Technology Focus:
Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Combustion Systems
Advanced Combustion Turbines
Advanced Energy Materials
Advanced Energy Storage
Advanced Energy Systems
Advanced Remediation Technology
Advanced Research
Advanced Storage
Advanced Technologies
Advanced Turbines
Carbon Conversion
Carbon Conversion - Other
Carbon Dioxide Removal
Carbon Sequestration
Carbon Storage
Carbon Use and Reuse
CCS and Power Systems
CCS Demonstrations
Chemical Looping Combustion
Clean Hydrogen & Negative CO2 Emissions
Coal and Coal Biomass to Liquids
Coal and Coal-waste to Products
Critical Minerals and Materials
Cross-Cutting Research
Crosscutting Materials
Crosscutting Research
Direct Air Capture
Direct Air Capture (DAC)
Direct Ocean Capture (DOC)
Emissions Control
Emissions Mitigation
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Enhanced Mineralization
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Environmentally Prudent Development (EPD)
EOR - Offshore
EOR - Onshore
Existing Fleet Modeling
Existing Plants, Emissions, and Capture
Fuel Cells
Fuels, Liquids & Polygeneration
Fundamental Research
Gas Hydrates
Gasification Systems
Geologic Storage
GS Site Characterization
Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Storage
Hydrogen Transportation
Hydrogen Turbines
Improvements for Existing Coal Plants
Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (ICCS)
LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
Machine Learning (SMART)
Methane Hydrates
Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT)
Methane Upcycling
Natural Gas
Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies
Natural Gas Infrastructure
NETL Coal Research and Development
Novel Concepts
Other Analytics
Plant Optimization Technologies
Point-Source Carbon Capture
Post-Combustion Capture
POT - High Performance Materials
Power Plant Improvements
Pre-Combustion Capture
Pressure Gain Combustion
Process Systems
Process Systems Engineering
Produced Water
Rare Earth Recovery
Recovery Processes
REE Detection Systems
Resource Characterization
Resource Sustainability
Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Risk Assessment
Sensors & Controls
Sensors and Controls
Sensors, Controls and Other Novel Concepts
Separation Technologies
Simulation Based Engineering
Storage Infrastructure
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology (sCO2)
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology (sCO2)
Supercritical CO2-Based Power Cycles
Systems Integration and Optimization
Techno-Economic Analysis
Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA)
Transformative Power Generation (TPG)
Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles
Unconventional Resources
Undocumented Orphan Wells
Utilization Procurement Grants
Water Management
Water Management Technologies
None selected
Select all
Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Combustion Systems
Advanced Combustion Turbines
Advanced Energy Materials
Advanced Energy Storage
Advanced Energy Systems
Advanced Remediation Technology
Advanced Research
Advanced Storage
Advanced Technologies
Advanced Turbines
Carbon Conversion
Carbon Conversion - Other
Carbon Dioxide Removal
Carbon Sequestration
Carbon Storage
Carbon Use and Reuse
CCS and Power Systems
CCS Demonstrations
Chemical Looping Combustion
Clean Hydrogen & Negative CO2 Emissions
Coal and Coal Biomass to Liquids
Coal and Coal-waste to Products
Critical Minerals and Materials
Cross-Cutting Research
Crosscutting Materials
Crosscutting Research
Direct Air Capture
Direct Air Capture (DAC)
Direct Ocean Capture (DOC)
Emissions Control
Emissions Mitigation
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Enhanced Mineralization
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Environmentally Prudent Development (EPD)
EOR - Offshore
EOR - Onshore
Existing Fleet Modeling
Existing Plants, Emissions, and Capture
Fuel Cells
Fuels, Liquids & Polygeneration
Fundamental Research
Gas Hydrates
Gasification Systems
Geologic Storage
GS Site Characterization
Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Storage
Hydrogen Transportation
Hydrogen Turbines
Improvements for Existing Coal Plants
Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (ICCS)
LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
Machine Learning (SMART)
Methane Hydrates
Methane Mitigation Technologies (MMT)
Methane Upcycling
Natural Gas
Natural Gas Decarbonization and Hydrogen Technologies
Natural Gas Infrastructure
NETL Coal Research and Development
Novel Concepts
Other Analytics
Plant Optimization Technologies
Point-Source Carbon Capture
Post-Combustion Capture
POT - High Performance Materials
Power Plant Improvements
Pre-Combustion Capture
Pressure Gain Combustion
Process Systems
Process Systems Engineering
Produced Water
Rare Earth Recovery
Recovery Processes
REE Detection Systems
Resource Characterization
Resource Sustainability
Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Risk Assessment
Sensors & Controls
Sensors and Controls
Sensors, Controls and Other Novel Concepts
Separation Technologies
Simulation Based Engineering
Storage Infrastructure
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology (sCO2)
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology (sCO2)
Supercritical CO2-Based Power Cycles
Systems Integration and Optimization
Techno-Economic Analysis
Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA)
Transformative Power Generation (TPG)
Turbo-machinery for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles
Unconventional Resources
Undocumented Orphan Wells
Utilization Procurement Grants
Water Management
Water Management Technologies
Analysis Focus:
Coal Combustion Power Plants
Coal Gasification Power Plants
Energy Security
Energy Storage, Transmission, and Distribution
Environment (Non-GHG)
Fossil Fuel Extraction/Refining
Fuel Supply and Prices
GHG Mitigation
Grid Reliability
Market Analysis
NG-based Power Plants
Non-Power Products/Co-Products
Other Energy (non-FE)
None selected
Select all
Coal Combustion Power Plants
Coal Gasification Power Plants
Energy Security
Energy Storage, Transmission, and Distribution
Environment (Non-GHG)
Fossil Fuel Extraction/Refining
Fuel Supply and Prices
GHG Mitigation
Grid Reliability
Market Analysis
NG-based Power Plants
Non-Power Products/Co-Products
Other Energy (non-FE)
Document Kind:
Book/Book Chapter
Conference Related
Fact Sheet
Journal Article
Presentation - Non Conference
Supporting Document
Technical Report Series
None selected
Select all
Book/Book Chapter
Conference Related
Fact Sheet
Journal Article
Presentation - Non Conference
Supporting Document
Technical Report Series
Collection Name:
Pilot plant performance and process simulation of a hydrophobic physical solvent for pre-combustion CO2 capture
2023 FECM/NETL CM RPRM - Poster on Class II to Class VI Well Operations (NRAP Phase III - Task 2)
Characterizing Cobalt Sequestration in Manganese-rich Coal Mine Drainage Treatment Solids
Coal Chemical-Looping Combustion using Bimetallic Cu-Fe Oxygen Carriers in a Carbon Dioxide Gas Environment
CO2_S_COM_Offshore: A Technoeconomic Analysis Tool for Offshore Saline Carbon Storage
‘Best’ Coal-Fired Power Plant and Cogeneration Case Studies
2018 ISSST Coal Presentation 2023 Update
2019 NETL Energy Related Energy Diagrams
2020 IPT Review Offshore
2020 Natural Gas LCA Report
2021 Summer Resource Adequacy in the ERCOT Region
2022 Summer Resource Adequacy in the ERCOT Region
2023 FECM/NETM CM RPRM - Machine Learning Based Fracture Network Quantification at the IBDP CO2 Sequestration Site
2024 Summer Internship Programs - NNSA MSIIP
2D Amorphous Carbon Dielectric Prepared from Solution Precursor for Nanoelectronics
3D geological model for numerical flow simulation studies of gas hydrate reservoirs at the Kuparuk Site 7-11-12 pad in the Prudhoe Bay Unit on the Alaska North Slope
45Q LCA Workshop Presentation
45Q LCI Baselines V1
A Big Data Analysis for Waste Plastic Recycling/Upcycling Technology: an Overview of Technology Transformation in the Past Decades
A Case Study of Risk Considerations for Transitioning CO2-EOR Field to Dedicated CO2-storage
A Comparative Life Cycle Evaluation of the Global Warming Potential (GWP) Impacts of Renewable Natural Gas Production Pathways
A Complementarity-based Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Formulation for Equation-Oriented Simulation and Optimization
A Computational Framework for Evaluating and Optimizing Critical Mineral Recovery Opportunities in Produced Water Networks
A computational investigation of high-flux plate-and-frame membrane stacks for post-combustion carbon capture
A Computational Investigation of the Effect of Packing Structural Features on the Performance of Carbon Capture for Solvent-Based Post-Combustion Applications
A Critical Assessment of Electronic Structure Descriptors for Predicting Perovskite Catalytic Properties
A Dashboard to Support Just Community Transitions for Carbon Capture and Storage
A Decision-Making Framework to Evaluate Opportunities for Recovery of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals in Produced Water Networks
A Deep Learning-Based Workflow for Fast Prediction of 3D State Variables in Geological Carbon Storage: A Dimension Reduction Approach
A Deep-Learning Based Accelerated Workflow for Robust CO2 Plume Imaging
A framework for linking quantitatively assessed risks and costs for geologic carbon storage (GCS) to consider the impact of contingency plans at a GCS site
A Framework for the Optimization of Water Treatment Processes Under Uncertainty Assessed through Process Operability
A Geo-Data Science Method for Assessing Unconventional Rare-Earth Occurrences in Sedimentary Systems
A Geodatabase Designed to Inform and Support Safe CO2 Transport-Route Planning
A Geospatial Database to Support Safe Carbon Dioxide Transport-Route Planning
A Machine Learning Approach for Determining Temperature-Dependent Band Gap of Metal Oxides Utilizing Allen-Heine-Cardona Theory and O’Donnell Model Parameterization
A Machine Learning Approach For Well Integrity Prediction Using Cement Bond Logs
A Machine Learning Framework for Rapid Assessment and Optimization of SOC Electrodes from Low Resolution Data
A Methodology for Simulating Supercritical CO2 Heat Transfer Experiments Using ML Models
A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach for the Design of Chemical Process Families
A Modeling Study on Ammonia and Ammonia/Hydrogen Kinetics for Gas Turbine Engines
A modified electrolyte non-random two-liquid model with analytical expression for excess enthalpy: Application to the MEA-H2O-CO2 system
A Multi-criteria CCUS Screening Evaluation of the Gulf of Mexico, USA
A multi-scale, geo-data science method for assessing unconventional critical mineral resources
A New Workflow of X-ray CT Image Processing and Data Analysis of Structural Features in Rock Using Open-Source Software
A Novel Standard Gibbs Energy of Formation Model for High-Enthalpy Water Systems
A One-dimensional Heat Transfer Model for a Cooled Airfoil in a Direct-fired Supercritical CO2 Turbine
A Panoramic View of Temperature and Field Distributions of the Structured Catalyst Under Microwave Irradiation Using Experimental and Modeling Approaches
A Parameter-Free First-Principles-Based Debye Model to Predict Thermodynamic Properties of Complex Alloy Systems
A PIC Bootstrapping Strategy for Exascale CFD-DEM Simulation
A Prediction of the Thermodynamic, Thermophysical, and Mechanical Properties of CrTaO4 from First Principles
A real-time multiphysics model of pressurized solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) for cyber-physical simulation
A Review of International Field Experience with Well Integrity at Carbon Utilization and Storage Sites
A Review of REE in Central Appalachian Coal Utilization Byproducts
A standard approach to the analysis of carbon products generated from Natural Gas pyrolysis.
A State Contingent Production Function Approach to Modeling Power System Disruptions from Variable Renewable Resources
A Step toward Process Electrification: Microwave-Assisted Co-Gasification of Waste Plastics and Biomass to Produce Clean Energy
A techno-economic assessment of brackish water treatment for fossil power plant cooling with reduced environmental impact
A Techno-economic Survey of Energy Storage Media for Long-Duration Energy Storage Applications
A tool for measuring the system cost of replacement energy
A Workflow for Characterizing Legacy Wells as Potential Leakage Pathways for Integration to NRAP-Open-IAM
Ab initio free energies of liquid metal alloys: Application to the phase diagrams of Li-Na and K-Na
Accelerated Aging of a Polymer-Supported Molecular Amine DAC Sorbent: Experiments and Theory
Accelerating Carbon Storage Simulation Using Wafer Scale Engine (WSE): A Demonstration Over the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project (IBDP)
Accelerating commercialization of direct air capture technology
Accelerating Materials Design and Synthesis Using AI/ML at NETL
Accelerating Simulations-Assisted Materials Design Using Machine Learning
Acetic acid production and utilization of liquid C1 compounds using a coal seam water microbiome
Acetic acid production using an enriched biocatalyst from coalbed methane formation water
Acidic flow through artificially fractured shale under differential stress
ACLCA 2022 - DOE Special Session NETL
ACLCA 2023 US DOE Special Session NETL Update
ACLCA Building Agggregates Presentation
Adaptive Control Using Reinforcement Learning Augmented Model Predictive Control
Additional Analysis of Carbon Capture at Industrial Facilities
Advanced Airfoil Cooling Schemes to Increase Efficiency in Gas Turbines for Combined Heat and Power Applications
Advanced Characterization to Inform Sustainable Recovery of Critical Minerals from Fossil Energy Waste Feedstocks
Advanced Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Systems for Pipeline Integrity Monitoring
Advanced Machine Learning and Computational Methods
Advanced Methods for Flexible, Fast, and High-Fidelity Fluid Flow Predictions
Advanced ML-based computational approaches for rapid forecasting
Advanced Model Predictive Control for Reducing Equipment Damage in a Supercritical Pulverized Coal Fired Power Plant during Load-Following Operation
Advanced Process Control and Dynamic Optimization of Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Systems for Performance and Long-Term Health
Advanced Reaction Systems
Advanced Sensors for Hydrogen Technology
Advanced Sensors for In-Situ Amine Degradation Monitoring in Post-Combustion Carbon Capture
Advanced Turbine Airfoils for Efficient CHP Systems: Energy Storage Integration Analysis
Advancements in Direct Air Capture: Unveiling a Simple and Robust Synthesized Fibrous Amine-functionalized Matrix (FAM) Sorbent for Commercial Scale-up
Advancing Ceramic Matrix Composites and Environmental Barrier Coatings for Hydrogen Turbines: Challenges and Opportunities
Advancing Reliability of Membrane-Based Corrosion and Environmental Sensor in Simulated NG
Advancing Subsurface Characterization: Machine Learning-Based Fracture and Baffle Identification in the Illinois Basin Decatur Project
Advantages of Ionic Conductors over Electronic Conductors as Infiltrates in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes
Aero-Thermal Characterization of Acceleratig and Diffusing Passages Downstream of Rotating Detonation Combustors
Aero-thermal Test Facility
AI/ML challenges and opportunities in materials development
AIChE 2022 CO2U LCA Guidance Toolkit Presentation
AI-Driven Breakthroughs in Energy Systems from Vision to Design
Alternative Energy Tech Assessment
Amine Degradation Experiments on a Polymer Supported Molecular Amine DAC Sorbent
Amine Functionalized Microporous Polymer Sorbents Fibers for Direct Air Capture
Amine-functionalized porous organic polymers for carbon dioxide capture
Ammonia and Cracked Ammonia Laminar Flame Speed Measurements using the Burner Heat Flux Method and IR Thermometry
Ammonia as a Hydrogen Carrier - Combustion Considerations
Ammonia Combustion for Gas Turbine Engine Applications
Ammonia Combustion for Gas Turbine Engines
An Accessible and Interoperable CO2 Transport Routing Geodatabase for Scalable Computing & Decision Support
An Analysis of the Operating Characteristics of Natural Gas-Fired Turbines in the U.S. and Implications for Energy Market Models
An Analytical Tool to Evaluate Defect Thermodynamics of (La,Ba)Fe1-xMxO3-δ Perovskites for Solid-Oxide Cell Applications
An Environmental, Energy, Economic, and Social Justice Database for Carbon Capture and Storage Applications
An Impedance-Loaded Surface Acoustic Wave Corrosion Sensor for Infrastructure Monitoring
An Insight-Centric Paradigm for Data Reduction and Inference Speed Improvement at the Scurry Area Canyon Reef Operator’s Committee (SACROC) Unit
An Optimization Framework for Produced Water Management and Beneficial Reuse
An Update on Project PARETO - New Capabilities in DOE's Produced Water Optimization Framework
An Update on Project PARETO – New Capabilities in DOE's Produced Water Optimization Framework
Analysis of Carbon Capture Retrofits for Cement Plants
Analysis of Quasi-steady, Transitional, and Short Timescale Galloping within Rotating Detonation Engines
Analysis of Solids Volume Fraction and Dimensionless Regime Mapping in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser
Anonymizing Sensitive Carbon Storage Data Tool - The Geospatial and Information Substitution and Anonymization Tool (GISA)
Applicability of Allen-Heine-Cardona Theory on Metal-Oxides and Perovskites: Towards High-Temperature Optoelectronic Applications
Application of a Convolutional Neural Network for Wave Mode Identification in a Rotating Detonation Combustor Using High-Speed Imaging
Application of an Equation-Oriented Framework to Formulate and Estimate Parameters of Chemical Looping Reaction Models
Application of Dimensionality Reduction in Machine Learning Modeling of CO2 Storage
Application of Ion Sieve Sorbent Prepared from Mineral Stream Associated with Critical Minerals in Direct Lithium Extraction
Application of Modified MeshGraphNets for Subsurface Prediction during CO₂ Sequestration
Application of Sequential Design of Experiments (SDoE) to Large Pilot-Scale Solvent-Based CO2 Capture Process at Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM)
Application of unsupervised deep learning to image segmentation and in-situ contact angle measurements in a CO2-water-rock system
Aqueous Bromide Emissions from U.S. Coal Fired Power Plants: Points of Origin, Concentration Ranges, and Effluent Treatment Costs
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Designer of Materials and Processes for Advanced Power Generation
Assessing Ground State Energy of Molecules and Energy Profile of the NH3 Capturing CO2 System Using the Quantum Computing Algorithms
Assessing Offshore Infrastructure Reuse Potential for CS: An Award-Winning AI Model to Forecast Resiliency
Assessing Pore Network Heterogeneity Across Multiple Scales to Inform CO2 Injection Models
Assessing the Effects of Temperature and Oxygen Vacancy on Band Gap Renormalization in LaCrO3-δ: First-Principles and Experimental Corroboration
Assessing the Extractability of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Preparation Fines Refuse using an Organic Acid Lixiviant
Assessing the Value of Seismic Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) Attributes for CO2 Storage Project Using a Bayesian Network Model for Decision Support
Assessment of Carbonated Brine Injection as Low-risk Strategy for Geologic Carbon Storage
Assessment of Combustion Residual Leachate Volume, Composition and Treatment Costs
Assessment of Combustion Residual Leachate: Treatment Standards, Wastewater Volumes, and Critical Mineral Recovery
Assessment of Water Management and Costs on CO2 Geologic Storage Operations in Saline-Bearing Formations
ASTM Workshop on decarbonization - energy data
Ba₁₋ₓSrₓFeO₃₋ᵧ as an Improved Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Air Separation: A Computational and Experimental Study
Bacterial Nitrate Reduction by Paraburkholderia yinzercillus Contributes to Iron Bioremediation in Abandoned Coal Mine Drainage
Bacterial Nitrate Reduction Contributes to the Geochemical Oxidation of Iron and Subsequent Remediation of Iron from Acidic Abandoned Coalmine Drainage
Barriers and Opportunities for Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Storage (CCUS) in Achieving a Net Zero Emissions Future - System Cost of Replacement Energy (SCoRE): A Tool for Assessing Technology Substitution Pathways to Decarbonization
Baseline Airfoil Cooling Designs for a 5-10 MW Combined Heat and Power Turbine Application
Basin Management of Geologic CO2 Storage: Effect of Well Spacing on CO2 Plume and Pressure Interference
Basin-Scale Structural Features Database: Spatial Datasets to Support Carbon Storage Resource Assessments
Basin-scale study of CO2 storage in stacked sequence of geological formations
Benefit Analysis of CO ₂ Delivery Options for Offshore Storage or Enhanced Oil Recovery
Beyond price taker: Conceptual design and optimization of integrated energy systems using machine learning market surrogates
Beyond Price-Taker: Multiscale Optimization of a Wind-Battery Integrated Energy System within the Wholesale Electricity Market
Beyond the Surface: Non-Invasive NMR and μ-CT Analysis of Microbially-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Shale Fractures
Big Data Analysis and Technical Review of Regeneration for Carbon Capture Processes
Biogeochemical changes in Permian Basin reservoirs due to well-to-well communication impact wellbore integrity
Biogeochemistry of the Antrim Shale Natural Gas Reservoir
Biomass Environmental Analysis in Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) Modeling
Bioremediation of Iron in Acidic Abandoned Coalmine Drainage Includes Biotic Nitrate Reduction and Abiotic Iron Oxidation
Bituminous Baseline Study Vol 1
Breaking the Limit of Size-Dependent CO2RR Selectivity in Silver Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts through Electronic Metal-Carbon Interactions
Bridging the Commercial Divide, NETL’s Applied R&D to TCF Award
Building Decision and Error Criteria to assess Saturation Signatures
Calcined Polyethyleneimine Coated Optical Fibers for Distributed pH Monitoring at High Pressures and Temperatures
Calcined Polyethyleneimine-Coated Optical Fibers for Distributed pH Monitoring at High Pressures and Temperatures
Calculating Uncertainty in Biomass Emissions
Calculation of the Heat Transfer Coefficient in the Outer Body for a Rotational Detonation Engine
Capturing O2 Desorption Through Isoconversional Kinetics for CFD Application
Carbon Capture Technologies: Status and Challenges
Carbon Capture through Membranes - Leveraging Multiphysics Modeling, Dimensional Analysis and Machine Learning to Scale up and Optimize Devices and Processes for Decarbonization
Carbon capture, transport, and storage (CTS) cost Modeling of the onshore Gulf Coast
Carbon Conversion Example Techno-Economic Analysis: Algae Conversion
Carbon Conversion Example Techno-Economic Analysis: Electrochemical Conversion
Carbon Conversion Example Techno-Economic Analysis: Microbial Conversion
Carbon Conversion Example Techno-Economic Analysis: Microwave-Assisted Catalytic Conversion
Carbon Conversion Life Cycle Analysis at NETL
Carbon Conversion Technologies - NETL Techno-Economic Analysis Guidelines
Carbon Dioxide Conversion into Polycarbonate Diols: A Parametric Study
Carbon Dioxide Removal Research at NETL
Carbon Dioxide Removal Systems Analysis
Carbon management review 2022 - LCA tools
Carbon Management Review Meeting LCA Overview
Carbon Storage Analysis FWP - Offshore
Carbon Storage Analysis FWP - Onshore
Carbon Storage Core Characterization Efforts at NETL
Carbon storage cost modeling for the offshore Gulf of Mexico
Carbon Storage Data Integration, Visualization and Application via EDX and GeoCube
Carbon Storage Open Data Geospatial Curation and Accessibility
Carbon Storage Planning Framework Dashboard: A Comprehensive Dashboard for CS Planning
Carbon Storage Program Data Curation, Transformation, and Reuse
Carbon Storage Site Mapping Inquiry Tool (MapIT)
Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach
Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach (CS TVA): An Integrated Approach for Feasibility and Data Resource Assessment
Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach (CS TVA): Multi-Factor Data Assessment Workflow to Determine Geologic Sequestration Feasibility
Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach and National Data Assessment
Carbon Storage Wellbore Materials Data Tool
Carbonated Brine Injection as a Low-Risk CO2 Storage Strategy: A Case Study for Inyan Kara Sandstone Reservoir
Carbonated Brine Injection for a Pilot Site as Low-Risk Geologic Carbon Storage Strategy: A Simulation Study
Carbonated Brine Injection Pilot Plan
Carburization susceptibility of chromia-forming alloys in high-temperature CO2
CARD: CFD for Advanced Reactor Design: Software Tools and Expertise to Address Multiphase Flow Challenges in Research, Design, and Optimization
Case Study of Risk Considerations for Transitioning CO2-EOR Field to Dedicated CO2-storage
Catalyst deactivation and stability in Microwave-Assisted Methane Dehydroaromatization
Cation Migration and LSCF/SDC Decomposition Related to Long Term Operation Mode as Revealed by Electron Microscopy
CBTL Jet Fuel
CCS Opportunity along the Gulf Coast Corridor
CCSI2 Process Modeling and Optimization Highlights
Ce(III) and Ce(IV) Distribution in Acid Mine Drainage Solids: Implications for Rare Earth Element Recovery
Cell and Stack Degradation Evaluation and Modeling
Cement Plant TEA/LCA
Ceramic Additive Manufacturing
CFD Model Development of a Small-Scale Fixed-Bed Reactor for Direct Air Capture of CO2
CFD Modeling of High-Flux Plate-and-Frame Membrane Modules for Carbon Capture at Industrial and Power Generation Plants
CFD modeling of high-flux plate-and-frame membrane modules for industrial carbon capture
CFD Modeling of Hydrogen Combustion for Gas Turbine Applications
CFD Modeling of NOx Formation in a Rotating Detonation Engine
CFD Simulations for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture
Challenges in DAC Sorbent Performance Measurements
Characterization Inform Sustainable Recovery of Critical Minerals from Fossil Energy Waste Feedstocks
Characterization of build parameters and microstructure in low heat input WAAM of Ni-based superalloy Haynes 282
Characterization of Manganese Reduction in Abandoned Coalmine Drainage Contributes to the Re-mobilization of Pollutants within the System
Characterization of Oil and Gas Drill Cuttings for Critical Mineral recovery and Reuse potential as Soil Supplements
Characterization of Precipitation-Strengthening Heat-Resistant Austenitic Stainless Steels for Life-Prediction Modeling
Characterization of Rare Earth Elements in West Virginia GOB Piles
Characterization of Solid Sorbent for Direct Air Capture of CO2 using a CFD-based Methodology
Characterization of the structural-stratigraphic and reservoir controls on the occurrence of gas hydrates in the Eileen gas hydrate trend, Alaska North Slope
Characterizing Radium Distributions, Source Attribution and Impacts from Marcellus Produced Water.
Characterizing the Value of Single Source CO2 Intermediate Storage (CIS) to Optimize Pipeline Utilization/Economics
Chemical Looping Combustion Oxygen Carrier Production Cost Study
Chemical Looping Combustion Sensistivity Analyses: CLOU Concepts
Choked Flow in a Converging/Diverging Rotating Detonation Engine Exit
City of Pittsburgh
CO2 Adsorption Enhancement of MOF-808 via Highly Efficient Amine Incorporation
CO2 capture using a physical solvent at a pilot scale biomass cofiring gasification facility
CO2 Geologic Storage Assessment: A Review with Focus on Appalachia
CO2 Intermediate Storage (CIS) Concept Overview
CO2 Saline Storage Talk at the University of Wyoming (2024)
CO2 Saline Storage: Costs and Capacity
CO2 Storage prospeCtive Resource Estimation Excel aNalysis (CO2-SCREEN) User’s Manual: Python_V5.0
CO2 utilization potential of a novel Calcium Ferrite based looping process fueled with Coal: Experimental evaluation of various coal feedstocks and thermodynamic integrated process analysis
CO2 Utilization Toolkit Database Version 2
CO2 utilization TRL manuscript
CO2/Brine interacting with Cedar Keys-Lawson formation Rocks under CO2 Sequestration Conditions
CO2/brine/rock interactions in the Cedar Keys-Lawson Formation
CO2_S_COM: Modeling the cost of onshore CO2 storage in saline reservoirs
CO2-Locate: A Dynamic Database and Tool for Accessing National Oil and Gas Well Data to Inform Carbon Storage Projects
CO2-Locate: A Living National Well Database
CO2-Locate: A National Oil & Gas Wellbore Database and Visualization Tool to Support Geological and Environmental Assessment
CO2U LCA Documentation Spreadsheet V2
CO2U LCA Guidance - Total Toolkit v2.1
CO2U LCA Guidance Toolkit - Version 1.0.0
CO2U LCA Penn State guest lecture
co2u openlca database v2.1
CO2U Toolkit documentation spreadsheet 2.1
CO2U Toolkit Ver 2
Co-gasification of Plastic, Coal Waste and Biomass for Hydrogen Rich Syngas Production
Co-Gasification of Waste Plastic and Coal Refuse for Thermochemical Upcycling
Collaboration Opportunities with the National Energy Technology Laboratory
Combining Surface Science, Electrochemistry, and Computational Modeling to Investigate Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts
Combustion Feature Characterization using Computer Vision Diagnostics within Rotating Detonation Combustors
Commercial Applications of Petroleum Data Analytics Using Shale Oil and Gas Data Sets from Permian Operator
Committee machine applications for ensemble prediction at the IBDP
Community Sentiment Analysis with Focus on CCS
Comparative Economic Analysis of Capture, Transport, and Storage from a CO2 Source Perspective
Comparative Economic Analysis of Capture, Transport, and Storage from a CO₂ Source Perspective in the Central U.S.
Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Utilization in Concrete Products
Comparative Study of Commercial-Scale CO2 Storage Options in Single and Stacked Saline Formations in Managing Reservoir Pressure Buildup
Comparison of Commercial, State-of-the-Art, Fossil-Based Hydrogen Production Technologies
Comparison of Commercial, State-of-the-Art, Fossil-Based Hydrogen Production Technologies (Presentation)
Comparison of high-temperature oxidation behavior of additively manufactured Haynes 282 to wrought Haynes 282 in direct-fired supercritical CO2 power cycle environments
Comparison of MeshGraphNet Techniques for Subsurface Behavior Prediction during CO2 Sequestration
Comparison of microwave and conventional heating for CO2 desorption from zeolite 13X
Comparison of ML-Based Proxy Modeling Strategies
Comparison of Shape Optimization Methods for Heat Exchanger Fins Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Comparisons of RDE inlet dynamics in a linear testing platform and models of varying complexity
Complementing the CCS Class VI Well Permit Process with DOE-NETL's SMART Initiative Tools and Workflows
Component innovations for lower cost mechanical vapor compression
Composition and Structure of Fluorescent Graphene Quantum Dots Generated by Enzymatic Degradation of Graphene Oxide
Composition and Structure of the EGS Collab Test Bed 1 Based Upon Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Core Compositions, and Wireline Logging
Comprehensive investigation on role of wettability heterogeneity in immiscible two-phase flow in sandstones
Computational Analysis of the Effect of Structured Packing Design on Absorption Column Hydrodynamics for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Applications
Computational and Experimental Study of Film Cooling with and without Downstream Vortex Generators
Computational and Experimental Study on Film-Cooling Effectiveness with and without Downstream Vortex Generators
Computational Design of High-Entropy Rare Earth Disilicates as Next-Generation Thermal/Environmental Barrier Coatings
Computational Discovery of Fast Interstitial Oxygen Conductors
Computational Evaluation of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks for Capture
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Systems Engineering to Minimize Membrane-based Carbon Capture Costs
Computational Fluid Dynamics Combustion Modeling for Rotating Detonation Engines
Computational Fluid Dynamics for DAC Reactor Design and Optimization
Computational Modeling of CO2 Capture By Novel PIM-RU in a Fluidized Bed Riser
Computational Modeling of Functional Materials for Energy Applications
Computational Modeling of Metal Organic Frameworks for Carbon Capture
Computational Modeling of Proppants Transport in Rock Fractures
Computational Screening & Design of Alkylamine-Functionalized Polymer Sorbents
Computational Screening and Designing of Solid Materials for CO2 Capture Technology
Computational Screening and Designing Solid Sorbent Materials for CO2 Capture
Computational Study of Mixing Solid Materials for CO2 Capture Technology
Computational Study of MOFs for Direct Air Capture Using Flexible Force Fields
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of Appalachian Basin Core from the Jones and Laughlin #1 Well, Beaver County PA
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of Southeastern Pennsylvania Triassic Diabase Core
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Collab SURF Core
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the Integrated Mid-Continent Stacked Carbon Storage Hub Sleepy Hollow Reagan Unit 86A Well
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the One Earth Energy Well #1 Core
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the Wellington 1-32 Core
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of UW Enterprises Well in Southwestern Indiana
Computed Tomography Scanning and Petrophysical Measurements of Eastern Williston Basin Twin Buttes and Hagel Formations
Computed Tomography Scanning and Petrophysical Measurements of Illinois Basin Coal Wells
Computed Tomography Scanning and Petrophysical Measurements of Oriskany Core across Eastern Ohio
Computed Tomography Scanning and Petrophysical Measurements of the Lively Grove #1 Well Core
Conceptual Design and Analysis of a Power Generator with Integrated Thermal Energy Storage and CO2 Capture
Conceptual Design of a Flexible Carbon Capture Cyber-Physical System for Integrated Energy System Applications
Conceptual Design of Integrated Energy Systems via Multiscale Market Simulations and Surrogate Models for Market Interactions
Conceptual Design of Integrated Energy Systems with Market Interaction Surrogate Models
Conceptual Design of Integrated Energy Systems with Market Inter-action Surrogate Models
Conceptual Design of Pulverized Coal Electricity Generating Units for Flexible Operation
Conceptualizing Data Availability and Technical Viability Methods within the Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach (CS TVA)
Conference Proceedings
CONNECT Toolkit Carbon Management Projects Database and Explorer
Consideration of Non-Ideal Detonation Regimes Influenced by Wave Modes in a Water-Cooled Rotating Detonation Engine Using OH* Chemiluminescence
Considerations for Developing R&D Portfolio Strategies in Dynamic Sectors
Control Methods for Mitigating Flow Oscillations in a Supercritical CO2 Recompression Closed Brayton Cycle
Controlled Encapsulation of Nanodiamond Qubits by Metal-Organic Frameworks: Towards Enhanced Quantum Sensing
Conventional Rib Turbulators for SCO2 Turbine Internal Cooling
Convoluted Filtering for Process Cycle Modeling
Cooled Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Analysis for H2-CH4 Fuel Mixes (Up to 100% H2)
Cooled Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Analysis for NH3-CH4 Fuel Mixes (Up to 100% NH3)
Core Characterization: Computer Tomography, Geochemical, and Core Petrophysical Workflows for Emerging Critical Mineral Plays
Core to Local Scale Assessment of REE and Critical Minerals in Sedimentary Rocks from the Powder River Basin
Corrosion Behavior of Zinc Cold Spray Coatings in a Simulated Natural Gas Environment Containing H2O, CO2, and H2S
Corrosion Behavior of ZnX Cold Spray Coatings in Simulated Natural Gas Environment Containing H2O, CO2, and H2S.
Corrosion Monitoring in NG Pipelines
Cost and Economic Model Development and Analysis for Hydrogen (H2) Pipeline Transportation
Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants, Volume 3 – Low Rank Coal and Natural Gas to Electricity
Cost and Performance Estimates for State-of-the-Art and Advanced 1×1 H-Class Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants
Cost and Performance Projections for Coal and Natural Gas Power Plants
Cost optimization of gap membrane distillation
Cost optimization of low-salt-rejection reverse osmosis
Cost-optimal selection of pH control for mineral scaling prevention in high recovery reverse osmosis desalination
Costs and Performance for Coal and Natural Gas Plants with Carbon Capture
Costs of Retrofit
Co-treating flue gas desulfurized effluent and produced water enables novel waste management and recovery of critical minerals
Coupling of Electrochemistry with Surface Science and Computational Modeling to Understand Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts
Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Analysis Baseline for United States Coal Mining and Delivery
Creating Markets for Produced Water
Creation of Polymer Datasets with Targeted Backbones for Screening of Gas Permeability and Selectivity
Creep behavior of austenitic steels in CO2 and the effect of specimen thickness
Creep Degradation of Austenitic Steels in CO2 Environments
Creep Resistant Martensitic Steels for Operation at High-Temperatures in Power Generation Applications
Creep-Resistant Ferritic-Martensitic Steels for Power Plant Applications
Critical Mineral Assessment of Mineral Carbonation Waste Streams
Critical Mineral Source Potential from Oil & Gas Produced Waters
Critical Minerals & Rare Earth Elements DOE & NETL Efforts to Address Supply Chain Challenges
Critical Minerals: Systems Analysis Tasks
Crystallographic mapping and tuning of water adsorption in metal-organic frameworks featuring distinct open metal sites
CS PlanIT (Carbon Storage Planning Inquiry Tool): Providing Data and Insights for Accelerating Carbon Transport & Storage Deployment
Curating Carbon Storage Data for Reuse: Enabling Research and Modeling from Earth’s Surface to Subsurface
Cyber-physical Simulation of an Innovative Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell – Gas Turbine (SOEC-GT) Hybrid Energy System
Cyber-physical Simulation of Solid Oxide Cell Hybrid Systems (SOFC Task 5) (FWP-1022411)
Cyber-Physical Simulation of the Cold Startup of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – Gas Turbine (SOFC-GT) Hybrid Systems
Cyber-Physical System:Design for Sustainability and Resilience
Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of Novel Ni-based Superalloys
DAC Reactor Configuration Considerations
DAC Reactor Configuration poster - 2023 Carbon Management Review Meeting
DAC Reactor Configuration presentation - 2023 Carbon Management Review Meeting
Data From Experiments on Bubbling Fluidization of Zeolite in a Rectangular Bubbling Fluidized Bed
Data Science for International Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage
Data-driven discovery of a formation prediction rule on high-entropy ceramics
Data-driven, AI/ML tools for multi-factor offshore hazard assessment use case: Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Decarbonization of the Iron and Steel Sector: Challenges and Opportunities
Decomposition and Algorithmic Approaches for Solving Large-Scale Process Family Design Problems
Deep Learning Potential Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Chemical Conversion-Absorption Coupling of CO2 at Air-Reactive Deep Eutectic Solvent Interface
Deep Learning-based Parameterization of Complex 3D CO2 Saturation Data in Large-scale Geological Carbon Storage
Deep-learning-based workflow for boundary and small target segmentation in digital rock images using UNet++ and IK-EBM
Defect Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Perovskite and Fluorite Materials for Solid-Oxide and Proton Conducting Oxide Cells Evaluated Based on Density Functional Theory Modeling
Degradation modeling and electrode engineering of SOFCs SOECs and R-SOCs
Degradation of Austenitic 347H Steel by Direct-fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Environment
Density functional theory study of the thermodynamic properties and pathways of SrO and Sr(OH)2 capturing CO2 reactions
Deploying a National Well Database to Support CS Reuse and Risk Work
Deploying a New AI Software Tool for Rapid Characterization & Quantification of Unconventional Sources of Critical Minerals
Deploying a Publicly Available and Living National Oil and Gas Well Geodatabase
Deployment Feasibility Futures Analysis of Natural Gas Combined Cycle with Carbon Capture in Five U.S. Regions
Derivation and Implementation of Kinetic Rates for Sr0.75Ca0.25FeO3
Description of Reaction and Vibrational Energetics of CO2-NH3 Interaction Using Quantum Computing Algorithms
Design and Capability Requirements for a Direct Air Capture User Facility
Design and Modeling of an 80 bar Oxy-Combustor for Direct Fired Supercritical CO2 Applications
Design and Modeling of an 80 bar Oxy-Combustor for Direct Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Generation
Design and Multi-Objective Dynamic Optimization of Superheaters for Load-Following Operation in Pulverized Coal Power Plants
Design and Optimization of Processes for Recovering Rare Earth Elements from End-of-Life Hard Disk Drives
Design and Testing of a Water-Cooled Rotating Detonation Combustor at Elevated Operating Pressures
Design Optimization of an Additively Manufactured Prototype Recuperator for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles
Design, Fabrication, and testing of Direct Air Capture Sorbent modules to increase understanding of trade-offs in pressure drop and capture efficiency
Designing Operationally Flexible Diafiltration Membrane Systems for Critical Mineral Separations
Designing optimal core-shell MOFs for direct air capture
Determination of As, Hg, S, and Se in liquid jets by laser-based optical diagnostic technique
Determination of Relative Wavelength for Scanned Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy by Etalon Signal Fitting
Determining the impact of a frac hit on wells in the Permian Basin
Developing a Data Integration and Curation Method from Siloed Resources with Multi-Discipline Applicability
Developing a Microwave-Driven Reactor for Ammonia Synthesis: Insights into the Unique Challenges of Microwave Catalysis
Developing a National Structural Complexity Database for U.S. Saline Basins
Developing a Nationally Integrated and Publicly Available Oil and Gas Well Database to Inform Safe Carbon Storage & Infrastructure Reuse Opportunities
Developing a Transferable Framework for CO2-Stimulated Geothermal Energy Enhancement: A Case Study
Developing geologic hydrogen resources assessment approach using AI-assisted literature review and geo-data driven assessment tool
Developing higher performing solid oxide cells through simulation
Developing machine-learning potentials to study properties of the tritium formation and diffusivity in pure and defective Zircaloy-4 getters
Developing Methods to Assess Changes in Mechanical Properties of Shale Modified by Engineered Mineral Precipitation
Developing the Illinois Basin Geomodel
Development of 250 kW Ammonia and Hydrogen Industrial Burner Test Facility at the National Energy Technology Laboratory Presentation
Development of a Chemistry-Based Isotherm Model and Techno-Economic Optimization of a Moving Bed Process for CO2 Capture Using a Functionalized Metal-Organic Framework
Development of a Health Monitoring Framework Under Uncertainty for Supercritical Coal Power Plants Considering Material and Operational Uncertainties
Development of a Health Monitoring Framework: Application to a Supercritical Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler
Development of a large-scale public geometry for squealer tip coolant injection research
Development of a Low-cost, Portable Co-Axial Fluorescence Sensor for Visible Spectrum Analysis
Development of a machine learning model for polyethylene pyrolysis using a detailed reaction mechanism
Development of a multiphase PIC model for slurry flow modeling
Development of a Tool to Calculate the System Cost of Replacement Energy (SCoRE)
Development of Advanced Ultra-Supercritical (AUSC) Pulverized Coal (PC) Plants
Development of Algebraic and Topological-Based Structured Packing Model
Development of Algorithms for Augmenting and Replacing Conventional Process Control Using Reinforcement Learning
Development of Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning Augmented Model Predictive Control
Development of Analytical formulation for CH4 Gas production from CH4 Hydrate-Bearing sediments via CO2 injection
Development of creep resistant ferritic-martensitic steels for operation at 650°C
Development of CuFeMnAlO4+δ oxygen carrier with high attrition resistance and 50-kWth methane/air chemical looping combustion tests
Development of Green-Color-Emitting Pyrotechnics as a Core for 3D Temperature Imaging Sensors inside Coal Boilers
Development of Manganese and Iron Mixed Metal Oxides for Thermochemical Energy Storage
Development of microwave-specific catalysts for CO2-free H2 production by methane pyrolysis
Development of Multiphysics Dynamic Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC) Models for Hybrid Energy Systems
Development of Novel Ferritic-Martensitic Steels with Superior Creep Properties for Power Plant Applications
Development of process model of CESAR1 solvent system and validation with large pilot data
Development of the Class VI Mapping Inquiry Tool and Class VI Data Support Tool Geodatabase
DFT Calculation of Thermal Expansion within Debye-Grüneisen Framework Made Simple and Accurate
Diffuse Interface Modeling Crystal Plasticity
Digital Core Characterization
Digitizing Oil & Gas Well Regulatory Records from Illinois with the CATALOG OGRRE Tool
Direct Air Capture (DAC) With Nuclear Power Sources
Direct Air Capture Case Studies
Direct Air Capture Case Studies Sorbent System
Direct Air Capture Case Studies Sorbent System Final
Direct Air Capture Case Study: Solvent System
Direct Air Capture Deployment Assessment in Deep Mitigation Pathways Toward 2075 in the U.S.: MARKAL-NETL Modeling Results
Direct Air Capture of CO2 Using a Robust Synthesized Fibrous-Amine functionalized Matrix (FAM) Sorbent
Direct Air Capture: NETL Technoeconomic Analysis Capabilities and Related Efforts
Direct Analysis of Caprock Resistance to scCO2 Migration at Elevated Pressure
Direct Power Extraction
Disjunctive optimization model and algorithm for long-term capacity expansion planning of reliable power generation systems
Dispatch Informed Hydrogen Production
Dissecting Critical Factors for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction on Atomically Precise Au Nanoclusters
Dissolving Nonionic Surfactants in CO2 to Enhance CO2 Storage via In Situ Foam Generation
Distributed and Multiple Model Predictive Control for Rapid Load-Following Operation of Supercritical Pulverized Coal Power Plants
Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Systems: Application to Natural Gas Pipeline Monitoring
Distributed Temperature Profiles of Silicon Carbide Catalyst Bed in a Microwave Reactor using Fiber-optic Sensor
DOE CO2 Transport Modeling: Smart CO2 Transport-Route Planning Tool and Database
DOE’s Carbon Matchmaker
Does How we Decarbonize Matter? An Examination of the Potential Energy Poverty Impacts of Fossil Asset Replacements
Domestic Potential for Critical Materials Recovery from Waste
Dopant Segregation in Single-Crystal Optical Fiber Grown via the Laser-Heated Pedestal Growth Technique
DPE Techno-Economic Analyses
Dry cooling retrofits at existing fossil fuel-fired power plants in a water-stressed region: Tradeoffs in water savings, cost, and capacity shortfalls
Dynamic CCS-EJ-SJ Database and Web Application - What's New
Dynamic Modeling of the Synergistic Effects of Chemical and Thermo-Mechanical Degradation of Solid Oxide Cells
Dynamic modeling studies of basin-scale pressure interference and CO2 plume evolution in multi-well geologic CO2 storage
Dynamic Modeling, Parameter Estimation, and Data Reconciliation of a Supercritical Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler
Dynamic Optimization of the Operational Trajectory of a Supercritical Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler under Load-Following with Consideration of Boiler Health
Dynamic Power Plant Modeling for Flexible Operations
Dynamic Reactivity of Mafic Materials Due to CO2 Acidified Brines
Dynamic Simulation and Optimization of a Subcritical Coal-Fired Power Plant During Load-Ramping Operations
Economic Analysis of Potential for CCUS in the Gulf of Mexico
Economics of Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Economics of CCS
Economics of Competing CCS Plants
Economies of Numbers Formulations for Optimal Process Family Design of Carbon Capture Systems
Editorial: Subsurface Microbiology within Hydrocarbon Resources or Stored Gases
EDX ClaiMM: A Virtual Common Operating Platform and Interactive Tools Supporting Critical Minerals Resource Development
EDX ClaiMM: Digital Resources for the Critical Minerals and Materials Community
EDX Spatial: Leveraging cloud and hybrid data management resources for spatial data
EDX4CCS 3D Data Preview Tool
Effect of additive co-feeding in microwave-assisted methane dehydroaromatization
Effect of Catalyst Pretreatment on Methane Conversion under Microwave-assisted and Conventional Thermal Methods
Effect of ethane on methane pyrolysis with iron-based catalysts to produce carbon and hydrogen
Effect of Flexibility in Molecular Simulations of Carbon Dioxide Adsorption and Diffusion in a Cuprous Triazolate Framework
Effect of gasifying agent during microwave-assisted coal gasification
Effect of Minor Ce Additions on Corrosion Behavior of Experimental Pipeline Steel
Effect of multiple oxygen vacancies on the optical and thermodynamic properties of La0.75Sr0.25Co0.25Fe0.75O3-δ perovskite
Effect of oxidative breakers on organic matter degradation, contaminant mobility and critical mineral release during shale-fracturing fluid interactions in the Marcellus Shale
Effect of pressure on high temperature corrosion of Ni alloys in supercritical CO2 containing impurities
Effect of pressure on high-temperature oxidation of Ni alloys in supercritical CO2 containing impurities
Effect of Si Content in Electrode and SiO2 Additions to the Slag during Electroslag Remelting
Effect of Si on High Temperature Oxidation of Fe-Cr-Si Alloys in Carbon Dioxide Environments
Effect of Support on Iron-Based Catalyst Toward CO2-Free H2 Production From Methane Pyrolysis
Effect of surface roughness and aspect Ratio for internal cooling channels using supercritical CO2
Effect of temperature and impurities on the oxidation behavior of Ni-based alloys in hot CO2-rich gases
Effect of Zwitterionic Additives on Solvation and Transport of Sodium and Potassium Cations in (Ethylene Oxide)10: a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Effects of additively manufactured surface roughness on small diameter plenums with multiple side discharges
Effects of Carbonate Minerals on Shale-Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Interactions in the Marcellus Shale
Effects of Downstream Vortex Generators on Film Cooling a Flat Plate Fed By Crossflow
Effects of site and magnetic disorder on the oxygen vacancy formation, electronic and optical properties of LaxSr1-x CoO3-δ and SrFeyCo1-yO3-δ
Effects of Size on Characteristics of Electroslag Remelted (ESR) HAYNES®282® alloy ingots
Effects of support and promoter on Ru catalyst activity in microwave-assisted ammonia synthesis
Effects of Zr addition on lattice strains and electronic structures of NbTaTiV high-entropy alloy
Efficient Dimension Reduction of Complex 3D CO2 Saturation using Deep Learning Models
EGU Retrofit_CCRD_Current
EGU Retrofit_CCRD_Legacy
Eight-County San Andres ROZ Appraisal
EJ/SJ Dynamic Datasets for CCS Systems and the Energy Transition Atlas Web Tool
Electric Power System Asset Optimization
Electrochemical CO2 Reduction at Three-Dimensionally Structured Tin Nanocatalysts
Electromagnetic inversion for a baseline conductivity model at the Kemper CarbonSAFE site
Electronic and optical properties of NV center in diamond for sensing applications: First principles density functional theory and experimental approach
Electronic and Optical Properties of Orthorhombic (CH3NH3)BX3 (B=Sn, Pb; X=F, Cl, Br, I) Perovskites: a First-Principles Investigation
Electronic structural and lattice thermodynamic properties of MAlO2 and M5AlO4 (M=Li, Na, K) sorbents for CO2 capture applications
Elucidating the Reaction Pathways of Veratrylglycero-β-guaiacyl Ether Depolymerization Over Metal-Free Solid Acid Catalysts with Hydrogen
Emergence of Local Scaling Relations in Adsorption Energies on High-Entropy Alloys
Emissions Mitigation in Industrial Gas Flares
Enabling Soft Magnetics for Power Conversion Applications
Energy-Efficient and Water-Saving Sorbent Regeneration at Near Room Temperature for Direct Air Capture
Enhanced Carbon Storage Forecasting via Cross-Geology Transfer Learning
Enhanced CO2 Reactive Capture and Conversion Using Aminothiolate Ligand–Metal Interface
Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Activity on Strained Graphene
Enhanced Rock Weathering for Carbon Dioxide Removal: Life Cycle Analysis and Techno-Economic Assessment
Enhanced Weathering Screening Techno-Economic Analysis
Enhancement of CO2 Reduction Reaction Activity and Selectivity of Sub-2 nm Ag Electrocatalysts by Electronic Metal-Carbon Interactions
Enhancing Air Quality Forecasts with AP4 Model Updates
Enhancing Electrochemical CO2 Conversion by Controlling Electrocatalysts' Structure
Enhancing Fluid Flow Pressure and Saturation Prediction Accuracy and Reducing Uncertainty with Committee Machine – Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) as a Case Study
Enhancing Mechanical Properties of a Medium-entropy Alloy by Regulating Mo Addition
Enhancing the Harris and Crighton PIC Stress Model with Bayesian Learning
Enrichments of Anaerobic Selenium Oxyanion Reducers from FDG Wastewater Effluent
Environmental Creep Behavior of Austenitic Steels in CO2
Environmental Impact of Capture Technology: A Review of DOE Sponsored FEED Studies
EOR in Shale Resources
Equivalence Ratio Scans in a Rotating Detonation Engine
Establishing capabilities for quantum computing and simulations for energy applications
Estimates of lithium mass yields from produced water sourced from the Devonian-aged Marcellus Shale
Estimating Fresh Water Needs to Meet Future Thermoelectric Generation Requirements and Program Water Saving Benefits – 2022 Update
Estimating Lithium Fluxes from Produced Water- Marcellus Shale and Beyond
Estimating the Marginal Cost for Carbon Capture and Storage for the U.S. Fossil Fuel Fleet
Evaluating CCS Cost Options for CO₂ Sources in the Central United States
Evaluating Long and Short Duration Energy Storage in MISO in Deep Decarbonization Scenarios
Evaluating Offshore Legacy Wells for Geologic Carbon Storage: A Case Study from the Galveston and Brazos Areas in the Gulf of Mexico
Evaluating Process Costs and Performance Metrics of Granular Activated Carbon for the Removal of PFAS Under Model Uncertainty
Evaluating Production Implications of Pressure Maintenance in Unconventional Oil and Gas Wells using a Machine Learning Modeling Approach - Case Study in the Permian Basin
Evaluating Property Model Accuracy for Cost Optimization of Desalination Technologies
Evaluating the effects of a low-carbon energy transition on existing U.S. fossil energy communities
Evaluating the Impact of Proprietary Oil & Gas Data on Machine Learning Model Performance Using a Quasi-experimental Analytical Approach
Evaluating the Impacts of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 45Q Tax Credit on CCS Network Costs
Evaluating the Nation's Pipeline Infrastructure with NETL's Advanced Infrastructure Integrity Model (AIIM)
Evaluation of a CFD Commercial Package to the Modeling of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Bubbly-Liquid Column
Evaluation of critical minerals from U.S. shales
Evaluation of NGCC with Capture for Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES)
Evaluations of and Key Considerations for Power Sector Decarbonization
Evolution of the marginal marine sandstone lithofacies in the Upper Devonian of the Appalachian basin: implications for basin evolution, lithostratigraphy, and carbon storage potential
Examination of Factors Affecting the Cost and Performance of NGCC with CCS
Example Carbon Conversion Techno-Economic Analysis Template
Experiment and simulation of high-speed gas jet penetration into a semicircular fluidized bed
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of High Temperature Deformation Behavior of 347H Stainless Steel
Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of Feed Flow Collar Design For 3D Printed Shell-Fed Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules
Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of Feed Flow Collar Design for Shell Fed Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules
Experimental CO2 Interactions with Fractured Calcite-Rich Shale Samples at Elevated Pressure
Experimental Investigation of Barium Sources and Fluid-Rock Interaction in Unconventional Marcellus Shale Wells using Ba Isotopes
Experimental Study of Instabilities in Hydrogen-Air Fueled Rotating Detonation Combustion Presentation
Experimental Verification of Hollow Fiber Module Performance for Flue Gas Separation Using 3D Printing
Exploratory Analysis of Offshore CO2 Storage Pilot Project in the Gulf of Mexico: Geologic, Infrastructure, and Cost Considerations
Exploring Catalytic Systems in Microwave Mediated Reactions for Carbon Intensive Industries
Exploring the impact of N solubility and trace elements on the creep properties of P92 steel
Extended Application of State LiDAR Datasets in Locating Orphaned Wells in Appalachian Region
Extensive Pipeline Location Data Resource: Integrating Reported Incidents, Past Environmental Loadings, and Potential Geohazards for Integrity Evaluations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Extraction Kinetics of Rare Earth Minerals from Ion-adsorbed Underclays
F.C. Deemer Repository: Chemostratigraphic Characterization of the Baker Run Reserve No. 8 Well in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, USA
Fabrication of Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films for Luminescent Sensing Applications
Factors that Impact the Redox Kinetics Associated with Sr1-xAxFeO3 (A = Ca, Ba) in Air Separations Technologies
FE Plants C&P Vol 1
FE Plants C&P Vol 2
FE Plants C&P Vol 3
FE Plants C&P Vol 4
FE Plants C&P Vol 5
FE/NETL CO2 Prophet Model
FE/NETL CO2 Saline Storage Cost Model
FE/NETL Onshore CO2 EOR Cost Model
Feasibility of FDEM cross-dipole and TDEM loop sources for monitoring CO2 at the Kemper CarbonSAFE site
FECM/NETL CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (CTS) Cost Screening Tool (2024)
FECM/NETL CO2 Saline Storage Cost Model (2024): User’s Manual
FECM/NETL CO2 Transport Cost Model
FECM/NETL CO2 Transport Cost Model (2024)
FECM/NETL Hydrogen Pipeline Cost Model (2024) Collection
FECM/NETL Natural Gas with Hydrogen Pipeline Cost Model (2024)
FECM/NETL Unconventional Shale Well Economic Model (UShWEM)
FeSiAl Sendust Material Datasheet
FGD Effluent Treatment Modeling and Speciation Analysis Before & After Phys/Chem/Biological Treatment using Aqueous Chemistry Software
Fiber-based Distributed Hydrogen Measurement at High Temperature
Filling in Subsurface Storage Open Data Gaps - Updates to CCS Data Availability on EDX and EDX Spatial (FWP-1022465)
Film cooling performance prediction for air and supercritical CO2
Film Cooling Performance Predictions For Air And Supercritical CO2
First Principles Density Functional Theory and NMR Study of Catalytic Adsorption and Formation of Mo/HZSM-5-based Microwave Catalysts
First principles DFT study of the electronic and optical properties of lanthanum and magnesium-doped strontium titanates for advanced gas sensing applications
First-Principles Phonon Quasiparticle Theory Applied to a Strongly Anharmonic Halide Perovskite
First-principles studies of the concentration-dependent tritium diffusion in the zirconium hydrides with or without Sn impurity
First-Principles Studies of Tritium Species Diffusivity Across the Interface of Nickel-Plated Zircaloy-4
First-Principles Studies of Tritium Species Dissociability & Diffusivity Across the Interface of Nickel-Plated Zircaloy-4
First-Principles Studies of Tritium Species Dissociability and Diffusivity Across the Interface of Nickel-Plated Zircaloy-4
First-principles Studies of Tritium Species Formation on and Desorption from Surfaces of -LiAlO2 Pellets with Related Secondary Phase
First-principles Study of the Defect-Activity and Optical Properties of FAPbCl3
First-principles study of the surface properties of LiAl5O8: stability and tritiated water formation
First-principles study of the tritium formation in γ-LiAlO2 pellets and diffusion into Zircaloy-4 getter
First-principles study of tritium diffusion and formation in γ-LiAlO2 pellets
Flame Flashback Investigations in Hydrogen-Enriched Low Swirl Burner using High-Speed Hydroxyl Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Flame Flashback Investigations in Hydrogen-Enriched Low Swirl Flames using High-Speed Hydroxyl (OH) Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Flashback Measurements in Hydrogen Enriched Low Swirl Flames Using High Speed OH-PLIF
Flashback of Hydrogen-Methane Mixtures in a Fixed-Vane, Low Swirl Burner at Atmospheric Pressure
Flashback of Hydrogen-Methane Mixtures in a Fixed-Vane, Low-Swirl Burner at Atmospheric Pressure
Flashback Studies of High-Hydrogen Flames using High-Speed OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Flexible Technoeconomic Analysis Tools for Evaluating Emerging Power Generation Technologies in Hourly Electricity Markets using IDAES and Pyomo
Flow Quantification Through Potential CO2 Storage Formations
Fluidization Regime Mapping Analysis for 200 μm Glass Beads in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser
FOAs 2596 2598 Joint Project Kickoff Meeting
Four-County San Andres ROZ Appraisal
Four-Way Coupled Simulation of Proppants Flowing in Rock Fractures with Realistic Geometry - Hydraulic Fracturing Application
Fractionation of Critical Metals from Authentic Acid Mine Drainage Using a Multi-bed Immobilized Amine Sorbent Set-up: A Field Site Study
Fracture Network Prediction Using Physics-based Machine Learning Algorithms
Fracture Networks Imaging in CO2 Injection Zones in IBDP Site: An Unsupervised Machine Learning Application with Multiple Datasets
Fracture-matrix fluid exchange in oil-bearing unconventional mudstones
Fracturing Following Geological Carbon Sequestration –Sandstone Geochemistry and Implications for Seismicity
Framework for Optimization, Quantification of Uncertainty, and Surrogates (FOQUS) – Capabilities and Applications
Framework for Optimization, Quantification of Uncertainty, and Surrogates (FOQUS) – Demonstration
Framework for Optimization, Quantification of Uncertainty, and Surrogates, and CCSI2 Toolset Capabilities
From Plastic Waste to Fuel: Pyrolysis and Gasification of Polyethylene for Hydrogen Production
From Waste to clean Fuel: Using Microwave Chemistry to Achieve Process Decarbonization
Functionalization of Nitrogen Vacancy-Containing Nanodiamonds with a Metal-Organic Framework for Quantum Sensing Applications
Functionalized Silica Sorbent Strategies for the Recovery of Critical Minerals from Coal Wastewaters
Fundamental Studies of Tritium Diffusivity in Pure and Defective Zircaloy-4 Getters
Fundamental Studies of Tritium Formation and Diffusivity in Pure and Defective Zircaloy-4 Getters
Future of CO2 Management Systems: Design and Operations
FY20 Carbon Storage Peer Review
Gas Electric Interdependence
Gas Flare Technology Assessment and R&D Recommendations
Gas Separation Membrane Module Modeling: A Comprehensive Review
Gasification of Waste Plastic to Enable a Circular Economy
Gasification of Waste Plastic to Enable a Circular Economy: literature review focusing on H2/syngas production
Gasification Tutorial Clearwater Conference 2023 Update
GEESS as a Mechanism to Facilitate the Commercialization of Geologic Carbon Sequestration
Generalization of ML-Based Surrogate Models to Dynamic Injection Schedules using Transfer Learning
Geochemical characterization of lithium deposition in fossil energy wastes
Geochemical evolution of Bluff and Entrada Sandstone due to CO2-fluid-rock interaction
Geochemical Processes in Engineered Natural Systems Influencing Subsruface Flow and Produced Water Chemical Composition
Geo-Engineering Igneous Sill Complexes for CO2 Sequestration & Local H2 Storage
GHG Inventory NG
GHG reductions using cofiring
GISA- Protecting Stakeholder Spatial Data through an Advanced Anonymization Method
Git and Software Tools for CTS
Global CO2 Initiative - Technology Learning Curves manuscript
Global CO2 Initiative and CO2U - terminology manuscript
Global Evaluation of Process Conditions and Corresponding Wave Modes in a Rotating Detonation Engine
Global inventory and meta-analysis of offshore geologic carbon storage efforts
Ground State Property Calculations of LiHn Complexes using IBM Qiskit’s Quantum Simulator
Ground State Property Calculations of LiHn Complexes using IBM Qiskit's Quantum Simulator
Growth of Well-defined Model Catalysts for Electrochemistry: from Surface Science Studies to Electrocatalytic CO2 Conversion
H2 Sensing with an Optical Fiber Sensor in the Subsurface H2 Storage Conditions
H2 Wettability, Permeability, and Diffusion
Health Monitoring of an Industrial Supercritical Pulverized Coal Boiler
Heart-shape to Fracture Distance: Characterizing Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Before Hits
Heat Transfer Opportunities for Supercritical CO2 Power Systems
Heterogeneous Growth of UiO-66-NH2 on Oxidized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes to Form “Beads-on-a-String” Composites
High entropy alloys: Modeling and Experiments
High Temperature electrical property measurements of ceramics
High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Ni-based High Entropy Superalloys
High temperature oxidation modeling
Highly Permeable Rubbery Thin Film Composite Membranes for CO2 Capture from Steel Mills
Highly Permeable Thin-Film Composite Membranes of Rubbery Polymer Blends for CO2 Capture
Highly sensitive ultrasonic vibration sensor based on tunable fiber ring laser with SMS fiber structure
Highly Transferable Atomistic Machine-Learning Potentials from Curated and Compact Datasets Across the Periodic Table
High-Performance Cementitious Composites Containing Nanostructured Carbon Additives Made from Charred Coal Fines
High-performance Non-aging Rubbery Thin Film Composite Membranes for Post-combustion CO2 Capture: From Material Synthesis to Field Demonstration
High-Resolution CT Scan Dataset of Lower Mount Simon Sandstone Samples from the Illinois Basin
High-speed OH-PLIF Diagnostics of Flame Flashback in Low Swirl Hydrogen-enriched Flames
High-temperature Corrosion of Ni-based Alloys in CO2-rich Gases
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Wrought and Additive Manufactured Alloys in Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Environments
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Wrought and Additive Manufactured H282 in Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Environments
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Wrought and Additive Manufactured Ni-based Alloys in Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Pow
High-throughput design of high-performance lightweight high-entropy alloys
Hong-Ou-Mandel sensing via superradiant coupling of discrete fluorescent emitters
Hot/Warm CO2 Removal Processes for IGCC Power Plant
How is rational design of electrocatalysts crucial for maximizing CO2 electroreduction performance
How much is surface dopant enough to maximize CO2-to-liquid chemicals conversion at industrially relevant current density?
How to Flatten the Earth: Reviewing DOE’s use of coordinate systems to inform agency-wide guidance
Hydrate-Bearing Core Characterization: Pore to Core Scale Analysis
Hydrate‐filled Fracture Formation at Keathley Canyon 151, Gulf of Mexico, and Implications for Non‐vent Sites
Hydride formation and deformation mechanisms in commercially pure titanium
Hydrogen Combustion Research at NETL
Hydrogen Localization and Tetramer Cluster Formation in α-Zr from First-Principles Investigations
Hydrogen Safety Review for Gas Turbines, SOFC, and High Temperature Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Utilization and Production with Solid Oxide Cells under Reversible Operation Mode
IDAES Enterprise: Generation Expansion Planning with Enhanced Requirements for Capacity Adequacy Considering Renewable Intermittency
IDAES: A Next-Generation, Multi-Scale Process Systems Engineering Framework for Optimizing Energy Systems and Manufacturing Processes
IDAES-PSE Software Tools for Optimizing Energy Systems and Market Interactions
Identification and characterization of metalliferous intervals within black shale facies for the purpose of critical mineral extraction assessments
Identifying Critical Mineral Binding Mechanisms and Distribution in Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Solids to Inform Targeted Recovery Methods
Identifying The Sources Of Energy Storage Inefficiencies In Redox Flow Batteries
Impact of Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies on Deep Decarbonization: EMF 37 MARKAL–NETL Modeling Results
Impact of Fill Factor on Electro-slag Remelting Operations
Impact of IRA 45Q Tax Incentives on Cost of CO2 Capture Using the Industrial Carbon Capture Retrofit Database
Impact of Non-Steady State Operation on Cooling Water Consumption at Coal- and Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants
Impact of Plant Siting on Performance and Economics of Indirect Supercritical CO2 Coal Fired Power Plants
Impact of Technology Improvements on the Cost of Hydrogen Produced using Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Technology at Large Scale
Impact on Cycle Efficiency of Small Combined Heat and Power Plants From Increasing Firing Temperature
Impacts of irregularly-distributed acidified brine flow on geo-chemo-mechanical alteration in an artificial shale fracture under differential stress
Impedance-Loaded SAW Reflective Delay Lines for Monitoring Corrosion in Pipelines
Implementation of Detailed Polyethylene Pyrolysis Kinetics into CFD Simulations using Machine Learning
Implementation of the Glued Sphere Discrete Element Model for Non-Spherical Particles in MFIX Software
Implications of carbon content for the processing, stability, and mechanical properties of cast and wrought Ni-based superalloys
Improved creep and tensile properties of a corrosion resistant Ni-based superalloy using high temperature aging and Nb/Ta additions
Incorporation of Market Signals for the Optimal Design and Operation of Flexible Post-Combustion Capture Systems
Incorporation of Market Signals for the Optimal Design of Post Combustion Carbon Capture Systems
Increasing main cooler thermal performance for sCO2 power cycles
Indentification of Selenium Reducing Bacteria in FGD Wastewater and Characterization of Biogenic Selenium
Individual Wave Detection and Tracking within a Rotating Detonation Engine through Computer Vision Object Detection applied to High-Speed Images
Industrial Retrofit_CCRD_Current
Industrial Retrofit_CCRD_Legacy
Industry Partnerships & Their Role In Reducing Natural Gas Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Phase 2
Influence of Anionic Zinc-Adeninate Metal-Organic Framework Structure on the Luminescent Detection of Rare Earth Ions in Aqueous Streams
Influence of Intermediate Carbon Content on the Microstructure and High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of a High Strength Ni-Based Superalloy
Influence of Rare Earth Ce Additions on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Experimental Pipeline Steels
Inhomogeneous distribution and coarsening of g″ precipitates in a Ni-based superalloy and their effect on creep
In-House Developed Multiphysics Simulation for the Performance of Solid Oxide Cells (SOCs)
Initial Investigation of Depleted Sand Reservoirs as Potential Storage Targets: Upper Devonian Venango, Bradford, and Elk Plays of the Appalachian Basin
Initial Laboratory Measurements Probing Hydrogen Interactions with Eagle Ford Shale and Pyrite: Potential Implications for Subsurface Hydrogen Storage
Innovations in Direct Air Capture: Unveiling a Simple and Robust Synthesized Fibrous Amine-functionalized Matrix (FAM) Sorbent for Commercial Scale-up
In-situ species concentration measurements in ammonia-mix flames using FTIR spectroscopy
Integrated Carbon Capture and Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation for Olefins Production under Isothermal Conditions over Cr₂O₃-ZSM-5/CaO-CaZrO₃ Reactive Capture Materials
Integrated Energy Systems
Integrated Evaluation of Power Sector Decarbonization: Capacity Expansion + Dispatch Analysis for SERC
Integrated Technology for Cost-Effective CO2 Capture and Formic Acid Production: Modeling, Optimization, and Economic Analysis
Integrating Public and Private Data for Modeling and Optimization of Shale Oil and Gas Production
Integrating Reinforcement Learning with Model Predictive Control for Adaptive Control of Energy Systems
Integrating the Design of Desalination Technologies into Produced Water Network Optimization
Integration of Simulated and Real Distributed Acoustic Sensor Measurements to Develop AI Enhanced Intelligent Sensing Operations
Intermountain West Energy Sustainability & Transitions Initiative: CO2 Transport and Geologic Storage Modeling Results
Internal and External Cooling Technologies for Brayton Cycles - A Pathway to Higher Efficiency
International Cost Guidelines
International Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Inventory and Data Collection
International Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Inventory and Meta-analysis
International Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Project Inventory and Data Collection
Investigating Gas Turbine Internal Cooling Using Supercritical CO2 at Higher Reynolds Numbers for Direct Fired Cycle Applications
Investigating quantitative ion probe measurements in a rotating detonation engine
Investigating the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act’s Section 45Q Tax Credit on the Economics of Industrial CO2 Capture
Investigation of Carbon Products Produced by Catalytic Methane and Ethane Pyrolysis
Investigation of Corrosion Performance of Zinc Cold Spray Coatings in a Simulated Natural Gas Environment Containing H2O, CO2, and H2S
Investigation of Proppant Distributions in Rock Fractures with Applications to Hydraulic Fracturing
Investigation of reactivities of bimetallic Cu-Fe oxygen carriers with coal in high temperature in-situ gasification chemical-looping combustion (iG-CLC) and chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) using a fixed bed reactor.
Investigation of Scale Deposition and Wellbore Corrosion in Carbonated Brine Injection: A Simulation Study
Investigation of Sr0.7Ca0.3FeO3 Oxygen Carriers with Variable Cobalt B-site Substitution
Investigation of the Hydrogen Embrittlement of API 5L Natural Gas Pipeline Steels
Investigations of Relative Stability and Distribution of Mo Species in Pore Space of Mo/ZSM-5 Systems
Invited virtual presentation ECS meeting.
Isotherm Modeling and Techno-Economic Analysis of Contactor Technologies for New Tetraamine-Appended MOF for NGCC Applications
Isotherm Modeling and Techno-Economic Analysis of Contactor Technologies for New Tetraamine-Appended MOF for NGCC Applications
ISSST 2023 - Natural gas presentation
Jacobian-based Model Diagnostics and Application to Equation Oriented Modeling of a Carbon Capture System
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: What’s an Analyst to Do?
Kauffman AICHE 2021
Kick Signatures through Multiphase Data
Lab Scale Demonstration of Pipeline Third-Party Damage Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks.
Lab-Scale Demonstration of Pipeline Third-Party Damage Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Large-Scale CO2 Storage and Reservoir Management Strategies: Case Studies
Laser-heated Pedestal Growth and Raman DTS for Harsh-environment Applications
LCA Ethanol from Biomass
LCA GHG Adv Jet Fuels
LCA Overview
Leaching of Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium from a Central Appalachian Coal and the Ashes Obtained at 550-950 oC
Learning to Branch with Interpretable Machine Learning Models
Leveraging Additive Manufacturing and Coatings for Turbine Thermal Management
Li2CuO2 a multifunctional material for selective catalytic reduction of NO by CO (SCR-CO) with subsequent carbon oxides capture at moderate temperatures
Licensing and Virtualizing CS Models & Tools via EDX DisCO2ver
Life Cycle Analyses of Point Source Carbon Capture and CO2 Destinations at the National Energy Technology Laboratory
Life Cycle Analysis and Techno Economic Analysis of Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
Life Cycle Analysis and Techno-Economic Analysis Tools to Evaluate Carbon Conversion Technologies
Life Cycle Analysis of Emerging CO2 Utilization Technologies: Challenges and Current Best Practices
Life Cycle Analysis of Enhanced Rock Weathering
Life Cycle Analysis of Formic Acid as a Hydrogen Carrier
Life cycle analysis of fossil fuel power generation with carbon capture: NGCC, SC PC, Sub PC
Life Cycle Analysis of Methanol Production via Photocatalytic Carbon Conversion
Life Cycle Analysis of Mineralization of Concrete Products for CO2 Utilization
Life Cycle Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction and Power Generation: U.S. 2020 Emissions Profile
Life Cycle Analysis of Synthetic Natural Gas Production via Carbon Conversion: Impact of Different CO2, H2, and Methanation Pathways
Life Cycle Analysis Tools to Evaluate Environmental Footprint of Carbon Conversion Projects
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Water Consumption From Existing and Emerging Hydrogen Pathways
Life cycle impacts of waste-to-energy pathways: a comparative analysis of accounting methods
Limit Cycle Oscillating Detonation Wave Behavior Analysis Within a Rotating Detonation Engine
Link Budget Analysis of Interrogation of Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors in Metallic Tubular Structures
Local Heat Transfer Measurements in Cooler for sCO2 Power Cycles with Dilute Nitrogen and Argon Impurities
Locating and Measuring Methane Emissions from Orphan Wells in Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky
Locating orphaned wells using Georeferenced Historical Aerial Imagery
Location-specific microstructures and properties of Haynes 282 with laser-wire DED processing
Low temperature catalytic conversion of CH4, CO2, and C2H4 to value-added C3 oxygenates
Low-cost thermal/environmental barrier coatings: a first-principles study
Low-temperature Production of Battery Grade Graphite from Coal with Recovery and Reuse of the Catalyst
Luminescent Materials for the Detection of Economically Critical Metals in Harsh Environments
Machine Learned Force Field Modeling of Metal Organic Frameworks for CO2 Direct Air Capture
Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Mineralogy Interpretation and CO2 Saturation Estimation in Geological Carbon Storage: A Case Study in the Illinois Basin
Machine Learning Application for CCUS and Fracture Analysis
Machine Learning Application for CCUS Carbon Storage: Fracture Analysis and Mapping in The Illinois Basin
Machine Learning Application for CCUS Storage: Fracture Analysis and Mapping in the Illinois Basin
Machine Learning Application for Fracture Analysis: Use Cases
Machine Learning Application to Assess Occurrence and Saturations of Methane Hydrate in Marine Deposits Offshore India
Machine Learning Applications for Frac-hit Identification: a Field Data Use Case
Machine Learning Applications in Analyzing the Role of Shale Barriers and Baffles for CO2 Storage
Machine Learning Design of Perovskite Catalytic Properties
Machine Learning Discrimination and Ultrasensitive Detection of Fentanyl Using Gold Nanoparticle-Decorated Carbon Nanotube-Based Field-Effect Transistor Sensors
Machine Learning for Oil and Gas Well Identification in Historic Maps
Machine learning journal articles
Machine Learning-Based Rotating Detonation Engine Diagnostics: Evaluation for Application in Experimental Facilities (Revision of RID 848)
Machine Learning-Powered Multi-Tier Fracture Imaging: A Case Study
Machine-Learned Force Field Modeling of Metal Organic Frameworks for CO2 Direct Air Capture
Machine-learning microstructure for material design: An old science in the new era of artificial intelligence
Magnetic Field Sensing via Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance and Spin Relaxometry Using Nitrogen Vacancies in Nanodiamonds
Magnetically Levitated and Constrained Flywheel Energy Storage System
Maintaining Microstructure – The Path to Successful Technology Maturation in Fluidized Systems
Maintaining Microstructure During Scaling in Circulating Fluidized Bed Risers
Managing Carbon Storage Data with a Living Database
Manufacturing of HEAs at Different Scales
Market Optimization and Technoeconomic Analysis of Hydrogen-Electricity Coproduction Systems
Market-Based Technoeconomic Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems that Co-Produce Hydrogen and Electricity
Material Discovery and Design Principles of Perovskite Oxides for Reversible Solid Oxide Cells
Material Scale System Capabilities and Preliminary Benchmark Results
Materials and Platforms for Luminescence-Based Sensing of Economically Critical Metals
Materials Design for Carbon Capture with Computational Screening and Machine Learning
Materials Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Fuel Injector Candidates
Materials for the Photoluminescence-Based Detection of Economically Critical Metals
Mathematical Programming Models for Shale Oil & Gas Development: A Review and Perspective
Measure this, not that: Optimizing the cost and model-based information content of measurements
Measure This, Not That: Pareto Optimal Trade-Offs between Model-Based Information Content and Measurements Cost
Mechanical Strength and Microstructural Characteristics of Wellbore Cement enhanced by Graphene Nanoplatelets
Membrane and Solvent Development for Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture
Membrane Development for CO2 Capture from Steel Manufacturing
Membrane-based carbon capture process optimization using CFD modeling
Membrane-Based Electrochemical Sensors for Detecting Internal Corrosion Risk of Natural Gas Pipelines
Metagenome-assembled genomes provide insight into the metabolic potential during early production of Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 in the Delaware Basin
Metal Hydride Composition-Derived Parameters as Machine Learning Features for Alloy Design and H2 Storage
Metal Organic Framework Thin Films as Versatile Chemical Sensing Materials
Metal-Organic Framework-based Luminescent Sensors for Rare Earth Elements
Methane Abatement in the Midstream Natural Gas Sector: Barriers and Solutions to Technology Commercialization
Methane Leak Detection from Natural Gas Power Plants
Methodology for Estimating Performance and Cost of NGCC Plants with Carbon Capture
Methodology for Scaling Microwave Catalyst in a Fixed Bed
MFiX Development Updates
MFiX: Fractional-Step Method Implementation
MFIX-Exa development: Exascale computing for multiphase flows
MFIX-Exa: CFD-DEM simulations of thermodynamics and chemical reactions in multiphase flows
MFIX-Exa: Performance prediction of multiphase energy conversion devices
MFIX-Exa: Performance prediction of multiphase energy conversion devices - "Then and Now"
Microbial and Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater: Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage
Microbial dynamics in hydrogen storage simulation conditions
Microbial Dynamics in Hydrogen Storage Stimulation Conditions
Microscopic 3D Graphene for High-Performance Supercapacitors with Ultra-High Areal Capacitance
Microstructural evaluation of the creep behavior in L-PBF Ni-based superalloys
Microstructure and Chemical Composition of Al2O3-, Cr2O3- and MgO-rich Refractories Exposed to Plastic Ashes
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Based Superalloy Nimonic 105 with Varying Carbon Content
Microstructure Optimization of LSM/YSZ Air Electrodes for Catalyst Infiltration
Microstructure-Based Modeling of Inner Oxygen Pressure in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells
Microwave absorbing perovskite catalysts for efficient electrification of syngas production from CO2 and methane
Microwave assisted catalytic cogasification of plastic-corn stover to produce clean H2
Microwave Assisted Catalytic Conversion of Tar Using an Iron Catalyst Doped with Ni/La/Ce
Microwave Assisted Conversion of 1,6-Hexanediol into Polymer
Microwave Assisted Heating for Gasification
Microwave Catalysis for Chemical Reactions
Microwave Catalytic Gasification of Mixed plastics and Corn Stover for Clean Hydrogen Production
Microwave Co-Gasification of Mixed Plastics and Biomass for Hydrogen Production
Microwave Co-Gasification of Mixed Plastics and Biomass to Produce H2 Using Fe-SiC Catalyst
Microwave heated chemical looping ammonia synthesis over Fe and CoMo particles
Microwave-Assisted Ammonia Decomposition over Metal Nitride Catalysts at Low Temperatures
Microwave-assisted ammonia synthesis over Cs-Ru/CeO2 catalyst at ambient pressure: Effects of metal loading and support particle size
Microwave-assisted Catalytic Gasification of Mixed Plastics and Corn Stover for Low Tar, Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Production
Microwave-Assisted Co-Gasification of Mixed Plastics and Corn Stover to Produce Clean Hydrogen Using Fe-Based Catalyst
Microwave-assisted conversion of methane over H-(Fe)-ZSM-5: Evidence for formation of hot metal sites,
Microwave-assisted Conversion of Natural Gas into Aromatics
Microwave-assisted Dry Reforming of Toluene as a Model Tar Compound using Low-cost Iron Catalyst
Microwave-Assisted Gasification of Biochar: Effect of Operational Parameters and Biochar Composition on Syngas Production
Microwave-assisted heterogeneous catalysis
Microwave-assisted Moving-bed Gasifier Design for Solid Fuel Conversion
Microwave-Assisted Syngas Cleanup: Catalytic Reforming of Gasifier Tar Using a Low-Cost Iron Catalyst
Microwave-assisted Syngas Cleanup: Catalytic Reforming of Gasifier Tar using Low-cost Iron Catalyst
Microwave-enhanced catalytic ammonia synthesis under moderate pressure and temperature
Microwave-Enhanced Conversion of Coal and Natural Gas
Microwave-induced selective decomposition of cellulose: Computational and experimental mechanistic study
Microwave-mediated ammonia synthesis over Co2Mo3N catalyst at ambient pressure
ML Clustering to Identify Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
ML-Based Data Assimilation and History Matching
ML-based Dimension Reduction Strategies
ML-Based Rock Properties and Seismic Volume Enhancement
Model Diagnostics for Equation Oriented Models: Roadblocks and the Path Forward
Model Diagnostics for Equation Oriented Models:Roadblocks and the Path Forward
Model Predictive Control as a Reinforcement Learning Policy: Faster Learning Via Policy Rollouts
Model-Based Sequential Design of Experiments for Pilot Testing of Novel Water-Lean CO2 Capture Solvent
Modeling a Water-Cooled Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger Condensing Supercritical CO2 for Use in System Optimization Studies
Modeling and Analysis of Climate Variation Effects on Fixed Bed Direct Air Capture Systems
Modeling and Control of an Industrial Selective Catalytic Reduction Unit with Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning
Modeling and Experimental Testing of High-Temperature Stable Sensor Materials for Gas Monitoring
Modeling and Optimization of Zeolites for Contaminant Removal from Coal Combustion Impoundment Leachates
Modeling and Scaling up of Membrane Modules by Leveraging Dimensional Analysis
Modeling and simulation of multiphase flows
Modeling and Techno-economic Optimization of a Tetraamine-Appended Metal–Organic Framework for NGCC-based CO2 Capture Using Fixed Bed Contactors
Modeling and uncertainty quantification of CESAR1 solvent system for post-combustion capture
Modeling aqueous association constants and mineral solubilities at subcritical and supercritical temperatures
Modeling cost of offshore geologic carbon storage
Modeling framework for cost-optimization of process-scale desalination systems with mineral scaling and precipitation
Modeling Ni Coarsening and Migration in the Hydrogen Electrode of Solid oxide Cells under Operating Conditions
Modeling Ni Coarsening under Humid Atmosphere in the Electrode of Solid Oxide Cells
Modeling Oxygen Partial Pressure in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells: The Microstructure Effect
Modeling Pyrolysis and Gasification of Biomass and Waste Plastic
Modeling the Cost of CO2 Saline Storage on a Regional and National Level
Modeling the Cost of Onshore CO2 Pipeline Transport and Onshore CO2 Saline Storage
Modeling Variation in Contact Angle with Temperature for the Quartz- Water-Decane System
Modeling, Optimization, and Design of Experiments of a Rotary Packed Bed Contactor for NGCC–Based CO2 Capture Using Solid Sorbents
Molecular dynamics simulations of a hydrophilic MIL-160-based membrane demonstrate pressure-dependent selective uptake of industrially relevant greenhouse gases
Molecular dynamics simulations probe greenhouse gas sorption capabilities of metal-organic frameworkbased membrane for efficient gas separation processes
Molten salt-loop development acceleration with distributed single-crystal harsh-environment optical fiber-sensors
Monitoring Aseismic Deformation and Fault Reactivation with Distributed Strain Sensing Measurements in Overburden
Monitoring the corrosion resistance of cold-spray coatings with membrane-based sensors
Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Considerations for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Multi-factor Assessment for Decarbonization via Technically Viable Carbon Storage
Multi-functional Sorbent Development for Carbon Capture and Recovery of Critical Metals
Multi-functional Sorbent Development for Separation of Critical Minerals and Pollutants
Multifunctional Sorbent Technology (MUST) for the Recovery of Critical Minerals from Coal Wastewaters
Multi-functional Sorbent Technology (MUST) for the Recovery/Removal of Critical/Heavy Metals from Fossil-related Wastewater
Multi-Model Predictive Control for Enhanced Load Following of a sCO2 Recompression Brayton Cycle
Multi-parameter Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Using Double Brillouin Peak Fiber in Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis
Multi-Parameter Optical Fiber for Distributed Sensing of Humidity, Methane, CO2, and Corrosion
Multi-Parameter Optical Fiber Sensing of Humidity, CH4, CO2, and Corrosion
Multi-parameter Optical Fiber Sensor for Simultaneous Monitoring of Humidity, Pressure, CO2, and Corrosion
Multiperiod Conceptual Design of Integrated Energy Systems with Market Interaction Surrogate Models
Multi-Period Optimization of Multi-Timescale Energy Systems: Application to Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cells
Multiphysics Simulation of Supercritical CO2 Gasification for Hydrogen Production
Multi-Scale 3D Imaging for ML Property Upscaling: Mt. Simon Sandstone Case Study
Multi-Scale Dynamic Modeling, and Techno-Economic Analysis of a Radial Flow Fixed Bed Contactor for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture
Multi-scale Modeling Using IDAES
Multiscale Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems Using Machine Learning Models for Market Interactions
MVP Workshop Update
Nanocrystalline Material (FINEMET) datasheet (Revision 0.2)
National Energy Technology Laboratory CO2 Utilization (CO2U) Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Toolkit: Overview, Applications and Recent Updates
National Energy Water Treatment & Speciation (NEWTS): A Water & Critical Minerals Database and Dashboard
National Energy Water Treatment & Speciation (NEWTS): A Water & Critical Minerals Database and Dashboard
National Energy Water Treatment and Speciation (NEWTS) Database & Dashboard
Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants with Carbon Capture and Exhaust Gas Recycle
Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants with Exhaust Gas Recycle
Natural gas transmission and distribution regionalization
Natural Gas-Electric Interdependency Through 2030
NAWI Alliance Webinar__National Energy Water Treatment & Speciation (NEWTS): A Water & Critical Minerals Database and Dashboard
NAWI Fall 2023 Meeting: Water treatment Technoeconomic Assessment Platform (WaterTAP)
NAWI Research Spotlight: Technoeconomic Assessment of Brine Valorization from Brackish Groundwater
NETL 45Q LCA Review Checklist
NETL Activities in Supercritical CO2 Systems Analyses
NETL and SAMI Overview
NETL Burner Laboratory for Alternative fuels and Zero-carbon Energy 250 kW Furnace Information Sheet
NETL Carbon Conversion Toolkit - Documentation Spreadsheet
NETL CO2U LCA Guidance Toolkit Introduction
NETL Core Characterization Lively Grove #1 St. Peter Sandstone
NETL Core Characterizationwith a focus on St. Peter Sandstone
NETL DAC Center Sample Testing and Analysis Report
NETL Direct Air Capture (DAC) Center
NETL Direct Air Capture Center
NETL Direct Air Capture Integrated Technology Development
NETL Economic Impacts
NETL Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 Sensitivity Analysis Tool
NETL Energy Related Diagrams - 2020 Edition
NETL Energy Related Diagrams - 2021 Edition
NETL Energy Related Diagrams - 2022 Edition
NETL Energy Related Diagrams – 2023 Edition
NETL Gen-2 Oxygen Carrier Assessment
NETL LCA of Carbon Capture
NETL LCA Tools for Carbon Conversion Technology Appraisals
NETL LCA US Average Benchmark for Market CO2
NETL Nitrogen Fertilizer LCA U.S. Average Benchmark
NETL Non-Destructive Core Characterization
NETL Plastic Pipes Project - Final Report
NETL Plastic Pipes Project - June 2022 Progress Report
NETL Research & Innovation Center - Membrane Capture Media Development
NETL/RIC Produced Water Research Partnership FWP
NETL/RIC Water Management FWP
NETL’s Direct Air Capture Center
NETL’s Perspective on Storage Efficiency and CO2-SCREEN
NETL’s Techno-Economic Modeling Resources for Analyzing Decarbonization Strategies Using CCUS
NETL’s Techno-Economic Models for Assessing CO2 Pipeline Transport and Geologic Storage
NETL’s Updated Performance and Cost Estimates for Power Generation Facilities Equipped with Carbon Capture
NETL's SmartSearch Deep Learning Tool: Scalable Data Search and Parse for Carbon Storage Data Discovery
NETL's Upstream Natural Gas LCA Modeling
Neural network based order parameter for phase transitions and its applications in high-entropy alloys
New Energy Infrastructure Outlook 2021
New Energy Infrastructure Outlook 2022
New Matrix Framework to Determine Carbon Storage Technical Viability
Next Gen CO2 EOR
NH3 Working Group Presentation
Ni coarsening under humid atmosphere in the electrode of solid oxide cells: a combined study of density-functional theory and phase-field modeling
Ni-based alloys in direct-fired supercritical CO2 power cycle environments
NIST Data report
Nitinol Electroslag Remelting: Initial Slag Study
Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond for Stress Sensing Applications: Theory and Experiments
NMPC for Mode-switching Operation of Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Systems
NMPC for Setpoint Tracking Operation of a Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell System
Nomex410 Datasheet
Nonconvex Robust Optimization for the Design and Operation of Advanced Energy Systems Using PyROS
Nonconvex Two-Stage Robust Optimization of an Amine-Based CO2 Capture System
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems
Nonlinear Predictive Control of an Industrial Selective Catalytic Reduction Unit with Time-Varying Time Delay
Novel Additively-manufactured and Internally Cooled Airfoils for Increasing Small Industrial Gas Turbine Efficiency
Novel Geochemistry Determined from High Pressure High Temperature Simulation Experiments of Hydraulic Fracture Test Site 2
NRAP Recommended Practices for Containment Assurance and Leakage Risk Quantification
NRAP Task 5: Preliminary Evaluation of the Cost of Responding to a Hypothetical Leakage Scenario Using the NRAP/SMART TALES Model and other NRAP Tools
Numerical Modeling of Microwave-Assisted Catalytic Conversion of Natural Gas: The Role of SiC and Coke Deposition on Microwave Absorption
Numerical Simulation of a Biogenic Fluid Catalytic Cracking (BFCC) Regenerator with MFIX-Exa
Numerical Simulation of Commercial-Scale CO2 Storage in a Saline Formation Evaluating Basin-Scale Pressure Interference and CO2 Plume Commingling
Numerical simulations of gas hydrate reservoir productivity using 2D and 3D reservoir models of the Prudhoe Bay Unit Kuparuk 7-11-12 pad on the Alaska North Slope
Numerical Study on the Geometrical Effects of Structured Packing on the Hydrodynamics of Solvent-Based CO2 Capture in Absorption Columns
Object detection using YOLO for particle tracking velocimetry
Occurrence and Implications of Mobile Water in Gas Hydrate Systems
Off-Design Load Analysis of sCO2 Bottoming Cycle for a Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant with Carbon Capture
Offset-Free Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Data Collection and Data Gaps Analysis
Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Data Collection and International Project Inventory
On caprock seal integrity of Tuscaloosa mudstone at Cranfield, MS (USA) CO2 injection site
Operation and Dynamic Control of Hybrid Power Systems
Operation-Specific Electronic Leakage in Protonic Ceramic Electrolytes for Solid Oxide Cells
Opportunities for Process Intensification with Membranes to Promote Circular Economy Development for Critical Minerals
Optical Fiber Sensors Capable of Monitoring Harsh Subsurface Conditions for H2 Storage Applications
Optical Fiber Sensors Capable of Monitoring Hydrogen in the Subsurface Hydrogen Storage Environment
Optical Fiber Sensors for Selective Detection of Acetylene Dissolved in Transformer Oil
Optimal Desalination Technologies for Produced Water Networks
Optimal Design and Operation of a Solvent-Sorbent Hybrid Capture Process for Minimizing the Cost of High Capture
Optimal Design Approaches for Cost-Effective Manufacturing & Deployment of Chemical Process Families with Economies of Numbers
Optimal Design Approaches for Cost-Effective Manufacturing and Deployment of Chemical Process Families with Economies of Numbers
Optimal Design Formulations for Families of Similar Processes with Applications in Energy Systems
Optimal Design of Intensified Towers for CO2 Capture with Internal, Printed Heat Exchangers
Optimal Design of Liquid Oxygen Storage System for Flexible Operation of Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle
Optimal Membrane Cascade Design for Critical Mineral Recovery Through Logic-based Superstructure Optimization
Optimal Operation of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Considering Long Term Physical and Chemical Degradation and System Performance
Optimal Operation of Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems Considering Synergistic Chemical and Physical Degradation
Optimal Operation of Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cells Considering Long-Term Chemical Degradation
Optimization for Infrastructure Planning of Reliable and Carbon-neutral Power Systems: Application to San Diego County
Optimization Model and Algorithm for Capacity Planning and Operation of Reliable and Carbon-neutral Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Generation
Optimization of Design and Operating Conditions of Intensified Towers with Internal, Printed Heat Exchangers for CO2 Capture
Optimization of LSCF Air Electrodes for Infiltration
Optimization of Membrane-based Carbon Capture using Dimensional Analysis, CFD and Process System Engineering
Optimization of Process Families for Deployment of Carbon Capture Processes Using Machine Learning Surrogates
Optimization of Process Families for Improved Deployment of Industrial Decarbonization using ML Surrogates
Optimization of Produced Water Networks for Critical Mineral Recovery Integrated to DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Framework Pareto
Optimization of Solid Oxide Cells Air Electrodes for Infiltration
Optimization of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems Accounting for Long-Term Performance and Health Degradation
Optimization strategies for produced water networks with integrated desalination strategies
Optimization-based Approaches for Design of Chemical Process Families Using ReLU Surrogates
Optimization-inspired Pin-fin Array for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Recuperator
Optimized Performance and Cost Potential for Indirect Supercritical CO2 Coal Fired Power Plants
Optimized Porous Superhydrophobic Coating to Prevent Carbon Steel Corrosion
Optimizing Batch Crystallization with Model-based Design of Experiments
Optimizing Carbon Capture, Transport, and Storage: Overcoming Challenges with Machine Learning and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Optimizing Dicyandiamide Pretreatment Conditions for Enhanced Structure and Electronic Properties of Polymeric Graphitic Carbon Nitride
Optimizing the design and operation of water networks: Two decomposition approaches
Optimizing the designs and operations of water networks: a decomposition approach
Options to Handle CO2
Overview of Carbon Conversion Life Cycle Analysis at NETL
Overview of Industrial CO2 Capture Analysis at NETL
Overview of Integrated Pathway Analyses to Meet the Hydrogen Energy Earthshot Goal
Overview of NETL Analyses Supporting Low-Carbon Emissions and/or Carbon-Negative Energy Generation
Overview of NETL/RIC Heat Transfer Support for Brayton and sCO2Power Cycles
Overview of NETL’s Low Temperature CO2 Electrolysis Research
Overview of Quantum Sensing Materials and Techniques for Energy Sector Applications
Overview of Rotating Detonation Combustion Research at the National Energy Technology Laboratory
Overview of Techno-Economic Analysis Process
Overview of the FECM/NETL CO2 Saline Storage Cost Model (CO2_S_COM)
Overview of the FECM/NETL CO2 Transport Cost Model (CO2_T_COM)
Overview of the Pathways to CO2 Utilization and Storage for the Intermountain West Region
Oxidation and Hydrogen Embrittlement Behavior of Several Additively Manufactured Ni-based Superalloys
Oxidation and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Additively Manufactured Ni-based Superalloys
Oxy-Combustion Modeling for Direct-Fired sCO2 Power Cycles
Parametric Evaluation of RDE Inlet Performance using a Reduced-Order Model
Parametric Optimization of Microwave Assisted Methane Dehydroaromatization Process
Parametric Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Methane Dehydroaromatization Using Mo/HZSM-5 Catalyst
PARETO Training Workshop: Optimized Decision-Making for Produced Water Networks
PARETO: An Open-Source Produced Water Optimization Framework
Partial CO2 Capture
Passive Wireless Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors for Methane Leakage and Corrosion Monitoring in Pipelines
Pathway Study for Large-Scale Hydrogen Production from Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Technology
Pathways to CO2 Utilization and Storage for the Intermountain West Region
Pathways to CO2 Utilization and Storage for the Intermountain West
Paving the way for Stakeholder use of Carbon Storage & Transport Digital Resources
Performance and Cost Potential for Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Natural Gas Power Plants
Performance and Cost Potential for Exemplar Direct sCO2 Natural Gas Plants
Performance and Cost Potential of sCO2 Bottoming Cycle for Gas Turbines with Carbon Capture
Performance and Economic Evaluation of sCO2 Bottoming Cycles for Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plants with Capture
Performance of Additively Manufactured Internally Cooled Airfoils For Small Industrial Gas Turbines
Performance of hydrophobic physical solvents for pre-combustion CO2 capture at a pilot scale coal gasification facility
Permeability evolution of reservoir rocks interacting with CO2/brine under CO2 sequestration conditions
Phase-Field Model Incorporating Large Inelastic Strain with Application to the Oxidation of High-Temperature Coating Systems
Phase-Field Modeling of Mechanical Damages in Ceramic Matrix Composites
Phase-Field Modeling of the Thermally-Grown Oxide in High-Temperature Coating Systems
Phase-Field Modeling of Thermally-Grown Oxide and the Induced Damage Evolution in Environmental Barrier Coatings
Physical solvents and techno-economic analysis for pre-combustion CO2 capture: A review
Physics Coupled Machine Learning Applications for Geological Carbon Storage
PIV and CFD-DEM simulation of gas jet fluidization of a 1mm ceramic particle bed
Polymer Blend Facilitated Transport Membranes for Post-combustion Carbon Capture
Polymer Sorbents Fibers for Direct Air Capture
Pore-scale visualization of natural hydrate-bearing sediments
Porosity in Sr1-xCaxFeO3-δ Oxygen Carriers: The Role of Surface Area and Pretreatment on Storage Activity
Portable Fiber Optic Sensor for Rare Earth Elements and Other Critical Metals Using Photoluminescence Methods
Portable Luminescent Sensing Technologies for Economically Critical Metal Ions
Portable Luminescent Sensor Technologies for Economically Critical Metals
Poster - Advanced Airfoils for Efficient Combined Heat and Power
Poster for 2024 Resource Sustainability Meeting - 2020 NG
Potassium Carbonate Decomposition Modeling within Rotating Detonation Engines for Direct Power Extraction Applications
Potential Oil Supply and CO2 Demand from CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery in the United States
Power Gen Tech Comparison LCA
Power Systems LCA Tool
Precipitate Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties of Alloy 263 and Variants in Wrought or Cast Form
Precisely Doping the Surface of Tin-based Electrocatalysts for Improved CO2 Conversion to Liquid Chemicals
Predict Solid Solution Formation Using Machine Learning
Predicting Geologic Behavior in Carbon Storage Projects Using Graph Neural Network
Predicting Hydrogen Production from Biomass and Plastic Waste Gasification using Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms
Predicting Lithium Brine Fluxes from a Heterogenous Brine Source
Predicting Oxidation Morphologies in High-Temperature Structural Alloys: A Systematic Phase-Field Study
Predicting temperature-dependent ultimate strengths of body-centered-cubic (BCC) high-entropy alloys
Prediction and Demonstration of Periodic Dilation Band Formation in Rate-Dependent Porous Cement
Predictive Modeling of a Subcritical Pulverized Coal Power Plant for Optimization: Parameter Estimation, Validation, and Application
Presentation - Effects of Downstream Vortex Generators on Film Cooling a Flat Plate Fed by Crossflow
Presentation of NETL's geologic hydrogen project at the 2024 AGU Annual Meeting
Presentation on NRAP Phase 3 Task 5
Presentation to US/UK Collaboration
Presentation: Designing SOC electrodes for better lifetime performance
Pressure Gain Combustion for Land-Based Power Generation – US Department of Energy
Pressure Gain Combustion Technology Development for Gas Turbine Engines
PRIMO – The Plugging and Abandonment Project Optimizer
Probabilistic Restoration Modeling of Wide-Area Power Outage
Procedure for locating oil and gas wells in the Appalachian Basin
Process Cycle Modeling with AI
Process Modeling and Analysis of a Novel Sorbent Material for Direct Air Capture Applications
Process systems engineering enables efficient and sustainable membrane-based critical material separations
Process-based cost estimation framework for assessing the economic viability of unconventional rare earth element feedstocks
Processible Polymeric Sorbents for Direct Air Capture
Process-level cost benchmarks to establish economic viability of environmentally and socially sustainable unconventional rare earth element feedstocks
Progress on Natural Gas Pyrolysis for Low-Carbon H2 Production
Progressive Hedging Decomposition for Solutions of Large-Scale Process Family Design Problems
Project PARETO – An Optimization Framework for Produced Water Management and Beneficial Reuse
Project PARETO – DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative
Project PARETO – DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative (Prod Water Midland 08/2024)
Project PARETO – DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative: Advancing Strategic Pathways for Produced Water Reuse Beyond Injection
Project PARETO – DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative: Produced Water Sharing & Trading Portals
Project PARETO—DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative
Promoting Electrochemical CO2 Conversion by Surface Dopant
Property-Microstructure Evaluation of L-PBF Ni-based Superalloy Candidates for Industrial Gas Turbine (IGT) Fuel Injectors
Property-Microstructure Relationships in Several Additively Manufactured Ni-based Superalloys
Proppant Transport and Coverage in Rock Fractures –A Computational Modeling Approach
Prospecting for Critical Minerals and Rare Earth Elements from Marcellus Shale in the Western Portion of the Appalachian Basin with Non-Destructive Core Characterization
Pulsating Poiseuille flow of a slurry
PW Characterization Task 2
Pyomo.DoE 2.0: Improved Usability and Computational Efficiency for Science-Based Design of Experiments (SBDoE)
Pyomo.DOE: An Open-Source Package for Model-Based Design of Experiments in Python
Pyrolysis of High-Density Polyethylene: Degradation Behaviors, Kinetics, and Product Characteristics
QGESS on performing a TEA
QUALITY GUIDELINES FOR ENERGY SYSTEM STUDIES: Capital Cost Scaling Methodology: Revision 4a Report
Quality Guidelines for Energy System Studies: Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Costs in NETL Studies
QUALITY GUIDELINES FOR ENERGY SYSTEM STUDIES: Fuel Prices for Selected Feedstocks in NETL Studies
Quality Guidelines for Energy Systems Studies: Performing a Techno-Economic Analysis for Carbon Conversion Technologies
Quantifying Temperature Dependence of Electronic Band Gaps and Optical Properties in SnO2 and SnO via First-Principles Simulations
Quantitative Ion Probe Measurements for Application in a Rotating Detonation Engine
Quantum Computing and Simulations for Energy Applications
Quantum Computing and Simulations for Energy Applications: Review and Perspective
Quantum Computing and Simulations for Energy-related Applications
Quantum Computing for Energy-Related Applications
Quantum for Energy Systems and Technologies
Quantum Sensing for Energy Applications
Quasi-Extended Range Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry for Product Pipelines
Radial Compressor Design and Off-Design for Trans-critical CO2 Operating Conditions
Rapid Assessment and Optimization of Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers using Long-Term Performance Modeling and Machine Learning
Rapid Assessment and Optimization of SOC Electrodes from Low Resolution Data Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision
Rapid Design and Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials for Turbine Blades
Rapid Forecasting of CO2 Plume Migration in Varied Geological and Engineering Scenarios Utilizing Transfer Learning
Rapid forecasting of pressure and saturation for IBDP site and practical implementation issues
Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Measurement in Coal and Rock Mineral Matrices
Rational Design of Electrocatalysts for Maximizing CO2 Electrolysis Performance
RDE introduction video and synthetic dataset
Reactive Carbon Capture: Cooperative and Bifunctional Adsorbent‐Catalyst Materials and Process Integration for Direct Synthesis of Propylene from CO2
Reactive Grinding of Coal Ash For Enhanced Rare Earth Extraction
Reactivity of CO2 and Fluid with Utica, Marcellus, Barnett Shale, and Eagle Ford Shale: Effect on Shale Permeability
Recent Advances in PyROS: The Pyomo Solver for Two-Stage Nonconvex Robust Optimization
Recent Advances of PyROS: A Pyomo Solver for Nonconvex Two-Stage Robust Optimization in Process Systems Engineering
Recent Developments in Deployment of CCS Projects in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico
Recent Progress in Solid Oxide Cell Technology Analysis at NETL
Recycling Rare Earth Elements from End-of-Life Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Motors
Redox Chemistry of the Subphases of α-CsPbI2Br and β-CsPbI2Br: Theory Reveals New Potential for Photostability
Redox-based Chemical Looping Large-Scale Air Separation Unit Designs using Perovskite Material
Reduced dimensional representations of subsurface properties to enable computationally efficient and transferrable machine learning modeling
Reduced Order Costs for CO2 Saline Storage for Use in Energy Market Models
Reduced Order Model for Guided Wave Propagation on Gas Pipelines to Enable Real Time Simulation
Reduction of Iron (III) Oxides in Microwaves toward Gasification Studies
Reduction of Ultrafine Hematite for a Spouting Bed Chemical Looping Process
Reinforcement Learning for Online Adaptation of Model Predictive Controllers: Application to a Selective Catalytic Reduction Unit
Relative Permeability of scCO2 and Brine in Core from Potential CO2 Reservoirs
Reliability and Decarbonization; Resource Adequacy and Resilience
Report template for 45Q life cycle analyses
Representation of Fossil Power Generation Technologies in NREL's Annual Technology Baseline
Research as an Experimental Physicist and Optical Engineer at NETL
Research Goals for Minimizing the Cost of CO2 Capture when Using Steam Methane Reforming for Hydrogen Production
Research Needs for the Solid Oxide Electrolyzer (SOEC) with a Proton-Conducting SOEC (H-SOEC) Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor (EHC) Energy Conversion Network (ECN)
Reservoir Rocks Interacting with CO2/Brine under CO2 Sequestration Conditions
Reservoir Rocks Interacting with CO2/Brine under Subsurface CO2 Sequestration Conditions
Resource assessment and recovery of critical materials from shale sources
Results from an Aeromagnetic Survey to Detect Steel-Cased Wells at a Marcellus Shale Well Site in Washington County, Pennsylvania
Retrofitting Existing Fossil Power Plants With Post-combustion Capture Technology
Retrofitting NGCC and PC Power Plants with Carbon Capture Technology
Reuse of Existing Pipelines for Adapted Carbon Transport (REPACT) Tool
Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Degradation Characterization, Simulation, and Mitigation at NETL
Review of NETL/RIC Activities in Cooling Technologies for Brayton Cycle Applications (2022)
Review of Sensors for In-Situ Amine Degradation Monitoring in Post-Combustion Carbon Capture
Review of Techno-Economic Analysis Studies Using Physical Solvents for Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture
Review of the landscape of repurposing coal power plants in the United States
Revisiting the electrochemical reduction of CO2 on the Au25(SR)18- nanocluster
Risk Considerations of Transitioning CO2-EOR Field
Rock Characterization for Subsurface Energy Applications
RokBase: Digital Rock Visualization and Exploration Web Application
Role of heterogeneous surface wettability on dynamic immiscible displacement, capillary pressure, and relative permeability in a CO2-water-rock system
Roles of Metal Promoters (Co, Cu, K, Ni, Zn, and Cs) in Microwave-Assisted Methane Dehydroaromatization to Aromatics Over Mo-Supported HZSM-5
Rules of the Road to Guide our Digital Future - Guidance for Carbon Transport & Storage Limited and Unlimited Rights Data, AI EO, Data EO
Sand Migration simulation during gas productionn from Gas hydrate reservoir at Kuparuk 7-11-12 site in the Prodhoe Bay Unit, Alaska
Saturation carrying capacity for Group A particles in a circulating fluidized bed
Scalable Anti-Corrosion Coating Based on Porous Superhydrophobic Structure
Scale-bridging Optimization Framework for Desalination Integrated Produced Water Networks
Scaling CFB Risers: Beyond the Data Using Microstructure Similarity
Scaling CFB Risers: Maintaining Microstructure Dynamics
Scaling with microstructure dynamics
Scheimpflug LIDAR for Power Plant Monitoring
Scientific Results of the Hydrate-01 Stratigraphic Test Well, Alaska North Slope
SCO2 Oxy-Combustion Panel
Scoping Review of Global Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Activities
Screening analysis of terrestrial enhanced weathering of igneous rocks and industrial waste materials
Sealing fractures to increase underground storage security: Lessons learned from a multiscale multimodal imaging study of a syntaxial vein in a mudrock
Self-Sealing Mafic Sills for Carbon and Hydrogen Storage
Sensitivity Analysis Tool for Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to CO
Sequential Design of Experiments for Pilot Testing of Novel Solvent System
shasta project overview
SHASTA Sensor Development for Subsurface Hydrogen Storage Monitoring: Technology Maturation and Commercialization Plan 2024
SHASTA-HELP: Hydrogen Estimator for Logistical Planning Tool
Simulated CO2 storage efficiency in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs: CO2-SCREEN tool upgrade.
Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification of a Cryogenic Carbon Capture System for the Cement Industry
Simulation of Proppants Motion and Placement in Realistic Rock Fractures Using Ansys-Fluent-Rocky Code
Simultaneous Design and Operation of a Coal-Fired Hybrid Energy System with Integrated Thermal Energy Storage
Site Selection and Cost Estimation of Pilot-Scale CO2 Saline Storage Study in the Gulf of Mexico
Slag Degassing for Electroslag Remelting Using Cold Start
SMART – A Comprehensive Research and Development Program to Demonstrate Application of Machine Learning for Supporting CCS Deployment
Smart CO2 Transport-Route Planning Tool
SMART Task 6: Overview of the NRAP/SMART Technoeconomic and Liability Evaluation for Storage (TALES) Model
Software and Advanced Solution Methods for Flexibility Analysis
Solid Oxide Cell and Stack Manufacturing Cost Tool
Solution Processible Carbon Precursors for 2D Amorphous Carbon Dielectric
Solution-based Synthesis of Ultrathin Quasi-2D Amorphous Carbon for Nanoelectronics
Spatial Seal Database for Prospective Storage Resources in the USA
Splitting tensile strength of shale cores: intact versus fractured and sealed with ureolysis-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (UICP)
SSAE’S Energy Market Analysis Team Develops ES Database
Status of Modeling and Visual Observation of Mineral Scaling in High Temperature Aqueous Solutions
Status Update on NETL Techno-Economic Analysis of Solid Oxide Cells
Stochastic Modeling Workflow to Generate Representative Geologic Variability in Training Dataset for SMART Initiative
Strategic Siting of Direct Air Capture Facilities in the United States
Strategies for Achieving the DOE Hydrogen Shot Goal: Thermal Conversion Approaches
Strategies for Achieving the DOE Hydrogen Shot: Thermal Conversion Approaches
Strategies for Machine Learning-Based Segmentation of Geologic CT Data
Stress Sensing at Nanoscale Using Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond: A Model for Quantum Manometer
Structures and atomic charges of LaMnO3 high-index surfaces and surface energies of LaMnO3 low-index surfaces, revisited
Study of Different Formulations for the Multiperiod Blending Problem Applied to Lithium Recovery from Produced Water
Study of the Hydrogen Pretreatment of Gallium and Platinum Promoted ZSM-5 for the Ethane Dehydroaromatization Reaction
Study of Tritium Diffusivity in Pure and Sn Defective Zr: A First Principles Density Functional Theory Approach
Subsurface Hydrogen Assessment, Storage, and Technology Acceleration (SHASTA) - Hydrogen Estimator for Logistical Planning (HELP) User’s Manual
Sulfur Doped Tin Electrocatalysts
Sulfur-Doped Carbon Support Boosts CO2RR Activity of Ag Electrocatalysts
Summary Report of the Reactive CO2 Capture: Process Integration for the New Carbon Economy Workshop
Supercritical, liquid, and gas CO2 reactive transport and carbonate formation in portland cement mortar
Superior high-temperature strength in a supersaturated refractory high-entropy alloy
Supporting Carbon Storage Data and Modeling Needs: An Illinois Basin Geomodel
Surface acoustic wave sensor interrogation using Goubau waves
Surface Energies of LaMnO3 High-Index Surfaces Obtained from Density-Functional Theory
Surrogate modeling of the leaching process in a rare earth elements recovery plant
Survey of Machine Learning-Based Rotating Detonation Engine Diagnostics: Evaluation for Broad Application in Experimental Facilities
Synthesis and characterization of zeolite sorbents from coal fly ash by microwave-assisted method for removal of boron leachate from coal impoundments
Synthesis and Functionalization of Coal Fly Ash-Derived Zeolites for Boron Removal from Wastewater
Synthesis and Quantum Metrology of Metal-Organic Framework-Coated Fluorescent Nanodiamonds Containing Nitrogen Vacancy Centers
Synthesis of Microscopic 3D Graphene for High-performance Supercapacitors with Ultra-high Areal Capacitance
Synthesizing Highly Crystalline Graphite Powder for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes from Bulk Polyethylene Waste
Synthesizing Highly Crystalline Graphite Powder from Bulk Polyethylene Waste for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
Synthesizing Lithium Sorbents Using Acid Mine Drainage Solids
Systematic and Predictive Trends to Chromium Poisoning in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes
Systematic Characterization on Optical and Phonon Properties of Cs[PbxSn1-x]I3 Double-Halide Perovskites via First-Principles Modeling
Systems Analysis for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Systems Analysis Perspectives of Methane Pyrolysis, Fossil-Based Ammonia Production, and H2 and NG/H2 Transport (FWP-1022467 (5, 7, 8))
T91 boiler tube oxidation performance and oxide spallation in supercritical steam thermal cycling conditions
Tailoring the γ- γ′-γ″ dual superlattice microstructure of Ni-Based superalloy IN725 by high temperature aging and Nb/Ta additions for superior creep properties
TEA and LCA Assessments of H2 Production from Coal, Coal/Biomass, and Biomass
TEA of the CO2 Capture Process in SMR-CCS Applications
TEA Overview for DAC
Technical Assessment of a Novel Hydrogen Producing Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power System
Technical Report Series
Technical Risk Reduction: Model Based Design of Experiments and Robust Optimization
Techno Economic Analysis Development for Enhanced Weathering and Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
Techno-economic Analysis and Optimization of Point Source Solvent-Based Carbon Capture Systems at High CO2 Capture Levels for NGCC Power Plants
Techno-economic analysis of a direct air capture system utilizing a looped CaCO3/Ca(OH)2 process
Techno-Economic Analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid Carbon Conversion Concept
Techno-economic Analysis of a Thermally Integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Compressed Air Energy Storage Hybrid System
Techno-Economic Analysis of CO2 Capture from Pulp/Paper Plants
Techno-Economic Analysis of Converting Oil&Gas Produced Water into valuable resources
Techno-Economic Analysis of Hydrogen Production and Compressed Air Energy Storage from Variable Renewable Energy
Techno-Economic Analysis of Hydrogen-Fueled SOFC Systems
Techno-Economic Analysis of Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell Systems
Techno-Economic Analysis of Large-Scale Hydrogen Production from Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems
Techno-Economic Analysis of Natural Gas Fuel Cell Plant Configurations
Techno-Economic Analysis of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Bottoming Cycles in Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plants
Technoeconomic and Life Cycle Anlaysis of Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) Baseline
Techno-economic Assessment of Coupling an Existing Nuclear Power Plant with a Low Temperature Electrolysis Unit
Techno-Economic Assessment of Direct Air Capture With Microwave-Assisted Regeneration of Sorbent
Technoeconomic Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hydrogen-Electricity Co-Generation Concepts
Technoeconomic Model and Analysis for Hydrogen (H2) Pipeline Transportation
Techno-Economic Models are Instrumental in Analyzing Decarbonization Strategies
Techno-Economic Optimization for Point-Source Solvent-Based CO2 Capture Systems at High Capture Levels
Techno-Economic Optimization of a Solvent Absorption Process for CO2 Capture with 3D-Printed Intensified Packing
Techno-Economic Optimization of Fixed Bed and Moving Bed Contactors for CO2 Capture from NGCC Plants Using a Functionalized Metal–Organic Framework
Techno-Economic Screening Analysis of CO2 Removal Through Enhanced Weathering
Technology In Focus: Power-to-X
Temperature Dependence of Band Gap Renormalization in High-Temperature Sensor Materials via First-Principles and Experimental Corroboration
The Advanced Scale Up Reactor Experiment (ASURE) Facility: A Testbed for Advancing the Art of Biomass and Waste Co-Gasification Systems.
The Advanced Scale Up Reactor Experiment (ASURE) Facility: A Testbed for Demonstration of Advances in Biomass and Waste Co-Gasification Systems.
The Adverse Effect of Polyelectrolyte Complexation on the CO2 Permeability of Polyvinylamine Copolymers
The Carbon Storage Site Mapping Inquiry Tool
The CCS-EJ-SJ Database: A Tool for Addressing Justice Challenges in Carbon Capture and Storage
The disCO2ver Platform: Curating Data and Tools for Geologic Carbon Sequestration and Deep Subsurface Systems Research
The Effect of Heat Distribution on the Production of Benzene Using Microwaves
The Effect of Working Fluid Composition on Heat Transfer in a Direct Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Recuperator
The Effects of Conditioning and Additives on the Viscosity Measurement of Cement Slurries
The effects of different microwave powers and frequencies on the reduction of magnetite to iron
The feasibility of MT tipper data to monitor CO2 storage sites
The Future of Carbon Capture
The Future of Hydrogen in the U.S. Energy Sector: MARKAL Modeling Results
The Impact of Cement Plant Air Ingress on Membrane-Based CO2 Capture Retrofit Cost
The Integration and Mapping of an Open-Source National Well Resource to Inform Geologic Carbon Storage Site Selection and Risk Prevention: The CO2-Locate Database
The Kimberlina Synthetic Multiphysics Data Set for CO2 Monitoring Investigations
The NETL DAC Center: Design and Capabilities
The SMART Initiative - August 2024 Update at the FECM meeting
The Co-Saline Storage Method: Accelerating Demonstration of Offshore CCS
Theoretical screening and synthesizing sorbent materials for capturing CO2 and oxidizing CO to CO2
Theory-guided design of high-entropy alloys with enhanced strength-ductility synergy
Thermal & Electrochemical Power Plant Design and Cost Estimating
Thermochemical Conversions of Plastic Waste to Enable a Circular Economy
Thermodynamic Modeling of Mineral Scale at High-Temperatures and High-Pressures
Thermodynamic Modeling of Mineral Solubility in High-Temperature, High-Pressure Petroleum Systems.
Thermophysical modeling of raw glaze viscosity
Total Energy for the SOFC and SOEC
Toward a better understanding of Ni coarsening in solid oxide cells: NiH on Ni (111) examined at the level of density-functional theory
Toward a Sustainable LCA Framework for Rare Earth and Critical Mineral Production
Toward Addressing the Challenge to Predict the Heat Capacities of RDX and HMX Energetic Materials
Towards improved guidelines for cost evaluation of carbon capture and storage
Towards polydisperse flows with MFIX-Exa
Trace Element Control in Master Alloys and Impact of Feedstock Purity on a Ta-containing Steel during Electroslag Remelting
Tradeoffs in Life Cycle Water Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Hydrogen Production Pathways
Transformational Technologies for Existing Plants
Treating and Co-treating Fossil Energy Effluent Streams
Treating Fossil Power Plant Effluent Streams
Treatment and Mineral Recovery for Combustion Residual Leachate and Produced Water
Treatment of brackish water for fossil power plant cooling: Tradeoffs in freshwater savings, cost, and capacity shortfalls
Treatment Technology Assessment for Landfill Leachate
Tritium diffusion and formation in the bulk and defective surface of γ-LiAlO2 pellets: First-principles investigation
Trust Region Filter Method for Integrating Treatment into Produced Water Networks
Tuning Proton Kinetics in BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.2‒XYXO3‒δ Triple Ionic-Electronic Conductors via Aliovalent Substitution
Two-stage Stochastic Generalized Disjunctive Programming (GDP) Model for Proactive Planning and Reactive Operations of Resilient Power Systems under Disruptions
U.S. Average Ethanol LCA Benchmark for use in 45Q LCA
U.S. DOE/NETL LCA of LNG: Overview & Key (LCA) Challenges
ULTEM1000 Datasheet
Ultra-Long Distance BOTDA Sensor System Employing Hybrid Amplification and Advanced Noise Reduction Techniques
Ultra-long Distance BOTDA Sensor System Employing Hybrid Amplification, and Advanced Noise Reduction Techniques
Unconventional Highly Active and Stable Oxygen Reduction Catalysts Informed by Computational Design Strategies
Unconventional Wells Interference: Supervised Machine Learning for Detecting Frac Hits
Underground natural gas storage facility operations and well leakage events in the United States
Understanding Selectivity Control in the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Liquid Products in Gas-Fed Electrolyzers
Understanding Well Leakage Incidents at Underground Natural Gas Storage Facilities in the U.S.: Insights from Regulatory Data
UNet Performance with Wafer Scale Engine (optimization case study)
Unraveling the Pyrolytic Behavior and Kinetics of Single Polymers and Plastic-Rich Municipal Solid Waste Using Thermal Analysis
Unraveling the Threads of Environmental Justice in Critical Mineral Extraction: A Framework for Regionalized Life Cycle Data
Unravelling the Role of Glycine in K2CO3 Solvent for CO2 Removal
Unveiling the Potential of MeshGraphNets for Predicting Pressure and Saturation Evolution in Carbon Storage Projects
Upcycling Associated Natural Gas into Liquid Chemical Intermediates
Upcycling Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Waste into Graphene for High Mass Loading Supercapacitors
Upcycling Low Linear Density Polyethylene Waste into Turbostratic Graphene for High Mass Loading Supercapacitors
Upcycling Plastic and Coal Wastes into Syngas by Steam Gasification
Upcycling Polyethylene Waste to Advanced Carbon Materials for Energy Storage Applications
Update of CO2_T_COM and CO2_S_COM Models (CO2 Transport and Storage Costs)
Update to Techno-economic Analysis of BECCS Systems
Updates to Direct Air Capture Sorbent Case Studies
UPGrants LCA Addendum
UPGrants LCA Overview: DOE Carbon Utilization Procurement Grants WebinarNovember 9, 2023
UPGrants LCA Report Template
US DOE Special Session, ACLCA 2024, NETL LCA Update
Use of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Parts with 3-D Printed Connectors for Powered Air Purifying Respirators
Use of Convolutional Neural Network Image Classification and High-Speed Ion Probe Data Toward Real-Time Detonation Characterization in a Water-Cooled Rotating Detonation Engine
Using AI for Predicting TEA of the CO2 Capture Process in Precombustion Applications
Using Cloud to Host Large Open-Source Datasets
Using High Pressure Solutions of Polyfluoroacrylate and CO2 to Seal Cement Cracks for Improved Wellbore Integrity
Using Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography Imaging to Explore Potential of Ureolysis-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Treatment to Seal Fractures in Shale
Using Ontology Structures to Curate the DOE-NETL Carbon Storage Open Database
Using simulation to study solid oxide cell degradation
Utilizing baseline geochemistry and microbiology from four different hydrogen storage target reservoirs for predicating the impacts of subsurface hydrogen storage
Validation and Application of a Reduced-Order Rotating Detonation Engine Inlet and Fill Zone Model
Validation Framework for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture CFD Simulations
Validation of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of a Methane-Oxygen Rotating Detonation Engine
Variations in creep performance of P92 steel within its composition range: influence of N solubility
Variations in γ′ formers and refractory elements for enhanced creep resistance and phase stability of alloy 282
Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) Activities in Multiphase Flow CFD Domain
Virtual Learning to Support Class VI Permitting
Visualizing fracture-matrix flow dynamics in unconventional tight mudstone
Wafer-Scale Engine Applications for CCS
Water Brief
Water Management for Power Systems RIC FWP: Experimental Tasks
Water Management for Power Systems: Systems Analysis Tasks
Wave Detection and Tracking Within a Rotating Detonation Engine Through Object Detection
webinar - times (and the grid) are a changing
WELLBASE - An Interactive Platform for Wellbore Material Assessment
Well-Log Derived Geomechanical Analysis of Microseismicity in the Mt. Simon saline aquifers (Illinois Basin Decatur Project)
Wet Chemistry-Synthesized Fe/Mixed Ferrite Soft Magnetic Composites for High-Frequency Power Conversion
Where are the Data? Automating a Workflow for Carbon Storage Data Gap Analyses
Why Is it Still Too Warm or Cold in My House? Examining the Relationship Between Energy Efficient Capital and Household Energy Insecurity
Wireless Passive Sensing of Methane Leak and Monitoring Corrosion in Pipelines
WVU/NETL Econometric Input-Output (ECIO) Model Documentation Update
Zeolite sorbents for treating boron leachate from coal ash impoundments
Zinc Adeninate Metal-Organic Framework-Coated Optical Fibers for Enhanced Luminescence-Based Detection of Rare Earth Elements
ZnCr and ZnNb Cold Spray Coatings
None selected
Select all
Pilot plant performance and process simulation of a hydrophobic physical solvent for pre-combustion CO2 capture
2023 FECM/NETL CM RPRM - Poster on Class II to Class VI Well Operations (NRAP Phase III - Task 2)
Characterizing Cobalt Sequestration in Manganese-rich Coal Mine Drainage Treatment Solids
Coal Chemical-Looping Combustion using Bimetallic Cu-Fe Oxygen Carriers in a Carbon Dioxide Gas Environment
CO2_S_COM_Offshore: A Technoeconomic Analysis Tool for Offshore Saline Carbon Storage
‘Best’ Coal-Fired Power Plant and Cogeneration Case Studies
2018 ISSST Coal Presentation 2023 Update
2019 NETL Energy Related Energy Diagrams
2020 IPT Review Offshore
2020 Natural Gas LCA Report
2021 Summer Resource Adequacy in the ERCOT Region
2022 Summer Resource Adequacy in the ERCOT Region
2023 FECM/NETM CM RPRM - Machine Learning Based Fracture Network Quantification at the IBDP CO2 Sequestration Site
2024 Summer Internship Programs - NNSA MSIIP
2D Amorphous Carbon Dielectric Prepared from Solution Precursor for Nanoelectronics
3D geological model for numerical flow simulation studies of gas hydrate reservoirs at the Kuparuk Site 7-11-12 pad in the Prudhoe Bay Unit on the Alaska North Slope
45Q LCA Workshop Presentation
45Q LCI Baselines V1
A Big Data Analysis for Waste Plastic Recycling/Upcycling Technology: an Overview of Technology Transformation in the Past Decades
A Case Study of Risk Considerations for Transitioning CO2-EOR Field to Dedicated CO2-storage
A Comparative Life Cycle Evaluation of the Global Warming Potential (GWP) Impacts of Renewable Natural Gas Production Pathways
A Complementarity-based Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Formulation for Equation-Oriented Simulation and Optimization
A Computational Framework for Evaluating and Optimizing Critical Mineral Recovery Opportunities in Produced Water Networks
A computational investigation of high-flux plate-and-frame membrane stacks for post-combustion carbon capture
A Computational Investigation of the Effect of Packing Structural Features on the Performance of Carbon Capture for Solvent-Based Post-Combustion Applications
A Critical Assessment of Electronic Structure Descriptors for Predicting Perovskite Catalytic Properties
A Dashboard to Support Just Community Transitions for Carbon Capture and Storage
A Decision-Making Framework to Evaluate Opportunities for Recovery of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals in Produced Water Networks
A Deep Learning-Based Workflow for Fast Prediction of 3D State Variables in Geological Carbon Storage: A Dimension Reduction Approach
A Deep-Learning Based Accelerated Workflow for Robust CO2 Plume Imaging
A framework for linking quantitatively assessed risks and costs for geologic carbon storage (GCS) to consider the impact of contingency plans at a GCS site
A Framework for the Optimization of Water Treatment Processes Under Uncertainty Assessed through Process Operability
A Geo-Data Science Method for Assessing Unconventional Rare-Earth Occurrences in Sedimentary Systems
A Geodatabase Designed to Inform and Support Safe CO2 Transport-Route Planning
A Geospatial Database to Support Safe Carbon Dioxide Transport-Route Planning
A Machine Learning Approach for Determining Temperature-Dependent Band Gap of Metal Oxides Utilizing Allen-Heine-Cardona Theory and O’Donnell Model Parameterization
A Machine Learning Approach For Well Integrity Prediction Using Cement Bond Logs
A Machine Learning Framework for Rapid Assessment and Optimization of SOC Electrodes from Low Resolution Data
A Methodology for Simulating Supercritical CO2 Heat Transfer Experiments Using ML Models
A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach for the Design of Chemical Process Families
A Modeling Study on Ammonia and Ammonia/Hydrogen Kinetics for Gas Turbine Engines
A modified electrolyte non-random two-liquid model with analytical expression for excess enthalpy: Application to the MEA-H2O-CO2 system
A Multi-criteria CCUS Screening Evaluation of the Gulf of Mexico, USA
A multi-scale, geo-data science method for assessing unconventional critical mineral resources
A New Workflow of X-ray CT Image Processing and Data Analysis of Structural Features in Rock Using Open-Source Software
A Novel Standard Gibbs Energy of Formation Model for High-Enthalpy Water Systems
A One-dimensional Heat Transfer Model for a Cooled Airfoil in a Direct-fired Supercritical CO2 Turbine
A Panoramic View of Temperature and Field Distributions of the Structured Catalyst Under Microwave Irradiation Using Experimental and Modeling Approaches
A Parameter-Free First-Principles-Based Debye Model to Predict Thermodynamic Properties of Complex Alloy Systems
A PIC Bootstrapping Strategy for Exascale CFD-DEM Simulation
A Prediction of the Thermodynamic, Thermophysical, and Mechanical Properties of CrTaO4 from First Principles
A real-time multiphysics model of pressurized solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) for cyber-physical simulation
A Review of International Field Experience with Well Integrity at Carbon Utilization and Storage Sites
A Review of REE in Central Appalachian Coal Utilization Byproducts
A standard approach to the analysis of carbon products generated from Natural Gas pyrolysis.
A State Contingent Production Function Approach to Modeling Power System Disruptions from Variable Renewable Resources
A Step toward Process Electrification: Microwave-Assisted Co-Gasification of Waste Plastics and Biomass to Produce Clean Energy
A techno-economic assessment of brackish water treatment for fossil power plant cooling with reduced environmental impact
A Techno-economic Survey of Energy Storage Media for Long-Duration Energy Storage Applications
A tool for measuring the system cost of replacement energy
A Workflow for Characterizing Legacy Wells as Potential Leakage Pathways for Integration to NRAP-Open-IAM
Ab initio free energies of liquid metal alloys: Application to the phase diagrams of Li-Na and K-Na
Accelerated Aging of a Polymer-Supported Molecular Amine DAC Sorbent: Experiments and Theory
Accelerating Carbon Storage Simulation Using Wafer Scale Engine (WSE): A Demonstration Over the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project (IBDP)
Accelerating commercialization of direct air capture technology
Accelerating Materials Design and Synthesis Using AI/ML at NETL
Accelerating Simulations-Assisted Materials Design Using Machine Learning
Acetic acid production and utilization of liquid C1 compounds using a coal seam water microbiome
Acetic acid production using an enriched biocatalyst from coalbed methane formation water
Acidic flow through artificially fractured shale under differential stress
ACLCA 2022 - DOE Special Session NETL
ACLCA 2023 US DOE Special Session NETL Update
ACLCA Building Agggregates Presentation
Adaptive Control Using Reinforcement Learning Augmented Model Predictive Control
Additional Analysis of Carbon Capture at Industrial Facilities
Advanced Airfoil Cooling Schemes to Increase Efficiency in Gas Turbines for Combined Heat and Power Applications
Advanced Characterization to Inform Sustainable Recovery of Critical Minerals from Fossil Energy Waste Feedstocks
Advanced Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Systems for Pipeline Integrity Monitoring
Advanced Machine Learning and Computational Methods
Advanced Methods for Flexible, Fast, and High-Fidelity Fluid Flow Predictions
Advanced ML-based computational approaches for rapid forecasting
Advanced Model Predictive Control for Reducing Equipment Damage in a Supercritical Pulverized Coal Fired Power Plant during Load-Following Operation
Advanced Process Control and Dynamic Optimization of Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Systems for Performance and Long-Term Health
Advanced Reaction Systems
Advanced Sensors for Hydrogen Technology
Advanced Sensors for In-Situ Amine Degradation Monitoring in Post-Combustion Carbon Capture
Advanced Turbine Airfoils for Efficient CHP Systems: Energy Storage Integration Analysis
Advancements in Direct Air Capture: Unveiling a Simple and Robust Synthesized Fibrous Amine-functionalized Matrix (FAM) Sorbent for Commercial Scale-up
Advancing Ceramic Matrix Composites and Environmental Barrier Coatings for Hydrogen Turbines: Challenges and Opportunities
Advancing Reliability of Membrane-Based Corrosion and Environmental Sensor in Simulated NG
Advancing Subsurface Characterization: Machine Learning-Based Fracture and Baffle Identification in the Illinois Basin Decatur Project
Advantages of Ionic Conductors over Electronic Conductors as Infiltrates in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes
Aero-Thermal Characterization of Acceleratig and Diffusing Passages Downstream of Rotating Detonation Combustors
Aero-thermal Test Facility
AI/ML challenges and opportunities in materials development
AIChE 2022 CO2U LCA Guidance Toolkit Presentation
AI-Driven Breakthroughs in Energy Systems from Vision to Design
Alternative Energy Tech Assessment
Amine Degradation Experiments on a Polymer Supported Molecular Amine DAC Sorbent
Amine Functionalized Microporous Polymer Sorbents Fibers for Direct Air Capture
Amine-functionalized porous organic polymers for carbon dioxide capture
Ammonia and Cracked Ammonia Laminar Flame Speed Measurements using the Burner Heat Flux Method and IR Thermometry
Ammonia as a Hydrogen Carrier - Combustion Considerations
Ammonia Combustion for Gas Turbine Engine Applications
Ammonia Combustion for Gas Turbine Engines
An Accessible and Interoperable CO2 Transport Routing Geodatabase for Scalable Computing & Decision Support
An Analysis of the Operating Characteristics of Natural Gas-Fired Turbines in the U.S. and Implications for Energy Market Models
An Analytical Tool to Evaluate Defect Thermodynamics of (La,Ba)Fe1-xMxO3-δ Perovskites for Solid-Oxide Cell Applications
An Environmental, Energy, Economic, and Social Justice Database for Carbon Capture and Storage Applications
An Impedance-Loaded Surface Acoustic Wave Corrosion Sensor for Infrastructure Monitoring
An Insight-Centric Paradigm for Data Reduction and Inference Speed Improvement at the Scurry Area Canyon Reef Operator’s Committee (SACROC) Unit
An Optimization Framework for Produced Water Management and Beneficial Reuse
An Update on Project PARETO - New Capabilities in DOE's Produced Water Optimization Framework
An Update on Project PARETO – New Capabilities in DOE's Produced Water Optimization Framework
Analysis of Carbon Capture Retrofits for Cement Plants
Analysis of Quasi-steady, Transitional, and Short Timescale Galloping within Rotating Detonation Engines
Analysis of Solids Volume Fraction and Dimensionless Regime Mapping in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser
Anonymizing Sensitive Carbon Storage Data Tool - The Geospatial and Information Substitution and Anonymization Tool (GISA)
Applicability of Allen-Heine-Cardona Theory on Metal-Oxides and Perovskites: Towards High-Temperature Optoelectronic Applications
Application of a Convolutional Neural Network for Wave Mode Identification in a Rotating Detonation Combustor Using High-Speed Imaging
Application of an Equation-Oriented Framework to Formulate and Estimate Parameters of Chemical Looping Reaction Models
Application of Dimensionality Reduction in Machine Learning Modeling of CO2 Storage
Application of Ion Sieve Sorbent Prepared from Mineral Stream Associated with Critical Minerals in Direct Lithium Extraction
Application of Modified MeshGraphNets for Subsurface Prediction during CO₂ Sequestration
Application of Sequential Design of Experiments (SDoE) to Large Pilot-Scale Solvent-Based CO2 Capture Process at Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM)
Application of unsupervised deep learning to image segmentation and in-situ contact angle measurements in a CO2-water-rock system
Aqueous Bromide Emissions from U.S. Coal Fired Power Plants: Points of Origin, Concentration Ranges, and Effluent Treatment Costs
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Designer of Materials and Processes for Advanced Power Generation
Assessing Ground State Energy of Molecules and Energy Profile of the NH3 Capturing CO2 System Using the Quantum Computing Algorithms
Assessing Offshore Infrastructure Reuse Potential for CS: An Award-Winning AI Model to Forecast Resiliency
Assessing Pore Network Heterogeneity Across Multiple Scales to Inform CO2 Injection Models
Assessing the Effects of Temperature and Oxygen Vacancy on Band Gap Renormalization in LaCrO3-δ: First-Principles and Experimental Corroboration
Assessing the Extractability of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Preparation Fines Refuse using an Organic Acid Lixiviant
Assessing the Value of Seismic Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) Attributes for CO2 Storage Project Using a Bayesian Network Model for Decision Support
Assessment of Carbonated Brine Injection as Low-risk Strategy for Geologic Carbon Storage
Assessment of Combustion Residual Leachate Volume, Composition and Treatment Costs
Assessment of Combustion Residual Leachate: Treatment Standards, Wastewater Volumes, and Critical Mineral Recovery
Assessment of Water Management and Costs on CO2 Geologic Storage Operations in Saline-Bearing Formations
ASTM Workshop on decarbonization - energy data
Ba₁₋ₓSrₓFeO₃₋ᵧ as an Improved Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Air Separation: A Computational and Experimental Study
Bacterial Nitrate Reduction by Paraburkholderia yinzercillus Contributes to Iron Bioremediation in Abandoned Coal Mine Drainage
Bacterial Nitrate Reduction Contributes to the Geochemical Oxidation of Iron and Subsequent Remediation of Iron from Acidic Abandoned Coalmine Drainage
Barriers and Opportunities for Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Storage (CCUS) in Achieving a Net Zero Emissions Future - System Cost of Replacement Energy (SCoRE): A Tool for Assessing Technology Substitution Pathways to Decarbonization
Baseline Airfoil Cooling Designs for a 5-10 MW Combined Heat and Power Turbine Application
Basin Management of Geologic CO2 Storage: Effect of Well Spacing on CO2 Plume and Pressure Interference
Basin-Scale Structural Features Database: Spatial Datasets to Support Carbon Storage Resource Assessments
Basin-scale study of CO2 storage in stacked sequence of geological formations
Benefit Analysis of CO ₂ Delivery Options for Offshore Storage or Enhanced Oil Recovery
Beyond price taker: Conceptual design and optimization of integrated energy systems using machine learning market surrogates
Beyond Price-Taker: Multiscale Optimization of a Wind-Battery Integrated Energy System within the Wholesale Electricity Market
Beyond the Surface: Non-Invasive NMR and μ-CT Analysis of Microbially-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Shale Fractures
Big Data Analysis and Technical Review of Regeneration for Carbon Capture Processes
Biogeochemical changes in Permian Basin reservoirs due to well-to-well communication impact wellbore integrity
Biogeochemistry of the Antrim Shale Natural Gas Reservoir
Biomass Environmental Analysis in Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) Modeling
Bioremediation of Iron in Acidic Abandoned Coalmine Drainage Includes Biotic Nitrate Reduction and Abiotic Iron Oxidation
Bituminous Baseline Study Vol 1
Breaking the Limit of Size-Dependent CO2RR Selectivity in Silver Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts through Electronic Metal-Carbon Interactions
Bridging the Commercial Divide, NETL’s Applied R&D to TCF Award
Building Decision and Error Criteria to assess Saturation Signatures
Calcined Polyethyleneimine Coated Optical Fibers for Distributed pH Monitoring at High Pressures and Temperatures
Calcined Polyethyleneimine-Coated Optical Fibers for Distributed pH Monitoring at High Pressures and Temperatures
Calculating Uncertainty in Biomass Emissions
Calculation of the Heat Transfer Coefficient in the Outer Body for a Rotational Detonation Engine
Capturing O2 Desorption Through Isoconversional Kinetics for CFD Application
Carbon Capture Technologies: Status and Challenges
Carbon Capture through Membranes - Leveraging Multiphysics Modeling, Dimensional Analysis and Machine Learning to Scale up and Optimize Devices and Processes for Decarbonization
Carbon capture, transport, and storage (CTS) cost Modeling of the onshore Gulf Coast
Carbon Conversion Example Techno-Economic Analysis: Algae Conversion
Carbon Conversion Example Techno-Economic Analysis: Electrochemical Conversion
Carbon Conversion Example Techno-Economic Analysis: Microbial Conversion
Carbon Conversion Example Techno-Economic Analysis: Microwave-Assisted Catalytic Conversion
Carbon Conversion Life Cycle Analysis at NETL
Carbon Conversion Technologies - NETL Techno-Economic Analysis Guidelines
Carbon Dioxide Conversion into Polycarbonate Diols: A Parametric Study
Carbon Dioxide Removal Research at NETL
Carbon Dioxide Removal Systems Analysis
Carbon management review 2022 - LCA tools
Carbon Management Review Meeting LCA Overview
Carbon Storage Analysis FWP - Offshore
Carbon Storage Analysis FWP - Onshore
Carbon Storage Core Characterization Efforts at NETL
Carbon storage cost modeling for the offshore Gulf of Mexico
Carbon Storage Data Integration, Visualization and Application via EDX and GeoCube
Carbon Storage Open Data Geospatial Curation and Accessibility
Carbon Storage Planning Framework Dashboard: A Comprehensive Dashboard for CS Planning
Carbon Storage Program Data Curation, Transformation, and Reuse
Carbon Storage Site Mapping Inquiry Tool (MapIT)
Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach
Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach (CS TVA): An Integrated Approach for Feasibility and Data Resource Assessment
Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach (CS TVA): Multi-Factor Data Assessment Workflow to Determine Geologic Sequestration Feasibility
Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach and National Data Assessment
Carbon Storage Wellbore Materials Data Tool
Carbonated Brine Injection as a Low-Risk CO2 Storage Strategy: A Case Study for Inyan Kara Sandstone Reservoir
Carbonated Brine Injection for a Pilot Site as Low-Risk Geologic Carbon Storage Strategy: A Simulation Study
Carbonated Brine Injection Pilot Plan
Carburization susceptibility of chromia-forming alloys in high-temperature CO2
CARD: CFD for Advanced Reactor Design: Software Tools and Expertise to Address Multiphase Flow Challenges in Research, Design, and Optimization
Case Study of Risk Considerations for Transitioning CO2-EOR Field to Dedicated CO2-storage
Catalyst deactivation and stability in Microwave-Assisted Methane Dehydroaromatization
Cation Migration and LSCF/SDC Decomposition Related to Long Term Operation Mode as Revealed by Electron Microscopy
CBTL Jet Fuel
CCS Opportunity along the Gulf Coast Corridor
CCSI2 Process Modeling and Optimization Highlights
Ce(III) and Ce(IV) Distribution in Acid Mine Drainage Solids: Implications for Rare Earth Element Recovery
Cell and Stack Degradation Evaluation and Modeling
Cement Plant TEA/LCA
Ceramic Additive Manufacturing
CFD Model Development of a Small-Scale Fixed-Bed Reactor for Direct Air Capture of CO2
CFD Modeling of High-Flux Plate-and-Frame Membrane Modules for Carbon Capture at Industrial and Power Generation Plants
CFD modeling of high-flux plate-and-frame membrane modules for industrial carbon capture
CFD Modeling of Hydrogen Combustion for Gas Turbine Applications
CFD Modeling of NOx Formation in a Rotating Detonation Engine
CFD Simulations for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture
Challenges in DAC Sorbent Performance Measurements
Characterization Inform Sustainable Recovery of Critical Minerals from Fossil Energy Waste Feedstocks
Characterization of build parameters and microstructure in low heat input WAAM of Ni-based superalloy Haynes 282
Characterization of Manganese Reduction in Abandoned Coalmine Drainage Contributes to the Re-mobilization of Pollutants within the System
Characterization of Oil and Gas Drill Cuttings for Critical Mineral recovery and Reuse potential as Soil Supplements
Characterization of Precipitation-Strengthening Heat-Resistant Austenitic Stainless Steels for Life-Prediction Modeling
Characterization of Rare Earth Elements in West Virginia GOB Piles
Characterization of Solid Sorbent for Direct Air Capture of CO2 using a CFD-based Methodology
Characterization of the structural-stratigraphic and reservoir controls on the occurrence of gas hydrates in the Eileen gas hydrate trend, Alaska North Slope
Characterizing Radium Distributions, Source Attribution and Impacts from Marcellus Produced Water.
Characterizing the Value of Single Source CO2 Intermediate Storage (CIS) to Optimize Pipeline Utilization/Economics
Chemical Looping Combustion Oxygen Carrier Production Cost Study
Chemical Looping Combustion Sensistivity Analyses: CLOU Concepts
Choked Flow in a Converging/Diverging Rotating Detonation Engine Exit
City of Pittsburgh
CO2 Adsorption Enhancement of MOF-808 via Highly Efficient Amine Incorporation
CO2 capture using a physical solvent at a pilot scale biomass cofiring gasification facility
CO2 Geologic Storage Assessment: A Review with Focus on Appalachia
CO2 Intermediate Storage (CIS) Concept Overview
CO2 Saline Storage Talk at the University of Wyoming (2024)
CO2 Saline Storage: Costs and Capacity
CO2 Storage prospeCtive Resource Estimation Excel aNalysis (CO2-SCREEN) User’s Manual: Python_V5.0
CO2 utilization potential of a novel Calcium Ferrite based looping process fueled with Coal: Experimental evaluation of various coal feedstocks and thermodynamic integrated process analysis
CO2 Utilization Toolkit Database Version 2
CO2 utilization TRL manuscript
CO2/Brine interacting with Cedar Keys-Lawson formation Rocks under CO2 Sequestration Conditions
CO2/brine/rock interactions in the Cedar Keys-Lawson Formation
CO2_S_COM: Modeling the cost of onshore CO2 storage in saline reservoirs
CO2-Locate: A Dynamic Database and Tool for Accessing National Oil and Gas Well Data to Inform Carbon Storage Projects
CO2-Locate: A Living National Well Database
CO2-Locate: A National Oil & Gas Wellbore Database and Visualization Tool to Support Geological and Environmental Assessment
CO2U LCA Documentation Spreadsheet V2
CO2U LCA Guidance - Total Toolkit v2.1
CO2U LCA Guidance Toolkit - Version 1.0.0
CO2U LCA Penn State guest lecture
co2u openlca database v2.1
CO2U Toolkit documentation spreadsheet 2.1
CO2U Toolkit Ver 2
Co-gasification of Plastic, Coal Waste and Biomass for Hydrogen Rich Syngas Production
Co-Gasification of Waste Plastic and Coal Refuse for Thermochemical Upcycling
Collaboration Opportunities with the National Energy Technology Laboratory
Combining Surface Science, Electrochemistry, and Computational Modeling to Investigate Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts
Combustion Feature Characterization using Computer Vision Diagnostics within Rotating Detonation Combustors
Commercial Applications of Petroleum Data Analytics Using Shale Oil and Gas Data Sets from Permian Operator
Committee machine applications for ensemble prediction at the IBDP
Community Sentiment Analysis with Focus on CCS
Comparative Economic Analysis of Capture, Transport, and Storage from a CO2 Source Perspective
Comparative Economic Analysis of Capture, Transport, and Storage from a CO₂ Source Perspective in the Central U.S.
Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Utilization in Concrete Products
Comparative Study of Commercial-Scale CO2 Storage Options in Single and Stacked Saline Formations in Managing Reservoir Pressure Buildup
Comparison of Commercial, State-of-the-Art, Fossil-Based Hydrogen Production Technologies
Comparison of Commercial, State-of-the-Art, Fossil-Based Hydrogen Production Technologies (Presentation)
Comparison of high-temperature oxidation behavior of additively manufactured Haynes 282 to wrought Haynes 282 in direct-fired supercritical CO2 power cycle environments
Comparison of MeshGraphNet Techniques for Subsurface Behavior Prediction during CO2 Sequestration
Comparison of microwave and conventional heating for CO2 desorption from zeolite 13X
Comparison of ML-Based Proxy Modeling Strategies
Comparison of Shape Optimization Methods for Heat Exchanger Fins Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Comparisons of RDE inlet dynamics in a linear testing platform and models of varying complexity
Complementing the CCS Class VI Well Permit Process with DOE-NETL's SMART Initiative Tools and Workflows
Component innovations for lower cost mechanical vapor compression
Composition and Structure of Fluorescent Graphene Quantum Dots Generated by Enzymatic Degradation of Graphene Oxide
Composition and Structure of the EGS Collab Test Bed 1 Based Upon Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Core Compositions, and Wireline Logging
Comprehensive investigation on role of wettability heterogeneity in immiscible two-phase flow in sandstones
Computational Analysis of the Effect of Structured Packing Design on Absorption Column Hydrodynamics for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Applications
Computational and Experimental Study of Film Cooling with and without Downstream Vortex Generators
Computational and Experimental Study on Film-Cooling Effectiveness with and without Downstream Vortex Generators
Computational Design of High-Entropy Rare Earth Disilicates as Next-Generation Thermal/Environmental Barrier Coatings
Computational Discovery of Fast Interstitial Oxygen Conductors
Computational Evaluation of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks for Capture
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Systems Engineering to Minimize Membrane-based Carbon Capture Costs
Computational Fluid Dynamics Combustion Modeling for Rotating Detonation Engines
Computational Fluid Dynamics for DAC Reactor Design and Optimization
Computational Modeling of CO2 Capture By Novel PIM-RU in a Fluidized Bed Riser
Computational Modeling of Functional Materials for Energy Applications
Computational Modeling of Metal Organic Frameworks for Carbon Capture
Computational Modeling of Proppants Transport in Rock Fractures
Computational Screening & Design of Alkylamine-Functionalized Polymer Sorbents
Computational Screening and Designing of Solid Materials for CO2 Capture Technology
Computational Screening and Designing Solid Sorbent Materials for CO2 Capture
Computational Study of Mixing Solid Materials for CO2 Capture Technology
Computational Study of MOFs for Direct Air Capture Using Flexible Force Fields
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of Appalachian Basin Core from the Jones and Laughlin #1 Well, Beaver County PA
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of Southeastern Pennsylvania Triassic Diabase Core
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Collab SURF Core
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the Integrated Mid-Continent Stacked Carbon Storage Hub Sleepy Hollow Reagan Unit 86A Well
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the One Earth Energy Well #1 Core
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the Wellington 1-32 Core
Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of UW Enterprises Well in Southwestern Indiana
Computed Tomography Scanning and Petrophysical Measurements of Eastern Williston Basin Twin Buttes and Hagel Formations
Computed Tomography Scanning and Petrophysical Measurements of Illinois Basin Coal Wells
Computed Tomography Scanning and Petrophysical Measurements of Oriskany Core across Eastern Ohio
Computed Tomography Scanning and Petrophysical Measurements of the Lively Grove #1 Well Core
Conceptual Design and Analysis of a Power Generator with Integrated Thermal Energy Storage and CO2 Capture
Conceptual Design of a Flexible Carbon Capture Cyber-Physical System for Integrated Energy System Applications
Conceptual Design of Integrated Energy Systems via Multiscale Market Simulations and Surrogate Models for Market Interactions
Conceptual Design of Integrated Energy Systems with Market Interaction Surrogate Models
Conceptual Design of Integrated Energy Systems with Market Inter-action Surrogate Models
Conceptual Design of Pulverized Coal Electricity Generating Units for Flexible Operation
Conceptualizing Data Availability and Technical Viability Methods within the Carbon Storage Technical Viability Approach (CS TVA)
Conference Proceedings
CONNECT Toolkit Carbon Management Projects Database and Explorer
Consideration of Non-Ideal Detonation Regimes Influenced by Wave Modes in a Water-Cooled Rotating Detonation Engine Using OH* Chemiluminescence
Considerations for Developing R&D Portfolio Strategies in Dynamic Sectors
Control Methods for Mitigating Flow Oscillations in a Supercritical CO2 Recompression Closed Brayton Cycle
Controlled Encapsulation of Nanodiamond Qubits by Metal-Organic Frameworks: Towards Enhanced Quantum Sensing
Conventional Rib Turbulators for SCO2 Turbine Internal Cooling
Convoluted Filtering for Process Cycle Modeling
Cooled Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Analysis for H2-CH4 Fuel Mixes (Up to 100% H2)
Cooled Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Analysis for NH3-CH4 Fuel Mixes (Up to 100% NH3)
Core Characterization: Computer Tomography, Geochemical, and Core Petrophysical Workflows for Emerging Critical Mineral Plays
Core to Local Scale Assessment of REE and Critical Minerals in Sedimentary Rocks from the Powder River Basin
Corrosion Behavior of Zinc Cold Spray Coatings in a Simulated Natural Gas Environment Containing H2O, CO2, and H2S
Corrosion Behavior of ZnX Cold Spray Coatings in Simulated Natural Gas Environment Containing H2O, CO2, and H2S.
Corrosion Monitoring in NG Pipelines
Cost and Economic Model Development and Analysis for Hydrogen (H2) Pipeline Transportation
Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants, Volume 3 – Low Rank Coal and Natural Gas to Electricity
Cost and Performance Estimates for State-of-the-Art and Advanced 1×1 H-Class Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants
Cost and Performance Projections for Coal and Natural Gas Power Plants
Cost optimization of gap membrane distillation
Cost optimization of low-salt-rejection reverse osmosis
Cost-optimal selection of pH control for mineral scaling prevention in high recovery reverse osmosis desalination
Costs and Performance for Coal and Natural Gas Plants with Carbon Capture
Costs of Retrofit
Co-treating flue gas desulfurized effluent and produced water enables novel waste management and recovery of critical minerals
Coupling of Electrochemistry with Surface Science and Computational Modeling to Understand Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts
Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Analysis Baseline for United States Coal Mining and Delivery
Creating Markets for Produced Water
Creation of Polymer Datasets with Targeted Backbones for Screening of Gas Permeability and Selectivity
Creep behavior of austenitic steels in CO2 and the effect of specimen thickness
Creep Degradation of Austenitic Steels in CO2 Environments
Creep Resistant Martensitic Steels for Operation at High-Temperatures in Power Generation Applications
Creep-Resistant Ferritic-Martensitic Steels for Power Plant Applications
Critical Mineral Assessment of Mineral Carbonation Waste Streams
Critical Mineral Source Potential from Oil & Gas Produced Waters
Critical Minerals & Rare Earth Elements DOE & NETL Efforts to Address Supply Chain Challenges
Critical Minerals: Systems Analysis Tasks
Crystallographic mapping and tuning of water adsorption in metal-organic frameworks featuring distinct open metal sites
CS PlanIT (Carbon Storage Planning Inquiry Tool): Providing Data and Insights for Accelerating Carbon Transport & Storage Deployment
Curating Carbon Storage Data for Reuse: Enabling Research and Modeling from Earth’s Surface to Subsurface
Cyber-physical Simulation of an Innovative Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell – Gas Turbine (SOEC-GT) Hybrid Energy System
Cyber-physical Simulation of Solid Oxide Cell Hybrid Systems (SOFC Task 5) (FWP-1022411)
Cyber-Physical Simulation of the Cold Startup of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – Gas Turbine (SOFC-GT) Hybrid Systems
Cyber-Physical System:Design for Sustainability and Resilience
Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of Novel Ni-based Superalloys
DAC Reactor Configuration Considerations
DAC Reactor Configuration poster - 2023 Carbon Management Review Meeting
DAC Reactor Configuration presentation - 2023 Carbon Management Review Meeting
Data From Experiments on Bubbling Fluidization of Zeolite in a Rectangular Bubbling Fluidized Bed
Data Science for International Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage
Data-driven discovery of a formation prediction rule on high-entropy ceramics
Data-driven, AI/ML tools for multi-factor offshore hazard assessment use case: Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Decarbonization of the Iron and Steel Sector: Challenges and Opportunities
Decomposition and Algorithmic Approaches for Solving Large-Scale Process Family Design Problems
Deep Learning Potential Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Chemical Conversion-Absorption Coupling of CO2 at Air-Reactive Deep Eutectic Solvent Interface
Deep Learning-based Parameterization of Complex 3D CO2 Saturation Data in Large-scale Geological Carbon Storage
Deep-learning-based workflow for boundary and small target segmentation in digital rock images using UNet++ and IK-EBM
Defect Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Perovskite and Fluorite Materials for Solid-Oxide and Proton Conducting Oxide Cells Evaluated Based on Density Functional Theory Modeling
Degradation modeling and electrode engineering of SOFCs SOECs and R-SOCs
Degradation of Austenitic 347H Steel by Direct-fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Environment
Density functional theory study of the thermodynamic properties and pathways of SrO and Sr(OH)2 capturing CO2 reactions
Deploying a National Well Database to Support CS Reuse and Risk Work
Deploying a New AI Software Tool for Rapid Characterization & Quantification of Unconventional Sources of Critical Minerals
Deploying a Publicly Available and Living National Oil and Gas Well Geodatabase
Deployment Feasibility Futures Analysis of Natural Gas Combined Cycle with Carbon Capture in Five U.S. Regions
Derivation and Implementation of Kinetic Rates for Sr0.75Ca0.25FeO3
Description of Reaction and Vibrational Energetics of CO2-NH3 Interaction Using Quantum Computing Algorithms
Design and Capability Requirements for a Direct Air Capture User Facility
Design and Modeling of an 80 bar Oxy-Combustor for Direct Fired Supercritical CO2 Applications
Design and Modeling of an 80 bar Oxy-Combustor for Direct Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Generation
Design and Multi-Objective Dynamic Optimization of Superheaters for Load-Following Operation in Pulverized Coal Power Plants
Design and Optimization of Processes for Recovering Rare Earth Elements from End-of-Life Hard Disk Drives
Design and Testing of a Water-Cooled Rotating Detonation Combustor at Elevated Operating Pressures
Design Optimization of an Additively Manufactured Prototype Recuperator for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles
Design, Fabrication, and testing of Direct Air Capture Sorbent modules to increase understanding of trade-offs in pressure drop and capture efficiency
Designing Operationally Flexible Diafiltration Membrane Systems for Critical Mineral Separations
Designing optimal core-shell MOFs for direct air capture
Determination of As, Hg, S, and Se in liquid jets by laser-based optical diagnostic technique
Determination of Relative Wavelength for Scanned Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy by Etalon Signal Fitting
Determining the impact of a frac hit on wells in the Permian Basin
Developing a Data Integration and Curation Method from Siloed Resources with Multi-Discipline Applicability
Developing a Microwave-Driven Reactor for Ammonia Synthesis: Insights into the Unique Challenges of Microwave Catalysis
Developing a National Structural Complexity Database for U.S. Saline Basins
Developing a Nationally Integrated and Publicly Available Oil and Gas Well Database to Inform Safe Carbon Storage & Infrastructure Reuse Opportunities
Developing a Transferable Framework for CO2-Stimulated Geothermal Energy Enhancement: A Case Study
Developing geologic hydrogen resources assessment approach using AI-assisted literature review and geo-data driven assessment tool
Developing higher performing solid oxide cells through simulation
Developing machine-learning potentials to study properties of the tritium formation and diffusivity in pure and defective Zircaloy-4 getters
Developing Methods to Assess Changes in Mechanical Properties of Shale Modified by Engineered Mineral Precipitation
Developing the Illinois Basin Geomodel
Development of 250 kW Ammonia and Hydrogen Industrial Burner Test Facility at the National Energy Technology Laboratory Presentation
Development of a Chemistry-Based Isotherm Model and Techno-Economic Optimization of a Moving Bed Process for CO2 Capture Using a Functionalized Metal-Organic Framework
Development of a Health Monitoring Framework Under Uncertainty for Supercritical Coal Power Plants Considering Material and Operational Uncertainties
Development of a Health Monitoring Framework: Application to a Supercritical Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler
Development of a large-scale public geometry for squealer tip coolant injection research
Development of a Low-cost, Portable Co-Axial Fluorescence Sensor for Visible Spectrum Analysis
Development of a machine learning model for polyethylene pyrolysis using a detailed reaction mechanism
Development of a multiphase PIC model for slurry flow modeling
Development of a Tool to Calculate the System Cost of Replacement Energy (SCoRE)
Development of Advanced Ultra-Supercritical (AUSC) Pulverized Coal (PC) Plants
Development of Algebraic and Topological-Based Structured Packing Model
Development of Algorithms for Augmenting and Replacing Conventional Process Control Using Reinforcement Learning
Development of Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning Augmented Model Predictive Control
Development of Analytical formulation for CH4 Gas production from CH4 Hydrate-Bearing sediments via CO2 injection
Development of creep resistant ferritic-martensitic steels for operation at 650°C
Development of CuFeMnAlO4+δ oxygen carrier with high attrition resistance and 50-kWth methane/air chemical looping combustion tests
Development of Green-Color-Emitting Pyrotechnics as a Core for 3D Temperature Imaging Sensors inside Coal Boilers
Development of Manganese and Iron Mixed Metal Oxides for Thermochemical Energy Storage
Development of microwave-specific catalysts for CO2-free H2 production by methane pyrolysis
Development of Multiphysics Dynamic Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC) Models for Hybrid Energy Systems
Development of Novel Ferritic-Martensitic Steels with Superior Creep Properties for Power Plant Applications
Development of process model of CESAR1 solvent system and validation with large pilot data
Development of the Class VI Mapping Inquiry Tool and Class VI Data Support Tool Geodatabase
DFT Calculation of Thermal Expansion within Debye-Grüneisen Framework Made Simple and Accurate
Diffuse Interface Modeling Crystal Plasticity
Digital Core Characterization
Digitizing Oil & Gas Well Regulatory Records from Illinois with the CATALOG OGRRE Tool
Direct Air Capture (DAC) With Nuclear Power Sources
Direct Air Capture Case Studies
Direct Air Capture Case Studies Sorbent System
Direct Air Capture Case Studies Sorbent System Final
Direct Air Capture Case Study: Solvent System
Direct Air Capture Deployment Assessment in Deep Mitigation Pathways Toward 2075 in the U.S.: MARKAL-NETL Modeling Results
Direct Air Capture of CO2 Using a Robust Synthesized Fibrous-Amine functionalized Matrix (FAM) Sorbent
Direct Air Capture: NETL Technoeconomic Analysis Capabilities and Related Efforts
Direct Analysis of Caprock Resistance to scCO2 Migration at Elevated Pressure
Direct Power Extraction
Disjunctive optimization model and algorithm for long-term capacity expansion planning of reliable power generation systems
Dispatch Informed Hydrogen Production
Dissecting Critical Factors for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction on Atomically Precise Au Nanoclusters
Dissolving Nonionic Surfactants in CO2 to Enhance CO2 Storage via In Situ Foam Generation
Distributed and Multiple Model Predictive Control for Rapid Load-Following Operation of Supercritical Pulverized Coal Power Plants
Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Systems: Application to Natural Gas Pipeline Monitoring
Distributed Temperature Profiles of Silicon Carbide Catalyst Bed in a Microwave Reactor using Fiber-optic Sensor
DOE CO2 Transport Modeling: Smart CO2 Transport-Route Planning Tool and Database
DOE’s Carbon Matchmaker
Does How we Decarbonize Matter? An Examination of the Potential Energy Poverty Impacts of Fossil Asset Replacements
Domestic Potential for Critical Materials Recovery from Waste
Dopant Segregation in Single-Crystal Optical Fiber Grown via the Laser-Heated Pedestal Growth Technique
DPE Techno-Economic Analyses
Dry cooling retrofits at existing fossil fuel-fired power plants in a water-stressed region: Tradeoffs in water savings, cost, and capacity shortfalls
Dynamic CCS-EJ-SJ Database and Web Application - What's New
Dynamic Modeling of the Synergistic Effects of Chemical and Thermo-Mechanical Degradation of Solid Oxide Cells
Dynamic modeling studies of basin-scale pressure interference and CO2 plume evolution in multi-well geologic CO2 storage
Dynamic Modeling, Parameter Estimation, and Data Reconciliation of a Supercritical Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler
Dynamic Optimization of the Operational Trajectory of a Supercritical Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler under Load-Following with Consideration of Boiler Health
Dynamic Power Plant Modeling for Flexible Operations
Dynamic Reactivity of Mafic Materials Due to CO2 Acidified Brines
Dynamic Simulation and Optimization of a Subcritical Coal-Fired Power Plant During Load-Ramping Operations
Economic Analysis of Potential for CCUS in the Gulf of Mexico
Economics of Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Economics of CCS
Economics of Competing CCS Plants
Economies of Numbers Formulations for Optimal Process Family Design of Carbon Capture Systems
Editorial: Subsurface Microbiology within Hydrocarbon Resources or Stored Gases
EDX ClaiMM: A Virtual Common Operating Platform and Interactive Tools Supporting Critical Minerals Resource Development
EDX ClaiMM: Digital Resources for the Critical Minerals and Materials Community
EDX Spatial: Leveraging cloud and hybrid data management resources for spatial data
EDX4CCS 3D Data Preview Tool
Effect of additive co-feeding in microwave-assisted methane dehydroaromatization
Effect of Catalyst Pretreatment on Methane Conversion under Microwave-assisted and Conventional Thermal Methods
Effect of ethane on methane pyrolysis with iron-based catalysts to produce carbon and hydrogen
Effect of Flexibility in Molecular Simulations of Carbon Dioxide Adsorption and Diffusion in a Cuprous Triazolate Framework
Effect of gasifying agent during microwave-assisted coal gasification
Effect of Minor Ce Additions on Corrosion Behavior of Experimental Pipeline Steel
Effect of multiple oxygen vacancies on the optical and thermodynamic properties of La0.75Sr0.25Co0.25Fe0.75O3-δ perovskite
Effect of oxidative breakers on organic matter degradation, contaminant mobility and critical mineral release during shale-fracturing fluid interactions in the Marcellus Shale
Effect of pressure on high temperature corrosion of Ni alloys in supercritical CO2 containing impurities
Effect of pressure on high-temperature oxidation of Ni alloys in supercritical CO2 containing impurities
Effect of Si Content in Electrode and SiO2 Additions to the Slag during Electroslag Remelting
Effect of Si on High Temperature Oxidation of Fe-Cr-Si Alloys in Carbon Dioxide Environments
Effect of Support on Iron-Based Catalyst Toward CO2-Free H2 Production From Methane Pyrolysis
Effect of surface roughness and aspect Ratio for internal cooling channels using supercritical CO2
Effect of temperature and impurities on the oxidation behavior of Ni-based alloys in hot CO2-rich gases
Effect of Zwitterionic Additives on Solvation and Transport of Sodium and Potassium Cations in (Ethylene Oxide)10: a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Effects of additively manufactured surface roughness on small diameter plenums with multiple side discharges
Effects of Carbonate Minerals on Shale-Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Interactions in the Marcellus Shale
Effects of Downstream Vortex Generators on Film Cooling a Flat Plate Fed By Crossflow
Effects of site and magnetic disorder on the oxygen vacancy formation, electronic and optical properties of LaxSr1-x CoO3-δ and SrFeyCo1-yO3-δ
Effects of Size on Characteristics of Electroslag Remelted (ESR) HAYNES®282® alloy ingots
Effects of support and promoter on Ru catalyst activity in microwave-assisted ammonia synthesis
Effects of Zr addition on lattice strains and electronic structures of NbTaTiV high-entropy alloy
Efficient Dimension Reduction of Complex 3D CO2 Saturation using Deep Learning Models
EGU Retrofit_CCRD_Current
EGU Retrofit_CCRD_Legacy
Eight-County San Andres ROZ Appraisal
EJ/SJ Dynamic Datasets for CCS Systems and the Energy Transition Atlas Web Tool
Electric Power System Asset Optimization
Electrochemical CO2 Reduction at Three-Dimensionally Structured Tin Nanocatalysts
Electromagnetic inversion for a baseline conductivity model at the Kemper CarbonSAFE site
Electronic and optical properties of NV center in diamond for sensing applications: First principles density functional theory and experimental approach
Electronic and Optical Properties of Orthorhombic (CH3NH3)BX3 (B=Sn, Pb; X=F, Cl, Br, I) Perovskites: a First-Principles Investigation
Electronic structural and lattice thermodynamic properties of MAlO2 and M5AlO4 (M=Li, Na, K) sorbents for CO2 capture applications
Elucidating the Reaction Pathways of Veratrylglycero-β-guaiacyl Ether Depolymerization Over Metal-Free Solid Acid Catalysts with Hydrogen
Emergence of Local Scaling Relations in Adsorption Energies on High-Entropy Alloys
Emissions Mitigation in Industrial Gas Flares
Enabling Soft Magnetics for Power Conversion Applications
Energy-Efficient and Water-Saving Sorbent Regeneration at Near Room Temperature for Direct Air Capture
Enhanced Carbon Storage Forecasting via Cross-Geology Transfer Learning
Enhanced CO2 Reactive Capture and Conversion Using Aminothiolate Ligand–Metal Interface
Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Activity on Strained Graphene
Enhanced Rock Weathering for Carbon Dioxide Removal: Life Cycle Analysis and Techno-Economic Assessment
Enhanced Weathering Screening Techno-Economic Analysis
Enhancement of CO2 Reduction Reaction Activity and Selectivity of Sub-2 nm Ag Electrocatalysts by Electronic Metal-Carbon Interactions
Enhancing Air Quality Forecasts with AP4 Model Updates
Enhancing Electrochemical CO2 Conversion by Controlling Electrocatalysts' Structure
Enhancing Fluid Flow Pressure and Saturation Prediction Accuracy and Reducing Uncertainty with Committee Machine – Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) as a Case Study
Enhancing Mechanical Properties of a Medium-entropy Alloy by Regulating Mo Addition
Enhancing the Harris and Crighton PIC Stress Model with Bayesian Learning
Enrichments of Anaerobic Selenium Oxyanion Reducers from FDG Wastewater Effluent
Environmental Creep Behavior of Austenitic Steels in CO2
Environmental Impact of Capture Technology: A Review of DOE Sponsored FEED Studies
EOR in Shale Resources
Equivalence Ratio Scans in a Rotating Detonation Engine
Establishing capabilities for quantum computing and simulations for energy applications
Estimates of lithium mass yields from produced water sourced from the Devonian-aged Marcellus Shale
Estimating Fresh Water Needs to Meet Future Thermoelectric Generation Requirements and Program Water Saving Benefits – 2022 Update
Estimating Lithium Fluxes from Produced Water- Marcellus Shale and Beyond
Estimating the Marginal Cost for Carbon Capture and Storage for the U.S. Fossil Fuel Fleet
Evaluating CCS Cost Options for CO₂ Sources in the Central United States
Evaluating Long and Short Duration Energy Storage in MISO in Deep Decarbonization Scenarios
Evaluating Offshore Legacy Wells for Geologic Carbon Storage: A Case Study from the Galveston and Brazos Areas in the Gulf of Mexico
Evaluating Process Costs and Performance Metrics of Granular Activated Carbon for the Removal of PFAS Under Model Uncertainty
Evaluating Production Implications of Pressure Maintenance in Unconventional Oil and Gas Wells using a Machine Learning Modeling Approach - Case Study in the Permian Basin
Evaluating Property Model Accuracy for Cost Optimization of Desalination Technologies
Evaluating the effects of a low-carbon energy transition on existing U.S. fossil energy communities
Evaluating the Impact of Proprietary Oil & Gas Data on Machine Learning Model Performance Using a Quasi-experimental Analytical Approach
Evaluating the Impacts of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 45Q Tax Credit on CCS Network Costs
Evaluating the Nation's Pipeline Infrastructure with NETL's Advanced Infrastructure Integrity Model (AIIM)
Evaluation of a CFD Commercial Package to the Modeling of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Bubbly-Liquid Column
Evaluation of critical minerals from U.S. shales
Evaluation of NGCC with Capture for Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES)
Evaluations of and Key Considerations for Power Sector Decarbonization
Evolution of the marginal marine sandstone lithofacies in the Upper Devonian of the Appalachian basin: implications for basin evolution, lithostratigraphy, and carbon storage potential
Examination of Factors Affecting the Cost and Performance of NGCC with CCS
Example Carbon Conversion Techno-Economic Analysis Template
Experiment and simulation of high-speed gas jet penetration into a semicircular fluidized bed
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of High Temperature Deformation Behavior of 347H Stainless Steel
Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of Feed Flow Collar Design For 3D Printed Shell-Fed Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules
Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of Feed Flow Collar Design for Shell Fed Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules
Experimental CO2 Interactions with Fractured Calcite-Rich Shale Samples at Elevated Pressure
Experimental Investigation of Barium Sources and Fluid-Rock Interaction in Unconventional Marcellus Shale Wells using Ba Isotopes
Experimental Study of Instabilities in Hydrogen-Air Fueled Rotating Detonation Combustion Presentation
Experimental Verification of Hollow Fiber Module Performance for Flue Gas Separation Using 3D Printing
Exploratory Analysis of Offshore CO2 Storage Pilot Project in the Gulf of Mexico: Geologic, Infrastructure, and Cost Considerations
Exploring Catalytic Systems in Microwave Mediated Reactions for Carbon Intensive Industries
Exploring the impact of N solubility and trace elements on the creep properties of P92 steel
Extended Application of State LiDAR Datasets in Locating Orphaned Wells in Appalachian Region
Extensive Pipeline Location Data Resource: Integrating Reported Incidents, Past Environmental Loadings, and Potential Geohazards for Integrity Evaluations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Extraction Kinetics of Rare Earth Minerals from Ion-adsorbed Underclays
F.C. Deemer Repository: Chemostratigraphic Characterization of the Baker Run Reserve No. 8 Well in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, USA
Fabrication of Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films for Luminescent Sensing Applications
Factors that Impact the Redox Kinetics Associated with Sr1-xAxFeO3 (A = Ca, Ba) in Air Separations Technologies
FE Plants C&P Vol 1
FE Plants C&P Vol 2
FE Plants C&P Vol 3
FE Plants C&P Vol 4
FE Plants C&P Vol 5
FE/NETL CO2 Prophet Model
FE/NETL CO2 Saline Storage Cost Model
FE/NETL Onshore CO2 EOR Cost Model
Feasibility of FDEM cross-dipole and TDEM loop sources for monitoring CO2 at the Kemper CarbonSAFE site
FECM/NETL CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (CTS) Cost Screening Tool (2024)
FECM/NETL CO2 Saline Storage Cost Model (2024): User’s Manual
FECM/NETL CO2 Transport Cost Model
FECM/NETL CO2 Transport Cost Model (2024)
FECM/NETL Hydrogen Pipeline Cost Model (2024) Collection
FECM/NETL Natural Gas with Hydrogen Pipeline Cost Model (2024)
FECM/NETL Unconventional Shale Well Economic Model (UShWEM)
FeSiAl Sendust Material Datasheet
FGD Effluent Treatment Modeling and Speciation Analysis Before & After Phys/Chem/Biological Treatment using Aqueous Chemistry Software
Fiber-based Distributed Hydrogen Measurement at High Temperature
Filling in Subsurface Storage Open Data Gaps - Updates to CCS Data Availability on EDX and EDX Spatial (FWP-1022465)
Film cooling performance prediction for air and supercritical CO2
Film Cooling Performance Predictions For Air And Supercritical CO2
First Principles Density Functional Theory and NMR Study of Catalytic Adsorption and Formation of Mo/HZSM-5-based Microwave Catalysts
First principles DFT study of the electronic and optical properties of lanthanum and magnesium-doped strontium titanates for advanced gas sensing applications
First-Principles Phonon Quasiparticle Theory Applied to a Strongly Anharmonic Halide Perovskite
First-principles studies of the concentration-dependent tritium diffusion in the zirconium hydrides with or without Sn impurity
First-Principles Studies of Tritium Species Diffusivity Across the Interface of Nickel-Plated Zircaloy-4
First-Principles Studies of Tritium Species Dissociability & Diffusivity Across the Interface of Nickel-Plated Zircaloy-4
First-Principles Studies of Tritium Species Dissociability and Diffusivity Across the Interface of Nickel-Plated Zircaloy-4
First-principles Studies of Tritium Species Formation on and Desorption from Surfaces of -LiAlO2 Pellets with Related Secondary Phase
First-principles Study of the Defect-Activity and Optical Properties of FAPbCl3
First-principles study of the surface properties of LiAl5O8: stability and tritiated water formation
First-principles study of the tritium formation in γ-LiAlO2 pellets and diffusion into Zircaloy-4 getter
First-principles study of tritium diffusion and formation in γ-LiAlO2 pellets
Flame Flashback Investigations in Hydrogen-Enriched Low Swirl Burner using High-Speed Hydroxyl Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Flame Flashback Investigations in Hydrogen-Enriched Low Swirl Flames using High-Speed Hydroxyl (OH) Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Flashback Measurements in Hydrogen Enriched Low Swirl Flames Using High Speed OH-PLIF
Flashback of Hydrogen-Methane Mixtures in a Fixed-Vane, Low Swirl Burner at Atmospheric Pressure
Flashback of Hydrogen-Methane Mixtures in a Fixed-Vane, Low-Swirl Burner at Atmospheric Pressure
Flashback Studies of High-Hydrogen Flames using High-Speed OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Flexible Technoeconomic Analysis Tools for Evaluating Emerging Power Generation Technologies in Hourly Electricity Markets using IDAES and Pyomo
Flow Quantification Through Potential CO2 Storage Formations
Fluidization Regime Mapping Analysis for 200 μm Glass Beads in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser
FOAs 2596 2598 Joint Project Kickoff Meeting
Four-County San Andres ROZ Appraisal
Four-Way Coupled Simulation of Proppants Flowing in Rock Fractures with Realistic Geometry - Hydraulic Fracturing Application
Fractionation of Critical Metals from Authentic Acid Mine Drainage Using a Multi-bed Immobilized Amine Sorbent Set-up: A Field Site Study
Fracture Network Prediction Using Physics-based Machine Learning Algorithms
Fracture Networks Imaging in CO2 Injection Zones in IBDP Site: An Unsupervised Machine Learning Application with Multiple Datasets
Fracture-matrix fluid exchange in oil-bearing unconventional mudstones
Fracturing Following Geological Carbon Sequestration –Sandstone Geochemistry and Implications for Seismicity
Framework for Optimization, Quantification of Uncertainty, and Surrogates (FOQUS) – Capabilities and Applications
Framework for Optimization, Quantification of Uncertainty, and Surrogates (FOQUS) – Demonstration
Framework for Optimization, Quantification of Uncertainty, and Surrogates, and CCSI2 Toolset Capabilities
From Plastic Waste to Fuel: Pyrolysis and Gasification of Polyethylene for Hydrogen Production
From Waste to clean Fuel: Using Microwave Chemistry to Achieve Process Decarbonization
Functionalization of Nitrogen Vacancy-Containing Nanodiamonds with a Metal-Organic Framework for Quantum Sensing Applications
Functionalized Silica Sorbent Strategies for the Recovery of Critical Minerals from Coal Wastewaters
Fundamental Studies of Tritium Diffusivity in Pure and Defective Zircaloy-4 Getters
Fundamental Studies of Tritium Formation and Diffusivity in Pure and Defective Zircaloy-4 Getters
Future of CO2 Management Systems: Design and Operations
FY20 Carbon Storage Peer Review
Gas Electric Interdependence
Gas Flare Technology Assessment and R&D Recommendations
Gas Separation Membrane Module Modeling: A Comprehensive Review
Gasification of Waste Plastic to Enable a Circular Economy
Gasification of Waste Plastic to Enable a Circular Economy: literature review focusing on H2/syngas production
Gasification Tutorial Clearwater Conference 2023 Update
GEESS as a Mechanism to Facilitate the Commercialization of Geologic Carbon Sequestration
Generalization of ML-Based Surrogate Models to Dynamic Injection Schedules using Transfer Learning
Geochemical characterization of lithium deposition in fossil energy wastes
Geochemical evolution of Bluff and Entrada Sandstone due to CO2-fluid-rock interaction
Geochemical Processes in Engineered Natural Systems Influencing Subsruface Flow and Produced Water Chemical Composition
Geo-Engineering Igneous Sill Complexes for CO2 Sequestration & Local H2 Storage
GHG Inventory NG
GHG reductions using cofiring
GISA- Protecting Stakeholder Spatial Data through an Advanced Anonymization Method
Git and Software Tools for CTS
Global CO2 Initiative - Technology Learning Curves manuscript
Global CO2 Initiative and CO2U - terminology manuscript
Global Evaluation of Process Conditions and Corresponding Wave Modes in a Rotating Detonation Engine
Global inventory and meta-analysis of offshore geologic carbon storage efforts
Ground State Property Calculations of LiHn Complexes using IBM Qiskit’s Quantum Simulator
Ground State Property Calculations of LiHn Complexes using IBM Qiskit's Quantum Simulator
Growth of Well-defined Model Catalysts for Electrochemistry: from Surface Science Studies to Electrocatalytic CO2 Conversion
H2 Sensing with an Optical Fiber Sensor in the Subsurface H2 Storage Conditions
H2 Wettability, Permeability, and Diffusion
Health Monitoring of an Industrial Supercritical Pulverized Coal Boiler
Heart-shape to Fracture Distance: Characterizing Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Before Hits
Heat Transfer Opportunities for Supercritical CO2 Power Systems
Heterogeneous Growth of UiO-66-NH2 on Oxidized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes to Form “Beads-on-a-String” Composites
High entropy alloys: Modeling and Experiments
High Temperature electrical property measurements of ceramics
High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Ni-based High Entropy Superalloys
High temperature oxidation modeling
Highly Permeable Rubbery Thin Film Composite Membranes for CO2 Capture from Steel Mills
Highly Permeable Thin-Film Composite Membranes of Rubbery Polymer Blends for CO2 Capture
Highly sensitive ultrasonic vibration sensor based on tunable fiber ring laser with SMS fiber structure
Highly Transferable Atomistic Machine-Learning Potentials from Curated and Compact Datasets Across the Periodic Table
High-Performance Cementitious Composites Containing Nanostructured Carbon Additives Made from Charred Coal Fines
High-performance Non-aging Rubbery Thin Film Composite Membranes for Post-combustion CO2 Capture: From Material Synthesis to Field Demonstration
High-Resolution CT Scan Dataset of Lower Mount Simon Sandstone Samples from the Illinois Basin
High-speed OH-PLIF Diagnostics of Flame Flashback in Low Swirl Hydrogen-enriched Flames
High-temperature Corrosion of Ni-based Alloys in CO2-rich Gases
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Wrought and Additive Manufactured Alloys in Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Environments
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Wrought and Additive Manufactured H282 in Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Environments
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Wrought and Additive Manufactured Ni-based Alloys in Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Pow
High-throughput design of high-performance lightweight high-entropy alloys
Hong-Ou-Mandel sensing via superradiant coupling of discrete fluorescent emitters
Hot/Warm CO2 Removal Processes for IGCC Power Plant
How is rational design of electrocatalysts crucial for maximizing CO2 electroreduction performance
How much is surface dopant enough to maximize CO2-to-liquid chemicals conversion at industrially relevant current density?
How to Flatten the Earth: Reviewing DOE’s use of coordinate systems to inform agency-wide guidance
Hydrate-Bearing Core Characterization: Pore to Core Scale Analysis
Hydrate‐filled Fracture Formation at Keathley Canyon 151, Gulf of Mexico, and Implications for Non‐vent Sites
Hydride formation and deformation mechanisms in commercially pure titanium
Hydrogen Combustion Research at NETL
Hydrogen Localization and Tetramer Cluster Formation in α-Zr from First-Principles Investigations
Hydrogen Safety Review for Gas Turbines, SOFC, and High Temperature Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Utilization and Production with Solid Oxide Cells under Reversible Operation Mode
IDAES Enterprise: Generation Expansion Planning with Enhanced Requirements for Capacity Adequacy Considering Renewable Intermittency
IDAES: A Next-Generation, Multi-Scale Process Systems Engineering Framework for Optimizing Energy Systems and Manufacturing Processes
IDAES-PSE Software Tools for Optimizing Energy Systems and Market Interactions
Identification and characterization of metalliferous intervals within black shale facies for the purpose of critical mineral extraction assessments
Identifying Critical Mineral Binding Mechanisms and Distribution in Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Solids to Inform Targeted Recovery Methods
Identifying The Sources Of Energy Storage Inefficiencies In Redox Flow Batteries
Impact of Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies on Deep Decarbonization: EMF 37 MARKAL–NETL Modeling Results
Impact of Fill Factor on Electro-slag Remelting Operations
Impact of IRA 45Q Tax Incentives on Cost of CO2 Capture Using the Industrial Carbon Capture Retrofit Database
Impact of Non-Steady State Operation on Cooling Water Consumption at Coal- and Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants
Impact of Plant Siting on Performance and Economics of Indirect Supercritical CO2 Coal Fired Power Plants
Impact of Technology Improvements on the Cost of Hydrogen Produced using Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Technology at Large Scale
Impact on Cycle Efficiency of Small Combined Heat and Power Plants From Increasing Firing Temperature
Impacts of irregularly-distributed acidified brine flow on geo-chemo-mechanical alteration in an artificial shale fracture under differential stress
Impedance-Loaded SAW Reflective Delay Lines for Monitoring Corrosion in Pipelines
Implementation of Detailed Polyethylene Pyrolysis Kinetics into CFD Simulations using Machine Learning
Implementation of the Glued Sphere Discrete Element Model for Non-Spherical Particles in MFIX Software
Implications of carbon content for the processing, stability, and mechanical properties of cast and wrought Ni-based superalloys
Improved creep and tensile properties of a corrosion resistant Ni-based superalloy using high temperature aging and Nb/Ta additions
Incorporation of Market Signals for the Optimal Design and Operation of Flexible Post-Combustion Capture Systems
Incorporation of Market Signals for the Optimal Design of Post Combustion Carbon Capture Systems
Increasing main cooler thermal performance for sCO2 power cycles
Indentification of Selenium Reducing Bacteria in FGD Wastewater and Characterization of Biogenic Selenium
Individual Wave Detection and Tracking within a Rotating Detonation Engine through Computer Vision Object Detection applied to High-Speed Images
Industrial Retrofit_CCRD_Current
Industrial Retrofit_CCRD_Legacy
Industry Partnerships & Their Role In Reducing Natural Gas Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Phase 2
Influence of Anionic Zinc-Adeninate Metal-Organic Framework Structure on the Luminescent Detection of Rare Earth Ions in Aqueous Streams
Influence of Intermediate Carbon Content on the Microstructure and High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of a High Strength Ni-Based Superalloy
Influence of Rare Earth Ce Additions on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Experimental Pipeline Steels
Inhomogeneous distribution and coarsening of g″ precipitates in a Ni-based superalloy and their effect on creep
In-House Developed Multiphysics Simulation for the Performance of Solid Oxide Cells (SOCs)
Initial Investigation of Depleted Sand Reservoirs as Potential Storage Targets: Upper Devonian Venango, Bradford, and Elk Plays of the Appalachian Basin
Initial Laboratory Measurements Probing Hydrogen Interactions with Eagle Ford Shale and Pyrite: Potential Implications for Subsurface Hydrogen Storage
Innovations in Direct Air Capture: Unveiling a Simple and Robust Synthesized Fibrous Amine-functionalized Matrix (FAM) Sorbent for Commercial Scale-up
In-situ species concentration measurements in ammonia-mix flames using FTIR spectroscopy
Integrated Carbon Capture and Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation for Olefins Production under Isothermal Conditions over Cr₂O₃-ZSM-5/CaO-CaZrO₃ Reactive Capture Materials
Integrated Energy Systems
Integrated Evaluation of Power Sector Decarbonization: Capacity Expansion + Dispatch Analysis for SERC
Integrated Technology for Cost-Effective CO2 Capture and Formic Acid Production: Modeling, Optimization, and Economic Analysis
Integrating Public and Private Data for Modeling and Optimization of Shale Oil and Gas Production
Integrating Reinforcement Learning with Model Predictive Control for Adaptive Control of Energy Systems
Integrating the Design of Desalination Technologies into Produced Water Network Optimization
Integration of Simulated and Real Distributed Acoustic Sensor Measurements to Develop AI Enhanced Intelligent Sensing Operations
Intermountain West Energy Sustainability & Transitions Initiative: CO2 Transport and Geologic Storage Modeling Results
Internal and External Cooling Technologies for Brayton Cycles - A Pathway to Higher Efficiency
International Cost Guidelines
International Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Inventory and Data Collection
International Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Inventory and Meta-analysis
International Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Project Inventory and Data Collection
Investigating Gas Turbine Internal Cooling Using Supercritical CO2 at Higher Reynolds Numbers for Direct Fired Cycle Applications
Investigating quantitative ion probe measurements in a rotating detonation engine
Investigating the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act’s Section 45Q Tax Credit on the Economics of Industrial CO2 Capture
Investigation of Carbon Products Produced by Catalytic Methane and Ethane Pyrolysis
Investigation of Corrosion Performance of Zinc Cold Spray Coatings in a Simulated Natural Gas Environment Containing H2O, CO2, and H2S
Investigation of Proppant Distributions in Rock Fractures with Applications to Hydraulic Fracturing
Investigation of reactivities of bimetallic Cu-Fe oxygen carriers with coal in high temperature in-situ gasification chemical-looping combustion (iG-CLC) and chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) using a fixed bed reactor.
Investigation of Scale Deposition and Wellbore Corrosion in Carbonated Brine Injection: A Simulation Study
Investigation of Sr0.7Ca0.3FeO3 Oxygen Carriers with Variable Cobalt B-site Substitution
Investigation of the Hydrogen Embrittlement of API 5L Natural Gas Pipeline Steels
Investigations of Relative Stability and Distribution of Mo Species in Pore Space of Mo/ZSM-5 Systems
Invited virtual presentation ECS meeting.
Isotherm Modeling and Techno-Economic Analysis of Contactor Technologies for New Tetraamine-Appended MOF for NGCC Applications
Isotherm Modeling and Techno-Economic Analysis of Contactor Technologies for New Tetraamine-Appended MOF for NGCC Applications
ISSST 2023 - Natural gas presentation
Jacobian-based Model Diagnostics and Application to Equation Oriented Modeling of a Carbon Capture System
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: What’s an Analyst to Do?
Kauffman AICHE 2021
Kick Signatures through Multiphase Data
Lab Scale Demonstration of Pipeline Third-Party Damage Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks.
Lab-Scale Demonstration of Pipeline Third-Party Damage Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Large-Scale CO2 Storage and Reservoir Management Strategies: Case Studies
Laser-heated Pedestal Growth and Raman DTS for Harsh-environment Applications
LCA Ethanol from Biomass
LCA GHG Adv Jet Fuels
LCA Overview
Leaching of Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium from a Central Appalachian Coal and the Ashes Obtained at 550-950 oC
Learning to Branch with Interpretable Machine Learning Models
Leveraging Additive Manufacturing and Coatings for Turbine Thermal Management
Li2CuO2 a multifunctional material for selective catalytic reduction of NO by CO (SCR-CO) with subsequent carbon oxides capture at moderate temperatures
Licensing and Virtualizing CS Models & Tools via EDX DisCO2ver
Life Cycle Analyses of Point Source Carbon Capture and CO2 Destinations at the National Energy Technology Laboratory
Life Cycle Analysis and Techno Economic Analysis of Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
Life Cycle Analysis and Techno-Economic Analysis Tools to Evaluate Carbon Conversion Technologies
Life Cycle Analysis of Emerging CO2 Utilization Technologies: Challenges and Current Best Practices
Life Cycle Analysis of Enhanced Rock Weathering
Life Cycle Analysis of Formic Acid as a Hydrogen Carrier
Life cycle analysis of fossil fuel power generation with carbon capture: NGCC, SC PC, Sub PC
Life Cycle Analysis of Methanol Production via Photocatalytic Carbon Conversion
Life Cycle Analysis of Mineralization of Concrete Products for CO2 Utilization
Life Cycle Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction and Power Generation: U.S. 2020 Emissions Profile
Life Cycle Analysis of Synthetic Natural Gas Production via Carbon Conversion: Impact of Different CO2, H2, and Methanation Pathways
Life Cycle Analysis Tools to Evaluate Environmental Footprint of Carbon Conversion Projects
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Water Consumption From Existing and Emerging Hydrogen Pathways
Life cycle impacts of waste-to-energy pathways: a comparative analysis of accounting methods
Limit Cycle Oscillating Detonation Wave Behavior Analysis Within a Rotating Detonation Engine
Link Budget Analysis of Interrogation of Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors in Metallic Tubular Structures
Local Heat Transfer Measurements in Cooler for sCO2 Power Cycles with Dilute Nitrogen and Argon Impurities
Locating and Measuring Methane Emissions from Orphan Wells in Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky
Locating orphaned wells using Georeferenced Historical Aerial Imagery
Location-specific microstructures and properties of Haynes 282 with laser-wire DED processing
Low temperature catalytic conversion of CH4, CO2, and C2H4 to value-added C3 oxygenates
Low-cost thermal/environmental barrier coatings: a first-principles study
Low-temperature Production of Battery Grade Graphite from Coal with Recovery and Reuse of the Catalyst
Luminescent Materials for the Detection of Economically Critical Metals in Harsh Environments
Machine Learned Force Field Modeling of Metal Organic Frameworks for CO2 Direct Air Capture
Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Mineralogy Interpretation and CO2 Saturation Estimation in Geological Carbon Storage: A Case Study in the Illinois Basin
Machine Learning Application for CCUS and Fracture Analysis
Machine Learning Application for CCUS Carbon Storage: Fracture Analysis and Mapping in The Illinois Basin
Machine Learning Application for CCUS Storage: Fracture Analysis and Mapping in the Illinois Basin
Machine Learning Application for Fracture Analysis: Use Cases
Machine Learning Application to Assess Occurrence and Saturations of Methane Hydrate in Marine Deposits Offshore India
Machine Learning Applications for Frac-hit Identification: a Field Data Use Case
Machine Learning Applications in Analyzing the Role of Shale Barriers and Baffles for CO2 Storage
Machine Learning Design of Perovskite Catalytic Properties
Machine Learning Discrimination and Ultrasensitive Detection of Fentanyl Using Gold Nanoparticle-Decorated Carbon Nanotube-Based Field-Effect Transistor Sensors
Machine Learning for Oil and Gas Well Identification in Historic Maps
Machine learning journal articles
Machine Learning-Based Rotating Detonation Engine Diagnostics: Evaluation for Application in Experimental Facilities (Revision of RID 848)
Machine Learning-Powered Multi-Tier Fracture Imaging: A Case Study
Machine-Learned Force Field Modeling of Metal Organic Frameworks for CO2 Direct Air Capture
Machine-learning microstructure for material design: An old science in the new era of artificial intelligence
Magnetic Field Sensing via Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance and Spin Relaxometry Using Nitrogen Vacancies in Nanodiamonds
Magnetically Levitated and Constrained Flywheel Energy Storage System
Maintaining Microstructure – The Path to Successful Technology Maturation in Fluidized Systems
Maintaining Microstructure During Scaling in Circulating Fluidized Bed Risers
Managing Carbon Storage Data with a Living Database
Manufacturing of HEAs at Different Scales
Market Optimization and Technoeconomic Analysis of Hydrogen-Electricity Coproduction Systems
Market-Based Technoeconomic Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems that Co-Produce Hydrogen and Electricity
Material Discovery and Design Principles of Perovskite Oxides for Reversible Solid Oxide Cells
Material Scale System Capabilities and Preliminary Benchmark Results
Materials and Platforms for Luminescence-Based Sensing of Economically Critical Metals
Materials Design for Carbon Capture with Computational Screening and Machine Learning
Materials Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Fuel Injector Candidates
Materials for the Photoluminescence-Based Detection of Economically Critical Metals
Mathematical Programming Models for Shale Oil & Gas Development: A Review and Perspective
Measure this, not that: Optimizing the cost and model-based information content of measurements
Measure This, Not That: Pareto Optimal Trade-Offs between Model-Based Information Content and Measurements Cost
Mechanical Strength and Microstructural Characteristics of Wellbore Cement enhanced by Graphene Nanoplatelets
Membrane and Solvent Development for Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture
Membrane Development for CO2 Capture from Steel Manufacturing
Membrane-based carbon capture process optimization using CFD modeling
Membrane-Based Electrochemical Sensors for Detecting Internal Corrosion Risk of Natural Gas Pipelines
Metagenome-assembled genomes provide insight into the metabolic potential during early production of Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 in the Delaware Basin
Metal Hydride Composition-Derived Parameters as Machine Learning Features for Alloy Design and H2 Storage
Metal Organic Framework Thin Films as Versatile Chemical Sensing Materials
Metal-Organic Framework-based Luminescent Sensors for Rare Earth Elements
Methane Abatement in the Midstream Natural Gas Sector: Barriers and Solutions to Technology Commercialization
Methane Leak Detection from Natural Gas Power Plants
Methodology for Estimating Performance and Cost of NGCC Plants with Carbon Capture
Methodology for Scaling Microwave Catalyst in a Fixed Bed
MFiX Development Updates
MFiX: Fractional-Step Method Implementation
MFIX-Exa development: Exascale computing for multiphase flows
MFIX-Exa: CFD-DEM simulations of thermodynamics and chemical reactions in multiphase flows
MFIX-Exa: Performance prediction of multiphase energy conversion devices
MFIX-Exa: Performance prediction of multiphase energy conversion devices - "Then and Now"
Microbial and Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater: Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage
Microbial dynamics in hydrogen storage simulation conditions
Microbial Dynamics in Hydrogen Storage Stimulation Conditions
Microscopic 3D Graphene for High-Performance Supercapacitors with Ultra-High Areal Capacitance
Microstructural evaluation of the creep behavior in L-PBF Ni-based superalloys
Microstructure and Chemical Composition of Al2O3-, Cr2O3- and MgO-rich Refractories Exposed to Plastic Ashes
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Based Superalloy Nimonic 105 with Varying Carbon Content
Microstructure Optimization of LSM/YSZ Air Electrodes for Catalyst Infiltration
Microstructure-Based Modeling of Inner Oxygen Pressure in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells
Microwave absorbing perovskite catalysts for efficient electrification of syngas production from CO2 and methane
Microwave assisted catalytic cogasification of plastic-corn stover to produce clean H2
Microwave Assisted Catalytic Conversion of Tar Using an Iron Catalyst Doped with Ni/La/Ce
Microwave Assisted Conversion of 1,6-Hexanediol into Polymer
Microwave Assisted Heating for Gasification
Microwave Catalysis for Chemical Reactions
Microwave Catalytic Gasification of Mixed plastics and Corn Stover for Clean Hydrogen Production
Microwave Co-Gasification of Mixed Plastics and Biomass for Hydrogen Production
Microwave Co-Gasification of Mixed Plastics and Biomass to Produce H2 Using Fe-SiC Catalyst
Microwave heated chemical looping ammonia synthesis over Fe and CoMo particles
Microwave-Assisted Ammonia Decomposition over Metal Nitride Catalysts at Low Temperatures
Microwave-assisted ammonia synthesis over Cs-Ru/CeO2 catalyst at ambient pressure: Effects of metal loading and support particle size
Microwave-assisted Catalytic Gasification of Mixed Plastics and Corn Stover for Low Tar, Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Production
Microwave-Assisted Co-Gasification of Mixed Plastics and Corn Stover to Produce Clean Hydrogen Using Fe-Based Catalyst
Microwave-assisted conversion of methane over H-(Fe)-ZSM-5: Evidence for formation of hot metal sites,
Microwave-assisted Conversion of Natural Gas into Aromatics
Microwave-assisted Dry Reforming of Toluene as a Model Tar Compound using Low-cost Iron Catalyst
Microwave-Assisted Gasification of Biochar: Effect of Operational Parameters and Biochar Composition on Syngas Production
Microwave-assisted heterogeneous catalysis
Microwave-assisted Moving-bed Gasifier Design for Solid Fuel Conversion
Microwave-Assisted Syngas Cleanup: Catalytic Reforming of Gasifier Tar Using a Low-Cost Iron Catalyst
Microwave-assisted Syngas Cleanup: Catalytic Reforming of Gasifier Tar using Low-cost Iron Catalyst
Microwave-enhanced catalytic ammonia synthesis under moderate pressure and temperature
Microwave-Enhanced Conversion of Coal and Natural Gas
Microwave-induced selective decomposition of cellulose: Computational and experimental mechanistic study
Microwave-mediated ammonia synthesis over Co2Mo3N catalyst at ambient pressure
ML Clustering to Identify Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
ML-Based Data Assimilation and History Matching
ML-based Dimension Reduction Strategies
ML-Based Rock Properties and Seismic Volume Enhancement
Model Diagnostics for Equation Oriented Models: Roadblocks and the Path Forward
Model Diagnostics for Equation Oriented Models:Roadblocks and the Path Forward
Model Predictive Control as a Reinforcement Learning Policy: Faster Learning Via Policy Rollouts
Model-Based Sequential Design of Experiments for Pilot Testing of Novel Water-Lean CO2 Capture Solvent
Modeling a Water-Cooled Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger Condensing Supercritical CO2 for Use in System Optimization Studies
Modeling and Analysis of Climate Variation Effects on Fixed Bed Direct Air Capture Systems
Modeling and Control of an Industrial Selective Catalytic Reduction Unit with Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning
Modeling and Experimental Testing of High-Temperature Stable Sensor Materials for Gas Monitoring
Modeling and Optimization of Zeolites for Contaminant Removal from Coal Combustion Impoundment Leachates
Modeling and Scaling up of Membrane Modules by Leveraging Dimensional Analysis
Modeling and simulation of multiphase flows
Modeling and Techno-economic Optimization of a Tetraamine-Appended Metal–Organic Framework for NGCC-based CO2 Capture Using Fixed Bed Contactors
Modeling and uncertainty quantification of CESAR1 solvent system for post-combustion capture
Modeling aqueous association constants and mineral solubilities at subcritical and supercritical temperatures
Modeling cost of offshore geologic carbon storage
Modeling framework for cost-optimization of process-scale desalination systems with mineral scaling and precipitation
Modeling Ni Coarsening and Migration in the Hydrogen Electrode of Solid oxide Cells under Operating Conditions
Modeling Ni Coarsening under Humid Atmosphere in the Electrode of Solid Oxide Cells
Modeling Oxygen Partial Pressure in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells: The Microstructure Effect
Modeling Pyrolysis and Gasification of Biomass and Waste Plastic
Modeling the Cost of CO2 Saline Storage on a Regional and National Level
Modeling the Cost of Onshore CO2 Pipeline Transport and Onshore CO2 Saline Storage
Modeling Variation in Contact Angle with Temperature for the Quartz- Water-Decane System
Modeling, Optimization, and Design of Experiments of a Rotary Packed Bed Contactor for NGCC–Based CO2 Capture Using Solid Sorbents
Molecular dynamics simulations of a hydrophilic MIL-160-based membrane demonstrate pressure-dependent selective uptake of industrially relevant greenhouse gases
Molecular dynamics simulations probe greenhouse gas sorption capabilities of metal-organic frameworkbased membrane for efficient gas separation processes
Molten salt-loop development acceleration with distributed single-crystal harsh-environment optical fiber-sensors
Monitoring Aseismic Deformation and Fault Reactivation with Distributed Strain Sensing Measurements in Overburden
Monitoring the corrosion resistance of cold-spray coatings with membrane-based sensors
Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Considerations for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Multi-factor Assessment for Decarbonization via Technically Viable Carbon Storage
Multi-functional Sorbent Development for Carbon Capture and Recovery of Critical Metals
Multi-functional Sorbent Development for Separation of Critical Minerals and Pollutants
Multifunctional Sorbent Technology (MUST) for the Recovery of Critical Minerals from Coal Wastewaters
Multi-functional Sorbent Technology (MUST) for the Recovery/Removal of Critical/Heavy Metals from Fossil-related Wastewater
Multi-Model Predictive Control for Enhanced Load Following of a sCO2 Recompression Brayton Cycle
Multi-parameter Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Using Double Brillouin Peak Fiber in Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis
Multi-Parameter Optical Fiber for Distributed Sensing of Humidity, Methane, CO2, and Corrosion
Multi-Parameter Optical Fiber Sensing of Humidity, CH4, CO2, and Corrosion
Multi-parameter Optical Fiber Sensor for Simultaneous Monitoring of Humidity, Pressure, CO2, and Corrosion
Multiperiod Conceptual Design of Integrated Energy Systems with Market Interaction Surrogate Models
Multi-Period Optimization of Multi-Timescale Energy Systems: Application to Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cells
Multiphysics Simulation of Supercritical CO2 Gasification for Hydrogen Production
Multi-Scale 3D Imaging for ML Property Upscaling: Mt. Simon Sandstone Case Study
Multi-Scale Dynamic Modeling, and Techno-Economic Analysis of a Radial Flow Fixed Bed Contactor for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture
Multi-scale Modeling Using IDAES
Multiscale Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems Using Machine Learning Models for Market Interactions
MVP Workshop Update
Nanocrystalline Material (FINEMET) datasheet (Revision 0.2)
National Energy Technology Laboratory CO2 Utilization (CO2U) Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Toolkit: Overview, Applications and Recent Updates
National Energy Water Treatment & Speciation (NEWTS): A Water & Critical Minerals Database and Dashboard
National Energy Water Treatment & Speciation (NEWTS): A Water & Critical Minerals Database and Dashboard
National Energy Water Treatment and Speciation (NEWTS) Database & Dashboard
Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants with Carbon Capture and Exhaust Gas Recycle
Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants with Exhaust Gas Recycle
Natural gas transmission and distribution regionalization
Natural Gas-Electric Interdependency Through 2030
NAWI Alliance Webinar__National Energy Water Treatment & Speciation (NEWTS): A Water & Critical Minerals Database and Dashboard
NAWI Fall 2023 Meeting: Water treatment Technoeconomic Assessment Platform (WaterTAP)
NAWI Research Spotlight: Technoeconomic Assessment of Brine Valorization from Brackish Groundwater
NETL 45Q LCA Review Checklist
NETL Activities in Supercritical CO2 Systems Analyses
NETL and SAMI Overview
NETL Burner Laboratory for Alternative fuels and Zero-carbon Energy 250 kW Furnace Information Sheet
NETL Carbon Conversion Toolkit - Documentation Spreadsheet
NETL CO2U LCA Guidance Toolkit Introduction
NETL Core Characterization Lively Grove #1 St. Peter Sandstone
NETL Core Characterizationwith a focus on St. Peter Sandstone
NETL DAC Center Sample Testing and Analysis Report
NETL Direct Air Capture (DAC) Center
NETL Direct Air Capture Center
NETL Direct Air Capture Integrated Technology Development
NETL Economic Impacts
NETL Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 Sensitivity Analysis Tool
NETL Energy Related Diagrams - 2020 Edition
NETL Energy Related Diagrams - 2021 Edition
NETL Energy Related Diagrams - 2022 Edition
NETL Energy Related Diagrams – 2023 Edition
NETL Gen-2 Oxygen Carrier Assessment
NETL LCA of Carbon Capture
NETL LCA Tools for Carbon Conversion Technology Appraisals
NETL LCA US Average Benchmark for Market CO2
NETL Nitrogen Fertilizer LCA U.S. Average Benchmark
NETL Non-Destructive Core Characterization
NETL Plastic Pipes Project - Final Report
NETL Plastic Pipes Project - June 2022 Progress Report
NETL Research & Innovation Center - Membrane Capture Media Development
NETL/RIC Produced Water Research Partnership FWP
NETL/RIC Water Management FWP
NETL’s Direct Air Capture Center
NETL’s Perspective on Storage Efficiency and CO2-SCREEN
NETL’s Techno-Economic Modeling Resources for Analyzing Decarbonization Strategies Using CCUS
NETL’s Techno-Economic Models for Assessing CO2 Pipeline Transport and Geologic Storage
NETL’s Updated Performance and Cost Estimates for Power Generation Facilities Equipped with Carbon Capture
NETL's SmartSearch Deep Learning Tool: Scalable Data Search and Parse for Carbon Storage Data Discovery
NETL's Upstream Natural Gas LCA Modeling
Neural network based order parameter for phase transitions and its applications in high-entropy alloys
New Energy Infrastructure Outlook 2021
New Energy Infrastructure Outlook 2022
New Matrix Framework to Determine Carbon Storage Technical Viability
Next Gen CO2 EOR
NH3 Working Group Presentation
Ni coarsening under humid atmosphere in the electrode of solid oxide cells: a combined study of density-functional theory and phase-field modeling
Ni-based alloys in direct-fired supercritical CO2 power cycle environments
NIST Data report
Nitinol Electroslag Remelting: Initial Slag Study
Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond for Stress Sensing Applications: Theory and Experiments
NMPC for Mode-switching Operation of Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Systems
NMPC for Setpoint Tracking Operation of a Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell System
Nomex410 Datasheet
Nonconvex Robust Optimization for the Design and Operation of Advanced Energy Systems Using PyROS
Nonconvex Two-Stage Robust Optimization of an Amine-Based CO2 Capture System
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems
Nonlinear Predictive Control of an Industrial Selective Catalytic Reduction Unit with Time-Varying Time Delay
Novel Additively-manufactured and Internally Cooled Airfoils for Increasing Small Industrial Gas Turbine Efficiency
Novel Geochemistry Determined from High Pressure High Temperature Simulation Experiments of Hydraulic Fracture Test Site 2
NRAP Recommended Practices for Containment Assurance and Leakage Risk Quantification
NRAP Task 5: Preliminary Evaluation of the Cost of Responding to a Hypothetical Leakage Scenario Using the NRAP/SMART TALES Model and other NRAP Tools
Numerical Modeling of Microwave-Assisted Catalytic Conversion of Natural Gas: The Role of SiC and Coke Deposition on Microwave Absorption
Numerical Simulation of a Biogenic Fluid Catalytic Cracking (BFCC) Regenerator with MFIX-Exa
Numerical Simulation of Commercial-Scale CO2 Storage in a Saline Formation Evaluating Basin-Scale Pressure Interference and CO2 Plume Commingling
Numerical simulations of gas hydrate reservoir productivity using 2D and 3D reservoir models of the Prudhoe Bay Unit Kuparuk 7-11-12 pad on the Alaska North Slope
Numerical Study on the Geometrical Effects of Structured Packing on the Hydrodynamics of Solvent-Based CO2 Capture in Absorption Columns
Object detection using YOLO for particle tracking velocimetry
Occurrence and Implications of Mobile Water in Gas Hydrate Systems
Off-Design Load Analysis of sCO2 Bottoming Cycle for a Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant with Carbon Capture
Offset-Free Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Data Collection and Data Gaps Analysis
Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Data Collection and International Project Inventory
On caprock seal integrity of Tuscaloosa mudstone at Cranfield, MS (USA) CO2 injection site
Operation and Dynamic Control of Hybrid Power Systems
Operation-Specific Electronic Leakage in Protonic Ceramic Electrolytes for Solid Oxide Cells
Opportunities for Process Intensification with Membranes to Promote Circular Economy Development for Critical Minerals
Optical Fiber Sensors Capable of Monitoring Harsh Subsurface Conditions for H2 Storage Applications
Optical Fiber Sensors Capable of Monitoring Hydrogen in the Subsurface Hydrogen Storage Environment
Optical Fiber Sensors for Selective Detection of Acetylene Dissolved in Transformer Oil
Optimal Desalination Technologies for Produced Water Networks
Optimal Design and Operation of a Solvent-Sorbent Hybrid Capture Process for Minimizing the Cost of High Capture
Optimal Design Approaches for Cost-Effective Manufacturing & Deployment of Chemical Process Families with Economies of Numbers
Optimal Design Approaches for Cost-Effective Manufacturing and Deployment of Chemical Process Families with Economies of Numbers
Optimal Design Formulations for Families of Similar Processes with Applications in Energy Systems
Optimal Design of Intensified Towers for CO2 Capture with Internal, Printed Heat Exchangers
Optimal Design of Liquid Oxygen Storage System for Flexible Operation of Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle
Optimal Membrane Cascade Design for Critical Mineral Recovery Through Logic-based Superstructure Optimization
Optimal Operation of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Considering Long Term Physical and Chemical Degradation and System Performance
Optimal Operation of Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems Considering Synergistic Chemical and Physical Degradation
Optimal Operation of Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cells Considering Long-Term Chemical Degradation
Optimization for Infrastructure Planning of Reliable and Carbon-neutral Power Systems: Application to San Diego County
Optimization Model and Algorithm for Capacity Planning and Operation of Reliable and Carbon-neutral Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Generation
Optimization of Design and Operating Conditions of Intensified Towers with Internal, Printed Heat Exchangers for CO2 Capture
Optimization of LSCF Air Electrodes for Infiltration
Optimization of Membrane-based Carbon Capture using Dimensional Analysis, CFD and Process System Engineering
Optimization of Process Families for Deployment of Carbon Capture Processes Using Machine Learning Surrogates
Optimization of Process Families for Improved Deployment of Industrial Decarbonization using ML Surrogates
Optimization of Produced Water Networks for Critical Mineral Recovery Integrated to DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Framework Pareto
Optimization of Solid Oxide Cells Air Electrodes for Infiltration
Optimization of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems Accounting for Long-Term Performance and Health Degradation
Optimization strategies for produced water networks with integrated desalination strategies
Optimization-based Approaches for Design of Chemical Process Families Using ReLU Surrogates
Optimization-inspired Pin-fin Array for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Recuperator
Optimized Performance and Cost Potential for Indirect Supercritical CO2 Coal Fired Power Plants
Optimized Porous Superhydrophobic Coating to Prevent Carbon Steel Corrosion
Optimizing Batch Crystallization with Model-based Design of Experiments
Optimizing Carbon Capture, Transport, and Storage: Overcoming Challenges with Machine Learning and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Optimizing Dicyandiamide Pretreatment Conditions for Enhanced Structure and Electronic Properties of Polymeric Graphitic Carbon Nitride
Optimizing the design and operation of water networks: Two decomposition approaches
Optimizing the designs and operations of water networks: a decomposition approach
Options to Handle CO2
Overview of Carbon Conversion Life Cycle Analysis at NETL
Overview of Industrial CO2 Capture Analysis at NETL
Overview of Integrated Pathway Analyses to Meet the Hydrogen Energy Earthshot Goal
Overview of NETL Analyses Supporting Low-Carbon Emissions and/or Carbon-Negative Energy Generation
Overview of NETL/RIC Heat Transfer Support for Brayton and sCO2Power Cycles
Overview of NETL’s Low Temperature CO2 Electrolysis Research
Overview of Quantum Sensing Materials and Techniques for Energy Sector Applications
Overview of Rotating Detonation Combustion Research at the National Energy Technology Laboratory
Overview of Techno-Economic Analysis Process
Overview of the FECM/NETL CO2 Saline Storage Cost Model (CO2_S_COM)
Overview of the FECM/NETL CO2 Transport Cost Model (CO2_T_COM)
Overview of the Pathways to CO2 Utilization and Storage for the Intermountain West Region
Oxidation and Hydrogen Embrittlement Behavior of Several Additively Manufactured Ni-based Superalloys
Oxidation and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Additively Manufactured Ni-based Superalloys
Oxy-Combustion Modeling for Direct-Fired sCO2 Power Cycles
Parametric Evaluation of RDE Inlet Performance using a Reduced-Order Model
Parametric Optimization of Microwave Assisted Methane Dehydroaromatization Process
Parametric Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Methane Dehydroaromatization Using Mo/HZSM-5 Catalyst
PARETO Training Workshop: Optimized Decision-Making for Produced Water Networks
PARETO: An Open-Source Produced Water Optimization Framework
Partial CO2 Capture
Passive Wireless Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors for Methane Leakage and Corrosion Monitoring in Pipelines
Pathway Study for Large-Scale Hydrogen Production from Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Technology
Pathways to CO2 Utilization and Storage for the Intermountain West Region
Pathways to CO2 Utilization and Storage for the Intermountain West
Paving the way for Stakeholder use of Carbon Storage & Transport Digital Resources
Performance and Cost Potential for Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Natural Gas Power Plants
Performance and Cost Potential for Exemplar Direct sCO2 Natural Gas Plants
Performance and Cost Potential of sCO2 Bottoming Cycle for Gas Turbines with Carbon Capture
Performance and Economic Evaluation of sCO2 Bottoming Cycles for Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plants with Capture
Performance of Additively Manufactured Internally Cooled Airfoils For Small Industrial Gas Turbines
Performance of hydrophobic physical solvents for pre-combustion CO2 capture at a pilot scale coal gasification facility
Permeability evolution of reservoir rocks interacting with CO2/brine under CO2 sequestration conditions
Phase-Field Model Incorporating Large Inelastic Strain with Application to the Oxidation of High-Temperature Coating Systems
Phase-Field Modeling of Mechanical Damages in Ceramic Matrix Composites
Phase-Field Modeling of the Thermally-Grown Oxide in High-Temperature Coating Systems
Phase-Field Modeling of Thermally-Grown Oxide and the Induced Damage Evolution in Environmental Barrier Coatings
Physical solvents and techno-economic analysis for pre-combustion CO2 capture: A review
Physics Coupled Machine Learning Applications for Geological Carbon Storage
PIV and CFD-DEM simulation of gas jet fluidization of a 1mm ceramic particle bed
Polymer Blend Facilitated Transport Membranes for Post-combustion Carbon Capture
Polymer Sorbents Fibers for Direct Air Capture
Pore-scale visualization of natural hydrate-bearing sediments
Porosity in Sr1-xCaxFeO3-δ Oxygen Carriers: The Role of Surface Area and Pretreatment on Storage Activity
Portable Fiber Optic Sensor for Rare Earth Elements and Other Critical Metals Using Photoluminescence Methods
Portable Luminescent Sensing Technologies for Economically Critical Metal Ions
Portable Luminescent Sensor Technologies for Economically Critical Metals
Poster - Advanced Airfoils for Efficient Combined Heat and Power
Poster for 2024 Resource Sustainability Meeting - 2020 NG
Potassium Carbonate Decomposition Modeling within Rotating Detonation Engines for Direct Power Extraction Applications
Potential Oil Supply and CO2 Demand from CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery in the United States
Power Gen Tech Comparison LCA
Power Systems LCA Tool
Precipitate Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties of Alloy 263 and Variants in Wrought or Cast Form
Precisely Doping the Surface of Tin-based Electrocatalysts for Improved CO2 Conversion to Liquid Chemicals
Predict Solid Solution Formation Using Machine Learning
Predicting Geologic Behavior in Carbon Storage Projects Using Graph Neural Network
Predicting Hydrogen Production from Biomass and Plastic Waste Gasification using Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms
Predicting Lithium Brine Fluxes from a Heterogenous Brine Source
Predicting Oxidation Morphologies in High-Temperature Structural Alloys: A Systematic Phase-Field Study
Predicting temperature-dependent ultimate strengths of body-centered-cubic (BCC) high-entropy alloys
Prediction and Demonstration of Periodic Dilation Band Formation in Rate-Dependent Porous Cement
Predictive Modeling of a Subcritical Pulverized Coal Power Plant for Optimization: Parameter Estimation, Validation, and Application
Presentation - Effects of Downstream Vortex Generators on Film Cooling a Flat Plate Fed by Crossflow
Presentation of NETL's geologic hydrogen project at the 2024 AGU Annual Meeting
Presentation on NRAP Phase 3 Task 5
Presentation to US/UK Collaboration
Presentation: Designing SOC electrodes for better lifetime performance
Pressure Gain Combustion for Land-Based Power Generation – US Department of Energy
Pressure Gain Combustion Technology Development for Gas Turbine Engines
PRIMO – The Plugging and Abandonment Project Optimizer
Probabilistic Restoration Modeling of Wide-Area Power Outage
Procedure for locating oil and gas wells in the Appalachian Basin
Process Cycle Modeling with AI
Process Modeling and Analysis of a Novel Sorbent Material for Direct Air Capture Applications
Process systems engineering enables efficient and sustainable membrane-based critical material separations
Process-based cost estimation framework for assessing the economic viability of unconventional rare earth element feedstocks
Processible Polymeric Sorbents for Direct Air Capture
Process-level cost benchmarks to establish economic viability of environmentally and socially sustainable unconventional rare earth element feedstocks
Progress on Natural Gas Pyrolysis for Low-Carbon H2 Production
Progressive Hedging Decomposition for Solutions of Large-Scale Process Family Design Problems
Project PARETO – An Optimization Framework for Produced Water Management and Beneficial Reuse
Project PARETO – DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative
Project PARETO – DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative (Prod Water Midland 08/2024)
Project PARETO – DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative: Advancing Strategic Pathways for Produced Water Reuse Beyond Injection
Project PARETO – DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative: Produced Water Sharing & Trading Portals
Project PARETO—DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Initiative
Promoting Electrochemical CO2 Conversion by Surface Dopant
Property-Microstructure Evaluation of L-PBF Ni-based Superalloy Candidates for Industrial Gas Turbine (IGT) Fuel Injectors
Property-Microstructure Relationships in Several Additively Manufactured Ni-based Superalloys
Proppant Transport and Coverage in Rock Fractures –A Computational Modeling Approach
Prospecting for Critical Minerals and Rare Earth Elements from Marcellus Shale in the Western Portion of the Appalachian Basin with Non-Destructive Core Characterization
Pulsating Poiseuille flow of a slurry
PW Characterization Task 2
Pyomo.DoE 2.0: Improved Usability and Computational Efficiency for Science-Based Design of Experiments (SBDoE)
Pyomo.DOE: An Open-Source Package for Model-Based Design of Experiments in Python
Pyrolysis of High-Density Polyethylene: Degradation Behaviors, Kinetics, and Product Characteristics
QGESS on performing a TEA
QUALITY GUIDELINES FOR ENERGY SYSTEM STUDIES: Capital Cost Scaling Methodology: Revision 4a Report
Quality Guidelines for Energy System Studies: Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Costs in NETL Studies
QUALITY GUIDELINES FOR ENERGY SYSTEM STUDIES: Fuel Prices for Selected Feedstocks in NETL Studies
Quality Guidelines for Energy Systems Studies: Performing a Techno-Economic Analysis for Carbon Conversion Technologies
Quantifying Temperature Dependence of Electronic Band Gaps and Optical Properties in SnO2 and SnO via First-Principles Simulations
Quantitative Ion Probe Measurements for Application in a Rotating Detonation Engine
Quantum Computing and Simulations for Energy Applications
Quantum Computing and Simulations for Energy Applications: Review and Perspective
Quantum Computing and Simulations for Energy-related Applications
Quantum Computing for Energy-Related Applications
Quantum for Energy Systems and Technologies
Quantum Sensing for Energy Applications
Quasi-Extended Range Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry for Product Pipelines
Radial Compressor Design and Off-Design for Trans-critical CO2 Operating Conditions
Rapid Assessment and Optimization of Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers using Long-Term Performance Modeling and Machine Learning
Rapid Assessment and Optimization of SOC Electrodes from Low Resolution Data Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision
Rapid Design and Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials for Turbine Blades
Rapid Forecasting of CO2 Plume Migration in Varied Geological and Engineering Scenarios Utilizing Transfer Learning
Rapid forecasting of pressure and saturation for IBDP site and practical implementation issues
Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Measurement in Coal and Rock Mineral Matrices
Rational Design of Electrocatalysts for Maximizing CO2 Electrolysis Performance
RDE introduction video and synthetic dataset
Reactive Carbon Capture: Cooperative and Bifunctional Adsorbent‐Catalyst Materials and Process Integration for Direct Synthesis of Propylene from CO2
Reactive Grinding of Coal Ash For Enhanced Rare Earth Extraction
Reactivity of CO2 and Fluid with Utica, Marcellus, Barnett Shale, and Eagle Ford Shale: Effect on Shale Permeability
Recent Advances in PyROS: The Pyomo Solver for Two-Stage Nonconvex Robust Optimization
Recent Advances of PyROS: A Pyomo Solver for Nonconvex Two-Stage Robust Optimization in Process Systems Engineering
Recent Developments in Deployment of CCS Projects in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico
Recent Progress in Solid Oxide Cell Technology Analysis at NETL
Recycling Rare Earth Elements from End-of-Life Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Motors
Redox Chemistry of the Subphases of α-CsPbI2Br and β-CsPbI2Br: Theory Reveals New Potential for Photostability
Redox-based Chemical Looping Large-Scale Air Separation Unit Designs using Perovskite Material
Reduced dimensional representations of subsurface properties to enable computationally efficient and transferrable machine learning modeling
Reduced Order Costs for CO2 Saline Storage for Use in Energy Market Models
Reduced Order Model for Guided Wave Propagation on Gas Pipelines to Enable Real Time Simulation
Reduction of Iron (III) Oxides in Microwaves toward Gasification Studies
Reduction of Ultrafine Hematite for a Spouting Bed Chemical Looping Process
Reinforcement Learning for Online Adaptation of Model Predictive Controllers: Application to a Selective Catalytic Reduction Unit
Relative Permeability of scCO2 and Brine in Core from Potential CO2 Reservoirs
Reliability and Decarbonization; Resource Adequacy and Resilience
Report template for 45Q life cycle analyses
Representation of Fossil Power Generation Technologies in NREL's Annual Technology Baseline
Research as an Experimental Physicist and Optical Engineer at NETL
Research Goals for Minimizing the Cost of CO2 Capture when Using Steam Methane Reforming for Hydrogen Production
Research Needs for the Solid Oxide Electrolyzer (SOEC) with a Proton-Conducting SOEC (H-SOEC) Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor (EHC) Energy Conversion Network (ECN)
Reservoir Rocks Interacting with CO2/Brine under CO2 Sequestration Conditions
Reservoir Rocks Interacting with CO2/Brine under Subsurface CO2 Sequestration Conditions
Resource assessment and recovery of critical materials from shale sources
Results from an Aeromagnetic Survey to Detect Steel-Cased Wells at a Marcellus Shale Well Site in Washington County, Pennsylvania
Retrofitting Existing Fossil Power Plants With Post-combustion Capture Technology
Retrofitting NGCC and PC Power Plants with Carbon Capture Technology
Reuse of Existing Pipelines for Adapted Carbon Transport (REPACT) Tool
Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Degradation Characterization, Simulation, and Mitigation at NETL
Review of NETL/RIC Activities in Cooling Technologies for Brayton Cycle Applications (2022)
Review of Sensors for In-Situ Amine Degradation Monitoring in Post-Combustion Carbon Capture
Review of Techno-Economic Analysis Studies Using Physical Solvents for Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture
Review of the landscape of repurposing coal power plants in the United States
Revisiting the electrochemical reduction of CO2 on the Au25(SR)18- nanocluster
Risk Considerations of Transitioning CO2-EOR Field
Rock Characterization for Subsurface Energy Applications
RokBase: Digital Rock Visualization and Exploration Web Application
Role of heterogeneous surface wettability on dynamic immiscible displacement, capillary pressure, and relative permeability in a CO2-water-rock system
Roles of Metal Promoters (Co, Cu, K, Ni, Zn, and Cs) in Microwave-Assisted Methane Dehydroaromatization to Aromatics Over Mo-Supported HZSM-5
Rules of the Road to Guide our Digital Future - Guidance for Carbon Transport & Storage Limited and Unlimited Rights Data, AI EO, Data EO
Sand Migration simulation during gas productionn from Gas hydrate reservoir at Kuparuk 7-11-12 site in the Prodhoe Bay Unit, Alaska
Saturation carrying capacity for Group A particles in a circulating fluidized bed
Scalable Anti-Corrosion Coating Based on Porous Superhydrophobic Structure
Scale-bridging Optimization Framework for Desalination Integrated Produced Water Networks
Scaling CFB Risers: Beyond the Data Using Microstructure Similarity
Scaling CFB Risers: Maintaining Microstructure Dynamics
Scaling with microstructure dynamics
Scheimpflug LIDAR for Power Plant Monitoring
Scientific Results of the Hydrate-01 Stratigraphic Test Well, Alaska North Slope
SCO2 Oxy-Combustion Panel
Scoping Review of Global Offshore Geologic Carbon Storage Activities
Screening analysis of terrestrial enhanced weathering of igneous rocks and industrial waste materials
Sealing fractures to increase underground storage security: Lessons learned from a multiscale multimodal imaging study of a syntaxial vein in a mudrock
Self-Sealing Mafic Sills for Carbon and Hydrogen Storage
Sensitivity Analysis Tool for Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to CO
Sequential Design of Experiments for Pilot Testing of Novel Solvent System
shasta project overview
SHASTA Sensor Development for Subsurface Hydrogen Storage Monitoring: Technology Maturation and Commercialization Plan 2024
SHASTA-HELP: Hydrogen Estimator for Logistical Planning Tool
Simulated CO2 storage efficiency in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs: CO2-SCREEN tool upgrade.
Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification of a Cryogenic Carbon Capture System for the Cement Industry
Simulation of Proppants Motion and Placement in Realistic Rock Fractures Using Ansys-Fluent-Rocky Code
Simultaneous Design and Operation of a Coal-Fired Hybrid Energy System with Integrated Thermal Energy Storage
Site Selection and Cost Estimation of Pilot-Scale CO2 Saline Storage Study in the Gulf of Mexico
Slag Degassing for Electroslag Remelting Using Cold Start
SMART – A Comprehensive Research and Development Program to Demonstrate Application of Machine Learning for Supporting CCS Deployment
Smart CO2 Transport-Route Planning Tool
SMART Task 6: Overview of the NRAP/SMART Technoeconomic and Liability Evaluation for Storage (TALES) Model
Software and Advanced Solution Methods for Flexibility Analysis
Solid Oxide Cell and Stack Manufacturing Cost Tool
Solution Processible Carbon Precursors for 2D Amorphous Carbon Dielectric
Solution-based Synthesis of Ultrathin Quasi-2D Amorphous Carbon for Nanoelectronics
Spatial Seal Database for Prospective Storage Resources in the USA
Splitting tensile strength of shale cores: intact versus fractured and sealed with ureolysis-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (UICP)
SSAE’S Energy Market Analysis Team Develops ES Database
Status of Modeling and Visual Observation of Mineral Scaling in High Temperature Aqueous Solutions
Status Update on NETL Techno-Economic Analysis of Solid Oxide Cells
Stochastic Modeling Workflow to Generate Representative Geologic Variability in Training Dataset for SMART Initiative
Strategic Siting of Direct Air Capture Facilities in the United States
Strategies for Achieving the DOE Hydrogen Shot Goal: Thermal Conversion Approaches
Strategies for Achieving the DOE Hydrogen Shot: Thermal Conversion Approaches
Strategies for Machine Learning-Based Segmentation of Geologic CT Data
Stress Sensing at Nanoscale Using Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond: A Model for Quantum Manometer
Structures and atomic charges of LaMnO3 high-index surfaces and surface energies of LaMnO3 low-index surfaces, revisited
Study of Different Formulations for the Multiperiod Blending Problem Applied to Lithium Recovery from Produced Water
Study of the Hydrogen Pretreatment of Gallium and Platinum Promoted ZSM-5 for the Ethane Dehydroaromatization Reaction
Study of Tritium Diffusivity in Pure and Sn Defective Zr: A First Principles Density Functional Theory Approach
Subsurface Hydrogen Assessment, Storage, and Technology Acceleration (SHASTA) - Hydrogen Estimator for Logistical Planning (HELP) User’s Manual
Sulfur Doped Tin Electrocatalysts
Sulfur-Doped Carbon Support Boosts CO2RR Activity of Ag Electrocatalysts
Summary Report of the Reactive CO2 Capture: Process Integration for the New Carbon Economy Workshop
Supercritical, liquid, and gas CO2 reactive transport and carbonate formation in portland cement mortar
Superior high-temperature strength in a supersaturated refractory high-entropy alloy
Supporting Carbon Storage Data and Modeling Needs: An Illinois Basin Geomodel
Surface acoustic wave sensor interrogation using Goubau waves
Surface Energies of LaMnO3 High-Index Surfaces Obtained from Density-Functional Theory
Surrogate modeling of the leaching process in a rare earth elements recovery plant
Survey of Machine Learning-Based Rotating Detonation Engine Diagnostics: Evaluation for Broad Application in Experimental Facilities
Synthesis and characterization of zeolite sorbents from coal fly ash by microwave-assisted method for removal of boron leachate from coal impoundments
Synthesis and Functionalization of Coal Fly Ash-Derived Zeolites for Boron Removal from Wastewater
Synthesis and Quantum Metrology of Metal-Organic Framework-Coated Fluorescent Nanodiamonds Containing Nitrogen Vacancy Centers
Synthesis of Microscopic 3D Graphene for High-performance Supercapacitors with Ultra-high Areal Capacitance
Synthesizing Highly Crystalline Graphite Powder for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes from Bulk Polyethylene Waste
Synthesizing Highly Crystalline Graphite Powder from Bulk Polyethylene Waste for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
Synthesizing Lithium Sorbents Using Acid Mine Drainage Solids
Systematic and Predictive Trends to Chromium Poisoning in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes
Systematic Characterization on Optical and Phonon Properties of Cs[PbxSn1-x]I3 Double-Halide Perovskites via First-Principles Modeling
Systems Analysis for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Systems Analysis Perspectives of Methane Pyrolysis, Fossil-Based Ammonia Production, and H2 and NG/H2 Transport (FWP-1022467 (5, 7, 8))
T91 boiler tube oxidation performance and oxide spallation in supercritical steam thermal cycling conditions
Tailoring the γ- γ′-γ″ dual superlattice microstructure of Ni-Based superalloy IN725 by high temperature aging and Nb/Ta additions for superior creep properties
TEA and LCA Assessments of H2 Production from Coal, Coal/Biomass, and Biomass
TEA of the CO2 Capture Process in SMR-CCS Applications
TEA Overview for DAC
Technical Assessment of a Novel Hydrogen Producing Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power System
Technical Report Series
Technical Risk Reduction: Model Based Design of Experiments and Robust Optimization
Techno Economic Analysis Development for Enhanced Weathering and Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
Techno-economic Analysis and Optimization of Point Source Solvent-Based Carbon Capture Systems at High CO2 Capture Levels for NGCC Power Plants
Techno-economic analysis of a direct air capture system utilizing a looped CaCO3/Ca(OH)2 process
Techno-Economic Analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid Carbon Conversion Concept
Techno-economic Analysis of a Thermally Integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Compressed Air Energy Storage Hybrid System
Techno-Economic Analysis of CO2 Capture from Pulp/Paper Plants
Techno-Economic Analysis of Converting Oil&Gas Produced Water into valuable resources
Techno-Economic Analysis of Hydrogen Production and Compressed Air Energy Storage from Variable Renewable Energy
Techno-Economic Analysis of Hydrogen-Fueled SOFC Systems
Techno-Economic Analysis of Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell Systems
Techno-Economic Analysis of Large-Scale Hydrogen Production from Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems
Techno-Economic Analysis of Natural Gas Fuel Cell Plant Configurations
Techno-Economic Analysis of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Bottoming Cycles in Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plants
Technoeconomic and Life Cycle Anlaysis of Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) Baseline
Techno-economic Assessment of Coupling an Existing Nuclear Power Plant with a Low Temperature Electrolysis Unit
Techno-Economic Assessment of Direct Air Capture With Microwave-Assisted Regeneration of Sorbent
Technoeconomic Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hydrogen-Electricity Co-Generation Concepts
Technoeconomic Model and Analysis for Hydrogen (H2) Pipeline Transportation
Techno-Economic Models are Instrumental in Analyzing Decarbonization Strategies
Techno-Economic Optimization for Point-Source Solvent-Based CO2 Capture Systems at High Capture Levels
Techno-Economic Optimization of a Solvent Absorption Process for CO2 Capture with 3D-Printed Intensified Packing
Techno-Economic Optimization of Fixed Bed and Moving Bed Contactors for CO2 Capture from NGCC Plants Using a Functionalized Metal–Organic Framework
Techno-Economic Screening Analysis of CO2 Removal Through Enhanced Weathering
Technology In Focus: Power-to-X
Temperature Dependence of Band Gap Renormalization in High-Temperature Sensor Materials via First-Principles and Experimental Corroboration
The Advanced Scale Up Reactor Experiment (ASURE) Facility: A Testbed for Advancing the Art of Biomass and Waste Co-Gasification Systems.
The Advanced Scale Up Reactor Experiment (ASURE) Facility: A Testbed for Demonstration of Advances in Biomass and Waste Co-Gasification Systems.
The Adverse Effect of Polyelectrolyte Complexation on the CO2 Permeability of Polyvinylamine Copolymers
The Carbon Storage Site Mapping Inquiry Tool
The CCS-EJ-SJ Database: A Tool for Addressing Justice Challenges in Carbon Capture and Storage
The disCO2ver Platform: Curating Data and Tools for Geologic Carbon Sequestration and Deep Subsurface Systems Research
The Effect of Heat Distribution on the Production of Benzene Using Microwaves
The Effect of Working Fluid Composition on Heat Transfer in a Direct Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Recuperator
The Effects of Conditioning and Additives on the Viscosity Measurement of Cement Slurries
The effects of different microwave powers and frequencies on the reduction of magnetite to iron
The feasibility of MT tipper data to monitor CO2 storage sites
The Future of Carbon Capture
The Future of Hydrogen in the U.S. Energy Sector: MARKAL Modeling Results
The Impact of Cement Plant Air Ingress on Membrane-Based CO2 Capture Retrofit Cost
The Integration and Mapping of an Open-Source National Well Resource to Inform Geologic Carbon Storage Site Selection and Risk Prevention: The CO2-Locate Database
The Kimberlina Synthetic Multiphysics Data Set for CO2 Monitoring Investigations
The NETL DAC Center: Design and Capabilities
The SMART Initiative - August 2024 Update at the FECM meeting
The Co-Saline Storage Method: Accelerating Demonstration of Offshore CCS
Theoretical screening and synthesizing sorbent materials for capturing CO2 and oxidizing CO to CO2
Theory-guided design of high-entropy alloys with enhanced strength-ductility synergy
Thermal & Electrochemical Power Plant Design and Cost Estimating
Thermochemical Conversions of Plastic Waste to Enable a Circular Economy
Thermodynamic Modeling of Mineral Scale at High-Temperatures and High-Pressures
Thermodynamic Modeling of Mineral Solubility in High-Temperature, High-Pressure Petroleum Systems.
Thermophysical modeling of raw glaze viscosity
Total Energy for the SOFC and SOEC
Toward a better understanding of Ni coarsening in solid oxide cells: NiH on Ni (111) examined at the level of density-functional theory
Toward a Sustainable LCA Framework for Rare Earth and Critical Mineral Production
Toward Addressing the Challenge to Predict the Heat Capacities of RDX and HMX Energetic Materials
Towards improved guidelines for cost evaluation of carbon capture and storage
Towards polydisperse flows with MFIX-Exa
Trace Element Control in Master Alloys and Impact of Feedstock Purity on a Ta-containing Steel during Electroslag Remelting
Tradeoffs in Life Cycle Water Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Hydrogen Production Pathways
Transformational Technologies for Existing Plants
Treating and Co-treating Fossil Energy Effluent Streams
Treating Fossil Power Plant Effluent Streams
Treatment and Mineral Recovery for Combustion Residual Leachate and Produced Water
Treatment of brackish water for fossil power plant cooling: Tradeoffs in freshwater savings, cost, and capacity shortfalls
Treatment Technology Assessment for Landfill Leachate
Tritium diffusion and formation in the bulk and defective surface of γ-LiAlO2 pellets: First-principles investigation
Trust Region Filter Method for Integrating Treatment into Produced Water Networks
Tuning Proton Kinetics in BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.2‒XYXO3‒δ Triple Ionic-Electronic Conductors via Aliovalent Substitution
Two-stage Stochastic Generalized Disjunctive Programming (GDP) Model for Proactive Planning and Reactive Operations of Resilient Power Systems under Disruptions
U.S. Average Ethanol LCA Benchmark for use in 45Q LCA
U.S. DOE/NETL LCA of LNG: Overview & Key (LCA) Challenges
ULTEM1000 Datasheet
Ultra-Long Distance BOTDA Sensor System Employing Hybrid Amplification and Advanced Noise Reduction Techniques
Ultra-long Distance BOTDA Sensor System Employing Hybrid Amplification, and Advanced Noise Reduction Techniques
Unconventional Highly Active and Stable Oxygen Reduction Catalysts Informed by Computational Design Strategies
Unconventional Wells Interference: Supervised Machine Learning for Detecting Frac Hits
Underground natural gas storage facility operations and well leakage events in the United States
Understanding Selectivity Control in the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Liquid Products in Gas-Fed Electrolyzers
Understanding Well Leakage Incidents at Underground Natural Gas Storage Facilities in the U.S.: Insights from Regulatory Data
UNet Performance with Wafer Scale Engine (optimization case study)
Unraveling the Pyrolytic Behavior and Kinetics of Single Polymers and Plastic-Rich Municipal Solid Waste Using Thermal Analysis
Unraveling the Threads of Environmental Justice in Critical Mineral Extraction: A Framework for Regionalized Life Cycle Data
Unravelling the Role of Glycine in K2CO3 Solvent for CO2 Removal
Unveiling the Potential of MeshGraphNets for Predicting Pressure and Saturation Evolution in Carbon Storage Projects
Upcycling Associated Natural Gas into Liquid Chemical Intermediates
Upcycling Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Waste into Graphene for High Mass Loading Supercapacitors
Upcycling Low Linear Density Polyethylene Waste into Turbostratic Graphene for High Mass Loading Supercapacitors
Upcycling Plastic and Coal Wastes into Syngas by Steam Gasification
Upcycling Polyethylene Waste to Advanced Carbon Materials for Energy Storage Applications
Update of CO2_T_COM and CO2_S_COM Models (CO2 Transport and Storage Costs)
Update to Techno-economic Analysis of BECCS Systems
Updates to Direct Air Capture Sorbent Case Studies
UPGrants LCA Addendum
UPGrants LCA Overview: DOE Carbon Utilization Procurement Grants WebinarNovember 9, 2023
UPGrants LCA Report Template
US DOE Special Session, ACLCA 2024, NETL LCA Update
Use of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Parts with 3-D Printed Connectors for Powered Air Purifying Respirators
Use of Convolutional Neural Network Image Classification and High-Speed Ion Probe Data Toward Real-Time Detonation Characterization in a Water-Cooled Rotating Detonation Engine
Using AI for Predicting TEA of the CO2 Capture Process in Precombustion Applications
Using Cloud to Host Large Open-Source Datasets
Using High Pressure Solutions of Polyfluoroacrylate and CO2 to Seal Cement Cracks for Improved Wellbore Integrity
Using Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography Imaging to Explore Potential of Ureolysis-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Treatment to Seal Fractures in Shale
Using Ontology Structures to Curate the DOE-NETL Carbon Storage Open Database
Using simulation to study solid oxide cell degradation
Utilizing baseline geochemistry and microbiology from four different hydrogen storage target reservoirs for predicating the impacts of subsurface hydrogen storage
Validation and Application of a Reduced-Order Rotating Detonation Engine Inlet and Fill Zone Model
Validation Framework for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture CFD Simulations
Validation of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of a Methane-Oxygen Rotating Detonation Engine
Variations in creep performance of P92 steel within its composition range: influence of N solubility
Variations in γ′ formers and refractory elements for enhanced creep resistance and phase stability of alloy 282
Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) Activities in Multiphase Flow CFD Domain
Virtual Learning to Support Class VI Permitting
Visualizing fracture-matrix flow dynamics in unconventional tight mudstone
Wafer-Scale Engine Applications for CCS
Water Brief
Water Management for Power Systems RIC FWP: Experimental Tasks
Water Management for Power Systems: Systems Analysis Tasks
Wave Detection and Tracking Within a Rotating Detonation Engine Through Object Detection
webinar - times (and the grid) are a changing
WELLBASE - An Interactive Platform for Wellbore Material Assessment
Well-Log Derived Geomechanical Analysis of Microseismicity in the Mt. Simon saline aquifers (Illinois Basin Decatur Project)
Wet Chemistry-Synthesized Fe/Mixed Ferrite Soft Magnetic Composites for High-Frequency Power Conversion
Where are the Data? Automating a Workflow for Carbon Storage Data Gap Analyses
Why Is it Still Too Warm or Cold in My House? Examining the Relationship Between Energy Efficient Capital and Household Energy Insecurity
Wireless Passive Sensing of Methane Leak and Monitoring Corrosion in Pipelines
WVU/NETL Econometric Input-Output (ECIO) Model Documentation Update
Zeolite sorbents for treating boron leachate from coal ash impoundments
Zinc Adeninate Metal-Organic Framework-Coated Optical Fibers for Enhanced Luminescence-Based Detection of Rare Earth Elements
ZnCr and ZnNb Cold Spray Coatings
Release Year:
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Analytical Tools & Data
Baseline Studies
Computational Science & Engineering
Energy Conversion Engineering
Geological & Environmental Systems
Independent Reports
Life Cycle Analyses
Materials Engineering & Manufacturing
Quality Guidelines
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Analytical Tools & Data
Baseline Studies
Computational Science & Engineering
Energy Conversion Engineering
Geological & Environmental Systems
Independent Reports
Life Cycle Analyses
Materials Engineering & Manufacturing
Quality Guidelines
Life Cycle Analysis:
Carbon Dioxide Utilization
CO2 Utilization and Storage
Electricity Transmission and Distribution
Feedstock Transport Operations
Liquefied Natural Gas
Methodology & Value
Natural Gas
Rare Earth Elements Extraction and Refining
None selected
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Carbon Dioxide Utilization
CO2 Utilization and Storage
Electricity Transmission and Distribution
Feedstock Transport Operations
Liquefied Natural Gas
Methodology & Value
Natural Gas
Rare Earth Elements Extraction and Refining
A Aboaba
A Ansari
A R. Lawter
A Rovinelli
A. K. M. Kazi Aurnob
A.T. Samaei
Aaron A. Barkhurst
Aaron Bjarnason
Aaron Girard
Aaron Kilstofte
Aaron M. Lattanzi
Aaron Morris
Abas Abdoli
Abbas Seyedolali
Abbey Pizel
Abby Nachtsheim
Abdullah Cihan
Abdullah Shaheer
Abhash Kumar
Abhishek Venketeswaran
Abigail Choisser
Abigail Martin
Abir Bhattacharyya
Abu Farzan Mitul
Adam Atia
Adam Aylor
Adam Brandt
Adam Schultz
Adarsh Kumar
Adrian Garcia
Adrian Hunt
Adrian Morales
Adrian Sabau
Adrienne Blevins
Aileen Richardson
Aimee E. Curtright
Ajay Kumar
Akhil Datta-Gupta
Akhil V. Marayikkottu
Akira Ijiri
Al Cunningham
Alain Bonneville
Alan Wang
Alana Sheriff
Alazar Araia
Albert Barrabino
Albert Stiegman
Albert Valocchi
Alberta Carpenter
Alberto Fernandez-Nieves
Alec S. Dyer
Alejandro Garciadiego
Alejandro Queiruga
Alex Bear
Alex Hanna
Alex Leary
Alex Lee
Alex M. Leary
Alex Moyes
Alex Noring
Alex Rinehart
Alex Tartakovsky
Alex Zoelle
Alexa Lovelace
Alexander Azenkeng
Alexander Bolshakov
Alexander Dowling
Alexander Dudchenko
Alexander Dudchenko
Alexander Noring
Alexander P. van Bavel
Alexander Penn
Alexander Prlina
Alexander Shumski
Alexander Star
Alexander Sun
Alexander Swift
Alexander Tong
Alexandra Hakala
Alexandra J. Eggleston
Alexis D. Parker
Alexis Hammond
Ali Ramazani
Ali Rownaghi
Ali Sekizkardes
Alice Hu
Alicia M. Cruz-Uribe
Alison Fritz
Allan Katende
Allan Kolker
Allan Wells
Allegra Scheirer
Allen Reed
Allison Clark
Allison Guinan
Allison Kyle
Alvaro Rodriguez
Amanda Harker Steele
Amanda Harmon
Amanda Howard
Amanda Krugh
Amanda Livers-Douglas
Ambica Pegallapati
Amelia Paukert Vankeuren
Ameya Sampath
Ameya Tandel
Amiee Jackson
Amir A. Mofakham
Amir Ghaderi
Amishi Kumar Claros
Amit K. Verma
Amit Vikram
Amitava Roy
Amoret Bunn
Amy Falcon
Amy Freye
Amy Haldeman
Amy Maples
Amy Plechacek
Ana Aulestia
Ana Monteiro
Ana Torres
Anand Kulkarni
Anantha Venkataraman Nagarajan
Anatoly I. Frenkel
Anca Ostace
Anderson Soares Chinen
Andre Anderko
André Bardow
Andre Coleman
Andre Gilchrist
Andrea Locaspi
Andrea Poe
Andrea Ramirez
Andrei V. Bandura
Andres Calvo Nunez
Andres J. Calderon
Andrew Bean
Andrew Bunger
Andrew Duguid
Andrew Gordon
Andrew Heldrich
Andrew J. Holleran
Andrew J. Hunt
Andrew J. Wall
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Andrew Lee
Andrew Lipton
Andrew Luhmann
Andrew M. Casella
Andrew Maurice
Andrew Myers
Andrew Rihn
Andrew Ruttinger
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Andrew Thurber
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Andrew Tong
Andrew Tulgestke
Andrew Tulgetske
Andrew Waggener
Andrew Zuza
Andy Minor
Andy Nonaka
Anette Beate Nesse Knarvik
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Angela Goodman Hanson
Angela Miltz
Ange-Therese Akono
Anjali Mulchandani
Anjana Talapatra
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Anna Vietmeier
Anna Wendt
Anne Oudinot
Anthony Armaly
Anthony Billings
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Anthony D. Rollett
Anthony Rollett
Anuj Suhag
Anuja Deshpande
Araceli Lara
Aranya Venkatesh
Ari Lewis
Ariana Adkisson
Arkajyoti Pathak
Arnab Roy
Arnaldo Rendon
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Arsh Bhatia
Arshad Harooni
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Arthur Wells
Arul Kumar Mariyappan
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Arun Iyengar
Arun Sathanur
Arun Subramaniyan
Asbjoern Johansen
Ashish Kumar
Ashley Caiola
Ashley Cutshaw
Ashley S.B. Douds
Ashraf Abedin
Ashton Kirol
Ashwini Chandra
Aswathy Sivaram
Athanasios Karamalidis
Athanasios Nathanail
Atoosa Mashayekhi
Aubrey E. Harris
August Rothenberger
Aung Than Tin
Austin DeMordaunt
Austin Lieber
Austin Matthews
Avinash Vaidheeswaran
Avriel Mentado
Ayaka Jones
Aytekin Gel
B Wilson
B. Reeja Jayan
B.J Carney
Babatunde A. Bamgbade
Badie Morsi
Badri Mainali
Bailian Chen
Bala Ramachandran
Balaji Gopalan
Baldur Steingrimsson
Bandana Kar
Baoru Sun
Baptiste Gault
Barbara Kutchko
Barbara Olfe-Kraeutlein
Barry Freifeld
Barry Roberts
Bashar Ammari
Ben Dotson
Ben Knueven
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Benjamin Adam
Benjamin Avramidis
Benjamin C. Hedin
Benjamin Chorpening
Benjamin Gibens
Benjamin Hedin
Benjamin Houghton
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Benjamin Nielson
Benjamin Omell
Benjamin Schubert
Benjamin Turner
Benjamin Wernette
Bernard Knueven
Bernie Neenan
Beth Stehulak
Bethany Kurz
Bethany Nicholson
Betsy Rice
Bharat Gwalani
Bhaskar Dutta
Bhurisa Thitakamol
Biao Zhang
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Bingyun Li
Biswanath Dutta
Blaise Mibeck
Blake Lance
Bo Guan
Bo Liu
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Bob Wallace
Bojun Feng
Boliang Zhang
Bonnie McDevitt
Brad Artman
Bradley Lutz
Brandon McAdams
Brandon Paul
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Brandon Schwartz
Brandon Wayda
Brenda Alcántar-Vázquez
Brenda Ng
Brenda Petrilena
Brendan Hoover
Brennan Ferguson
Bret Howard
Brett Duell
Brett E. Tucker
Brian Bartoldson
Brian Fronk
Brian Kail
Brian Koeppel
Brian LaShier
Brian McPherson
Brian Panetta
Brian Paul
Brian Plowman
Brian R. Strazisar
Brian Ramsay
Brian Ramsey
Brian Rychener
Brian Tost
Brian W. Stewart
Brianna Musicó
Bridget Ayling
Briggs White
Brigitte Petras
Brijes Mishra
Britley Jones
Brooke Stemple
Bruce A. Dockter
Bruce Folkedahl
Bruce Fouke
Bruce Kang
Bruce Kobelski
Bryan Hughes
Bryan Lange
Bryan Morreale
Bryan Tennant
Bulbul Ahmmed
Burak Kulga
Byong-Jae Ryu
C Derrick Quarles
C J. Thompson
C. Argyrakis
C. Elise Logan
C. Karacan
Caleb Davidson
Caleb Malay
Caleb Stair
Cameron A. Lippert
Cameron Brown
Camille Schaffer
Camilo Gomez
Can Li
Candice Ellison
Cantwell G. Carson
Carl Carman
Carl D. Laird
Carl Laird
Carl P. Laird
Carl Pechman
Carl W. Gable
Caroline Adkins
Carson Tucker
Casey Carney
Casey Cleaveland
Casey Finnerty
Casey White
Cassie Talarico
Catherine A. Peters
Catherine Kirkland
Catherine Schooley
Catherine Spencer
Catherine Yonkofski
Cathy Crawford
Cedric Neumann
Cera Hsu
Cerasela Dinu
Cesar Barajas-Olalde
Cesar Pasten
Chad Able
Chad Rowan
Chang Li
Changle Jiang
Changqing Yao
Chang-Yu Hung
Chanho Lee
Chantal Sudbrack
Chao Wang
Charanraj Thimmisetty
Charity Betters
Charles D. Gorecki
Charles Finney
Charles Freeman
Charles J. Werth
Charles Smallwood
Charles Tong
Charles White
Charles Zelek
Charlie Atkins
Charlotte Albunio
Charlotte Rutnik
Charlotte Sullivan
Charuleka Varadharajan
Cheick Dosso
Chen Cheng
Chen Zhang
Cheng Chen
Cheng Li
Chengcheng Tao
Chenhu Sun
Chenjie Zeng
Chennyang Li
Chet R. Bhatt
Chi Zhang
Chien-Shing Lee
Chih-Hung Chang
Chinedu Okoli
Chin-Min Cheng
Chirag Mevawala
Chloe Wonnell
Chris Atallah
Chris Beddoe
Chris Bracken
Chris Bradley
Chris Guenther
Chris J. Gioia
Chris Jenkins
Chris Jones
Chris Laliwala
Chris Nichols
Chris Ringo
Christa Court
Christian Blanco
Christian Deusner
Christian Goueguel
Christian Munoz Oro
Christina Chen
Christina Lopano
Christina Wildfire
Christine Anderson-Cook
Christine Doughty
Christine M. Hrenya
Christine Thomas
Christophe Benquet
Christopher Andolina
Christopher Atallah
Christopher Bagwell
Christopher Boyce
Christopher Bradley
Christopher Brown
Christopher Dailey
Christopher J. Murray
Christopher Johnson
Christopher Korose
Christopher L. Hanselman
Christopher M. Howard
Christopher Marin
Christopher Matranga
Christopher McLean
Christopher McNary
Christopher Munson
Christopher Orme
Christopher Wilmer
Christopher Wyatt
Chrysanthos E. Gounaris
Chuan Zhang
Chuanhe Lu
Chuck White
Chung Yan Shih
Circe Verba
Clare Callahan
Clare Martin
Clas Jacobson
Clint Noack
Clint Scott
Clinton Bedick
Clinton William Noack
Cody Massion
Cole Hodges
Cole Bowers
Colleen Hoffman
Collette Riviere
Collin Wilson
Colton Kohnke
Comfort Oluleke
Congjun Wang
Connie Zaremsky
Connor Gieger
Constantine Samaras
Corinne Bachmann
Corinne Charlton
Corinne Disenhof
Corinne Layland-Bachmann
Costas Tsouris
Craig Gardner
Craig Ulrich
Cristian Rabiti
Cuiping Guo
Curt Blakley
Curt White
Curtis Adams
Curtis Chun
Curtis Oldenburg
D A. Bryce
D R. Harp
D. Nicolas Espinoza
Daejin Kim
Daison Caballero
Dakota Zaengle
Dale Keairns
Damian Agi
Dan Augustine
Dan Glaser
Dan Hancu
Dan Hill
Dan Lu
Dan Paxson
Dan Sorescu
Daniel A. Hartzler
Daniel A. Tetteh
Daniel Amrine
Daniel B. Gingerich
Daniel B. Miracle
Daniel Bain
Daniel Baker
Daniel Beahr
Daniel Cassar
Daniel E. Perea
Daniel E. Ross
Daniel Gunter
Daniel Hartzler
Daniel Haynes
Daniel Laky
Daniel Lipus
Daniel Maloney
Daniel McConnell
Daniel McFarland
Daniel Naiman
Daniel O'Malley
Daniel Ovalle
Daniel Ovalle Varela
Daniel S. Homa
Daniel Soeder
Daniella Cimadomo
Danilo Arcentales Bastidas
Danny Hage
Danny Quinn
Danny Rellergert
Danylo Oryshchyn
Darice Guittet
Darius Rub
Darren Mollot
Darryl Shockley
Dave Luebke
David A. Dzombak
David Alman
David Alumbaugh
David Bernal Neira
David Berry
David Blaushil
David C. Rampton
David Coblentz
David Cole
David Dempsey
David E. Rodriguez
David Gray
David Greve
David Heldebrant
David Hoelzer
David Hopkinson
David Itter
David J. Parker
David J. Senor
David L. Rager
David L. White
David Luebke
David Maurice
David Mayfield
David Midgley
David Miller
David Morgan
David P. Cann
David R. Johnson
David Risk
David Robichaud
David S. Mebane
David S. Ortiz
David S. Wilson
David Schoderbek
David Senor
David Thimsen
David Tucker
David V. Baker
David V. Nakles
David W. Gidley
David White
Davin Bagdonas
De Nyago Tafen
Debangsu Bhattacharyya
Deborah Coen
Deborah Glosser
Deborah Kim
Deepak Rangarajan
Deepak Tapriyal
Deepthi Chandramouli
Delphine Appriou
Denis Leshchev
Denis Obiang
Denise Akob
Dennis Huber
Dennis Newell
Dennis Obiang
Dennise Templeton
Derek Hall
Derek Johnson
Derek Lau
Derek Vikara
Derrick R. Carlson
Devanshi V. Patel
Devin M. Justman
Diana Bacon
Dianna Shelander
Dick Newby
Diego Cafaro
Diego Gonzalez
Dimitrios Fardis
Dipankar Koley
Dirk VanEssendelft
Divakar Reddy Aireddy
Djuna Gulliver
Dolendra Karki
Dominic Alfonso
Donald Ferguson
Donald Gray
Donald Remson
Donald Rimstidt
Dong Ma
Donghyun Oh
Dongyue Li
Dorothy Dick
Dorothy Vesper
Doug Blankenship
Douglas Allan
Douglas Allen
Douglas Arent
Douglas Kauffman
Douglas Straub
Douglas Wyatt
Dr. Adrienne Phillips
Dr. Anbo Wang
Dr. Andrew Nix
Dr. Ann Cook
Dr. Brian Anderson
Dr. Dane Morgan
Dr. Feng Jiao
Dr. George Guthrie
Dr. Jesse Thompson
Dr. Jianli (John) Hu
Dr. Jim Puckette
Dr. Jingxin Wang
Dr. Kunlei Liu
Dr. Lizhi Ouyang
Dr. Manika Prasad
Dr. Roland Okwen
Dr. S. James Zhou
Dr. Shahab Mohaghegh
Dr. Shengmin Guo
Dr. Shiaoguo Chen
Dr. Theodore Tsotsis
Dr. Vikas Khanna
Dr. Xingbo Liu
Drew O'Connell
Drew Siler
Duane Miller
Duanlin Lin
Dunji Yu
Dushyant Barpaga
Dushyant Shekhawat
Dustin Crandall
Dustin McIntyre
Duy Hien Mai
Dylan Harp
Dylan Vaughn
E H. Keating
E. David Huckaby
E. M. Danielsen
E.J. Krogstad
E.T. McDevitt
Eakalak Khan
Ebrahim Fathi
Ed Sabolsky
Edgar Klunder
Edgar Lara-Curzio
Edna Rawlings
Edna Soraya Rawlings
Edward Boyle
Edward Brand
Edward Fisher
Edward R. Brand
Edward Robey
Edward S. Rubin
Edwin Jones
Efthymios Papadopoulos
Egemen Ogretim
Eileen Hlavka
Eilis Rosenbaum
Eli Stavitski
Elijah Hedrick
Elisabeth Rowan
Elisabeth Thomas
Elizabeth Basista
Elizabeth Holm
Elizabeth Keating
Elizabeth Krukowski
Elizabeth Mao
Elizabeth Vera
Elliot Barnhart
Elliot Roth
Elliott Nethercutt
Elmira Shamlou
Elsy Varghese
Emily Cameron
Emily Dixon
Emily Jordon
Emily Larson
Emily Zvolanek
Emma A. Keegan
Emma Bishop
Emma Oti
Emrullah Korkmaz
Erandi Bernabé-Pablo
Erda Deng
Eric Beckman
Eric Breard
Eric Eddings
Eric Edelman
Eric Grol
Eric Hurley
Eric Lewis
Eric Liese
Eric Lopert
Eric Popczun
Eric Walter
Erich V. Zorn
Erick Cunningham
Erik Albenze
Erik Shuster
Erik Westman
Erika Gaperikova
Erika Gasperikova
Erin Lieuallen
Erin Phillips
Ernest N. Lindner
Ervin Sejdic
Erwen Li
Esmail R. Monazam
Esteban Bowles Martinez
Ethan Simonoff
Ethan Young
Eugene Holubnyak
Eugene Ilton
Evan Frye
Evan Granite
Evelyn Dale
Evgeniy Myshakin
Ezra Headrick
Faezeh Askari
Fan Shi
Fan Zhang
Fanglin Che
Fangming Xiang
Fangning Zheng
Farid Bensebaa
Farid Rousta
Fei Chen
Fei Xue
Felipe Maciel
Feng Gui
Fengyang Xiong
Fenya Bartram
Feridun Albayrak
Fernando Lima
Flavio da Cruz
Foad Haeri
Forrest Ames
Fran Taglia
Francisco Santamarina
Franciszek Hasiuk
Franck Delpomdor
Franklin Shaffer
Fred Aminzadeh
Frederick S. Colwell
Frederick Stewart
Fredrik Forsberg
Frits B. Soepyan
Fritz Friedersdorf
Fufei An
Fulong Ning
Fumio Inagaki
G. Kim
G. L. Macpherson
G. Malcom Stocks
Gabe Creason
Gabe Dewitt
Gabriel Adua Awejori
Gabrielle Yanai
Ganesh Kesavan
Gao Li
Garret Veloski
Garrett Lindemann
Garrett Pataky
Gary Jesionowski
Gary Lander
Gary Pickrell
Gary Taft
Gavin Liu
Gavin Pickenpaugh
Gavin Wiggins
Ge Jin
Gennady Lavrenty Gutsev
George Booras
George G. Zaimes
George Kim
George Moridis
George Nemhauser
George Paul
George Richards
George V. Last
Georgia Stinchfield
Gerad Freeman
Gerald Meir
Gernot Rother
Gerrit Ralf Surup
Geunsik Lim
Gian Song
Gianalfredo Rossi
Giannis Mpourmpakis
Giannis Mpourmpakis
Gillian Rosen
Gino Irdi
Giovanni Guglielmi
Gita Bhandari
Glen Benge
Glen Murrell
Glen Tomlinson
Glenn Lipscomb
Glenn Murrell
Goodarz Ahmadi
Gordon Holcomb
Gotz Veser
Goutham Kotamreddy
Graham Andrews
Graham Tewksbury
Grant Bromhal
Grant Crawford
Grant Faber
Grant Hazle
Greg Hodges
Greg Lackey
Greg Schivley
Greg Shipley
Gregory Cooney
Gregory Hackett
Gregory Herman
Gregory Thompson
Gregory V. Lowry
Griffin Patterson
Grigorios Panagakos
Guangping Xu
Guillermo Paniagua
Gunes Yakaboylu
Gunnar Debruijn
Gurbakhash Bhander
Gyoung Gug Jang
H Scott Matthews
H Shao
H.B. Jung
H.J. Yang
H.S. Kitaguchi
Hadi Abroshan
Hahn Choo
Haibo Zhai
Hailey Lynch
Haining Zhao
Haiqing Lin
Haitao Liu
Haleigh Heil
Han Chang
Hanchen Tian
Hang Deng
Hang Zhou
Hangjun Ding
Hanjing Tian
Hanna Flamme
Hannah Hoffman
Hannah Schweitzer
Hao Chen
Hao Ruan
Hao Sun
Hari Bhatta
Hari Datta Bhatta
Hari Mantripragada
Hari P. Paudel
Hari Viswanathan
Harihar Rajaram
Harish Rao
Harpreet Sethi
Harpreet Singh
Harris Mason
Harry Abernathy
Harry Bonilla-Alvarado
Harry Edenborn
Harry Finklea
Harshvardhan Khutal
Hartej Singh
Haruko Wainwright
Harvey Eastman
Harvey Goldstein
Hayat Adawi
Heba Morgan
Hector A. Pedrozo
Hector Garza
Hefeng Zhou
Heidi J. Smith
Hema Siriwardane
Hengjie Wang
Henri J. Sanville
Henry Yuchi
Henry Du
Henry H. Willis
Henry Long
Henry Pennline
Heriberto Pfeiffer
Herve K. Sanghapi
Hewei Tang
Hichem Hadjeres
Hilal Katmale
Hokon Kim
Hongkyu Yoon
Hongsheng Wang
Hongwei Yao
Hongwu Lei
Hongyou Fan
Hooman Sabarou
Hossain Aziz
Howard McIlvried
Hseen Baled
Hsi-Wu Wong
Hu Chen
Huda Ashfaq
Hugh Daigle
Hugh Thomas
Hugo Lara-Garcia
Hui Chen
HuiHui Yang
Huijin Yang
Huijun Yang
Hunter Barber
Huolin Xin
Husain Ashkanani
Hyojeong Kim
Hyoungkeun Kim
Hyuk Kwon
I. Kaur
Ian Costello
Ian Foele
Ignacio E. Grossmann
Ignacio Grossmann
Igor Haljasmaa
Ikponmwosa Iyegbekedo
Ilya Tsvankin
Imgenur Tepecik
Indrajit Bhattacharya
Indumini Jaysekara
Ines L. Azevedo
Ingo Pecher
Ira Rackley
Iradwikanari Waluyo
Isaac Gamwo
Isabella Cross-Najafi
Isabelle Pfander
Isis Fukai
Ivonne A. Pena-Cabra
J J. Kruzic
J. Carlos Santamarina
J. Diulus
J. E. Higham
J. McDonald
J. Rodney Diehl
J. Sawyer
J.G. Wen
J.W. Qiao
J.-W. Yeh
Jack Duffy
Jack Suter
Jack Widmer
Jacob Albright
Jacob Darrah
Jacob Konrade
Jacob Shay
Jadon Grove
Jaewon Jang
Jaffer Ghouse
Jagannath Devkota
Jagdish Singh
Jairam Gopal
Jaisree Iyer
Jake Meyer
Jake Nelson
Jamal Chaouki
James A. Poston Jr.
James A. Sorensen
James Baker
James Bennett
James Black
James Braun
James Britton
James Clarke
James Clarke
James E. Parks II
James Egbu
James Ellis
James Eynard
James Gardiner
James Graham
James Hoffman
James Hower
James J. Fazio
James Larentzos
James Littlefield
James McClure
James R. Fisher
James Sams
James Simpson
James Spivey
James Williams
Jamie Holber
Jamie Kruzic
Jamie Trindell
Jamie Vornlocher
Jamieson Brechtl
Janice Steckel
Janine Carney
Jared Ciferno
Jared Friedburg
Jared Nutter
Jared Schuetter
Jared T. Freiburg
Jarrett Riley
Jarrett Wise
Jason Boerst
Jason H. Ideker
Jason Hansen
Jason M. Vielma
Jason Mazzoccoli
Jason Sherman
Jason Simmons
Jason T. Arena
Jason Valenstein
Jason Yao
Javal Vyas
Javier Tovar-Facio
Jay Apt
Jay Chen
Jay Hewitt
Jay Oliver
Jay Thakkar
Jay Xu
Jean F. Dietiker
Jean Savy
Jean-Paul Watson
Jeen-Shang Lin
Jeff Allen
Jeff Dietiker
Jeff Hoffmann
Jeff Shragge
Jeff Slater
Jeffery Burghardt
Jeffrey A. Withum
Jeffrey Culp
Jeffrey Eppink
Jeffrey Fitts
Jeffrey Hawk
Jeffrey Loiter
Jeffrey Long
Jeffrey Nguyen
Jeffrey Wagoner
Jeffrey Wuenschell
Jennifer Bauer
Jennifer DiGiulio
Jennifer Druhan
Jennifer Fanning
Jennifer L. Carter
Jennifer Pramuk
Jennifer Presley
Jennifer Weidman
Jennifer Wilson
Jens Birkholzer
Jens Blotevogel
Jeong Hoon Choi
Jeremiah Miller
Jeremy Harris
Jerry H. Mason
Jess VanWagoner
Jesse Goellner
Jessica Dorsche
Jessica Drosche
Jessica P. Moore
Jessica Sinclair
Jessica Valentine
Jessie R. Wishart
Jia Yu
Jiaan Wang
Jialu Wang
Jian Liu
Jian Liu
Jianchao Cai
Jiangwei Zhang
Jiayu Li
Ji-Cheng Zhao
Jill E. Millstone
Jill Engel-Cox
Jillian Peters
Jim Houseworth
Jinesh Jain
Jing XU
Jing Zhang
Jingchun Huang
Jingsheng Sai
Jingsi Yang
Jingyu Wu
Jinhui Tao
Jinichiro Nakano
Jinliang Ma
Jinliang N. Ma
Jinquan Shi
Jivan Thakare
Joann Zhou
Joanna Rivero
Jobin K. Joy
Jocelyn MacKay
Joe D. Moore
Joe Eldring
Joe Marriott
Joe Miller
Joe Morris
Joe Shine
Joe Smith
Joe Umhoefer
Joel Andruski
Joel Chittum
Joel E. Johnson
Joel Sminchak
Joel Theis
Joerg Neuefeind
Johan Padding
John Ahern
John Baltrus
John Bell
John Bocan
John Bradford
John Brennan
John Brewer
John C. Bergstrom
John D. Siirola
John D. Siirola
John E. Morral
John E. Plunkett
John El Berch
John Eslick
John Findley
John Haslbeck
John Hird
John Huerta
John J. Marano
John K. Tudek
John Montgomery
John Neubaum
John Osborne
John P. Kay
John Pilewski
John R. Grace
John Rotella
John Sears
John Shinn
John Siirola
John Stegmeier
John Valenza
John VanOsdol
John White
John Wimer
John Zondlo
Johnathan E. Moore
Jolene Supp
Jon Fulton
Jon Yang
Jonas Baltrusaitis
Jonathan E. Higham
Jonathan Ajo-Franklin
Jonathan Aubuchon Ouimet
Jonathan Bryant
Jonathan C. Callura
Jonathan D. Poplawsky
Jonathan Halama
Jonathan Lekse
Jonathan Levine
Jonathan M. Yang
Jonathan Seville
Jonathan Willocks
Jongchan Kim
Jongwoo Park
Jonny Rutqvist
Jordan Chapman
Jordan Ciezobka
Jordan Jalving
Jordan Musser
Jorge Gomez
Jorge Izar-Tenorio
Jorge Vazquez
Jose Benitez
Jose Colon-Rodriguez
Josef Dufek
Joseph Seymour
Joseph Chou
Joseph Doetsch
Joseph F. Pierre
Joseph Indeck
Joseph Licavoli
Joseph Obradovich
Joseph Powell
Joseph Renk
Joseph Ryan
Joseph Swisher
Joseph Tylczak
Josh Boverhof
Josh Nowak
Josh Redublo
Josh White
Joshua A. White
Joshua Kneifel
Joshua Linard
Joshua Miller
Joshua Morgan
Joshua Pulsipher
Joshua S. McNally
Joshua Schaidle
Joshua Stanislowski
Joshua Torgeson
Joshua Wassing
Joshua White
Joule Bergerson
Jovan Ilic
Juddha Thapa
Julia C. Magee
Julia de Toledo Camargo
Julia Lauterbach
Julia Mulhern
Julia Sheets
Julian Osorio
Julianne Klara
Julie Kim
Julie Tucker
Julius Samson
Jun Gao
Jun Meng
Jun Yoneda
Jun Young Hong
Junbong Jang
Junghee Park
Jungi Yin
Juniper Deitering
Junliang Sun
Junqi Yin
Junseok Lee
Jun-Sik Lee
Junwei Qiao
Jurgen Meinert
Justin Adder
Justin Beck
Justin Finn
Justin Mackey
Justin Weber
Jyoti Behura
K J. Cantrell
K Rabjohns
K. Benavides
K. Jessen
K. M. Callahan
K. Vishwanath
K.-K. Tseng
Kai Gao
Kai He
Kai Zheng
Kaitlin M. Griffith
Kaitlyn Fleury
Kaixuan Zhou
Kan Wu
Kara A. Tinker
Kara Callahan
Kara Tinker
Karen Buzby
Karen Johnson
Karl Jarvis
Karl Lang
Karlo Berket
Kashif Naseem
Katarzyna Sabolsky
Kate Jones
Katherine A. Klise
Katherine E. Jones
Katherine Gaston
Katherine Hedrick
Katherine Hornbostel
Katherine Mumm
Katherine Nie
Katherine Reynolds
Kathryn Kline
Kathryn Smith
Kathryn Smith
Kathy Bruner
Kathy Lu
Katie Forrest
Katrina Krulla
Katsina Cardenas
Katy Armstrong
Kaushal Shukla
Kavan Hazeli
Kavan Motazedi
Kavya Chivukula
Kayla Bedey
Kayla Kroll
Kayla Lewis
Kaylyn VanAckeren
Kayyum Mansoor
Ke An
Ke Wang
Kedar M. Perkins
Keerti S. Kappagantula
Keishaly Cabrera Cruz
Keith Beattie
Keith Collins
Keith MacPhail
Keithan Martin
Kelby Bosshardt
Kelley Rabjohns
Kelly Rose
Kelly Wrighton
Kelsey Marzolf
Kelvin B. Gregory
Ken Kern
Ken Means
Kenan Xi
Kenneth Bryden
Kenneth Jordan
Kenneth Ladwig
Kenneth Mark Bryden
Kenneth Neyerlin
Kevin Birn
Kevin Byerly
Kevin Dooley
Kevin Kuhn
Kevin P. Chen
Kevin R. Kuhn
Kevin Resnick
Kevin Resnik
Kevin T. Shanley
Khaled Baamran
Khaled Sallam
Khashayar Aminian
Ki-Joong Kim
Kim Kissinger
Kimberly E. Carter
Kirk Labarbara
Kirsten Matteson
Kirtan Jani
Kishore Mahbubani
Kisoo Yoo
Kiyofumi Suzuki
Klaus Attenkofer
Koji Yamamoto
Kolawole Bello
Konor Frick
Kook-sun Shin
Kory Favara
Koteswara Rao Putta
Koteswara Putta
Krishnan Damodaran
Krista Bullard
Krista Kirchner-Ortiz
Kristen Busse
Kristian Jessen
Kristin Gerdes
Kristin Smith
Kristin Tippey
Kristopher L. Kuhlman
Kristyn Johnson May
Kshitij Patel
Kun Wang
Kunal Kate
Kunlun Ding
Kurban Sitterley
Kurt Eylands
Kurt Livo
Ky Layfield
Kyla Jones
Kyle A. Rozman
Kyle Bibby
Kyle Fezi
Kyle L. Buchheit
Kyle S. Brinkman
Kyle Skolfield
Kylie P. Brinza
Kyoung Min
L Zheng
L Zhong
L. A. Goudarzi
L. Sun
Larry Kincell
Laura A. Schwendeman
Laura C. Drauker
Laura Chiaramonte
Laura Dafov
Laura Demetrion
Laura Dobeck
Laura E. Dalton
Laura Edvardsen
Laura Herriaz-Palomino
Laura S. Bruckman
Laurel Cooper
Lauren Burrows
Lauren Illing
Laurent Capolungo
Laurianne Lair
Lavrenty Gutsev
Lawrence Anovitz
Lawrence H. Sim
Lawrence Hutchings
Lawrence Rath
Lawrence Shadle
Layne M. Gumowski
Leah Hogarth
Lee Aspitarte
Leebyn Chong
Lehua Pan
Lei Chen
Lei Hong
Leiming Hu
Leland R. Widger
Leo R. Nemetz
Leonard M. Bartone
Leslie Hopkinson
Lessly Goudarzi
Li Li
Liam Walsh
Liang Huang
Liang Lei
Liange Zheng
Liang-Shih Fan
Lian-Shin Lin
Lihua Zhang
Lili Sun
Limin Wang
Linda A. Peteanu
Ling Tao
Lingfeng Zhou
Lingli Pan
Lingxiang Zhu
Lingyan Deng
Lingyun Kong
Linmin Wu
Liqiang Lu
Lisa J. Madsen
Lisa Lun
Lisa Phares
Liwei Zhang
Logan M. Tuite
Long Bian
Long-Qing Chen
Lora L. Pinkerton
Lorenz Biegler
Lorenzo Cremonese
Lowell Warden
Lucas Teeter
Luciane Cunha
Lucy Chen
Lucy Romeo
Ludovico Bianchi
Luke Clahane
Luke Fullard
M Arul Kumar
M. Ammari
M. Chen
M. Joseph Yip
M. Pecha
M. Riedel
M.L. Bao
Machiko Tamaki
Mackenzie K. Mark-Moser
Madhava Syamlal
Madison Wenzlick
Magdalena K. Gill
Magdalene A. Ante
Maher Alabboodi
Malcolm Moncheur de Rieudotte
Malcolm Xing
Malcolm Yates
Malgorzata Peszynska
Malin Torsæter
Manan Raval
Mandy Thomas
Maneesh Sharma
Manh Tien Nguyen
Manish Mohanpurkar
Manolis Veveakis
Manuel Sentis
Manyank Panwar
Maojian Wang
Maoqi Feng
Marc Kurz
Marc Turner
Marco Bianchi
Marco Terzariol
Marcos M. Conceicao
Marcus Holly
Margaret Ziomek-Moroz
Margarita Zyrianova
Maria C. Jaime
Maria Gabriela Dávila Ordoñez
Maria Hanley
Maria Mastalerz
Marija Prica
Marisa Arnold-Stuart
Mark A. Dehlin
Mark A. McHugh
Mark Asta
Mark Bleckinger
Mark Fedkin
Mark Handy
Mark Hardy
Mark McKoy
Mark Nations
Mark Reed
Mark Rigali
Mark Ruth
Mark Smith
Mark Steutermann
Mark Swihart
Mark W. Smith
Mark White
Mark Williams
Mark Woods
Markus Bill
Markus Drouven
Marta Milan
Marta Torres
Martin Detrois
Martin Lin
Martin Ma
Martin Schoenball
Martin Webler
Maruti Mudunuru
Mary Tkach
MaryAnn Clarke
Maryanne Alvin
Masahiro Nagao
Massood Ramezan
Mathew Ingraham
Mathew Stadelman
Mathias Pohl
Matt Milligan
Matt Oakes
Matt Wallace
Matthew A. Stadelman
Matthew Adams
Matthew Belobraydic
Matthew Brister
Matthew Burton-Kelly
Matthew Campbell
Matthew Carl
Matthew Cuneo
Matthew D. Reeder
Matthew Dods
Matthew Frye
Matthew Jamieson
Matthew Krull
Matthew M. Ali
Matthew Merzig
Matthew Oaks
Matthew R. Willett
Matthew Reagan
Matthew Searle
Matthew Sweeney
Matthew Wallace
Maura Nippert
Maureen James
Max Edelstein
Maximilian Barczok
Maya Schuchert
Mayandi Sivaguru
Mazin Tarhoni
McMahan Gray
Md Sariful Sheikh
Meagan Crowley
Meagan Mauter
Meen Kadeethum
Megan Henriksen
Megan M. Rich
Megan Macala
Megan Smith
Meghan Brandi
Meghan Taunton
Mehrdad Arshadi
Mehrdad Massoudi
Mehrdad Shahnam
Mehrdad Zamirian
Mei Yang
Melody Shellman
Meng Meng
Meng Zhou
Mengli Zhang
Mengling Stuckman
Mengwei Liu
Mengxia Liu
Mengyu N. Guan
Merril Stypula
Merry Tesfu
Michael Angyus
Michael B. Kowalsky
Michael Blackhurst
Michael Bobek
Michael Bowen
Michael Brady
Michael Buric
Michael Bynum
Michael C. Gao
Michael Cheshire
Michael Commer
Michael D. Gross
Michael Fahrmann
Michael Gao
Michael Giampetro
Michael Godec
Michael Hannon
Michael Li
Michael Marquis
Michael Matuszewski
Michael McCawley
Michael McHenry
Michael Pesce
Michael Riedl
Michael Sabbatino
Michael Sangid
Michael Swanson
Michael Tennenbaum
Michael V. Glazoff
Michael Verti
Michael Whiston
Michael Widom
Michael Wilkins
Michaela Bosworth
Michel Moliere
Michele Mutchek
Michelle Krynock
Michelle Valkanas
Miguel Zamarripa
Mihai Vasilache
Mijndert van der Spek
Mike Preston
Mike Situ
Mike Sturdivan
Mike Zimmer
Mikolaj Lukaszewicz
Mileva Radonjic
Min A Kim
Min Zhang
Mina E. Ossiander
Mina Rezkalla
Ming Fan
Mingjie Chen
Mingming Ge
Mingrui Li
Mingxing Li
Mingyu Wan
Mingyue Yu
Minsu Cha
Minzheng Feng
Miranda Martin
Mircea Cotlet
Misuzu Taninaka
Mitch Mueller
Mitchell Small
Mitchell van der Hulst
Mitchelle Bogle
Mitra Roustapisheh
Mitra Shabani
Mohamed Mehana
Mohamed Zaghloul
Mohammad Hafez Ahmed
Mohammad Delower Hossain
Mohammad Fuad Nur Taufique
Mohammad Islam
Mohammad Nabian
Mohammad Pour-Ghaz
Mohan Wang
Mohd A. Kabir
Molly Dougher
Molly McEvoy
Monica Garcia
Monica Kapoor
Morgan Amos
Morgan Chen
Morgan Redington
Morgan Summers
Moses Paul-Irudayaraj
Motoo Ito
Moushumi Sarma
Mst Nazmunnahar
Muaz Kedir
Muhammad Aamir Bashir
Muhammad Ismail Shah
Mumbi Mundia-Howe
Murphy Keller
N P. Qafoku
Nadejda Victor
Nagasree Garapati
Nageswara Lalam
Naksha Roy
Nan Gao
Nana Zhou
Nancy Trun
Naoko Ellis
Naoyuki Shimoda
Narasimhan Soundarrajan
Narayanan Krishnamurthy
Naresh Susarla
Nariman Mahabadi
Nataleigh Vann
Natalie Lamagna
Natalie M. Isenberg
Natalie Mitchell
Natalie Pekney
Natalie Uschner
Natarianto Indrawan
Nathan White
Nathan Diemler
Nathan Gull
Nathan L. Galinsky
Nathan Pastorek
Nathan Webb
Nathan Weiland
Nathaniel Rosi
Naziak Yanar
Ndri A. Konan
Ned Mamula
Neel Gupta
Neil Dotzenrod
Neil Pergar
Newell R. Washburn
Neyda Cordero Rodriguez
Neyda Maymi
Ngoc Tien Huynh
Nic Spycher
Nicholas Azzolina
Nicholas Burger
Nicholas C. Means
Nicholas Iamprinakos
Nicholas Lamprinakos
Nicholas Messina
Nicholas Schneider
Nicholas Siefert
Nicholas Willems
Nicholas Williams
Nick Muller
Nick Sahinidis
Nicola Castelletto
Nicolas Huerta
Nicole Cortes
Nicole Potter
Niels Berghout
Nigel Simms
Nikita Bondarenko
Nikolaos V. Sahinidis
Nino Ripepi
Nishant Giridhar
Nitin Kumar
Nizar Diab
Nizette A. Edwards
Noah Perkovich
Noel T. Nuhfer
Nor Farida Harun
Norihiro Okinaka
Norma Kuehn
Norman Tran
Not Available
Novruz Akhmedov
Nur H. Orak
Nur Wijaya
O. Burak Ozdoganlar
O. Burkan Isgor
Olatunbosun Anifowashe
Oleg Prezhdo
Olivia Marcelli
Olivia Wilkinson
Olukayode Ajayi
Oluwamayowa Amusat
Oluwaseun Magbagbeola
Omar Basha
Omer Dogan
Oshadha K. Ranasingha
Osman Mamun
Owen Grabowski
Owen Sherwood
P. Phiambolis
P. Shepley
P.K. Liaw
Paige E. Mackey
Paige Morkner
Pamela Shirley
Paolo Pezzini
Parikshit Sarda
Parm Kangsathein
Parth Shah
Pat McLaughlin
Patricia C. Madden
Patricia Cvetic
Patricia M. Saint Vincent
Patrick Carr
Patrick Conner
Patrick Dobson
Patrick Hart
Patrick Le
Patrick McNeff
Patrick Muldoon
Patrick Wingo
Paul A. Salvador
Paul Akula
Paul Boone
Paul Holcomb
Paul Jablonski
Paul Myles
Paul Ohodnicki
Paul Ohodnicki, Jr.
Paul Schwering
Paul Vincent
Paul W. Leu
Paul Weimer
Paul Worhach
Paul Zandhuis
Paula J. Mouser
Paulina Jaramillo
Paulo Debiagi
Paulo Waltrich
Payam Kavousi
Payton Seats
Peace Chinazo Eze
Pedram Tavadze
Pedro Sotorrio
Peiyao Li
Peiyong Chen
Peng Liu
Pengdi Zhang
Pete Rozelle
Peter Balash
Peter C. Lemaire
Peter Ciesielski
Peter Flemings
Peter Hsieh
Péter Járosi
Peter Kabatek
Peter Kreider
Peter Lemaire
Peter Liaw
Peter P. Scheuermann
Peter S. Nico
Peter Strakey
Peter Warwick
Phan Nguyen
Philip Dinterman
Philip DiPietro
Philip Freeman
Philip Reppert
Philip Stauffer
Philip Tominac
Phillip D. McElroy
Phillip Koech
Phillip Pinkston
Phillip Tinker
Phuoc Tran
Pierre Cerasi
Pieter Gagnon
Ping Lu
Ping Lu
Ping Wang
Pooja Kasturi
Pradeep Parajuli
Prakash Purswani
Pranjali Muley
Prasenjit Das
Praveen Thallapally
Preom Sarkar
Preston D. Jordan
Priscilla Prem
Priya Ravi Ganesh
Pushpendra Kumar
Qi Li
Qi Zhang
Qiang Wang
Qianli Lu
Qianqian Jiao
Qi-Jun Hong
Qing Cao
Qing Shao
Qing Tan
Qingkai Kong
Qing-Qiang Ren
Qingyang Li
Qinjun Kang
Qiuming Wang
Qiuming Wanga
Quang Le
Quanlin Zhou
Quinn Hughes
R. Burt Thomas
R. D. Wilson
R. K. Kukkadapu
R. M. Joeckel
R.C. Buckingham
R.D. Govier
Rachel Nie
Rachel English
Rachel Hoesly
Rachel Ross
Rachel Yesenchak
Radhakrishna Tumbalam Gooty
Rafael De Leon
Rafael T. Rodriguez De Vecchis
Rafal Gieleciak
Rafik Addou
Raghava Gorantla
Raghubir Gupta
Rahul Babu Koneru
Raj Gondle
Rajan Siva
Rajesh J. Pawar
Rajesh Saranam
Rajshree Deshmukh
Ram Devanathan
Ram Srivastava
Ramanathan Krishnamurthy
Ramesh Subramanian
Ramgopal Thodla
Ramon Alvarado
Rana Rassipour
Randal B. Thomas
Randall Cygan
Randall Gemmen
Randall Jackson
Randy T. Toth
Ranjani Siriwardane
Ray Boswell
Ray Cocco
Raymond George
Raymond Higuera
Raymond Huhnke
Raymundo Arroyave
Rebecca Matecha
Rebecca Rodriguez
Recep Onler
Renjie Ke
Reyixiati Repukaiti
Rhiannon Schmitt
Ricardo Lebensohn
Rich Esser
Richard Beddingfield
Richard Bergen
Richard Boardman
Richard Bohan
Richard Chinn
Richard D. Sisson
Richard Dennis
Richard Hammack
Richard Krahenbuhl
Richard Lawrence
Richard Lee
Richard Newby
Richard Oleksak
Richard Pineault
Richard Pingree
Richard Russo
Richard Schrader
Richard Spaulding
Richard Vesel
Richard Zehner
Rick Pingree
Rick Spaulding
Rick Wilson
Ridge Bachman
Rigel Woodside
Rishi Pillai
Rob Hovsapian
Robert Baylor
Robert Bodnar
Robert C. Bachus
Robert D. Brasington
Robert Dagle
Robert Dilmore
Robert E. James, III
Robert Eckard
Robert Enick
Robert Finkelman
Robert Fryer
Robert Hunter
Robert James
Robert Murray
Robert Parker
Robert S. Hedin
Robert Smith
Robert Stevens
Robert Tempke
Robert Thompson
Robert Turpin
Robert Vagnetti
Robert Van Voorhees
Robert Warzinski
Robert Weiss
Roberto Porcu
Robin L. Petrusak
Robin W. Hughes
Rodney Geisbrecht
Rodrigo Duran
Rodrigo Yeal Duran-Sesin
Roger H. French
Roksana Mahmud
Roman Shugayev
Ronald Breault
Ronald Lynn
Ronald McDowell
Ronald Munson
Ronald O'Malley
Rong Xia
Rongchao Jin
Ronghong Lin
Rongtao Cao
Rosalynn Quiñones-Fernández
Rosemary C. Capo
Ross Houston
Rouzben Jafari
Roxanne Bromiley
Roy H. Miller
Rubayyat Mahbub
Rui Feng
Rui Li
Rui Wang
Ruichang Guo
Ruishu Feng
Ruishu Wright
Ruoqian Lin
Rupendranath Panday
Russell Johns
Ruth Tinnacher
Ryan Davis
Ryan Egidi
Ryan Haagenson
Ryan Hall
Ryan Hughes
Ryan Jacobs
Ryan Klapperich
Ryan Knapp
Ryan Williams
S Mohaghegh
S. Bullard
S. Tin
S.Y. Chen
Sabereh Rezaei
Sai Varre
Sai Wang
Saidi A. Wissam
Saif Qawasmeh
Sajad Haghanifar
Sajedur R. Akanda
Sakshi Naik
Sally Homsy
Salvatore Salerno
Samantha Fuchs
Samantha M. Berry
Samantha Singh
Samantha Townsley
Samir Budhathoki
Sammy Tin
Samuel Bayham
Samuel Flett
Samuel Henry
Samuel Hipple
Samuel Levinson
Samuel S. Sasser
San Dinh
Sandeep Pidaparti
Sandeep Reddy Bukka
Sangbum Lee
Sanjana Karpe
Sanjay Kumar Devendhar Singh
Sanjay Mawalkar
Santanu Dey
Santosh H. Vijapur
Sara Moreno
Sarah Brown
Sarah Dendy
Sarah Eisenlord
Sarah Forbes
Sarah Leptinsky
Sarah Poon
Sarah R. Brown
Sarthak Chauhan
Saryu Finsin
Sassan Hajirezaie
Sathish Sanjeevi
Satoru Simizu
Satoshi Ohtsuki
Satoshi Otsuki
Savannah Sakhai
Savini Samarasinghe
Sayuri Kimoto
Scott Beautz
Scott Chen
Scott Crawford
Scott Frailey
Scott Leleika
Scott M. Johnson
Scott Montross
Scott Pantaleone
Scott Perfect
Scott Quillian
Scott Workman
Scyller J. Borglum
Sean Brennan
Sean Brown
Sean Brown
Sean I. Hwang
Sean McCoy
Sean Nations
Sean Sanguinito
Sebastian Skipwith
Selcuk Can Uysal
Selin Bayramoglu
Selina Roman-White
Selorme Agbleze
Seolhee Cho
Sergei Aldoshin
Sergey Aldoshin
Sergio Rey
Sergio Torres
Serguei N. Lvov
Seshadri Seetharaman
Seth Boeke
Seth C. Burkert
Seth Haines
Seth J. King
Seth King
Seth Lawson
Seunghee Kim
Seunghwan Baek
Seung-Ryul Moon
Seyyed Hosseini
Shahrzad Roshankhah
Shailesh Vora
Sham Bhat
Shane Butler
Shane Butler
ShangMin Lin
Shangwen Zhou
Shannon Bragg-Sitton
Shannon McNaul
Shaoping Chu
Sharad Kelkar
Shareq Mohd Nazir
Shaun Donmoyer
Shawn Litster
Shawn Martin
Shawn Rabiei
Sheikh Moni
Sheila Hedges
Shelby L. Isom
Sheng Dai
Sheng Shen
Shengguo Ma
Shengnian Wang
Shenyang Hu
Sherilyn Williams-Stroud
Sherry Lichtenberg
Sherzoy Jan
Shichun Huang
Shifeng Dai
Shigeru Amemiya
Shihang Feng
Shih-Kang Lin
Shikha Sharma
Shiqiang Hao
Shirley Sam
Shiteng Zhao
Shiwoo Lee
Shizhong Yang
Shohreh Amini
Shouliang Yi
Shree Ram Acharya
Shubhangi Gupta
Shuman Yu
Shun Uchida
ShunLi Shang
Shuvajit Bhattacharya
Shuyan Zhang
Si Akin
Siamak Nazari
Siddharth Maddali
Siddharth Masra
Siddharth Misra
Sierra McDermott
Sikander Khan
Simon Roussanaly
Sina Tebianian
Siran Liu
Sirui Tan
Site Li
Sittichai Natesakhawat
Sixbert P. Muhoza
Smriti Sharma
Sofiane Benyahia
Song Li
Song Zhao
Songhun Chong
Sonia Hammache
Sooraj P. Sharma
Sophia Bauer
Sophia Obarr
Sridharan Ramesh
Srijana Rai
Srikanta Mishra
Stanley P. Mordensky
Stefan Bunz
Stefan Finsterle
Stefania Gardarsdottir
Stellamaris Nakacwa
Stephan Graham
Stephan Smith
Stephanie Garcia
Stephen Bauer
Stephen C. Phillips
Stephen Davidson
Stephen J. Pyle
Stephen Leveckis
Stephen LeViness
Stephen Lynch
Stephen Summits
Stephen Treimel
Stephen Unwin
Steve Folga
Steve Galer
Steve Herron
Steve Knudsen
Steve Pullins
Steve Whittaker
Steve Zitney
Steven B. Hawthorne
Steven B. Olsberg
Steven Dahl
Steven Rowan
Stoichko Antonov
Stuart D. Walsh
Subhodeep Banerjee
Sue Carr
Sundar V. Atre
Sung Min Choi Hong
Sungkyu Kim
Sunjay Melkote
Surendar R. Venna
Surya Parker
Surya Tiwari
Susan Carroll
Susan L. Brantley
Susan Pool
Susan Welch
Susana Garcia Lopez
Swarom Kanitkar
Swetha Menon
Sydney Hughes
Sydney Zerbe
T Li
T.T. Tsotsis
Taehun Kim
Taehyung Park
Taiwo Ajayi
Takeshi Terada
Takuto Sakai
Tao Hong
Tao Liu
Tao Yang
Tapajyoti Ghosh
Tara Leonard
Tarak Nandi
Tatsuhiko Hoshino
Tatsuya Higaki
Taylor Malone
Taylor Vactor
Taylor Vactor
Teng Zhang
Terence Musho
Terry McKisic
Terumasa Tadano
Tessnim Mohammed
Tetsuya Fujii
Thai T. Phan
Thien Tran
Thomas Attard
Thomas Borch
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown
Thomas Bucher
Thomas Buscheck
Thomas Daley
Thomas Darrah
Thomas Davis
Thomas De Cazenove
Thomas E. Drennen
Thomas J. Paronish
Thomas Kalapos
Thomas Kovar
Thomas Matta
Thomas Mroz
Thomas Naberhaus
Thomas R. Mclendon
Thomas Reichel
Thomas Rueckert
Thomas Stanton
Thomas Tarka
Thomas W. Leadbeater
Thomas Wilson
Thuy Duong Nguyen Phan
Thuy Nguyen
Tianle Cheng
Tiannan Yang
Tiernan Baucom
Till Strunge
Tim Collett
Tim Floyd
Tim Fout
Tim Hsu
Tim Johnson
Tim Langhorst
Timothy Bartholomew
Timothy Carr
Timothy D. Hall
Timothy Duffy
Timothy Eden
Timothy Fout
Timothy Grant
Timothy J. Kneafsey
Timothy J. Skone, P.E.
Timothy Jones
Timothy M. Murin
Timothy McHargue
Timothy McKinley
Ting Chen
Ting Jia
Tingting Zuo
Tingwen Li
Tiziano Faravelli
Todd Sidwell
Tom Davis
Tom Grabowski
Tom L. Heidrick
Tom LaTourrette
Tom McGuire
Tom Richard
Tom Shih
Tomas Dudziak
Tommy Schmitt
Tongde Shen
Tor Nordam
Towfiq Ahmed
Traci Rodosta
Tracy A. Thewlis
Tracy L. Bank
Tracy Moffett
Travis Arnold
Travis Shultz
Travis Warner
Troy Hawkins
Troy Hottle
Troy Teel
Tuhin S. Khan
Tuo Ji
Turgay Ertekin
Tyler Davis
Tyler J. Hengen
Tyler Jaffe
Tyler Van Leewen
Tyler Zymroz
U.S. Yadav
Umesh Chitnis
Una Nowling
Ursula Kattner
V. Saraf
Vahid Jafari
Valarie Smith
Valerie Menna
Vanessa Espinoza
Vasant Shah
Vassiliki-Alexandra Glezakou
Vasudev Haribal
Veerle Keppens
Vello A. Kuuskraa
Veronika S. Vasylkivska
Vibhav Dabadghao
Vic D. Baker
Vicki Grassian
Victor Abdelsayed
Victor Kusuma
Victor N. Balashov
Victoria Toetz
Viet Hung Pham
Vikas Agrawa
Vikas Agrawal
Vilupanur Ravi
Vinayak Dwivedy
Vincent H. Chou
Vincent Mazzoni
Vishalini Kuncheekanna
Vitaliy L. Budarin
Vladimir Vaysman
Volker Sick
Vyacheslav Romanov
W. Chen
W. Neal Sams
W.D. Li
Walter C. Wilfong
Walter Shelton
Ward Burgess
Warren Katzenstein
Wayne Lundberg
Wei Chen
Wei Ge
Wei Guo
Wei Shi
Wei Wei
Wei Xiong
Wei-Heng Huang
Weiqun Zhang
Wenbin Kuang
Wen-Ching Yang
Wenqian Xu
Wenting Shao
Wenyuan Li
Wesley Burnett
Wesley Peck
Wesley R. Boyette
Wesley W. Ingwerson
Whitney Trainor-Guitton
William Babiuch
William Benincosa
William Carey
William D. Fullmer
William E. Taifan
William Epting
William F. Guthrie
William Foxall
William Garber
William H. Nealley
William Harbert
William Harrison
William Heck
William Horn
William K. O'Connor
William O. Nachlas
William Phillip
William Pike
William Rogers
William Roggenthen
William Shedd
William Strahl
William Summers
William Trehern
William Waite
Winston Anthony
Wissam Saidi
Woong Young So
Wooyong Um
Wu Zhang
Wyatt Du Frane
Wyatt LaMarche
X. H. Yan
X.H. Shi
Xi Gao
Xi Li
Xian Gao
Xian Gao
Xiangguo Li
Xianglei Mao
Xiangsha Du
Xianjin Yang
Xiao Yang
Xiaochun Li
Xiaoci Lin
Xiaodi Sun
Xiaoguang Sun
Xiaohui Fan
Xiaotian Fang
Xiaotian Yan
Xiaowen Liu
Xiaoyang Wei
Xiaoyi Chen
Xiaoyi Liu
Xiaoyun He
Xin Su
Xing Yee Gan
Xingwei Ren
Xingyi Deng
Xinhe Chen
Xinwei Bai
Xinyao Shen
Xinyuan Chong
Xiongjun Wu
Xue Yu
Xue Yue
Xuemei Li
Xuerui Gai
Xueting Zhao
Xueyan Song
Y Liu
Y Martinez
Y Sun
Y. Ren
Y. Tong
Y. Zhang
Y.C. Wu
Y.J. Zhao
Yajie Zhao
Ya-Mei Yang
Yan Chen
Yan Luo
Yan Wang
Yan Zhang
Yan Zhou
Yaneng Zhou
Yang Huang
Yang Ren
Yang Yu
Yang Zhou
Yanrui Ning
Yanxiang Zhang
Yanzhou Ji
Yaoguo Li
Yash Girish Shah
Yash Kumar
Yash Puranik
Yassin Khalifa
Yee Soong
Yi Chou
Yi Han
Yi Wang
Yi Zhang
Yi-Chia Chou
Yifan Deng
Yifeng Wang
Yifu Ding
Yijiang Li
Yijie Tang
Yingqi Zhang
Yingwei Li
Yinkai Lei
Yisong Guo
Yiwen He
Yixin Lu
Yong Lui
Yong Zhang
Yonggang Yan
Yongkoo Seol
Yongliang Xiong
Yongxiang Gao
Yoojin Jung
Yoosuf Picard
Yoshihiro Konno
Youhai Wen
Youngseok Jee
Youwei Cheng
Youzou Lin
Yu Chen
Yu Lu
Yu Zhong
Yuan Gao
Yuan Jiang
Yuanyuan Li
Yue Wu
Yueh-Lin Lee
Yueying Fan
Yuhe Tian
Yuhua Duan
Yujing Zhang
Yujuan He
Yuki Morono
Yukinori Yamamoto
Yulun Wang
Yumeng Zhao
Yun Chen
Yuning Wu
Yunwei Sun
Yunxing Lu
YunYang Lee
Yunyun Zhou
Yupeng Xu
Yuqing Meng
Yusuf Falola
Yuxin Wang
Yu-Yen Chen
Yvan Alleau
Yves Guglielmi
Yves Mantz
Z Dai
Z Jason Hou
Z. Shi
Zach Burton
Zach Splain
Zachary Jackson
Zachary Schulte
Zachary Tallman
Zan Wang
Zedong Peng
Zekun Wu
Zephyr Taylor
Zhangyang Xu
Zhaoqiang Peng
Zhe Li
Zheng Zhou
Zhenghong Bao
Zhengru Liu
Zhengyang Yang
Zhengzhong Shao
Zhenhua Wang
Zhenmin Du
Zhenxue Dai
Zhi Zeng
Zhichao Liu
Zhien Liu
Zhien Zhang
Zhigang Yang
Zhihao Yu
Zhihua Wang
Zhiyong Gu
Zhongju Li
Zhongping Zhang
Zhongyu Liu
Zhuan Ge
Zi Tong
Zi Wang
Zidao Zeng
Zi-Kui Liu
Zineb Belarbi
Zitao Wu
Zongcai Feng
Zongrui Pei
Zsolt Poole
None selected
Select all
A Aboaba
A Ansari
A R. Lawter
A Rovinelli
A. K. M. Kazi Aurnob
A.T. Samaei
Aaron A. Barkhurst
Aaron Bjarnason
Aaron Girard
Aaron Kilstofte
Aaron M. Lattanzi
Aaron Morris
Abas Abdoli
Abbas Seyedolali
Abbey Pizel
Abby Nachtsheim
Abdullah Cihan
Abdullah Shaheer
Abhash Kumar
Abhishek Venketeswaran
Abigail Choisser
Abigail Martin
Abir Bhattacharyya
Abu Farzan Mitul
Adam Atia
Adam Aylor
Adam Brandt
Adam Schultz
Adarsh Kumar
Adrian Garcia
Adrian Hunt
Adrian Morales
Adrian Sabau
Adrienne Blevins
Aileen Richardson
Aimee E. Curtright
Ajay Kumar
Akhil Datta-Gupta
Akhil V. Marayikkottu
Akira Ijiri
Al Cunningham
Alain Bonneville
Alan Wang
Alana Sheriff
Alazar Araia
Albert Barrabino
Albert Stiegman
Albert Valocchi
Alberta Carpenter
Alberto Fernandez-Nieves
Alec S. Dyer
Alejandro Garciadiego
Alejandro Queiruga
Alex Bear
Alex Hanna
Alex Leary
Alex Lee
Alex M. Leary
Alex Moyes
Alex Noring
Alex Rinehart
Alex Tartakovsky
Alex Zoelle
Alexa Lovelace
Alexander Azenkeng
Alexander Bolshakov
Alexander Dowling
Alexander Dudchenko
Alexander Dudchenko
Alexander Noring
Alexander P. van Bavel
Alexander Penn
Alexander Prlina
Alexander Shumski
Alexander Star
Alexander Sun
Alexander Swift
Alexander Tong
Alexandra Hakala
Alexandra J. Eggleston
Alexis D. Parker
Alexis Hammond
Ali Ramazani
Ali Rownaghi
Ali Sekizkardes
Alice Hu
Alicia M. Cruz-Uribe
Alison Fritz
Allan Katende
Allan Kolker
Allan Wells
Allegra Scheirer
Allen Reed
Allison Clark
Allison Guinan
Allison Kyle
Alvaro Rodriguez
Amanda Harker Steele
Amanda Harmon
Amanda Howard
Amanda Krugh
Amanda Livers-Douglas
Ambica Pegallapati
Amelia Paukert Vankeuren
Ameya Sampath
Ameya Tandel
Amiee Jackson
Amir A. Mofakham
Amir Ghaderi
Amishi Kumar Claros
Amit K. Verma
Amit Vikram
Amitava Roy
Amoret Bunn
Amy Falcon
Amy Freye
Amy Haldeman
Amy Maples
Amy Plechacek
Ana Aulestia
Ana Monteiro
Ana Torres
Anand Kulkarni
Anantha Venkataraman Nagarajan
Anatoly I. Frenkel
Anca Ostace
Anderson Soares Chinen
Andre Anderko
André Bardow
Andre Coleman
Andre Gilchrist
Andrea Locaspi
Andrea Poe
Andrea Ramirez
Andrei V. Bandura
Andres Calvo Nunez
Andres J. Calderon
Andrew Bean
Andrew Bunger
Andrew Duguid
Andrew Gordon
Andrew Heldrich
Andrew J. Holleran
Andrew J. Hunt
Andrew J. Wall
Andrew Jones
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lipton
Andrew Luhmann
Andrew M. Casella
Andrew Maurice
Andrew Myers
Andrew Rihn
Andrew Ruttinger
Andrew Schultz
Andrew Stack
Andrew Thurber
Andrew Tinker
Andrew Tong
Andrew Tulgestke
Andrew Tulgetske
Andrew Waggener
Andrew Zuza
Andy Minor
Andy Nonaka
Anette Beate Nesse Knarvik
Angel Gallegos
Angela Goodman Hanson
Angela Miltz
Ange-Therese Akono
Anjali Mulchandani
Anjana Talapatra
Ann Almgren
Anna Nakano
Anna Trubetskaya
Anna Vietmeier
Anna Wendt
Anne Oudinot
Anthony Armaly
Anthony Billings
Anthony Burgard
Anthony D. Rollett
Anthony Rollett
Anuj Suhag
Anuja Deshpande
Araceli Lara
Aranya Venkatesh
Ari Lewis
Ariana Adkisson
Arkajyoti Pathak
Arnab Roy
Arnaldo Rendon
Arno Zimmermann
Arsh Bhatia
Arshad Harooni
Arthur Konan
Arthur Wells
Arul Kumar Mariyappan
Arun Devaraj
Arun Iyengar
Arun Sathanur
Arun Subramaniyan
Asbjoern Johansen
Ashish Kumar
Ashley Caiola
Ashley Cutshaw
Ashley S.B. Douds
Ashraf Abedin
Ashton Kirol
Ashwini Chandra
Aswathy Sivaram
Athanasios Karamalidis
Athanasios Nathanail
Atoosa Mashayekhi
Aubrey E. Harris
August Rothenberger
Aung Than Tin
Austin DeMordaunt
Austin Lieber
Austin Matthews
Avinash Vaidheeswaran
Avriel Mentado
Ayaka Jones
Aytekin Gel
B Wilson
B. Reeja Jayan
B.J Carney
Babatunde A. Bamgbade
Badie Morsi
Badri Mainali
Bailian Chen
Bala Ramachandran
Balaji Gopalan
Baldur Steingrimsson
Bandana Kar
Baoru Sun
Baptiste Gault
Barbara Kutchko
Barbara Olfe-Kraeutlein
Barry Freifeld
Barry Roberts
Bashar Ammari
Ben Dotson
Ben Knueven
Ben Morelli
Ben Young
Benjamin Adam
Benjamin Avramidis
Benjamin C. Hedin
Benjamin Chorpening
Benjamin Gibens
Benjamin Hedin
Benjamin Houghton
Benjamin Li
Benjamin Nielson
Benjamin Omell
Benjamin Schubert
Benjamin Turner
Benjamin Wernette
Bernard Knueven
Bernie Neenan
Beth Stehulak
Bethany Kurz
Bethany Nicholson
Betsy Rice
Bharat Gwalani
Bhaskar Dutta
Bhurisa Thitakamol
Biao Zhang
Bin Yang
Bingyun Li
Biswanath Dutta
Blaise Mibeck
Blake Lance
Bo Guan
Bo Liu
Bob Slettehaugh
Bob Wallace
Bojun Feng
Boliang Zhang
Bonnie McDevitt
Brad Artman
Bradley Lutz
Brandon McAdams
Brandon Paul
Brandon Robinson
Brandon Schwartz
Brandon Wayda
Brenda Alcántar-Vázquez
Brenda Ng
Brenda Petrilena
Brendan Hoover
Brennan Ferguson
Bret Howard
Brett Duell
Brett E. Tucker
Brian Bartoldson
Brian Fronk
Brian Kail
Brian Koeppel
Brian LaShier
Brian McPherson
Brian Panetta
Brian Paul
Brian Plowman
Brian R. Strazisar
Brian Ramsay
Brian Ramsey
Brian Rychener
Brian Tost
Brian W. Stewart
Brianna Musicó
Bridget Ayling
Briggs White
Brigitte Petras
Brijes Mishra
Britley Jones
Brooke Stemple
Bruce A. Dockter
Bruce Folkedahl
Bruce Fouke
Bruce Kang
Bruce Kobelski
Bryan Hughes
Bryan Lange
Bryan Morreale
Bryan Tennant
Bulbul Ahmmed
Burak Kulga
Byong-Jae Ryu
C Derrick Quarles
C J. Thompson
C. Argyrakis
C. Elise Logan
C. Karacan
Caleb Davidson
Caleb Malay
Caleb Stair
Cameron A. Lippert
Cameron Brown
Camille Schaffer
Camilo Gomez
Can Li
Candice Ellison
Cantwell G. Carson
Carl Carman
Carl D. Laird
Carl Laird
Carl P. Laird
Carl Pechman
Carl W. Gable
Caroline Adkins
Carson Tucker
Casey Carney
Casey Cleaveland
Casey Finnerty
Casey White
Cassie Talarico
Catherine A. Peters
Catherine Kirkland
Catherine Schooley
Catherine Spencer
Catherine Yonkofski
Cathy Crawford
Cedric Neumann
Cera Hsu
Cerasela Dinu
Cesar Barajas-Olalde
Cesar Pasten
Chad Able
Chad Rowan
Chang Li
Changle Jiang
Changqing Yao
Chang-Yu Hung
Chanho Lee
Chantal Sudbrack
Chao Wang
Charanraj Thimmisetty
Charity Betters
Charles D. Gorecki
Charles Finney
Charles Freeman
Charles J. Werth
Charles Smallwood
Charles Tong
Charles White
Charles Zelek
Charlie Atkins
Charlotte Albunio
Charlotte Rutnik
Charlotte Sullivan
Charuleka Varadharajan
Cheick Dosso
Chen Cheng
Chen Zhang
Cheng Chen
Cheng Li
Chengcheng Tao
Chenhu Sun
Chenjie Zeng
Chennyang Li
Chet R. Bhatt
Chi Zhang
Chien-Shing Lee
Chih-Hung Chang
Chinedu Okoli
Chin-Min Cheng
Chirag Mevawala
Chloe Wonnell
Chris Atallah
Chris Beddoe
Chris Bracken
Chris Bradley
Chris Guenther
Chris J. Gioia
Chris Jenkins
Chris Jones
Chris Laliwala
Chris Nichols
Chris Ringo
Christa Court
Christian Blanco
Christian Deusner
Christian Goueguel
Christian Munoz Oro
Christina Chen
Christina Lopano
Christina Wildfire
Christine Anderson-Cook
Christine Doughty
Christine M. Hrenya
Christine Thomas
Christophe Benquet
Christopher Andolina
Christopher Atallah
Christopher Bagwell
Christopher Boyce
Christopher Bradley
Christopher Brown
Christopher Dailey
Christopher J. Murray
Christopher Johnson
Christopher Korose
Christopher L. Hanselman
Christopher M. Howard
Christopher Marin
Christopher Matranga
Christopher McLean
Christopher McNary
Christopher Munson
Christopher Orme
Christopher Wilmer
Christopher Wyatt
Chrysanthos E. Gounaris
Chuan Zhang
Chuanhe Lu
Chuck White
Chung Yan Shih
Circe Verba
Clare Callahan
Clare Martin
Clas Jacobson
Clint Noack
Clint Scott
Clinton Bedick
Clinton William Noack
Cody Massion
Cole Hodges
Cole Bowers
Colleen Hoffman
Collette Riviere
Collin Wilson
Colton Kohnke
Comfort Oluleke
Congjun Wang
Connie Zaremsky
Connor Gieger
Constantine Samaras
Corinne Bachmann
Corinne Charlton
Corinne Disenhof
Corinne Layland-Bachmann
Costas Tsouris
Craig Gardner
Craig Ulrich
Cristian Rabiti
Cuiping Guo
Curt Blakley
Curt White
Curtis Adams
Curtis Chun
Curtis Oldenburg
D A. Bryce
D R. Harp
D. Nicolas Espinoza
Daejin Kim
Daison Caballero
Dakota Zaengle
Dale Keairns
Damian Agi
Dan Augustine
Dan Glaser
Dan Hancu
Dan Hill
Dan Lu
Dan Paxson
Dan Sorescu
Daniel A. Hartzler
Daniel A. Tetteh
Daniel Amrine
Daniel B. Gingerich
Daniel B. Miracle
Daniel Bain
Daniel Baker
Daniel Beahr
Daniel Cassar
Daniel E. Perea
Daniel E. Ross
Daniel Gunter
Daniel Hartzler
Daniel Haynes
Daniel Laky
Daniel Lipus
Daniel Maloney
Daniel McConnell
Daniel McFarland
Daniel Naiman
Daniel O'Malley
Daniel Ovalle
Daniel Ovalle Varela
Daniel S. Homa
Daniel Soeder
Daniella Cimadomo
Danilo Arcentales Bastidas
Danny Hage
Danny Quinn
Danny Rellergert
Danylo Oryshchyn
Darice Guittet
Darius Rub
Darren Mollot
Darryl Shockley
Dave Luebke
David A. Dzombak
David Alman
David Alumbaugh
David Bernal Neira
David Berry
David Blaushil
David C. Rampton
David Coblentz
David Cole
David Dempsey
David E. Rodriguez
David Gray
David Greve
David Heldebrant
David Hoelzer
David Hopkinson
David Itter
David J. Parker
David J. Senor
David L. Rager
David L. White
David Luebke
David Maurice
David Mayfield
David Midgley
David Miller
David Morgan
David P. Cann
David R. Johnson
David Risk
David Robichaud
David S. Mebane
David S. Ortiz
David S. Wilson
David Schoderbek
David Senor
David Thimsen
David Tucker
David V. Baker
David V. Nakles
David W. Gidley
David White
Davin Bagdonas
De Nyago Tafen
Debangsu Bhattacharyya
Deborah Coen
Deborah Glosser
Deborah Kim
Deepak Rangarajan
Deepak Tapriyal
Deepthi Chandramouli
Delphine Appriou
Denis Leshchev
Denis Obiang
Denise Akob
Dennis Huber
Dennis Newell
Dennis Obiang
Dennise Templeton
Derek Hall
Derek Johnson
Derek Lau
Derek Vikara
Derrick R. Carlson
Devanshi V. Patel
Devin M. Justman
Diana Bacon
Dianna Shelander
Dick Newby
Diego Cafaro
Diego Gonzalez
Dimitrios Fardis
Dipankar Koley
Dirk VanEssendelft
Divakar Reddy Aireddy
Djuna Gulliver
Dolendra Karki
Dominic Alfonso
Donald Ferguson
Donald Gray
Donald Remson
Donald Rimstidt
Dong Ma
Donghyun Oh
Dongyue Li
Dorothy Dick
Dorothy Vesper
Doug Blankenship
Douglas Allan
Douglas Allen
Douglas Arent
Douglas Kauffman
Douglas Straub
Douglas Wyatt
Dr. Adrienne Phillips
Dr. Anbo Wang
Dr. Andrew Nix
Dr. Ann Cook
Dr. Brian Anderson
Dr. Dane Morgan
Dr. Feng Jiao
Dr. George Guthrie
Dr. Jesse Thompson
Dr. Jianli (John) Hu
Dr. Jim Puckette
Dr. Jingxin Wang
Dr. Kunlei Liu
Dr. Lizhi Ouyang
Dr. Manika Prasad
Dr. Roland Okwen
Dr. S. James Zhou
Dr. Shahab Mohaghegh
Dr. Shengmin Guo
Dr. Shiaoguo Chen
Dr. Theodore Tsotsis
Dr. Vikas Khanna
Dr. Xingbo Liu
Drew O'Connell
Drew Siler
Duane Miller
Duanlin Lin
Dunji Yu
Dushyant Barpaga
Dushyant Shekhawat
Dustin Crandall
Dustin McIntyre
Duy Hien Mai
Dylan Harp
Dylan Vaughn
E H. Keating
E. David Huckaby
E. M. Danielsen
E.J. Krogstad
E.T. McDevitt
Eakalak Khan
Ebrahim Fathi
Ed Sabolsky
Edgar Klunder
Edgar Lara-Curzio
Edna Rawlings
Edna Soraya Rawlings
Edward Boyle
Edward Brand
Edward Fisher
Edward R. Brand
Edward Robey
Edward S. Rubin
Edwin Jones
Efthymios Papadopoulos
Egemen Ogretim
Eileen Hlavka
Eilis Rosenbaum
Eli Stavitski
Elijah Hedrick
Elisabeth Rowan
Elisabeth Thomas
Elizabeth Basista
Elizabeth Holm
Elizabeth Keating
Elizabeth Krukowski
Elizabeth Mao
Elizabeth Vera
Elliot Barnhart
Elliot Roth
Elliott Nethercutt
Elmira Shamlou
Elsy Varghese
Emily Cameron
Emily Dixon
Emily Jordon
Emily Larson
Emily Zvolanek
Emma A. Keegan
Emma Bishop
Emma Oti
Emrullah Korkmaz
Erandi Bernabé-Pablo
Erda Deng
Eric Beckman
Eric Breard
Eric Eddings
Eric Edelman
Eric Grol
Eric Hurley
Eric Lewis
Eric Liese
Eric Lopert
Eric Popczun
Eric Walter
Erich V. Zorn
Erick Cunningham
Erik Albenze
Erik Shuster
Erik Westman
Erika Gaperikova
Erika Gasperikova
Erin Lieuallen
Erin Phillips
Ernest N. Lindner
Ervin Sejdic
Erwen Li
Esmail R. Monazam
Esteban Bowles Martinez
Ethan Simonoff
Ethan Young
Eugene Holubnyak
Eugene Ilton
Evan Frye
Evan Granite
Evelyn Dale
Evgeniy Myshakin
Ezra Headrick
Faezeh Askari
Fan Shi
Fan Zhang
Fanglin Che
Fangming Xiang
Fangning Zheng
Farid Bensebaa
Farid Rousta
Fei Chen
Fei Xue
Felipe Maciel
Feng Gui
Fengyang Xiong
Fenya Bartram
Feridun Albayrak
Fernando Lima
Flavio da Cruz
Foad Haeri
Forrest Ames
Fran Taglia
Francisco Santamarina
Franciszek Hasiuk
Franck Delpomdor
Franklin Shaffer
Fred Aminzadeh
Frederick S. Colwell
Frederick Stewart
Fredrik Forsberg
Frits B. Soepyan
Fritz Friedersdorf
Fufei An
Fulong Ning
Fumio Inagaki
G. Kim
G. L. Macpherson
G. Malcom Stocks
Gabe Creason
Gabe Dewitt
Gabriel Adua Awejori
Gabrielle Yanai
Ganesh Kesavan
Gao Li
Garret Veloski
Garrett Lindemann
Garrett Pataky
Gary Jesionowski
Gary Lander
Gary Pickrell
Gary Taft
Gavin Liu
Gavin Pickenpaugh
Gavin Wiggins
Ge Jin
Gennady Lavrenty Gutsev
George Booras
George G. Zaimes
George Kim
George Moridis
George Nemhauser
George Paul
George Richards
George V. Last
Georgia Stinchfield
Gerad Freeman
Gerald Meir
Gernot Rother
Gerrit Ralf Surup
Geunsik Lim
Gian Song
Gianalfredo Rossi
Giannis Mpourmpakis
Giannis Mpourmpakis
Gillian Rosen
Gino Irdi
Giovanni Guglielmi
Gita Bhandari
Glen Benge
Glen Murrell
Glen Tomlinson
Glenn Lipscomb
Glenn Murrell
Goodarz Ahmadi
Gordon Holcomb
Gotz Veser
Goutham Kotamreddy
Graham Andrews
Graham Tewksbury
Grant Bromhal
Grant Crawford
Grant Faber
Grant Hazle
Greg Hodges
Greg Lackey
Greg Schivley
Greg Shipley
Gregory Cooney
Gregory Hackett
Gregory Herman
Gregory Thompson
Gregory V. Lowry
Griffin Patterson
Grigorios Panagakos
Guangping Xu
Guillermo Paniagua
Gunes Yakaboylu
Gunnar Debruijn
Gurbakhash Bhander
Gyoung Gug Jang
H Scott Matthews
H Shao
H.B. Jung
H.J. Yang
H.S. Kitaguchi
Hadi Abroshan
Hahn Choo
Haibo Zhai
Hailey Lynch
Haining Zhao
Haiqing Lin
Haitao Liu
Haleigh Heil
Han Chang
Hanchen Tian
Hang Deng
Hang Zhou
Hangjun Ding
Hanjing Tian
Hanna Flamme
Hannah Hoffman
Hannah Schweitzer
Hao Chen
Hao Ruan
Hao Sun
Hari Bhatta
Hari Datta Bhatta
Hari Mantripragada
Hari P. Paudel
Hari Viswanathan
Harihar Rajaram
Harish Rao
Harpreet Sethi
Harpreet Singh
Harris Mason
Harry Abernathy
Harry Bonilla-Alvarado
Harry Edenborn
Harry Finklea
Harshvardhan Khutal
Hartej Singh
Haruko Wainwright
Harvey Eastman
Harvey Goldstein
Hayat Adawi
Heba Morgan
Hector A. Pedrozo
Hector Garza
Hefeng Zhou
Heidi J. Smith
Hema Siriwardane
Hengjie Wang
Henri J. Sanville
Henry Yuchi
Henry Du
Henry H. Willis
Henry Long
Henry Pennline
Heriberto Pfeiffer
Herve K. Sanghapi
Hewei Tang
Hichem Hadjeres
Hilal Katmale
Hokon Kim
Hongkyu Yoon
Hongsheng Wang
Hongwei Yao
Hongwu Lei
Hongyou Fan
Hooman Sabarou
Hossain Aziz
Howard McIlvried
Hseen Baled
Hsi-Wu Wong
Hu Chen
Huda Ashfaq
Hugh Daigle
Hugh Thomas
Hugo Lara-Garcia
Hui Chen
HuiHui Yang
Huijin Yang
Huijun Yang
Hunter Barber
Huolin Xin
Husain Ashkanani
Hyojeong Kim
Hyoungkeun Kim
Hyuk Kwon
I. Kaur
Ian Costello
Ian Foele
Ignacio E. Grossmann
Ignacio Grossmann
Igor Haljasmaa
Ikponmwosa Iyegbekedo
Ilya Tsvankin
Imgenur Tepecik
Indrajit Bhattacharya
Indumini Jaysekara
Ines L. Azevedo
Ingo Pecher
Ira Rackley
Iradwikanari Waluyo
Isaac Gamwo
Isabella Cross-Najafi
Isabelle Pfander
Isis Fukai
Ivonne A. Pena-Cabra
J J. Kruzic
J. Carlos Santamarina
J. Diulus
J. E. Higham
J. McDonald
J. Rodney Diehl
J. Sawyer
J.G. Wen
J.W. Qiao
J.-W. Yeh
Jack Duffy
Jack Suter
Jack Widmer
Jacob Albright
Jacob Darrah
Jacob Konrade
Jacob Shay
Jadon Grove
Jaewon Jang
Jaffer Ghouse
Jagannath Devkota
Jagdish Singh
Jairam Gopal
Jaisree Iyer
Jake Meyer
Jake Nelson
Jamal Chaouki
James A. Poston Jr.
James A. Sorensen
James Baker
James Bennett
James Black
James Braun
James Britton
James Clarke
James Clarke
James E. Parks II
James Egbu
James Ellis
James Eynard
James Gardiner
James Graham
James Hoffman
James Hower
James J. Fazio
James Larentzos
James Littlefield
James McClure
James R. Fisher
James Sams
James Simpson
James Spivey
James Williams
Jamie Holber
Jamie Kruzic
Jamie Trindell
Jamie Vornlocher
Jamieson Brechtl
Janice Steckel
Janine Carney
Jared Ciferno
Jared Friedburg
Jared Nutter
Jared Schuetter
Jared T. Freiburg
Jarrett Riley
Jarrett Wise
Jason Boerst
Jason H. Ideker
Jason Hansen
Jason M. Vielma
Jason Mazzoccoli
Jason Sherman
Jason Simmons
Jason T. Arena
Jason Valenstein
Jason Yao
Javal Vyas
Javier Tovar-Facio
Jay Apt
Jay Chen
Jay Hewitt
Jay Oliver
Jay Thakkar
Jay Xu
Jean F. Dietiker
Jean Savy
Jean-Paul Watson
Jeen-Shang Lin
Jeff Allen
Jeff Dietiker
Jeff Hoffmann
Jeff Shragge
Jeff Slater
Jeffery Burghardt
Jeffrey A. Withum
Jeffrey Culp
Jeffrey Eppink
Jeffrey Fitts
Jeffrey Hawk
Jeffrey Loiter
Jeffrey Long
Jeffrey Nguyen
Jeffrey Wagoner
Jeffrey Wuenschell
Jennifer Bauer
Jennifer DiGiulio
Jennifer Druhan
Jennifer Fanning
Jennifer L. Carter
Jennifer Pramuk
Jennifer Presley
Jennifer Weidman
Jennifer Wilson
Jens Birkholzer
Jens Blotevogel
Jeong Hoon Choi
Jeremiah Miller
Jeremy Harris
Jerry H. Mason
Jess VanWagoner
Jesse Goellner
Jessica Dorsche
Jessica Drosche
Jessica P. Moore
Jessica Sinclair
Jessica Valentine
Jessie R. Wishart
Jia Yu
Jiaan Wang
Jialu Wang
Jian Liu
Jian Liu
Jianchao Cai
Jiangwei Zhang
Jiayu Li
Ji-Cheng Zhao
Jill E. Millstone
Jill Engel-Cox
Jillian Peters
Jim Houseworth
Jinesh Jain
Jing XU
Jing Zhang
Jingchun Huang
Jingsheng Sai
Jingsi Yang
Jingyu Wu
Jinhui Tao
Jinichiro Nakano
Jinliang Ma
Jinliang N. Ma
Jinquan Shi
Jivan Thakare
Joann Zhou
Joanna Rivero
Jobin K. Joy
Jocelyn MacKay
Joe D. Moore
Joe Eldring
Joe Marriott
Joe Miller
Joe Morris
Joe Shine
Joe Smith
Joe Umhoefer
Joel Andruski
Joel Chittum
Joel E. Johnson
Joel Sminchak
Joel Theis
Joerg Neuefeind
Johan Padding
John Ahern
John Baltrus
John Bell
John Bocan
John Bradford
John Brennan
John Brewer
John C. Bergstrom
John D. Siirola
John D. Siirola
John E. Morral
John E. Plunkett
John El Berch
John Eslick
John Findley
John Haslbeck
John Hird
John Huerta
John J. Marano
John K. Tudek
John Montgomery
John Neubaum
John Osborne
John P. Kay
John Pilewski
John R. Grace
John Rotella
John Sears
John Shinn
John Siirola
John Stegmeier
John Valenza
John VanOsdol
John White
John Wimer
John Zondlo
Johnathan E. Moore
Jolene Supp
Jon Fulton
Jon Yang
Jonas Baltrusaitis
Jonathan E. Higham
Jonathan Ajo-Franklin
Jonathan Aubuchon Ouimet
Jonathan Bryant
Jonathan C. Callura
Jonathan D. Poplawsky
Jonathan Halama
Jonathan Lekse
Jonathan Levine
Jonathan M. Yang
Jonathan Seville
Jonathan Willocks
Jongchan Kim
Jongwoo Park
Jonny Rutqvist
Jordan Chapman
Jordan Ciezobka
Jordan Jalving
Jordan Musser
Jorge Gomez
Jorge Izar-Tenorio
Jorge Vazquez
Jose Benitez
Jose Colon-Rodriguez
Josef Dufek
Joseph Seymour
Joseph Chou
Joseph Doetsch
Joseph F. Pierre
Joseph Indeck
Joseph Licavoli
Joseph Obradovich
Joseph Powell
Joseph Renk
Joseph Ryan
Joseph Swisher
Joseph Tylczak
Josh Boverhof
Josh Nowak
Josh Redublo
Josh White
Joshua A. White
Joshua Kneifel
Joshua Linard
Joshua Miller
Joshua Morgan
Joshua Pulsipher
Joshua S. McNally
Joshua Schaidle
Joshua Stanislowski
Joshua Torgeson
Joshua Wassing
Joshua White
Joule Bergerson
Jovan Ilic
Juddha Thapa
Julia C. Magee
Julia de Toledo Camargo
Julia Lauterbach
Julia Mulhern
Julia Sheets
Julian Osorio
Julianne Klara
Julie Kim
Julie Tucker
Julius Samson
Jun Gao
Jun Meng
Jun Yoneda
Jun Young Hong
Junbong Jang
Junghee Park
Jungi Yin
Juniper Deitering
Junliang Sun
Junqi Yin
Junseok Lee
Jun-Sik Lee
Junwei Qiao
Jurgen Meinert
Justin Adder
Justin Beck
Justin Finn
Justin Mackey
Justin Weber
Jyoti Behura
K J. Cantrell
K Rabjohns
K. Benavides
K. Jessen
K. M. Callahan
K. Vishwanath
K.-K. Tseng
Kai Gao
Kai He
Kai Zheng
Kaitlin M. Griffith
Kaitlyn Fleury
Kaixuan Zhou
Kan Wu
Kara A. Tinker
Kara Callahan
Kara Tinker
Karen Buzby
Karen Johnson
Karl Jarvis
Karl Lang
Karlo Berket
Kashif Naseem
Katarzyna Sabolsky
Kate Jones
Katherine A. Klise
Katherine E. Jones
Katherine Gaston
Katherine Hedrick
Katherine Hornbostel
Katherine Mumm
Katherine Nie
Katherine Reynolds
Kathryn Kline
Kathryn Smith
Kathryn Smith
Kathy Bruner
Kathy Lu
Katie Forrest
Katrina Krulla
Katsina Cardenas
Katy Armstrong
Kaushal Shukla
Kavan Hazeli
Kavan Motazedi
Kavya Chivukula
Kayla Bedey
Kayla Kroll
Kayla Lewis
Kaylyn VanAckeren
Kayyum Mansoor
Ke An
Ke Wang
Kedar M. Perkins
Keerti S. Kappagantula
Keishaly Cabrera Cruz
Keith Beattie
Keith Collins
Keith MacPhail
Keithan Martin
Kelby Bosshardt
Kelley Rabjohns
Kelly Rose
Kelly Wrighton
Kelsey Marzolf
Kelvin B. Gregory
Ken Kern
Ken Means
Kenan Xi
Kenneth Bryden
Kenneth Jordan
Kenneth Ladwig
Kenneth Mark Bryden
Kenneth Neyerlin
Kevin Birn
Kevin Byerly
Kevin Dooley
Kevin Kuhn
Kevin P. Chen
Kevin R. Kuhn
Kevin Resnick
Kevin Resnik
Kevin T. Shanley
Khaled Baamran
Khaled Sallam
Khashayar Aminian
Ki-Joong Kim
Kim Kissinger
Kimberly E. Carter
Kirk Labarbara
Kirsten Matteson
Kirtan Jani
Kishore Mahbubani
Kisoo Yoo
Kiyofumi Suzuki
Klaus Attenkofer
Koji Yamamoto
Kolawole Bello
Konor Frick
Kook-sun Shin
Kory Favara
Koteswara Rao Putta
Koteswara Putta
Krishnan Damodaran
Krista Bullard
Krista Kirchner-Ortiz
Kristen Busse
Kristian Jessen
Kristin Gerdes
Kristin Smith
Kristin Tippey
Kristopher L. Kuhlman
Kristyn Johnson May
Kshitij Patel
Kun Wang
Kunal Kate
Kunlun Ding
Kurban Sitterley
Kurt Eylands
Kurt Livo
Ky Layfield
Kyla Jones
Kyle A. Rozman
Kyle Bibby
Kyle Fezi
Kyle L. Buchheit
Kyle S. Brinkman
Kyle Skolfield
Kylie P. Brinza
Kyoung Min
L Zheng
L Zhong
L. A. Goudarzi
L. Sun
Larry Kincell
Laura A. Schwendeman
Laura C. Drauker
Laura Chiaramonte
Laura Dafov
Laura Demetrion
Laura Dobeck
Laura E. Dalton
Laura Edvardsen
Laura Herriaz-Palomino
Laura S. Bruckman
Laurel Cooper
Lauren Burrows
Lauren Illing
Laurent Capolungo
Laurianne Lair
Lavrenty Gutsev
Lawrence Anovitz
Lawrence H. Sim
Lawrence Hutchings
Lawrence Rath
Lawrence Shadle
Layne M. Gumowski
Leah Hogarth
Lee Aspitarte
Leebyn Chong
Lehua Pan
Lei Chen
Lei Hong
Leiming Hu
Leland R. Widger
Leo R. Nemetz
Leonard M. Bartone
Leslie Hopkinson
Lessly Goudarzi
Li Li
Liam Walsh
Liang Huang
Liang Lei
Liange Zheng
Liang-Shih Fan
Lian-Shin Lin
Lihua Zhang
Lili Sun
Limin Wang
Linda A. Peteanu
Ling Tao
Lingfeng Zhou
Lingli Pan
Lingxiang Zhu
Lingyan Deng
Lingyun Kong
Linmin Wu
Liqiang Lu
Lisa J. Madsen
Lisa Lun
Lisa Phares
Liwei Zhang
Logan M. Tuite
Long Bian
Long-Qing Chen
Lora L. Pinkerton
Lorenz Biegler
Lorenzo Cremonese
Lowell Warden
Lucas Teeter
Luciane Cunha
Lucy Chen
Lucy Romeo
Ludovico Bianchi
Luke Clahane
Luke Fullard
M Arul Kumar
M. Ammari
M. Chen
M. Joseph Yip
M. Pecha
M. Riedel
M.L. Bao
Machiko Tamaki
Mackenzie K. Mark-Moser
Madhava Syamlal
Madison Wenzlick
Magdalena K. Gill
Magdalene A. Ante
Maher Alabboodi
Malcolm Moncheur de Rieudotte
Malcolm Xing
Malcolm Yates
Malgorzata Peszynska
Malin Torsæter
Manan Raval
Mandy Thomas
Maneesh Sharma
Manh Tien Nguyen
Manish Mohanpurkar
Manolis Veveakis
Manuel Sentis
Manyank Panwar
Maojian Wang
Maoqi Feng
Marc Kurz
Marc Turner
Marco Bianchi
Marco Terzariol
Marcos M. Conceicao
Marcus Holly
Margaret Ziomek-Moroz
Margarita Zyrianova
Maria C. Jaime
Maria Gabriela Dávila Ordoñez
Maria Hanley
Maria Mastalerz
Marija Prica
Marisa Arnold-Stuart
Mark A. Dehlin
Mark A. McHugh
Mark Asta
Mark Bleckinger
Mark Fedkin
Mark Handy
Mark Hardy
Mark McKoy
Mark Nations
Mark Reed
Mark Rigali
Mark Ruth
Mark Smith
Mark Steutermann
Mark Swihart
Mark W. Smith
Mark White
Mark Williams
Mark Woods
Markus Bill
Markus Drouven
Marta Milan
Marta Torres
Martin Detrois
Martin Lin
Martin Ma
Martin Schoenball
Martin Webler
Maruti Mudunuru
Mary Tkach
MaryAnn Clarke
Maryanne Alvin
Masahiro Nagao
Massood Ramezan
Mathew Ingraham
Mathew Stadelman
Mathias Pohl
Matt Milligan
Matt Oakes
Matt Wallace
Matthew A. Stadelman
Matthew Adams
Matthew Belobraydic
Matthew Brister
Matthew Burton-Kelly
Matthew Campbell
Matthew Carl
Matthew Cuneo
Matthew D. Reeder
Matthew Dods
Matthew Frye
Matthew Jamieson
Matthew Krull
Matthew M. Ali
Matthew Merzig
Matthew Oaks
Matthew R. Willett
Matthew Reagan
Matthew Searle
Matthew Sweeney
Matthew Wallace
Maura Nippert
Maureen James
Max Edelstein
Maximilian Barczok
Maya Schuchert
Mayandi Sivaguru
Mazin Tarhoni
McMahan Gray
Md Sariful Sheikh
Meagan Crowley
Meagan Mauter
Meen Kadeethum
Megan Henriksen
Megan M. Rich
Megan Macala
Megan Smith
Meghan Brandi
Meghan Taunton
Mehrdad Arshadi
Mehrdad Massoudi
Mehrdad Shahnam
Mehrdad Zamirian
Mei Yang
Melody Shellman
Meng Meng
Meng Zhou
Mengli Zhang
Mengling Stuckman
Mengwei Liu
Mengxia Liu
Mengyu N. Guan
Merril Stypula
Merry Tesfu
Michael Angyus
Michael B. Kowalsky
Michael Blackhurst
Michael Bobek
Michael Bowen
Michael Brady
Michael Buric
Michael Bynum
Michael C. Gao
Michael Cheshire
Michael Commer
Michael D. Gross
Michael Fahrmann
Michael Gao
Michael Giampetro
Michael Godec
Michael Hannon
Michael Li
Michael Marquis
Michael Matuszewski
Michael McCawley
Michael McHenry
Michael Pesce
Michael Riedl
Michael Sabbatino
Michael Sangid
Michael Swanson
Michael Tennenbaum
Michael V. Glazoff
Michael Verti
Michael Whiston
Michael Widom
Michael Wilkins
Michaela Bosworth
Michel Moliere
Michele Mutchek
Michelle Krynock
Michelle Valkanas
Miguel Zamarripa
Mihai Vasilache
Mijndert van der Spek
Mike Preston
Mike Situ
Mike Sturdivan
Mike Zimmer
Mikolaj Lukaszewicz
Mileva Radonjic
Min A Kim
Min Zhang
Mina E. Ossiander
Mina Rezkalla
Ming Fan
Mingjie Chen
Mingming Ge
Mingrui Li
Mingxing Li
Mingyu Wan
Mingyue Yu
Minsu Cha
Minzheng Feng
Miranda Martin
Mircea Cotlet
Misuzu Taninaka
Mitch Mueller
Mitchell Small
Mitchell van der Hulst
Mitchelle Bogle
Mitra Roustapisheh
Mitra Shabani
Mohamed Mehana
Mohamed Zaghloul
Mohammad Hafez Ahmed
Mohammad Delower Hossain
Mohammad Fuad Nur Taufique
Mohammad Islam
Mohammad Nabian
Mohammad Pour-Ghaz
Mohan Wang
Mohd A. Kabir
Molly Dougher
Molly McEvoy
Monica Garcia
Monica Kapoor
Morgan Amos
Morgan Chen
Morgan Redington
Morgan Summers
Moses Paul-Irudayaraj
Motoo Ito
Moushumi Sarma
Mst Nazmunnahar
Muaz Kedir
Muhammad Aamir Bashir
Muhammad Ismail Shah
Mumbi Mundia-Howe
Murphy Keller
N P. Qafoku
Nadejda Victor
Nagasree Garapati
Nageswara Lalam
Naksha Roy
Nan Gao
Nana Zhou
Nancy Trun
Naoko Ellis
Naoyuki Shimoda
Narasimhan Soundarrajan
Narayanan Krishnamurthy
Naresh Susarla
Nariman Mahabadi
Nataleigh Vann
Natalie Lamagna
Natalie M. Isenberg
Natalie Mitchell
Natalie Pekney
Natalie Uschner
Natarianto Indrawan
Nathan White
Nathan Diemler
Nathan Gull
Nathan L. Galinsky
Nathan Pastorek
Nathan Webb
Nathan Weiland
Nathaniel Rosi
Naziak Yanar
Ndri A. Konan
Ned Mamula
Neel Gupta
Neil Dotzenrod
Neil Pergar
Newell R. Washburn
Neyda Cordero Rodriguez
Neyda Maymi
Ngoc Tien Huynh
Nic Spycher
Nicholas Azzolina
Nicholas Burger
Nicholas C. Means
Nicholas Iamprinakos
Nicholas Lamprinakos
Nicholas Messina
Nicholas Schneider
Nicholas Siefert
Nicholas Willems
Nicholas Williams
Nick Muller
Nick Sahinidis
Nicola Castelletto
Nicolas Huerta
Nicole Cortes
Nicole Potter
Niels Berghout
Nigel Simms
Nikita Bondarenko
Nikolaos V. Sahinidis
Nino Ripepi
Nishant Giridhar
Nitin Kumar
Nizar Diab
Nizette A. Edwards
Noah Perkovich
Noel T. Nuhfer
Nor Farida Harun
Norihiro Okinaka
Norma Kuehn
Norman Tran
Not Available
Novruz Akhmedov
Nur H. Orak
Nur Wijaya
O. Burak Ozdoganlar
O. Burkan Isgor
Olatunbosun Anifowashe
Oleg Prezhdo
Olivia Marcelli
Olivia Wilkinson
Olukayode Ajayi
Oluwamayowa Amusat
Oluwaseun Magbagbeola
Omar Basha
Omer Dogan
Oshadha K. Ranasingha
Osman Mamun
Owen Grabowski
Owen Sherwood
P. Phiambolis
P. Shepley
P.K. Liaw
Paige E. Mackey
Paige Morkner
Pamela Shirley
Paolo Pezzini
Parikshit Sarda
Parm Kangsathein
Parth Shah
Pat McLaughlin
Patricia C. Madden
Patricia Cvetic
Patricia M. Saint Vincent
Patrick Carr
Patrick Conner
Patrick Dobson
Patrick Hart
Patrick Le
Patrick McNeff
Patrick Muldoon
Patrick Wingo
Paul A. Salvador
Paul Akula
Paul Boone
Paul Holcomb
Paul Jablonski
Paul Myles
Paul Ohodnicki
Paul Ohodnicki, Jr.
Paul Schwering
Paul Vincent
Paul W. Leu
Paul Weimer
Paul Worhach
Paul Zandhuis
Paula J. Mouser
Paulina Jaramillo
Paulo Debiagi
Paulo Waltrich
Payam Kavousi
Payton Seats
Peace Chinazo Eze
Pedram Tavadze
Pedro Sotorrio
Peiyao Li
Peiyong Chen
Peng Liu
Pengdi Zhang
Pete Rozelle
Peter Balash
Peter C. Lemaire
Peter Ciesielski
Peter Flemings
Peter Hsieh
Péter Járosi
Peter Kabatek
Peter Kreider
Peter Lemaire
Peter Liaw
Peter P. Scheuermann
Peter S. Nico
Peter Strakey
Peter Warwick
Phan Nguyen
Philip Dinterman
Philip DiPietro
Philip Freeman
Philip Reppert
Philip Stauffer
Philip Tominac
Phillip D. McElroy
Phillip Koech
Phillip Pinkston
Phillip Tinker
Phuoc Tran
Pierre Cerasi
Pieter Gagnon
Ping Lu
Ping Lu
Ping Wang
Pooja Kasturi
Pradeep Parajuli
Prakash Purswani
Pranjali Muley
Prasenjit Das
Praveen Thallapally
Preom Sarkar
Preston D. Jordan
Priscilla Prem
Priya Ravi Ganesh
Pushpendra Kumar
Qi Li
Qi Zhang
Qiang Wang
Qianli Lu
Qianqian Jiao
Qi-Jun Hong
Qing Cao
Qing Shao
Qing Tan
Qingkai Kong
Qing-Qiang Ren
Qingyang Li
Qinjun Kang
Qiuming Wang
Qiuming Wanga
Quang Le
Quanlin Zhou
Quinn Hughes
R. Burt Thomas
R. D. Wilson
R. K. Kukkadapu
R. M. Joeckel
R.C. Buckingham
R.D. Govier
Rachel Nie
Rachel English
Rachel Hoesly
Rachel Ross
Rachel Yesenchak
Radhakrishna Tumbalam Gooty
Rafael De Leon
Rafael T. Rodriguez De Vecchis
Rafal Gieleciak
Rafik Addou
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Raghubir Gupta
Rahul Babu Koneru
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Rajan Siva
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Rajesh Saranam
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Ram Devanathan
Ram Srivastava
Ramanathan Krishnamurthy
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Ramgopal Thodla
Ramon Alvarado
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Randall Cygan
Randall Gemmen
Randall Jackson
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Ranjani Siriwardane
Ray Boswell
Ray Cocco
Raymond George
Raymond Higuera
Raymond Huhnke
Raymundo Arroyave
Rebecca Matecha
Rebecca Rodriguez
Recep Onler
Renjie Ke
Reyixiati Repukaiti
Rhiannon Schmitt
Ricardo Lebensohn
Rich Esser
Richard Beddingfield
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Richard Boardman
Richard Bohan
Richard Chinn
Richard D. Sisson
Richard Dennis
Richard Hammack
Richard Krahenbuhl
Richard Lawrence
Richard Lee
Richard Newby
Richard Oleksak
Richard Pineault
Richard Pingree
Richard Russo
Richard Schrader
Richard Spaulding
Richard Vesel
Richard Zehner
Rick Pingree
Rick Spaulding
Rick Wilson
Ridge Bachman
Rigel Woodside
Rishi Pillai
Rob Hovsapian
Robert Baylor
Robert Bodnar
Robert C. Bachus
Robert D. Brasington
Robert Dagle
Robert Dilmore
Robert E. James, III
Robert Eckard
Robert Enick
Robert Finkelman
Robert Fryer
Robert Hunter
Robert James
Robert Murray
Robert Parker
Robert S. Hedin
Robert Smith
Robert Stevens
Robert Tempke
Robert Thompson
Robert Turpin
Robert Vagnetti
Robert Van Voorhees
Robert Warzinski
Robert Weiss
Roberto Porcu
Robin L. Petrusak
Robin W. Hughes
Rodney Geisbrecht
Rodrigo Duran
Rodrigo Yeal Duran-Sesin
Roger H. French
Roksana Mahmud
Roman Shugayev
Ronald Breault
Ronald Lynn
Ronald McDowell
Ronald Munson
Ronald O'Malley
Rong Xia
Rongchao Jin
Ronghong Lin
Rongtao Cao
Rosalynn Quiñones-Fernández
Rosemary C. Capo
Ross Houston
Rouzben Jafari
Roxanne Bromiley
Roy H. Miller
Rubayyat Mahbub
Rui Feng
Rui Li
Rui Wang
Ruichang Guo
Ruishu Feng
Ruishu Wright
Ruoqian Lin
Rupendranath Panday
Russell Johns
Ruth Tinnacher
Ryan Davis
Ryan Egidi
Ryan Haagenson
Ryan Hall
Ryan Hughes
Ryan Jacobs
Ryan Klapperich
Ryan Knapp
Ryan Williams
S Mohaghegh
S. Bullard
S. Tin
S.Y. Chen
Sabereh Rezaei
Sai Varre
Sai Wang
Saidi A. Wissam
Saif Qawasmeh
Sajad Haghanifar
Sajedur R. Akanda
Sakshi Naik
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Salvatore Salerno
Samantha Fuchs
Samantha M. Berry
Samantha Singh
Samantha Townsley
Samir Budhathoki
Sammy Tin
Samuel Bayham
Samuel Flett
Samuel Henry
Samuel Hipple
Samuel Levinson
Samuel S. Sasser
San Dinh
Sandeep Pidaparti
Sandeep Reddy Bukka
Sangbum Lee
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Sanjay Kumar Devendhar Singh
Sanjay Mawalkar
Santanu Dey
Santosh H. Vijapur
Sara Moreno
Sarah Brown
Sarah Dendy
Sarah Eisenlord
Sarah Forbes
Sarah Leptinsky
Sarah Poon
Sarah R. Brown
Sarthak Chauhan
Saryu Finsin
Sassan Hajirezaie
Sathish Sanjeevi
Satoru Simizu
Satoshi Ohtsuki
Satoshi Otsuki
Savannah Sakhai
Savini Samarasinghe
Sayuri Kimoto
Scott Beautz
Scott Chen
Scott Crawford
Scott Frailey
Scott Leleika
Scott M. Johnson
Scott Montross
Scott Pantaleone
Scott Perfect
Scott Quillian
Scott Workman
Scyller J. Borglum
Sean Brennan
Sean Brown
Sean Brown
Sean I. Hwang
Sean McCoy
Sean Nations
Sean Sanguinito
Sebastian Skipwith
Selcuk Can Uysal
Selin Bayramoglu
Selina Roman-White
Selorme Agbleze
Seolhee Cho
Sergei Aldoshin
Sergey Aldoshin
Sergio Rey
Sergio Torres
Serguei N. Lvov
Seshadri Seetharaman
Seth Boeke
Seth C. Burkert
Seth Haines
Seth J. King
Seth King
Seth Lawson
Seunghee Kim
Seunghwan Baek
Seung-Ryul Moon
Seyyed Hosseini
Shahrzad Roshankhah
Shailesh Vora
Sham Bhat
Shane Butler
Shane Butler
ShangMin Lin
Shangwen Zhou
Shannon Bragg-Sitton
Shannon McNaul
Shaoping Chu
Sharad Kelkar
Shareq Mohd Nazir
Shaun Donmoyer
Shawn Litster
Shawn Martin
Shawn Rabiei
Sheikh Moni
Sheila Hedges
Shelby L. Isom
Sheng Dai
Sheng Shen
Shengguo Ma
Shengnian Wang
Shenyang Hu
Sherilyn Williams-Stroud
Sherry Lichtenberg
Sherzoy Jan
Shichun Huang
Shifeng Dai
Shigeru Amemiya
Shihang Feng
Shih-Kang Lin
Shikha Sharma
Shiqiang Hao
Shirley Sam
Shiteng Zhao
Shiwoo Lee
Shizhong Yang
Shohreh Amini
Shouliang Yi
Shree Ram Acharya
Shubhangi Gupta
Shuman Yu
Shun Uchida
ShunLi Shang
Shuvajit Bhattacharya
Shuyan Zhang
Si Akin
Siamak Nazari
Siddharth Maddali
Siddharth Masra
Siddharth Misra
Sierra McDermott
Sikander Khan
Simon Roussanaly
Sina Tebianian
Siran Liu
Sirui Tan
Site Li
Sittichai Natesakhawat
Sixbert P. Muhoza
Smriti Sharma
Sofiane Benyahia
Song Li
Song Zhao
Songhun Chong
Sonia Hammache
Sooraj P. Sharma
Sophia Bauer
Sophia Obarr
Sridharan Ramesh
Srijana Rai
Srikanta Mishra
Stanley P. Mordensky
Stefan Bunz
Stefan Finsterle
Stefania Gardarsdottir
Stellamaris Nakacwa
Stephan Graham
Stephan Smith
Stephanie Garcia
Stephen Bauer
Stephen C. Phillips
Stephen Davidson
Stephen J. Pyle
Stephen Leveckis
Stephen LeViness
Stephen Lynch
Stephen Summits
Stephen Treimel
Stephen Unwin
Steve Folga
Steve Galer
Steve Herron
Steve Knudsen
Steve Pullins
Steve Whittaker
Steve Zitney
Steven B. Hawthorne
Steven B. Olsberg
Steven Dahl
Steven Rowan
Stoichko Antonov
Stuart D. Walsh
Subhodeep Banerjee
Sue Carr
Sundar V. Atre
Sung Min Choi Hong
Sungkyu Kim
Sunjay Melkote
Surendar R. Venna
Surya Parker
Surya Tiwari
Susan Carroll
Susan L. Brantley
Susan Pool
Susan Welch
Susana Garcia Lopez
Swarom Kanitkar
Swetha Menon
Sydney Hughes
Sydney Zerbe
T Li
T.T. Tsotsis
Taehun Kim
Taehyung Park
Taiwo Ajayi
Takeshi Terada
Takuto Sakai
Tao Hong
Tao Liu
Tao Yang
Tapajyoti Ghosh
Tara Leonard
Tarak Nandi
Tatsuhiko Hoshino
Tatsuya Higaki
Taylor Malone
Taylor Vactor
Taylor Vactor
Teng Zhang
Terence Musho
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Terumasa Tadano
Tessnim Mohammed
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Thomas Borch
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown
Thomas Bucher
Thomas Buscheck
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Thomas Darrah
Thomas Davis
Thomas De Cazenove
Thomas E. Drennen
Thomas J. Paronish
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Thomas Kovar
Thomas Matta
Thomas Mroz
Thomas Naberhaus
Thomas R. Mclendon
Thomas Reichel
Thomas Rueckert
Thomas Stanton
Thomas Tarka
Thomas W. Leadbeater
Thomas Wilson
Thuy Duong Nguyen Phan
Thuy Nguyen
Tianle Cheng
Tiannan Yang
Tiernan Baucom
Till Strunge
Tim Collett
Tim Floyd
Tim Fout
Tim Hsu
Tim Johnson
Tim Langhorst
Timothy Bartholomew
Timothy Carr
Timothy D. Hall
Timothy Duffy
Timothy Eden
Timothy Fout
Timothy Grant
Timothy J. Kneafsey
Timothy J. Skone, P.E.
Timothy Jones
Timothy M. Murin
Timothy McHargue
Timothy McKinley
Ting Chen
Ting Jia
Tingting Zuo
Tingwen Li
Tiziano Faravelli
Todd Sidwell
Tom Davis
Tom Grabowski
Tom L. Heidrick
Tom LaTourrette
Tom McGuire
Tom Richard
Tom Shih
Tomas Dudziak
Tommy Schmitt
Tongde Shen
Tor Nordam
Towfiq Ahmed
Traci Rodosta
Tracy A. Thewlis
Tracy L. Bank
Tracy Moffett
Travis Arnold
Travis Shultz
Travis Warner
Troy Hawkins
Troy Hottle
Troy Teel
Tuhin S. Khan
Tuo Ji
Turgay Ertekin
Tyler Davis
Tyler J. Hengen
Tyler Jaffe
Tyler Van Leewen
Tyler Zymroz
U.S. Yadav
Umesh Chitnis
Una Nowling
Ursula Kattner
V. Saraf
Vahid Jafari
Valarie Smith
Valerie Menna
Vanessa Espinoza
Vasant Shah
Vassiliki-Alexandra Glezakou
Vasudev Haribal
Veerle Keppens
Vello A. Kuuskraa
Veronika S. Vasylkivska
Vibhav Dabadghao
Vic D. Baker
Vicki Grassian
Victor Abdelsayed
Victor Kusuma
Victor N. Balashov
Victoria Toetz
Viet Hung Pham
Vikas Agrawa
Vikas Agrawal
Vilupanur Ravi
Vinayak Dwivedy
Vincent H. Chou
Vincent Mazzoni
Vishalini Kuncheekanna
Vitaliy L. Budarin
Vladimir Vaysman
Volker Sick
Vyacheslav Romanov
W. Chen
W. Neal Sams
W.D. Li
Walter C. Wilfong
Walter Shelton
Ward Burgess
Warren Katzenstein
Wayne Lundberg
Wei Chen
Wei Ge
Wei Guo
Wei Shi
Wei Wei
Wei Xiong
Wei-Heng Huang
Weiqun Zhang
Wenbin Kuang
Wen-Ching Yang
Wenqian Xu
Wenting Shao
Wenyuan Li
Wesley Burnett
Wesley Peck
Wesley R. Boyette
Wesley W. Ingwerson
Whitney Trainor-Guitton
William Babiuch
William Benincosa
William Carey
William D. Fullmer
William E. Taifan
William Epting
William F. Guthrie
William Foxall
William Garber
William H. Nealley
William Harbert
William Harrison
William Heck
William Horn
William K. O'Connor
William O. Nachlas
William Phillip
William Pike
William Rogers
William Roggenthen
William Shedd
William Strahl
William Summers
William Trehern
William Waite
Winston Anthony
Wissam Saidi
Woong Young So
Wooyong Um
Wu Zhang
Wyatt Du Frane
Wyatt LaMarche
X. H. Yan
X.H. Shi
Xi Gao
Xi Li
Xian Gao
Xian Gao
Xiangguo Li
Xianglei Mao
Xiangsha Du
Xianjin Yang
Xiao Yang
Xiaochun Li
Xiaoci Lin
Xiaodi Sun
Xiaoguang Sun
Xiaohui Fan
Xiaotian Fang
Xiaotian Yan
Xiaowen Liu
Xiaoyang Wei
Xiaoyi Chen
Xiaoyi Liu
Xiaoyun He
Xin Su
Xing Yee Gan
Xingwei Ren
Xingyi Deng
Xinhe Chen
Xinwei Bai
Xinyao Shen
Xinyuan Chong
Xiongjun Wu
Xue Yu
Xue Yue
Xuemei Li
Xuerui Gai
Xueting Zhao
Xueyan Song
Y Liu
Y Martinez
Y Sun
Y. Ren
Y. Tong
Y. Zhang
Y.C. Wu
Y.J. Zhao
Yajie Zhao
Ya-Mei Yang
Yan Chen
Yan Luo
Yan Wang
Yan Zhang
Yan Zhou
Yaneng Zhou
Yang Huang
Yang Ren
Yang Yu
Yang Zhou
Yanrui Ning
Yanxiang Zhang
Yanzhou Ji
Yaoguo Li
Yash Girish Shah
Yash Kumar
Yash Puranik
Yassin Khalifa
Yee Soong
Yi Chou
Yi Han
Yi Wang
Yi Zhang
Yi-Chia Chou
Yifan Deng
Yifeng Wang
Yifu Ding
Yijiang Li
Yijie Tang
Yingqi Zhang
Yingwei Li
Yinkai Lei
Yisong Guo
Yiwen He
Yixin Lu
Yong Lui
Yong Zhang
Yonggang Yan
Yongkoo Seol
Yongliang Xiong
Yongxiang Gao
Yoojin Jung
Yoosuf Picard
Yoshihiro Konno
Youhai Wen
Youngseok Jee
Youwei Cheng
Youzou Lin
Yu Chen
Yu Lu
Yu Zhong
Yuan Gao
Yuan Jiang
Yuanyuan Li
Yue Wu
Yueh-Lin Lee
Yueying Fan
Yuhe Tian
Yuhua Duan
Yujing Zhang
Yujuan He
Yuki Morono
Yukinori Yamamoto
Yulun Wang
Yumeng Zhao
Yun Chen
Yuning Wu
Yunwei Sun
Yunxing Lu
YunYang Lee
Yunyun Zhou
Yupeng Xu
Yuqing Meng
Yusuf Falola
Yuxin Wang
Yu-Yen Chen
Yvan Alleau
Yves Guglielmi
Yves Mantz
Z Dai
Z Jason Hou
Z. Shi
Zach Burton
Zach Splain
Zachary Jackson
Zachary Schulte
Zachary Tallman
Zan Wang
Zedong Peng
Zekun Wu
Zephyr Taylor
Zhangyang Xu
Zhaoqiang Peng
Zhe Li
Zheng Zhou
Zhenghong Bao
Zhengru Liu
Zhengyang Yang
Zhengzhong Shao
Zhenhua Wang
Zhenmin Du
Zhenxue Dai
Zhi Zeng
Zhichao Liu
Zhien Liu
Zhien Zhang
Zhigang Yang
Zhihao Yu
Zhihua Wang
Zhiyong Gu
Zhongju Li
Zhongping Zhang
Zhongyu Liu
Zhuan Ge
Zi Tong
Zi Wang
Zidao Zeng
Zi-Kui Liu
Zineb Belarbi
Zitao Wu
Zongcai Feng
Zongrui Pei
Zsolt Poole
Authoring Organization:
ACS Publications
Air Force Research Lab
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
ASM International
Carnegie Mellon University
Coal Technology Associates
Delft University of Technology
DOE Inspector General
Electric Power Research Institute
Heriot-Watt University
International Energy Agency
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
NGHP Expedition 02 Scientific Party
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
Office of Fossil Energy
Office of Major Demonstrations
Sandia National Laboratories
Sequestration Division
SINTEF Energy Research
Southwest Research Institute
Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles Symposium
U.S. Congress
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senate
None selected
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ACS Publications
Air Force Research Lab
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
ASM International
Carnegie Mellon University
Coal Technology Associates
Delft University of Technology
DOE Inspector General
Electric Power Research Institute
Heriot-Watt University
International Energy Agency
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
NGHP Expedition 02 Scientific Party
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
Office of Fossil Energy
Office of Major Demonstrations
Sandia National Laboratories
Sequestration Division
SINTEF Energy Research
Southwest Research Institute
Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles Symposium
U.S. Congress
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senate
NETL Point Of Contact:
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Alison Fritz
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Margaret Ziomek-Moroz
Marisa Arnold-Stuart
Mark McKoy
Mark W. Smith
Markus Drouven
Martin Detrois
MaryAnn Clarke
Matthew Jamieson
McMahan Gray
Mehrdad Shahnam
Mengling Stuckman
Michael Buric
Michael Gao
Michelle Krynock
Murphy Keller
Natalie Pekney
Nathan Weiland
Nicholas Siefert
Omer Dogan
Paige Morkner
Patrick Wingo
Paul Jablonski
Peter Balash
Peter Hsieh
Peter Strakey
Phuoc Tran
Ping Wang
Randall Gemmen
Ranjani Siriwardane
Ray Boswell
Richard Chinn
Richard Hammack
Richard Oleksak
Rigel Woodside
Robert Dilmore
Robert E. James, III
Robert Stevens
Ronald Breault
Ross Houston
Ruishu Wright
Sally Homsy
Samuel Bayham
Scott Crawford
Sofiane Benyahia
Steve Zitney
Steven Richardson
Steven Rowan
Stoichko Antonov
Thomas Tarka
Thuy Duong Nguyen Phan
Timothy Bartholomew
Timothy Fout
Timothy Grant
Travis Shultz
Vyacheslav Romanov
Walter Shelton
William D. Fullmer
William Epting
William Rogers
Wissam Saidi
Wu Zhang
Yee Soong
Yongkoo Seol
Youhai Wen
Yuhua Duan
Yves Mantz
None selected
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Alexandra Hakala
Alicia Dalton-Tingler
Alison Fritz
Amanda Harker Steele
Angela Goodman Hanson
Anthony Armaly
Anthony Burgard
Barbara Kutchko
Benjamin Chorpening
Benjamin Omell
Bret Howard
Brian Dressel
Brian R. Strazisar
Chad Rowan
Chantal Sudbrack
Charles Taylor
Chris Guenther
Chris Nichols
Christina Lopano
Christina Wildfire
Christopher Matranga
Chung Yan Shih
Circe Verba
Cliff Whyte
Clinton Bedick
Colleen Butcher
Colton Kohnke
Congjun Wang
Dan Sorescu
Daniel Haynes
Darryl Shockley
David Alman
David Battaglia
David Hopkinson
David Luebke
David Morgan
David Tucker
Dirk Link
Djuna Gulliver
Dominic Alfonso
Donald Ferguson
Douglas Kauffman
Douglas Straub
Dushyant Shekhawat
Dustin Crandall
Dustin McIntyre
E. David Huckaby
Eilis Rosenbaum
Eric Grol
Eric Lewis
Eric Liese
Eric Popczun
Erik Albenze
Erik Shuster
Evan Granite
Evelyn Dale
Fan Shi
Gabe Creason
Gavin Liu
Gavin Pickenpaugh
Grant Bromhal
Greg Lackey
Gregory Hackett
Harry Abernathy
Hema Siriwardane
Isaac Gamwo
James A. Poston Jr.
James Black
James Hoffman
Janice Steckel
Janine Carney
Jarrett Riley
Jeff Hoffmann
Jeffrey Hawk
Jennifer Bauer
Jian Liu
Jimmy Thornton
John Baltrus
John Brewer
John Crane
John VanOsdol
Jonathan Lekse
Jordan Musser
Joseph Tylczak
Joshua Morgan
Justin Adder
Justin Weber
Kelly Rose
Ken Kern
Ki-Joong Kim
Kirk Labarbara
Kristyn Johnson May
Kyle A. Rozman
Kyle L. Buchheit
Lawrence Shadle
Lisa Nichols
Luciane Cunha
Lucy Romeo
M. Joseph Yip
Mackenzie K. Mark-Moser
Madison Wenzlick
Margaret Ziomek-Moroz
Marisa Arnold-Stuart
Mark McKoy
Mark W. Smith
Markus Drouven
Martin Detrois
MaryAnn Clarke
Matthew Jamieson
McMahan Gray
Mehrdad Shahnam
Mengling Stuckman
Michael Buric
Michael Gao
Michelle Krynock
Murphy Keller
Natalie Pekney
Nathan Weiland
Nicholas Siefert
Omer Dogan
Paige Morkner
Patrick Wingo
Paul Jablonski
Peter Balash
Peter Hsieh
Peter Strakey
Phuoc Tran
Ping Wang
Randall Gemmen
Ranjani Siriwardane
Ray Boswell
Richard Chinn
Richard Hammack
Richard Oleksak
Rigel Woodside
Robert Dilmore
Robert E. James, III
Robert Stevens
Ronald Breault
Ross Houston
Ruishu Wright
Sally Homsy
Samuel Bayham
Scott Crawford
Sofiane Benyahia
Steve Zitney
Steven Richardson
Steven Rowan
Stoichko Antonov
Thomas Tarka
Thuy Duong Nguyen Phan
Timothy Bartholomew
Timothy Fout
Timothy Grant
Travis Shultz
Vyacheslav Romanov
Walter Shelton
William D. Fullmer
William Epting
William Rogers
Wissam Saidi
Wu Zhang
Yee Soong
Yongkoo Seol
Youhai Wen
Yuhua Duan
Yves Mantz
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