Name/Description | DS Link | DF Link |
Cement production with optional carbon capture - 03/01/2023
Production of cement from dry kilns with precalciners and carbon capture at the kiln. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Hybrid Poplar Cultivation - 01/01/2023
Operations for cultivation of short rotation woody crops (SRWC) (from Hybrid Poplar) |
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Energy Cane Cultivation - 01/01/2023
Operations for cultivation of energy cane biomass |
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Biomass and coal gasification operations with carbon capture (CCS) - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through biomass and coal gasification, with carbon capture |
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Coal gasification operations with carbon capture (CCS) - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through coal gasification, with carbon capture. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Autothermal Reforming (ATR) operations with carbon capture (CCS) - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through Autothermal Reforming, with carbon capture |
DS | DF |
Coal gasification operations - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through coal gasification |
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Biomass gasification operations - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through biomass gasification |
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Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOEC) operations - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electrolysis |
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Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) operations - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through Polymer Electrolyte Membrane electrolysis |
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Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) operations with carbon capture (CCS) - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through conventional steam methane reforming, with carbon capture |
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Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) electrolysis system construction - 01/01/2022
Construction of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane electrolysis system for hydrogen production |
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Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) operations - 01/01/2022
Hydrogen production through conventional steam methane reforming. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LNG Tanker, 150,000 to 180,000 m3 Capacity, Operations - 01/08/2018
Operation of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) ocean tanker |
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Processing and Liquefaction of NG and Storage of LNG - 01/08/2018
Processing, Liquefaction and Storage of Natural Gas before it is exported. |
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LNG Regasification - 01/08/2018
Regasifying LNG at an import terminal |
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LNG Loading - 01/08/2018
Loading LNG into tanker/ship for exporting. |
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LNG Unloading - 01/08/2018
Unloading LNG from tanker/ship after importing. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Storage reciprocating compression - 01/01/2018
Storage compression, including fuel used by reciprocating compressor drivers and venting from reciprocating compressors. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Storage centrifugal compression - 01/01/2018
Storage compression, including fuel used by centrifugal compressor drivers and venting from centrifugal compressors. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Transmission reciprocating compression - 01/01/2018
Transmission compression, including fuel used by reciprocating compressor drivers and venting from reciprocating compressors. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Processing acid gas removal (AGR) - 01/01/2018
Acid gas removal (AGR) at natural gas processing plants. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Processing fugitives - 01/01/2018
Fugitive emissions of natural gas from natural gas processing facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Distribution combustion - 01/01/2018
Combustion of natural gas for energy generation during distribution (not including combustion for compressor drivers). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Storage Fugitives - 01/01/2018
Fugitive emissions of natural gas from natural gas storage. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Processing venting - 01/01/2018
Venting of natural gas from onshore natural gas processing facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Processing flaring - 01/01/2018
Flaring of natural gas at natural gas processing facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gathering and boosting flaring - 01/01/2018
Flaring of natural gas at natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Processing combustion - 01/01/2018
Combustion of natural gas for energy generation at natural gas processing facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Distribution Venting - 01/01/2018
Venting of natural gas from natural distribution. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gathering and boosting centrifugal compression venting - 01/01/2018
Gathering and boosting centrifugal compression venting (not including venting from compressor driver). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Distribution combustion compressor drivers - 01/01/2018
Combustion of natural gas by compressor drivers during distribution. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Transmission Pipeline Fugitives - 01/01/2018
Fugitive emissions of natural gas from natural gas transmission pipelines. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Transmission Pipeline Venting - 01/01/2018
Venting of natural gas from natural gas through transmission pipeline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Storage flaring - 01/01/2018
Emissions from flare stacks at natural gas storage facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Processing reciprocating compression - 01/01/2018
Processing compression, including fuel used by reciprocating compressor drivers and venting from reciprocating compressors. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBM Well Production Water Burden - 01/01/2018
This unit process covers the produced water associated with the production of a coalbed methane well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Conventional Well Production Water Burden - 01/01/2018
This unit process covers the produced water associated with the production of a conventional natural gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Disposal Flowback Water Switch - 01/01/2018
This unit process acts as a switch to send flowback water waste from shale and tight natural gas well types to the appropriate water treatment plant options. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Transmission flaring - 01/01/2018
Emissions from flare stacks at natural gas transmission facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Disposal Produced Water Switch - 01/01/2018
This unit process acts as a switch to send produced water waste from all natural gas well types to the appropriate water treatment plant options. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tight Well Production Water Burden - 01/01/2018
This unit process covers the water input and output associated with the stimulation process of producing a tight-formation natural gas well, as well as releases to the environment. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Storage Venting - 01/01/2018
Venting of natural gas from natural gas storage operations. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Transmission Facility Venting - 01/01/2018
Venting of natural gas from natural gas transmission facility operations. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Gathering and boosting acid gas removal (AGR) - 01/01/2018
Acid gas removal (AGR) at natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Transmission Fugitives - 01/01/2018
Fugitive emissions of natural gas from natural gas transmission. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Distribution Fugitives - 01/01/2018
Fugitive emissions of natural gas from natural gas distribution. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Shale Well Production Water Burden - 01/01/2018
This unit process covers the water input and output associated with the stimulation process of producing a shale-formation natural gas well, as well as releases to environment. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Transmission centrifugal compression - 01/01/2018
Transmission compression, including fuel used by centrifugal compressor drivers and venting from centrifugal compressors. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Processing centrifugal compression - 01/01/2018
Processing compression, including fuel used by centrifugal compressor drivers and venting from centrifugal compressors. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Steel products - 02/26/2016
Worldsteel and Steel Recycling Institute cradle-to-gate life cycle inventories for various steel products. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit To access the model referenced in the report, please visit . |
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Chromium products - 02/04/2016
Production of chromite, high-carbon ferrochromium, or chromium metal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Concrete Production - 02/01/2016
Input and output flows for producing 1 m3 precast concrete from a precast concrete plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Fracturing Fluid Manufacturing - 02/01/2016
This unit process quantifies water and chemical inputs used in the production of fracturing fluid. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Fuel Efficiency for a Gasoline-Powered Passenger Vehicle - 01/01/2016
Fuel consumption of gasoline-powered, internal combustion engine passenger vehicles per one kilometer of travel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Illinois No. 6 Underground Coal Mine Assembly, Construction - 12/01/2015
Calculates the number of each piece of equipment included in an underground, Illinois No. 6 bituminous coal mine. Includes life expectancy and replacement rates for the longwall mining system, continuous miner, conveyor system, and shuttle car. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Shuttle Car Construction - 09/01/2015
The amount of steel used in the construction of one shuttle car to be used to haul coal from the working mine face to the conveyor belt in underground mining. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Coal Crusher Facility, Construction - 09/01/2015
Total amount of materials used in the construction of a crushing facility and the coal crusher. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Mine Methane Emissions - 08/01/2015
Coal mine methane emissions associated with coal mine operations. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Operation of NETL Baseline SubCPC Power Plant - 07/07/2015
The operations of the NETL baseline Subcritical Pulverized Coal (SubCPC) power plants with or without carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) on the basis of 1 MWh electricity output. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Coal to Methanol - 07/01/2015
Calculates flows related to the production of methanol using coal as the primary feedstock. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Rosebud Surface Subbituminous Coal Mine, Operations - 07/01/2015
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Rosebud subbituminous coal in Montana, producing ~11 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes ~40 scf/kg coalbed methane (CBM) emissions, adjustable CBM capture rates. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
SOFC NG and Coal plant with CCUS - 06/01/2015
Coal integrated gasification solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and natural gas (NG) solid fuel cell power plants with and without carbon capture. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) Manufacture - 06/01/2015
Calculates energy and material inputs associated with manufacturing solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), excluding upstream production of materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Surface Coal Mining – Overburden Removal, Extraction, and Reclamation - 05/01/2015
The Energy and non-combustion emissions for the operation of a surface coal mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Marine Coal Terminal - 05/01/2015
The air emissions from processing coal at a marine bulk terminal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Well hydraulic fracture completion - 03/01/2015
Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) of a horizontal well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Liquid Separation - 03/01/2015
Natural gas liquids separation from extracted natural gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Extraction Condensate Tank Venting and Flaring - 02/01/2015
This unit process quantifies the amount of gas vented and flared during natural gas production from condensate tanks through flash losses and tank working and breathing losses. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Powder River Basin Surface Subbituminous Coal Mine, Operations - 01/01/2015
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Powder River Basin subbituminous coal in Wyoming, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 32,000 scf/kg coalbed methane (CBM) emissions, adjustable CBM capture rates. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Natural Gas Extraction Fugitive Emissions - OEL - 01/01/2015
This unit process quantifies the amount of gas emitted to the atmosphere during natural gas production from fugitive losses through open-ended lines. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, Illinois No. 6 Bituminous Coal, Operation - 01/01/2015
Based on Galatia Mine, an Illinois No. 6 underground, bituminous coal mine in Saline County, IL; producing ~6.6 million short tons of coal per year. Assumes 360 cubic feet/short ton coalbed methane (CBM) emissions, adjustable CBM capture rates. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Combustion of Diesel - 01/01/2015
This unit process includes the emissions associated with the combustion of diesel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Passenger Vehicle, 2012-2042 U.S. Average, Fischer Tropsch Diesel, Operation - 01/01/2015
This process calculates the volume of Fischer-Tropsch diesel (FTD) consumed in an average U.S. passenger vehicle per mile when operating during the temporal boundary of 2012 to 2042. The input to this process is combusted FT diesel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Gasoline vehicle travel - 01/01/2015
Fuel consumption for 1 mile of gasoline vehicle travel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Natural Gas Extraction Fugitive Emissions - Flanges - 01/01/2015
This unit process quantifies the amount of gas emitted to the atmosphere during natural gas production from fugitive losses during flange operation. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Extraction Fugitive Emissions - Connections - 01/01/2015
This unit process quantifies the amount of gas emitted to the atmosphere during natural gas production from fugitive losses through connections. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Switchgrass, Land Preparation, Operation - 12/01/2014
Operations for land preparation for switchgrass, including an inputs of combusted diesel and required land area, and outputs of fugitive dust emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Wellhead Compressor, Gas-Powered Reciprocating, 200 HP - 12/01/2014
This unit process quantifies the amount of electricity required and methane emissions associated with the operation of a 200 horsepower, gas-powered reciprocating wellhead compressor for natural gas wells. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
SRWC Cultivation, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operation period farming activities for cultivation of SRWC, including diesel, fertilizers, herbicides and water use, as well as emissions from diesel combustion, criteria air pollutants, and water emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Biomass Drying for Coal-Biomass Cofiring - 12/01/2014
This unit process quantifies the energy requirements and airborne emissions that are expected to result from the biomass drying process, where the biomass type being dried is short rotation woody crop (SRWC) biomass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
SRWC Harvesting & Storage, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes farming operations (activities) for harvesting and storage for short rotation woody crop (SRWC) biomass production including diesel use, dust emissions, and a calculation of yield. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Corn Stover Land Preparation, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operations for land preparation for corn stover including diesel use, dust emissions, and a calculation of required land area. Includes co-product allocation between grain and stover. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Corn Grain Harvesting & Storage, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operations for harvesting and storage of corn grain including diesel use, dust emissions, and criteria air pollutants. Corn stover is left on the field and is thus not a coproduct in this case. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
SRWC Land Preparation, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operations for land preparation for short rotation woody crops (SRWC) including diesel use, dust emissions, and a calculation of required land area. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Southern Pine Biomass Cultivation, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operation period farming activities for cultivation of SRWC (from Southern Pine), including inputs of combusted diesel, fertilizers, herbicides and water use, as well as criteria air pollutants and water emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Corn Stover Cultivation, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operation of farming activities for cultivation of corn stover, including diesel, fertilizers, herbicides and water use, as well as emissions from diesel combustion, criteria air pollutants, and water emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Switchgrass Cultivation, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operation of farming activities for cultivation of Switchgrass including diesel, fertilizers, herbicides and water use, as well as emissions from diesel combustion, criteria air pollutants, and water emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Switchgrass Harvesting & Storage, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operation of farming activities for harvesting & storage of switchgrass including an input of combusted diesel and fugitive dust emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Marcellus Shale Water Treatment at a WWTP - 12/01/2014
This unit process models the transport of water from a Marcellus Shale well to a WWTP (wastewater treatment plant) and subsequent treatment to remove water pollutants. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Southern Pine Harvesting & Storage, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes farming operations (activities) for harvesting, grinding and storage for short rotation woody crop (SRWC), Southern pine biomass production including diesel use, dust emissions, and a calculation of yield. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Corn Grain, Cultivation, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operation of farming activities for cultivation of corn grain including diesel, fertilizers, herbicides and water use, as well as emissions from diesel combustion, criteria air pollutants, and water emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Marcellus Shale Water Treatment with Crystallization - 12/01/2014
This unit process models the transport and treatment of flowback water produced from the hydraulic fracturing of a natural gas well in the Marcellus Shale, with treatment via crystallization. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
SRWC Southern Pine Land Preparation, Operation - 12/01/2014
This unit process includes operations for land preparation for short rotation woody crops (SRWC) based on Southern pine biomass, including diesel use, dust emissions, and a calculation of required land area. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Wellhead Compressor, Gas-Powered Centrifugal, 200 HP - 12/01/2014
This unit process quantifies the amount of electricity required and methane emissions associated with the operation of a 187 horsepower, gas-fired centrifugal wellhead compressor for natural gas wells. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Corn Wet Milling - 11/01/2014
This unit process models the wet mill processing of corn to produce dextrose. This unit process includes co-products. The reference flow is 1 kg of dextrose. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Combustion of Natural Gas - 11/01/2014
This unit process includes the emissions associated with the combustion of natural gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Well Completion - 08/01/2014
Air emissions from the completion of conventional and unconventional natural gas wells. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Well, Venting From Liquid Unloading - 08/01/2014
This unit process quantifies the mass of vented natural gas that is anticipated to occur during liquid unloading at a natural gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Brine Chlor-alkali Processing - 07/15/2014
This process captures the inputs and outputs for chlor-alkali processing of brine wastewater from solvent extraction of rare earth elements. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
DS | DF |
Brine Evaporation Pond - 07/15/2014
This process captures the inputs and outputs for filtering and evaporating brine wastewater from solvent extraction of rare earths elements. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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NdFeB Permanent Magnet Manufacturing - 07/11/2014
Manufacturing process for 1kg plated NdFeB permanent magnet. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tribolectrostatic separation of minerals - 07/10/2014
The separation of rare earth containing minerals from other gangue material by tribocharging particles and electrostatic plate separation. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Separation of rare earth elements using ion exchange - 07/01/2014
Separation of rare earth chlorides in solution using ion exchange. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Rare earth oxide formation - 06/17/2014
Precipitation of rare earth oxylates from aqueous rare earth chlorides and subsequent calcination to form rare earth oxides. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Metallothermic Reduction of Rare Earth Oxides - 06/12/2014
Metallothermic reduction of a rare earth oxide through calcium chloride and sodium. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Rare Earth Oxide Electrolysis - 06/05/2014
Electrolysis of a rare earth oxide using a fluoride-based process. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Storage/Disposal Coal Mine Tailings - 06/04/2014
Storage/Disposal Coal Mine Tailings in Pond, Piles, or Backfill. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Corn Grain, Land Preparation, Operation - 06/01/2014
This unit process includes operations for land preparation for corn grain including diesel use, emissions from diesel combustion, dust emissions, criteria air pollutants, and a calculation of required land area. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Rare earths solvent extraction - 05/29/2014
Separation of rare earth chlorides using di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phosphoric acid and mixer-settlers. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Fly Ash Disposal - 05/22/2014
Coal fly ash disposed of in a landfill. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Cleaning Facility, Construction - 05/01/2014
Construction process that includes material requirements for the construction of a coal cleaning facility, which is a steel building used to house coal cleaning equipment. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Rare earth leaching - 04/28/2014
The leaching of rare earth concentrate. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Mountain Pass CHP - 04/14/2014
This unit process provides the natural gas usage for 1 MJ of electricity or heat. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Pipeline Operation - 04/01/2014
The CO2 emissions from the operation of a CO2 pipeline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Cleaning - 03/27/2014
The amount of electricity required to power equipment used for cleaning coal at underground and surface mines as well as accounting for coal loss during production activities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Pipeline NG Operation - 03/26/2014
The energy consumption and air emissions for the pipeline transmission of natural gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Operation of NETL Baseline NGCC Power Plant - 03/26/2014
The operations of the NETL baseline Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) power plants with or without carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) on the basis of 1 MWh electricity output. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Comminution - 03/25/2014
This process estimates the electricity use to crush, grind, or mill a solid material. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Mountain Pass Ore Extraction - 03/24/2014
Fuel use and explosives emissions for mining rare earth containing ore for the Mountain Pass mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Froth Flotation - 03/10/2014
Mined crude ore to rare earth concentrate froth flotation process for Mountain Pass, CA. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Magnetic Separation - 03/10/2014
Mined crude ore to rare earth concentrate magnetic separation process for Mountain Pass, CA. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Bastnaesite Calcination - 03/05/2014
Calcination of bastnaesite with chloride leaching and ceric oxide separation. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gravity Separation - 03/03/2014
Mined crude ore to rare earth concentrate gravity separation process for Mountain Pass, CA. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Liquid Storage Tank Flash Emissions - 03/01/2014
Flash emissions of entrained gas associated with the pressure drop of liquid products entering low-pressure stationary storage tanks. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Oil Sands Upgrading - 03/01/2014
Energy use, feedstock, and emissions from production of 1 kg of synthetic crude oil at an upgrading facility (delayed coker or hydrocracker). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Oil Sands Surface Mining - 03/01/2014
Energy use, feedstock, and emissions from production of 1 kg Dilbit, Synbit, or SCO upgrader feed. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Oil Sands In Situ Extraction - 03/01/2014
Energy use, feedstock, and emissions from production of 1 kg Dilbit, Synbit, or SCO upgrader feed. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Crude Production Associated Gas Emissions Composition - 03/01/2014
Speciated vented and fugitive losses of unit process specific associated gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Combustion of Gasoline - 03/01/2014
This unit process includes the emissions associated with the combustion of gasoline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum Refinery Emissions - 03/01/2014
Emissions to air and water from petroleum refining (includes flaring but not combustion GHGs). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Combustion of Kerosene - 03/01/2014
This unit process includes the emissions associated with the combustion of kerosene. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Extraction Produced Water Tank Venting - 02/01/2014
This unit process quantifies the amount of gas vented and flared during natural gas production from produced water tanks through flash losses and tank working and breathing losses. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coke to Methanol Plant Installation - 12/13/2013
The installation of a coke to methanol plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tractor-tanker transport - 12/01/2013
Transport of an unspecified liquid cargo. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Pipeline transport of liquids - 12/01/2013
Transport of liquids via a pipeline powered by electric pumps. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ocean Freighter, Transport - 12/01/2013
Transport of an unspecified cargo via ocean freighter. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Cargo, Train Transport - 12/01/2013
Transport of unspecified cargo via train. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petro Tank Breathing Loss Emissions - 11/13/2013
Emissions associated with storing petroleum products in low-pressure stationary or transport storage tanks. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural gas distribution - 11/12/2013
Pipeline distribution of natural gas from city gate to residential, commercial, and some industrial users. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tug and barge transport - 11/01/2013
Transport of an unspecified cargo via tug and barge. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Industrial Boiler, Natural Gas Fired, Over 100 Million BTU/hr - 10/25/2013
This unit process models air emissions and heat produced by a large-scale natural gas fired boiler, producing over 100 million BTU/hr. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Industrial Boiler, Diesel Fired, Over 100 Million BTU/hr - 10/25/2013
This unit process models air emissions and heat produced by an industrial-scale diesel fired boiler, producing less than 100 million BTU/hr. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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ORV CBTL Plant Operation Princeton - 10/11/2013
Feedstocks, products, and CO2 emissions for operation of a coal and biomass to liquids plant from report Strategies for Production of Alternative Jet Fuel in the Ohio River Valley. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Methanol production from natural gas - 10/09/2013
The production of methanol from natural gas using steam methane reforming. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Syngergistic Production of Transport Fuels from Coal - 10/09/2013
Coal-to-liquids (CTL) synthesis using Illinois No. 6 coal via dedicated Fischer-Tropsch facilities or with (F-T) integration with an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle power plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL Zero Sulfur Diesel - 09/12/2013
Coal-and-Biomass-to-liquids (CBTL) via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using Illinois No. 6 or PRB as the coal and switchgrass as the biomass feedstock where applicable. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CTL Diesel - 08/23/2013
Coal-to-liquids (CTL) via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using Illinois No. 6 coal as a feedstock. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal/Biomass to Methanol to Gasoline - 08/22/2013
The conversion of coal or coal and switchgrass to methanol and then to gasoline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CTL Diesel, Pathways - 08/22/2013
Coal-to-liquids (CTL) via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using Illinois No. 6 coal as a feedstock using advanced technologies. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gas Lift Petroleum Extraction - 08/01/2013
Petroleum production by injecting gas into production tubing. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Steam injection for oil recovery - 08/01/2013
Steam injection by a once-through steam generator (OTSG) for thermally enhanced oil recovery. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Direct Land Use GHG, No Reversion - 08/01/2013
Direct GHG emissions from land transformation with no reversion. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum Gas Injection - 08/01/2013
Injection of associated gas back into a petroleum reservoir. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Direct Land Use GHG, Reversion - 08/01/2013
Direct GHG emissions from land transformation with reversion. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ventilation Energy for Underground Mine - 07/31/2013
The amount of electricity required to ventilate an underground coal mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Handling Energy, Surface - 07/31/2013
The amount of diesel required to power trucks and a bulldozer for a surface mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Grinding Energy, Underground - 07/31/2013
The amount of electricity required to power a crusher and grinder used at an underground mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Grinding Energy, Surface - 07/31/2013
The amount of electricity required to power a grinding mill at a surface mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Handling Energy, Underground - 07/31/2013
The amount of electricity and diesel required to power a coal conveyor, service truck, and load haul dumper for an underground mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Water use and quality from underground mining of coal - 07/30/2013
Water use and quality from surface mining of coal, based on data for Illinois No. 6 mines. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Site preparation, forest, INW - 07/22/2013
Site preparation involves piling and/or burning of forest residues from harvest operations. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Broadcast Burning Stemwood - 07/19/2013
Air emissions from the combustion of stemwood that is broadcast burned. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Burning Crownwood in Slash Piles - 07/19/2013
Air emissions from the combustion of crownwood burned in slash piles. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Broadcast Burning Crownwood - 07/19/2013
Air emissions from the combustion of stemwood that is broadcast burned. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Burning Stemwood in Slash Piles - 07/19/2013
Air emissions from the combustion of stemwood burned in slash piles. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Water use and quality from surface mining of coal - 07/01/2013
Water use and quality from surface mining of coal, based on data for PRB mines. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Stabilizer column - 07/01/2013
The use of a high-pressure stabilizer column to remove dissolved gas from produced oil. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Downhole Pump - 07/01/2013
Energy use for extraction of crude oil with a downhole pump. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Oil well drilling and development - 07/01/2013
Energy use to drill a production or injection well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Heater treater - 07/01/2013
The use of a heater-treater to remove water from produced oil. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Water injection - 07/01/2013
Produced water injection during extraction operations. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Crude oil extraction - 07/01/2013
An assembly of processes used to extract and separate the combination of oil, water, and gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LNG Liquefaction, Installation/Deinstallation - 06/13/2013
This process encompasses the installation/deinstallation of a LNG liquefaction facility. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LNG Regasification, Installation/Deinstallation - 06/13/2013
This process encompasses the installation/deinstallation of a LNG regasification facility. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LNG Liquefaction, Construction - 06/13/2013
This process encompasses the construction of a LNG liquefaction facility. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LNG Regasification, Construction - 06/13/2013
This process encompasses the construction of a LNG regasification facility. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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In-Situ Leach Mining and Processing, Uranium - 05/20/2013
This unit process includes in-situ mining of uranium and associated processing activities, including milling and groundwater remediation. Data are based primarily on U.S. in-situ leach (ISL) mines. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Fuel Assembly Facility, Operation - 05/13/2013
This unit process estimates input and output flows for assembling enriched UF6 into UO2 fuel assemblies for loading into nuclear reactors, including electricity, natural gas, and water use; air, water, solid waste, and radionuclide emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gas Centrifuge Uranium Enrichment, Operations - 05/01/2013
This process receives UF6 from a conversion facility and enriches by use of a gas centrifuge. This process includes stack emissions and natural gas boiler emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Uranium Open Pit Mining and Milling, Operations - 04/30/2013
This process includes open pit mining, ore removal, and milling operations at the Ranger Mine in Australia and currently operating mines in Saskatchewan, Canada. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum Refinery: Gasoline, Diesel, Kerosene-Based Jet Fuel Products - 04/18/2013
Operations of an industry average U.S. domestic petroleum refinery, adjustable to produce one of three refinery products under one of 14 fuel production scenarios. Purchased energy, water, emissions to air and water, and water use are inventoried. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Electricity Distribution (Secondary) - 04/17/2013
Distribution losses for electricity to commercial or residential consumers. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Electricity Distribution (Primary) - 04/17/2013
Distribution losses for electricity to industrial users. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Electricity Transmission - 04/16/2013
SF6 emissions and transmission losses for electricity. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Bed Methane Natural Gas, Water Use and Water Quality - 04/12/2013
This unit process quantifies water use and water quality emissions resulting from the production of natural gas from a Coal Bed Methane (CBM) natural gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Pipeline Pigging - 03/07/2013
CO2 emissions from inspection of CO2 pipelines. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Domestic Natural Gas-to-liquid Plant Operation - 02/19/2013
Inputs and outputs for a Fischer-Tropsch (FT) diesel production by a 50,000-barrel-per-day GTL plant using domestic natural gas feed and equipped with carbon dioxide capture. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Decomposition, forest residue, 50% moisture - 02/08/2013
The decomposition of forest residue. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Well Construction and Installation - 02/05/2013
This unit process quantifies the materials, fuels, and emissions that are needed for/would result from construction and installation of a generic natural gas (NG) well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Disposal, wood product, in landfill - 01/17/2013
This process covers the disposal of generic wood furniture in a municipal landfill. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Processing, Pneumatic Venting - 01/03/2013
This unit process quantifies the mass of methane emitted as a result of (fugitive) venting from pneumatic devices and valves used at natural gas processing plants. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Processing, Other Venting Point Sources - 01/03/2013
This unit process quantifies the mass of methane emitted as a result of other venting from point sources from unidentified natural gas processing. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Extraction, Pneumatic Venting - 01/03/2013
This unit process quantifies the mass of gas emitted as a result of (fugitive) venting from pneumatic devices and valves used during natural gas extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Extraction, Other Venting Point Sources - 01/03/2013
This unit process quantifies the mass of methane emitted as a result of other venting from point sources from unidentified natural gas extraction processes. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Processing, Other Venting Fugitives - 01/03/2013
This unit process quantifies the mass of gas emitted as a result of fugitive venting from other natural gas processing activities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Extraction, Other Venting Fugitives - 01/03/2013
This unit process quantifies the mass of gas emitted as a result of fugitive venting from unidentified natural gas extraction activities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Indirect Land Use GHG - 12/05/2012
Indirect GHG emissions from land transformation in U.S. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Captured from Ammonia Production - 12/02/2012
Fuel, feedstock, and emissions associated with 1 kg of CO2 captured from an ammonia plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas CO2 Recovery - 11/30/2012
Operation of an amine-based CO2 recovery system for production natural gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Post Membrane CO2 Recovery - 11/29/2012
Operation of an amine-based CO2 recovery system for post-membrane acid gas removal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Carbon Dioxide Well Construction and Installation - 11/29/2012
Materials of construction and installation fuels and emissions for a carbon dioxide well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Carbon Dioxide Dehydration - 11/29/2012
Energy use for the dehydration of carbon dioxide extracted from a salt dome well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Venting and Flaring of Gas from Vapor Recovery Unit - 10/26/2012
This unit process quantifies the carbon dioxide and other GHG emissions associated with the flaring and venting of gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gas Stream Chilling - 10/25/2012
Energy requirements for the chilling of a carbon dioxide/hydrocarbon stream. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Membrane Separation of CO2 and Hydrocarbons - 10/24/2012
Separation of CO2 and hydrocarbons using membrane technology. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ryan Holmes Gas Separation - 10/23/2012
The operation of a Ryan Holmes gas separation plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Enhanced Oil Recovery Operations - 10/19/2012
This unit process models the injection of CO2 and water to produce crude and light hydrocarbons via enhanced oil recovery. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Brine water storage tank - 10/15/2012
Methane losses from a brine water storage tank at an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) extraction site. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Crude oil storage tank - 10/15/2012
VOC losses from a crude oil storage tank at an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) extraction site. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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NGL Extraction from EOR Gas - Refrigeration - 10/15/2012
Natural gas liquids extraction from gas recovered from enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations using refrigeration and distillation. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Oilfield Gas, Water, and Oil Separation - 10/12/2012
Separation of wellhead product to gas, oil, and water. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Pipeline Construction - 10/03/2012
The construction requirements for a CO2 pipeline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tractor Trailer Biomass Transport, Class 8B, Operation - 09/26/2012
Transport of an unspecified type of prepared biomass via tractor trailer to the energy conversion facility. Assumes backhaul and front haul have different energy intensities. Includes diesel consumption. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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NGCC Power Plant, Construction - 09/20/2012
Material input for the construction of the NETL baseline NGCC plant with or without CCS. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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SCPC Power Plant, Construction - 09/20/2012
Material input for the construction of the NETL baseline supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) plant with or without carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Operation of baseline IGCC plant - 09/20/2012
The operations of the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) with or without carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) on the basis of 1 MWh electricity output. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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EXPC Plant CCS Retrofit, Construction - 09/20/2012
Material inputs for retrofitting an existing pulverized coal (EXPC) power plant with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Operation of NETL Baseline SCPC Power Plant - 09/20/2012
The operations of the NETL baseline Supercritical Pulverized Coal (SCPC) power plants with or without carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) on the basis of 1 MWh electricity output. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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IGCC Power Plant, Construction - 09/20/2012
Material input for the construction of the NETL baseline integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant with or without carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Operation of Existing Pulverized Coal Power Plant - 09/20/2012
The operations of an existing pulverized coal (EXPC) power plant with or without carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) on the basis of 1MWh electricity output. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Compressor, Single-Stage Centrifugal, Operation - 09/18/2012
This unit process calculates the electricity required to compress a given fluid and the fugitive emissions associated with operation. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Sequestration Saline Aquifer Well Closure - 09/11/2012
Materials of construction to plug and abandon a well for underground storage of CO2. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Saline Aquifer CO2 Injection Site Operations - 09/10/2012
This unit process models the injection operations and sequestration of CO2 in a saline aquifer formation. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Saline Aquifer Well Construction, Installation and Closure Assembly - 08/29/2012
This unit process models the assembly of the different well types required for a saline aquifer being used for CO2 sequestration. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Sequestration Saline Aquifer Well Construction - 08/28/2012
Materials of construction and installation fuels and emissions for a well for underground storage of CO2. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Brine Water Management for Saline Aquifer CO2 Sequestration, Operations - 08/27/2012
This unit process models the treatment and/or reinjection of brine water produced as a result of CO2 sequestration operations in saline aquifers. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Vibroseis Truck Seismic Survey, Operation - 08/01/2012
Using vibroseis truck for seismic survey. Includes diesel consumption. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Compression - 07/30/2012
The operating requirements for compression of CO2 from atmospheric pressure to pipeline pressure. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Pressure Boosting - 07/30/2012
The operating requirements for CO2 pressure boosting in a CO2 pipeline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CO2 Recovery - 07/30/2012
Operation of an amine-based CO2 recovery system. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Corn Stover Cultivation Assembly, Construction - 06/13/2012
Assembly process that apportions the construction requirements of equipment used for the combined land preparation and cultivation of corn grain and corn stover biomass. Equipment includes tractors, tillers, and seeders. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Corn Stover Harvesting & Storage, Operation - 06/13/2012
This unit process includes operations for harvesting and storage of corn stover including diesel use, dust emissions, and a yield calculation. Co-product allocation is used to assign inputs and outputs between corn grain and corn stover. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Corn Stover Harvesting Assembly, Construction - 06/13/2012
Assembly process that apportions the construction requirements of equipment used for corn and corn stover harvesting. Equipment includes harvesters and balers. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Switchgrass Land Preparation Assembly, Construction - 06/13/2012
Assembly process that apportions the construction requirements of equipment used for land preparation for switchgrass. Equipment includes bulldozers and motor graders. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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SRWC Cultivation Assembly, Construction - 06/13/2012
Assembly process that apportions the construction requirements of equipment used for the land preparation and cultivation of SRWC biomass. Equipment includes a tractor, a tiller, and a treeplanter. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Switchgrass Cultivation Assembly, Construction - 06/13/2012
Assembly process that apportions the construction requirements of equipment used for the cultivation of switchgrass biomass. Equipment includes tractors, tillers, and seeders. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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SRWC Harvesting Assembly, Construction - 06/13/2012
Assembly process that apportions the construction requirements of equipment used for SRWC biomass harvesting. Equipment includes a harvest chipper and a pushoff trailer. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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U.S. National Average Electricity Grid Mix 2007 - 06/12/2012
The average composition of the U.S. Electricity Grid by generation type in 2007 accounting for imports from Canada. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Average Barnett Shale, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via average Barnett shale extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum Based Gasoline Energy Conversion Facility - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs required for the conversion of crude oil to gasoline based on the production of 1 kg of petroleum gasoline finished fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Marginal Associated, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via marginal associated extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Kerosene Jet Fuel, Production, Transport, and Refining - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, and energy conversion for 1 kg of refined kerosene jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Uranium, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of uranium fuel assemblies. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Marginal Conventional Onshore, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via marginal conventional onshore extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum, Pipeline, Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material transportation for 1 kg of petroleum. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Corn Stover, Production and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered corn stover. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Marginal Marcellus Shale, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via marginal Marcellus shale extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Switchgrass, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of cultivated and harvested switchgrass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Marginal LNG, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via marginal LNG extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Uranium, Extraction and Transport with US Enrichment - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered uranium fuel assemblies, assuming uranium enrichment in the U.S. with gaseous diffusion. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Corn Grain, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of corn grain produced. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Uranium, Extraction and Transport with European Enrichment - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered uranium fuel assemblies assuming uranium enrichment in Europe using gas centrifuge enrichment technology. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Marginal Tight Sands, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via marginal tight sands extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum, Foreign, Production and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered 2005 foreign crude oil. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Uranium, Production with US Enrichment - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of uranium fuel assemblies enriched in the U.S. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Domestic Petroleum, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of domestic petroleum produced. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum, 2005 National Average, Production and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered 2005 national average crude oil. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Foreign Petroleum, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of crude oil entering US refineries. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Average Conventional Offshore, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via average conventional offshore extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Short Rotation Woody Crops, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of short rotation woody crops. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Marginal Barnett Shale, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via marginal Barnett shale extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Average Conventional Onshore, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via average conventional onshore extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Average Associated, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via average associated extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Switchgrass, Production and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered switchgrass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Uranium, Production with EU Enrichment - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of uranium fuel assemblies with European enrichment. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum Based Kerosene Jet Fuel Energy Conversion Facility - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs required for the conversion of crude oil to kerosene jet fuel, based on the production of 1 kg of finished kerosene jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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North American Petroleum, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of North American crude oil entering U.S. refineries. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Marginal Conventional Offshore, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via marginal conventional offshore extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Conventional Mix, Extraction and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered natural gas proportionally from conventional onshore and offshore as well as associated extraction methods. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Middle Eastern Petroleum, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of Middle Eastern crude oil entering U.S. refineries. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Average LNG, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via average LNG extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Average Marcellus Shale, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via average Marcellus shale extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Short Rotation Woody Crops, Production and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered short rotation woody crops. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Uranium, Extraction and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered uranium fuel assemblies. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Corn Grain, Production and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered corn grain. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum Based Diesel Energy Conversion Facility - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs required for the conversion of crude oil to diesel, based on the production of 1 kg of petroleum diesel finished fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, U.S. Mix 2010, Extraction and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered natural gas proportionally from all extraction methods. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Unconventional Mix, Extraction and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered natural gas proportionally from coalbed methane, Barnett Shale, and tight sands methods. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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African Petroleum, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of African crude oil entering U.S. refineries. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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U.S. Crude Oil Mix, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs required for the extraction of crude oil to form the crude oil mix entering a U.S. refinery in 2005, based on the production of 1 kg of crude oil. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Marginal Coal Bed Methane, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via marginal coal bed methane extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, U.S. Mix 2010, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of extracted natural gas proportionally from all extraction methods. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Corn Stover, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of produced corn stover. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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South American Petroleum, Production - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of South American crude oil entering U.S. refineries. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gasoline, Production, Transport, and Refining - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, and energy conversion for 1 kg of refined gasoline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Average Tight Sands, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via average tight sands extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum, Domestic Extraction, Production and Transport - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered domestic crude oil. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Average Coal Bed Methane, Extraction - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition 1 kg of natural gas via average coal bed methane extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Short Rotation Woody Crop Biomass Torrefaction - 05/31/2012
This unit process considers the mass/energy inputs, mass outputs, and air emissions for the biomass torrefaction process. The biomass torrefaction process includes drying for torrefaction and the torrefaction process. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Diesel, Production, Transport, and Refining - 05/31/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, and energy conversion for 1 kg of refined diesel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Energy Conversion U.S. Fleet Average - 05/14/2012
The operation of the U.S. fleet average natural gas power generation facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Energy Conversion U.S. Fleet Average - 05/14/2012
The operations of the U.S. fleet average coal power generation facilities. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tree Harvester, 241 HP, Construction - 05/04/2012
This unit process quantifies the materials required for the construction of a single tree harvester, used for the harvesting of short rotation woody crop (SRWC) biomass at the harvesting site. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Jet Aircraft, 46 Short Tons, Construction - 05/04/2012
This unit process quantifies the construction materials required for the construction of an approximately 46 short ton empty weight Boeing 737-800 jet aircraft, per kg of jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Standard Drum Wood Chipper, 630 HP, Construction - 05/04/2012
This unit process quantifies the materials required for the construction of a single standard wood drum wood chipper, used for the chipping of woody biomass at the harvesting site. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Grapple Skidder, 172 HP, Construction - 05/03/2012
This unit process quantifies the materials required for the construction of a single grapple skidder, used for dragging cut trees from the harvester to the on-site chipper at the harvesting site. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL, 20% Chipped Biomass, Fischer-Tropsch Jet Fuel Production Facility - 05/03/2012
This unit process quantifies the input flows and emissions associated with the operation of a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) jet fuel production facility, based on a coal biomass to liquids (CBTL), 20% chipped biomass configuration. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Watertube or Firetube Industrial Boiler, 150,000 lbs/hr Capacity - 05/03/2012
This unit process quantifies the total mass of steel required for the construction of a single 150,000 lbs/hr capacity watertube or firetube boiler. The boiler is assumed to be comprised entirely of steel plate. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Airplane Combustion of Blended F-T/Conventional Jet Fuel - 05/01/2012
This unit process provides a summary of relevant input and output flows associated with use of blended jet fuel (50% conventional petroleum, 50% Fischer-Tropsch) to power an aircraft. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Blended Conventional and F-T Jet Fuel, Acquisition, Transport, Conversion, Delivery and Use: 20% Chipped Biomass - 04/26/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, energy conversion, product transport, and end use for 1 MJ of combusted blended conventional and F-T jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Blended Conventional and F-T Jet Fuel, Acquisition, Transport, Conversion, Delivery and Use: 100% Coal - 04/26/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, energy conversion, product transport, and end use for 1 MJ of combusted blended conventional and F-T jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Blended Conventional and F-T Jet Fuel, Acquisition, Transport, Conversion, Delivery and Use: 20% Torrefied Biomass - 04/26/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, energy conversion, product transport, and end use for 1 MJ of combusted blended conventional and F-T jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Blended Conventional and F-T Jet Fuel, Acquisition, Transport, Conversion, Delivery and Use: 10% Microchipped Biomass, Separate Gasifiers - 04/26/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, energy conversion, product transport, and end use for 1 MJ of combusted blended conventional and F-T jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Blended Conventional and F-T Jet Fuel, Acquisition, Transport, Conversion, Delivery and Use: 10% Torrefied Biomass - 04/26/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, energy conversion, product transport, and end use for 1 MJ of combusted blended conventional and F-T jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Blended Conventional and F-T Jet Fuel, Acquisition, Transport, Conversion, Delivery and Use: 10% Chipped Biomass - 04/26/2012
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, energy conversion, product transport, and end use for 1 MJ of combusted blended conventional and F-T jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL, 0% Biomass Fischer-Tropsch Jet Fuel Production Facility - 04/19/2012
This unit process quantifies the input flows and emissions associated with the operation of a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) jet fuel production facility, based on a coal to liquids (CTL) configuration. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL, 20% Torrefied Biomass, Fischer-Tropsch Jet Fuel Production Facility - 04/18/2012
This unit process quantifies the input flows and emissions associated with the operation of a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) jet fuel production facility, based on a coal biomass to liquids (CBTL), 20% torrefied biomass configuration. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL, 10% Chipped Biomass, Fischer-Tropsch Jet Fuel Production Facility - 04/17/2012
This unit process quantifies the input flows and emissions associated with the operation of a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) jet fuel production facility, based on a coal biomass to liquids (CBTL), 10% chipped biomass configuration. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL, 10% Torrefied Biomass, Fischer-Tropsch Jet Fuel Production Facility - 04/17/2012
This unit process quantifies the input flows and emissions associated with the operation of a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) jet fuel production facility, based on a coal biomass to liquids (CBTL), 20% torrefied biomass configuration. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL, 10% Biomass, Microchipped, Separate Gasifiers, Fischer-Tropsch Jet Fuel Production Facility - 04/16/2012
This unit process quantifies the input flows and emissions associated with the operation of a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) jet fuel production facility, based on a coal biomass to liquids (CBTL), 10% microchipped biomass, separate gasifiers configuration. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Fuels Tanker Trailer, 7,500 gallon, Construction - 04/11/2012
Based on manufacturer specifications for a Volvo Cab and a Polar Alm. trailer, 7,500 gallons, the cab and trailer are used in transporting petroleum based fuels. Materials include steel plate, aluminum, nylon, polyurethane, lead and styrene. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Pipeline Transport and Blending Energy Requirements for F-T Jet Fuel - 04/09/2012
This unit process evaluates energy requirements and fuel leakage emissions for the transport of F-T jet fuel by pipeline, plus electricity required for blending with conventional jet fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Blended Jet Fuel Transport to Aircraft, Operation - 04/09/2012
This unit process provides a summary of relevant input and output flows for transporting blended jet fuel from the blending tank at the refinery to aircraft fuel tanks at either a single large airport or a large airport plus regional airports. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Fuel Transport Pipeline, Construction - 04/09/2012
Construction of a fuel transport pipeline, on the basis of pcs per kg of fuel transported over the plant lifetime. Includes steel pipe for pipeline; amount of pipe is variable based on length and diameter. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Direct and Indirect Land Use for Southern Pine Biomass Production - 03/31/2012
This unit process quantifies direct and indirect land GHG emissions associated with the production of Southern pine short rotation woody crop (SRWC) biomass. Also included is an evaluation of transformed land area per the reference flow. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Disc Micro-Chipper for Wood, 765 HP, Construction - 03/15/2012
This unit process quantifies the materials required for the construction of a single disc wood micro-chipper, used for the chipping of woody biomass into small chips ('micro-chips') at the harvesting site. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Fischer-Tropsch and Conventional Jet Fuel Blending - 03/12/2012
This unit process provides a summary of blending operations for the 1:1 volumetric mixing of Fischer-Tropsch and conventional jet fuel, based on user-updated density values, and including electricity required. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Unit Train Assembly, 100 Railcars, Construction - 01/16/2012
Calculates the number of locomotives and railcars needed to haul coal from the coal mine to the power plant over the lifetime of the plant. Assumes one locomotive can pull 20 capacity-laden railcars with 100 railcars per unit train. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Rosebud Surface Sub-Bituminous Coal Mine Assembly, Construction - 01/16/2012
This unit process calculates the quantity of each piece of equipment needed to extract and produce coal at a large western surface mine, mining Montana Rosebud sub-bituminous coal, over a 30-year study period. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Commissioning and Decommissioning of Rosebud Coal Mine - 01/16/2012
Calculates fuel consumption and resulting emissions to commission and decommission a surface mine for Rosebud subbituminous coal in Montana. Decommissioning values represented as a percentage of the commissioning values. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Solar Thermal Power Plant, Assembly - 10/21/2011
This assembly process apportions the construction, installation, and operations requirements of equipment and materials used in the assembly of a solar thermal power plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Operation of a 250 MW solar thermal power plant - 10/20/2011
Operation of a 250 MW solar thermal power plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Construction of a 250 MW solar thermal collector field - 10/20/2011
Construction of a collector field for a 250 MW solar thermal power plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Hydraulic Fracturing Water Delivery - 10/19/2011
Water sourcing and delivery to a Marcellus Shale well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Water Use for Marcellus Shale Gas Extraction - 10/19/2011
Water withdrawal and discharge data for the extraction of natural gas from a Marcellus Shale formation. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Geothermal Power Plant Assembly, Construction - 10/10/2011
This assembly process apportions the construction and installation requirements of equipment and materials used in the assembly of a geothermal power plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Transport - 09/23/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered coal, applicable to all types of coal transport via rail. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas, Pipeline, Transport - 09/13/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material transportation for 1 kg of natural gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ethanol via Lignocellulosic Combustion of Switchgrass, Conversion - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the energy conversion for 1 kg of ethanol, based on lignocellulosic combustion of switchgrass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Powder River Basin Coal, Extraction and Transport - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered Powder River Basin coal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ethanol Dry Milling Process, Acquisition, Transport, and Conversion - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, and energy conversion for 1 kg of ethanol, based on a dry milling process using corn grain. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ocean Freighter, Transport - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material transportation for 1 kg of cargo. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Illinois No. 6 Coal, Extraction - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of extracted Illinois No. 6 bituminous coal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Powder River Basin Coal, Extraction - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition for 1 kg of Powder River Basin subbituminous coal, from an aboveground coal mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ocean Freighter, Transport, Petroleum - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material transportation for 1 kg of petroleum. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Illinois No. 6 Coal, Extraction and Transport - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition and raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered coal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Railroad, Petroleum Products, Transport - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs and outputs for the raw material transportation of 1 kg of petroleum or petroleum-based fuel, delivered by US domestic railroad using a diesel locomotive. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tanker Truck, Petroleum Products, Transport - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs and outputs for the raw material transportation of 1 kg of petroleum or petroleum-based products, delivered by tanker truck using a diesel-powered tractor. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ethanol via Lignocellulosic Combustion of Corn Stover, Acquisition, Transport, and Conversion - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, and energy conversion for 1 kg of ethanol, based on lignocellulosic combustion of corn stover. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tractor Trailer, Transport - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the transportation for 1 kg of cargo. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ethanol via Lignocellulosic Combustion of Switchgrass, Acquisition, Transport, and Conversion - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material acquisition, raw material transportation, and energy conversion for 1 kg of ethanol, based on lignocellulosic combustion of switchgrass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Train, Transport - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material transportation for 1 kg of cargo. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ethanol via Lignocellulosic Combustion of Corn Stover, Conversion - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs for the energy conversion for 1 kg of ethanol, based on lignocellulosic combustion of corn stover. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ethanol Dry Milling Process, Energy Conversion - 09/12/2011
This process includes all inputs and relevant environmental flows for the energy conversion for 1 kg of ethanol, based on a dry milling process using corn grain. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Bale Truck, Transport - 09/08/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered switchgrass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Container Truck, Transport - 09/08/2011
This process includes all inputs for the raw material transportation for 1 kg of delivered biomass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Conventional Hydropower, Construction - 09/07/2011
This unit process quantifies the construction requirements for either a concrete or an earthen dam, used for large scale conventional hydropower. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Conventional Hydropower, Operation - 09/07/2011
This unit process quantifies the emissions that result from the operation of a large scale conventional hydropower plant and reservoir. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Hydrokinetic Power, Construction - 09/07/2011
This unit process calculates the construction materials that would be required for the installation of hydrokinetic turbines within a river. Hydrokinetic turbines do not require the installation of impoundments or dams. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Pipeline Transport of Crude Petroleum, Operation - 09/01/2011
This unit process includes transport of crude petroleum via a pipeline, which is powered by electric pumps. It is assumed that no loss of crude petroleum occurs during pipeline transport. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LLW Disposition - 08/05/2011
The energy and material requirements for constructing a long term disposal facility for low level waste (LLW) from the nuclear fuel cycle. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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HLW Disposition - 08/05/2011
The energy and material requirements for constructing a long term disposal facility for high level waste (HLW) from the nuclear fuel cycle. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Spent Fuel Reprocessing - 08/05/2011
The energy and material requirements for operating a facility that reprocesses spent nuclear fuel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Truck transport of spent uranium fuel - 08/05/2011
Transport of spent uranium fuel from a nuclear power plant to long-term waste disposition. Assumes backhaul and front haul have different energy intensities. Includes diesel consumption. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Biomass Torrefaction for Coal-Biomass Cofiring - 07/30/2011
This unit process considers the mass/energy inputs, mass outputs, and air emissions for the torrefaction of biomass, which is the partial gasification of biomass (without oxygen), to enable cofiring at a pulverized coal power plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Biomass Grinding for Coal-Biomass Cofiring - 07/26/2011
This unit process quantifies the energy use and select air emissions associated with biomass grinding. Biomass grinding is included prior to biomass combistion, either as a cofiring or standalone component. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Southwest Bituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Southwest bituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 20.2 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=10500 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, Southwest Bituminous Coal, Operation - 07/23/2011
Based on the Illinois No. 6 underground, bituminous coal mine unit process. Assumes all underground mining to be similar; 116.4 cubic feet/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=12300 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Southern Appalachia Bituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Southern Appalachia bituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 24.9 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=12760 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, West Interior Bituminous, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for West Interior bituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 42.75 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=11420 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, Western Montana Subbituminous Coal, Operation - 07/23/2011
Based on the Illinois No. 6 underground, subbituminous coal mine unit process. Assumes all underground mining to be similar; 15.8 cubic feet/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=10650 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Western Wyoming Subbituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Western Wyoming subbituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 20.0 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=9560 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Wyoming Southern PRB Subbituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Wyoming Southern PRB Subbituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 20.0 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=8400 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Dakota Lignite Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Dakota lignite coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 5.6 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=6730 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, East Interior Bituminous Coal, Operation - 07/23/2011
Based on the Illinois No. 6 underground, bituminous coal mine unit process. Assumes all underground mining to be similar; 64.3 cubic feet/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=11450 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, Central Appalachia Bituminous Coal, Operation - 07/23/2011
Based on the Illinois No. 6 underground, bituminous coal mine unit process. Assumes all underground mining to be similar; 267.95 cubic feet/short ton coalmine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=13210 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Western Montana Subbituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Western Montana subbituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 20.0 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=10650 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Northwest Subbituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Northwest subbituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 16.0 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=7500 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Gulf Lignite Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Gulf lignite coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 39.9 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=6440 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Central Appalachia Bituminous, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Central Appalachia bituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 24.9 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=13210 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, Western Wyoming Subbituminous Coal, Operation - 07/23/2011
Based on the Illinois No. 6 underground, subbituminous coal mine unit process. Assumes all underground mining to be similar; 15.8 cubic feet/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=9560 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Southwest Subbituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Southwest subbituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 20.2 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=9610 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, Rocky Mountain Bituminous Coal, Operation - 07/23/2011
Based on the Illinois No. 6 underground, bituminous coal mine unit process. Assumes all underground mining to be similar; 181 cubic feet/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=10600 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, East Interior Lignite, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for East Interior lignite coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 32.2 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=6860 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, Northern Appalachia Bituminous Coal, Operation - 07/23/2011
Based on the Illinois No. 6 underground, bituminous coal mine unit process. Assumes all underground mining to be similar; 138.4 cubic feet/short ton coalmine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=12440 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Northern Appalachia Bituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Northern Appalachia bituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 59.5 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=12440 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Rocky Mountain Subbituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Rocky Mountain subbituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 27.4 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=9400 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Mine, Southern Appalachia Bituminous Coal, Operation - 07/23/2011
Based on the Illinois No. 6 underground, bituminous coal mine unit process. Assumes all underground mining to be similar; 61.4 cubic feet/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates; LHV=12760 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Surface Mine, Wyoming Northern PRB Subbituminous Coal, Operations - 07/23/2011
Based on a compilation of mines, a surface mine for Wyoming Northern PRB subbituminous coal, producing ~6 billion kg of coal per year. Assumes 15.8 scf/short ton coal mine CH4 (CMM) emissions, adjustable CMM capture rates, LHV=8400 Btu/lb. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Biomass Cofiring Pulverized Coal Boiler Facility - 07/12/2011
This unit process includes operation (input and emission flows) of a pulverized coal boiler, which has been repurposed in order to generate electricity from a combination of coal and biomass feedstocks. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Passenger Vehicle, 2005 U.S. Average, E10, Operation - 05/23/2011
This process calculates emissions incurred from combustion of 1 MJ of ethanol blend E10 in an average U.S. passenger vehicle operating in 2005. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Passenger Vehicle, 2005 U.S. Average, E85, Operation - 05/23/2011
This process calculates emissions incurred from combustion of 1 MJ of ethanol blend E85 in an average U.S. passenger vehicle operating in 2005. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Offshore Natural Gas Rig, Crew Transport - 04/11/2011
This unit process quantifies the energy use and air quality emissions associated with transport of employees/crew members to and from offshore natural gas wells, in support of offshore natural gas extraction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Well Workovers - 04/11/2011
This unit process quantifies the mass of vented gas that is anticipated to result from natural gas well workovers, associated with the production of natural gas from conventional and unconventional wells. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Compressors, Assembly - 04/08/2011
This unit process identifies the proportion of each type of natural gas compression utilized for the extraction of natural gas, as relevant to each of the natural gas extraction pathways considered. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural gas sweetening - 04/06/2011
Data for the sweetening of natural gas using an amine process for acid gas removal (AGR). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Venting and Flaring - 04/06/2011
This unit process quantifies the carbon dioxide and select criteria air pollutant emissions associated with the flaring and venting of natural gas at the extraction site or processing plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Onshore Associated Natural Gas Production, Water Use and Water Quality - 04/06/2011
This unit process quantifies water use and water quality emissions resulting from the production of natural gas from a conventional onshore associated natural gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Wellhead Compressor, Electrically-Powered Centrifugal, 500 HP - 04/06/2011
This unit process quantifies the amount of electricity required and methane emissions associated with the operation of a 500 horsepower, 95% efficiency electric centrifugal wellhead compressor for natural gas wells. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Conventional Onshore Natural Gas, Water Use and Water Quality - 04/06/2011
This unit process quantifies water use and water quality emissions resulting from the production of natural gas from a conventional onshore natural gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Barnett Shale Natural Gas, Water Use and Water Quality - 04/06/2011
This unit process quantifies water use and water quality emissions resulting from the production of natural gas from a Barnett Shale natural gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Conventional Offshore Natural Gas, Water Use and Water Quality - 04/06/2011
This unit process quantifies water use and water quality emissions resulting from the production of natural gas from a conventional offshore natural gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Dehydration - 04/06/2011
This unit process evaluates the natural gas fuel use and gaseous emissions that result from the dehydration of natural gas during natural gas production, at the natural gas extraction site, for all natural gas types. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Nuclear Power Plant, Decommissioning - 11/11/2010
This process encompasses the energy use for decommissioning of a nuclear power plant and the corresponding emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichment, Operations - 11/09/2010
This process receives UF6 from a conversion facility and enriches the percent composition of uranium-235 in the fuel. This process includes energy consumption, air emissions, water use, water emissions, and solid waste. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Nuclear Power, Generation II Reactor Operation - 11/08/2010
Encompasses the energy, material, and water use and the emissions and discharges during the operation of a Generation II nuclear reactor. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Nuclear Power, Generation III Reactor Operation - 11/08/2010
Encompasses the energy, material, and water use and the emissions and discharges during the operation of a Generation III+ nuclear reactor. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Open Pit Uranium Mine, Construction - 11/08/2010
This process encompasses the materials required for the construction of a representative open pit uranium mine. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gaseous Diffusion Enrichment Facility, Decommissioning - 11/08/2010
This process accounts for the energy consumption, material requirements, and emissions for the decommissioning of a gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gen II PWR Plant, 1000 MW, Construction - 11/05/2010
This process encompasses the amount of materials required to construct a generation II PWR nuclear plant as well as the energy use required for installation and destruction of the reactor. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Uranium Conversion Facility, Operation - 11/04/2010
This process converts yellowcake (U3O8) from the milling facility into natural (un-enriched) uranium hexafluoride (UF6). This process includes energy and emissions to air and water. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Milling Facility, Construction - 11/02/2010
This process encompasses the materials required for the construction of a representative milling facility. Includes installation energy. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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UF6 Conversion Facility Construction - 11/02/2010
This unit process models the material inputs required for the construction of a generic Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion Facility. Materials considered are concrete, cast iron, aluminum, copper, and steel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Underground Uranium Mine, Construction - 11/01/2010
This process encompasses the materials required for the construction of a representative underground room and pillar uranium mine. Where uranium mine data were not available, surrogate data were used from the mining of Illinois No.6 coal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Switchyard Construction - 11/01/2010
The materials used for the construction of a switchyard for a 200 MW wind farm. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Trunkline Construction - 11/01/2010
The materials used for the construction of a trunkline that connects an electric power plant to the main electricity transmission grid. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Energy Conversion by GTSC - 11/01/2010
The operations a GTSC plant on the basis of 1 MWh output. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Variable Size Wind Farm, Operation - 11/01/2010
This unit process models the input flows and emissions required for operation of a wind farm, having variable total capacity, and based on variable sized wind turbines. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Horizontal Wind Turbine, 35kV Cables, Manufacturing - 11/01/2010
This unit process quantifies the materials needed for the manufacture of 1 meter of 35 kV capacity cable, for use with horizontal wind turbines ranging in capacity from 1.5 to 6 MW, with copper and aluminum used for cable fabrication. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Fuel Fabrication Facility, Construction - 10/28/2010
This process encompasses the material inputs required for the construction of a representative fuel assembly fabrication facility. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Multipurpose Nuclear Spent Fuel Cask, Construction - 10/28/2010
This process builds a cask to store the nuclear spent fuel. It is designed to both store the spent fuel with the option of re-arranging the spent fuel within the cask. The cask is constructed of concrete and steel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gravel Road, 12 Inch Deep Roadbed, Construction - 10/27/2010
This unit process models the air emissions and materials requirements associated with the construction of a gravel road. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Generation III Nuclear Power Plant, Construction - 10/26/2010
This unit process includes the materials and energy sources needed for the construction of a Generation III+ Nuclear Power Plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Horizontal Turbine Spinner, 1.5-6 MW Capacity, Manufacturing - 10/25/2010
Manufacture of a spinner (nose cone) for 1.5-6 MW capacity horizontal wind turbine, manufactured of resin and glass reinforced plastic (GRP) materials with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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In Situ Uranium Mine Construction - 10/25/2010
This process encompasses the materials, drilling energy, and consequent emissions for the construction of a representative in situ mine used to extract uranium, normalized to 1 kg of produced uranium. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Nuclear Enrichment Facility Construction - 10/25/2010
Materials requirements, energy use, and vehicle combustion emissions for the construction of a nuclear enrichment facility. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Horizontal Turbine Blades, 1.5-6 MW Capacity, Manufacturing - 10/25/2010
Manufacture of turbine blades, based on NREL specifications for a horizontal axis multi capacity (1.5-6 MW) wind turbine. Assumes blades manufactured of CRP (advanced technology) or GRP (current technology) and Adhesive materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Horizontal Wind Turbine Nacelle Cover, 1.5-6 MW, Manufacturing - 10/25/2010
This unit process tracks the materials and energy needed to manufacture a nacelle cover for a horizontal axis wind turbine, having capacities ranging from 1.5 to 6 MW. Nacelle cover is assumed to be comprised primarily of resin and fiberglass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Horizontal Turbine Shafts & Bearings, 1.5-6 MW Capacity, Manufacturing - 10/25/2010
Manufacture of shafts and bearings for a horizontal multi-capacity (1.5-6 MW) wind turbine. Assumes shafts (main & low-speed) and bearings are manufactured entirely of cold rolled stainless steel with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Horizontal Turbine Hub, 1.5-6 MW Capacity, Manufacturing - 10/25/2010
Models manufacturing of the hub, blade pitch mechanisms, and bearings of a variable megawatt (range 1.5 -6MW) capacity wind turbine. Assumes all components manufactured of cast iron and steel with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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HTurbine Generator, 1.5-6 MW, Manufacturing - 10/22/2010
This unit process tracks materials and energy needed to manufacture high-speed and medium-speed permanent-magnet generators for horizontal 1.5 to 6 MW wind turbines, and manufacturing of direct drive with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Horizontal Turbine Main Frame, 1.5-6 MW Capacity, Manufacturing - 10/22/2010
Manufacture of a horizontal wind turbine main frame, based on NREL specifications for a multi capacity (range 1.5 - 6 MW) wind turbine main frame (bed). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Horizontal Wind Turbine Tower, 1.5-6 MW, Manufacturing - 10/21/2010
This unit process provides a summary of the energy and materials required for the manufacture of a horizontal wind turbine tower, ranging in capacity from 1.5 to 6 MW; manufactured entirely of carbon steel with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Transformer Construction - 10/21/2010
The metal materials and mineral oil used for the construction of a padmount transformer with a rating from 1000 to 7500 kVA. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LNG Liquefaction, Operation - 10/20/2010
Natural gas liquefaction, storage, and ship loading. Process data is derived from a specific facility in Australia and adapted to represent Atlantic LNG near Trinidad and Tobago. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Extraction of natural gas (NG) from a conventional onshore oil well with associated NG - 10/20/2010
Data for the extraction of natural gas from a conventional onshore oil well with associated NG. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Extraction of natural gas (NG) from coal bed methane (CBM) - 10/20/2010
Data for the extraction of natural gas from coal bed methane. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Switchyard and Trunkline Operation - 10/20/2010
SF6 emissions from the operation of a switchyard and trunkline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Extraction of natural gas (NG) from a conventional onshore gas well - 10/20/2010
Data for the extraction of natural gas from a conventional onshore gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Extraction of natural gas (NG) from a conventional offshore gas well - 10/20/2010
Data for the extraction of natural gas from a conventional offshore gas well. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LNG Tanker, 130000 m3, Docking-Berthing-Deberthing - 10/20/2010
This unit process includes docking, berthing, and deberthing operations for a 130,000 m3 liquefied natural gas (LNG) ocean tanker. Included are emissions for tugboats and the LNG tanker during docking, berthing, and deberthing. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Well Construction and Installation (Barnett Shale) - 10/20/2010
Materials of construction and installation fuels and emissions for a natural gas well (Barnett Shale). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Well Construction and Installation (conventional onshore) - 10/20/2010
Materials of construction and installation fuels and emissions for a natural gas well (conventional onshore). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Extraction of natural gas (NG) from Barnett Shale - 10/20/2010
Data for the extraction of natural gas from Barnett Shale. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural gas combustion in an auxiliary boiler - 10/20/2010
Air emissions from the combustion of natural gas in an auxiliary boiler. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Sweetening, Amine Process Acid Gas Removal - 10/20/2010
This unit process quantifies the amount of natural gas, solvents, and water required for the sweetening of natural gas using an amine process for acid gas removal (AGR). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Well Construction and Installation (conventional offshore) - 10/20/2010
Materials of construction and installation fuels and emissions for a natural gas well (conventional offshore). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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NG Regasification, Operation - 10/20/2010
Energy consumption and emissions to air for the operation of Trunkline LNG facility for regasification of LNG and injection into the transmission/distribution network. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Natural Gas Well Construction and Installation (coal bed methane) - 10/20/2010
Materials of construction and installation fuels and emissions for a natural gas well (coal bed methane). To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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LNG Tanker, 138000 m3 Capacity, Operations - 10/20/2010
This unit process includes operation of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) ocean tanker, having a capacity of 138,000 cubic meters. The tanker is fueled by boil-off natural gas, with other supplemental fuel, based on Wartsila 50DF engine specifications. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum Well Construction and Installation (associated gas) - 10/20/2010
Materials of construction and installation fuels and emissions for a petroleum well that produces crude oil and natural gas. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ocean Vessel 30K DWT Construction - 08/11/2010
Steel requirements for the construction of an ocean vessel with a cargo capacity of 30,000 DWT. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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UF6 Storage Container, Construction - 07/29/2010
This unit process provides the material inputs for the construction of a steel storage container for UF6 storage and transportation. Through the parameters, the size of the container can be varied for the applicable type: 48X, 48Y, or 30B. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Train Transport, Unspecified Cargo - 07/07/2010
Transport of an unspecified cargo via train to the energy conversion facility. Assumes backhaul and front haul have the same energy intensity and there are no fugitive/evaporative emissions. Includes diesel consumption. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Wind Turbine Transport by Ocean Freighter - 06/11/2010
Transport of wind turbine components a distance of 15,000 km on a water carrier with a 20,000 tonne cargo capacity. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Biochemical Ethanol Plant with Gasifier Cogen - 02/26/2010
Inputs and outputs for ethanol production by a biochemical ethanol plant using cellulosic feedstocks. Electricity is cogenerated by a gasifier coupled with a gas turbine. Includes denaturant (gasoline) as 5 percent volume of final product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Thermochemical Ethanol Plant Operation - 02/25/2010
Inputs and outputs for ethanol production by a thermochemical ethanol plant using cellulosic feedstocks. Includes addition of denaturant (gasoline) as 5 percent volume of final product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Blasthole Drill, 250,000 lbs, Construction - 02/25/2010
Encompasses the materials necessary to construct a single blasthole drill to drill holes for blasting at a large surface coal mine with dragline based on a P&H 250XP-DL Dragline Application Drill. Quantifies the amount of steel needed. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Biochemical Ethanol Plant with Boiler Cogen - 02/25/2010
Inputs and outputs for ethanol production by a biochemical ethanol plant using cellulosic feedstocks. Electricity is cogenerated with a recovery boiler. Includes addition of denaturant (gasoline) as 5 percent volume of final product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Refueling Station, Diesel, Operation - 02/20/2010
This unit process includes the emissions from operation of a refueling station for diesel. Emissions from fuel evaporation during storage and tank loading and unloading operations are included. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Water Tanker Transport, LNG, Operation - 02/20/2010
Operation of a waterborne tanker for transport of LNG. Fueled primarily from boil-off with supplemental power from diesel fuel. Fuel requirements and select emissions determined from Wartsila 50DF engine specs. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Diesel Bulk Storage Tank, Construction - 02/19/2010
Diesel bulk storage tank based on Eagle Tanks Inc's 30,000 gal tank, adjusted to the needed capacity on a kg material/kg fuel basis. Includes security storage space. Materials include carbon and stainless steel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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PRB Coal Surface Mine Assembly, Construction - 02/19/2010
Calculates the quantity of each piece of equipment needed to extract and produce coal at a large surface mine, mining PRB sub-bituminous coal, over the lifetime of the plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gasoline Bulk Storage Tank, Construction - 02/19/2010
Gasoline bulk storage tank based on Eagle Tanks Inc's 30,000 gal tank, adjusted to the needed capacity on a kg material/kg fuel basis. Includes security storage space. Materials include carbon and stainless steel. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Mining Truck for Surface Mine, 623,690 kg, Construction - 02/18/2010
Based on manufacturer specifications for a Caterpillar model 797B, 623,690 kg, mining truck, to carry coal at a Powder River Basin surface mine for subbituminous coal. Quantifies the amount of steel and rubber needed for construction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Advanced Ethanol Dry Mill Plant w/CCS, Construction - 02/16/2010
Calculates the amount of materials (including concrete, steel plate, and stainless steel) needed to construct an individual Advanced Dry Mill plant with CCS. Data based on construction of a conventional dry mill plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ethanol Plant, Thermochemical, Construction - 02/16/2010
Materials required for the construction of an ethanol plant that uses direct gasification of cellulosic biomass followed by catalyzed synthesis of ethanol. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Refueling Station, Ethanol, Operation - 02/16/2010
This unit process includes the emissions from the operation of a refueling station for an ethanol and gasoline blended fuel. Electricity demand and emissions from fuel evaporation during station filling and vehicle filling are also included. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Pipeline Transport of Diesel Fuel, Operation - 02/16/2010
Transport of liquid diesel fuel via a pipeline powered by electric pumps. No loss of fuel is assumed during pipeline transport. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Advanced Ethanol Dry Mill Plant, Construction - 02/16/2010
Calculates the amount of materials (including concrete, steel plate, and stainless steel) needed to construct an individual Advanced Dry Mill plant. Data based on construction of a conventional dry mill plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Steel-Cord Conveyor System, 72", Construction - 02/15/2010
Steel-Cord Conveyor System, 72", Construction. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Dry Mill Ethanol Plant Operation w/ Corn Oil and CCS - 02/15/2010
Inputs and outputs for ethanol production by a dry mill ethanol plant using corn grain feed and natural gas fuel. DDGS and corn oil are co-products. CO2 is captured. Includes addition of denaturant (gasoline) as 5 percent volume of final product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Dry Mill Ethanol Plant Operation - 02/15/2010
Inputs and outputs for ethanol production by a dry mill ethanol plant using corn grain feed and natural gas fuel. DDGS (dried distillers grains with solubles) is a co-product. Includes addition of denaturant (gasoline) as 5% volume of final product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Dry Mill Ethanol Plant Operation with Corn Oil - 02/15/2010
Inputs and outputs for ethanol production by a dry mill ethanol plant using corn grain feed and natural gas fuel. DDGS and corn oil are co-products. Includes addition of denaturant (gasoline) as 5% volume of final product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Bulk Storage Facility, Ethanol, Operation - 02/15/2010
This unit process inventories emissions from the operation of a bulk storage facility for ethanol. Gasoline and ethanol mix in tanker to create E10 and E85. Emissions from fuel storage evaporation and truck loading/unloading operations are included. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Ethanol Transport Pipeline, Construction - 02/15/2010
This unit process creates a pipeline for ethanol transport. It is assumed that the pipeline is made solely from carbon steel. All values are normalized to 1 kg of fuel transported. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Bulk Loading Terminal Ethanol Storage, 500K gal, Construction - 02/15/2010
This unit process models the mass of steel plate and stainless steel used for the construction of ethanol storage tanks with a total capacity of 500,000 gallons at a bulk loading terminal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Hydrogen Production - 02/12/2010
Energy use, feedstock, and emissions from production of 1 kg of hydrogen at a hydrogen plant. Includes co-product steam, which is assumed to displace steam produced elsewhere. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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NPK Nutrients Replacement, Operation - 02/12/2010
This unit process includes the amount of NPK fertilizer replaced due to the collection of corn stover from the ground as well as diesel use, air emissions from direct N2O volatilization, diesel combustion, and criteria air pollutants. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal-Loading Silo, 12,000 Tons, Powder River Basin (PRB), Construction - 02/11/2010
Based on specifications for a Powder River Coal Corp, 12,000-ton coal silo, used for railcar loading of PRB sub-bituminous coal at the mine site. Assumes silo constructed of steel and concrete, with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Dragline, 8,200 ton, Construction - 02/11/2010
Based on manufacturer specifications for a Bucyrus 8750, 8,200 short ton dragline used in mining for a surface mine. This unit process quantifies the amount of steel plate needed to produce the dragline. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Water Carrier, 125,000 m3 LNG Tanker, Construction - 02/09/2010
This process constructs an LNG tanker water carrier with 125,000 m3 load capacity (before heel). The material requirements and weights are determined for construction of a single tanker. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Crusher, 254,000 lbs, Construction - 02/09/2010
Based on manufacturer specifications for a Gundlach Braker model 12048, 254,000 lbs, used in crushing coal, this unit process quantifies the amount of steel needed to produce the coal crusher. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL Plant Operation with Coal and Switchgrass Feed - 02/09/2010
Inputs and outputs for Fischer-Tropsch diesel production by a 30,000 to 50,000 barrel per day CBTL plant using Illinois No. 6 coal and switchgrass feed. Includes scenarios for CCS and ATR (autothermal reforming). Naphtha is a co-product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CTL Plant Operation with Bituminous Coal Feed - 02/09/2010
Inputs and outputs for Fischer-Tropsch diesel (FTD) production by a 50,000 barrel per day BTL plant using Illinois No. 6 bituminous coal feed. Includes scenarios for CCS and ATR (autothermal reforming). Naphtha is a co-product of all CTL cases. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL Plant Operation with Coal and Corn Stover Feed - 02/09/2010
Inputs and outputs for Fischer-Tropsch diesel production by a 30,000 to 50,000 barrel per day CBTL plant using Illinois No. 6 coal and Corn Stover feed. Includes scenarios for CCS and ATR (autothermal reforming). Naphtha is a co-product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tanker Unit Train Assembly, 100 Railcars, Construction - 02/09/2010
Calculates the number of locomotives and tanker railcars needed to carry fuel from a loading point to the plant/refinery over the lifetime of the plant. Assumes one locomotive can pull 20 capacity-laden railcars with 100 railcars per unit train. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CBTL Plant Operation with Coal and SRWC Feed - 02/09/2010
Inputs and outputs for Fischer-Tropsch diesel production by a 30,000 to 50,000 barrel per day CBTL plant using Illinois No. 6 coal and SRWC feed. Includes scenarios for CCS and ATR (autothermal reforming). Naphtha is a co-product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum-Based Fuel, Train Transport - 02/08/2010
Transport of an unspecified form of petroleum-based fuel via train to the energy conversion facility. Assumes back haul and front haul have the same energy intensities. Includes diesel consumption and evaporative emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Petroleum Water Carrier Loading/Unloading, Operation - 02/08/2010
This unit process includes the loss emissions due to evaporation of fuel associated with the water carrier transport, including water carrier loading and unloading. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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BTL Plant Operation with Switchgrass Feed - 02/05/2010
Inputs and outputs for FTD production by a 5,000-barrel-per-day BTL plant using switchgrass feed. Includes scenarios for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and autothermal reforming (ATR). Naphtha is a co-product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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BTL Plant Operation with Corn Stover Feed - 02/05/2010
Inputs and outputs for Fischer-Tropsch (FT) diesel production by a 5,000-barrel-per-day BTL plant using corn stover feed. Includes scenarios for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and autothermal reforming (ATR). Naphtha is a co-product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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BTL Plant Operation with SRWC Feed - 02/05/2010
Inputs and outputs for Fischer-Tropsch diesel production by a 5,000-barrel-per-day BTL plant using SRWC feed. Includes scenarios for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and autothermal reforming (ATR). Naphtha is a co-product. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Diesel Passenger Vehicle (2005), Construction - 02/04/2010
Materials for the construction of an average U.S. diesel passenger vehicle for the 2005 average fleet, allocated to 1 MJ of diesel use. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Fischer-Tropsch Diesel (FTD) Energy Conversion Facility Commissioning/Decommissioning - 02/04/2010
Calculates the diesel use, water use and emissions associated with the commissioning and decommissioning of the indicated energy conversion facility. Decommissioning is presented as a percentage of the commissioning values. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Gasoline Passenger Vehicle (2005), Construction - 02/04/2010
Materials for the construction of an average U.S. gasoline passenger vehicle for the 2005 average fleet, allocated to 1 MJ of gasoline use. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Illinois No. 6 Coal Preparation Facility Assembly, Construction - 02/03/2010
Calculates the number of each type of equipment required to prepare Illinois No. 6 bituminous coal for transport from an underground coal mine. Includes the following facilities: silo, stacker, crusher facility, cleaning facility, and WWTP. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Illinois No. 6 Underground Bituminous Coal Mine Site, Construction - 02/03/2010
Construction materials for concrete structures and asphalt paving for an Illinois No. 6 coal mine site. Assumes concrete structures and paving are composed entirely of cement or asphalt, respectively. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Onshore Pipeline, Installation/Deinstallation - 01/29/2010
Emissions from underground pipeline laying and construction: heavy construction equipment exhaust emissions, emissions from transport of pipes and associated materials (200 miles round-trip), and fugitive dust. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Longwall Mining System Assembly, Construction - 01/25/2010
Calculates the number of each piece of equipment included in a longwall mining system needed to mine coal at an underground, Illinois No.6 bituminous coal mine. Equipment includes shearer, shields, head and tail drives, stage loader, and line pans. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Switchgrass Harvesting Assembly, Construction - 01/25/2010
Assembly process that apportions the construction requirements of equipment used for Switchgrass harvesting. Equipment includes forage harvesters and balers. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Electric Stage Loader, 90 Tons, Construction - 01/22/2010
Based on specifications for a Joy Mining electric stage loader. Assumes stage loader constructed entirely of steel plate, with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Line Pan, 2.5 Tons, Construction - 01/19/2010
Based on specifications for a Joy Mining line pan. Assumes line pan constructed entirely of steel plate, with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Electric Tail Drive, 45 Tons, Construction - 01/19/2010
Based on specifications for a Joy Mining electric tail drive. Assumes tail drive constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Electric Head Drive, 65 Tons, Construction - 01/19/2010
Based on specifications for a Joy Mining electric head drive. Assumes head drive constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Hydraulic Shield, 28.2 Tons, 2 Meter, Construction - 01/18/2010
Based on specifications for a 2-meter-wide hydraulic shield. Assumes shield constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tree Harvester Chipper, 440 Horsepower, Construction - 01/15/2010
Based on specifications for an experimental tree harvester chipper designed specifically for collecting trees for biomass. Assumes that the machine is constructed entirely of steel plate, with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal, Train Transport - 01/15/2010
Transport of an unspecified type of prepared coal via train to the energy conversion facility. Assumes backhaul and front haul have the same energy intensity. Includes diesel consumption and fugitive dust emissions. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Stockpile Stacker, 450 Tonnes, Construction - 01/14/2010
Based on advertised specifications for an Xstrata Rolleston coal stacker. Assumes stockpile stacker constructed entirely of steel plate, with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Continuous Miner, 755 Horsepower, Construction - 01/14/2010
Based on manufacturer (Bucyrus) specifications for a 25M Series model, 755-horsepower (HP), underground continuous miner. Assumes continuous miner constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Conveyor System, 48 Inches, Construction - 01/14/2010
This process encompasses the materials necessary for the construction of one steel cord conveyor belt with rubber facing (1.21-m wide), pulleys, and idlers based on manufacturers' specifications for a 1.21-m (48 inches) conveyor system. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Steel Coal-Loading Silo, 325 Tons, Construction - 01/14/2010
Based on specifications for a George Third & Son, 325-ton coal silo, used for railcar loading of Illinois No. 6 bituminous coal at the mine site. Assumes silo constructed entirely of steel plate, with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Commissioning and Decommissioning of Powder River Basin Coal Mine - 01/08/2010
Calculates fuel consumption and resulting emissions to commission and decommission a surface mine for Powder River Basin subbituminous coal in Wyoming. Decommissioning values represented as a percentage of the commissioning values. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Commissioning and Decommissioning of Illinois No. 6 Coal Mine - 01/08/2010
Calculates fuel consumption and resulting emissions to commission and decommission an Illinois No. 6 underground, bituminous coal mine in Illinois. Decommissioning values represented as a percentage of the commissioning values. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Electric Shearer, 62.5 Tons, Construction - 01/07/2010
Based on specifications for a Joy Mining electric shearer. Assumes shearer constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Diesel Motor Grader, 213 Horsepower, Construction - 01/05/2010
Based on manufacturer specifications for a Caterpillar Model 160M, 213-horsepower (HP), 6-cylinder diesel motor grader. Assumes grader constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Diesel Track Bulldozer, 410 Horsepower, Construction - 01/05/2010
Based on manufacturer specifications for a Caterpillar Model D9T, 410-horsepower, track-type bulldozer. Assumes dozer constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Diesel Forage Harvester, 615 Horsepower, Construction - 01/04/2010
Based on manufacturer specifications for a John Deere Model 7550 forest harvester, 615 horsepower (HP). Assumes harvester constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Seeder, 21900 lbs, Tractor-Propelled, Construction - 12/30/2009
Based on manufacturer specifications for a John Deere Model 1990 central commodity system (CCS) air drill and a John Deere Model 1870 air hoe drill, which make up the seeder. Assumes seeder constructed entirely of steel plate. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Harvester, 300-Bushel Capacity, 6 Cylinder, Construction - 12/30/2009
Harvester based on manufacturer specifications for a John Deere Model 9770 STS Combine, 300-bushel capacity, and a John Deere Model 612c Stalkmaster corn header. Assumes combine and corn header constructed entirely of steel plate. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Baler, 3110 lbs, Tractor - Propelled, Construction - 12/29/2009
Based on manufacturer specifications for a John Deere model 348, 3110 lbs, tractor-propelled square baler used in harvesting switchgrass and corn stover. Quantifies the amount of steel plate needed to produce the baler. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Diesel Tractor, 165 Horsepower, Construction - 12/23/2009
Based on manufacturer specifications for a John Deere Model 7830, 165-horsepower (HP), 6-cylinder diesel tractor. Assumes tractor constructed entirely of steel plate with negligible amounts of other materials. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Chip Truck, Biomass Transport, Construction - 12/23/2009
Combined construction/assembly process that includes material requirements for construction of a tractor and chip trailer for short rotation woody crop (SRWC) biomass transport, and apportions those materials to 1 kg of cargo. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Bale Truck, Biomass Transport, Construction - 12/23/2009
Combined construction/assembly process that includes material requirements for construction of a bale truck (tractor-trailer combination) for switchgrass or corn stover biomass transport, and apportions those materials to 1 kg of cargo. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Wastewater Treatment Plant, Underground Coal Mine, Construction - 12/23/2009
Includes material requirements for construction of the underground Illinois No. 6 bituminous coal mine wastewater treatment plant, which consists of settling ponds plus minor supporting infrastructure: pumps, pipes, wiring, and cement structures. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Diesel Locomotive, 4400 Horsepower, Construction - 06/06/2009
Based on specifications for a GE Evolution Series diesel locomotive, rated at 4,400 HP with a 12-cylinder AC engine, quantifies the amount of steel plate and stainless steel used to construct one locomotive to haul a generic type of coal. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Canadian Oil Sands Synthetic, Extraction and Post-processing, Operation - 06/06/2009
Module models the operation, energy requirements, and emissions for production of synthetic crude oil from Canadian oil sands. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Bulk Storage Facility, Gasoline, Operation - 06/06/2009
This unit process includes the emissions from operation of a bulk storage facility for gasoline. Emissions from fuel evaporation during storage and truck loading and unloading operations are included. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Bulk Storage Facility, Diesel, Operation - 06/06/2009
This unit process includes the emissions from operation of a bulk storage facility for diesel. Emissions from fuel evaporation during storage and truck loading and unloading operations are included. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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California Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery - 06/06/2009
Emissions from steam injection processes for extraction of heavy oils in California on the basis of 1 kg U.S. domestic crude oil extracted. Water use for cyclic steam injection, steam flood, and water flood processes for enhanced oil recovery. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Pushoff Trailer, 60m3, Tractor Propelled, Construction - 06/04/2009
Based on a single pushoff trailer manufactured by Fliegl, with a 60-cubic-meter capacity and pulled by a separate tractor. This unit process quantifies the amount of steel plate needed to construct a single trailer. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Treeplanter, 4500 lbs, Tractor-Propelled, Construction - 05/30/2009
Based on a C & G, tractor-propelled, 4,500-lb, single-seat furrow seedling treeplanter, 12 feet 6 inches long, this unit process quantifies the steel plate used to construct one treeplanter, used to plant saplings for SRWC biomass. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tiller, 5015 lbs, Tractor-Propelled, Construction - 05/08/2009
Based on manufacturer specifications for a John Deere Model 425 disk harrow tractor-propelled, 5,015-lb tiller. This unit process quantifies the amount of steel plate used to construct a single tiller. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Electric Shovel, 120 tons payload, Construction - 02/15/2009
The amount of steel used in the construction of one 120 short ton payload electric shovel, used to haul overburden and extract coal at a large surface mine. The shovel was assumed to be composed entirely of steel plate. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Track Loader, 239 Horsepower (HP), Construction - 02/15/2009
The amount of steel needed for the construction of one 239 HP loader to be used to haul coal at a large surface mine. The railcar was assumed to be composed of 100% steel plate, with a total mass of 26,373 kg. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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CTL, CBTL, BTL Plant, Construction - 02/12/2009
Quantifies the amount of materials needed to construct an individual CTL, CBTL, or BTL plant. Data based on construction of an IGCC plant. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Tanker Railcar, 26,470 Gal Net Capacity, Construction - 02/12/2009
The amount of aluminum used in the construction of one 26,470 gallon net capacity tanker railcar to be used to haul liquid fuel. The railcar was assumed to be composed entirely of aluminum. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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Coal Railcar, 244000 lbs Net Capacity, Construction - 02/12/2009
The amount of aluminum and steel used in the construction of one 244,000-lb capacity railcar to be used to haul coal. The railcar was estimated/assumed to be composed of 82% aluminum and 18% steel plate, with a total mass of 18,983 kg. To access the model referenced in the report, please visit |
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