) Company SC High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Nozzles for 65% Efficiency 09/30/2021 Advanced Combustion Turbines GE Power & Water will develop cooled high-temperature ceramic matrix composite (CMC) nozzles (non-rotating airfoil hardware) as an innovative turbomachinery component contributing towards the DOE's goal for advanced gas turbine efficiencies that are greater than 65% in combined cycle applications, including coal based IGCC. This project, by leveraging existing design and analysis knowledge and techniques for CMC materials, will utilize extensive analytical evaluations to develop and refine designs for a CMC nozzle in an industrial gas turbine hot gas path. The Phase I project scope of work will consist of three elements: (1) design and analyze attachment configurations: a bayonet style and a more traditional airfoil with two end-walls, (2) investigate impingement and film cooling, and (3) define sealing approaches, design key sealing features, and analyze sealing effectiveness for the best designs. Limited bench flow testing will be performed to support these efforts. The design, or designs, will be the basis for development and testing in a potential future Phase II. Previous related work was performed under DOE contract FC26-05NT42643.
FE0023478 Atrex Energy, Inc. MA Advanced Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Quality Control and the Role of Manufacturing Defects on Stack Reliability 12/31/2017 Core Technology Acumentrics will team with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), under separate field work proposal FWP-HYW1052A, to improve solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system reliability. Non-destructive and automatable techniques will be developed for identifying defective SOFC cells prior to stack and system assembly, thereby improving quality control and long-term performance by preventing premature stack failure (see Figure 1). High-speed methods for defect detection and an understanding of the type of defect and its effect on degradation will be established to progress towards commercially viable production rates.
FE0024014 Energy Industries of Ohio, Inc. OH Benefits of Hot Isostatic Pressure/Powdered Metal (HIP/PM) and Additive Manufacturing (AM) to Fabricate Advanced Energy System Components 09/30/2016 High Performance Materials This project goal is to demonstrate how tailoring Hot Isostatic Pressure of Powdered Metal (HIP/PM), coupled with advances in Additive Manufacturing (AM) has specific, measurable benefits for fabricating advanced energy system components. The objectives for the project include: 1) produce fully dense test coupons to determine the requisite material characterization and sintering protocols, 2) produce two HIP cans in A 282 with different wall thicknesses, and 3) analyze valve parts for chemical and material properties.
FE0024060 TDA Research, Inc. CO Cost-Effective Air Separation Systems 09/30/2016 Air Separation TDA Research Inc. (TDA), with support from the University of California, Irvine, will develop a new chemical absorbent-based air separation process that can deliver low-cost oxygen to various advanced power generation systems, including oxygen-fired pulverized coal boilers and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants. Specific objectives of the proposed work are to increase the technical maturity and commercial viability of the new oxygen separation technology by (1) demonstrating continuous oxygen generation in a continuous circulating bed system, and (2) carrying out a high-fidelity system design and techno-economic analysis. In two previous DOE projects (FG02-05ER84216 and FG02-07ER84677), TDA demonstrated the efficacy of the new air separation concept integrated with an IGCC plant and an oxy-combustion process.
FE0023381 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA A Probabilistic Assessment of the Geomechanical Response to CO2 Injections in Large Igneous Provinces 08/31/2018 GS: Risk Assessment This project is undertaking a probabilistic risk assessment of pressure-induced fracture dilation, hydraulic fracture, and shear failure during industrial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) at the Wallula Basalt Sequestration Pilot Project. Core-flood experiments are being used to determine multi-phase fluid properties of variably saturated rock, and the project team is measuring stress-dependent permeability changes with increasing formation pressure. Monte Carlo numerical simulations are being used to assess the probability of tensile, shear, and breakdown failure within the reservoir rock and overlying formations. The results of the study will be an improved accuracy of existing models to understand impacts of carbon dioxide (CO2) injection on reservoir permeability.
FE0024062 University of Texas at El Paso TX High Temperature High Velocity Direct Power Extraction Using an Open Cycle Oxy Combustion System 06/30/2017 Innovative Energy Concepts This work proposes to develop novel combustor components that can be used in high temperature energy systems, such as oxy-fuel based magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) systems, which will reduce CO2 emissions and provide a combustor system that can be coupled to achieve high efficiency energy conversion rates. To meet this goal, existing facilities will be modified to accommodate a high temperature and high velocity oxy-fuel flow. Deliverables include the design, fabrication, characterization, testing, and documentation of the combustor system performance for use in future computational and system development and construction.
FE0024022 General Electric (GE) Company NY Water Desalination Using Multi-Phase Turbo-Expander 07/31/2016 Plant Optimization Technologies The objective of this project is to establish the technical and economic feasibility of the multiphase turbo-expander water desalination process with a cost of water treatment at least 20% less than thermal evaporation. The key component of the proposed process is an expander capable of working with three phases of the expanding fluid: air, liquid (concentrated brine), and solid (ice and salt crystals). A specific objective for the expander development is to demonstrate at least 80% brine freeze in the expander.
FE0023697 Trustees of Princeton University NJ Design/Cost Study and Commercialization Analysis for Synthetic Jet Fuel Production at a Mississippi Site from Lignite and Woody Biomass with CO2 Capture 03/31/2017 Biomass Feed and Gasification The scope of this project is to design and evaluate the cost-competitiveness of a commercial-scale integrated facility at a southern Mississippi site. The facility will co-gasify lignite and woody biomass to produce syngas that is converted via Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis/refining to liquid products. The primary product will be a synthetic jet fuel suitable to substitute for petroleum-derived jet fuel. The plant production capacity will likely be in the range of 5,000 to 15,000 barrels per day of liquid product. A key objective in the design of this lignite/biomass-to-jet (LBJ) plant is lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the synthetic jet fuel that are less than for petroleum-derived jet fuel. The use of some biomass will help achieve this. Additionally, byproduct CO2 will be captured at the plant, and it will be sold for use in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) to generate revenue.
FE0024092 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Simultaneous Waste Heat and Water Recovery from Power Plant Flue Gases for Advanced Energy System 09/30/2016 Based on past experience developing a Transport Membrane Condenser (TMC) for industrial boiler flue gas water and heat recovery, and coal power plant flue gas slip stream tests, Gas Technology Institute will enhance the TMC to greatly increase its water and energy recovery efficiency and lower its capital and operating costs for power plant applications. Phase I objective is modeling, design and fabrication work, including low cost fabrication method evaluation. Phase II objective is to perform testing to verify performance and evaluate its application for power generation industry, carry out plant integration study and cost benefit analysis, and potentials for commercialization.
FE0024076 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Advanced Ultrasupercritical (AUSC) Tube Membrane Panel Development 03/31/2017 High Performance Materials The goal of this project is to develop the design and manufacturing processes that are required for welded tube membrane panels in power boilers for Advanced Ultra Supercritical (AUSC) steam cycles. This effort is required prior to an AUSC Component Test (AUSC ComTest) facility to demonstrate high temperature, high pressure (up to 760 degrees Celsius (1400 degrees Fahrenheit) and 35MPa (5000psi) steam conditions. Steam cycles operating at AUSC steam conditions can achieve a 10 percent increase in efficiency above current commercially available state-of-the-art USC boiler steam cycles at 29MPa/605 ?C/620 ?C (4200 psi/1121 ?F/1150 ?F). The expected results of the project is a fabricated and heat treated prototype welded tube membrane panel that designed and manufactured for long term (30 years or longer )use at the elevated temperatures and pressures of AUSC steam cycles. The results of this project could also be applied to manufacturing similar assemblies in other advanced fossil energy technologies operating at elevated temperatures and pressures.
FE0024104 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Development of a Thin Film Primary Surface Heat Exchanger for Advanced Power Cycles 03/31/2016 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts The Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), with support from Solar Turbines Inc., will develop a high-temperature heat exchanger design capable of operation in carbon dioxide (CO2) at temperatures up to 1510 degrees Fahrenheit (821 degrees Celsius) and pressure differentials up to 130 pounds per square inch (9 bar). The heat exchanger is proposed for use as a recuperator in an advanced low-pressure oxy-fuel Brayton cycle that is predicted to achieve over 50 percent thermodynamic efficiency, although the heat exchanger could also be used in other high-temperature, low-differential-pressure cycles. The proposed work is based on a proven concept that is actively used for the Mercury 50 gas turbine and will significantly increase the temperature rating of a primary surface heat exchanger used for recuperation.
FE0024008 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) PA Evaluating the Techno-Economic Feasibility of Forward Osmosis Processes Utilizing Low Grade Heat: Applications in Power Plant Water, Wastewater 09/30/2017 Innovative Technologies The goal of this project is to evaluate the potential for low-grade heat to drive water treatment via forward osmosis (FO). The project will evaluate the suitability of using FO to treat wastewater and other impaired water sources for recirculating cooling water makeup water, boiler cycle makeup water, and wet flue gas desulfurization; and to treat ash pond wastewater prior to environmental discharge.
FE0024012 Thar Energy, LLC PA High Temperature Heat Exchange Design and Fabrication for Systems with Large Pressure Differentials 12/31/2016 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts Thar Energy, LLC and Southwest Research Institute propose the design of a compact heat exchanger using microchannel technology for operation at high temperature, up to 700 degrees Celsius, and high pressure differentials, approximately 2,500 psi between streams. This heat exchanger is intended for use in high-efficiency electrical generation systems such as supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) power cycles. This project will consist of preliminary and detailed design and prototype fabrication and testing. Preliminary design efforts will include a technology gap study, heat exchanger tube material selection, analyses of manufacturing and fabrication techniques, and heat exchanger tube geometry design. Detailed design will consist of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), heat transfer, and structural analysis of the proposed design to examine the flow characteristics and thermal performance. Fabrication will demonstrate compatibility of the selected material and manufacturing technique. Prototype testing will consist of hydrostatic and pressurized flow testing at representative pressure differentials.
FE0024041 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX High Inlet Temperature Combustor for Direct Fired Supercritical Oxy-Combustion 12/31/2022 Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles

The team of Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), GE Global Research, American Air Liquide, Georgia Tech, University of Central Florida, and Spectral Energies will develop a high inlet temperature oxy-combustor suitable for integration into a direct-fired supercritical oxy-combustion power plant for fossil energy applications. Phase I efforts (which included another sub-award, Thar Energy) evaluated a direct-fired oxy-combustion system using system engineering design and thermodynamic analysis to assess plant efficiencies with ancillary loads, verify operating conditions for the supercritical oxy-combustor, and optimize the overall plant configuration. Phase I also included a technical gap analysis of the proposed plant to identify critical component and technology development needs and the initial design of a supercritical oxy-combustor suitable for direct-fired oxy-combustion using natural gas or syngas. The Phase II effort involves the design, hardware fabrication, process controls, and operations required for integrating the 1 MWe SunShot sCO2 Test Loop (developed under DE-EE0005804) with a ‘first-of-a-kind’ supercritical oxy-combustor along with consideration of thermal management, water separation, flue gas cleanup, materials, and corrosion. The 1 MWt sCO2 oxy-combustor will provide a portion of the total SunShot test loop sCO2 that is circulated.
FE0024057 Porifera, Inc. CA The COHO - Utilizing Low-Grade Heat and Carbon Dioxide at Power Plants for Water Treatment 09/30/2016 Plant Optimization Technologies This project will develop and optimize a water treatment system, herein called COHO (CO2- H2O), that will use low-grade waste heat and carbon dioxide from flue gas at power plants. COHO will have higher water recovery and will be able to treat more problematic water using less energy compared to state-of-the-art technologies. The goals of the project are to first optimize the system process, including; carbon dioxide and water processing as well as the draw chemistry. Porifera will build, operate, and test the system at a power plant, develop technoeconomic model of COHO, and demonstrate the viability.
FE0023317 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania PA Cost Effective Manufacturing and Morphological Stabilization of Nanostructured Cathodes for Commercial Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 03/31/2018 Cell Technology The University of Pennsylvania, with team members University of South Carolina and Fuel Cell Energy (FCE), will address two critical problems with solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)—manufacturability and stability—by developing simple, cost-effective processes for manufacturing nanostructured cathodes and unique methods to stabilize the nanostructured cathodes under typical SOFC operating conditions. Team members will conduct fundamental studies of cathode properties and detailed characterization of their structure. The newly-developed cathodes will then be incorporated into industrial-scale cells and their performance validated.
FE0023577 Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. CA Advanced Gasifier and Water Gas Shift Technologies for Low Cost Coal Conversion to High Hydrogen Syngas 09/30/2016 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification Aerojet Rocketdyne (AR), and team members RTI International (RTI), Gas Technology Institute (GTI), Coanda, and Nexant, are developing and maturing an advanced pilot-scale gasifier for use in a first-of-a-kind, commercially relevant demonstration plant. AR has successfully designed and operated a compact gasifier at a pilot scale. AR and Coanda are teaming to test quench zone simulations. RTI is furthering existing research into advanced water gas shift catalysts, which will enable and reduce the cost of high-H2 syngas production. GTI will test a range of coals, as well as a coal/natural gas hybrid, in the compact gasifier. Nexant will prepare a techno-economic analysis based on the outcome of these efforts, validating the benefits of the proposed technologies for both integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) and coal-to-liquids (CTL) plants.
FE0024020 Brayton Energy, LLC NH Manufacturing Process Development for Lower-Cost Heat Exchangers in High-Temperature/Pressure Applications 12/31/2016 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts Brayton Energy goal for this project is to advance the state of development of heat exchanger technology for high-temperature (up to 850 degrees Celsius), high-pressure (up to 25 Megapascal) operating conditions within advanced power generation applications, such as supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) power cycles. The work will be based upon Brayton's plate-matrix heat exchanger technology, currently under development. The scope for this project includes manufacturing development, heat exchanger characterization testing, and cost modeling. The flattened-panel heat exchanger cell was conceived and prototyped as part of DOE contract DE-EE0005799.
FE0024027 General Electric (GE) Company NY Modeling Long-Term Creep Performance for Welded Nickel-Base Superalloy Structures for Power Generation Systems 11/30/2016 High Performance Materials The goal of this project is to model long-term creep performance for nickel-based superalloy weldments in high temperature power generation systems. The project will use physics-based modeling methodologies and algorithms to predict alloy properties in heterogeneous material structures. The modeling methodology will be demonstrated on a gas turbine combustor liner weldment of Haynes H282 precipitate-strengthened nickel-based superalloy.
FE0024067 Babcock & Wilcox Company OH Component Test Facility (COMTEST) Phase 1 Engineering for 760OC (1400 Deg F) Advanced Ultrasupercritical (A-USC) Steam Generator Development 01/31/2016 High Performance Materials The goal of this project is to perform the pre-front end engineering design (Pre-FEED) of a gas fired advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam superheater capable of operating at 760 degrees Celsius (?C)steam temperature. The superheater would be part of a future A-USC component test program. The pre-front end engineering design package will include data definition, systems evaluation and materials/components selection that would be needed to complete final engineering design of the A-USC steam superheater in an A-USC component test facility. Plans for the steam superheater manufacturing, construction, commissioning, operation and testing will also be developed in this project. The expected results of the project will be the completed pre-front end engineering package for procurement, construction, and installation of an A-USC steam superheater capable of operating at 760 ?C, and as close as possible to the mechanical stress conditions that would be expected in a commercial scale A-USC superheater.
FE0024120 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) NC Predicting the Oxidation/Corrosion Performance of Structural Alloys in Supercritical CO2 09/30/2017 High Performance Materials The goal of this project is to develop an oxidation/corrosion model to predict the performance of structural alloys in terms of oxide growth rate and tendency for scale exfoliation, in supercritical CO2 in severe operating environments at high temperatures. This goal will be accomplished by: 1) short-term isothermal lab scale oxidation/corrosion tests in high-pressure (200 atmosphere [atm] or higher) and high-temperature (650-750 degrees Celsius) supercritical CO2; 2) characterization of the oxide scales on the exposed samples, determination of the oxide scale growth and exfoliation kinetics and 3) modeling of the process of oxide growth and exfoliation with and without heat-flux, and application of the model to actual tube geometries. A longer-term exposure on a relevant geometry will also be conducted as a confirmatory test for the developed model. Using the model results, recommendations will be made for structural materials selection for alloys in high temperature supercritical CO2 environments. A validated model to predict oxidation and exfoliation rates of structural alloys in advanced supercritical CO2 (sCO2) power generation cycles will be developed.
FE0024090 Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc. NY High Temperature Ceramic Heat Exchanger for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 03/31/2017 High Performance Materials Mohawk Innovative Technology will develop a ceramic heat exchanger with high effectiveness and low pressure drop to work as a preheater for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) application. The objectives for the project include R&D work to select a design, material, and fabrication method for the heat exchanger followed by component tests under relevant SOFC conditions.
FE0023543 Praxair, Inc. NY OTM-Enhanced Coal Syngas for Carbon Capture Power Systems and Fuel Synthesis Applications 06/30/2018 Air Separation Praxair will focus on developing a techno-economic analysis of an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant with CO2 capture with an integrated oxygen transport membrane (OTM) syngas converter. Other process variables will include using natural gas as a secondary feedstock and evaluating the conversion of coal and natural gas-derived syngas to liquid fuels. The results of this analysis will be incorporated into a scalable panel array module, which will be field tested at the National Carbon Capture Center using syngas from a coal-fed gasifier. This project builds on the success of work undertaken with DOE support to develop basic ceramic materials, single-tube membrane structures, and process integration strategies for oxy-fuel combustion.
FE0023592 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Breakthrough Hybrid CTL Process Integrating Advanced Technologies for Coal Gasification, NG Partial Oxidation, Warm Syngas Cleanup and Syngas-to-Jet 03/31/2019 Advanced Fuels Synthesis The proposed hybrid CTL process integrates a number of emerging technologies anticipated to produce jet fuel that is cost competitive with that from petroleum with an equal or lower carbon footprint. The process technology components selected for the hybrid CTL process include Aerojet Rocketdyne (AR) advanced compact gasifier with dry solids feed pump and natural gas partial oxidation (POX) technologies and RTI warm syngas cleaning (WDP) and novel syngas-to-liquids (STL) technologies. In Phase I, a bench-scale STL reactor system will be used to provide liquid hydrocarbon samples suitable for upgrading to jet fuel. RTI will work with Axens to use the analysis of these samples to evaluate upgrading configurations and optimize the configuration of RTI STL system for producing a jet fuel intermediate. In Phase II, the integrated 1 BPD pilot-scale test will be used to produce approximately 1 barrel of intermediate product from syngas generated from coal, natural gas and combinations of coal and natural gas. The intermediate product from these pilot scale tests will be upgraded by Axens into jet fuel. The preliminary techno-economic analysis completed in Phase I will be updated with the experimental data obtained from the pilot scale testing and upgrading.
FE0023663 Altex Technologies Corporation CA Green-House-Gas-Reduced Coal-and-Biomass-to-Liquid-Based Jet Fuel (GHGR-CBTL) Process 05/31/2017 Advanced Fuels Synthesis Altex and its partners will design, fabricate, test, and assess the performance of a greater than 1 barrel per day process to produce synthetic JP-8 jet fuel. The process combines lower temperature fast pyrolysis and the production of a targeted intermediate that can be converted to a liquid hydrocarbon fuel at a lower cost than gasification/Fischer-Tropsch methods. The system will be tested utilizing low-rank U.S. mined coal (lignite and/or subbituminous) and lignocellulosic biomass in ratios between 51% and 85% coal by higher heating value (HHV). The product will be sent to third parties for testing compliance with key military jet fuel specifications.
FE0023915 Ohio State University OH Pilot Scale Operation and Testing of Syngas Chemical Looping for Hydrogen Production 06/30/2018 Air Separation The Ohio State University (OSU) will demonstrate the long-term operation of their 250 kilowatt syngas chemical looping (SCL) pilot at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) in Wilsonville, Alabama. The project team consists of OSU, Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group, First Energy, and Clear Skies Consulting. The scope of work consists of (1) maintenance, startup and operation of the SCL pilot unit in hydrogen generation mode for chemical production for up to four gasifier test campaigns at the NCCC and (2) completion of a technical and economic evaluation of the technology based on knowledge gained from these campaigns. This evaluation will be used to develop a deployment path for the SCL technology. The construction of SCL pilot unit was completed by OSU under a previous competitively-selected DOE ARPA-E Cooperative Agreement, DE-AR0000017.
FE0024011 United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) CT Combined Cycle Power Generation Employing Pressure Gain Combustion 06/30/2016 Pressure Gain Combustion United Technologies Research Center will further advance pressure gain combustion (PGC) systems and transition this technology to combined-cycle gas turbines. The objective of the project is to assess the potential benefit of PGC system technology for combined-cycle gas turbines and compare it to the DOE goals. Multiple analyses will be completed in order to accomplish this objective. A system cycle model of the entire combined-cycle turbine system and the modules that model the unique components of the PGC system will be developed and validated against the existing experimental data. The immediate outcome of the program would be a realistic assessment of the potential efficiency improvement of PGC technology on combined-cycle power generation and an accurate assessment of the commercial impact of its adoption. Additionally, the program would document the technical gaps and the required research and development to overcome them.
FE0024058 Altex Technologies Corporation CA Low Cost Recuperative Heat Exchanger for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Systems 06/30/2019 Advanced Combustion Altex Technologies Corp. (Altex) and project team partners—Dresser-Rand(D-R), Echogen, and Babcock & Wilcox (B&W)—will develop, design, and build a 500 kilowatt (kW) High Effectiveness Low Cost (HELC) Recuperative Heat Exchanger (RHEX) for supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) waste heat power systems. Altex will build and test coupons as well as deliver an available 30 kW HELC in a SCO2 laboratory test system at Echogen. Echogen will test the unit and provide data and feedback to the team. Using the smaller scale (coupon and 30 kW articles) test results and analyses, and B&W inputs on materials selection, Altex will develop and design a 500 kW unit for testing, and use ISO and ASA certified manufacturers to fabricate and bond the unit. After quality checking the integrity of the unit, it will be installed in Echogen's 250 kW demonstrator power system and tested by Echogen under the power system operating conditions of interest. Using the test data and analysis, the performance and economic benefits of HELC will be determined by Altex. Finally, D-R and Altex will develop a transition plan to support the commercialization of HELC RHEX. Altex has developed HELC under previous DOE contract DE-EE0004541.
FE0024066 Ceralink, Inc. NY Addictive Manufacturing for Cost Efficient Production of Compact Ceramic Heat Exchangers and Recuperators 10/31/2015 High Performance Materials The project seeks to develop a high-temperature and compact ceramic heat exchanger based on the laminated object manufacturing technique. Ceralink will perform the fabrication of sub-scale and full-scale heat exchanger prototypes and address issues related to sealing of the heat exchanger. United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) will develop heat exchanger models and provide designs for fabrication by Ceralink. UTRC will also perform high temperature tests for heat exchanger prototype validation. The goal is to produce and test a full-scale, high temperature compact ceramic heat exchanger by the end of the project.
FE0024126 Southern Illinois University IL Optimized Microbial Conversion of Bituminous Coal to Methane for In Situ and Ex Situ Applications 09/30/2017 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification The goal of this Southern Illinois University (SIU) project is to maximize methane productivity from bituminous coal through adding a nutrient medium. To achieve this goal, SIU aims to simplify the composition of the nutrient solution used in previous studies (that showed a 50-fold higher methane production compared to that without a nutrient medium); maximize methane yield by investigating individual and interactive effects of different parameters such as coal particle size, temperature, pH, mixing, and addition of surfactants, solvents, and electron donors in microcosm setups; and investigate methane production through biological coal conversion (BCC) in a fed-batch cultivation mode. SIU will then evaluate methane yield in a dynamic bioreactor system where nutrient or other supplements can be added and methane and headspace gas can be withdrawn intermittently. Finally, methane production using established microbial consortia in pressurized reactors will be investigated.
FE0023497 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Alstom's Limestone Chemical Looping Gasification Process for High Hydrogen Syngas Generation 12/31/2017 Air Separation Research conducted under this project aims to develop Alstom limestone-based chemical looping gasification (LCL-G™) concept for conversion of coal to high-hydrogen syngas for power generation and/or liquid fuel production. NewCO2Fuels Ltd. will provide solid oxide electrolysis cell-based hydrogen production expertise, and the Illinois Clean Coal Institute will provide financial support. The LCL-G process will be evaluated and refined using bench-scale testing followed by process validation at Alstom 3-megawatt (thermal power) chemical looping test facility. A techno-economic assessment of the LCL-G technology for power and/or diesel fuel synthesis will be conducted to demonstrate that the system has the potential to meet DOE cost and performance goals.
FE0023684 TDA Research, Inc. CO Integrated Water-Gas-Shift (WGS) / Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture Process 09/30/2021 Gasification Systems

TDA Research Inc. (TDA) will develop an integrated water-gas shift (WGS) pre-combustion CO2 capture technology to eliminate CO2 emissions from integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants and coal-to-liquid plants. The project team includes the Gas Technology Institute (GTI); the University of California, Irvine (UCI); Indigo Power Systems LLC (Indigo); the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC); Praxair; and CB&I Lummus Technology (CB&I). The team will design a gasification reactor using computational fluid dynamics and kinetic modeling to achieve optimum CO2 removal and hydrogen recovery. TDA will be the lead and perform the system design and sorbent production. TDA will work with GTI in the design and fabrication of a slipstream test unit. UCI and Indigo will conduct the process modeling and design and carry out the system and economic analyses. Praxair will support the field tests at the Praxair Facility in Tonawanda, NY.
FE0023974 Edison Welding Institute, Inc. OH Additive Manufacturing of Fuel Injectors 10/31/2017 High Performance Materials Edison Welding Institute will develop a novel process to qualify the additive manufacturing (AM) technique of laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) for complex gas turbine components made of high temperature nickel-based alloys. The project objectives include evaluating the impact of (1) powder selection method, (2) AM machine process parameters, and (3) heat treat sensitivity on the manufacture of production-scale fuel injector tips.
FE0023983 Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. CA Rotating Detonation Combustion for Gas Turbines - Modeling and System Synthesis to Exceed 65% Efficiency Goal 09/30/2019 Pressure Gain Combustion Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. will develop, validate, and integrate a systems model for a rotating detonation combustor into an overall systems model of a power plant and define the path to configurations that exceed 65 percent combined-cycle efficiency. The RDE system presents an opportunity for potential performance improvement because of the similarity of the detonation process to constant volume combustion. This program will begin by developing and validating a system simulation tool for integration into a power plant systems model. Results will be implemented into the power plant systems model to define the path to configurations that exceed 65 percent combined cycle efficiency.
FE0024077 Ceramatec, Inc. UT Compact, Ceramic Microchannel Heat Exchangers 09/30/2016 High Performance Materials Ceramatec will collaborate with The Colorado School of Mines (CSM) to meet the project objectives. Ceramatec will lead the project and will be responsible for fabricating and testing heat exchanger plates and stacks. CSM will derive heat exchanger plate specifications from system requirements using numerical power systems modeling approaches, such as ASPEN. Subsequently, CSM will work with Ceramatec to design the microchannel architecture for a heat exchanger plate that will be the basic repeat unit of heat exchanger stacks. CSM will perform 3-D, computational fluid dynamics, using numerical modelling tools such as FLUENT. Ceramatec will fabricate heat exchanger plates using its unique microchannel manufacturing capabilities and test the behavior of the plates in laboratory apparatus. Test results will be used as feedback to iterative design modifications. These activities will serve to define a heat exchanger plate design for stack testing. Ceramatec will fabricate heat exchanger plates and assemble them into stacks capable of 1-5 kWth thermal duty. Ceramatec will integrate the stacks with appropriate manifolds and thermal systems for subsequent testing at elevated temperature.
FE0024083 Southern Research Institute AL Indirect Liquefaction of Coal-Biomass Mixtures for Production of Jet Fuel with High Productivity and Selectivity 12/31/2017 Advanced Fuels Synthesis Southern Research Institute will conduct a research and development project to provide innovative improvements to indirect coal liquefaction for conversion of coal or coal/biomass mixtures to jet fuel with high productivity and selectivity. This project proposes the production of a hydrocarbon product from a coal/biomass blend. The hydrocarbon product will be directly blended with petroleum-based jet fuel at approximately 50% by volume with the resulting mixture meeting JP-8 specifications. The project focus is to reduce the cost, increase process efficiency and improve the life-cycle for coal-to-liquids (CTL) production of jet fuel through process intensification design upgrades for the reactor, catalyst and catalyst bed configuration.
FE0023955 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Ceramic Matrix Composite Advanced Transition for 65% Combined Cycle 05/31/2018 Advanced Combustion Turbines Siemens Energy Inc. will develop a ceramic matrix composite (CMC)-based design for Siemens Advanced Transition in support of 65 percent efficient gas turbines. The primary deliverable is a design concept ready for fabrication and test in a follow-on (Phase 2) project. Siemens patented Hybrid Oxide CMC system will be the basis for the design of this part.
FE0023863 Ceramatec, Inc. UT Technology for GHG Emission Reduction and Cost-Competitive Mil-Spec Jet Fuel Production Using Coal-To-Liquid 03/31/2018 Advanced Fuels Synthesis Ceramatec intends to demonstrate the production of jet fuel from a coal and glycerol or other biomass. The project will integrate several unique technologies to produce a product that may be directly blended with jet fuel from petroleum based sources. The cost is anticipated to be competitive with jet fuel from petroleum, and generate approximately 30 percent less Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions compared to conventional petroleum-based jet fuel. Process modeling will be performed to determine the mix of coal and glycerol or other biomass to achieve the target emission reduction and cost. Successful completion of this project will provide the data required for design of a commercial facility capable of providing jet fuel meeting specification and establishing the ability to produce jet fuel from coal with reduced GHG emissions.
FE0023963 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Direct Coal to Liquid for Jet Fuel Using Biomass Derived Solvents 06/30/2017 Biomass Feed and Gasification

This project focused on investigating a direct coal/biomass to liquids (CBTL) process for producing jet fuel that uses novel biomass-derived solvents with excellent hydrogen-donor capability, eliminates molecular hydrogen required for producing syncrude, and operates under milder conditions (approx. 500 vs. 2,500 psi). All major process steps were explored and refined at bench-scale under continuous operating conditions, including (a) biomass conversion to high hydrogen-donor solvents; (b) coal dissolution in biomass-derived solvents to produce syncrude; and (c) two-stage catalytic hydrogenation/ hydrotreating of syncrude to jet fuel and other distillates. The process was scaled to continuous, pre-pilot scale. Project development efforts—utilizing domestic coal as 55-percent of the input feedstock on a BTU basis (higher heating value) and 45-percent biomass via the direct CBTL process—are expected to advance development of high-hydrogen donor bio-oil solvents and two-stage catalytic syncrude hydrogenation/hydrotreating technologies.
FE0023985 8 Rivers Capital, LLC NC Coal Syngas Combustor Development for High-Pressure, Oxy-Fuel SC02 Cycle Applications 06/30/2016 Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles 8 Rivers Capital, along with Toshiba Corporation, will develop an innovative, first-of-its-kind, oxy-syngas combustor operating at high-pressure with supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) diluent and cooling. This project will advance coal syngas combustion in the environments required by these systems through developing a conceptual design of a syngas-fueled combustor-turbine block for 300MWe, high-pressure, oxy-fuel, SCO2 power system. 8 Rivers will also produce a preliminary detailed design of a 5MWth test combustor and the design of a test program and rig to demonstrate the feasibility of the combustion environment.
FE0023998 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Advanced Turbomachinery Components for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles 06/30/2016 Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles Aerojet Rocketdyne (AR) along with Duke Energy, Alstom Power, Electric Power Research, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are developing more innovatively mature turbomachinery components for indirectly and directly heated supercritical CO2 (SCO2) power generation cycles. The project team will perform systems analyses for both directly and indirectly heated cycles; perform turbomachinery layout studies; and perform a technology gap analysis to assess where future investments and testing are needed. AR and ORNL will also perform long duration high-temperature, high-pressure exposure tests on a variety of materials in SCO2 to determine materials compatibility and inform future turbomachinery designs.
FE0024084 Southern Research Institute AL Treatment of Produced Water from Carbon Sequestration Sites for Water Reuse, Mineral Recovery and Carbon Utilization 12/31/2017 The project will demonstrate the feasibility of a novel and innovative approach for managing and maximizing reuse of waters produced for reservoir pressure and plume management during CO2 injection. This approach aims to be environmentally sustainable. The produced brines will undergo pre-treatment and/or pre-concentration (if total dissolved solids is < 50,000 mg/L) prior to evaporation. Following evaporation, the very concentrated waste brine and solids will undergo solidification/stabilization to form an easily manageable solid that can be landfilled. Moisture in the flue gases from the evaporation process will be condensed using supercritical CO2 as the working fluid to recover water for reuse.
FE0024085 Southern Company Services, Inc. AL Field Demonstration Study for Heat and Water Recovery at a Coal-Fired Power Plant 06/30/2016 The objective of this project is to conduct an engineering study as a prelude to a field demonstration of how low-grade waste heat can be used to reduce water usage rates and improve system efficiency in a coal-fired power plant. A commercial system combining low-grade heat-recovery technologies and end uses to cost-effectively improve efficiency and reduce water consumption is yet to be developed. The project team will identify combinations of heat-recovery/use technologies that match up well for heat and temperature profiles, enabling identification of near-term opportunities for utilities to use waste heat; quantify the value of potential improvements in heat-recovery technologies with respect to the cost of the technology, potential increased benefits by widening availability of heat-uses that can be coupled with them, and potential water savings in terms of amount of water per unit of power produced; and recommend a combined process to be field tested at a Southern Company plant.
FE0024431 Illinois State Geological Survey IL A Nonconventional CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery Target in the Illinois Basin: Oil Reservoirs of the Thick Cypress Sandstone 04/30/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore) The goal of this research is to identify and quantify the nonconventional carbon dioxide (CO2) enhanced oil recovery (EOR) target opportunities within the thick Cypress Sandstone in the Illinois basin. This will be accomplished by completing detailed reservoir characterization and modeling, developing CO2 injection scenarios to maximize storage efficiency, and determining economics for increasing oil recovery while storing CO2.
FE0024433 University of Texas at Austin TX Carbon Life Cycle Analysis of CO2-EOR for Net Carbon Negative Oil (NCNO) Classification 12/31/2018 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

The objective of the project was to develop and apply a universal methodology for estimating the carbon balance of a carbon dioxide (CO2) enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) operation and to make the determination of whether the operation can attain Net Carbon Negative Oil (NCNO) classification. The project team identified and framed critical carbon balance components for the accurate mass accounting of a CO2-EOR operation and developed strategies that are conducive to achieving an NCNO classification. In addition, the researchers considered energy-intensive components of the operation not typically included in carbon life cycle analyses and similar studies, such as compression and fluid handling. The team selected the Cranfield site in Mississippi (an active CO2-EOR field) as the ideal case study field.
FE0024453 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Identification of Residual Oil Zones in the Williston and Powder River Basins 03/31/2018 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

The project team identified and evaluated residual oil zones (ROZs) in the Williston and Powder River Basins through comprehensive reservoir basin evolution modeling, simulation, temperature and saturation logging, and fairway mapping. The presence, extent, and oil saturation of ROZs in the Williston and Powder River Basins was identified and the oil in place (OIP) and carbon dioxide (CO2) storage potential was determined. The research identified ROZs in both basins that could promote further domestic oil production and encourage further CO2 capture for utilization in recovering oil from these and other sedimentary basins.
FE0024454 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Improved Characterization and Modeling of Tight Oil Formations for CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential and Storage Capacity Estimation 10/31/2017 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore) The project is developing improved tools and techniques to assess and validate fluid flow in tight, fractured reservoirs resulting in an ability to better characterize and determine the storage capacity for CO2 and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) potential of tight oil formations. Specifically, the project is developing methods to better characterize fractures and pores at the macro-, micro-, and nanoscale levels, identifying potential correlations between fracture characteristics and other rock properties of tight oil formations, correlating core characterization data with well log data to better calibrate geocellular models, and evaluating CO2 permeation and oil extraction rates and mechanisms.
NT0005670 Lumedyne Technologies, Inc. CA Fabry-perot Mems Accelerometers for Advanced Seismic Imaging 05/31/2015 Geologic Characterization / Assessment The project will build and demonstrate high performance Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) accelerometer technology for improved seismic imaging. If successful, this new MEMS technology will significantly reduce deployment costs for seismic instrumentation and could make a fully "instrumented" oil field /gas reservoir a reality.
FE0001243 University of Utah UT Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources 09/30/2015 Other - EOR The Institute for Clean and Secure Energy is conducting research to improve industry's ability to utilize the vast energy stored in domestic oil shale and oil sands resources in a manner that will minimize environmental impact and effectively capture the combustion CO2 from production, upgrading, and refining of the produced liquid fuel. The objective of this research is to perform engineering, scientific, and legal research directed toward the development of oil shale and oil sands resources in Utah. This validation research brings together multi-scale experimental measurements--from molecular scale through pore scale and, ultimately, reservoir or basin scale computer simulations--to enhance our understanding of the geology and in situ processing parameters controlling efficient production of oil shale and oil sands resources. Knowledge gained from this research will apply to most, if not all, industry processes and, in particular, those processes that utilize in situ methods for resource recovery.
FE0000975 University of Pittsburgh PA Sustainable Management of Flowback Water During Hydraulic Fracturing of Marcellus Shale for Natural Gas Production 01/24/2015 Produced Water In this Marcellus Shale project, optimal flowback water treatment processes will be identified, and acid mine drainage water will be examined as a potential supplement to water used for hydrofracturing. Novel viscosity modifiers that are stable under high salinities will also be developed. Successful completion of this project will reduce the amount of freshwater needed and minimize the disposal costs.
FE0001175 Petroleum Technology Transfer Council (PTTC) OK Target Technology Transfer for United States Independents 09/30/2014 Unconventional Fossil Energy PTTC will transfer information and R&D results from both Department of Energy (DOE)-supported and industry research to a broad oil and natural gas stakeholder audience, including independent producers, academia, technology developers, the service sector, and majors. The technology transfer will primarily be in the form of workshops, newsletters, e-mail alerts, and tech centers on the internet.
FE0005917 University of Texas at Austin TX Use of Engineered Nanoparticle-Stabilized CO2 Foams to Improve Volumetric Sweep of CO2 EOR Processes 01/31/2015 CO2 EOR The goal of this project is to develop a new CO2 injection enhanced oil recovery (CO2 EOR) process using engineered nanoparticles with optimized surface coatings that has better volumetric sweep efficiency and a wider application range than conventional CO2 EOR processes. The objectives are to (1) identify the characteristics of the optimal nanoparticles that generate extremely stable CO2 foams in situ in reservoir regions without oil; (2) develop a novel method of mobility control using "self-guiding" foams with smart nanoparticles; and (3) extend the applicability of the new method to reservoirs having a wide range of salinity, temperatures, and heterogeneity.
FE0005902 University of Texas at Austin TX Novel CO2 Foam Concepts and Injection Schemes for Improving CO2 Sweep Efficiency in Sandstone and Carbonate Hydrocarbon Formations 12/31/2014 CO2 EOR The goal of this project is to develop mobility control agents using surfactants injected with carbon dioxide (CO2) rather than with water for CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in heterogeneous carbonate and sandstone reservoirs. Objectives are to (1) reduce CO2 mobility in CO2 swept portions of the reservoir—but not at the light-hydrocarbon enriched CO2 displacement front; (2) reduce mobility more in higher permeability than in lower permeability intervals; (3) improve distribution of injected fluids in natural fracture networks; (4) reduce the amount of surfactant required to achieve successful mobility control; and (5) achieve displacement efficiency well below the MMP by using surfactants with ultra-low water/oil interfacial tension . These attributes will divert CO2 from swept regions to regions with unswept oil.
FE0005979 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM Nanoparticle-stabilized CO2 Foam for Co2 Eor Application 01/31/2015 CO2 EOR The goal of this project is to develop and evaluate, through coreflood tests at reservoir conditions, a nanoparticle-stabilized carbon dioxide (CO2) foam system that can improve CO2 sweep efficiency in CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and minimize particle retention in the reservoir.
FE0005961 Illinois State Geological Survey IL Rva: 3-D Visualization & Analysis Software to Support Management of Oil & Gas Resources 09/15/2015 Reservoir Simulation The University of Illinois is developing a State-of-the-Art 3-D visualization and analysis software package targeted to improve development of oil and gas resources. Reservoir Visualization and Analysis (RVA) will display data, models, and reservoir simulation results. It will have the ability to allow users to visualize and query data from geologic models and reservoir simulations. This will improve exploration and development cycle time and also improve the technical quality of interpretations and development decisions. Key capabilities of RVA will include simultaneous viewing and analysis of multiple reservoir fluids and data mining of combined geologic models and reservoir simulation results. The overall technical objectives to be accomplished during the project's three phases are: (Phase 1) visualization code development, a detailed design plan of software capabilities, and complete and publicly release RVA software Beta 1.0, (Phase 2) complete and publicly release RVA software beta 2.0, and (Phase 3) complete and publicly release RVA software version 1.0, and the final open source release of 2.0. Multiple RVA software workshops for technology transfer of the final open source version of the RVA software will be conducted.
FE0005889 University of Texas of the Permian Basin TX Case Studies of the Residual Oil Zones (ROZ) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Flood and the Combined ROX/main Pay Zone (MPZ) CO2 Flood at the Goldsmith Landreth 06/30/2015 CO2 EOR The University of Texas of the Permian Basin plans to optimize technical and economic performance of a residual oil zone (ROZ) carbon dioxide (CO2) flood and transfer the knowledge to small producers. The objectives are to (1) characterize the main pay zone (MPZ) and ROZ within the ROZ pilot area; (2) conduct laboratory analyses and reservoir simulation to evaluate the performance of the ROZ pilot flood; and (3) provide recommendations for an optimum field-wide expansion of the CO2 flood in the ROZ and MPZ at the Goldsmith Field. Major project activities include (1) developing a detailed characterization of the MPZ and ROZs from a 1150 feet of core to be provided by the field operator at the Goldsmith-Landreth San Andres Unit, Ector County, TX; (2) examining formation and fluid geochemical analyses to develop an understanding of the differences between the ROZ and MPZ; (3) describing depositional and diagenetic processes in each zone to assist project planning, flood optimization, and design; (4) performing simulations using laboratory and core descriptions; (5) designing logging profile techniques to optimize conformance in injection and production wells, and executing them with new and innovative techniques while using capillary tubes in production wells for fluid lift enhancement; (6) conducting comparative analysis of the dedicated ROZ and the co-mingled MPZ ROZ project; and (7) entering analytical results into an analog SADR/MPZ/CO2 floods database.
FE0009949 Ohio State University OH A New Approach to Understanding the Occurrence and Volume of Natural Gas Hydrate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico using Petroleum Industry Well Logs 03/31/2016 Marine Characterization Ohio State University (Ohio State) plans to significantly increase the understanding of the occurrence, volume, and fine scale distribution of natural gas hydrate in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) using petroleum industry and Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project (JIP) well logs. To accomplish this, over 1700 industry well logs from wells that penetrate the gas hydrate stability zone will be analyzed for occurrence of natural gas hydrate in both sand and clay reservoirs. The industry well log analysis will be coupled with analysis and high-resolution modeling of the sand and fracture gas hydrate reservoirs using well logs collected during the JIPLeg 2. Finally, Ohio State will use modeling results from the JIP Leg 2 wells and the industry analysis as inputs to a Monte Carlo simulation to formulate an estimate of the volume of natural gas hydrates in sand reservoirs and all sediment types in the GOM.
FE0010180 Southern Methodist University TX Gas Hydrate Dynamics on the Alaskan Beaufort Continental Slope: Modeling and Field Characterization 03/31/2017 Gas Hydrates in the Environment Southern Methodist University (SMU) plans to assess the contemporary state of the upper feather edge of deepwater methane hydrate stability on the U.S. continental slope to determine if it is in equilibrium with present-day climate conditions. During phase one of the project, SMU will conduct numerical modeling with upgraded, computer systems running Matlab and seismic processing codes. In Phase 2 SMU will perform an assessment to locate and commit to a vessel for use in completing the Phase 2 field-based component of the project. Phase 2 activities will also include cruise preparation, including site/transect selection and completion of field-based activities to acquire piston cores, heat flow thermal data, and water column data from the U.S. continental slope. During Phase 3, SMU will conduct extensive laboratory-based analyses of sediment samples collected from the Phase 2 cruise for microbiological, geochemical, and biogeochemical studies as well as conduct cruise preparation and completion of a second field-based cruise. In addition, during Phase 3 enhancements will be made to the numerical model using new data from the cruise to inform updates to the Phase 1 results. Digital data sets acquired on the cruise will be processed, and the data will be prepared for release.
FE0010496 Oregon State University OR Application of Crunch-flow Routines to Constrain Present and Past Carbon Fluxes at Gas-hydrate Bearing Sites 01/31/2014 Gas Hydrates The goal of this project is to apply a multicomponent, multi-dimensional reactive transport simulation code to constrain modern day methane fluxes and to reconstruct past episodes of methane flux that can be correlated with environmental changes. The importance of understanding the role that gas hydrates play in the global carbon cycle and their potential as a future energy resource has long been recognized and are key components of the Methane Hydrate R&D Program. Fundamental questions remain however, as to the residence time of gas hydrates near the seafloor and deeper within the sediment column, the sources and pathways of methane transport, nature and driving mechanisms for flow, and changes in these variables through time. In order to better understand these fundamental dynamics of methane in present and past environments, Oregon State University will model the complex nature of these interactions by adapting a comprehensive kinetic transport- reaction model, based on the CrunchFlow code (Steefal, 2009) to simulate the processes occurring in the sediment column (diagenesis, sediment burial, fluid advection, and multicomponent diffusion) and to estimate net seafloor fluxes of solutes.
FE0009963 Colorado School of Mines CO Measurement And Interpretation Of Seismic Velocities And Attenuation In Hydrate-bearing Sediments 12/31/2016 Exploration (Geophysics) Trustees of The Colorado School of Mines plans to relate seismic and acoustic velocities and attenuations to hydrate saturation and texture in order to calibrate geophysical techniques for hydrate exploration, evaluation, and production monitoring. To accomplish this, seismic velocity and attenuation measurements will be conducted in the seismic and borehole sonic frequency band. Other measurements will be made at the same time, such as electric resistivity and micro CT imaging to more thoroughly characterize the saturated samples. A database of properties and petrographic textures will be developed. Related measurements will be made on carbon dioxide (CO2) hydrates to help ascertain if remote methods can monitor the CO2-CH4 exchange reaction. Modeling efforts will parallel the physical measurement component to describe the impact of hydrates on rock physics properties and serve as a predictive tool for use on in situ data. This modeling will start with estimating the tetrahydrofuran, CH4, and CO2 hydrate properties themselves. Models of hydrate-rock properties will be tested, modified, or further developed. Both, the physical data and model results will be compared with actual in situ measurements of hydrate-bearing zones. The in situ data will primarily be in the form of well logs. Attenuation will be included in various combinations of measurements to improve our hydrate predictive capabilities.
FE0010144 University of California - Scripps Institution of Oceanography CA Mapping Permafrost and Gas Hydrate using Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) Methods 09/30/2016 Gas Hydrates in the Environment The Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California plans to develop and test a towed electromagnetic source and receiver system that is suitable for deployment off small coastal vessels and mapping a near-surface electrical structure in shallow water. During the project, the system will be used to collect data over permafrost in the shallow water of the U.S. Beaufort Inner Shelf at locations coincident with seismic lines collected by the U.S. Geological Survey. The electromagnetic data will be used to identify the geometry, extent, and physical properties of permafrost and any associated gas hydrate, using interpretation guided by, and jointly with, seismic data. The data will provide a baseline for future studies of the effects of any climate-driven dissociation of permafrost and hydrate. Results will be used to expand geological and geographical applications of marine electromagnetic methods, and provide a complementary geophysical tool.
FE0010799 University of Pittsburgh PA Small Molecule Associative CO2 Thickeners for Improved Mobility Control 09/30/2017 CO2 EOR The University of Pittsburgh plans to test the effectiveness of various carbon dioxide (CO2) thickener compounds that can induce very large changes in CO2 viscosity at typical injection and reservoir conditions associated with Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR). Commitment letters from CO2-EOR operators will be obtained in phase 1 of the project to provide oil, brine, and core field samples and information on field operating conditions for active or planned CO2-EOR floods. Also, laboratory testing plans will be developed during phase 1. In phase 2, coreflood experiments will be performed on sandstone and carbonate cores received from CO2-EOR operators in Phase 1, and performance of compounds that demonstrate ability to both dissolve into and thicken CO2 in order to reduce CO2 mobility and increase oil recovery over a wide range of operational and field conditions will be assessed.
FE0009897 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Hydrate-bearing Clayey Sediments: Morphology, Physical Properties, Production and Engineering/Geological Implications 09/30/2017 Marine Characterization Georgia Tech Research Corporation plans to improve understanding of hydrate bearing, fine-grained sediments by investigating their potential for hydrate-based gas production. To achieve this, laboratory and modeling efforts will be conducted to: assess hydrate formation in fine grained sediment systems and the ensuing morphology, develop techniques to emulate natural hydrate bearing formations, develop analytical tools to predict physical properties, evaluate engineering and geological implications, and investigate the potential for production of gas from these systems.
FE0010175 Fugro GeoConsulting, Inc. TX Planning of a Marine Methane Hydrate Pressure Coring Program for the Walker Ridge and Green Canyon Areas of the Gulf of Mexico 09/30/2015 Exploration (Geophysics) Fugro GeoConsulting Inc. will lead a team of specialists with specific expertise in all aspects of planning and performance of offshore methane hydrate pressure coring programs, core analysis/testing, and field program reporting to investigate and develop scientific, operational, and logistical plans for a methane hydrate-focused marine pressure coring program. The project is being undertaken as an office desktop planning exercise and will include definition of considerations for scope of work, technical specifications, schedule, and budget. The overall focus of this project is to help enable the future collection of methane hydrate pressure cores, which will add to the body of scientific knowledge of the characteristics of in situ methane hydrate occurrences and contribute to scientific and engineering efforts to assess potential exploitation of methane hydrates as an energy resource.
FE0010160 Fugro GeoConsulting, Inc. TX Advanced Hydrate Reservoir Modeling Using Rock Physics Techniques 03/31/2016 Exploration (Geophysics) Fugro GeoConsulting Inc. plans to develop analytical techniques capable of quantitatively evaluating the nature of methane hydrate reservoir systems through modeling of their acoustic response. Techniques that integrate rock physics theory, amplitude analysis, and spectral decomposition will be used. Fugro will develop, test, and verify analytical techniques in which rock physics theory is used to model acoustic (seismic) responses of gas hydrate reservoir systems. The expected outcome of the research effort will be an enhanced ability to quantitatively evaluate and prioritize potential gas hydrate accumulations that may be selected as exploration drilling targets based on 3-D seismic data.
FE0010667 Utah Geological Survey UT Liquid-rich Shale Potential of Utah's Uinta and Paradox Basins: Reservoir Characterization and Development 03/31/2017 Geologic Characterization / Assessment The overall goal of the project is to provide reservoir-specific geological and engineering analyses and methods for the efficient and environmentally safe exploration and production of emerging Green River Formation (GRF) tight oil plays in the Uinta Basin, and an established, yet understudied, Cane Creek shale (and possibly other shale units) of the Paradox Formation in the Paradox Basin. Specifically, the Utah Geological Survey will (1) characterize geologic, geochemical, and geomechanical rock properties of target zones in the two designated basins by compiling data and by analyzing available cores, cuttings, and well logs; (2) describe outcrop reservoir analogs of GRF plays (Cane Creek shale is not exposed) and compare them to subsurface data; (3) map major regional trends for targeted intervals and identify "sweet spots" that have the greatest oil potential; (4) reduce exploration costs and drilling risks, especially in environmentally sensitive areas; (5) improve drilling and fracturing effectiveness by determining optimal well completion design; and (6) reduce field development costs, maximize oil recovery, and increase reserves.
FE0010808 University of Texas at Austin TX Fracture Design, Placement, and Sequencing in Horizontal Wells 09/30/2016 Stimulation Technology Improvements The University of Texas at Austin plans to develop a new generation hydraulic fracturing model that will, for the first time, provide an operator the ability to model the simultaneous propagation of non-planar hydraulic fractures from multiple perforation clusters; thereby, creating a realistic picture of the stimulated rock volume (SRV) around horizontal wells. The goal of the project is to improve the capability to simulate the performance of different fracturing fluids and fracture designs to maximize the effectiveness of the SRV and thereby increase well productivity and Estimated Ultimate Recovery and reduce the overall cost of completing horizontal wells. During the three phase project, a new generation code for hydraulic fracturing will be developed, the new code will be applied to a sample field fracture design, and the simulations will be compared with measured field data.
FE0009904 Oklahoma State University OK Structural and Stratigraphic Controls on Methane Hydrate Occurrence & Distribution 08/31/2016 Exploration (Geophysics) The overall objective of this project is for Oklahoma State University (OSU) to identify and understand structural and stratigraphic controls on hydrate accumulation and distribution in the Gulf of Mexico leased blocks WR313 (WR: Walker Ridge) and GC955 (GC: Green Canyon) using seismic and well data. The effort is to be completed in three phases. The first phase of the project consists of creating a large-sale (resolution in the order of Fresnel zone) P-wave velocity model using travel-time inversion and a corresponding depth image using pre-stack depth migration, During the second phase of the project OSU will jointly interpret the pre-stack depth migrated images and the full-waveform compressional wave velocity (VP) models that will be obtained in Phase 1 and Phase 2. The final phase of the project is to create a hydrate distribution map using the P-wave velocity and attenuation model created in Phase II and a standard rock physics modeling method and to jointly interpret all available datasets to determine the structural and stratigraphic controls on hydrate occurrence and distribution in GC955 and WR313.
FE0009927 Arizona State University AZ Verification of Capillary Pressure Functions and Relative Permeability Equations for Gas Production 07/31/2016 Production Technology Arizona State University intends to verify and validate the use of capillary pressure functions and relative permeability equations embedded into hydrate numerical simulators. Project objectives include (1) generating pore network images using discrete element modeling based on the grain size distribution of in-situ hydrate bearing sediments; (2) developing a new algorithm to simulate hydrate dissociation and gas expansion and calculate the relative water and gas permeability; and (3) running several simulations to provide verified fitting parameters for the capillary pressure function and the relative permeability equation, and possibly modify or generate those equations. The research will start with compiling the information of in-situ hydrate-bearing sediments including grain size distribution, effective stress, porosity, and consolidation behavior. The gathered information will then be used to generate a sediment packing of a hydrate-bearing reservoir by discrete element modeling (e.g., PFC 3D). A pore network model extracted from the generated sediment packing will represent the pore space of in-situ hydrate-bearing sediments. A numerical algorithm will simulate hydrate dissociation and gas expansion resulting in characteristic curves and relative gas and water permeabilities. The effects of hydrate habit, hydrate saturation, and gas viscosity on the characteristic curve and relative permeability will be investigated through pore-network model simulations.
FE0010141 University of Mississippi MS Temporal Characterization of Hydrates System Dynamics Beneath Seafloor Mounds: Integrating Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Methods and in-situ Observations of Multiple Oceanographic Parameters 01/31/2015 Gas Hydrates in the Environment The objective of the proposed project is to investigate hydrates system dynamics beneath seafloor mounds, a structurally focused example of hydrate occurrence at the landward extreme of their stability field, in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
FE0010120 University of New Hampshire NH Reconstructing Paleo-sulfate-methane Transition Positions on the Cascadia Margin using Magnetic Susceptibility 09/30/2014 Gas Hydrates The overall objective is to provide the gas hydrate community with a proven geologically well-preserved proxy for paleo-SMT reconstructions, and thus allow the use of the magnetic susceptibility paleo-record to assess the natural variability in methane and sulfate fluxes in marine gas hydrate bearing regions. To achieve this goal, this project aims to: (1) reconstruct the paleo-positions of the Sulfate-Methane Transition (SMT) using the magnetic susceptibility and grain size proxy approach in gas hydrate bearing sediment cores collected on the Cascadia continental margin during ODP Leg 204 and IODP Exp. 311; and (2) utilize the gas hydrate systems specific CrunchFlow reactive transport modules to ultimately model the required methane and sulfate fluxes that best explain the paleo positions of the SMT at sites on both the northern and central Cascadia margin. Successful completion of this project will provide the gas hydrate community with a proven geologically well-preserved proxy for paleo-SMT reconstructions, and thus allow us to use this paleo record to assess the natural variability in methane and sulfate fluxes in marine gas hydrate bearing regions. In addition, by establishing this proxy on the well studied Cascadia margin we establish this approach and can then plan to investigate the landward limit of gas hydrate stability, the region most susceptible to environmental change, near Hydrate Ridge.
FE0010406 University of Texas at Austin TX Controls on Methane Expulsion During Melting of Natural Gas Hydrate System 01/15/2016 Gas Hydrates in the Environment The University of Texas at Austin plans to predict, given characteristic climate-induced temperature change scenarios, the conditions under which gas will be expelled from existing gas hydrate accumulations into the shallow ocean or directly to the atmosphere. The fraction of accumulated gas that escapes and the rate of escape will be quantified. The predictions will be applicable in Arctic regions and in gas hydrate systems at the up dip limit of the stability zone on continental margins. The behavior will be explored in response to two warming scenarios: longer term change due to sea level rise (e.g. 20 thousand years) and shorter term due to atmospheric warming by anthropogenic forcing (decadal time scale). During the first budget period, project objectives are to review and categorize the stability state of existing well-studied hydrate reservoirs, develop conceptual and numerical models of the melting process, and design and conduct laboratory experiments that dissociate methane hydrate in a model sediment column by systematically controlling the temperature profile along the column. Another objective will be to validate the models against laboratory experiments. In the second budget period, the objectives are to develop a gas flow into sediments model in which hydrate is thermodynamically stable and conduct laboratory experiments to validate the model. The developed models will be used to quantify the rate and volume of gas that escapes from dissociating hydrate accumulations. In addition, specific scaled simulations characteristic of Arctic regions and regions near the stability limit at continental margins will be performed.
FE0013889 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station TX THCM Coupled Model for Hydrate-bearing Sediments: Data Analysis and Design of New Field Experiments (Marine and Permafrost Settings) 09/30/2016 Production Technology The project goal is to develop a coupled numerical model that addresses complex thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical coupled phenomena in hydrate-bearing sediments. Specially, Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) will incorporate sound and proven relationships while satisfying fundamental conservation principles to develop a new model that will be applied to increase the behavior knowledge base of hydrate-bearing systems. The project will undertake an in-depth review of hydrate-bearing sediment properties and use the findings to update numerical models capable of simulating the complex behaviors of these sediments. Updated models will be corroborated using close form analytical solutions and then compared to available data from past hydrate production-related field experiments. Optimized approaches for potential marine and permafrost field-production studies will be developed.
FE0013998 University of Washington WA Characterizing the Response of the Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrate Reservoir to Bottom Water Warming along the Upper Continental Slope 03/31/2017 Gas Hydrates in the Environment The University of Washington (UW) is conducting a systematic inventory of methane emissions along a climate-sensitive margin corridor and determine methane sources (microbial, thermogenic, gas hydrate dissociation), sinks, and fluxes within the sediment and water column to understand the effect of contemporary bottom water warming on the upper limit of the gas hydrate stability zone along the Washington margin. In the first phase of this project, UW conducted pre-expedition analysis and modeling using archived and recent geophysical and oceanographic data. In Phase 2, UW completed a ten-day field program on the R/V Thompson to collect geochemical and geophysical data. In the final phase of the project, UW will complete post-expedition geochemical and geophysical analyses, data synthesis and interpretation, and reporting and publication.
FE0013999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Fate of Methane Emitted from Dissociating Marine Hydrates: Modeling, Laboratory, and Field Constraints 09/30/2017 Gas Hydrates in the Environment The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the United States Geological Survey will use numerical models and laboratory experiments (including creation of a bubble capture device and a quasi-2D Hele-Shaw cell) to determine how long methane plumes survive in the water column. MIT will also analyze bubble plume hydroacoustic data over the US Atlantic Margin gas hydrates province.
FE0013961 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Borehole Tool for the Comprehensive Characterization of Hydrate-bearing Sediments 09/30/2017 Marine Characterization Georgia Tech Research Corporation plans to conduct a review of hydrate-bearing sediment properties and the inherent effects of in situ sampling to design, develop, and field test a new borehole tool that can be used to comprehensively characterize hydrate-bearing sediment in situ. To achieve this, the project will review and update a database of hydrate-bearing sediment properties at Georgia Tech in order to develop robust correlations with index parameters. The resulting information will be incorporated into a tool for optimal field characterization. The tool design will recognize past developments, build on past characterization experience, and benefit from inspiring examples from nature and other fields. In Phase 2, the tool's electronics and instrumentation will be designed, a full-scale prototype will be constructed, and laboratory testing on hydrate sediment analogs will be initiated. Finally, in Phase 3 the borehole tool will, in collaboration with industry, be deployed in the field to characterize both hydrate-bearing and hydrate-free sediments.
FE0013902 Ground Metrics CA Evaluation of Deep Subsurface Resistivity Imaging for Hydrofracture Monitoring 07/01/2016 Stimulation Technology Improvements Ground Metrics intends to quantify how well in-situ bulk electrical resistivity measurements can be related to the changes in rock properties and fluid propagation that occur as a result of hydraulic fracturing using a new depth to surface electromagnetic (DSEM) imaging method. During Phase 1, they plan to input new rock fracture parameter estimates into mathematical models and project the electromagnetic signal of a fracture; conduct co-located DSEM and passive seismic surveys during a commercial hydrofracturing project to acquire simultaneous data; and utilize conventional hypocenter and more advanced microseismic seismic data processing to calibrate and assess the DSEM-based 3-D resistivity image. Under Phase 2, the intent is to address key scientific and engineering questions related to hydrofracturing by projecting the benefit of DSEM alone, when used in conjunction with conventional microseismic measurements, and design and estimate the cost of generic surveys to conduct new surveys in real-time.
FE0013723 University of Texas at Austin TX Development of Nanoparticle-stabilized Foams to Improve Performance of Waterless Hydraulic Fracturing 09/30/2017 Non-Water-Based Stimulation The University of Texas at Austin plans to develop nanoparticle-stabilized CO2-in-water (C/W), N2-in-water (N/W) and N2-in-liquid hydrocarbon (N/LHC) foams for hydraulic fracturing applications. The overall technical objectives to be accomplished during the three phases of the project are: (i) to demonstrate foam stability and viscosity at elevated pressures relevant to hydraulic fracturing, (ii) to demonstrate triggered destabilization tuned by nanoparticle concentration, (iii) to demonstrate the critical shear rate for foam generation at conditions relevant to flowback and, (iv) to demonstrate the capability to stabilize gas/liquid hydrocarbon foam.
FE0013565 University of Oregon OR Hydrate Evolution in Response to Ongoing Environmental Shifts 12/31/2015 Gas Hydrates in the Environment The project goal is to investigate methane emitted from dissociating marine hydrates. The University of Oregon will develop models to investigate the influence of sediment properties on the development and dissociation of hydrate anomalies in response to environmental changes and gas supply. Environmental change can cause the evolution of slope strength heterogeneities, such as those associated with the presence of hydrate anomalies. Using numerical modeling, researchers will examine how flow and matrix instabilities can lead to the development of gas-escape features in marine sediments.
FE0014055 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) PA Measurements and Modeling to Quantify Emissions of Methane and Volatile Organic Compounds (Vocs) from Shale Gas Operations 03/31/2017 Air Quality / Emissions Carnegie Mellon University plans to monitor the emissions of methane and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from shale gas operations in order to determine direct emission rates and improve the overall understanding of the air quality impacts of shale gas development. The analyses of methane, VOCs, and other air toxics will improve the characterization of air emissions across the spectrum of technologies and processes used in the Marcellus Shale region. Measurements will be conducted at the process level, and at individual sites of differing ages using different control technologies. Measurements will also be conducted to quantify methane emission rates from non-shale gas sources in the Marcellus area. Project results will help determine how fugitive emissions vary based on different technologies and if emissions vary with the age of the facility.
FE0013531 Oregon State University OR Assessing the Response of Methane Hydrates to Environmental Change at the Svalbard Continental Margin 09/30/2018 Gas Hydrates in the Environment The overall objective of this project is to constrain the biogeochemical response to environmental change of the gas hydrate system on the western Svalbard (Spitsbergen) continental margin (off the coast of Norway) by characterizing gas hydrate abundance and distribution, and the effect of environmental changes on gas hydrate stability. Specifically, Oregon State University will explore the role of biogeochemical processes in the region via pore water and sediment geochemical analysis, microbiological analysis, and kinetic modeling. Locations sampled will provide key datasets for examining sediment temperature fluctuations driven by thermal changes in the overlying water column and by hydrothermal circulation in the sediments.
FE0013590 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Continuous, Regional Methane Emissions Estimates in Northern Pennsylvania Gas Fields using Atmospheric Inversions 05/31/2017 Air Quality / Emissions Pennsylvania State University (PSU) plans to quantify fugitive and total emissions of methane from the Marcellus Shale gas production region of north central Pennsylvania. In phase I of the project, PSU will construct an "inventory" estimate of emissions from regional sources which will be compared with results from an automobile-based sampling of atmospheric methane emissions. In phase 2, PSU will develop regional methane emissions estimates based on aircraft, automobile, and tower-based observations, and construct independent estimates of the relative contributions of regional sources.
FE0013689 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Assessing Fugitive Methane Emissions Impact using Natural Gas Engines in Unconventional Resource Development 12/31/2017 Air and Water Quality West Virginia University Research Corporation intends to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with diesel engine emissions from unconventional natural gas resources development operations and the potential of economics and emission reductions associated with converting them to dual fuel diesel and natural gas engines. The overall technical activity can be broken down into four objectives to (1) create a diesel engine inventory, their use, and emissions incurred during unconventional well development; (2) analyze the benefits of operating these, or similar engines, on dual fuel or dedicated natural gas to determine regulated and non-regulated emissions and fuel cost reductions; (3) to examine and determine operating and fugitive methane (CH4) emissions effects based on the operation of current technologies on a variety of natural gas compositions; and (4) to examine new catalyst formulations that can be used in conjunction with these developing technologies to minimize new fugitive CH4 emission sources associated with unconventional well development.
FE0014144 Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI Nanite for Better Well-bore Integrity and Zonal Isolation 02/28/2017 Well Integrity / Zonal Isolation Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. plans to demonstrate how real-time sensing of Nanite can improve long-term wellbore integrity and zonal isolation. Nanite is a cementitious material containing a proprietary formulation of functionalized nanomaterial additive to transform conventional cement into a smart material responsive to pressure (or stress), temperature, and any intrinsic changes in composition. Nanite's electrical, radiometric, and acoustic properties; improved chemical and physical properties; and durability have the potential to ensure long-term wellbore integrity and zonal isolation. During Phase 1 Nanite's oil and gas cementing applicability will be verified via baseline monitoring, cement curing process calibration, and electrical resistivity and acoustic property characterization. Methods and technologies to measure and characterize the Nanite material sensing capability will also be developed. Nanite formulation modifications will be made for improved, reliable detection of top-of-cement and cement sheath around the casing using conventional and non-conventional detecting technique. Researchers will complete a comprehensive characterization of Nanite slurries using API recommended practices for cementing slurries.
FE0014066 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Development and Validation of an Acid Mine Drainage Water Treatment Process 12/31/2015 Produced Water This project's focus is to evaluate an Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) water treatment technology (HydroFlex) for the purpose of providing treated AMD as an alternative source of water for hydraulic fracturing operations. The HydroFlex technology allows the conversion of a previous environmental liability into an asset while reducing stress on potable water sources. The technology achieves greater than 95 percent water recovery, while removing sulfate to concentrations below 100 milligrams per Liter (mg/L) and common metals (e.g., iron and aluminum) below 1 mg/L. Battelle Memorial Institute conducted a series of laboratory tests to support AMD water treatment technology optimization for use in hydraulic fracturing. The laboratory test results were used to determine site-specific water quality and potential reuse of any byproducts (e.g., purified water, metals, sulfates). A field demonstration site at Sarver, PA was selected and a demonstration system was installed. The first test campaign was completed in late August, 2015; depending on results, a second campaign may be conducted.
FE0013919 University of Texas at Austin TX Mechanisms for Methane Transport and Hydrate Accumulation in Coarse-grained Reservoirs 03/31/2018 Marine Characterization University of Texas at Austin (UTA) plans to evaluate, by means of numerical simulation, how the transport of methane and the mechanism by which it is transported control the development of persistent, massive hydrate accumulations in deep sediments below the seabed at the Walker Ridge Block 313 (WR313) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In the first phase of the project, UTA modified an existing reservoir simulator to include microbial methane production, sedimentation, and salt mass balance effects on methane stability. Additional Phase 1 efforts focused on the development of a 1-D reactive transport model to provide constraints on methanogenesis. During the second phase of the project, UTA will focus on simulations of dissolved methane migration mechanisms in order to determine if sufficient flux is available to develop the massive hydrate accumulations observed at WR 313. The final phase of the project will focus on simulations of free methane gas migration and recycling of methane in the gas phase as it is buried below the base of the methane hydrate stability zone.
FC26-01NT41330 Chevron Petroleum Technology Company TX Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf Of Mexico 05/31/2014 Gas Hydrates This project will develop technology and data for the characterization of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico to better understand the impact of hydrates on E&P safety and seafloor stability, aid in understanding the role of hydrates in the global carbon cycle, and provide data to aid in the assessment of marine hydrate as a potential future energy resource.
FC26-05NT42248 National Academy of Sciences DC Doe/netl Resident Research Associateship Program 01/31/2014 Source is OSTI
FC26-06NT43029 University of Alabama at Birmingham AL Carbon-Dioxide-Enhanced Oil Production from the Citronelle Oil Field in the Rodessa Formation, Southern-Alabama 01/31/2014 Unconventional Fossil Energy Carbon dioxide (CO2) enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is a well-established method for increasing oil recovery from the Permian Basin oilfields of Texas and New Mexico and more recently in Mississippi oilfields. Typically, 10-15 percent or more of the original oil which is present in a reservoir at the start of production can be recovered using CO2 EOR. A recent study by Advanced Resources International estimated that 64 million additional barrels of oil could be recovered from the Citronelle Field in Alabama using this technique. When production is complete, the reservoir and adjacent formations can also provide sites for storage of CO2 produced from combustion of fossil fuels in power plants and other processes generating large quantities of CO2. The Citronelle Field is an ideal site for CO2 EOR and sequestration, from both the reservoir engineering and geological perspectives. The field is mature and has been waterflooded, with existing infrastructure and deep wells and consists of fluvial-deltaic sandstone reservoirs in a simple structural dome. Because of the presence of the regionally extensive Ferry Lake Anhydrite seal, four-way structural closure, and lack of faulting, it is naturally stable with respect to CO2 storage. However, the geology of the heterogeneous siliciclastic rocks in this field is very different from those where CO2 EOR has been applied commercially, such as in the carbonate strata of the Permian and Williston basins. A demonstration project will show that these reservoirs can be safe and profitable targets for EOR, reducing the risk for small producers. A well publicized injection test and reservoir simulation demonstration will introduce CO2 EOR as an alternative for mature Southeastern oilfields, encouraging its widespread application by independent producers, increasing incremental domestic oil production.
FE0000880 Ground Water Protection Council OK Risk Based Data Management System (RBDMS) and Cost Effective Regulatory Approaches (CERA) Related to Hydraulic Fracturing and Geologic Sequestration of CO2 09/30/2017 Produced Water The Groundwater Protection Council (GWPC) plans to update and expand its Risk Based Data Management System by adding new components relevant to current environmental topics such as hydraulic fracturing, increasing field inspection capabilities, creating linkages between FracFocus and state programs, and analyzing potential for data sharing with states. GWPC will also work with the Energy Information Administration on the development of a National Oil and Gas Gateway.
FE0005958 Impact Technologies, LLC OK Improved Mobility Control for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Enhanced Oil Recovery 01/31/2014 Unconventional Fossil Energy The goal of the project is to provide the next commercialization step for the SPI-CO2 gel system. This will be done by obtaining field data and samples of water and crude oils from multiple operators and fields. We will then perform lab testing on these samples with the SPI gel system for optimal formulations and pore volumes. Field injectivity test designs for three wells/fields will be made and then performed in the field. These field injectivity tests will be designed to prove the capability and impact on the CO2 injection, but are not large enough to be considered a pilot scale field test. The expected result of this project is that these injectivity tests will be sufficient to demonstrate the effectiveness for sweep efficiency improvement, non-damaging nature and ease of use of the SPI –CO2 gel system in CO2 enhanced oil recovery projects.
FE0024271 University of Texas at Austin TX Fracture Diagnostics using Low Frequency Electromagnetic Induction and Electrically Conductive Proppants 09/30/2018 Exploration and Production Technology The overall project goal for the University of Texas at Austin is to develop a new low frequency electromagnetic induction method, which has the potential to estimate not only the propped length, height, and orientation of hydraulic fractures but also the vertical distribution of proppant within the fracture. The proposed low frequency electromagnetic induction tool can be used to detect far-field anomalies in the rock matrix from a single borehole.
FE0024292 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Hydraulic Fracturing Test Sites (HFTS) 06/30/2023 Unconventional Field Test Sites

This project is to conduct a field-based hydraulic fracturing research program for horizontal shale wells with the objectives of reducing and minimizing potential environmental impacts, demonstrating safe and reliable operations, and improving the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing. The research will advance our understanding of the hydraulic fracturing process in shale reservoirs, and thus, enable the design and execution of effective fracture stages that significantly contribute to production. Improved design and execution of fracture stages will also reduce the number of future infill wells drilled, and reduce water volume and energy input. A smaller environment footprint associated with shale drilling will be the result of this work.

Phase 2: EOR was added to the project, where a series of cyclic gas injections will be performed to increase the oil recovery post initial hydraulic fracturing. The cyclic gas injection experiment will also be accompanied with state of the art diagnostics. Phase 2 will culminate with a core though well and production testing to quantify the production

increase of each gas injection.

Phase 3: Legacy Well Recompletion – Infill Stimulation was added to the project to determine the effectiveness of infill stimulation (fracturing in between existing perforations) for increasing production and recovery rates from existing horizontal wells. Activities will include provision of a field test site containing existing producing wells which will be candidates for in-fill recompletion; drilling of a slant observation well at the test site, including the collection of whole cores, open and cased hole logs, installation of permanent fiber optic cables and discrete pressure gages; monitoring pre-re-stimulation depletion patterns; re-completion of an existing horizontal well using an expandable liner to seal off existing perforations allowing in-fill stimulation, assessment of legacy and in-fill stimulation effectiveness, time-lapse interference testing, assessment of existing and newly created fracture geometry using microseismic and fiber optic data such as DTS, DAS, and DSS, time lapse oil fingerprinting, and public outreach including immediate data dissemination.
FE0024293 General Electric (GE) Company NY Nxis Well Integrity Inspection in Unconventional Gas Wells 03/31/2017 Well Integrity / Zonal Isolation General Electric Company plans to develop a novel well-integrity inspection system (Nxis) capable of providing enhanced information about the structural flaws and topology of conventional and unconventional gas wells. To achieve this, a novel combined X-ray/neutron backscatter imaging device will be developed that is suitably sized for operation in well bores. The first phase of the project will focus on validating the subcomponent technologies and the prototype proof-of-concept system. The second phase will be dedicated to multi-modality prototype design optimization and algorithm development, fabrication, and testing. The output from the prototype device will be combined with data from more conventional modalities to achieve accuracy not currently possible.
FE0024297 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) 09/30/2021 Unconventional Field Test Sites

This project is to provide a long-term field site to develop and validate new knowledge and technology to improve recovery efficiency and minimize environmental implications of unconventional resource development.
FE0024311 Texas Tech University System TX Maximize Liquid Oil Production from Shale Oil and Gas Condensate Reservoirs by Cyclic Gas Injection 09/30/2017 Technology Demonstration / Transfer Texas Tech University System plans to evaluate oil recovery potentials of cyclic gas injection in shale oil and shale gas condensate wells. The overall technical objectives to be accomplished during the three phases of the project include: (i) studying dominant gas injection mechanisms in shale reservoirs (e.g., pressure maintenance or miscibility); (ii) finding the most effective mode of gas injection in shale oil and gas condensate reservoirs (e.g., gas flooding or huff-n-puff); (iii) exploring the economic value of effective gas injection modes; and (iv) designing and carrying out field pilot tests that demonstrate the proposed technology. The scope of work is split into three groups of studies: (1) maximizing oil production from shale oil reservoirs; (2) maximizing oil production from condensate reservoirs; and (3) Gas injection pore-scale experiments and simulation. For the first two groups of studies, experiments and reservoir-scale simulation will be conducted, and a field pilot test will be carried out. The third group consists of pore-scale studies, designed to yield fundamental new knowledge on gas injection and multiphase flow in fractured shale reservoirs. Particularly, the improvement of sweep efficiency by gas injection compared to water injection will be investigated.
FE0024314 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Development and Field Testing Novel Natural Gas Surface Process Equipment for Replacement of Water as Primary Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid 03/31/2021 Advanced Technologies

The purpose of this project is to determine whether natural gas, which is available from surrounding well sites or from nearby gas processing plants, can be used as the primary fluid in hydraulic fracturing processes. The project work is focused on developing and demonstrating affordable non-water-based and non-CO2-based stimulation technologies. Such technologies can serve as alternatives to, or be combined with, water-based hydraulic fracturing fluids to reduce water consumption and the volume of flowback fluids. The process will utilize natural gas supplied at wellhead conditions to produce a fluid capable of meeting conditions necessary for injection.
FE0024357 Ohio State University OH Utica Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory 09/30/2017 Field Laboratories The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, will lead a consortium of researchers and industrial partners in conducting a long-term comprehensive field study on unconventional oil and gas (UOG) development. During the five-year project, researchers will: (1) provide a platform for environmental and geotechnical studies before, during, and after UOG development and (2) address fundamental concerns regarding the environmentally sound extraction of shale gas by creating and managing a Utica Shale Energy and Environmental Laboratory (USEEL)-a field site and dedicated research laboratory in the heart of the Utica Shale play in Ohio. USEEL will make possible a series of research tasks focused on subsurface resources and the environment, all guided by five objectives: (1) augmenting and advancing UOG best management practices, (2) improving the understanding of the nature and impact of UOG resource development on the environment, (3) advancing technology and engineering practices to increase safety and decrease environmental impact, (4) providing data and interpretation in a transparent manner, and (5) providing the public with unbiased scientific results.
FE0023965 General Electric (GE) Company NY Advanced Multi-Tube Mixer Combustion for 65% Efficiency 04/30/2021 Advanced Combustion Turbines General Electric (GE) Power & Water will lead the technical tasks for this project and GE-Global Research (as a sub-awardee) will provide consulting services for materials and cooling assessments. GE will develop their multi-tube mixer combustion technology as an innovative turbomachinery component that contributes towards the DOE goal for advanced gas turbine efficiencies that are greater than 65 percent in combined cycle applications. This project will develop and synthesize GE combustion system with goals of achieving low nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions up to turbine inlet temperatures of 3100 degrees Fahrenheit while also supporting the load-following needs of a modern grid. Phase I is structured to first push the temperature entitlement by creating an ultra-compact design that minimizes both NOx formation and the surface area that needs to be cooled, followed by a second push that gives the architecture the adjustability it needs to meet the engine load-following requirements. This initial phase will be focused on in-depth engineering analysis and design with a minimal amount of laboratory testing to enable a down-select of the top three combustion architectures. This project will build upon the advancements achieved on an earlier DOE contract, DE-FC26-05NT42643.
FE0024375 University of Texas at Austin TX Optimizing CO2 Sweep Based on Geochemical and Reservoir Characterization of the Residual Oil Zone of Hess Seminole Unit 11/30/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore) This project will perform a detailed geologic characterization and produce a new reservoir model of the largest producing residual oil zone (ROZ) in the Permian Basin, Hess Seminole San Andres Unit, based on core logging, petrography, and stratigraphic correlation of facies using core and wireline logging results. The new ROZ model will be used to design sophisticated multiphase fluid flow simulations to test different injection strategies. The team will compare the cost effectiveness of using a range of different strategies (such as use of horizontal injector wells, strategies to modify the viscosity of CO2 such as foam, and various strategies to alternate CO2 and water during injection) to optimize both oil production and incidental CO2 storage. Recommendations to optimize the sweep of CO2 in the reservoir will be presented to the operator of the reservoir for potential future implementation and testing.
FE0024360 Paulsson, Inc. CA Injection and Tracking of Micro Seismic Emitters to Optimize Unconventional Oil and Gas (UOG) Development 09/30/2019 Advanced Technologies

Paulsson, Inc. plans to extend fracture and fracture proppant mapping and monitoring technologies allowing both efficient and environmentally prudent development of unconventional oil and gas resources. Acoustic micro emitters (AME's) will be mixed with proppant in small concentrations and injected into the fractures concurrent with the proppant to track the actual proppant location, then compared with actual fracturing locations. An ultra-sensitive large bandwidth large aperture fiber optic-based borehole seismic vector sensor array will be developed that can be deployed in vertical and horizontal wells to map the fractures and the proppant contained within the fractures. By monitoring the injection process, recording, and locating the microseismic data from both the fracturing of the rock and from the AME's mixed with the proppant, the location, direction, extent, and amount of propped induced fracturing can be determined.
SC0013098 Directed Vapor Technologies International, Inc. VA Advanced Bond Coats for Thermal Barrier Coating Systems Based on High Entropy Alloys 04/10/2018 Advanced Turbines Higher operating temperatures and improved component durability are required to improve the efficiency of power generation turbine engines utilizing fossil fuels. Directed Vapor Technologies International and the University of Pittsburgh will develop high temperature capable thermal barrier coating systems to protect metallic turbine engine components during increased temperature operation.
SC0013242 Terves, Inc. OH Expandable Proppants for In-Situ Well Stimulation 07/11/2018 Exploration and Production Technology Terves, Inc. plans to (1) characterize the underlying kinetics and effectiveness of novel stimulation fluids, and experimentally determine the engineering design basis for their use. Methods of controlling the rate and under what conditions (timing) the expansion force is delivered into crack networks will be experimentally verified, and their function and resultant fracture conductivity after stimulation will be measured using American Petroleum Institute reference methods in the laboratory to demonstrate feasibility and support the transition to scale-up and field trials. Through these efforts, the project will aim to develop a new class of swellable proppant particles that can deliver a pumpable formulation that is capable of local application of considerable force to open and extend crack networks for oil and gas, mineral, and geothermal energy extraction from deep hardrock and tight formations. This project will develop the engineering basis for these engineered particles through the development of an experimental understanding of the chemistry, structural design, and response to formation conditions of these force delivery particles. Feasibility will be demonstrated by determining the kinetics and extent of the force-application reactions, and by measuring post-expansion strength and permeability compared to preliminary product specifications. Particles are designed to be non-toxic, and to utilize low cost commodity materials such that the end product can be affordable for use in resource extraction applications.
SC0013898 Subsurface Insights NH Automated Real Time Near Surface CO2 Monitoring System 03/07/2016 MVAA: Near Surface Monitoring Novel low cost autonomous hardware will be developed which will collect data which will allow for the detection of CO2 leakage in groundwater. Data from this hardware will be automatically processed to provide real time information to diverse stakeholders about possible CO2 leakage into the groundwater. In Phase I, Subsurface Insights prototype hardware will be enhanced and a fieldable system will be developed. Enhance methodologies which allow for the identification of the data in terms of CO2 leakage will also be developed. Finally, an existing cloud based data ingestion and processing system will be enhanced to receive and process data from the novel hardware.
FE0025076 University of Utah UT Integrated Oxygen Production and CO2 Separation Through Chemical Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling 06/30/2019 Advanced Combustion The University of Utah will team with Amaron Energy to advance the development of Chemical Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) to pilot scale through the operation and thorough evaluation of performance in an existing pilot-scale, dual fluidized bed chemical looping reactor. Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is recognized as one of the most promising carbon dioxide (CO2) capture-ready technologies for producing energy from coal. The University of Utah has been researching CLC since 2007, focusing on the CLOU variant that involves integrated oxygen production and CO2 separation. Specific objectives include (1) performing CLOU processing of U.S. coals in a pilot-scale, dual bed chemical looping system over a range of conditions, with particular focus on carbon conversion and CO2 capture; (2) scaling up production of low-cost copper-based CLOU oxygen carriers; (3) designing a robust carbon stripper to minimize carbon loss to the air reactor in a dual-bed CLOU system; and (4) developing modeling and simulation tools for improving knowledge of the CLOU process, troubleshooting, optimization, and scale-up.
FE0025343 Purdue University IN Advancing Pressure Gain Combustion in Terrestrial Turbine Systems 03/29/2019 Pressure Gain Combustion The rotating detonation engine (RDE) or continuous detonation wave engine is acknowledged by many to be among the most promising pressure gain combustion technology approaches. While initially demonstrated in the 1960s, the highly transient operation, particularly relative to the injection system, has made it difficult to optimize performance. However, recent advances in high-speed data acquisition (including optical and laser-based measurements), combined with vastly improved computational tools, provide an environment suitable to rapidly advance the technology. The project team at Purdue University - along with industry consultant input from United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) - will conduct detailed measurements in both an operating RDE and a simplified system that will quantify key physics important for the design and optimization of RDEs, specifically, in the areas of fuel/air mixing, unsteady injector operation, and turbine integration characterization. The technical approach includes experimental studies (using an optically-accessible injection dynamics facility and a subscale combustor facility) as well as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling analyses. The project team will ultimately work to develop a method to quantify net pressure gain in an operating RDE.
FE0025344 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA High Temperature, Low NOX Combustor Concept Development 09/30/2019 Advanced Combustion Turbines The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) will develop the fundamental knowledge and understanding required for low nitrogen oxides (NOx) combustion concepts that could be applied at very high firing temperatures well above the thresholds where current low NOx combustion approaches are effective, and without compromising operability or carbon monoxide emissions at partial load. This goal will be accomplished through the combined application of detailed kinetic calculations and optimization studies to determine optimum axial injection profiles that enable low NOx operation at elevated temperatures. This work will be followed by experimental work on the emission and operability characteristics of candidate combustor concepts. Computations and laser diagnostics will be used to determine local mixing and heat release characteristics.
FE0025350 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Flue Gas Water Vapor Latent Heat Recovery for Pressurized Oxy-Combustion 08/31/2018 Oxy-Combustion This project will be conducted by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) with support from Media & Process Technology, Inc. (M&P); SmartBurn LLC; and Florida International University (FIU). GTI has developed and patented the Transport Membrane Condenser (TMC) latent heat and water recovery technology—based on a nanoporous ceramic separation membrane—that extracts water vapor from flue gases. Water vapor in the flue condenses and passes through the membrane producing high purity water, and the associated latent heat of condensation can be directly added to the boiler feed water stream. Contaminants and permanent gas components such as carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides are inhibited from passing through the membrane by its high selectivity. In this project, GTI and development partner M&P will adapt the TMC design for pressurized oxy-combustion utility boilers currently under development. GTI’s pilot-scale fluidized-bed coal gasifier/combustor will be prepared for oxy-combustion operation mode and installation of the TMC. Testing will precisely simulate coal flue gas conditions in a slurry-fed pressurized oxy-combustion boiler. M&P will conduct membrane development work specifically for this high-pressure high-moisture application, and FIU will assist GTI with the new TMC design simulation and performance optimization. SmartBurn LLC will provide expertise and detailed information on power plant operation and analysis for integrating the TMC technology into the plant water use loop, plus a techno-economic analysis for its integration into a power plant. This work builds on previous DOE contracts DE-FE0024092 and NT0005350.
FE0025793 University of Pittsburgh PA Design, Fabrication and Performance Characterization of Near-Surface Embedded Cooling Channels (NSECC) with an Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Coating Layer 09/30/2019 Advanced Combustion Turbines The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt), with support from West Virginia University (WVU), will develop an innovative approach to immensely improve the level of thermal protection for hot-section components—such as turbine airfoils—in modern and future gas turbines. The approach will make use of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) material to form a thermal-oxidation protection layer over a single crystal superalloy substrate, in conjunction with the concept of near-wall cooling. This research includes four inter-related project objectives: (1) design highly heat-transfer augmented and manufacturable internal cooling channels for the development of near surface embedded cooling channels (NSECC); (2) produce ODS particles between 45 and 105 microns, which will be used in an additive manufacturing (AM) process based on laser deposition to build NSECC test modules; (3) develop a fabrication process through AM for coating either a densified ODS layer over a grooved single crystal superalloy substrate to form an enclosed NSECC or an ODS layer with cooling channels embedded within the ODS layer atop a single crystal superalloy metal substrate; and (4) characterize the thermal-mechanical material properties and cooling performance of the AM produced ODS-NSECC protective module under high-temperature conditions. Pitt will be responsible for all the tasks pertaining to fluid flow and heat transfer and will also contribute to the manufacturing front and develop ODS coating techniques. WVU will be responsible for producing ODS particles (powder) for the laser deposition process at Pitt as well as perform thermal cyclic testing on AM-built ODS components in both dry- and wet-air environments. Microstructures at the interface between the ODS and substrate will be jointly examined.
FE0025174 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Investigation of Autoignition and Combustion Stability of High Pressure Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Oxycombustion 09/30/2019 Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) project will focus on key knowledge gaps associated with supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) oxy-combustion at high pressure (up to 330 atm) conditions—namely, experimental studies of fundamental autoignition properties, development of an optimized chemical kinetic mechanism, and numerical and theoretical analyses of flow, mixing, and flame dynamics. The project has three basic objectives: (1) measurement of autoignition delays of CO2 diluted oxygen/fuel mixtures (natural gas and syngas) in a high-pressure shock tube (the experimental conditions cover pressures from 150 to 330 atm and temperatures from 1100 to 1800 K); (2) development of an optimized compact chemical kinetic mechanism for SCO2 oxy-combustion based on the data obtained; and (3) numerical and theoretical investigation of SCO2 oxy-combustion at pressure using the kinetic mechanism developed.
FE0025098 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Coal-Fueled Pressurized Chemical Looping Combustion with a Spouting Fluidized Bed 05/31/2019 Advanced Combustion The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UK-CAER) will assess and validate an advanced coal-fueled pressurized chemical looping combustion (PCLC) technology that adopts a novel spouted bed to avoid OC (oxygen carrier) agglomeration, improve plant efficiency and reduce process complexity. The scope of the project will be the designing, fabricating, and testing of an integrated coal-fueled pressurized facility at lab scale, which uses an industrial byproduct-based oxygen carrier as a cost-effective cycling material, pulverized coal as a feedstock, and a novel spouted bed reactor as the reducer. Research will include collecting various data and information to address the major technical gaps of solid-fueled PCLC technology. The project will be conducted over two budget periods. Budget Period 1 consists of process design, modification of the existing novel spouted bed facility at UK-CAER, and cold commissioning prior to hot testing. Budget Period 2 includes hot testing, data collection, and performance evaluation of the PCLC facility. Trimeric Corporation will perform a techno-economic assessment of a commercial unit. This work builds on previous DOE contract FE0024000.
FE0026171 West Virginia University (WVU) WV Passive Wireless Sensors Fabricated by Direct-Writing for Temperature and Health Monitoring of Energy Systems in Harsh-Environments 09/30/2021 Sensors & Controls

This research project will demonstrate a wireless, high-temperature sensor system for monitoring the temperature and health of energy-system components. The active sensor and electronics for passive wireless communication will be composed entirely of electroceramic materials (conductive ceramics), which can withstand the harsh environments of fossil-energy-based technologies. This work will focus primarily on the direct-writing and testing of temperature (thermocouples and thermistors) and health (strain/stress and crack propagation sensors) that function between 500 and 1,700 degrees Celsius. A peel-and-stick-like transfer process to deposit the entire sensor circuit to various energy-system components will be developed. NexTech Materials, Ltd., and General Electric Global Research will collaborate and consult on the proposed demonstrations of the technology. These sensor systems may be applied to many systems, such as solid oxide fuel cells, chemical reactors, furnaces, engines, boilers, and gas turbines (for both energy and aerospace applications).
FE0026191 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Interfacing MFIX with PETSC and HYPRE Linear Solver Libraries 08/31/2019 Simulation-Based Engineering

This project will interface NETL's Multiphase with Interphase exchanges (MFIX) code with Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) and High Performance Preconditioners (HYPRE) linear solver libraries with the goal of reducing the time to solution for the large, sparse, and often ill-conditioned matrix equations resulting during the solution process. The lack of robust convergence associated with the current iterative methods in MFIX can be alleviated through appropriate preconditioning techniques to Krylov Subspace solvers and Multigrid methods accessible from these third-party solver libraries. Interfacing MFIX with the third-party linear solver packages will first be accomplished by establishing a robust, well-abstracted solver interface that can be activated at compiling time, using appropriate compiler directives based on local availability. This would allow the utilization of several third-party solver packages or none at all, thus maintaining the current operability of MFIX.
FE0026170 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) PA Low-Cost Efficient and Durable High Temperature Wireless Sensors by Direct Write Additive Manufacturing for Application in Fossil Energy Systems 09/30/2019 Sensors & Controls

Carnegie Mellon University will design, characterize, and demonstrate wireless, conformal strain and pressure sensors manufactured using low-cost, direct write additive methods for application in fossil energy (FE) systems. The goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost aerosol jet manufacturing for FE systems and to develop next-generation sensors and controls that can sustain temperatures up to 500 degrees Celsius (°C).

Specifically, this project will advance the current state of the art by developing novel materials and devices for wireless circuits that surpass 350 °C—the operating temperature limit of traditional silicon-based electronics—integrating electronic circuitry on curved three-dimensional surfaces such as those observed in gas turbine engines, demonstrating capabilities that surpass those of traditional (two-dimensional) lithographic techniques; and improving reliability issues for wireless sensors that arise from the demanding FE environments.
FE0025260 University of Central Florida FL Combustion Kinetics Model Development and Fluid Property Experimental Investigation for Improved Design of Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Components 09/30/2021 Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles The University of Central Florida (UCF), with support from Stanford University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, will develop and validate a combustion chemical kinetic mechanism for supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) oxy-combustion that can be used for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations in oxy-combustion development. This model will be validated via experiments conducted in CO2diluted methane/syngas mixtures and at pressures up to 300 bar. Researchers will use shock tube and laser diagnostics to make detailed measurements of ignition times and species concentrations in non-reacting and reacting methane/syngas mixtures in CO2 dilutions covering a wide range of pressures up to 300 bar. The model will then be implemented in an open source CFD code and disseminated to industry.
FE0025525 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Effect of Mixture Concentration Inhomogeneity on Detonation Properties in Pressure Gain Combustion 09/30/2018 Pressure Gain Combustion The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) will investigate the effect of mixture concentration inhomogeneity on detonation propagation. The goal is to gain fundamental understanding of the relationship between mixture inhomogeneity and detonation properties to improve the design of pressure gain combustion systems with a focus on flow configurations found in rotary detonation engines. In most rotary detonation engine designs, fuel and oxidizer are separately injected into the main combustion chamber, leading to spatial variations in fuel and oxidizer concentration (mixture inhomogeneity) prior to the onset of detonation. Rotary detonation engines are particularly prone to concentration variations due to short mixing times and variations in fuel and oxidizer flow rates due to backpressure from the continuously traveling detonation wave. The interaction between the detonation wave and these variations in concentration can lead to reductions in the detonation wave velocity, local increases in pressure fluctuations, and changes in the failure limits of successfully propagating waves.
FE0025315 University of Michigan MI A Joint Experimental/Computational Study of Non-Idealities in Practical Rotating Detonation Engines 09/30/2019 Pressure Gain Combustion The University of Michigan will research the physics of non-ideal effects in practical rotating detonation engines (RDEs) that impede the realization of theoretical detonation cycle efficiencies and operability. RDEs that use detonation-based compression are considered superior to the external compressor-based Brayton cycle engines because of their ability to use shock-based compression to increase pressure of the fluid in the combustor, which leads to a gain in thermal efficiency (pressure gain). Combined with conventional compressors, such devices promise significantly higher overall efficiencies compared to traditional cycles. RDEs and other similar variants for turbine engine applications have been studied for many decades, and several lab- and medium-scale devices have been built. The main issues that prevent large-scale and practical use of RDEs arise from the non-idealities associated with imperfect mixing and detonation structure. Currently, there are no design guidelines on how to overcome or account for these non-idealities. In this work, the project team will use detailed experimental measurements and computational tools to research the source or cause of such non-idealities from a fundamental physics point of view and link them to RDE performance. The goal of this work is to take a fundamental point of view and use detailed experiments and simulations to understand non-ideal effects and their contribution to loss in pressure gain.
FE0026260 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) NC Optimization of Advanced Steels for Cyclic Operation Through an Integration of Material Testing, Modeling and Novel Component Test Validation 03/31/2018 High Performance Materials

NETL is partnering with Electric Power Research Institute Inc. to qualify improved high-performance structural materials for application in current power plants in order to improve flexibility. The project will (1) develop the needed microstructural processing and performance relationships and associated material models for specific constituents in fabricated weldments (such as the parent material, heat affected zone regions, and weld metal); (2) apply these metallurgical relationships through modeling to a composite welded component subjected to cyclic operational conditions under both mechanical and thermal loading; and (3) validate the model through novel structural feature and component tests. The project will make a significant impact in the technical community by improving existing mainstay creep stength-enhanced ferritic steels operating under flexible operation modes.
FE0026298 University of Colorado CO MFIX-DEM Enhancement for Industry-Relevant Flows 08/31/2021 Multi-Phase CFD This project will improve performance of the MFIX-DEM code to enable a transformative shift for industrial use. The current simulations fall short of the O(108) particle simulations that must be completed on a timescale of days to enable simulations with physically-relevant domain sizes to be incorporated into industrial design cycles within five years. The team will accomplish this by tailoring best-in-class practices to bear on the challenges posed by the MFIX-DEM algorithm and code base. The MFIX-DEM code will be refactored to minimize data movement and synchronization between the Eulerian and Lagrangian updates. This will facilitate optimization of the particle update to expose multiple levels of parallelism, allowing the algorithm to map onto highly-parallel accelerators such as many-core architectures and GPU's, thus the code will run efficiently from the workstation to supercomputer. The proposed approach will enhance MFIX DEM by using a profiling methodology to identify numerical and algorithmic bottlenecks. Both serial and parallelization bottlenecks will be overcome via vectorization, cache utilization, algorithmic improvements, and implementation of hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelization methods that synergize with current heterogeneous high performance computing (HPC) architectures and accelerators. Optimizing MFIX-DEM and implementing parallelization for accelerated HPC systems will enable simulations of industrially relevant problems and on machines that industry are likely to have in the coming years. The ultimate goal is to achieve a speedup of two orders of magnitude; a refined estimate will emanate from the profiling effort. Based on our preliminary findings and recent work, a realistic goal for Phase 1 is a performance improvement and demonstration on an industrially-relevant simulation involving 108 particles. Regarding the latter, the team will survey over 30 PSRI member companies during the beginning of the project to identify industrial needs. New experiments will be performed involving ~108 particles in a system of industrial relevance, and this experiment will be used to demonstrate the enhanced MFIX code. Uncertainty quantification (UQ) will also be performed by coupling the available UQ toolkit PSUADE with enhanced version of MFIX. UQ using the enhanced MFIX code on larger and industrially relevant systems will be demonstrated.
FE0025193 Washington University MO Integrated Flue Gas Purification and Latent Heat Recovery for Pressurized Oxy-Combustion 08/31/2018 Oxy-Combustion Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) will investigate integrated pollution removal (IPR) with simultaneous latent heat recovery from flue gas for a staged, pressurized oxy-combustion (SPOC) system. The objectives are to (1) assemble and test a bench-scale experimental system which will allow for detailed study of reaction kinetics of sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) removal in a prototype wash column at desired temperatures and pressures, and (2) design and construct a packed bed, counterflow column which will serve as a prototype device to test and demonstrate SOx and NOx capture with simultaneous recovery of heat from flue gas moisture condensation. This prototype will be installed at the 100 kilowatt (kW) pressurized furnace at WUSTL. The project will (1) evaluate the performance of the prototype column using both simulated flue gas and real flue gas generated in the 100 kW SPOC facility, and (2) obtain experimental data from the bench-scale system and measure the effects of key process variables on the SOx and NOx capture efficiency, and develop an accurate reaction mechanism model which could be used to design future pilot-scale and ultimately commercial-scale systems. This project will leverage on-going research results from DOE project FE0009702.
FE0025320 Ohio State University OH Revolutionizing Turbine Cooling with Micro-Architectures Enabled by Direct Metal Laser Sintering 12/31/2019 Advanced Combustion Turbines The objective of this research by The Ohio State University (OSU) is to explore innovative cooling architectures enabled by additive manufacturing techniques to improve cooling performance and reduce coolant waste. The ability to create complex internal geometries will be leveraged to better distribute coolant through microchannels, as well as to integrate inherently unstable flow devices to enhance internal and external heat transfer. Fundamental experiments will be conducted initially to demonstrate and test each of the technologies at large scale and low speed, as well as to determine optimal geometries and operating conditions. These experiments will reveal the most promising and feasible technologies, which will subsequently be incorporated into stereolithography turbine vanes to be tested at appropriate Mach numbers in a high-speed cascade facility. Four cooling schemes have been identified for investigation: fluidic oscillators as pulsed impingement jets, fluidic oscillators as sweeping film cooling holes, micro-channel surface cooling, and reverse film blowing. Finally, a full material system will be demonstrated using a thermal barrier coated, metal deposition fabricated (using Direct Metal Laser Sintering) turbine vane tested at high speed and under high temperature in the turbine test facilities at OSU. The experimental work will be accompanied by a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study at each stage. These CFD simulations will enable the exploration of a broader design space during the optimization stage, as well as extrapolation to higher temperatures and pressures not possible in the turbine test facility in the final stages. This project leverages previous research under DOE contract DE-FE0007156.
FE0026086 Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA Southeast Offshore Storage Resource Assessment 09/30/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

The Southeast Offshore Storage Resource Assessment (SOSRA) project is assessing prospective geologic storage resources for carbon dioxide (CO2) in state and federal waters of the Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, and the eastern Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1). The project is defining the size and geology of the prospective storage resources (including areal extent, thickness, and physical properties such as porosity and permeability) using existing geologic and geophysical data, such as seismic reflection surveys, geophysical well logs, and supporting reservoir data (pressure, temperature, etc.). A diverse suite of data analysis techniques is being used to ensure that a high-quality assessment is performed to meet the goal of predicting storage capacity to within plus/minus 30 percent. The analysis started with a survey of available knowledge to provide an overview of the basic geologic framework of the project regions, identify potential storage units in those regions, and define the key planning areas. The initial phase of work concludes with a comprehensive analysis of available data that includes a quality and coverage assessment. The second phase of work continues characterization of offshore CO2 storage opportunities, performs a volumetric CO2 storage assessment, contributes to the development of best practices, and identifies economic and technical barriers that must be addressed or avoided to ensure timely deployment.
FE0026212 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Low-Energy Water Recovery from Subsurface Brines 12/31/2017

There is a present and growing emphasis on reducing or maintaining

the water-use footprint in the energy sector. One of the requirements for effectively managing water is

monitoring through reliable, real-time, measurement-based data of water quality/composition within

treatment systems and bodies of water associated with power generation facilities. Many existing water

quality sensor technologies are expensive, large, difficult to install or deploy, and expensive, which

inhibits utilities’ ability to deploy a network of such sensors. What is needed is the development of an

integrated water sensor package that is low-cost, rapidly-deployable, wireless, and self-powered, that

can relay real-time relevant in-situ water measurements. Ideally such hardware would simultaneously

monitor multiple water quality factors and contaminants at a reduced overall cost.

Sporian proposes to heavily leverage our mature water quality

monitoring sensor and sensor system technology/hardware, which includes many of the needed water

quality sensor types, and extend the sensing capability of the systems to include heavy metal

contamination (RCRA 8s) through the use of Imprinted Polymer (IP) based detection materials/schemes.

The proposed technology will support reducing or

maintaining the water-use footprint in the energy sector, providing low cost to deploy, reliable, realtime,

measurement-based data for water management. Such a technology will be highly attractive for

broad application within energy, industrial/agricultural, and civilian drinking water and wastewater

monitoring sectors that require sanitary water for consumption or whose processes affect water and

need a sensor to assure proper contamination monitoring and abatement.
FE0026136 Illinois State Geological Survey IL Brine Extraction and Treatment Strategies to Enhance Pressure Management and Control of CO2 Carbon Dioxide Plumes in Deep Geologic Foundation 03/31/2017 Fit-for-Purpose The project is developing and validating pressure management and CO2 plume control strategies that can address technical and economic barriers to commercial deployment of carbon capture and storage technologies based on computational and field demonstration work at two Illinois CO2 storage sites (the Illinois Basin Decatur Project and the Illinois Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage Project). New and existing wells are being used to investigate field-ready development and monitoring strategies to manage pressure and control CO2 plumes. The effort is evaluating extraction well(s) placement, brine-extraction-to-CO2-injection ratios, extraction well completions, and brine treatment and handling options (Figure 1). The sensitivity of pressure changes and CO2 plume movements to extraction well location and brine-extraction-to-CO2-injection ratio is being evaluated via reservoir simulations. Both storage efficiency and a differential pressure index are being used for selecting effective brine extraction strategies. Brine treatment and handling methods that account for safe handling of brine from extraction through treatment and eventual use in industrial settings (water life-cycle analysis) are being considered. The most practical or promising brine treatment and handling options will be recommended for implementation when this project advances to a second phase.
FE0026159 University of Wyoming WY Field Demonstration of an Active Reservoir Pressure Management Through Fluid Injection and Displaced Fluid Extraction at Rosk Springs Uplift 01/06/2017 Fit-for-Purpose The objectives of this project are to: 1) address research and technological gaps and reduce commercial-scale geological CO2 risks by developing and validating, through a carefully-designed field project, advanced technologies and engineering approaches for predicting, monitoring and managing pressure plumes; and 2) to develop a Brine Extraction Storage Test (BEST) that will deploy treatment technologies for extracted brine water. This project is focusing on the use of the Rock Springs Uplift (RSU) carbon storage site in southwest Wyoming (Figure 1).
FE0026083 University of Texas at Austin TX Offshore CO2 Storage Resource Assessment of the Northern Gulf of Mexico 08/31/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore) The University of Texas at Austin is utilizing existing data (well logs, records and sample descriptions from existing or plugged/abandoned wells, available seismic surveys, existing core samples, and other available geologic and laboratory data) from historical hydrocarbon industry activities in the heavily explored areas of the inner continental shelf portions of the Texas and Louisiana Gulf of Mexico coast (Figure 1) in order to assess the storage capacity of depleted oil and natural gas reservoirs. Additionally, they are assessing the ability of saline formations in the region to safely and permanently store nationally-significant amounts of anthropogenic CO2. The project is identifying at least one specific site that could be considered for a future commercial or integrated demonstration project with the ability to store at least 30 million tons of CO2. The study is undertaking a regional geologic characterization of the stratigraphy of the Texas and western Lousinana offshore regions to provide a detailed assessment of CO2 storage opportunities.
FE0026096 Trustees of Boston University MA Processing of SOFC Anodes for Enhanced Intermediate Temperature Catalytic Activity at High Fuel Utilization 07/31/2021 Cell Technology Boston University (BU) will design solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) anodes that are functional at intermediate temperatures and maintain high power densities at high fuel utilization, which is accompanied by high water vapor concentrations at the anode. BU will demonstrate the ability to deposit fine nano-sized connected nickel (Ni) catalyst particles by infiltration into porous yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and YSZ/Ni scaffolds to increase triple phase boundary length. Project personnel will optimize the anode microstructure based on quantitative microstructural characterization, polarization measurements, and modeling. The result will be the production of SOFC cells that demonstrate a substantial improvement in cell performance at intermediate temperatures and high fuel utilization rates compared to cells with conventionally processed anodes. The challenge is to deposit them in a fine, but connected microstructure, with substantial neck formation during sintering without significant coarsening. This project leverages previous related work under DOE contracts NT0004104 and FE0009656.
FE0026294 Energy Industries of Ohio, Inc. OH Materials for Advance Ultrasupercritical Steam Turbines - Advanced Ultrasupercritical Component Demonstration 07/31/2016 High Performance Materials The objective is to complete the planning activities and the front-end engineering design (FEED) needed for conducting a full-scale pilot of select components at high-temperature and pressure at advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) conditions in the steam-turbine portion of a Component Test (ComTest) facility. These components will be made from advanced nickel-based materials identified and developed during a jointly-funded, multi-year DOE and Ohio Coal Development Office (OCDO) AUSC Consortium. The ComTest program will: 1) evaluate advanced materials and components under coal-fired AUSC conditions, demonstrate the reliability and safety of the boiler components; 2) demonstrate steam-turbine operation and valve reliability at AUSC conditions; 3) provide better understanding of the cost of an AUSC power plant to reduce project financial risk; 4) evaluate the constraints in the supply chain for advanced materials, including all necessary components, instruments, valves, and fittings; and 5) validate the fabrication techniques of the nickel alloys and the ability to construct, install, and reliably repair test components on site.
FE0025495 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Understanding Transient Combustion Phenomena in Low-NOx Gas Turbines 09/30/2019 Advanced Combustion Turbines The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) will conduct the project with support from industrial partner GE Global Research (GE). A three-step approach to understand, and eventually predict, unstable combustion resulting from transient operation will be used. Transients in equivalence ratio, fuel composition, and fuel splitting will be studied. Three transient characteristics will be considered when designing each transient test: transient timescale, transient amplitude, and transient direction. The first step toward quantifying the impact of transients on combustion stability will be to map relevant timescales in the combustion system at steady-state operation under a variety of target conditions. These target conditions will be selected with input from GE and represent operating conditions of interest for industrial gas turbine engines. Once the target conditions are established, four timescales of interest will be measured: heat-transfer timescales, chemical timescales, flow timescales, and acoustic timescales. The second step will be to collect data during transient events, where the transient events are designed to mirror key timescales and operating conditions that were measured in the first portion of the study. The final step will be to analyze the data in order to both understand fundamental combustion behaviors in response to transients and identify precursor signals during the transient before unstable combustion arises. Analysis of these high-fidelity data will enable descriptions of the nonlinear behaviors that occur during transients, as well as important characteristics about the beginning and end states of each transient.
FE0026087 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Mid-Atlantic U.S. Offshore Carbon Storage Resource Assessment Project 06/30/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

Battelle Memorial Institute developed a prospective resource assessment for carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in offshore regions along the mid-Atlantic and northeastern United States (Figure 1). The systematic carbon storage resource assessment region extends from the Georges Bank Basin through the Long Island Platform to the southern Baltimore Canyon Trough. Key input parameters were defined to reduce uncertainty of efficiency estimates and risk factors that may constrain the storage resources assessment. Industry and regulatory stakeholders were engaged through a roadmap development effort designed to assist future project planning and implementation.
FE0026185 Ohio State University OH Chemical Looping Coal Gasification Sub-Pilot Unit Demonstration and Economic Assessment for IGCC Applications 06/30/2018 Air Separation The Ohio State University (OSU) will team with WorleyParsons (WP) to continue development of its chemical looping gasification (CLG) technology—an advanced air separation process that can be applied to produce electricity via integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) while achieving greater than 90 percent carbon capture and/or to produce chemicals via traditional catalytic reforming processes. Researchers will validate the feasibility of applying CLG technology by demonstrating the CLG process at a sub-pilot scale and conducting a techno-economic analysis of its applications for IGCC. A cumulative demonstration of greater than 100 hours will be performed with the 15kWth sub-pilot test unit to confirm the reliability of the reactors (reducer and oxidizer) and non-mechanical devices for maintaining controlled solid circulation, gas sealing, and coal distribution in the reactor (reducer) as well as to confirm sustained syngas production performance. OSU—with the support of WP—will conduct a comprehensive techno-economic analysis of the CLG process for IGCC application and compare it to the DOE baseline IGCC report. A highly reactive and attrition-resistant oxygen carrier was confirmed for chemical looping gasification applications in a previous Department of Energy funded project, DE-FE0012136.
FE0025073 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Improvement of Alstom's Limestone Chemical Looping Combustion Process for Higher Purity Flue Gas Production 12/31/2017 Chemical Looping Combustion Alstom Power Inc. (Alstom) is developing a limestone-based chemical looping combustion (LCL-C™) process for generating power that will achieve near-zero emissions and include carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. Alstom will team with the University of North Dakota and Envergex, LLC to conduct parametric bench-scale tests, data analysis, and facility modification and operation. Great River Energy will provide industrial input in designing and operating a coal-fired LCL-C™ system. Specific project objectives are (1) parametric testing to select oxygen carrier systems with enhanced reactivity; (2) validation of enhancement of oxygen carrier systems at Alstom 100 millimeter pilot-scale testing facility; (3) integration of an optimized solution in Alstom's 3-MWth test facility with validation of performance; (4) Aspen modeling of the LCL-C™ gas processing unit system for optimization of the species separation and recycling scheme; and (5) a techno-economic analysis update of LCL-C™ technology for power generation to show that the improvement has the potential to meet the DOE cost and performance goals. This program will leverage previous research from DOE Award FE0009484.
FE0026308 General Electric (GE) Company NY Model-Based Extracted Water Desalination System for Carbon Sequestration 02/28/2017

GE Global Research, in cooperation with Pennsylvania State University, will leverage new technology to develop a cost-effective water recovery process from high salinity extracted formation water. The project objectives are to: define a scalable, multi-stage extracted water desalination system that yields clean water, concentrated brine and, optionally, salt from saline brines (180,000 ppm total dissolved solids, TDS) and that meets a cost target; validate the overall system performance with field-sourced water using GE pre-pilot and lab facilities, and define the scope and identify a team and test location for pilot-scale implementation of the desalination system. Carbon sequestration facilities will be screened to identify a potential source and composition of extracted water, as well as to identify a partner with whom GE will conduct a pilot water recovery project (Phase 2, separate project). Based on the extracted water composition, a cost-effective water recovery process comprising pretreatment, brine concentration, and, optionally, salt crystallization, will be developed based on techno-economic modeling, which includes rigorous process modeling based on Aspen Plus/OLI systems software. A combination of established and new, pilot-ready pretreatment and brine concentration technologies will be evaluated with respect to cost and performance in order to identify the most cost-effective water recovery process.
FE0025160 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Enabling Technologies for Oxy-Fired Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustor Development 12/31/2018 Advanced Combustion GTI (formerly Aerojet Rocketdyne), the government of Canada, and Linde, will develop and test pilot-scale technologies that will focus on improving the economics of the current oxy-combustion pathway as well as addressing technology gaps associated with scale-up and system performance for both atmospheric- and pressurized oxy-combustion technology pathways in the DOE NETL program portfolio. The proposed project will integrate key design modifications into the current oxy-fired pressurized fluidized bed combustor (Oxy-PFBC) pilot plant, located at the government of Canada’s CanmetENERGY laboratory in Ottawa, Canada. The Canadian Clean Power Coalition will provide funding for testing of Canadian coals. The technologies and their specific objectives are (1) In-bed supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) Heat Exchanger (HEX) (quantify SCO2 heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop in an Oxy-PFBC environment to anchor design rules for scale up); (2) Staged coal combustion (develop design rules for placement of staged coal combustion injectors to appropriately distribute heat throughout the bed to maintain an oxidizing environment and avoid slagging); and (3) Isothermal Deoxidation Reactor (IDR) (define operational limits on flue gas O2 concentration for an isothermal catalyst bed and demonstrate heat recovery from this deoxidation unit). The test program will leverage the 1 megawatt oxy-PFBC pilot plant from DOE contract DE-FE0009448.
FE0026219 University of Connecticut (UConn) CT Wireless 3D Nanorod Composite Arrays-Based High-Temperature Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors for Selective Gas Detection Through Machine Learning Algorithms 08/31/2019 Sensors & Controls

This project aims at developing a wireless integrated gas/temperature microwave acoustic sensor capable of passive operation (no batteries) over the range 350 degrees Celsius to 1,000 degrees Celsius in harsh environments relevant to fossil energy technology, with specific applications to coal gasifiers, combustion turbines, solid oxide fuel cells, and advanced boiler systems. The proposed wireless sensor system is based on a surface-acoustic-wave sensor platform that is configured using a langasite piezoelectric crystal with Pt/Pd interdigital electrodes and yttria-stabilized zirconia films doped with Pd, Pt, or Au nano-catalysts to detect H2, O2, and NOx gases and to also monitor the gas temperature in the harsh environment. Fully packaged prototype sensors will be designed, fabricated, and tested under gas flows of H2 (< 5 percent), O2, and NOx in laboratory furnaces, and the sensor response will be characterized for sensitivity, reproducibility, response time, and reversibility over a range of gas temperatures.
FE0026315 Ohio University OH Advanced Integrated Technologies for Treatment and Reutilization of Impaired Water in Fossil Fuel-Based Power Plant Systems 08/30/2018

Ohio University along with West Virginia University, and American Electric Power, will validate the technical/commercial promise of an advanced multistage process for treatment and reutilization of impaired water as make-up water in fossil fuel-based power plants through small scale testing and prepare the technology for a future pilot scale test effort, if successful. The process is based upon an advanced multi-stage treatment process which utilizes commercial solids filtering and ultra violet light treatment to remediate bacteria, a low-cost natural zeolite to remove naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) found in oil/gas-based impaired water, electrochemical stripping (E-stripping) and selective sulfation to remove minor constituents, and a breakthrough supercritical water unit design which utilizes internal Joule-based heating to remove major constituents and hydrocarbons.
FE0026190 University of Maryland MD In-Operando (While in Operation) Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity and Durability 07/31/2017 Core Technology The University of Maryland (UMD) will experimentally collect data under real working conditions to achieve solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) performance optimization, especially with respect to extended service time. The work will develop novel in-operando isotope exchange apparatuses for the investigation of the oxygen surface exchange properties of SOFC cathode materials and structures that will allow the selection of enhanced cathode compositions and structures. Using in-operando techniques, researchers will quantify oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) kinetic rates and mechanisms as a function of cathode composition, gas environment, and applied cell bias to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the ORR properties of cathode materials as a function of cathode composition for lanthanum strontium manganite (LSM) and lanthanum strontium cobalt iron oxide (LSCF) powders and their composites with yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and gadolinia doped ceria (GDC). UMD will also use two in-operando techniques to develop a unifying theory for the numerous surface exchange coefficients in the literature to strengthen the link between fundamental kinetic studies and real world cathode performance. This project leverages research from a previous DOE contract, DE-FE0009084.
FE0026192 Montana State University MT Enhancing High Temperature Anode Performance with 2 Degrees Anchoring Phases 07/31/2017 Cell Technology

Montana State University (MSU) will develop, characterize, and refine electrode preparation methods to mechanically strengthen the anode support structure and facilitate the binding of sub-micron nickel metal catalysts (diameter < 100 nm) to ion-conducting ceramic scaffolds. Researchers will accomplish this task through the addition of reactive materials in low concentrations that chemically join the percolated ion and electron conducting networks comprising solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cermet anodes while simultaneously immobilizing metal catalysts to their support. These 2° phase chemical anchors will serve two distinct purposes: (1) inhibit particle coarsening and other mechanisms that deactivate high surface area catalysts at high temperatures and (2) improve the electrode’s fracture toughness and, hence, flexural strength, thus conferring additional mechanical stability to the entire membrane electrode assembly.
FE0026307 Process Systems Enterprise NJ Evaluation and Demonstration of Commercialization Potential of Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative Tools within GProms Advanced Simulation Platform 02/28/2017 Simulation-Based Engineering This project aims to identify market opportunities for the Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI) tools combined with existing gPROMS platform capabilities, including carbon capture and storage (CCS), advanced energy, and cross-sector applications. The research will assess and rank the CCSI tools according to their commercial potential, technical feasibility, and technology readiness level when integrated with gPROMS platform capabilities; develop detailed integration plans and commercialization plans for promising tools, drawing on technical expertise from Process Systems Enterprise (PSE) and the project team, as well as the PSE client base and industrial advisory board structures; and research suitable applications across advanced energy systems and further afield (prototypes will be built during Phase I to evidence and publicize potential).
FE0026393 Arizona State University AZ MFIX-DEM PHI: Performance and Capability Improvements Towards Industrial Grade Open-Source DEM Framework with Integrated Uncertainty Quantification 02/28/2018 Simulation-Based Engineering Arizona State University, along with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories, will address the enhancement of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) coupled with a discrete element method (DEM) in the open-source-code Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges (MFiX-DEM), which is developed and maintained by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). The objectives of the project are to improve the performance and physical modeling capabilities of MFiX-DEM while tightly integrating these improvements with an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) driven by an uncertainty quantification (UQ) framework, and to effectively pave the way to wider and more rapid industrial adoption of MFiX-DEM.
FE0026423 University of Southern California CA A High Efficiency, Ultra-Compact Process for Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture 03/31/2019 Novel Concepts

The University of Southern California has teamed with Media and Process Technology Inc. and the University of California – Los Angeles to perform laboratory-scale testing of a high-efficiency, low-temperature reactor process for the water gas shift (WGS) reaction of coal syngas for pre-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) systems. The process will utilize a unique membrane- and adsorption-enhanced WGS reactor system previously developed for hydrogen (H2) production via methane steam reforming that allows for in-situ preferential H2 permeation and simultaneous CO2 adsorption. The system combines a membrane reactor (MR) and an adsorptive reactor (AR) in tandem to produce an ultra-pure H2 product continuously until the adsorbent (in the AR unit) is saturated, which is then regenerated via a temperature swing adsorption (TSA) operation. This unique reactor configuration can be viewed as a hybrid MR-AR system under TSA operation. The MR-AR system is a highly-efficient and ultra-compact process for the treatment of syngas to produce H2 appropriate for use in IGCC with simultaneous pre-combustion CO2 capture. Further the use of a temperature-swing rather than a pressure-swing CO2 recovery step (as commonly practiced in AR systems) allows the recovery of CO2 at high pressures, thus requiring no additional re-compression step for CO2 storage. The project goal is to validate the novel hybrid MR-AR system for IGCC applications by conducting laboratory-scale studies using simulated coal-derived syngas. The development effort will use a previously developed carbon molecular-sieve-based membrane and will test a hydrotalcite-based adsorbent and other potentially promising adsorbents. A mathematical model will be used to analyze the resulting data, further optimize the system, develop preliminary technical designs, and conduct a techno-economic analysis.
FE0026186 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. PA Development of a Two-Phase Dense Fluid Expander for Advanced Cryogenic Air Separation and Low-Grade Heat Recovery 03/31/2020 Air Separation Technology Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (Air Products) researchers will conduct research and a feasibility investigation into using a two-phase dense fluid expander (DFE) to improve the overall efficiency of cryogenic air separation. The first objective of this work is to better understand the limitations associated with two-phase dense fluid expansion from aerodynamic, thermodynamic, and mechanical perspectives. The second objective is to apply this knowledge to construct a prototype device to further explore the basic properties of two-phase dense fluid expansion while collecting primary data for techno-economic analyses. This project will be executed in two phases: Phase 1 will comprise a feasibility investigation of three different applications of two-phase DFEs and, in Phase 2, a prototype device will be designed, fabricated, and tested to further prove the feasibility of commercial applications of DFEs operating in two-phase service.
FE0026220 University of Texas at El Paso TX High Fidelity Computational Model for Fluidized Bed Experiments 08/31/2018 Simulation-Based Engineering The goal of this project is to develop a high-fidelity and user-friendly multiphase simulator based on the Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges (MFiX) software package, a multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and widely used by the fossil fuel reactor communities.

This work will leverage the linear solver libraries from Trilinos packages and open-source software packages developed by Sandia National Laboratories. Trilinos packages provide easy to use and scalable applied mathematics libraries suitable for massively parallel computers and are kept up to date for the latest hardware, including graphics processing unit (GPU) acceleration. To achieve this, the project will devise a framework to integrate the MFiX linear solvers with the Trilinos linear solver packages (Trilinos MFiX), evaluate the performance of the state-of-the-art preconditions and linear solvers, and test Trilinos MFiX with the MFiX suite of problems on massively parallel and cloud-based computers with and without GPU acceleration.
FE0026163 Praxair, Inc. CT Improving Energy Efficiency of Air Separation Via Hollow Fiber Sorbents 12/31/2018 Air Separation Praxair will team with Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) to perform bench-scale testing of a sub-ambient air separation process based on a rapidly cycled pressure swing adsorption (RCPSA) system that removes a bottleneck from a traditional cryogenic air separation unit. Hollow fiber-sorbent contactors will be used for the sorbent materials. On the lab scale, these have been shown to be 3 to5 times more productive than traditional adsorbent contactors and have a pressure drop 3 to 5 times less than that of standard contactors. A key feature of this process is the ability to perform efficient heat integration, enabling recovery of much of the energy required for gas cooling. One of the key goals of this project is to determine the optimum process structure. Researchers will fabricate hollow fiber contactors and generate sub-ambient isotherms for these materials. They will also perform RCPSA experiments on the fibers and assess the efficacy of an internal phase change material. The RCPSA experimental results will be incorporated into a process model that feeds into a detailed techno-economic assessment. A large prototype module of approximately 100 fibers will be tested to provide insight into module scale-up. Praxair will manage the project and lead the techno-economic analysis. Georgia Tech will perform the fiber spinning and RCPSA experimental work.
FE0026334 Ohio State University OH Advanced Control Architecture and Sensor Information Development for Process Automation, Optimization, and Imaging of Chemical Looping Systems 02/28/2018 Sensors & Controls

The goal of this project is to develop an advanced autonomous control architecture and imaging and optimization sensor information for The Ohio State University (OSU) chemical looping processes. To automate these dynamic, nonlinear systems, a hybrid controller consisting of decision making and controller-selection logic (high level controller; HLC) integrated with sliding-mode controllers (SMCs) will be used to develop a distributed intelligence automation scheme for the chemical looping process startup and shutdown.

The intelligent process automation controller and optimization software will be tested in OSU’s existing sub-pilot chemical looping test unit for Phase I, and ultimately integrated with the pressurized syngas chemical looping (SCL) pilot test unit constructed at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) for Phase II. Additionally, electrical capacitance volume tomography (ECVT) sensor software will be developed to image a packed moving bed of oxygen carriers at the operating temperatures of the reducer reactor. The successful development of the imaging sensor software will be tested and verified in an existing bench-test apparatus and incorporated into the chemical looping sub-pilot test unit for Phase I.
FE0026098 LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc. OH Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes for MW-Scale SOFC Power Systems for Improved Stack Reliability, Durability and Cost 12/31/2018 Core Technology LG Fuel Cell Systems Inc. (LGFCS) will team with Carpenter Technology Corporation (Carpenter) to qualify a material and advanced manufacturing process solution for selected metallic components of an advanced integrated stack block that is the heart of the LGFCS solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system. It is intended that these cost reduced components will also increase the reliability and endurance of the LGFCS cell and stack technology. Specific objectives are to identify and validate a material solution for the hot metal components with foresight on how the components will be mass produced, validate the new process solution for making quality parts that will meet product cost targets, and demonstrate that the new material and components do not adversely impact stack performance while operating on natural gas. An integrated material set and processing solution will be developed using powder metals processing which has proven to be an enabling technology capable of delivering net or near net shape components as well as for creating compositions, microstructures, and properties that are otherwise unattainable. Researchers will screen a number of advanced manufacturing processes and select one or more that are most advantageous for producing selected metallic components at commercial volumes. This work will be accomplished through collaboration of metallurgists and processing engineers from Carpenter with product design and cost engineers from LGFCS. The project team will test a full-scale integrated stack block using components from the new material set and processing solution to confirm its readiness for commercial field deployment. This project will build on previous DOE funded work; most recently DE-FE0023337.
FE0026167 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Scalable Nano-Scaffold Architecture on the Internal Surface of SOFC Anode for Direct Hydrocarbon Utilization 07/31/2021 Cell Technology West Virginia University (WVU) will use Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) coating and pre-operation thermal treatment on commercial solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) to tailor the nanostructure on anode surfaces. ALD techniques and engineered anode surface architecture will be applied to the inherently functional fuel cells using the commercial available ALD systems. Researchers will identify the key nanostructure engineering processes necessary to improve the performance of state-of-the-art commercial SOFCs. The specific project objectives are to enhance the electro-catalytic activity and cell durability of commercial cells through: (1) the formation of single-phase discrete nano-crystals of a protonic conductor, on the internal surface of Ni/YSZ anodes, (2) the deposition of single phase electro-catalysts, on the internal surface of Ni/YSZ anodes, and (3) the formation of a dual-phase nano-composite scaffold consisting of a nano protonic conductor network and nano-catalyst, on the internal surface of Ni/YSZ anodes.
FE0026183 Alstom Power, Inc. CT Advanced Ultrasupercritical (AUSC) Materials Thick-Walled Cycling Header Development for Comtest-AUSC 12/31/2017 High Performance Materials NETL is partnering with GE Power (Alstom Power, Inc. prior to the merger of Alstom Power and GE), Steam Power Systems to develop a design for testing a high-temperature nickel-based superalloy thick-walled header for cycling and flexible plant operation in new advanced ultrasupercritical (AUSC) and existing ultrasupercritical and supercritical plants. This project focuses on developing a design for the high-temperature nickel-based superalloy header component typical of a thick-walled header subjected to thermal and pressure cycling of full-scale AUSC steam cycle loading conditions. This upfront analytical simulation of the design will eliminate or minimize potential operational problems for the actual ComTest-AUSC and will lead to successful testing of advanced materials for thick-walled pressure parts such as the headers and piping. This project will design the layout for the piping system and identify specific instrumentation needed for component testing of the AUSC steam temperature cycling and data logging system required during operation.
FE0026217 University of Maine System ME High Temperature Integrated Gas and Temperature Wireless Microwave Acoustic Sensor System for Fossil Energy Applications 12/31/2019 Sensors & Controls

This project aims to develop a wireless integrated gas/temperature microwave acoustic sensor capable of passive operation (no batteries) over the range 350 – 1000 °C in harsh environments relevant to fossil energy technology, with specific applications to coal gasifiers, combustion turbines, solid oxide fuel cells, and advanced boiler systems. The proposed wireless sensor system is based on a surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor platform that could be used to detect H2, O2, and NOX gases and monitor the gas temperature in the harsh environment. Fully packaged prototype sensors will be designed, fabricated, and tested under gas flows of H2(< 5%), O2, and NOX in laboratory furnaces, and the sensor response characterized for sensitivity, reproducibility, response time, and reversibility over a range of gas temperatures.

The SAW sensors have the advantage of being potentially readily scalable for rapid manufacturing using photo-lithography/metallization fabrication steps, followed by integration of each sensor into a stand-alone wireless harsh environment sensor package. The SAW gas sensor technology will be targeted for demonstration and implementation in a power plant environment.
FE0026299 General Electric (GE) Company NY A New Superalloy Enabling Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Wheels for Improved Combined Cycle Efficiency 10/25/2016 High Performance Materials NETL is partnering with General Electric Company to develop a high-performance, heavy-duty gas turbine wheel that could increase combined cycle turbine efficiency from approximately 62 to 65%. Specifically, the project will screen two different concepts to develop a thick section >1,200 °F-capable material for heavy-duty gas turbine wheels. The processing requirements for these large components, combined with the elevated temperature and stress property requirements, present a unique set of challenges requiring a new approach to alloy design that will be addressed in this project.
FE0026414 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Integrated Testing of a Membrane Carbon Dioxide Capture Process with a Coal-Fired Boiler 03/31/2018 Membranes

Membrane Technology and Research Inc. (MTR), along with the Babcock and Wilcox Company (B&W), will advance the development of MTR’s existing 1 MWe membrane carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system by integrating the system with B&W’s 0.6 MWe coal-fired research boiler and performing pilot-scale testing of the integrated system. The combined membrane/boiler system recycles CO2 to the boiler to increase the CO2 concentration in flue gas, which reduces the cost of subsequent CO2 capture. The membrane process, developed by MTR, incorporates MTR’s innovative Polaris™ membranes and a countercurrent sweep module design, and can capture 20 tons CO2 per day at a coal-fired power plant. The small pilot membrane system was successfully field tested in previous projects with real flue gas. Previous testing of B&W’s research boiler with CO2-laden combustion air was also conducted to evaluate the impact of CO2 recycle on boiler performance. This project will provide validation of the integrated system to mitigate risks for scale-up. The membrane unit will be modified and installed at B&W’s research facility in Barberton, Ohio. Parametric testing will be conducted using two types of coal to analyze process parameters while monitoring boiler performance and CO2 capture efficiency.
FE0026041 Geomechanics Technologies, Inc. CA Assessment of CO2 Storage Resources in Depleted Oil and Gas Fields in the Ship Shoal Area, Gulf of Mexico 03/14/2018 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore) Geomechanics Technologies, Inc. is assessing the available data from wells in the Ship Shoal block 107 area within the Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1) and reviewing publicly available geological and seismic data to evaluate CO2 storage potential resource. The project is analyzing the Ship Shoal Block 107 in detail by preparing a high resolution 3D geologic model and integrated geomechanical and fluid flow models. The objective of this project is to characterize the Neogene delta sands in the Ship Shoal Area for large scale CO2 sequestration. This is being accomplished through a research program that includes: 1) evaluation of available exploration and development well logs and all available geologic and geophysical data in the public domain; 2) development of 3D geologic models to depict a representation of the subsurface geology to support the prediction of CO2 storage capacity within 30 percent; 3) development of a CO2 injection model to simulate CO2 migration and containment in the Ship Shoal 107 field; 4) development of a 3D geomechanical model to simulate induced stresses and potential fault reactivation due to CO2 injection in the vicinity of typical faulted structures; 5) performing a comprehensive evaluation of storage capacity and seals; and 6) performing a risk assessment and analysis of existing oil and gas infrastructure for CO2 transportation and providing recommendations for a potential transportation pipeline corridor.
FE0026333 University of Texas at El Paso TX Combustion Synthesis of Boride-Based Electrode Materials for Magneto Hydrodynamic (MHD) Direct Power Extraction 08/31/2019 Innovative Energy Concepts

This project aims to develop a novel technology for production of high-performance boride-based materials for MHD Direct Power Extraction, which combines the advantages of mechanical activation-assisted self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (MASHS) and pressureless sintering. First, ZrO2/B2O3/Mg and HfO2/B2O3/Mg mixtures will be mechanically activated. NaCl diluent will be added to the mixtures before milling. To determine the mechanisms and kinetics of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reaction, thermoanalytical experiments Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) will be conducted. The mechanically activated powders will then be compacted into pellets and ignited in an argon environment. MgO and Mg will be removed from SHS products by mild acid leaching, while NaCl will be removed by dissolution in water. The milled powders and SHS products will be characterized using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), particle size, and surface area analyses. The SHS products will be mixed with dopants, compacted into pellets, and densified using pressureless sintering. Thorough investigation of Thermophysical, electrical, mechanical, and oxidation properties of the obtained materials will be conducted.
FE0026348 Siemens Corporation NJ Novel Temperature Sensors and Wireless Telemetry for Active Condition Monitoring of Advanced Gas Turbines 08/31/2021 Sensors & Controls As advanced fossil energy systems progress towards higher efficiencies and ultra-low emissions, the conditions under which fuel is converted to power are becoming increasingly harsh (i.e., pressure, temperature, and corrosivity increases), leading to accelerated rates of degradation and failure of materials and components. A reliable and long-term monitoring capability will contribute to the overall reliability of the combustion turbine; however, real-time component condition monitoring in an industrial gas turbine presents significant technical challenges in several key technology development areas. To meet the need for continuous monitoring, Siemens and its key partner Arkansas Power Electronics will develop an innovative, real-time sensor integrated component monitoring concept in the combustion turbine for long-term engine operation.

The objective of the program is to integrate durable, non-intrusive, ultra-high-temperature thermocouples (greater than 1200 °C) with high-temperature wireless telemetry to enable materials prognostics and active condition monitoring in the hot gas path of industrial gas turbines. The specific objectives are (1) to fabricate and install smart turbine blades with thermally sprayed sensors and high-temperature wireless telemetry systems in an H-Class engine, and (2) to integrate the component engine test data with remaining useful life (RUL) models and develop an approach for networking the component RUL data with Siemens’ Power Diagnostics engine monitoring system. Phase 1 involves scaling up the thermal spray process to develop high-temperature ceramic thermocouples with development of wireless telemetry system components, and demonstration of integrated sensor/wireless telemetry approach on stationary lab test rig.
FE0026514 University of Colorado CO Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage Formation 09/30/2019 GS: Wellbore University of Colorado is developing a new technology that can repair wellbore leakage through the electrochemical injection of nanoparticles while simultaneously removing harmful ions out of the wellbore. Wellbore healing agents are being tested and selected based upon their ability to penetrate deep into the leaking areas and better enhance the mechanical and transport properties of well cement (Figure 1). A small-scale laboratory prototype wellbore test system is being developed which extends the electro-migration effect. The effectiveness of the proposed technology is being evaluated through systematic testing of the cementitious materials that are enhanced with the select nanoparticles. Finally, a multiphysics numerical model is being developed to simulate the remediation process utilizing this new technology.
FE0026422 American Air Liquide, Inc. DE Bench Scale Testing of Next Generation Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules 12/31/2019 Membranes American Air Liquide Inc. (AL), in partnership with Parsons Corporation, will continue the development and advanced testing of a novel polyimide-based membrane material (PI-2) for application in AL’s hybrid process for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from coal-fired flue gas. The process combines cold membrane operation with an integrated CO2 compression and purification unit to significantly reduce the overall cost of capture. This project builds on preceding bench-scale work (DE-FE0004278) in which commercial AL hollow-fiber membranes (PI-1), operated at temperatures below -20°C, were shown to have 2-4 times higher CO2/(nitrogen) N2 selectivity with comparable CO2 permeance as ambient temperature performance. In a follow-on project (DE-FE0013163) bench-scale testing on actual flue gas gave promising results for the hybrid process using the existing commercial AL membrane bundles (PI-1 material), and initial laboratory testing of the novel membrane material (PI-2) showed the potential for a step-change in performance (greater than 5 times the fiber permeance of PI-1). The main focus of the current project is to advance the novel high CO2 permeance PI-2 membrane material to commercial-scale 6” bundles for testing with actual flue gas in a 0.3 MWe test unit at the National Carbon Capture Center. A comprehensive evaluation of the overall hybrid process and costs will be completed to ensure optimal use of the improved material and to benchmark against other CO2 capture technologies.
FE0026465 University of Notre Dame IN Hybrid Encapsulated Ionic Liquids for Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture 03/31/2019 Solvents

This University of Notre Dame, in collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), will test the use of hybrid encapsulated ionic liquid (IL) and/or phase change ionic liquid (PCIL) materials for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. Promising ILs and/or PCILs have proved to be prohibitively viscous for large scale commercial operation when configured in conventional absorption/regeneration systems. Encapsulated ILs and PCILs have high surface areas, allowing researchers to break through the mass transfer barriers caused by high viscosities. The team will combine the advantages of two recently proven technologies—Notre Dame’s IL and PCIL materials with high capacity and low regeneration energy, and LLNL’s microencapsulation in polymer shells—to make and test high surface area materials specifically engineered for high-efficiency CO2 capture from post-combustion flue gas. The expected outcome of this project will be successful synthesis of the microencapsulated ILs and/or PCILs and validated CO2 removal from simulated flue gas in a laboratory-scale unit with dramatically improved mass transfer.
FE0026097 University of South Carolina SC Developing Accelerated Test Protocols and Tuning Microstructures of the Common Materials to Improve Robustness, Reliability, and Endurance of SOFC Cells 07/31/2021 Core Technology The University of South Carolina will develop accelerated test protocols based on recent preliminary results and theoretical analyses to establish common approaches for determining and projecting the durability of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes under simulated operation conditions. In addition, researchers will tune the microstructures of lanthanum strontium cobalt iron oxide (LSCF) and nickelates to simultaneously obtain high-power density and high-performance stability. Developing accelerated test protocols remains a challenge because operating SOFCs under normal conditions for tens of thousands hours is often costly and impractical. Therefore, accelerated tests are needed to facilitate rapid understanding of key durability and reliability issues. This project leverages research from a previous DOE contract, DE-FE0023475.
FE0026490 MicroBio Engineering CA Microalgae Commodities from Coal-Fired Power Plant Flue Gas CO2 06/30/2018 Biological Conversion MicroBio Engineering, Inc. has teamed with Orlando Utilities Commission Stanton Energy Center (OUC-SEC), University of Florida–Gainesville, Arizona State University, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Life Cycle Associates LLC, and SFA Pacific, Inc. to investigate power plant integration with microalgal production systems for the production of bulk commodities to beneficially utilize and mitigate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from coal-fired power plant flue gas. Techno-economic analyses, lifecycle assessments, engineering studies, and experimental work will be conducted for the site-specific case of utilization of flue gas from the OUC-SEC 800 MWe coal-fired power plant in Florida, sunlight, and local water sources to cultivate algal strains for production of biogas and animal feeds. Bench-scale experimental work at both OUC-SEC and the University of Florida will be conducted to test the growth of native microalgae under local conditions with actual CO2-laden flue gas and pure CO2. Project researchers will investigate two cases for CO2 mitigation and beneficial utilization: (1) biogas production from microalgal biomass and (2) production of bulk commodity premium microalgae animal feed to maximize the beneficial use of flue gas CO2. The microalgae cultivation process is based on an existing technology using large raceway ponds with projected algae productivity of nearly 50 metric tons of ash-free dry weight biomass per hectare per year. The anticipated results are detailed projections of the potential for and limitations of using microalgae for CO2 mitigation and beneficial utilization at the OUC-SEC coal-fired power plant. A technology gap analysis will be conducted on increasing microalgae productivity and optimizing market-driven sale of bulk feed commodities to help offset CO2 mitigation costs.
FE0025348 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Absorption/Desorption Based High Efficiency Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycles 06/30/2018 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts The team of Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®) and Thar Energy LLC (Thar) will evaluate indirect fossil based supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) power plants via system engineering design and thermodynamic analysis of integrated power plants. This evaluation will be used to assess the impact of thermal integration on plant performance and identify current technology gaps when integrating fossil based thermal systems with SCO2 power blocks. This will extend our current understanding of how fossil based thermal systems may best be integrated with recuperated closed Brayton cycles and identify component and boiler technology requirements and integration issues for future development and risk reduction. The project team will also evaluate a novel absorption/desorption based SCO2 power cycle that utilizes an absorption/desorption circuit to minimize compression work. Physical properties testing of suitable binary fluid mixtures at pressures and temperatures of interest for SCO2 power cycles will facilitate the system engineering design and thermodynamic analysis of the SCO2 absorption/desorption cycle. This work builds on DOE contracts FE0024104 and FE0024012 to advance fossil based utility scale SCO2 power plants by addressing integrated SCO2 plant efficiency, cost, and operating characteristics.
FE0026142 TDA Research, Inc. CO Low Cost Air Separation Process for Gasification Applications 05/31/2019 Air Separation TDA Research, Inc. (TDA), in collaboration with the University of California – Irvine, the University of Alberta, and the Gas Technology Institute, will develop a new chemical absorbent-based air separation process that can deliver low-cost oxygen to integrated gasification combined cycle power plants. The specific objectives of the work are to increase the technical maturity and commercial viability of the new absorbent-based air separation technology by (1) demonstrating continuous oxygen generation in a prototype test system and (2) carrying out a high fidelity process design and economic analysis. The TDA prototype unit will consist of three fixed-bed reactors, which can generate a minimum of 1 kg/hour of oxygen on a continuous basis. The system will be capable of stand-alone operation, treating up to 12 normal cubic meter per hour air at different inlet pressures. In a series of tests, the research team will validate the results from the absorption model and computational fluid dynamics simulations and conduct multiple-cycle tests under optimum operating conditions, delivering a high purity oxygen product. This project leverages research from previous DOE contracts DE-FG02-05ER84216, DE-FG02-07ER84677, and DE-FE0024060.
FE0026330 University of Texas at El Paso TX Metal Three Dimensional (3D) Printing of Low-Nitrous Oxide (NOX) Fuel Injectors with Integrated Temperature Sensors 09/30/2018 Sensors & Controls

This work involves the exploration of design and prototyping of a Dry Low-NOx (DLN) fuel injector with integrated temperature sensing capabilities using the electron beam melting (EBM) additive manufacturing (AM) process. Low-NOx natural gas fuel injectors, commonly used in Dry Low NOx (DLN) gas turbine combustors, have complex internal cavities and passages to ensure tailored mixing of air and fuel to achieve ultra-low levels of NOx emissions. Since the current design methodology of these injectors is based on conventional fabrication techniques (e.g., multi-step machining and welding processes), a new paradigm of design methodology needs to be developed for their adaptation to the EBM fabrication process.

The proposed effort has three specific objectives: (1) development of design methodologies for Low-NOx fuel injectors with embedded temperature capabilities for EBM based 3D Manufacturing; (2) development of optimum EBM process parameters and powder removal techniques to remove sintered powder from internal cavities and channels of Low-NOx fuel injectors with embedded temperature sensors; and (3) testing of the EBM fabricated Low-NOx fuel injector with integrated temperature measurement capabilities in a High Pressure Laboratory turbine combustor.
FE0026388 Southern Research Institute AL Combined Sorbent/WGS-Based CO2 Capture Process with Integrated Heat Management for IGCC Systems 01/31/2019 Novel Concepts

Southern Research, along with IntraMicron and Nexant, will conduct laboratory-scale research to develop a combined magnesium oxide (MgO)-based carbon dioxide (CO2) sorbent/water-gas shift (WGS) reactor that offers the simplicity of a fixed-bed adsorber/reactor and also the reactivity and heat management ability of a complex fluidized bed reactor. In addition to consolidating CO2 capture with WGS, the process will reduce parasitic energy losses by operating at warm gas temperatures, reduce parasitic plant load (i.e., steam and auxiliary power) by reducing or eliminating temperature swings for regeneration, and reduce separation costs by regenerating the sorbent in a stream of 99 percent CO2. The heat management capability is based on IntraMicron’s microfibrous entrapped catalyst (MFEC) technology. The project goal is to develop a combined CO2 sorbent/WGS reactor-based process with advanced integrated heat management to capture 90 percent of the CO2 from the Transport Reactor Integrated Gasifier (TRIG) syngas for integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) applications. The process will also be applicable to other gasifiers that are candidates for IGCC power plants with CO2 capture, and aims to reduce the cost of electricity by 30 percent as compared to conventional CO2 capture methods. Project researchers will develop the CO2 sorbent/WGS catalyst reactor system through rigorous modeling and laboratory-scale testing, with the goal of being ready for potential subsequent bench-scale testing by the end of the project.
FE0026435 Arizona State University AZ Zeolite Membrane Reactor for Pre-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture 03/31/2020 Membranes

Arizona State University, in collaboration with Media and Processes Technology Inc., the University of Cincinnati, Nexant Inc., and the University of Kentucky, will develop a bench-scale zeolite membrane reactor for water-gas shift (WGS) reaction with carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. The project is based on the previous successful lab-scale validation of a stable, hydrogen (H2) semi-permeable MFI-type zeolite membrane reactor. The research includes scaling-up the synthesis of zeolite membrane tubes; design and fabrication of the membrane reactor modules; testing bench-scale zeolite membrane reactors; and process design and techno-economic analysis of the membrane reactor for integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) applications. Once developed, the bench-scale zeolite membrane WGS reactor will be tested using raw synthesis gas (syngas) from a coal gasifier for H2 production at a capacity equivalent to a 2 kWth IGCC power plant. The project goal is to develop a bench-scale zeolite membrane reactor with the capacity of producing 2 kg of H2 per day, and to identify the operating conditions for a single-stage membrane reactor to produce a concentrated H2 stream with carbon monoxide conversion higher than 99 percent, CO2 capture greater than 90 percent, CO2 purity greater than 95 percent, and a cost of CO2 capture at less than $40/tonne of CO2. The performance and cost-effectiveness of the membrane reactor process will be evaluated for use in a 550-MWe coal-burning IGCC plant for CO2 capture.
FE0026466 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Large Bench Scale Development of Non-Aqueous Solvent Carbon Dioxide Capture Process for Coal Fired Power Plants Utilizing Real Coal Derived Flue Gas 12/31/2018 Solvents

Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International has teamed with Linde, LLC, and SINTEF Petroleum Research to continue the advancement of RTI’s water-lean solvent-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process by testing it at up to 60-kW benchscale using actual coal-derived flue gas and validating its potential to reduce the parasitic energy penalty associated with the capture of CO2 from flue gas. The water-lean solvent will be tested, using coal-fired flue gas, at both SINTEF’s pilot plant facility (Tiller Plant) and at the National Carbon Capture Center’s Slipstream Solvent Test Unit. The largest energy demand in state-of-the-art solvent-based CO2 capture processes comes from regenerating the solvent to remove the captured CO2. RTI’s water-lean solvent technology was previously proven, using simulated flue gas at a smaller scale, to have low-regneration temperatures, allowing use of lower-quality steam. The project objectives are to validate the process using coal-derived flue gas, test the process at a significantly larger scale at the Tiller Plant, and finalize the solvent chemistry to further increase hydrophobicity that will simplify and enhance the process operation. Data obtained from testing will be used to perform a techno-economic analysis, the results of which will determine the potential for the water-lean solvent-based CO2 capture process to achieve the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) technical and CO2 capture cost targets.
FE0026515 University of Texas at Austin TX Development of a Framework for Data Integration, Assimilation, and Learning for Geological Carbon Sequestration 03/31/2021 Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency The project aims to develop and demonstrate a data integration, assimilation, and learning framework for geologic carbon sequestration projects (DIAL-GCS). DIAL-GCS is an intelligent monitoring system (IMS) for automating GCS closed-loop management. It leverages recent advances in computer programming. Specifically, the project is developing an ontology-driven GCS data management module for storing, querying, and exchanging GCS data (both historic and live sensor data) from multiple heterogeneous formatted sources. It incorporates a complex-event processing engine for detecting abnormal situations. This engine is being developed by combining expert knowledge, rule based reasoning, and machine learning. The IMS is being designed to enable uncertainty quantification and predictive analytics using reduced-order modeling. The IMS capabilities are being integrated and developed with both real and simulated data from the Cranfield, Mississippi carbon storage test site.
FE0026516 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Development of Intelligent Monitoring System (IMS) Modules for the Aquistore CO2 Storage Project 09/30/2018 MVAA: Intelligent Monitoring The Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) at the University of North Dakota is developing new, real-time-datacapable workflows designed to automate the integration of carbon dioxide (CO2) storage site monitoring data within an intelligent monitoring system (IMS). The algorithms and workflows developed are capable of handling both periodic and real-time data. Compared with traditional manual processing, interpretation, and integration workflows, the software allows a CO2 storage site operator to more efficiently monitor and manage a site’s evolving risk profile. If incorporated into an active reservoir management control system, the software will allow for definition of risk trigger points based on user-defined criteria. These triggers can hence be used to automate field operations, such as flow rates within specified injection zones to optimize storage performance and efficiency and/or reduce the project’s risk profile while simultaneously minimizing human error and operational response times. This is being accomplished by integrating continuous monitoring data (such as pressure, temperature, and injection rate measurements), periodic monitoring data (such as seismic data, well logs, gravity surveys, and near-surface monitoring data), and reservoir performance simulations (which have been improved with monitoring data) with software algorithms linked to a technical user interface for visualization and real-time decision-making support.
FE0026582 University of Virginia VA Targeted Mineral Carbonation to Enhance Wellbore Integrity 06/30/2019 GS: Fluid Flow, Pressure & Water Management The project will systematically evaluate the potential to deploy targeted carbonation reactions to the leading edge of leaking CO2 as a strategy for mitigating leakage from deep CO2 injection sites. This project focuses on the development of stimuli-responsive coated mineral silicates that can be used in the targeted treatment and remediation of leaking CO2 in geologic storage sites and wellbores (Figure 1). This self-targeted approach eliminates the need for leaks to be precisely located before they can be mitigated, thus improving confidence in containment. Specifically, this project will synthesize coated mineral silicates and evaluate their ability to mitigate leakage experimentally and with forward modeling.
FE0026463 State University of New York (SUNY) - Buffalo NY Sorption Enhanced Mixed Matrix Membranes for Hydrogen Purification and Carbon Dioxide Capture 12/31/2019 Membranes

The University at Buffalo has teamed with Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. and Helios-NRG, LLC, to develop a membrane-based process to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-derived syngas with less than 10 percent increase in the levelized cost of electricity. The key advancement of this technology is a series of novel sorption enhanced mixed matrix membranes with high hydrogen (H2) permeance (500 GPU) and high H2/CO2 selectivity (30) at temperatures up to 200°C. The approach combines highly cross-linked polymers with strong size sieving ability and palladium-based nanomaterials with high H2/CO2 selectivity to achieve membranes with performance superior to stand-alone polymeric membranes. The project team will fabricate and optimize thin film composite membranes, perform parametric testing using simulated syngas in the laboratory, and conduct field testing of the membrane stamps at the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research with actual syngas. A process design and a techno-economic analysis will be completed based on the newly developed membranes. This analysis will clarify the potential of membrane technology for CO2 capture from coal-derived syngas, providing the criteria of membrane performance that must be met to achieve the DOE program goals.
FE0026464 Liquid Ion Solutions, LLC PA Lab-Scale Development of a Hybrid Capture System with Advanced Membrane, Solvent System, and Process Integration 09/30/2018 Novel Concepts

Liquid Ion Solutions LLC, in partnership with Penn State University and Carbon Capture Scientific, will develop and validate a transformational hybrid membrane/solvent system for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from flue gas. The project will build on work previously conducted by Liquid Ion Solutions in mixed-matrix membrane (MMM) development, Penn State in polymer synthesis and property optimization, and Carbon Capture Scientific in solvent systems. The hybrid technology is a two-stage CO2 capture system combining a membrane separation process and an absorption/stripping process with heat integration between the absorption column and stripping column through a heat pump cycle. Process air is used to sweep the stripper resulting in much lower regeneration temperatures and enabling heat integration to the point that no process steam is required. To reduce capital cost, a next-generation membrane technology with higher permeance will be developed. The interfacially-controlled envelope (ICE) membrane will make use of a transport zone neglected in conventional MMMs. By carefully controlling the interface between the polymer and inorganic particles within the MMM, CO2 transport will be encouraged and nitrogen transport diminished in the gap between the two phases. Since permeance is directly tied to membrane area and capital cost, the development of the ICE membranes will reduce the capital cost of the hybrid process below that of the baseline technologies. The research team will combine computer simulation with lab-scale experimentation using simulated flue gas to develop, optimize, and test ICE membranes, test the absorption column and air stripper, and complete a techno-economic analysis of the hybrid technology.
FE0026585 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Integrated Wellbore Integrity Analysis Program for CO2 Storage Applications 09/30/2018 GS: Geochemical Impacts

The objective of this research project was to develop and validate a program for identifying and characterizing wellbore leakage for carbon dioxide (CO2) storage applications based on analytics of well records validated with sustained casing pressure field monitoring. Major objectives included determining the nature of well defects, location of defects within the borehole, and severity of the leakage rate associated with that defect (Figure 1). This project surveyed wells in the Michigan, Appalachian, and Williston basins. The field-testing results did not show significant well defects. Project results were used with geochemical analysis to identify trends that lead to better understanding and prediction of well integrity issues for CO2 storage applications.
FE0026093 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT Innovative SOFC Technologies 09/30/2019 Core Technology FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Versa Power Systems, will collaborate with University of Connecticut and Sonata, LLC to develop a breakthrough portfolio of technologies to produce solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stacks and systems at costs below DOE targets and provide a cost competitive edge over existing technologies. The FCE team will develop a low-cost method of manufacturing the anode support layer by reducing the sintering temperature to less than 1300°C. The team will also investigate advanced manufacturing of the cell components and explore a technique to reduce the thickness of the barrier layer and decrease imperfections. The team will develop an innovative stack technology with two-pass flow geometry for better thermal management, material reduction, better packaging within stack modules, and ease of installation. The FCE team will design and fabricate a nominal 5 kilowatt-scale stack using full-size cells for testing for at least 1000 hours at normal operating conditions and prepare cost estimates for SOFC cell and stack technologies developed during this project based on high volume manufacturing techniques. The project will build on previous DOE funded work, most recently DE-FE0023186.
FE0026199 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT SOFC Prototype System Test 12/31/2020 Systems Development FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) and its subsidiary, Versa Power Systems, will design, fabricate, and test a state-of-the-art 400 kilowatt (kW) prototype system comprised of two thermally self-sustaining atmospheric-pressure 200 kW Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) power generators to be installed and operated at a prominent site. This work will demonstrate SOFC stack reliability and endurance and utilize FCE’s SOFC system design philosophy based on factory-assembled stack building blocks, which may be used to fabricate larger multi-stack modules for both sub-megawatt (MW) and multi-MW systems applications. Ultimately, thirty-two baseline 120-cell SOFC stack blocks will be fabricated and integrated into four 100 kW modular power blocks (MPBs) for the 400 kW prototype system. The system design will include novel balance of plant (BOP) components and operational/control strategies to improve SOFC stack endurance and reliability. The system testing will serve to validate key design features of the MPB (e.g., SOFC stack arrays and towers, and integration of hot BOP components), which are enabling technologies for larger-scale MW-class stack modules.
FE0026325 Florida International University FL Novel High Temperature Carbide and Boride Ceramics for Direct Power Extraction Electrode Applications 09/30/2020 Direct Power Extraction NETL is partnering with Florida International University to develop nanocarbide and boride ceramic solid solution and related composites via novel synthesis and processing and to understand the fundamental composition processing-structure-property relationships for materials candidates for applications such as hot electrodes for direct power extraction, e.g., magnetic hydrodynamic (MHD) systems. Basic research on new high-temperature ceramic materials, including novel means of synthesis and processing, will be performed. Fundamental knowledge will be developed and leveraged to design direct power extraction applications for cleaner and more efficient power generation using fossil fuels.
FE0026581 NRG Energy, Inc. NJ NRG CO2NCEPT - Confirmation of Novel Cost-Effective Emerging Post-Combustion Technology 09/30/2016 Sorbents NRG Energy, Inc. (NRG) researchers, in partnership with Inventys, are working to establish the technical feasibility and economic viability of Inventys’ VeloxoThermTM post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process. VeloxoTherm is an intensified temperature swing adsorption process that uses a patented architecture of structured sorbent and process design to economically capture CO2 from industrial flue gas streams.Previously validated for CO2 capture from natural gas, the project will progress the technology for testing on a 10 MWe equivalent, or greater, coal-fired flue gas slipstream and address associated contaminants and process integration. Process testing completed previously was performed with the intent to de-risk the technology for multiple applications, including coal. During Phase I, NRG will determine the scope, configuration, and design basis of the system; determine optimal size and host site location on one of NRG’s coal plants; complete techno-economic and technical gap analyses; and update the project management plan. The VeloxoTherm process presents a number of process integration opportunities, including the source of process steam, auxiliary power, and plant utilities, which will be considered in the evaluation of alternative NRG host sites and plant scales.
Projects for the large-scale (equivalent of 10 to 25 MWe) pilot testing of post-combustion CO2 capture technology systems are being conducted in two phases, with a competitive downselect to continue from Phase I into Phase II. This project was selected for Phase I; a Phase II application must be submitted to be considered for the full project.
FE0026095 Atrex Energy, Inc. MA Matrix Study of Aged SOFC Performance and Materials Degradation 07/27/2021 Core Technology Acumentrics SOFC Corp. (Acumentrics) and Boston University (BU) are working to support an industry goal to rate fuel cells at constant performance for more than 40,000 hours (the target duration required for widespread acceptance of fuel cells in the power generation market). A problem facing developers is the lack of an accepted method to accelerate solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) degradation in the laboratory in order to accurately predict long-term degradation in the field. The objective of this work is to perform an in-depth analysis of stack degradation in SOFCs that have been in actual service (aged) from 1,000 to 25,000 or more hours. The work will focus on tubular stacks commercialized by Acumentrics. Project personnel will conduct a detailed spatial electrochemical characterization of aged SOFCs and a detailed spatial material characterization of tubular SOFCs using modern diagnostic tools. These data will be organized along with stack metadata (operating parameters, time, and geometrical position) into a database to correlate degradation data with the metadata in order to isolate patterns of degradation.
FE0026383 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Energy Efficient GO-PEEK Hybrid Membrane Process for Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture 09/30/2020 Novel Concepts

Gas Technology Institute has teamed with the University of South Carolina, Porogen Corporation, and Trimeric Corporation to develop a hybrid process for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the flue gas of pulverized coal-fired power plants. The process will combine a conventional gas separation membrane unit and a solvent-based capture process that utilizes a novel hollow fiber membrane contactor unit to capture greater than 90 percent of the carbon dioxide (CO2) with 95 percent CO2 purity at a cost of electricity 30 percent less than the baseline CO2 capture approach. The hybrid process integrates the ultrathin graphene oxide (GO) membrane process with the polyether ether ketone (PEEK) hollow fiber membrane contactor (HFMC) process for increased reduction in the cost of CO2 capture. The GO membranes will capture the bulk of the CO2 from coal-fired flue gas and the PEEK HFMC unit will capture additional CO2 to achieve DOE’s performance targets. In this project, the GO membrane preparation method will be optimized to achieve membranes with CO2/N2 selectivity of greater than 90 and a CO2 permeance of at least 1,000 GPU. Third-generation PEEK fibers will be optimized and manufactured with an intrinsic permeance of at least 3,000 GPU. The GO membrane unit will be integrated with the PEEK membrane contactor unit to measure the system performance. Testing of the bench-scale integrated GO-PEEK hybrid system will be conducted with simulated flue gas. A techno-economic feasibility study will be completed based on the integrated testing data.
FE0026396 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY A Microalgae-Based Platform for the Beneficial Reuse of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plants 09/30/2017 Biological Conversion The University of Kentucky (UK) has teamed with the University of Delaware College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment (UD-CEOE) and ALGIX LLC to develop a cost-effective, biological carbon dioxide (CO2) conversion process that can convert CO2 from coal-fired flue gas to value-added products. The research team will focus on microalgae-based CO2 capture with conversion of the resulting algal biomass to fuels and bioplastics. Scenedesmus acutus algae will be autotrophically cultured in an innovative cyclic flow photobioreactor. The algae will be harvested and dewatered using previously developed UK technology based on flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration. Engineering- and biology-based approaches will be employed to decrease costs, while a sustainable utilization strategy will be developed for the algal biomass produced. The project will specifically address three main areas: (1) critical commercial-scale development barriers such as flue gas introduction, dewatering, and culture maintenance; (2) development of large-scale applications for the produced biomass while maximizing the potential revenue stream; and (3) assessment of the economics and greenhouse gas implications of this approach to CO2 capture and recycle. The project objectives are to optimize UK’s current technology, particularly with regard to harvesting and dewatering operations; develop strategies to monitor and maintain algae culture health; and develop a biomass utilization strategy which simultaneously produces lipid feedstock for direct upgrading to fuels and a proteinaceous feedstock for the production of algal-based bioplastics, thereby maximizing the value of the algal biomass. Techno-economic analyses to calculate the cost of CO2 capture and recycle using this approach, and life cycle analyses to evaluate the greenhouse gas emission reduction potential will be completed.
FE0026497 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Large Pilot CAER Heat Integrated Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology for Reducing the Cost of Electricity 10/31/2017 Solvents The University of Kentucky’s (UK) Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) has teamed with Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to further develop its heat-integrated, post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system for application on a coal-fired power plant. The goal of this project is to scale up and test, at 10 MWe, the CAER system that uses heat integration, two-stage stripping, and an advanced solvent to enhance the CO2 absorber performance, thereby improving plant efficiency. The project will be modeled directly after CAER’s small pilot (0.7 MWe) CO2 capture system located at the Louisville Gas and Electric Company (LG and E) and Kentucky Utilities Company (KU) E.W. Brown power plant. Two key aspects that differentiate the technology from other capture systems are (1) a two-stage stripping unit for solvent regeneration in which the second stage air-stripper is empowered by the heat rejection from the first stage conventional steam-heated stripper, thereby reducing the energy penalty, and (2) a heat-integrated cooling tower system that recovers waste energy from the carbon capture system. Phase I tasks include developing the preliminary engineering design, techno-economic analysis, and technology gap analysis; incorporating small pilot (0.7 MWe) data; selecting a host site; and defining the Phase II experimental design. Projects for the large-scale (equivalent of 10 to 25 MWe) pilot testing of post-combustion CO2 capture technology systems are being conducted in two phases, with a competitive downselect to continue from Phase I into Phase II.

This project was selected for Phase I; a Phase II application must be submitted to be considered for the full project.
FE0026392 NITEC, LLC CO Offshore Storage Resource Assessment 09/30/2017 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore) NITEC, LLC is developing a high level quantitative assessment of the CO2 volume that can be stored in depleted oil and natural gas fields in the offshore federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) on a field by field basis. This project is establishing a ranked list of fields based on prospective CO2 sequestration volume. This enables future, more detailed studies to focus on specific fields based on their size, location and currently available public data. Accordingly, it is highlighting areas of the offshore GOM where there are deficiencies in candidate fields for CO2 storage either due to size, lack of data, or oil and natural gas remaining depletion life. The project is estimating individual field storage resource using DOE developed volumetric equations. This use of these equations require assessment of the in-situ hydrocarbon fluid volumes for the field under evaluation. This project is utilizing public data from the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) reserves database5, and from a well reputed, large database (250,000+ wells) of GOM well and production data marketed by IHS, Inc. The databases will be used along with geological and petrophysical software (Petra) to identify depleted oil and gas fields in the Federal GOM region.
FE0026472 Texas A&M University TX Evaluation of Amine-Incorporated Porous Polymer Networks (APPNS) as Sorbents for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture 03/31/2019 Sorbents

Texas A&M University has teamed with framergy™ to develop and test amine-incorporated porous polymer networks (aPPNs) for low-energy selective capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from flue gas. aPPNs are novel porous sorbents that exhibit exceptional gas uptake capacities and working capacities, with the added capability of fine tuning the CO2 selectivity through the incorporation of amine groups. These innovative materials will address many of the limiting factors in both solvent and other sorbent-based CO2 capture methods, mainly the energy required to regenerate the post-combustion CO2 capture system. The project objectives are to optimize the sorbent and process technologies to develop a scalable, highly-robust, and highly-efficient sorbent, and validate the sorbent through lab-scale, fixed-bed testing with simulated flue gas. The goal at the end of this lab-scale evaluation is to collect all the relevant data and overcome the challenges for scaling-up the best performing sorbent for future bench-scale testing in a fluidized-bed system.
FE0025822 Oregon State University OR Pulse Detonation Engine for Advanced Oxy-Combustion of Coal-Based Fuel for Direct Power Extraction Applications 09/24/2020 Advanced Combustion Oregon State University (OSU) will develop and evaluate a pulse detonation combustion system for direct power extraction. The system will work on either gaseous (e.g., natural gas) or solid (e.g., coal) fuels. OSU will computationally investigate coupling the pulse detonation combustor with a magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) system. Such a system can be used as a topping cycle to improve the efficiencies of industrial power plants. Specific objectives of this effort include (1) design, build, and operate a pulse detonation engine that operates on gaseous or solid fuels with air and oxygen as the oxidizer; (2) evaluate the operational envelope and performance of the pulse detonation engine; and (3) develop and validate a numerical design tool to calculate the performance of both pulse detonation and coupled detonation-MHD systems. Methane with other gaseous fuels will be considered initially to provide validation data for the detonation model, gain confidence in the combustor, and avoid the complexities associated with seeding the flow with coal. Once confidence has been gained in the methane/oxygen combustor, the system will be expanded to operation with coal. A baseline design for a functioning pulse detonation engine will be provided by Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc. at no cost.
FE0025959 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA High Efficiency Thermal Integration of Supercritical CO2 Brayton Power Cycles for Oxy-Fired Heaters 03/31/2018 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and a team of five subcontractors (Alstom Power Inc., Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group, Inc., Doosan America ATS, Echogen Power Systems, LLC, and Howden Group Ltd.) will develop process designs for test cases that optimally integrate candidate closed Brayton power cycles using supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) as the working fluid with oxy/coal-fired SCO2 heaters for comparison with relevant DOE/NETL baseline cases employing steam-Rankine power cycles, and identify technology gaps in the SCO2 Brayton power cycle plants. The team will also develop cost estimates for the SCO2 Brayton cycle power plants coupled with oxy/coal-fired systems for comparison with relevant baseline-case capital costs and associated cost of electricity and identify components whose cost might be reduced by focused R&D.
FE0026433 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Novel Process That Achieves 10 MOL/KG Sorbent Swing Capacity in a Rapidly Cycled Pressure Swing Adsorption Process 09/30/2019 Sorbents

Georgia Tech Research Corporation has teamed with Inmondo Tech, Inc., to test a novel process that achieves 10 moles per kilogram sorbent swing capacity in a rapidly cycled pressure swing adsorption (RCPSA) process for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from coal-fired power plants. Novel polymer/metal-organic framework (MOF) sorbent composite hollow fibers will be used in a new sub-ambient RCPSA process that integrates flue gas conditioning with a highly-compact pressure swing adsorption system. The research team will develop, fabricate, and test prototype MOF composite-fiber sorbent modules at sub-ambient conditions. The modules are comprised of polymeric fibers with embedded metal-organic framework particles. This approach benefits from two main innovations: (1) the sub-ambient flue gas is processed with energy and power recovery, enabling a low pressure drop fiber sorbent-based RCPSA system that is extremely compact and (2) a hollow fiber sorbent with a bore-side barrier layer has the potential to make the RCPSA fiber sorbent module even more compact. Additionally, the efficiency of the pressure swing cycle will be boosted by installing a stationary phase-change material in the bores of the hollow fiber sorbents that will isothermally melt upon release of sorption enthalpy and conversely isothermally freeze upon CO2 desorption, requiring no steam or cooling water. The project is anticipated to result in a lab-scale evaluation of a prototype fiber sorbent module in a sub-ambient RCPSA with simulated flue gas and preliminary design, optimization, and economic analysis of a full scale system.
FE0025064 Energy Industries of Ohio, Inc. OH Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Component Testing 02/28/2022 POT - High Performance Materials

NETL is partnering with Energy Industries of Ohio Inc. to bring advanced ultrasupercritical (AUSC) technology to the commercial-scale demonstration level of technology readiness by designing a test facility that consists of prototype-scale (approximately 120,000 lbs/hr steam flowrate) equipment components that would operate at AUSC steam temperature up to 760 degrees Celsius (°C) (400 degrees Fahrenheit [°F]) and pressure of 70 bar (1000 pounds per square inch absolute [psia]) or higher; and completing the manufacturing research and development of AUSC components by fabricating commercial-scale nickel superalloy components and sub-assemblies that would be needed in a coal-fired power plant of approximately 800 megawatts generation capacity (MWe) operating at a steam temperature of 760 °C (1400 °F) and steam pressure of at least 238 bar (3500 psia).
FE0026273 Thar Energy, LLC PA Technology Development of Modular, Low-Cost, High-Temperature Recuperators for SCO2 Power Cycles 07/31/2021 Recuperators Thar Energy LLC (Thar) will lead a technology development program with partner Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and subcontractors Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Georgia Institute of Technology (material characterization and corrosion expertise) to advance high-temperature, high-differential-pressure recuperator technologies suitable for use in the supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) recompression Brayton cycle (RCBC). The focus of the development program is to evaluate, advance, and demonstrate recuperator concepts, materials, and fabrication methods that facilitate the commercial availability of compact, low cost recuperators for use under RCBC conditions greater than 700°C and differential pressures of approximately 200 bar. Researchers will consider variations of the microtubular design to address operability, inspection, maintenance, scalability, manufacturability, and cost. The technology development program is structured to (1) evaluate the novel recuperator concepts using engineering analysis for comparison with the current state of the art; (2) advance promising concepts through initial design and down selection; (3) complete the detailed design of the selected concept; and (4) fabricate a 46.6 MW (thermal) recuperator to accommodate the 10 MW (electric) SCO2 Supercritical Transformational Electric Power (STEP) demonstration. This work builds on previous DOE contracts DE-EE0005804 and DE-FE0024012.
FE0026432 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Lab- and Bench-Scale Applications for Research and Development of Transformational Carbon Dioxide Capture 06/30/2018 Sorbents

Research Triangle Institute (RTI) will develop novel third-generation fluidizable solid sorbents for their sorbent-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process. Two novel sorbent approaches, based on hybrid-metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and hybrid-phosphorus (P)-dendrimers, have been identified with promise to achieve DOE’s performance and cost goals. The primary project goal is to design and synthesize several novel hybrid-based MOF and P-dendrimers with enhanced stability and higher CO2 capacity, then thoroughly evaluate and show their potential to further drive down the cost of CO2 capture. From this group, the most cost-effective sorbent that can meet DOE’s goals will be selected. RTI researchers will conduct lab-scale testing in RTI's packed-bed reactor and fluidized, moving-bed reactor with simulated flue gas; evaluate the sorbents’ stability and the impact of contaminants, temperature, and humidity; and complete high-level technical and economic analyses to understand the potential of these sorbents to substantially reduce the cost associated with CO2 capture from coal-fired power plants. The project is designed to explore the promise of novel solid CO2 sorbents to further lower the cost of CO2 capture, establish an understanding of how process elements influence CO2 capture performance, and provide information for a technology feasibility study, which will prove the commercial potential of a hybrid solid sorbent-based CO2 capture technology.
FE0026498 General Electric (GE) Company NY Large Pilot-Scale Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture Project Using Aminosilicone Solvent 06/30/2017 Solvents General Electric (GE) will further develop its aminosilicone carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system in partnership with the Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM). The aminosilicone technology is a non-aqueous chemical solvent that GE has developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), beginning with laboratory experimentation and material screening in 2008. Based on bench-scale test results, the aminosilicone technology offers a CO2 capture cost of $46/tonne CO2. This cost potential is being tested at the small pilot scale (0.5 MWe) under a predecessor project at the National Carbon Capture Center. The small pilot test results will be used to develop a 10 MWe project plan. The primary test objective is to complete two months of continuous operation to validate performance claims and de-risk the technology. During the test protocol, GE will conduct experiments to observe the performance and flexibility of the aminosilicone system under conditions of reduced steam temperature (opportunity heat sources) and reduced steam flow rate (power island partial load). GE proposes to utilize the TCM as the host site. In Phase I, GE will develop a plan to define the large pilot-scale project, and minimize and quantify risks associated with technical success, cost, and schedule. Tasks will include a technology gap analysis; a screening-level design and cost estimate; an environmental, health, and safety assessment report; and a techno-economic analysis for the CO2 capture system. The information will be compiled and integrated into an experimental design, budget, and schedule for the Phase II pilot test project.
Projects for the large-scale (equivalent of 10 to 25 MWe) pilot testing of post-combustion CO2 capture technology systems are being conducted in two phases, with a competitive downselect to continue from Phase I into Phase II. This project was selected for Phase I; a Phase II application must be submitted to be considered for the full project.
FE0026517 Archer Daniels Midland Corporation IL Intelligent Monitoring Systems and Advanced Well Integrity and Mitigation 09/30/2020 Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency

Archer Daniels Midland Corporation (ADM) is developing an integrated intelligent monitoring system (IMS) architecture that utilizes a permanent, continuously active surface seismic monitoring network for process surveillance and optimization. Specifically, this project aims to use a continuously active seismic source monitoring system, in addition to downhole temperature and pressure data, and modeling to monitor, track, and optimize the injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the Mt. Simon saline reservoir. The project is being carried out at ADM's Decatur, Illinois site in conjunction with the Illinois Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage Project (Figure 1).
FE0026589 Alstom Power, Inc. TN Improvement of Alstom's Chilled Ammonia Process Large Pilot with the Use of Membrane Technology 09/30/2016 Solvents Alstom Power Inc. (Alstom) has teamed with Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM), the Georgia Institute of Technology, General Electric Power and Water, Purecowater, and ElectroSep Inc. to improve Alstom’s Chilled Ammonia Process (CAP) carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology using commercially-available membrane technologies to reduce energy and capital costs. Concepts incorporating liquid-liquid reverse osmosis and bipolar electrodialysis membrane technologies will be tested at an existing 15 MWe CAP facility at TCM. Alstom will utilize previous bench-scale results to properly select the membrane technologies. Phase I project objectives are to complete preliminary design and economic analyses for the test program, including four membrane concepts; develop the cost estimate and schedule to modify the existing large-pilot facility at TCM; and complete preliminary techno-economic and technology gap analyses for the CAP technology at the 550-MWe scale.
Projects for the large-scale (equivalent of 10 to 25 MWe) pilot testing of post-combustion CO2 capture technology systems are being conducted in two phases, with a competitive downselect to continue from Phase I into Phase II. This project was selected for Phase I; a Phase II application must be submitted to be considered for the full project.
FE0026169 General Electric (GE) Company NY Development of a Thermal Spray Redox Stable, Ceramic Anode for Metal Supported SOFC 03/31/2019 Cell Technology GE Global Research, in partnership with GE–Fuel Cells, LLC and West Virginia University (WVU) will develop a thermal-spray, redox stable, ceramic anode that will enable robust, large scale, metal supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). The overall program objective is to define an optimized ceramic anode chemistry, and its thermal spray processing conditions, to enable scalable, low-cost, manufacturing utilizing GE’s extensive thermal spray network. Researchers will assess a single, simple redox stable anode composition: lanthanum doped strontium titanate combined with doped cerium oxide. Thermal spray manufacturing of a ceramic anode on a metal supported substrate will be demonstrated and material property requirements established. Sub-micron/micron sized powders with optimized composition and material properties will be produced for use in thermal spray manufacturing. GE Global Research will tailor the thermal spray process and engineer the powder microstructure to produce high performing SOFC cells. WVU will develop and down-select high performing ceramic anode chemistries that are amenable to the thermal spray process. Finally, GE–Fuel Cells will assemble, instrument, and operate a 5 kilowatt stack at its test lab for at least 1000 hours on natural gas or simulated natural gas fuel.
FE0026580 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT Pilot Test of Novel Electrochemical Membrane System for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Power Generation 08/31/2018 Novel Concepts

FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) is partnering with AECOM Technical Services to continue development of its novel system for separation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from greenhouse gas emission sources using FCE’s patented Combined Electric Power and Carbon Dioxide Separation (CEPACS) system. The CEPACS system is based on an electrochemical membrane (ECM) technology. The driving force for CO2 separation is electrochemical potential and results in simultaneous power production and CO2 separation. The membrane consists of ceramic-based layers filled with carbonate salts, and separates CO2 from the flue gas with a selectivity of 100 percent over the nitrogen present in the gas. Because of fast electrode kinetics, the low CO2 concentration normally found in PC plant flue gas is suitable for ECM operation. The planar geometry and modularity of the ECM technology allows for easy configuration into large size systems suitable for deployment in PC plants. In this project, FCE will design and fabricate a small pilot system (nominal 3-MWe equivalent) and test the system on actual flue gas from a slipstream of pulverized coal (PC) plant flue gas for at least two months. A techno-economic analysis and an environmental, health, and safety study of the system will be performed. The project objective is to verify that the CEPACS system can achieve at least 90 percent CO2 capture from PC plant flue gas with 95 percent CO2 purity at a cost of $40/tonne of CO2 captured and at a cost of electricity 30 percent less than baseline CO2 capture approaches.
FE0026511 C-Crete Technologies, LLC TX Programmable Sealant-Loaded Mesoporous Nanoparticles for Gas/Liquid Leakage Mitigation 09/30/2020 Wellbore Integrity C-Crete Technologies is developing a new protocol integrating a collection of advanced synthesis and characterization techniques, a thorough combination of lab-simulation and field tests, as well as cost-benefit and socioeconomics analysis to achieve the most beneficial and cost effective CO2 barrier technology. The core synthesis strategy is a bottom-up approach to further develop the knowledge base related to nanoparticles and nanocomposites and apply it to a new cement-based porous nanoparticles (CPNP)-sealant product (Figure 1). The technical results are being coupled to a cost-benefit/ socioeconomic analysis that incorporates materials/method cost structures and risk and environmental priorities to quantitatively evaluate the impact and benefits of the new product and technology.
FE0026513 Montana State University MT Wellbore Leakage Mitigation Using Advanced Mineral Precipitation Strategies 09/30/2020 Wellbore Integrity

Montana State University is developing new mineralization precipitation technologies capable of sealing near-wellbore leakage pathways under a variety of pressure and temperature conditions in the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) and brine to help ensure CO2 permanence within the storage formation. The minerals are promoted by enzymatic and thermal degradation of urea, which results in mineral precipitation. The minerals can withstand significantly greater temperature than certain microbe precipitation techniques explored during previous development efforts. The project is combining the use of laboratory testing at elevated temperatures and simulation modeling to determine the most applicable mineral sealing strategy. The selected strategy will be deployed in a field experiment at the Gorgas Power Station in Walker County, AL, where an attempt will be made to seal a previously-identified fracture zone in a well at the plant site (Figure 1). The longevity of the mineral seal is being assessed with laboratory, modeling, and well logging and characterization techniques. The project team is building on its previous successes with biomineralization technology development by targeting the use of the identified active catalyst enzyme (instead of the entire cell) and direct thermal hydrolysis of urea to drive mineral precipitation. This will facilitate engineered mineralization sealing at greater depths and higher temperatures than is currently possible with biomineralization technology.
FE0026588 University of Illinois IL Large Pilot Scale Testing of Linde/BASF Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology at the Abbott Coal-Fired Power Plant 11/30/2017 Solvents

Researchers at the University of Illinois, in partnership with the Linde Group, BASF Corporation, Affiliated Engineers, Inc., and the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives, will design a 25-MWe, amine-based advanced carbon dioxide (CO2) capture pilot-scale system for integration with the existing coal-fired boilers at the Abbott Power Plant. The pilot plant aims to capture approximately 500 tonnes per day of CO2 with a 90 percent capture rate. The project will utilize the Linde-BASF advanced CO2 capture process, based on the novel BASF amine solvents, which has shown the potential to be cost-effective, energy efficient, and compact at the 0.5-1.5 MWe pilot scales. Through the previous 1.5 MWe pilot testing program at the National Carbon Capture Center, the technology shows promise of driving down the cost of CO2 captured from commercial-scale, coal-fired power plants. During Phase I, the project team will develop the project management plan, preliminary plant design, and cost estimate for the large-pilot plant; update the techno-economic assessment and technology gap analysis based on small-pilot results; and define a test plan to evaluate the integrated absorption system with parametric and long-term continuous testing.

Projects for the large-scale (equivalent of 10 to +25 MWe) pilot testing of post-combustion CO2 capture technology systems are being conducted in two phases, with a competitive downselect to continue from Phase I into Phase II. This project was selected for Phase I; a Phase II application must be submitted to be considered for the full project.
FE0026590 Southern Company Services, Inc. AL Advanced Solvent-Based Carbon Capture Technology Development 10/31/2017 Solvents

Southern Company Services (SCS) has teamed with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America and AECOM Technical Services to test improvements to carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) processes. The goal of this project is to evaluate the improvements of an integrated stripper/reboiler, particulate matter management, and new solvent on the existing 25 MWe-scale, amine-based Kansai Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide Recovery (KM-CDRTM) process at Southern Company's Plant Barry. The KM-CDR at Plant Barry is a fully-integrated CCS plant and has achieved 90 percent CO2 capture at a production rate of 500 metric tons per day. The large-scale pilot plant uses the proprietary KS-1 solvent, which shows several benefits relative to monoethanolamine-based processes. The key technical challenges of high-steam consumption, solvent performance degradation, and process equipment footprint will be investigated. During Phase I, SCS will perform a preliminary techno-economic analysis, preliminary design, and technology gap analysis; integrate results from previous amine-based CO2 capture process testing; and define the project plan to include baseline, parametric, and long-term operations testing.

Projects for the large-scale (equivalent of 10 to +25 MWe) pilot testing of post-combustion CO2 capture technology systems are being conducted in two phases, with a competitive downselect to continue from Phase I into Phase II. This project was selected for Phase I; a Phase II application must be submitted to be considered for the full project.
FE0026622 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Warm Syngas Cleanup Operational Testing at Tampa Electric Company's Polk 1 IGCC Site 09/30/2017 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification Research Triangle Institute (RTI), with support from Tampa Electric Company (TEC), will perform additional R&D on the 50 MW syngas slip-stream from TEC’s Polk 1 IGCC facility. This R&D includes extended testing of the warm syngas cleanup pre-commercial demonstration unit for approximately 3,000 additional hours. During this extended operational period, the project would demonstrate capture of CO2 via integration of warm gas cleanup and other pre-combustion capture technologies. During the additional testing, the project intends to establish at least 1,000 continuous hours of fully-integrated operation (including warm gas desulfurization process (WDP), water gas shift, and activated amine carbon capture technology) to reduce the technical risks associated with the integrated processes, and demonstrate that it can operate with high reliability and availability without unexpected process, mechanical, or control issues. A one-year period of performance will allow RTI to complete this extended testing, analyze the data, and develop optimum process configurations for integration of WDP and CO2 capture technologies for production of power, chemicals and fuels through coal gasification.
SC0015181 Altex Technologies Corporation CA Corrosion and Erosion Resistant Surface Features for High Pressure Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Heat Exchangers 12/31/2020 Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles Altex has identified an innovative technology that leverages the current heat exchanger bonding process to also improve the heat exchanger surface characteristics to address corrosion and erosion as a result of operation with supercritical carbon dioxide. By going to this one step process, heat exchanger corrosion and erosion resistance can be improved, at low cost. Furthermore, the base structural strength of the heat exchanger will remain unchanged.
FE0026919 Ohio State University OH Novel Carbon Dioxide (CO2)-Selective Membranes for CO2 Capture from less than 1% CO2 Sources 08/31/2019 Membranes Researchers at Ohio State University (OSU) have teamed with TriSep Corporation, Gradient Technology (GT), and American Electric Power to develop a cost-effective design and manufacturing process for new membranes and membrane modules that capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from less than one percent CO2 concentration sources. Based on prior work, novel CO2-selective membranes will be synthesized using a cost-effective nanoporous polymer support and a top layer coating of thin, highly-selective, permeable, amine-containing polymer membrane. Membrane performance targets of about 1,800 GPU for CO2 permeance and greater than 140 for CO2/N2 selectivity will be achieved using a simulated feed gas mixture containing less than one percent CO2, a scaled up prototype membrane (14 inches in width) and three fabricated prototype membrane modules. The CO2-selective membrane modules will be implemented using a two-stage membrane process. The membrane uses a facilitated transport mechanism where CO2 permeance is increased as CO2 concentration is reduced. The OSU team will conduct membrane synthesis, module fabrication, and membrane module testing. A techno-economic and system analysis of the viability of the advanced membrane process will be conducted by GT. TriSep Corporation will advise the team regarding pilot- and large-scale continuous membrane fabrication and commercialization.
FE0027102 Southern Research Institute AL Plasma ARC Gasification Based Rare Earth Element Recovery from Coal Fly Ash 08/31/2017 Separation Technologies

Southern Research Institute and its project team will evaluate the feasibility of an innovative technology designed to concentrate rare earth elements (REEs) from coal fly ash (CFA). Project partner ArcSec has developed an alternating current graphite electrode plasma arc technology for CFA vitrification that will be utilized in this project. The thermal-based process proposed for this project utilizes plasma arc technology to concentrate REEs in fly ash. The technology has two options: a plasma smelting process and a plasma smelting process plus volatilization and sequential condensation. In option one the molten metal is collected and then tapped for further processing to concentrate the REEs. In option two, the molten metal pool is vaporized to apply sequential condensation to refine the concentration of the REEs into groups. The Phase 1 work will include sampling and characterization of coal fly ash from eight coal-fired power plants that utilize eastern bituminous coal (particularly eastern Kentucky coal) for REE content and a comprehensive feasibility study for the project. The team will conduct bench-scale experiments utilizing a plasma furnace to evaluate the fate of REEs in the separation between the top slag layer and the bottom molten metal layer. Evaluation of potential enhancements to promote the partitioning of REEs to the molten metal layer will be made and the plasma volatilization of the molten metal layer will be modeled, including sequential condensation of enriched REE material from the gas.
FE0027155 Tusaar Corporation CO Economical & Environmentally Benign Extraction of Rare Earth Elements (REES) from Coal & Coal Byproducts 12/31/2017 Separation Technologies

In this Phase I project, Tusaar will use proprietary technology involving leaching processes and metal sorption media to develop a bench-scale rare earth element (REE) extraction process able to handle approximately one kilogram batches of coal by-product material and deliver a product meeting or exceeding DOE requirements. Tusaar has developed novel and environmentally friendly media to sequester over 45 different metals from aqueous streams. The project end deliverable flowsheet will contain the following steps: (1) possible beneficiation of coal product source material, (2) coal product leaching, (3) radioactive material separation, (4) REE sequestration and recovery, and (5) waste water treatment for heavy metal removal.
FE0027167 Physical Sciences, Inc. MA High Yield and Economical Production of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Ash 03/31/2022 Process Systems

In this Phase 2 project, the team of Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI), University of Kentucky/Center for Applied Energy Research, and Winner Water Services will develop and demonstrate a pilot scale plant to economically produce salable REE-rich concentrates including yttrium and scandium (REYSc) and commercially viable co-products from coal ash feedstock using environmentally safe and high-yield physical and chemical enrichment/recovery processes. The pilot plant will operate at the scale of approximately 0.4-1 tons per day (tpd) ash throughput for physical processing and about 0.5 tpd for chemical processing, producing at least 50 g of dry REYSc nitrates concentrate containing more than 10 percent by weight of REYSc, and targeting 500 g of dry REYSc nitrates concentrate containing more than 20 percent REYSc by weight. The ash feedstock will come from the Dale power plant in Ford, KY, with at least 300 ppm of REYSc content, though more than 500 ppm is anticipated. The data obtained from the pilot plant operations will be used to enhance and validate the techno-economic analysis that was completed for both the physical and chemical processing plants at a scale of 600 tpd in Phase 1, and use it to design a commercial scale plant (hundreds of tpd throughput) with return on investment in less than seven years.
FE0027035 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Pilot-Scale Testing of an Integrated Circuit for the Extraction of Rare Earth Minerals and Elements from Coal and Coal By-products Using Advanced Separation Technologies 12/31/2020 Process Systems

In Phase 1 of this project, the University of Kentucky (UK) identified two bituminous coal-related feedstocks qualified as having ample supply with high rare earth element (REE) content (above 300 parts per million) and developed a preliminary design for a mobile pilot plant to recover REEs from those feedstocks. In laboratory experiments, UK achieved greater than 80 percent concentration of rare earths in the mixed rare earth concentrate while recovering greater than 75 percent of the rare earths from the incoming feedstock. In Phase 2, the University will develop and test a one-fourth ton/hour pilot-scale plant for the extraction of REEs from Central Appalachian and Illinois Basin bituminous coal preparation plant refuse materials. The system integrates both physical and chemical (ion exchange and solvent extraction) separation processes that are commercially available and environmentally acceptable. The innovative enabling technology utilized in the proposed system includes an advanced froth flotation process and a novel hydrophobic-hydrophilic separation process.
FE0027012 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Recovery of Rare Earth Elements (REES) from Coal Ash with a Closed Loop Leaching Process 08/31/2017 Separation Technologies

Battelle with support from its partners will validate the economic viability of Battelle’s patented closed-loop Acid Digestion Process (ADP) for recovering REEs from coal ash. This will be accomplished by selecting coal sources with the potential to provide REE concentrations above 300 parts per million by weight, collecting characterization data for coal ash samples generated via three different methods, and performing a techno-economic analysis for the use of the ADP in REE extraction. Three sources of coal ash will be targeted for evaluation in this project: (1) coal ash from power generation stations, to include fly ash and/or bottom ash; (2) ash generated in a lower-temperature ashing process; and (3) residual ash from Battelle’s coal liquefaction process. Thus making use of residual ash from coal liquefaction processes directly leverages work currently being conducted by Battelle for DOE NETL in response to DE-FOA-0000981 entitled “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions Research and Development Leading to Cost-Competitive Coal-to-Liquids Based Jet Fuel Production.”
FE0027006 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Investigation of Rare Earth Element Extraction from North Dakota Coal-Related Feedstocks 12/31/2019 Process Systems

In Phase 1 of this project, the University of North Dakota (UND) project team identified locations in North Dakota with coal-related feed stocks having exceptionally high rare earth elements (REE) content and developed a simple, highly effective, and low-cost method to concentrate the REEs in the lignite feed stocks using a novel technology that takes advantage of the unique properties of lignite. In laboratory experiments, UND achieved greater than 2% concentration of rare earths in the mixed rare earth concentrate while recovering up to 35% of the rare earths from the incoming feedstock. In Phase 2, the University is partnering with Microbeam Technologies, Barr Engineering, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and MLJ Consulting to investigate the feasibility of recovering REEs from North Dakota lignite and lignite-related feedstocks. The team will scale-up the technology and demonstrate it at a scale of 10-20 kilograms per hour feed stock throughput and evaluate the economics for a commercial-scale, rare-earths-concentrating facility in North Dakota. The project also includes development of a commercialization plan and market assessment. The Lignite Research Program of the North Dakota Industrial Commission, North American Coal Corporation, Great River Energy, Minnkota Power Cooperative, Great Northern Properties, the University of North Dakota, and the North Dakota University System are cost-sharing this project.
FE0026952 Duke University NC Novel Membrane and Electrodeposition-Based Separation and Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Combustion Residues 02/28/2018 Separation Technologies

The goal of this Duke University project is to develop and demonstrate bench-scale hydrometallurgical-based technology to separate and concentrate rare earth elements (REEs) from coal fly ash and other coal combustion residues (CCRs). Specific objectives for Phase 1 of this project are to: (1) identify and characterize a representative selection of CCR samples as candidates for REE recovery; (2) evaluate the efficiency of hydrometallurgical acid extraction techniques as a function of major CCR characteristics and extraction conditions; (3) optimize membrane filtration and carbon nanotube-enabled electrochemical deposition techniques for concentration of REEs from CCR extracts; (4) perform a technical and economic feasibility study of the proposed separation methods; and (5) develop an implementation plan for a bench-scale system.
FE0026927 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mine Drainage 12/31/2019 Process Systems

In Phase 2 of the project, West Virginia University (WVU) and its partners will develop a cost-effective and environmentally benign process to recover rare earth elements (REEs) from solid residues (sludge) generated during treatment of acid coal mine drainage (AMD). This project will take advantage of autogenous processes that occur in coal mines and associated tailings which liberate, then concentrate, REEs. Phase 1 findings showed elevated concentrations of REEs, particularly in low-pH AMD, and nearly all precipitating with more plentiful transition metals in the AMD sludge. REE extraction using hydrometallurgical methods produced a concentrate with 4.6 percent total REE content. A techno-economic analysis also found that REE extraction from AMD sludge is economically attractive with a refining facility projected to generate positive cash flow within five years. During Phase 2, a continuously operating bench-scale unit will be constructed and operated, yielding 3 g/hr of REE concentrate.
FE0026211 University of California - San Diego CA Innovative Versatile and Cost-Effective Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack Concept 09/30/2022 Systems Development

The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in conjunction with FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) will conduct a three-year project to evaluate and demonstrate an innovative, versatile, and cost-competitive SOFC stack concept suitable for a broad range of power generation applications. This stack concept, based on a novel prime-surface interconnect design, has several attractive features including reduced stack weight and volume, decreased performance losses in stacking, improved sealing, versatility in incorporation of different types of cell construction (for example, conventional sintered cells or thin-film metal-supported cells) and flexibility in gas flow configuration. These features lead to lower cost, better performance, and enhanced reliability for the stack. Researchers will select and investigate appropriate materials, designs, and fabrication processes to produce metal-supported cells and prime-surface interconnects with the desired properties and operating characteristics. Stack assembly specifications will be developed and the operation evaluated both for stacks incorporating prime-surface interconnects and sintered cells and stacks incorporating prime-surface interconnects and metal-supported cells. The research team will assemble and test a demonstration unit and assess test results to demonstrate stack operation and estimate stack manufacturing costs to confirm the cost-effectiveness of the stack concept.
FE0026727 Dresser-Rand Company NY Advanced Carbon Dioxide Compression with Supersonic Technology 06/30/2018 Novel Concepts Dresser-Rand (D-R) will design, build, and test a pilot-scale supersonic carbon dioxide (CO2) compressor for new and existing coal-based electric generating plants for carbon capture and storage (CCS) applications. The commercial embodiment of a compression system for CCS would utilize a 10:1 pressure ratio low pressure (LP) compressor and a 10:1 pressure ratio high pressure (HP) compressor delivering the required overall 100:1 pressure ratio. This project will focus on testing the existing HP development compressor and the design, manufacture, and testing of a corresponding LP compressor.The LP compressor will have a single-stage 10:1 pressure ratio with a CO2 flow rate of 100 pounds per second (lbm/s) suitable for CCS applications in 125 MWe coal-fired power plants. Dresser-Rand will test the existing HP compressor; perform an initial techno-economic analysis; design, construct, and test the LP compressor; and perform a final detailed techno-economic analysis, including integration into a 550 MWe power plant. Testing will be conducted at the D-R plant in Olean, New York, on CO2 gas representative of a CO2 capture system in a CCS process. Upon completion of the tests, the LP and HP pilot compressors will be installed at a field site to validate their performance when integrated into a full system configuration. Predecessor Project:DE- FE0000493
SC0015856 Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. PA Simulation Tool for Turbomachinery Operating with Trans-Critical Real Fluids 07/30/2021 Systems Integration and Optimization The design of compressors for SCO2 power cycles presents many challenges since they operate with fluid inlet conditions very close to the critical point. Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech) and subcontractor Rutgers University will develop an advanced real-fluid numerical framework for trans-critical CO2 spanning both the supercritical and sub-critical regime near the critical point. Local phase change models for condensation and vaporization within a real fluid framework will be demonstrated to allow for a wide range of inflow conditions. This framework will be implemented within CRAFT Tech's CRUNCH CFD code that has been extensively validated for turbomachinery operating with cryogenic fluids (e.g. liquid hydrogen, methane, and oxygen) in related liquid rocket applications.
SC0015922 QuesTek Innovations, LLC IL Improved Models of Long-Term Creep Behavior of High Performance Structural Alloys for Existing and Advanced Technologies Fossil Energy Power Plants 01/31/2020 High Performance Materials

NETL is partnering with QuesTek Innovations LLC to develop a robust creep modeling toolkit to predict the long-term creep performance of materials for base alloys and weldments in fossil energy systems under wide thermal and mechanical conditions. Precipitation modeling using thermodynamic databases will provide fundamental quantities that will be used as inputs for upscaling strategies/methods. The goal is to establish microstructure sensitive models that capture the different creep mechanisms observed in ferritic steels and integrate the models into QuesTek’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Accelerated Insertion of Materials (DARPA-AIM) efforts to predict the variability of the creep strength as a function of the microstructure and service conditions. In the Phase I effort, the methods proposed have been demonstrated to predict creep life near 100,000 hours for P91 ferritic steels with microstructure inputs obtained from National Institute of Material Science (NIMS). In Phase II, the tools will be expanded and exercised in wider operating conditions including different temperatures and applied stresses in order to predict creep behaviors with over 300,000 hours creep life. Integration of precipitate evolution schemes into the long-term material behavior (i.e., stability of microstructure and the different phases over long periods), along with a refined uncertainty quantification of various material and process parameters, will be assessed and calibrated in Phase II.
FE0027776 Ohio State University OH ICME for Creep of NI-Base Superalloys in Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Steam Turbines 07/31/2019 High Performance Materials This project will combine materials informatics and physics based modeling for an ICME approach to predict long-term creep behavior in Ni-based superalloys for advanced ultra-supercritical steam turbine applications. This project will apply advanced materials informatics for critical assessment of existing experimental data from creep tests on selected alloy, evaluate existing models to ascertain confidence on creep-life predictions and determine which if any provide a statistically adequate fit to the data and safe extrapolation of the data, and develop new modeling capabilities needed to predict long-term creep behavior of Ni-base superalloys for use in A-USC coal-fired power plant steam turbines.
FE0027800 Florida International University FL The Fundamental Creep Behavior Model of GR.91 Alloy by Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Approach 01/31/2021 High Performance Materials This project will investigate the fundamental creep cracking mechanism of the Gr.91 alloy at advanced power generation operating conditions to establish a link between composition, processing parameters, phase stability, microstructure, and creep resistance using the ICME approach. The project will predict the phase stability and microstructure of Gr.91 base alloy and weldment with the computational thermodynamics and kinetics - CALculation of PHAse Diagrams (CALPHAD) approach, perform welding, heat treatment, and creep test for the Gr.91 alloy, develop a model which will have excellent match with experimental data from current and previous work on Gr.91. alloy, and predict how to improve the long-term creep resistance for the Gr.91family of alloys. utilize the integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) approach to investigate the fundamental creep cracking mechanism of Gr.91 alloys under advanced fossil fuel–fired power plants operating conditions and establish the link between composition, processing parameters, phase stability, microstructure, and creep resistance. At the end of this project, a model based on computational thermodynamics and kinetics will be developed.
FE0027581 University of Texas at El Paso TX A Guideline for the Assessment of Uniaxial Creep and Creep-Fatigue Data and Models 08/31/2019 High Performance Materials This project will develop an aggregated database of creep and creep-fatigue validation data from existing datasets for P91 steel and 316 stainless steel. The database will be used to benchmark the creep and creep-fatigue models results obtained into a variety of finite element models, evaluate and test the performance of the models with respect to experiment uncertainty and the repeatability and stability of extrapolations across boundary conditions and regimes, and perform computational validation and assessment of creep and creep-fatigue constitutive models for standard and non-standard loading conditions.
FE0027822 Michigan Technological University MI Development of a Physically-Based Creep Model Incorporating ETA Phase Evolution for Nickel-Base Superalloys 02/14/2021 High Performance Materials The project will develop a physically based creep model for Nimonic 263 that synthesizes known creep behavior based on gamma prime strengthening with a new understanding of the effects of eta phase on creep performance at long service times in fossil energy power plants. The project will (1) develop heat treatments for commercial Nimonic 263 to obtain a mixture of both eta and y' phases prior to creep testing, with the y' distribution being as close to commercial Nimonic 263 as possible, (2) conduct creep tests on these materials at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (3) fully characterize microstructures and deformation mechanisms during creep for all three alloys (standard Nimonic 263, Nimonic 263 heat-treated to contain eta plus?y', and the Michigan Tech modified Nimonic 263 alloy that contains only eta.), and use the knowledge gained in (2) and (3) to develop and validate a physically-based creep model that synthesizes known gamma prime creep behavior with a new understanding of the effects of eta phase on creep performance.
FE0027840 Washington State University WA Raman Spectroscopy for the On-Line Analysis of Oxidation States of Oxygen Carrier Particles 03/31/2019 Sensors & Controls

This project will develop a sensor for on-line analysis of the oxidation state of oxygen carrier particles such as iron oxides, copper oxides, and calcium sulfates and demonstrate its feasibility, set up and test a time-gated Raman spectroscopy system in combination with a pressurized high-temperature sample chamber, and optimize operating parameters of the Raman spectroscopy system and measure the high-temperature spectra of oxygen carriers, and develop an analysis procedure, including statistical modeling and multivariate calibration, for the interpretation of the Raman spectra.
FE0027891 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Investigation of High Temperature Silica Based Fiber Optic Materials 09/30/2018 University Carbon Research

The project will develop a comprehensive and complete understanding of the optical and mechanical stability of fused silica optical fibers at high temperatures under various gaseous species conditions, conduct comprehensive testing and analysis of the interactions of fuel gas stream species with state-of-the-art optical fibers to understand the induced devitrification, chemical reactions, and the diffusion of chemical species on the mechanical and optical performance, evaluate novel and traditional fused silica fibers that will be drawn under various process conditions to fully understand the fundamental mechanisms that govern performance.
FE0027502 University of Texas at El Paso TX Additive Manufacturing of Energy Harvesting Material System for Active Wireless Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Sensors 08/31/2020 Sensors & Controls

This project will design, fabricate, and evaluate an energy harvesting material system capable of operating at up to 1200o C to harvest both vibrational and thermal energy for powering high-temperature wireless MEMS sensors. This project will establish theoretical models to predict the effective material property, fabricate ceramic-graphene composites using the binder jetting 3D printing technique, and determine mechanical, thermal, and simultaneous energy harvesting properties at high temperatures.
SC0015781 MagiQ Technologies, Inc. MA Cost Effective Optical Seismic System for Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics 03/31/2020 Advanced Technologies The objective of this project is to develop a 1.5" uniform diameter optical sensor toolstring constructed from rugged materials and high temperature optical fiber that eliminates electrical components from the borehole and uses a proven remote optical interferometric technique to precisely measure seismic signals. Phase I work will consist of sensor and toolstring design and optimization as well as prototype development and laboratory testing.
FE0027778 University of Alabama at Birmingham AL Continuous Water Quality Sensing for Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewater 03/31/2019 Water Management R&D This project will develop an integrated water-sensor package capable of measuring multiple contaminants and common water quality indicators, such as pH, ORP, and temperature. A proof-of-concept prototype will be integrated with a commercial, off-the-shelf trace-metal-concentration measurement device to accurately detect trace metal concentrations on a real-time, continuous basis. The project will perform concentration measurements of multiple contaminants and accurate trace metal detection (Se, As, Hg), perform measurements and integration of commercial off the shelf water quality indicators (i.e. pH, TDS, etc.), and use demonstration unit for extended in-field testing of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewaters at a coal fired power plant at the Water Research Center in Cartersville, GA and validate results for accuracy and reliability through comparison with the gold-standard analysis method provided by the onsite ICP-MS.
FE0027893 West Virginia State University WV Dev. Cost-Effective Biological Removal Technology for Selenium & Nitrate from Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewater from Existing Power Generating Facility 09/30/2020 Water Management

This project will investigate and determine a technically feasible and cost-effective process for designing photosynthetic organisms capable of sequestering selenium (Se) and nitrates from flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater. The project will investigate changes in transcripts and metabolism in algae and plants in response to FGD wastewater and explore biotechnological strategies to increase sequestration of Se and nitrates in biomass to improve agricultural productivity.
FE0027771 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Pre-Project Planning for a Flameless Pressurized Oxy-Combustion Pilot Plant 01/31/2019 Advanced Combustion

A team comprising Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®), ITEA S.p.A., Jacobs, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), General Electric Global Research, and Peter Reineck Associates will design a transformational pressurized oxy-combustion facility. This project will provide preliminary, detailed design, specification, cost, and schedule metrics for a 10 MWe-scale combustion pilot plant to validate the performance of the Flameless Pressurized Oxy-combustion (FPO) technology for a broad range of coals on a large pilot scale (50 MWth). The project will bridge key technology gaps, and provide a clear understanding of scale-up rules required to engineer a commercial-scale, 500 MWe unit. The goal is to reach a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 7 with the 50 MWth pilot, which is a prototype that addresses scale-up issues prior to the commissioning of a commercial-scale demonstration plant. Key technologies that require demonstration at the 50-MWth scale are: the wet-grinding slurry feed, the combustor, the pressurized once-through steam generator (OTSG), the tempering mixer, and the turbo-expander. The planning of the 10 MWe plant will develop a roadmap to address these issues. The project will also provide a detailed Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA) report on the path to commercialization of the FPO technology.
FE0027844 Cummins Power Generation, Inc. MN Metal-Supported Ceria Electrolyte-Based SOFC Stack for Scalable, Low Cost, High Efficiency and Robust Stationary Power Systems 12/31/2020 Systems Development

Cummins Power Generation is the project lead and will be responsible for developing the system requirements. Ceres Power is the SOFC technology provider and is responsible for the technical development of the SOFC stack and system. They will build the 5kW demonstration system and help with installation and commissioning. The University of Connecticut (UConn) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (under a support FWP) will contribute to the R&D phase of the project in the areas of cathode getter design and contamination testing and anode contamination testing. UConn will also provide the host site for the demonstration test and will be responsible for operating the unit and reporting on results of the 1000 hour demonstration. This project will advance the development of a metal-supported cell technology with complete internal fuel reforming that operates from ~600 to 630 degrees Celsius. It leverages Ceres Power's novel and highly differentiated technology based upon the use of thick-film ceramics deposited on a ferritic stainless steel substrate, using doped ceria as the predominant oxygen ion conducting ceramic within the cell. Ceres' technology has been demonstrated to perform high levels of internal methane reforming, with a path to complete internal reforming through further development. The scope of this project includes advancing the internal reforming capability of the cell, including improving robustness, to anode and cathode contaminants through testing to understand poisoning mechanisms and rates and implementation of system mitigations. The scope also includes scaling up the cell active area five-fold from the current 1 kilowatt (kW) format to enable an integrated stack module with power output of 5kW, which is in turn scalable to higher power levels through replication of the 5kW modular stack platform.
FE0027894 University of Connecticut (UConn) CT Development of Chromium and Sulfur Getter for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Systems 06/30/2021 Core Technology

The proposed research remains significant to the commercialization of SOFC systems by improving the TRL. The development of the proposed technology under this program will be versatile as it can be applied in wide range of SOFC systems configurations (small to large kWe systems with potential for integration in MWe class). The proposed research offers flexibility of getter integration for exposure to 600-900oC temperature range and air flow (3-6 stoichs).
The research outcome has the potential for application in a number of solid state electrochemical devices such as electrolysis systems, oxygen separation units, and electrochemical reactors. Large scale commercialization of SOFC will improve energy independence and create high technology jobs. Broader impact of the proposed research program is also related and intended to train students, teachers and research scholars in the field of advanced materials synthesis and characterization, design and simulation and high temperature electrochemistry to support the creation of skilled work force.
FE0027895 Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc. NY High Temperature Anode Recycle Blower for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 03/31/2022 Core Technology

The goal of this project is to develop a modular oil-free and high-temperature anode off-gas recycle blower (A-RCB) for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) power plants to enhance overall performance and efficiency. Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc. (MiTi) will review requirements and develop a balance of plant A-RCB to meet the needs of a 100 kilowatt SOFC power plant. Specific objectives of this effort include: (1) the design of a modular and scalable oil-free blower to efficiently recover and recycle high temperature anode off gas from a SOFC system, (2) verification that the technology is suitable for use with SOFC systems and their off-gas products through proof of concept testing, and (3) validation through cost benefit analysis that the technology is economically viable. The overall scope of work includes a definition of requirements for an A-RCB for a selected SOFC system, followed by design, fabrication, and testing of an oil-free and high-temperature capable A-RCB. The design will be implemented in prototype hardware for proof of concept testing followed by benefits assessments of the A-RCB based on research findings.
FE0027947 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Minimizing CR-Evaporation from Balance of Plant Components by Utilizing Cost-Effective Alumina-Forming Austenitic Steels 09/30/2021 Core Technology

The goal of this cooperative agreement is to research and develop AFAs that have the potential to reduce balance of plant (BOP) component costs over the current state of the art (ex-situ coated stainless steels). Cathode side balance of plant components such as air blowers, heat exchanges, and other piping are required to duct hot air, often containing some moisture, which leads to the volatilization of chrome from conventional stainless steels. One option is to coat BOP components, but this can be difficult depending on the geometry of the piece. Coatings can also inhibit fabrications processes such as welding. An alternative is the development of AFAs, which produce a thin layer of alumina after being exposed to air at high temperatures. The use of AFAs for BOP components will be investigated under this work.
FE0028183 Auburn University AL Chromium Vapor Sensor for Monitoring Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems 03/31/2019 Core Technology

A successful project will require demonstration that the sensors respond to chromium vapor in the laboratory, so that further evaluation and development of the sensors is warranted.
FE0027897 Redox Power Systems, LLC MD Redox Robust Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Stacks for affordable, Reliable, Distributed Generation Power Systems 03/31/2022 Systems Development

Redox Power Systems, LLC (Redox) together with the University of Maryland Energy Research Center (UMERC) and the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) will develop a high power density solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack that is reduction-oxidation (red-ox) stable for robust, reliable, and lower cost distributed generation. The stacks will be built using an intermediate-temperature SOFC operating at 550-650 degrees Celsius based on an advanced, electrically conductive all-ceramic anode support. The objective of the overall project is to improve the red-ox stability of Redox stacks while reducing costs through the: (1) Scale-up and optimization of all-ceramic anode material processing and cell fabrication for lower cost manufacturing; (2) Determination of all-ceramic anode degradation mechanisms with an optimization of anode compositions and geometries for enhanced red-ox stability of the optimized, robust cells; (3) Demonstration of a 1-2 kW stack that is more robust for red-ox cycling with the use of accelerated, lifecycle, and failure testing; and (4) Demonstration of a 10 percent reduction in system cost and a 30 percent reduction in operation and maintenance (O&M) costs compared to a system without a red-ox stable stack.
FE0028063 Atrex Energy, Inc. MA Performance and Reliability Advancements in a Durable Low Temperature Tubular SOFC 03/30/2019 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Atrex Energy Inc. will develop, build, and test a low degradation, high efficiency stack with a novel capability for energy storage. This project seeks to identify how a low cost, reliable, tubular SOFC stack can be developed by implementing state-of-the-art cell materials, integral technologies, and automated manufacturing techniques. The effort will culminate in the build of a 5 kW stack test article compatible with steam reforming, auto-thermal or partial oxidation, and resistant to damage from overloading. This stack will likely be employed in niche commercial markets and will mark a significant waypoint in the creation of modules for megawatt power applications. The tasks in cell and stack technology will be to incorporate an energy storage element, implement catalyst technologies for novel fuel reforming and improved efficiency and electrode engineering to improve performance at intermediate temperature. Manufacturing enhancements will be focused on tube processing and coating, and robotic assembly techniques. This project leverages previous related work under DOE contract AR0000492.
FE0027486 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) DC Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization Between NARUC and the U.S. Department of Energy 09/30/2021 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts NARUC will enhance the Office of Fossil Energy (FE)'s ability to educate and inform state and local personnel on important issues surrounding the use of clean coal and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies. This project will include analysis on clean coal and carbon management, leading to educational briefs, workshops, and informational forums aimed at state membership of NARUC. The primary objective of this project is to educate the state public utility regulatory agencies about the use of lower emission coal plants, supporting the end goal of a new generation of environmentally sound clean coal technologies.
FE0027918 General Electric (GE) Company NY Highly Selective and Stable Multivariable Gas Sensors for Enhanced Robustness and Reliability of SOFC Operation 12/31/2018 Systems Development

The purpose of this project with is to develop and perform initial field validation tests of highly stable and gas-selective sensors for in situ monitoring of gases produced via on-site steam reforming in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems. Knowledge of the gas composition will enable an accurate SOFC control to reduce the risk of coking and cell cracking, and will result in lower operating costs for SOFC customers. The overall program objective is to achieve highly desired selective and stable gas sensing in SOFCs by implementing a new generation of gas sensors, known as multivariable sensors. During Phase 1 of the project, the team will focus on sensing of several gases that are critically important for SOFC monitoring. GE Global Research will develop several types of sensing materials, perform laboratory sensor tests (with gas mixtures) and stability tests, down-select gas sensor designs based on their gas selectivity and stability and, field-validate the developed sensors on an SOFC system at GE–Fuel Cells. The project will result in a sensor system that will be field-validated on a 50 kW SOFC system. The in-situ data generated by the sensor system will inform a future Phase 2 project to investigate higher sensor temperature and sensing of additional gases.
FE0029093 Ohio State University OH Heat Integration Optimization and Dynamic Modeling Investigation for Advancing the Coal Direct Chemical Looping Process 12/31/2019 Advanced Combustion

The Ohio State University (OSU) project will address the technology gaps for the optimization and startup operation of a modular coal direct chemical looping (CDCL) combustion system integrated with a steam cycle for power generation to reduce the risks involved in further scale-up of the technology. The modular reactor design of the CDCL process provides flexibility in reactor fabrication and operating capacity (i.e., turndown ratio) at the cost of a more complex heat exchange network (HEN) design and integration. OSU will perform a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the integration of a modular CDCL reactor system and a steam cycle system under both static and transient conditions via HEN process performance simulations and system dynamic modeling, respectively. Early stage experimentation coupled with comprehensive static optimization performance and dynamic operation modeling will be used to maximize the process efficiency of the 550 MWe commercial-scale concept plant and ensure the operability of the site-specific 10 MWe large pilot plant design, respectively. Babcock and Wilcox will support the 250 kWth pilot plant testing and the 10 MWe large-pilot plant design and dynamic modeling, and the Ohio Development Services Agency will provide most of the performer cost share. This project leverages previous related work under DOE contract FE0027654.
FE0027654 Babcock & Wilcox Company OH 10 Megawatts Electric Coal Direct Chemical Looping Large Pilot Plant - Pre-Front End Engineering and Design Study 03/31/2020 Advanced Combustion

Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) is collaborating with The Ohio State University (OSU) to develop an iron-based Coal Direct Chemical Looping (CDCL) technology, including testing of a 25 kWt small pilot unit. This project will expand this program by completing a FEED of a 10 MWe CDCL) large pilot plant. The design will integrate with the existing steam cycle and balance-of-plant equipment at a selected host site, either the Dover Light & Power plant in Dover, Ohio or First Energy’s W. H. Sammis Power Plant in Stratton, Ohio. The applicants will prepare a budget and schedule for constructing and operating the 10 MWe pilot and conduct an updated techno-economic analysis at the 550 MWe commercial scale to evaluate the ultimate cost and performance relative to the DOE goals. B&W is the prime applicant and will manage the project. OSU will also assist B&W in performing additional testing at the 25 kWt small pilot scale facility to obtain design information for the 10 MWe pilot unit. OSU, in collaboration with Johnson Matthey, will develop suitable formulations and methods for large-scale manufacturing of oxygen carrier particles. Particulate Solid Research Inc. will construct a cold flow unit to model the solid and gas distribution of the 10 MWe pilot plant. EPRI and Nexant will assist B&W with the techno-economic analysis of the commercial CDCL plant. Clear Skies Consulting will bring together various industrial, federal, and state representatives to form a project Industrial Review Committee that will oversee project direction and monitor progress. DE-FE-0009761 – Commercialization of the Iron-Based Coal Direct Chemical Looping Process for Power Production with In Situ Carbon Dioxide Capture.
FE0026861 Carbon Engineering, Ltd. AB Dilute Source Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture: Management of Atmospheric Coal-Produced Legacy Emissions 06/30/2019 Solvents

Carbon Engineering Ltd. (Carbon Engineering) will further the development of a dilute-source carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology to capture CO2 from coal-relevant streams, such as post-carbon capture and storage (CCS) flue gas, and re-capture legacy atmospheric coal-based emissions. Carbon Engineering’s dilute-source CO2 capture technology, under development since 2009, was designed to scrub CO2 from atmospheric air when present at a concentration of 400 parts per million (0.04 percent). The project aims to advance the state of technological readiness of the system to capture CO2 at atmospheric concentration, identify and pursue advancements to the technology while also addressing technical risks or under-performance, and evaluate the system’s applicability to other coal-relevant streams such as post-CCS exhaust. Carbon Engineering’s Direct Air Capture (DAC) system is a process-based technology that centers on a wet scrubbing air contactor and uses several chemical processing steps to produce purified CO2 and re-make the capture solution. Carbon Engineering will use its dilute CO2 capture research pilot in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, as a key testing platform for the project. A commercial readiness and cost-estimation effort will be conducted by Carbon Engineering to further understand technology development steps and the advantages and barriers to technology deployment.
FE0029162 Reaction Engineering International UT Characterizing Impacts of Dry Coal Feeding in High Pressure Oxy-Coal Combustion Systems 09/30/2022 Advanced Combustion

Reaction Engineering International (REI) will team with experts from the University of Utah, Praxair, South East University, Nanjing, China, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and Corrosion Management, Ltd, UK to design and construct a dry pulverized coal feeding and firing system for an existing 32 bar (rated) 300kW entrained flow pressurized reactor. This project will determine how dry feed pressurized oxy-coal combustion will impact design of the burner and firing system, radiative heat transfer in the burner zone, slagging and fouling propensity of the ash and its deposition rates, and high temperature corrosion. Experiments will be tailored to provide a comprehensive data set including; measurements of heat flux profiles, investigation of flame shapes, sampling and analysis of ash aerosol, measurement of surface deposition rates, and sampling and analysis of slagging deposits. Resulting test data will be used to validate mechanisms describing heat transfer, ash deposition, and corrosion. An economic analysis will be performed showing the differences between dry fed and slurry fed systems. This project builds upon an existing DOE Cooperative Agreement DE-FE0025168.
FE0029157 Brigham Young University UT Development of Enabling Technologies for a Pressurized Dry Feed Oxy-Coal Reactor 09/30/2021 Oxy-Combustion

Brigham Young University with modeling support from Reaction Engineering International will design, build and test a 20-atm, 100 kW oxy-coal reactor with a dry coal feed system. Project objectives are to develop key scalable technologies and combustion data that will enable the design, development, and testing of future commercial-scale pressurized oxy-coal systems. Key tasks include demonstration and characterization of a continuous dry coal feed system and diffusion flame and flameless combustion burners at high pressure and temperature. In addition, a validated process model will be developed to predict combustion and heat transfer in multi-scale pressurized oxy-coal reactors.
FE0029160 University of Utah UT Development of Enabling Technologies for Chemical Looping Combustion and Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling 09/30/2021 Advanced Combustion

Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) is a variant of Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) in which the oxidized oxygen carrier spontaneously releases gaseous oxygen (O2) in the fuel reactor, allowing efficient combustion of solid fuels such as coal that are challenging to convert in conventional CLC systems. Under this project the University of Utah, in partnership with Reaction Engineering International and CPFD Software, will develop technologies to improve system performance and reduce costs of CLC and CLOU. The project focuses on oxygen carrier management and reactor design and operation. Project objectives include (1) developing “zero loss” technology to recover and regenerate oxygen carrier materials that exit the system due to attrition; (2) achieving more controllable management of solids in loop seals and gas-solid separators; (3) better incorporating chemical reactions into computational simulations; (4) improving heat recovery and management; and (5) investigating a novel dual oxygen carrier reactor design.
FE0028992 University of Pittsburgh PA Engineering Metal Oxide Nanomaterials for Fiber Optical Sensor Platforms 12/31/2020 Sensors & Controls This project will develop an integrated sensor solution to perform direct and simultaneous measurements of chemical reaction and temperature in SOFC with 5-mm spatial resolution. The project will measure the internal hydrogen consumption rate with 5-mm spatial resolution at very high temperature from 600 to 8000C, test hydrogen sensors in solid oxide fuel cell in the high-temperature fuel cell testing facility in Morgantown WV, and determine the range and continuity of the refractive index tenability with Pluronic F-127.
FE0027584 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT Transformational SOFC Technology 09/30/2021 Systems Development

The goal of this cooperative agreement is to research and develop SOFC stack technology that has the potential to significantly undercut current DOE cost targets. The pathways in reaching the project’s objective consist of novel materials development, transformational manufacturing processes, high performance cell components, and innovative, robust, and reliable stack designs leveraging advancements that have occurred in the DOE SOFC Program. To verify the advances in developing the proposed innovations, the project will culminate in a 1 kW-scale stack test for at least 1000 hours, operating on natural gas at the Normal Operating Conditions (NOC) that would be envisioned in a commercial system.
FE0028292 Clemson University SC Robust In Situ Strain Measurements to Monitor Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Storage 06/30/2022 Secure Storage (Migration Outside of Reservoir)

Broadband, high-resolution strain is a new signal that has seen limited use in carbon dioxide (CO2) storage or geothermal exploration, largely because of limitations in instrumentation and data analyses. This project is demonstrating a method for improving the ability to track pressure and strain changes in order to identify possible CO2 release pathways. They will be evaluating multiple types of point and multi-component instruments using innovative optical fiber sensor fabrication techniques to measure multiple components of strain. Theoretical analyses using analytical and numerical solutions to fully coupled poroelastic models are also being integrated with an innovative hybrid inverse model to interpret strain measurement signals. The instrumentation and interpretation methods will be demonstrated at a CO2 storage analog site in Oklahoma.
FE0028697 Sustainable Energy Solutions, LLC UT Cryogenic Carbon Capture Development 06/30/2019 Novel Concepts

Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES), with their partners Brigham Young University, Electric Power Research Institute, and Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, Inc., will further advance the external cooling loop version of their Cryogenic Carbon Capture™ (CCC) technology. SES has developed the CCC technology under previous research funded by an Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) project, titled “Cryogenic Carbon Capture” (DE-AR0000101), the State of Wyoming, and others. Process improvements will be implemented that address issues discovered during the previous research. The CCC technology uses phase change to separate carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants from coal-derived flue gas. Cooling the CO2 to approximately -140°C results in the gas transforming into a solid without passing through the liquid phase (desublimation); the CO2 is then separated from the remaining gas, pressurized, and melted. The CCC process is minimally invasive and highly efficient, effectively utilizing heat integration to achieve a 50 percent reduction in parasitic power demand compared to an amine absorption process. The team will improve key areas of the process through iterative design and experiment, culminating with a recommendation for improvements to be integrated into the existing skid-scale CCC-External Cooling Loop (ECL)™ system. Sustainable Energy Solutions will then integrate the improvements into the skid system and perform testing of the modified skid using simulated and actual flue gas for at least 500 continuous hours. Test results and process modeling will be used to update the techno-economic analyses of the CCC technology.
FE0027995 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Oxygen Binding Materials and Highly Efficient Modular System for Oxygen Production 06/30/2019 Air Separation

RTI International and partner Air Liquide will develop innovative materials that reversibly bind oxygen (O2) to enable efficient, high-capacity separation of O2 and nitrogen (N2). The project will leverage Air Liquide’s commercial process expertise in O2 production, specifically by defining initial performance targets of O2 separation materials. These innovative materials, in turn, enable the development of separation media in the form of adsorbents or membranes that can be used in a modular O2 separation process. The materials development work involves synthesis and screening of suitable O2 carriers that can reversibly bind with O2 in solid form, be stable under process conditions, and have high O2 capacities. The technology development and material optimization work involves optimizing material properties for O2 separation and producing solid adsorbents/membranes for the O2 production process. The goal is to achieve a bed-factor of less than 600 pounds-sorbent/tons per day (TPD) O2 for solid adsorbents, an O2/N2 separation factor greater than 20 for membranes, and O2 purity greater than 95% at a cost that is projected to be lower than current stand-alone air separation systems. A preliminary design and cost estimate for a 5 TPD modular air separation unit will be developed, and a techno-economic analysis will be conducted for modular systems that produce 5 to 50 TPD O2. The project builds on the knowledge base of the project DE-FE0007707, “Bench-Scale Development of an Advanced Solid Sorbent-Based Carbon Capture Process for Coal-Fired Power Plants.”
FE0028002 Thermosolv, LLC WY Low-Cost Oxygen (LCO) for Small-Scale Modular Gasification Systems 03/31/2019 Air Separation

Thermosolv LLC will work with commercialization partner, LP Amina, Inc., and the Western Research Institute (WRI) to develop and scale-up a high-temperature sorbent-based vacuum pressure swing adsorption oxygen production technology to a continuous oxygen production process for small-scale distributed applications. The goal is to develop an advanced oxygen production technology based on improved perovskite ceramic sorbents that will result in significantly lower oxygen cost compared to commercial state-of-the-art technologies. The sorbent-based oxygen production process utilizes oxygen-storage properties of perovskites to (1) adsorb oxygen from air in a solid sorbent and (2) release the adsorbed oxygen into a vacuum or a sweep gas such as CO2 and/or steam for gasification systems or recycled flue gas for oxy-combustion systems. Based on bench-scale testing in WRI’s existing test facilities, a 1 ton per day (TPD) facility will be designed, assembled, debugged, and tested to develop credible process economics for small-scale modular power plants in the less than 5MW size range. LP Amina will develop a simulation model for reactor design and cycle optimization and work closely with Thermosolv to design the 1-TPD oxygen plant. Process controls will be developed by WRI. Procurement, fabrication, plant assembly, shakedown, and operations will be the responsibility of Thermosolv. This project leverages previous related work under DOE contract FE0024075.
FE0028320 Colorado School of Mines CO Charged Wellbore Casing Controlled Source Electromagnetics (CWC-CSEM) for Reservoir Imaging and Monitoring 07/31/2020 Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency

The project is developing and deploying a system of technologies consisting of electromagnetic data acquisition, coupled multiphysics imaging, and reservoir model enhancement to understand the migration and long-term distribution of CO2 in the subsurface. The objective of the project is to develop an integrated approach with methodologies that better inform the reservoir model. The effort is using time-lapse geophysical monitoring based on a controlled-source electromagnetic method (CSEM) to measure changes in the subsurface resulting from CO2 injection.Legacy wellbore casings are being used as long vertical current injection electrodes for the CSEM monitoring effort that is being performed at an active enhanced oil recovery CO2 injection site. The field effort is being designed to demonstrate the responsiveness of the CSEM method to changes in subsurface fluid distribution and is using survey designs guided by reservoir models to conduct time-lapse monitoring in the field. Simulations and data inversions are being performed and the effort will integrate the reservoir's refined static and dynamic properties into the reservoir model to improve the prediction and characterization of CO2 distribution and migration over time.
FE0028659 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Field Demonstration of CO2 Injection Monitoring Using Krauklis and Other Guided Waves 12/31/2018 MVAA: Subsurface Monitoring

This project will deploy and validate a new low-impact method for incrementally monitoring injected carbon dioxide (CO2) from the surface. The method is noninvasive and employs a new subsurface signal, the Krauklis wave (K-wave), which has unique propagation and frequency characteristics. The system has the potential to mitigate several shortcomings of traditional seismic monitoring methods such as high cost, disruptive surface impacts, and long intervals between surveys, while providing timely information to the field operator in the form of periodically updated flood-front maps. This project is validating a prototype of the system during a two-year field test at the Bell Creek oil field in Montana where CO2 injection is occurring as part of an enhanced oil recovery effort. The K-wave technology is being applied to approximately 30 selected wells within the oil field. A portion of the study area has been under CO2 injection and the remaining area will undergo injection during the study. The results will be compared to conventional seismic data for validation.
FE0028748 GPUSA, Inc. CA Automated High Power Permanent Borehole Seismic Source Systems for Long-Term Monitoring of Subsurface CO2 Containment and Storage 07/31/2018 GS: Risk Assessment

Downhole seismic sources can be used as part of a seismic monitoring effort to track CO2 plumes during carbon storage activities. This project is developing and field validating low-cost, automated borehole seismic source systems (Figure 1). Current downhole seismic systems are expensive and have reliability issues that this effort is addressing by developing two types of orbital vibrator downhole seismic sources: one for high-resolution cross-well surveys, and one for high-resolution vertical-seismic-profile surveys. Both types of sources are being designed for permanent installation, will be capable of providing continuous active source monitoring, and will be used to improve CO2 monitoring in the subsurface. Prototypes for each unit are being performance tested/verified at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Geoscience Measurement Facility and at the Richmond Field Station.
FE0029087 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Enabling Staged Pressurized Oxy-Combustion: Improving Flexibility and Performance at Reduced Cost 04/30/2019 Advanced Combustion

The Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) has teamed with Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL), Doosan Babcock Limited, and American Air Liquide to optimize a conceptual staged, pressurized oxy-combustion (SPOC) system developed by WUSTL to reduce the cost of electricity under both full- and part-load conditions. The SPOC system utilizes two or more pressurized boilers in series to control the temperature and heat transfer throughout the oxy-combustion process. Key work includes defining an optimized layout of oxy-coal combustion systems, heat transfer surfaces, and flue gas recycle. Part-load operation strategies will be developed to provide turndown and operational flexibility for the SPOC power plant, which could be a critical differentiator of the technology. Experimental quantification of combustion characteristics defined during the optimization process and verification of the operating range of the combustor will be achieved using WUSTL’s 100-kWth pressurized oxy-combustion test unit. Estimates of capital and operating costs for a commercial SPOC power plant will be developed via an updated economic analysis and compared to a baseline pulverized coal (PC) plant. This work will leverage research in WUSTL’s current DOE sponsored project DE-FE0009702.
FE0029090 TDA Research, Inc. CO Oxy-Combustion System Process Optimization 09/30/2020 Advanced Combustion

TDA researchers will develop a new chemical absorbent-based, high-pressure, carbon dioxide (CO2) purification system to remove residual oxygen in recovered CO2 and, in collaboration with the Advanced Power & Energy Program of the University of California – Irvine (UCI), will optimize the Pressurized Oxy-Combustion (POxC) process. TDA will use a mixed metal oxide sorbent to remove oxygen from the CO2 via an oxidation/reduction process. The new sorbent formulation will be optimized, undergo parametric testing to identify optimum operating conditions, and undergo a minimum of 10,000 absorption/ regeneration cycles to demonstrate the sorbent’s life and mechanical integrity. TDA and UCI will develop a POxC system simulation model that incorporates advanced technology options and innovative preliminary design concepts. The model will be used to improve overall plant integration by contrasting a variety of air separation processes and CO2 purification systems, including the TDA sorbent-based oxygen removal system. TDA will work with UCI to complete the process design for the POxC CO2 purification system and estimate both the cost of electricity (COE) and cost of CO2 capture and compare them to a baseline POxC system that uses existing commercial sub-systems.
FE0029113 University of Texas at El Paso TX Technology Demonstration of a High Pressure Swirl Oxy-Coal Combustor 03/31/2020 Advanced Combustion

NASA Center for Space Exploration and Technology Research at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) and the Air Liquide Combustion Group are collaborating to demonstrate a 1 MWth Down-fired Swirl Oxy-Coal Combustor and investigate the relationships between combustor operating conditions (pressure, flame stability, and flue gas recirculation ratio) and conversion efficiencies to minimize oxygen requirements. The project objectives are to (1) perform a systems configuration analysis of a 1 MWth Pressurized Oxy-Coal Combustor, (2) design and construct a 1 MWth Pressurized Oxy-Coal Swirl Combustor, and (3) test the combustor performance and operability. Advanced additive manufacturing (Direct Metal Laser Sintering and Electron Beam Melting) processes will be utilized to fabricate the burner modules. The use of additive manufacturing will help realize complex burner geometry and a shorter manufacturing lead time.
FE0029161 University of Illinois IL Catalytic Removal of Oxygen and Pollutants in Exhaust Gases from Pressurized Oxy-Combustors 06/30/2020 Advanced Combustion

Researchers at the Illinois State Geological Survey at the University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign will develop and validate advanced catalytic materials and bench-scale systems for purifying flue gas generated from pressurized oxy-combustors to meet CO2 purity specifications for EOR. Two bench-scale systems will be fabricated: one for oxygen reduction and the other for NOx/SOx/Hg removal. Flue gas slipstream testing of the bench-scale catalytic reactors with the catalytic materials developed will be performed at the Staged Pressurized Oxy-Combustion pilot-testing facility at Washington University in St. Louis; testing will also include characterization of the fate and transformation of Hg, heavy metals, and gas contaminants in flue gas. AECOM will prepare a preliminary techno-economic analysis for the proposed flue gas purification technology.
FE0029085 GSI Environmental, Inc. TX Long-Term Methane Emissions Quantification and Alert System for Natural Gas Storage Wells & Fields 05/31/2019 Emissions Quantification

GSI has employed a novel combination of complementary measurement methods and technologies to detect and accurately quantify average annual methane emissions from an underground natural gas storage facility. Sampling included above-ground equipment leaks as well as seepage at the ground surface from underground leaks.
FE0029084 GSI Environmental, Inc. TX Integrated Component-Specific Measurements to Develop Emission Factors for Compressors that Reduce Uncertainties in the Green House Gas Inventory (GHGI) 07/31/2018 Partnerships Employ a step-wise process with appropriate tools to quantify methane emissions from natural gas pipelines and compressor components and improve the quantification of methane emission factors for inclusion in EPA's GHGI.
FE0029069 Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI In-Situ Pipeline Coatings for Methane Emissions Mitigation and Quantification from Natural Gas Infrastructure 08/31/2021 Emissions Mitigation

The scope of work of the proposed research involves developing DragX™ for long-term protection of aging, in-place natural gas pipelines to prevent corrosion and deposits that would require pipeline refurbishment repair, and furthermore require methane to be emitted to the atmosphere. To this effect, Phase I will involve verification of the applicability of DragX™ using an in-situ method for minimal disruption of the pipeline. In Phase II, a customized and optimized application system will be developed for DragX™, and long-term effects and application guidelines will be developed in order to facilitate a full-field trial with Oceanit’s industry partner.
FE0029068 Colorado State University CO Characteristics of Gathering and Boosting Stations 12/31/2018 Emissions Quantification

The objectives of the project are to develop: (1) nationally-representative, activity-weighted, methane emission factors for each type of principal equipment located at typical gathering compressor stations suitable for use in EPA's Greenhouse Gas Inventory and other policy discussions; (2) develop estimates of episodic emissions; and (3) test new methods to characterize intermittent device emissions.
FE0029063 University of Pittsburgh PA Multi-Functional Distributed Fiber Sensors for Pipeline Monitoring and Methane Detections 08/31/2020 Emissions Mitigation

The goal of the project is to develop a new distributed fiber optical sensing technology that can perform multi-parameter and real-time measurements of natural gas pipeline systems including direct measurements of methane concentration across long interrogation distances (e.g., up to 100 km) with spatial resolution of 1 meter per measurement. The scope of this project involves development of a multi-core optical fiber for simultaneous temperature, strain, and optical methane absorption measurements, development of a functional polymer coating for methane detection, and ultimately, integration and testing of a fully-functional distributed fiber optical sensing technology for real-time measurement of methane emission from natural gas pipeline systems.
FE0029062 PPG Industries, Inc. PA Sensor Enabled Coatings for Methane Release Mitigation 03/31/2021 Emissions Mitigation

The proposed effort seeks to develop three technology platforms which will be combined as a system to provide remote monitoring of natural gas pipeline conditions, and early detection of factors leading to a potential for unintended methane release. The system components consist of an organic coating formulation intended for interior pipeline application, embedded RF sensors with resonant frequencies correlated to changes in the sensor environment, and in-line robotic interrogation equipment capable of coupling with the sensors and communicating relevant information.

Phase 1 focuses on understanding coating design principles and correlating resonant frequency shifts to specific environmental conditions.

Phase 2 optimizes the sensor design, ensures required interior pipeline coating properties and provides for fabrication of the robotic interrogation equipment. In the final Phase a proof of concept pipe section is coated with the sensor enabled coating, exposed to a corrosive environment, and interrogation/communication regimes are demonstrated.
FE0029061 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Classification of Methane Emissions from Industrial Meters, Vintage vs. New Plastic Pipe, and Plastic-lined Steel and Cast Iron Pipe 06/30/2019 Emissions Quantification

Gas Technology Institute, with project partners AECOM, GHD Services, Inc., and Washington State University will improve the characterization of methane emissions from the natural gas distribution system. The project will focus on emissions from industrial meters in the natural gas distribution system, differences between vintage and new plastic pipelines, and gather data to compare steel and cast iron pipelines with and without plastic liners. The project team will gather an unprecedented assembly of existing and new field data on methane leaks that will feed advanced statistical methods to offer a new perspective on methane emissions, the metrics/categories used to estimate emissions, and techniques used to curb those emissions.
FE0029060 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Methane Mitigation Thermoelectric Generator (MMTEG) 03/31/2021 Emissions Mitigation

The project goal is to develop natural gas leak mitigation technologies that will enable companies to effectively mitigate leaks from midstream equipment and/or facilities (including pneumatic valves, controllers, and field gathering lines) and capture additional natural gas while removing their individual contribution to overall methane emissions. The project will develop and test an integrated thermo-electric generator (TEG)/burner system as well as complete the design for a field pilot for oil and gas field operations.

This project will use demonstrated advanced thermoelectrics to provide significantly higher system efficiency over commercially available TEG materials, coupled with an integrated burner-heat exchanger to achieve a low-cost system. The integration will utilize experience gained from another DOE program which developed a 1kW-class TEG for high-grade waste heat from automotive exhaust. The automotive TEG program is being completed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who are the TEG developers for this program. This integration includes hot-side and cold-side heat exchangers, electrical circuitry and control electronics.
FE0028966 Louisiana State University LA Impact of Clays on the Compressibility and Permeability of Sands During Methane Extraction from Gas Hydrate 03/31/2019 Methane Hydrates

The goal of the project—being jointly performed under projects with Louisiana State University (DE-FE0028966) and the U.S. Geological Survey (DE-FE0026166)—is to provide a quantitative basis for reservoir models to account for the impact of clays and other fine-grained material ("fines") on reservoir compressibility and permeability, two key factors in controlling the flow of gas and fluids toward a gas hydrate production well.Evaluating long-term production well viability involves modeling permeability evolution in the reservoir sediments around the production well because processes reducing the flow of gas into the production well also reduce the long-term economic viability of the well. Fine particles, such as clays, exist nearly ubiquitously in the permafrost and marine settings that typically host gas hydrate, and fines react to physical factors such as fluid flow as well as conditions such as pore fluid chemistry. The type and extent of fines and the degree of fines movement or swelling within the system can have meaningful impact on key factors affecting well performance. The project seeks to address these issues through a combination of site- specific and more generalized, fundamental science activities:

  • Site-specific activities: quantify the change in compressibility and permeability due to the reaction of fines to pore-water freshening in sediment from the 2015 NGHP-02 gas hydrates research cruise offshore India.
  • Fundamental measurements on pure fines: distinguish between, and quantify, mechanisms for compressibility and permeability change due to the physical and chemical responses of fines to the flow of freshened pore water and gas
FE0027702 Ground Water Protection Council OK First and Produced Water Initiatives 03/31/2024 Enhanced Recovery Technologies

The tasks proposed under this award will focus on improvements to the Risk Based Data Management Systems (RBDMS) in progressive budget periods. RBDM is a suite of tools for all aspects of managing regulatory data. The major objectives of this project include the upgrade the RBDMS to a web based application, making the RBDMS user interface more intuitive and easier to use in progressive budget periods; provide outreach to states and agencies through training programs, special meetings, and state by state outreach for all RBDMS products; update and install RBDMS modules in additional state programs; address information gaps for states on produced water and gas storage, and the creation of additional water management tools. The RBDMS website can be found at

Additionally, the project maintains FracFocus which is a growing database of chemical disclosures providing the general public with access to information about chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing. FracFocus was created in 2011 to provide the general public with access to information about chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing and to provide factual information about hydraulic fracturing chemical use. The system allows state regulatory agencies to receive disclosure of chemicals and fluids used in the process of hydraulic fracturing from operators. Reports from more than 1,100 companies reporting chemicals for more than 138,000 hydraulic fracturing operations nationwide have been received. The FracFocus Website can be found at
FE0026962 University of Texas at Austin TX Update and Enhancement of Shale Gas Outlooks 06/14/2018 Unconventional Resources The purpose of the proposed project is to conduct a study that will build on the previous shale gas study work conducted by the BEG as it relates to the Barnett, Fayetteville, Haynesville and Marcellus shale plays. The project will include: improvements to the geologic characterization; decline curve updates and analysis; an analysis and investigation of production economics aimed at reducing the cost of unit production and/or to enhance production rates; an analysis of the impacts of technology and its relationship between natural-gas and oil (liquids) prices; and an assessment of drilling and completion technologies and costs along with refined individual well Estimated Ultimate Recovery.
FE0028973 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station TX Advanced Simulation and Experiments of Strongly-Coupled Geomechanics and Flow for Gas Hydrate Deposits 12/31/2019 Methane Hydrates

The objective of the proposed research is to investigate geomechanical responses induced by depressurization on gas hydrate bearing reservoirs, both in marine and permafrost-associated settings, through integrated experimental and numerical simulation studies. Numerical evaluation of two well-characterized sites will be performed: one based on the deposits observed at the Ulleung basin (Korean East Sea) UBGH2-6 site; and the other based in the West End Prudhoe Bay (Alaska North Slope). The project will develop an advanced coupled geomechanics and non-isothermal flow simulator to better account for potential large deformations and strong capillarity. This new code will be validated using data from the literature, from previous work by the project team, and with the results of newly conducted experimental studies under this effort.
FE0028972 University of California - San Diego CA Characterizing Baselines and Change in Gas Hydrate Systems using Electromagnetic Methods 12/31/2019 Methane Hydrates

The overall objectives of this work are to (i) advance understanding of hydrate electrical conductivity as a function of sediment type and fluid content; (ii) quantify the conductivity changes associated with hydrate dissociation induced by increasing temperature or decreasing pressure; and (iii) collect baseline data sets in the field to illustrate the capabilities of the Vulcan instrument system, calibrate the relationship between conductivity inversions and well logs, and provide quantitative constraints on hydrate volume in situ. The team will develop an understanding of the effect of grain size on methane hydrate conductivity; image the electrical conductivity structure of two or three prospects in the Gulf of Mexico using the Vulcan marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) system; and interpret the Vulcan inversions to obtain quantitative estimates of total hydrate volume.
FE0028895 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station TX Dynamic Behavior of Natural Seep Vents: Analysis of Field and Laboratory Observations and Modeling 09/30/2020 Methane Hydrates

The overall objective of this research is to develop a mechanistic model for dissolution of hydrate-coated methane bubbles from natural seeps that fully explains fundamental laboratory and field observations of methane bubbles within the gas hydrate stability zone of the oceans, to validate the model to data from the NETL High-Pressure Water Tunnel (HPWT) and the Gulf Integrated Spill Research Consortium (GISR) seep cruises, and to demonstrate the capability of the model to quantify bubble characteristics and concentration from M3 and EM 302 multibeam echosounder data collected during the GISR cruises.
FE0028980 University of Rochester NY Characterizing Ocean Acidification and Atmospheric Emission Caused by Methane Released from Gas Hydrate Systems along the US Atlantic Margin 09/30/2019 Methane Hydrates

The primary objective of this project is to determine how methane seepage from the U.S. Atlantic margin upper continental slope affects ocean chemistry and sea-to-air greenhouse gas flux and how this seepage interacts with oceanographic phenomena to create hypothesized hotspots of decreased pH. A complementary objective is to collect physical data to constrain the location of the methane seeps, the height of plumes above the seafloor, the intensity of seepage, and the estimated volumetric flow rate of methane. Synthesizing the data required to meet these objectives will elucidate the sources and sinks for seep methane and track to flow of methane carbon through the ocean-atmosphere system once released at the seafloor.
FE0029020 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Smart Methane Emission Detection System Development 09/30/2021 Emissions Mitigation

The goal of this project is to develop an autonomous, real-time methane leak detection technology, the Smart Methane Emission Detection System (SLED/M), which applies machine learning techniques to passive optical sensing modalities to mitigate emissions through early detection. Phase 1 is leveraging previous SwRI research and experience to develop the prototype methane detection system with integrated optical sensors and the embedded processing unit. Phase 2 will focus on integration and field-testing of the prototype system along with demonstration to the DOE within a representative controlled environment. Phase 3 will focus on porting the developed algorithm to an aerial drone platform.
FE0029021 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Novel Seal Design for Effective Mitigation of Methane Emissions from Reciprocating Compressors 03/31/2020 Emissions Mitigation

The goal for this project is to develop a liquid seal that demonstrates the potential for methane emissions reduction of at least 95% of 1% of the total compressor mass flow compared to the typical leakage rate of state-of-the-art dry seal packing systems. Current seal technology must provide small gaps in the design to allow mechanical components, such as piston rods, to operate and reduce friction. These gaps provide a potential pathway for methane to escape the system. This project will exploit the concept of liquid sealing to combine it with a novel, patented design that will balance pressures across a seal arrangement for a successful implementation in a dynamic environment. Bench scale testing of this approach has been conducted and has been successful. The seal will be designed, modeled, and fabricated for full-scale operation and tested in a reciprocating compressor system for various scenarios in a step-wise iterative method.
FE0029059 Princeton University NJ Remote Methane Sensor for Emissions from Pipelines and Compressor Stations using Chirped-Laser Dispersion Spectroscopy 12/31/2020 Emissions Mitigation

The goal of the project is to develop, test, and field demonstrate a remote sensing methane (CH4) detector for use on aircraft and vehicles to detect leaks along midstream infrastructure of the natural gas supply chain. The key innovation is HE-CM-CLaDS, an approach that uses optical dispersion rather than absorption to detect atmospheric CH4. Instead of detecting changes in light intensity as in an absorption-based measurement like all existing optical sensors, HE-CM-CLaDS detects the phase shift of laser light resulting from optical dispersion. This detector will be capable of deployment on a vehicle or aircraft for large area scanning such as an overflight of a pipeline corridor or around gathering or compressor stations.
SC0015736 Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Methane, Ethane, and Propane Sensor for Real-Time Leak Detection and Diagnostics 03/12/2017 TBD, upon consultation with federal project manager.
FE0028967 University of Texas at Austin TX A Multi-scale Experimental Investigation of Flow Properties in Coarse-grained Hydrate Reservoirs During Production 09/30/2019 Methane Hydrates

The objective of this project is to gain insight into the relative permeability behavior and depressurization response of coarse-grained methane hydrate deposits subjected to perturbation through observation of behaviors at the macro (core) scale and examination of the underlying processes controlling the behaviors at the micro (pore) scale. At the macro scale (working first with .1 to 1m sand pack cores and moving to field cores collected from a Gulf of Mexico Hydrate reservoir), researchers will determine relative permeability and perform production tests (pressure dissipation). Simultaneously, they will perform micro-CT and micro-Raman analysis to understand the habit and phase distribution at the micro scale and will examine the evolution of these properties during dissipation. The project will develop constitutive relationships to describe these processes and inform reservoir simulation efforts.
FE0029186 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Nebraska Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage Pre-Feasibility Study 06/30/2018 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

This project's objective is to explore the viability of a commercial-scale carbon capture storage (CCS) project in western Nebraska. Specifically, this project will (1) examine the challenges of commercial-scale CCS; (2) conduct high-level sub-basinal evaluations; and (3) perform a carbon dioxide (CO2) source assessment at Gerald Gentleman Station (Figure 1) and other CO2-emitting facilities. The anticipated outcome of this project is the collection of sufficient information that will ultimately justify advancing this project toward the demonstration of a commercial-scale CCS target capable of storing at least 50 million metric tons of CO2.
FE0029466 Battelle Memorial Institute OH CAB-CS: Central Appalachian Basin CarbonSAFE Integrated Pre-Feasibility Project 07/31/2018 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

As part of the Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, Battelle Memorial Institute, partnered with the DOE, will perform pre-feasibility studies for an integrated commercial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) site that will utilize deep geologic strata in the Central Appalachian Basin (Figure 1). The project will identify and review major sources of CO2, conduct a sub-basinal geologic storage assessment, and will determine the parameters for a potential integrated storage facility. A major emphasis of the work will be to develop an effective team capable of addressing the technical, economic, legal, engineering, surface, and public acceptance issues related to implementation of a real-world CO2 storage project in the Central Appalachian Basin. Additionally, testing of selected National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP) tools will be incorporated into several steps of a geological assessment.
FC26-00NT40978 Appalachian-Pacific Companyal Mine Methane Power Company, LLC DC Liquid Natural Gas from Coal Mine Methane for Industrial and Transportation Applications 03/31/2013 The project will conduct a pilot-scale demonstration of a process to capture and convert coal mine methane (CMM) into commercially significant volumes of liquefied natural gas (LNG). A successful demonstration will result in reductions of CMM emissions and an efficient process of producing LNG from CMM.
FC26-04NT42098 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Consortium for Petroleum and Natural Gas Stripper Wells 12/01/2011 The objective is to provide research, development, demonstration and deployment of technologies to improve the production performance of the more than 700,000 domestic stripper wells through an industry-driven consortium. The increased production realized from this project benefits the U.S. as it is estimated that for every $1 of stripper oil or gas production, approximately $1 of economic activity is created. In addition, about 10 American jobs are dependent on each million dollars of stripper production.
FC26-06NT42877 University of Mississippi MS Hydrate Research Activities that both Support and Derive from the Monitoring Station/Sea-Floor Observatory, Mississippi Canyon 07/31/2013 The objective is to develop, deploy, and operate a remote, multi-sensor, seafloor observatory in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico to enhance our understanding of how hydrates form, change with time, and how those changes can impact the environment. Understanding these processes will play an important role in future natural gas recovery and on assessing the potential impact of hydrates on climate change.
FC26-06NT42959 Baylor University TX Electrical Resistivity Investigation of Gas Hydrate Distribution in Mississippi Canyon Block 118 12/31/2012 The project objective is to evaluate the direct-current electrical resistivity (DCR) method for remotely detecting and characterizing gas hydrate concentration in deep marine environments. A successful project will demonstrate the ability of DCR technology to detect and characterize gas hydrate distribution at the test site, allowing the technology to become another important tool for hydrate characterization.
FC26-06NT42960 Rice University TX Detection and Production of Methane Hydrate 12/31/2011 Researchers will collect data and conceptual models, construct numerical models, simulate hydrocarbon production from various gas hydrate systems, perturb different gas hydrate systems to assess potential impacts on seafloor and well stability, and develop geophysical approaches. The project will provide an understanding of regional differences in gas hydrate systems from the perspective of an energy resource, geo-hazard, and climate influence.
FC26-06NT43067 University of Texas at Austin TX Mechanisms Leading to Co-Existence of Gas and Hydrate in Ocean Sediments 12/31/2011 This project will quantitatively describe the manner in which methane is transported within the Hydrate Stability Zone (HSZ) and consequently, the growth behavior of methane hydrates at both the grain scale and bed scale. The model developed will support seismic and borehole log data analyses and thus, provide an additional tool for estimating the volume of methane within the HSZ.
FC36-03NT41838 Acumentrics Corporation MA Development Of A Low Cost 10kw Tubular Sofc Power System 03/31/2013 Source is OSTI
FE0000408 Ceramatec, Inc. UT Shale Oil Upgrading Utilizing Ionic Conductive Membranes (Ut) 09/30/2012 This project will develop a new technology to upgrade shale oil by utilizing alkali metals to remove nitrogen, sulfur, and other heavy metals, as well as a method to eletrolytically regenerate the alkali metals. Shale oil will be reacted under various conditions to increase product quality. The process would benefit the oil shale industry.
FE0000797 ALL Consulting, LLC OK Comprehensive Lifecycle Planning and Management System for Addressing Water Issues Associated with Shale Gas Development in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia 03/31/2012 The project objective is to develop a modeling system to allow users to plan all aspects of water management associated with Marcellus shale gas development. The system will allow industry to minimize costs by planning comprehensive water management operations. The public will benefit from enhanced water conservation, improved environmental performance, and a greater supply of lower cost domestic natural gas.
FE0000804 University of Arkansas AR Integration of Water Resource Models with Fayetteville Shale Decision Support and Information System 06/30/2013 The project objective is to develop a water management decision support system to support development of energy resources in the Fayetteville Shale region. The water management and visualization tool will help to reduce potential adverse impacts associated with fracking. Research results will outline how ground and surface water withdrawals affect water availability and quality in a watershed.
FE0000847 Texas A&M University TX Pre-Treatment Options/Re-Use of Frac Flowback and Produced Brine for Gas Shale Resource Development 12/31/2012 The project aims to develop and test a mobile, multifunctional water treatment process specifically for "pre-treatment" of brine . The ability to cost-effectively treat and reuse flowback water for subsequent frac jobs would greatly mitigate problems associated with fresh water usage in shale gas wells.
FE0000888 Geological Survey of Alabama AL Water Management Strategies for Improved Coalbed Methane Production in the Black Warrior Basin 10/31/2013 This project employs an integrated approach to evaluate and develop water management strategies for Coalbed Methane (CBM) reservoirs. Activities include evaluation of reservoir geology and basin hydrology. This effort will consider the full range of geologic and hydrologic variables including stratigraphy, structure, petrology, fluid chemistry, reservoir pressure, and hydrodynamics to enhance CBM production and protect water resources.
FE0001240 Geo-Watersheds Scientific, LLC AK Alaskan North Slope Oil and Gas Transportation Support System 09/30/2013 Oil and gas development on the North Slope is critical to maintaining U.S. energy supplies and is facing a period of new growth to meet the nation's increasing energy needs. A majority of Alaska's exploration and development activities, pipeline maintenance, and other field support projects occur in the middle of winter, when the tundra land surface is stable. Winter operational seasons have been steadily decreasing over time, while the number of exploration companies working on the North Slope has been increasing. This project will develop Nowcast, a set of forecast tools for industry and resource management agencies to help improve winter transportation network operations. The climate modeling methods used to develop these tools are in common use for other applications (such as weather forecasting, trucking and freight industries), but have not been adapted to serve the unique needs of winter oil and gas transportation networks on the North Slope. Techniques resulting from this project will help improve field mobilization efforts and lengthen winter operating seasons. State and federal land managers can respond more efficiently by having real-time access to field conditions. These combined approaches will lead to more effective oil and gas transportation networks, cost savings for both industry and agencies, and improved environmental protection. Cooperating partners include ConocoPhillips Alaska, Bureau of Land Management, Minerals Management Service, National Weather Service, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.
FE0001466 West Virginia University (WVU) WV Zero Discharge Water Management for Horizontal Shale Gas Well Development 03/31/2012 The objective is to develop and demonstrate a process for treating "frac water" returns from Marcellus horizontal well development that will allow an increased recycle rate while decreasing makeup water and disposal requirements. Successful development of advanced FilterSure clean-up and frac return water reuse technology will advance shale gas exploitation and development through improved economics and resolution of environmental issues.
FE0003537 University of Oklahoma OK Next Generation Surfactants for Improved Chemical Flooding Technology 05/31/2012 The principle objective of the project is to characterize and test current and next generation high performance surfactants for improved chemical flooding technology, focused on reservoirs in the Pennsylvanian-aged (Penn) sands.
FE0005952 University of Texas at Austin TX Development of an Advanced Simulator To Model Mobility Control and Geomechanics During CO2 Floods 12/31/2013 The goal of this project is to develop an advanced reservoir simulation and visualization tool for compositional flow and transport coupled with geomechanical deformation in porous media, with advanced mobility control methods such as foam, to better model and predict oil production during CO2 flooding and improve predictions of oil production from residual oil zones.
FE0006015 NITEC, LLC CO A Full Featured, User Friendly CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration Planning Software 11/30/2013 The goal of this project is to develop an easy-to-use integrated software package for the development planning and economic analysis of CO2-EOR and sequestration applications. The proposed software has five modules, each having a different design and performance objective. Overall, they must perform in an integrated fashion to achieve the project goal. Each module has to be developed and tested individually for functionality. They also have to be developed and tested in combination to ensure that the flow of data and results match the overall design and objective.
FE0010195 Consortium For Ocean Leadership, Inc. DC Methane Hydrate Field Program 12/31/2013 Project targeting the scientific planning of a future potential hydrate-focused marine drilling, logging and coring research expedition.
NT0005641 University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK Producing Light Oil from a Frozen Reservoir: Reservoir & Fluid Characterization of Umait Field National Petroleum Reserve Alaska 12/31/2012 The Umiat oil field contains light oil in a shallow, frozen reservoir in the Brooks Range foothills of northern Alaska. This field contains significant, albeit unconventional (i.e., frozen), potential energy resources. The Umiat field was discovered in the 1940's but it was never considered viable because it is shallow, in the permafrost, relatively small, and far from transportation infrastructure. Initial estimates of recoverable reserves in the Umiat field ranged from 30 to over 100 million barrels (bbl), with an average of about 70 million bbl. However, recent reserve estimates suggest that the accumulation may be considerably larger than originally thought, and modern horizontal drilling techniques now enable development of a shallow reservoir. This makes the Umiat and similar frozen fields in northern Alaska attractive exploration and production targets. Unfortunately, little is known about how to produce conventional oil from a frozen reservoir. Most prior research has been marginally related to this problem (e.g., production techniques for heavy oil in unconsolidated but unfrozen sands; production of methane from gas hydrate accumulations beneath permafrost). There is no information on the behavior of a rock/ice/light oil system at low pressures. This recently initiated project intends to gather this data for the first time and develop a robust reservoir model that can be used to accurately evaluate the effectiveness of different production methods for producing oil from frozen reservoirs. The project will lead to the development and selection of production methods and strategies for economically viable extraction of light oil from this shallow unconventional reservoir. This project will encourage involvement of smaller exploration and production companies in Alaska by providing critical information not currently available and by evaluating the applicability of commercially available production techniques. This information will increase the chances of successfully bringing smaller fields into production.
NT0005643 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Geomechanical Study of Bakken Formation for Improved Oil Recovery 12/13/2013 This project shall determine the in situ stress and geomechanical properties of the Bakken Formations. The results of this study shall provide an application guide for use during horizontal drilling and/or hydraulic fracturing operations in the Bakken Formation to improve the ultimate recovery of this unconventional oil resource.
NT0005663 Colorado School of Mines CO Fluid and Rock Property Controls on Production and Seismic Monitoring Alaska Heavy Oils 06/30/2012 Although the reserves of heavy oil on the Alaskan North Slope (ANS) are enormous (estimates are up to 10 billion barrels in place), difficult technical and economic hurdles must be overcome to produce them. The Ugnu Formation contains the most viscous, biodegraded oils and standard production methods are ineffective. Numerous alternative techniques for heavy oil production have been proposed (e.g., steam injection). However, the overall effectiveness of these methods is much lower than either modeling or laboratory tests suggest. A prime factor limiting the efficiency of heavy oil recovery is the heterogeneity of the system. For example, heavy oils are viscoelastic materials with varying resin and asphaltene contents, and the rocks containing the fluids have porosities, permeabilities, connectivities, and mineral contents that vary over short distances. Seismic attributes could be used to monitor how well a recovery technique is sweeping the reservoir and where there are complications resulting from these heterogeneities. Seismic responses from pre-production of the reservoir could be used to illuminate the local geology, which could assist in designing well trajectories that would enhance productivity of the wells. This project will characterize the fluids and rocks of the Ugnu Formation on a fine scale to ascertain the range and distribution of physical properties and evaluate the various proposed recovery processes in light of these distributions, design a geophysical monitoring program to continually assess the progress and effectiveness of production, and develop feedback procedures using monitoring results to update and modify the production procedures. A state-of-the-art seismic monitoring program based upon chemical and physical characterization of core samples and simulated production experiments has potential to improve the technological and economic hurdles slowing development of the vast heavy oil resource on the North Slope of Alaska. The proposed project will generate significant amounts of new public data on the seismic attributes of ANS oils and reservoir rock. This work is expected to improve seismic resolution through permafrost and the ability to evaluate heavy oil reservoirs. Successful completion of the project will result in a capability for monitoring the progress of a heavy oil recovery process by seismic measurements over time.
NT0005664 University of Illinois - Chicago IL Reservoir Characterization of Bridgeport and Cypress Sandstones in Lawrence Field Illinois 12/21/2012 The main goal of this project is to test the suitability of Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP) flood technology as an enhanced oil recovery technique for increasing oil production from the two most productive reservoirs in the Lawrence Field of Lawrence County in the Illinois Basin. The project will lead to new strategies for implementation and expansion of ASP floods in the Illinois Basin, and increased oil production.
NT0005665 University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK Source Characterization and Temporal Variation of Methane Seepage from Thermokarst Lakes 09/30/2012 The University of Alaska will characterize the source, magnitude and temporal variability of methane seepage from two representative thermokarst lake areas within the Alaskan North Slope. This project will acquire direct, targeted data to assess the vulnerability of permafrost gas hydrates to ongoing and future arctic climate change.
NT0005666 University of Delaware DE Characterization of Methane Degradation and Methane-Degrading Microbes in Alaska Coastal Waters 12/31/2011 The goal of this project is to gain a better understanding of methane degradation and methane-degrading microbes in order to improve predictive models of methane fluxes in the Arctic. The results of this work will add substantially to the data set on methane degradation rate estimates and molecular characterization of methanotrophic microbes.
NT0005667 University of California - Santa Barbara CA Assessing The Efficacy of the Aerobic Methanotrophic Biofilter in Methane Hydrate Environments 09/30/2012 This project is assessing the efficacy of aerobic methanotrophs in preventing the escape of methane from marine, hydrate-bearing reservoirs. Results should increase our understanding of the role of benthic microbial communities in the global carbon cycle and help to identify which organisms are involved and how they metabolize methane.
NT0005668 University of California - Scripps Institution of Oceanography CA Gas Hydrate Characterization in the Gulf of Mexico using Marine Electromagnetic Methods 03/31/2012 The project investigates the feasibility of using marine electromagnetic (EM) surveying to image hydrate in shallow marine sediments. Currently, no methods use marine EM to complete this action and a successful project will show that an area can be comprehensively surveyed with less expense, assisting in the discovery of economically viable hydrate concentrations.
NT0005671 Utah Geological Survey UT Water-Related Issues Affecting Conventional Oil and Gas Recovery and Potential Oil Shale Development 04/30/2012 The objectives of this project are (1) to characterize regional aquifers to better facilitate water disposal permitting as well as protect fresh water resources and (2) identify water issues affecting conventional oil and gas recovery and possible oil shale development in the Uinta Basin, Utah. The results will provide valuable information to industry of state and federal agencies relative to oil and gas development.
NT0005672 Colorado School of Mines CO The Bakken - An Unconventional Petroleum and Reservoir System 12/31/2011 The project goals are to assess the Bakken hydrocarbon potential on a sub-regional basis; to construct an exploration model; and to build an integrated three-dimensional reservoir geo-model for the Middle Bakken in the Elm Coulee area. This study will aid in the development of a predictive exploration model for identification of high potential fairways and traps for the Bakken system.
NT0005679 University of Kansas Center for Research KS Bridging the Gap between Chemical Flooding and Independent Oil Producers 03/31/2012 This project will demonstrate the potential of "next generation" chemical flooding processes and will provide the design that is necessary for independent producers to make informed assessments regarding implementation of demonstration projects. Recent advances have shown this technology can recover vast amounts of residual oil. Oil recovered by chemical flooding can help reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
NT0005683 University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK North Slope Decision Support for Water Resource Planning and Management 03/31/2013 The objective is to develop The North Slope Decision Support System for water resources planning and management related to oil and gas development on the Alaskan North Slope. Economic, environmental, and cultural aspects are considered. Successful management of the water resources is essential to environmental protection and responsible energy development on the North Slope.
NT0006553 ConocoPhillips Company TX Conoco Phillips Gas Hydrate Production Trial 06/30/2013 This project will conduct an Alaska North Slope field trial to test a hydrate production methodology wherein CO2 is exchanged for CH4 within a hydrate structure, releasing the CH4 for production while sequestering the CO2. The effort will evaluate the method's viability and its implications at a field scale. If successful, this project could lead to a process for producing methane while minimizing adverse environmental impacts.
NT0006554 Colorado School of Mines CO GIS and Web-Based Water Resource Geospatial Infrastructure for Oil Shale Development 09/30/2012 This project will develop a water resource geospatial infrastructure database. The research focuses on developing a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based database which contains regional surface water and groundwater data sets for data storing, managing, manipulating, modeling, and visualizing. The solutions will facilitate decision making for potential oil shale resource development, environmental impact studies, and scenario analyses in the Western U.S.
NT0006556 University of Texas at Austin TX Chemical Methods for Ungu Viscous Oils 03/31/2012 This project will determine the applicability of chemical techniques for heavy oil recovery from the Ugnu reservoir and will evaluate mechanisms of heavy oil recovery processes. Mechanistic numerical models will be developed to explain laboratory results. Successful research could result in the recovery of many billions of barrels of oil from the Ugnu reservoir without damaging the permafrost.
NT0006558 University of Chicago IL Integrating Natural Gas Hydrates in the Global Carbon Cycle 12/31/2011 The objective is to develop a two-dimensional, basin scale model for the deep sediment biosphere. The model will include methane dynamics to simulate both the distribution of hydrates on the seafloor, and their vulnerability to ocean warming. The project will provide an improved understanding of methane cycling within the deep sediment column and the role of hydrates in the global carbon cycle.
FE0029489 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) NC California CO2 Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (C2SAFE) 06/15/2018 Fit-for-Purpose

As part of the Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Pre-Feasibility phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.,partnered with the DOE, will conduct an initial assessment of the southern San Joaquin Valley (SSJV) in California, specifically, of the technical, economic, social, and regulatory challenges and solutions related to the development of a commercial-scale, integrated CCS facility. Clean Energy Systems' (CES) Kimberlina Power Plant will be assessed as an initial site for CCS in the SSJV. The project team will work toward the goal of a licensed CO2 storage complex by 2025 that can safely store over 50 million metric tons of CO2. A roadmap for ramping up initial injection at the Kimberlina plant will be broadened in scope to include additional parts of the SSJV region, working toward inclusion of additional CO2 emission sources.
FE0029219 Columbia University NY Integrated Pre-Feasibility Study for CO2 Geological Storage in the Cascadia Basin, Offshore Washington State and British Columbia 10/31/2018 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships

The focus of this project is to conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine the suitability of an ocean basalt reservoir in the Cascadia Basin offshore from Washington State and British Columbia (Figure 1) for the safe and permanent storage of 50 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). The project team will also work to better understand the methods and feasibility for large-scale, permanent storage of CO2 in deep basalt reservoirs in oceans around the world. This project will leverage a large collection of drilling, well log, and core sample data, as well as existing borehole and seafloor instrumentation, existing modeling studies, and new modeling capabilities. Finally, this project will establish reservoir and risk assessment methods and tools for reservoirs of this type.
FE0029487 University of Texas at Austin TX Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility in the Northwest Gulf of Mexico 07/30/2018 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

As part of the Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility phaseof the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, the University of Texas at Austin, partnered with the DOE, will aim to demonstrate that saline and depleted hydrocarbon storage reservoirs within a storage complex can store industrial CO2 emissions safely, permanently, and economically. This study seeks to identify near-offshore storage resource on the inner shelf of the Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1) in the range of 50+ million metric tons of CO2. The study will further identify specific injection reservoirs and evaluate the change from CO2 use for enhanced oil recovery to large-volume storage in saline formations. Tasks will include subsurface geologic characterization, modeling and simulation, management strategy, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, public outreach, and site development planning.
SC0017077 Helios-NRG, LLC NY Novel Algae Technology for CO2 Utilization 12/31/2020 Biological Conversion

Helios-NRG, LLC, in partnership with The State University of New York at Buffalo, is advancing an algae-based process for the efficient capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-fired power plant flue gas and production of biofuels and other valuable products to mitigate the cost of carbon capture. The process begins with a multi-stage, continuous flow (MSC) photo-bioreactor system for high growth rate microalgae to metabolize the CO2 from flue gas. The algae is then concentrated in a novel de-watering system (developed in a prior U.S. Department of Energy-funded project), a fraction of the algae is extracted after de-watering for production of high-value chemicals and nutraceuticals, and the remainder of the algae is converted, using hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL), into liquid biofuel. In Phase I, algae species that are capable of handling flue gas contaminants (e.g., arsenic, mercury, and selenium) and achieve high CO2 capture will be identified, the performance of the algae de-watering technology will be advanced, high-value co-product synthesis by the algae will be validated, and a preliminary techno-economic analysis will be prepared.
SC0017105 Mainstream Engineering Corporation FL Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Useful Chemical Intermediates 05/20/2021 Chemical Conversion

Mainstream Engineering Corporation (Mainstream) is developing an innovative electrosynthesis process that incorporates their innovative gas diffusion layer (GDL) based electrode technology and utilizes carbon dioxide (CO2), captured from coal-fired power plant flue gas, to produce chemical precursors, including carboxylic acids. Carboxylic acids are valuable and important precursors used in polymers, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and cosmetics. In Phase I, Mainstream developed a scalable electrode and cell design based on their GDL technology. The structure of the electrode was optimized to maximize the rate of reaction, electrode durability, and product yield. Mainstream successfully achieved low temperature bench-scale synthesis of a range of carboxylic acid intermediates with high yields and current efficiencies. In Phase II, Mainstream will further optimize the gas diffusion electrode, electrochemical cell design, and overall reaction chemistry to maximize the yield, reaction rate, and overall energy efficiency. In addition, Mainstream will scale up the process from a bench-scale batch reactor to a prototype small-scale pilot reactor to evaluate continuous operation.
FE0029264 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Integrated Mid-Continent Stacked Carbon Storage Hub 06/30/2018 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships

This project is to study the pre-feasibility of an integrated CO2 storage hub in the mid-continent region of the United States, with the ultimate objective of storing anthropogenic CO2. As part of the Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, Battelle Memorial Institute, in partnership with Archer Daniels Midland, Schlumberger Carbon Services, and the Geological Survey of the Nebraska Conservation and Survey Division, will develop a scenario complete with preliminary plans for implementation that address site-specific geologic, engineering, operational, legal, and regulatory aspects of the project. The study will develop preliminary economic estimates that will aid in planning future phases of the project, helping to develop the most efficient implementation schedule for a commercial-scale, integrated storage hub utilizing potential stacked storage reservoirs in Nebraska and Kansas (Figure 1).

Tasks include identifying and reviewing major sources of CO2, conducting a sub-basinal geologic stacked storage assessment, and determining the parameters for the proposed storage facility. Additionally, the testing of selected National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP) tools will be incorporated into several steps of the geological assessment. The project will work towards the DOE objective of producing a feasible carbon capture and storage (CCS) stacked storage complex in the mid-continent region.
FE0029274 Louisiana State University LA Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage in the Louisiana Chemical Corridor 01/31/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

This project will develop a multidisciplinary team of stakeholders to analyze the feasibility of an integrated CCS site and conduct a detailed sub-basinal evaluation of the potential for CO2 storage in both depleted oil and gas fields and saline reservoirs in South Louisiana. The team will conduct geological modeling to evaluate storage potential and screen for potential issues with induced seismicity. Logistical systems that utilize existing natural gas lines will be analyzed to determine the feasibility of converting them to CO2 service.
FE0029276 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Northern Michigan Basin CarbonSAFE Integrated Pre-Feasibility Project 06/30/2018 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships

As part of the Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility phaseof the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) initiative, Battelle Memorial Institute, partnered with the DOE, will carry out studies to establish the feasibility of developing an integrated commercial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) site that will utilize deep geologic strata in the Northern Michigan Basin (Figure 1). The project will identify major sources of CO2, conduct a sub-basinal geologic storage assessment, and determine the parameters for the proposed storage facility. Testing of National Risk Assessment Program (NRAP) tools will be incorporated into several steps of the project. A major emphasis of the work will be to develop an effective team capable of addressing the technical, economic, legal, engineering, surface, and public acceptance issues related to implementation of a real-world storage project in the Northern Michigan Basin.
NT0005684 University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK Using Artificial Barriers to Augment Water Supplies in Shallow Arctic Lakes 03/31/2013 The objective is to implement snow control practices that will enhance snow drift formation for increasing water supply on the North Slope. Insight will be gained on using artificial barriers to prolong additional melt water recharge to the lake systems despite unfavorable climate and hydrology preconditions. This research will lead to more efficient use of water resources for ice road and ice pad construction.
NT0005682 Clemson University SC Innovative Water Management Technology to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Produced Water 05/15/2013 The objective is to develop constructed wetland systems for the treatment and beneficial use of produced water. These systems have great potential to provide a low cost method for treating produced waters for irrigation, livestock watering, municipal water use, etc. Produced water reuse can lead to continued operation of existing wells, increased drilling and production, and reduction in environmental risks.
NT0005680 ALL Consulting, LLC OK Online Produced Water Treatment Catalog and Decision Tool 03/31/2012 The objective is to create a produced water treatment catalog and decision tool that will pair an operator's water treatment costs and capacity needs to optimal water treatment technologies. Water treatment options will be identified by region, water quality and quantity limits. The tool will increase oil and gas production, decrease water treatment and management costs, and enhance environmental protection.
FE0029465 Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA Establishing An Early Carbon Dioxide Storage (ECO2S) Complex in Kemper County, Mississippi: Project ECO2S 09/30/2020 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

As part of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, the Establishing An Early Carbon Dioxide Storage (ECO2S) Complex in Kemper County, Mississippi project team will demonstrate that the subsurface adjacent to the Kemper County energy facility has the potential to store commercial volumes of carbon dioxide (CO2) safely, permanently, and economically within a regionally significant saline reservoir system. To meet this CarbonSAFE storage complex feasibility objective, the team will characterize and refine its understanding of the site's subsurface geology through the drilling, coring, and logging of three new wells. Reservoir properties established from existing and the newly acquired core and log data will be used to construct a geologic model. The model will be used to track the CO2 plume and identify key risk parameters. Finally, the team will develop robust monitoring plans specific to the site and identify the contractual and regulatory pathways necessary to develop this significant storage site and to assess project risks.
SC0017187 Geomechanics Technologies, Inc. CA Advanced Analysis of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Efficiency using Natural Gas as an Alternative to Water 11/20/2017 Exploration and Production Technology The project attempt to further develop and demonstrate the use of natural gas as an optimum fracturing fluid for tight shale gas formations. GeoMechanics Technologies plans to perform and document a comprehensive review on the transport properties of gas and water mixtures. They will investigate the rheology differences of conventionally-used fresh water and the natural gas mixture to determine how this affects hydraulic fracturing. Numerical modeling techniques will be applied, simulating hydraulic fracturing using various mixtures of natural gas and water to determine an effective combination. Gas production will also be simulated to further test the effectiveness of the induced fracture. The technical and economic feasibility of this technology will be considered and documented in a final report.
FE0029375 University of Wyoming WY Integrated Commercial Carbon Capture and Storage Prefeasibility Study at Dry Fork Station, Wyoming 02/28/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

As part of the Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, the University of Wyoming will identify saline storage opportunities proximal to the Dry Fork Station (DFS) power plant in the Powder River Basin. The project will establish a carbon capture and storage (CCS) coordination team capable of achieving successful commercial-scale CCS for the Dry Fork Station power plant, develop site-specific business and execution strategies, and identify and describe promising saline storage sites capable of storing 50 million tonnes of CO2. Project tasks include scenario generation, regional and stakeholder analysis, geologic evaluation, geologic model development and simulation, and National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP) modeling and validation.
FE0029474 University of Kansas Center for Research KS Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage in Kansas (ICKan) 09/15/2018 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

As part of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE): Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Pre-Feasibility Study, the University of Kansas, along with the Kansas Geological Survey, conducted a feasibility study of three of Kansas's largest carbon dioxide (CO2) point sources, nearby storage sites (with greater than 50 million metric tons capacity), and potential CO2 transportation networks. Building upon the regional characterization studies conducted under FE0002056, the project conducted high-level technical sub-basinal evaluations of CO2 storage, including risk assessment and modeling. Several other partners also contributed to the project, including Linde Group, which evaluated the technical challenges and developed plans for CO2 capture and transportation in Kansas; oil producers Blake Exploration, Casillas Petroleum, Knighton Oil Company, and Stroke of Luck Energy and Exploration, which provided access to CO2 storage site information; the law firm DePew, Gillen, Rathbun, and McInteer, which provided legal and public policy perspectives; and the non-profit Great Plains Institute, which coordinated the outreach components of the project.
FE0029302 University of Wyoming WY Integrated Pre-Feasibility Study of a Commercial-Scale Commercial Carbon Capture Project in Formations of the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming 02/28/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

As part of the Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, the University of Wyoming, in partnership with DOE, will perform a phase I pre-feasibility assessment for secure, commercial-scale CO2 capture and storage at the Rock Springs Uplift (RSU), Wyoming. The project's initial scenario and related study objectives are to perform (1) a CO2 source assessment based on post-combustion capture of CO2 from PacifiCorp's Jim Bridger Plant, due to its location within the RSU study area and its status as the largest source of anthropogenic CO2 in the State of Wyoming; (2) a CO2 transportation assessment involving the utilization of either the nearby existing CO2 pipeline network or through a new direct pipeline organized by the Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative, an ongoing effort by the State of Wyoming in cooperation with the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management; and (3) a high-level sub-basinal evaluation to identify additional storage reservoirs within the RSU beyond the presently characterized Madison and Weber formations to enhance storage capacities with stacked storage.
FE0029445 Illinois State Geological Survey IL CarbonSAFE Illinois East Sub-Basin 10/31/2019 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

As part of the Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Pre-Feasibility phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, the University of Illinois and Illinois State Geological Survey will conduct a pre-feasibility assessment for commercial-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) geological storage complexes in the East Sub-Basin of the Illinois Basin, with a view toward identifying sites capable of storing more than 50 million metric tons of CO2 from one or more industrial sources. A CCS coordination team will develop a plan and strategy to address the technical and non-technical challenges to enable an economically feasible and publicly acceptable integrated CCS project. A significant output will be a high-level technical evaluation of the East Sub-Basin that will include detailed subsurface characterization and risk identification, along with evaluation of potential industrial CO2 sources for sequestration, to identify suitable storage sites within the complexes.
SC0017222 Paulsson, Inc. CA Development of a Distributed Optical Sensor Array for Improved Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring 11/20/2020 Environmentally Prudent Development (EPD) The objective with this proposal is to design a Distributed Optical Sensor (DOS) array for improved subsurface characterization and monitoring. More generally, it is to design a cost effective distributed sensor array that can be deployed for subsurface monitoring and characterization.
FE0029280 University of Utah UT CarbonSAFE Rocky Mountain Phase I: Ensuring Safe Subsurface Storage of Carbon Dioxide in the Intermountain West 08/31/2018 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

As part of the Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) initiative, the University of Utah and its partners will identify the conditions and attributes that will facilitate feasible and practical commercial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS). Objectives include identifying and quantifying technical requirements as well as attributes that maximize economic feasibility and public acceptance of an eventual storage project. These objectives will be achieved via a high-level technical evaluation of a proposed storage complex with multiple storage site options and CO2 source(s). The primary outcome of the CarbonSAFE Rocky Mountains Phase I project will be a CCS template for existing and future coal-fired and natural-gas-fired plants in the Rocky Mountain states, with PacifiCorp's Hunter Plant in central Utah exemplifying a typical generating station in the Rocky Mountains. The CarbonSAFE Rocky Mountains Phase I project team incorporates many institutions with extensive experience in CCS and site characterization activities, including the University of Utah, New Mexico Tech, Schlumberger Carbon Services, and Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories.
FE0026109 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Self-Regulating Surface Chemistry for More Robust Highly Durable Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes 09/14/2018 Cell Technology The recipient will develop electrodes that are tolerant to two of the most prevalent cathode electrode impurities; Chromium (Cr) and Silicon (Si). This work draws on the recipient's recent method to fully recover oxygen exchange kinetics following Si-induced aging of ceria containing cathodes. These methods take advantage of elements, which over time during SOFC operation, are released by exsolution to actively trap Cr and Si impurities in a self-regulating chemical fashion. The objective of this project is to evaluate impurity scavenging by added reactive elements that are intentionally exsolved from the SOFC cathode electrode during operation. Based upon these findings, optimized compositions will be developed and tested in a lab-scale, long-term setup.
SC0017221 Precision Combustion, Inc. CT High-Efficiency Post Combustion Carbon Capture System 05/20/2023 Sorbents

Precision Combustion, Inc. (PCI), along with its partners University of Florida and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Australia, is developing a compact, modular post-combustion carbon capture system utilizing high-capacity metal organic framework (MOF) nanosorbents in a unique low-pressure drop system design. The MOF materials retain carbon dioxide (CO2­) at up to six times the capacity of amine solutions under low pressure and high humidity conditions, and also require significantly less energy for regeneration and exhibit a lower rate of degradation due to the capture of CO2 via physical adsorption rather than through chemical reaction. The MOF material is coated on PCI’s patented mesh sorbent substrate (Microlith®) that has higher surface area per unit volume and much higher mass and heat transfer coefficients compared to other substrates such as monoliths and pellets, allowing for increased CO2 capture rate and reduced regeneration energy. The combination of improved sorbent geometry with a cutting-edge nanomaterial with unsurpassed properties for CO2 removal that can be produced at large scale allows for a high-efficiency CO2 capture unit that can be easily retrofitted to existing power plants. In Phase I, a proof-of-concept of the Microlith substrate coated with MOF sorbent was tested at laboratory scale under relevant conditions. Modeling of a scaled-up Microlith unit with thermal integration was also initiated using the Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative software, in collaboration with the University of Florida, that is being further validated in Phase II to show cost advantages over existing solvent-based systems. Phase II work focuses on optimizing the sorbent and substrate properties, evaluating performance through durability testing with coal-derived flue gas, and producing a refined techno-economic analysis (TEA) model based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and process modeling. Phase IIA work will build on the Phase II success to further develop and optimize the sorbent and substrate properties, demonstrate performance and durability testing with coal-derived flue gas, and produce a refined TEA model based on CFD and process modeling and a fully integrated economic analysis including balance of plant components.
FE0029570 Southern Research Institute AL Low Temperature Process Utilizing Nano-Engineered Catalyst for Olefin Production from Coal Derived Flue Gas 06/30/2019 Chemical Conversion Southern Research will develop a process that applies nano-engineered catalysts to produce light olefins utilizing carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-fired flue gas. Ethane derived from natural gas will be reacted with CO2 to produce ethylene. Multiple catalysts and process conditions, designed systematically, will be tested to find the optimum conditions to achieve the maximum yield. The process and catalyst have applicability to the production of other light olefins as well. The research team will develop nano-engineered catalysts with optimum functionalities and conduct screening tests to determine the optimum catalyst composition for maximized ethylene yield from CO2 and ethane. Impacts of flue gas impurities, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and water on the catalytic performance will be evaluated. The best-performing catalyst will be tested for long-term stability in optimized conditions in a bench-scale reactor. Catalysts will be targeted to achieve competitive product yields compared to the conventional steam cracking process. Techno-economic and life cycle analyses will be completed based on experimental results to determine the costs, CO2 utilization, and greenhouse gas reduction of the process.
FE0029381 Illinois State Geological Survey IL CarbonSAFE Illinois Macon County 03/31/2022 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

The Illinois State Geological Survey at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, along with partners including Schlumberger Carbon Services, Indiana Geological Survey, Brigham Young University, and Richland Community College, will work to establish the feasibility of a commercial-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) geologic storage complex within the Mt. Simon sandstone formation located in Macon County, Illinois. The project is part of the Storage Complex Feasibility Phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative, which aims to perform initial characterization of carbon capture and storage (CCS) complexes with potential for 50 million metric tons or more of industrial-sourced CO2, and to establish feasibility of the complexes for commercial storage (Figure 1). The project team will conduct a commercial-scale initial characterization of a site within the Mt. Simon storage complex and develop datasets of formation parameters in order to evaluate the suitability of the site for CCS. A stratigraphic test well will be drilled in the Forsyth Oil Field to establish the potential capacity for this complex. Static and dynamic modeling will be used to examine the performance of the site and evaluate it for long-term security. The models will be used to identify improvements in storage capacity estimations. A detailed plan will be prepared for further characterization requirements to reduce subsurface uncertainty at this site and for continued work toward commercialization of storage complexes. Public outreach components and permitting requirements, legal issues, and contractual issues will be considered for the project. The project will work towards the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) objective of producing a feasible CCS stacked storage complex in the Illinois Basin region.
SC0013233 E3TEC Service, LLC IL Conversion of CO2 to Alkyl Carbonates Using Ethylene Oxide as Feedstock 08/27/2021 Chemical Conversion

E3Tec Service, LLC, in partnership with Michigan State University (MSU), is advancing an innovative approach for converting captured carbon dioxide (CO2) into high-value industrial chemicals, specifically dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and monoethylene glycol (MEG), using their patented heat-integrated reactive distillation (HIRD) process. The process uses captured CO2 as a primary feedstock and methanol and ethylene oxide as secondary feedstocks for the co-production of DMC and MEG. The HIRD-based process, integrating a distillation column with a series of side reactors and pervaporation membranes, is a transformative technology that has enhanced energy efficiency and reduced capital costs compared to current commercial processes for manufacturing alkyl carbonates and glycols. Researchers at MSU are using lab-scale plug-flow reactors to test kinetic parameters of the conversion process and measure catalyst stability. The kinetic parameters will be incorporated into E3Tec's process model and used to predict the performance of the pilot-scale side reactors. A pilot-scale integrated unit will be designed, assembled, and tested to validate the process model. Several process configurations for a full-scale DMC/MEG plant will be analyzed once the model is validated. The team will verify the concept of integrating this process with a coal-fired power plant, evaluating the CO2 purity and potential for CO2 utilization from three primary sources of CO2. An implementation plan for an 8,000 tons/year pre-commercial plant will also be completed.
FE0029825 University of California - Los Angeles CA Upcycled CO2-Negative Concrete for Construction Functions 12/31/2020 CO2 Use Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, in partnership with Arizona State University and Headwaters Resources Inc., will develop a process that utilizes coal combustion and iron and steel processing wastes as reactants for scalable carbon dioxide (CO2) mineralization. The process will produce a CO2-negative construction material with mechanical and functional properties that are equivalent, if not superior, to traditional ordinary Portland cement-based concrete. The process design includes an integrated process solution for existing coal-fired power plants to produce "upcycled concrete." The process coordinates aspects of calcium leaching, calcium hydroxide precipitation, slurry formulation, structural shape-stabilization, and CO2 mineralization, while maximizing CO2 uptake. The production process design will minimize the need for extrinsic energy by utilizing flue gas from existing coal-fired power plants in two ways: as a heat transfer fluid and as a source of CO2. The heat from the flue gas will facilitate temperature-swing-based calcium hydroxide precipitation and accelerate the carbonation kinetics. The CO2 present in the flue gas will be systematically consumed by mineralization. The entire process is designed for scalable operations, in high-throughput mode using "off-the-shelf" components, thereby facilitating and accelerating commercial trials and deployment.
FE0029787 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL High Energy Systems for Transforming CO2 to Valuable Products 04/30/2022 Electrochemical Conversion

Researchers at the Gas Technology Institute, in partnership with Ion Beam Applications (IBA) Industrial Inc. and the State University of New York (SUNY), will develop a direct electron beam (E-beam) synthesis (DEBS) process to produce valuable chemicals such as acetic acid, methanol, and carbon monoxide using carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from a coal-fired power plant and methane (natural gas). Current technology for the commercial production of acetic acid, methanol, and carbon monoxide requires high temperatures and pressures, and expensive catalysts in multiple process steps that lead to high capital and operating costs. The DEBS process uses high-energy electron beams to break chemical bonds, allowing production of the desired chemicals at near-ambient pressure and temperatures and has been demonstrated by other research groups at bench-scale. This project will expand on the concept of DEBS to develop a commercially viable process that will minimize E-beam energy requirements and selectively control the yield of more valuable products while maximizing CO2 conversion. The team will construct a reactor and skid and run parametric tests using IBA's E-beam accelerator. A kinetic model will be developed by SUNY based on the collected data and will be used to predict the chemical performance of the DEBS process. Selective catalysts will also be tested to identify those that when combined with the DEBS process are effective in achieving specific selectivity to desired products and in reducing the overall energy requirements. Additionally, a conceptual design for coupling the DEBS process to a coal-fired power plant will be developed.
FE0029868 University of Delaware DE Electrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Alcohols 08/31/2020 Chemical Conversion

University of Delaware researchers will develop a novel integrated electrolysis system to produce C2-C3 alcohols, such as ethanol and propanol, using carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-fired power plant flue gas. The conversion technology will produce these valuable chemicals through a two-stage electrolysis process. In the first stage, flue gas will be pretreated to remove contaminants and will then be converted into carbon monoxide (CO) by CO2 electrolysis, followed by the second stage electrolysis process where the produced CO will be further converted into liquid C2-C3 alcohols with a high selectivity and energy efficiency. The objectives of this research are to show that the approach is feasible for the reduction of CO2 emissions, to design and evaluate two electrolyzer subsystems (i.e., CO2 and CO), and to establish economic and life-cycle models assessed by experimental data.
FE0029488 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND North Dakota Integrated Carbon Storage Complex Feasibility Study 02/08/2020 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

The Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) at the University of North Dakota (UND), along with several partners—North Dakota Industrial Commission’s Lignite Research Council, Basin Electric Power Cooperative (BEPC), ALLETE Clean Energy, BNI Energy, North American Coal, Minnkota Power Cooperative (Minnkota), Schlumberger Carbon Services, Computer Modelling Group, Ltd., and Prairie Public Broadcasting—will determine the feasibility of developing a commercial-scale CO2 geologic storage complex in the Broom Creek Formation in central North Dakota. The project is part of the Storage Complex Feasibility phase of the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative which aims to perform initial characterization of carbon capture and storage (CCS) complexes with potential for 50 million tonnes or more of industrial-sourced CO2, and to establish feasibility of the complexes for commercial storage. Two geologic storage complexes will be evaluated. These complexes are located adjacent to separate coal-fired facilities in North Dakota: The BEPC-owned Dakota Gasification Company and the Minnkota-owned Milton R. Young Station. These locations, one with readily available CO2, are bolstered by an existing CO2 pipeline and progressive North Dakota pore space ownership and long-term liability laws. Two new geologic characterization wells will be permitted and drilled. Acquisition and analysis of an existing 3-D seismic survey, along with collection of new 2-D seismic data, will be used to construct geologic models. The models will serve as the foundation for simulations in order to locate the most favorable future CO2 injection well sites. A public outreach plan will be refined and implemented, and an assessment conducted of the regulatory and permitting requirements. A detailed development plan will be completed.
FE0029623 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Beneficial Re-Use of Carbon Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants using Microalgae 05/31/2020 Biological Conversion

The University of Kentucky Research Foundation, along with Colorado State University, the University of Delaware, and ALGIX LLC, will develop a cost-effective microalgae-based process to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-fired flue gas to value-added products utilizing a dual photobioreactor (PBR)/pond cultivation strategy. The resulting algal biomass can be converted to bioplastics, chemicals, and fuels. In order to decrease the cost of algae cultivation and hence CO2 capture, the project team will investigate the combined PBR/pond cultivation system in which low-cost PBRs produce a concentrated monoculture that is used to inoculate conventional raceway ponds. This dual process minimizes growth lag time and ensures the desired algae growth as the dominant species over potential invasive species. Testing will be completed on the combined PBR/raceway ponds using simulated flue gas to collect operating data and using actual flue gas to validate productivity. Additionally, a biomass fractionation strategy will be developed to produce a protein-rich stream for bioplastics production, and a lipid feedstock and an aqueous carbohydrate stream that are suitable as raw materials for renewable chemicals and fuels production. A techno-economic and a lifecycle analysis will be performed to assess the economic and environmental implications of this approach to CO2 utilization.
FE0029866 TDA Research, Inc. CO A New Process for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Conversion to Fuel 04/15/2020 CO2 Use

TDA Research, along with their partners Gas Technology Institute and University of California Irvine, are developing a novel sorbent-based, thermo-catalytic process to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from coal-fired power plants into syngas (carbon monoxide [CO] and hydrogen), which can be used to synthesize synthetic fuels and value-added chemicals. The project will focus on the development and optimization of a mixed metal oxide sorbent to directly reduce CO2 to CO. Initial work will synthesize and screen sorbent formulations for the best CO2-reduction capability and test sorbent activity over multiple absorption/desorption cycles. The team will design and fabricate a prototype sorbent reactor and complete proof-of-concept testing, evaluating CO2 conversion to CO through varying conditions. Additional work includes development of a computational fluid dynamic model of the sorbent reactor system and validation of the model with bench-scale testing. The team will establish the basis for process design and develop Apsen PlusTM models that use the CO2 utilization system integrated with two chemical conversion processes; to diesel fuel via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, and to gasoline via a methanol-to-gasoline process. A detailed design techno-economic analysis of the process, and life cycle analysis, will also be completed.
FE0029760 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Nano Engineered Catalyst Supported on Ceramic Hollow Fibers for the Utilization of CO2 in Dry Reforming to Produce Syngas 06/30/2021 Chemical Conversion

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) has teamed with Missouri University of Science and Technology to develop a novel catalytic reactor that utilizes carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-fired power plants in the dry reforming of methane (CO2 + CH4 to 2 H2 + 2 CO) to produce synthesis gas, the building block for a large market of valuable products and chemicals. The catalytic reactor will contain nano-engineered catalyst, deposited on high packing-density hollow fibers. This work builds on the team's promising nano-engineered catalyst that shows much higher catalytic activity and better stability than conventional catalysts in dry reforming for production of syngas. Researchers will develop and optimize the catalyst, deposit it on hollow fibers, and design and construct a catalytic reactor. Performance testing will be done for two reactor configurations, (packed bed mode and pressure-driven transport mode). Additionally, a technical and economic feasibility study and a life cycle analysis will be completed.
FE0030584 University of New Mexico NM Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Recovery 12/31/2019 Water Management

The objective of the proposed research is to develop a computer model of both the unit processes and overall treatment system. Model development will be supported by laboratory research addressing (1) the ability to concentrate divalent ions from high salinity flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater of varying chemistry, and (2) the ability to precipitate gypsum and magnesium hydroxide from concentrated ion-exchange brines. The model will calculate process performance, mass and liquid flow rates, and heat requirements; it will be used to evaluate the technical feasibility of a full-scale treatment process. The technology developed in this study will be relevant to utilities considering zero liquid discharge of FGD wastewaters. The project objectives will be achieved through a combined laboratory and modeling effort to develop a novel treatment process for FGD wastewater. Lab studies will be conducted to investigate divalent ion removal and precipitation of gypsum and magnesium hydroxide from brine solutions. The process model will enable performance to be predicted and optimized by calculating flow, mass, and energy balances.
FE0030585 Florida International University FL The Novel Hybrid Start-off Model of High Performance Structural Alloys Design for Fossil Energy Power Plants 07/31/2020 High Performance Materials

The project team will develop an ab initio approach to quickly design new high-performance structural alloys for use in fossil energy power plants. The specific project objectives are to (1) conduct density functional theory (DFT) simulations for the selected Fe-Co-Cr-Ni quaternary system; (2) develop a thermodynamic database specifically for the face centered cubic (FCC) phase of the selected system; (3) predict the compositions of new alloys in the selected system and compare them to experimental observations; (4) develop the hybrid high-throughput-DFT/CALPHAD model, which is capable of efficiently predicting the compositions of new alloys for multicomponent systems; and (5) apply the approach to make predictions on high entropy alloys (HEA) in an Al-Cr-Cu-Fe-Mn-Ni-Co multicomponent system.
FE0030600 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Expedited Real Time Processing for the NETL Hyper Cyber-Physical System 07/31/2022 Sensors & Controls

The primary objective of the proposed project is to provide the National Energy Technology Laboratory's Hybrid Performance (HYPER) Facility the needed numerical methods algorithm(s), software development and implementation support to enact real time cyber-physical systems that simulate process dynamics on the order of five milliseconds or smaller. The proposed paths forward comprise three distinct approaches to faster transient simulations. They fall under the numerical methods categories of: 1) optimizing key parameters within the facility's present real time processing scheme; 2) introducing an "informed" processing approach wherein a priori computations expedite real time attempts; and 3) implementing alternatives to the presently employed explicit-implicit blended finite difference (spatio-temporal) approach. Each of these three classes will be attempted independently as options for improvement, yet in some cases one may complement another.
FE0030331 University of Texas at El Paso TX An Accelerated Creep Testing Program for Advanced Creep Resistant Alloys for High Temperature Fossil Energy Applications 02/28/2021 High Performance Materials

This project seeks to address the challenge of rapid experimental screening of long-term creep behavior of candidate materials by developing an accelerated creep testing (ACT) program for metallic materials using two new ACTs: the stepped isothermal method (SIM) and the stepped isostress method (SSM). These ACTs are capable of recording over a short period of real time, the long-term multistage creep deformation to rupture of materials. Recent experiments on polymers show the remarkable capacity to accelerate creep testing from an equivalent 20 hr to an equivalent 107 hr over the same timeframe.
FE0030456 University of California - Los Angeles CA Applying Anodic Stripping Voltammetry to Complex Wastewater Streams for Rapid Metal Detection 07/31/2021 Water Management

This project's objective is to develop a lab-on-a-chip (LOC) electrochemical sensor capable of accurately measuring heavy metal concentrations, including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As), in complex aqueous streams such as wastewater. The sensor technology relies on anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV), which has been demonstrated to detect extremely low (sub ppm) concentrations of these metals. The technology will be capable of autonomously conducting metal measurements and report the findings remotely via cellular technology. Furthermore, using open-source hardware and software tools, the project team will construct sensor technology that operates with minimal human intervention and be capable of autonomously performing all of the pre-treatment steps needed to perform metal measurement activities. To accomplish this objective, the project team will concentrate on characterizing metal speciation in wastewater, develop appropriate pre-treatment methods that will allow analysis of this complex matrix on an LOC device, fabricate a range of electrodes specifically tailored to enhance the detection of the target metals, and finally, construct and test an autonomous LOC device that incorporates the pre-treatment steps and specialized electrodes for the detection of heavy metals in wastewater.
FE0030485 University of Wyoming WY Implementing General Framework in MFiX for Radiative Heat Transfer in Gas-Solid Reacting Flows 07/31/2021 Multi-Phase CFD

The objectives of this research are to (1) develop and implement a general framework to support the integration of modern gas radiation models for gas-solid reacting flows; (2) implement a methodology for developing new multiphase radiation models with accuracy and efficiency commensurate to the importance of radiative heat transfer in a variety of energy related applications; (3) reduce the computational cost of existing high-fidelity models via systematic optimization; and (4) demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the radiation models under typical gas-solids reacting flow conditions.
FE0030582 University of California - Riverside CA Large-Scale, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-Enhanced Density Functional Tight Binding (DFTB) Approaches for Probing Multi-Component Alloys 06/30/2021 High Performance Materials

The objectives of this project are to develop, analyze, and introduce (1) accurate intermolecular potentials and (2) graphics processing unit enhancements to the density functional tight binding (DFTB) approach for high-throughput ab initio molecular dynamics calculations of multi-component alloys at elevated temperatures. Specifically, this transformative approach utilizes two complementary pathways that will employ a high degree of coordination and communication between them to realize a final rigorously sound and validated computational capability upon completion.
FE0029900 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Byproducts: Characterization and Laboratory-Scale Separation Tests 03/31/2022 Separation Technologies

The objective of this project is to collect fundamental information that can be used to develop disruptive physical and chemical separation technologies that are capable of extracting Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from coal-based feedstocks in a highly efficient, cost effective and environmentally benign manner. To meet the stated objective, a set of interrelated fundamental studies will be conducted, subdivided into three broad groups of work that encompass:

  1. measurement of surface forces affecting the motions of ultrafine REE particles in confined fluids,
  2. identification of mechanisms by which REE ions adsorb and desorb on clay minerals, and
  3. determination of the dissolution kinetics of REEs in different leach solutions.

The results obtained from these fundamental studies are expected to help accelerate the deployment of emerging separation technologies for the recovery of REEs from coal and coal byproducts.
FE0026489 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Electrochemically-Mediated Amine Regeneration in CO2 Scrubbing Processes 12/31/2020 Solvents

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is advancing a novel, electrically driven carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology. The technology utilizes cost-effective reduction/oxidation responsive materials and metal ions to electrochemically enable the capture and release of CO2 by traditional amine solvents. The regeneration process eliminates the need for steam, significantly reducing the cost of retrofit to existing power stations.This technology was previously developed from concept to a proof-of-concept lab-scale device, validating the feasibility and potential of this innovative low-energy approach. In this project, researchers will further optimize the performance of the technology through screening, modeling, and experimental testing of various metals and candidate CO2 solvents. Process models will be developed to evaluate different process configurations, particularly the effect of high-pressure operation in the desorber, and to establish cost estimates for the electrochemical technology, enabling direct comparison with competing technologies. Optimization of electrode materials and configurations, electrochemical cell architectures, and flow channel designs will be completed through modeling and testing. A lab-scale apparatus for testing the most promising candidate solvent/metal chemistries, as well as optimized cell designs, will be constructed. Testing will be performed under realistic conditions of temperature, pressure, and flow rates to evaluate performance and iteratively improve the cell design.
FE0030146 Inventure Renewables, Inc. AL Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mining Waste Materials 08/05/2021 Process Systems

This Phase 1 project will identify and characterize coal-related materials, and design and perform a techno-economic analysis for a self-contained, modular, and portable continuous ion exchange/continuous ion chromatography (CIX/CIC) pilot plant capable of processing and purifying rare earth elements (REEs). The process will combine chemical processing with physical beneficiation processes for providing a concentrated REEs leach liquor stream derived from clay-rich, co-produced coal materials such as those associated with overburden, and clay layers under or within a coal stream and cleaning plant refuse. After concentration, the REEs will be separated and purified into their individual elements using CIX/CIC techniques. This project will also determine the economic viability of mining and processing REEs associated with Appalachian coal deposits. If successful, this Phase 1 project may continue into the next stage of development which includes installation, field-testing, and evaluation of the REE recovery technology.
FE0029956 Marshall Miller & Associates, Inc. VA Production of Salable Rare Earth Products from Coal and Coal Byproducts in the U.S. Using Advanced Separation Processes 05/31/2019 Process Systems

This Phase 1 project will identify and characterize coal-related materials, and design and perform a techno-economic analysis for a commercially viable technology for producing salable quantities and purities of rare earth elements (REEs) from coal-based feedstocks. The facility, which will be physically located at an active coal mine in West Virginia, will utilize interchangeable modules that can be easily reconfigured to accommodate changing feedstocks and technology upgrades. The process includes both physical and chemical extraction processes and is expected to produce at least 10 lbs/day of rare earth oxides at purities of 90-99 percent. As part of the feasibility analysis, laboratory testing will be performed, including crushing/grinding, magnetic concentration, flotation release analysis, selective agglomeration, leachability/ion exchangeability, solvent extraction, mechanical dewatering, and solids thickening. Data obtained from the laboratory testing will be used to design a pilot facility and optimize REE recovery and process costs. Overall, this feasibility study will provide critical insight on the economic parameters and commercial viability of the integrated process system. In addition to the REE products, the facility will also co-produce a salable ultraclean coal by-product that can help to offset the cost of the facility and enhance long-term economic viability If successful, this Phase 1 project may continue into the next stage of development which includes installation, field-testing, and evaluation of the REE recovery technology.
SC0017766 GRID7, LLC CO E-Blockchain: A Scalable Platform for Secure Energy Transactions and Control 08/26/2020 Sensors and Controls During SBIR Phase I effort, Evolution7 Labs will build an innovative, proof-of-concept software platform called E-Blockchain' which is built upon an enhanced blockchain layer to enable secure transaction and control applications within the SmartGrid or "Grid of Things" domain. The focus will be on applications that involve the integration of centralized and decentralized powerplant control systems with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networks. The E-Blockchain software platform provides critical capabilities to (1) reduce the risk of Cybersecurity threats for power system-based IIoT networks, (2) increase SmartGrid reliability, (3) reduce power plant emissions, and (4) increase plant efficiencies. The E-Blockchain' platform is designed to be scalable, resilient, secure, and resistant to quantum computer attacks which is well suited for power system-based IIoT networks. The product will be ready for commercial beta testing in Phase II of this SBIR project.
SC0017729 Paulsson, Inc. CA Development of a Low Noise Optical Interrogator for Interferometric Sensing Technologies 08/26/2022 Advanced Technologies

This SBIR award will focus on the specification, design, prototype and components of the Low Noise Multichannel Optical Interrogator for Interometric Sensing Technologies. Additionally, based on the system design, the Recipient will manufacture & test the prototype multichannel interrogator. Including interfacing all the developed components and testing both in lab / field equivalent environments.
SC0017746 Geomechanics Technologies, Inc. CA Development and Advanced Analysis of Dynamic and Static Casing Strain Monitoring to Characterize the Orientation and Dimensions of Hydraulic Fractures 04/11/2018 Geologic Characterization and Assessment 1. Develop and document theoretical details on the influence of fracture orientation, length, and opening displacement on casing strain. 2. Review and document techniques to measure dynamic and static strain in casing systems that are induced by hydraulic fracture operations. 3. Develop and demonstrate the use of numerical modeling and inversion techniques to use measure casing strain to characterize the orientation, length, and opening displacement of single and multiple fractures. 4. Compare and demonstrate the effectiveness and application of the analytical and numerical techniques developed with actual field data. 5. Document results in a high quality technical report.
FE0030983 Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics, Inc. MA Development of Agile and Cost Effective Manufacturing of Reliable Ceramic Components for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Systems 03/31/2019 Core Technology

Saint-Gobain Research & Development Center (SG) will develop and evaluate novel forming methods for producing ceramic balance of plant (BOP) components for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) that enable agile and cost-effective manufacturing. The objectives include: developing 3D printing and gelcasting methods for the short lead-time production of ceramic stack and BOP components with the MMA material; mapping and analyzing the capabilities and limitations of these methods to relevant SOFC design dimensions and features to establish their breadth of utility and specific cost advantages for SOFC manufacturers; and establishing the benefits of these manufacturing methods for producing SOFC manifolds and heat exchangers in commercial SOFC platforms through a validated techno-economic analysis. These techniques can potentially reduce ceramic material consumption and offer cost reductions. Furthermore, gelcasting and 3D printing could potentially reduce tooling costs and lead-time compared to injection molding.
FE0031175 University of Pittsburgh PA Robust Optical Sensor Technology for Real-Time Monitoring of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with High Spatial Resolution 12/31/2020 Core Technology

The University of Pittsburgh will work to develop an integrated fiber-optic sensor technology to perform real-time and high-resolution measurements in both planar and tubular fuel cells and the fuel cell assembly to monitor operations and structural changes of SOFCs. This process includes fiber sensors that will perform distributed measurements within fuel cells at 5-mm spatial resolution and temperatures up to 850C in highly reactive fuel gas streams containing hydrogen, oxygen, and other fuel; a femtosecond ultrafast laser manufacturing technique to produce high-temperature stable distributed fiber sensors in hydrogen-resistant optical fibers; and hermetic fiber packaging technology and additive manufacturing techniques to develop robust fiber sensor prototypes. High spatial resolution information gathered by these fiber sensors can be used to verify simulation results; understand degradation mechanisms; optimize designs of fuel cell structures and materials; and improve SOFC control algorithms.
FE0031206 Trustees of Boston University MA Self-Cleaning Cathodes for Endurance to Chromium Poisoning 09/30/2021 Cell Technology The Trustees of Boston University will evaluate two cathode self-cleaning and performance recovery processes: chemical cleaning and electrochemical cleaning. The project will test, validate, and optimize these processes as possible means of cleaning chromium oxide deposits formed in the cathode during cell testing. The project will also evaluate and model cathode performance under chromium poisoning conditions and after chemical and electrochemical cleaning. Cathode performance will be evaluated as a function of chromium and water vapor containing species, current density, and electrode variables, including thickness and distribution of electronic and ionic oxide phases in LSM, LSCF and LSF based cathodes. The results will be optimized on Boston University manufactured cells to meet performance recovery targets and validated on cells from industrial partners. The developed processes will potentially clean chromium oxide deposits formed in the cathode without modifying SOFC components, creating thermal shock or mechanical damage, or exposing the system to gas phases that it does not already see, which may result in industrial SOFC stack systems that can demonstrate stable performance, free from chromium poisoning, for more than five years.
FE0031228 University of Michigan MI Fuel Injection Dynamics and Composition Effects on Rotating Detonation Engine Performance 09/30/2021 Pressure Gain Combustion

Rotating detonation engines (RDEs) provide a promising route to substantially increasing cycle efficiency in stationary gas turbines. Much of this increase relies on the ability to achieve consistent pressure gain within the combustor. The University of Michigan will develop a comprehensive understanding of injector dynamics, evaluate the effects of multi-component fuels (syngas and hydrocarbon blends) on RDE operation, and develop advanced diagnostics coupled with predictive computational models for studying detonation propagation in RDEs. The codes and models developed for this project will use an open source framework increasing the likelihood of industry adoption. Additionally, experimental tools and databases resulting from this project pertaining to fundamental aspects of RDEs will be available to the design community.
FE0031176 University of South Carolina SC Development of Lost Cost, Robust and Durable Cathode Materials to Support Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Commercialization 09/30/2019 Cell Technology The University of South Carolina will develop lost cost, robust and durable SFM (Sr2Fe1.5 Mo0.5O6-d) cathode materials to support Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) commercialization. The overall objective is to evaluate SFM as a potential SOFC cathode material that can mitigate chromium (Cr)-poisoning, and to assess the long-term stability of the SFM cathode materials under practical SOFC operating conditions. The project will systematically evaluate long-term performance stability under the influence of contaminants in the cathode environment, such as Cr-species, CO2, and moisture, with an emphasis on detailed assessment of Cr tolerance and mitigation of Cr poisoning. The project will study the chemical compatibility between SFM and Cr-species, then evaluate whether SFM can be used as a Cr getter material, characterize the SFM cathode performance, and evaluate whether the SFM cathode can be regenerated following Cr-poisoning. The project will evaluate the SFM cathode in symmetrical half-cell configuration, and then apply the developed SFM cathode in button cell configuration. Finally, the study will be expanded to large cells provided by industry. Multiphysics models will be developed to correlate the SFM materials properties and microstructure features under different cathode contaminants and operating conditions with cathode performance and stability. The expected outcome of the project is a new family of SOFC cathodes that demonstrate excellent cathode electrochemical performance, possess good stability in CO2 and H2O environments, have redox stability, and can potentially mitigate Cr-poisoning.
FE0031178 Redox Power Systems, LLC MD High Throughput In-Line Coating Metrology Development for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Manufacturing 12/31/2020 Core Technology

Redox Power Systems, LLC (Redox) will develop high-throughput, in-line metrology techniques for evaluating protective coatings. The objectives for the effort include identifying key coating and substrate defects that lead to coating failure via detailed characterization methods (e.g., microscopy, XRD, EDS, electrochemistry); assessing capabilities of in-line metrology techniques, e.g., optical profilometry and thermography, to probe these defects; and demonstrating long-term performance of “defect-free” protective coatings, as identified by in-line metrology, in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack operation. Key outcomes will include identification of key coating and substrate defects leading to coating failure, the capability of in-line metrology techniques to detect these defects, or evidence of them, and demonstration of an optimized in-line metrology methodology that helps extend SOFC stack lifetime.
FE0031201 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Highly-Active and Contaminant-Tolerant Cathodes for Durable Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 03/31/2020 Cell Technology

Georgia Tech Research corporation will work to enhance the performance and durability of state-of-the-art cathodes of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and stacks by cost-effectively introducing a thin-film catalyst (simple and inexpensive oxide) with tolerance to various contaminants (i.e., Cr, B, H2O, CO2 and SOx) under realistic SOFC operating conditions. The project will demonstrate that an oxide catalyst coating, such as alkaline metal oxide, can enhance the performance and durability of SOFC cathodes in button cells created in-house and will then focus on applying those concepts to commercial SOFCs and cell stacks. The project team will modify the cathode surface of larger cells by first developing a suitable deposition process (vapor phase deposition) to produce catalyst coatings and then use a range of characterization tools to probe the changes in composition and structure of electrodes during fuel cell operation. Finally, the performance and durability of catalyst-modified cathodes will be validated in commercial cells and cell stacks under realistic operating conditions.
FE0031278 Ohio State University OH Development of High Performance Ni-Base Alloys for Gas Turbine Wheels using a Co-Precipitation Approach 12/31/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

The Ohio State University will focus on the design and development of novel superalloys with improved creep strength under high operating temperatures. A new generation of Ni-base superalloys, with creep properties at 1200°F, that are comparable to conventional alloy 718 operating at 1000°F, will be developed by utilizing the strategy of co-precipitation of strengthening phases that inhibits the deleterious coarsening on these phases during conventional processing of large turbine disks. Building upon research in an earlier NETL effort (DE-FE0026299), validated modeling capabilities for predicting precipitation sequences, yield strength, and creep response will be produced.
FE0031148 Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc. NY Ultra-High Temperature Anode Recycle Blower for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 03/31/2019 Core Technology

Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc. will develop an ultra-high temperature oil-free anode recycle blower (UHT-RCB) capable of using uncooled SOFC exhaust gas directly at temperatures to 700°C. The objectives of the work are to demonstrate successful operation of a UHT-RCB at relevant anode off-gas temperatures; and determine areas in which performance margin vs. cost tradeoffs can be made to the design of the first prototype to achieve a commercial cost target under $110 per SOFC kWe. The development of a UHT-RCB will potentially overcome the current limitation of gas-driven ejectors in cost and performance penalties while also addressing the need for a high-temperature (700°C capable) recycle blower to increase overall SOFC efficiency by eliminating the need for an external water supply. An additional outcome is system simplification and increased reliability via elimination of the anode off gas cooling system with its required heat exchanger, flow control valves, and system software needed to manage and control cooling gas output.
FE0031187 Tennessee Technological University TN Development and Validation of Low-Cost, Highly-Durable, Spinel-Based Contact Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode-Side Contact Application 09/30/2022 Cell Technology

Tennessee Technological University (TTU) will develop and validate low-cost, highly-durable, spinel-based materials synthesized with a multi-component alloy precursor for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathode-side contact applications. The precursor alloy composition will be optimized via composition screening in the (Ni,Fe,Co)3O4 spinel system, alloy design using physical metallurgy principles, and cost considerations. The specifically-designed alloy powder will be manufactured and characterized. The long-term area-specific resistance in-stack performance of the developed contact layer in relevant stack operating environments as well as its microstructural features, chemical compatibility, and Cr-retaining capability will be evaluated. The project will also explore novel approaches for further reducing the stack cost such as co-sintering of the contact layer and interconnect coating with the new alloy precursors. In addition, TTU will conduct a cost analysis and assess the feasibility of scale-up for implementation of the new process in FCE’s stack manufacturing facilities to support prototype validation and potential integration into FCE’s 50-kW SOFC system.
FE0031189 Case Western Reserve University OH Operating Stresses and their Effects on Degradation of Lanthanum Strontium Manganite Based Sulfer Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes 03/31/2021 Cell Technology

Case Western Reserve University aims to understand how selected operational parameters affect the performance of solid oxide fuel cells, with a focus on parameters affecting cathodes (air electrodes) of lanthanum strontium manganite and yttria-stabilized zirconia. Additionally, they will relate the observed relationships between operational parameters and cell performance to the microstructural changes that can be observed in the cells after operation.

The work will explore the effects of current density, operating temperature, and ambient oxygen pressure on SOFC performance and cathode microstructure. Durability tests will be conducted using two combinations of operational parameters: conventional with low oxygen and all aggressive. The project will also conduct detailed microstructural characterization on tested cells focusing on changes in phase fraction and their distribution across the cathode, particularly densification/loss of porosity near the interfaces of the cathode with the electrolyte and the cathode current collector; changes in total and active three-phase boundary density; and formation and distribution of manganese oxides. Monitoring the cells' electrochemical performance during testing, and analyzing their microstructures post-test, will improve understanding of performance loss and degradation mechanisms of SOFCs.
FE0031227 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University FL Improving NOx Entitlement with Axial Staging 12/31/2021 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Research into axial staging has become increasingly important to enable power plant efficiency increase without increasing NOx emissions. Engine manufacturers have performed full-scale testing of axially staged combustor designs, but the costs and complexities limit the design space that can be evaluated through testing. The known small-scale tests to date have been performed at atmospheric conditions and not necessarily with geometry and operating conditions appropriate to real engines. Axial staging is an important topic that engine manufacturers need to understand better to meet future efficiency and emission requirements. This project will characterize flame extinction dynamics for fuel flexible low-emission combustion. The data obtained from this project will be correlated into a reacting jet in crossflow model to help in the design of engines. An improved understanding and prediction of flame extinction and dynamic flame stability will guide strategies to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve performance of power generation combustion systems.
FE0030684 University of Michigan MI Storing CO2 in Built Infrastructure: CO2 Carbonation of Precast Concrete Products 08/31/2022 Concrete, Cement, or Aggregate

Regents of the University of Michigan will advance the technical understanding of carbon dioxide (CO2) incorporation into novel cementitious materials for the development of high-value precast concrete products that provide a net reduction in carbon emissions. The CO2 storage potential of engineered cementitious composite (ECC) used for the production of railroad ties will be evaluated in this project. ECC is a unique type of fiber-reinforced cement-based composite that is superior to traditional cementitious materials, exhibiting high-tensile ductility and excellent durability due to its innate ability to self-heal via mineral carbonation reactions. Researchers will ultimately develop a new carbonation process and a new ECC composition with stored CO2 that can be applied to other precast built infrastructure elements in addition to rail ties. The CO2 carbonation efficiency of ECC materials will be evaluated under varying system conditions. Industrial solid waste products, such as fly ash, steel slag, and mine tailings, will also be evaluated for CO2 carbonation efficiency and for use as potential additives to ECC to further reduce CO2 emissions of precast concrete products. Results of these studies, along with an evaluation of key mechanical properties of carbonated ECC materials, will be used to develop precast rail ties containing ECC with maximal carbonation efficiency and robust mechanical performance. Full-scale ECC rail ties will be field tested to evaluate their durability under typical loads. Net CO2 emission reductions attributable to CO2 storage in the novel ECC precast rail ties will be evaluated through completion of a full life-cycle analysis.
FE0030716 C-Crete Technologies, LLC TX CO2 Mineralization Using Porous Carbon and Industrial Wastes to Make Multifunctional Concrete 03/31/2021 CO2 Use

C-Crete Technologies, LLC has teamed with NRG Energy, Inc. to further develop a mineral carbonation technology to generate high-value concrete products that economically store carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from coal-fired power plant flue gas. The two-step process begins with the in-situ preparation of porous low-density materials from industrial waste (such as asphalt), which serve as support for CO2 mineralization in the pores. The resulting enriched porous carbons are then used as an additive in concrete production to impart unique properties, such as high mechanical strength, electrical and thermal conductivity, magnetic properties, and hydrophobicity. The team will optimize the conditions for synthesis of the activated carbon sorbent and characterize the material properties to maximize mineralization efficiency. The mineralization of CO2 in activated asphalt waste will be evaluated to determine the best method for scale up. The team will design, construct, and test a small-scale pilot system to produce multifunctional concrete, in ton quantities, using CO2 from the carbon capture facility at NRG’s Petra Nova coal-fired power plant. Test results will be analyzed to evaluate the commercial feasibility of the technology, and will include a Technology Gap Analysis to identify the required research to fully develop the technology to commercialization.
FE0030822 University of Illinois IL Improving the Economic Viability of Biological Utilization of Coal Power Plant CO2 by Improved Algae Productivity and Integration with Wastewater 09/30/2021 Biological Conversion

The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) at the University of Illinois, in partnership with Helios-NRG, will further develop a novel algae-based technology for efficient cost-effective capture and utilization of carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-fired power plant flue gas to generate algal biomass products for which there is a large market (liquid transportation fuels and livestock animal feeds). The team will first produce selected algae strains in a cultivation environment infused with simulated flue gas and concentrated wastewater nutrient liquids at bench-scale and then transition to pilot-scale using a proprietary multi-stage bioreactor to achieve an average biomass productivity of 35 grams per square meter per day, and carbon capture above 70 percent. Nutrient input costs will be reduced by integrating algae cultivation with wastewater treatment operations, providing an extra revenue stream for wastewater nutrient removal, and potentially providing a low-cost method of transporting flue gas through the sewer system. Two novel membrane separation processes will be tested that can significantly reduce the cost and energy needed for dewatering algal biomass and concentrating the aqueous byproduct of hydrothermal conversion of algal biomass to biofuels. A techno-economic analysis and a life-cycle analysis will also be performed.
FE0030977 Michigan State University MI A Combined Biological and Chemical Flue Gas Utilization System towards Carbon Dioxide Capture 03/31/2021 Biological Conversion

Researchers at Michigan State University, in partnership with PHYCO2, are developing a system that combines biological and chemical processes to efficiently capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-fired power plant flue gas and produce amino acid absorbents, polyurethanes, biodiesel, and methane. The system includes a high-rate photobioreactor for algae cultivation and a cascade biomass conversion process that sequentially converts algal biomass components into amino acid salt absorbents, biodiesel, polymers, and methane. The process uses residual heat from the power plant, creating a positive energy balance for algal cultivation and chemical production. By synergistically integrating algal cultivation and algae-based amino acid salt CO2 absorption, the majority of CO2 is completely captured from the power plant and the footprint of algal cultivation is reduced compared with using algal cultivation alone. Researchers will optimize the growth of a selected algal strain to maximize biomass accumulation and validate long-term stability of the algal culture without any contamination issues using two advanced pilot-scale photobioreactors located in the T.B. Simon Power Plant. Optimization of the cascade conversion process will be performed to achieve nearly 100 percent utilization of the algal biomass, and includes developing high-efficiency protein extraction, optimizing the mixed amino acid salt solution to achieve a CO2 absorption capacity of at least 0.5 mole CO2/mole amino acid solution, and evaluating the synthesis of biopolyol for polyurethane production. A techno-economic analysis and life-cycle assessment will be completed for a full-scale system based on a 160-MWe coal-fired power plant.
FE0031125 Montana State University MT Improving Ni-Based SOFC Anode Resilience and Durability through Secondary Phase Formation 03/31/2020 Cell Technology

This project focuses on secondary phase materials added to traditional Ni-based cermet electrodes to enhance SOFC anode durability and performance. Small amounts of an inorganic oxide, aluminum titanate or ALT, mechanically mixed with a nickel-yttria stabilized zirconia (Ni-YSZ) ceramic metallic composite results in a material that is ~50% stronger than the native Ni-YSZ cermet. Furthermore, anodes fabricated from ALT-enhanced Ni-YSZ show significantly slower degradation in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating at 800°C with H2. Objectives for this project include, refining methods used to fabricate ALT enhanced anodes into bi-layer anode supports to achieve high power densities; comparing the effects of adding ALT mechanically to Ni-YSZ powders prior to anode fabrication with adding ALT through infiltration and co-infiltration of YSZ scaffolds; testing the resilience of these novel materials to electrochemical and environmental redox cycling and thermal stresses commonly encountered in functioning SOFCs; working closely with SOFC manufacturers to transfer laboratory knowledge to full-sized cell fabrication and testing.

A centerpiece of this effort is anode resilience studies related to sequential oxidation and reduction processes incorporating operando optical methods coupled with electrochemical measurements to identify (in real time) material changes that occur within functioning SOFC anodes under redox cycling stress, which simultaneously correlate to changes in electrochemical conversion efficiency, thermal stability, mechanical robustness and material composition. The effects of secondary phase formation on anode microstructure and strength will be optimized based on results from pre- and post-operation fracture testing of anode-supported membrane electrode assemblies. The distribution and heterogeneity of new material phases will be mapped ex situ using state-of-the-art surface analytical methods.
FE0031250 Michigan State University MI Degradation & Performance Studies of Ald-Stabilized Nano-Composite SOFC Cathodes 09/30/2020 Cell Technology

Michigan State University will demonstrate high performing, stable, intermediate-temperature SOFC cathodes via a multi-pronged approach aimed at using optimized atomic layer deposition (ALD) overcoats to stabilize the performance of lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite-gadolinium-doped ceria (LSCF-GDC) cathodes containing average LSCF infiltrate particle sizes of ~22 nm; deconvoluting the degradation mechanisms in those cathodes; and evaluating the performance and stability of ALD-stabilized Co3O4-GDC cathodes containing average Co3O4 infiltrate particle sizes of 1 to 10 nm.

An ALD overcoat will be applied with optimized porosity and thickness to provide the necessary cathode stability, without compromising the oxygen surface exchange rate, and verify the result by conducting ALD-coated thin film oxygen exchange surface exchange coefficient (kchem) wafer curvature measurements as a function of time. The ALD-stabilized LSFC-GDC cathodes produced will be studied under both open-circuit conditions in symmetric button cells and SOFC operating conditions in industrial produced and tested SOFCs. In addition, long-term electrochemical tests will determine if the stability and performance of a new generation of ALD-stabilized Co3O4-GDC cathodes containing average Co3O4 infiltrate particle sizes of 1 to 10 nm are superior to LSCF-GDC cathodes containing average LSCF infiltrate particle sizes of ~22 nm.
FE0031252 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania PA Cost-Effective Stabilization of Nanostructured Cathodes by Atomic Layer Deposition 03/31/2020 Cell Technology

The University of Pennsylvania will study and determine the conditions needed to achieve reproducible atomic layer deposition (ALD) films on SOFC cathodes. Various oxides will be deposited onto button cells with composite cathodes based on lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite (LSCF) to identify the best materials for enhancing cathode performance. The performance of the ALD-modified cells will be evaluated in both laboratory- and industrial-scale cells. The objectives of this work are to understand the effects of adding oxide films by ALD on SOFC cathode performance; determine the best film compositions and thicknesses for optimal cathode performance; demonstrate the modification of larger cells by ALD; and transfer this capability to a fuel-cell developer for implementation on larger cells and stacks. Initial work will focus on determining the materials and procedures needed to optimize cathode performance on small-scale, button cells. These materials and procedures will then be applied to larger cells, including those of tubular design, to demonstrate that the methods can be applied to commercial development.
FE0031182 University of Connecticut (UConn) CT Advanced Anode for Internal Reforming and Thermal Management in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 06/30/2020 Cell Technology

The University of Connecticut will develop low-cost alloy anodes for distributed internal reforming of methane and other hydrocarbon fuels to potentially increase the fuel-flexibility, reliability, and endurance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The project will modify chemical compositions and microstructures of high-entropy alloy (HEA) anode materials via thermochemical calculations, process simulation, and modeling analysis to achieve distributed reforming over the entire anode and thus eliminate hot zones; model and predict carbon formation over the anode to achieve coke-free anodes using density function theory; fabricate cells and test the HEA anodes using a button cell configuration to demonstrate their advantages over traditional Ni-YSZ anodes for distributed reforming for long-term stability; and scale up the synthesis of HEA anode materials and cell fabrication for industry applications.
FE0031281 Clemson University SC Integrated Thermal Barrier Coating/Environmental Barrier Coating for Silicon Carbide Fiber Reinforced Silicon Carbide Matrix Composites for Next Generation Gas Turbines 09/30/2021 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Clemson University will design an integrated, and graded, thermal barrier coating (TBC) system that can protect and be used in next generation gas turbines. This will be accomplished by tailoring the composition and the microstructure of a graded coating system to meet the multiple performance requirements on the coatings. A novel class of precursor derived ceramic matrix composites, with graded composition to manage thermal stresses, will be used for initial testing. The effect of stoichiometry and process parameters (e.g. temperature on the microstructure) on the thermal and environmental stability will then be investigated. The results of these experiments will then be used to create the graded coatings via cold spray followed by pyrolysis. The thermal and environmental stability of these new coatings will then be studied. After creating the suitable composition gradients, an industrial viable approach of atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) will be developed. The resulting novel APS coatings will then be evaluated by their thermal and environmental stability in a realistic turbine environment.
FE0031282 University of Central Florida FL In-Situ Optical Monitoring of Operating Gas Turbine Blade Coatings Under Extreme Environments 09/30/2022 POT - Sensors & Controls

With engine temperatures exceeding the limits that metallic blades and vanes can endure, advanced monitoring techniques that ensure the integrity and durability of thermal barrier coatings are paramount to continuous and safe operation. The University of Central Florida will use key properties of optical radiation—including temporal, spectral and spectral intensity response modes, coupled with active sensing from coating properties—to gain diagnostic information on high temperature Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs). Materials design incorporating rare earth elements within TBCs to create the self-indicating property will be accompanied by research efforts to correlate optical measurements to TBC diagnostic parameters. The methods will be developed and demonstrated at the laboratory scale with the goal of future implementation for gas-turbine ready conditions.
FE0031285 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA High-Frequency Transverse Combustion Instabilities in Low-NOx Gas Turbines 06/30/2022 Advanced Combustion Turbines

The Georgia Tech Research Corporation will focus on experimentation and computational model development for large-diameter, multi-nozzle turbine combustors. The work includes a combination of detailed experiments with laser and optical diagnostics that provide high spatio-temporal resolution of the flow, flame heat release, and pressure in a turbine combustor; and reduced order modeling of the flame response coupling with the acoustic field. Reduced order modeling for the flame response using physics-based descriptions of the flame dynamics and a hydrodynamic stability analysis for acoustic-hydrodynamic coupling will enable model development for use in design tools, which will improve turbine operating performance when implemented.
FE0031205 Trustees of Boston University MA Core-Shell Heterostructures as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes 06/30/2021 Cell Technology

Boston University will synthesize and deploy core-shell heterostructures as solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes which exhibit high oxygen reduction rates at lower operating temperatures resulting in high performance at lower operating temperature and simultaneously exhibit long-term resistance to Cr-impurity attack induced performance degradation. An ancillary objective is to eliminate cumbersome, multiple infiltration steps in the cathode to achieve high performance. The expected outcomes are (1) a novel, environmentally benign, and inexpensive synthesis tool for synthesizing complex cathode powders, scalable to high volumes; (2) decrease in energy expenditure during synthesis of cathode powders; (3) up to a factor of 1.5 improvement in maximum power density of single cells at 700oC; and (4) significant improvements in cell performance degradation rates down to 0.02%/1000 h.
FE0031251 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV On-Demand Designing of Cathode Internal Surface Architecture for Dramatic Enhancement of SOFC Performance and Durability 09/30/2020 Cell Technology

West Virginia University Research Corporation will modify the internal surfaces of porous composite cathodes used in commercial SOFCs using atomic layer deposition (ALD). The project team aims to improve the power density and durability of commercial cells operating at temperatures from 650-800 °C by tailoring the nanostructure of the surface of lanthanum strontium cobaltite ferrite-doped ceria (LSCF/SDC) cathodes that possess complex three-dimensional topographies via a simple one-step ALD coating process.
FE0031288 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Real-Time Health Monitoring for Gas Turbine Components using Online Learning and High Dimensional Data 09/30/2021 Sensors & Controls

The Georgia Tech Research Corporation will use two industry-class gas turbine component test rigs to generate first-of-its-kind data for critical gas turbine faults with varying severity levels. These gas turbine test facilities will be examined using instrumentation techniques to build an open data collection that will support predictive algorithm development for combustors and turbines. The test conditions in the two test facilities will include, common, critical events that occur in the operation of power plants. The data will be correlated with physics-based models and first-principle relationships to improve component life predictions. Additionally, a comprehensive Big Data analytics methodology will be developed guided by the generated experimental data, industrial data from collaborators, and physics-based models with engineering domain knowledge. The effort will leverage existing research facilities that will generate the first publicly available data with simulated combustor and turbine faults.
FE0031180 LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc. OH Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Prototype System Testing 09/30/2019 Systems Development

LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc. will deploy a 250kW rated product demonstrator on a site provided by Stark State College in North Canton, Ohio where the system will operate on natural gas and connect directly to the electric grid. The product-like prototype SOFC power system will incorporate current technologies and operate under a range of environmental conditions for at least 5,000 hours to assess progress of system durability, performance, and operating cost toward commercial readiness. Specific work includes assembling a fuel cell vessel rated for 250kW; assembling and packaging a generator module and balance-of-plant packages; installing and connecting the power system packages and connection to the fuel supply and power grid; commissioning and shakedown testing to validate assembly and safe operation; and at least 5,000 hours operation at a baseload power rating of 250kW net power to the grid. In addition, a stack cost model developed and updated under earlier DOE programs will be updated based on the technology and processes used in this commercial readiness demonstration test.
FE0031525 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Low Temperature Plasma Treatment for Enhanced Recovery of Highly Valued Critical Rare Earth Elements from Coal-Based Resources 08/31/2019 Separation Technologies

The principal objective of this project is to develop a novel process using low-temperature plasma treatment integrated with hydrometallurgical processes to recover rare earth elements (REEs), especially highly valued REEs (e.g., scandium and critical REEs), from coal and coal byproducts. The project will initially evaluate the mineralogy, leachability, and effect of plasma pretreatment for the various segments of selected feedstocks containing greater than 300 ppm of total REEs on a dry, whole mass basis. A laboratory low-temperature oxygen plasma unit with the ability to control test conditions will be used to optimize the operating parameters of the plasma treatment process (e.g., power, temperature, treatment time, etc.) with respect to feedstock characteristics, such as the exposed surface area, pore size, microstructure, degree of oxidation, etc. After optimizing the process, plasma treatment will be integrated with leaching, solvent extraction, and precipitation processes to produce REE concentrates at improved recovery levels and grades higher than 10 percent total REEs on a dry, whole mass basis. A techno-economic feasibility analysis of implementing plasma treatment into an overall REE recovery system will be conducted.
FE0031526 University of Utah UT Economic Extraction, Recovery, and Upgrading of Rare Earth Elements from Coal-Based Resources 12/31/2019 Separation Technologies

The objective of this project is to demonstrate and improve methods that can economically extract, recover, and upgrade the rare earth elements (REE) contents from coal-based resources using integrated modeling, coal preparation, biooxidation, solution conditioning, heap leaching, solvent extraction, and precipitation technologies to cleanly and cost-effectively produce rare earth-bearing products with more than 8 percent by weight REE. The project encompasses a range of technologies currently in industrial practice to produce REE products from coal-based sources. Advanced coal processing technology will deliver clean coal for the market as well as REE-bearing coarse refuse (non-coal rock) that is the correct size for heap leaching applications. In addition, the technology provides concentrated sulfide minerals (for mid-to-high-sulfur coals) for cleaner coal and enhanced biooxidation to accelerate leaching of REEs from the coarse refuse. The removal of the sulfide minerals cleans the coal, accelerates subsequent REE extraction, and eliminates the potential for most acid rock drainage. The processing method also utilizes biooxidation to increase ferric ion production to enhance leaching, while also consuming the sulfide mineral and its associated environmental liability. The solution-conditioning processing method removes iron and controls the pH of the leaching solution to mitigate undesirable extraction of thorium, which often occurs below pH 1.5; the heap leaching portion will be modeled and designed to maximize extraction of REEs while minimizing thorium extraction. The solvent extraction portion of the project involves optimizing extraction and stripping for REE recovery in solution that will be precipitated as a final product in the last stage of precipitation processing.
FE0031529 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Recovery of High Purity Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from Coal Ash via a Novel Electrowinning Process 02/29/2020 Separation Technologies

The objective of this project is to advance development of the novel electrowinning separation and purification process developed by Rare Earth Salts (RES) and Battelle’s Acid Digestion Process, and validate that they can generate environmentally benign and economically sustainable rare earth element (REE) products from domestic coal ash sources at purities above 90 percent. An additional objective is to enable domestic REE sources and new outlets for coal products by demonstrating advancements in these purification technologies on coal-based feedstock. These objectives will be accomplished by testing at lab-scale. Battelle’s Acid Digestion Process will be used to upgrade the REE concentrate via solvent extraction, eliminating less-valuable elements such as iron, aluminum, sodium, and calcium, and carefully avoiding enrichment of contaminants such as uranium and thorium. REE products will then be separated and purified from this upgraded solution using RES’ novel electrowinning process—a purification process that can reduce the number of stages and cost of REE purification compared to traditional solvent extraction circuits. The project team will perform a preliminary design of a commercial-scale system, using data obtained during lab testing, to generate preliminary capital and operating costs for the process.
FE0031490 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Economic Extraction and Recovery of REEs and Production of Clean Value-Added Products from Low-Rank Coal Fly Ash 02/15/2020 Separation Technologies

The project’s objective is to develop an economically viable and tailorable rare-earth element (REE) extraction and concentration method for low-rank coal (LRC) fly ash and bottom ash that produces a concentrate containing =2 percent by weight total REE. This project will focus on low-rank (lignite and subbituminous) coal combustion/gasification ashes. The ash samples will be collected from industry partner facilities as well as from the existing sample database for North Dakota lignites at the University of North Dakota. The characterization to be performed will fully elucidate the abundance, form, and association of the REEs, both in the feed coals that produced the ash, and in the ashes. Additionally, the chemical composition, mineralogy, and morphology of the ash will be determined. Based on the characterization results, two ash samples will be downselected for laboratory-scale REE extraction and concentration testing. The laboratory-scale testing will involve evaluation of ash pretreatment methods, dilute acid leaching, and subcritical liquid carbon dioxide (CO2) extraction testing, which will be followed by REE concentration testing at downselected conditions and materials. The project will also evaluate a novel method of value-added beneficiation of the clean fly ash. Finally, based on the experimental testing, a preliminary technical and economic analysis will be completed to estimate capital and operating expenses and product revenues.
FE0031523 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Development of a Cost-Effective Extraction Process for the Recovery of Heavy and Critical Rare Earth Elements from the Clays and Shales Associated with Coal 12/31/2019 Separation Technologies

The project will investigate ion-exchange leaching and concentration technologies that can extract and enrich the rare earth elements (REEs) derived from coal resources, specifically clay and shale. Work conducted under this project will include field sample collection, thermodynamic assessments, routine laboratory testing, and engineering analyses. Initial efforts will focus on identifying, collecting, and characterizing at least three distinct feedstock samples that approach or exceed 300 ppm total REE on a whole sample basis. Next, experimental efforts will focus on two distinct process operations, including (1) ion-exchange leaching and (2) ion/precipitate flotation. A limited number of solvent extraction tests will be performed for comparative purposes only. These experimental efforts will be supported by ongoing thermodynamic assessments, which will provide a fundamental basis for selection and dosing requirements of lixiviant (liquid used for leaching a metal from the ore or mineral). During the final tasks, the results from the experimental program will be used to generate a preliminary system design, and cost/revenue modeling will be used to perform a rigorous techno-economic assessment.
FE0031524 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV At-Source Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mine Drainage 11/15/2019 Separation Technologies

The project objective is to develop a process to extract an enriched, mixed rare earth element (REE) product from acid mine drainage (AMD) at the site of production, upstream of conventional AMD treatment. Two AMD cases— net acid and net alkaline (Cases A and B, respectively)—will be explored. The products will be processed through an acid leaching/solvent extraction (ALSX) plant to compare performance with ongoing ALSX trials using conventional AMD sludge feedstock. The project team will evaluate the benefits of separating REEs from the AMD stream under reducing conditions such that iron and manganese will remain in their reduced (Fe2+, Mn2+) states. As reduced species, they will bypass the REE extraction process, improving overall process economics. In Case A, the pH is raised to just pH 4, which will precipitate REEs but not Al, Fe2+, or Mn2+, metals that would otherwise need to be separated to achieve high REE purities. In Case B, the team will explore the application of an electrochemically stimulated supported liquid membrane strategy to separate REEs from ferrous ion.
FE0031483 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Low-Cost Rare-Earth-Element (REE) Recovery from Acid Mine Drainage Sludge 09/19/2019 Separation Technologies

This project aims to develop a membrane-based, bench-scale system to extract strategic minerals such as rare earth elements (REEs), and other critical minerals, from acid mine drainage (AMD) sludge generated as part of coal mining activities in the United States. The proposed effort will use a staged, membrane-based treatment approach to separate, concentrate, and ultimately recover REEs from AMD. Initial work will take water samples from potential AMD site(s) and characterize them for REE concentration, dissolved metals concentration, and key water-quality characteristics. Each individual process component will be tested with water samples to optimize performance. The work will initially involve proof-of-concept experiments at the bench-scale with the aim of varying process parameters such as water chemistry, nanofiltration membrane performance in monovalent/multivalent separation, affinity media chemistry, and solvent recovery of REE. From these experiments, separation conditions that can be reasonably transitioned to flow-through systems and larger prototype scales for further techno-economic analysis will be selected so that the economic performance of a continuously fed AMD fluid process for REE recovery can be evaluated.
FE0031528 Thermosolv, LLC WY Advanced Sorbents for Modular Oxygen Production for Radically Engineered Modular Systems (REMS) Gasifiers 11/30/2019 Air Separation Technology

The purpose of this project is to develop advanced oxygen sorbents that fully utilize the high-oxygen storage capacity of perovskites (calcium titanium oxide minerals) and scale up their manufacture to 80-250 kg per batch. The targeted sorbents will be utilized in a modular oxygen production plant able to support the oxidant feed of an oxygen-blown REMS gasifier scaled to a range of 1 to 5 MW. The project team will develop composite pellets consisting of an inert core coated with the functional material by exploring various commercially available pelletized supports—including alumina, silica, and iron carbide—and various techniques to coat them with a thin layer of the functional material. Developing composite sorbent pellets to efficiently and fully utilize the high adsorption capacity of perovskites could be an advancement in modular air separation technology.
FE0031527 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Pilot Testing of a Modular Oxygen Production System Using Oxygen Binding Adsorbents 02/28/2021 Air Separation Technology

RTI will design, fabricate, and test a 10 to 20 kg/day modular O2 production system. The effort will include optimization and scale-up of the oxygen binding adsorbent; process studies to form the adsorbent material into structured beds for rapid pressure swing adsorption (PSA) cycles with low pressure drop, fast mass transfer, and low attrition; cycle development studies to optimize the pressure swing adsorption process; and development of simulation tools for rapid cycle modeling and numerical evaluation/optimization. In addition, the unit will undergo parametric and long-term testing for at least 1,000 hours. Producing O2 using the proposed binding materials should cost (depending on the O2 capacity) 30-40 percent less than cryogenic distillation. The technology could reduce the cost of air separation and, therefore, the cost of products from all oxygen-intensive industries.
FE0031531 Southern Research Institute AL Small-Scale Engineered High Flexibility Gasifier 06/30/2021 Reactor Engineering Design

The purpose of this project is to develop a novel, cost-effective, radically engineered modular gasifier. This gasifier would have applications to 1-5-MW energy-conversion systems, such as combined heat and power (CHP). The pressurized oxygen-blown gasifier will use a simple, small-scale modular design and will produce negligible amounts of tar. The gasifier will also be highly flexible to optimize fuel throughput and thermal efficiency; manipulate coal conversion; and produce syngas of a desired composition. The project, if successful, may reduce the cost of coal conversion via an optimized, factory-built modular system to allow scale-up via modular expansion and deployment at remote sites.
FE0031506 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Staged Opposed Multi Burner (OMB) for Modular Gasifier/Burner 05/31/2021 Reactor Engineering Design

The University of Kentucky Research Foundation will test a staged-OMB (opposed multi-burners) gasifier for a scaled-down version of a commercial gasification technology that utilizes coal slurry as a feed for high­ temperature gasification. This project has the potential for small-scale modularization with standardized burners. It would enhance a viable technology that may (1) better realize the full potential of abundant fossil energy resources, such as coal, in an environmentally sound and secure manner; (2) achieve modularized gasification in lieu of commercial experience at low risk; and (3) satisfy the interests of end users at low cost.
FE0031521 North Carolina State University NC Radically Engineered Modular Air Separation System Using Tailored Oxygen Sorbents 12/31/2021 Air Separation Technology

North Carolina State University will develop and demonstrate a radically engineered modular air separation unit (REM-ASU) for small-scale coal gasifiers. Compared to state-of­-the-art separation technologies, the REM-ASU will have reduced capital costs and energy consumption. A successful project may result in advanced oxygen sorbents with greater than 2 weight percent oxygen capacity and high activity; robust, steam-resistant oxygen sorbents with high-equilibrium oxygen partial pressure to allow effective oxygen generation without a vacuum desorption step; a tailored oxygen sorbent and modular ASU that can be readily integrated with 1-5 MW modular coal gasification system that reduces energy consumption by more than 30 percent compared to state-of-the-art ASUs; and demonstration of the sorbent and REM-ASU system to validate its robustness and performance.
FE0031566 Ohio State University OH Concentrating Rare Earth Elements in Acid Mine Drainage Using Coal Combustion Products through Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation 04/30/2021 Separation Technologies

The project research team will develop an integrated process that first uses stabilized flue gas desulfurization material (sFGD) to recover rare earth elements (REEs) from acid mine drainage (AMD) and a sequential extraction procedure to produce a rare earth feedstock with above 2 wt.% REE. The objectives are to (1) validate the effectiveness and feasibility of the integrated REE recovery/concentrating process, (2) determine mechanisms controlling the rare earth recovery process, (3) quantify the associated economic and environmental benefits, and (4) evaluate the full-scale application of the process. To achieve these objectives, the scope of work includes the following: First, the research team will collaborate with state agencies to carry out field investigations designed to screen and evaluate the seasonal changes of REEs from AMD discharges that have high recovery potential. Next, laboratory-scale tests will be carried out to study the recovery process under a range of percolation conditions using AMD and sFGDs from selected sources. The associated water quality changes will be monitored. Advanced analytical techniques, including synchrotron based X-ray methods, will be used to identify the mineral forms of retained REEs. Subsequently, a highly selective sequential extraction procedure will be used to concentrate the REEs. Finally, techno-economic analysis and life-cycle assessment will be carried out to evaluate the economic and environmental benefits.
FE0031520 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Gasification Combined Heat and Power from Coal Fines 09/30/2019 Reactor Engineering Design

The University of Kentucky Research Foundation will complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for a 5 MWe equivalent polygenerating unit located in Hazard, Eastern Kentucky. The plant will utilize waste coal fines and biomass (sawdust from the lumber industry) as feedstocks. The gasification unit will provide heat and power for buildings and/or process operations, and generate value-added liquid hydrocarbons for transportation fuel and chemicals with an attached unit that will be operated as a load-following alternative to minimize the impact of frequent startups and shutdowns on the gasifier operability and refractory lifetime. This project, if successful, may help develop a cross-industry synergy in a rural, remote area that could serve as a model for future economic development in depressed regions.
FE0031522 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Advance Syngas Cleanup for Radically Engineered Modular Systems (REMS) 09/30/2020 Reactor Engineering Design

This project aims to address key knowledge gaps (focused on low-sulfur coals, but ultimately applicable to all coals) to develop modular designs for the cleanup of warm syngas. These sorbent-based designs would enable 1-5-MW REMS-based plants to be cost competitive with large state-of-the-art commercial plants that use abundant domestic coal reserves. With the project’s successful completion, these small-scale modular desulfurization processes may have inherent cost benefits, reduce emissions, and improve thermal efficiencies.
FE0031548 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV High Temperature Electrochemical Sensors for In-Situ Corrosion Monitoring in Coal-Based Power Generation Boilers 12/31/2022 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts

West Virginia University Research Corporation will refine and validate the effectiveness of their previous electrochemical sensor for high temperature (HT) corrosion in coal-based power generation boilers; optimize the HT sensor; and develop a pathway toward commercialization. Sensors will be tested at two scales; 1) commercial-scale sensors will be optimized specifically for a net 700 MW Amec Foster Wheeler once-through, low-mass flux, vertical tube, Advanced Supercritical (A-USC) boiler and 2) bench-scale sensors will be tested under a range of operating conditions that would serve a variety of coal-fired combustion boilers. A software and a corrosion database will also be developed, enabling operators to interpret sensor data into actionable information.
FE0031533 Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI Advanced Anti-Fouling Coatings to Improve Coal-Fired Condenser Efficiency 12/31/2022 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

The purpose of the project is to improve the performance and economics of coal-fired utilities and industrial scale boilers through the reduction of fouling and the promotion of dropwise condensation using advanced coating materials. HeatX is a composite coating material, developed by Oceanit Laboratories, Inc., that has demonstrated adhesion and abrasion resistance even at thin applied thicknesses, which may enable its use on heat conducting surfaces without impacting heat transfer. Additionally, HeatX can potentially be applied in-place to existing, in-service exchanger units that have been pre-fouled, allowing it to be deployed as part of a regular refurbishment and maintenance schedule. The HeatX material may also have potential for reducing biofouling on seawater-fed shell and tube heat exchangers, which could substantially increase their efficiency and reduce maintenance requirements.
FE0031553 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA High Throughput Computational Framework of Materials Properties for Extreme Environments 08/31/2022 Process Systems Engineering

The objective of this project is to establish a framework capable of efficiently predicting the properties of structural materials for service in harsh environments over a wide range of temperatures and over long periods of time. The approach will be to develop and integrate high-throughput first-principles calculations based on density functional theory in combination with machine learning methods, perform high throughput calculation of phase diagrams (CALPHAD) modeling, and carry out finite-element-method simulations. In regard to high-temperature service in fossil power systems, nickel-based superalloys Inconel 740 and Haynes 282 will be investigated.
FE0031554 Missouri State University MO Multi-modal Approach to Modeling Creep Deformation In Ni-Base Superalloys 03/31/2022 Process Systems Engineering

This project will develop a new multi-modal approach to modeling of creep deformation in nickel-base superalloys. The approach is based on a two-pronged strategy combining a bottom-up, multi-scale, physically-based modeling approach and a data-mining driven top-down approach, backed by experimental database and correlation connectivity with strength augmented by data mining/machine learning protocols. The overarching goal is to integrate these two strategies to create quantitatively better predictive creep models that are not only sensitive to the microstructural evolution during various stages of creep, but also based on physically sound creep modeling that judiciously encompasses the strength of each modeling scale and provides a more comprehensive creep deformation analysis via finite element analysis.
FE0031559 University of Utah UT Ultrasonic Measurements of Temperature Profile and Heat Fluxes in Coal-Fired Power Plants 12/31/2022 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

The objective of this project is to develop a prototype multipoint ultrasound measurements of segmental temperature distribution (US-MSTD) method by refining the existing implementation and evolving its capabilities to include measurements at multiple locations across several zones and the characterization of soot and other deposits. The implementation of the US-MSTD method with metal waveguides is particularly appealing as a step towards the applications in measuring temperature distribution along steam tubes and other metal components of utility and industrial boilers. Refinements of the prototype US-MSTD system with its new features and capabilities will be validated through multiple tests in an iterative progression from laboratory experiments to testing at the pilot scale and large utility boilers at the Hunter Power Plant.
FE0031545 University of Central Florida FL Advanced Cost-Effective Coal-Fired Rotating Detonation Combustor for High Efficiency Power Generation 06/30/2021 Advanced Combustion

The purpose of this project is to explore coal-fired rotating detonation combustors (RDC) operability, dynamics, and performance over a range of conditions relevant to topping cycle integration using advanced experimental high-speed laser diagnostics and high-fidelity computational simulations. The primary objectives include developing an operability map for an established coal-fired RDC configuration; experimental and computational investigation and characterization of coal-fired combustor detonation wave dynamics; measurement and demonstration of pressure gain throughout the coal-fired RDC operational envelope; and measurement and demonstration of low NOx emissions throughout the coal-fired RDC operation. Understanding the physical mechanisms of rotating detonation combustion will lead to effectively exploiting the constant volume combustion technology for proliferation of efficient next-generation energy systems.
FE0031556 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Novel Patterned Surfaces for Improved Condenser Performance in Power Plants 12/14/2021 POT - Water Management

The project aims to improve thermoelectric power plant performance through engineered superhydrophobic/slippery liquid infused porous surfaces (SLIPS) for condenser tube designs fabricated by a patented two-step electrodeposition technique. The electrodeposition process is a widely-used industrial process that is applicable to a variety of shapes, materials, and sizes.The project will demonstrate and characterize a variety of SLIPS coatings based on copper, nickel, copper/nickel, zinc, tungstite, and other materials on commonly used condenser tube surfaces, namely, copper, copper/nickel, stainless steel, and titanium alloys through a facile and cost-effective electrodeposition process. The goal is to demonstrate overall condenser heat exchanger effectiveness that is at least 50 percent higher than that of current systems while reducing condenser pressure and improving power plant efficiency.
FE0031551 University of Illinois IL Energy Efficient Waste Heat Coupled Forward Osmosis for Effluent Water Management at Coal-Fired Power Plants 12/31/2020

This project will evaluate a transformational low energy (less than 200 kilojoules/kilogram water) waste heat coupled forward osmosis (FO) based water treatment system (the Aquapod©), adapted to meet the complex and unique environment of a power plant, to manage effluents, meet cooling water demands and achieve water conservation. The target is to enable recovery of at least 50 percent of the water from highly degraded water sources without extensive pretreatment in a cost effective manner.
FE0031546 GE Steam Power, Inc. CT Extended Low Load Boiler Operation to Improve Performance and Economics of an Existing Coal Fired Power Plant 06/30/2023 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

The purpose of this project is to improve the performance and economics of existing coal-fired power plants by extending boiler operation to lower loads. The objective is to develop and validate sensor hardware and analytical algorithms to lower plant operating expenses for the pulverized coal utility boiler fleet. The focus is on relatively inexpensive new “Internet of Things” technologies to minimize capital investment. Three technologies will be explored for demonstration and full-scale testing in a coal-fired power plant. The first focuses on gas and steam temperature control issues at low load. The second uses sensors and analytic algorithms for monitoring coal pulverizer operation at lower loads to reduce the minimum firing capability of coal burners. The third investigates new sensors and advanced controls to better balance air and fuel at each burner enabling reduction in the minimum firing capability of coal burners. Enabling lower load boiler and plant operation may help coal fired power plants more effectively compete for electric grid dispatch in a grid increasingly driven by intermittent renewable energy sources.
FE0031549 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Particle Separator for Improved Flameless Pressurized Oxy-Combustion 12/31/2022 Advanced Combustion

The Southwest Research Institute plans to advance flameless pressurized oxy-combustion (FPO) technology, making it more efficient and commercially viable by developing, building, and testing a flue gas particle separator for the FPO cycle, which is a component critical to the advancement of solid coal power generation technology. The separator will potentially remove harmful particulates from the process flue gas, preventing erosion of downstream machinery while maintaining a low pressure drop, thereby ensuring that the cycle operates at maximum efficiency. It will be demonstrated to operate at high temperatures to ensure the maximum amount of power can be extracted from the turbo-expander. Many candidate separator designs will be considered—from centrifugal or curvature to more novel concepts, such as indexed surface impact adhesion. The design will go through a final design evaluation and fabrication, after which it will be shipped to a test location facility.
FE0031547 Microbeam Technologies, Inc. ND Improving Coal Fired Plant Performance through Integrated Predictive and Condition-Based Monitoring Tools 12/31/2021 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts

Microbeam Technologies Inc. (Microbeam) will demonstrate the ability to improve boiler performance and reliability through integrated use of condition-based monitoring (CBM) and predictions of the impacts of coal quality on boiler operations at an operating coal-fired power plant. Microbeam will develop a tool to train neural networks and create neural-network-augmented Combustion System Performance Indices (CSPI)-CoalTracker (CT) software to manage coal quality and boiler operations, and alert plant operators and engineers about poor boiler conditions. The goal is to integrate the operations of the CSPI-CT into plant control systems and plant operating parameters. To achieve this goal, Microbeam will install a beta version of CPSI-CT at an operating power plant, develop statistical correlations and neural networks to determine impact of fuel properties and plant parameters on plant performance, integrate the neural networks and statistical correlations in CSPI-CT software, conduct on-site field tests and perform advanced analysis on samples obtained, and validate performance improvements achieved by using closed-loop control of coal blending and boiler operations to optimize plant performance.
FE0031550 University of Maine System ME Technology Maturation of Wireless Harsh-Environment Sensors for Improved Condition-Based Monitoring of Coal-Fired Power Generation 01/10/2023 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts

The University of Maine will develop, adapt, implement, test, and transition wireless harsh-environment surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor technology in coal-fired power plants. The technology offers several potential advantages for inline monitoring of coal-based power generation systems including accurate, battery-free, maintenance-free wireless operation. The small footprint will potentially allow flexible sensor placement and embedding of multiple sensor arrays into a variety of components that can be sampled with a near-by interrogating antenna and radio frequency signal processing unit. The temperature and/or strain measurements acquired from wireless SAW sensors represent critical data for actively monitoring the health condition and detecting failures in boiler tubes, headers, and piping at several key locations in coal-based power generation facilities. Expected outcomes include a matured technology; advancements in the packaging of SAW sensors and antennas to allow long-term robust operation; refined wireless communications protocols and signal processing; improved thin films and sensor packaging; and prototype static and dynamic strain SAW sensors. The University of Maine will install and test their resulting prototype wireless sensor systems at a solid-waste-to-energy plant and a coal-fired power plant.
FE0031534 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Low-Cost and Recyclable Oxygen Carrier and Novel Process for Chemical Looping Combustion 11/30/2021 Chemical Looping Combustion

The project goal is to demonstrate a transformational technology for chemical looping combustion (CLC) that overcomes two challenges to commercial CLC deployment: the high cost of oxygen carrier (OC) replacement/loss and incomplete fuel conversion. Specific technical objectives include demonstrating an OC composition and manufacturing platform at the cost of natural ore-derived OCs; fully elucidating the phase transformations, sulfur interactions, and coal ash interactions that may inhibit OC performance, cause agglomerations/sintering, or impact its recyclability; and testing a combination of CLC components from laboratory through to a 10 kWth scale in a fully integrated CLC system. A techno-economic analysis will be completed for the technology, based on these testing results, and will benchmark the technology to current state-of-the-art CLC processes.
FE0031530 ION Engineering, LLC CO Rapid Design and Testing of Novel Gas-Liquid Contacting Devices for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Via 3D Printing: Modular Adaptive Packing 11/30/2020 Novel Concepts

ION Clean Energy, Inc. (ION) will design and fabricate optimized column internals for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture utilizing additive manufacturing in an effort to further lower the cost of CO2 capture by decreasing energy consumption, solvent degradation, and emissions typically produced during the capture process. The project is a continuation of a previously successful Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project, in which ION demonstrated the ability to design, produce, and characterize absorber column internals for gas-liquid contactor systems (DE-SC0012056). The use of 3-dimensional (3D) printing to fabricate packing internals enables total freedom of design of the gas-liquid interaction area, and results in the realization of novel column structures. ION’s working name for the new technology is Modular Adaptive Packing (MAP).

The overall objective of the project is to develop a 3D-printed MAP with internal heating or cooling capabilities. Once a finalized design is complete and modules produced, packing performance will be characterized in a modified packing characterization rig. The project will utilize advanced parametric design capabilities and result in a 3D-printed prototype of a gas-liquid contacting device. The device will be modular and adaptable for both small and large-scale applications.
FE0031535 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Evaluation of Steam Cycle Upgrades to Improve the Competitiveness of U.S. Coal Power Plants 01/18/2020 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

The Electric Power Research Institute will examine the technical and economic feasibility of a series of steam cycle upgrades to the two most prevalent types of U.S. coal power plants: 2300-2600 psi (16.6-17.9 MPa) subcritical and 3400-3600 psi (23.4-24.8 MPa) supercritical pulverized coal units. The project will develop and evaluate nine separate retrofit options and examine the business case for raising steam temperatures of existing units within the U.S. coal fleet. The options will look at increasing main and reheat steam temperatures from 1000°F (538°C) to hotter temperatures ranging from ultra-supercritical (USC) (1100°F or 593°C) to advanced USC (AUSC) conditions (1350° or 732°C) while maintaining steam pressures at their original values. This will potentially minimize the modifications to the power plant while still providing an improvement in heat rate. The option of using a novel low pressure molten salt loop to transfer heat from the furnace to the steam will also be examined.
FE0031540 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Joint Inversion Of Time-Lapse Seismic Data 01/18/2020 Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency

The main goal of the proposed study is to develop and apply two promising joint inversion modeling and monitoring workflow tools to address and resolve shortcomings of existing inversion technology and time-lapse amplitude difference interpretation. The two joint inversion techniques will be applied to an existing time-lapse (4-D) seismic data set. One of the techniques will separate the effect of pressure from CO2 saturation to better assess the location of CO2 within the target reservoir. The second will assess the probability of the presence of a geologic facies at each location to guide the subsequent estimation of rock property distributions, reducing uncertainty in forecasting CO2 saturation changes within the target reservoir. The project will result in the extraction of more information from existing data; improve methods for detecting, assessing, and forecasting CO2 saturation changes over time; inform cost-effective operational and monitoring decisions, and improve the ability to delineate the extent and location of CO2 to verify conformance, stability, and containment.
FE0031555 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Intensified Flue Gas Desulfurization Water Treatment for Reuse, Solidification, and Discharge 01/21/2020

This project will develop a process that is able to treat for reuse, wastewater resulting from wet flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubbing systems, leading to significant reductions in footprint and chemical consumption compared to the state-of-the-art water treatment technologies. To achieve this goal, the project will (1) evaluate the effectiveness of electrocoagulation with air-dissolved flotation on removing regulated species through design, construction, and testing of a one liter per hour sub-pilot unit, (2) examine a nanofiltration unit to achieve greater than 80 percent monovalent salt rejection, (3) conduct long-term operation of membrane-based filtration for FGD wastewater aimed at determining performance degradation, e.g., membrane fouling, (4) determine a practical salt concentration for solidification resulting in an acceptable leachate, and (5) apply continuous capacitive deionization as a polishing step to remove any remaining government-regulated species below the effluent limitation guidelines requirements for recycling or discharge.
FE0031544 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Integration of Seismic-Pressure-Petrophysics Inversion of Continuous Active-Seismic Monitoring Data for Monitoring and Quantifying CO2 Plume 12/31/2022 Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency

This project is developing and validating an integrated package of joint seismic-pressure-petrophysics inversion of a continuous active-source seismic monitoring dataset capable of providing real-time monitoring of a carbon dioxide (CO2) plume during geologic carbon storage. The resulting real-time map of CO2 saturation obtained using this process will provide a deeper understanding of the complex, time-varying dynamics of the subsurface fluid flow migration path, as well as the rapid detection of potential CO2 leakage.
FE0031562 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Characterization of Long-Term Service Coal Combustion Power Plant Extreme Environment Materials (EEMs) 03/31/2022 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts

The objective of this project is to provide a comprehensive database of mechanical properties, damage assessment/accumulation, and microstructural information from extreme environment material (EEM) components subjected to long-term service with the intent to develop, calibrate, refine, and/or validate the life assessment tools used for predicting remaining life under complex operating conditions. Working with U.S. and global utilities, sufficient quantities of EEM components from operating and decommissioned coal-fired power plants will be obtained, including creep strength enhanced ferritic steels, 300-series H grade stainless steels, advanced austenitic stainless steels, and dissimilar metal welds between these types of materials. The materials obtained will have been exposed to long-term service (greater than 100,000 hours) and will include all relevant background information for material type, fabrication data, and operational conditions. The acquired materials will be subjected to detailed damage analysis, in-depth microstructural characterization, and, where relevant, rigorous low- and/or high-temperature mechanical testing in an effort to establish a link between microstructural/damage evolution and long-term behavior as established by in-service performance, destructive evaluation, or predicted behavior through time-temperature-parameter relationships or continuum damage mechanics.
FE0031446 University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK Making Coal Relevant for Small Scale Applications: Modular Gasification for Syngas/Engine CHP Applications in Challenging Environments 03/31/2019 Novel Technologies to Advance Conventional Gasification

The purpose of this project is to provide detailed engineering, design, and analysis to prepare a Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) for a modular, air-blown fixed-bed gasifier with gas cleanup; the gasifier would provide clean syngas to an existing diesel engine generator. The FEED study will assume installation of the gasifier in the current combined heat and power facility at University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the syngas produced will be routed to an existing 9.6 MWe diesel engine generator. The gasifier will run using 100% Usibelli coal, or various blends such as 80% Usibelli coal and 20% locally-sourced fuel pellets made from paper and cardboard or wood chips, and the waste-heat from the engine will be captured for district heating applications. This FEED study would develop capital and operating-cost estimates to examine the potential for small-scale, modular, coal gasification units, coupled with diesel infrastructure. These units could reduce fuel costs for operating conventional small-scale power generation by firing the diesel electric generators with coal-derived syngas.
FE0031561 Interphase Materials, Inc. PA Application of Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE) System for Improved Efficiency of Power Plant Condensers 07/31/2022 POT - Water Management

The objective of this project is to determine the condenser efficiency improvements as well as the reduction of continuous feed water treatment coal-fired plants could realize by utilizing Interphase’s heat transfer enhancement technology (HTE system). Previous lab-scale work has demonstrated that the HTE system can inhibit biofouling, microbiologically induced corrosion, and scale build up as well as improve baseline heat transfer efficiency of cooling systems in laboratory scale testing. By applying the HTE system first to field test rigs at the Longview site, and subsequently the condenser at the Longview plant, Interphase and Longview will collect field data on the HTE system’s potential to increase heat transfer efficiency in the condenser cooling systems of coal-fired power plants.
FE0031564 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV High Temperature Gas Sensor for Coal Combustion System 08/31/2020 Sensors and Controls

The objectives of this project are to (1) develop an accurate, robust, high temperature oxygen sensor based on refractory, reliable, catalytically inactive La1-XSrXCrO3 materials capable of monitoring combustion in a coal-fired plant in real time to improve combustion performance (2) investigate the feasibility and sensitivity of a new catalytic/non-catalytic sensor design to detect “oxidizable” target gases at high temperatures where other electrochemical sensors have failed; and (3) integrate and test the basic components of the proposed sensor in an operating commercial 700 megawatt power plant.
FE0031576 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Field Laboratory for Emerging Stacked Unconventional Plays (ESUP) in Central Appalachia 12/31/2021 Unconventional Field Test Sites

The Field Laboratory for Emerging Stacked Unconventional Plays (ESUP) in Central Appalachia project will investigate and characterize the resource potential for multi-play production of emerging unconventional reservoirs in Central Appalachia.
FE0031577 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Hydraulic Fracture Test Site II (HFTS2) - Delaware Basin 09/08/2022 Unconventional Field Test Sites

The overall objective of this project is to carry out multiple experiments to evaluate well completion design optimization and environmental impact quantification using a Hydraulic Fracture Test Site (HFTS2) experiment well in the Delaware Basin portion of the Permian Basin of western Texas, targeting the Wolfcamp formation. This project will be modeled in part on the successful HFTS1 experiment located in the Midland Basin. The team will recover core and directly measure formation properties, record and study environmental impacts (air emissions and water impacts), determine optimum well spacing based on fracturing efficiency, evaluate inter-well interference between horizontal wells in order to assess well spacing effectiveness, identify and evaluate the distribution and effectiveness of geological fracture barriers, evaluate pressure front barriers created in the stimulation sequence, test alternative hydraulic fracture designs in different wells in a relatively consistent geological setting, measure production performance by stage/perf cluster, collect data for detailed 3-D earth models for reservoir simulation and fracture evaluation, enhance microseismic data acquisition and analysis techniques, evaluate microbial impacts on biological corrosion and reservoir quality deterioration, and characterize any changes in shallow aquifers, flow-back and formation water.
FE0031578 Colorado School of Mines CO In-Situ Applied Coatings for Mitigating Gas Hydrate Deposition in Deepwater Operations 03/31/2023 EOR - Offshore

The overall objectives of this research effort are to design, test, and validate robust pipeline coatings for commercial utilization that mitigate hydrate deposition in subsea pipelines. A novel coating developed during a previous DOE sponsored collaboration between CSM-Center for Hydrate Research (CHR) and Oceanit showed promise for hydrate deposition prevention in small-scale apparatuses. The technology and methods to be used in this research will advance and scale-up this concept with second generation hydrate-phobic coatings in larger multiphase flowing systems. Particularly, the CSM-CHR deposition flowloop will be employed to assess the effectiveness of these advanced coatings during steady-state and transient (shut-in/restart) operations. Additionally, the strategy for in-situ application of the coatings to existing pipelines will be developed. The project will include the multiphase transient simulation and design of a full-scale field trial. The research will also evaluate the long-term survivability of the coating under high pressure, variable temperature, chemical exposure, and abrasive conditions.
FE0031579 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station TX The Austin Chalk/Eagle Ford Field Laboratory 12/31/2023 Field Test Site Laboratories

The goal of this project is to improve efficiency of oil and gas recovery from hydraulically fractured horizontal wells. This field-based research will be conducted in the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale Formations with the purpose of addressing fundamental questions such as the extent of the true stimulated reservoir volume and the complexity of the resulting fracture system. Utilizing newly-developed and comprehensive monitoring solutions, the team will deliver unprecedented and comprehensive high-quality field data to improve scientific knowledge of the hydraulic fracturing process when multiple wells are fractured from a single pad location. This knowledge will allow optimized production from less new wells with less material and energy use.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is also a recipient under this award, and their work is captured through a separate support FWP (FWP-FP00006273). The total award value of this support FWP is $2,000,000 (all DOE Share), bringing the total value of this project and all recipients to $20,450,502 (DOE Share: $9,778835; Performer Share: $10,671,667).
FE0031586 General Electric (GE) Company NY Reducing LCOE for Coal Based Power Plants with Sealing Technology Improvements 07/31/2019 Advanced Turbines

General Electric Company (GE) will use sealing technologies in steam turbines to drive a step change in the performance, efficiency, and levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of new and existing coal-based power plants. The sealing technologies include seals for shaft ends, interstage, blade tips, and valve locations. In Phase I, GE will mature the shaft end and interstage seals, and identify the type of steam turbine plant that would make a suitable test bed. A key aspect is the use of an existing steam power-plant for validation and demonstration of these technologies. These technologies have either already been developed or are being actively developed at bench/lab scale with ongoing DOE-funded programs and at private expense.
FE0031582 Babcock & Wilcox Company OH 10 Megawatts Electric (MWe) Coal Direct Chemical Looping (CDCL) Large Pilot Plant Test: Phase I Feasibility 07/31/2019 Advanced Combustion

The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W) will complete a feasibility study of a 10 MWe CDCL large pilot plant demonstration for a specific utility site. The design of 10 MWe large pilot plant will incorporate an advanced combustion design and control features that have been verified through performance testing on the 25 kWt sub-pilot unit at The Ohio State University and further testing in the 250 kWt pilot at B&W. In Phase I, B&W will complete an Environmental Information Volume and host site characterization; develop a cost estimate for the design, construction, and operation of a modular 10 MWe pilot plant; assemble the project team and secure cost share commitments; and prepare a topical report.
FE0031583 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY UKY-CAER Heat-Integrated Transformative CO2 Capture Process for Pulverized Coal Power Plants 05/31/2021 Solvents

The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UKy-CAER), with its partners Carbon Clean Solutions, USA, Electric Power Research Institute, Huaneng Clean Energy Research Institute, Membrane Technology Research, and University of Texas at Austin, are designing a pilot-scale (10 MWe) post-combustion carbon capture system (CCS) at a pulverized coal-fired power plant using the UKy-CAER four-pronged CCS technology. The technical approach includes process intensification, two-stage solvent regeneration, heat integration, and an advanced solvent to improve plant efficiency. Combined, these elements reduce capital cost, energy consumption, and environmental impact, as well as address load change. In a previous DOE-funded project, UKy-CAER validated their heat-integrated solvent-based system by operating for more than 4,000 hours using a slipstream (0.7 MWe) of flue gas at the E.W. Brown Power Generating Station.

Projects to design, construct, and operate large-scale pilots of transformational coal technologies are being conducted in three phases, with a down-select between phases. Phase I project tasks included the selection of Wyoming Integrated Test Center (WITC) as the host site (with support from the Basin Electric Dry Fork Station in Gillette, Wyoming), finalization of team commitments, cost-share agreements, and the Host Site Agreement, creation of an Aspen Plus® model of Carbon Clean Solutions’ solvent and verification of the model with experimental data from solvent testing in UKy-CAER’s 0.7 MWe facility, completion of an Environmental Information Volume (EIV), and updates to the cost and schedule estimates for Phases II and III. In Phase II (Design), the project will complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study, secure construction/operation cost share funding, complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and any required permitting processes at WITC, and complete an updated techno-economic analysis of the technology based on the most recent system design and cost information.
FE0031560 Opto-Knowledge Systems, Inc. CA Mid Infra-Red Laser Sensor for Continuous Sulfur Trioxide Monitoring to improve Coal-Fired Power Plant Performance During Flexible Operations 01/31/2022 POT - Sensors & Controls

The primary objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate a continuous sulfur trioxide (SO3) monitoring system for coal-fired power plants—validated in an operational environment—which will provide real-time, actionable information to enable control of additive injection and minimize catalyst deactivation. Currently, without a reliable SO3 measurement, utilities over-inject alkali to ensure mitigation of a blue plume. The system will utilize the sensitivity, specificity, and real-time capabilities of mid-infrared laser-based sensor technology, along with a close-coupled cell mounted directly to the pollution control duct of a coal-fired power plant. The effort will consist of two rounds of prototype development and field testing at an operating coal-fired power plant. The project is a collaboration among team members for synergistic development and testing of sensor technologies.
FE0031584 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Scale-Up Of Coal-Based Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Cycle Technology 07/31/2019 Systems Integration and Optimization

The University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) will design, build, and operate a direct-fired, supercritical CO2 cycle pilot plant that uses a variety of domestic coal reserves as the primary feedstock, and will further the technology development of the coal-based Allam Cycle. In Phase I, the team will evaluate the appropriate scale and candidate host sites for a large coal-based Allam Cycle pilot plant; develop a preliminary design, cost, and schedule for the pilot; secure commitments for Phase II; and complete an Environmental Information Volume.
FE0031585 Echogen Power Systems, LLC OH Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Primary Power Large - Scale Pilot Plant 05/31/2021 Systems Integration and Optimization

Echogen Power Systems (DE), Inc. will design, construct, and operate a 10MWe coal-fired supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) large-scale pilot. This transformational technology uses sCO2 as a working fluid, instead of water, to achieve high thermodynamic efficiencies that can potentially exceed advanced steam- Rankine cycles. In Phase I, Echogen will complete and refine the pilot conceptual system and key component designs, perform a series of pilot site evaluations to decide primary and alternate host site locations, develop the Phase II team for a front-end engineering design (FEED) study, and identify potential sources of cost share for the Phase II and Phase III activities. If successful, the proposed 10 MWe coal-fired sCO2 pilot power plant will reduce the technical and economic risk of this transformational technology; therefore, increasing the potential for commercial deployment.
FE0031589 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Initial Engineering Design of a Post-Combustion CO2 Capture System for Duke Energy's East Bend Station Using Membrane-Based Technology 06/30/2020 Membranes

Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. has teamed with Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. (MTR), Duke Energy, and Nexant, Inc. to develop an engineering design and cost estimate for a commercial-scale, membrane-based, post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system for Duke Energy’s East Bend Station (EBS) in Kentucky. The team will produce a comprehensive overview of the costs associated with retrofitting Duke Energy’s EBS, a 600-MWe coal-fired power plant with a capture process that utilizes MTR’s second-generation Polaris™ membranes for removing CO2 from flue gas. In previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded work, first-generation Polaris™ membrane module performance was verified in bench-scale slipstream tests (0.05 MWe or 1.0 tonne/day) at the National Carbon Capture Center. In these tests, more than 11,000 hours of operation were accumulated with real coal-derived flue gas, and second-generation membranes were confirmed to have twice the CO2 removal capacity of the original membranes. The commercial-scale retrofit capture system will use electricity to operate, and will not require steam from the power plant’s steam cycle, allowing minimal disruption of the existing facility’s infrastructure and operating procedures. The capture system will target an optimal 45 to 60 percent capture rate to maximize efficiency and reduce capture costs. Options for providing the auxiliary power of the capture system will be examined, including a new simple-cycle combustion turbine, a new stand-alone combined cycle, or by not adding new power generation capacity and decreasing the net power from the EBS site. In addition to the design of the capture system, a capital cost estimate (encompassing both engineering design and construction) for the carbon capture process, balance of plant systems, and a techno-economic analysis will be prepared.
FE0031600 University of Illinois IL Development and Bench-Scale Testing of a Novel Biphasic Solvent-Enabled Absorption Process for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture 03/31/2023 Solvents

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) will partner with Trimeric Corporation to advance the development of a transformational biphasic carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption process (BiCAP) and validate its technical advantages by testing an integrated system at a 40-kilowatt-electric (kWe) bench scale with actual coal-derived flue gas. The BiCAP process utilizes biphasic solvents, which are water-lean solvent blends, that can form and develop dual liquid phases, with the absorbed CO2 highly enriched in one of the phases. Key features of BiCAP include using only the CO2-enriched liquid phase for CO2 desorption, resulting in reduced mass of solvent required for regeneration, and directly feeding a portion of the CO2-enriched solvent as a cold stream feed to the top of the stripper, which reduces the use of stripping heat and increases the energy efficiency for CO2 stripping. In a previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project, the BiCAP was tested at laboratory scale (10 kWe) and exhibited a 34 percent reduction in parasitic power requirements and twice the CO2 working capacity for desorption when compared with a process using the most widely-used, commercially available amine-based solvent, monoethanolamine (MEA). After determining the optimal process configuration and operating conditions, the team will design and fabricate the 40-kWe integrated bench-scale capture unit. Parametric testing for two of the best performing biphasic solvents identified from previous research will be conducted with simulated flue gas at UIUC’s Applied Research Laboratory and one selected solvent will be evaluated with a slipstream of actual flue gas at the UIUC Abbott coal-fired power plant. The team will use the test results to prepare a techno-economic analysis, as well as an analysis of the technology gaps and potential environmental, health, and safety risks, to advance the technology toward further scale up and commercialization.
SC0018576 Intelligent Fiber Optic Systems Corporation CA Embedded Multiplexed Fiber-Optic Sensing for Turbine Control and PHM 11/25/2021 POT - Sensors & Controls

The recipient (IFOS) will develop an innovative, embedded-sensor-enabled control approach for industrial gas turbines (GT). The IFOS concept leverages advanced existing fiber-optic sensing technology including ultra-thin, sub-50 mm diameter fibers. IFOS’ approach will enable measurement of turbine blade temperature and stress parameters that are closer to the harshest of turbine environments, and use this information to augment existing control schemes to decrease margins and thereby increase system efficiency. Conventional electronic sensors are relatively bulky and require multiple lead wires. Few sensors have been able to be deployed on production turbines. In IFOS’ approach, however, there are no ‘active’ components on the turbine blade or shaft – all optical signal processing and post-detection electronics are situated on stationary components in a relatively benign environment, removing the need for ultra-high-temperature electronics.
SC0018580 Mainstream Engineering Corporation FL Conversion of Coal Wastes and Municipal Solids Mixtures by Pyrolysis Torrefaction and Entrained Flow Gasification 05/27/2021 Gasification Systems

For the foreseeable future, the Nation’s energy demand will continue to come largely from indigenous fossil energy resources and hydrocarbon fuels. Specifically waste coal plus other opportunity fuels need to be utilized as a feedstock to eliminate a waste stream and optimized to maximize energy yield and cleanly minimize pollutant emissions. Modular equipment is needed for installation in coal preparation locations, military installations, and research park facilities. Thermal decomposition of coal, biomass, and mixed solid waste (MSW) have been shown to reduce a waste stream while providing liquid and gaseous fuel products with low pollutant emissions. However, thermal decomposition processes have several challenges associated with preprocessing biomass and MSW, feeding and conveying material into the reactor, and post processing of syngas to remove undesirable products while upgrading to increase yield of high value products. Entrained flow gasifiers produce very little methane and a wide range of H2/CO ratios (0.5–2.0) but are limited in their ability to effectively feed large biomass particles into the reactor. A solution to the feeding problems associated with entrained flow gasifiers is to use a low-temperature pyrolysis reactor for torrefaction of the biomass mixture, creating a feedstock similar to coal and capable of grinding down, mixing with the coal feed, and feeding into the entrained flow gasifier In Phase II, Mainstream will design a pilot-scale torrefaction reactor using our prior experience with thermal conversion reactors and collaboration with Earth Care Products, Inc. The pilot-scale torrefier will be integrated with EERC’s pilot scale EFG to demonstrate a continuous pilot-scale PT-EFG conversion system with full characterization of yield and emissions. Mainstream will demonstrate a high-value syngas with a H2:CO ratio of 2:1 and show that the vitrified slag passes the EPA TCLP test for leaching. Mainstream and EERC will scale up the pilot-scale system and develop a complete design package of a 200 kW demonstrator-scale PT-EFG. A refined commercialization plan and TEA and will be developed to show the cost benefits of the commercial-scale PT- EFG and the benefits associated with mass production of modular units. In Phase III, Mainstream would fabricate and demonstrate a demonstrator-scale PT-EFG in the field. Commercial Applications and Other Benefits: The proposed evaluation of thermochemical conversion pathways for waste coal, biomass, and mixed wastes process will address methods for improving energy yields and minimizing pollutant emissions. Increasing total energy output from power plants by utilizing biomass and mixed wastes ultimately lowers energy costs, harmful environmental impacts of emissions, and has significant impacts on the energy security and sustainability of the U.S. economy. This proposal outlines a plan to experimentally investigate three possible reaction pathways for the conversion of coal wastes and coal plus opportunity fuel mixtures that can be implemented in existing coal-fired power plants. Ultimately, a process model for coal waste plus municipal solids (CWPMS) processing will be developed for a range of power plants to demonstrate a reduction in capital, operational, and maintenance costs for co-firing biomass and mixed waste with coal.
FE0031580 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Flameless Pressurized Oxy-Combustion Large Pilot Design, Construction, and Operation 06/30/2022 Advanced Combustion

Southwest Research Institute will provide detailed design, specification, cost, and schedule metrics for a large-scale coal-combustion pilot plant. This plant will demonstrate the flameless pressurized oxy-combustion (FPO) technology, which will potentially reduce risk in the path to commercialization of this transformative 2nd-generation coal technology that is capable of reducing the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) while capturing carbon dioxide, providing it ready for compression to pipe-line pressure, and meeting other emission requirements. The Phase I effort will address key systems, such as the flue gas turboexpander, that require additional development beyond what is commercially available to ensure the FPO technology will achieve maximum efficiency.
FE0031601 University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK Making Coal Relevant for Small Scale Applications: Modular Gasification for Syngas/Engine CHP Applications in Challenging Environments 05/31/2022 Process Intensification for Syngas & Hydrogen

The overall objective of this project is to demonstrate the potential for small-scale, modular, coal gasification units to provide low-cost fuel for firing reciprocating engine generators with syngas and pyrolysis tars/oils. By coupling the gasifier with a reciprocating engine, the syngas/engine combination can be used in baseload and non-baseload applications and in distributed generation applications. Through modularization of the components of this system, the Recipient believes that manufacturing and construction costs could be lowered so that syngas/engine modular systems could become competitive with similarly sized power generating plants operating with conventional technology.
FE0031604 University of Kentucky KY A Process with Decoupled Absorber Kinetics and Solvent Regeneration through Membrane Dewatering and In-Column Heat Transfer 02/28/2022 Novel Concepts

The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UK-CAER) has teamed with Media and Process Technology Inc. and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) through support project FWP-FEW0242 to develop an intensified carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process that will significantly reduce the capital and operating costs associated with CO2 capture. In this project UK-CAER will make process improvements in energy efficiency and cost savings, through: (1) the use of 3D-printed, two-channel structured packing material to control the temperature profile and increase the CO2 absorption rate and decrease the absorber size by up to 50 percent; (2) a zeolite membrane dewatering unit capable of more than 15 percent dewatering of the carbon-rich solvent to decouple solvent concentration needs for CO2 absorption and desorption; and (3) a two-phase flow heat transfer prior to the stripper, providing a secondary point of vapor generation that will result in an energy savings of up to 30 percent. The team will design and fabricate the advanced packing material and the dewatering membrane module, and retrofit and test the intensified process on UK-CAER’s small and large (0.1 MWth) bench-scale post-combustion CO2 capture facilities with simulated and coal-derived flue gas. The team will use the test results to prepare a techno-economic analysis; an environmental, health, and safety risk assessment; and a technology gap analysis to advance the technology toward further scale-up and commercialization.
FE0031575 University of Louisiana at Lafayette LA Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Laboratory 12/31/2021 Unconventional Field Test Sites

This project’s goal is to address gaps in our understanding of the clay-rich Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS) in order to make the development of this emerging oil-rich shale more cost-efficient and environmentally sound. Specific objectives for this project are to establish a virtual laboratory by utilizing core and log data from various industry partners and state agencies. The core data will use four or more wells as selected for best fit by ULL. The log data will include any available well log data from several industry partners as well as numerous, local state agencies. A catalog and a user-friendly website will be created for all project parties to have access to the available data and to request physical samples or digital data. Subsequently, the TMS virtual laboratory will conduct testing and analysis of various properties of rock and formation fluids from the TMS to determine sources of the wellbore instability issues, improve formation evaluation, the role of geologic discontinuities on fracture growth and shale creep. Additionally, ULL plans to investigate the application of stable CO2 foam and super-hydrophobic proppants for improved reservoir stimulation, as well as to better understand the nature of water/hydrocarbon/CO2 flow in a clay and organic-rich formation.
FE0031592 Linde, LLC NJ Flue Gas Aerosol Pretreatment Technologies to Minimize PCC Solvent Losses 05/31/2021 Novel Concepts

Linde, LLC, with partners University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL), and Affiliated Construction Services (ACS), will design, construct, and validate enabling technologies for pretreatment of coal-based flue gas for aerosol mitigation in solvent-based post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture (PCC) systems. Current aerosol mitigation strategies, such as baghouse installation upstream of the PCC plant, amine wash sections, and specific absorber operating conditions, can manage only a limited range of aerosol particle densities and are unfavorable due to significant cost and energy requirements. Two flue gas aerosol pretreatment technologies have been identified that can effectively reduce very high aerosol concentrations for particles in the range of 70 to 200 nm, which have been shown to contribute to amine losses through the treated gas stream exiting the absorber in a solvent-based PCC system. The first option is a novel, high-velocity, water injection spray concept that has been previously developed and tested by RWE Power at a lignite-fired power plant in Niederaussem, Germany, and has exhibited the ability to effectively reduce aerosol-driven amine losses in the treated gas. The second option is an innovative lab-scale electrostatic precipitator (ESP) designed by WUSTL and previously tested on flue gas entering the Linde-BASF PCC pilot at the National Carbon Capture Center, in which an aerosol particle removal efficiency of greater than 98.5 percent was obtained. The team will develop a mechanistic model characterizing aerosol formation and interaction with amine solvent in the absorber of a PCC plant and will complete a detailed design, engineering, and cost analysis for each pretreatment option. The technologies will be independently tested at Abbott Power Plant at UIUC using a slipstream of coal-fired flue gas containing high concentrations of aerosol particles (greater than 107 particles per cubic centimeter). The results will be used to benchmark the performance and cost of these technologies against existing options for pretreatment of coal-based flue gas for aerosol mitigation, and to determine the optimal aerosol pretreatment system for commercial deployment and integration with solvent-based PCC technology.
FE0031606 University of Alaska - Fairbanks AK First Ever Field Pilot on Alaska's North Slope to Validate the Use of Polymer Floods for Heavy Oil EOR 10/31/2022 Unconventional Field Test Sites

The primary goal of the project is to acquire scientific knowledge and gain polymer flood performance data, via the first ever advanced technology based field pilot to optimize the polymer flood design in the Milne Point Unit of the Schrader Bluff heavy oil pool on Alaska North Slope (ANS), with minimal disruption to ongoing field operations. Heavy oil is a vast energy resource that requires significant effort and expertise to produce economically. However, because conventional oil discoveries are not keeping up with overalloil demand, unconventional resources such as shale oil and heavy oil will be necessary to meet increasing world demand. Because American operators have never attempted polymer floods, this will be the first of its kind, unconventional resource application. The advanced technology will effectively integrate the advantages of polymer injection, low salinity water, conformance improvement and horizontal wells together to significantly enhance oil recovery for heavy oil reservoirs. The proposed research seeks answers to key unresolved questions, such as polymer injectivity for different viscosities/concentrations, timing of polymer breakthrough, polymer stability and retention in the formation, treatment of polymer water after breakthrough, and finally, incremental oil recovery as a function of polymer injected.
FE0031595 ION Engineering, LLC CO ION Engineering Commercial Carbon Capture Design and Costing (C3DC) 11/29/2019 Solvents

ION Engineering, LLC (ION), has teamed with Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), Sargent & Lundy, LLC, and Koch Modular Process Systems to develop a detailed design and cost estimate for a commercial-scale (300 MWe) slipstream carbon dioxide (CO2) capture facility for NPPD’s Gerald Gentleman Station (GGS). The team will produce a comprehensive overview of the costs associated with retrofitting the GSS coal-fired power generating Unit 2 to use ION’s solvent-based capture process for removing CO2 from flue gas. ION’s water-lean solvent exhibits significant reductions in regeneration energy requirements and significantly higher CO2 loading capacities when compared with the commercially available and most widely used amine-based solvent, monoethanolamine (MEA). The solvent’s properties result in reduced parasitic loads, liquid solvent flow rates, corrosion, maintenance, and equipment sizes when scaled-up for commercial systems, leading to reductions in both capital and operating expenses. During a recent U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project, the advanced CO2 capture solvent was tested at pilot scale (12 MWe) at the CO2 Technology Centre in Mongstad, Norway. The campaign included 2,750 hours of testing with capture of more than 14,000 tonnes of CO2 with greater than 98 percent purity, outperforming MEA with a greater than 30 percent energy savings. The team will include the following process improvements in the design for the GSS Unit 2: solvent split-stream integration, flue gas heat recovery, and water use minimization. In addition to the design of the capture system, a capital cost estimate, encompassing both engineering design and construction for the carbon capture process and balance of plant systems, and a techno-economic analysis will be prepared.
FE0031596 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Development of Self-Assembly Isoporous Supports Enabling Transformational Membrane Performance for Cost Effective Carbon Capture 05/31/2024 Membranes

Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. (MTR), in partnership with the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo), will develop composite membranes with transformational performance to reduce the cost of post-combustion carbon capture. In previous work, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), MTR developed a membrane-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology that includes the high-performance MTR Polaris™ membrane, advanced low-pressure-drop modules, and a patented selective recycle membrane design. This project builds upon the previous work and consists of two parallel technology development efforts. The first effort replaces the conventional porous supports used in composite membranes with novel isoporous supports that have higher surface porosity and many small pores improving membrane permeance. The second effort aims to increase the mixed-gas selectivity of MTR’s Polaris membrane by utilizing recent materials work conducted at SUNY Buffalo. Laboratory-scale isoporous support-based composite membrane modules will be tested at MTR. A bench-scale skid will be constructed, and the modules will be tested at the National Carbon Capture Center with coal-fired flue gas.
FE0031602 University of North Dakota ND Initial Engineering, Testing, and Design of a Commercial-Scale, Post-Combustion CO2 Capture System on an Existing Coal-Fired Generating Unit 12/31/2019 Solvents

The University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC), in partnership with the North Dakota Industrial Commission, ALLETE Clean Energy, Minnkota Power Cooperative, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), and Burns & McDonnell, will perform a pre-front-end engineering and design (pre-FEED) analysis and cost estimate for retrofitting MHI’s Kansai Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide Recovery (KM-CDR™) amine-based post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process with an existing coal-fired generating unit. The commercially available KM-CDR process uses an advanced amine solvent, KS-1™, that exhibits less solvent degradation, a lower solvent circulation rate, higher working capacity, and reduced steam consumption for regeneration compared to monoethanolamine (MEA). The solvent technology has shown reliable, cost-effective operation at bench and pilot scale (up to 25 MWe), routinely achieving 90 percent CO2 removal, and also operates at commercial scale, capturing approximately 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 per year from a 240-MWe sub-bituminous coal-derived flue gas stream at the W.A. Parish Plant in Thompsons, Texas, through a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project with Petra Nova Parish Holdings, LLC. Through these development efforts, several improvements to the process have been implemented, including a novel flue gas quencher and absorber design for lower capital costs and ease of construction and an amine wash section for minimizing aerosol emissions from treated flue gas. This project will address challenges associated with a full-scale system, such as the use of lignite coal, effects from cold climate, treating higher quantities of flue gas, and application of heat integration. The team will design a fully integrated KM-CDR system for installation at Minnkota’s Milton R. Young Station Unit 2 (MRY2) near Center, North Dakota; perform testing with EERC’s slipstream baghouse installed at MRY2 to evaluate aerosol emissions; evaluate the KS-1 solvent on lignite coal-derived flue gas to refine critical design parameters; complete a techno-economic assessment in accordance with DOE’s bituminous baseline study; and complete a pre-FEED analysis and cost estimate of the system at MRY2.
SC0018853 Bettergy Corporation NY Integrated Multichannel Water Gas Shift Catalytic Membrane Reactor for Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture 08/17/2022 Membranes

In this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project, Bettergy Corporation, in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati and Dawnbreaker, Inc., is exploring the development of an integrated catalytic membrane reactor (CMR) system that combines in a one-stage process a high temperature water-gas-shift (WGS) reaction with a hydrogen (H2) separation membrane to produce H2 while simultaneously delivering carbon dioxide (CO2) at high pressure, minimizing the cost of CO2 compression. The core of the novel process is built upon a robust modularized membrane supported on catalytic substrates, which is based on Bettergy’s patented nanopore engineering membrane (NEM) platform technology. In Phase I, a lab-scale WGS-CMR system was successfully tested, achieving high WGS conversion, high purity H2 through membrane separation, and enriched CO2 in the retentate stream. In Phase II, Bettergy will optimize the process, develop and test a multi-channel prototype system, and generate a commercialization plan.
FE0031608 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Additive Manufactured Metallic-3D OX-OX CMC Integrated Structures for 65% Combined Cycle Efficient Gas Turbine Components 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Siemens Energy, Inc. will develop a metallic additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D oxide-oxide ceramic matrix composites (3D Ox-Ox CMC)-based design for advanced vanes. The design will eliminate the need for film cooling and significantly reduce overall cooling requirements. The use of AM-3D Ox-Ox CMC components in all relevant hot turbine stages can reduce total cooling and leakage flow of turbine components by at least 50 percent. This reduction translates to an increase of approximately 1.5 percent in combined cycle efficiency. The elimination of film cooling and overall reduction in cooling air usage enabled by the AM-3D CMC advanced vane is potentially a significant step towards reaching a goal of 65 percent combined cycle efficiency.
FE0031609 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Extension of Operating Envelope for an Extremely Low NOx Axial Stage Combustion 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Siemens Energy, Inc. will develop an optimized design for an advanced high-temperature combustor for gas turbine applications that builds upon prior proof-of-concept testing on a combination of advanced transition design and a distributed combustion system that showed substantial advantages in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions compared to typical state-of-the-art gas turbine combustion systems. A Siemens advanced head end design will be coupled with both the distributed combustion system and advanced transition design while the system is optimized for higher temperature operation, including mitigating combustion dynamics and pressure losses. The objective is to maximize the firing temperature (exceeding 3100°F) while maintaining stable operation to ensure that future commercial power systems can realistically target combined cycle efficiencies of 65 percent or greater while simultaneously achieving low NOx emissions.
FE0031610 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Design and Development of Low Weight, Titanium Aluminide Airfoils for Higher Performance Industrial Gas Turbines Meeting 65% Combined Cycle Efficiency 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Siemens Energy will design a prototype Titanium Aluminide (TiAl) cooled turbine blade design capable of operating in a baseline gas turbine application to evaluate the potential of this material to be used to increase the exit annulus of large frame gas turbines (LGT) and support the target combined cycle efficiency levels of 65%. The project will establish an understanding of a state-of-the-art high temperature capable cast TiAl alloy through evaluation of published physical and mechanical material properties required for design; performing trade studies to gain an understanding of the material’s influence on performance of the design and evaluation of the potential for increasing turbine annulus area; identifying technology gaps in using existing TiAl materials in conjunction with cooled large last-stage turbine blade designs; and completing multi-disciplinary blade design optimization studies to define a prototype blade design using a baseline Siemens large gas turbine for the target application.
FE0031614 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Advanced Modular Sub-Atmospheric Hybrid Heat Engine 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) in collaboration with SoftInWay Inc. will develop a turbine-based advanced modular sub-atmospheric hybrid heat engine for fossil energy applications to produce electric or mechanical power. The engine will be developed as a modular unit that can be used with modular coal or biomass gasifiers, distributed power generation systems, large power plants comprised of multiple generating units, and with natural gas compression stations. The technology combines fossil fuel energy conversion in a sub-atmospheric low temperature air turbine with a reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE) to create a modular hybrid heat engine. This hybrid heat engine is expected to have the potential to achieve greater than 65 percent net electrical or mechanical power conversion efficiency based on lower heating value of the fuel and provide ultra-low pollutant emissions. The RICE can use various fuels to produce power, such as coal-derived syngas, hydrogen, or natural gas. The uniqueness of this engine is in the operating conditions of the air turbine, which operates with humidified air at sub-atmospheric pressure and low temperature, and produces power at high efficiency.
FE0031615 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL A Modular Heat Engine for the Direct Conversion of Natural Gas to Hydrogen and Power Using Hydrogen Turbines 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) will design, test, and demonstrate a modular heat engine system for clean and efficient conversion of natural gas to power, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The concept centers on clean power generation using hydrogen produced from GTI’s patented compact hydrogen generator (CHG), combined with an existing gas turbine modified for hydrogen combustion or with an advanced hydrogen turbine. During Phase I, detailed thermodynamic cycle analyses will be performed using commercially available modeling tools; trade studies will be conducted at the component and subsystem levels to define an optimized modular system that may be demonstrated to produce power with load-following capability; and technology gaps will be identified through consultations with system end-users and turbine OEMs. Using the CHG technology, GTI predicts a greater than 15 percent reduction in hydrogen cost. The modular systems can be used for distributed power generation and may be grouped together for added capacity. The system is sized for natural gas compression stations, enabling more efficient and improved environmental performance where the CO2 may be reused locally for enhanced oil and gas recovery.
FE0031622 United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) CT Hybrid Ceramic-CMC Vane with EBC for Future Coal Derived Syngas Fired Highly Efficient Turbine Combined Cycle 07/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

United Technologies Research Center will design, fabricate, and test high-pressure turbine vanes that use a novel combination of monolithic ceramics and ceramic matrix composites to increase component efficiencies within the turbine hot section and provide key building blocks for a 65 percent efficient system. The design will use an environmental barrier coating (EBC) to provide long term resistance to residues that make it past syngas filtration systems. By using low cooled ceramics to replace highly cooled superalloy vanes, a fraction of core flow typically utilized for cooling will be retained. The retained cooling air will then be used to increase efficiency by increasing temperatures that reach high-pressure turbine blades and increase turbine exhaust temperatures. This will further drive steam bottoming cycle efficiencies in combined cycle systems, regardless of fuel type.
FE0031613 General Electric (GE) Company NY High Temperature, High AN2 Last Stage Blade for 65 Percent Efficiency 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

General Electric (GE) Company will develop advanced last stage blade (LSB) turbine technology by developing rotor system designs and vibration management strategies, which are necessary to realize ~3100°F turbine inlet temperature that enables the goal of 65% combined cycle efficiency and reduces the cost of electricity. The project focuses on understanding and mitigating synchronous and nonsynchronous vibrations that limit the current state-of-the-art LSB designs and applications. Two classes of LSBs will be considered—partial span shroud configuration and a no-shroud configuration—both reduce the blade mass and open design space. Conceptual LSB designs will be extensively evaluated to assess the feasibility of a range of system architecture approaches that will lead to the down-selection of a preferred high temperature, high AN2 LSB system conceptual design. This project advances the understanding of partial span damper concepts, internal damping concepts, and other designs and strategies that will arise.
FE0031616 General Electric (GE) Company NY Turbine Aero-Thermal Technologies for 65% Combined Cycle Efficiency 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

General Electric (GE) Company will create a gas turbine technology development program that synergistically develops mechanically feasible, emerging, aerodynamic, and heat transfer technologies primarily for the front block, enabling optimization of the entire turbine system and improving overall gas turbine cycle efficiency. Concepts will be developed in blade tip and static shroud; high blockage trailing edge; secondary flows and hot gas migration; and unsteady aerodynamic interactions. The project leverages computational fluid dynamic assessments to capture fundamental flow physics, identify performance opportunities, and further develop and refine feasible advanced turbine front block design technologies. This technology is directly applicable to gas turbines utilizing coal gasification processes for hydrogen-rich, coal-derived synthesis gas as well as natural gas or other fuels for fuel-flexible benefits.
FE0031618 Bechtel National, Inc. VA Turbo-Compound Reheat Gas Turbine Combined Cycle 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Bechtel National, Inc. will work to develop the Turbo-Compound Reheat Gas Turbine Combined Cycle to a stage of readiness for a small-scale demonstration to prove successful integration of the key components, operability, and multifuel compatibility. This technology is based on a combination of thermodynamic cycle performance enablers: constant volume combustion, reheat, and waste heat recovery. The plant concept is comprised of a turbocompressor with an aftercooler; an advanced reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE) with the turbocharger removed; and an industrial, heavy duty gas turbine with the compressor section removed. It is modular, scalable, fuel-flexible, high-efficiency, and amenable to distributed generation and cogeneration. Goals of this project include the development of detailed heat and mass balances using engineering software tools; modules for flexible integration of the components that comprise the power system; and conceptual design of variations of the original patented technology with different fuels including syngas.
FE0031619 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Advanced Gas Turbine and sCO2 Combined Cycle Power System 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) will create a modular, highly efficient combined cycle power system by coupling a supercritical CO2-based (sCO2) waste-heat recovery system (WHRS) to the discharge of an existing gas turbine package. The resulting combined cycle power system is intended to offer reduced operating cost and footprint, cleaner and more fuel-efficient operation, and enhanced load following capability. By tailoring the WHRS to an existing gas turbine product line with a large installation base, the sCO2 WHRS technology is believed to increase the efficiency and environmental performance of existing gas turbine installations, including natural gas compression stations. Along with upgrading existing gas turbines, new installations using portable gas turbines can be created in a modular manner to achieve the desired power output regardless of desired scale or existing infrastructure. With appropriate modifications, a modular gasifier could be added to the gas turbine to allow the combined cycle power system to operate using coal-derived syngas and other alternative fuels, as well as traditional natural gas.
FE0031620 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Development of Oxy-Fuel Combustion Turbines With CO2 Dilution for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Based Power Cycles 01/09/2020 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Southwest Research Institute and its partners will develop a conceptual design for a supercritical CO2 (SCO2), coal syngas or natural gas-fired oxy-fuel turbine in the 150-300 MWe size range capable of 1200ºC turbine inlet temperature at 30 MPa and exhaust temperatures in the 725-775ºC range. This project assesses the development of a thermodynamic cycle for a SCO2 semiclosed recuperated Brayton cycle with natural gas as the fuel and a SCO2 turbine, including the development of a nominal engine component, conceptual development of an oxy-fuel SCO2 combustion turbine, thermal management options and concepts, and material selection for the hot sections of the cycle. Conceptual methods include cooled turbine blades to allow for materials to reach the 1200oC turbine inlet; thermal barrier coatings for combustor and turbine inlet; and other forms of thermal management that will assist in meeting extreme pressure and temperature goals. Combining SCO2 power cycles with oxy-fuel combustion will lead to much higher cycle efficiencies, smaller footprints, reduced cost, and more power output with the potential for use with various energy sources including fossil and alternative.
SC0018729 Sonalysts, Inc. CT Metaphortress: A Situational Awareness Platform 08/18/2021 Cybersecurity

Sonalysts is creating an automated situation awareness tool that adapts its proven, patented cyber feature extraction and behavior analysis platform to provide comprehensive, simultaneous coverage of fossil power plant industrial control systems, information technology networks, and physics access control systems. The tool performs data fusion upon networked sensor outputs to characterize nominal operational modes, and then uses data analytics to detect deviations from those modes to determine which anomalous conditions correspond to malicious behavior and alert system operators to emerging cyber incidents. The team’s cyber feature extraction platform employs a temporal aggregation methodology that models dynamic, emergent threat behaviors and the behaviors of known threats. The methodology is threat-centric: the tool categorizes the behavior of network entities instead of being a standard alert- or alarm-centric approach that classifies individual network incidents without associating them to entities. Aggregated behavior analysis makes the proposed situation awareness tool uniquely adept at discovering malicious entities that attempt multiple vectors across attack surfaces and attacks that unfold over varied timescales.
FE0031637 University of Pittsburgh PA Integrated Computational Materials and Mechanical Modeling for Additive Manufacturing of Alloys with Graded Structure used in Fossil Fuel Power Plants 10/31/2021 Existing Fleet Modeling

University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) researchers will develop an integrated computational materials engineering modeling framework through a combination of materials and mechanical models for relevant advanced ultra-supercritical components and materials processed by wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). Physics-based process-structure-property models will be developed to predict thermal history, melt pool geometry, phase stability, grain morphology/texture, high-temperature oxidation, tensile and creep strength, and residual stress. In addition to bulk properties for single materials, interfacial properties between two dissimilar alloys joined together will be modeled and employed to design the compositional profile in the interfacial zone using phase transformation modeling and topology optimization techniques. All the models developed will be validated by characterization experiments on both coupon and prototype samples, and their uncertainty will be quantified via sensitivity analysis. Pitt will be responsible for model development and simulation. United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) will perform sample preparation using WAAM, mechanical and tensile strength testing, high-temperature oxidation, and creep tests to support calibration of the structure-property modeling. Both Pitt and UTRC will work on model calibration and verification.
FE0031621 Echogen Power Systems, LLC OH Integrated Optimization and Control of a Hybrid Gas Turbine/Sco2 Power System 07/08/2020 Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles

Echogen Power Systems will define a hybrid gas turbine SCO2 power cycle design to achieve improved steady-state and transient performance relative to a baseline gas turbine/SCO2 combined cycle plant. The cycle optimization code will be extended to include the gas turbine system. With this approach, an integrated optimization process can be used to obtain higher thermodynamic efficiency for the overall plant. Transient models of the gas turbine and SCO2 system will be updated and converted into functional mockup units for co-simulation using the open-source Functional Mockup Interface standard. Representative load profiles will be developed for typical microgrid applications, which will be used to evaluate the transient performance of the hybrid power system. The individual transient models will be combined into an overall power system and grid model that will be used to create an integrated control system model and control strategy. It is expected that substantial gains in transient load-following performance will be obtained for microgrid and island-mode operation by optimizing equipment configuration and control strategies.
FE0031662 University of Maryland MD Tuning Surface Stoichiometry of SOFC Electrodes at the Molecular and Nano-Scale for Enhanced Performance and Durability 02/16/2021 Cell Technology

The University of Maryland will develop novel surface modification approaches to enhance the stability and performance of SOFC electrodes (cathode and anode) by controlling the surface stoichiometry of metal oxides. The electrode surfaces will be activated using facile and economically optimized surface modification techniques (vapor/liquid phase deposition techniques) to prevent phase segregation (such as strontium carbonate/strontium oxide) in common cathodes and advanced ceramic anodes. To fully understand the underlying mechanism of both surface reactions and degradation processes, a multi-faceted investigation on the functionalities of the modified electrodes utilizing sophisticated characterization techniques focused on material design, functionality characterization, and cell performance will be conducted. Specifically, the study of the surface species of SOFC electrodes will enable control of the surface chemistry and the ability of electrodes to successfully impede secondary phase formation to improve cell performance and durability. The degradation rates/performance will be quantified and the underlying mechanisms on tuned stoichiometric electrodes will be identified and then adapted to this newly developed surface modification process to full format SOFCs to validate improved durability on a commercial scale.
FE0031670 University of South Carolina SC Cost-Effective, Thin-Film Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Reliable Power Generation 08/16/2021 Core Technology

The University of South Carolina will develop and demonstrate an advanced solid-oxide fuel cell technology to cost-effectively and reliably generate electricity directly from hydrocarbon fuels (e.g., natural gas) for distributed and central generation applications. The transformational technology will be built on a planar, porous metal-supported SOFC (MS-SOFC) with its unique thin-film structures intimately supported on a metal substrate. An open channel porous metal support with hierarchically graded porosity will be fabricated using a low-cost, scalable phase-inversion tape casting method. The support will undergo systematic characterization tests to evaluate microstructure features, permeability, and mechanical strength. Cathode, thin-film electrolyte, and anode will be subsequently deposited on the porous metal substrate using an atmospheric plasma spray technique. Novel anode materials will be implemented for direct oxidation of hydrocarbon fuels. Cell fabrication protocols will be developed for manufacturing the proposed MS-SOFCs and then iteratively refined. Characterization tests assisted with SEM/XRD/line-scan to investigate phase formation and possible delamination for deposited bulk layers and the interfaces will be performed. Conceptual validation will be initially conducted on single cells to ensure cell material compositions and APS parameters. The development efforts will be transitioned to large footprint cell fabrication and evaluation once satisfactory results are achieved.
FE0031591 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Scale-Up and Testing of Advanced Polaris Membrane CO2 Capture Technology 01/31/2023 Membranes

Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. (MTR), with its partners Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM), Dresser-Rand, Trimeric Corporation, and WorleyParsons/Advisian, will scale up advanced PolarisTM membranes and modules for commercial use and validate their potential for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in an engineering-scale field test at TCM in Norway. This project expands on work conducted with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop an efficient membrane CO2 capture technology that includes the Polaris class of membranes (~20 times more permeable than prior commercial membranes) and a patented selective recycle process design that increases the concentration of CO2 in flue gas, reducing the energy and capital cost required for capture. In prior bench-scale testing on a 1 tonne/day (TPD) system at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC), MTR’s second-generation Polaris membranes showed double the CO2 removal capacity of the original membrane. In recent work, the Polaris capture process was scaled up to a small pilot unit (1 MWe or 20 TPD) and was successfully operated on a flue gas slipstream at NCCC and in integrated boiler testing at Babcock and Wilcox. The key tasks of this new project are to design, build, install, and operate an engineering-scale membrane capture system using advanced second-generation membranes and modules; conduct a minimum six-month field test at TCM, including parametric testing to verify system performance at partial capture rates and three months of steady-state operation; update a techno-economic assessment of the MTR membrane process; and investigate the integration of new membranes with advanced compression technology. The Polaris membranes will be packaged in compact, low-pressure-drop plate-and-frame modules optimized for flue gas treatment, and multiple modules will be contained inside a large vessel. This "containerized" form allows for large numbers of this modular repeat unit to be arranged in future commercial systems at low cost.
FE0031671 University of South Carolina SC A Transformational Natural Gas Fueled Dynamic Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Data Center In-Rack Power 01/31/2021 Core Technology

The University of South Carolina will advance newly invented solid fuel (SF) bed SOFC technology for commercial applications in critical data center in-rack power systems. The new SOFC system combines an anode-supported tubular SOFC with an on-anode metal-bed. The in-situ reaction between the active metal bed and SOFC products (CO2 and H2O) produces a high concentration of local H2 to instantaneously compensate for fast-changing overload, which would otherwise damage the anode. Compared to the baseline cell performance, the new SOFC is expected to produce 30 percent more power with greater than 100 percent overload tolerance for a continuous 30-minute operation (>±15Wcm-2 min-1 power ramping rate and <0.5%/kh degradation for 1,500 hours). The project objectives are to develop robust SF-bed compositions active to metal-steam reactions, but resistant to sintering for expended operation through a systematic and comprehensive laboratory study and validate the developed SF compositions in pilot-scale cells at industrial partner sites. The new SOFC system will also be able to operate on alternative fuels such as renewable hydrogen, digester gas, and landfill gas.
FE0031668 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Robust Highly Durable Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes - Improved Materials Compatibility & Self-Regulating Surface Chemistry 12/15/2022 Core Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology will develop electrodes that are inherently more tolerant to Cr and Si impurities in the SOFC cathode operating environment. This work draws on the recent method to fully recover oxygen exchange kinetics following Si induced aging of ceria containing cathodes. These methods take advantage of elements, which over time during SOFC operation, are released by exsolution to actively trap (i.e., getter) Cr and Si impurities in a self-regulating chemical fashion. The objective is to evaluate impurity scavenging by added reactive elements that are intentionally exsolved from the SOFC cathode electrode during operation and by conductive second phases like LSM that help nucleate chromate species on their surfaces. Researchers will use these findings to develop optimized compositions and test them in lab-scale, long-term setups.
FE0031667 University of Louisiana at Lafayette LA Development of High-Performance Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) with a Superior Stability for Reliable and Durable Power Systems 01/31/2022 Core Technology

University of Louisiana at Lafayette will use conventional materials to develop SOFCs that have high performance and stability over the entire operational temperature range (550 to 900C). The concept originated from recent preliminary results showing that adding praseodymium (Pr) to the cathode/electrolyte interlayer resulted in a 48 percent increase in cathode performance and led to zero degradation over 500-hour measurements. Three types of cathodes will be examined: LSCF6428, doped (Pr 0.50Nd0.50) 2NiO4, and LSM20/YSZ to study the role of interlayer chemistry and microstructure on the improvement of performance stability and electrochemical activity; high-throughput setups for button cell measurements, focusing on investigating the role of Pr in and porosity of the interlayer on performance and performance stability will also be used. A low temperature sintering process at 1040C was developed to fabricate a dense screen-printed doped ceria interlayer.
FE0031666 Siemens Corporation NJ Cyber Secure Sensor Network for Fossil Fuel Power Generation Assets Monitoring 09/30/2020 Cybersecurity

The project objective is to develop technology framework for integrating current cyber physical security solutions with connected sensors that are deployed within fossil fuel based power generation plants. Specific project objectives are: (1) integration of cyber intrusion detection functionalities with connected sensors; (2) develop a comprehensive monitoring framework that would encompass advanced data analytics features such as assets security monitoring as well as device operation faults detection / prognostics. The project consists of three phases. Phase I conducts a cybersecurity technology gap analysis for existing coal-based power generation. Phase II provides design architecture for the proposed cyber secure sensor development and power generation monitoring framework. Phase III provides concept validation and compatibility analysis of integrating proposed solutions and methodology with existing infrastructure.

The scope of the project is to develop compatible cybersecurity technology that can be integrated with connected sensors and control systems capable of operating under extreme environment conditions such as those that exist inside coal-based power generation plants. The core technology proposed consists of (a) development of a comprehensive monitoring framework encompassing advanced data analytics features based on existing tools; (b) system design and development process for integrating cyber intrusion detection functionality with connected sensors which are operable under harsh environment.
FE0031672 Michigan State University MI High-Performance Circuit Pastes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications 08/16/2022 Core Technology

Michigan State University will evaluate the benefit of using a new, dual atmosphere and rapid thermal-cycling-tolerant Ag-Ni metal system for circuit paste applications. The objectives are to obtain a baseline of commercial Ag circuit paste performance and durability, produce durable, high-performance Ag-Ni circuits on SOFC materials, and improve the performance and durability of Ag-Ni circuits by adding nickel getters. These objectives will be achieved by performing in-situ controlled atmosphere electrical conductivity and electrical contact resistance measurements; double shear lap tensile, rapid thermal cycling adhesion, and redox cycling adhesion tests; and density functional theory, molecular dynamics, and phase field modeling on commercial Ag circuit pastes, Ag-Ni circuit pastes, and Ni-gettered Ag-Ni circuit pastes atop various SOFC-relevant substrates in hydrogen and air. If successful, the proposed work would demonstrate a new category of Ag silver pastes that exhibit lower sheet resistance, lower contact resistance, better redox cycling stability, better rapid thermal cycling stability, and better adhesion to a variety of SOFC materials than today’s best commercially available contact pastes.
FE0031656 Redox Power Systems, LLC MD Sputtered Thin Films for Very High Power, Efficient, and Low-Cost Commercial Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 06/30/2022 Systems Development

Redox Power Systems, LLC will demonstrate a 100 percent increase in power density in Redox SOFCs using sputtered electron blocking, buffer, and cathode functional layers as well as demonstrate that the sputtering process can be optimized to a high throughput, low cost per watt fabrication route. This work will take advantage of low cost, conventional ceramic processing to build large format (10 cm x 10 cm) half-cells upon which sputtered layers will be added to dramatically increase SOFC performance. Electron-blocking and GDC buffer layers deposited by sputtering will be developed in the first part of this project. Process parameters will be tuned to achieve the best film quality, which will be validated through SOFC testing. The GDC electrolyte layer on the half-cells will be optimized via conventional ceramics processing to provide the most suitable substrate for sputtering the additional layers. The second part of the project will involve developing a cathode functional layer via sputtering and validating it with SOFC testing. Finally, the researchers will take the initial sputter process parameters from the first two parts of the project and improve them for high throughput sputtering for demonstration of commercial-scale fabrication.
FE0031590 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Engineering Scale Testing of Transformational Non-Aqueous Solvent-Based Carbon Dioxide Capture Process at Technology Centre Mongstad 03/31/2024 Solvents

Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International, in conjunction with partners Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM), SINTEF, and Electric Power Research Institute, will advance RTI’s transformational water-lean solvent-based post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology by performing engineering-scale testing using the existing large-scale pilot (~12 MWe) amine plant at TCM in Norway. RTI’s process was tested successfully at laboratory, bench, and small pilot scales, including long-term coal-derived flue gas exposure testing at SINTEF’s Tiller Plant, showing a 40 percent reduction in solvent regeneration energy requirements, as well as lower thermal and oxidative solvent degradation rates compared with the conventional monoethanolamine (MEA) process. The water-lean solvent process uses intercoolers to distribute cooling throughout the CO2 absorber, which offsets the large temperature increases in the column due to the low specific heat of the solvent. The process also includes a solvent regenerator design specific for water-lean solvents that combines heat delivery and gas release in a single-step process unit to maintain lower regeneration temperatures. The project team will conduct engineering-scale testing of the process at TCM using the existing plant configuration designed for aqueous-amine solvents to evaluate the applicability of the water-lean solvent as a drop-in replacement solvent in conventional capture systems. TCM’s amine plant will then be modified for optimized operation with the water-lean solvent, and parametric and long-term testing will be performed to evaluate solvent degradation rate, emissions, solvent loss, and corrosion characteristics, the results of which will be used to complete a techno-economic analysis for a full-scale plant. The test results will also be used to address the scalability and commercial potential of RTI’s CO2 capture process, aid in understanding operational efficiency, and evaluate the feasibility of optimizing an existing amine system for operation with RTI’s water-lean solvent.
FE0031625 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station TX Robust Carbon Dioxide Imaging Using Joint Tomographic Niversion of Seismic Onset Time and Distributed Pressure and Temperature Measurements 12/31/2021 Fit-for-Purpose Source is OSTI
FE0031629 Liquid Ion Solutions, LLC PA Universal Solvent Viscosity Reduction Via Hydrogen Bonding Disruptors 03/31/2022 Solvents

Liquid Ion Solutions, along with Carnegie Mellon University and Carbon Capture Scientific, will develop and evaluate novel additives that lower the viscosity of water-lean amine solvents for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. The project will focus on developing a solvent additive that minimizes the formation of long-range hydrogen bonding (HB) networks, in turn decreasing the solvent viscosity and improving the process economics. The goal of the project is to evaluate, at lab scale, the effectiveness of ether and ester HB disruptor additives in lowering solvent viscosity without having an adverse impact on CO2 capture capacity. Three model solvents will be prepared using amines that encompass the characteristics of most amines used in water-lean solvents, and the solvents will be studied computationally and experimentally to benchmark the behavior of the solvents’ viscosity in the presence of CO2. The project team will then use simulation models to understand the molecular interactions in water-lean solvents and identify additives that disrupt HB networks effectively, measure solvent viscosity reduction with additives at lab scale, optimize the combination of additive/solvent and test the optimized system in synthetic flue gas, and perform a cost-benefit analysis to examine the advantage of using additives for solvent viscosity reduction.
FE0031652 Worcester Polytechnic Institute MA Computationally Guided Design of a Multiple Impurity Tolerant Electrode 10/16/2022 Cell Technology

Worcester Polytechnic Institute will design, test, and validate cathode materials for SOFCs that maintain high performance and low degradation rates under simultaneously present, MULTIPLE impurities using a combined Integrated Computational Materials Engineering and lab-scale testing approach. The research team will comprehensively simulate the phase stabilities, equilibrium compositions, and point defect chemistry of cathode materials; experimentally validate phase stability and point defect chemistry through electrical conductivity measurements on the cathode materials identified by computational modeling; and recommend a series of potential cathode materials for cell testing. The team will then fabricate button cells using the optimized cathode, test selected cells, and recommend cathode candidates that can deliver power density higher than 1.5W/cm2 at 800C but exhibit degradation rate lower than 0.4%/1000 hours in the presence of simultaneously present, MULTIPLE impurities at the cell level, for testing in real cells/stacks at Atrex Energy.
FE0031653 General Electric (GE) Company NY Multi-Gas Sensors for Enhanced Reliability of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Operation 08/16/2020 Systems Development

GE Global Research will build and field-test gas sensors for monitoring hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO) anode tail gases produced in situ via on-site steam reforming in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems. Knowledge of the H2/CO ratio of these tail gases will help accurately determine and control the efficiency of the reforming process in the SOFC system and deliver a lower operating cost for SOFC customers. The project objectives are to achieve a multi-gas monitoring capability with a single multivariable sensor and to sustain this performance between maintenance cycles of the SOFC system. The team will optimize a previously developed concept for detecting multiple gases with a single high-temperature sensor by monitoring H2 and CO in precise lab experiments followed by field validation in SOFCs at GE–Fuel Cells, LLC. The team expects to achieve, at most, ±10 percent error in sensor accuracy in side-by-side comparisons against the benchmark instrument utilized on existing GE SOFC systems.
FE0031623 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Integrated Midcontinent Stacked Carbon Storage Hub 11/06/2020 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

The overall objective for the Phase II CarbonSAFE Integrated Midcontinent Stacked Carbon Storage Hub (IMSCS-HUB) Project is to demonstrate the feasibility of stacked Paleozoic storage complexes at potential sites in southwest Nebraska and Kansas to safely, permanently, and economically store commercial-scale quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) (50 million metric tons [MMT] or greater) from industrial sources. This project will build on lessons learned from the Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSPs) and multiple Phase I CarbonSAFE projects to extend the framework for site characterization and development to the commercial scale and enable large volumes of CO2 to be stored.
FE0031647 University of Connecticut (UConn) CT Multi-Constituent Airborne Contaminants Capture with Low Cost Oxide Getters and Mitigation of Cathode Poisoning in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 08/16/2023 Core Technology

University of Connecticut will identify, fabricate, test, and validate cost-effective getter formulations and designs to capture airborne Cr, Si, S and B gaseous species entering SOFC power generation systems operating from 600 to 900°C to mitigate electrochemical poisoning of the cathode. The research effort will focus on thermodynamic and kinetic interaction studies between multi-constituent airborne gaseous impurities (predominantly acidic) and alkaline earth-transition metal oxides (basic) along with the analysis of reaction kinetics and identification of rate limiting steps that can lead to continued surface reaction under materials limitation conditions. High surface area nano-rods and nano-particles will be synthesized and incorporated into the porous getter coating formed over ceramic substrates. Advanced characterization techniques will be used to identify surface and interfacial morphological changes and compound formation. Select getter configurations will be subsequently scaled up, integrated, and tested in a prototype SOFC system test bed to validate the technology readiness level.
FE0031641 General Electric (GE) Company NY Physical Domain Approaches to Reduce Cybersecurity Risks Associated with Control Systems 09/30/2020 Sensors & Controls

The objective of the study is to perform a comprehensive analysis of the current state-of-the-art approaches that use distributed sensors and controls technology for securing fossil power plants from cyber-risks. The study will analyze physical domain approaches and fault-tolerant controls or similar technology extensible to cybersecurity needs (e.g., detection and neutralization of effects of cyber-attacks or faults). The team will use a generic reference solution example and assess the suitability to fossil power generation assets. The reference solution framework, being a physical defense layer, is unlike the conventional protections offered by IT and OT employed in many industrial control systems. It uses a hybrid technical approach combining theoretical advances from multiple disciplines such as system physics, human physiology, machine learning, and control and estimation, with abilities to simultaneously process copious amounts of data from a heterogeneous sensing environment and learn from it. During this project, we will investigate further optimization and breakthroughs unique to fossil power plants. The research team will work with the industry advisory board members selected from various segments of GE businesses.The paper study will contain a report about (1) a survey of the cybersecurity landscape affecting control systems of fossil fuel power plants; (2) a list of high-risk threats and faults, identified vulnerabilities, risk factors, and their impacts; (3) capabilities of existing fault tolerant control systems; (4) the applicability of current DOE-funded efforts; (5) the applicability of secure communication technologies; and (6) identified technical and non-technical gaps. The report will conclude with recommendations and requirements for creating advanced monitoring solutions. The results of this study can be used to define more focused research.
FE0031603 TDA Research, Inc. CO Membrane-Sorbent Hybrid System for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture 08/14/2023 Sorbents

TDA Research Inc. will work with Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. (MTR), Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM), Gas Technology Institute, and the University of California Irvine to design, construct, and operate an engineering-scale (1 MWe) hybrid post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system, combining a polymeric membrane and a low-temperature physical absorbent. The polymer membrane removes the bulk of the CO2 in the flue gas across a relatively low pressure gradient, reducing the power consumption and cost of capture. The membrane residue gas is further treated by the sorbent, ensuring greater than 90 percent CO2 capture overall. The sorbent is regenerated using the coal boiler air intake, and the CO2-laden air is fed to the boiler, generating a CO2-rich flue gas that further increases the driving force across the membrane. In a previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded Small Business Innovative Research project, the sorbent formulation was optimized and operation of the hybrid process was evaluated at bench scale using a slipstream of actual coal-derived flue gas. A preliminary techno-economic analysis (TEA) showed a substantial improvement in net plant efficiency (~3.5 percent increase on higher heating value basis) compared with the state-of-the-art amine-based CO2 capture system. For this project, the team will design a 1-MWe modular pilot unit with the support of computational fluid dynamic simulations. Based on the final design details, the membrane-sorbent hybrid test unit will be fabricated, following modifications to MTR’s existing 1-MWe two-stage membrane skid and the construction of TDA’s modular sorbent skid. A 9- to 12-month test campaign will be performed at TCM on the field unit using an industrial flue gas that closely resembles coal-fired flue gas to evaluate the system’s performance at different operating conditions and achieve a minimum of 6,000 hours of continuous operation. The test results will be used to update the membrane performance data and the TEA, as well as to provide an environmental health and safety assessment for the technology.
FE0031638 LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc. OH Techno Economic Analysis of an LGFCS Mwe-Class SOFC System 01/31/2019 Systems Development

LG Fuel Cell Systems Inc. (LGFCS) will perform a range of technical, cost, and economic analyses of a MW-scale natural gas fired solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) distributed power generation system design. The information generated will provide evidence of the tracking of technology and manufacturing readiness supportive of system testing in the 2022 timeframe that meets DOE’s SOFC system cost target of <$6000/kW, exclusive of first time engineering costs, and power degradation at <0.5%/1000 hours. LGFCS will provide technical analysis of the integrated MW-scale full system design from pipeline natural gas supply to AC power to the grid predicting system performance over a range of operating conditions and over the life-cycle of the system. Detailed analytical design will be performed on the SOFC modules, the Integrated Blocks (“IBs”), and the stacks to confirm their functionality for meeting the performance and reliability requirements of the system. A key impact will be the pareto analyses identifying components and manufacturing processes continuing to be the dominant factors in the cost structure and the factors to be addressed to further reduce costs for improved market penetration, better gross margins, and return on investment.
FE0031640 Southern Company Services, Inc. AL Operational Technology Behavioral Analytics 03/31/2022 POT - Cybersecurity

The goal of the project is to normalize various forms of machine data to enhance analytics and machine learning to more robustly detect cyber-attacks on generation, transmission and distribution systems. Captured data will provide a baseline of the environment that will be utilized to generate analytical trends, patterns, and discovered behavior of devices/processes.
FE0031665 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Chromium Tolerant, Highly Active and Stable Electrocatalytic Internal Surface Coating for Cathode of Commercial Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) 08/20/2022 Cell Technology

West Virginia University will develop a chromium tolerant, highly active, stable coating layer and apply it to the internal surfaces of porous composite cathodes from commercially available SOFCs via Atomic Layer Deposition. The coating will be applied to tailor the nanostructures of both LSM/YSZ and LSCF/SDC cathode surfaces to improve Cr-tolerance. The research team will characterize the nanostructure of the coating layer and identify an optimized coating layer thickness, layer chemistry, and structure possessing high electro-catalytic activity, enhanced cell durability and high tolerance to Cr-poisoning. Specific objectives are to enhance the Cr-tolerance of LSM/YSZ cathodes through the formation of dual layer of metallic electrocatalyst Pt capped with an (MnCo) Ox layer; formation of a Pt-free single-phase transition metal oxide electrocatalyst (Co3O4); and design of a nanocomposite layer consisting of an oxide electrocatalyst (Co3O4) and metallic electrocatalyst (Pt). The project is expected to result in commercial cells with a 50 percent greater power density throughout the entire SOFC operational temperature range of 650–800°C.
FE0031645 University of Missouri MO A Robotics Enabled Eddy Current Testing System for Autonomous Inspection of Heat Exchanger Tubes 12/31/2021 Sensors & Controls

University of Missouri researchers will develop a robotics-enabled eddy current testing (ECT) system for autonomous inspection of heat exchanger tubes. The proposed system will be capable of precisely controlling the location and speed of the ECT probe into or out of tubes of various sizes and geometries. An imaging system and adaptive control algorithm will be employed to quickly identify the outer geometry of the tubes and their positions relative to the probe, enabling precise movement of the ECT probe to the inlet of each tube. Insertion and extraction speeds will be controlled for fast and more consistent scanning during testing. A convolutional neural network or other machine learning algorithms will enable autonomous inspection via a feedback loop, which will be employed to learn from historical data categorized by the signatures of the various failure modes (e.g., cracking and corrosion, abrasive and erosive wear). If measured data from suspicious regions of the tubes match these signatures, the controller will make a real-time decision on insertion and extraction speeds and probe location for more detailed scanning, thus increasing measurement accuracy while enhancing testing efficiency.
FE0031642 United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) CT Computation Tools for Additive Manufacture of Tailored Microstructure and Properties 03/31/2021 Existing Fleet Modeling

The objective of the project is to fully develop an Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) framework by building on developments previously accomplished by UTRC. The project team will use the modeling framework to demonstrate the viability of engineering spatially varying properties by controlling the microstructure evolution in the additive manufacturing process.

The scope of the project is to demonstrate the application of computational methods and tools on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties prediction (e.g., yield strength, creep) for a nickel-based superalloy (IN718) part used in land-based gas turbine engines made by an additive manufacturing (AM) process using laser powder bed fusion. Specifically, UTRC will develop models in three areas: (1) AM process parameters – microstructure correlation models; (2) correlation between initial microstructure and final microstructure after the heat treatment process; and (3) final microstructure to mechanical properties relationship. Using those computational models, UTRC aims to demonstrate the ability to tailor spatially varying mechanical properties in a part by appropriately controlling the microstructure evolution during the AM process. UTRC further intends to demonstrate the superior performance (e.g., durability/life) of the part with spatially optimized properties by comparison to that of a homogenous polycrystalline material using computational simulation.
FE0031643 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Cyber Security Risk Reduction Framework for Generation I&C Technology 08/31/2020 Cybersecurity Source is OSTI
FE0031649 New Mexico State University NM A Lizard-Inspired Tube Inspector (LTI) Robot 08/31/2022 Sensors & Controls

The primary goal of this research is to develop a lizard-inspired robot for in-service inspection of power plant components that contain rough surfaces and limited accessibilities. Several kinds of animals have evolved over millions of years to gain complex mobility based on friction in order to live in tight spaces with complex geometries and rough surfaces. Inspired by a lizard, the novelty of the current project is the integration of sensing, advanced ultrasound Lamb wave imaging, and friction-based mobility components in a single robot.

The first objective of the current project is to develop a robot with friction-based mobility capabilities to move on tubes with complex geometries, obstacles, and rough surfaces such as U-bend corroded tubular structures. The second objective is to integrate automation with couplant-free ultrasound transmission technology and develop an advanced Lamb wave-based imaging algorithm to detect and evaluate crack and corrosion defects in tubes/pipes using a network of couplant-free ultrasound sensors placed at the location of the robot’s grippers. This robot will be able to move on ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials and will not require smooth and prepared surfaces for mobility or to obtain ultrasound images of the entire cross section of the tube.
FE0031634 Arizona State University AZ High-Temperature Ceramic-Carbonate Dual-Phase Membrane Reactor for Pre-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture 08/31/2022 Membranes

Arizona State University (ASU), in collaboration with the University of South Carolina (USC), will develop a high-temperature, high-pressure ceramic-carbonate dual-phase (CCDP) membrane reactor for water-gas-shift (WGS) reaction to produce a high concentration hydrogen (H2) stream with carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. The CCDP membrane is composed of a porous ceramic phase that serves as a support layer and a molten carbonate phase infiltrated into the support. The reactor is expected to produce separate CO2- and H2-rich streams with single-stage carbon monoxide conversion and CO2 recovery of 90 percent. Previous research at ASU and USC has shown successful fabrication and unique CO2 permeation/separation properties of CCDP membranes of different materials in disk and tubular geometries.During this project, the project team will design and fabricate CCDP membranes with improved CO2 permeance and mechanical strength for testing in a lab-scale reactor with simulated coal-derived syngas. The membrane reactor will be designed to operate at high temperature (700-900oC) and pressure (20-30 atm) and will be able to withstand impurities in the syngas, such as hydrogen sulfide. Experiments will be conducted to study high-pressure CO2 permeation and WGS reaction with CO2 capture and the results will be incorporated into a mathematical model. The experimental conditions of the system will then be optimized to produce high-purity CO2 and H2 streams with at least 99 percent and 90 percent purity, respectively. Process design and a techno-economic analysis will be completed for the CCDP membrane reactor incorporated in a full-scale integrated gasification combined cycle plant.
FE0031650 Colorado School of Mines CO AI Enabled Robots for Automated Nondestructive Evaluation and Repair of Power Plant Boilers 08/31/2022 Sensors & Controls

Colorado School of Mines researchers will collaborate with partners from Michigan State University to develop an integrated autonomous robotic platform that (1) is equipped with advanced sensors to perform live inspection, (2) operates innovative onboard devices to perform live repair, and (3) uses artificial intelligence (AI) for intelligent information fusion and live predictive analysis for smart automated spatiotemporal inspection, analysis, and repair of furnace walls in coal-fired boilers. The autonomous robotic platform will be capable of attaching to and navigating on vertical boiler furnace walls using magnetic drive tracks. Live non-destructive evaluation (NDE) sensors and repair devices will be developed and integrated to the robot. In addition, the robot will be powered by AI to automate data gathering (e.g., mapping and damage localization) and live predictive analysis will incorporate end user feedback to continuously improve performance and achieve smart autonomy. Performance will be verified on vertical steel test structures in the principal investigators’ laboratories and at facilities provided as in-kind support by Xcel Energy and EnergynTech.
FE0031651 Florida International University FL Development of a Pipe Crawler Inspection Tool for Fossil Energy Power Plants 05/31/2022 Sensors & Controls

Florida International University researchers will develop a robotic inspection tool to evaluate the structural integrity of key components in fossil fuel power plants. The tool will consist of multiple modular crawlers that can navigate through the 2-inch diameter superheater tubes typically found within power plant boilers—which are often subject to corrosion and micro cracks—and provide information regarding the health of the pipes. Design modifications to reduce the tether load and maximize the pull force will be made. Multiple systems will then be synchronized to increase the length of pipe that can be inspected. The base system will house a camera for video feedback and contain a module that utilizes thumbnail-size ultrasonic sensors for measuring pipe thickness and a LiDAR (light detection and ranging) sensor to detect any pipe buildup, damage, and/or misalignment. In addition, the module will provide a means to prepare the surface prior to measuring. The team will develop and conduct bench-scale tests to optimize the design of the crawler and its modules and conduct engineering-scale tests to validate the system.
FE0031654 Lehigh University PA Coal-Fired Power Plant Configuration and Operation Impact on Plant Effluent Contaminants and Conditions 12/31/2021 Water Management

Lehigh University, working with Western Kentucky University, will characterize coal contaminants in power plant wastewater as a function of coal type, plant type, plant operational profile, environmental controls, water treatment technology, and effluent species. Multiple utility companies will provide access to their coal-fired power plants and in-kind support for testing and data and sample collection from flue gas desulfurization wastewater discharge and treated water tank discharge effluent streams. Effluent samples will be analyzed for mercury, arsenic, selenium, nitrate/nitrite, and bromide. Coal sample analyses will include proximate analysis (moisture, volatile matter, ash and fixed carbon); ultimate analysis (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, ash, and oxygen); trace elemental analysis (mercury, arsenic, and selenium); and anions analysis (bromide, nitrate + nitrite).
FE0031655 University of Texas at El Paso TX Autonomous Aerial Power Plant Inspection in GPS-Denied Environments 08/15/2022 Sensors & Controls

University of Texas at El Paso researchers will test and validate the performance of UTEP’s GPS-denied Inspection System, outfitted with electro-optical and infrared inspection sensors, in a representative coal-fired power component that will be determined in conjunction with the El Paso Electric Company. Researchers will use rotary wing flying robots for outdoor inspection of GPS-denied environments to test the system’s guidance and navigation and obstacle avoidance capabilities. The objectives are to develop computer assisted design (CAD)-based inspection profiles for space-constrained and GPS-denied areas of a power plant; test and validate the capability to keep a pre-set distance from complex surfaces (within sub-15 cm tolerances in all 6 directions); and test and validate the capability to perform an automated inspection of uneven vertical and horizontal surfaces in enclosed and GPS-denied areas.
SC0018678 Touchstone Research Laboratory, Ltd. WV Silicon Carbide (SIC) Foam for Molten Salt Containment in CSP-GEN3 Systems 08/18/2021 Advanced Coal Processing Source is OSTI
SC0018906 ULC Robotics, Inc. NY Resident Inline Robot for Leakage Inspection, Repair, and Prevention of Methane Emissions 06/18/2022 Emissions Mitigation

During this project ULC Robotics will develop a Resident Inline Robot for Leakage Inspection, Repair, and Prevention of Methane Emissions. ULC Robotics will develop the prototype leak detection and repair robotic system for use with natural gas pipelines. Leak detection sensor testing and optimization have been planned along with the development of the leak detection and data acquisition system. The repair patch and repair sleeve will be designed for enhanced sealing capabilities and for enabling robotic installation.
SC0018574 Incendium Technologies, LLC TX Thermo- and PH-Responsive Supramolecular Gelling Agents for Enhanced Oil and Natural Gas Recovery from Tight Formations 04/08/2019 EOR - Onshore Source is OSTI
FE0031635 Ohio State University OH Transformational Membranes for Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture 03/31/2022 Membranes

Ohio State University (OSU) will develop a cost-effective design and fabrication process for a novel amine-containing transformational membrane to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-derived syngas. The membrane consists of a CO2-selective and permeable layer on top of a nanoporous polymer support and exhibits chemical stability to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. The membrane operates based on the facilitated transport mechanism, in which CO2 transfer through the membrane is enhanced via reaction with amino groups, while hydrogen (H2) is rejected due to the absence of reaction. Hydrogen sulfide can permeate through the membrane significantly faster than CO2 and can be removed in the front section of the membrane module, resulting in less than 10 ppm H2S in the retentate. The membrane will be used in a single-stage membrane process utilizing modules in commercial spiral-wound configuration with a minimal pressure drop. OSU will synthesize and characterize transformational membranes, scale up the best performing membrane using a continuous roll-to-roll fabrication method, and fabricate at least nine prototype membrane modules with an approximate membrane area of 800 cm2. Parametric testing of the membrane modules at 20-32 bar and 100-120°C will be performed to identify conditions for continuous steady-state operation, which will be conducted using simulated syngas at OSU for at least 200 hours. The membrane test data will be used to complete a high-level techno-economic analysis (TEA) and finalize the state point data table. American Electric Power will provide consulting support on the TEA and Microdyn-Nadir US Inc. will provide consultation on membrane scale-up and module fabrication.
SC0018694 Minus 100, LLC PA U.S. Coal to Conductive Inks 08/26/2023 Other Coal and Coal-waste to Products

This project will develop new or improved methods of manufacturing conductive ink pigments using coal as a primary feedstock. The conductive inks to be developed will use calcined coal pigments obtained from proprietary thermal treatment processes and combinations of the coal-derived conductive pigments with other conductive materials such as graphite/graphene platelets and carbon black. The commercial manufacturing of graphene is in its infancy and currently top-down (subtractive) scalable manufacturing processes use graphite as a precursor material for graphene production. Minus 100 will collaborate with existing graphite and ink manufacturers to convert domestic coal sources to conductive pigments that, in turn, can be used to produce highly conductive inks. Process flow diagrams will be developed for individual process steps that are intended to lead to practical scale-up to commercial- or demonstration-scale operations. A bottom-up cost analysis will be performed to validate the economics of the new/improved conductive pigment manufacturing process using coal as the primary feedstock.
SC0018958 Vuronyx Technologies, LLC MA Carbon Dioxide Absorption via Ultra-High Surface Area Carbon 04/01/2019 Sorbents

This project will evaluate proprietary ultra high surface area carbon material for absorption of carbon dioxide from coal power plants, thus making effluent flue gas cleaner, and resulting in lower cost of energy production.
SC0018699 Technology Assessment and Transfer, Inc. MD 3100F T-EBC Stable Coatings for SIC CMCs 04/01/2019 Source is OSTI
SC0019106 QuesTek Innovations, LLC IL Materials Genome Enabled Development of 3100 Degree F-Capable Multilayer, Multicomponent Thermal and Environmental Barrier Coatings for CMCS 07/01/2019 Source is OSTI
FE0031675 Nelumbo, Inc. CA Enhancing Steam-Side Heat Transfer via Microdroplet Ejection using Inorganic Coatings 09/30/2021

The project will adapt processes and compositions of coatings currently used on air conditioning and refrigeration materials for materials used in steam condensers. Although a variety of materials are used by the coal power plant industry, the recipient will focus on two alloys of stainless steel 304 and Cu90Ni10 due to their widespread use. Surface energy, durability, and heat transfer properties will be measured on test coupons. The process will be scaled up and tested on a laboratory scale test condenser capable of measuring heat transfer to the cooling water. This laboratory scale steam condenser will test the performance of the droplet rejection coatings at a set of conditions which bound typical heat exchanger operations. This includes several inlet water temperatures and steam pressure conditions that account for variations in cooling water reservoir temperature, seasonal variations in temperature, and availability of cooling water at different power plant locations. These empirical results will complement the heat transfer simulations to develop a semiempirical model. The model can be used by future design engineers to design and model condenser performance specific to the conditions operating at the plant.
FE0031677 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Capillary-Driven Condensation for Heat Transfer Enhancement in Steam Power Plants 09/30/2021

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with support from Heat Transfer Research Inc. (HTRI), will develop a robust new approach to enhance condensation heat transfer for steam power plants via capillary-driven condensation. To achieve this goal, MIT will (1) develop porous membranes and wicking structures for capillary-driven condensation, design and develop various wicking structures and porous hydrophobic membranes to reduce the thermal resistance and enhance capillary driven flow; (2) experimentally investigate capillary-driven condensation on flat and tube substrates, experimentally characterize the condensation heat transfer performance, and compare it with traditional film-wise condensation on various samples; (3) optimize the capillary-driven condensation structure with model development, develop a physics-based model to predict and optimize condensation heat transfer, and experimentally validate the results; (4) incorporate capillary-driven condensation structures to demonstrate scaled-up proof-of-concept operation, and with HTRI support, perform experiments on tube bundles under relevant industrial conditions.
FE0031686 Battelle Memorial Institute OH A Non Invasive Approach for Elucidating the Spatial Distribution of In-Situ Stress in Deep Subsurface Geologic Formations Considered for CO2 Storage 09/30/2021 Subsurface Stress

This project will develop and demonstrate a method that improves the measurement of in-situ principal stresses in the deep subsurface. Project goals include (a) developing a method for determining the spatial distribution of the magnitude and orientation of principal in-situ stresses in the deep subsurface, including near and far from the wellbore; (b) testing the method at one or more field sites considered for hosting carbon dioxide (CO2) storage; (c) defining performance limits on uncertainty and spatial resolution that can be achieved with the method; and (d) achieving improvement over state-of-the-art methods for determining in-situ stresses. The results of this project will lead to an increased understanding of the geomechanical impacts associated with a CO2 injection operation, thereby decreasing the geomechanical risks throughout the life cycle of a CO2 injection project.
FE0031632 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Bench-Scale Development of a Transformative Membrane Process For Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture 03/30/2022 Membranes

Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. (MTR) will work with its partners Susteon and the Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) to develop a transformational membrane process for pre-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in integrated gasification combined cycle power plants. Expanding on prior U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded work that produced a novel hydrogen-selective, multilayer composite polymer membrane called Proteus™, this project focuses on the scale up of a second-generation Proteus membrane. Previous testing of Gen-2 Proteus membrane stamps in MTR’s laboratory and at the National Carbon Capture Center using a slipstream of syngas resulted in an average H2/CO2 selectivity of 30 (approximately double that of the Gen-1 membrane) and stable operation up to 200°C, indicating the potential to reduce the cost of capture by more than 30 percent compared to a base-case Selexol™ separation process. The project team will fabricate high-temperature prototype modules using Gen-2 Proteus membranes and validate module performance in laboratory tests. A bench-scale module test system will be designed, built, and installed at EERC for parametric and lifetime testing of the modules with actual coal-derived syngas. The process will be optimized, and a techno-economic analysis will be updated based upon the results of testing.
FE0031633 SRI International CA Development and Testing of a High Temperature PBI Hollow-Fiber Membrane Technology for Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture 03/31/2023 Membranes

SRI International will partner with PBI Performance Products, Inc., Enerfex, Inc., and the University of Kentucky’s Center for Applied Energy Research (UK CAER), to advance the development of a polybenzimidazole (PBI) polymer hollow-fiber membrane (HFM)-based pre-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology. The process utilizes compact, hollow, asymmetric PBI fibers to separate CO2 from a syngas stream at high temperature (~225°C) and pressure (>20 atm) for increased net power plant efficiency and reduced cost of electricity. In a previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project, the PBI-HFM gas separation technology was successfully tested at bench scale at the National Carbon Capture Center under air-blown gasifier conditions, revealing greater than 90 percent CO2 capture at temperatures greater than 180°C, as well as higher H2/CO2 selectivity and H2 permeance compared to commercially available low-temperature polymeric membranes. Further work led to the development of next-generation (GEN-2) fibers with far superior H2/CO2 selectivity, which will be fabricated and further evaluated in this project. SRI’s existing bench-scale test skid will be upgraded to accommodate large fiber modules (four and six inches) for field testing. The GEN-2 modules will be tested with actual coal-derived syngas under oxygen-blown gasifier conditions at UK CAER. A series of parametric and steady-state tests will be performed over a full range of operating conditions to assess optimal system operating parameters. The team will use the test results to prepare a techno-economic analysis and component and system modeling of the PBI-HFM capture system integrated into a 550-MWe power plant to advance the technology toward further scale up and commercialization.
FE0031636 State University of New York (SUNY) NY Development of Carbon Molecular Sieves Hollow Fiber Membranes Based on Polybenzimidazole Doped with Polyprotic Acids with Superior H2/CO2 Separation Properties 01/31/2022 Membranes

The State University of New York (SUNY) – Buffalo, along with its partners Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Trimeric Corporation, will develop a highly efficient membrane-based process using carbon molecular sieve (CMS) hollow fiber membranes to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal-derived syngas. The CMS membranes will be derived from polybenzimidazole (PBI) doped with polyprotic acids and are expected to be chemically stable, able to operate in temperatures up to 300°C, easily scalable, and have high hydrogen (H2) permeance and H2/CO2 selectivity. In previous work, LANL successfully fabricated nearly defect-free PBI hollow fiber membranes with a 0.2 µm selective layer and a defect minimizing PBI-based seal material and concluded that PBI doped with polyprotic acids enhances the size-sieving ability and thus H2/CO2 separation properties of the polymer. It was also determined that the carbonization of PBI combined with acid doping increases both permeability and selectivity into a range suitable for commercial deployment. In this project, the team will develop and optimize CMS hollow fiber membranes based on PBI doped with polyprotic acids to achieve high H2 permeance (1,000 GPU) and H2/CO2 selectivity (40) at 200-300°C. Parametric testing of the membranes assembled into pencil modules will be performed at lab scale using simulated syngas containing hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and water vapor. Membrane reactors based on the H2-selective membranes will also be designed for low-temperature water-gas shift (WGS) reaction and tested for efficiency. Using test data, a techno-economic analysis based on the newly developed membranes will be conducted.
SC0017050 UES, Inc. OH Low Cost HEA Anode for Distributed Reforming and Prevention of Carbon Deposition in SOFC (18 RD 987) 09/20/2021 Cell Technology

In Phase II, UES will develop electrochemical and thermal models of the cell in its stack environment for selected MPEA compositions, which can provide the basis for tailoring the anode composition. Electrochemical testing and performance analysis will be done on button cells fabricated using the optimized composition of selected alloys and compared with the performance of the base line cell. Further testing will be performed with gas mixtures more representative of natural gas to avoid the need for a supplemental conventional pre-reformer.
FE0031685 University of Illinois IL Identification of Faults Susceptible to Induced Seismicity 12/31/2022 Subsurface Stress

The main goal of the proposed study is to predict the presence of faults that will be susceptible to movement in the presence of fluid injection. Additional goals include: 1) identify the presence of faults, 2) estimate changes to the in-situ stress field before and after fault slippage, and 3) explain pressure and stress perturbations between the storage unit and the crystalline basement (underburden). The project will test a series of integrated forward and physics-constrained, data-driven (inverse) models that includes the following: 1) use of a geologically well-characterized field site with microseismicity located within the basement rock, 2) predictions of temporal and spatial stress changes induced by injection, 3) methodology to better resolve basement faults including undetected faults, and 4) identification of mechanisms, which control and transmit pressure from the storage unit to the basement.
FE0031657 Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. PA A Novel Steam Condenser with Loop Thermosyphons and Film-Forming Agents for Improved Heat Transfer Efficiency and Durability 12/31/2021 Water Management

The scope of this work is to demonstrate the thermal and corrosion performance of film-forming coatings, and the feasibility of using a loop thermosyphon to replace the pumped water loop that is currently used to remove heat from the steam surface condenser.

A bench-scale test loop will be built to measure the condensation heat transfer improvement and corrosion protection under different steam operation conditions. A comparison between loop thermosyphon and pumped water loop will be made to demonstrate the advantage of using a loop thermosyphon. A sub-scale prototype will be fabricated and tested to further demonstrate the feasibility.
FE0031673 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania PA Enhancing Coking Tolerance and Stability of SOFC Anodes Using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) of Oxide Thin Films 09/17/2021 Core Technology

The University of Pennsylvania will address unresolved anode degradation issues via Atomic Layer Deposition to form oxide overlayers on Ni-YSZ cermet anodes to suppress whisker formation, reduce coarsening, and suppress oxidation of the reduced Ni. Specific objectives will be to explore and optimize the use of ultra-thin films of oxide modifiers such as BaO and reducible perovskites that are able to exsolve catalytic metal nanoparticles to enhance the coking tolerance of Ni-based anodes and demonstrate the use of ultra-thin perovskite layers to stabilize the Ni surface area and preserve three-phase boundary sites. Initial work will focus on identifying materials that improve the properties of Ni-cermet anodes on button cells and then applying the most promising materials to larger cells, including those of tubular design, to demonstrate that the methods can be applied to the development of commercial systems.
FE0031678 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Demonstrations of Holistic, Lower Cost/Energy Effluent Water Management Approaches for Coal-Fired Energy Plants 09/30/2020

The objective of this project is to evaluate a set of effluent water management technologies and strategies that yield lower-cost clean water and reduced energy consumption compared to conventional systems used in coal-fired energy plants, and additionally generate salts and solids byproducts that can be reused or disposed as non-hazardous waste materials in landfills. The approach is holistic, addressing both water treatment and byproducts. The goals of the project are to (1) develop and use a statistical-based water mass balance model to identify opportunities for reducing water consumption and meeting discharge treatment requirements; (2) demonstrate at pilot scale a potentially highly effective, lower-cost energy technology for treating flue gas desulfurization (FGD) discharges at the Water Research Center (WRC); and (3) develop and test the encapsulation for safe disposal of solid byproducts of the wastewater treatment process that have no productive use.
FE0031563 Sparkcognition, Inc. TX Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques Enabling Coal-Fired Power Plants the Ability to Achieve Higher Efficiency, Improved Availability, and Increased Reliability of Their Operations 12/31/2021 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts

The objective of this project is to implement a real-time, on-line preventative maintenance system aimed at extending operational lifespan of coal-fired plant operations. This will be accomplished by first modeling existing operational behavior based on historical instrumentation data utilizing advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques already proven for use on gas turbines. The value of this approach is it does not require a priori knowledge of operation or physics of the assets/system. The resultant models and associated user interfaces will be deployed into an on-line system for real-time monitoring of equipment health; again, this approach will utilize existing instrumentation and plant operational data.
FE0031659 Lumishield Technologies, Inc. PA Inexpensive and Sustainable Anti-Corrosion Coating for Power Generation Applications 03/31/2021 Enabling Technologies

The project will achieve lab-scale demonstration of an inexpensive, anti-corrosion coating for application to carbon steel, which will facilitate the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal- and natural gas-fired power generation by reducing materials of construction and maintenance costs. The coating consists of a novel mixed metal oxide coating, developed by LumiShield Technologies Incorporated, covered with an organic anti-corrosion coating. The objectives for Budget Period 1 (BP1) will be to optimize the metal oxide coating for use as a base layer for organic coatings and to prove the effectiveness of a prototype two-layer coating in preventing corrosion. The objectives for Budget Period 2 (BP2) will be to identify the organic coatings which give the best performance in combination with the optimized metal oxide coating and to show the economic advantage of using the coatings by completing a cost benefit analysis.
FE0031631 Det Norske Veritas (DNV) GL USA, Inc. TX ICME for Advanced Manufacturing of Nickel Superalloy Heat Exchangers with High Temperature CREEP Plus Oxidation Resistance for Supercritical CO2 09/30/2021 Existing Fleet Modeling

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) GL USA will develop and validate computational design and analysis tools that optimize novel material combinations for fabricating microchannel heat-exchangers via additive manufacturing (AM) for supercritical CO2 power cycle technology. Original experiments will be performed for alumina- and chromia-scale forming Ni-based superalloys made with conventional and additive manufacturing with simulated compositional grading effects. The project integrates high-temperature oxidation modeling, phase-field modeling of microstructure evolution, and creep performance using crystal plasticity modeling. The three models will be coupled according to an input-output matrix that passes information on solute depletion into microstructure models for gamma-prime (?’) re-distribution and then into the crystal plasticity models for prediction of creep rate and tensile strength reduction. The modeling work will be tightly coupled with experimental high-temperature oxidation and creep testing of advanced alloys and prototype components in supercritical CO2.
FE0031682 Reaction Engineering International UT Development of Miniaturized High-Temperature Multi-Process Monitoring System 09/30/2023 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

The main objective of the project is to design, prototype, and demonstrate a miniaturized implementation of a multi-process, high-spatial-resolution monitoring system for boiler condition management. This monitoring system includes an electrochemical sensor that can provide a real-time indication of tube surface conditions at key locations in the radiant or convective section of a coal-fired boiler. It is capable of providing metal loss rates, heat flux, metal surface temperature, and deposit thickness. This monitoring system will be developed and tested in the high temperature regions of a coal-fired utility boiler in this project, but can be applied in a variety of other industries and applications.
FE0031691 Houston Advanced Research Center TX Flaring Issues, Solutions & Technologies - 2019 09/30/2019 Emissions Quantification

The project focused on updating a natural gas flaring study with new industry flaring workshops providing additional understanding and data on recent technology opportunities to reduce flaring.

The objectives of this project were:

  1. Convene a series of workshops to identify current most applicable practices to mitigate flaring and maximize the value of natural gas at the wellhead, as well as barriers that prevent these practices from being applied.
  2. Identify technologies that are currently being used as well as those that are currently being developed and determine their applicability to reduce emissions associated with natural gas production.
  3. Identify research, development, and demonstration of technologies needed to further advance cost-effective solutions to boost domestic natural gas production and provide responsible stewardship of the environment throughout the upstream and midstream oil and natural gas industry.
  4. Identify recommendations related to research needs.
  5. Provide an updated White Paper to identify policy barriers, as well as identify opportunities for research and development funding that would help reduce emissions from oil and natural gas operations, and create a return on these investments through royalties, taxes, and jobs.
FE0031624 University of Wyoming WY Commercial-Scale Carbon Storage Complex Feasibility Study at Dry Fork Station, Wyoming 01/31/2021 Fit-for-Purpose

The overall objective of the project is to determine the feasibility of establishing a commercial-scale (50+ million metric tons [MMT] of carbon dioxide [CO2]) geological storage complex in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin (PRB) in the immediate vicinity of Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s (BEPC) coal-fired Dry Fork Station (DFS). The study will investigate stacked storage within four PRB geologic units of varying lithology and depositional environments.
FE0031660 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Emissions Mitigation Technology for Advanced Water-Lean Solvent-based CO2 Capture Processes 03/31/2022 Solvents

Research Triangle Institute (RTI), is developing a comprehensive solvent emission mitigation toolset for reducing the solvent and aerosol emissions from carbon dioxide (CO2) capture systems using water-lean solvents (WLSs). Due to their low energy requirement for solvent regeneration, lower regeneration temperature, low corrosivity, and low vapor pressure, WLS systems are rapidly being developed for CO2 capture. RTI’s toolset is specifically designed for WLS systems, implementing an advanced organic solvent wash system in conjunction with water wash, acid wash, and other commercially available, state-of-the-art emission reduction technologies. This integrated approach will minimize the amine losses and emissions through the suppression of three key emission mechanisms: vapor loss, liquid entrainment, and aerosol formation. The project objectives are to characterize the emissions produced by WLSs while capturing CO2; develop a model that predicts the emissions based on the solvent’s physical and chemical properties and on critical operating parameters from the absorber and wash section; develop a process toolset for emission reduction over a range of solvent systems; evaluate the effectiveness of these emission mitigation devices in RTI’s Bench-scale Gas Absorption System (BsGAS) by testing with RTI’s current WLS formulation, NAS-5, and a second selected WLS under actual flue gas conditions; and complete a techno-economic analysis to determine the contribution of the emission control technologies to the overall CO2 capture cost.
FE0031661 University of Kentucky KY Advancing Post Combustion CO2 Capture through Increased Mass Transfer and Lower Degradation 09/30/2022 Novel Concepts

University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UK-CAER) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) will develop three enabling techniques to advance the deployment of post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technologies. The specific objectives are to develop a dynamic polarity packing material with increased turbulent liquid flow and controlled gas-liquid bubble formation to increase CO2 mass transfer into amine solvents; investigate the impact of additives on the physical properties of solvents and their relationship to bubble formation to boost mass transfer while reducing aerosol formation; and neutralize nitrosamines derived from amine solvents through development of an electrochemical treatment process. The project team will develop and fabricate customized dynamic packing material using advanced manufacturing techniques, install the packing into UK-CAER’s bench-scale (0.1 MWth) CO2 capture unit, and conduct parametric and long-term testing with additive-modified solvents using coal-derived flue gas, with a goal of achieving stable operation with an average of 90 percent CO2 capture and an average of 20 to 30 percent less energy consumption compared to the monoethanolamine (MEA) reference case. An electrochemical cell with stationary carbon electrodes will be designed and evaluated for the adsorption and decomposition of nitrosamines from wash water collected from UK-CAER’s 0.7-MWe small pilot CO2 capture system located at Kentucky Utilities’ E.W. Brown Generating Station. A high-level technical and economic analysis will be performed to determine the feasibility of producing the custom dynamic packing at commercial scales and assess the logistics and associated costs of constructing a commercial-scale electrochemical cell to decompose nitrosamines.
FE0031669 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Co-Generation Wastewater Treatment at Coal-Fired Energy Plants 03/31/2021 Source is OSTI
FE0031684 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology NM Improving Subsurface Stress Characterization for Carbon Dioxide Storage Projects by Incorporating Machine Learning Techniques 09/30/2022 Subsurface Stress

The objective of this project is to develop a framework to boost the reliability of characterization and prediction of the state of stress in the overburden and underburden (including the basement) in carbon dioxide (CO2) storage reservoirs using machine learning and integrated geomechanics and geophysical methods. This project will use field data and models developed by the Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration (SWP) for the Farnsworth Unit, a CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project being conducted by Perdure in Ochiltree County, Texas, to verify the improved capabilities of the developed methods. The integration methodology is an adaptation of industry-accepted practices for calibration of flow simulation models to coupled geomechanical models for improved stress prediction. Computational challenges will be overcome through application of machine learning.
FE0031683 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Integrated Boiler Management through Advanced Condition Monitoring and Component Assessment 06/30/2023 Enabling Technologies/Innovative Concepts

The project approach is to develop and demonstrate an integrated boiler management system that incorporates high temperature, distributed fiber optic sensors, existing plant instrumentation, and an Integrated Creep-Fatigue Management System to provide near-real-time determination of damage accumulation during flexible operation. This system enhances the capability of proven creep/fatigue analysis methods by integrating industrially implemented distributed fiber optic sensing technology specifically adapted to boiler applications. The technology developed will be transferrable to all boiler types and operating regimes. Data analysis will be used to inform operational approaches that minimize thermal stresses and transients and lead to improvements in boiler operational performance and reliability. Monitoring of thick-walled components in concert with boiler tubes will permit an accurate assessment, in near real time, of component damage and degradation through advanced data collection, expanded modeling, and use of validated assessment tools.
FE0031644 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Digital Twin Model for Advanced Manufacture of a Rotating Detonation Engine Injector 09/30/2021 Existing Fleet Modeling

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) will use a digital twin material model to apply advanced manufacturing (AM) techniques to advance rotating detonation engine (RDE) injector design. This project will develop both a digital twin model of the injector manufacturing process and an injector that performs in an RDE combustor with a significant reduction in flow loss. This will be accomplished through several subordinate objectives: design of a novel RDE injector that allows for fuel and oxidizer flows to be optimized in ways not possible with conventional manufacturing; comprehensive design of experiments (DofE) focusing on contributing factors that trigger high-cycle fatigue; development of a parametric material model based on actual test coupons from the AM process that allows prediction of mechanical strength properties; and manufacture, test, and post-test destructive evaluation of an RDE injector exposed to a significant high-cycle fatigue environment. SwRI is responsible for the material model DofE; producing a portion of the material samples; performing the detailed RDE injector design; performance testing of the RDE injector; and post-test analysis of the injector component. Aerojet Rocketdyne will support the application of this work to the existing RDE; review the DofE for material samples; produce many of the material samples; support the conceptual design of the new RDE injector; manufacture the RDE injector prototypes for testing; and support RDE injector testing, including data capture and post-processing. Georgia Institute of Technology will provide the material model development and application to the design of the RDE injector; review the DofE for completeness; process material samples to extract physical and microstructure qualities; advance the process parameter to microstructure linkage; develop the microstructure to fatigue resistance linkage; and support the injector design analysis with process parameter optimization.
FE0031676 ES Engineering Services, LLC CA Flue-Gas Desulfurization Effluent Management Using an Innovative Low-Energy Biosorption Treatment System to Remove Key Contaminants 12/31/2022 POT - Water Management

The goal of this project is to demonstrate an innovative, energy-efficient water treatment system for flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater treatment to meet the Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category (ELGs). The proposed treatment system uses hybrid biosorption, which is an adsorption process enhanced by biological activity to remove selenium, arsenic, nitrate, and potentially other contaminants from FGD wastewater.The objectives are to (1) evaluate a biosorption treatment system at the Water Research Center at Plant Bowen; (2) demonstrate both energy and water savings associated with the proposed innovative water treatment process; (3) using available published data, compare energy and water savings with alternative technologies that are typically used to remove the target contaminants, and (4) provide long-term management of the FGD wastewater challenge that plagues coal-fired power plants by offering a low-energy, high water-efficiency water treatment system that also significantly decreases waste byproducts by utilizing available waste heat.
FE0031718 University of California - Los Angeles CA A Scalable Process for Upcycling Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Coal Combustion Residues Into Construction Products 06/30/2021 Chemical Conversion

The overall goal of this project is to accelerate the development of a CO2 mineralization process that synergistically utilizes CO2 in flue gas and coal combustion residues (CCRs) to synthesize CO2NCRETE, a functional replacement for traditional concrete. Over the course of this project, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), with support from Susteon Inc., will design, fabricate, and optimize a field-scale CO2 processing (carbonation) system designed to consume about 100 kilograms of CO2 per day directly from coal-derived flue gas, without a CO2 capture or enrichment step. UCLA will evaluate the system’s performance at the Integrated Test Center (ITC) using real coal flue gas from the Dry Fork Station, during which critical data on energy inputs and CO2 uptake rates achievable at the field-scale will be compiled. The performance data and optimization sequence that the team collects will inform design and scaling analysis required for development of a commercial-scale CO2 mineralization system, which will be achieved prior to the completion of this project.
FWP-B000-18-061 Idaho National Laboratory (INL) ID Advanced Oxygen Separation from Air Using a Novel Mixed Matrix Membrane 09/30/2021 Air Separation Technology

The outcome of this project will be the improvement in current membrane separation technologies for removing oxygen from air by providing a durable, high-performing membrane material that represents a dramatic advance over current technology. Specifically, selective polymeric materials will be modified to drastically reduce plasticization and aging phenomena that plague many commercial and research materials. In this work, methods for developing the new materials into deployable forms that can use existing system designs and engineering, specifically hollow fibers, will be investigated to ensure a pathway to commercialization. This work supports the deployment of smaller modular coal-fired power plants, gasification, and oxycombustion.
FE0031709 Ohio University OH Novel Modular Electrocatalytic Processing for Simultaneous Conversion of Carbon Dioxide and Wet Shale Gas into Valuable Products 06/30/2022 Electrochemical Conversion

Ohio University will develop a process that simultaneously converts CO2 and natural gas liquids (NGLs), mainly ethane (C2H6), in wet natural gas (WNG) into valuable carbon monoxide (CO) and chemicals/fuels respectively, using electrical energy. The primary objective is to identify an intermediate temperature solid oxide electrolyzer cell (SOEC) process configuration that offers the technical feasibility of producing CO and removing C2H6 from WNG at costs equivalent to current commercial processes, with significant reduction in lifecycle CO2 emissions over conventional processes. A secondary objective will be to evaluate the potential integration of the proposed process into a coal-fired power plant facility for direct utilization of CO2 containing flue gas to match current commercial CO production and NGL separation costs. The process is based upon a SOEC stack design that synergistically combines electrochemical reduction of CO2 with electrochemical-oxidative dehydrogenation (e-ODH) of ethane. The technical feasibility of the proposed process will be evaluated using laboratory-scale electrochemical button cell tests to investigate CO2 reduction and e-ODH electrocatalyst activity and stability. Process simulation and modeling will evaluate different process configurations for optimizing CO2 conversion and evaluating process economics. The ability to directly utilize flue gas as a CO2 source will also be evaluated experimentally and through process simulation and modeling.
FE0031717 MicroBio Engineering CA Beneficial use of CO2 from Coal-Fired Power Plants for Production of Animal Feeds 06/30/2022 Algae

MicroBio Engineering, Inc., in collaboration with Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC), California Polytechnic State University, University of Central Florida, and Global Thermostat, will continue the development of an integrated process to produce microalgal biomass for the conversion of coal-fired power plant flue gas carbon dioxide (CO2) into valuable animal feeds. In a previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project (FE0026490), filamentous species of microalgae were cultivated in 3.4-m2 raceway ponds using flue gas CO2 from a power plant unit at OUC’s Stanton Energy Center (SEC) in Orlando, Florida. The focus of this research will be on cultivating the filamentous species for high value animal feeds rich in carotenoids and essential fatty acids, while greatly reducing the cost of production. The filamentous nature of the algae species allows for easy harvesting by using a commercial, low-cost vibrating screen. This project will test at field scale the major unit processes required to produce animal feed with microalgae cultivated using flue gas CO2 from a coal-fired power plant. The dried and milled biomass will be added to conventional poultry feed and feeding trials will be conducted to quantify the value of the feed in terms of a suite of poultry production metrics. The results from the cultivation and feeding trials will be used to update the current full-scale (1,000-acre) design and to develop a techno-economic assessment and life cycle assessment (LCA) for a larger facility (>10,000 acres). Two intertwined issues to be addressed are: (1) the supply of CO2 beyond the range feasible for flue gas transport (<5 miles) and (2) scale up to 10,000 acres or larger production systems, supplied with concentrated flue gas CO2 through a pipeline.
FE0031720 University of Kentucky KY An Intensified Electro-Catalytic Process for Production of Formic Acid from Power Plant CO2 Emissions 12/31/2021 Electrochemical Conversion

University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research is partnering with Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) to develop and test a novel electro-catalytic method to produce high-value formic acid from high-purity coal-derived carbon dioxide (CO2), as a strategy to offset the cost of CO2 capture. Formic acid is currently produced from the decomposition of higher-order carbon products such as methane and/or methanol. The proposed electro-catalytic CO2 reduction process (Andora process) utilizes a highly selective catalyst in a flow-through reactor design to maximize the formic acid production rate. The specific objectives of this study are to: 1) screen and produce engineered CO2-reducing catalysts capable of exclusively producing formic acid; 2) immobilize the catalyst within a flow process to continually produce formic acid and increase catalyst lifetime; and 3) assess the stability of the catalyst in the presence of trace contaminants in the CO2 stream during longer-term operations.
FE0031716 Colorado School of Mines CO CO2 to Fuels Through Novel Electrochemical Catalysis 09/30/2021 Chemical Conversion

The Colorado School of Mines (CSM), in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), will perform laboratory-scale research to tune protonic-ceramic materials for CO2-upgrading chemistries and catalyst advancement in the development of a modular and scalable reactor that electrochemically converts CO2 into fuels and chemicals. The project technical activities include: developing protonic-ceramic membranes for CO2-upgrading, integrating CO2-upgrading catalysts into protonic ceramics, and establishing a design for degradation mitigation through computational modeling. NREL will synthesize catalysts, characterize performance using techniques such as electron microscopy, and provide optimal catalysts to CSM for incorporation into protonic-ceramic electrolyzers. The final product will be a protonic-ceramic electrochemical cell comprised of unique materials tuned for efficient, long-term conversion of CO2 into higher-value chemicals.
FE0031714 TDA Research, Inc. CO Novel Process for CO2 Conversion to Fuel 07/09/2022 Thermochemical Conversion

TDA Research will develop a new sorbent-based process that can convert the carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from power plants or other large emission sources by reducing it along with CH4 (natural gas) and water into a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) without generating additional CO2 or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and to validate the assertions with a product life cycle analysis (LCA). TDA, and its project partner the University of California, Irvine, will optimize the catalyst and the process to reduce the CO2 captured from power plants using a high temperature reactor system, and carry out the process design and modeling using software process simulations. The process modeling and analysis will be used to evaluate the techno-economic feasibility of the proposed carbon neutral process to convert CO2 into fuel.Integration of the CO2 utilization system with both a Fischer-Tropsch plant and a methanol-to-gasolineplant will be considered to assess the relative merits of the two approaches.
FE0031713 Southern Research Institute AL Field Scale Testing of the Thermocatalytic Ethylene Production Process Using Ethane and Actual Coal Fired Flue Gas CO2 11/30/2021 Thermochemical Conversion

The purpose of the proposed project is to scale up and field test a rationally-designed, catalyst-driven ethylene production process using ethane and actual coal-fired flue gas-derived carbon dioxide (CO2) (oxidative dehydrogenation [ODH] process). Southern Research Institute will first scale up catalyst synthesis and then validate performance levels using a laboratory-scale reactor. An existing test skid will be modified and installed at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) in Wilsonville, Alabama, for testing on coal-fired flue gas. Data produced during testing will be used to complete a life cycle analysis and technical and economic feasibility study.
FE0031719 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Design of Transition-Metal/Zeolite Catalysts tor Direct Conversion of Coal-Derived Carbon Dioxide to Aromatics 06/30/2022 Thermochemical Conversion

Georgia Tech will design and test catalytic materials forthe direct conversion of coal-derived carbon dioxide (CO2) into mixed aromaticchemicals (benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX)). BTX are currently produced from oil in a petroleum refinery via multiplereaction and separation steps. In thisproject, a single reactor will be used for the hydrogenation of coal-derivedCO2 into methanol or light alkanes on one catalyst followed by conversion toBTX on a separate catalyst. The development of this technology will becompleted with a combined experimental and theoretical modeling approach. Specific objectives include: (i) synthesisand testing of composite catalytic materials that include known methanol (Cu)and hydrocarbon (Co) synthesis catalysts mixed with a known aromatizationcatalyst; (ii) varying material and reaction properties such as catalyst domainsize or reactant composition to investigate effects on measured rates andselectivities; (iii) developing a microkinetic computational model on baselinesystems and extending to various alloys and reactant compositions; (iv)refining computational mechanisms based on experimental data; and (v) synthesisof alloys based on computational models to improve selectivities to BTXspecies.
FE0031712 Opus 12, Inc. CA Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 from Coal into Fuels and Chemicals Using a Modified PEM Electrolyzer 01/24/2021 Chemical Conversion

The overall goal of the laboratory-scale research project is to increase energy efficiency and reduce costs for converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into fuels and chemicals through electrolysis. Opus 12, Inc. is scaling up a modified polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzer that converts CO2 from a coal-fired power plant into high-value products. The project technical activities include new polymer-electrolyte identification and selection; fabrication of membrane-electrode assemblies; energy efficiency testing; durability testing; and techno-economic & life cycle analyses.
FE0031700 University of Illinois IL Stacked Greenfield and Brownfield Roz Fairways in the Illinois Basin Geo-Laboratory: Co-Optimization of Eor and Associated CO2 Storage 07/31/2023 Associated Storage

The overall objective of this research is to identify economic strategies to co-optimize carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) and associated storage in stacked, primarily siliciclastic, reservoirs and residual oil zones (ROZs) in the Illinois Basin (ILB). Achieving this objective will entail (1) verifying the presence of ROZs within the Illinois Basin; (2) developing methods to identify and characterize siliciclastic ROZs; (3) conducting simulation, laboratory, and field-laboratory studies at greenfield and brownfield ROZ field laboratory sites; (4) assessing the economics and performing lifecycle analyses of injection-production scenarios; and (5) conducting a ROZ CO2-EOR and associated storage resource assessment for the ILB.

This study will address challenges related to co-optimizing CO2- EOR and associated storage in integrated stacked ROZ storage complexes through computational, bench-scale, and field-laboratory research. Detailed studies will be conducted at two field laboratory sites, one with stacked greenfield ROZs and the other with a stacked complex that includes a brownfield ROZ and depleted conventional reservoirs. The field laboratory sites will be used to collect data and conduct tests to validate ROZ detection methodologies and identify economic, field-deployable strategies to optimize oil production, optimize CO2 storage, and co-optimize CO2-EOR and associated storage in stacked ROZs. Findings from these field sites will be extrapolated to characterize the basin wide stacked ROZ fairway CO2-EOR oil resource and CO2 storage potential.
FE0031703 North Carolina State University NC Sustainable Conversion of Carbon Dioxide and Shale Gas to Green Acetic Acid Via a Thermochemical Cyclic Redox Scheme 07/31/2022 Electrochemical Conversion

North Carolina State University, in partnership with Susteon Inc., will develop comprehensive proof-of-concept data for sustainable and cost-effective production of acetic acid from carbon dioxide (CO2) and domestic shale gas. In order to achieve this objective, the project will address redox-material synthesis, characterization, and optimization as well as long-term stability testing and scalability investigations. Kinetic parameters of the optimized redox materials will also be determined. Reactor and process designs for pilot- and commercial-scale hybrid redox process (HRP) systems with techno-economic and life-cycle analyses will be developed using the experimental results.
FE0031711 Minerals Refining Company, LLC VA Pilot-Scale Testing of the Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Separation Process to Produce Value-Added Products from Waste Coals 06/30/2023 Other Coal and Coal-waste to Products

Mined coal is cleaned of its impurities such as mineral matter and sulfur before utilization. In general, the cost of cleaning increases with decreasing particle size. At present, the industry is discarding coal fines below approximately 44 µm due to the high costs associated with the recovery and dewatering. The amount of the fine coal discarded to impoundments in the United States is estimated to be approximately 6 billion tons. Minerals Refining Company and Virginia Tech have jointly developed a new separation process known as hydrophobic-hydrophilic separation (HHS) that will be tested at pilot scale to collect appropriate scale-up and cost information toward commercial deployment. The basic principles involved in the newly patented process are distinctly different and more efficient than the flotation process, which was patented in 1905 but still is regarded as the best available separation technology for cleaning fine coal. Furthermore, the HHS process is capable of producing dry products without thermal drying, regardless of particle size. The new process has been tested successfully at laboratory, proof-of-concept, and pilot scales on different types of fine coal samples taken from operating coal cleaning plants. The results show that the process can produce high-quality products with high efficiencies. In general, the ash contents of the products decrease with decreasing particle size due to improved liberation of inorganic mineral matter from organic coal matrix, which opens the possibility of producing ultraclean coal with less than 1% ash and with very low moisture. The high-quality coal produced in this manner may create new markets for coal such as activated carbon, carbon black, carbon foams, carbon electrodes, graphene, oil additives, etc. If successful, these new markets will help maintain and create high-paying jobs in the Appalachian coal field. The work proposed herewith include pilot-scale tests to produce low-ash, low-moisture coals that can burn more cleanly and hence generate less CO2 emissions. The tests will be conducted on a bituminous and anthracite coal wastes that have been discarded due to the lack of appropriate separation and dewatering technologies. The pilot-scale tests will also be conducted on a micronized coal sample to produce an ultraclean coal that can create new markets for U.S. coals.
FE0031705 University of Wisconsin WI Synthetic Calcium Carbonate Production by Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Mineralization of Industrial Waste Brines 02/14/2023 Concrete, Cement, or Aggregate

The overall goal of this project is to develop and evaluate methods for the production of precipitated calcium carbonate while simultaneously utilizing carbon dioxide (CO2) and industrial solid and liquid wastes. In the proposed process, waste brines are either used as a medium to carbonate coal combustion ashes (e.g., fly ash, bottom ash), or carbonated directly, i.e., CO2 mineralization is enabled by the calcium ions present in the liquid (brine) stream. University of Wisconsin, partnered with University of California, Los Angeles, will investigate the physical and chemical processes involved in the two proposed carbonation pathways and optimize process parameters for the production of high purity calcite through each of the mineralization routes. A laboratory-scale system will also be constructed to demonstrate the process.
FE0031706 Dioxide Materials, Inc. FL Carbon Dioxide and Renewable Electricity into Chemicals: Chemical Production from Coal Flue Gas 09/30/2021 Chemical Conversion

The objective of the project is to develop an electrolyzer technology for the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into formic acid using flue gas from a power plant as a source of CO2. The specific objectives of the proposed study are to: (1) characterize how the performance of the electrolyzer changes as the CO2 concentration is decreased; (2) develop new cell designs that can operate with feedstocks with lower CO2 concentrations; (3) develop filters to remove any impurities that arise; and (4) test simulated flue gas in the electrolyzer system. Dioxide Materials, Inc. is collaborating with OCO, Inc. to design an economical process for the manufacturing of formic acid, a valuable product that can be used as a feedstock for the biochemical industry.
FE0031702 GSI Environmental, Inc. TX Quantification of Methane Emissions from Marginal (Small Producing) Oil and Gas Wells 12/31/2021 Emissions Quantification

The objective of this research is to measure methane emissions from marginal well sites within various basins across the United States. The goal is to collect and evaluate representative, defensible, and repeatable data from marginal well sites and draw quantifiable conclusions on the extent of emissions from marginal wells across oil and natural gas producing regions, and to compare these results to published data available on the emissions from non-marginal wells.

Overall, 589 oil and gas production sites were visited in coordination with 15 participating host operators, who in addition to direct access to perform emission screening and measurements, provided valuable activity data. Among visited sites, 524 exhibited marginal production at an average rate of 2.5 BOE per day of combined oil and natural gas. Sitewide production or throughput was nonmarginal at 65 sites (approximately 11% of the total visited), where production ranged from 15 to 2100 BOE per day. The relatively small size, low equipment counts, and ease of accessibility of most emission sources led to complete screening at all visited sites and complete measurements of most observed emissions. Besides emissions screening and measurements, detailed activity data, including major equipment counts and oil and gas production rates, were documented at each visited site.

On a sitewide basis, no emissions were detected at approximately 55% of visited natural gas production sites and approximately 60% of visited oil production sites. Overall, emission rate measurements across the entire study exhibit the long‐tail behavior commonly observed in air emissions studies. Figure E1 of the final report provides additional perspectives on the relative extent and magnitude of methane emissions among key subpopulations of sites. These plots compare distributions of estimated sitewide methane emissions among site populations distinguished by main product (natural gas vs. oil) and region. Approximately 90% of the observed methane emissions were less than 16 standard cubic feet per hour (scfh; 0.25 kg/h or 2.4 tons per year [TPY]), and 95% of the observed emissions were less than 38 scfh (0.60 kg/h, 5.8 TPY). Study wide, the top 10% of emitting sources contributed 90% of the total methane emissions observed. The ten largest observed sources, each emitting between 100 and 780 scfh of methane (1.6‐12 kg/h, 15‐120 TPY), accounted for 2% of the total measured emissions.

The results of this study suggest that i) marginal oil and gas production in the United States may account for approximately 1 million (±140,000) tons per year (TPY) of “every day” methane emissions, as were observed in the regional field campaigns, ii) marginal gas production accounts for an estimated 60% (±10%) of emissions from U.S. natural gas production, and iii) marginal oil production accounts for an estimated 40% (±10%) of emissions from U.S. oil production.
FE0031626 University of Illinois IL Wabash Carbonsafe 03/31/2022 Characterization Field Projects (Onshore & Offshore)

This project will establish the feasibility of developing a commercial-scale (~50 million metric tons) geological carbon dioxide (CO2) storage complex at the Wabash Valley Resources facility near Terre Haute, Indiana. The former Wabash integrated gasification combined cycle plant at this location has been repurposed as an ammonia production facility and will serve as the primary source of CO2 for the storage complex. The Mt. Simon sandstone is expected to be the primary storage reservoir; this and other potential storage reservoir(s) and sealing units at the prospective site will be characterized by a two-year data acquisition program that includes drilling and testing a new stratigraphic test well, core and fluid sample collection/analysis, and a two-dimensional seismic survey over the area. The resulting datasets will be analyzed and the storage complex will be modeled to determine the site’s storage capacity, long-term storage security, and ability to receive CO2 at the required rate. The project team will prepare a detailed plan for future commercialization of the storage complex and evaluate options for utilization of CO2 from the Wabash facility for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in the Illinois East Basin.
FE0031707 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Unique Nanotechnology Converts Carbon Dioxide to Valuable Products 03/31/2023 Thermochemical Conversion

West Virginia University (WVU) is partnering with the University of Pittsburgh and Longview Power, LLC to develop and test at the laboratory scale an innovative technology that uses select amino acids (AAs) to produce a commercial-quality sodium bicarbonate directly from carbon dioxide (CO2) derived from coal-fired power plant flue gas. Preliminary studies at WVU have revealed that two AAs, glycine and alanine, can convert CO2 into bicarbonate nanofibers or flowers of nanowires. Specific objectives of the project are to develop and optimize the process for the formation of bicarbonate nanomaterials, assess the effect of contaminants such as sulfur oxides (SOX) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) on the process, and conduct a preliminary engineering design. An associated techno-economic assessment for scale up and a carbon lifecycle analysis will also be conducted.
FE0031733 University of Kentucky KY Fog and Froth-Based Post Combustion CO2 Capture in Fossil Fuel Power Plants 12/31/2023 Solvents

The proposed objectives are to: (1) fabricate, integrate, and research a compact absorber with internal fog and froth formation on the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research’s (UKy-CAER) bench post-combustion CO2 capture facilities with both simulated and real coal-derived flue gas; (2) develop and finalize the atomizing nozzle and gas/liquid contractor and operating conditions for the fog and froth formation and destruction; (3) determine preferable location(s) for the in-situ heat rejection and aerosol reduction heat exchanger configuration inside the absorber; (4) conduct a long-term campaign to investigate the effects of solvent degradation on fog and froth formation; (5) assess issues of environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) relating to the solvent, and its degradation during long-term operation, and extrapolate to commercial-scale application; (6) conduct a techno-economic analysis to document the benefits of the proposed technology and identify technology gaps for next step development; and (7) prepare and submit State Point Data Table and Technology Maturation Plan (TMP). UKy-CAER’s transformational compact CO2 absorber with internal fog and froth formation is intended to surmount the limitations of packed-bed CO2 absorption columns and make progress towards achievement of DOE’s Transformational CO2 Capture goals of 95% CO2 purity and a cost of electricity at least 30% lower than a supercritical pulverized-coal (PC) power plant with CO2 capture, or approximately $30 per tonne of CO2 captured ready for demonstration by 2030.
FE0031737 University of Southern California CA Bench Scale Testing of a High Efficiency, Ultra-Compact Process for Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture 05/31/2023 Novel Concepts

The overarching objective of this bench-scale study is to scale-up and field-validate the technical feasibility of the University of Southern California's membrane- and adsorption-enhanced water gas shift (WGS) process that employs a carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membrane reactor (MR) followed by an adsorption reactor (AR) for pre-combustion CO2 capture while demonstrating progress towards achievement of the performance goals of CO2 capture with 95% CO2 purity at a cost of electricity of 30% less than the baseline capture approaches. The project begins at TRL 4, as the system prototype has already been validated in the laboratory on simulated syngas (DE-FE0026423). The project aims to end at TRL 5, via scaling-up of the prototype system and its testing on actual syngas at the University of Kentucky (UK). During Budget Period 1, the team will design, construct, and assemble a bench-scale experimental MR-AR system; prepare sufficient quantity of membranes, adsorbents and catalysts with desired features and characterize their properties; and conduct a preliminary in-house test of the bench-scale unit with simulated syngas to validate its functionality. During Budget Period 2, the team will install the unit at UK and conduct testing of the novel MR-AR process in the bench-scale apparatus using real syngas.
FE0031732 Electricore, Inc. CA Advanced Structured Adsorbent Architectures for Transformative Carbon Dioxide Capture Performance 03/31/2023 Sorbents

The objective of this project is to evaluate the Svante's transformational VeloxoTherm™ Technology via the development and bench-scale testing of an advanced structured adsorbent, including novel Bi-layer, laminated adsorbent structures and segmented beds. The Electricore team will select, synthesize, and characterize tailored solid adsorbents for computational modeling, advanced structured adsorbent development, process simulations, and dynamic bench-scale (~1-10 kg/day CO2 captured) testing using an existing single-bed Variable Test Station (VTS) coupled with a natural gas-fired boiler. Segmented beds will use the in-house, multi-bed Process Demonstration Unit (PDU) to demonstrate key performance indicators (KPIs), such as recovery, product purity, regeneration energy, and the integrated system's productivity in lifetime analysis. Segmented beds will be used at a 1 tonne per day (TPD) unit at an industrial site to provide bench-scale validation of performance in an industrial setting.
FE0031731 Ohio State University OH Novel Transformational Membranes and Process for CO2 Capture from Flue Gas 03/31/2023 Membranes

Ohio State University (OSU) will develop a cost-effective design and fabrication process for a novel transformational membrane and its membrane modules that capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from flue gas. The membranes exhibit very high CO2 permeance of about 3,300 gas permeation units (GPU) and a very high CO2/nitrogen (N2) selectivity of greater than 140. OSU will optimize the membrane design, scale-up the membrane to a prototype size of 21 inches wide, and construct and test a bench-scale skid containing at least six membrane modules with simulated flue gas at OSU and with actual flue gas at the National Carbon Capture Center. The goal of this project is to achieve 60 to 90% capture of the CO2 with greater than 95% CO2 purity ready for compression to 152 bar (2,200 pounds per square inch [psi]) for storage or enhanced oil recovery.
FE0031727 ION Engineering, LLC CO Validation of Transformational CO2 Capture Solvent Technology with Revolutionary Stability 05/31/2023 Solvents

ION Engineering LLC, in partnership with Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), will conduct a comprehensive test campaign utilizing U.S. coal-fired flue gas to evaluate key performance indicators of the novel ION capture solvent, “ICE-31.” The project, designated by ION as Apollo, aims to scale up a novel amine-based solvent technology with transformational stability and excellent CO2 capture performance from bench-scale to pilot-scale (0.6 MWe) using real coal-fired flue gas at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) in Wilsonville, Alabama. Additionally, data from the test campaign will be utilized to validate a new solvent-specific module in ProTreat® process simulation software that is critical for further scale-up and economic evaluations. A successful test campaign at NCCC’s Pilot Solvent Test Unit (PSTU) will validate the transformational performance of the technology, facilitating progression to large-scale pilot testing (>10 MWe). For a comprehensive evaluation of the novel solvent technology, the test plan includes: parametric testing to determine optimal operating conditions; evaluation of system response and operation during process dynamics that occur naturally at power stations including variations in flue gas flow rates and/or CO2 inlet concentrations; emissions studies under steady-state and dynamic conditions; and long-term steady-state testing.
FE0031746 University of California - Riverside CA Probing Particle Impingement in Boilers and Steam Turbines Using High-Performance Computing with Parallel and Graphical Processing Units 08/31/2023 HBCU - Existing Fleet Modeling

This project encompasses four complementary objectives that will employ a high degree of coordination and communication to realize a final, rigorously sound, and validated computational capability for identifying plant inefficiencies upon completion that will subsequently be communicated and validated with industrial partners for technology transfer. Objective 1 will utilize massively-parallelized graphics processing units (GPUs) in the laboratories of both the recipient and partners to efficiently execute the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) ANSYS Fluent code used in this project. A sizeable portion of operational damage in fossil fuel power plants occurs in the boiler’s superheater/reheater headers; therefore, Objective 2 will be to make use of these GPU-parallelized simulations to understand the durability of and damage mechanisms to these header structures under various cycling and operational modes. Objective 3 will be to assess subsequent damage mechanisms by quantifying and calculating the effects of particulates within “steam in” boilers as a function of both boiler geometry and operating conditions. Objective 4 will combine the results of the previous three objectives to create a holistic, comprehensive, and systems-level assessment of damage rates under different cycling modes.
FE0031739 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Elucidating Arsenic and Selenium Speciation in Coal Fly Ashes 06/30/2022 Sensors & Controls

This research will systematically characterize arsenic (As) and selenium (Se) speciation within a representative matrix of coal fly ashes using state-of-the-art synchrotron X-ray spectroscopic and microscopic techniques in order to develop a comprehensive correlation and searchable database for coal source/type, generation condition, As/Se speciation, and As/Se mobility. A detailed survey will be performed to document current knowledge of fossil power operating units as a function of coal type and source, operating conditions, environmental control systems, additive use, and fly ash handling methods, as well as common techniques for analyzing As and Se concentration. A matrix of fly ash samples will be collected and subjected to (1) traditional characterization techniques to provide bulk characteristics such as elemental composition, microstructure, chemical and mineralogical composition, surface area, and particle size distribution; (2) synchrotron X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to reveal molecular-scale speciation information regarding As and Se, such as oxidation state, association with other elements and minerals, embedded mineral phase, and complexation states; and (3) mobility of As and Se in samples, using various leaching methods. The resulting database will detail correlations among coal type and source, utility operating conditions, and As/Se speciation and mobility.
SC0019792 Luna Innovations VA Plasma Process for Using CO2 04/14/2020 Chemical Conversion

The overall goals of the Phase I program are to demonstrate the technical feasibility and commercial potential of acetic acid synthesis from CO2 and methane with plasma. The specific Phase I objectives include: (1) construction of a complete reactor that integrates the PlasmaBlastTM plasma generator with feedstock/process control, and reaction/product monitoring in real time; (2) test reactor performance with target metrics of over 60% product yield as acetic acid and a cost of energy less than 200 kJ/mol acetic acid (CH3CO2H); and (3) conduct an initial techno-economic analysis.
SC0019940 Applied Sciences, Inc. OH CO2 to Carbon and Water via Plasma Catalysis 03/31/2020 Chemical Conversion

Carbon dioxide is used as a feedstock for manufacturing graphene and other carbon nanomaterials. The innovation is the use of exothermic (heat producing) reactions that create only carbon and water as the products, while keeping the chemical reactor hot enough to sustain the reaction. An experimental program will prove that carbon dioxide contributes carbon to the synthesis of graphene via the use of non-radioactive isotopic tracers, and will also seek to show the potential for converting 100% of the carbon dioxide to solid form, so that it can be removed from the greenhouse gas cycle.
SC0019914 FGC Plasma Solutions, LLC FL Large Volume Plasma Generation for CO2 Processing 06/30/2021 Chemical Conversion

FGC Plasma Solutions will explore a novel method generating a large-volume non-equilibrium discharge sustained by external ionization to allow for CO2 conversion efficiencies over 60%. The goal of this work will be to develop a flow reactor for testing two different types of non-self sustained discharges, and to conduct a technoeconomic analysis considering possible applications for this technology.
SC0019633 Reaction Engineering International UT High Performance Computing of Completion and Near-Wellbore Erosion 11/18/2019 Advanced Technologies

The production from oil and gas wells is strongly affected by the network of fractures made in the reservoir by hydraulic fracturing and pre-existing natural fractures. Hydraulic and other boundary conditions often favor the predominant growth of one fracture at the expense of growing a number of fractures. This biasing worsens due to erosion of the perforations in the casing and surrounding materials. This nonuniform stimulation, substantially reduces the recovery of hydrocarbons. However, to date, the impact of erosion has often been neglected or under addressed. The consequences of sub-optimal hydraulic fracturing can be millions of dollars in operational expenditures compounded by even larger future losses associated with impaired recoveries and diminished reserves. The goal of this project is to develop an HPC solution to model perforation erosion and the resulting pressure drop. A dual scale modeling approach will be utilized, thereby allowing fundamental “first principals" modeling at the micro-scale to be applied at the macro-scale in order to capture the aggregate effects of erosion. The model will require no additional experimental data besides material properties. The software will automate the calculation of erosion and flow characteristics, allowing for application in reservoir/hydraulic-fracturing simulators, with the end goal of optimizing fracturing treatments and diversion agent strategies. The software will be capable of exploring a wide variety of erosion scenarios and ultimately helping to select the best solution to optimize production. The final product of the proposed work, available following a Phase II effort, will be a turn-key, cloud-based, easy-to-use, computationally efficient solution for simulating erosion within a large reservoir/fracturing framework. The customers of the SaaS HPC hydraulic fracturing/reservoir model with erosion capabilities will be engineers and well owners, looking to optimize production and recovery, by optimizing the underground fracture network from hydraulic fracturing operations. The market will consist of end-users working with both newly drilled wells as well as remedial work for refracturing wells with prematurely declining production. A relatively low cost per simulation and the strong possibility of enhanced well productivity and recovery make an excellent customer value proposition for the model.
FE0031745 Florida International University FL Secure Data Logging and Processing with Blockchain and Machine Learning 04/30/2023 HBCU - Sensors & Controls

Fossil fuel power plants are complex systems containing multiple components that create extreme environments for the purpose of extracting usable energy. The extreme environments include elevated temperatures of flue gases (~700–3400 ºF) that can reduce the usable life of the components that make up the system. Failures in the system can lead to increased downtime for the plant, reduction of power, and significant cost for repairs. This project aims to develop a novel platform for secure data logging and processing in fossil fuel power generation systems. The platform integrates two emerging technologies, blockchain and machine learning, and incorporates several innovative mechanisms to ensure the integrity, reliability, and resiliency of power systems even when the systems are under various cyberattacks such as false data injection and denial of service. The proposed novel platform is enabled by the following components and will provide benefit in a secure mechanism to collect sensor data, aggregate the data using a machine learning platform, and store them in the blockchain. A set of mechanisms ensures that only data sent by legitimate sensors are accepted and stored in the data repository. The design of the mechanisms will be informed by a thorough threat analysis on the sensor networks used in power generation systems. Node authentication/identification will be facilitated by public-key cryptography. The distribution of public keys is protected by a novel relay mechanism that leaves no room for man-in-the-middle attacks. A suite of data aggregation methodologies uses machine learning/deep learning algorithms to minimize the noise and faulty data. The project will involve interface development to communicate with the sensor network to collect real-time data, store raw data for machine learning model development, and predict anomalous data using edge runtime and deployment functions. Traditional machine learning algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM) and K–means clustering, and deep learning algorithms such as recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory (LSTM), autoencoders, and generative adversarial networks (GAN) will be used for model building and prediction of anomalous data. Two-level secure logging is protected by the blockchain. The raw data are stored locally at data aggregators after filtering using machine learning algorithms to be developed as part of the platform. The summative data are placed on the secure ledger protected by the blockchain. The hashgraph blockchain will be used to facilitate high-throughput logging and to ensure minimal energy consumption. Furthermore, a novel mechanism is employed to establish a strong link between the raw data and the summative data, which is essential to ensure the integrity of the logged data.
FE0031770 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) PA A Novel Access Control Blockchain Paradigm to Realize a Cybersecure Sensor Infrastructure in Fossil Power Generation Systems 08/31/2022 Cybersecurity

The goal of this project is to demonstrate a secure private blockchain protocol designed for fossil power generation systems. The specific objectives include (i) design and implementation of a secure private blockchain architecture that can secure process signal data and other information flows within distributed sensor networks for fossil-based power generation systems, (ii) a simulated power plant environment that uses sensor data with cryptographic digital signatures and integrate the secure blockchain developed by the project team with this system, (iii) demonstration of the effectiveness of the developed blockchain technology by simulating a cyber-attack on the sensor infrastructure.
FE0031740 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Produced Water and Waste Heat-Aided Blowdown Water Treatment: Using Chemical and Energy Synergisms for Value Creation 04/30/2022 Water Management

West Virginia University Research Corporation will develop and test an innovative treatment process that utilizes produced water (PW) to create chemical and energy synergisms in blowdown (BD) water treatment. The project goal is to maximize generation of a product stream low in fouling potential for reuse and a concentrated stream of commercial value (i.e., 10-lb brine) while reducing chemical and energy costs for the treatment. This treatment process consists of mature treatment technology and innovative use of mature technology (i.e., brine electrolysis) to enable step improvement in cost and energy requirements for BD water treatment over the baseline process. Specifically, the proposed treatment process consists of softening, organics and suspended solids removal, reverse osmosis, brine electrolysis, and thermal desalination. These treatment units are integrated to sequentially treat the PW and BD water from their raw water conditions to those of a product stream suitable for reuse and 10-lb brine as a saleable product.
SC0019942 Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. PA Plasma-Catalysis of CO2 and CH4 to Produce High Value Chemicals 03/31/2020 CO2 Use

The goal of this work is to develop a new technology that can produce acetic acid in a single-step and do so at reduced temperature and ambient pressure. In this Phase I study, the Recipient will combine plasma and catalysts to produce acetic acid in a single-step process, avoiding the need for high temperatures and high pressures. ACT has established partnerships with Lehigh University and a syngas manufacturer to support the proposed work.
FWP-FEAA375 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN Demonstration and Validation of Additively Manufactured Intensified Device for Enhanced Carbon Capture 12/31/2020 Enabling Technologies

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will continue the development and validation of three-dimensional printed intensified devices, i.e., mass exchanger packing with internal cooling channels, for enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. In a previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project (FWP-FEAA130), ORNL exhibited that the novel packing can effectively achieve mass exchange and heat exchange functionalities in a lab-scale column using an aqueous amine solvent. In this project, ORNL will develop and test the novel packing using a water-lean advanced solvent in the ORNL lab-scale (4.5 feet tall) column and perform computational scoping on the conceptual design of a larger (9 to 12 feet tall), flexible, and modular column at ORNL for further testing of enhanced capture using intensified devices.
FE0031747 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University NC Alloy for Enhancement of Operational Flexibilty of Power Plants 12/31/2023 Existing Fleet Modeling

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University will employ advanced computational techniques to address the challenge of higher material deterioration facing the existing coal-fired power plants due to a shift in their operational mode from baseline steady state to cycling. The cycling operation of coal-fired power plants enhances the thermo-mechanical fatigue damage in boiler headers. As a result, materials deteriorate at a higher rate and ligament cracking occurs in headers in a shorter time. The main objective of this project is to employ computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) to conduct a comprehensive and advanced study of the applicability of Inconel (IN) 740H superalloy in steam headers to improve the operating flexibility of power plants. The project team will use the results of the analysis to optimize the geometry of headers to minimize the quantity of material used.
FE0031760 University of Texas at Austin TX Integrated Turbine Component Cooling Designs Facilitated by Additive Manufacturing and Optimization 12/31/2023 Advanced Combustion Turbines

University of Texas, Austin (UTA), in conjunction with its partner, the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), will use AM (additive manufacturing) to manufacture turbine components with complex features that cannot be manufactured with conventional techniques, and will use AM for rapid prototyping and testing of turbine components that will ultimately be manufactured using conventional techniques. This project will have experimental and computational components with the common focus on developing integrated internal cooling, film cooling, and TBC configurations which maximize overall cooling effectiveness and hence reduce needed coolant mass flows. Adjoint-based sensitivity calculations for RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) models will be used to establish the sensitivity of cooling performance to both shape and roughness in order to develop optimized configurations. The performance of the optimum cooling configurations will be evaluated using engine scale and large scale coupons incorporating internal cooling channels feeding film cooling holes. These optimum designs will be incorporated in full vane configurations which will be tested at large scale to provide details of operational performance, and at engine scale to validate using AM to rapid prototype and test new vane/blade designs.
FE0031771 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Techno-Economic Optimization of Advanced Energy Plants with Integrated Thermal, Mechanical, and Electro-Chemical Storage 01/31/2023 Advanced Combustion Turbines

West Virginia University Research Corporation will evaluate the transient response to various system concepts that minimize the levelized cost of electricity of thermal, chemical, mechanical, and electro-chemical storage technologies. Project objectives include: developing dynamic models of chemical storage using hydrogen, electro-chemical storage using high temperature sodium sulfur, vanadium redox flow and Li-ion batteries, mechanical storage using compressed air and pumped hydroelectric storage, thermal storage using phase change materials, and molten salts and cryogenics; developing system technology concepts where the dynamics of the fossil-fueled power plants (FFPPs)—natural gas combined cycle, supercritical pulverized coal and integrated gasification combined cycle power plants—are exploited while selecting the optimal storage technology; developing reduced dynamic models using input-output data from dynamic models of storage technologies integrated with FFPPs for use in mathematical optimization for down selection of the system concepts; developing a holistic optimization-based methodology and a decision-making framework using a novel mixed-integer nonlinear programming algorithm to down select the most promising energy storage technologies; and performing detailed technoeconomic analyses of up to six system concepts selected in consultation with NETL.
FE0031758 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Development of Additive Manufacturing for Ceramic Matrix Composite Vanes 08/31/2023 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Pennsylvania State University will mature additive manufacturing (AM) of ceramic matrix composite (CMC) airfoils with complex internal cooling features using a polymer precursor matrix pre-impregnated with ceramic fiber filaments. The project will demonstrate the ability to 3D print relevant turbine features in SiOC, develop and characterize new silicon carbide (SiC) precursor materials for AM, and develop design tools that can enable a complex cooled CMC vane capable of operation at firing temperatures of 3100°F. The goal is to develop new insight into how AM can enable transformative levels of performance in CMC airfoils. The project interlinks research tasks that converge to a CMC vane with optimal material properties and complex cooling design features that are not currently possible through other manufacturing methods. It will be enabled by AM, novel materials processing, computational optimization, and iterative design and experimental feedback. Expected project outcomes include the development and evaluation of a CMC AM process for gas turbine components that enables cooled gas turbine component shapes while retaining many benefits of CMCs, including temperature tolerance and toughness.
FE0031757 University of Kentucky KY Ash Fouling Free Regenerative Air Preheater for Deep Cyclic Operation 08/14/2024 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research will develop a self-cleaning, ash fouling free air preheater to increase the capacity of a coal-fired power plant for load following. Increased use of alternative energy sources presents a challenge to controlling thermal efficiency. The proposed unit offers a solution to this challenge, especially during deep cyclic operation, and is transformative from the state-of-art regenerative heater with either hot-air recycling or a hot water recirculation system. The research team will accomplish this goal by installing four sets of auto-controlled blind valves at the air inlet of the air preheater. Whenever the load is below 70 percent, the inlet blind valve will be rotationally closed to block the air flow and provide an annular hot-temperature zone inside the air preheater to decompose condensate ammonia bisulfate, transforming the sticky fouling ash to loose dry ash, followed by cleaning with high-temperature flue gas when the valve rotates to the flue gas side. The objective is to design, build and test a 0.25 MWth regenerative air heater at a coal-fired power plant (Louisville Gas and Electric E.W. Brown Station Unit 3, a wall-fired pulverized coal unit). The effectiveness of auto-control blind valves will be investigated in terms of flue gas pressure drop across the air heater and the flue gas exhaust temperature as a function of time.
FE0031744 Old Dominion University VA Blockchain Empowered Provenance Framework for Sensor Identity Management and Data Flow Security in Fossil-Based Power Plants 08/31/2023 UTR - Cybersecurity

The goal of the project is to develop a blockchain-empowered provenance platform for identity management and process integrity for sensors in fossil-based power plants. To accomplish this goal, the following objectives will be completed:

  1. Develop a blockchain-based provenance platform that can track data flow traffic from sensors deployed in fossil-based power plants and detect identity violations, unauthorized communication, and process integrity violations.
  2. Design the proposed platform to be scalable across a geographically distributed footprint.
  3. Develop a prototype to evaluate the effectiveness of the platform and provide performance metrics.
FE0031763 General Electric (GE) Company NY Deep Analysis Net with Causal Embedding for Coal Fired Power Plant Fault Detection and Diagnosis 11/30/2021 POT - Sensors & Controls

GE Research, in collaboration with Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Southern Company Services Inc., is developing a novel end-to-end trainable artificial intelligence (AI)-based multivariate time series learning system for flexible and scalable coal power plant fault detection and root cause analysis (i.e., diagnosis) known as Deep Analysis Net with Causal Embedding for Coal-fired power plant Fault Detection and Diagnosis (DANCE4CFDD).

The objective of the proposed program is to develop DANCE4CFDD AI learning system and bring the technology maturity from TRL 2 to TRL 5, with final validation performed based on data from a coal-fired power plant. DANCE4CFDD aims to address a range of challenges faced by today’s asset health management system for coal-fired power plants: (1) high-dimensional nonlinear interaction among multiple time series measurements; (2) high measurement variance induced by operational conditions/modes; (3) variation among asset types and plant configurations; and (4) a small number of faulty events to learn from. DANCE4CFDD aims to address these real-world challenges with a combination of two novel components: a deep similarity net and a deep causal embedding net.
FE0031766 GE Steam Power, Inc. CT Plasma Ignition and Combustion Stabilization Technology to Improve Flexible Operation, Reliability and Economics of an Existing Coal Fired Boiler 11/30/2021 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

GE Steam Power, Inc. will demonstrate improved reliability, flexibility, and economics of an existing coal-fired power plant by applying a plasma-assisted pulverized fuel firing system at a full-scale implementation at Rocky Mountain Power to validate achievement of lower load, improve flame stabilization, and reduce operating costs. The research will advance the plasma ignition technology to a fully integrated and field-proven system to make it commercially available for other coal-fired power plants. The effort will consist of detailed engineering, installation, commissioning, and testing on additional sensors and control analytics for the coal-fired combustion system to address the objective described above. The research team will operate the plasma assisted system in a long-term field test (five-to-seven months) that will begin when full implementation of the system on the host unit is achieved to capture operational experience through all seasons and conditions, record and analyze operational improvements, and optimize the system. Inspection and reporting work will be conducted upon completion of the field test. This new technology could save customers millions of dollars by eliminating the need for oil/gas for start-up or to support low load, increasing reliability by providing a stable low load flame, and significantly reducing OPEX costs over alternatives.
FE0031783 University of Kentucky KY Conasauga Shale Research Consortium 07/31/2021 Unconventional Field Test Sites

The overall objective of the project is to establish a field laboratory and utilize a horizontal well of opportunity to conduct a scientific study designed to advance the understanding of the petrophysical and geomechanical properties of the Rogersville Shale.
FE0031797 George Washington University VA Conversion of Coal to Li-Ion Battery Grade (Potato) Graphite 08/31/2024 Graphite

This project builds upon the Performer's recently reported conversion of a variety of biomass materials and lignite coal to graphite. The aforementioned materials are all known as “non-graphitizable carbons”, that is, carbonaceous materials that do not graphitize even when heated to 3000 ˚C, thus, the graphitization of “non-graphitizable” carbons is remarkable. However, perhaps even more remarkable is that these materials are transformed at very high yield (>95% of carbon present graphitized) into highly crystalline graphite of high-purity (>99%), with properties that are nearly identical to that of high-grade Li-ion battery graphite. The objectives of this project are to elucidate the mechanism of the graphitization of lignite by examination of the reaction intermediates and products and determine the factors that govern the size, quality, and yield of the lignite derived graphite. Furthermore, efforts will be made to transition the process from batch to continuous processing.
FE0031777 Oklahoma State University OK Large-Volume Stimulation of Rock for Greatly Enhanced Fluids Recovery Using Targeted Seismic-Assisted Hydraulic Fracturing 08/31/2023 Advanced Technologies

This research effort will develop and demonstrate a new technology for large-volume, targeted comminution of rock in low permeability formations to enhance recovery of unconventional oil and natural gas (UOG) resources. This increased stimulated rock volume stimulation is expected to result in significant increases

in permeability leading to increased recovery factors for sub-surface fluids. The proposed technology is especially applicable for enhanced recovery in emerging UOG plays, such as ductile shales that are resistant to opening-mode fracturing by conventional hydraulic fracturing processes.
FE0031749 Siemens Corporation NJ Environmental Validation of Materials and Design Concepts to Enable Operational Flexibility of Existing Coal Power Plants 06/30/2024 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

Increasingly, coal-fired power plants are required to balance power grids by compensating for the variable electricity supply from renewable energy sources. Fossil-fueled power plants, originally designed to be base loaded, will increasingly need to operate on a load following or cyclic basis. This demanding requirement for operational flexibility will need to be evaluated for resilience to frequent start-ups, meeting major and rapid load changes, and providing frequency control duties. The project objective is to evaluate flexibility of existing power plants by improving and redesigning components and designing new operational strategies, with acceptable impacts on component life, efficiency and emissions. The three key areas of materials (riffled/internally ribbed/optimized redesign tubes to address creep/fatigue/oxidation damage mechanisms), operational (impact of load changes, low load and/or cycling conditions on heat exchanger cost/life) and efficiency (integration with thermal energy storage systems) impacts will be tested in a small-scale (~100 kWth) pilot plant at the subrecipient site. This multidisciplinary approach will address the performance-degrading influences resulting from fatigue, creep and corrosion mechanisms along with performance and efficiency gains for timely deployment of redesigned components to market and accelerates technology download for existing power plants. The research activities targeting three key areas of materials, operations and efficiency gains is proposed to optimize operations and determine the true cost of each operation.
FE0031764 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Anti-Biofouling Surface Treatments for Improved Condenser Performance for Coal-Based Power Plants 03/12/2023 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

Research Triangle Institute and industrial partners will design and engineer novel surface treatments and secondarily applied remediation components to mitigate biofilm growth on condenser tube surfaces in coal-fueled power plants with the goal of developing a strategy to mitigate biofilm growth by at least 50 percent, with an expected improvement in average electricity generation efficiency of more than one-percent. Such modified surfaces can potentially disrupt the landscape for emerging anti-biofouling technologies through the creation of surface environments that interfere with ability of bacteria to sense and respond to their environment, thereby inhibiting biofilm production and surface attachment. Additives will be assessed for their ability to disrupt biofilm as a function of concentration and benchmarked against commercial alternatives. The research team will use microbial test solutions cultured from an actual power plant cooling water source to validate broad spectrum efficacy on the complex array of microbial consortium that constitute biofilms. In the final phase of the project, the research team will use the results to guide the development of surface treatment of an integrated bench-scale test unit for operation using actual cooling water to demonstrate biofilm inhibition. The viability of the proposed system will also be assessed via techno-economic and life-cycle analysis to determine any residual impact on receiving ecosystems based on experimental bench data using real cooling source water.
FE0031755 Lehigh University PA Flexible Coal Power Plant Operation with Thermal Energy Storage Utilizing Thermosiphons and Cementitious Materials 01/31/2023 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

Lehigh University will develop an optimized prototype of a solid media thermal energy storage concept for thermal management applications in coal-fired power plants. The system is based on thermosiphon technology embedded into an optimized cementitious matrix for combined sensible/latent heat thermal energy storage (TCM-TES) to address an urgent need to develop reliable energy storage capabilities to improve efficiency and flexibility of coal-fired power plants and reduce CO2 emissions. The proposed TCM-TES is a novel design that incorporates elements from previous studies into an enhanced concept that overcomes the limiting characteristics of solid-state TES systems via enhancement of heat transfer rate, maximum heat utilization and equalization; optimized cementitious matrix for compactness, long term energy in/out cycling capability without material deterioration, low environmental losses and cost, and design for direct interaction with low pressure turbine steam and the feed water stream. The project team will design, engineer, optimize, and test the concept at laboratory- and prototype-scale at test facilities at Lehigh University, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc., and Dominion Energy Power Generation with the goal of developing a thermal energy storage prototype designed and built for up to 400°C operation, 100 kWhth, 90 percent round-trip efficiency, and cost of no more than $25/kWhth.
FE0031756 Barr Engineering MN Mitigation of Aerosol Impacts on Ash Deposition and Emissions from Coal Combustion 09/30/2022 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

Ash and slag deposits that foul the steam-generation surfaces of a boiler are the primary cause for boiler outages. These deposits result from the presence of volatile species in the coal ash that act as a glue for ash deposition and growth. Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) has teamed with the University of North Dakota (UND), Microbeam Technologies Inc. (MTI), Envergex, LLC, and MLJ Consulting to develop a transformational technology that controls the formation of alkali aerosols. This project will mitigate ash deposition by capturing the volatile species in the boiler through the injection of sorbents in the boiler. The impact of mitigating slagging and fouling is significant and is expected to: 1) increased plant revenues due to a reduction in outage time; 2) reduce boiler temperatures due to better heat rate efficiency; 3) reduce NOx emissions from lower furnace temperatures and deeper staging; 4) reduce fuel consumption from improved heat rate; 5) decrease parasitic power from less fan power (lower pressure drop through convective pass); and 6) improve fuel flexibility/tolerance for low-quality fuels.

Project Goals: 1) Demonstrate effectiveness of tailored clay sorbents in mitigating fouling and slagging; 2) Develop a benchmark/screening tool for identifying low cost clay sorbents; and 3) Develop a techno-economic assessment of the sorbent technology including a pathway to commercialization.
FE0031807 General Electric (GE) Company NY Improve Performance and Cost for Steam Turbine Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Using Additive 01/31/2022 Steam Turbines

GE Research (GER) plans to develop additive manufacturing-enabled repair solutions for last stage bucket (LSB) and additive-manufacturing-enabled packing rings (PRs) for coal-fired steam turbines with the goal of reducing routine maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) cost and improving the operating efficiency of steam turbines (Figure 1). GE Steam Power (GESP) and GE Gas Power (GEGP) will provide technical and commercial consulting to GER with insights on steam turbine MRO design requirements, MRO duration and costs, and an overall commercialization strategy for the developed additive manufacturing (AM) technologies.
FE0031827 University of Kentucky KY Demonstration of Scaled-Production of Rare Earth Oxides and Critical Materials from U.S. Coal-Based Sources 12/31/2022 Process Systems

To assess the technical and economic potential of extracting rare earth elements (REE) from coal waste, a ¼-ton/hr mobile pilot plant was designed, constructed, and tested as part of an ongoing project funded by U.S. DOE. Although the pilot plant was successful in recovering REE and producing rare earth oxide (REO) mixes having a purity level greater than 90%, several economic barriers were realized that require more detailed evaluations and a modification of the process circuitry. Most importantly, a reduction in the chemical costs per kilogram of REO recovered is needed for the process to be economically viable for a typical coal source. It is, therefore, proposed to extend the activities of the existing REE pilot plant to integrate and test new technologies and circuits that will significantly reduce the cost of producing REO mixes, cobalt, and manganese at purity levels significantly greater than 2% by weight. Concentrate production will be increased from a current rate of 10 – 100 grams/day to around 200 grams/day. To significantly reduce the primary cost of producing the concentrates, naturally occurring coal pyrite will be recovered and used in bioreactors to produce the acid needed for leaching. Optimization of the conditions will be conducted in laboratory and pilot plant test programs. High-temperature pretreatment of the feed to the leach reactor will be optimized with chemical additives to significantly improve REE recovery and, in the case of magnetite addition, provide the potential for acid generation to aid in acid cost reduction efforts. Selective precipitation will be added and optimized as a means of elevating the REE concentration in the pregnant liquid solution (PLS) prior to the final concentration steps. Calcite will be recovered from coal to be used for increasing solution pH values. The research program will be managed and conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Kentucky, University of Utah and Virginia Tech. Alliance Coal will host and provide operational support for the pilot plant as well as the necessary amount of a qualified feedstock. Kentucky River Properties will be a team partner and will work with the project team to collect and transport several tons of the second qualified feedstock to the pilot plant location. Mineral Separation Technologies will provide a dual X-ray transmission sorter to provide the initial concentration of REE and critical materials.
FE0031844 University of Texas at Austin TX Piperazine Advanced Stripper Front End Engineering Design 06/30/2022 Solvents

The University of Texas at Austin (UT) will team with AECOM Technical Services and Trimeric Corporation to prepare a front-end engineering design (FEED) of the PiperaZine Advanced Stripper (PZAS) process for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture at the Mustang Station of Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (GSEC) in Denver City, Texas. The project team will develop a proposal for CO2 capture from two General Electric gas turbines with two heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) and a steam turbine that are rated at 464 megawatt-electric (MWe). The PZAS process is designed to use 30 wt% piperazine to absorb CO2 from the flue gas of the natural gas combined cycle (NGCC). The technology offers many advantages over competing amine-based carbon capture processes, including: a more efficient and stable solvent; a smaller, more inexpensive absorber; a novel, efficient stripper; compressor and environmental benefits; and more inexpensive materials of construction. The overall objective of this project is to execute the engineering necessary to define the specific requirements of UT’s CO2 capture system for installation at Mustang Station, culminating in a 30 to 60% complete design package, and the development of a capital cost estimate with an accuracy of +/-15%.
FE0031782 Battelle Memorial Institute OH Using Natural Gas Liquids to Recover Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources 12/31/2022 EOR - Onshore

The project's focus is on improving ultimate recovery from Unconventional Oil and Gas (UOG) resources specifically within the oil window of the Utica/Point Pleasant (UPP) shale through the use of natural gas liquids (NGLs) as a treatment for reservoir sections showing limited production efficiency using more traditional approaches. This is to be accomplished through the development and testing of a well treatment method designed to simultaneously improve the effectiveness of well completions, optimize oil and gas recovery over the life of the well and reduce the impact of fresh water consumption and produced water disposal.
FE0031823 General Electric (GE) Company NY Damage Accumulations Predictions for Boiler Components Via Macrostructurally Informed Material Models 09/30/2022 POT - High Performance Materials

The goal of this project is to develop accurate models of the physical and mechanical behavior and degradation of nickel-based superalloys during cyclic operations in fossil energy (FE) power plants where thermo-mechanical fatigue and creep damage are occurring at the same time. The project focus will be on a nickel-based alloy, Haynes H282, that is likely to be used in current and next generation boiler and piping components of FE power plants. The proposed work will provide physically informed models, capturing the microstructural changes taking place in the industrial components under cyclic loading and exposure to high stress and temperature for long operating life – up to 300,000 hours.
FE0031753 Expert Microsystems, Inc. CA Hybrid Analytics Solution to Improve Coal Power Plant Operations 09/30/2021 Existing Fleet Modeling

The goal of this project is to develop, demonstrate, and commercialize a new real-time monitoring approach (the Hybrid Analytics Solution) to improve coal plant operations. This hybrid analytics software tool will provide real-time information on the relationship between plant operational data (such as measured temperatures, pressures, and flow rates) and the plant performance and reliability. The hybrid analytics solution will integrate machine-learning-based data analytics with thermal analysis in a manner that enables increased accuracy and scope of the thermal analysis, resulting in improved ability of the data analytics to monitor changes affecting plant operations.
FE0031843 Enchant Energy, LLC NY Large-Scale Commercial Carbon Capture Retrofit of the San Juan Generating Station 09/30/2022 Solvents

Enchant Energy LLC and their partners will perform a Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the retrofit of two coal-fired generating units (847 megawatts-electric [MWe]) at San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ (MHI) KM CDR Process™ for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. Both operating units (Units 1 and 4) are equipped with state-of-the-art environmental controls for nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and mercury, making the SJGS facility carbon capture-ready from an emissions perspective. The FEED study will document the initial engineering and cost estimates for the retrofit and determine the technical and economic viability of extending the life of the existing SJGS coal-fired power plant through the installation of the advanced amine-based CO2 capture technology. The FEED study will enable SJGS to move forward into detailed engineering, procurement, installation, and operation in future work.

The City of Farmington, currently a part-owner of SJGS, will be jointly responsible with Enchant for site-specific decisions regarding the SJGS. Enchant will manage the CO2 capture retrofit process and will be solely responsible for decision-making related to the overall direction of the project. MHI will provide the engineering and design documents, and costs for the carbon capture island in support of the overall project FEED study.
FE0031762 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Investigation of Technologies to Improve Condenser Heat Transfer and Performance in a Relevant Coal-Fired Power Plant 12/31/2022 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) will evaluate the application of various surface modification technologies on coal-fired power plant condenser tubes to enhance their heat transfer properties and increase overall plant performance. EPRI will identify surface modification technologies (i.e., coatings, etching) and apply them to tubing components to study the potential for improved heat transfer by either reducing surface fouling or by altering the physical steam condensation process. The coatings and/or etching techniques may be applied to internal or external surfaces of components (e.g., tubes). Suppliers will apply selected coatings to tubes and tubing material provided by EPRI, and the modified components will be evaluated independently by EPRI. In addition, the research team will test the heat transfer characteristics of full-scale modified tubular components in a facility co-located with an operating power plant and will employ pilot-scale test equipment that has been carefully designed to simulate the environmental conditions in an operating coal-fired power plant condenser. Where feasible, actual waters for steam generation and recirculating cooling will be the same as those used in the co-located power plant. Other component modification characteristics critical to successful field utilization include durability, suitability under a range of conditions, and compatibility with maintenance activities; these characteristics will be measured and determined by pre- and post-testing laboratory analyses, as applicable. These surface modification technologies (modifications to condenser tube surfaces) are expected to be applicable to retrofit or field application in existing coal-fired power plants.
FE0031822 General Electric (GE) Company NY Investigation of Cycling Coal Fired Power Plants Using High-Fidelity Models 03/31/2021 Existing Fleet Modeling

The primary focus of this project will be the critical component analysis of the drums and the headers in the boiler island for a representative subcritical coal-fired power plant. These analyses will produce insights into existing coalpower plant challenges impacted by cycling operations and generate practical and cost-effective solutions to cycle coal power plants to reduce plant failures and enhance unit safety and reliability while pursuing profitable operating flexibility.
FE0031809 Ohio University OH Direct Utilization of U.S. Coal as Feedstock for the Manufacture of High-Value Coal Plastic Composites 09/30/2022 Building Products

The objective of this project is to develop coal plastic composite (CPC) decking boards at lower manufacturing costs than current commercial wood plastic composite (WPC) decking boards, meeting all applicable ASTM and International Building Code (IBC) performance specifications. Bench-scale screening trials will be performed to assess coal/polymer interface chemistry and impacts of formulation additives on composite properties. Commercial continuous-manufacturing equipment will be used to produce CPC decking boards, which will undergo ASTM testing to determine important application properties before being installed in outdoor applications. Process simulations will be developed and validated using continuous-manufacturing information to support techno-economic studies. Further, CPC marketing studies will be completed along with the identification of additional promising applications for CPC materials.
FE0031785 University of Texas at Austin TX Demonstration of Proof of Concept of a Multi-Physics Approach for Real-Time Remote Monitoring of Dynamic Changes in Pressure and Salinity in Hydraulically Fractured Networks 12/31/2022 Advanced Technologies

The goal of this two-year research project is to delineate the distribution of fractures by characterizing the hydrological response of fractures to simulated production conditions in real-time, and providing robust methods to remotely monitor changes in pressure and/or fluid chemistry. Keys to achieving the global objective are:

  • Unique access to the ongoing Advanced Energy Consortium’s (AEC’s) field pilot studies at the University of Texas (UT) Devine Field Pilot Site (DFPS), which has established a well- characterized hydraulically fractured (HF) anomaly using a novel Electrically Active Proppant (EAP)
  • The intrinsic responses of the EAP to pressure and salinity changes.

This project will assess the application of EAP and ERT and/or EM methods in remote sensing of in situ alterations of physical and chemical properties of fractured networks with much higher resolution than current wellbore technologies. The unique and comprehensive data set(s) collected in this project will be disseminated to the public and will lay the foundation for the advancement of various geophysical fracture mapping, and modeling techniques for HF completion and production strategies beyond Technology Readiness Level 5. It is anticipated this research will lead to significant enhancements to ultimate recoveries from Unconventional Oil and Gas (UOG) reservoirs.
FE0031794 Rice University TX Conversion of Domestic US Coal into Exceedingly High-Quality Graphene 09/30/2021 Advanced Coal Processing

Rice University will study how flash Joule heating (FJH) can produce high value graphene from anthracite coal at gram scales in less than 1 second per conversion step. The graphene is termed flash graphene (FG). During the first year, reaction equipment will be built, the reaction profiles will be studied, and data will be gathered and analyzed. Iterations will be made to produce the best FG for the several applications proposed. Throughout the first and second year, scale-up equipment will be refined and built that will be designed to meet the target of 1 kg of FG per day from anthracite.
FE0031795 Battelle Memorial Institute OH A Novel Process for Converting Coal to High-Value Polyurethane Products 03/31/2022 Building Products

Battelle plans to perform a research effort to test and validate their technology for making high-value polyurethane (PU) foam from bituminous and sub-bituminous coal, along with some low-sulfur fuel oil byproduct. The heart of the process, for which a patent application has been filed, is ozonation of liquefied coal from pyrolysis or direct solvent-based liquefaction to produce polyols, the essential feedstock for PU foams, then making foams from these polyols. Detailed characterization of the PU foam will lead to refined conceptual plant design, economic assessment, and a technology scale-up and commercialization plan.
FE0031810 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Wastewater Recycling Using a Hygroscopic Cooling System 09/30/2022 POT - Water Management Source is OSTI
FE0031824 Siemens Corporation NJ Welding of Haynes 282 to Steels to Enable Modular Rotors for Advanced Ultra Super-Critical Steam Turbines 08/31/2021 High Performance Materials

This project will weld Haynes 282 (H282) superalloy plates and/or rounds (up to 3 inches thick) to similarly shaped grades of common rotor steels (3.5NiCrMoV steel and 9-12%Cr steel). The work related to welding will involve developing weld designs that will seek to minimize residual stresses, distortion, and weld defects when H282 is welded to steels. Simulation software will be used to simulate multiple weld designs to downselect the most promising ones. Simulation-derived designs will be used to make actual welds to further refine the weld parameters. Successful welds will be examined ultrasonically using the synthetic aperture focusing technique (SAFT). Welded test pieces incorporating H282 will be machined using automated spindle-speed adjustment to enhance tool life. A data-driven digital twin of tool flank wear evolution in a longitudinal turning operation will be created on a cloud platform. The data will be used to train a Gaussian process regression (GPR) model to predict the average tool flank wear as a function of the measured quantities. A web application running the GPR model on the cloud platform will be used to forecast the remaining tool life during turning operations and adjust the spindle speed to automatically extend tool life by the desired amount. The scope of this project is geared towards answering the questions that would allow a steam turbine rotor to be made that is suitable for AUSC applications in coal fired power plants from 100 megawatt electrical to1 gigawatt electrical size, and service conditions of at least 760 degrees Celsius and 3,100 pounds per square inch absolute pressure.
FE0031845 Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc. ND Front-End Engineering and Design: Project Tundra Carbon Capture System 06/30/2023 Solvents

The objective of this project is to complete a front-end engineering & design (FEED) study on the addition of a post-combustion carbon capture system based on Fluor’s Econamine FG Plus™ solvent technology onto an existing power plant fueled by North Dakota lignite that will demonstrate next-generation carbon capture system feasibility and economics. Building on the findings of a pre-FEED study for Milton R. Young Station Unit 2 (MRY2), the key deliverables of this FEED study will be: 1) design, costing, and performance data needed to commence project financing activities; 2) engineering and material balances required to file for all project permits; and 3) a final project schedule. Advances included in the project to take carbon capture technology beyond the current state-of-the-art include steam cycle integration with advanced heat recovery to improve energy efficiency, a solution for aerosol emissions and solvent degradation to improve the environmental and cost profile, design of the world’s largest capture facility (3.6 million tonnes/year) by two-fold to capture greater economies of scale, optimization for cold climate performance, and establishment of the lowest levelized cost of capture attempted at world scale.
FE0031776 Oklahoma State University OK Field Evaluation of the Caney Shale as an Emerging Unconventional Play, Southern Oklahoma 09/30/2024 Field Test Site Laboratories

The Caney shale is an emerging unconventional resource play in the southern mid-continent Anadarko, Ardmore, and Arkoma basins. The Caney reservoir is approximately 60–300 m thick, rich in total organic carbon, contains a large oil resource platform, and has a strong natural gas drive. However, development has been hampered by high clay content and reactivity of the formation with water. The main goal of the project is to establish the Caney Shale Field Laboratory in southwestern Oklahoma to conduct a comprehensive field characterization and to validate cost effective technologies that will lead to a comprehensive development plan for the Caney shale, characterized by high clay content and ductile behavior. The first phase of the project (years 1 and 2) will focus on studying the Caney shale. The project’s first objective is development of an integrated program to comprehensively characterize the geological, petrophysical, and geochemical properties of the Caney Shale and its reservoir fluids. The geomechanical properties of clay-rich, ductile shale are not well known and further characterization can improve hydraulic fracturing operations in these formations. Secondly, the project aims to gain a fundamental understanding of hydraulic fracture initiation/propagation, fracture and proppant permeability, proppant embedment, and fluid-rock interaction in the Caney Shale using laboratory data, field observations, and modelling. The second phase of the project (years 3 and 4) will focus on field development, starting with a horizontal well being drilled in Caney shale. The project will validate the findings and recommendations from the first phase of the project by drilling, stimulating, and testing a horizontal well.
FE0031791 University of Texas at Austin TX Engineered Water for Improved Oil Recovery from Fractured Reservoirs 08/31/2024 EOR Field Test Site Laboratories

This R&D effort is designed to inject water with a composition engineered to improve oil recovery from the carbonate matrix in fractured reservoirs. Carbonate reservoirs tend to be oil-wet/mixed-wet due to positively charged carbonate mineral surfaces and negatively charged acidic/asphaltic components in oil. Many carbonate reservoirs are also highly fractured. Water injection is generally not effective in fractured oil-wet reservoirs because water does not imbibe into the matrix. The water composition can be engineered with ionic modification, surfactants, and nanoparticles which can change the wettability of carbonate rocks towards more water-wet conditions under which water can imbibe into the matrix and displace oil into the fractures. The engineered water can also lower interfacial tension and minimize capillary forces so that gravitation forces influence oil recovery from the matrix. Specifically, this effort aims to develop brine compositions that would increase oil recovery in the Goldsmith-Landreth San Andres Unit (GLSAU) [West Texas] and to conduct several single-well pilots and one multi-well pilot to test the technology.
FE0031840 ION Clean Energy, Inc. CO Commercial Carbon Capture Design and Costing: Part Two (C3DC2) 10/31/2022 Solvents

ION Clean Energy, Inc. (ION) and Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) are leveraging the work performed during the previously awarded Commercial Carbon Capture Design and Costing project (DE-FE0031595) to complete a front-end engineering and design (FEED) for a carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system retrofit onto Unit 2 of NPPD’s Gerald Gentleman Station (GGS). Through previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded projects, ION has successfully tested their CO2 capture technology based on the low-aqueous ICE-21 solvent in bench-, small pilot- and large pilot-scale systems, validating a reduction in energy requirements, less solvent degradation, and lower emissions compared to systems using baseline commercial solvents. In this project, the team will conduct a FEED for a 700-megawatt electric (MWe) (2 parallel 350-MWe capture units) commercial-scale CO2 capture plant retrofit to GGS. With this approach, the team aims to decarbonize as much of Unit 2 as possible and maximize operational flexibility with the power station.
FE0031842 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Front-End Engineering Design Study for Retrofit Post-Combustion Carbon Capture on a Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant 02/28/2022 Solvents

The objective of the project is to conduct a front-end engineering design (FEED) to determine the technical and economic feasibility of a retrofit, post-combustion, carbon capture technology on a commercially-operating, natural-gas fired, combined cycle (NGCC) power plant. The FEED study will examine the cost and engineering requirements for installing a plant to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the 550-megawatt-electric (MWe) Elk Hills Power Plant (EHPP) NGCC unit located in the Elk Hills Oil Field in Kern County, California. The project is led by Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. with Fluor Corporation and California Resources Corporation (CRC) as key project partners. Fluor is the design engineering contractor and Fluor’s Econamine FG PlusSM (EFG+) technology will be used for the carbon capture system design. CRC is the owner and operator of the host site, EHPP.
FE0031811 Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. CA Life Modelling of Critical Steam Cycle Components in Coal-Fueled Power Plants 03/31/2023 Existing Fleet Modeling

The objective of this work is to calibrate an existing damage accumulation and component life model to a high-pressure turbine disk/rotor alloy (used in a steam-cycle turbine of a coal-fueled plant) and a steam cycle Y-block alloy. The component life model accounts for coupled thermomechanical damage accumulation, material microstructural evolution, and material/component erosion/corrosion damage to determine component life predictions. The damage accumulation model, complete with lifetime prediction capabilities, will be implemented in Microsoft Excel or MATLAB format, and will only require input data (inelastic strain, hydrostatic stress, temperature-time waveforms, initial microstructure, etc.) from a component-specific finite element analysis to predict component lifetime. The modelling tool will then enable lifetime prediction as a function of historical plant steam cycle operational data as well as any potential proposed future operational cycling. Activities proposed as part of this work include material testing and characterization, damage accumulation and component model calibration and verification, and component life model implementation within a user-friendly format (Microsoft Excel orMATLAB).
FE0031818 General Electric (GE) Company NY Low-Cost Hip Fabrication of Advanced Power Cycle Components and PM/Wrought in740h Weld Development 06/30/2021 High Performance Materials

The goal of this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of structures and components for advanced fossil energy power cycles by fusion welding powder metallurgy (PM) based near net shape (NNS) hot isostatic pressed (HIP) nickel superalloy Inconel 740H (IN740H) components to cast or wrought IN740H components. Preliminary calculations indicate that structures fabricated by this method might reduce manufacturing costs by up to 50%, which would be approximately equivalent to a $13/kW reduction and $115/kW reduction in capital costs for fossil energy (FE) advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) steam Rankine cycle or supercritical carbon dioxide(sCO2) power plants, respectively.
FE0031820 Tennessee Technological University TN Development of Corrosion- and Erosion-Resistant Coatings for Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Materials 09/30/2021 High Performance Materials

Tennessee Technological University, partnering with Purdue University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Electric Power Research Institute, Siemens Corporation, and Eastern Plating, LLC, aims to enhance the durability and lifetime of nickel-base superalloy components in advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) power plants through improved coating development via low-cost electrolytic codeposition. To accomplish this, the following tasks will be performed:

  1. Additional optimization of coating composition and process
  2. Assessment of long-term coating performance with regard to high-temperature steam oxidation, solid-particle erosion, and thermomechanical fatigue
  3. Coating process scale-up using numerical simulation and design of experiments methods to apply uniform coatings on high-pressure steam turbine blades
  4. Evaluation of the coated blades in Siemens’ steam turbine test rigs
  5. Develop a coupled thermodynamic/kinetic model for coating lifetime prediction
  6. Explore laser-based additive manufacturing as an alternative cost-saving option for coating/blade repair
  7. Conduct techno-economic analysis to quantify the cost effectiveness and commercial viability of the proposed coating technology
FE0031834 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Development and Testing of an Integrated Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Treatment and Rare Earth/Critical Mineral Plant 09/30/2023 Production Facilities

The primary objective of this project is to design, construct, and test—in conjunction with their partners West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and Rockwell Automation, Inc.—a pilot-scale continuous, integrated process for simultaneously and efficiently treating up to 1,000 gpm of acid mine drainage (AMD) while producing an enriched REE/CM (Rare Earth Elements/Critical Minerals) concentrate. WVURC will carry out the objectives in two phases. The first phase will focus on the engineering design, construction, and assembly of the pilot-scale process equipment to be used in the project. To support these development efforts, WVURC will construct and test a small-scale, fully-continuous test unit to emulate the performance of the upstream concentrator. This test unit will allow rapid optimization of various operational variables and limit the need for extensive testing at the larger scale. During the second phase of work, the integrated pilot plant will be operated on a continuous basis to validate process performance and refine process cost estimates. During both phases, other efforts will focus on critical support tasks including technical and environmental systems analysis.
FE0031751 National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) VA Generation Plant Cost of Operations and Cycling Optimization Model 09/30/2022 POT - Sensors & Controls

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association in collaboration with Great River Energy, Purdue University, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have undertaken a project to develop resources and tools that will allow utilities to determine the costs of operating their large coal boilers at reduced capacity. The resource will allow large coal boilers to cycle safely to provide enhanced resiliency and reliability while utility systems accommodate increased penetration of renewable resources such as wind, solar photovoltaics, or other small generators.
FE0031832 Siemens Corporation NJ Embedded Sensors Integrated into Critical Components for In Situ Health Monitoring of Steam Turbines 09/30/2022 POT - Sensors & Controls

Operational flexibility is desired in today’s coal-fired power plants to balance power grids by compensating for the variable electricity supply from renewable energy sources and distributed gensets. This demanding requirement accelerates materials degradation and makes in-situ health monitoring essential. Life monitoring of components and subsystems is thus seen as essential in assessing material and mechanical behavior so as to estimate system reliability, move to a condition-based maintenance strategy and determine time to failure of the units in their actual operating conditions. Vibration monitoring, in particular, can be exploited for blade tip timing to measure blade vibration amplitude and tip clearance to detect any deterioration taking place in the condition of blades. While the feasibility of this inspection technique has been amply demonstrated, there is a need to install induction probes to magnetize the blade for signal output.

Siemens, in partnership with Raytheon Technologies Research Corporation, proposes a holistic approach to develop embedded sensors to utilize radio frequency for not only coupling to sensors, but as the sensing modality. The goal of this project is to embed the novel sensing approach by using either additively manufactured or extruded waveguides that integrate the communication/sensing network on rotating blades for recording, evaluation, and monitoring of blade vibrations in low-pressure turbines, with applications extending to aeronautical engines.
FE0031841 University of Illinois IL Full-Scale Feed Study for Retrofitting the Prairie State Generating Station with an 816 MWe Capture Plant Using Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of America Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology 06/30/2022 Solvents

The overall goal of this project is to perform a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for the retrofit of Unit 2 (approximately 816 megawatt-electric [MWe]) of Prairie State Generation Company’s (PSGC) coal-fired power station in Marissa, Illinois with a post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture plant based on Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ (MHI) advanced KM CDR process.

The purpose of the FEED study is to complete preliminary engineering and design work to support developing a detailed cost estimate for the cost of retrofitting CO2 capture at PSGC. University of Illinois, along with project partners Kiewit Corporation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, Inc., and Sargent & Lundy, will perform multiple feasibility and design studies based on project-specific details in preparation for developing engineering deliverables. These studies will help define the scope of the retrofit project, based on project-specific decisions, technology-specific performance, site-specific requirements, and client-specific needs. Once the scope has been defined, detailed design will commence for the CO2 capture system and integration with the existing facility. Various design and engineering deliverables will be developed that will help define commodity quantities, equipment specifications, and labor effort required to execute the project. These FEED study deliverables will be prepared with the intent to develop an overall project capital cost estimate within a +/-15% accuracy.
FE0031828 Infinite Cooling, Inc. MA Water Recovery from Cooling Tower Plumes 09/30/2023 Power Plant Water Minimization

This project consists of the study of plume formation and collection on mechanical (induced) draft cooling towers, partly in a high-fidelity controlled environment and partly on a full-scale industrial cooling tower. It will start by building the needed laboratory setup and installing various sensors on the lab cooling tower. At the same time a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model will be implemented to get precise full-scale plume models. Using the insights into power-plant plume characteristics, Infinite Cooling, Inc. will iterate on and experimentally test electrodes and collectors, which make up modular panels, on the lab cooling tower. What has been learned from the full-scale plume modeling and sensor data analysis will then be applied to develop a design model to build the optimal collection apparatus for given working conditions of the industrial cooling tower.
FE0031831 Siemens Corporation NJ Component Level Modeling of Materials Degradation for Insights into Operational Flexibility of Existing Coal Power Plants 10/14/2022 Existing Fleet Modeling

The research objective is to develop a component-level modeling toolkit for materials-based degradation for two key mechanisms that can accelerate with cyclic operations. In more detail, this includes the fireside corrosion/steam oxidation/erosion/creep/fatigue of superheaters/reheaters and steam pipework and water droplet erosion/fatigue of last-stage steam turbine blade degradation mechanisms. These mechanisms demand routine and sometimes unplanned maintenance and repair. Lifetime assessment in such environments needs to account for the unit-specific analyses, operational history and fuel feedstock; this can only be obtained by destructive analysis of components. This, in turn, enables validation of the model toolkit utilizing service feedback data, improving the probability of time/temperature dependent life prediction.
FE0031846 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Commercial-Scale Front-End Engineering Design Study for Membrane Technology Research's Membrane Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture Process 06/30/2022 Membranes

The objective of this project is to perform a Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) study for a 400 MWe Membrane Technology and Research (MTR) membrane capture system at the Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station power plant in Gillette, Wyoming. The key project partners: Sargent & Lundy (S&L) is the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) contractor and has the lead role in conducting the study. Trimeric will provide design and equipment costing information on the CO2 liquefaction/purification portion of the membrane capture design. EPRI will work with the project team and the project host, Basin Electric, to assess the best uses of the water collected by MTR’s capture plant.
FE0031847 Southern Company Services, Inc. AL Front End Engineering Design of Linde-Basf Advanced Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology at a Southern Company Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant 06/30/2022 Solvents

Southern Company Services is collaborating with Linde Gas North America LLC to conduct a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study for the installation of a commercial-scale carbon capture system based on the Linde-BASF advanced aqueous amine solvent-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology at an existing natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant of at least 375 megawatt-electric (MWe). The specific goals of the project are to select the best host site based on a set of defined criteria, produce a set of project requirements, including the design basis and environmental permitting needs, and complete the process design optimization for the proposed site, the engineering design packages, and the project cost and schedule estimate within 15% accuracy. The two host sites that will be evaluated are Alabama Power Company’s Plant Barry (Units 6 and 7) and Mississippi Power Company’s Plant Daniel (Units 3 and 4). The project team will leverage work from prior feasibility studies at other locations as well as testing at the chosen host site to accomplish the FEED.
FE0031833 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Enhanced Cooling Tower Technology for Power Plant Efficiency Increase and Operating Flexibility 09/30/2022 POT - Water Management

The objective of the project is to develop a technology that enhances flexibility and improves the efficiency of existing recirculating cooling towers by precooling and dehumidifying air prior to entering the cooling tower fill while controlling parameters of the air under cyclic and part-load operation. It is proposed to demonstrate and model a sub-dew-point cooling tower technology (patent pending) that increases coal-fueled power plant efficiency under cyclic and part-load operation. The technology employs an innovative flow arrangement called a pressure dehumidifying system (PDHS) coupled with effective heat and mass transfer so air is cooled and dehumidified prior to entering the cooling tower fill. The air cooling and dehumidification is accomplished by a near-atmospheric pressure regeneration technique and efficient heat exchange components with ultra-low energy requirements. The main components of the PDHS are an air heat exchanger, blower, heat-mass exchanger and expander. The blower in the system slightly pressurizes the incoming air and increases the air dew point, thus making it easier to remove moisture from the air using the heat-mass exchanger. The expander is used to offset the power consumed by the blower, thus making this an ultra-low energy system. Preheating the ambient air in the heat exchanger by using waste heat from the coal-fired boiler or other heat sources would allow deeper cooling of air and water in the cooling tower.
FE0031784 University of Kansas Center for Research KS A Novel 'Smart Microchip Proppants' Technology for Precision Diagnostics of Hydraulic Fracture Networks 08/31/2024 Advanced Technologies

The Project titled A NOVEL “SMART MICROCHIP PROPPANTS” TECHNOLOGY FOR PRECISION DIAGNOSTICS OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURE NETWORKS was selected under the “FY2019 Advanced Technologies for Recovery of Unconventional Oil & Gas Resources” FOA Number DE-FOA-0001990 area of interest 1B titled “Improving Ultimate Recovery from Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources”. The proposed research in this project is divided into three phases / budget periods (BP), each spanning 12 months.

The principal objective of this study is to develop a closed-loop fracture diagnostic and modeling based on novel Smart MicroChip Sensor technology to better characterize propped fracture geometry. The project will be accomplished by satisfying several tasks under the following four major categories:

1. Detail micro-scale rock/fluid and geomechanical studies.

2. Precise near-wellbore hydraulic fracture diagnosis.

3. Integration of near Smart MicroChip Sensor data with other fracture diagnostic tools.

4. Development of state-of-the-art predictive fracture and flow simulation models and performing the history matching.
FE0031848 Bechtel National, Inc. VA Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) Study for a Carbon Capture Plant Retrofit to a Natural Gas-Fired Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant 01/31/2022 Solvents

Bechtel National, Inc., along with project partner Electric Power Research Institute, will conduct a comprehensive front-end engineering design (FEED) study for retrofitting an existing natural gas-fired gas turbine combined cycle power plant with a post-combustion carbon capture facility. Bechtel will apply an “open access” and “open technology” approach to the process technology and the physical design of the plant. The design includes the use of an amine-based conventional absorber-stripper scrubbing system with a non-proprietary solvent, e.g. monoethanolamine (MEA). The host site is Panda Power Funds’ duct-fired 758-megawatt-electric (MWe) combined-cycle generating facility with F class gas turbines, located in Sherman, Texas. The prospective end use for the captured carbon dioxide is enhanced oil recovery.
FE0031821 Raytheon Technologies Corporation CT Optimization of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process to Produce Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Components (AUSC) Components with Increased Service Life 02/28/2022 POT - High Performance Materials

The objective is to develop the capability for large area Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) to produce functionally graded AUSC components with location specific morphology and composition to increase structural life in severe service conditions. The recipient will integrate physics-based material and damage modeling into an additive manufacturing control system to produce and test materials engineered for an aggressive environment, extreme high temperature and very long operation time regimes.
FE0031800 Ramaco Carbon, LLC WY Coal to Carbon Fiber Novel Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SCO2) Solvated Process 09/30/2022 Carbon Fiber

The objective of the project is to assess the technical feasibility for generation of quality carbon fiber precursor materials using a supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) solvation process. This includes the generation and recovery of coal tar pitches from Powder River Basin (PRB) coal, removal of low-molecular-weight (MW) compounds from pyrolysis coal tar, evaluation of the efficacy of sCO2 systems for increasing coal tar average MW, and carbon fiber creation from high-MW coal tar pitch fractions. PRB coal-derived pitch needed for sCO2 solvation testing will be generated using an sCO2 pyrolysis test loop. Pyrolysis tar will be tested with sCO2 and co-solvents to solvate light-MW compounds and increase the average MW of the resulting pitch.
FE0031801 Ramaco Carbon, LLC WY Experimental Validation and Continuous Testing of an On-Purpose High-Yield Pitch Synthesis Process for Producing Carbon Fiber from US Domestic Coal 09/30/2022 Carbon Fiber

This project aims to develop technology that converts domestic United States (US) raw coal to high quality, high-value and marketable carbon fiber. More specifically, the project aims to significantly improve the selectivity and yield of carbon fiber produced per ton of coal over conventional coal pitch-based production by using low-severity direct coal conversion technology to maximize the yield of pitch from coal, suitable for production of carbon fiber. The proposed scope of work involves testing of a low-severity direct coal liquefaction (LSDCL) process approach and includes the following sequential activities:

  • Coal/Conversion Screening
  • Feedstock Production
  • Carbon Fiber Production
  • Commercialization Plan

Project personnel will develop a process of creating high-quality carbon fiber precursor material from U.S. domestic coal, using low severity direct coal liquefaction (LSDCL) techniques in the synthesis of coal tar pitch. These techniques can dramatically increase coal tar pitch yields, especially from low-cost western U.S. coals which have not historically yielded high amounts of suitable coal tar pitch by other conventional means. The objective of the project is the development of a high-quality carbon fiber precursor material from U.S. domestic coal, accomplished through pilot-scale processing and characterization to develop a scheme(s) that can be evaluated for technical and economic feasibility prior to future scale-up. To achieve this goal, the project aims to: 1) Investigate the effectiveness of using a low-severity direct coal liquefaction technique as a continuous process to synthesize coal-tar-derived pitch; 2) Qualitatively evaluate the use of this mesophase pitch to produce carbon fibers; 3) Determine any modifications to the coal-to-tar processes that aid in the production of mesophase pitch optimized for carbon fiber production and further reduce the overall cost of such; and 4) Assess the engineering and economic impact of using LSDCL and associated processes to produce carbon fibers from coal.
FE0031754 University of Utah UT Deployment of Dynamic Neural Network Optimization to Minimize Heat Rate During Ramping for Coal Power Plants 09/30/2023 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

This complex project culminates with a full-scale test of a proposed control system, dynamic neural network optimization (D-NNO). First two new flue gas sampling grids will be installed in PacifiCorp’s boiler, one in the horizontal primary superheater in the convective section of the boiler and another downstream of the air heater to correct for leakage in the ductwork. A new Adaptive Predictive Control (APC) will be installed to better control set points during ramping. This will interact with the plant Distributed Control System (DCS). This work will be done by ADEX. After these changes have been made, the dynamic combustion model will be developed using artificial intelligence (AI) to develop the D-NNO algorithms that will be the output of this work. This will be done by University of Utah, Chalmers University, and Brigham Young University as well as Griffin Open Systems. Finally, data from Hunter Units 1 and 2 will be compared, one with dynamic NNO and the other with static NNO to show the benefit of the new control method.
SC0019937 Asymmetric Technologies, LLC OH CO2 Common Operating Sensor System 06/30/2020 Source is OSTI
FE0031855 University of Wyoming WY Resource Recovery and Environmental Protection in Wyoming's Greater Green River Basin Using Selective Nanostructured Membranes 05/31/2022 Produced Water

The overall objective of this project is to develop a working prototype of a two-part affinity-based membrane separation process for recovering hydrocarbons and separating organics, from produced water. This research effort focuses on using nanostructured membranes that take advantage of interfacial chemistry principles to reduce fouling during water filtration and selectively permeate benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and oil during resource recovery. This effort is focused on produced waters originating from the Greater Green River Basin (GGRB) in Wyoming.
FE0031857 Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI Project Ultra: Underwater Laser Telecommunications and Remote Access 06/30/2023 EOR - Offshore

The objective of this project is to address bandwidth and parallelism deficiencies in currently available undersea wireless optical communications technologies. These goals will be achieved using tight beam focused free space optical networks of 450nm light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) nodes distributed along the sea floor, allowing for a highly scalable network backbone connecting a wide array of residency sensors as well as command and control devices.
FE0031858 Tech4imaging, LLC OH Advanced Multi-Dimensional Capacitance Sensors Based Multiphase Mass Flow Meter to Measure and Monitor Offshore Enhanced Oil Recovery Systems 12/31/2023 Offshore

This innovation is based on advanced multi-dimensional extensions of Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) sensors that involve ECVT, Displacement Current Phase Tomography (DCPT), Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars polarization effect (MWS), and velocimetry which exploit the variation of electric properties between the oil, water, and gas coming out of the well. Capacitance sensors are embedded on the inside of a pipe spool and placed in line with the subsea oil line piping on the extraction end of the well. The difference in dielectric, dielectric loss, surface polarization, and velocity of each phase are used in the multi-dimensional algorithm to measure the volume fraction, distribution, velocity, mass flow rate, and flow regime of the mixture moving through the pipe.
FE0031851 ZwitterCo, Inc. MA Fouling-Resistant, Chlorine-Tolerant Zwitterionic Membranes for Treatment of Produced Water in the Permian Basin 05/31/2022 Produced Water

The goal of the project is to advance the development of a novel membrane technology based on zwitterionic copolymers that can provide cost-effective pretreatment for produced water and maintain immunity to detrimental and irreversible membrane fouling.
SC0020468 Petrolern, LLC GA Early Prediction and Prevention of Frac Screen-Out using Deep Reinforcement Learning 11/17/2020 Environmentally Prudent Development (EPD)

The objective of the proposed study is to design a machine learning (ML) model to predict screen-out events

before their occurrence. This will be carried out by analyzing the hidden dynamics of control and feedback

signals such as bottom-hole net pressure, surface treating rate, bottom-hole proppant concentration among

FE0031862 University of Notre Dame IN Process Intensification by a One-Step, Plasma-Assisted Synthesis of Liquid Chemicals from Light Hydrocarbons 12/31/2023 Emissions Mitigation

The overarching objective of this project is to use plasma stimulation of a light hydrocarbon resource to synthesize value-added liquid chemicals. This work will evaluate the hypothesis that the plasma will serve multiple roles in this transformative chemistry including: (1) activation of Carbon - Hydrogen (C-H) bonds at low bulk gas temperature and pressure, (2) providing a fast response for immediate startup and shutdown, (3) enhancing the lifetime of the catalyst through plasma-assisted removal of surface impurities, and (4) providing a means to activate Nitrogen (N2) to allow for the direct formation of chemicals containing Nitrogen – Carbon (N-C) bonds. In addition, the project will explore the potential for exploiting these processes more broadly, by building on recent discoveries using plasma-assisted methods to convert hydrogen and N2 feeds.
FE0031853 TDA Research, Inc. CO A New Membrane Based Treatment Process for Reclaiming and Reutilization of Produced Water 02/05/2023 Produced Water

The overall objective of this project is to develop a new membrane-based filtration system for removing organic compounds from produced water (PW). The proposed membrane treatment process integrates the new filter with a series of well-established water treatment technologies, such as mechanical filtration and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes to remove all suspended and dissolved solids, organic molecules, bacteria and radioactive particles from the PW generated in oil and natural gas production. The proposed research will focus on the development and demonstration of a unique zeolite coated ceramic nanofiltration membrane that can selectively remove the organic compounds to protect a downstream (final-stage) desalination system. The state-of-the-art RO membranes currently used to remove dissolved solids are severely fouled by the organic compounds in the PW, and the proposed ceramic nanofiltration membrane will extend the life of the RO units by removing these impurities prior to desalination. This project will develop and demonstrate a prototype system capable of processing 10 kg/day of PW. A detailed design of the full-scale system, including the design of all auxiliary units supporting operations will also be developed. Finally, a technoeconomic analysis will be completed to addresses any regulatory issues related to the use of the reclaimed water and the disposal of waste byproducts.
FE0031854 University of Arizona AZ Non-Fouling, Low Cost Electrolytic Coagulation & Disinfection for Treating Flowback and Produced Water for Reuse 06/30/2023 Produced Water

The goal of this project is to develop and test a new method for delivering a Fe3+ coagulant and disinfectant for treating flowback and produced water (FPW) so that it can be reused for fracking and water-flooding at a cost savings of at least 50% compared to current practices. The treatment system will remove suspended solids, dispersed oil, H2S, microorganisms and scale-forming cations from FPW. The goal will be accomplished by completing several research objectives that include:

  1. Determine the water supply and demand centers for the Basin to inform the engineering design and techno-economic justification report.
  2. Design, construct, and test an automated treatment system for use in pilot demonstrations with flow rates of 25 gallons per minute.
  3. Perform laboratory testing to determine potential system outcomes from simulated FPW.
  4. Test the treatment system at three oil and gas production locations in Colorado, Texas, and/or New Mexico.
  5. Develop an Engineering design and specifications manual for scale-up of the technology.

The objectives for BP1 are to build the treatment system and test it in the laboratory using simulated FPW. The objectives for BP2 are to validate the system for treating real FPW, and to determine the costs and effectiveness of the treatment system for removing different contaminants from FPW. Successful completion of BP1 and BP2 will take the proposed treatment scheme from a technology readiness level (TRL) of 4 to a TRL of 6.
FE0031863 University of Oklahoma OK Low-Cost Retrofit Kit for Integral Reciprocating Compressors to Reduce Emissions and Enhance Efficiency 09/30/2023 Emissions Mitigation

The objective of the project is to develop and validate a novel, low-cost (< $75-100/BHP), field-installable (installation time < 3 hours), remotely controlled, retrofit kit with integrated sensors for Integral Reciprocating Compressors (IRCs) used in production, gathering, transmission, and processing sections of the natural gas industry. The proposed technology helps to reduce emissions and improves operating efficiencies, combustion stability, and operational envelope of IRCs. The retrofit kit consists of 1) an air management system; 2) integrated sensors to collect data from the IRC; and 3) a cloud-connected control unit plus a graphical user-interface (GUI) or human-machine interface (HMI). Because the parameters measured to control the air management system (AMS) constitute true evidence of the IRC’s healthy operation, the cloud-connected feature facilitates remote monitoring of the IRC for preventative and predictive maintenance as an additional benefit to operators.
FE0031877 University of Maryland MD Isolated Single Metal Atoms Supported on Silica 03/19/2024 Emissions Mitigation

This research aims to create novel, resilient, inexpensive, active, and selective catalyst materials to concurrently conquer current constraints and achieve an efficient, scalable, and intensified non-oxidative methane conversion (NMC). The catalysts are made of isolated single metal atoms supported in a silica matrix and operated at medium-high temperatures (900-1100 °C). The isolation of metal atoms achieves methane activation by heterogeneous surface dehydrogenation to generate a hydrocarbon pool and hydrogen species, followed by C-C coupling on the active sites, and limits coke formation due to the absence of metal atom ensembles. The high reaction temperature induces homogeneous gas-phase reactions to form dehydrogenated and cyclized C2+ products. The integration of novel single atom catalysts for NMC initiation with homogeneous reactions in a microreactor (e.g., a catalytic wall reactor) will enable unprecedented NMC performance. The objectives of this project are to: 1) synthesize isolated single atoms of various metals in a silica matrix to prove universality of these catalysts in CH4 activation; 2) utilize a wide range of experimental and computational techniques to probe in situ and operando the surface and bulk structure/property of the NMC catalysts; 3) mechanistically understand the reaction network by an integrated experimental and computational effort to identify rigorously species, temperature, and kinetics; and 4) validate and scale-up synthesis of robust catalysts and reactors for efficient NMC of natural gas guided by validated process modeling. The proposed system is designed to run at single-pass CH4 conversion and C2+ yields of >25%, with > 90% C2+ selectivity, and a lifetime of >1000h.
FE0031864 University of New Mexico NM Solid State Mixed-Potential Electrochemical Sensors for Natural Gas Leak Detection and Quality Control 03/31/2024 Emissions Quantification and Monitoring

The objective of this project is to develop low cost sensing systems based on mixed-potential electrochemical devices to sense and quantify the presence of natural gas as an early warning system for pipeline leakage which contributes to loss of product and air pollution. The miniature solid state sensors are ideally suited to remote operation and widescale deployment on drones and autonomous vehicles. The project will include the development of sensing elements specifically suited for detection of natural gas components and contaminants. The performer will employ machine learning techniques to train sensing systems to quantify the concentration of natural gas species, distinguish between natural gas at different parts of the processing pipeline, and distinguish natural gas from natural and man-made interfering sources such as wetlands and agriculture. In collaboration with their Subcontractor (SensorComm Technologies, Inc. (SCT)), the research team will develop portable computing hardware to develop systems that can be deployed in the field with intent to perform a field test at a local industrially relevant location in New Mexico. The performer will work with the industrial partners of the NSF-ERC CISTAR program to field test the devices at natural gas processing facilities.
FE0031869 North Carolina State University NC Core-Shell Oxidative Aromatization Catalysts for Single Step Liquefaction of Distributed Shale Gas 06/30/2024 Emissions Quantification and Monitoring

This project aims to design and demonstrate a core-shell structured multifunctional catalyst for single step conversion of the light components of shale gas into liquid aromatic compounds. Operated in a modular oxidative aromatization system (OAS) under a cyclic redox scheme, the novel catalyst and process can significantly improve the value and transportability of stranded natural gas.
FE0031879 Semplastics EHC, LLC FL Coal as Value-Added for Lithium Battery Anodes 04/30/2023 Coal and Coal-waste to Products - Other

Semplastics will complete development and begin commercialization of a novel composite material specifically targeted for use in lithium ion (Li-ion) battery anodes. The goal is to find the best formulation for technical performance and economic viability, thereby preparing this material for insertion into the coal value chain. Specifically, this project will (1) produce several new battery anode materials comprised of filled, conductive silicon oxide carbide or silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramics based on Semplastics’ X-MAT technology, targeting a specific capacity at least three times that of current graphite anodes as well as improved specific power; (2) provide the best six formulations (highest specific capacity and/or highest specific power) to a commercial Li-ion battery manufacturer as fine powders or of the form they request; and (3) fund the battery manufacturer to produce prototype single-cell industrial batteries and test the batteries under standard test conditions.
FE0031881 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Laboratory-Scale Coal-Derived Graphene Process 04/30/2023 Coal and Coal-waste to Products - Other

University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) will demonstrate a laboratory scale coal-derived graphene process to produce graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, and graphene quantum dots starting from domestic U.S. coals. The steps to meet the proposed objective include (1) coal pretreatment with EERC-developed methods, (2) graphitization of treated coal products, (3) exfoliation of graphite to graphene, (4) an economic feasibility analysis, and (5) analysis of product target markets and technology gaps. These processes will be applied to anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, and lignite coals to advance the current state of technology as well as maximize the coal value chain. EERC-developed techniques will be employed to pretreat the coal, which will then be further improved via chemical hydrogenation and reduction reactions. The resultant residue will be carbonized at 1000 °C and graphitized at 2800 °C. The modified Hummer’s method will be used to exfoliate graphite to graphene oxide, which will then be chemically reduced to graphene derivatives.
SC0020796 Spectral Energies, LLC OH Modeling and Validation of Flow and Heat Transfer Phenomena for Coal-Fired Boilers for Indirectly-Heated Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycles 06/28/2021 21st Century Power Plants

The overall objective is to develop and validate models for heat transfer in coal-fired boilers for indirect sCO2 cycle applications that will provide the information and tools needed to design efficient and cost-effective combustors for indirect sCO2 power cycles. In addition to obtaining internal sCO2 heat transfer data with experiments, fireside heat transfer will be modeled and used to create 1-D analysis code in IDAES for sCO2 primary heat exchanger. The Phase I R&D effort is based on three tasks: Task 1 Validation of heat transfer correlations for internal CO2 flow at boiler conditions; Task 2 Radiative-convective model of heater external flow path; and Task 3 Integrated Modeling & 1-D Optimization of PC-boiler for sCO2 cycle.
SC0020790 Molecule Works, Inc. WA Mini-channel-structured Adsorption Reactor with In-situ Heat Exchanger for Rapid CO2 Adsorption and Regeneration 06/28/2021 Novel Concepts

MoleculeWorks will develop a novel adsorptive heat exchanger (AHX) unit for low-cost, energy-efficient CO2 capture from flue gas. This approach allows high adsorbent loading in a design that facilitates rapid adsorption and desorption of flue gas CO2 while still maintaining low pressure drops. Rapid in-situ regeneration is realized by introducing thermal fluid in direct contact with the thin dense metal foil so that the adsorbent can be heated up and cooled in mere minutes regardless the adsorbent bed size. In this Phase I SBIR project, 20 cm by 20 cm adsorptive heat exchanger plate elements utilizing commercially available zeolite powders will be prepared to build a multi-stage AHX prototype. The AHX unit will be built by aid of computational fluid dynamics modeling and analysis and will be demonstrated for CO2 adsorption through rapid thermal (TSA) and pressure swing (PSA) mode. A broad range of conditions will be tested to develop the specification of operating conditions for this new type of device. Techno-economic analysis will be performed, including manufacturing cost models for the AHX module fabrication and basic process design of flue gas CO2 capture using AHX units.
FE0031886 University of North Carolina Charlotte NC Improvement of Coal Power Plant Dry Cooling Technology Through Application of Cold Thermal Energy Storage 12/31/2023 Power Plant Water Minimization

The proposed air pre-cooling system is focused on the air side of a mechanical draft dry cooling tower/air-cooled condenser (ACC). The system is based on "cold energy" storage, which involves storing low-temperature heat ("cold" thermal energy) during the night when the temperature of the ambient air is low and using it to pre-cool the air entering a dry cooling tower/ACC during the hot period of the day. A pervious concrete (PC) material with embedded, encapsulated phase-change material (PCM) will be fabricated. It will be tested with air flow by an induced draft (ID) or forced draft (FD) fan and integrated into a direct contact heat exchanger. The combined system is referred to as the Cold Thermal Energy Storage System (CTESS).

The CTESS heat storage modules will be designed by considering trade-offs between air pressure drop and heat storage capacity. PC mix designs without PCM will be developed to optimize porosity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat while meeting mechanical requirements of compressive and tensile strength and stiffness. The PC mixes will be fabricated and examined at the Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Research Center at Lehigh University. After the baseline PC characterization, PCM will be characterized and three techniques will be examined for integrating this material into the PC matrix: micro-encapsulation, macro-encapsulation, and containment in embedded pipes.
SC0020799 Skyhaven Systems, LLC CO Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Multi-Gas Sensors 03/28/2021 Cell Technology

Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) sensors are needed to detect multiple gases within the fuel and oxidant streams with operable temperatures in the 600 to 900 °C range. Quantification of these fuel and oxidant streams can improve the performance, cost, reliability and endurance of fuel cell systems via process control measures. In order for these SOFC sensors to offer beneficial effects, the sensors need to operate in real time in the harsh temperature range with compatibility to the variable fuel constituents in minimally invasive designs that do not impede SOFC system performance. Furthermore, it is desired to integrate these sensors throughout SOFC systems to quantify chemical constituent concentrations thus necessitating low cost methods, yet that are durable for 40,000 hour operational lifetimes. To meet this market need, Skyhaven will develop a ceramic-based SOFC sensor that can quantify the chemical concentrations of fuel mixtures for the anode flow stream as well as function in the cathode flow stream for assessing the oxidant composition. This Phase I program will fabricate these sensors, assess their operation with fuel and oxidant streams over the 600-900 °C temperature range, assess variable levels of constituents found in practical SOFC systems, and conduct an economic-technical viability assessment toward commercializing the sensor for the SOFC industry. This sensor platform is directly oriented at improving SOFC power generators by quantifying the chemical constituents in anode and cathode feed streams. Extensions of this sensor technology may find utility in harsh operating environments for quantifying fuel mixtures in the oil and gas industry, chemical industry, and combustion-based processes.
SC0020797 Sporian Microsystems, Inc. CO A Spectroscopy-Based, Online, Real-time Monitoring System with Integrated Machine Learning for Liquid Phase Selenium in Coal Power Plant Effluent Streams 03/28/2021

The primary objective of the proposed effort is to leverage Sporian’s prior work to realize a spectroscopy-based, field-deployable, real-time monitoring system with integrated machine learning for primarily liquid phase selenium content in wastewater treatment processes, but potentially leverage-able for monitoring mercury and arsenic.
SC0020848 TDA Research, Inc. CO An Advanced Sorbent for Direct Air Capture 03/28/2021 Sorbents

TDA Research, Inc. proposes to develop adsorption-based process to directly remove CO2 from air. The

new process uses a unique adsorbent that can effectively remove CO2 at very low concentrations (i.e., 400

ppmv). A mild temperature/concentration swing will be employed to regenerate the sorbent that will

enable the recovery of CO2 as a concentrated product. The sorbent will be housed in a unique gas-solid

contactor that is designed to minimize the pressure drop and the associated parasitic losses (which is

essential for the Direct Capture Systems).
FE0031905 Ohio State University OH Unsupervised Learning Based Interaction Force Model for Nonspherical Particles in Incompressible Flows 07/31/2023 UTR - Multi-Phase CFD

The objective of this project is to develop a neural network-based interaction (drag and lifting) force model. The project seeks to firstly construct a database of the interaction force between the non-spherical particles and the fluid phase based on the particle-resolved direct numerical simulation (PR-DNS) with immersed boundary-based lattice Boltzmann method (IB-LBM). An unsupervised learning method, i.e., variational auto-encoder (VAE), will be used to improve the diversity of the non-spherical particle library and to extract the primitive shape factors determining the drag and lifting forces.

The interaction force model will be trained and validated with a simple but effective multi-layer feed-forward neural network: multi-layer perceptron (MLP), which will be concatenated after the encoder of the previously trained VAE for geometry feature extraction. The interaction force model obtained by the accurate DNS-based database will be supplied as a more general and robust gas-solid coupling correlation than the currently used empirical and semi-empirical correlations in computational fluid dynamics coupled with discrete element method CFD-DEM simulations.
SC0020908 Creare NH Wireless Temperature Sensor for Rotating Turbine Blades 07/30/2021 Sensors & Controls

Natural gas fired turbine engines supply over 30% of the electricity in the United States. To maintain optimal efficiency and reliability, these engines require blade temperature sensors that can operate reliably for long periods of time (many years) in high temperature (>1200°C), oxidizing environments. In the proposed project, we will develop wireless temperature sensors for rotating turbine engine blades. The sensor consists of a passive sensor head located on the rotating turbine blade and wireless RFID reader mounted on the turbine case. The sensor head is made from a novel, high-temperature polymer derived ceramic and is unaffected by emissivity changes than can skew the results of IR based sensors.

In the Phase I project a conceptual design of the entire turbine sensor system will be conducted. This includes the wireless sensor head, the sensor reader, and the integration with a turbine engine. The Phase I sensor hardware will then be designed and built, and will mimic key aspects of the engine sensor, but without engine packaging. The sensor will be tested over a range of conditions to demonstrate its performance.
SC0020980 KW Associates, LLC OR Reducing the Cost of Ingots Utilized in Large Steam Cycle Components by Heat Flux Manipulation during VAR Processing to Control Solidification 06/28/2021 High Performance Materials

The objective of this project is to develop an approach to manufacture metals ingots in such a manner as to reduce the overall cost and decrease the instances of defects that would cause catastrophic failure in extreme environment applications. By combining an advanced measurement system with the application of transverse magnetic forces, the solidification profile in ingots can be tailored. Specifically, Ampere Scientific will validate the applicability of their approach by a) investigating system dynamics during experimental vacuum arc remelting (VAR) and validating their measurement technology using situations where these alloys are melted (short arc gap influenced by drip short dynamics), b) verifying that the low current profiles during the melting of these alloys are not prone to magnetic field interference from other sources, and c) developing an arc gap measurement technique since the arc gap is critical to the defect-free melting of alloys. The following three tasks will be accomplished during the Phase I work: a) modify an existing VAR system to sustain the necessary validation experiments; b) run a statistically relevant number of tests to validate the technology and investigate scaling; and c) analyze data to establish the relationship between arc conditions and defect generation.
SC0020917 Acree Technologies, Inc. CA High Temperature Sensors for Advanced Combustion Turbine Applications 12/28/2022 Advanced Combustion Turbines

This SBIR project also includes a sub-award with NASA Glenn Research Center (for burner rig tests, fabrication of EBC, sample characterization before/after tests) along with in-kind support from Rolls Royce.

The specific goals of the project are:

1. Demonstrate operation of high temperature sensor fabricated on SiC-based CMC and embedded within EBC coatings up to 2700°F in isothermal static tests

2. Perform burner-rig testing using natural gas under simulated combustion turbine conditions to determine sensor stability and performance

3. Demonstrate long term sensor survivability and durability (on the order of 24,000-48,000 hours) at 2700°F when subjected to burner rig testing

4. Demonstrate the sensors are accurate within ±1%
SC0020837 UHV Technologies, Inc. KY TXRF Real-Time Low-Cost Monitoring System for Selenium, Mercury and Arsenic 03/28/2021

In this Phase I project, UHV Technologies, Inc. (UHV) will develop a novel real-time, online monitor for selenium species Se (IV) and Se (VI) in addition to mercury and arsenic for effluent streams at coal-fired power plants. The foundation for this effort is based on UHV’s recent success in developing novel advanced online x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF) measuring systems. These online XRF instruments have been designed for the industrial and manufacturing industries. The technical approach is to couple existing methods of column separation for selenium (IV) and selenium (VI) with the TXRF measurement technology. The keys to success for this Phase I effort include utilizing state-of-the-art methods for selenium species separation, simplifying the overall measurement process, utilizing state-of-the-art methods in TXRF spectroscopy, using existing NIST-certified standard reference materials, cybersecurity, creating new calibration standards for Se (IV) and Se (VI), and creating a benchtop prototype for Phase I and both benchtop and online prototype for onsite testing during the Phase II effort.
SC0020948 Reaction Engineering International UT A Coupled Computational Modeling Approach for Fireside Heat Flux Optimization within Coal-fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles 06/28/2021

This SBIR Phase I project seeks to develop and validate models for heat transfer in coal-fired combustors for indirect sCO2 cycle applications. The project seeks to provide the information and tools needed to design efficient and cost-effective combustors for indirect sCO2 power cycles. The project will also conduct a preliminary TEA of entire plant
SC0020918 Advanced Ceramic Fibers, LLC ID Additive Manufacturing 3100F Nanolaminate Matrix for Turbine Engines 04/30/2021 Advanced Combustion Turbines

Recent advancements in ultra-high temperature materials and manufacturing methods suggest a pathway toward development of new CMCs which can operate at high temperatures for extended periods of time without the brittleness and oxidation concerns which have plagued ceramics in the past.This Phase I project is focused on the utilization of new reinforcing fibers, nanomaterials, and matrix having high thermal conductivity, increased mechanical strength properties, resistance to crack-propagation, and long life-cycle utilization. Furthermore, these materials will be developed for the high-rate production of turbine engine components using additive manufacturing methods.
FE0031918 North Carolina State University NC A Novel Molten Salt System for CO2 Based Oxidative Dehydrogenation with Integrated Carbon Capture 08/31/2023 Electrochemical Conversion

North Carolina State University, along with project partners West Virginia University and Susteon Inc., will develop a comprehensive proof-of-concept scheme for the sustainable and cost-effective production of propionic acid from carbon dioxide (CO2) derived from power plant flue gas and light alkanes derived from domestic shale gas. This objective will be realized via a molten salt mediated oxidative dehydrogenation (MM-ODH) process that performs reactive CO2 capture (from power plant flue gas) and CO2-assisted alkane ODH in a two-step, thermochemical scheme. The resulting carbon monoxide (CO) and light olefin (e.g. ethylene from ethane ODH) are subsequently converted into propionic acid via the industrially proven hydrocarboxylation process. The project will address redox catalyst synthesis, characterization, and optimization as well as long-term testing and scalability investigations. Kinetic parameters of the optimized redox catalysts will also be determined. Reactor and process designs for pilot- and commercial-scale MM-ODH systems will be developed using the kinetic results. Detailed techno-economic and life cycle analyses will also be performed.
FE0031919 University of Louisiana at Lafayette LA High-Efficiency Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Ethylene 08/31/2023 Electrochemical Conversion

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati, will develop novel cost-effective tandem electrodes and combine them with pulsed electrolysis technology for the electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to value-added ethylene (C2H4) with a selectivity of 90% and an energy efficiency of 50% under a partial current density of 1,000 mA cm-2. During pulsed electrolysis, the diffusion layer at the electrode surface is characterized with a pulsed concentration of active ions. A short pulse can create an extremely high local current, allowing the electrolysis to produce multi-carbon products involved with multiple electrons. The main project tasks include: (1) design and fabrication of tandem electrodes, incorporating two types of complementary and distinct catalyst layers to direct the cascade reaction of CO2 to carbon monoxide (CO) to C2H4; (2) development of a functionally graded catalyst layer in the tandem electrodes to balance the transport of electrons, ions, and reactants; (3) development of a pulse electrolysis protocol to boost the production yield of C2H4 and lower the overpotential; and (4) testing of a membrane electrode assembly-type cell integrating the tandem electrodes for CO2 pulse electrolysis at the cathode coupled with biomass derivatives upgrading at the anode.
FE0031903 University of North Carolina Charlotte NC Techno-Economic and Deployment Analysis of Fossil Fuel-Based Power Generation with Integrated Energy Storage 12/31/2022 UTR - Energy Storage

Improving the flexibility of conventional power plants is a key challenge in transforming current energy system towards a high share of renewable energies in electricity generation. In the current energy system, mainly dispatchable coal- and gas-fired power plants compensate for fluctuating renewable power generation to ensure the stability and reliability of the electrical grid. Considering the expected capacity growth of renewable energy resources and corresponding reduction in the capacity of conventional power plants, the remaining dispatchable power plant fleet has to meet increasingly higher flexibility and reliability requirements. Energy storage integrated with a power plant partially decouples plant power output and boiler (steam generator) firing rate thus improving flexibility of the plant (lowering minimum load, providing peak power when needed, time-shifting peak power generation, and allowing load changes at constant or nearly constant firing rate), reducing cycling damage, reducing emissions, and improving plant economic performance.

This project will analyze four energy storage technology options and six sub-options, and determine their impact on operation and economics of a representative (reference) coal-fired power plant. A coal-fired steam plant was selected for the analysis because it may provide the greatest benefits from the integration of energy storage and can be used as a foundation for other fossil fuel facilities. The savings due to the integrated energy storage resulting from improved operating efficiency, improved system reliability, reduced CO2 and other pollutant emissions, lower operating costs, more efficient plant participation in frequency control, and increased participation in the ancillary services market will be considered. As the penetration of renewables increase over the next decades, the efficient, flexible, and reliable operation of existing fossil power generating plants is critical for a smooth cost-effective decarbonization of the power generation sector.
SC0020804 NexTech Materials, Ltd. OH Three-Dimensional Fabrication of Metal-Supported SOFC Cells 03/28/2021 Cell Technology

This project plans to develop novel Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (MS-SOFC) using a compositionally varying aerosol spray deposition (CV-ASD) technique. Using this technique, the Recipient will deposit graded electrode structures and dense electrolyte on a metal support. Using computer control of layer formations, deposition rate, pore former content, and graded electrolyte layout, structures unachievable by current methods will be built and tested. The specific objectives of the project are to (1) complete a techno-economic assessment (TEA) of MS-SOFCs with Graded Electrode Porosity (GEP), (2) down-select formulations for GEP, (3) fabricate and GEP cells with CV-ASD and electrochemically validate them, (4) ensure cell flatness, (5) improve cell performance through down-selection of functional catalysts, and (6) optimize GEP cathode and validate electrochemical performance.
SC0020875 Precision Combustion, Inc. CT Advanced Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Components Enabled through Additive Manufacturing 03/28/2021 Cell Technology

This project plans to use an additive manufacturing (AM) approach to fabricate novel design Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) and interconnects. The use of AM will be initially focused on producing metal supports that have controlled porosity in the center with dense edges. The goals of the project are to (1) demonstrate a proof of concept design for an improved cell and stack enabled by AM, (2) assess the AM impact on fabrication cost and performance of the cell and stack, (3) demonstrate the feasibility of an AM process to realize micro and macro structures designed to allow for ideal gas flow channels and diffusion, and (4) fabricate and test SOFC structures to demonstrate this improved performance.
SC0020924 Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. PA Plasma Catalysis for Ammonia Production 03/28/2021 Chemical Conversion

In this Phase I SBIR, Advanced Cooling Technologies (ACT) will develop a scalable, efficient plasma-catalytic reactor for ammonia synthesis using inexpensive natural gas with carbon dioxide and nitrogen from flue gas. The aim is to produce ammonia in an economically competitive way to the Haber-Bosch process (T=450-600°C and P=150-200 bar) at milder operating conditions. ACT will combine plasma and novel catalysts to produce ammonia and carbon monoxide in a single-step process at low temperature (<200°C) and ambient pressure in an actively-cooled plasma-catalytic reactor. ACT will evaluate promising catalysts and perform experiments at different inlet compositions, flow conditions, and plasma powers. In parallel, their academic partner, Lehigh University will synthesize and characterize the catalyst and their commercial partner, Linde will assist in tailoring the technology to meet industry performance and cost metrics relevant to scalability.
SC0020801 Seerstone Development, LLC UT Conversion of CO2 into Synthetic Graphite 03/28/2021 Chemical Conversion

Seerstone has developed a method to produce amorphous carbon powder from CO2 and hydrogen into solid carbon powder (in the form of carbon black, carbon fiber) with distilled water as the sole byproduct. This amorphous carbon can be converted into solid graphitic structures with a sufficiently robust structure to permit machining. Seerstone’s objectives for this project are to determine methods to process the carbon powder material into a solid shape of sintered carbon and to determine the methods to post-process the sintered carbon structure into synthetic graphite. In this project, Seerstone will investigate the temperature and dwell times as a post-processing step to convert the amorphous carbon bonds of the carbon sintered structure into graphitic bonds.
SC0020776 Acadian Research & Development, LLC WY CREATES: CO2 Reduction for Graphite Synthesis 12/31/2021 Conversion - Other

In this Phase I SBIR, Acadian Research & Development will synthesize a catalyst for the process to reduce CO2 to synthetic graphite. The proposed catalyst is composed of metal particles supported on nanofibers, which protects against particle agglomeration and has a surface chemistry that resists coking. These characteristics translate to higher catalyst stability and allow for operation of a multi-stage reactor system to produce graphite on a variety of substrates. The catalyst monolith will be produced using an in-house, custom built 3D printer extruder. Characterization of the catalyst and performance measurements on a small-scale will be conducted to validate concept feasibility. Finally, testing of the catalyst in a multi-stage reactor will be used to demonstrate graphite production performance and catalyst stability.
SC0020916 Acadian Research & Development, LLC WY Next-Generation Modified Metal Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture 12/31/2021 Sorbents

In this Phase I SBIR, Acadian Research & Development will demonstrate the production of a 3D printed scaffold and in situ synthesis of a robust, high-capacity solid sorbent for CO2 capture. The sorbents are amine-functionalized metal organic frameworks (MOFs) with silica scaffolding that are mechanically stable as well as moisture tolerant. Additionally, these solid sorbents are not corrosive, have greater CO2 capacity than aqueous amines, and have the potential for superior stability. Testing to quantify the sorbent performance on a small-scale will be performed as well as cyclical testing under dry and humid conditions to quantify CO2 capture and recovery, and to demonstrate performance capable of meeting the target of $30/metric ton of CO2 captured and 95% purity desorption production.
FE0031916 University of Louisville KY Electrochemical Reduction of Flue Gas Carbon Dioxide to Commercially Viable C2-C4 Products 03/31/2023 Electrochemical Conversion

The University of Louisville Research Foundation, in partnership with the University of North Dakota, will establish an economically viable pathway to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from coal-derived flue gas to valuable multicarbon products, including four-carbon (C4) species, through a novel electrolysis process using a molecular catalyst and a heterogeneous metal alloy electrode in a methanol catholyte. Research will focus on expanded understanding of the electrochemical process, the specific role of the molecular catalyst, and optimization of the faradaic efficiency for tetrahydrofuran (C4 product), while working in parallel to build an electrolyzer to increase the CO2 reduction current density. The reactor development effort will also engineer a dual-electrolyte feed strategy to promote water oxidation at the anode for overall sustainability. In addition, strategies will be pursued to operate directly from coal-derived flue gas without separate capture and purification.
SC0020909 Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. PA Development of a Physics Based Low-Order Dynamic Model in IDAES for Performance Environment of a Coal Power Plant 05/03/2021 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

With increasing production from renewable energy sources, it is expected that coal-fired power plants will cycle more frequently and ramp up much faster. Such frequent and fast ramping process may lead to operation at off-load conditions reducing plant efficiency. The project will focus on two key power plant components that may be adversely affected by transient operations, the low pressure turbine (LPT) and the air-cooled condenser (ACC), to better understand performance of coal-fired power plants. The proposed program seeks to develop system level transient performance and optimization studies in the IDAES framework by developing dynamic models for the LPT and the ACC under relevant conditions. The system level dynamic models will be improved and calibrated with high-fidelity simulations to improve their predictive capabilities. The integrated model for air-cooled, coal-fired power plant in IDAES will be used to perform transient system studies in order to maximize component life and optimize efficiency.
SC0020803 Microbeam Technologies, Inc. MN Integration of Coal-fired Power Plants Fireside Optimization Tools with the IDAES Platform 03/28/2021 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

Microbeam will establish the technology proof-of-concept of an IDAES-AGM BoilerHeatExchanger model to predict plant heat rate. As a first step Microbeam proposes to utilize Microbeam’s AGM mechanistic tools to provide thermal properties information that can be used in the IDAES BoilerHeatExchanger model. Microbeam will work with the IDAES group and a utility to incorporate the relevant design and operating information into the BoilerHeatExchanger model to allow for testing the use of thermal conductivity information to provide relevant heat rate information. Heat rate and associated operating conditions will be compared to the results obtained with the prototype IDAES – AGM mechanistic ash model platform.
SC0020791 Skyhaven Systems, LLC CO Process Intensification for Enhanced Carbon Capture 03/28/2021 Solvents

This project will focus on a new absorption column design that combines local cooling and enhanced gas-liquid contact to maximize the absorption of CO2 in traditional amine solvents. During Phase I, Skyhaven will produce a better absorption packing unit that integrates internal cooling and gas-liquid contact regions into the absorption packing. Commercial applications for this hybrid absorption packing unit are directed at capturing carbon dioxide from post-combustion processes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. Additional applications of this new packing unit may be applied to other absorption process units that need enhanced gas-liquid interfacial contact area to maximize mass transfer applications.
SC0020794 MapEx Software, Inc. VA Development and Commercialization of IDAES-Based Performance Monitoring and Optimization System 06/28/2021 Improvements for Existing Coal Plants

Mapex Softare will build a software application that makes it easier for users to get started using the IDAES environment and less expensive to build and run IDAES models. The proposed software will support the full power and flexibility of the IDAES environment and will be an extension of existing IDAES environment. The software will be structured so that future improvements in IDAES environment (i.e. unit models, property packages, …) can easily be incorporated into and used by the proposed IDAES application. Little or no changes in the current IDAES framework will be required.
SC0020861 Dimensional Energy, Inc. NY Increasing CO2 Conversion to Fuel with Optical Thermal Management in Concentrated Solar Reactors New Dual-Stage Solar Reactor Design for Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Fuels 06/28/2021 Chemical Conversion

This project approach increases utilization of the solar energy spectrum in concentrated sunlight and increases carbon dioxide conversion over current technologies. An examination of optical mirrors for sunlight spectrum splitting will be performed to obtain empirical data of their effects on thermal waste and heat flow in a photochemical reactor. Based on the models, a dual-stage solar catalytic reactor will be manufactured that separately uses each component of the solar spectrum to convert carbon dioxide to a major industrial feedstock for chemicals and fuels (carbon monoxide). The output for Phase I work will be a prototype lab system with increased carbon dioxide conversion and solar energy conversion than current state-of-the-art. Empirical data and modeling from prototype testing will support scale-up efforts. This research will make progress toward a process identified as valuable to industrial partners: low-cost carbon dioxide conversion to feedstock chemicals and fuels. The present work in Phase I would directly address a chemical product (carbon monoxide) requested by target customers, and the project could smoothly transition to Phase II using the obtained data to re-design a larger-scale system with integrated components.
SC0020910 Cyentech Consulting, LLC TX Deep Learning Enhanced Joint Inversion for High-Resolution CO2 Plume Monitoring 08/15/2021 Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency

The project goal is demonstrate the feasibility of building a reliable deep subsurface monitoring system for both long-term and real-time usages. During Phase I Cyentech, in collaboration with the University of Houston, will design and verify the practicability of using a deep learning framework to enhance the subsurface imaging of CO2 plume distribution by combining inversion results obtained via EM and seismic methods and conduct feasibility studies on cross-well energized casing measurements for CO2 monitoring.
SC0020852 Terrafore Technologies, LLC MN Mathematical Models of Energy Storage Technologies Used with Coal FIRST Power Generators 06/28/2021 21st Century Power Plants

In Phase 1, Terrafore and SwRI will collaborate to build and implement mathematical models of TES in the IDAES platform for a variety of thermal storage systems (Terrafore scope) and advanced coal power cycles (SwRI scope) with the intent to determine optimal approaches for integrating TES into the power plant. Specifically, SwRI will build power cycle models for two coal-based cycles from the Coal FIRST program: Flameless Pressurized Oxy-combustion (FPO) cycle and coal-fired indirect supercritical carbon dioxide (s-CO2) power cycle. Terrafore Technologies will enhance their existing models of at least eight different thermal storage technologies and implement three of these models – currently two-tank molten salt TES, emerging dual-media (using solid such a rock and molten salt), and near term encapsulated phase change TES - in IDAES.
SC0020863 Envergex, LLC MA Hybrid Gas Coal Combustion System with Energy Storage 06/28/2021 21st Century Power Plants

In Phase I of the project, Envergex will partner with the University of North Dakota and Microbeam Technologies, and the focus will be on developing modelling tools based on the IDAES platform and optimizing integration of energy storage (Li-ion and Vanadium flow batteries) with a novel coal-fired plant concept known as the “hybrid gas coal combustion concept. The overall goals of this project are targeting the enhancement of flexible operation of fossil fuel-fired power plants.
SC0020920 Aerem Nova Energy Storage, Inc. DC A Proposed Study of Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) with Fossil Energy Generation 12/28/2020 21st Century Power Plants

During Phase I Aerem Nova will develop a liquid air energy storage (LAES) process model using IDEAS modelling framework. This will be a thermally coupled LAES system for use with a 400MW sub-critical PC coal plant. It will include modelling a large molten salt thermal storage system that will be connected to a re-gasifying turboexpander. Further, regasification cold can be used to further cool condenser water, which can improve current steam generator performance by another 5% to 10%. The model will reflect 1,000 – 2,000 Megawatthours of energy storage that is supplied with liquid air by a 25 – 40 MW liquefier.
FE0031910 University of Delaware DE A Tandem Electrolysis Process for Multi-Carbon Chemical Production from Carbon Dioxide 07/31/2023 Electrochemical Conversion

The University of Delaware is partnering with the University of Colorado to develop a novel tandem two-step electrochemical process that can utilize carbon dioxide (CO2) gas emitted from coal-fired power plants to simultaneously produce ethylene and acetate with high carbon selectivity. The objectives are to: (1) design a novel, high-performance carbon monoxide (CO) electrolysis reactor that produces two concentrated product streams, an ethylene gas stream on the cathode and an acetate liquid stream on the anode; (2) construct and assess a CO electrolysis multi-cell stack reactor prototype with a 90% carbon selectivity and a total power of 0.9 kilowatts (kW); and (3) perform a full techno-economic analysis and a life-cycle assessment of the two-step CO2 electrolysis technology for CO2 utilization.
FE0031938 University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC) ND Initial Engineering and Design for CO2 Capture from Ethanol Facilities 09/30/2022 Solvents

The University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) and project partners Red Trail Energy, LLC (RTE), Trimeric Corporation, and KLJ will complete an initial engineering design and cost estimate for the installation of a hybrid system for the capture and compression of carbon dioxide (CO2) generated from an ethanol production facility near Richardton, North Dakota. The hybrid capture system combines commercially available technologies of chemical absorption to process the CO2 emissions associated with heat production (i.e., steam generated by firing a natural gas boiler) and liquefaction to process the CO2 emissions associated with bioprocessing at RTE’s ethanol plant. The project team will complete a pre-front-end engineering and design (FEED) analysis of the hybrid capture system, which includes an environmental health and safety (EH&S) risk assessment, a constructability review, identification of permits, and corporate approvals. A techno-economic assessment and pre-FEED level cost estimate will also be completed.
SC0020800 Sensatek Propulsion Technology, Inc. FL Resonant Frequency based Ultra-High Temperature Sensors for Harsh Environments 06/28/2021 Sensors & Controls

(19-b) Sensatek has proposed developing a resonant frequency (RF) based temperature sensor using a dielectric resonator for ultra-high temperature sensing, an integrated RF transmission antenna, and a pressure sensor based on evanescent-mode resonator structure. These sensors are comprised of polymer derived ceramic materials suitable for harsh environments characterized by high temperatures (1200°C –1700°C) and corrosive gases.

The principle for these sensors is that the dielectric constant of ceramic materials monotonically increases versus temperature/pressure. Therefore, by designing the sensor as a resonator and by detecting its resonant frequency, the temperature & pressure of the sensor can be extracted to provide continuous real-time monitoring.
FE0031917 Susteon, Inc. NC Plasma-Assisted Catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide and Propane to Propylene and Carbon Monoxide 06/30/2023 Catalytic Pathway - Other

Susteon Inc., in partnership with North Carolina State University (NCSU) and Newcastle University (NU), will develop a catalytic non-thermal plasma (CNTP) technology utilizing carbon dioxide (CO2) as a soft-oxidant and novel metallic/bi-metallic catalysts to produce ethylene and propylene from ethane and propane, respectively. The key step in this conversion process is the plasma-assisted catalytic conversion of CO2 to carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen radicals at very mild operating conditions. The oxygen radicals subsequently react with ethane and propane and break the C-H bonds in alkanes to selectively form ethylene and propylene, respectively, through well-known oxydehydrogenation (ODH) chemistry. The project is aimed at adapting a commercial ozone reactor design to produce commercial quantities of ethylene/propylene in a modular configuration at competitive costs with negative CO2 footprint. The project activities include: (1) catalyst preparation, characterization, and testing to achieve maximum alkene yield and catalyst stability; (2) plasma reactor design and setup; (3) experimental testing of the plasma-assisted catalytic CO2-ODH process under parametric conditions with and without catalyst; (4) process modeling; (5) long-term testing to assess the stability of dielectric barrier discharge plasma and catalyst performance and; (6) techno-economic and life cycle analyses. NCSU will perform catalyst synthesis, testing, and optimization. NU will lead the plasma reactor and test system design, modification and construction, and CO2-ODH reaction testing and optimization.
SC0020876 Paulsson, Inc. CA Fiber Optic based Borehole Multi Sensor & Source System for Characterization and Monitoring of Carbon Storage Sites 03/28/2021 Source is OSTI
FE0031952 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA MIL-101(Cr)-Amine Sorbents Evaluation Under Realistic Direct Air Capture Conditions 09/30/2022 Sorbents

Georgia Tech Research Corporation will investigate the use of hybrid sorbents based on metal-organic framework (MOF) materials functionalized with amine groups for the direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2) at sub-ambient conditions. The primary goal of the project is to tailor MIL-101(Cr)-based sorbents to overcome technical barriers associated with their application at sub-ambient temperatures/conditions and validate their amenability to practical DAC application. In this direction, the stability of the powder sorbents against adsorption-desorption cycles and oxidative degradation will be determined. MIL-101(Cr) MOFs will be studied alone and in the presence of amines that range in size from small molecules to oligomers. The synthesis and characterization of sorbent materials as powder, fiber, and monolith samples will be conducted. These materials will be tested for CO2 adsorption performance with air feeds containing 400 parts per million (ppm) CO2 at sub-ambient conditions between -20°C and 20°C and varied humidity levels. Preliminary models of adsorption and desorption behavior will be developed and used to predict DAC process parameters. Furthermore, the possibility of the deployment of powder sorbents as practical structures for gas-solid contacting (i.e., monoliths and fibers) will be evaluated.
FE0031933 ASME Standards Technology, LLC NY Standardized Test Method and Calculation Protocol for Determining and Reporting Annual Heat Rate for Coal-Fueled Electricity Generating Units 09/30/2022 POT - High Performance Materials

The objective of this effort is to establish an industry-acceptable standard heat rate test method and annual/long-term heat rate calculation protocol for coal-fired electricity generating units. This study will cover two areas of primary concern related to the development of methodologies to publish The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards to provide regulators and industry with procedure(s) to report annual heat rates.

The first area is to survey government agencies, utilities, and non-government organizations who have primary interest in regulating or producing electric power from coal-fired plants. This will include their concerns regarding reporting of heat rate data and issues of data accuracy.

The second major area will be to use the existing ASME Codes and Standards procedures to provide a consensus methodology to report annual/long-term heat rates for coal-fired power plants. ASME Performance Test Codes provide procedures that yield results of the highest level of accuracy consistent with the best engineering knowledge and practice currently available. The ASME Code will be developed by balanced committees representing all concerned interests and will specify procedures, instrumentation, equipment-operating requirements, calculation methods, and uncertainty analysis.
FE0031953 InnoSepra, LLC NJ Transformational Sorbent Materials for a Substantial Reduction in the Energy Requirement for Direct Air Capture of CO2 09/30/2023 Sorbents

InnoSepra LLC will collaborate with Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), Arizona State University, and Adroitech Enterprise to evaluate transformational materials (i.e., structured sorbents) for the direct capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from air and to confirm a reduction in energy requirements compared to state-of-the-art technologies for direct air capture (DAC). The project activities include performing computational simulations, materials characterization, and lab-scale testing to optimize the performance of materials under DAC conditions; developing a high-level process design to provide an estimate of electrical and thermal energy requirements and sizing of equipment; and utilizing the test results to assess the energy requirements, cost of equipment, and carbon footprint. Finally, an assessment of the proposed materials will also be made to evaluate production of large-scale quantities for future commercial implementation.
FE0031949 Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. CA Engineering Design of a Polaris Membrane CO2 Capture System at a Cement Plant 03/31/2023 Membranes

Membrane Technology & Research Inc. will partner with Sargent & Lundy (S&L) and CEMEX to perform an initial engineering design of a full-scale Polaris membrane carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system (approximately 1 million metric tons of CO2 per day) applied to the CEMEX Balcones cement plant located in New Braunfels, Texas. This study will produce estimates of the cost and performance of a first-of-its-kind industrial membrane capture plant at a cement plant. The technical activities include completing a project design basis and process design, estimating the cost of the capture plant construction and installation, performing an environmental health and safety review and permitting, constructability review and a hazard and operability study (HAZOP), and preparing a techno-economic analysis. S&L, an Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) contractor, will have the lead role in conducting the design study. CEMEX is the owner and operator of the cement plant and will provide plant-specific information on the Balcones facility for this study.
FE0031954 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Development Of Advanced Solid Sorbents For Direct Air Capture 03/31/2023 DAC - Sorbents

RTI International is partnering with Creare and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University to develop two types of advanced adsorbent materials—metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and phosphorous dendrimers (P-dendrimers)—for direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2). Sorbents will be synthesized, characterized, and optimized to achieve high CO2 capacity at very low CO2 partial pressures, high swing capacity, improved mass and heat transfer, and long operational life at low cost. The project team will conduct testing of two selected sorbents (one MOF adsorbent and one amine-P-dendrimer adsorbent) over 100 adsorption-desorption cycles in a laboratory-scale packed bed reactor and evaluate sorbent performance in the presence of contaminants (e.g., oxygen and water). The best performing sorbent will be evaluated for commercial production cost and scalability. Incorporation of the novel sorbents into a low pressure drop multichannel monolith-type reactor will result in a pathway to developing an advanced low-cost DAC process that can capture CO2 from air at a cost of approximately $70/tonne of CO2.
FE0031956 General Electric (GE) Company NY Advanced Integrated Reticular Sorbent-Coated System to Capture CO2 from the Atmosphere (AIR2CO2) 03/31/2022 Sorbents

General Electric (GE) Research will partner with University of California, Berkeley (UCB) to develop an advanced integrated reticular sorbent-coated system to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere ("AIR2CO2"). The system integrates pioneering metal-organic framework (MOF) sorbents and sorbent-binder composite coatings to capture and release atmospheric CO2. UCB will build on their benchmark MOF sorbent to synthesize, test, downselect, and sufficiently scale a next-generation sorbent with optimized overall CO2 adsorption capacity and thermal and chemical stability. GE Research will develop a robust MOF sorbent-binder formulation and coating process and integrate the advanced sorbent into an additively manufactured substrate. Component and system modeling of the AIR2CO2 process will be performed based on laboratory-scale experimental results and will be used to develop a techno-economic model that will inform future development of the sorbent material and AIR2CO2 contactor.
FE0031961 Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) GA Direct Air Capture of Energy for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Partnership (DAC RECO2UP) 07/31/2024 Sorbents

Southern States Energy Board is leading efforts to advance a solid amine sorbent-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology for direct air capture (DAC) through field testing in a commercially relevant environment. Carbon capture materials that have been developed by Global Thermostat (GT) and tested on DAC systems in the laboratory will be utilized in the project. The primary goal of the DAC RECO2UP project is to decrease the cost of DAC through the testing of existing DAC materials in integrated field units that produce a concentrated CO2 stream of at least 95% purity. GT’s technology employs a monolithic contactor impregnated with a solid polyethylenimine polymer that forms agglomerations of polymeric amine capture sites within the mesopores of the contactor wherein CO2 is adsorbed. The ultra-low pressure drop monoliths maximize the efficiency of air flow, increasing mass transfer of CO2 for adsorption. The project team will conduct an engineering design of an integrated DAC system utilizing energy recovery and support services at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) and prepare a chemical process and energy utilization model on the design work. A DAC skid capable of adsorbing/desorbing CO2 using GT’s solid-amine sorbent monolithic contactors and an energy recovery integration skid that uses process control and heat exchangers to produce the required steam for the DAC process will be constructed and installed at NCCC. AirCapture LLC will provide an existing third skid capable of compressing, liquifying, and purifying the CO2. A three-phased testing campaign will be conducted in an integrated system environment at NCCC. Techno-economic and life cycle analyses will be performed in addition to a technology environmental health and safety assessment to determine the environmental sustainability and economic viability of the integrated DAC system.
FE0031932 Semplastics EHC, LLC FL High Strength, Encapsulated, Commercially Useful Components and Particles Made from Coal Combustion Residuals 09/30/2023 Ash Beneficial Use

Semplastics aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of their Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) encapsulation technology. Samples of the selected CCR will be encapsulated and undergo leach testing to show reduction of toxic element leaching by more than 80%. The project team will mold test plates from CCR and a number of inorganic resins, which will be cut into test specimens for microstructural, mechanical, and physical property analysis. The process developed in making the test plates will be used for scale-up to make bulk demonstration parts. The team will optimize the scaled-up process to produce large-scale support columns (approximately 9” diameter). The team will develop two predictive models—one for encapsulated CCR in high-CCR-loaded bulk parts, and one for encapsulated CCR as filler in polypropylene. By the end of the project, the team plans to demonstrate that encapsulated CCR improves the strength and modulus of polypropylene by 30-50% and can be used in structural components to provide a strength five to ten times that of concrete.
FE0031942 Electricore, Inc. CA LH CO2MENT Colorado Project 09/30/2022 Sorbents

Electricore Inc. will partner with Svante Inc. and Kiewit Engineering Group Inc. to accelerate the implementation of a commercial-scale (1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide [CO2]/year) VeloxoTherm™ carbon capture plant at an existing cement plant. The project objectives include completing a pre-front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) for installation of the capture system at a LafargeHolcim-owned cement plant in Florence, Colorado and identifying plausible options for CO2 storage near the host site, including saline and depleted oil reservoirs and the Sheep Mountain natural CO2 reservoir as alternatives to enhanced oil recovery. This project will be designed to remove CO2 from the flue gas of the cement kiln (14% concentration), as well as CO2 from the natural gas-fired steam generator (8.5% concentration). The study will also include optimization engineering for the potential expansion to 2 million tonnes of CO2/year that may provide a step-change advancement toward achieving the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) goal of $30/tonne for CO2 capture. The project will be executed in two phases: Phase 1 will focus on selecting the preferred design options and most advantageous plant capacity (Front-End Loading [FEL]-1), and Phase 2 will produce pre-FEED-level engineering deliverables for the selected design (FEL-2).
FE0031960 State University of New York (SUNY) NY Membrane Adsorbents Comprising Self-Assembled Inorganic Nanocages (SINCs) for Super-Fast Direct Air Capture Enabled by Passive Cooling 12/31/2022 DAC - Sorbents

The State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo (University at Buffalo) will prepare novel membrane adsorbents and develop an integrated adsorption system enabled by solar heating and radiative cooling for rapid temperature swing adsorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. The technical objectives of this laboratory-scale project include:

  • Designing, preparing, and characterizing highly porous flat-sheet membrane adsorbents containing CO2-philic amines and CO2-philic self-assembled inorganic nanocages (SINCs) that can be easily dispersed in the polymers with great stability.
  • Constructing a portable device integrating sorption, solar heating, and radiative cooling.
  • Conducting continuous operation of the prototype system for direct air capture (DAC).

The porous membranes coupled with porous SINCs offer low resistance for airflow and fast CO2 sorption/desorption cycles, while the incorporation of the amine groups provides high CO2 sorption capacity. With collaboration from project partner Trimeric Corporation, the resulting experimental data will be incorporated into a techno-economic analysis (TEA) to assess the feasibility, economic opportunity, and impact on CO2 emissions reduction of this technology if implemented at scale.
FE0031962 University of Kentucky KY Enhanced Depolarized Electro-Membrane System For Direct Capture Of Carbon Dioxide From Ambient Air 03/31/2022 Novel Concepts

The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UK CAER) will develop an enhanced depolarized electro-membrane system (EDEMS) for direct air capture (DAC). The EDEMS consists of a low-pressure ceramic membrane contactor/absorber in a tailored electrochemical process that leverages depolarization to regenerate and concentrate both a capture solvent and carbon dioxide (CO2) extracted by the membrane. The technical objectives of this laboratory-scale project include developing and evaluating patterned inorganic membrane absorbers and a depolarized electrochemical cell, integrating the components into a novel EDEMS, and conducting continuous operation of the system for DAC. A process design package will be developed, and with collaboration from project partner ALL4, an Environmental Health and Safety Risk Assessment will be completed. The EDEMS technology will have the potential to extract CO2 from ambient air, up-concentrate and regenerate the extracted CO2, and simultaneously renew the capture solvent.
FE0031943 Praxair, Inc. CT Engineering Design of a Linde-BASF Advanced Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology at a Linde Steam Methane Reforming H2 Plant 09/30/2022 Solvents

Linde Inc., in partnership with Linde Engineering Americas (LEA) and BASF, will conduct an initial engineering design study for an approximately 3,500 metric tons of CO2 per day carbon dioxide (CO2) capture plant based on Linde-BASF advanced aqueous amine post-combustion CO2 capture technology. The capture plant will be installed at a Linde-owned commercial-scale steam methane reforming (SMR) plant. The specific goals of the project are to define integration options with the SMR host site; produce a set of project requirements, including the design basis and environmental permitting needs; and complete the process design optimization for the site, the engineering design packages, and project cost and schedule estimates. BASF will develop a technology design package for the defined CO2 capture system. LEA will complete detailed design packages for mechanical, electrical, civil, structural, instrumentation and control, and facilities engineering and assess the cost and logistics for constructability and site security; Linde Inc. will lead the technical analyses to supplement the engineering design study, including techno-economic, environmental health and safety, and technology maturation plan; Linde will interface with the SMR plant operators for operational and utility information.
FE0031965 Susteon, Inc. NC Low Regeneration Temperature Sorbents for Direct Air Capture of CO2 09/30/2022 Sorbents

Susteon Inc., in partnership with the University of Wyoming, will develop solid sorbent materials that can be regenerated at lower temperatures than current state-of-the-art materials. Structured sorbent beds will be constructed for low pressure drop operation to achieve reduced costs for direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2). The project aims to develop amine-doped solid sorbents catalyzed by a novel ionic liquid that has the potential to increase the CO2 desorption rate by several orders of magnitude at desorption temperatures of 80 to 90°C. The catalytic effect of the ionic liquid has been tested at laboratory scale as an additive in monoethanolamine (MEA) solvent, resulting in an increase in the CO2 desorption rate by 60 times at 85°C. The sorbent-based process enables a reduction in the energy required for sorbent regeneration and increased sorbent lifetime/stability due to operation at lower desorption temperatures.

The project objectives are to: (1) synthesize and test the ionic liquid catalyst to determine catalytic activity and catalyst stability; (2) evaluate the catalyzed amine-based sorbents to determine CO2 desorption and absorption kinetics; and (3) based on the experimental results, develop a conceptual process design for the sorbents applied in a DAC system and conduct a preliminary cost analysis to assess the potential of the novel sorbent to reduce the cost of DAC.
SC0020869 Precision Combustion, Inc. CT Capture of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide 03/28/2021 Sorbents

Precision Combustion will to develop a new regenerable structured sorbent-based approach to Direct Air Capture (DAC) that is tailored to atmospheric CO2 concentrations, ambient humidities, and minimized energy cost of desorption. This will build on their success in a separate DOE SBIR Phase II project developing MOF-based CO2 flue gas capture, which to date has demonstrated 75% energy savings over state-of-the art monoethanolamine (MEA)-based systems and targets 90% energy savings for overall $25/ton CO2 capture in energy costs.
SC0020878 Precision Combustion, Inc. CT Novel Process for CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Fueled SOFC Generators 03/28/2021 Systems Development

During Phase I, PCI will develop a comprehensive natural gas fueled, SOFC generator design that allows direct CO2 capture and very high fuel-to-electric efficiencies. A fully-consistent process model will be developed via a commercially available software platform with supporting data derived from testing of SOFC stacks at PCI to validate the model. A detailed layout, flow model, and other balance of plant component performance data will be developed and reported. Utility for other fuels of interest will be examined. A comprehensive economic assessment, including for CO2 capture, will be developed via DOE’s Commercialization Assistance Program.
SC0020879 Opto-Knowledge Systems, Inc. CA Real-time, Close-coupled, Multi-species Gas Analyzer 03/28/2021 Sensors & Controls

The project is for the development of flexible gas sensor technology for real-time monitoring of multiple species in the flue gas of power plants. This leverages the recent development of laser absorption-based sensors operating in the mid-infrared (Mid-IR) wavelength regime, which offers greater sensitivity and specificity than similar systems operating at other wavelengths.

In Phase I, new fiber-optic devices will be developed, and the implementation of components optimized for measurements between the boiler and the air heater in a coal-fired power plant. A prototype system will be assembled and demonstrated with ability to monitor multiple species in real time at test facilities in conditions simulating real life power plants. The project will result in (1) new sensor technology specifically optimized to reduce costs and emissions at power plants and (2) general fiber-optic based tools that will be applicable to a wide range of gas sensing applications for harsh environments.
FE0031971 Cummins, Inc. IN Cummins Reversible-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Development 06/30/2023 Systems Development

Cummins Inc. (Columbus, IN) aims to advance the state of the art for Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (R-SOFC) systems by developing two novel technologies that will enable $2/kg hydrogen production with a 30% overall product cost reduction. Based on Cummins proprietary metal supported stack, it is proposed to further lower cost and improve performance by modeling and developing an advanced sheet-metal substrate. This substrate will target a 50% cost reduction by using less metal and substantially reducing processing costs. A new system concept will be demonstrated to drive the hydrogen gas/fuel loop with no moving parts in the recirculation loop, greatly simplifying the system design. By eliminating the hydrogen blower, recuperator and associated piping, a potential cost savings of up to 75% is possible for the hydrogen gas path. This project will advance the technology readiness of R-SOFC systems and has the potential to realize 30% cost reduction enabling earlier commercial viability of small-scale hybrid electrolyzer plants.
FE0031990 Semplastics EHC, LLC FL High-Performance Coal-Based Commercial Facade Panels and Architectural Components 09/30/2022 Building Products

The objective of this project is to develop a process to produce rigid-board building panels using at least 55% by mass of coal-derived material (71% by mass of carbon) as filler in a new family of moldable inorganic resins. Prototype quantities of composite rigid board insulation panels will be produced with dimensions at least 16” × 32” × 1” and of architectural composite wall/facade panels with dimensions ranging from 9” × 14” × ½” to 8” × 12” × ¾” or larger. The panels will have better mechanical strength (three to five times higher flexural strength), lower weight (30-50% lighter), and significantly improved insulation (two to three times the R-value), compared to commercially used and certified building panels. A target market analysis for the coal-based X-MAT® panels and technology gap analysis will be performed.
FE0031991 Semplastics EHC, LLC FL Low Weight, High Strength Coal-Based Building Materials for Infrastructure Products 03/31/2023 Building Products

This project will develop and demonstrate the viability of a new class of composite infrastructure components that use coal as the primary component. Coal particles are completely encapsulated and bonded using a specially formulated polymer-derived ceramic (PDC) that is cured to form an aggregate of coal and PDC resin. This aggregate can be further processed and pressed to produce a brick. The project team aims to produce brick and block components, called X-BRIX and X-BLOX, with dimensions comparable to commercially available bricks and concrete blocks, but with superior mechanical strength, lower weight, greater hardness, improved toughness, greater abrasion resistance, and greater chemical resistance than concrete. Sufficient quantities of full-size X-BLOX and X-BRIX will be fabricated to demonstrate the technology and to support the development of mortar or joining techniques.
FE0031958 University of Akron OH Gradient Amine Sorbents for Low Vacuum Swing Carbon Dioxide Capture at Ambient Temperature 03/31/2023 DAC - Sorbents

The University of Akron, in partnership with Aspen Aerogels, Inc., will develop novel solid sorbent materials that can be regenerated in a low vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) process with greater performance than current state-of-the-art materials for the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from air. A hierarchical structure of gradient amine sorbent, which allows CO2 to adsorb in the form of weakly adsorbed CO2, will be constructed in bead form. The weakly adsorbed CO2 can then be regenerated from the sorbent by applying a low vacuum. The novel sorbent allows VSA to be operated at ambient temperature without a significant energy demand, eliminating the energy-intensive heating and cooling cycle in temperature swing adsorption (TSA) processes. Operation at ambient temperature further eliminates the possibility of thermal degradation of sorbents, leading to a prolonged lifetime of the sorbent and minimizing maintenance costs to provide a cost-effective approach for direct air capture (DAC).

The project objectives are to: (1) prepare amine functionalized aerogel (AFA); (2) fabricate hybrid sorbents, adhering specific amine structures and AFA on carbon fiber; (3) construct a VSA test apparatus; (4) and conduct sorbent characterization and performance testing. A high-level process design/analysis will be conducted to evaluate the feasibility of applying the sorbents in a DAC system.
FE0031981 Ohio University OH Coal-Derived Alternatives to Fiber-Cementitious Building Materials 12/31/2022 Building Products

The objective of this project is to develop coal-based siding materials used for cladding of residential and commercial buildings. The coal-based alternatives will consist of at least 70% carbon (by weight), and at least 51% of the carbon (by weight) must be coal derived and offer performance, cost, and environmental benefits in comparison to commercially available fiber-cementitious (FC) siding materials. The project team will assess the ability to design a continuous thermal process to directly convert coal into siding material to supplant and meet all applicable ASTM performance specifications for fiber-cementitious building materials. Bench-scale manufacturing trials will be conducted to assess coal-derived material properties and technical feasibility for siding and related applications. In addition, molecular dynamic simulations will be experimentally validated and utilized to predict properties of coal siding materials. Techno-economic and technology gap analyses will be conducted to assess coal siding manufacturing costs and identify best suited initial market applications and resources necessary to scale and commercialize the product.
FE0031982 Ohio University OH Coal Plastic Composite Piping Infrastructure Components 12/31/2022 Coal and Coal-waste to Products - Other

The primary objective of the project is to develop coal plastic composite (CPC) piping containing at least 70% by weight carbon derived from at least 51% by weight coal for non-pressurized and pressurized application that offer cost, performance, and environmental benefits in comparison to existing plastic pipe infrastructure. CPC piping offers advantages including minimal coal processing yielding low capital/operating costs, generating nearly zero carbon emissions, utilizing existing commercial manufacturing equipment, and producing a CPC piping product with lower manufacturing costs and equivalent or superior properties relative to existing plastic piping.

Ohio University will carry out the objective by conducting bench-scale research and development (R&D) to develop and refine CPC formulations for plastic piping applications, including appropriate ASTM testing for plastic piping applications, to correlate coal type, plastic resin, and additive content with formulation properties. Initial CPC piping continuous manufacturing trials will be completed to validate process operation and pipe properties. Process simulations will be developed to support CPC piping techno-economic analyses (TEA) to determine CPC piping manufacturing costs and assess potential in existing plastic piping markets. In addition, a technology gap analysis will be completed to identify additional R&D and resources necessary to scale up CPC piping manufacturing and commercialization.
FE0031983 University of Tennessee TN Utilizing Coal-Derived Solid Carbon Materials Towards Next-Generation Smart and Multifunction Pavements 03/31/2024 Other Coal and Coal-waste to Products

This project is planned to develop and demonstrate a field deployable, multifunctional smart pavement system made from domestic coal-derived solid carbon materials. This research will demonstrate the use of coke-like coal char, a key byproduct of the coal pyrolysis process, in the design and construction of a prototype multifunctional pavement system that could provide roadways with the capability for self-sensing, self-heating (deicing), and self-healing. Specifically, this project will (1) carry out multiscale experimental and numerical studies to establish processing-structure-property relationships, (2) develop a novel coal char-bearing multifunctional pavement system and gather experimental data to evaluate its performance and assess the feasibility for scale up, (3) test a prototype pavement section to evaluate its intended functionalities, and (4) perform a comprehensive technoeconomic analysis to identify the potential market size and key technology gaps to field implementation.
FE0031996 University of Wyoming WY Eco-Friendly High-Performance Building Material Development from Coal 09/30/2023 Building Products

University of Wyoming researchers will develop coal-derived carbon building materials from Wyoming Powder River Basin (PRB) coal pyrolysis products. Two building components containing more than 70% carbon, most of which is derived from coal itself, are proposed: char-based concrete brick (CCB) and carbon-based structural unit (CSU). These construction products have the potential to be transformational from a cost-benefit perspective and can be scale manufactured for use in residential and commercial buildings.

In this project, the as-mined coal will be converted to functional carbon elements through an integrated solvent extraction and pyrolysis process invented by the University of Wyoming that includes elevated temperature in an inert atmosphere and generation of pyrolyzed char (PC) and coal deposits, extracts, and residuals tar (CDER). The CCB will be developed for building wall applications by adding surface functionality to the PC, providing the modified material with engineered properties to ensure a high degree of interaction/reactivity and bonding with the cement binder. The purity of the PC and CDER intermediates has been shown to comply with the strictest health and environmental requirements for building materials from metals.

Specific goals for the development of the CCB and CSU coal-carbon based building components are: CCB with thermal conductivity greater than 0.40 W/mK, mechanical strength of 14 MPa (compression), and light weight at 1.0-1.5 g/cm3; and CSU with mechanical strength greater than 30 MPa (compression) and light weight at 1.0-1.3 g/cm3 with minimal water retention and long-term corrosion resistance and durability in service.
FE0031997 University of Wyoming WY Environmentally Friendly Production of High-Quality and Multifunctional Carbon Quantum Dots from Coal 12/31/2023 Other Analytics

The objective of the project is to develop an innovative, facile, low-temperature, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly technology for producing high-value coal-based carbon quantum dots (CQDs), which have not been a commodity product yet. The coal-based CQD production is based on a proprietary technology developed at UW. A green solvent is used for directly extracting carbon out of coal with the help of coal itself. Optimal extraction conditions will be obtained via a study of the effects of different factors on the quantity and qualities (size, bandgap, and purity) of the solid carbon from coal. Since CQD have novel optical properties, efficiencies of photoelectric conversion and photocatalysis of the synthesized CQDs will carried out in order to determine suitability towards each application. Additionally, a techno-economic analysis of the novel coal-to-CQDs technology will be performed to evaluate the proposed CDQ production technology.
FE0031964 Harvard University MA Experimental Demonstration of Alkalinity Concentration Swing for Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide 08/08/2023 DAC - Solvents

Harvard University will conduct experimental verification of a novel approach for direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2) that employs an alkalinity concentration swing (ACS) process. ACS involves concentrating an aqueous alkaline solution (that has equilibrated with air) using commercially available technologies such as reverse osmosis (RO) or capacitive deionization (CDI). The concentrated solution has a higher partial pressure of CO2 relative to the initial solution, allowing the CO2 to be separated and stored. The final step in the ACS process involves diluting the concentrated solution following carbon extraction, using the fresh water produced from the RO or CDI modules. The solution is then re-equilibrated with air, returning the system to the initial point. The project team will evaluate in parallel two methods for concentrating an alkaline fluid (RO and CDI), combined with two approaches for CO2 extraction — one applying a vacuum on a fluid reservoir and another making use of gas permeable membrane technology. The lab-scale test results will be analyzed to determine the CO2 yield per amount of water processed by the ACS method and the energy required per quantity of CO2 captured.
FE0031987 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Coal-Based Bricks & Blocks (CBBS): Process Development to Prototype Fabrication Coupled with Techno-Economic Analysis and Market Survey 09/30/2023 Building Products

In this project, technical data will be generated by testing coal-based composites formulated by a design of experiments (DoE) approach to assess the technical feasibility of the proposed technology. Results will be assessed against technical performance targets based on present commercial products and by uses identified through a market survey analysis. Technical gaps requiring additional R&D for scale-up or commercialization will be identified.

A techno-economic analysis (TEA) will also be performed encompassing coal processing, composite formulation, and brick fabrication stages to assess the readiness of the proposed technology. It will incorporate capital investment, direct operating costs (e.g., raw materials, energy inputs, labor), indirect costs (e.g., maintenance) and general costs. Economic performance targets will be identified. The economic growth potential of coal-to-products includes social benefits in the form of new job creation, especially in regions of the country adversely impacted by the recent downturn in coal production and power generation.
FE0031951 Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Inc. CA TRAPS: Tunable, Rapid-uptake, AminoPolymer aerogel Sorbent for direct air capture of CO2 03/31/2023 DAC - Sorbents

The Palo Alto Research Center Inc. (PARC), in collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), will develop a novel solid sorbent (Tunable Rapid-uptake AminoPolymer aerogel Sorbent [TRAPS]) for direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2). The key innovation of TRAPS builds on PARC’s proprietary polymer aerogel synthesis platform, which will be adapted to produce a polyamine aerogel with a combination of high CO2 capacity, rapid uptake kinetics, resistance to degradation, and low cost. During the project, PARC will develop the novel TRAPS sorbent and LLNL will test the performance of the sorbent under DAC-relevant conditions in a lab-scale, fixed-bed reactor with adsorption at ambient temperature and humidity, combined with temperature-vacuum swing or steam desorption. TRAPS will yield substantial improvements to process cost, energy consumption, and sorbent lifetime, drastically improving the economic viability of DAC.
FE0032005 University of Oklahoma OK Reversible Methane Electrochemical Reactors as Efficient Energy Storage for Fossil Fuel Power 08/31/2023 Energy Storage

The University of Oklahoma will conduct research on the integration of reversible methane (CH4) electrochemical reactors as an efficient energy storage technology in fossil fuel power plants. Protonic ceramic electrochemical reactors (PCERs) integrated with a fossil asset may offer efficient energy storage by operating and switching between fuel cell and electrolyzing modes. In fuel cell mode (power generation mode), the chemical energy in the CH4-rich supply gas is converted to electrical energy as the fuel flows from the fuel tanks through the stack. In electrolyzing mode (fuel production mode), the polarity of the cell switches as surplus electrical energy from the fossil power plant or renewable resource is supplied to the stack. The carbon dioxide (CO2)-rich gas captured from the fossil power plant (e.g. using a carbon capture system) is converted to a CH4-rich gas which can be stored in fuel tanks, injected into a natural gas pipeline, or immediately used as feedstock for fossil industries. Fundamental processes and system models will be developed to conduct a preliminary conceptual study and identify power plant system integration requirements, performance requirements, and technology gaps for eventual implementation at a system level.
FE0032030 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) PA Development of an All-Aqueous Thermally Regenerative Redox Flow Battery to Support Fossil Fuel Assets 07/31/2023 Energy Storage

PSU will develop a basic model of the all-Cu(I, II) redox flow battery (TRB) to assess its performance as an energy storage technology. The numerical model will produce current-potential simulations of the all-Cu(I, II) TRB via a multi-physics computational program. Once developed, the model will provide insights into its preliminary energy storage, power output, and energy efficiency capabilities. The model will simulate fluid flow, mass transfer, and electrochemical transport in the battery reaction cell using the proposed chemistry. Simulation results will allow us to determine mass transport effects on cell power output, identify favorable flow cell designs, and determine the optimal combination of electrode and membrane materials for lab-scale prototype testing. Electrochemical and spectrochemical experimental data will be used to collect and validate model inputs. Model outputs will be validated and improved through laboratory-scale prototype testing.
FE0032031 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Integration of Pumped Heat Energy Storage with Fossil-Fired Power Plant 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) will perform a Phase I feasibility study for the integration of a 100 MW, 10-hour (100 MWh) Malta Pumped Heat Energy Storage (MPHES) system with one or more full-sized fossil-fired electricity generation units (EGU). MPHES is a long-duration, molten-salt-energy storage technology that uses turbomachinery and heat exchangers to transfer energy to thermal storage media when charging, and removes the heat in a similar fashion when discharging. This Phase I study will focus on determining the size and method of integration of the MPHES system with the natural-gas-fired EGU and grid, enabling the fossil-asset owner to optimize the operation of the co-located assets, balance their portfolio of energy generation, and better respond to grid disturbances through the integration of MPHES on-site.
FE0032002 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Liquid Air Combined Cycle (LACC) for Power and Storage 02/28/2023 Energy Storage

The research team will perform market analyses, cycle modeling and optimization studies, component specification and technology gap analysis, and techno-economic trade studies for variations of combustion turbine (CT) cycles augmented with liquid air energy storage (LAES). The studies and analyses will focus on a patent-pending Liquid Air Combined CycleTM (LACC) that is expected to lead to the conceptual design and specification of a commercial-scale LACC. The commercial-scale LACC will also be adapted to a demonstration-scale LACC conceptual design specification based on a smaller, 10 MW-class CT. The primary technical objectives of the development effort are to (1) define cost and performance trades for charge and discharge cycle components, (2) perform system optimization of the charge and discharge cycles, and (3) develop an optimized commercial-scale LACC specification from techno-economic trade studies and incorporate technology gap analysis.
FE0032021 University of California - Irvine CA Hydrogen Based Energy Storage System for Integration with Dispatchable Power Generator: Phase I Feasibility Study 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

The University of California – Irvine (UCI) will advance the capability of an existing fossil asset serving the campus microgrid to store energy in the form of hydrogen produced through electrolytic and/or micro steam methane reforming and to consume hydrogen as fuel with the production and use cycles optimized based on market, operational, and demand conditions. The UCI central plant features a natural gas-fired 13 MW gas turbine, which is coupled with a heat exchanger that captures waste heat for use in either additional power generation via a steam turbine, chilling via an absorption chiller, or heating via steam use and exchange with a district heating system. The Phase I project will assess the optimal design of this integrated storage ecosystem that would feature turbine retrofit to enable operation on variable fractions of hydrogen up to 30%; integration of technology to utilize waste heat from the gas turbine for hydrogen production; physical interconnection via hydrogen pipe of the campus central plant and the campus hydrogen refueling station to allow joint use and co-optimization of electrolyzer, mSMR, and storage resources to serve either power or transportation demand; and an integrated control system to allow dynamic dispatch of ecosystem components. In addition, a technoeconomic study to assess the generic implementation of the proposed system to assess overall value and pricing models will be conducted.
FE0032003 Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) TX Development of an Advanced Hydrogen Energy Storage System Using Aerogel in a Cryogenic Flux Capacitor 07/31/2023 Energy Storage

The recipient aims to develop a high-density Cryogenic Flux Capacitor (CFC) for hydrogen energy storage. A key advantage of CFC modules is that they can accept gaseous hydrogen at ambient conditions, such as from an electrolyzer, and “charge up” over time. On the discharge step, controlling heat input into a CFC storage cell can pressurize the system and regulate the flow of the hydrogen gas as it is released from its physisorbed state. Simple auto-pressurization of the cell via heat input provides operational flexibility for the total system and allows a wide range of demand loads and duty cycles. The project will validate the prior work on the NASA test rig, demonstrate a CFC storage system working with an electrolyzer, and assess the inherent ramp times of the system. The work will also analyze and assess the required cell storage size to maintain flexibility and optimize costs. A commercial-scale study and development pathway of the technology will be produced in the form of a TMP, Technology Gap Assessment, Commercialization Plan, and TEA.
FE0032022 Wiretough Cylinders, LLC VA Durable Low-Cost Pressure Vessels for Bulk Hydrogen Storage 08/31/2023 Energy Storage

The primary objectives of the project are (1) to design and build a prototype of an all steel, Type-IIs, low-cost and durable pressure vessel with a capacity between 1,500 to 2,000 liters to safely store between 50 to 60 kilograms (110 to 132 pounds) hydrogen at 500 bar (7,250 psi) for use in fossil power plants. WireTough will achieve this objective by designing the new cylinder that will fully comply with ASME-BPVC Section VIII-Division 3 requirements including Article KD-10 for service in hydrogen, conduct a detailed finite element analyses of (a) the steel liner by itself and (b) the finished pressure vessel to determine the magnitude and distribution of stresses during service loading and ensure that the design is safe and it can be safely produced, and demonstrate that the design utilizes only commercially and widely available materials and is compatible with the needs of fossil power plants.

The vessel will have the ability to apply deep pressure cycles daily ranging from the maximum operating pressure to ambient with a design life of 30 years or longer. It can be tailored to the needs of fossil power stations and can store as little as 1,0000 to 1,400 kWh electricity up to as much as 100 MWh or more, if necessary. WireTough will receive User Design Specifications that will lead to the preliminary cylinder design, followed by design analyses using finite element analysis. An appropriate liner will be selected and manufactured, followed by building of the prototype cylinder. Finally, a Manufacturing Design Report (MDR) will be prepared by a third-party and the vessel will be ASME stamped/certified, a process that requires an ASME authorized inspector to witness the manufacturing process and assure compliance with the MDR.
FE0032012 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Hydrogen Storage for Flexible Fossil Fuel Power Generation: Integration of Underground Hydrogen Storage with Gas Turbine 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) will develop a conceptual feasibility study for innovative hydrogen energy storage and production as part of a potential integrated low-carbon, fossil-based, power generation system located at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). The objective is to conduct a conceptual design study to advance the commercialization of a zero carbon, fossil based integrated energy production system using hydrogen storage (subsurface and above ground), and CO2 sequestration that demonstrates the ramping and dispatch capabilities of traditional Electricity Generating Units powered by natural gas turbines. The project site seeks to provide access to underground geological formations for large-scale energy storage opportunities. Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) will further characterize and investigate potential underground geological formations for storing hydrogen as an energy source in a similar manner as that used for underground natural gas storage. The combination of above ground and underground hydrogen storage will be designed to provide at least 10MWhs of energy storage. A commercial 30–40 MW class gas turbine will be capable of using varying blends of hydrogen and natural gas and, through operational testing, will be optimized to eventually operate on 100% hydrogen. The power system will be grid connected and operated by UIUC. Hydrogen will be produced from natural gas by GTI’s compact hydrogen generator at 41,000 kg/day.
FE0032013 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Integrated Hydrogen Energy Storage System (IHESS) for Power Generation 05/31/2022 Energy Storage

The objective of the Phase I Study is to determine the technical feasibility, economic viability, and environmental benefits of deploying an Integrated Hydrogen Energy Storage System (IHESS) to produce blended hydrogen/natural gas fuel mixtures for heat/power production “behind the fence” at a fossil-based power or cogeneration facility. To accomplish this study, the team will develop a process and technoeconomic model that evaluates the hydrogen generation and pipeline operating conditions required to provide the fossil-based power or cogeneration facility with access to at least 10 MWh of hydrogen energy storage.
FE0032020 Sustainable Energy Solutions, LLC UT Energy-Storing Cryogenic Carbon Capture for Utility and Industrial-Scale Processes 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

Sustainable Energy Solutions and Chart Industries will perform a quantitative assessment of an energy-storing version of their Cryogenic Carbon Capture process. The Cryogenic Carbon Capture-Energy Storing (CCC-ES) technology will provide a minimum of 10 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy storage. The technology uses liquefied natural gas as a refrigerant to store energy when power generation costs are low or when power is plentiful, and recovers energy by drawing on stored refrigerant when power generation costs are high or when power is scarce. The project team will conduct design, engineering, and modeling of the energy-storage process and analyses of the associated costs and fuel prices based on a specific fossil energy host site and the value added from energy storage.
FE0032024 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Sand Thermal Energy Storage Pilot Design 12/31/2023 Energy Storage

The drive for a low-carbon future and the commensurate growth of variable renewable energy has led to a potential for grid instability and associated inability to provide dispatchable, synchronous power. Energy storage can alleviate these concerns. One promising vehicle for storage is sand-based thermal energy storage (SandTES) integrated with an operating fossil power plant. This strategy allows the plant to store energy in the system when less power is needed and provide power to the grid from both the operating fossil plant and the SandTES system when more is required. The objective is to perform a Phase I feasibility study on the integration of a 10-MWh-e SandTES system to Southern Company’s coal-fired Plant Gaston in preparation for a Phase II project in which a pre-front-end engineering and design (pre-FEED) will be performed. The scope of work for the Phase I feasibility study consists of a conceptual study, a techno-economic study, a technology gap assessment, a project plan for Phase II, a technology maturation plan, and a commercialization plan.
FE0031988 Universal Matter, Ltd. TX Developing a Facile Technology for Converting Domestic United States Coal into High-Value Graphene Materials 02/28/2023 Nanomaterials

Universal Matter, Ltd. (Houston, Texas), in partnership with the University of Missouri, will scale up and attempt to commercialize a breakthrough process, Flash Joule Heating (FJH), to transform different coal grades into high-quality graphene. The main objective of this project is to optimize the process by using statistical modeling and to validate the technical and economic benefits of producing graphene by using different grades of coal as the feedstock for the FJH process. The graphene products developed from different feedstocks will be analyzed for application development in different strategic markets to further validate the cost and performance advantages and the environmental benefits that can be realized by the incorporation of graphene-based modifiers into different end-use applications.

This graphene is made using a high-voltage electric discharge that brings the carbon source to temperatures higher than 3,000 K in less than 10 milliseconds. The short burst of electricity breaks all chemical bonds and reorders the carbon atoms into thin layers of a special type of graphene. This project plans to advance the FJH technology from its current technology readiness level (TRL) of 4 to TRL 5. To achieve this goal, Universal Matter, Ltd. will focus on application of statistical modeling to develop the process-structure-property relationship required for process optimization and quality control of graphene produced in a controlled industrial environment using the FJH process.
FE0032028 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Hydrogen Energy Storage Integrated with a Combined Cycle Plant 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

Siemens Energy, Inc. will develop a concept design of a hydrogen energy storage system integrated into an advanced class combined cycle power plant (CCPP). The goal is to maximize efficiency and reliability of the CCPP, mitigating inefficient or off-design operation by complementing it with the dynamic response characteristics of the hydrogen energy storage system. The project aims to address underlying hydrogen energy storage system challenges in technology and economic design, and thoroughly analyze the intricacies of integrating the system into an existing power plant and transmission grid. The conceptual study will be based on Siemens’ Silyzer PEM electrolyzer platform, hydrogen compression, hydrogen storage, and intelligent plant controls. A technoeconomic study using simulation and optimization software is planned to determine sizing, scheduling, and cost/benefit analyses. The study includes a thorough assessment of the hydrogen system integration into a CCPP, and how the dynamic response capabilities of the electrolyzer support grid stability, further promoting renewable penetration while avoiding off-design operation, thus improving overall efficiency and plant life.
FE0032029 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Combined Cycle Integrated Thermal Energy Storage 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

Siemens Energy, Inc. will conduct a feasibility study to prove the technical and economic feasibility of integrating a Combined Cycle integrated Thermal Energy Storage (CiTES) system that stores low-cost electricity as thermal energy into an existing gas-fired Combined Cycle Power Plant. A secondary objective is to use the stored thermal energy to increase the flexibility of the Combined Cycle Power Plant by pre-warming the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) during plant start preparation. This will transform each start into a hot plant re-start regardless of the plant down time, thus avoiding low-load holds of the gas turbine during start, which will result in fuel savings and emission reductions and improve the flexibility of the plant by shortening the start-up time. The CiTES system will use a thermal energy storage core using volcanic rocks with excellent thermal properties and durability. To charge the system, a blower will push air through an electrical heater using low-cost electricity to heat up the thermal storage core. To discharge, the gas flow will be reversed with a set of dampers and cold gas will be extracted at the stack, heated in the storage core, and injected into the exhaust gas of the gas turbine at the inlet of the HRSG to be converted into electricity in the steam bottoming cycle of the plant.
FE0032011 Washington University MO Titanium-Cerium Electrode-Decoupled Redox Flow Batteries Integrated with Fossil Fuel Assets for Load-Following, Long-Duration Energy Storage 02/29/2024 Energy Storage

Operation of fossil plants at partial capacity with frequent cycling results in decreased efficiency and increased emissions, wear, and maintenance. The objective of this project is to advance the integration of a titanium-cerium electrode-decoupled redox flow battery (Ti-Ce ED-RFB) system with conventional fossil-fueled power plants through detailed technical and economic system-level studies, component scale-up, and research and development. The Ti-Ce chemistry has a clear pathway to meet the Department of Energy cost targets of $100/kWh and $0.05/kWh-cycle owing to the use of low-cost, earth abundant elemental actives and incorporation of inexpensive carbon felt electrodes and non-fluorinated anion exchange membrane separators. With assistance from Giner, Inc., the team will scale up Washington University’s existing laboratory Ti-Ce flow battery system to a kW-scale stack with a current density of 0.5 A/cm2, a cycle duration of 48 hours, and less than 5% capacity loss during 1-week standby.

Cost and performance data from the RFB scale-up efforts will be incorporated into a detailed techno-economic assessment (TEA) of this storage technology situated within the fence lines of a fossil-fueled power plant to demonstrate the benefits of co-location to asset owners, grid operators, and the public. The TEA will consider both pulverized coal and gas fired power plants with and without carbon capture. The path to commercialization of this storage technology will be enabled through market research, gap assessment, and technology maturation and commercialization planning. The resulting TEA and performance data are expected to show reduction in risk and lowering of potential barriers to wide-scale deployment of integrated grid-scale storage; resulting in more secure, reliable, efficient, and cost-effective delivery of electricity with increased share of renewables.

One tangible product of the proposed work will be a new power system economic modeling tool that will be made available to power plant owners. This tool will allow users to determine the best battery technology and size for their location and the electricity market. The tool may be used by developers of large-scale battery technologies to identify market opportunities and attract investment. The development of a 3-5-10 cell Ti-Ce ED-RFB cell stack with 400 cm2 cells at 0.5 A/cm2 current density, 48h cycle duration and less than 5% capacity loss in one week standby will provide a prototype scaled-up RFB that is cost effective at the grid level. The project will also identify pathways to capex values of less than $500/kW (power) and less than $ 50/kWh (energy) for an annual production volume of less than 100 MW/yr. and less than 1 GWh/yr., and a levelized cost of storage (LCOS) of less than $0.05/kWh-cycle which will enable the widespread deployment of this technology solution.
FE0032018 University of Illinois IL Phase I: Natural Gas-Based Energy Storage at Abbott Power Plant 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

University of Illinois will conduct a conceptual design study for integrating a 10 MWh Compressed Natural Gas Energy Storage (CNGES) system with the Abbott Combined Heat and Power Plant at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. CNGES technology is analogous to commercial compressed air energy storage except natural gas is compressed during off-peak hours and discharged during peak hours. The project takes advantage of synergies at the Abbott plant where natural gas is its primary fuel. Co-locating energy storage with the plant will improve the short- and long-term reliability of electric power delivery as the use of variable renewable power generation increases. The technology includes control systems and algorithms to reliably adjust the energy generated to maintain a stable grid. This Phase I study will focus on a preliminary technical design that includes (1) identifying potential on-site locations for the CNGES; (2) projected utility requirements for CNGES from the fossil asset; (3) tie-in points; (4) permitting and regulatory considerations; and (5) technical challenges for integration of CNGES with the fossil asset. The impact of integration of CNGES into the campus grid, which already has renewables, will also be examined. Upon successful completion of the project, this new integrated technology would provide CHP plants with improved energy efficiency, reduced fuel and maintenance costs, and reduced emissions (since efficient ramping uses less fuel).
FE0032032 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) CT Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems for Energy Storage and Hydrogen Production 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

Fuel Cell Energy, Inc. (FCE) will complete a detailed feasibility study and technoeconomic analysis for MW-scale deployment of its reversible solid oxide fuel cell (RSOFC) energy storage technology, in combination with hydrogen production as an additional source of revenue and/or use in the power plant during peak periods. The RSOFC system will be designed for >10 MWhr capacity applications co-located with fossil-fueled Electricity Generating Units (EGUs). The primary objective of Phase I of this project is to show the technical and economic benefits of FCE’s RSOFC technology for a variety of fossil EGU applications, while also advancing the technology toward demonstration at Tri-State G&T’s natural gas-fueled combined cycle J.M. Shafer Generating Station power plant in Colorado as a key enabler for future commercial deployment. Additionally, FCE and team members plan to look more broadly at RSOFC energy storage implementations with fossil-assets and complete a technoeconomic study in specific market segments. The project includes creating a technology-to-market plan comprised of a technology gap assessment, Phase II Pre-FEED planning, technology maturation plan, and commercialization plan.
FE0032008 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Hydrogen Storage for Load-Following and Clean Power: Duct-Firing of Hydrogen to Improve the Capacity Factor of NGCC 12/31/2023 Energy Storage

Gas Technology Institute (GTI), in partnership with Southern Company, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), will perform a Phase I feasibility study on asset-integrated production and intermediate duration storage of >150 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy in the form of “blue” hydrogen (H2). The H2 will be produced from natural gas with integrated carbon dioxide (CO2) capture using GTI’s patented Compact Hydrogen Generator (CHG) technology. Stored H2 will be used for load-following in an existing natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plant within Southern Company's fleet. The objectives of the study are to: (1) perform a conceptual engineering assessment to define a system consisting of onsite H2 production, storage, and integration within a Southern Company-owned NGCC plant, in which the stored H2 will be injected into a duct burner within the heat recovery steam generator section; (2) perform the associated modeling to predict and quantify the load-following characteristics of the system; (3) obtain preliminary techno-economics and environmental performance of the system; (4) determine the risks and mitigation steps at the component/subsystem, as well as at the integrated system levels; and (5) establish a project plan for conducting a potential preliminary-front end engineering design (pre-FEED) study at a site that will be down-selected from the 20 NGCC plants owned by Southern Company.
FE0032008 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Hydrogen Storage for Load-Following and Clean Power: Duct-Firing of Hydrogen to Improve the Capacity Factor of NGCC 12/31/2023 Energy Storage

Gas Technology Institute (GTI), in partnership with Southern Company, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), will perform a Phase I feasibility study on asset-integrated production and intermediate duration storage of >150 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy in the form of “blue” hydrogen (H2). The H2 will be produced from natural gas with integrated carbon dioxide (CO2) capture using GTI’s patented Compact Hydrogen Generator (CHG) technology. Stored H2 will be used for load-following in an existing natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plant within Southern Company's fleet. The objectives of the study are to: (1) perform a conceptual engineering assessment to define a system consisting of onsite H2 production, storage, and integration within a Southern Company-owned NGCC plant, in which the stored H2 will be injected into a duct burner within the heat recovery steam generator section; (2) perform the associated modeling to predict and quantify the load-following characteristics of the system; (3) obtain preliminary techno-economics and environmental performance of the system; (4) determine the risks and mitigation steps at the component/subsystem, as well as at the integrated system levels; and (5) establish a project plan for conducting a potential preliminary-front end engineering design (pre-FEED) study at a site that will be down-selected from the 20 NGCC plants owned by Southern Company.
FE0032017 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Modular, Crushed-Rock Thermal Energy Storage Pilot Design 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

The goal of this project is to design a next-step pilot to advance near-term energy storage integrated with a fossil plant to provide a facility capable of being viable and effective in a market with growing penetration of variable renewable energy (VRE). Thermal energy storage (TES) represents an ideal technology for this purpose. A feasibility study to prepare for the Phase II pre-front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) for implementing a crushed-rock TES system integrated with a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plant will be performed. The crushed rock storage technology, which is being developed by Brenmiller, is a modular TES system termed bGen™, which can accommodate both thermal and electrical inputs, and output steam, hot water, or hot air. For this application, the estimated efficiency is 80% thermal to thermal.

The Brenmiller technology will be designed to operate on a slipstream from NYPA’s Eugene W. Zeltmann Power Project (Zeltmann) natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plant or a similar plant in their portfolio. The projected size of the system will be up to 4 megawatt electric (MWe) with at least 4 hours of storage duration, or 16 megawatt-hours electric (MWh-e) total. Final sizing will be determined during the feasibility study. EPRI has reviewed Brenmiller’s technology, which is being built in Dimona, Israel, to demonstrate bGen at 1.7 MWe on a solar plant (Rotem 1) and has been designed for an NGCC facility in Italy, assessing it at technology readiness level (TRL) 5. Brenmiller is also conducting a separate 1-megawatt thermal (MWth) pilot with Zeltman that pairs a bGen module with a microturbine for a combined heat and-power application to improve efficiency and provide flexibility.

The next-step pilot being designed as part of the proposed project will represent a 5-fold increase in scale, versus Rotem 1, and will show the technology’s ability to provide effective and economical energy storage, bringing the technology to TRL 6. This pilot at Zeltmann would be the next-to-last demonstration scale before bGen could be commercially ready at GWh-e scales in the 2030 timeframe. This project will provide the design for the critical next-step pilot to be undertaken in real-world operating conditions to determine the Brenmiller technology’s ability to be integrated with a NGCC plant and assess degradation over transient cycling rates available at various marketplaces.
FE0032015 University of Kansas Center for Research KS H2 Salt: Storing Fossil Energy as Hydrogen in Salt Caverns 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

This project supports the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) goal to advance near-term commercial deployment of fossil-fueled asset-integrated, energy storage solutions. The overall objective is to conduct an initial feasibility study for a power-to-hydrogen system “inside the fence” of a fossil fuel electricity generating plant in the state of Kansas. The scope of work will set the stage for subsequent site-specific projects integrating relatively mature combinations of energy storage technologies with particular fossil-fueled assets. The specific goals of the project are to complete a conceptual study of a hydrogen-based energy storage system at a specific site, conduct a technoeconomic study of a generic implementation in the midwestern electricity market, perform an assessment of the key risks including perceived technology gaps that could delay commercialization by 2030, create a project plan for a Phase 2 pre-FEED study, define a maturation plan that includes the work required to advance the technology to TRL 9, and prepare a commercialization plan to enable wide-scale deployment. The project team will leverage previous geologic assessments performed by the Kansas Geological Survey and Linde’s industrial experience operating an underground salt cavern in the Gulf Coast area to facilitate attainment of the project objectives. Evergy, the energy asset partner, owns the two natural gas combustion turbine electricity generating units (EGU) that are the designated sites for the study.
FE0032033 Siemens Energy, Inc. FL Advanced Hydrogen Compressor for Hydrogen Storage Integrated with a Powerplant 03/31/2022 Energy Storage

Siemens Energy will develop an advanced compressor concept that significantly reduces the overall number of stages required for cost-effective hydrogen compression. The project will include progressing the design of the compressor, manufacturing a prototype, and testing it to verify its performance in relevant operating conditions. Testing will aim to provide validation of the efficiency and operating range of the compressor stage. Siemens also will develop a cost model and conduct a techno-economic analysis to evaluate the cost benefits provided by the advanced hydrogen compressor relative to current commercially available compression technologies.
FE0032007 Element 16 Technologies, Inc. CA Low Cost Sulfur Thermal Storage for Increased Flexibility and Improved Economics of Fossil-Fueled Electricity Generation Units 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

Element 16 Technologies, Inc. will conduct a detailed feasibility study establishing the impact, cost, and performance of a molten sulfur thermal energy storage (TES) system integrated with fossil fuel assets. The molten sulfur TES performance model combined with cost model will be used to derive an optimal integration plan for increasing flexibility and improving economics of fossil-fueled electricity generating units. The planned activities include system performance and cost modeling for detailed techno-economic evaluation, and system design optimization to maximize the fossil fuel electricity generating unit’s output capacity and to minimize the levelized cost of electricity/storage and emissions. The project also includes developing a commercialization plan and technology gap assessment plan that identifies future research and development required to commercialize the technology by 2030.
FE0032004 Malta, Inc. MA Repurposing Fossil-Fueled Assets for Energy Storage 04/30/2022 Energy Storage

The overall objective of this project is to perform a conceptual design study of methods to integrate the Malta Pumped Heat Energy Storage System (MPHES) with an existing fossil energy (FE) power plant scheduled for partial or full retirement to identify opportunities to extend the useful economic life of the plant, maximize the asset owner’s return on investment in the plant, and provide stored energy to help maintain electric grid stability.

The above objective will be achieved through engineering design and economic studies of various MPHES-FE power plant integration options and economic analyses that will identify the most favorable economic option. The minimum stored energy delivery capacity will be 100MW for 10 hours.
FE0032014 University of North Dakota ND Ammonia-Based Energy Storage Technology (NH3-Best) 12/23/2023 Energy Storage

Ammonia’s unique set of chemical, physical, and economic properties make it the ideal energy storage medium for deployment at coal-fired power plants to reduce or eliminate the need for costly load following/cycling. In this project, the NH3-BEST concept will be modeled, validated, and advanced from technology readiness level (TRL) 2 to TRL3. This will enable electricity generation unit (EGU) accommodation of load fluctuations while operating within an optimal performance baseline output range, ensuring EGU operational efficiency and minimum degradation of materials, equipment, and performance due to load cycling-driven stresses. A basic model of the NH3-BEST concept/subsystem—which comprises electrolytic ammonia production, storage, and conversion to electricity via a direct ammonia fuel cell—will be defined and built using operational data from coal-fired utility plants. The model will be utilized to evaluate and optimize NH3-BEST performance when integrated with a power plant, establish NH3-BEST round-trip energy storage efficiency, quantify power plant operational and economic benefits of NH3-BEST integration, and establish NH3-BEST performance requirements for commercial viability and deployment including storage capacity and operational ramp time.
SC0021489 American Maglev Technology of Florida, Inc. FL Integration of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) Systems Optimized with Second-Generation, High-Temperature Superconducting (2G-HTS) Technology with a Major Fossil-Fueled Asset 02/21/2022 Energy Storage

The objective of the project is to scale up low-cost, high-efficiency, second-generation high-temperature superconducting (2G-HTS) technology for deployment across several markets, with a primary focus on the commercial development of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems. SMES is a transformative, disruptive energy-storage technology in the form of a “magnetic battery.” The geometry of the device creates a highly contained electromagnetic field, and the energy is released by discharging the coils. Due to the zero electrical resistance and infinite conductivity of a superconductor, the stored energy remains constant in the coil without any degradation until it is discharged. This ensures instant charging and access capabilities, with unparalleled efficiency exceeding 95%.
SC0021478 Carbon Solutions, LLC IN Pumped-Storage Hydropower using Abandoned Underground Mines as an Innovative Energy Storage Technology for Fossil-Integrated Systems 11/21/2021 Energy Storage

Pumped-storage hydropower (PSH) accounts for around 95% of all utility-scale storage in the U.S. and globally. PSH is a proven, cost-effective technology that is poised for massive expansion throughout the U.S. if the “?H challenge” can be solved. The ?H challenge refers to achieving a suitable difference in hydraulic head height between the upper and lower reservoirs in a PSH system to enable hundreds of megawatts of electricity generation power by turbines located at the lower reservoir. To date, PSH deployment has been constrained to locations throughout the U.S. for which natural topography provides suitable elevation relief between the upper and lower reservoirs. Carbon Solutions is investigating a solution to the ?H challenge and facilitate the commercialization of a novel energy storage technology termed PSH-AUM—Pumped-Storage Hydropower using Abandoned Underground Mines.
SC0021461 Skyhaven Systems, LLC CO Rare Earth Metal Separation and Recovery 11/21/2021 Separation Technologies

Skyhaven Systems, LLC, proposes a Phase I SBIR to demonstrate an improved rare earth metal separation and recovery process. Our technology builds on earlier work by extending and optimizing electrodeposition parameters in combination with magneto-migration ion separation techniques. The Phase I program will evaluate the recovery of metals from dissolved rare earth oxides in deep eutectic solvents (DESs), a subset of ionic liquids, using the proposed electrochemical/magnetic separation approach DESs are environmentally benign, chemically stable and are produced in large quantities at low cost ($0.60- 2.30/kg). A large proportion of DESs are considered biodegradable because most of their components are natural products. Importantly, DESs can dissolve many metal oxides. The Phase I program will focus on separating and recovering rare earth metals from single and dual component solutions. The Phase II program will continue to optimize this process and extend the approach to multi-component solutions.
SC0021501 TDA Research, Inc. CO Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing (FES) for Monitoring of CO2 Storage 11/21/2021 Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency

In this SBIR project TDA will develop a robust CO2 sensor for continuous monitoring of supercritical CO2 at the high pressures and elevated temperature conditions thousands of feet underground. This sensor is based on a metal-organic-frameworks (MOF) material that is sensitive to CO2. The MOF material’s electrical parameters change in the presence of CO2, and this signal change can be continuously monitored by variation in the impedance. The CO2 sensitivity and durability of our MOF material has been shown in thousands of hours of testing with coal flue gas in laboratory and pilot unit testing. This sensor is simple, with no mechanical parts, and it passively responds to the presence of CO2. In Phase I TDA will experimentally establish the limits of detection using the MOFs and an advanced data processing technique called Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing (FES) and demonstrate the performance of the sensor in a column of soil at the temperature and pressures characteristic of deep, bore-hole environments. In Phase II TDA will optimize the sensor design and package it to read-out CO2 in rock and soil so it is ready for in-field use.
SC0021479 Bettergy Corporation NY A Highly Sensitive Real-Time Subsurface Sensor for CO2 Leakage Monitoring 02/21/2022 Secure Storage (Migration Outside of Reservoir)

Bettergy will develop a novel coaxial cable microwave Fabry-Perot interferometric (FPI) sensing probe that is able to detect CO2 in the subsurface a with high sensitivity, fast response speed and superior robustness. Highly stable and corrosion resistant metal tubes will be selected from off-the-shelf commodities as the outer conductor shield of the sensor, while the core of this sensor will be a modularized FPI section filler—a novel composite membrane made of inorganic CO2 adsorbent and organic support/bonder that can rapidly and effectively adsorb CO2 molecules.
FE0032016 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CA Liquid Salt Combined-Cycle Pilot Plant Design 02/28/2022 Energy Storage

The liquid salt combined-cycle (LSCC) strategy has been developed by Pintail Power (PP) to facilitate low carbon intensity load balancing with variable renewable energy (VRE) power systems by providing reliable load during periods of high VRE production, storing that energy in a thermal energy storage (TES) system, and dispatching that energy with gas turbine (GT) generation to deliver secure, reliable power with lower carbon intensity.

Because LSCC makes use of only commercially available equipment (molten nitrate salt TES, resistive electric heaters, and salt-to-steam heat exchangers), no novel equipment is needed to realize an effective energy storage system. However, the integration of this equipment has not been demonstrated in a combined cycle arrangement. Therefore, the objective of this proposal is to integrate the LSCC design in a combined cycle environment, interfaced with existing natural-gas combined-cycle (NGCC) hardware to evaluate system responsiveness in a real-time operating environment. Southern’s Plant Rowan in North Carolina has been selected for the LSCC integration study. The plant has three simple-cycle and one two-on-one combined-cycle GT generating systems, including all vital components needed for an integrated design: flue gas, feedwater, electrical power, and footprint space.
FE0032023 T2M Global, LLC CT Advanced Oxygen-Free Electrolyzer for Ultra-Low-Cost Hydrogen Storage for Fossil Plants 02/29/2024 Energy Storage

T2M Global will perform component development of its Advanced O2-Free Electrolyzer (AES) technology for low-cost, long-duration hydrogen energy storage for fossil plants. Most fossil plants end up with ~ 25% of syngas as a dilute stream which is an underutilized/stranded resource. The low-level heat from these plants is also often wasted. AES technology provides a new pathway to create higher value co-products from these stranded resources--namely dilute/waste syngas streams, excess electricity, and waste heat--for additional revenue and greater sustainability. AES targets a round-trip electrical efficiency of 80% and hydrogen priced at < $4/kg. The stored hydrogen will be used to produce power on demand using a highly efficient hybrid power cycle. Test data will be utilized to develop a MW-class AES module design (target capacity 1 ton/day H2 storage) to establish readiness for potential demonstration at Hawaii Gas. The AES module data will be utilized to perform a techno-economic analysis and validate the market potential for AES in the syngas industry.
SC0021588 Maxterial, Inc. CA A Novel Surface Technology with a Superalloy Composition as a Low-Cost Solution for Protecting Boiler Tubes Against Failure 02/21/2022 POT - High Performance Materials

This project will develop a low-cost and highly corrosion resistant coating for enhancing the

resistance of boiler tubes against failure. Protecting boiler tubes against thermal failure is an

emergent need in coal power plants. The reason is that many of these boilers are now experiencing

on/off cycling operation while they were originally designed for continuous operation.
FE0032042 University of Utah UT Enabling Entrained-Flow Gasification of Blends of Coal, Biomass and Plastics 09/30/2023 Clean Hydrogen & Negative CO2 Emissions

The University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT) will leverage a high-pressure, slurry-fed, oxygen-blown entrained-flow system to enable co-gasification of biomass and waste plastic by creating slurries of pulverized coal, biomass pyrolysis liquids, and liquefied plastic oil. Objectives include determining compositions of coal-biomass-plastic mixtures that produce a stable slurry suitable for pumping to high pressure, designing and testing a novel burner to effectively atomize the mixed feedstock slurry in a pressurized gasifier, and acquiring first-of-a-kind performance data for pressurized, oxygen-blown entrained-flow gasification of slurried blends of coal, biomass, and plastic. Various combinations of coal, bioliquid, and plastic oil will be mixed to create blended feedstock slurries ranging from 25 to 60% biomass on a heating value basis. The slurries will be characterized to assess stability, viscosity, fuel properties, and ability to be pumped to high pressure and atomized. Additionally, a custom hot oxygen burner (HOB) specifically designed to gasify the slurry mixtures will be manufactured, and its atomization efficiency will be characterized. Gasification performance of the most promising slurry mixtures will be evaluated in the University of Utah’s 1 ton/day pressurized oxygen-blown gasifier with the Hot Oxygen Burner installed.
SC0021881 Compact Membrane Systems, Inc. DE Low Cost Membranes for Carbon Capture 06/26/2022 Membranes

Compact Membrane Systems Inc. (CMS) will develop a novel custom amorphous fluoropolymer (CAF) facilitated transport membrane (FTM) for post-combustion CO2 capture. The CAF FTM will have high CO2/N2 selectivity and high CO2 flux with excellent fouling resistance. In this Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project, CMS will synthesize polymers, fabricate lab scale membranes, demonstrate membrane stability, and calculate cost savings via engineering and economic evaluations. The CMS target is to develop a membrane system capable of 90% CO2 capture from flue gas for less than $30/tonne and greater than 95% CO2 purity.
SC0021753 4D MAKER, LLC MI A Novel Low-Cost, Miniaturized Hydrogen Sensor with High Robustness and Reliability for Continuous Hydrogen Monitoring 12/27/2022 Advanced Technologies

The project will enable the design, fabrication, and integration of a novel hydrogen sensing device prototype that can monitor the pipeline infrastructure system continuously or detect the possible leakage of the hydrogen gas in a variety of environments. The project will fabricate a prototype device and evaluate its performance. 4D Maker LLC will partner with Oakland University and Michigan State University to work together for the commercialization of the developed sensor technology. GTI, a leading provider of services and research for the natural gas and renewable energy industries, will also assist the research team in promoting the new technology and developing a commercialization plan.
SC0021884 TDA Research, Inc. CO Ionic Liquid-based Electrowinning for Refining of Rare Earth Oxides/Salts 03/27/2022 Separation Technologies

Rare earth (RE) elements are used in a variety of energy and defense critical technologies, including permanent magnets and rechargeable batteries, but the vast majority of extraction and processing to convert the oxide to metal is done overseas. Coal and coal-based resources represent a significant potential domestic source of REs. Current RE refinement technologies use high temperatures and highly reactive and toxic chemicals. The development of new techniques and processes to refine rare earth oxides and salts to rare earth metals would enable domestic production of REEs and provide a high value product.

This project will use computational techniques to design ionic liquids (IL) that can solvate individual rare earth cations from their oxide and salt forms. The solvated rare earth cations will be reduced to metals using an electrowinning process. In the Phase I effort we will apply our computation methods to a wide range of ionic liquids to identify those that have both a wide electrochemical stability window and which can effectively solvate the RE cations. Select ILs will be purchased or synthesized in-house. We will experimentally demonstrate the solvation and electrowinning processes on a lab scale, and explore basic process parameters such as temperature and time. An engineering analysis will be performed to identify the scale-up and techno-economic challenges that we will need to address in Phase II.
SC0021894 Solve Technology and Research, Inc. FL Additively Manufactured Hybrid Thermal Protection Systems for SCO2 Applications 03/27/2022 Turbomachinery

Solve has teamed up with Siemens Energy, Inc., and Stony Brook to develop advanced hybrid thermal protection system architectures by additive manufacturing. The team will demonstrate the application of additive manufacturing to engineered surfaces at the bond coat/TBC interfaces, with precise control of surface area and aspect ratios. This will be first demonstration of a hybrid AM+TBC architecture for sCO2 applications. This provides a large range in strain compliance capability, enabling the thermal barrier coating systems to successfully operate in sCO2 environments. With additive manufacturing, unique surface features can be formed on the surface and the proposed innovation will result in a step change in technology of hybrid thermal protection systems for sCO2 applications. Phase 1 will focus on LPBF printing of engineered surface features, with down-selected cell sizes and heights for the superalloy/bond coat/coating system and also the boundary conditions for sCO2 operation-such as substrate temperature, thermal gradient, coating thickness and material.
SC0021897 Sporian Microsystems, Inc. CO A Spectroscopy-Based, Real-Time, Fluid Composition Monitoring System for sCO2-Based Power Cycles 03/27/2022 Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles

This project seeks to develop an inexpensive, reliable, real-time composition monitoring system -- based on an advanced, cavity enhanced Raman spectroscopy technique being developed by the Recipient -- for high pressure supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) based power cycles. The proposed monitoring suite seeks to provide real-time composition information (such as CO2, moisture, possible contaminants) to assist with the design/operation of key hardware components, process control, and the overall sCO2 power cycle operations.
FE0032038 Ohio State University OH Beneficial Use of Harvested Ponded Fly Ash and Landfilled FGD Materials for High-Volume Surface Mine Reclamation 07/05/2024 Ash Beneficial Use

The focus of this project will be on the viability of beneficial use of harvested coal combustible residuals (CCRs), especially ponded fly ash and landfilled flue gas desulfurization (FGD) by-products . The project will take place at 3 sites represented by the phases I and II and the two phase III circles in the adjacent graphic. The proposed project is designed to demonstrate laboratory- as well as bench-scale testing and construction methods that can be applied to a wide variety of ash ponds, closed FGD landfills, and abandoned coal mine sites in the United States. The major tasks for this project are:

  1. Geotechnical and environmental testing and evaluation using an existing bench-scale facility of harvested ponded fly ash and landfilled FGD material at the former Conesville power plant. Successful completion of the lab- and bench-scale testing will lead to Task 2 - Conesville Full-Scale Demonstration.
  2. About 2 million tons of harvested CCR materials from an inactive fly ash pond and an adjacent old FGD landfill will be used to fully reclaim a nearby partially-abandoned surface coal mine. Site monitoring will be carried out during the project.
  3. Numerical models leveraging the rich set of data collected from the Conesville site will be used to analyze risks for high-volume surface mine reclamation with harvested CCRs. Transport simulators and geochemical reaction models will be integrated, calibrated, and validated. Sensitivity analysis of the temporal evolution and significance of the factors involved in the process will be performed to determine significant risk factors and drivers.
SC0021742 RESPEC Company, LLC SD Production of Critical Minerals from Coal-Based Resources 04/27/2022 Separation Technologies

Executive Order 138171 recently listed 35 minerals deemed critical to the United States’ national security and our economy. Most of these minerals are not available to be mined from conventional sources in the United States; as a result, a mineral dependency vulnerability is created that can adversely impact our nation. A comprehensive review of the potential to extract critical minerals from unconventional sources, such as coal-based resources, is an important step in improving the knowledge by advancing research efforts in this area. The nature of the unconventional deposits of critical minerals and extracting technologies that are limiting exploitation by our miners and producers, as described in Executive Order 13817, is not well understood. In collaboration with West Virginia University (WVU), RESPEC’s team will develop a comprehensive study of the potential to extract critical minerals from coal-based resources. By combining industry and academia experience, our team will build concepts for quantifying and extracting critical minerals found in unconventional sources. Our elite professionals will also provide a detailed analysis of the potential applications of these minerals in developing advancing alloys or component production that are essential toward the economy or national security of the United States.
SC0021837 Microbeam Technologies, Inc. MN Development of Sorting Algorithm for Critical Mineral-rich Coal Resource Feedstocks for Use in Full-Stream Analyzers 06/27/2022 Process Systems

This project addresses the issue of high variability of critical minerals (CM), including rare earth elements (REE), in coal feedstocks. The proposed project is aimed at developing a technology to sort coals based on REE-CM concentration. Sorting the high CM from low CM-containing feedstocks is essential to the economic viability of a commercial CM concentrate production facility. The inability to sort coal in real time is detrimental to REE-CM processing plants. This technology will assist these plants in reducing costs through efficient management of their incoming feedstocks materials.

The Phase I specific objectives include the following: 1) identify coal samples that represent high-rank and low-rank coals, 2) determine abundance and form of the REE-CM in selected coal samples, 3) analyze samples with the advanced sensors, and 4) develop algorithms for total REE, light REE, heavy REE, and individual REE and CM based on sensor responses.
SC0021827 Liquid Ion Solutions, LLC PA 3rd Generation, High Performance, Water-lean Solvents for Carbon Capture 03/27/2022 Solvents

Liquid Ion Solutions LLC will develop and commercialize a 3rd generation water-lean solvent system with high capture capacity (> 10 wt%), low viscosity at rich loading (< 10 cP at 40 °C), and improved thermal and chemical stability over 2nd generation solvents. During Phase I of the project, the team will combine commercially available amine candidates with RoCo Global’s proprietary additives to formulate water-lean solvent systems, combining key characteristics of piperazine-based solvents and water-lean solvents. The team will conduct performance testing to screen and optimize the solvent systems. A down-selected solvent system will then be scaled-up and tested in a lab-scale CO2 capture system to collect performance data and operating parameters.
SC0021873 Pioneer Energy, Inc. CO Recycling Treater for Reduction of Well Site Methane Emissions and Integrated Miscible EOR 01/27/2022 Emissions Mitigation

This proposal is for a feasibility study and software modeling of a novel approach to well pad surface equipment. This equipment will substantially replace the existing surface infrastructure to minimize methane and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions, while at the same time, maximize the amount of liquids recovery from oil wells. Pioneer Energy anticipates ~90% reduction in the number of point-sources of emissions from the well pad, and an immediate increase of about 5% in crude oil volume. The proposed system can also enable in-situ enhanced oil recovery (EOR) using miscible NGLs, which can further increase total hydrocarbon recovery from unconventional wells by 50%-100% and elongate the life of those wells by 5-10 years.
SC0021880 Creare NH Inline Monitoring of Hydrogen Blends and Automated Pipe Leakage Detection 03/27/2022 Emissions Quantification

In the proposed project, Creare will develop a modular gas sensor package capable of measuring

hydrogen concentrations while operating in a high-pressure blended methane-hydrogen gas environment.

The multi-sensor platform will be packaged into a rugged enclosure and integrated onto a robotic platform

as part of a comprehensive inline inspection platform. In parallel, industry partners at ULC

Technologies LLC (ULC) will enhance their acoustic-based methane leak detector so that it is also capable

of detecting leaks and further repairing them utilizing their magnetic patch technology while operating in a

blended hydrogen-methane environment.
SC0021752 Alien Sandbox, LLC TX Intelligent Proppants for Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics 10/31/2022 Advanced Technologies

The project aims to realize smart proppants and sensor balls with diameters ranging between 2.5mm and 1mm. A sensor ball contains sensors for temperature, pressure, with future generations to include geochemical sensors as well. The ball contains three accelerometers, one for each orthogonal axis. Integrating acceleration twice results in displacement, or computed trajectory, a technique known as inertial navigation. Taken together, a sensor ball is able to report its unique trajectory, and what was measured along its path. A sensor ball is designed to be entrained in a fluid, and can therefore journey through any subsurface engineered system (e.g., any circulating drilling fluid, any closed-loop geothermal system, and even through hydraulic fractures as applicable to fracking for hydrocarbons, or fracking to engineer an enhanced geothermal system, EGS). The ball can be captured, collected, and interrogated to report information from its journey, and then cycled again. The project envisions 100s or even 1,000s of sensor balls cycling through subsurface systems of interest. With such a network of balls, an entire 3D mapping of a fracture network is possible, like imaging veins in a human body.
SC0021945 Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI Hydrogen Detection using an Intelligent Optical Sensor (HyDIOS) 03/27/2022 Advanced Technologies

Oceanit proposes to develop Hydrogen Detection using an Intelligent Optical Sensor (HyDIOS) for “real-time” monitoring of hydrogen concentration within a pipeline-quality natural gas stream throughout transportation infrastructure for efficient end-use. The concept of HyDIOS is built on the combination of Oceanit’s unique NERRO artificial intelligence (AI) chip and an inexpensive miniaturized surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor. HyDIOS will facilitate a more comprehensive set of sensing capabilities, which will allow for continuous unmanned monitoring of natural gas blends, pipeline efficiency, and hydrogen delivery. A successful outcome from the proposed effort will deliver the following:

• “real-time” remote monitoring capabilities

• robust chemical and mechanical durability

• hydrogen specificity in diverse gas mixes

• a scalable and cost-effective sensor technology compatible with existing pipeline monitoring systems.

Oceanit will leverage 20 years of in-house AI development, with 30 years of sensor development experience at University of California, Riverside, to create a cutting edge HyDIOS hydrogen detection technology that will deliver “real-time” hydrogen monitoring capabilities compatible with existing pipeline monitoring systems.
SC0021959 Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI Efficient and Economic Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics using Metamaterials and Edge AI 06/27/2022 Advanced Technologies

The main objective of the proposed Phase I effort is to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of an acoustic and electromagnetic intelligent proppant that can be used with current industry tools with real-time monitoring capabilities derived from AI hardware. Oceanit will design and produce an acoustic and electromagnetic responsive proppant that will provide new multi-modal imaging capabilities that convey increased information about proppant flow, placement, and environmental conditions, such as mechanical stress or chemical surroundings. The Phase I project's overall goal is to provide proof-of-concept and advancement of a unique intelligent proppant system that allows for accurate mapping of propped hydraulic fractures along with additional information useful for safety and productivity.
SC0021809 Adaptive 3D Technologies, LLC TX Robust, Thiol-based 3D Printed Elastomers for Chemically-resistant Downhole Completions 04/29/2022 Advanced Technologies

This Phase I SBIR submitted to the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) aims to improve efficiency in unconventional oil and gas recovery through optimization of the downhole completions process and providing supply chain surety to deliver point-of-need solution to remote production facilities by commercializing novel, thiol-based 3D printable photo-resins that unlock polymers with materials properties and geometries not previously achievable by other means. Conventional completions processes utilize tools which are manufactured from cast and milled rubber and metal parts, assembled in factories, inventoried, and shipped to locations for use. This generates long lead times for replacement parts, high inventory costs and limited ability to respond to unconventional situations (such as packers for needed for: sealing high salinity wells, wells with irregular rock faces and pausing well production with retrievable packer systems). Additive manufacturing of functional parts on-site can enable rapid deployment of solutions to improve up-time and limit costly inventory overhead. Additive manufacturing can enable novel geometries, unattainable by conventional molding and subtractive manufacturing, which leads to improved functionality and decreased cost. Further, additive manufacturing is ideal for low lot production runs, where tooling costs and lead times are prohibitive, and for one-off replacement parts for legacy systems. Deploying these capabilities to remote locations (where most oil and gas production

occurs) provides further value as it decreases inventory overhead and lead times to deploy replacement parts when needed. To date, additive manufacturing of elastomers has proven insufficient to withstand the high temperatures (often > 200°F), pressures (often > 10 kpsi) and large deformations (often > 100% strain) placed on elastomers in oil and gas environments (down-hole). This is because today most 3D printed thermoset, elastomers are formed from (meth)acrylate-based polymer systems, which are inherently susceptible to environmental degradation and poor aging, exacerbated at high temperature due to main chain ester hydrolysis. Thermo-plastic elastomers (such as those formed by fused filament fabrication and laser sintering) fail above their melt temperatures and suffer from wear, creep and fatigue. 3D printable elastomers which are mechanically robust and hydrolytically stable have, heretofore, not been produced for the oil and gas sector as functional end-use parts. The specific target of this Phase I feasibility study is a 3D printable rubber which has mechanical and chemical properties similar to NBR. The elastomer resulting from our proposed efforts will be mechanically robust (strain of > 200%, stress > 20 MPa and toughness of > 20 MJ/m3) and chemically resistant (able to withstand > 100 °C for > 1 month in supercritical water). While this objective is trivial to achieve for conventionally formed rubbers, it is challenging to achieve this combination of materials properties in an additive manufacturing process, such that there are no viable additive manufacturing photo-elastomer solutions on the market today for downhole applications for functional end parts.
FE0032061 University of North Dakota ND Electromagnetic Energy-Assisted Thermal Conversion of Fossil-Based Hydrocarbons to Low-Cost Hydrogen 07/31/2024 High Performance Materials

Hydrogen can be produced from the decomposition of hydrocarbons such as methane, without the production of carbon oxides. This represents a highly favorable route for hydrogen production compared to industrial production methods based predominantly on steam-methane reforming (SMR). Breaking hydrogen-oxygen bonds in water requires about seven times the energy compared to breaking carbon-hydrogen bonds in methane. SMR and methane decomposition processes both require indirect heating to provide the overall endothermic heat of reaction for hydrogen formation, but the heat of reaction for the SMR is more than double that for methane decomposition. In contrast to the SMR process, the methane decomposition process offers a promising path for economical and environmentally sound production of hydrogen without production of carbon dioxide.

The goal of this project is to make targeted improvements to the conventional thermo-catalytic hydrocarbon conversion process using an electromagnetic energy assisted mechanism; resulting in the reduction of downtime associated with catalyst reactivation or replacement due to poisoning. State-of-the-art solid catalysts exhibit short process lifetimes that are not suitable for commercial application. This project uses both experimental and computational tools to understand the fundamental interactions between fossil fuels and their interactions with an electromagnetic energy source. This technology can utilize natural gas or volatiles obtained from coal decomposition to provide carbon dioxide-free hydrogen. The first objective of this project is to identify catalyst supports that enhance the electromagnetic energy-assisted mechanism to ensure in-situ catalyst reactivation to near-initial fresh conditions. The performance of these prepared catalysts will be tested in laboratory units and the results will be used to validate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and chemical kinetics models. Finally, CFD will be used to investigate the electromagnetic energy-assisted conversion mechanism as a function of catalyst structure and operating conditions for hydrogen production.
FE0032115 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Durable and High-Performance SOECs Based on Proton Conductors for Hydrogen Production 05/31/2024 Cell Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology will demonstrate the commercial feasibility of a robust, highly efficient, and low-cost Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC) system based on proton conductors for hydrogen generation. The objective of the overall project is to develop new materials that have potential to meet or exceed 95 % Faradaic efficiency in SOEC mode, and > 70 % roundtrip efficiency at 0.5 A/cm2 in both SOFC and SOEC modes in individual cells. This objective will be accomplished through the: (1) production of dry hydrogen, thus eliminating the need of downstream purification, (2) optimization of the proton conductivity, air-electrode materials, and air-electrode catalyst by tailoring their compositions, structures, and architectures, and (3) study of in situ, ex situ, and operando measurements guided by theoretical analysis, thus obtaining a better understanding of the degradation mechanisms of cell materials and interfaces. In prior work, Georgia Tech has constructed small reversible Solid Oxide Cells (rSOCs) based on proton conductors, achieving ~70% roundtrip efficiency at 1 A/cm2, far better than those reported for a zirconia membrane-based system, showing the potential that the SOECs developed for this project will dramatically advance the technology for hydrogen and electricity generation.
FE0032047 University of Wyoming WY Core-CM in the Greater Green River and Wind River Basins: Transforming and Advancing a National Coal Asset 05/31/2024 Enabling Technologies

This project will develop strategic and novel development plans for the abundant COR-CM feedstocks located in the Greater Green River Basin (GGRB) and Wind River Basin (WRB) including waste streams from coal, coal byproducts, trona, helium, uranium, phosphate, and oil and gas industries. The project team will complete initial assessments, gap analyses, and strategic planning under several categories including (1) assessment CORE-CM feedstocks, (2) waste stream reuse assessments, (3) infrastructure, industry, and businesses, (4) technology pairing and development, (5) technology innovation center planning, and (6) stakeholder outreach and education, including workforce development programs and forums to facilitate technology transfer.
FE0032039 University of Illinois IL Surface Modified Fly Ash For Value Added Products (Sumo Fly Ash) 01/31/2024 Ash Beneficial Use

The primary objective of this project is to advance the development of technology for synthesizing sulfurized vegetable oil modified (SuMo) fly ash particles with inherently reduced metal leaching for use as novel fillers in multi polymeric matrices. It will be demonstrated that these encapsulated fly ash particles will improve functional properties of plastics and elastomers and have comparable or improved environmental release of constituents of potential concern (COPC) compared to non-CCR (coal combustible residuals) products, thereby meeting EPA evaluation criteria for CCR encapsulated beneficial use.
FE0032094 Cormetech, Inc. NC Bench-Scale Testing of Monolithic Poly Propyleneimine Structured Contactors for Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide 12/14/2023 Sorbents

CORMETECH Inc., in partnership with Global Thermostat LLC and Georgia Institute of Technology, will develop and test a novel sorbent - air contactor composition with low pressure drop optimized for carbon dioxide (CO2) removal from ambient air. The monolith contactor will be optimized to support the selected direct air capture (DAC) sorbent composition, linear poly(propyleneimine) (l-PPI), which offers advantages over benchmark poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI)-based sorbents. The process employs the desorption step developed by Global Thermostat LLC, whereby steam is directly contacted with the sorbent media to induce desorption, resulting in ultra-fast desorption kinetics. Experimental measurements of key adsorption and diffusion parameters coupled with various process and techno-economic models will inform the design and optimization. Bench-scale testing of the optimized sorbent-contactor composition will be performed. The novel approach will maximize the volumetric productivity of the DAC process while reducing the auxiliary power required to capture CO2 from air.
FE0032082 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MA Carbon Foam House 09/30/2022 Building Products

This project looks to deploy carbon foams derived from coal as core materials for all-composite buildings, with a prime focus on housing. The team is focusing primarily on carbon foam as a potential core substrate for carbon nanotube composite panels. Carbon foam offers non-combustible, acoustically absorptive, compression-carrying properties that seem well-suited to building use. Additionally, the project will look at using the electro-thermal capacity of carbon foam, to permit heating and cooling, in place of separate systems. Fire, structural, thermal, acoustical, and other properties will be tested per building code requirements. The main goals are to more fully characterize carbon foam as a composite substrate for building use. An all-carbon house will be designed using the poly-functional attributes of carbon foam (and carbon nanotube), and life cycle analysis and techno-economic analysis will be performed on this design pilot.
FE0032114 Tallgrass MLP Operations, LLC KS Blue Bison ATR Advanced CCUS System 02/28/2023 Solvents

Tallgrass MLP Operations LLC will partner with the University of Wyoming and Technip Energies to perform an initial engineering design on a commercial-scale carbon capture and storage system to be installed at a proposed hydrogen (H2) production plant in Douglas, Wyoming. The proposed plant will be capable of producing 220 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of H2 from natural gas with 99.97% purity, or “blue” H2, utilizing Haldor Topsoe’s auto-thermal reforming (ATR) technology. BASF’s OASE® White carbon capture system will be implemented to capture 1.66 million tonnes per year of 95% pure carbon dioxide (CO2) with more than 97% total carbon capture efficiency. The project team will leverage existing ATR technology design and engineering to reach the optimal ATR and carbon capture design while minimizing the lowest levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) production and cost of CO2 capture to achieve the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) target for carbon-neutral blue H2 production of less than $1/kg. The design will include integration of the blue H2 facility, the associated oxygen producing facility, and the carbon capture system to optimize the oxygen requirements and steam balance. Plausible options for storing the CO2 will be evaluated and the economics will be assessed.
FE0032060 University of North Dakota ND Williston Basin CORE-CM Initiative 06/30/2024 Enabling Technologies

CORE-CM projects will focus on the following six objectives: (1) basinal assessment of CORE-CM resources, (2) basinal strategies for reuse of waste streams, (3) basinal strategies for infrastructure, industries, and businesses, (4) technology assessment, development, and field testing, (5) technology innovation centers, and (6) stakeholder outreach and education.

The University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center will form and lead a coalition team of nearly 30 partners, encompassing all value chain segments, focused on expanding the use of coal and coal-based resources to produce rare-earth elements (REE), critical minerals (CM), and nonfuel carbon-based products in the Williston Basin. This basin, centered in western North Dakota with portions reaching into South Dakota, Montana, and Canada, contains over 800 years of lignite coal at existing rates of use. The primary development of Williston Basin lignite coal has been in North Dakota, providing coal resources to a series of power facilities totaling greater than 4000 MW of generation capacity. The project work constitutes Phase 1 of a long-term program with objectives to identify the existing knowledge base and gaps and to develop a series of assessments/plans. Research will be conducted to identify and compile the existing, extensive Williston Basin knowledge base related to REE, CM, and nonfuel carbon-based products. Specific efforts will focus on assessment of coal characteristics, identification of waste streams available, development of regional business planning opportunities, assessment of existing technologies, development of plans to create technology innovation centers, and stakeholder outreach. This assessment may result in databases, models, and a series of assessments/plans that are intended to guide the next phase of activities, with the overall goal of expanding and transforming the use of coal and coal-based resources within the Williston Basin.
FE0032113 Linde, Inc. CT Engineering Study of Svante's Solid Sorbent Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology at a Linde Steam Methane Reforming H2 Plant 11/30/2023 Sorbents

Linde Inc., in coordination with Linde Engineering Americas, Linde Engineering Dresden, and Svante Inc., will complete an initial engineering design of a commercial-scale carbon capture plant using the Svante VeloxoTherm™ solid adsorbent carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology to be installed at an existing Linde-owned steam methane reforming (SMR) hydrogen (H2) production plant in Port Arthur, Texas. The overall system will be designed to capture approximately 1,000,000 tonnes/year net CO2 with at least 90% carbon capture efficiency while producing “blue” H2 with 99.97% purity from natural gas. The engineering design will comprise of the core technology; process units inside the battery limits (ISBL) of the CO2 capture unit, such as flue gas conditioning and CO2 product purification; and balance of plant components outside the battery limits (OSBL) of the capture plant. The project team will perform a techno-economic analysis to estimate the cost of capture in $/tonne net CO2 captured from the H2 plant and the levelized cost of hydrogen.
FE0032101 Black and Veatch Corporation KS Scaleup and Site-Specific Engineering Design for Global Thermostat Direct Air Capture Technology 06/30/2024 Sorbents

Black & Veatch Corporation will partner with Global Thermostat (GT), Sargent & Lundy, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering, Southern Company Services, and Elysian Ventures LLC to execute an initial engineering design of a commercial-scale carbon capture, utilization, and storage direct air capture (CCUS-DAC) system that captures at least 100,000 net tonnes/year of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. The lead system, designated as DAC+, consists of a DAC unit utilizing GT’s sorbent contactor technology coupled with a natural gas-fired combined heat and power (CHP) plant. In the DAC+ process, CO2 is extracted from the flue gas emanating from the burning of natural gas to power the process in addition to the CO2 extracted from the air. A second approach will also be examined, which involves a DAC unit powered by a CHP unit combined with a conventional liquid amine-based capture system to capture additional CO2 from the CHP flue gas (“two capture” approach). Initial engineering design studies will be performed for the base DAC+ design for three distinct locations in the continental United States—Odessa, Texas (dry hot climate); Bucks, Alabama (hot wet climate); and Goose Creek, Illinois (mid-continental climate)—that are conveniently located near known, well-characterized CO2 storage sites. An initial engineering design study will also be generated for the “two capture” system at the Bucks, Alabama, site. Black & Veatch will lead project management and engineering design for construction and balance of plant; Sargent & Lundy will lead design efforts inside the DAC+ island; and ExxonMobil Research and Engineering will provide support for scaleup and plant layout at scale. Southern Company and Elysian Ventures will manage deployment logistics at the three selected sites. Techno-economic and life cycle analyses, as well as business case assessments based on utilization of the Low-Carbon Fuel Standard or 45Q tax credit, will also be performed for all three sites.
FE0032055 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA Evolve Central Appalachia (Evolve CAPP) 09/30/2024 Enabling Technologies

CORE-CM projects will develop and implement strategies that enable each specific U.S. basin to realize its full economic potential for producing rare earth elements (REE), critical minerals (CM), and high-value, nonfuel, carbon-based products from basin-contained resources. CORE-CM projects will focus on the following six objectives: (1) basinal assessment of CORE-CM resources, (2) basinal strategies for reuse of waste streams, (3) basinal strategies for infrastructure, industries, and businesses, (4) technology assessment, development, and field testing, (5) technology innovation centers, and (6) stakeholder outreach and education.

Project-specific objectives are to determine the quantity and distribution of these resources in the region, formulate strategies to utilize coal waste streams to produce useful fuels and materials, formulate strategies to encourage business development, guide research and development of new technologies, formulate plans to establish technology innovation centers, and formulate and implement stakeholder outreach and education initiatives. In addition, the research team will evaluate regional infrastructure and identify industries and businesses that may benefit from current and future CORE-CM production and utilization. Strategies will be presented to spur economic growth, close supply chain gaps, promote investment in the region, and address workforce education and training opportunities.
FE0032129 Georgia Tech Research Corporation GA Hybridizing Heat-Integrated 3D Printed Modules with Mass Manufacturable, Low Pressure Drop Fiber Sorbents 12/31/2023 Sorbents

Georgia Tech Research Corporation, with project partners Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Reactwell Inc., and Trimeric Inc., will advance a fiber sorbent technology for direct air capture (DAC) through optimization of a contactor design to enhance productivity and lower cost. Polyethyleneimine (PEI)-infused cellulose acetate (CA)/silica fibers sorbents previously developed for DAC applications will be housed in 3D-printed modules that provide heat integration and flow control for adsorption of carbon dioxide (CO2). The hybridization of fiber sorbent technology with modular housing provides several advantages that will lead to lower air pressure drops, higher sorbent productivity, and ease of manufacturing and assembly. During Budget Period 1 (BP 1), the hybrid 3D-printed modules will be designed, fabricated, and optimized. The fibers will be fabricated on a large-scale, with a portion woven into laminate-style sheets. Long-term cyclic testing will be performed at bench scale on the optimal 3D-printed module. During BP 2, the hybrid modules containing the fibers will be evaluated against pressure drop, productivity, purity, and degradation metrics. The hybrid system will be optimized to yield CO2 purity of at least 95% with a volumetric productivity five times greater than state-of-the-art.
FE0032099 Research Triangle Institute (RTI) NC Accelerated Life Cycle Testing of Advanced Structured Material Systems for Direct Air Capture 03/31/2024 Sorbents

RTI International is partnering with Creare to design, fabricate, and test a bench-scale contactor for direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is optimized for wind-driven operation. The system will incorporate RTI’s high-performance, high-durability amine sorbents and Creare’s hybrid additive manufacturing technology to produce high-performance, compact heat and mass exchange structures at low cost using methods that are ideally suited for integration with sorbent materials. The sorbent/contactor design enables high CO2 sorption, low regeneration temperature, and excellent tolerance for oxygen and water. The project team will build a unique test system that will enable rapid, automated temperature-swing sorption cycling of DAC contactors under conditions that simulate operation in a wind-driven system. Tests will take place in an environmental chamber that will maintain constant, controlled test conditions for long-duration life testing (e.g., 1,000 cycles) and parametric testing.
FE0032125 University of Kentucky KY Electrochemically Regenerated Solvent for Direct Air Capture with Cogeneration of Hydrogen at Bench-Scale 02/29/2024 Solvents

The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UK CAER), Vanderbilt University, and the Electric Power Research Institute are developing an intensified, cost-effective, and easily scalable process using aqueous potassium hydroxide (KOH) as the capture solvent for direct air capture (DAC). The two-unit operation employs a hybrid membrane absorber (MA) that extracts carbon dioxide (CO2) from air, enriching carbon content in the solution after capture, coupled with an electrochemical solvent regenerator (ER) that releases the CO2 and simultaneously refreshes the capture solvent while producing hydrogen (H2) to offset the DAC cost. Key features of the process include (1) utilizing dilute KOH as the capture solvent in a compact hybrid absorber, (2) using a hydroxide (OH-) selective nanofiltration membrane to concentrate carbon content in the rich solvent prior to regeneration to reduce the parasitic reactions, (3) producing saleable H2 to offset the CO2 capture cost, and (4) leveraging the mature technologies of nanofiltration and the alkaline electrolyzer to make the process easily scalable. In this project, the team will design and fabricate a bench-scale unit (up to 10 cubic feet per minute air flowrate) and conduct parametric and long-term studies. Results from the studies will inform next-scale process development.
FE0032118 Susteon, Inc. NC Bench Scale Development of a Novel Direct Air Capture Technology using High Capacity Structured Sorbents 09/30/2023 Sorbents

Susteon Inc., in coordination with Cormetech Inc. and Columbia University, will conduct bench-scale testing on a novel structured sorbent system for direct air capture (DAC). The sorbent technology exhibits rapid carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, high dynamic capacity under DAC conditions, excellent regenerability, and desired multicycle performance. The sorbent will be incorporated on commercially available monolith supports (for low-cost fabrication) to minimize pressure drop. The structured material system will integrate the highly dispersed sorbent with in situ desorption by direct electric heating and a low pressure drop structured support in order to reduce the overall cost of DAC by lowering energy consumption by approximately 50%. The project team will optimize the sorbent and structured supports to maximize CO2 working capacity and capture rate; design and build a bench-scale test unit to evaluate the structured sorbent system to determine engineering factors and scale-up parameters such as CO2 working capacity, adsorption and desorption rates, desorption energy requirements, and cycle times; develop and validate a process model using the experimental data from bench-scale testing; and to perform techno-economic and life cycle analyses.
FE0032119 University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY Multi-Sourced Collaboration for the Production and Refining of Rare Earth and Critical Metals 02/28/2023 Process Systems

The primary objective of this project is to identify and evaluate advanced refining and metal production technologies capable of extracting high-purity rare earths and critical minerals (CMs) and metals from coal-based sources economically and in an environmentally friendly manner. Previously, the Recipient successfully designed, constructed, and operated a pilot scale rare earth processing facility that uses conventional approaches to extract and recover rare earth elements (REEs). Operational data from this facility has demonstrated the ability to successfully produce rare earth oxide (REO) concentrates at grades exceeding 90% and at production rates of 10 to 100 g/day. It is currently being expanded to 110 kg/year. However, this facility does not have the capability to produce individually separated high purity REEs. Through this effort, the project team will deliver a pathway and research plan to apply advanced technologies for individually separated high purity rare earth and critical minerals production from coal-based sources and reduction to metal that will minimize environmental impact and reduce capital and operating expenses by more than 20% over conventional processes while delivering at a minimum the following rare earths and critical minerals: (REEs) Y, Pr, Nd, Gd, Dy, and Sm of greater than 99.5% purity, and (CMs) Co, Mn, Ga, Sr, Li, Ni, Zn, and Ge of greater than 90% purity.
FE0032124 Microbeam Technologies, Inc. MN Production of Germanium and Gallium Concentrates for Industrial Processes 12/31/2023 Refining

The objective of this project is to develop a conceptual design of a process to extract, separate, recover, and purify germanium (Ge) and gallium (Ga) from lignite coal-derived mixed rare earth element (MREE) concentrates. The process will be integrated into the University of North Dakota (UND) rare earth extraction process and will be designed to co-produce Ge and Ga concentrates. The potential multiphase effort involves an integrated development that spans the entire supply chain that includes: feedstock sourcing, feedstock optimization, extraction/concentration/separation/refining, and product use in industrial applications. The scope of work for this project involves the development of an environmentally benign concept to produce Ge and Ga that is fully integrated with downstream applications and with the properties of the MREE species. The effort will involve the characterization of midstream feedstocks from UND’s bench and pilot facilities; identification of optimal methods to recover and refine Ge and Ga for industrial applications; development of process flow diagrams of the Ge/Ga final production; and performance of a market analysis to determine the resource needed to produce quantities of refined product.
FE0032123 Florida Polytechnic University FL Technology Development and Integration for Volume Production of High Purity Rare Earth Metals from Phosphate Processing. 09/30/2023 Refining

The proposed project will develop an integrated technical research plan based on advanced processes for recovery, separation, and purification of mixed rare earth oxides (MREO) to enable mass production of rare earth metals (REM) from the phosphoric acid sludge feedstock resource. The research strategy involves pre-treatment of the sludge to recover both the valuable liquid phosphate fraction and rare earth element (REE)-containing solids, leaching of REEs from the solids, novel solvent extraction technology to separate REEs from the leaching solution, precipitation and calcination to obtain high-purity MREOs, followed by advanced separation to produce REMs in either individual or group forms.
FE0032122 University of Utah UT Extraction, Separation, and Production of High Purity Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals from Coal-Based and Related Resources 04/16/2023 Process Systems

The general objectives of this project are to develop concepts for rare earth metal (REE) and critical mineral (CM) production from coal and related resources and incorporate them into a technical research plan and an innovative process flow sheet that specifies new technology. The specific project objectives include (1) identification of targeted rare earth element (REE) and critical minerals (CM) market(s), annual production quantities, demand, and intermediate/end-use products, (2) identification of a targeted set of critical materials used in these markets/applications, and as the basis for development of proposed advanced purification, separation, and reduction to metals processes, (3) selection of feedstock and existing facilities for mixed rare earth oxides (MREO)/mixed rare earth salts (MRES) and CM production, (4) identification and preliminary assessment of a process for making independently separated high-purity (ISHP) rare earth oxides (REO)/rare earth salts (RES)/CM, (5) identification and preliminary assessment of an REM production process, (6) identification and preliminary assessment of a process for conversion of CM from pilot-scale facilities to industrial CM-compounds, and (7) development of a conceptual process flow diagram illustrating circuit integration for REM/CM production from coal related resources.

Success in this context will be defined by the potential viability of the flow diagram for the production of the desired purified REE/CM products as well as by the potential improvements in flow diagram over conventional technologies. The ultimate success will be defined in the long term by the implementation of new technologies that enable domestic production of needed high-purity REE/CM products from coal resources.
FE0032120 West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVU) WV Advanced Processing of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals from Acid Mine Drainage Feedstocks 04/13/2023 Process Systems

The overall objective of this project is to design, develop, and deploy innovative process technologies to produce salable rare earth metals and critical minerals from acid mine drainage (AMD) feedstocks to reduce our nation’s vulnerability to interruption by international competitors. In prior efforts, the project team has successfully developed and demonstrated technology to produce mixed rare earth oxides (REO) from raw AMD in an economically attractive and environmentally benign matter. The current effort seeks to extend the process technology development further downstream to include (1) the separation of at least five individual high purity REO and (2) the production of at least five high purity rare earth metals and alloys. In addition, the project will explore technology to synergistically produce at least five target critical minerals (CM) during the processing steps. The development activities of this project will focus on two novel technologies, namely task specific ionic liquid separation for rare earth elements (REE) and CM separation and carboxylate reduction for the production of individually separated high purity metals.
FE0032131 GE Vernova Operations, LLC SC Retrofittable Advanced Combined Cycle Integration for Flexible Decarbonized Generation 03/31/2024 Solvents

General Electric Gas Power (GEGP), in collaboration with Linde Inc., Kiewit Engineering Group Inc., and Southern Company Services, will complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for a "Generation 2" amine-based post-combustion carbon capture system integrated with an existing domestic natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant. It will be designed to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions with at least 95% efficiency. The project will have emphasis on optimized plant integration and performance, reduced carbon capture and storage (CCS) cost, and increased operability and flexibility to accommodate renewable power sources. The 18-month project will begin with various conceptual designs, with a down select leading to a single NGCC/CCS configuration. The project will focus on operability to include startup, shutdown, and a range of outputs and loads, which is critical to enable NGCC plants with CCS to complement renewable power sources. The project will conclude with a detailed design, assessment of technical viability across a real-world plant operating profile, techno-economic and life cycle analyses, and a business case assessment.
FE0032142 Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. PA Front End Engineering Design for Carbon Capture from Shell's Deer Park Chemical Complex 08/14/2023 Solvents

Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions Inc. (Wood EIS), in partnership with Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) and the University of Houston (UH), will execute and complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) of a post-combustion carbon capture system to separate more than 820,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the commercially operated Shell Chemicals Complex located in Deer Park, Texas. The project will utilize Shell’s CANSOLV technology to capture CO2 emitted from the olefin units and a hydrotreater unit, reducing the overall facility CO2 emissions by 95%. The project will result in a capital cost estimate consistent with Association of the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) Class 3, with an expected accuracy range of -10% to +30%. Additionally, the project team will prepare a Business Case Analysis; Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA); Life Cycle Analysis (LCA); Environmental, Health, and Safety (EH&S) risk assessment; Environmental Justice Analysis; and Economic Revitalization and Job Creation Outcomes Analysis.
FE0032150 University of Wyoming WY A Mid-Century Net-Zero Scenario for the State of Wyoming and its Economic Impacts 03/08/2024 Clean Hydrogen & Negative CO2 Emissions

University of Wyoming will examine the economic impact of fossil energy production in Wyoming and provide various predictions for future energy mixes to achieve net-zero emissions. Specifically, the project will focus on critical aspects to reduce carbon emissions and facilitate the deployment of a clean hydrogen industry. Preliminary work suggests that Wyoming-based hydrogen production could have large economic benefits and job creation implications for Wyoming. The proposed study will further assess Wyoming’s opportunities to create decarbonized hydrogen-based industries, assess economic impacts, identify knowledge gaps and research needs, and create a Hydrogen Center of Excellence to accelerate commercialization and deployment.
SC0022306 Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI Advanced Shale Gas Recovery Technologies for Horizontal Well Completion Optimization 06/27/2022 Environmentally Prudent Development (EPD)

The objective of the Phase I effort is to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a metastable water/natural gas foam paired with a high-dispersion proppant material with appropriate properties for fracture permeability and time-based degradation. This Phase I project's overall goal is to develop a foam fracture fluid system which reduces the water fraction in fracture fluids and increases long-term productivity while having minimal impact on hydraulic fracturing procedures such as injection pressure. The project goals include water reduction by at least 60% and 20% increase in the penetration of the proppant into fractures. This research and development will enhance understanding of proppant-bearing fracturing foams and the constraints that may impede successful field deployment. The goals are to be accomplished with emulsion stability evaluations and permeability test comparisons.
SC0022504 Oceanit Laboratories, Inc. HI Hydrogen-Recovery Using an AI-ARC-Plasma Learning Operational System (HALO) for Oilfield Waste Transformation to Value Added Products 11/13/2022 Produced Water

Oil and gas exploration and production operation generates large volumes of wastewater (produced water) and some estimate that produced water and oil ratio ranges between 1:1 to 100:1. In US, the Ground Water Protection Council estimates in their 2019 Produced Water Report that produced water generation in 2012 was 890 billion gallons. Produced water is a global problem that significantly impacts overall production and operation of oil and gas wells which is especially challenging in geographical locations such as in the Middle East, Africa and parts of America that have minimal water resources and high cost of water purification which has resulted in interest to find alternative ways to treat, and reuse produced water. In order to mitigate the need for disposal options for produced water, Oceanit proposes the utilization of an arc-plasma reactor to break the water phase into constituent components, generating hydrogen that can be used as a fuel. This method will also separate solid constituents from the produced brine, leading to the possibility of resource recovery of value-added products such as heavy metals or minerals. Phase I will focus on lab-scale validation of the arc plasma reaction process, creating an AI control system, and validating the techno-economic potential of the project when scaled. Creation of a bench-scale apparatus operated as a batch process will allow testing and optimization of the plasma reaction and validate solids collection by varying the operating conditions and the feedstock composition. Modeling of the process will also be conducted to predict conditions which may lead to the most favorable product outcomes. If successful in the laboratory proof of concept is successful in Phase I, Phase II efforts will focus on scaling up the reactor system such that it can be operated as a continuous process. The AI control will be tested on the scaled-up system and developed to optimize the continuous reaction. The HALO system could allow for a mobile and modular system which is adaptable to a variety of feedstock compositions and flowrates.
SC0022620 Kuprion, Inc. CA High Thermal Conductivity, Pitch-Based Carbon Fiber/Copper Composites 08/25/2023 Other Coal and Coal-waste to Products

Carbon-metal composites are a class of materials that are characterized by the existence of unique phases between the carbon material and metallic backbone. Being more than a simple mixture of carbon materials and metal, carbon-metal composites display properties far superior to what would be suggested by the law of mixing, including significant improvements in tensile strength, stiffness, hardness, electrical conductivity, and wear rates for a variety of metals, including copper. Carbon-metal composites could find use in almost any application where superior material properties justify the price premium, but they are particularly attractive for electrical and electromechanical applications.

In this project, Kuprion Inc. will investigate different compositions of coal-derived carbon-copper composites incorporating high loadings of coal-derived pitch-based carbon fibers, which are anticipated to exceed the thermal conductivity of copper and have tunable thermal expansion over a wide range to match that of PCBs and semiconductor materials. Heat spreader and thermal coin samples will be fabricated using injection molding, thermal performance will be measured, and the fabrication of large thermal vias (>3-4 mm) will be demonstrated.
SC0022911 Creare NH Advanced, Real-Time, Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Natural Gas Blend Fuel Composition Sensor Topic 21a 03/26/2023 Advanced Combustion Turbines

The project seeks to develop a hydrogen gas composition sensing system for gas turbine applications.
FE0032208 University of California - Riverside CA Carbon Management with Advanced Materials: An Assessment of Experimental and Computational Capabilities 09/30/2023 High Performance Materials

The overall goal of this project is to conduct a scoping study and university-wide self-assessment to evaluate how the Recipient’s current capabilities, expertise, personnel, and facilities/equipment align with Department of Energy (DOE) Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) goals (particularly decarbonization).
FE0032154 University of Illinois IL FEED Study of CarbonCapture Inc. DAC and CarbonCure Utilization Technologies using United States Steel's Gary Works Plant Waste Heat 09/30/2024 Sorbents

The University of Illinois, in partnership with Visage Energy, CarbonCapture Inc., Ecotek Engineering, U.S. Steel Corporation, Ozinga, and CarbonCure Technologies, will execute and complete a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study of a direct air capture, utilization, and storage (DACUS) system that is capable of removing a minimum of 5,000 tonnes/year net carbon dioxide (CO2) from air (based on cradle-to-gate life cycle analysis [LCA]) and utilizing the CO2 to produce low-carbon intensity ready-mix concrete. The DACUS will consist of CarbonCapture’s DAC system and CarbonCure’s CO2 utilization technology. The waste heat utilized by the DAC system will be supplied by U.S. Steel’s Gary Works located in Gary, Indiana, and the CO2 will be used by the CarbonCure technology installed at multiple Ozinga concrete facilities. The project will also complete a Business Case Analysis (BCA), Technology Maturation Plan (TMP), LCA, Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Analysis, Environmental Justice Analysis, Economic Revitalization and Job Creation Outcomes Analysis, and Workforce Readiness Plan.
FE0032159 University of Illinois IL FEED Study for Climeworks Direct Air Capture at a California Geothermal Facility with Long-Term Storage 03/31/2024 Sorbents

The University of Illinois, in partnership with Climeworks, Visage Energy, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, will execute and complete a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study of an advanced direct air capture (DAC) system that is capable of removing and storing 5,000 tonnes/year of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air based on cradle-to-gate Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The DAC system will be co-located with an existing (retrofit) geothermal plant in Brawley, California for utilization of the thermal energy for DAC operation. The DAC system consists of an adsorption-desorption process to remove CO2 from ambient air by using a selective filter. The project team will complete the FEED study, including a detailed cost estimate, a Business Case Analysis (BCA), Technology Maturation Plan (TMP), LCA, Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Analysis, Environmental Justice Analysis, Economic Revitalization and Job Creation Outcomes Analysis, and Workforce Readiness Plan.
FE0032156 Constellation Energy Generation, LLC PA Nuclear Powered Direct Air Capture (DAC) Project in Illinois 07/01/2023 DAC - Solvents

Constellation Energy, in collaboration with 1PointFive Inc., Worley Group Inc., Carbon Engineering Ltd., University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign (UIUC), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), will perform a front-end engineering design (FEED) study to facilitate a future investment decision in a potential direct air capture (DAC) project by validating the commercial case for utilizing nuclear energy to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Specifically, the FEED study will integrate Carbon Engineering LLC’s DAC technology into Constellation’s Byron Generating Station (BGS) in Illinois, with waste heat thermal and electrical integration. The expected amount of net carbon removed from the atmosphere is 250,000 tonnes/year and the CO2 captured from the atmosphere will be transported by pipeline to an underground geologic formation in Illinois for permanent storage.
FE0032219 University of Illinois IL Engineering-Scale Testing of the Biphasic Solvent Based CO2 Absorption Capture Technology at a Covanta Waste-to-Energy Facility 01/31/2027 Solvents

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Prairie Research Institute and Covanta Corporation will design, build, and operate a pilot-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system at a Covanta waste-to-energy (WTE) facility that combusts municipal solid waste (MSW) to generate steam for the City of Indianapolis. The University of Illinois' transformational biphasic solvent-based CO2 absorption process (BiCAP) technology was previously tested at a 0.7 tonne CO2/day scale on coal-derived flue gas at the Abbott Power Plant located on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. In this project, the technology will be scaled up to capture 2.5 tonnes CO2/day from combustion flue gas at the WTE facility, and the pilot unit will be designed to maintain a capture efficiency of ≥ 95% and produce CO2 with ≥ 95% purity. The project will assess the economic and environmental performance of the technology and the potential net-negative CO2 emissions associated with energy production from burning MSW when carbon capture is incorporated. The impact of the project on environmental justice and the regional economy will be analyzed, and a workforce readiness plan will be developed.
FE0032292 University of Oklahoma OK A Multi-Scale CH4 Monitoring System for Enhancing Emission Detection, Quantification and Prediction 08/31/2024 Emissions Mitigation

The goal of this project is to create a comprehensive plan for the development and deployment of an integrated continuous CH4 monitoring and reporting system to locate CH4 emissions and inform near “real-time” mitigation decisions. The plan is expected to integrate traditional, state-of-the-art, and cutting-edge sensor technologies and to identify and characterize CH4 emissions from both chronic and super emitters.

There are many different methane sensing/observation technologies and emission plume modeling methods with different strengths and weaknesses that can identify and quantify methane emissions from sensor data. However, at this point, there are no community standards or effective guidelines for strategies that systematically integrate and leverage the strength of multiscale measurement and modeling approaches to substantially improve emission estimation and reduce emission inventory uncertainties. This project plans on leveraging the strengths of multiple technologies to fill in their respective blind spots and allow a rapid and accurate estimation of the size of the methane emission and its specific source.
FE0032293 Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IL Integrated Methane Monitoring Platform Design 09/30/2024 Emissions Assessment and Quantification

The project has two main objectives:

  1. To gather requirements for an Integrated Methane Monitoring Platform (IMMP) – a multiscale, integrated platform comprised of workflow processes, procedures, and information technology components that will provide industry wide, accurate quantification of methane emissions; and
  2. To create an Engineering, Design, Deployment, and Operating Plan (EDDOP) to build the IMMP.